A 特別 + + * * te4bie2 special/ particular/ especially besonders + + +
B 特此 + + * * te4ci3 here by dadurch, hiermit + + +
B 特點 + + * * te4dian3 characteristic charakteristisch, Eigenschaft + + +
B 特殊 + + * * te4shu1 special/ peculiar/ exceptional Speziell, unregelmäßig,ungewöhnlich/eigenartig + + +
C 獨特 + + * * du2te4 unique/ distinctive/ original einzigartig, singulär, + + +
C + + * * te4 special/ particular/ extraordinary 1. ungewöhnlich, eigenartig, speziell 2. extra, eigens, ausschließlich 3. Agent, Spion, Spitzel + + +
C 特務 + + * * te4wu special-task/ special-task agent/ secret agent/ spy Geheimagent, Spion, Spitzel + + +
C 特徵 + + * * te4zheng1 distinctive-sign/ characteristic/ feature/ trait Merkmal, Kennzeichen, Charakterzug + + +
D 特產 + + * * te4chan3 special local product spezielles einheimisches Erzeugnis, Spezialität + + +
D 特地 + + * * te4di4 specially extra, eigens, speziell + + +
D 特定 + + * * te4ding4 specific/ given speziell festgelegt + + +
D 特區 + + * * te4qu1 special zone Sonderzone + + +
D 特權 + + * * te4quan2 privilege Sonderrecht, Vorrecht, Privileg + + +
D 特色 + + * * te4se4 characteristic Eigenheit, Eigentümlichkeit + + +
D 特性 + + * * te4xing4 characteristic charakteristisch + + +
D 特意 + + * * te4yi4 specially speziell + + +
D 奇特 + + * * qi2te4 peculiar/ fancy eigenartig, originell + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
strange, unusual, uncanny, occult
special, unique, distinguished

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

特' + * * + special/ unique distinguis
特任' + 特任* * + special appointment/
特使' + 特使* * + special envoy/ special ambassador
特來' + 特来* * + to come with a specific purpose in mind/
特例' + 特例* * + special case/ isolated example
特倫頓' + 特伦顿* * + Trenton, capital of New Jersey/
特偵組' + 特侦组* * + special investigation team (Tw)/
特價' + 特价* * + special price/
特價菜' + 特价菜* * + restaurant special/ daily special
特克斯' + 特克斯* * + Tekesi county or Tékes Nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克/
特克斯和凱科斯群島' + 特克斯和凯科斯群岛* * + Turks a /
特克斯市' + 特克斯市* * + Tekesi city in Kazakh autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang/
特克斯河' + 特克斯河* * + Tekesi River in Kazakh autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang/
特克斯縣' + 特克斯县* * + Tekesi county or Tékes Nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克/
特免' + 特免* * + special privilege/
特內里費' + 特内里费* * + Tenerife/
特出' + 特出* * + outstanding/ prominent
特刊' + 特刊* * + special edition (of magazine)/
特別' + 特别* * + especially/ special particular
特別任務連' + 特别任务连* * + Special Duties Unit, Hong Kong special police/
特別客串' + 特别客串* * + special guest performer (in a show)/ special guest appearance (in film credits)
特別待遇' + 特别待遇* * + special treatment/
特別感謝' + 特别感谢* * + special thanks/ particular thanks
特別提款權' + 特别提款权* * + special drawing rights (SDR), international currency of the IMF/
特別行政區' + 特别行政区* * + Special Administrative Region, namely: Hong Kong 香港 and Macau 澳門|澳门/ refers to many different areas during late Qing, foreign occupation, warlord period and Nationalist government refers to
特別護理' + 特别护理* * + intensive care/
特利' + 特利* * + (name) Terry/
特制' + 特制* * + special/ unique
特務' + 特务* * + special assignment (military)/ special agent operative
特勤' + 特勤* * + special duty (e.g. extra security or traffic control on special occasions)/ person on special duty
特化' + 特化* * + specialization/
特區' + 特区* * + Special administrative region/ abbr. for 特別行政區|特别行政区
特古西加爾巴' + 特古西加尔巴* * + Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras/
特地' + 特地* * + specially/ for a special purpose
特大號' + 特大号* * + jumbo/ king-sized
特奧會' + 特奥会* * + Special Olympics/
特定' + 特定* * + special/ specific designated
特寫' + 特写* * + feature article/ close-up (filmmaking, photography etc)
特工' + 特工* * + secret service/ special service secret ser
特徵' + 特征* * + characteristic/ diagnostic property distinctiv
特徵值' + 特征值* * + eigenvalue (math.)/
特徵向量' + 特征向量* * + eigenvector (math.)/
特徵聯合' + 特征联合* * + characteristic binding/
特快' + 特快* * + express (train, delivery etc)/
特快專遞' + 特快专递* * + express mail/
特快車' + 特快车* * + special express/
特急' + 特急* * + especially urgent/ top priority
特性' + 特性* * + property/ characteristic
特惠' + 特惠* * + special privilege/ favorable (terms) discount (
特惠金' + 特惠金* * + ex gratia payment/
特意' + 特意* * + specially/ intentionally
特技' + 特技* * + special effect/ stunt
特技演員' + 特技演员* * + stuntman/
特技跳傘' + 特技跳伞* * + skydiving/
特拉法加廣場' + 特拉法加广场* * + Trafalgar Square (London)/
特拉法爾加' + 特拉法尔加* * + Trafalgar/
特拉法爾加廣場' + 特拉法尔加广场* * + Trafalgar Square (London)/
特拉維夫' + 特拉维夫* * + Tel Aviv/ Tel Aviv-Jaffa
特拉華' + 特拉华* * + Delaware, US state/
特拉華州' + 特拉华州* * + Delaware, US state/
特拉華河' + 特拉华河* * + Delaware River, between Pennsylvania and Delaware state, USA/
特指' + 特指* * + to refer in particular to/
特指問句' + 特指问句* * + wh-question (linguistics)/
特提斯海' + 特提斯海* * + Tethys (pre-Cambrian ocean)/
特效' + 特效* * + special effect/ specially good effect especially
特敏福' + 特敏福* * + oseltamivir/ Tamiflu
特斯拉' + 特斯拉* * + Tesla (unit)/ Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian inventor and engineer
特易購' + 特易购* * + Tesco, British-based supermarket chain/
特有' + 特有* * + specific (to)/ characteristic (of) distinctiv
特權' + 特权* * + prerogative/ privilege privileged
特此' + 特此* * + hereby/
特殊' + 特殊* * + special/ particular unusual
特殊兒童' + 特殊儿童* * + child with special needs/ gifted child
特殊函數' + 特殊函数* * + special functions (math.)/
特殊教育' + 特殊教育* * + special education/
特殊護理' + 特殊护理* * + special care/ intensive nursing
特殊關係' + 特殊关系* * + special relation/
特洛伊' + 特洛伊* * + ancient city of Troy/
特洛伊木馬' + 特洛伊木马* * + Trojan horse/
特派' + 特派* * + special appointment/ special correspondent task force
特派員' + 特派员* * + special correspondent/ sb dispatched on a mission special co
特為' + 特为* * + for a specific purpose/ specially
特瓦族' + 特瓦族* * + Twa or Batwa, an ethnic group in Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and the Democratic Republ/
特產' + 特产* * + special local product/ (regional) specialty
特異' + 特异* * + exceptionally good/ excellent clearly ou
特異功能' + 特异功能* * + supernatural power/ extra-sensory perception
特異性' + 特异性* * + specific/ specificity idiosyncra
特異選擇' + 特异选择* * + special choice/ special reserve
特種' + 特种* * + particular kind/ special type
特種兵' + 特种兵* * + commando/ special forces soldier
特種空勤團' + 特种空勤团* * + Special Air Service (SAS)/
特種警察' + 特种警察* * + SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/ riot police
特種部隊' + 特种部队* * + (military) special forces/
特立尼達' + 特立尼达* * + Trinidad/
特立尼達和多巴哥' + 特立尼达和多巴哥* * + Trinidad and Tobago/
特立獨行' + 特立独行* * + to be unconventional/ independence of action
特等' + 特等* * + special grade/ top quality
特約' + 特约* * + specially engaged/ employed or commissioned for a special task
特約記者' + 特约记者* * + special correspondent/ stringer
特級' + 特级* * + special grade/ top quality
特羅多斯' + 特罗多斯* * + Troodos, Cyprus/
特色' + 特色* * + characteristic/ distinguishing feature or quality
特藝彩色' + 特艺彩色* * + Technicolor/
特衛強' + 特卫强* * + Tyvek (brand)/
特解' + 特解* * + particular solution (to a math. equation)/
特設' + 特设* * + ad hoc/ to set up specially
特許' + 特许* * + license/ licensed concession
特許半導體' + 特许半导体* * + Chartered Semiconductor/
特許權' + 特许权* * + patent/ franchise concession
特許狀' + 特许状* * + charter/
特許經營' + 特许经营* * + franchised operation/ franchising
特調' + 特调* * + special blend/ house blend
特警' + 特警* * + SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics)/ riot police abbr. for
特護' + 特护* * + special intensive care/ abbr. of 特殊護理|特殊护理
特護區' + 特护区* * + intensive care department (of hospital)/
特賣' + 特卖* * + to have a sale/ sale
特賣會' + 特卖会* * + promotional event/ sale
特質' + 特质* * + characteristic/ special quality
特赦' + 特赦* * + amnesty/
特起' + 特起* * + to appear on the scene/ to arise suddenly
特輯' + 特辑* * + special collection/ special issue album
特邀' + 特邀* * + special invitation/
特里普拉' + 特里普拉* * + Tripura (Indian state)/
特長' + 特长* * + personal strength/ one's special ability or strong points
特雷沃' + 特雷沃* * + Trevor (name)/
特雷莎' + 特雷莎* * + Teresa/ Theresa (name)
特需' + 特需* * + special need/ particular requirement
特首' + 特首* * + chief executive of Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong or Macao)/ abbr. for 特別行政區首席執行官|特别行政区首席执行官
特魯埃爾' + 特鲁埃尔* * + Tergüel or Teruel, Spain/
特點' + 特点* * + characteristic (feature)/ trait feature

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


488 模特儿 形体 优美 +
489 钻戒 形状 特别 +
803 裤子 裤腰 特别 +
1072 今天 工作 特别 +
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 +
1988 榴槤 气味 特殊 +
2345 泰式 房屋 特色 +
2445 模特 摆好 姿势 +
2838 深圳 中国 最早 经济 特区 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +