C 探索 + + * * tan4suo3 feel-seek/ try to find (information)/ explore/ probe ergründen, forschen, schürfen + + +
C 思索 + + * * si1suo3 think and seek solutions/ think in depth/ ponder denken und nach Lösungen suchen, nachsinnen + + +
D 線索 + 线+ * * xian4suo3 clue/ key Anhaltspunkt, Spur, Hinweis, Faden, + + +
D 摸索 + + * * mo1suo3 fumble/ grope tappen, tasten, nach etwas suchen + + +
D 搜索 + + * * sou1suo3 search durchsuchen + + +
D 索性 + + * * suo3xing4 might as well einfach, geradezu + + +

6 摸索 6 suy nghĩ tìm tòi 思索 6 đòi lấy 索取 6 dứt khoát 索性 6 tìm tòi 探索 6 đầu mối 线索

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

large rope, cable / rules, laws / to demand, to exact / to search, inquire / isolated
to pull, draw out, attract / to stretch

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

索' + * * + surname Suo/ abbr. for 索馬里|索马里
索' + * * + to sear to demand/ to ask to exact
索傑納' + 索杰纳* * + Sojourner (Martian land rover)/
索價' + 索价* * + to ask a price/ to charge asking pri
索具裝置' + 索具装置* * + rig/
索取' + 索取* * + to ask/ to demand
索命' + 索命* * + to demand sb's life/
索國' + 索国* * + Solomon Islands/
索多瑪' + 索多玛* * + Sodom/
索多瑪與哈摩辣' + 索多玛与哈摩辣* * + Sodom and Gomorrah/
索契' + 索契* * + Sochi (city on the Black Sea in Russia)/
索尼' + 索尼* * + Sony/
索帶' + 索带* * + cable tie/ plastic strap
索引' + 索引* * + index/
索性' + 索性* * + you might as well (do it)/ simply just
索戈拉特斯' + 索戈拉特斯* * + Socrates (name)/ Jose Socrates, prime minister of Portugal from 2005
索普' + 索普* * + Thorpe (name)/
索求' + 索求* * + to seek/ to demand
索然' + 索然* * + dull/ dry
索然寡味' + 索然寡味* * + dull and insipid/
索然無味' + 索然无味* * + dull/ insipid
索爾' + 索尔* * + Thor (Norse god of thunder)/
索爾仁尼琴' + 索尔仁尼琴* * + Alexandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer, prominent Soviet dissident, aut/
索爾茲伯里平原' + 索尔兹伯里平原* * + Salisbury plain/
索爾茲伯里石環' + 索尔兹伯里石环* * + Stonehenge/ Salisbury stone circle
索福克勒斯' + 索福克勒斯* * + Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Oedipus the King/
索福克里斯' + 索福克里斯* * + Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek playwright/
索索' + 索索* * + trembling/
索緒爾' + 索绪尔* * + Saussure (name)/
索縣' + 索县* * + Sog county, Tibetan: Sog rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区/
索羅斯' + 索罗斯* * + Soros ( George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator a/
索羅門' + 索罗门* * + Solomon (name)/ Solomon (Islands)
索菲亞' + 索菲亚* * + Sofia (capital of Bulgaria)/
索要' + 索要* * + to ask for/ to request to demand
索解' + 索解* * + to seek an answer/ to look for an explanation to explain
索討' + 索讨* * + to demand/ to claim
索謝' + 索谢* * + (old) to ask for recompense (for personal services rendered)/
索賄' + 索贿* * + to exact bribes/ to solicit bribes to demand
索賠' + 索赔* * + to ask for compensation/ to claim damages claim for
索道' + 索道* * + ropeway/
索邦大學' + 索邦大学* * + Université Paris IV/ the Sorbonne
索里亞' + 索里亚* * + Soria, Spain/
索非亞' + 索非亚* * + Sofia, capital of Bulgaria/
索馬利' + 索马利* * + variant of 索馬里|索马里/
索馬利亞' + 索马利亚* * + Somalia /
索馬裡' + 索马里* * + variant of 索馬里|索马里/
索馬里' + 索马里* * + Somalia /
索馬里亞' + 索马里亚* * + variant of 索馬利亞|索马利亚/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1631 绳索 保护 自己 +
1632 警察 搜索 逃犯 +
2133 坏人 勒索 钱财 +
2772 人类 宇宙 从未 停止 探索 +
3472 绑匪 索取 赎金 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ +

摸索 (방법·경험 따위를) 모색하다. + + 思索 사색하다. 깊이 생각하다. + + 搜索 (인터넷에)검색하다. (숨긴 사람·물건 등을) 수색하다. 수사하다. 자세히 ... + + 索赔 배상〔변상〕을 요구하다. 클레임(claim)을 요구하다. + + 索性 차라리. 아예. + + 探索 탐색〔탐구〕하다. 찾다. + + 线索 실마리. 단서. + +

+ + + + + + + +