A 訪問 + 访+ * * fang3wen4 visit/ call on besuchen + + +
A + + * * wen4 ask/ inquire 1. fragen, befragen, sich nach etw erkundigen 2. nach jm fragen, sich nach js Befinden erkundigen 3. verhören, jn vernehmen 4. jn zur Rechenschaft ziehen 5. sich um etw kümmern + + +
A 問好 + + * * wen4 hao3 send one's regards to grüßen + + +
A 問題 + + * * wen4ti2 question/ problem/ issue/ trouble Frage,Problem + + +
A 請問 + + * * qing3 wen4 Excuse me/ May I ask Entschuldigen Sie.. + + +
B 問候 + + * * wen4hou4 send one's regards to Gruß ausrichten + + +
B 學問 + + * * xue2wen learning/ knowledge/ scholarship Wissen, Lernen + + +
B 疑問 + + * * yi2wen4 doubt/ query/ question Zweifel,Frage (ungelöstes Problem) + + +
C 反問 + + * * fan3wen4 raise a rhetorical question/ ask (a question) in reply Rhetorische Frage + + +
C 慰問 + + * * wei4wen4 comfort-ask/ express sympathy and solicitude jm seine Anteilnahme zum Ausdruck bringen + + +
C 顧問 + + * * gu4wen4 consultant/ adviser Berater, Ratgeber + + +
C 提問 + + * * ti2wen4 ask-question/ raise a question (in a class or meeting) fragen, Fragen stellen + + +
C 詢問 + + * * xun2wen4 ask-question/ ask about/ inquire about/ solicit opinions nach etwas fragen, sich nach etwas erkundigen, ansprechen + + +
D 問答 + + * * wen4da2 interlocution fragen und antworten + + +
D 問世 + + * * wen4shi4 spacious/ commodious erscheinen, herausgegeben werden + + +
D 追問 + + * * zhui1wen4 question closely/ examine minutely gründlich untersuchen, eingehende Erkundigungen einholen + + +
D 過問 + + * * guo4wen4 concern with sich um etwas kümmern + + +

2 hỏi 2 vấn đề 问题 4 phỏng vấn 访问 5 đặt câu hỏi 提问 5 thăm hỏi sức khỏe 问候 5 học vấn 学问 5 hỏi 询问 5 nghi ngờ 疑问 6 phản vấn 反问 6 phỏng vấn 访问 6 cố vấn 顾问 6 hỏi đến 过问 6 thăm hỏi 慰问 6 ra đời 问世

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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ask about, inquire after
crime, sin, vice / evil / hardship

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

問' + * * + to ask/
問世' + 问世* * + to be published/ to come out
問事' + 问事* * + to ask for information/ to inquire
問住' + 问住* * + to stump sb with a question/
問倒' + 问倒* * + to stump/ to baffle
問候' + 问候* * + to give one's respects/ to send a greeting
問卷' + 问卷* * + questionnaire/ CL:份
問名' + 问名* * + to enqu one of a set of six traditional marriage protocols (六禮|六礼), in which name as well /
問好' + 问好* * + to say hello to/ to send one's regards to
問安' + 问安* * + to pay one's respects/ to give regards to
問客殺雞' + 问客杀鸡* * + lit. asking guests whether or not to butcher a chicken for them (idiom)/ fig. hypocritical show of affection (or hospitality)
問心有愧' + 问心有愧* * + to have a guilty conscience/
問心無愧' + 问心无愧* * + lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience/
問津' + 问津* * + to make inquiries/ to show interest
問答' + 问答* * + question and answer/
問罪' + 问罪* * + to declaim/ to denounce to decry
問罪之師' + 问罪之师* * + punitive force/ a person setting out to deliver severe reproach
問號' + 问号* * + question mark (punct.)/ unknown factor unsolved p
問訊' + 问讯* * + interrogation/ greeting
問診' + 问诊* * + (TCM) interrogation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊/
問話' + 问话* * + questio interrogation/
問責' + 问责* * + to hold accountable/ to blame to censure
問責性' + 问责性* * + accountability/
問路' + 问路* * + to ask for directions/ to ask the way (to some place)
問道' + 问道* * + to ask the way/ to ask
問題' + 问题* * + question/ problem issue
問鼎' + 问鼎* * + to aspi to aim at (the first place etc)/
問鼎中原' + 问鼎中原* * + to plan to seize power of the whole country (idiom)/
問鼎輕重' + 问鼎轻重* * + lit. to inquire whether the tripods are light or heavy (idiom); a laughable attemp/

ask wie K ถาม demander preguntar chiedere kysyä

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


38 问好 +
39 路人 问路 +
485 正在 思考 问题 +
494 亲切 问候 +
521 回答 问题 +
709 问题 解决 +
828 品德 问题 +
839 我们 客户 进行 问卷 调查 +
913 举手 回答 问题 +
1022 回答 问题 +
1189 受到 太太 责问 +
1204 他们 通过 协商 解决 问题 +
1258 他们 讨论 问题 +
1271 他们 接受 记者 访问 +
1384 法官 证词 疑问 +
1385 怀疑 事情 问题 +
1492 不能 忽视 大家 提问 +
2024 家庭 暴力 伦理 问题 +
2093 医生 询问 病情 +
2094 警察 询问 +
2234 悟出 问题 答案 +
2355 他们 钻研 问题 +
2448 问题 困扰 +
2712 经济 萧条 导致 失业 问题 +
2848 问题 棘手 +
2983 现在 我们 问题 症结 所在 +
3220 他们 谘询 保险 方面 问题 +
3606 一个 影响 一切 社会 阶层 问题 +
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 +
3775 不仅 学校 问题 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

묻다. 질문하다. + + 问题 (해답·해석 등을 요구하는) 문제. + + 访问 방문하다. 회견하다. 취재하다. 인터뷰(interview)하다. + + 提问 (주로 교사가 학생에게) 질문하다. + + 问候 안부를 묻다. 문안드리다. + + 学问 학식. 지식. + + 询问 알아보다. 물어 보다. 의견을 구하다. + + 疑问 의문. 의혹(疑惑). + + 反问 반문하다. + + 过问 참견하다. 따져 묻다. 관여하다. 물어 보다. + + 顾问 고문. + + 慰问 (말이나 선물로) 위문하다. 위로하고 안부를 묻다. + + 问世 (저작물·발명품·신상품 등이) 세상에 나오다. 발표되다. 출품되다. 출판되다. + +

+ + + + + + + +