A 寒假 + + * * han2jia4 winter vacation Winterferien + + +
A 放假 + + * * fang4 jia4 have a holiday or vacation Feiertag haben, Ferien machen, frei haben + + +
A 請假 + + * * qing3 jia4 ask for leave sich beurlauben lassen + + +
B + + * * jia3 sham/ fake 1. falsch, künstlich, unecht, Schein-, Pseudo- 2. borgen, ausleihen 3. wenn, falls, angenommen, daß jia4 Urlaub, Ferien + + +
B 假條 + + * * jia4tiao2 application for leave 1. Entschuldigungszettel 2. Urlaubsantrag + + +
B 暑假 + + * * shu3jia4 summer vacation Sommerferien + + +
C 假如 + + * * jia3ru2 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, angenommen, daß + + +
C 假若 + + * * jia3ruo4 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, angenommen + + +
C 假使 + 使+ * * jia3shi3 if/ supposing/ in case/ in the event that wenn, falls, im Falle, daß + + +
C + + * * jia4 holiday/ vacation/ leave of absence/ furlough Urlaub, Ferien + + +
C 假期 + + * * jia4qi1 holiday/ vacation/ period of leave Urlaub, Urlaubszeit, Ferien + + +
D 假定 + + * * jia3ding4 assume/ presume annehmen, voraussetzen,angenommen,Annahme + + +
D 假冒 + + * * jia3mao4 counterfeit sich für jm ausgeben,imitieren + + +
D 假設 + + * * jia3she4 in case of voraussetzen,angenommen, Hypothese + + +
D 假裝 + + * * jia3zhuang1 pretend so tun als ob, vortäuschen + + +
D 虛假 + + * * xu1jia3 illusive/ mendacious falsch,unecht + + +
D 弄虛作假 + + * * nong4 xu1 zuo4 jia3 practice fraud/ resort to deception mit Tricks hintergehen + + +
D 半真半假 + + * * ban4 zhen1 ban4 jia3 half-genuine; half-sham halb im Ernst, halb im Spaß + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
real, actual, true, genuine
falsehood, deception / vacation

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

假' + * * + fake/ FALSE artificial
假' + * * + vacation/
假一賠十' + 假一赔十* * + lit. if one is fake, I shall compensate you for ten of them/ fig. (of goods) 100% genuine
假人' + 假人* * + dummy (for crash testing, displaying clothes etc)/
假人像' + 假人像* * + an effigy/
假仁假義' + 假仁假义* * + hypocrisy/ pretended righteousness
假令' + 假令* * + if/ supposing that acting cou
假作' + 假作* * + to feign/ to pretend
假使' + 假使* * + if/ in case suppose
假借' + 假借* * + to make use of/ to use sth as pretext under fals
假借字' + 假借字* * + loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/ character acquiring meanings by phonetic association also calle
假借義' + 假借义* * + borrowed meaning/
假假若是' + 假假若是* * + if/ supposing that...
假充' + 假充* * + to pose as sb/ to act a part imposture
假公濟私' + 假公济私* * + official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by a/
假冒' + 假冒* * + to impersonate/ to pose as (someone else) to counter
假冒偽劣' + 假冒伪劣* * + cheap quality counterfeit (goods)/ low-quality commodities
假冒品' + 假冒品* * + counterfeit object/ fake
假分數' + 假分数* * + improper fraction (with numerator ≥ denominator, e.g. seven fifths)/ see also: proper fraction 真分數|真分数
假動作' + 假动作* * + fake mo feint/
假名' + 假名* * + false name/ pseudonym alias
假吏' + 假吏* * + acting magistrate/ temporary official (in former times)
假否定句' + 假否定句* * + false negative/
假唱' + 假唱* * + to lip-sync (singing)/
假善人' + 假善人* * + false compassion/ bogus charity
假嗓' + 假嗓* * + falsetto (in opera)/
假嗓子' + 假嗓子* * + falsetto (in opera)/
假報告' + 假报告* * + false report/ forgery fabricated
假大空' + 假大空* * + empty words/ bogus speech
假如' + 假如* * + if/
假子' + 假子* * + adopted son/ stepson
假定' + 假定* * + to assume/ to suppose supposed
假寐' + 假寐* * + to doze/ to take a nap nodding of
假小子' + 假小子* * + tomboy/
假山' + 假山* * + rock garden/ rockery
假性' + 假性* * + pseudo-/
假性近視' + 假性近视* * + pseudomyopia/
假想' + 假想* * + imaginary/ virtual to imagine
假惺惺' + 假惺惺* * + hypocritical/ unctuous insincerel
假意' + 假意* * + hypocrisy/ insincerity
假慈悲' + 假慈悲* * + phoney mercy/ sham benevolence crocodile
假戲真唱' + 假戏真唱* * + fiction comes true/ play-acting that turns into reality
假手' + 假手* * + to use sb for one's own ends/
假托' + 假托* * + to pretend/ to use a pretext to make st
假扮' + 假扮* * + to impersonate/ to act the part of sb to disguis
假招子' + 假招子* * + to put on airs/ to adopt a false attitude
假拱' + 假拱* * + blind arch/ false arch
假日' + 假日* * + holiday/ non-working day
假期' + 假期* * + vacation/
假案' + 假案* * + fabricated legal case/ frame-up
假條' + 假条* * + leave permit/ application for leave CL:張|张
假正經' + 假正经* * + demure prudish/ hypocritical
假死' + 假死* * + suspended animation/ feigned death to play de
假牙' + 假牙* * + false teeth/ dentures
假的' + 假的* * + bogus/ ersatz fake
假眼' + 假眼* * + artificial eye/ glass eye
假種皮' + 假种皮* * + aril (botany)/
假而' + 假而* * + if/
假聲' + 假声* * + falsetto/ opposite: natural or true voice 真聲|真声
假肢' + 假肢* * + artific prosthetic/
假肯定句' + 假肯定句* * + false affirmative/
假腿' + 假腿* * + false leg/
假芫茜' + 假芫茜* * + Eryngium foetidum/
假若' + 假若* * + if/ supposing in case
假藥' + 假药* * + fake drugs/
假裝' + 假装* * + to feign/ to pretend
假託' + 假托* * + to make sth up/ also written 假托
假設' + 假设* * + to supp to presume/ to assume supposing
假設性' + 假设性* * + hypothetical/
假設語氣' + 假设语气* * + subjunctive/
假詞疊詞' + 假词叠词* * + pseudo-affixation/
假話' + 假话* * + a lie/ untrue statement misstateme
假說' + 假说* * + hypothesis/
假證' + 假证* * + false testimony/
假證件' + 假证件* * + false documents/
假象' + 假象* * + false appearance/ facade
假象牙' + 假象牙* * + celluloid/
假貨' + 假货* * + counterfeit article/ fake dummy
假途滅虢' + 假途灭虢* * + lit. a short-cut to crush Guo (idiom); fig. to connive with sb to damage a third p/
假造' + 假造* * + to forge/ fake to fabrica
假道' + 假道* * + via/ by way of
假道伐虢' + 假道伐虢* * + to obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo/ to borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy (idiom)
假釋' + 假释* * + parole/
假鈔' + 假钞* * + counterfeit money/ forged note
假面' + 假面* * + mask/
假面具' + 假面具* * + mask/ fig. false façade deceptive
假面舞會' + 假面舞会* * + masked ball/ masquerade
假音' + 假音* * + falsetto, same as 假聲|假声/
假高音' + 假高音* * + falsetto, same as 假聲|假声/
假髮' + 假发* * + wig/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


974 他们 今天 休假 +
1057 假钞 +
2097 假装 受伤 惯用 伎俩 +
2835 他们 暑假 游泳 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +