C 示威 + + * * shi4wei1 demonstrate/ put on a show of strength and prowess demonstrieren + + +
C 威脅 + + * * wei1xie2 menacingly-coerce/ intimidate/ threaten/ menace/ imperil bedrohen, drohen + + +
D 權威 + + * * quan2wei1 authority Autorität, Ansehen, angesehener Fachmann + + +
D 威風 + + * * wei1feng1 power and prestige Macht und Ansehen, mächtig und Respekt einflößend, imponierend, imposant + + +
D 威力 + + * * wei1li4 might/ power Macht, Gewalt + + +
D 威望 + + * * wei1wang4 prestige Ansehen, Prestige + + +
D 威信 + + * * wei1xin4 authority Autorität, Ansehen, Prestige + + +

5 đe dọa 威胁 6 quyền uy 权威 6 thị uy 示威 6 uy phong 威风 6 uy lực 威力 6 uy danh 威望 6 uy tín 威信

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

pomp, power / powerful / dominate
ceremony, rites gifts / admire

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

威' + * * + power/ might prestige
威信' + 威信* * + Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通/
威信' + 威信* * + prestig reputation/ trust credit wit
威信掃地' + 威信扫地* * + to lose every scrap of reputation/
威信縣' + 威信县* * + Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通/
威儀' + 威仪* * + majesti awe-inspiring manner/
威克島' + 威克岛* * + Wake Island (North Pacific Ocean)/
威利' + 威利* * + Wylie (name)/ Turrell Wylie, originator of the Wylie transcription of Tibetan script
威利斯' + 威利斯* * + Willis (name)/
威利誘' + 威利诱* * + intimidation then bribery/
威力' + 威力* * + might/ formidable power
威勢' + 威势* * + might/ power and influence
威化' + 威化* * + wafer (biscuit) (loanword)/
威化餅乾' + 威化饼干* * + wafer/ wafer cookie
威厲' + 威厉* * + awe-inspiring/ majestic
威名' + 威名* * + fame for fighting prowess/ military glory
威嚇' + 威吓* * + to threaten/ to intimidate to cow
威嚴' + 威严* * + dignified/ imposing august
威基基' + 威基基* * + Waikiki (Hawaii)/
威士' + 威士* * + Visa (credit card)/
威士忌' + 威士忌* * + whiskey (loanword)/
威士忌酒' + 威士忌酒* * + whiskey (loanword)/
威奇托' + 威奇托* * + Wichita (city in Kansas)/
威妥瑪' + 威妥玛* * + Sir Thomas Francis Wade (1818-1895), British diplomat and sinologist, originator o/
威妥瑪拼法' + 威妥玛拼法* * + Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)/
威妥瑪拼音' + 威妥玛拼音* * + Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)/
威客' + 威客* * + Witkey, question-and-answer website www.witkey.com/
威容' + 威容* * + grave and dignified/
威寧彞族回族苗族自治縣' + 威宁彝族回族苗族自治县* * + Weining Yi, Hui and Miao autonomous county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区/
威寧縣' + 威宁县* * + Weining /
威尊命賤' + 威尊命贱* * + orders /
威尼斯' + 威尼斯* * + Venice/ Venezia
威尼斯商人' + 威尼斯商人* * + The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare/
威州鎮' + 威州镇* * + Weizhou town, seat of Wenchuan county 汶川县 in northwest Sichuan/
威廉' + 威廉* * + William or Wilhelm (name)/
威廉·福克納' + 威廉·福克纳* * + William Faulkner (1897-1962), American novelist and poet/
威廉·莎士比亞' + 威廉·莎士比亚* * + William Shakespeare (1564-1616), poet and playwright/
威廉斯堡' + 威廉斯堡* * + Williamsburg, Virginia/
威德' + 威德* * + powerful benevolent rule/
威懾' + 威慑* * + to cower by military force/ deterrence
威懾力量' + 威慑力量* * + deterrent force/ deterrent
威斯康星' + 威斯康星* * + Wisconsin, US state/
威斯康星州' + 威斯康星州* * + Wisconsin, US state/
威斯康辛' + 威斯康辛* * + Wisconsin/
威斯敏斯特教堂' + 威斯敏斯特教堂* * + Westminster Abbey, London/
威望' + 威望* * + prestige/
威權' + 威权* * + authority/ power
威武' + 威武* * + might/ formidable
威武不屈' + 威武不屈* * + not to submit to force/
威氏註音法' + 威氏注音法* * + Wade-Giles transliteration scheme for Chinese/
威海' + 威海* * + Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong/
威海市' + 威海市* * + Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong/
威海衛' + 威海卫* * + Weihaiwei, late Qing naval port in Weihai 威海, Shandong/
威烈' + 威烈* * + fierce/ formidable
威爾士' + 威尔士* * + Wales, constituent nation of UK/
威爾士語' + 威尔士语* * + Welsh (language)/
威爾特郡' + 威尔特郡* * + Wiltshire (English county)/
威爾遜' + 威尔逊* * + Wilson (name)/
威猛' + 威猛* * + bold and powerful/
威瑪' + 威玛* * + Weimar (German city)/
威瑪共和國' + 威玛共和国* * + Weimar Republic (German Reich, 1919-1933)/
威瑪拼法' + 威玛拼法* * + Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)/
威瑪拼音' + 威玛拼音* * + Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)/
威福自己' + 威福自己* * + to abuse power/ conflict of interest power to j
威縣' + 威县* * + Wei county in Xingtai 邢台/
威而鋼' + 威而钢* * + Viagra /
威脅' + 威胁* * + to threaten/ to menace
威迫' + 威迫* * + coercion/ to intimidate
威逼' + 威逼* * + to threaten/ to coerce to intimid
威逼利誘' + 威逼利诱* * + to threaten and bribe/ to beat with a stick but offer a carrot
威遠' + 威远* * + Weiyuan county in Neijiang 內江|内江/
威遠縣' + 威远县* * + Weiyuan /
威重' + 威重* * + august majestic/
威震天下' + 威震天下* * + formidable renown gives one authority over the whole country/
威靈' + 威灵* * + authority/ prestige supernatur
威靈頓' + 威灵顿* * + Wellington, capital of New Zealand (Tw)/ Wellington (name) Arthur Wel
威顯' + 威显* * + awe-inspiring/ power
威風' + 威风* * + might/ awe-inspiring authority impressive
威風凜凜' + 威风凛凛* * + majestic/ awe-inspiring presence impressive
威駭' + 威骇* * + to intimidate/
威鳳一羽' + 威凤一羽* * + lit. one phoenix feather; fig. a glimpse that reveals the whole/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1551 受到 威胁 +
1552 权威 脑科 专家 +
1800 他们 威胁 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

威胁 (무력이나 권세로) 위협하다. 으르다. 협박하다. + + 权威 권위. 권위자. 권위 있는 사물. + + 示威 시위하다. + + 威风 위풍. 위엄. 콧대. + + 威力 위력. + + 威望 명망. 명성과 인망. + + 威信 위신. 신망. 체면. 권위. 위엄. + +

+ + + + + + + +