A 整齊 + + * * zheng3qi2 in good order/ neat/ tidy ordentlich,aufgeräumt + + +
B 整個 + + * * zheng3ge4 whole/ entire ganz, ungeteilt,gesamt + + +
B 整理 + + * * zheng3li3 put in order/ straighten out/ sort out 1.aufräumen, gerade werden, in Ordnung bringen 2. anordnen, arrangieren, aufstellen, einfädeln, einleiten, einordnen, einrichten, herrichten, in Ordnung bringen, ordnen, organisieren, rasieren, regeln, zurechtschneiden + + +
B 完整 + + * * wan2zheng3 complete/ intact Vollständigkeit, vollkommen + + +
B 調整 + + * * tiao2zheng3 adjust/ regulate/ revise ausrichten, regulieren,regeln + + +
C + + * * zheng3 whole/ entire/ neat/ tidy/ put in order/ do/ repair/ punish 1. ganz, gesamt, vollkommen 2. ordentlich, geordnet, sauber, reinlich, gepflegt 3. in Ordnung bringen, berichtigen 4. ausbessern, reparieren 5. jn grundlos anschuldigen und bestrafen + + +
C 整頓 + + * * zheng3dun4 organize-arrange/ restructure/ consolidate/ reorganize konsolidieren, reorganisieren + + +
C 整風 + + * * zheng3 feng1 rectify-style/ rectify incorrect styles of work or thinking den Arbeitsstil berichtigen + + +
C 整體 + + * * zheng3ti3 whole-entity/ whole/ entirety/ integer das Ganze, Ganzheit + + +
D 平整 + + * * ping2zheng3 neat/ smooth eben,glatt,planieren + + +
D 整潔 + + * * zheng3jie2 tidy/ neat/ clean sauber,reinlich,ordentlich + + +
D 整數 + + * * zheng3shu4 integer Integral, ganze Zahl,runde Zahl + + +
D 整天 + + * * zheng3tian1 all day den ganzen Tag + + +
D 整整 + + * * zheng3zheng3 full ganz, voll,genau + + +

4 thu xếp 整理 4 traật tự 整齐 5 điều chỉnh 调整 5 hoàn chỉnh 完整 5 toàn bộ 整个 5 toàn thể 整体 6 chỉnh đốn 整顿

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

orderly, neat, tidy / whole
govern, regulate, administer

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

整' + * * + exactly/ in good order whole
整並' + 整并* * + to merge/ to consolidate consolidat
整修' + 整修* * + to repair/ to refurbish to renovat
整個' + 整个* * + whole/ entire total
整個地球' + 整个地球* * + the whole world/
整倍數' + 整倍数* * + integer multiple/
整合' + 整合* * + to conform/ to integrate
整地' + 整地* * + to prepare the soil (agriculture)/
整夜' + 整夜* * + the whole night/ all through the night
整天' + 整天* * + all day long/ whole day
整套' + 整套* * + entire set/
整妝' + 整妆* * + same as 整裝|整装/ to get ready (for a journey)
整容' + 整容* * + plastic surgery/
整年累月' + 整年累月* * + all year round/ over a long period
整形' + 整形* * + shaping/ reshaping plastic su
整形外科' + 整形外科* * + plastic orthopedics/
整形外科醫生' + 整形外科医生* * + plastic surgeon/
整改' + 整改* * + to reform/ to rectify and improve
整整' + 整整* * + whole/ full
整整齊齊' + 整整齐齐* * + neat and tidy/
整數' + 整数* * + whole number/ integer (math.) round figu
整數倍數' + 整数倍数* * + integral multiple/
整數集合' + 整数集合* * + set of integers (math.)/
整條' + 整条* * + entire/ whole (fish, road etc)
整治' + 整治* * + to renovate/ to restore to repair
整流' + 整流* * + to rectify (alternating current to direct current)/
整流器' + 整流器* * + rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to direct current)/
整潔' + 整洁* * + neatly/ tidy
整理' + 整理* * + to arrange/ to tidy up to sort ou
整環' + 整环* * + integral ring (math)/
整聲' + 整声* * + to tune (a musical instrument)/ to regulate the sound
整肅' + 整肃* * + strict/ serious solemn
整脊學' + 整脊学* * + chiropractic/
整裝' + 整装* * + to equip/ to fit out to get rea
整裝待發' + 整装待发* * + to get ready (for a journey)/ ready and waiting
整訓' + 整训* * + to drill troops/ to build up and train
整除' + 整除* * + to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)/ exact division
整除數' + 整除数* * + factor/ exact divisor
整隊' + 整队* * + to dress (troops)/ to line up (to arrange in a straight line)
整頓' + 整顿* * + to tidy up/ to reorganize to consoli
整風' + 整风* * + Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/ cf Rectification campaign 整風運動|整风运动, army purge of 1942-44 and anti-rightist purge of 1957
整風運動' + 整风运动* * + Rectification campaign/ political purge cf Mao's 1
整體' + 整体* * + whole entity/ entire body synthesis
整體數位服務網路' + 整体数位服务网路* * + Integrated Service Digital Network/ ISDN
整體服務數位網路' + 整体服务数位网路* * + Integrated Services Digital Network/ ISDN
整齊' + 整齐* * + orderly/ neat even
整齊劃一' + 整齐划一* * + to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


784 妈妈 整理 房间 +
853 现在 六点 +
854 书架 摆放 整齐 +
884 完整 演奏 曲子 +
1323 穿着 整齐 +
1633 这里 树剪 整齐 +
1880 房间 整洁 +
2008 队伍 整齐 +
3354 火焰 吞没 屋子 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

整理 정리하다. + + 整齐 정연하다. 단정하다. 깔끔하다. + + 调整 조정하다. 조절하다. + + 完整 완정하다. 온전하다. 완전하다. 완전무결하다. 완벽하다. 성하다. 완전히 갖... + + 整个 온. 완정한 것. 모든 것. + + 整体 (한 집단의) 전부. 전체. 총체. + + 整顿 정비하다. 바로잡다. 통합하다. 재건하다. 숙정(肅正)하다. [주로 조직이나... + +

+ + + + + + + +