A 了解 + + * * liao3jie3 understand/ know/ find out verstehen,kennen,kennen lernen + + +
A 解決 + + * * jie3jue2 resolve/ settle/ solve lösen,schlichten, beilegen + + +
B + + * * jie3 uncoil/ unbind 1. trennen, lösen, losmachen, separieren, zerlegen, zerschneiden, sezieren 2. öffnen, aufbinden, aufknöpfen, aufrollen, auftrennen 3. stillen, loswerden, lösen, entheben 4. erklären, interpretieren, verständlich machen 5. verstehen, begreifen 6. auf + + +
B 解答 + + * * jie3da2 answer/ explain Erklärung, Antwort + + +
B 解放 + + * * jie3fang4 liberate/ liberation befreien, befreit sein, Befreiung + + +
B 解釋 + + * * jie3shi4 explain/ expound/ interpret/ explanation Erklärung + + +
B 理解 + + * * li3jie3 understand/ comprehend/ understanding verstehen, begreifen, erfassen + + +
C 諒解 + + * * liang4jie3 renounce anger or resentment through understanding Verständnis für etw. zeigen, Verständnis, Verständigung + + +
C 解放軍 + + * * jie3fang4jun1 liberation army/ Chinese People's Liberation Army Befreiungsarmee,VBA Soldat + + +
C 解剖 + + * * jie3pou1 dissect/ analyze/ criticize sezieren, Sektion,Obduktion + + +
C 分解 + + * * fen1jie3 decompose/ resolve/ break down/ recount zersetzen, zerfallen, zerlegen, auflösen, aufschließen + + +
C 見解 + + * * jian4jie3 view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective Meinung, Auffassung + + +
D 溶解 + + * * rong2jie3 dissolve/ melt sich auflösen + + +
D 解除 + + * * jie3chu2 unchain/ relief aufheben,lösen,beseitigen + + +
D 解雇 + + * * jie3gu4 fire/ dismiss from entlassen, kündigen + + +
D 解散 + + * * jie3san4 dismiss/ disband auflösen + + +
D 和解 + + * * he2jie3 settle compromise sich versöhnen + + +
D 註解 + + * * zhu4jie3 note/ annotation erläutern, anmerken, Anmerkung, Glosse + + +
D 辯解 + + * * bian4jie3 exculpate/ plea sich zu rechtfertigen versuchen + + +
D 瓦解 + + * * wa3jie3 collapse/ disorganize zerfallen, sich auflösen, zersetzen + + +
D 誤解 + + * * wu4jie3 misunderstand falsch verstehen, Mißverständnis + + +
D 講解 + + * * jiang3jie3 explain erklären, erläutern + + +
D 調解 + + * * tiao2jie3 intercede vermitteln, einen Streit schlichten + + +
D 不解 + + * * bu4jie3 not understand nicht verstehen + + +

3 giải quyết 解决 3 hiểu rõ 了解 4 giải thích 解释 4 hiểu 理解 5 xoa dịu 缓解 5 giaải phóng 解放 5 người dẫn truyện 解说员 6 biện giải 辩解 6 phân giải 分解 6 hoà giải 和解 6 kiến giải 见解 6 bỏ 解除 6 giải phóng 解放 6 đuổi việc 解雇 6 giải phẫu 解剖 6 giải tán 解散 6 giải thể 解体 6 hiểu và bỏ qua 谅解 6 hoà tan 溶解 6 điều giải 调解 6 tan rã 瓦解 6 hiểu sai 误解

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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loosen, unfasten, untie / explain
duty, profession / office, post

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

解' + * * + surname Xie/
解' + * * + to divide/ to break up to split
解' + * * + to transport under guard/
解' + * * + acrobatic display (esp. on horseback) (old)/ variant of 懈
解乏' + 解乏* * + to reli to freshen up/
解像力' + 解像力* * + resolving power (of a lens etc)/
解像度' + 解像度* * + resolution (of images, monitors, scanners etc)/
解僱' + 解雇* * + to fire/ to sack to dismiss
解元' + 解元* * + first-placed candidate in the provincial imperial examinations (old)/
解免' + 解免* * + to avoid (difficulties)/ to open up a siege
解凍' + 解冻* * + to melt/ to thaw to defrost
解剖' + 解剖* * + to dissect (an animal)/ to analyze anatomy
解剖學' + 解剖学* * + anatomy/
解剖室' + 解剖室* * + a dissecting room/
解剖麻雀' + 解剖麻雀* * + lit. to dissect a sparrow; fig. a preliminary test on a small sample/
解勸' + 解劝* * + to soothe/ to pacify to mollify
解厄' + 解厄* * + (literary) to save from a calamity/
解吸' + 解吸* * + to de-absorb/ to get a chemical out of solution
解和' + 解和* * + to mediate (in a conflict)/ to pacify
解嘲' + 解嘲* * + to try to cover up in an embarrassing situation/ to justify oneself to find ex
解嚴' + 解严* * + to lift restrictions (such as curfew or martial law)/
解囊' + 解囊* * + lit. to loosen one's purse/ fig. to give generously to help others
解圍' + 解围* * + to lift a siege/ to help sb out of trouble or embarrassment
解壓' + 解压* * + decompression (in digital technology)/ to extract data from a compressed file
解壓縮' + 解压缩* * + to decompress/ decompression (esp. computer)
解大手' + 解大手* * + (coll.) to defecate/
解密' + 解密* * + to declassify/ (computing) to decrypt to deciphe
解寒' + 解寒* * + to relieve cold/
解封' + 解封* * + to lift a ban/
解小手' + 解小手* * + (coll.) to urinate/
解廌' + 解廌* * + variant of 獬豸/
解悟' + 解悟* * + to disp /
解悶' + 解闷* * + to relieve boredom or melancholy/ a diversion
解惑' + 解惑* * + to dispel doubts/ to clear up confusion
解愁' + 解愁* * + to relieve melancholy/
解手' + 解手* * + to relieve oneself (i.e. use the toilet)/ to solve
解放' + 解放* * + to liberate/ to emancipate liberation
解放區' + 解放区* * + Liberat Jiefang district of Jiaozuo city 焦作市/
解放巴勒斯坦人民陣線' + 解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线* * + Popular /
解放後' + 解放后* * + after liberation (i.e. after the Communist's victory)/ after the establishment of PRC in 1949
解放戰爭' + 解放战争* * + War of Liberation (1945-49), after which the Communists 共產黨武裝|共产党武装 under Mao Zedo/
解放日' + 解放日* * + Liberation Day/ cf Japan's surrender on 15th August 1945, celebrated as Liberation Day in Korea
解放日報' + 解放日报* * + Liberation Daily, www.jfdaily.com/
解放組織' + 解放组织* * + liberation organization/
解放軍' + 解放军* * + People's Liberation Army (PRC armed forces)/
解放運動' + 解放运动* * + liberation movement/
解救' + 解救* * + to rescue/ to help out of difficulties to save th
解散' + 解散* * + to dissolve/ to disband
解數' + 解数* * + talent/ ability capability
解析' + 解析* * + to anal to resolve/ (math.) analysis analytic
解析函數' + 解析函数* * + (math.) an analytic function (of a complex variable)/
解析函數論' + 解析函数论* * + (math.) complex analytic function theory/
解析幾何' + 解析几何* * + analytic geometry/ coordinate geometry
解析幾何學' + 解析几何学* * + analytic geometry/ coordinate geometry
解析度' + 解析度* * + resolution (of image, monitor etc)/
解構' + 解构* * + to deconstruct/
解毒' + 解毒* * + to detoxify/ to relieve fever (in Chinese medicine)
解毒劑' + 解毒剂* * + an antidote/
解毒藥' + 解毒药* * + an antidote/
解民倒懸' + 解民倒悬* * + lit. to rescue the people from hanging upside down (idiom, from Mencius); to save /
解決' + 解决* * + to settle (a dispute)/ to resolve to solve
解決爭端' + 解决争端* * + to settle a dispute/
解決辦法' + 解决办法* * + solution/ method to settle an issue
解法' + 解法* * + solution (to a math problem)/ method of solving
解深密經' + 解深密经* * + Sandhinir mokcana vyuha sutra, a yogic text on awareness and meditation, translate/
解渴' + 解渴* * + to quench/
解熱' + 解热* * + to relieve fever/
解理' + 解理* * + cleavage (splitting of minerals such as slate along planes)/
解理方向' + 解理方向* * + direction of cleavage (e.g. of slate)/
解理面' + 解理面* * + cleavage plane (e.g. of slate)/
解甲' + 解甲* * + to remove armor/ to return to civilian life
解甲歸田' + 解甲归田* * + to remove armor and return to the farm/ to return to civilian life
解疑' + 解疑* * + to dispel doubts/ to remove ambiguities
解痙劑' + 解痉剂* * + antispasmodic (pharm.)/
解痛' + 解痛* * + to relieve pain/ analgesic
解百納' + 解百纳* * + Cabernet (grape type)/
解碼' + 解码* * + to decode/ to decipher
解碼器' + 解码器* * + decoder/
解禁' + 解禁* * + to lift a prohibition/
解答' + 解答* * + answer/ explanation solution (
解約' + 解约* * + to terminate an agreement/ to cancel a contract
解紛' + 解纷* * + to mediate a dispute/
解纜' + 解缆* * + to untie a mooring rope/
解聘' + 解聘* * + to dismiss an employee/ to sack
解職' + 解职* * + to dismiss from office/ to discharge to sack
解脫' + 解脱* * + relief/ to free oneself to break a
解藥' + 解药* * + antidote/
解說' + 解说* * + to explain/ to comment
解說員' + 解说员* * + commentator/
解說詞' + 解说词* * + a commentary/
解調' + 解调* * + to demodulate/
解謎' + 解谜* * + to solve the riddle/
解讀' + 解读* * + to decipher/ to decode to interpr
解酒' + 解酒* * + to dissipate the effects of alcohol/
解酲' + 解酲* * + to sober up/ to sleep off the effect of drink
解酸藥' + 解酸药* * + to relieve acidity/ anti-acid
解釋' + 解释* * + explanation/ to explain to interpr
解釋器' + 解释器* * + interpr /
解釋執行' + 解释执行* * + interpreted (computer)/
解釦' + 解扣* * + lit. to unbutton/ fig. to solve a dispute
解鈴繫鈴' + 解铃系铃* * + see 解鈴還須繫鈴人|解铃还须系铃人/
解鈴還須繫鈴人' + 解铃还须系铃人* * + lit. wh fig. whoever started the trouble should end it/
解鎖' + 解锁* * + to unlock/ to release
解開' + 解开* * + to untie/ to undo
解除' + 解除* * + to remove/ to sack to get rid
解離' + 解离* * + dissociation/ to break up a chemical compound into its elements
解離性人格疾患' + 解离性人格疾患* * + dissociative identity disorder/ multiple personality disorder
解頤' + 解颐* * + to smile/ to laugh
解題' + 解题* * + to solve problems/ to explicate
解餓' + 解饿* * + to relieve hunger/
解饞' + 解馋* * + to eat to one's heart's content/
解體' + 解体* * + to break up into components/ to disintegrate to collaps

solution Lösung สารละลาย solution solución soluzione ratkaisu

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


709 问题 解决 +
725 如何 解决 难题 +
743 了解 +
1204 他们 通过 协商 解决 问题 +
1619 解释 自己 方案 +
1893 讲解 详细 +
1981 援用 生动 案例 讲解 +
2536 查字典 注解 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

解决 해결하다. 풀다. + + 了解 자세하게 알다. 이해하다. + + 解释 해석하다. 분석하다. 밝히다. + + 理解 알다. 이해하다. + + 缓解 (정도가) 완화되다. 호전되다. 누그러지다. 풀리다. 개선되다. + + 解放 해방하다. 속박에서 벗어나다. 자유롭게 하다. + + 解说员 해설자. 내레이터(Narrator). + + 辩解 해명하다. 변명하다. + + 分解 분해하다. + + 和解 화해하다. 화의하다. [재판에 의하지 않고 분쟁 당사자가 서로 양보하여 분쟁... + + 见解 견해. 소견. + + 解除 없애다. 제거하다. 해소하다. 풀다. 청산하다. + + 解雇 해고하다. + + 解剖 해부하다. + + 解散 해산하다. 흩어지다. + + 解体 해체되다. 전체의 구조가 쪼개지다〔분해되다〕. + + 谅解 양해하다. 이해하여 주다. + + 溶解 용해하다. + + 调解 조정하다. 중재하다. 화해시키다. + + 瓦解 와해되다. 분열하다. 무너지다. 붕괴하다. + + 误解 오해하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +