B + + * * fang2 prevent 1. sich in acht nehmen, Vorkehrungen treffen, vorbeugen, 2. verteidigen, schützen 3. Damm, Deich, Eindämmung + + +
B 防止 + + * * fang2zhi3 prevent/ avoid/ guard against verhindern + + +
C 防守 + + * * fang2shou3 defend and keep/ guard verteidigen, schützen (gegen) + + +
C 防禦 + + * * fang2yu4 defend and resist/ guard Verteidigung + + +
C 防治 + + * * fang2zhi4 prevent and treat (diseases) bekämpfen und behandeln (von Krankheiten) + + +
C 預防 + + * * yu4fang2 beforehand-guard/ prevent/ take precautions against vorbeugen, verhüten + + +
C 國防 + + * * guo2fang2 national defense Landesverteidigung + + +
D 防護 + + * * fang2hu4 protect/ shelter Schutz, schützen + + +
D 防線 + 线+ * * fang2xian4 line of defense Verteidigungslinie + + +
D 防汛 + + * * fang2 xun4 flood control Hochwasserschutz + + +
D 防疫 + + * * fang2 yi4 epidemic prevention Seuchenschutz + + +
D 邊防 + + * * bian1fang2 border defense Grenzschutz, Grenzverteidigung + + +

5 phòng ngừa 预防 6 phòng thủ 防守 6 phòng ngự 防御 6 phòng ngừa 防止 6 phòng chống 防治 6 quốc phòng 国防 6 phòng cháy chữa cháy 消防

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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defend / prevent / embankment
rain / rainy / KangXi radical 173

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

防' + * * + to protect/ to defend to guard a
防不勝防' + 防不胜防* * + you can't guard against it (idiom)/ impossible to defend effectively not much o
防備' + 防备* * + to guard against/
防凍' + 防冻* * + antifreeze/
防凍劑' + 防冻剂* * + antifreeze agent/
防務' + 防务* * + (pertaining to) defense/
防化救援' + 防化救援* * + antichemical rescue/
防喘振' + 防喘振* * + anti-surge device (of compressors etc)/
防噴罩' + 防喷罩* * + pop filter (audio engineering)/
防城' + 防城* * + Fangcheng district of Fangchenggang city 防城港市/
防城區' + 防城区* * + Fangche /
防城各族自治縣' + 防城各族自治县* * + Fangche /
防城港' + 防城港* * + Fangche Zhuang: Fangzcwngzgangj/
防城港市' + 防城港市* * + Fangchenggang prefecture level city in Guangxi/ Zhuang: Fangzcwngzgangj
防城縣' + 防城县* * + former Fangcheng county, now Fangcheng district 防城區|防城区/
防堵' + 防堵* * + to prev to combat/ to counter
防夾' + 防夹* * + antipinch (e.g. preventing catching fingers in automatic car windows)/
防守' + 防守* * + to defend/ to protect (against)
防守者' + 防守者* * + defender/
防寒服' + 防寒服* * + overcoat/ down jacket winter wea
防弊' + 防弊* * + anti-fraud/ anti-cheating preventing
防彈' + 防弹* * + bullet-proof/
防彈衣' + 防弹衣* * + bulletproof vest/
防微杜漸' + 防微杜渐* * + to nip in the bud (idiom)/
防患' + 防患* * + preventative measures/ to guard against accident or disaster
防患於未然' + 防患于未然* * + see 防患未然/
防患未然' + 防患未然* * + to prev to forestall/ to nip sth in the bud
防患未萌' + 防患未萌* * + to prevent a disaster before the event (idiom); to nip sth in the bud/
防控' + 防控* * + to control and protect/ to take defensive measures
防損' + 防损* * + loss prevention/
防暑降溫' + 防暑降温* * + to prevent heatstroke and reduce temperature/
防暴' + 防暴* * + to suppress a riot/ riot control
防暴盾' + 防暴盾* * + riot shield/
防暴警察' + 防暴警察* * + riot police/ riot squad
防曬' + 防晒* * + sunburn protection/
防曬油' + 防晒油* * + sunscreen/ sunblock
防曬霜' + 防晒霜* * + suntan lotion/ sunscreen cream
防杜' + 防杜* * + to prevent/
防核' + 防核* * + nuclear defense/ anti-nuclear (installation)
防止' + 防止* * + to prevent/ to guard against to take pr
防毒' + 防毒* * + defense against poison/ defense against poison gas anti-narco
防毒圍裙' + 防毒围裙* * + protective apron/
防毒手套' + 防毒手套* * + protective gloves/
防毒斗篷' + 防毒斗篷* * + protective cape/
防毒軟件' + 防毒软件* * + anti-virus software/
防毒通道' + 防毒通道* * + protective passageway/
防毒面具' + 防毒面具* * + gas mask/
防毒靴套' + 防毒靴套* * + gas-protection boots/ protective boots
防水' + 防水* * + waterproof/
防汛' + 防汛* * + flood control/ anti-flood (precautions)
防油濺網' + 防油溅网* * + splatter screen/
防治' + 防治* * + prevention and cure/
防波堤' + 防波堤* * + breakwater/ seawall fig. defen
防洪' + 防洪* * + flood control/ flood prevention
防滑' + 防滑* * + antiskid/ slip resistant
防滑鏈' + 防滑链* * + snow chain (for a vehicle tire)/
防潮' + 防潮* * + damp proof/ moisture proof protection
防潮堤' + 防潮堤* * + tide embankment/
防潮墊' + 防潮垫* * + groundsheet (for camping etc)/
防火' + 防火* * + to protect against fire/
防火梯' + 防火梯* * + fire escape/
防火牆' + 防火墙* * + firewall/ CL:堵
防火長城' + 防火长城* * + the Gre /
防災' + 防灾* * + disaster prevention/ to protect against natural disasters
防特' + 防特* * + to thwart espionage/ counter-espionage
防狼噴霧' + 防狼喷雾* * + pepper spray/
防疫' + 防疫* * + disease prevention/ protection against epidemic
防盜' + 防盗* * + to guard against theft/ anti-theft
防盜門' + 防盗门* * + entrance door (for apartment)/
防禦' + 防御* * + defense/ to defend
防禦工事' + 防御工事* * + fortification/ defensive structure
防禦性' + 防御性* * + defensive (weapons)/
防禦術' + 防御术* * + defensive art/
防空' + 防空* * + anti-aircraft defense/
防空洞' + 防空洞* * + air-raid shelter/
防範' + 防范* * + to be on guard/ wariness to guard a
防線' + 防线* * + defensive line or perimeter/ CL:道
防腐' + 防腐* * + rot-pro antiseptic/ anti-corrosion
防腐劑' + 防腐剂* * + preservative/ antiseptic
防艾' + 防艾* * + protecting against AIDS/
防蚊液' + 防蚊液* * + mosquito repellent/
防血凝' + 防血凝* * + anti-coagulant/
防衛' + 防卫* * + to defend/ defensive defense
防衛大臣' + 防卫大臣* * + minister of defense (esp. in Japan)/
防衛武器' + 防卫武器* * + defensive weapon/
防衛過當' + 防卫过当* * + excessive self-defense (self-defense with excessive force)/
防護' + 防护* * + to defend/ to protect
防護眼鏡' + 防护眼镜* * + safety goggles/
防身' + 防身* * + self-protection/ to defend oneself
防避' + 防避* * + protection/
防銹' + 防锈* * + rust prevention/ anti-corrosion
防長' + 防长* * + abbr. for 國防部長|国防部长/
防門' + 防门* * + defensi /
防閑' + 防闲* * + to guard/
防震' + 防震* * + shockproof/ to guard against earthquakes
防霉' + 防霉* * + rot proof/ resistance to rot
防風固沙' + 防风固沙* * + sand break (in desert environment)/
防駭' + 防骇* * + anti-hacker/
防齲' + 防龋* * + to prevent tooth decay/ anti-caries

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


673 医生 预防针 +
1760 消防员 灭火 +
2872 消防员 现场 拯救 灾民 +
2893 消防员 扑灭 大火 +
2953 医生 防疫 +
3046 双方 防御 能力 +
3500 长城 可以 用来 防止 外寇 入侵 +
3524 注射 疫苗 防止 瘟疫 +
3719 畜栏 结实 防止 牲畜 出去 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

预防 예방하다. 미리 방비하다. + + 防守 (외부의 침략이나 공격을) 수비하다. 방어하다. + + 防疫 방역하다. 전염병을 예방하다. + + 防御 방어하다. + + 防止 방지하다. + + 防治 예방 치료〔퇴치〕하다. + + 国防 국방. + + 消防 소방. 소화와 방화. + +

+ + + + + + + +