B 黃油 + + * * huang2you2 butter Butter + + +
B + + * * you2 oil 1. Öl, Fett, Schmalz 2. Mineralöl 3. mit Ölfarbe streichen 4.mit Öl oder Fett beschmutzt 5. ölig, glatt + + +
B 石油 + + * * shi2you2 petroleum Erdöl, + + +
B 醬油 + + * * jiang4you2 soy sauce Sojasoße + + +
B 汽油 + + * * qi4you2 gasoline/ gas Benzin + + +
C 加油 + + * * jia1 you2 oil/ lubricate/ refuel/ add more gas/ try harder/ cheer 1. ölen, schmieren 2. tanken 3. anfeuern, zurufen 4. mit vollem Einsatz arbeiten + + +
C 油田 + + * * you2tian2 oil-field/ oil field Ölfeld + + +
D 油菜 + + * * you2cai4 rape Raps + + +
D 油畫 + + * * you2hua4 painting Ölmalerei + + +
D 油料 + + * * you2liao4 oil plants Ölpflanzen + + +
D 油漆 + + * * you2qi1 oil paint Lack, Anstrichfarbe, streichen, anstreichen, lackieren + + +
D 柴油 + + * * chai2you2 diesel oil Dieselöl + + +
D 原油 + + * * yuan2you2 base oil/ crude oil Rohöl + + +

4 trạm đổ xăng 加油站 5 xì dầu 酱油 5 xăng 汽油 5 rán bằng dầu mỡ 油炸 6 dầu ma-dút 柴油 6 dầu mỏ 石油 6 chứa nhiều dầu 油腻 6 sơn 油漆

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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oil, fat, grease, lard / paints
mouth, lips
slip, slide / slippery, polished
tongue / clapper of bell / KangXi radical 135
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

油' + * * + oil/ fat grease
油乎乎' + 油乎乎* * + greasy/ oily
油井' + 油井* * + oil well/
油亮' + 油亮* * + glossy/ shiny
油價' + 油价* * + oil (petroleum) price/
油光' + 油光* * + glossy/ gleaming shiny (due
油光光' + 油光光* * + glossy/ gleaming shiny (due
油光可鑒' + 油光可鉴* * + lit. oily and shiny to the point of reflecting (idiom)/ lustrous
油光水滑' + 油光水滑* * + sleek/ shiny and smooth
油光漆' + 油光漆* * + varnish/
油加利' + 油加利* * + variant of 尤加利/
油印' + 油印* * + to mime /
油嘴' + 油嘴* * + eloquent and cunning/ silver tongued
油嘴滑舌' + 油嘴滑舌* * + glib/ oily-mouthed and smooth talking
油垢' + 油垢* * + covered in grease/
油塔' + 油塔* * + oil tank/
油墨' + 油墨* * + printing ink/
油子' + 油子* * + dense and sticky substance/ (dialect) wily old fox
油尖旺' + 油尖旺* * + Yau Tsim Mong district of Kowloon, Hong Kong/
油尺' + 油尺* * + dipstick/ oil measuring rod
油布' + 油布* * + tarpaulin/
油底殼' + 油底壳* * + oil sump/
油庫' + 油库* * + fuel depot/ fuel farm
油料' + 油料* * + oilseed/ oil fuel
油料作物' + 油料作物* * + oil crop (rape, peanut, soy, sesame etc)/ oil-bearing crop
油旋' + 油旋* * + Youxuan, a kind of a pastry/
油松' + 油松* * + Chinese red pine/
油桃' + 油桃* * + nectarine/
油條' + 油条* * + youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/ CL:根
油棕' + 油棕* * + oil pal /
油氣' + 油气* * + oil and gas/
油氣田' + 油气田* * + oilfields and gasfields/
油水' + 油水* * + grease/ profit ill-gotten
油污' + 油污* * + greasy and dirty/ oil pollution
油汪汪' + 油汪汪* * + dripping with oil/
油油' + 油油* * + oily/
油泵' + 油泵* * + oil pump/
油滑' + 油滑* * + oily/ greasy unctuous
油漆' + 油漆* * + oil paints/ lacquer to paint
油潑扯麵' + 油泼扯面* * + broad, /
油灰刀' + 油灰刀* * + putty knife/
油炸' + 油炸* * + to deep fry/
油炸圈餅' + 油炸圈饼* * + doughnut/
油然而生' + 油然而生* * + arising involuntarily (idiom); spontaneous/ to spring up unbidden (of emotion)
油煙' + 油烟* * + soot/ lampblack
油燈' + 油灯* * + oil lamp/
油猾' + 油猾* * + sly/ slick
油田' + 油田* * + oil field/
油畫' + 油画* * + oil painting/
油症' + 油症* * + Yusho disease or Yu-cheng disease, mass poisoning caused by rice bran oil in north/
油砂' + 油砂* * + oil sand (mining)/
油箱' + 油箱* * + oil tank/
油罐車' + 油罐车* * + oil tanker truck/ fuel tanker
油耗' + 油耗* * + fuel consumption/
油脂' + 油脂* * + grease/ oil fat
油腔滑調' + 油腔滑调* * + flippant and insincere (piece of writing or speech)/ glib-tongued oily
油膏' + 油膏* * + balm/
油膩' + 油腻* * + grease/ greasy food oily
油船' + 油船* * + (oil) tanker/ tank ship
油花' + 油花* * + grease or fat blobs at the surface of a liquid/ tricky and dissolute
油菜' + 油菜* * + oilseed rape (Brassica napus)/ flowering edible rape (Brassica chinensis var. oleifera)
油菜籽' + 油菜籽* * + oilseed rape (Brassica campestris)/ rapeseed coleseed
油輪' + 油轮* * + tanker (ship)/ CL:艘
油鍋' + 油锅* * + a deep /
油門' + 油门* * + accelerator (pedal)/ gas pedal throttle
油雞' + 油鸡* * + a variety of chicken/
油鞋' + 油鞋* * + waterproof shoes/ oiled shoes (for wet weather)
油頁岩' + 油页岩* * + oil shale/
油餅' + 油饼* * + deep-fried doughcake/ oilcake (animal fodder)
油鹽醬醋' + 油盐酱醋* * + (lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar/ (fig.) the trivia of everyday life
油麥' + 油麦* * + naked oat (old)/
油麥菜' + 油麦菜* * + Indian lettuce/
油黑' + 油黑* * + glossy black/

oil Öl น้ำมัน huile aceite olio öljy

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


605 口舌 油滑 +
606 汽车 加油 +
831 油漆 +
881 今天 油价 多少 +
1096 多少 +
1377 墙上 油漆 脱落 +
2073 儿子 喜欢 油炸 食品 +
2186 喜欢 面包 黄油 +
2213 油漆 +
2400 石油 污染 海岸 造成 环境 浩劫 +
2407 油漆 已经 剥落 +
2734 能源 供给 依仗 石油 开采 +
2789 酱油 调味料 +
3085 +
3567 墙面 刷上 油漆 +
3637 今年 石油 供应 形势 不好 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


加油站 주유소. + + 酱油 간장. + + 汽油 휘발유. 가솔린(gasoline). + + 油炸 (끓는) 기름에 튀기다. 식용유로 튀기다. + + 柴油 중유. 디젤(diesel)유. + + 石油 석유. + + 油腻 기름지다. 기름기가 많다. 느끼하다. + + 油漆 페인트. + +

+ + + + + + + +