A 討論 + + * * tao3lun4 discuss/ discussion diskutieren + + +
B 結論 + + * * jie2lun4 conclusion Schlußfolgerung + + +
B 爭論 + + * * zheng1lun4 dispute/ debate/ controvert streiten, debattieren, argumentieren, Debatte, Kontroverse + + +
B 無論 + + * * wu2lun4 no matter what unabhängig davon, ungeachtet, wie auch immer + + +
B 理論 + + * * li3lun4 theory Theorie + + +
B 論文 + + * * lun4wen2 treatise/ paper/ thesis Aufsatz, Abhandlung + + +
B 議論 + + * * yi4lun4 discuss/ comment on Diskussion, Kommentar + + +
B 不論 + + * * bu2lun4 whether/ regardless of ganz gleich (wie...) + + +
C 談論 + + * * tan2lun4 talk-comment/ talk about/ discuss/ chat diskutieren + + +
C 評論 + + * * ping2lun4 comment/ remark/ review/ commentary kommentieren, kritisieren,Kommentar + + +
C 無論如何 + + * * wu2lun4 ru2he2 no-matter-like-what/ in any case/ in any event/ at any rate auf jeden Fall, auf alle Fälle + + +
C 辯論 + + * * bian4lun4 argue/ debate/ argument Debatte, debattieren + + +
C + + * * lun4 discuss/ explain/ mention/ decide on/ theory/ opinion 1. Meinung, Auffassung 2. Abhandlung, wissenschaftlicher Beitrag 3. Theorie 4.analysieren, besprechen 5. erwähnen, behandeln 6. bewerten, urteilen, beurteilen + + +
C 社論 + + * * shi4lun4 editorial Editorial + + +
D 一概而論 + + * * yi1gai4 er2 lun4 lump together al and sundry/ lump under one head als das gleiche behandeln + + +
D 推論 + + * * tui1lun4 deduce Schlußfolgerung + + +
D 輿論 + + * * yu2lun4 consensus public opinion öffentliche Meinung, Öffentlichkeit + + +
D 謬論 + + * * miu4lun4 fallacy/ paralogism Unsinn, absurde Behauptung + + +
D 論點 + + * * lun4dian3 argument/ thesis These, Argument + + +
D 論述 + + * * lun4shu4 dissertate darlegen, begründen, erläutern + + +
D 論證 + + * * lun4zheng4 demonstrate beweisen, begründen, argumentieren, Beweisführung, Argumentation + + +
D 言論 + + * * yan2lun4 saying/ speech Rede, Meinung + + +
D 唯物論 + + * * wei2wu4lun4 materialism Materialismus + + +
D 唯心論 + + * * wei2xin1lun4 idealism Idealismus + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
only / yes
heart / mind, intelligence / soul
debate / discuss / discourse

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

論' + * * + abbr. for 論語|论语/
論' + * * + opinion view/ theory doctrine
論功' + 论功* * + to evaluate the merit of sth/
論及' + 论及* * + to make reference to/ to write about
論壇' + 论坛* * + forum (for discussion)/
論壇報' + 论坛报* * + Tribune (in newspaper names)/
論定' + 论定* * + to make a definitive judgment/ to come to a firm conclusion
論戰' + 论战* * + to debate/ to contend polemics
論據' + 论据* * + grounds (for an argument)/ contention thesis
論文' + 论文* * + paper/ treatise thesis
論斷' + 论断* * + to infe to judge/ inference judgement
論法' + 论法* * + argumentation/
論爭' + 论争* * + argument/ debate controvers
論理' + 论理* * + normally/ as things should be by rights
論理學' + 论理学* * + logic/
論語' + 论语* * + The Analects of Confucius 孔子/
論調' + 论调* * + argumen view (sometimes derogatory)/
論證' + 论证* * + to prove a point/ to expound on to demonst
論述' + 论述* * + treatise/ discourse exposition
論長道短' + 论长道短* * + lit. to discuss sb's merits and demerits (idiom); to gossip/
論題' + 论题* * + topic/
論點' + 论点* * + argument/ line of reasoning thesis

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


720 说明 自己 理论 +
721 同事 讨论 方案 +
938 他们 讨论 案子 +
1013 他们 讨论 项目 +
1258 他们 讨论 问题 +
1391 论文 合格 +
1529 热烈 参与 讨论 +
3068 民众 容易 舆论 影响 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +