A + * * dong4 move/ stir/ use 1. sich rühren, sich bewegen,in Bewegung setzen 2. Aktion, Handlung 3. ändern, verändern 4. gebrauchen, verwenden 5. anregen, erregen , rühren + +
A + * * hai2 still/ yet/ even more/ also/ fairly 1. noch, nach wie vor 2.noch mehr 3. (sowohl..) als auch 4.leidlich, passabel, nicht sonderlich gut , aber auch nicht gerade schlecht 5. selbst, sogar siehe: huan4 + +
A + * * yue4 month 1. Mond 2. Monat + +
A + * * ri4 sun/ day time/ a day of the month 1. Sonne 2. Tag, tagsüber + +
A 月亮 + * * yue4liang the moon Mond + +
A 樣子 + * * yang4zi shape/ appearance/ manner/ model Stil + +
A 月球 + * * yue4qiu2 the moon Mond + +
A 現代 + * * xian4dai4 modern times/ the contemporary age Gegenwart, moderne Zeit,heutzutage + +
A + * * ne (modal particle ending a question) Modalpartikel + +
A 運動 + * * yun4dong4 be in motion/ move about/ sport Sport treiben,Sport + +
A 祖國 + * * zu3guo2 motherland/ fatherland/ homeland Vaterland,Heimatland + +
A 感冒 + * * gan3mao4 common cold sich erkälten,Erkältung + +
A + * * zui3 mouth 1. Mund 2. Öffnung + +
A + * * zui4 most meist, am meisten + +
A 剛才 + * * gang1cai2 a moment ago/ just now eben, gerade, soeben + +
A 一般 + * * yi1ban1 general/ ordinary/ common gewöhnlich + +
A + * * ba (modal particle ending a sentence) milder Imperativ + +
A 一會兒 + * * yi1hui4r a little while/ a moment ein Augenblick + +
A 早晨(早上) + * * zao3chen (early) morning Morgen + +
A 簡單 + * * jian3dan1 simple/ commonplace/ casual einfach + +
A + * * fen1 minute/ point/ mark/ a money unit teilen,einteilen + +
A + * * fen1 minute/ point/ mark/ a money unit Punkt, ein Fen (1 Cent), + +
A 活動 + * * huo2dong4 move about/ relax/ activity/ shaky Aktivität,Tätigkeit + +
A + * * ban1 move/ carry 1. fortschaffen, befördern, umlegen, umstellen 2. umziehen, den Wohnsitz wechseln 3. mechanisch nachahmen, (oder übernehmen) + +
A + * * shan1 mountain/ hill 1. Berg, Gebirge 2. bergähnliche Gebilde + +
A + * * duo1 a little or few more than 1. viel, eine Menge, eine große Anzahl 2.mehr als, zu viel, 3. übermäßig, zu viel 4. mehr als, länger als 5. viel mehr, weit mehr 6. verbal bei der Frage nach dem Alter + +
A 有名 + * * you3ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt + +
A + * * duo1 a little or few more than 1. viel, eine Menge, eine große Anzahl 2.mehr als, zu viel, 3. übermäßig, zu viel 4. mehr als, länger als 5. viel mehr, weit mehr 6. verbal bei der Frage nach dem Alter + +
A + * * qi3 remove/ pull/ appear/ rise/ raise 1. aufstehen, sich aufrichten ,sich erheben 2. sich entwickeln, entstehen 3. wachsen, sich bilden 4. anfangen, beginnen 5. entfernen, herausziehen 6. entwerfen, abfassen 7. bauen 8. Fall 9. Gruppe, Schub + +
A + * * le 1. used after a verb, indicating a completed action 2.a modal particle used at the end of a sentence Modalpartikel,Aspektpartikel + +
A 明天 + * * ming2tian1 tomorrow morgen + +
A + * * qu4 go/ leave/ send/ remove/ get rid of 1. gehen, fortgehen 2. abschaffen, beseitigen 3. vom vergangenen Jahr, letztjährig + +
A 表演 + * * biao3yan3 perform/ act/ play/ demonstrate aufführen,vorführen + +
A + * * dian3 1.put a dot 2.touch on very briefly, skim 3.nod, move very briefly 4. drip 5. check one by one 6. select, choose 7. light, burn 1.einen Punkt setzen 2. kurz berühren 3. nicken, kurz bewegen 4. tröpfeln 5. eines nach dem anderen prüfen 6. auswählen 7. anzünden, entzünden 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung 7. tropfen etc + +
A + * * xie1 (measure word for unspecified amount) ein Zählwort,etwas + +
A 而且 + * * er2qie3 moreover/ in addition/ but also darüber hinaus,außerdem + +
A 汽車 + * * qi4che1 automobile/ motor vehicle/ car Automobil,Wagen + +
A 電影 + * * dian4ying3 film/ movie Film + +
A 上午 + * * shang4wu3 forenoon/ morning Morgen,Vormittag + +
A + * * geng4 more/ still more; even more noch, noch mehr,weiter, außerdem + +
A 母親 + * * mu3qin1 mother (used in written Chinese) Mutter + +
A 媽媽 + * * ma1ma mummy/ mom/ ma/ mother Mutter + +
A + * * qian2 money/ fund/ sum 1. Geld 2. ein Qian=fünf Gramm 3. Währung, Münzen + +
A + * * yuan2 Yuan (used for money) 1. erste, anfänglich 2. Haupt-, Ober- 3. fundamental 4. Element 5. m.Yuan (Währung) + +
A + * * na (modal particle ending a sentence) 1. welcher, welche, welches 2. irgendein, irgendwelche + +
A + * * zhao3 look for/ return the balance of money 1. suchen,sich nach etw umsehen, etw ausfindig machen 2. zu jn kommen, jn zu sprechen wünschen, jn besuchen 3. herausgeben + +
A + * * ma (modal particle expressing urging) Partikel, zeigt an, dass etwas selbstverständl.ist + +
A + * * ma (modal particle making a question) ein Fragepartikel + +
A + * * kou3 mouth/ (measure word for people) 1. Mund, Maul 2. Öffnung, Eingang, Mündung 3. Kerbe, Ritz, Schramme, Loch, Einschnitt 4. Schneide 5. ein Zählwort + +
A + * * zhong1 center/ middle/ in/ among/ China 1. Zentrum, Mitte, Mittelpunkt 2. China 3. in, inmitten, mitten drin 4. auf mittlerer Stufe stehend 5. zwischen zwei Extremen siehe zhong4 + +
A 中間 + * * zhong1jian1 center/ middle/ among/ between inmitten, dazwischen, + +
A + * * zhe4 this/ this moment/ now 1. dies,dies, das 2. nun, jetzt, gleich + +
A + * * yuan3 far/ remote 1. weit, fern 2. weitläufig, fern 3. bei weitem 4. einen Abstand von jm halten + +
B 阿姨 + * * a1yi2 1.auntie, a form of address for any woman of one´s mothers age 2.nurse (in a family) 1. (Na) Tante + +
B 行動 + * * xing2dong4 move/ act/ action Bewegung, handeln, agieren + +
B 越…越… + * * yue4_ yue4 more … more … je mehr..desto.. + +
B 巨大 + * * ju4da4 huge/ enormous riesig, sehr groß + +
B 越來越… + * * yue4lai2yue4 more and more immermehr, mehr und mehr + +
B + * * kuan3 money 1. Absatz 2. Geldsumme, Geldmittel 3. Name des Schenkers, Name des Beschenkten (auf einem Gemälde oder einer Kalligraphie) 4. Zählwort Handy + +
B 動人 + * * dong4ren2 moving/ touching bewegen, berühren + +
B + * * han2 keep in the mouth/ contain 1. (im Mund)halten, etw im Mund haben, lutschen 2. enthalten 3. hegen, zurückhalten + +
B 現代化 + * * xian4dai4hua4 modernize/ modernization Modernisierung, modernisieren + +
B 此外 + * * ci3wai4 besides/ moreover zusätzlich, außerdem + +
B 動員 + * * dong4yuan2 arouse/ mobilize mobilisieren, mobilmachen,Mobilisierung + +
B 動作 + * * dong4zuo4 motion/ movement Tätigkeit, Bewegung + +
B 共同 + * * gong4tong2 together/ common zusammen, gemeinsam + +
B 平常 + * * ping2chang2 generally/ usually/ ordinary/ common gewöhnlich, normal, üblich + +
B 加以 + * * jia1yi3 (used to invert the sentence)/ moreover/ plus zusätzlich, behandeln, sich mit beschäftigen + +
B + * * dui1 department/ measure word for movies 1.Teil, Abschnitt 2. Einheit, Amt, Ministerium, Abteilung 3. Kommandostelle, Führungsstab 4. befehligen, kommandieren 5. Zählwort für Bücher und Filme + +
B 道德 + * * dao4de2 morals/ ethics Moral + +
B 感動 + * * gan3dong4 be moved bewegt sein, berührt sein, fühlen, empfinden, denken (daß) + +
B 修改 + * * xiu1gai3 revise/ modify/ revision/ modification verbessern, korrigieren, abändern, + +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr + +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr + +
B 感情 + * * gan3qing2 emotion/ feeling 1.Gefühl,Gemüt, Empfindung 2.Zuneigung, Symphatie + +
B 促進 + * * cu4jin4 advance/ promote fördern,vorantreiben + +
B + * * ruan3 1. soft, pliable 2. weak, feeble 3. easily moved or influenced 1. weich, geschmeidig,nachgebend 2.mild,sanft 3.schwach, kraftlos 4. leicht beeinflußbar, schwankend + +
B 虛心 + * * xu1xin1 modest/ open-minded bescheiden + +
B 號召 + * * hao4zhao4 summon/ call up/ appeal/ call aufrufen, appellieren + +
B 另外 + * * ling4wai4 moreover/ besides außerdem, zusätzlich + +
B 普通 + * * pu3tong1 ordinary/ common/ average gewöhnlich, allgemein, durchschnittlich + +
B 等於 + * * deng3yu2 equal to/ equivalent/ amount to gleich sein, gleichen + +
B 推動 + * * tui1dong4 push forward/ promote begünstigen, voranbringen ,drücken, stoßen, vorstoßen + +
B 數量 + * * shu4liang4 quantity/ amount Quantität + +
B 著名 + * * zhu4ming2 famous/ well-known berühmt, bekannt + +
B 情緒 + * * qing2xu4 morale/ feeling/ mood Stimmung, Gefühl + +
B + * * fei4 fare/ expense/ money Gebühr + +
B + * * fei4 fare/ expense/ money Gebühr + +
B 流利 + * * liu2li4 fluent/ smooth flließend + +
B + * * shuai3 move back and forth/ throw 1. etw hin und her schwingen, schwenken 2. werfen, schleudern 3. abwerfen, wegwerfen + +
B 老闆 + * * lao3ban3 common people Boss, Arbeitgeber + +
B 提倡 + * * ti2chang4 advocate/ promote für etw eintreten, befürworten, fördern + +
B 班長 + * * ban1zhang3 class monitor Klassensprecher, Gruppenführer, Gruppenleiter + +
B 其中 + * * qi2zhong1 among darunter, darin + +
B 一時 + * * yi1shi2 a short period of time/ moment für eine Weile, zeitweilig + +
B 民主 + * * min2zhu3 democracy/ democratic Demokratie, demokratisch + +
B 大多數 + * * da4duo1shu4 most of Majorität, in den meisten (Fällen) + +
B 山脈 + * * shan1mai4 mountain range Gebirge, Gebirgskette,Gebirgszug,Sierra + +
B …之中 + * * zhi1 zhong1 among/ in/ in the process of in, innen, innerhalb + +
B 多數 + * * duo1shu4 most/ majority Mehrheit + +
B 山區 + * * shan1qu1 a mountainous area Gebirgsbereich, Gebirgsregion + +
B 一致 + * * yi2zhi4 identical/ unanimous/ consistent einhellig, identisch + +
B 順利 + * * shun4li4 go smoothly/ successful reibungslos, zügig, glatt + +
B 幾乎 + * * ji1hu1 almost fast, beinahe + +
B + * * chu1 the first day of the lunar month 1. zu Beginn, am Anfang, früh 2. der, die, das Erste 3.erst, gerade, eben 4. original, ursprünglich 5 elementar, grundlegend, primär + +
B 時刻 + * * shi2ke4 moment Moment + +
B 笑話 + * * xiao4hua joke/ jest/ laugh at/ mock Witz, Scherz + +
B 榜樣 + * * bang3yang4 example/ model Beispiel, Vorbild + +
B 名勝 + * * ming2sheng4 famous place/ scenic spot Szenischer Punkt + +
B 商品 + * * shang1pin3 commodity/ goods Gebrauchsgut, Waren, Güter + +
B 猴子 + * * hou2zi monkey Affe + +
B + * * yi2 move 1. bewegen, wegrücken, versetzen 2. ändern, verändern + +
B 移動 + * * yi2dong4 move/ remove/ shift fortbewegen / versetzen / verrücken + +
B 吸煙(抽煙) + * * xi1 yan1 smoke rauchen + +
B 差不多 + * * cha4buduo1 almost mehr oder weniger, fast + +
B 差点儿 + * * cha4dian3r almost fast, beinahe, nahezu + +
B + * * bing4 simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus + +
B + * * bing4 simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus + +
B 語氣 + * * yu3qi4 tone/ manner of speaking/ mood Tonfall, Klang, Verbmodus + +
B 並且 + * * bing4qie3 and/ besides/ moreover und, außerdem,übrigens + +
B 後天 + * * hou4tian1 the day after tomorrow übermorgen + +
B 極其 + * * ji2qi2 most/ extremely/ exceedingly 1. sehr, äußerst, hoch + +
B 以上 + * * yi3shang4 more than/ above/ the foregoing mehr als, über, oben, obenerwähnt + +
B + * * mu3 mother/ female/ motherly 1. Mutter 2. Anrede für ältere Frauen 3. weiblich + +
B 更加 + * * geng4jia1 much more noch, noch mehr,weiter, außerdem siehe geng1 1. ändern, verändern, wechseln, auswechseln 2. Doppelstunde + +
B 鬍子 + * * hu2zi beard/ moustache Bart + +
B 心情 + * * xin1qing2 mood/ state of mind Stimmung + +
B 馬克 + * * ma3ke4 mark (German or Finnish monetary unit) Mark (Währung) + +
B 往往 + * * wang3wang3 often/ more often than not häufig, gewöhnlich + +
B 單調 + * * dan1diao4 monotonous/ dull monoton + +
B 熱水瓶(暖水瓶) + * * re4shui3ping2 thermos Thermos Flasche + +
B + * * hua2 slippery/ smooth 1. glatt, rutschig, glitschig, schlüpfrig, 2. rutschen, gleiten, schlittern 3. schlau, verschlagen, arglistig, raffiniert + +
B 公共 + * * gong1gong4 common/ public Öffentlichkeit + +
B 記憶 + * * ji4yi4 remember/ memory Gedächtnis + +
B 紀念 + * * ji4nian4 commemorate/ commemoration gedenken, Andenken + +
C 車輛 + * * che1liang4 vehicles/ automobiles Fahrzeug + +
C + * * che4 evacuate/ withdraw/ remove/ dismiss 1. entfernen, fortnehmen, wegschaffen 2. sich zurückziehen, räumen + +
C 動機 + * * dong4ji1 motive/ intention/ motivation/ inner drive Motiv, Motivation + +
C 動靜 + * * dong4jing4 sound and movement/ activity/ happening der Klang von Unruhe, Lärm + +
C 動力 + * * dong4li4 motivity/ driving force/ motive power/ impetus Kraft,Impetus + +
C + * * xian3 dangerous/ perilous/ sinister/ vicious/ venomous 1. schwer passierbare Stelle, enger Paß, Barriere 2. Gefahr, Risiko 3. heimtückisch, boshaft 4. beinahe, fast + +
C 行駛 + * * xing2shi3 move-drive/ (of a boat; vehicle; etc.) go/ travel/ drive verkehren, fahren + +
C 針灸 + * * zhen1jiu3 acupuncture-moxibustion/ acupuncture Akupunktur und Moxenbehandlung + +
C 月光 + * * yue4guang1 moon-light/ moonlight/ moonbeam Mondlicht + +
C 品德 + * * pin3de2 moral character Moral,Tugend + +
C 行星 + * * xing2xing1 moving-star/ planet Planet + +
C 此刻 + * * ci3ke4 this moment/ at this moment nun, dieser Moment, jetzt + +
C 興高采烈 + * * xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4 spirits-high-mood-ardent/ be in high spirits/ be raptured Freude und Begeisterung + +
C 震動 + * * zhen4dong4 shock-move/ quiver/ vibrate/ quake/ shock/ astonish erschüttern,beben + +
C + * * huan4 call out/ summon 1.laut rufen herbeirufen 2. aufrufen 3. wachrufen, erwecken, wecken + +
C + * * liang4 quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität + +
C 日益 + * * ri4yi4 more and more each day/ increasingly von Tag zu Tag, in zunehmenden Maße,mehr und mehr + +
C 振動 + * * zhen4dong4 vibrate-move/ vibrate/ tremble/ flutter/ oscillate Schwingung, Vibration + +
C 倒騰 + * * dao3teng move around/ rummage/ buy low and sell high sich drehen, billig kaufen und teuer verkaufen + +
C 遙遠 + * * yao2yuan3 distant-far/ faraway/ remote/ distant/ very far weit, fern, abgelegen + +
C 影片 + * * ying3pian4 image-film/ movie/ film Film, Filmstreifen + +
C 謠言 + * * yao2yan2 rumor-words/ rumor/ canard/ unfounded report/ hearsay Lüge, Gerücht + +
C 加油 + * * jia1 you2 oil/ lubricate/ refuel/ add more gas/ try harder/ cheer 1. ölen, schmieren 2. tanken 3. anfeuern, zurufen 4. mit vollem Einsatz arbeiten + +
C 平凡 + * * ping2fan2 common/ commonplace/ ordinary/ trivial gewöhnlich,einfach + +
C 況且 + * * kuang4qie3 in addition/ moreover/ besides überdies, außerdem,noch dazu + +
C 不止 + * * bu4zhi3 be not limited to/ be more than/ not stop ununterbrochen, endlos, mehr als , unbegrenzt + +
C 溫和 + * * wen1he2 warm-kind/ temperate/ moderate/ mild/ genial mild, warm, gemäßigt, gütig, freundlich, zart + +
C 蚊子 + * * wen2zi mosquito Mücke, Moskito + +
C 步驟 + * * bu4zhou4 step/ move/ measure Schritt,Maßnahme + +
C 祖母 + * * zu3mu3 grandparent-mother/ (paternal) grandmother Großmutter (väterlicherseits) + +
C + * * cou4 move close to/ gather together/ collect/ pool 1. sammeln, zusammentun, 2. zufällig, gerade, bei Gelegenheit 3. sich nähern, an etw heranrücken + +
C + * * hui3 destroy/ ruin/ damage/ demolish 1. zerstören, vernichten 2. verbrennen, etw durch Feuer vernichten 3. verleumden, diffamieren, verunglimpfen + +
C 再說 + * * zai4shuo1 more-say/ what's more/ besides/ talk about sth. later (zuerst etwas tun) und dann weitersehen, und außerdem, darüber hinaus + +
C + * * niang2 ma/ mom/ mother/ woman 1. Mutter 2. Frau, Tante 3. junge Frau + +
C 香煙 + * * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke Zigarette + +
C 嘴唇 + * * zui3chun2 mouth-lip/ lip Lippe + +
C 清晨 + * * qing1chen2 early morning früh am Morgen, früh morgens + +
C + * * nie1 hold using a thumb and other fingers/ knead/ mould 1. etw zwischen den Fingern halten, mit den Fingern nehmen 2. etw zwischen den Fingern rollen, kneten, formen + +
C 清除 + * * qing1chu2 clear away/ eliminate/ get rid of/ purge/ remove beseitigen,wegschaffen,ausmerzen/ausrotten + +
C + * * jian1 hold (two or more jobs; positions) concurrently 1. doppelt ,zweifach, zweimal 2. gleichzeitig bestehen, zeitlich nebeneinander tun oder erledigen + +
C 開動 + * * kai1dong4 start/ set in motion/ move/ march etwas in Bewegung setzen, abmarschieren + +
C 普及 + * * pu3ji2 popularize/ make sth. a commonplace/ prevalent popularisieren,verallgemeinern,universal, populär + +
C + * * qing2 feeling/ emotion/ love/ passion/ lust/ condition/ reason 1. Gefühl, Sentiment, Gemütsbewegung 2. Gefälligkeit, Gunst, Güte 3. Zustand, Situation, Lage + +
C 普通話 + * * pu3tong1hua4 common speech (of the Chinese language) Putonghua, Hochchinesisch, Hochsprache + +
C 開口 + * * kai1 kou3 open one's mouth/ start to talk/ make a cutting edge anfangen zu sprechen,eine Messerklinge schärfen + +
C + * * chi2 pool/ pond/ moat 1.Teich, Weiher, Grube,Senke, Bodenvertiefung 2. durch erhöhte Ränder eingeschlossener Raum + +
C 數目 + * * shu4mu4 number/ amount Zahl, Anzahl + +
C 證據 + * * zheng4ju4 proof-evidence/ proof/ evidence/ testimony Beweis, Beweismittel + +
C 流動 + * * liu2dong4 flow/ run/ circulate/ move fließen, strömen,wandern, mobil + +
C + * * huo2 lifelike/ living/ alive/ vivid/ lively/ movable/ flexible lebend, lebendig + +
C 早晚 + * * zao3wan3 early-late/ morning and evening/ sooner or later Morgen und Abend, früher oder später, Zeit, eines (zukünftigen) Tages, später einmal + +
C 一路平安 + * * yi1 lu4 ping2 an1 one-mouth-breath/ in one breath/ at one go schöne Fahrt (habe eine sichere Reise !) + +
C 游行 + * * you2xing2 move-go/ parade/ march/ procession/ rove about Demonstration, demonstrieren + +
C 消除 + * * xiao1chu2 eliminate-remove/ clear up/ get rid of/ dispel beseitigen,entfernen,überwinden + +
C 消毒 + * * xiao1 du2 remove-poison/ disinfect/ sterilize/ sanitize desinfizieren + +
C 關頭 + * * guan1tou2 juncture/ key moment/ critical point Moment, Schlüsselstelle, kritischer Augenblick + +
C 水分 + * * shui3fen4 water element/ moisture content/ untruthful information Feuchtigkeit, unwahre Information + +
C 壟斷 + * * long3duan4 monopolize monopolisieren, Monopol + +
C 大半 + * * da4ban4 over half/ majority/ most likely/ probably die meisten, mehr als die Hälfte, der größte Teil + +
C + * * zhi1 (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, + +
C 近代 + * * jin4dai4 modern times Neuzeit + +
C 提議 + * * ti2yi4 raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag + +
C + * * zhi1 (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, + +
C 大大 + * * da4da4 greatly/ enormously sehr, enorm + +
C 民間 + * * min2jian1 among the people nichtstaatlich,unterhalb der offiziellen Ebene, Volks- + +
C 山地 + * * shan1di4 mountainous area/ hilly topography Bergland, Gebirgsgegend + +
C 山峰 + * * shan1feng1 mountain peak Berggipfel + +
C 旗幟 + * * qi2zhi4 flag/ banner/ streamer/ role model/ leading idea Banner, Standpunkt + +
C 濕潤 + 湿* * shi1run4 moist/ damp/ humid feucht, naß + +
C 增進 + * * zeng1jin4 improve-advance/ enhance/ promote/ further/ improve stärken + +
C 大地 + * * da4di4 earth/ mother earth/ ground Mutter Erde, Erde + +
C 或多或少 + * * huo4 duo1 huo4 shao3 more or less mehr oder weniger + +
C 大都 + * * da4du1 almost all/ mostly/ for the most part meistens, größtenteils + +
C 多半 + * * duo1ban4 most likely/ probably wahrscheinlich, Wahrscheinlichkeit, der größere Teil, hauptsächlich, die meisten + +
C 山谷 + * * shan1gu3 mountain valley Tal + +
C 舞蹈 + * * wu3dao3 move-step/ move and step rhythmically/ dance Tanz + +
C 姥姥 + * * lao3lao maternal grandmother/ grandma Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) + +
C + * * lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action modaler Partikel Vollendung einer Handlung + +
C 多勞多得 + * * duo1 lao2 duo1 de2 more pay for more work Arbeite mehr und verdiene mehr + +
C 抗議 + * * kang4yi4 express objection/ remonstrate/ protest/ objection Protest, protestieren + +
C 貨幣 + * * huo4bi4 money/ currency Währung + +
C + * * shun4 smooth/ put in order/ be agreeable to/ yield to 1. in derselben Richtung, mit 2. annehmlich, gefällig sein 3. anordnen, etw in Ordnung bringen 4. gehorchen + +
C 貨物 + * * huo4wu4 cargo/ freight/ goods/ commodity/ merchandise Waren, Güter + +
C 拍攝 + * * pai1she4 shoot (a photograph; movie; video clip; etc.)/ film mit einer Kamera aufnehmen, filmen,fotographieren + +
C 仇恨 + * * chou2hen4 hate/ hatred/ animosity/ rancor Haß, Feindschaft + +
C 順手 + * * shun4shou3 smooth and handy/ convenient/ without difficulty reibungslos,ohne Schwierigkeiten,wenn möglich,tunlichst,bei Gelegenheit, nebenbei + +
C 專政 + * * zhuan1zheng4 monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship Diktatur + +
C 表情 + * * biao3qing2 expression, emoticon Ausdruck, Gesichtsausdruck, emoticon + +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, wenden + +
C 時機 + * * shi2ji1 moment of opportunity/ opportunity/ opportune time Zeitpunkt, Gelegenheit, günstiger Moment + +
C 機動 + * * ji1dong4 engine-driven/ power-driven/ motorized motorisiert,beweglich, + +
C 格外 + * * ge2wai4 especially/ particularly/ all the more besonders + +
C 轉移 + * * zhuan3yi2 transferring-move/ transfer/ divert/ displace/ change einen anderen Ort wählen, ablenken, ändern + +
C + * * pan2 coil/ twist/ wind/ examine/ look into/ move/ transfer 1. um etw kreisen, schrauben, sich winden 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. überprüfen + +
C 光滑 + * * guang1hua2 smooth/ sleek/ glossy/ slippery glatt, geschliffen, glänzend + +
C 獎金 + * * jiang3jin1 monetary award/ prize/ bonus/ premium Prämie, Preis + +
C + * * yu2 leave/ remain/ surplus/ spare time/ beyond/ more than 1. übrig, überflüssig, verbleibend, restlich, überschüssig 2. über 3. nach, außerhalb + +
C + * * zhuan4 make money/ earn/ make a profit/ profit/ gain profitieren, Gewinn machen + +
C 轉動 + * * zhuan4dong4 revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate drehen, etwas in Bewegung setzen + +
C 典禮 + * * dian3li3 ceremony/ celebration/ ritual/ rite Zeremonie, Feier + +
C 外祖母 + * * wai4zu3mu3 external-grandmother/ maternal grandmother Großmutter (Mutter´s Mutter) + +
C 典型 + * * dian3xing2 typical case/ model/ typical/ representative Vorbild, typisch + +
C 可不是 + * * ke3 bu shi4 exactly/ right/ cannot agree more/ tell me about it sicher, daß + +
C 經費 + * * jing1fei4 money for regular expenses/ funds/ expenses/ outlay Mittel, Ausgaben, Fonds + +
C 氣氛 + * * qi4fen4 atmosphere/ ambience Atmosphäre, Stimmung + +
C 絲毫 + * * si1hao2 very little/ of the slightest amount or degree im geringsten + +
C 壓制 + * * ya1zhi4 give as security/ pawn/ mortgage/ detain/ escort/ bet unterdrücken + +
C 儀式 + * * yi2shi4 ceremony-ritual/ ceremony/ ritual/ rite/ function Feier, Feierlichkeit,Zeremonie + +
C 風氣 + * * feng1qi4 social atmosphere/ common practice/ ethos allgemeine Praxis, herrschende Praktiken, Sitten, soziale Moral + +
C + * * xi1 rare/ uncommon/ sparse/ scattered/ watery/ thin 1. selten, rar 2. dünn, spärlich, licht 3. dünn, flüssig, wässrig + +
C 模型 + * * mo2xing2 model/ mold/ matrix/ pattern/ die Modell, Form,Gußform + +
C 大眾 + * * da4zhong4 masses/ general public/ common people Massen, Publikum + +
C + * * yi2 aunt/ maternal aunt/ mother's sister/ wife's sister 1. Schwester der Mutter, Tante 2. Schwester der Ehefrau, Schwägerin + +
C + * * xie4 unload/ discharge/ remove/ take off/ unhitch/ get rid of 1. ausladen, entladen, ablegen 2. demontieren, auseinandernehmen 3. jn von etw freimachen, sich vor etw drücken, abwälzen + +
C 宇宙 + * * yu3zhou4 space-time/ universe/ cosmos/ metagalaxies Weltraum, Weltall, Kosmos + +
C 激素 + * * ji1su4 hormone Hormon + +
C 警告 + * * jing3gao4 warn/ admonish/ caution/ warning warnen, ermahnen,Verwarnung, Verweis + +
C 摩托車 + * * mo2tuo11che1 motorcycle/ motorbike/ motor bicycle Motorrad + +
C 氣壓 + * * qi4ya1 air pressure/ atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + +
C 汽船 + * * qi4chuan2 steamship/ steamboat/ motorboat Dampfer,Dampfschiff, + +
C 諷刺 + * * feng3ci4 satirize/ ridicule/ mock Satire + +
C + * * yan1 smoke/ tobacco/ cigarette/ opium 1. Zigarette, Tabak 2. Rauch, Qualm, Dunst + +
C 煙囪 + * * yan1cong1 smoke-hole/ chimney/ funnel/ stovepipe Kamin, Schornstein + +
C 上升 + * * shang4sheng1 rise/ go up/ ascend/ move upward steigen, ansteigen,aufsteigen + +
C + * * bo1 move sth. with hand; foot; or stick/ turn/ dial/ assign 1. rühren, drehen, bewegen 2. zuteilen, zuweisen + +
C + * * shi3 drive/ sail/ speed/ move or pass quickly 1. fahren 2. schnell fahren, rasen + +
C 愈…愈… + * * yu4 yu4 the more … the more … je ...desto + +
C 上旬 + * * shang4xun2 period of the first ten days of a month die ersten 10 Tage eines Monats + +
C 示威 + * * shi4wei1 demonstrate/ put on a show of strength and prowess demonstrieren + +
C 跳動 + * * tiao4dong4 jump-move/ jump up and down/ beat/ pulsate sich auf und ab bewegen, schlagen, pulsieren + +
C 新型 + * * xin1xing2 new-type/ new model neuer Typ, neue Art, neues Modell + +
C 資本 + * * zi1ben3 money-principal/ capital/ asset Kapital + +
C 工錢 + * * gong1qian pay/ charge for a service/ money paid for odd jobs 1. Lohn 2. Gehalt + +
C 資本家 + * * zi1ben3jia1 money-principal-person/ capitalist Kapitalist + +
C 常識 + * * chang2shi2 common sense/ general knowledge Allgemeinwissen, gesunder Menschenverstand + +
C 調動 + * * diao4dong4 transfer/ move/ redeploy/ mobilize/ arouse/ actuate verlegen, bewegen, + +
C 資本主義 + * * zi1ben3zhu3yi4 money-principal-main-meaning/ capitalism Kapitalismus + +
C 資產階級 + * * zi1chan3jie1ji2 money-asset-rank-level/ capitalist class/ bourgeoisie Bürgertum, Bourgeoisie + +
C 心思 + * * xin1si1 heart-thought/ thought/ idea/ thinking/ mind/ mood Idee, Gedanke, Denken, Stimmung, Gemütsverfassung + +
C 資金 + * * zi1jin1 money-fund/ funds/ money for business use/ capital Fonds, Geldmittel, Investitionskapital + +
C 謙虛 + * * qian1xu1 modest/ self-effacing/ make modest remarks bescheiden + +
C 義務 + * * yi4wu4 righteous-affair/ duty/ obligation/ moral responsibility Pflicht, Verpflichtung,unentgeltlich + +
C 角落 + * * jiao3luo4 corner/ nook/ remote place Ecke, Winkel + +
C 舅舅 + * * jiu4jiu4 mother's brother/ maternal uncle der Bruder der Mutter, Onkel + +
C + * * ding3 very, most, extremely meistens, + +
C 舅母 + * * jiu4mu wife of mother's brother/ maternal uncle's wife die Frau des Bruders der Mutter, Tante + +
C 隨即 + * * sui2ji2 following-moment/ right afterward/ immediately afterward im folgenden Augenblick, sofort danach + +
C 腐朽 + * * fu3xiu3 rotten/ decayed/ moldering/ degenerate/ decadent verfault, morsch + +
C 眼看 + * * yan3kan2 eye-see/ look on helplessly/ in a moment/ very soon im Augenblick, jeden Moment, ratlos (tatenlos) zusehen + +
C 供應 + * * gong1ying4 supply/ provide/ accommodate versorgen, liefern, beliefern, Versorgung + +
C 通常 + * * tong1chang2 common-frequent/ usual/ general/ normal im allgemeinen, gewöhnlich, normalerweise + +
C 下旬 + * * xia4xun2 last 10 days/ from the 21st to the last day of a month die letzten zehn Tage eines Monats + +
C + * * gong1 public/ common/ fair/ public affairs/ official business 1. staatlich, öffentlich, 2. Amtspflicht, Dienst, Amtsgeschäfte 3. gerecht, unparteilich 4. etw bekannt machen, veröffentlichen, 5. männlich 6. metrisch, Maße und Gewichte betreffend + +
C 召集 + * * zhao4ji2 summon-gather/ call together/ convoke/ convene zusammenrufen + +
C 滿腔 + * * mang3qiang1 full bosom (of emotion) voll von etwas sein + +
C 通順 + * * tong1shun4 logical-smooth/ clear and coherent klar und verständlich + +
C 折合 + * * zhe2he2 convert-equal/ convert into/ amount to/ be equivalent to umrechnen, ausmachen, betragen + +
C 話劇 + * * hua4ju4 modern drama/ stage play Theaterstück, modernes Schauspiel + +
C 中旬 + * * zhong1xun2 mid-period/ period of the second ten days of a month die mittlere Dekade eines Monats + +
C 這會兒 + * * zhe4hui4r this-moment/ now/ at present/ at the moment nun, jetzt, in diesem Moment + +
C 懷念 + 怀* * huai2nian4 cherish the memory of/ think of/ miss an jemand denken,sich nach jd sehnen + +
C 潮濕 + 湿* * chao2shi1 wet/ humid/ damp/ moist feucht, naß + +
C + * * yang2 vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean + +
C 形態 + * * xing2tai4 shape-state/ form/ shape/ pattern/ morphology Form, Gestalt, Morphologie + +
C 自治區 + * * zi4zhi4qu1 self-administer-area/ autonomous region autome Region + +
D + * * xian2 hold in mouth 1. etw im Mund halten 2. hegen, etw in sich bewahren 3. Rang, Titel + +
D 行徑 + * * xing2jing4 act/ move Tat, Aktion + +
D 寬敞 + * * kuan1chang spacious/ commodious geräumig + +
D 動亂 + * * dong4luan4 turmoil/ disturbance Unruhe, Aufruhr, Chaos + +
D 月份 + * * yue4fen4 month Monat + +
D 哀悼 + * * ai1dao4 mourn, grieve over sb´s death, lament sb´s death um jmd trauern, Beileid + +
D 總額 + * * zong3'e2 amount Gesamtsumme, Gesamtbetrag + +
D 品行 + * * pin3xing2 morality Benehmen + +
D 不朽 + * * bu4xiu3 immortalize unvergänglich, unsterblich + +
D 此時 + * * ci3shi2 now/ this moment in diesem Augenblick, jetzt + +
D 腫瘤 + * * zhong3liu2 neoplasm/ tumor Geschwulst, Tumor + +
D 現錢 + * * xian4qian2 ready money Bargeld + +
D 遙控 + * * yao2kong4 remote control fernsteuern, Fernsteuerung, Remote Control + +
D 振興 + * * zhen4xing1 vitalize/ develop/ promote zügig vorantreiben + +
D 神仙 + * * shen2xian1 supernatural being/ immortal/ fairy übernatürliches ( oder unsterbliches) Wesen, Unsterbliche + +
D 融洽 + * * rong2qia4 harmonious harmonisch, einträchtig + +
D 溫度計 + * * wen1du4ji4 thermometer Thermometer + +
D 平民 + * * ping2min2 the common people die einfachen Leute, der normale Bürger + +
D 安穩 + * * an1wen3 smooth and steady ruhig und gleichmäßig, ruhig und zurückhaltend + +
D 正月 + * * zheng1yue4 the first month of the lunar year 1. Monat des lunaren Jahres + +
D 眾所周知 + * * zhong4 suo3 zhou1 zhi1 as everyone knows/ it is common knowledge that allgemein bekannt, wie allen bekannt + +
D 平穩 + * * ping2wen3 steady and smooth ruhig und sicher, stabil + +
D 容納 + * * rong2na4 accommodate/ contain/ hold behinhalten, enthalten + +
D 平整 + * * ping2zheng3 neat/ smooth eben,glatt,planieren + +
D 聲勢 + * * sheng1shi4 impetus/ momentum Impetus,Kraft + +
D 悼念 + * * dao4nian4 mourn for um jn trauern, in Trauer gedenken + +
D 姑且 + * * gu1qie3 for the moment vorerst, vorläufig, im Augenblick + +
D 永垂不朽 + * * yong3 chui2 bu4 xiu3 immortal unsterblich, ewigen Ruhm genießen + +
D 從中 + * * cong2zhong1 from among aus, zwischen + +
D 臘月 + * * la4yue4 12th month zwölfter Monat nach dem chinesischen Mondkalender + +
D 感慨 + * * gan3kai3 sigh with emotion tief ergriffen seufzen, gefühlvoll + +
D 得不償失 + * * de2 bu4 chang2 shi1 be not worth the candle/ get more kicks than halfpence der Gewinn kann den Verlust nicht decken + +
D 婆婆 + * * po2po (for woman) mother-in-law Schwiegermutter + +
D 相應 + * * xiang1ying4 homologous/ relevant entsprechend, angemessen, passend, relevant + +
D + * * bi4 money Geld, Währung + +
D + * * cu4 urge/ promote 1.kurz,eilig, dringend, 2.fördern, antreiben, + +
D 毀壞 + * * hui3huai4 destroy/ demolish beschädigen, zerstören + +
D 閉幕式 + * * bi4mu4shi4 closing ceremony Schlußzeremonie, Abschlußfeier + +
D 鑽石 + * * zuan4shi2 diamond Diamant + +
D + * * jun1 monarch/ gentleman 1. Monarch, Herrscher, Gebieter, Fürst 2. Herr + +
D 滔滔不絕 + * * tao1tao1 bu4 jue2 dash along/ give it mouth unaufhörlich reden (Redensart…) + +
D 問世 + * * wen4shi4 spacious/ commodious erscheinen, herausgegeben werden + +
D 幽默 + * * you1mo4 humorous Humor, humoristisch, humorvoll + +
D 嘴巴 + * * zui3ba mouth Mund + +
D + * * cai2 wealth/ money Vermögen, Reichtum + +
D 金額 + * * jin1'e2 money/ sum Geld, Geldbetrag, Geldwert, Wert + +
D + * * zan3 assemble/ save money aufsparen, anhäufen, ansammeln, zurücklegen + +
D + * * ling3 mountain 1. Bergkette, Gebirge 2.Berg + +
D 金錢 + * * jin1qian2 money Geld, Währung + +
D 暫且 + * * zan4qie3 for the moment für jetzt, für den Augenblick + +
D 檸檬 + * * ning2meng2 lemon Zitrone + +
D 正氣 + * * zheng4qi4 healthy atmosphere gesunde Atmosphäre,Tendenz + +
D 霸權 + * * ba4quan2 hegemony Hegemonie + +
D 清早 + * * qing1zao3 morning frühmorgens, früh am Morgen + +
D 清真寺 + * * qing1zhen1si4 mosque Moschee + +
D 匪徒 + * * fei3tu2 mobster Gangster, Bandit + +
D 情感 + * * qing2gan3 mood/ feeling Gefühl, Gemütsbewegung + +
D 數額 + * * shu4'e2 amount Summe, Betrag + +
D 和睦 + * * he2mu4 concord/ harmony Harmonie, Eintracht + +
D 無非 + * * wu2fei1 nothing but/ no more than nichts anderes als, nur, bloß + +
D 和尚 + * * he2shang monk buddhistischer Mönch + +
D 推銷 + * * tui1xiao1 promote sales den Absatz steigern, auf den Markt werfen + +
D 和諧 + * * he2xie2 concordant/ harmonious Harmonie, harmonisch + +
D 剪彩 + * * jian3 cai3 cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony bei einer Einweihung das Band durchschneiden + +
D 造型 + * * zao4xing2 model/ mold 1.formen, modellieren 2.Muster, Modell, Gestalt + +
D + * * xiao1 disappear/ remove 1. verschwinden, sich verlieren 2. zerstreuen, vertreiben, entfernen 3. seine Zeit auf geruhsame Weise verbringen + +
D 變形 + * * bian4 xing2 metamorphose aus der Form geraten, deformiert werden + +
D 隆重 + * * long2zhong4 ceremonious großartig, feierlich + +
D 晉升 + * * jin4sheng1 promote befördern, voranbringen, ein Projekt fördern + +
D + * * nuo2 move/ shift verrücken, verlegen, rücken, verschieben + +
D 座右銘 + * * zuo4you4ming2 motto Motto, Maxime,Wahlspruch + +
D 標本 + * * biao1ben3 specimen/ demo Präperat, Musterstück + +
D 大多 + * * da4duo1 mostly meistens, größtenteils + +
D 山嶺 + * * shan1ling3 mountain Bergkuppen + +
D 山頭 + * * shan1tou2 hilltop/ mountaintop Bergspitze, + +
D 山腰 + * * shan1yao1 mountainside halbe Höhe eines Berges + +
D 狠毒 + * * hen3du2 venomous grausam, boshaft, tückisch + +
D 排除 + * * pai2chu2 eliminate/ remove/ debar entfernen,fortschaffen,sich js/etw. entledigen + +
D 蛾子 + * * e2zi moth Motte + +
D 機車 + * * ji1che1 engine/ motorcycle Lokomotive,Maschine + +
D + * * xun1 fume/ smoke 1. (Rauch oder Geruch) anwehen, verräuchern 2. (Fisch etc) räuchern + +
D 大氣壓 + * * da4qi4ya1 atmospheric pressure Luftdruck + +
D 名牌 + * * ming2pai2 famous brand berühmte Marke + +
D 外婆 + * * wai4po2 (mother's mother) grandmother Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) + +
D 名人 + * * ming2ren2 a famous man/ a man of mark berühmte Person, Prominenter + +
D 可歌可泣 + * * ke3 ge1 ke3 qi4 move one to praises and tears zum Singen verleiten und zu Tränen rühren, mitreißend + +
D 而後 + * * er2hou4 moreover dann + +
D 而已 + * * er2yi3 nothing more das ist alles + +
D 電動機 + * * dian4dong4ji1 electromotor Elektromotor + +
D 龐大 + * * pang2da4 enormous gewaltig, ungeheuer, kolossal, sehr viel + +
D 大於 + * * da4yu2 more … than größer als, mehr als + +
D 風趣 + * * feng1qu4 humor Humor, Witz + +
D 模式 + * * mo2shi4 mode/ style Modell, Muster + +
D 歹徒 + * * dai3tu2 gangster/ mobster Übeltäter + +
D 魔鬼 + * * mo2gui3 devil/ demon Teufel, Dämon, Satan + +
D 論證 + * * lun4zheng4 demonstrate beweisen, begründen, argumentieren, Beweisführung, Argumentation + +
D 極力 + * * ji2li4 do one's utmost sich bis zum äußersten anstrengen + +
D 極限 + * * ji2xian4 limit/ utmost Grenze, Grenzwert, Limit + +
D 煙霧 + * * yan1wu4 smoke Rauchschwaden, Nebel, Dampf + +
D 淹沒 + * * yan1mo4 mourn for überschwemmen, überfluten + +
D + * * yu4 more/ recover 1. genesen, geheilt 2. besser + +
D 示範 + * * shi4fan4 lead the way/ demonstrate ein Beispiel geben, demonstrieren + +
D + * * diao1 hold in mouth zwischen den Lippen festhalten,im Schnabel halten + +
D 至多 + * * zhi4duo1 by most höchstens, maximal + +
D 千軍萬馬 + * * qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3 a large number of mounted and foot soldiers ein großes Heer von Reitern und Fußsoldaten + +
D + * * qian1 move 1. seinen Wohnsitz wechseln, verlegen, versetzen,umziehen 2. sich wandeln, sich verändern + +
D 塑造 + * * su4zao4 shape/ mold/ figure 1. formen, bildhauern, skulptieren, modellieren 2. gestalten + +
D 常用 + * * chang2yong4 in common use häufig gebraucht + +
D 馬達 + * * ma3da2 motor Motor + +
D 謙遜 + * * qian1xun4 modest bescheiden und höflich + +
D 議案 + * * yi4'an4 proposal/ motion Antrag, Motion + +
D 沼澤 + * * zhao3ze2 swamp/ morass Sumpf, Moor, Morast + +
D 照會 + * * zhao4hui4 memo/ note 1. eine Note überreichen 2. Note + +
D 季度 + * * ji4du4 three months Quartal + +
D 復辟 + * * fu4bi4 restoration of a dethroned monarch Restauration,restaurieren + +
D 口腔 + * * kou3qiang1 mouth/ oral cavity Mundhöhle + +
D 滿月 + * * man3 yue4 a baby's completion of its first month Vollmond, die Erfüllung des ersten Lebensmonats eines Säuglings + +
D 記性 + * * ji4xing memory Gedächtnis + +
D 叫喊 + * * jiao4han3 cry/ clamor laut rufen, schreien, heulen + +
D 記憶力 + * * ji4yi4li4 memory/ retentivity Erinnerungsvermögen, Gedächtniskraft + +
D 呻吟 + * * shen1yin2 moan stöhnen, ächzen, seufzen, Seufzer + +
D 叫嚷 + * * jiao4rang3 break out/ clamor schreien, laut rufen, lärmen + +
D 通用 + * * tong1yong4 in common use im allgemeinen Gebrauch,üblich, allgemein geltend, austauschbar + +
D + * * xing2 type/ model (Guß-) Form, Typ, Art + +
D 片刻 + * * pian4ke4 a while/ a moment Augenblick + +
D 型號 + * * xing2hao4 model/ type Modell, Typ + +
D 舉世聞名 + * * ju3shi4 wen2ming2 of world known/ world-famous weltberühmt, + +
D 富餘 + * * fu4yu have more than needed im Überfluß haben + +

* 1 zhe4 this/ these/ (commonly pr. zhei4 before a classifier; esp. in Beijing)
* 1 na4 that/ those/ then (in that case)/ commonly pr. nei4 before a classifier; esp. in Beijing
* 1 qian2 coin/ money/ CL:筆|笔[bi3]
电影* 1 dian4 ying3 movie/ film/ CL:部[bu4];片[pian4];幕[mu4];場|场[chang3]
上午* 1 shang4 wu3 morning/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 1 jiao4 to shout/ to call/ to order/ to ask/ to be called/ by (indicates agent in the passive mood)
现在* 1 xian4 zai4 now/ at present/ at the moment/ modern/ current/ nowadays
* 1 hui4 can/ be possible/ be able to/ will/ be likely to/ be sure to/ to assemble/ to meet/ to gather/ to see/ union/ group/ association/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is hui3)
妈妈* 1 ma1 ma5 mama/ mommy/ mother/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 1 yue4 moon/ month/ CL:個|个[ge4];輪|轮[lun2]
* 1 ta1 he or him/ (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/ (used before sb's name for emphasis)/ (used as a meaningless mock object)/ other/ another
* 1 qu4 to go/ to go to (a place)/ to cause to go or send (sb)/ to remove/ to get rid of/ (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth/ to be apart from in space or time/ (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)/ (us
多少* 1 duo1 shao3 number/ amount/ somewhat
时候* 1 shi2 hou5 time/ length of time/ moment/ period
高兴* 1 gao1 xing4 happy/ glad/ willing (to do sth)/ in a cheerful mood
* 1 le5 (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/ (completed action marker)
* 1 he2 and/ together with/ with/ sum/ union/ peace/ harmony/ surname He/ Japanese related/ Taiwan pr. han4
明天* 1 ming2 tian1 tomorrow
* 1 ri4 sun/ day/ date; day of the month/ abbr. for 日本|日本 Japan
手机* 2 shou3 ji1 cell phone/ cellular phone/ mobile phone/ CL:部[bu4]
* 2 ba5 (modal particle indicating polite suggestion)/ ...right?/ ...OK?
* 2 zou3 to walk/ to go/ to run/ to move (of vehicle)/ to visit/ to leave/ to go away/ to die (euph.)/ from/ through/ away (in compound verbs; such as 撤走)/ to change (shape; form; meaning)
* 2 zui4 most/ the most/ -est
* 2 yuan2 circle/ round/ circular/ spherical/ (of the moon) full/ unit of Chinese currency (Yuan)/ tactful/ to justify
* 2 yuan3 far/ distant/ remote
* 2 kuai4 rapid/ quick/ speed/ rate/ soon/ almost/ to make haste/ clever/ sharp (of knives or wits)/ forthright/ plain-spoken/ gratified/ pleased/ pleasant
运动* 2 yun4 dong4 movement/ campaign/ CL: 場|场[chang3]/ sports
* 2 zai4 again/ once more/ re-/ second/ another/ then (after sth; and not until then)
* 2 hai2 still/ still in progress/ still more/ yet/ even more/ in addition/ fairly/ passably (good)/ as early as/ even/ also/ else
早上* 2 zao3 shang5 early morning/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ Good morning!
* 2 hao4 day of a month/ (suffix used after) name of a ship/ (ordinal) number
* 2 jiu4 at once/ right away/ only/ just (emphasis)/ as early as/ already/ as soon as/ then/ in that case/ as many as/ even if/ to approach/ to move towards/ to undertake/ to engage in/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to accomplish/ to take advantage of/ to go with (of f
* 2 yin1 overcast (weather)/ cloudy/ shady/ Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/ negative (electric.)/ feminine/ moon/ implicit/ hidden/ genitalia
阿姨* 3 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 3 a5 modal particle ending sentence; showing affirmation; approval; or consent
举行* 3 ju3 xing2 to hold (a meeting; ceremony etc)
方便* 3 fang1 bian4 convenient/ to help out/ to make things easy for people/ convenience/ suitable/ having money to spare/ (euphemism) to go to the toilet
* 3 de5 -ly/ structural particle: used before a verb or adjective; linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
奶奶* 3 nai3 nai5 (informal) father's mother/ paternal grandmother/ CL:位[wei4]
* 3 hua1 to spend (money; time)/ flower
* 3 fen1 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
* 3 ban1 to move/ to shift/ to remove/ to transport/ to apply indiscriminately/ to copy mechanically
有名* 3 you3 ming2 famous/ well-known
* 3 jiao3 angle/ corner/ horn/ horn-shaped/ unit of money equal to 0.1 yuan/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 3 lou2 house with more than 1 story/ storied building/ floor/ CL:層|层[ceng2];座[zuo4];棟|栋[dong4]
* 3 guan1 mountain pass/ to close/ to shut/ to turn off/ to concern/ to involve
* 3 ke4 quarter (hour)/ moment/ to carve/ to engrave/ to cut/ oppressive/ classifier for short time intervals
词语* 3 ci2 yu3 word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/ term (e.g. technical term)/ expression
爬山* 3 pa2 shan1 to climb a mountain/ to mountaineer/ hiking/ mountaineering
* 3 kou3 mouth/ classifier for things with mouths (people; domestic animals; cannons; wells etc)
* 3 yue4 to exceed/ to climb over/ to surpass/ the more... the more
* 3 bei4 the back of a body or object/ to turn one's back/ to hide something from/ to learn by heart/ to recite from memory
月亮* 3 yue4 liang5 moon
几乎* 3 ji1 hu1 almost/ nearly/ practically
一般* 3 yi1 ban1 same/ ordinary/ common/ general/ generally/ in general
* 3 ji2 extremely/ pole (geography; physics)/ utmost/ top
感冒* 3 gan3 mao4 to catch cold/ (common) cold/ CL:場|场[chang2];次[ci4]
刚才* 3 gang1 cai2 just now/ a moment ago
而且* 3 er2 qie3 (not only ...) but also/ moreover/ in addition/ furthermore
表演* 3 biao3 yan3 play/ show/ performance/ exhibition/ to perform/ to act/ to demonstrate/ CL:場|场[chang3]
普通话* 3 pu3 tong1 hua4 Mandarin (common language)/ Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ ordinary speech
并且* 4 bing4 qie3 and/ besides/ moreover/ furthermore/ in addition
其中* 4 qi2 zhong1 among/ in/ included among these
猴子* 4 hou2 zi5 monkey/ CL:隻|只[zhi1]
母亲* 4 mu3 qin1 mother/ also pr. with light tone [mu3 qin5]/ CL:個|个[ge4]
重新* 4 chong2 xin1 again/ once more/ re-
抽烟* 4 chou1 yan1 to smoke (a cigarette; tobacco)
气候* 4 qi4 hou4 climate/ atmosphere/ situation/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
* 4 di3 background/ bottom/ base/ the end of a period of time/ towards the end of (last month)
不过* 4 bu4 guo4 only/ merely/ no more than/ but/ however/ anyway (to get back to a previous topic)
共同* 4 gong4 tong2 common/ joint/ jointly/ together/ collaborative
幽默* 4 you1 mo4 humor/ humorous
奖金* 4 jiang3 jin1 premium/ award money/ a bonus
数量* 4 shu4 liang4 amount/ quantity/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 jiao1 to hand over/ to deliver/ to pay (money)/ to turn over/ to make friends/ to intersect (lines)
数字* 4 shu4 zi4 numeral/ digit/ number/ figure/ amount/ digital (electronics etc)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
另外* 4 ling4 wai4 additional/ in addition/ besides/ separate/ other/ moreover/ furthermore
证明* 4 zheng4 ming2 proof/ certificate/ identification/ testimonial/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ to prove/ to testify/ to confirm the truth of
现代* 4 xian4 dai4 modern times/ modern age/ modern era
顺利* 4 shun4 li4 smoothly/ without a hitch
* 4 zui3 mouth/ beak/ spout (of teapot etc)/ CL:張|张[zhang1];個|个[ge4]
动作* 4 dong4 zuo4 movement/ motion/ action/ CL:個|个[ge4]
空气* 4 kong1 qi4 air/ atmosphere
活动* 4 huo2 dong4 to exercise/ to move about/ to operate/ activity/ loose/ shaky/ active/ movable/ maneuver/ to use connections/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4]
* 4 zuo4 seat/ base/ stand/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ classifier for buildings; mountains and similar immovable objects
差不多* 4 cha4 bu5 duo1 almost/ nearly/ more or less
* 4 tai2 to lift/ to raise/ (of two or more persons) to carry
湿润* 4 shi1 run4 moist
感动* 4 gan3 dong4 to move (sb)/ to touch (sb emotionally)/ moving
感情* 4 gan3 qing2 feeling/ emotion/ sensation/ likes and dislikes/ deep affection for sb or sth/ relationship (i.e. love affair)/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
心情* 4 xin1 qing2 mood/ frame of mind/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 han4 perspiration/ sweat/ CL:滴[di1];頭|头[tou2];身[shen1]/ Khan (Persian or Mongol king or emperor)/ Khan (name)/ to be speechless (out of helplessness; embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection)
著名* 4 zhu4 ming2 famous/ noted/ well-known/ celebrated
普遍* 4 pu3 bian4 universal/ general/ widespread/ common
* 5 geng4 even more/ furthermore
更加* 5 geng4 jia1 more (than sth else)/ even more
道德* 5 dao4 de2 virtue/ morality/ ethics/ moral/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
模仿* 5 mo2 fang3 to imitate/ to copy/ to emulate/ to mimic/ model
修改* 5 xiu1 gai3 to amend/ to alter/ to modify
巨大* 5 ju4 da4 huge/ immense/ very large/ tremendous/ gigantic/ enormous
摩托车* 5 mo2 tuo1 che1 motorbike/ motorcycle/ CL:輛|辆[liang4];部[bu4]
方式* 5 fang1 shi4 way (of life)/ pattern/ style/ mode/ manner/ CL:個|个[ge4]
虚心* 5 xu1 xin1 modest
状态* 5 zhuang4 tai4 state of affairs/ state/ mode/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
起来* 5 qi3 lai2 beginning or continuing an action/ upward movement/ stand up
安装* 5 an1 zhuang1 install/ erect/ fix/ mount/ installation
等于* 5 deng3 yu2 to equal/ to be tantamount to
气氛* 5 qi4 fen1 atmosphere/ mood
* 5 chou3 clown/ surname Chou/ 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m.; 12th solar month (6th January to 3rd February); year of the Ox
均匀* 5 jun1 yun2 even/ well-distributed/ homogeneous
开幕式* 5 kai1 mu4 shi4 opening ceremony
* 5 bai3 to arrange/ to exhibit/ to move to and fro/ a pendulum
鼠标* 5 shu3 biao1 mouse (computing)
* 5 chu2 to get rid of/ to remove/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to wipe out/ to divide/ except/ not including
谦虚* 5 qian1 xu1 modest/ self-effacing/ to make modest remarks
零钱* 5 ling2 qian2 change (of money)/ small change/ pocket money
怀念* 5 huai2 nian4 to cherish the memory of/ to think of/ reminisce
商品* 5 shang1 pin3 good/ commodity/ merchandise/ CL:個|个[ge4]
数码* 5 shu4 ma3 number/ numerals/ figures/ digital/ amount/ numerical code
* 5 jiao1 to pour liquid/ to irrigate (using waterwheel)/ to water/ to cast (molten metal)/ to mold
证据* 5 zheng4 ju4 evidence/ proof/ testimony
步骤* 5 bu4 zhou4 step/ move/ measure
挣钱* 5 zheng4 qian2 to make money
显示* 5 xian3 shi4 to show/ to illustrate/ to display/ to demonstrate
鼓舞* 5 gu3 wu3 heartening (news)/ boost (morale)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 zhi1 to support/ to sustain/ to erect/ to raise/ branch/ division/ to draw money/ surname Zhi/ classifier for rods such as pens and guns; for army divisions and for songs or compositions/ watt; classifier for power of light bulbs
* 5 ding3 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg)
退* 5 tui4 retreat/ to decline/ to move back/ to withdraw
语气* 5 yu3 qi4 tone/ manner of speaking/ mood/ CL:個|个[ge4]
教训* 5 jiao4 xun5 a lesson/ a moral/ to chide sb/ to lecture sb
宇宙* 5 yu3 zhou4 universe/ cosmos
摄影* 5 she4 ying3 to take a photograph/ photography/ to shoot (a movie)
丝毫* 5 si1 hao2 the slightest amount or degree/ a bit
* 5 zhi2 straight/ to straighten/ fair and reasonable/ frank/ straightforward/ (indicates continuing motion or action)/ vertical/ vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
讽刺* 5 feng3 ci4 to satirize/ to mock/ irony/ satire/ sarcasm
此外* 5 ci3 wai4 besides/ in addition/ moreover/ furthermore
婚礼* 5 hun1 li3 wedding ceremony/ wedding
婚姻* 5 hun1 yin1 matrimony/ wedding/ marriage/ CL:次[ci4]
* 5 jie2 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4]
寺庙* 5 si4 miao4 temple/ monastery/ shrine
光滑* 5 guang1 hua5 glossy/ sleek/ smooth
促进* 5 cu4 jin4 to promote (an idea or cause)/ to advance/ boost
促使* 5 cu4 shi3 to induce/ to promote/ to urge/ to impel/ to bring about/ to provoke/ to drive (sb to do sth)/ to catalyze/ to actuate/ to contribute to (some development)
* 5 sheng1 to raise/ to hoist/ to promote/ metric liter (also written 公升)/ measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth dou 斗
戒烟* 5 jie4 yan1 to give up smoking
打工* 5 da3 gong1 to work (do manual labor for a living)/ a part time job/ to moonlight
* 5 jin3 tight/ strict/ close at hand/ near/ urgent/ tense/ hard up/ short of money/ to tighten
常识* 5 chang2 shi2 common sense/ general knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2]
近代* 5 jin4 dai4 modern times
协调* 5 xie2 tiao2 to coordinate/ to harmonize/ negotiation
中旬* 5 zhong1 xun2 middle third of a month
大方* 5 da4 fang1 expert/ scholar/ mother earth/ a type of green tea
感激* 5 gan3 ji1 to express thanks/ grateful/ moved to gratitude
* 5 pian4 thin piece/ flake/ a slice/ film/ TV play/ to slice/ to carve thin/ partial/ incomplete/ one-sided/ classifier for slices; tablets; tract of land; area of water/ classifier for CDs; movies; DVDs etc/ used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario; scen
魅力* 5 mei4 li4 charm/ fascination/ glamor/ charisma
未来* 5 wei4 lai2 future/ tomorrow/ approaching/ coming/ pending/ CL:個|个[ge4]
一致* 5 yi1 zhi4 unanimous/ identical (views or opinions)
移动* 5 yi2 dong4 to move/ movement/ migration/ mobile/ portable
时刻* 5 shi2 ke4 moment/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ constantly/ always
* 5 wen2 to hear/ news/ well-known/ famous/ reputation/ fame/ to smell/ to sniff at/ surname Wen
姥姥* 5 lao3 lao5 (informal) mother's mother/ maternal grandmother
平常* 5 ping2 chang2 ordinary/ common/ usually/ ordinarily
单调* 5 dan1 diao4 monotonous
纪念* 5 ji4 nian4 to commemorate/ to remember/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 rao4 to wind/ to coil (thread)/ to rotate around/ to spiral/ to move around/ to go round (an obstacle)/ to by-pass/ to make a detour/ to confuse/ to perplex
老鼠* 5 lao3 shu3 rat/ mouse/ CL:隻|只[zhi1]
* 5 tao4 cover/ sheath/ to encase/ a case/ to overlap/ to interleave/ bend (of a river or mountain range; in place names)/ harness/ classifier for sets; collections/ tau (Greek letter Ττ)
* 5 cheng2 to ride/ to mount/ to make use of/ to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of/ to multiply (mathematics)/ Buddhist sect or creed
* 5 zhai1 to take/ to borrow/ to pick (flowers; fruit etc)/ to pluck/ to select/ to remove/ to take off (glasses; hat etc)
发挥* 5 fa1 hui1 to display/ to exhibit/ to bring out implicit or innate qualities/ to express (a thought or moral)/ to develop (an idea)/ to elaborate (on a theme)
* 5 wen3 kiss/ mouth
记忆* 5 ji4 yi4 memories/ remember/ memory/ CL:個|个[ge4]
行动* 5 xing2 dong4 operation/ action/ to move/ mobile/ CL:個|个[ge4]
提倡* 5 ti2 chang4 to promote/ to advocate
罚款* 5 fa2 kuan3 (impose a) fine/ penalty/ fine (monetary)
民主* 5 min2 zhu3 democracy
* 5 jia3 first of the ten heavenly stems 十天干|十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]/ (used for an unspecified person or thing)/ first (in a list; as a party to a contract etc)/ armor plating/ shell or carapace/ (of the fingers or toes) nail/ bladed leather or metal armor (old)/ ran
抓紧* 5 zhua1 jin3 to grasp firmly/ to pay special attention to/ to rush in/ to make the most of
舅舅* 5 jiu4 jiu5 mother's brother/ maternal uncle (informal)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
名牌* 5 ming2 pai2 famous brand
* 5 yin2 silver/ silver-colored/ relating to money or currency
* 5 dao4 to move backwards/ converse
举动* 6 ju3 dong4 act/ action/ activity/ move/ movement
摩擦* 6 mo2 ca1 friction/ rubbing/ chafing/ fig. disharmony/ conflict/ same as 磨擦
举世闻名* 6 ju3 shi4 wen2 ming2 (saying) world famous
模范* 6 mo2 fan4 model/ fine example
日新月异* 6 ri4 xin1 yue4 yi4 daily renewal; monthly change (idiom)/ every day sees new developments/ rapid progress
日益* 6 ri4 yi4 day by day/ more and more/ increasingly/ more and more with each passing day
调和* 6 tiao2 he2 harmonious/ harmony
监视* 6 jian1 shi4 to monitor/ to oversee/ to keep a close watch over/ to spy on
举足轻重* 6 ju3 zu2 qing1 zhong4 a foot's move sways the balance (idiom)/ to hold the balance of power/ to play the decisive role
齐心协力* 6 qi2 xin1 xie2 li4 to work with a common purpose (idiom)/ to make concerted efforts/ to pull together/ to work as one
剧本* 6 ju4 ben3 script for play; opera; movie etc/ screenplay
模式* 6 mo2 shi4 mode/ method
调节* 6 tiao2 jie2 to adjust/ to regulate/ to harmonize/ to reconcile (accountancy etc)
兼职* 6 jian1 zhi2 to hold concurrent posts/ part-time/ concurrent job/ moonlighting
容纳* 6 rong2 na4 to hold/ to contain/ to accommodate/ to tolerate (different opinions)
* 6 zhe2 to break/ to snap/ to suffer the loss of/ to turn/ to bend/ to admire/ to amount to/ to discoun/ to fold/ turning stroke (in Chinese character)/ booklet
红包* 6 hong2 bao1 lit. money wrapped in red as a gift/ a bonus payment/ a kickback/ a bribe
冲动* 6 chong1 dong4 impetus/ impulse/ emotional impulse/ impulsive
模型* 6 mo2 xing2 model/ mould/ matrix/ pattern
融洽* 6 rong2 qia4 harmonious/ friendly relations/ on good terms with one another
剪彩* 6 jian3 cai3 to cut the ribbon (at a launching or opening ceremony)
莫名其妙* 6 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 unfathomable mystery (idiom)/ subtle and ineffable/ unable to make head or tail of it/ boring (e.g. movie)
伯母* 6 bo2 mu3 wife of father's elder brother/ aunt/ (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
起伏* 6 qi3 fu2 to move up and down/ to undulate/ ups and downs
挑拨* 6 tiao3 bo1 to incite disharmony/ to instigate
追悼* 6 zhui1 dao4 mourning/ memorial (service etc)
母语* 6 mu3 yu3 native language/ mother language
停泊* 6 ting2 bo2 anchorage/ mooring (of a ship)
珍稀* 6 zhen1 xi1 rare/ precious and uncommon
首要* 6 shou3 yao4 the most important/ of chief importance
重阳节* 6 Chong2 yang2 jie2 Double Ninth or Yang Festival/ 9th day of 9th lunar month
若干* 6 ruo4 gan1 a certain number or amount/ how many?/ how much?
悬念* 6 xuan2 nian4 suspense in a movie; play etc/ concern for sb's welfare
通俗* 6 tong1 su2 common/ everyday/ average
通用* 6 tong1 yong4 common (use)/ interchangeable
气势* 6 qi4 shi4 momentum/ manner/ energy/ look of great force or imposing manner/ powerful
气象* 6 qi4 xiang4 meteorological feature/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ meteorology/ atmosphere or scene
气压* 6 qi4 ya1 atmospheric pressure/ barometric pressure
同志* 6 tong2 zhi4 comrade/ homosexual (slang)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
霸道* 6 ba4 dao4 the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent
将近* 6 jiang1 jin4 almost/ nearly/ close to
山脉* 6 shan1 mai4 mountain range/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
凌晨* 6 ling2 chen2 early in the morning
正月* 6 zheng1 yue4 first month of the lunar year
迁就* 6 qian1 jiu4 to yield/ to adapt to/ to accommodate to (sth)
迁徙* 6 qian1 xi3 to migrate/ to move
谦逊* 6 qian1 xun4 humble/ humility/ modesty
数额* 6 shu4 e2 amount/ sum of money/ fixed number
典礼* 6 dian3 li3 celebration/ ceremony
突破* 6 tu1 po4 to break through/ to make a breakthrough/ to surmount or break the back of (a task etc)/ (of ball sports) to break through a defense
典型* 6 dian3 xing2 model/ typical case/ archetype/ typical/ representative
姑且* 6 gu1 qie3 temporarily/ the time being/ for the moment/ provisional/ tentatively
数目* 6 shu4 mu4 amount/ number
压岁钱* 6 ya1 sui4 qian2 money given to children as new year present
储蓄* 6 chu3 xu4 to deposit money/ to save/ savings
自主* 6 zi4 zhu3 to act for oneself/ autonomous
压抑* 6 ya1 yi4 to constrain or repress emotions/ oppressive/ stifling/ depressing/ repression
不止* 6 bu4 zhi3 incessantly/ without end/ more than/ not limited to
正气* 6 zheng4 qi4 healthy environment/ healthy atmosphere/ righteousness/ vital energy (in Chinese medicine)
缓和* 6 huan3 he2 to ease (tension)/ to alleviate/ to moderate/ to allay/ to make more mild
* 6 diao1 to hold in the mouth
榜样* 6 bang3 yang4 example/ model/ CL:個|个[ge4]
流氓* 6 liu2 mang2 rogue/ hoodlum/ gangster/ immoral behavior
纵横* 6 zong4 heng2 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC)
风暴* 6 feng1 bao4 storm/ violent commotion/ fig. crisis (e.g. revolution; uprising; financial crisis etc)
隆重* 6 long2 zhong4 grand/ prosperous/ ceremonious/ solemn
垄断* 6 long3 duan4 enjoy market dominance/ monopolize
风气* 6 feng1 qi4 general mood/ atmosphere/ common practice
风趣* 6 feng1 qu4 humor/ wit/ humorous/ witty
挥霍* 6 hui1 huo4 to squander money/ extravagant/ prodigal/ free and easy/ agile
* 6 yu4 heal/ the more...the more/ to recover/ better
* 6 yu4 reconciled/ smooth
钻石* 6 zuan4 shi2 diamond/ CL:顆|颗[ke1]
悔恨* 6 hui3 hen4 remorse/ repentance
* 6 nuo2 to shift/ to move
眼神* 6 yan3 shen2 expression or emotion showing in one's eyes/ meaningful glance/ wink/ eyesight (topolect)
动荡* 6 dong4 dang4 unrest (social or political)/ turmoil/ upheaval/ commotion
动机* 6 dong4 ji1 motor/ locomotive/ motive/ motivation/ intention
动力* 6 dong4 li4 power/ motion/ propulsion/ force
论证* 6 lun4 zheng4 to prove a point/ proof/ to expound on/ demonstrate or prove (through argument)
思绪* 6 si1 xu4 train of thought/ emotional state/ mood/ feeling
相应* 6 xiang1 ying4 to correspond/ answering (one another)/ to agree (among the part)/ corresponding/ relevant/ appropriate/ (modify) accordingly
清晨* 6 qing1 chen2 early morning
呻吟* 6 shen1 yin2 to moan/ to groan
动态* 6 dong4 tai4 development/ trend/ dynamic state/ movement/ moving
动员* 6 dong4 yuan2 mobilize/ arouse/ CL:次[ci4];個|个[ge4]
嘈杂* 6 cao2 za2 noisy/ clamorous
排斥* 6 pai2 chi4 to reject/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to remove/ to repel
* 6 dou1 pocket/ bag/ to wrap up or hold in a bag/ to move in a circle/ to canvas or solicit/ to take responsibility for/ to disclose in detail/ combat armor (old)
排除* 6 pai2 chu2 to eliminate/ to get rid of/ to remove
竭尽全力* 6 jie2 jin4 quan2 li4 to spare no effort (idiom)/ to do one's utmost
神仙* 6 shen2 xian1 Daoist immortal/ supernatural entity/ (in modern fiction) fairy; elf; leprechaun etc/ fig. lighthearted person/ used in advertising: Live like an immortal! 活神仙似
俗话* 6 su2 hua4 common saying/ proverb
渗透* 6 shen4 tou4 to permeate/ to infiltrate/ to pervade/ osmosis
层出不穷* 6 ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2 more and more emerge/ innumerable succession/ breeding like flies (idiom)
塑造* 6 su4 zao4 to model/ to mould/ plastic (arts)/ flexible/ to portray (in sculpture or in words)
遥控* 6 yao2 kong4 remote control
货币* 6 huo4 bi4 currency/ monetary/ money
谣言* 6 yao2 yan2 rumor
元宵节* 6 Yuan2 xiao1 jie2 Lantern festival; the final event of the Spring festival 春節|春节; on 15th of first month of the lunar calendar
解除* 6 jie3 chu2 to remove/ to sack/ to get rid of/ to relieve (sb of their duties)/ to free/ to lift (an embargo)/ to rescind (an agreement)
消除* 6 xiao1 chu2 to eliminate/ to remove
遥远* 6 yao2 yuan3 distant/ remote
* 6 ma5 (a modal particle)
庞大* 6 pang2 da4 huge/ enormous/ tremendous
座右铭* 6 zuo4 you4 ming2 motto/ maxim
* 6 cha4 fork in road/ bifurcation/ branch in road; river; mountain range etc/ to branch off/ to turn off/ to diverge/ to stray (from the path)/ to change the subject/ to interrupt/ to stagger (times)
端午节* 6 duan1 wu3 jie2 The Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
机动* 6 ji1 dong4 locomotive/ motorized/ power-driven/ adaptable/ flexible (use; treatment; timing etc)
声势* 6 sheng1 shi4 momentum
贝壳* 6 bei4 ke2 shell/ conch/ cowry/ mother of pearl/ hard outer skin/ alternative reading bei4 qiao4; mostly written
背诵* 6 bei4 song4 recite/ repeat from memory
备忘录* 6 bei4 wang4 lu4 memorandum/ aide-memoire/ memorandum book
激励* 6 ji1 li4 to encourage/ to urge/ motivation/ incentive
奔驰* 6 ben1 chi2 to run quickly/ to travel quickly/ to move fast/ Mercedes-Benz; German car make
运行* 6 yun4 xing2 be in motion/ to move/ to run
激情* 6 ji1 qing2 passion/ fervor/ enthusiasm/ strong emotion
况且* 6 kuang4 qie3 moreover/ besides/ in addition/ furthermore
一帆风顺* 6 yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4 single sail; gentle wind (idiom)/ plain sailing/ to go smoothly
对应* 6 dui4 ying4 to correspond/ a correspondence/ corresponding/ homologous/ matching with sth/ counterpart
一举两得* 6 yi1 ju3 liang3 de2 one move; two gains (idiom)/ two birds with one stone
畅通* 6 chang4 tong1 unimpeded/ free-flowing/ straight path/ unclogged/ move without obstruction
喇叭* 6 la3 ba5 horn (automobile; alarm siren; musical etc) which produces a sound/ loudspeaker/ brass wind instrument/ trumpet/ suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]
肿瘤* 6 zhong3 liu2 tumor
大臣* 6 da4 chen2 minister (of a monarchy)
偏僻* 6 pian1 pi4 remote/ desolate/ far from the city
钞票* 6 chao1 piao4 paper money/ a bill (e.g. 100 yuan)/ CL:張|张[zhang1];扎[za1]
晋升* 6 jin4 sheng1 to promote to a higher position
泄气* 6 xie4 qi4 discouraged/ dejected/ demoralized/ despairing/ to want to give up/ to deflate (air from a tyre)
感慨* 6 gan3 kai3 lament/ with a tinge of emotion or regret
片刻* 6 pian4 ke4 short period of time/ a moment
潮湿* 6 chao2 shi1 damp/ moist
大体* 6 da4 ti3 in general/ more or less/ in rough terms/ basically/ on the whole
嘲笑* 6 chao2 xiao4 jeer/ mockery/ scoff/ sneer/ make fun of/ laugh at (derogatory)
堕落* 6 duo4 luo4 to morally degenerate/ to become depraved/ a fall from grace/ a fall into sin or depravity
大致* 6 da4 zhi4 more or less/ roughly/ approximately
探索* 6 tan4 suo3 to explore/ to probe/ commonly used in names of publications or documentaries
拼命* 6 pin1 ming4 to do one's utmost/ with all one's might/ at all costs/ (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
精华* 6 jing1 hua2 best feature/ most important part of an object/ quintessence/ essence/ soul
造型* 6 zao4 xing2 modeling/ mold-making/ model or mold/ molding
刚刚* 6 gang1 gang1 just recently/ just a moment ago
季度* 6 ji4 du4 quarter (finance; publishing; schools etc)/ season (sports)/ period of three months
弥漫* 6 mi2 man4 to pervade/ to fill the air/ diffuse/ everywhere present/ about to inundate (water)/ permeated by (smoke)/ filled with (dust)/ to saturate (the air with fog; smoke etc)
而已* 6 er2 yi3 that's all/ nothing more
品尝* 6 pin3 chang2 to taste a small amount/ to sample
品德* 6 pin3 de2 moral character
品行* 6 pin3 xing2 behavior/ moral conduct
温和* 6 wen1 he2 moderate (policy etc)
仪式* 6 yi2 shi4 ceremony
精心* 6 jing1 xin1 with utmost care/ fine/ meticulous/ detailed
平凡* 6 ping2 fan2 commonplace/ ordinary/ mediocre
发动* 6 fa1 dong4 to start/ to launch/ to unleash/ to mobilize/ to arouse
热泪盈眶* 6 re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom)/ extremely moved
记性* 6 ji4 xing5 memory/ recall
警告* 6 jing3 gao4 to warn/ to admonish
告诫* 6 gao4 jie4 to warn/ to admonish
颈椎* 6 jing3 zhui1 cervical vertebra/ the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of humans and most mammals
平坦* 6 ping2 tan3 level/ even/ smooth/ flat
变质* 6 bian4 zhi4 to degenerate/ to go bad/ to deteriorate/ metamorphosis
提拔* 6 ti2 ba2 to promote to a higher job/ to select for promotion
镜头* 6 jing4 tou2 camera shot (in a movie etc)/ scene
形态* 6 xing2 tai4 shape/ form/ pattern/ morphology
当前* 6 dang1 qian2 current/ today's/ modern/ present/ to be facing (us)
示范* 6 shi4 fan4 to demonstrate/ to show how to do sth/ demonstration/ a model example
民间* 6 min2 jian1 among the people/ popular/ folk/ non-governmental/ involving people rather than governments
铸造* 6 zhu4 zao4 to cast (pour metal into a mold)
呈现* 6 cheng2 xian4 to appear/ to emerge/ present (a certain appearance)/ demonstrate
认定* 6 ren4 ding4 to maintain (that sth is true)/ to determine (a fact)/ determination (of an amount)/ of the firm opinion/ to believe firmly/ to set one's mind on/ to identify with
和睦* 6 he2 mu4 peaceful relations/ harmonious
和谐* 6 he2 xie2 harmonious
示威* 6 shi4 wei1 to demonstrate (as a protest)/ a demonstration/ a military show of force
胸怀* 6 xiong1 huai2 one's bosom (the seat of emotions)/ breast/ broad-minded and open/ to think about/ to cherish
尖端* 6 jian1 duan1 sharp pointed end/ the tip/ the cusp/ tip-top/ most advanced and sophisticated/ highest peak/ the best

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Monday. n: Calendric_unit +

moan. n: Sounds +

moan. v: Communication_noise +

moan. v: Make_noise +

moan. v: Complaining +

mob. n: Aggregate +

mobile. a: Bringing +

mock. a: Practice +

mock. v: Judgment +

mock. v: Judgment_communication +

mockery. n: Judgment +

mocking. a: Judgment_communication +

model. n: Exemplar +

modern. a: Stage_of_progress +

modern. a: Temporal_collocation +

modernization. n: Cause_to_make_progress +

modicum. n: Quantified_mass +

modification. n: Cause_change +

modify. v: Cause_change +

modus operandi. n: Means +

mogul. n: Leadership +

mogul. n: Appellations +

moist. a: Being_wet +

moisten. v: Cause_to_be_wet +

moistened. a: Being_wet +

moisturize. v: Grooming +

moisturize. v: Cause_to_be_wet +

mold. v: Reshaping +

mold. v: Manipulate_into_shape +

mole. n: Body_mark +

mole. n: People_by_vocation +

moll. n: Personal_relationship +

mollify. v: Experiencer_obj +

mom. n: Kinship +

momentary. a: Duration_description +

monarch. n: Leadership +

monarch. n: Appellations +

monastery. n: Buildings +

money. n: Money +

moniker. n: Being_named +

monitor. n: Information_display +

monitor. v: Scrutiny +

monitoring. n: Scrutiny +

monogram. n: Clothing_parts +

monograph. n: Text +

monosemous. a: Linguistic_meaning +

month. n: Measure_duration +

month. n: Calendric_unit +

monthly. a: Frequency +

moo. v: Make_noise +

moonless. a: Level_of_light +

moor. n: Biological_area +

moor. v: Attaching +

moor. v: Becoming_attached +

moored. a: Being_attached +

moraine. n: Natural_features +

moral. a: Morality_evaluation +

moratorium. n: Activity_pause +

more. a: Increment +

more. n: Increment +

moribund. a: Dying +

mormon. n: People_by_religion +

morn. n: Calendric_unit +

morning. n: Calendric_unit +

moronic. a: Mental_property +

morphine. n: Intoxicants +

morsel. n: Part_piece +

mortality. n: Death +

mortar. n: Weapon +

mortification. n: Emotion_directed +

mortified. a: Emotion_directed +

mortify. v: Experiencer_obj +

mortifying. a: Stimulus_focus +

mosey. v: Self_motion +

mosque. n: Buildings +

motel. n: Buildings +

mother-in-law. n: Kinship +

mother. n: Kinship +

mother. n: Appellations +

mother. v: Giving_birth +

motion. v: Gesture +

motivate. v: Suasion +

motivate. v: Cause_to_start +

motivate. v: Subjective_influence +

motivate. v: Causation +

motivation. n: Reason +

motive. n: Reason +

motley. n: Clothing +

motor. v: Operate_vehicle +

motor. v: Bringing +

motorway. n: Roadways +

moulder. v: Rotting +

mouldy. a: Being_rotted +

mount. n: Natural_features +

mount. v: Traversing +

mount. v: Board_vehicle +

mount. v: Attaching +

mountain. n: Natural_features +

mountain. n: Quantified_mass +

mounted. a: Transportation_status +

mourn. v: Experiencer_focus +

mournful. a: Emotion_directed +

mourning. n: Emotion_directed +

moustached. a: Body_description_part +

mouth. n: Observable_body_parts +

mouth. n: Shaped_part +

mouth. n: Relational_natural_features +

mouth. v: Communication_manner +

move back. v: Change_event_time +

move up. v: Change_event_time +

move. n: Intentionally_act +

move. v: Motion +

move. v: Change_position_on_a_scale +

move. v: Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale +

move. v: Cause_motion +

move. v: Body_movement +


42 钱包 没有 +
59 母亲 +
61 妈妈 疼爱 +
79 终于 到达 山顶 +
86 妈妈 超市 +
93 孩子 +
126 妈妈 医院 工作 +
161 二月 +
183 几月 +
184 今晚 月亮 +
210 昨天 开始 戒烟 +
242 妈妈 孩子 道别 +
283 今天 很多 +
305 很多 +
313 有名 电影 明星 +
337 妈妈 +
340 年长 女士 奶奶 +
376 附近 +
431 钻石 真的 +
441 工作 进展 顺利 +
444 受不了 +
448 这里 不许 吸烟 +
453 今晚 月光 +
456 明天 就是 元旦 +
461 单词 +
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 +
471 妈妈 医院 看望 奶奶 +
476 爱好 收集 模型 +
477 老鼠 搬家 狂躁 可能 地震 噩兆 +
480 张开 +
488 模特儿 形体 优美 +
489 钻戒 形状 特别 +
506 她们 感动 流下 眼泪 +
511 ATM 取款 +
556 妈妈 包装 圣诞 礼物 +
594 我们 明天 长城 +
595 城市 有名 +
605 口舌 油滑 +
628 习惯 晨跑 +
639 铁塔 巴黎 有名 地标 +
645 港口 很多 +
662 +
671 这些 生活 +
687 妈妈 孩子们 一起 +
746 我们 马上 就要 启程 +
748 很多 追求 金钱 +
766 持有 大量 外汇 +
778 儿子 得意 要胁 妈妈 +
784 妈妈 整理 房间 +
793 开销 超出 限制 +
797 收入 不错 +
810 拿破仑 著名 历史 人物 +
813 小路 通往 山顶 +
828 品德 问题 +
830 未必 能够 戒烟 +
842 体操 动作 标准 +
850 钻石 +
859 婴儿 喜欢 妈妈 气息 +
883 妈妈 把门 关严 +
918 妈妈 正在 除草 +
919 正在 +
952 跳舞 姿态 +
965 初冬 时节 坚持 晨跑 +
983 钻戒 值得 收藏 +
984 钻石 价值 +
1007 吸烟 损害 健康 +
1027 手机 充电 +
1039 拥有 很多 财富 +
1046 前方 雪山 +
1076 妈妈 准许 他们 冰淇淋 +
1086 钻石 代表 永恒 +
1092 中国人 普遍 包子 +
1134 著名 公司 应聘 +
1142 制作 飞机 模型 +
1196 飞机 模型 +
1197 大家 仿效 老师 动作 练习 +
1214 爸爸 赚钱 养家 +
1215 母女俩 喜欢 养花 +
1225 薪水 剩余 +
1228 生活 开支 减少 +
1241 孩子 妈妈 宝贝 +
1250 妈妈 讲述 故事 +
1259 抽烟 +
1280 货物 仓库 +
1287 朝阳 时分 出发 +
1288 祖父母 +
1299 舞蹈 动作 标准 +
1305 摩托车 危险 +
1349 山顶 风景 +
1362 妈妈 额头 +
1363 收入 总额 多少 +
1369 大英 博物馆 世界 宏伟 博物馆 +
1384 法官 证词 疑问 +
1399 收入 交税 +
1408 末了 +
1426 国有 很多 漂亮 山川 河流 +
1436 他去 邮局 汇款 +
1452 +
1463 献花 妈妈 +
1490 姐姐 早晨 跑步 +
1518 强烈 金钱 欲望 +
1525 正在 监视 系统 状态 +
1532 父母 给予 支持 +
1536 母女 俩长 相似 +
1538 节省 +
1546 情绪 激动 +
1552 权威 脑科 专家 +
1555 朋友们 登山 +
1576 +
1595 妈妈 孩子 童话 故事 +
1625 钻石 非常 坚硬 +
1630 纸币 散开 +
1637 妈妈 洗头 +
1642 小孩 冰淇淋 +
1669 他们 结婚 典礼 +
1693 路面 平坦 +
1696 奶奶 喜欢 针线活 +
1702 明天 返校 +
1714 他们 愈来愈 恩爱 +
1717 妈妈 宝宝 餵奶 +
1718 绘画 促进 大脑 发育 +
1729 习惯 每天 晨跑 +
1738 杏仁 +
1753 妈妈 培养 孩子 音乐 兴趣 +
1807 今天 卅一日 +
1815 背负 沉重 房屋 贷款 +
1816 背上 背包 爬山 +
1848 这里 韩国 著名 景点 之一 +
1849 我们 终于 爬到 顶峰 +
1869 柠檬 +
1889 蒋介石 纪念堂 +
1898 雕塑 有名 +
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 +
1926 家人 给予 支持 +
1943 蒙古 中国 北方 +
1959 房产 抵押 贷款 +
1964 日本 京都 庙宇 出名 +
1976 烟囱 正在 冒烟 +
1983 明天 俄罗斯 +
2001 搬进 学生 宿舍 +
2015 他们 结婚 仪式 户外 举行 +
2066 妈妈 +
2068 他们 争吵 缘由 +
2084 女儿 最爱 糖果 +
2092 捐出 自己 零用钱 +
2119 钻戒 +
2124 政府 学校 +
2128 妈妈 读书 +
2139 妈妈 东西 +
2140 他们 今天 搬家 +
2148 他们 正在 搬迁 +
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 +
2177 中国人 称呼 自己 父母 爹娘 +
2189 妈妈 花苗 挪到 花盆 +
2205 妈妈 一起 装饰 圣诞树 +
2207 房间 家俱 撤掉 +
2209 许多 +
2211 踢球 动作 敏捷 +
2268 蒙古人 打败 宋朝 建立 元朝 +
2270 差点儿 帽子 +
2290 钻石 光芒 耀眼 +
2301 他们 柜子 上车 +
2305 饮酒 适量 +
2308 妈妈 安慰 孩子 +
2342 国家 越来越 繁荣 昌盛 +
2347 参赛 队员 他们 当中 选拔 +
2375 山路 弯曲 +
2382 月球 地球 +
2386 公司 终于 赢利 +
2411 游行 队伍 声势 浩大 +
2415 妈妈 薄饼 +
2421 爸爸 戒烟 +
2425 他们 教堂 丧事 +
2427 +
2442 烤鸭 知名 北京 美食 +
2443 餐厅 气氛 不错 +
2445 模特 摆好 姿势 +
2464 他们 牛群 驱赶 上山 +
2473 妈妈 担忧 孩子 健康 +
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 +
2510 电影 排行榜 +
2518 他们 正在 互相 讽刺 +
2538 他用 钻石 戒指 求婚 +
2543 感情 脆弱 +
2563 天空 烟雾 笼罩 +
2569 老鼠 偷吃 面包 +
2574 总是 随身 携带 手机 +
2597 决心 戒烟 +
2644 过去 记忆犹新 +
2648 很多 +
2661 电车 沿 轨道 行驶 +
2714 股票 赚钱 +
2721 队员 斗志 昂扬 +
2740 厌倦 母亲 唠叨 +
2760 妈妈 起床 +
2786 妈妈 毛巾 婴儿 起来 +
2788 金钱 诱惑 +
2794 这些 照片 勾起 回忆 +
2800 婚礼 砸了 +
2825 妈妈 宝宝 童谣 +
2826 告诉 谣言 +
2856 他们 家庭 和睦 +
2857 亲娘 +
2886 +
2890 身体 有益 +
2925 一年 万事 亨通 +
2927 非常 谦虚 +
2945 雪山 非常 +
2946 妈妈 孩子 寓言 故事 +
2947 我们 搬进 公寓 +
2951 美国 人民 悼念 林肯 总统 +
2967 烟瘾 +
2976 妈妈 摇椅 +
3022 房屋 抵押 合同 +
3025 妈妈 囉嗦 +
3045 明天 降温 大家 做好 御寒 准备 +
3052 服务 宗旨 顾客 第一 +
3070 妈妈 这里 +
3132 他们 不畏 艰难 前走 +
3152 缴付 欠款 +
3155 团队 气氛 和谐 +
3156 他们 谈吐 诙谐 +
3175 背包 爬山 累赘 +
3181 呛到 +
3218 警方 暴徒 展开 对峙 +
3222 纪念碑 城市 地标 +
3226 妈妈 洋葱 +
3233 裂缝 地壳 运动 形成 +
3242 妈妈 孩子 +
3259 他们 徘徊 欣赏 风景 +
3260 见面 双方 高兴 +
3273 蚊子 +
3291 金刚石 组成 +
3314 嗜好 吸烟 +
3323 外婆 很多 皱纹 +
3332 华山 之一 +
3346 卸妆 +
3352 这里 山路 险峻 +
3367 妈妈 +
3372 公司 垄断 世界 电脑 市场 +
3374 山顶 光秃秃 +
3417 群众 慷慨 灾区 捐款 +
3429 海啸 破坏力 +
3442 妈妈 说话 囉嗦 +
3474 喜欢 +
3485 赃款 全部 +
3494 妈妈 母乳 哺育 婴儿 +
3517 帑(b)在 古语 钱财 意思 +
3529 战场 硝烟 弥漫 +
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭 +
3543 摩托车 汽车 迂回 前进 +
3545 谣言 纷纷纭纭 +
3546 彗星 陨落 瞬间 +
3561 母女俩 挑拣 水果 +
3563 妈妈 煎锅 做菜 +
3564 妈妈 煎鱼 +
3577 +
3585 负责 香港 推广 这个 网站 +
3591 冲动 这样 紧急 时刻 冷静 +
3600 不甚 诚实 决不 归还 +
3614 无动于衷 +
3624 目前 生意 清淡 +
3628 会议 推迟 明天 举行 +
3648 除非 我们 得到 更多 资金 我们 不得不 关闭 这家 商店 +
3662 这么 明天 精神 +
3668 手表 走时 精确 +
3679 市长 开幕式 剪彩 +
3688 命名 英雄 +
3696 我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益 +
3720 听说 家乡 今年 闹灾 赶快 些 钱 +
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 +
3730 母亲 反复 丁宁 出门 一定 注意 安全 +
3737 这只 猴子 树间 上蹿下跳 异常 活跃 +
3740 年轻人 老年人 活力 +
3765 为了 保证 安全 驾驶 摩托车 一定 帽盔 +
3769 中国人 表达 感情 方式 比较 +
3788 糊涂 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[common] average or ordinary or usual
[common] belonging to a community
[common] mutual
[democratic] based upon the principles of democracy
[homosexual] gay
[mobile] moving or capable of moving readily
[modest] not offensive to sexual mores
[monstrous] atrocious, heinous
[monstrous] grotesque
[moral] relating to principles of right and wrong
[moving] arousing deep emotion
[smooth] having a surface free from roughness
[unanimous] in complete agreement
[atmosphere] envelope of gases
[atmosphere] ambiance, ambience
[motorcycle] motorbike, bike
[ceremony] ceremonial occasion
[demonstration] public display
[demonstration] demo
[demonstrator] protester
[diamond] gem
[sermon] preaching, discourse
[emotion] strong feeling
[grandmother] grandma
[harmony] concord, harmoniousness, compatibility
[harmony] musical harmony
[humor] sense of humor
[momentum] impulse, force
[lemon] defective artifact
[lemon] fruit
[memorandum] memo
[memorial] monument
[memorial] commemoration, remembrance
[memory] computer memory, storage
[memory] capacity to remember
[memory] something that is remembered
[model] simulation
[model] framework
[model] poser for a photographer or painter or sculptor
[model] role model
[model] fashion model
[module] component
[mole] small velvety-furred burrowing mammal
[mole] pigmented spot on the skin
[mole] counterspy
[moment] here and now, present moment
[monarch] sovereign, crowned head
[money] currency
[money] wealth
[monk] inhabitant of a monastery
[monkey] long-tailed primate
[monopoly] exclusive control
[monster] freak
[month] calendar month
[mood] temper, humor
[moon] satellite of the Earth
[morale] team spirit
[morale] individual psychological well-being
[morning] morn, morning time, forenoon
[morsel] bit, bit
[mosaic] colored stone or glass art
[mosque] place of worship
[mosquito] blood-sucking insect
[mother] female parent
[motif] design
[motivation] motive, need
[motorist] automobilist
[mold] fungus, mould
[mountain] mount, land mass projecting above its surroundings
[mourning] bereavement
[mouse] rodent
[mouse] computer mouse
[mouth] oral cavity
[move] relocation, changing your residence or business
[move] player's turn to move a piece or act
[movement] motion, move, change of position
[movement] social movement, front, people with a common ideology
[movie] film
[pneumonia] respiratory disease
[promotion] rising in rank
[promotion] publicity
[rumor] hearsay
[salmon] fish
[smoke] fumes
[tumour] tumor, neoplasm
[demolish] destroy
[demonstrate] march, march in protest
[modernize] develop
[model] simulate
[move] be active
[move] arouse sympathy or compassion
[move] change position
[move] change residence, affiliation, or employment
[promote] upgrade, advance, kick upstairs
[commemorate] remember
[smoke] inhale a plant derivative

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
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Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

MO + Mo + mo +

(More) + + (A unit of south korean money, KRW) + + 어머니 (Mom) + + 운동 (Motion, movement) + + 가장 (Most) + + (Money) + + 이상 (More than, above) + + 더욱 (More and more) + + 거의 (Almost or nearly) + + 아침 (Morning) + + (Mouth) + + 영화 (A movie) + + 대부분 (Most) + + 분위기 (atmosphere,surroundings) + + 만큼 (Of that amount) + + (A mountain) + + 움직이다 ( To move, stir) + + 기분 (Mood) + + 순간 (A moment,a second) + + 할머니 (Grandmother) + + 이때 (At this time, moment) + + (The moon) + + 일반 (universal,common,usual) + + 그만 (That much or a little amount) + + 옮기다 (Move, transfer (2)(sickness) communicate, transfer to) + + 반드시 (Most certainly) + + 개월 (Each and every month) + + 형식 (A form, formality, mold) + + 기억 (A memory) + + 보다 (More than, greater than ....) + + 불과하다 ( Nothing more than) + + 흔히 (Generally, commonly ; often) + + 그중 (Among the rest of them) + + 벌다 (To earn (money) ; (2) to invite, to bring onto oneself) + + 움직임 (movement,motion,activity) + + 벗다 (Take off, remove) + + (The moon) + + 점점 (More and more, by degrees) + + 다소 (1) Large and small, 2) more or less) + + 오전 (Morning) + + 내일 (Tomorrow) + + 극복하다 ( To overcome or surmount) + + 칠월 (Month of July) + + (A frame, framework; mold) + + 시위 (A demonstration) + + 챙기다 (gather,collect, assemble your stuff -- to amass (money, a collection)) + + 소문 (A rumor) + + 금방 (Just now or a moment ago) + + 백성 (The common people) + + 유명하다 ( To be famous) + + 지난달 (Last month) + + 단위 (A unit, a monad) + + 무겁다 (Heavy ; a stuffy atmosphere) + + 교회 (Preach or moral instruction) + + 양식 (A mode, a style, an order, amodality) + + 모델 (Model) + + 상식 (Common sense) + + 민주화 (Democratization) + + 없애다 (Remove, get rid of, do away with) + + 제사 (A holiday ceremony) + + 이사 (House-moving) + + 거대하다 ( Huge or gigantic or enormous) + + 민주주의 ( Democracy) + + 예금 (Deposit money) + + 물다 (bite,put in the mouth) + + 민주 (Democracy) + + 거울 (1) mirror 2) a pattern or model or exemplar) + + 잔뜩 (extremely,to the utmost) + + 대기 (The atmosphere) + + 용돈 (Pocket money, money for expenses) + + 더욱이 (Besides, moreover) + + 연기 (Smoke, fume) + + 이동 (movement,migration,drift) + + 감동 (Agitate or stir up the emotions) + + 물기 (Moisture) + + 영상 (An image [picture], reflection (moving pictures, movies)) + + 유난히 (uncommon,exceptional) + + 자동 (self-acting, self-moving, automatic) + + 추억 (Memory) + + 제거하다 ( exclusion,removal) + + 대충 (Almost, nearly, about) + + 어머님 (Mother (respectful word)) + + (Virtue, morality) + + 액수 (A sum, an amount) + + 모니터 (Monitor) + + 얼핏 (at a momentary glance or intermittently appearing (e.g. catch a fleeting glimpse of)) + + 치우다 (Straighten up, tidy, remove) + + 이달 (This month) + + 대가 (A price, cost, charge, consideration, purchase money, value) + + (Mouse) + + 최대한 (At the most, at the maximum) + + 학부모 (Mothers of the students) + + 의식 (A ceremony) + + 뻔하다 (almost,nearly) + + 월급 (Monthly salary) + + 파괴하다 ( Destruction, demolition) + + 금세 (In a moment or at once) + + 불과 (Only, not more than) + + 승진 (promotion,advancement) + + 닥치다 (Shut the mouth!) + + 서민 (Common people) + + 시어머니 ( one’s husband’s mother) + + 영화제 (Movie festival) + + 이동하다 ( To move,migrate,travel) + + 도덕 (Immorality) + + 금액 (Amount ofmoney) + + 예감 (A presentiment, a premonition) + + 거액 (A large sum of money) + + 진급 (Promotion) + + 공공 (The public or the common) + + 국왕 (A king or a monarch) + + 대개 (Mostly, for the most part) + + 현대인 (A modern person) + + 골고루 (Evenly or among all indiscriminately) + + 끼다 (To smoke) + + 나르다 (to move a long or semi-long distance (not just within a room); Carry, convey, transport) + + 한순간 (One fleeting moment) + + 풍속 (Manners, customs, morals) + + 한층 (More, still more) + + 기념 (Commemoration) + + 외우다 (Recite from memory) + + 월요일 (Monday) + + 모범 (model,example) + + (Three (in 3 months)) + + 더욱더 (More and more and more) + + 모금 (Money raising) + + 삼촌 (An uncle (usually on the father\'s side)(외삼촌 a brother of the wife, an uncle on the mother\'s side)) + + 운행 (movement,revolution) + + 중순 (The second 10 days in a month) + + 임신부 (An expectant mother) + + 두세 (Two or three (months)) + + 타다 (Get, receive, take your share of the money (회사에서 월급을 타다)) + + 환율 (The exchange rate (money)) + + 꼼짝 (Cannot move) + + 순간적 (instanteous,momentary) + + 조화되다 ( harmony,agreement) + + 금연 (Prohibition of smoking) + + 매달 (Every month) + + 비키다 (Move aside) + + 사모님 (Older more respected ajuma) + + 달빛 (Moonlight) + + 뒷산 (The back side of a mountain) + + 산속 (The heart of a mountain) + + 내달 (Next month) + + 사기 (morale,fighting spirit) + + 신혼여행 ( the honeymoon (the trip after the wedding)) + + 유머 (Humor) + + 합하다 (Harmonize with, be in accord with) + + 공통적 (Commonly) + + 공통되다 ( To be common) + + 모기 (A mosquito) + + 기념하다 ( Commemorate) + + (A month) + + 외삼촌 (An uncle on one’s mother’s side) + + 전세 (renting with a big downpayment and not paying month to month) + + 가만있다 ( Remain still or motionless) + + 메모 (Memo) + + 원숭이 (A monkey) + + 기억나다 ( To memorize) + + 습기 (moisture,humidity) + + 공통점 (A common point or a common feature) + + 소문나다 ( A rumor starts) + + 영화배우 ( Movie actor) + + 이사하다 ( To move house) + + (Persimmon) + + (A monument) + + 상금 (Prize money) + + 외갓집 (one’s mother’s maiden home) + + 외할머니 ( A maternal grandmother) + + 제삿날 (Day of the ceremony) + + 공통 (Commonness) + + 장모님 (A man’s mother in law) + + 지폐 (Paper money) + + 안동 (간고등어 fish common in this city, ANDONG) + + 산길 (A mountain path,road) + + 코스모스 ( Cosmos) + + 감정적 (Emotional) + + 현대적 (Modern (adj)) + + 영화관 (Movie theater) + + 장모 (A man’s mother in law) + + 초순 (The first third of a month) + + 하순 (The final third of the month) + + 모레 (The day after tomorrow) + + 기념품 (A momento) + + 안과 (Ophthalmology) + + 예식장 (A ceremony hall) + + 월세 (Monthly rent) + + 작은어머니 (An aunt younger than your mother) + + 종로 (Famous street in Seoul) + + 기념일 (Commemoration day) + + 검정색 (A large sum of money) + + 설악산 (Famous mountain) + + 금강산 (The Diamond Mountains) + + 백두산 (Korean mountain) + + 지리산 (Chili mountain, very beautiful) + + 한라산 (Halla-san mountain) + + 남산 (Mountain in south central seoul) + +
+ + + + + + + +