A + * * jia1 (suffix) -ist/ family/ home/ household 1. Familie, Haushalt 2. Haus, Heim 3. ein bestimmtes Gewerbe ausübende Person oder Familie 4. ein Spezialist 5. Schule, philos. Richtung 6. Zählwort, ein Restaurant + +
A 偉大 + * * wei3da4 great/ mighty groß + +
A 家庭 + * * jia1ting2 family/ household Familie,Heim + +
A 沒關係 + * * mei2 guan1xi never mind/ it doesn't matter das macht nichts + +
A + * * xing4 be surnamed/ family name Familienname, Nachname,mit Nachnamen heißen + +
A 們(朋友們) + * * men (particle forming a plural pronoun) ein Suffix, Pluralmarker + +
A + * * shu2 ripe/ cooked/ done/ soft-boiled / familiar 1. reif 2. gar, zubereitet,gekocht 3.bearbeitet, behandelt 4. bekannt,vertraut 5. geübt,erfahren, geschickt 6. tief, fest + +
A + * * xiang3 think/ suppose/ recall/ want to/ miss 1.denken 2. glauben, annehmen 3. wollen, möchten 4. sich nach jn/etw sehnen + +
A + * * tui1 push/ shove/ turn a mill/ grind 1. schieben, stoßen 2. schneiden, scheren 3. vorwärtstreiben, fördern 4. auf etw schließen, folgern 5. überlassen 6. verschieben, aufschieben 7. wählen 8. hochschätzen + +
A + * * cuo4 wrong/ faulty/ mistake/ error 1.falsch,irrtümlich,Fehler, Irrtum 2. sich kreuzen, ineinander verzahnt 3. sich reiben 4. zeitlich staffeln + +
A 牛奶 + * * niu2nai3 cow milk Milch + +
A 錯誤 + * * cuo4wu4 mistake/ error/ fault 1. falsch, verkehrt, irrtümlich 2. Irrtum, Fehler + +
A + * * fen1 minute/ point/ mark/ a money unit teilen,einteilen + +
A + * * fen1 minute/ point/ mark/ a money unit Punkt, ein Fen (1 Cent), + +
A 農業 + * * nong2ye4 agriculture/ farming Landwirtschaft + +
A + * * xue2 study/ learn/ imitate/ mimic 1. lernen,studieren 2. nachahmen, nachmachen, imitieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis 4. wissenschaftliches Fach, Lehrgegenstand 5. Schule, Lehranstalt + +
A 小(小李) + * * xiao3 small/ little/ petty/ minor/ young 1. klein, geringfügig, unbedeutend 2. eine kurze Weile 3. jung + +
A 午飯 + * * wu3fan4 midday meal/ lunch Mittagessen + +
A 分鐘 + * * fen1zhong1 minute Minute + +
A 小姐 + * * xiao3jie young lady/ Miss/ miss Fräulein, junge Frau + +
A 考試 + * * kao3shi4 examine/ test/ examination geprüft werden,Prüfung + +
A 友好 + * * you3hao3 friendly/ amicable/ close friend freundlich + +
A + * * xiao4 smile (at)/ laugh (at)/ ridicule 1.lachen, Gelächter 2. auslachen, sich über jn lustig machen + +
A 精神 + * * jing1shen2 spirit/ mind/ gist/ essence 1.Geist,Sinn 2. Wesentliche, Hauptpunkt + +
A + * * cha2 examine/ investigate/ look up 1.prüfen, überprüfen, nachprüfen 2. erforschen,untersuchen 3. nachschlagen, nachlesen + +
A 經濟 + * * jing1ji4 economy/ income/ economical Wirtschaft,wirtschaftlich + +
A + * * shang4 get on/ go up/ go to/ submit/ fill 1. oben, ober 2. höher, höherstehend 3. erst, vorhergehend 4.seine Majestät 5. von unten nach oben 6. gehen, fahren 7. überreichen 8.vorwärts + +
A + * * luan4 in a mess/ indiscriminate/ random 1. Unordnung, Verwirrung, durcheinander, unordentlich, wirr 2. Unruhe, Rebellion 3. etw in Unordnung bringen 4. konfus, verworren, beunruhigt + +
A 工廠 + * * gong1chang3 factory/ mill/ plant/ works Fabrik + +
A + 亿* * yi4 a hundred million hundert Millionen + +
A 貴姓 + * * gui4 xing4 your honorable family name darf ich nach Ihrem Namen fragen.. + +
A + * * xin1 the heart/ heart/ mind/ feeling 1. Herz 2. Sinn, Gefühl 3. Mitte, Zentrum + +
A 宿舍 + 宿* * su4she4 hostel/ living quarters/ dormitory Wohnheim + +
A + * * zhong1 center/ middle/ in/ among/ China 1. Zentrum, Mitte, Mittelpunkt 2. China 3. in, inmitten, mitten drin 4. auf mittlerer Stufe stehend 5. zwischen zwei Extremen siehe zhong4 + +
A 中間 + * * zhong1jian1 center/ middle/ among/ between inmitten, dazwischen, + +
A + * * dang1 work as, be /act as/ accept/ administer/ stop 1. als... fungieren; als tätig sein 2. etw zu tun oder zu verantworten wagen 3.verwalten, Aufsicht führen 4. gleich, ebenbürtig 5. siehe dang1(3) dang4 + +
A 化學 + * * hua4xue2 chemistry Chemie + +
A 中午 + * * zhong1wu3 noon/ midday Mittag + +
A 先生 + * * xian1sheng teacher/ mister/ Mr./ sir/ gentleman Herr, Lehrer,Arzt, Doktor + +
A + * * ku3 bitter/ miserable 1. bitter 2. Bitternis, Härte, Leiden, Schmerz 3. jm Schmerz zufügen 4. unter etw leiden 5. sein Möglichstes tun, mühsam, fleißig + +
A 中學 + * * zhong1xue2 middle school/ high school Mittelschule + +
B + * * ren4 admit/ recognize 1. erkennen, identifizieren 2. anerkennen, eingestehen, einräumen + +
B 委員 + * * wei3yuan2 committee member Ausschußmitglied + +
B 阿姨 + * * a1yi2 1.auntie, a form of address for any woman of one´s mothers age 2.nurse (in a family) 1. (Na) Tante + +
B 同樣 + * * tong2yang4 similar/ same/ equal/ similarly gleich, äquivalent + +
B + * * mao4 emit/ give off/ send out 1. quellen, emporsteigen 2. trotz, ungeachtet 3. kühn, keck, vorschnell 4. fälschlich, betrügerisch, sich verstellen, vorgeben + +
B 範圍 + * * fan4wei2 scope/ limits/ range Bereich, Rahmen,Grenze + +
B 不幸 + * * bu2xing4 misfortune/ unfortunate unglücklich, traurig, Unglück + +
B + * * kuang4 mine 1. Erzlager,Lagerstätte 2. Erz, Mineralien 3. Zeche, Bergwerk, Grube + +
B 統治 + * * tong3zhi4 rule/ dominate regieren + +
B 總理 + * * zong3li3 premier/ prime minister Ministerpräsident / Premier / Kanzler + +
B 允許 + * * yun3xu3 permit/ allow erlauben, gestatten,zulassen + +
B 節省 + * * jie2sheng3 economize/ save ökonomisch, sparen + +
B 節約 + * * jie2yue1 economize sparen, sparsam + +
B 羡慕 + * * xian4mu4 admire/ envy bewundern, beneiden, mißgönnen + +
B 安心 + * * an1 xin1 1.be relieved/ feel at ease 2. set one´s mind at rest 1. beruhigt, unbesorgt 2.sich beruhigt, unbesorgt fühlen, sich beruhigen + +
B 限制 + * * xian4zhi4 confine/ restrict/ limit/ restriction beschränken, einschränken + +
B + * * za2 mixed/ miscellaneous/ mix/ mingle gemischt, verschiedene, mischen + +
B 決心 + * * jue2xin1 be determined/ determination entschlossen sein, Entschlossenheit, fest und unbeirrbar, + +
B + * * zai1 disaster/ calamity 1. Unglück, Unheil, Katastophe 2.Mißgeschick, Unglück, Verhängnis + +
B 災害 + * * zai1hai4 calamity/ disaster Unheil, Katastrophe + +
B 部長 + * * bu4zhang3 minister Minister, Sektionsleiter + +
B 相似 + * * xiang1si4 similar/ alike gleichen, ähnlich sein + +
B 放心 + * * fang4 xin1 set one's mind at rest/ rest assured sich beruhigen, sich keine Sorgen machen, erleichtert sein + +
B 堅決 + * * jian1jue2 resolute/ determinate fest, resolut, entschieden + +
B 軍事 + * * jun1shi4 military affairs Militärangelegenheiten, Militärwesen + +
B + * * qing1 unmixed/ clear/ clear up 1. klar, sauber, durchsichtig, rein 2. klar, geklärt 3. still, ruhig 4. (Rechnung) bereinigen, begleichen + +
B 來信 + * * lai2xin4 send a letter/ incoming letter ankommender Brief, einen Brief senden + +
B 熟悉 + * * shu2xi1 be familiar with/ know well etwas gut kennen, mit etwas sehr vertraut sein + +
B 虛心 + * * xu1xin1 modest/ open-minded bescheiden + +
B + * * tu4 vomit 1. spucken, ausspeien + +
B + * * xu3 allow/ permit/ perhaps/ maybe 1. erlauben, genehmigen, dürfen 2. versprechen 3. vielleicht, wahrscheinlich, vermutlich + +
B 承認 + * * cheng2ren4 admit/ recognize/ acknowledge anerkennen, bestätigen + +
B 艱巨 + * * jian1ju4 arduous/ hard/ formidable schwer, schwierig mühsam + +
B 想念 + * * xiang3nian4 remember with longing/ miss vermissen, sich sehnen, + +
B 污染 + * * wu1ran3 pollute/ contaminate verschmutzen, Verschmutzung + +
B + * * hun4 mix/ muddle along 1. mischen, vermischen, vermengen, zusammenmischen 2. sich als jn/etw ausgeben 3. in den Tag hineinleben, dahinleben 4. mit jm auskommen + +
B 充滿 + * * chong1man3 brimming with/ full of erfüllt von etwas + +
B 無限 + * * wu2xian4 infinite/ limitless/ boundless endlos, grenzenlos + +
B 游泳池 + * * you2yong3chi2 swimming pool Schwimmbad, Swimming Pool + +
B 消滅 + * * xiao1mie4 eliminate/ perish/ wipe out versterben, sterben + +
B 樂觀 + * * le4guan1 optimistic/ hopeful Optimismus, optimistisch + +
B 半導體 + * * ban4dao3ti3 semi-conductor Halbleiter + +
B 半夜 + * * ban4ye4 midnight Mitternacht,Hälfte der Nacht, mitten in der Nacht, + +
B 測驗 + * * ce4yan4 test/ examination prüfen, testen,kontrollieren + +
B 初步 + * * chu1bu4 initial/ preliminary einleitend + +
B 誤會 + * * wu4hui4 misunderstand/ mistake/ misunderstanding Mißverständnis, mißverstehen + +
B 啟發 + * * qi3fa1 arouse/ inspire/ enlighten/ illumination 1. aufklären, belehren 2. starten, anfangen 3. öffnen, aufmachen + +
B 吸收 + * * xi1shou1 absorb/ suck up/ admit/ incorporate etwas in sich aufnehmen, absorbieren + +
B 模仿 + 仿* * mo2fang3 copy/ imitate imitieren, nachmachen + +
B + * * lve4 omit ausrauben, berauben , Beute machen, plündern , eher, eigentlich ,verdichten, zusammen fassen + +
B 缺點 + * * que1dian3 shortcoming/ defect/ weakness Fehler, schwache Seite, Angriffspunkt + +
B 確定 + * * que4ding4 make certain/ make sure/ define/ determine sicher, definitiv, bestimmt, bestimmen, ermitteln, sicher sein + +
B 羽毛球 + * * yu3mao2qiu2 badminton Federball, Badminton + +
B 似乎 + * * si4hu1 it seems/ as if/ seemingly anscheinend, dem Anschein nach + +
B 準/准 + * * zhun3 (準) accurate/ exact/ (准) allow/ permit 1. genehmigen, erlauben, bewilligen 2. Norm, Richtschnur, Standard 3. genau, richtig 4. bestimmt, gewiß 5. para-, quasi- + +
B 保證 + * * bao3zheng4 ensure/ assure/ guarantee/ promise garantieren, versichern, bürgen + +
B 鏡子 + * * jing4zi mirror Spiegel + +
B 服從 + * * fu2cong2 obey/ submit befolgen, gehorchen + +
B 少數 + * * shao3shu4 minority/ few Minorität, Minderheit + +
B 心情 + * * xin1qing2 mood/ state of mind Stimmung + +
B 補課 + * * bu3 ke4 make up a missed lesson eine vermißte Lektion ausgleichen + +
B + * * hu4 door/ family 1. (Na) Tür, Tor 2. Familie, Haushalt 3. Bankkonto 2. (Nf) + +
B 國民黨 + * * guo2min2dang3 the Nationalist Party/ the Kuomintang (KMT) Kuomintang + +
B + * * zhao4 shine/ illuminate/ according to 1.scheinen, leuchten beleuchten erleuchten, erhellen 2. widerspiegeln, spiegeln 3. fotographieren 4. Photographie, Lichtbild, Aufnahme 5. Lizenz 6.auf jn aufpassen, sich um etw/jm kümmern, für jn sorgen 7. gegenüberstellen, vergleichen 8. verstehen, begre + +
B 控制 + * * kong4zhi4 control/ dominate/ command kontrollieren + +
B 微笑 + * * wei1xiao4 smile Lächeln + +
B + * * hua4 delimit, differentiate abgrenzen,teilen, übertragen,planen siehe hua2 + +
B 試卷 + * * shi4juan4 examination paper Prüfungsaufgaben, Test, + +
B 強大 + * * qiang2da4 big and powerful/ formidable beeindruckend, groß nund mächtig, großartig + +
B 毛病 + * * mao2bing4 trouble/ breakdown/ shortcoming Problem,Ärger,Zusammenbruch + +
B 任務 + * * ren4wu mission/ task/ job Aufgabe, Auftrag, Pflicht + +
C 黨委 + * * dang3wei3 Party committee Parteiausschuß + +
C 委屈 + * * wei3qu bent-distorted/ grieved due to being mistreated Unrecht, Ungerechtigkeit, jn kränken, jm ein Unrecht antun + +
C 委托 + * * wei3tuo1 entrust-trust/ consign/ commission/ delegate/ devolve jm mit etwas betrauen, jn beauftragen + +
C 不是 + * * bu4shi4_er2shi4_ mistake/ fault/ blame Fehler, Schuld + +
C + * * che4 evacuate/ withdraw/ remove/ dismiss 1. entfernen, fortnehmen, wegschaffen 2. sich zurückziehen, räumen + +
C 害蟲 + * * hai4chong2 injurious insect/ vermin/ pest Schädling, schädliches Insekt + +
C 深夜 + * * shen1ye4 late at night/ period around midnight späte Nacht, frühe Morgenstunden, + +
C 家屬 + * * jia1shu3 family member/ (family) dependent Familienangehörige + +
C 緩和 + * * huan3he2 assuage/ ease up/ mitigated/ relaxed entspannen, mildern, lindern, Entspannung + +
C 腦筋 + * * nao3jin1 brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke + +
C 行政 + * * xing2zheng4 do-affairs/ administration Verwaltung, Verwaltungsabteilung + +
C 犯人 + * * fan4ren2 prisoner/ convict/ (convicted) criminal Kriminell + +
C 鬧笑話 + * * nao4 xiao4hua4 make a fool of oneself/ make a silly mistake sich lächerlich machen + +
C 犯罪 + * * fan4 zui4 commit a crime Verbrechen, ein Verbrechen begehen + +
C 神情 + * * shen2qing2 expression/ look/ air/ mien Ausdruck, Anblick, + +
C + * * jie2 save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr + +
C 加入 + * * jia1ru4 join/ enter/ accede to/ affiliate/ add/ mix/ put in 1. hinzufügen, ergänzen 2. teilnehmen, eintreten, beitreten, sich anschließen + +
C 不在乎 + * * bu4 zai4hu not mind/ not care sich nicht um etwas kümmern, sich nicht um etwas scheren + +
C 導彈 + * * dao3dan4 guided missile Flugkörper, Marschflugkörper, Rakete + +
C 審查 + * * shen3cha2 check/ inspect/ examine/ investigate/ censor checken, untersuchen,überprüfen, + +
C 次要 + * * ci4yao4 secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger + +
C 不止 + * * bu4zhi3 be not limited to/ be more than/ not stop ununterbrochen, endlos, mehr als , unbegrenzt + +
C + * * wen1 warm/ lukewarm/ mild/ gentle/ warm up/ review 1. lauwarm, warm 2. Temperatur 3. erwärmen, aufwärmen 4. auffrischen, wiederholen + +
C 親人 + * * qin1ren2 family member/ relative/ someone dear Blutsverwandte, Familienangehörige + +
C 溫和 + * * wen1he2 warm-kind/ temperate/ moderate/ mild/ genial mild, warm, gemäßigt, gütig, freundlich, zart + +
C 豆漿 + * * dou4jiang1 soya-bean milk Soyabohnenmilch + +
C + * * rong2 contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit 1. enthalten, fassen 2. tolerieren 3. gestatten,zulassen 4. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene + +
C 容許 + * * rong2xu3 allow/ permit billigen, erlauben,zulassen + +
C 頭腦 + * * tou2nao3 head-brain/ brains/ intellectual power/ mind/ wit Gehirn, Verstand, Intelligenz, Kopf, Anhaltspunkt, Faden + +
C 雜志 + * * za2zhi4 mixed-substance/ impurity Zeitschrift + +
C 雜質 + * * za2zhi4 mixed-record/ magazine/ journal/ random notes/ gemischte-Substanz, Unreinheit + +
C 毫米 + * * hao2mi3 millimeter Zählwort Zentimeter + +
C 青菜 + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse + +
C 災難 + * * zai1nan4 disaster-catastrophe/ calamity/ disaster/ suffering Not, Katastrophe + +
C 筆試 + * * bi3shi4 written examination Schriftliche Prüfung + +
C 軍備 + * * jun1bei4 armament/ arms/ military organization and armament Rüstung + +
C 回想 + * * hui2xiang3 recall/ recollect/ think back/ reminisce zurückdenken, sich erinnern + +
C 軍官 + * * jun1guan1 military officer/ army officer Offizier + +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- adv. einfach müssen + +
C + * * fei1 wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- im Widerspruch mit, illegal + +
C 穀子 + * * gu3zi millet 1. Hirse 2. ungeschälter Reis + +
C + * * duan1 extremity/ end/ beginning/ reason/ cause 1. Ende, Rand, Extrem, Spitze 2. Anfang, Beginn 3. Grund, Ursache, Anlaß 4. Punkt 5. aufrecht, richtig 6. waagerecht halten, tragen + +
C 清除 + * * qing1chu2 clear away/ eliminate/ get rid of/ purge/ remove beseitigen,wegschaffen,ausmerzen/ausrotten + +
C 優勢 + * * you1shi4 superior-situation/ superiority/ dominance/ advantage Übermacht,Oberhand,Überlegenheit + +
C 開除 + * * kai1chu2 dismiss/ discharge/ expel ausschließen,ausstoßen,entlassen + +
C 罪行 + * * zui4xing2 criminal-act/ crime/ guilt/ offence/ misdeed/ maleficence Verbrechen, Straftat + +
C + * * ba4 dismiss/ cease/ stop 1.(eine Tätigkeit) einstellen, mit etw aufhören 2. absetzen, entlassen 3. fertig + +
C 匯款 + * * hui4 kuan3 transfer funds through a post office or bank/ remittance Geldüberweisung + +
C 固定 + * * gu4ding4 fixed/ regular/ predetermined/ fix/ fasten/ regularize fest, feststehend,befestigen,festlegen + +
C + * * he2 nucleus/ atomic nucleus/ pit/ stone 1.Kern, Stein, 2. Kern, Atomkern, nuklear, atomar 3. untersuchen, nachprüfen + +
C 固然 + * * gu4ran2 it is true/ admittedly/ no doubt/ indeed/ certainly gewiß, natürlich, zwar + +
C 省長 + * * sheng3zhang3 governor of a province/ premier of a province Gouverneur einer Provinz + +
C 散布 + * * san4bu4 scatter/ disseminate/ spread/ sow ausstreuen,verbreiten,etw. in Umlauf bringen + +
C 檢驗 + * * jian3yan4 check/ test/ examine/ inspect testen, erproben,prüfen + +
C 混合 + * * hun4he2 mix/ blend/ mingle mischen, vermengen,zusammenmischen, dahinleben + +
C 相聲 + * * xiang4sheng1 comic dialogue/ cross-talk komischer Dialog + +
C 欺負 + * * qi1fu bully/ intimidate/ bluster/ coerce/ tease/ schikanieren, tyrannisieren + +
C 混亂 + * * hun4luan4 disorderly/ chaotic/ unorganized/ promiscuous Chaos, Durcheinander,Unordnung + +
C 混淆 + * * hun4xiao2 confound/ confuse/ mix up verwechseln,verwischen,durcheinander bringen + +
C 謹慎 + * * jin3shen4 cautious/ prudent/ circumspect/ careful/ mindful umsichtig, vorsichtig,achtsam + +
C 農藥 + * * nong2yao4 agricultural chemicals/ farming chemicals/ pesticide landwirtschaftliches Schädlingbekämpungsmittel, Pestizid + +
C 向來 + * * xiang4lai2 from beginning coming towards now/ always/ all along von jeher, seit ehund je, schon immer + +
C 一連 + * * yi1lian2 one-heart/ of one mind/ wholeheartedly/ heart and soul hintereinander + +
C 開夜車 + * * kai1 ye4che1 work overtime or study at night/ burn the midnight oil bis nachts arbeiten + +
C 失掉 + * * shi1diao4 lose/ no longer possess/ miss/ let slip verlieren, z.B Gewichtverlust + +
C 打量 + * * da3liang4 look up and down/ check out/ examine with the eye mustern, jm/etw prüfend ansehen + +
C + * * nu4 angry/ raging/ forceful/ vigorous/ dynamic/ vehement Zorn, Wut + +
C 支配 + * * zhi1pei4 arrange-apportion/ control/ dominate/ arrange einteilen,einsetzen,leiten,drigieren,kontrollieren + +
C + * * can3 miserable/ tragic/ cruel/ inhumane traurig, jämmerlich, tragisch, entsetzlich + +
C 消除 + * * xiao1chu2 eliminate-remove/ clear up/ get rid of/ dispel beseitigen,entfernen,überwinden + +
C 奇跡 + * * qi2ji4 miracle/ marvel/ wonder Wunder + +
C 消極 + * * xiao1ji2 eliminate-urgency/ negative/ passive/ inactive negativ, passiv, inaktiv + +
C 鑒定 + * * jian4ding4 authenticate/ appraise/ identify/ determine Gutachten, Beurteilung, begutachten + +
C 提醒 + * * ti2xing3 prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen + +
C 民兵 + * * min2bing1 militia/ militiaman/ militia-woman Volksmiliz, Milizionär + +
C 武裝 + * * wu3zhuang1 military-equipment/ weaponry/ arm forces/ arm/ equip Bewaffnung, Rüstung, bewaffnen, rüsten + +
C 濕潤 + 湿* * shi1run4 moist/ damp/ humid feucht, naß + +
C 學年 + * * xue2nian2 academic-year/ school year Schuljahr + +
C 舞蹈 + * * wu3dao3 move-step/ move and step rhythmically/ dance Tanz + +
C 有限 + * * you3xian4 have-limit/ limited/ finite/ not many in number begrenzt, beschränkt + +
C 歪曲 + * * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort verdrehen, verfälschen, etwas in ein falsches Licht rücken + +
C 侮辱 + * * wu3ru3 bully-humiliate/ insult/ affront/ humiliate/ dishonor beleidigen + +
C 學說 + * * xue2shuo1 academic-theory/ doctrine/ theory Theorie, Lehre, Doktrin + +
C 學位 + * * xue2wei4 academic-position/ academic degree/ degree akademischer Grad + +
C + * * fen3 powder/ face powder/ vermicelli made from starch 1.Pulver,Puder, pulverisieren 2. rosa 3. weißen, etwas weiß anstreichen + +
C + * * chou2 hatred/ enmity 1.Feind, Erzfeind 2.Haß, Feinschaft + +
C 有意 + * * you3yi4 have-mind/ have a mind (to do)/ be attracted sexually etwas im Sinn haben, gewillt sein, mit Absicht, absichtlich + +
C 驚人 + * * jing1ren2 astonishing/ amazing/ alarming/ shocking erstaunlich, verwunderlich + +
C 測試 + * * ce4shi4 test/ examine/ trial/ testing Test, testen,Prüfung + +
C 類似 + * * lei4si4 similar/ analogous ähneln, gleich + +
C 初中 + * * chu1zhong1 junior middle school/ junior high school Mittlere Juniorschule + +
C + * * wu4 by mistake/ by accident/ miss/ delay/ harm/ damage 1. fälschlich, irrig, Fehler, Irrtum 2. versäumen, verpassen, 3. benachteiligen, beeinträchtigen, schädigen 4. unabsichtlich, versehentlich + +
C 思念 + * * si1nian4 miss/ think of/ long for vermissen, an..denken, sich sehnen nach + +
C 笑容 + * * xiao4rong2 smiling-look/ smiling expression/ smile Lächeln, lächelnder Ausdruck,lächelndes Gesicht + +
C 別字 + * * bie2zi4 wrongly written or mispronounced character falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe + +
C 惡心 + * * e3xin feel like vomiting/ feel sick/ be disgusted Übelkeit, Brechreiz,ekelhaft, abscheulich, hassen + +
C 將軍 + * * jiang1jun1 general/ high-ranking military officer Schach bieten, General, hoher Offizier + +
C + * * e4 bad/ evil/ criminal/ wicked/ vicious/ ruthless 1.Übeltat, Laster, Verbrechen, Bosheit 2.böse, grausam, erbittert 3. schlecht, übel + +
C + * * lv3 aluminum Aluminium + +
C 隔閡 + * * ge2he2 estrangement/ misunderstanding/ gulf/ barrier 1. Barriere, 2. Sprachbarriere + +
C 惡劣 + * * e4lie4 very bad/ vile/ abominable/ odious/ disgusting abscheulich, widerwärtig, gemein, wertlos + +
C + * * pan2 coil/ twist/ wind/ examine/ look into/ move/ transfer 1. um etw kreisen, schrauben, sich winden 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. überprüfen + +
C 獎金 + * * jiang3jin1 monetary award/ prize/ bonus/ premium Prämie, Preis + +
C 天下 + * * tian1xia4 under-sky/ world/ rule/ domination under dem Himmel, die Welt oder China + +
C 吸取 + * * xi1qu3 absorb-get/ absorb/ draw/ assimilate/ extract aufsaugen,etwas in sich aufnehmen, absorbieren + +
C 出身 + * * chu1shen1 be born into/ origin/ family background 1. Herkunft, Abstammung, stammen (aus), abstammen 2. früherer Beruf + +
C + * * ya1 pressure-force/ pressure/ overwhelming force/ stress 1. verpfänden, etwas als Pfand geben 2. jn in Haft nehmen 3. eskortieren, bewachen 4.unterschreiben, unterzeichnen, signieren, stempeln + +
C 玩意兒 + * * wan2yi4r unyielding-firm/ tenacious/ indomitable Spielzeug, Ding, Vorführung + +
C 占領 + * * zhan4ling3 occupy-administer/ seize/ occupy/ capture/ possess erobern, besetzen + +
C 出事 + * * chu1 shi4 have an accident/ meet with a mishap Unfall, Unglück + +
C 頑強 + * * wan2qiang2 play-thing/toy/ thing/ certain performing folk art forms hartnäckig, zäh + +
C 疑心 + * * yi2xin1 doubtful-mind/ suspicion/ doubt/ suspect/ verdächtigen, bezweifeln + +
C 出息 + * * chu1xi prospect/ aspiration/ promise vielversprechende Aussichten, große Zukunft + +
C 戰術 + * * zhan4shu4 battle-method/ (military) tactics/ tactic/ maneuver Taktik + +
C 規矩 + * * gui1ju rule/ manner/ custom/ decent/ conforming to norms Gepflogenheit, anständig + +
C 極端 + * * ji2duan1 utter/ extreme/ extremity Extrem, extrem + +
C 欣賞 + * * xin1shang3 love-enjoy/ appreciate/ admire/ like genießen, bewundern + +
C 條例 + * * tiao2li4 itemized-rules/ regulations/ ordinances/ rules Regeln, Vorschriften,Bestimmungen + +
C 陌生 + * * mo4sheng1 strange/ unfamiliar fremd + +
C 代辦 + * * dai4ban4 agency/ commission/ act for another für jn etwas machen,vertreten + +
C 調皮 + * * tiao2pi2 playful-naughty/ mischievous/ disobedient/ tricky ungezogen, frech, unbändig, widerspenstig + +
C + * * pei4 make a couple/ find sth. to fit/ mix/ blend/ be worthy of 1. eine Ehe schließen 2. paaren 3. zusammenmischen,zusamnenstellen 4. zueinander passen, miteinander harmonieren 5. es verdienen, sich würdig erweisen 6. etw planmäßig verteilen + +
C 發射 + * * fa1she4 launch/ discharge/ shoot/ fire/ transmit abfeuern, starten, schießen, + +
C 萬萬 + * * wan4wan4 thousands-thousandsin millions of cases/ in any case unter allen Umständen, auf jeden Fall + +
C + * * yi4 easy/ amiable 1. leicht 2. freundlich, liebenswürdig 3. wechseln 4. austauschen + +
C 佩服 + * * pei4fu2 admire/ have a high opinion of bewundern, hochachten + +
C 事故 + * * shi4gu4 event that is unforeseen/ accident/ mishap Unglücksfall, Unfall + +
C + * * jiao3 mix/ stir/ disturb/ mess up 1. umrühren, mischen 2.stören, belästigen + +
C 心事 + * * xin1shi4 heart-thing/ a load on one's mind/ worry Herzensache, Sorge + +
C 心思 + * * xin1si1 heart-thought/ thought/ idea/ thinking/ mind/ mood Idee, Gedanke, Denken, Stimmung, Gemütsverfassung + +
C 傳達 + * * chuan2da2 convey/ transmit/ communicate weitergeben, weiterleiten + +
C + * * pi1 criticize/ write comments on documents submitted 1. eine Notiz oder eine Nachricht auf einen Bericht schreiben 2. kritisieren,verurteilen 3. Zählwort Menge, Gruppe + +
C 冤枉 + * * yuan1wang wrong-mistreat/ treat unjustly/ wrong/ not worthwhile jm unrecht tun, vergeblich sein, nutzlos + +
C 勢力 + * * shi4li (political; economic or military) force/ power/ influence Stärke, Macht, Einfluß + +
C 隨後 + * * sui2hou4 following-rear/ afterward/ shortly after/ in a minute hinterher,kurz danach + +
C + * * chuan4 string together/ mix up/ bunch/ cluster 1. aufreihen, aneinanderreihen, etw auf eine Schnur ziehen 2. ganz durcheinander geraten 3.sich mit jm verschwören,sich zusammentun 4. von Ort zu Ort gehen 5. Schnur + +
C 威脅 + * * wei1xie2 menacingly-coerce/ intimidate/ threaten/ menace/ imperil bedrohen, drohen + +
C 微小 + * * wei1xiao3 micro-small/ tiny/ little/ small/ minute sehr klein + +
C 原始 + * * yuan2shi3 original-initial/ original/ firsthand/ primeval/ primitive original, ursprünglich, aus erster Hand, primitiv, Ur- + +
C + * * guo3 wrap/ bind/ mix and carry einwickeln, einhüllen, verbinden, umwickeln + +
C 照耀 + 耀* * zhao4yao4 shine-illuminate/ shine/ illuminate/ radiate/ blaze scheinen,erleuchten + +
C 中部 + * * zhong1bu4 central-part/ central area/ central section/ middle part Mitte, Zentrale,mittlerer Teil + +
C 原子彈 + * * yuan2zi3dan4 original-particle-bomb/ atom bomb/ atomic bomb Atombombe + +
C + * * nai3 milk/ breast 1.Brüste 2. Milch 3. stillen + +
C 中斷 + * * zhong1duan4 midway-break/ interrupt/ suspend/ break off/ intermit abbrechen, unterbrechen, aussetzen + +
C 口試 + * * kou3shi4 oral test/ oral examination mündliche Prüfung + +
C 悲觀 + * * bei1guan1 pessimistic pessimistisch + +
C 化工 + * * hua4gong1 chemical industry chemische Industrie + +
C 中年 + * * zhong1nian2 middle-age/ middle age/ mid-life mittleres Lebensalter + +
C + * * ju2 bureau/ office/ administration/ shop/ part/ portion 1. Schachbrett 2.Partie, Satz 3. Lage, Situation 4.Intrige, Falle , Schlinge 5.Grenze, Schranke 6. Amt, Büro, Behörde 7. Geschäftshaus, Laden + +
C 化驗 + * * hua4yan4 chemically examine/ conduct a lab test/ assay chemische Untersuchung,Laboruntersuchung + +
C 厭惡 + * * yan4wu4 hate-dislike/ detest/ abominate/ abhor/ be disgusted at abscheulich,Abscheu,Antipathie + +
C 中旬 + * * zhong1xun2 mid-period/ period of the second ten days of a month die mittlere Dekade eines Monats + +
C + 怀* * huai2 keep in mind/ think of/ be pregnant/ bosom/ mind 1. Brust, Busen, Schoß 2. Gemüt, Herz, Sinn 3. hegen, tragen 4. sich nach jm/etw sehnen,, an jn/etw denken 5.(ein Kind) empfangen + +
C 懷念 + 怀* * huai2nian4 cherish the memory of/ think of/ miss an jemand denken,sich nach jd sehnen + +
C 潮濕 + 湿* * chao2shi1 wet/ humid/ damp/ moist feucht, naß + +
C 當中 + * * dang1zhong1 (in the) center/ (in the) middle unter, mitten unter + +
C 自治 + * * zi4zhi4 self-administer/ exercise autonomy/ self-govern Autodetermination, Autonomie + +
C + * * chun2 pure/ unmixed 1. rein, lauter, unvermischt 2. ganz und gar , nur, einfach + +
C 自治區 + * * zi4zhi4qu1 self-administer-area/ autonomous region autome Region + +
C 維生素 + * * wei2sheng1su4 maintain-life-element/ vitamin Vitamin + +
C + * * xian2 dislike/ mind 1. Verdacht 2.Groll, Kränkung 3.gegen jn/etw Abneigung hegen, nicht mögen, verabscheuen, einer Sache überdrüssig sein + +
D 夾雜 + * * jia1za2 be mixed up with mit etwas vermischt, zusammengemischt + +
D 終點 + * * zhong1dian3 terminal Ziel (Endhaltepunkt) + +
D 黨中央 + * * dang3zhong1yang1 the Party Central Committee Zentalkomitee der Partei + +
D 家常 + * * jia1chang2 family-style Alltagsleben einer Familie, alltäglich + +
D 終端 + * * zhong1duan1 terminal Ende + +
D 顯而易見 + * * xian3 er2 yi4 jian4 obviously/ stick out a mile offensichtlich + +
D 顯微鏡 + * * xian3 wei1 jing4 microscope Mikroskop + +
D + * * mei2 mildew Schimmelpilz, Schimmel, schimmeln, schimmelig werden + +
D 神奇 + * * shen2qi2 miraculous/ magical wunderbar, wunderwirkend, geheimnisvoll + +
D 礦藏 + * * kuang4cang2 mineral resources Bodenschätze + +
D 欽佩 + * * qin1pei4 admire bewundern, ehren, hochachten + +
D 礦產 + * * kuang4chan3 mine Bodenvorkommen,Mineralien + +
D 礦井 + * * kuang4jing3 mine Mine, Zeche, Grube, Schacht + +
D 痛恨 + * * tong4hen4 abhor/ abominate von bitteren Haß gegen jd erfüllt sein, abgrundtief hassen + +
D 礦區 + * * kuang4qu1 minefield Bergbaugebiet + +
D 礦山 + * * kuang4shan1 mine Bergwerk,Mine, Zeche + +
D 礦物 + * * kuang4wu4 mineral Erz, Mineral + +
D 審定 + * * shen3ding4 examine and approve überprüfen und bestätigen + +
D 審批 + * * shen3pi1 examine and approve etwas prüfen und genehmigen + +
D 首相 + * * shou3xiang4 premier Kanzler, Premier, Ministerpräsident + +
D 溫柔 + * * wen1rou2 soft/ mild/ gentle sanft, voller Zärtlichkeit + +
D + * * xian4 limit 1. Grenze, Limit, Schranke 2. ein Limit setzen, beschränken, begrenzen, einschränken + +
D 限度 + * * xian4du4 limit/ bound Grenze,Limit, Begrenzung,Beschränkung + +
D 限期 + * * xian4qi1 time limit innerhalb eines begrenzten Zeitraums + +
D 限於 + * * xian4yu2 limit to sich auf etwas beschränken, eingeschränkt durch + +
D 胸懷 + 怀* * xiong1huai2 mind/ heart geistiger Horizont, Herz + +
D 毒害 + * * du2hai4 sb's mind poison geistig vergiften,moralisch verderben + +
D 防疫 + * * fang2 yi4 epidemic prevention Seuchenschutz + +
D 美中不足 + * * mei3 zhong1 bu4 zu2 a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing bloß ein kleiner Schönheitsfehler + +
D 柔和 + * * rou2he2 soft, mild, gentle sanft, mild,lind + +
D 探親 + * * tan4 qin1 go home to visit one's family entfernt lebende Eltern oder Ehepartner besuchen + +
D 門當戶對 + * * men2 dang1 hu4 dui4 be well-matched in social and economic status von gleichem wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Status sein + +
D + * * la4 1. leave out, be missing 2. forget to bring 3. lag (or fall, drop) behind 1.auslassen, übersehen,überschlagen 2.vergessen,liegenlassen 3. zurückbleiben,aus der Reihe fallen siehe luo4 + +
D 解雇 + * * jie3gu4 fire/ dismiss from entlassen, kündigen + +
D 災荒 + * * zai1huang1 famine due to crop failures Hungersnot + +
D 解散 + * * jie3san4 dismiss/ disband auflösen + +
D 猜測 + * * cai1ce4 guess/ surmise Vermutung, vermuten, mutmaßen + +
D + * * cheng2 submit/ assume 1. sich darbieten, aussehen, einen bestimmten Anblick bieten 2. etw bei einer vorgesetzten Stelle einreichen, Antrag, Bittschrift + +
D 界限 + * * jie4xian4 limit Grenze, Gemarkung + +
D + * * ru3 milk 1. Brust 2. Milch 3. neugeboren, saugend + +
D 軍醫 + * * jun1yi1 military surgeon Militärarzt + +
D 破獲 + * * po4huo4 solve a criminal case ein Verbrechen aufklären und den Verbrecher dingfest machen + +
D 軍用 + * * jun1yong4 for military use für militärische Zwecke, + +
D 來年 + * * lai2nian2 the coming year kommendes Jahr, nächstes Jahr + +
D 銳利 + * * rui4li4 sharp/ acuminate scharf, spitz + +
D 書信 + * * shu1xin4 letter/ missive Brief, Schreiben + +
D 主導 + * * zhu3dao3 leading/ dominant leitend, führend + +
D 逃荒 + * * tao2 huang1 flee from famine wegen einer Hungersnot fliehen + +
D 財經 + * * cai2jing1 finance and economics Finanzen und Wirtschaft + +
D 短處 + * * duan3chu4 shortcoming Schwäche, Fehler + +
D 開采 + * * kai1cai3 exploit (mine) abbauen, fördern, ausbeuten + +
D 陶瓷 + * * tao2ci2 ceramic Keramiken, Ton und Porzellanwaren + +
D 贊賞 + * * zan4shang3 admire/ praise bewundern, anerkennen + +
D 罪犯 + * * zui4fan4 criminal Verbrecher, Straffällige + +
D 許可 + * * xu3ke3 admit/ allow billigen, einwilligen, zustimmen, erlauben, genehmigen, + +
D 斷斷續續 + * * duan4duan4 xu4xu4 off and on/ intermittently mit Unterbrechungen, ab und zu + +
D 顧慮 + * * gu4lv4 misgive/ misgiving Bedenken, Befürchtung + +
D 檢測 + * * jian3ce4 examine/ inspect untersuchen, inspizieren + +
D 省略 + * * sheng3lve4 omit/ overleap auslassen, ersparen + +
D 免除 + * * mian3chu2 release/ remit verhüten,verhindern,vermeiden/ befreien/freistelle + +
D 開朗 + * * kai1lang3 optimistic klar und offen, heiter, fröhlich, zuversichtlich + +
D 檢修 + * * jian3xiu1 examine and repair etwas überprüfen und reparieren, überholen + +
D 和解 + * * he2jie3 settle compromise sich versöhnen + +
D 期限 + * * qi1xian4 time limit Frist, letzter Termin + +
D 混合物 + * * hun4he2wu4 admixture Mischung + +
D 留意 + * * liu2 yi4 advert/ mind vorsichtig sein, aufpassen + +
D 麵包車 + * * mian4bao1che1 microbus Minibus + +
D 牢記 + * * lao2ji4 engrave/ bear in mind etwas im Gedächtnis behalten + +
D 作案 + * * zuo4 an4 commit an offence ein Verbrechen begehen + +
D 殘疾 + * * can2ji deformity Behinderung, behindert, verunstalten + +
D 分寸 + * * fen1cun4 proper limits for speech or action Sinn für Schicklichkeit, richtiges Maß + +
D 一毛不拔 + * * yi4 mao2 bu4 ba2 miserly/ very stingy/ unwilling to give up even a hair sich nicht ein Haar ausrupfen, geizig sein + +
D 失誤 + * * shi1wu4 misplay Fehler + +
D 提名 + * * ti2 ming2 nominate/ name nominieren, zur Wahl vorschlagen + +
D 削減 + * * xue1jian3 cut/ minify/ whittle reduzieren, verringern, herabsetzen, + +
D 分母 + * * fen1mu3 denominator Nenner (eines Bruchs) + +
D 老鼠 + * * lao3shu3 mice Ratte, Maus + +
D 歧視 + * * qi2shi4 discriminate diskriminieren + +
D 妥協 + * * tuo3xie2 compromise Kompromiß + +
D 大臣 + * * da4chen2 minister Minister + +
D + * * ban4 mix mischen, mengen, vermengen, rühren + +
D 濕度 + 湿* * shi1du4 humidity Feuchtigkeit + +
D 屈服 + * * qu1fu2 submit/ give in/ bend sich unterwerfen + +
D 小米 + * * xiao3mi3 millet Hirse + +
D 考核 + * * kao3he2 examine/ assess überprüfen, abschätzen + +
D 測定 + * * ce4ding4 determine/ measure entscheiden + +
D 管轄 + * * guan3xia2 dominate/ rule zuständig sein,verwalten + +
D 考取 + * * kao3 qu3 be admitted to school or college eine Zulassungsprüfung bestehen, zugelassen werden + +
D 排除 + * * pai2chu2 eliminate/ remove/ debar entfernen,fortschaffen,sich js/etw. entledigen + +
D 炸藥 + * * zha4yao4 dynamite/ detonator explosive Substanz + +
D 遞交 + * * di4jiao1 hand over/ submit überreichen, übergeben + +
D 轟轟烈烈 + * * hong1hong1 lie4lie4 dynamic/ vigorous stürmisch, schwungvoll + +
D 誤解 + * * wu4jie3 misunderstand falsch verstehen, Mißverständnis + +
D 惡毒 + * * e4du2 evil-minded böse,boshaft, heimtückisch + +
D 差錯 + * * cha1cuo4 error/ mistake Fehler, Irrtum, Unglücksfall + +
D 大同小異 + * * da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4 largely identical but with minor difference weitesgehend identisch + +
D 命名 + * * ming4 ming2 call/ nominate ernennen, nominieren + +
D 私自 + * * si1zi4 without permission/ privately heimlich, unerlaubt + +
D 判定 + * * pan4ding4 determine/ judge Urteil, verurteilen + +
D 移民 + * * yi2 min2 migrant immigrieren + +
D + * * chan1 mix into mischen < uneinheitliche Schreibweise > + +
D + * * si4 similar/ seem 1.ähnlich sein, ähneln 2. es scheint 3. übertreffen, überragen + +
D 似笑非笑 + * * si4 xiao4 fei1 xiao4 a faint on one's face/ with a spurious smile ein gekünseltes Lächeln + +
D 極限 + * * ji2xian4 limit/ utmost Grenze, Grenzwert, Limit + +
D 使命 + 使* * shi3ming4 mission Auftrag + +
D 追問 + * * zhui1wen4 question closely/ examine minutely gründlich untersuchen, eingehende Erkundigungen einholen + +
D 準許 + * * zhun3xu3 permit erlauben, gestatten, genehmigen + +
D 億萬 + 亿* * yi4wan4 hundreds of millions Hunderte Millionen + +
D 心裡 + * * xin1li in the mind im Grunde des Herzens, in der Seele, auf dem Herzen + +
D 預賽 + * * yu4sai4 preliminary match Vorrunde, Vorlauf + +
D 嬌氣 + * * jiao1qi4 effeminate zart, zerbrechlich,verzärtelt,verwöhnt + +
D 少數民族 + * * shao3shu4 min2zu2 minority nationale Minderheit + +
D 攪拌 + * * jiao3ban4 mix up mischen, umrühren + +
D 熱淚盈眶 + * * re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 one's eyes brimming with tears heiße Tränen steigen jm in die Augen + +
D 心頭 + * * xin1tou2 mind Geist, Herz + +
D 心眼兒 + * * xin1yan3'er mind/ idea Herz, Absicht, Intelligenz, geistige Gewandtheit, unnötige Befürchtung, unbegründete Bedenken + +
D 報考 + * * bao4kao3 enter oneself for an examination sich für eine Prüfung eintragen + +
D 傳送 + * * chuan2song4 transmit/ remit/ carry transportieren, befördern + +
D 心中 + * * xin1zhong1 in mind im Herzen, im Geiste (meistens erweiterte Sätze: hegen, erfüllen, Bescheidwissen) + +
D 報銷 + * * bao4xiao1 submit and expense account sich seine Kosten erstatten lassen + +
D 妄想 + * * wang4xiang3 mirage/ deliria sich eitle Hoffnungen machen,unrealisierbarer Wunschtraum, Chimäre + +
D + * * pi1 base/ blank/ semi-finished products Formling, Halbfertigprodukt, rohes Produkt, rohe Form + +
D 威力 + * * wei1li4 might/ power Macht, Gewalt + +
D 照明 + * * zhao4ming2 illuminate beleuchten, leuchten, Beleuchtung + +
D 微觀 + * * wei1guan1 microcosmic mikrokosmisch + +
D 爆破 + * * bao4po4 blow up/ blast/ dynamite in die Luft sprengen, Dynamit + +
D 寄托 + * * ji4tuo1 place on/ consign or commit anvertrauen,auf etwas,jn setzen + +
D 治理 + * * zhi4li3 administer/ govern regieren, verwalten, regeln, regulieren + +
D 不妨 + * * bu4fang2 might as well es steht nichts dagegen + +
D 定性 + * * ding4 xing4 determine the nature etwas bestimmen + +
D 中等 + * * zhong1deng3 medium/ middling mittlerer Grad + +
D 悲慘 + * * bei1can3 miserable jammervoll, tragisch + +
D 原子能 + * * yuan2zi3neng2 atomic energy Atomkraft, Kernenergie + +
D 奶粉 + * * nai3fen3 milk powder Milchpulver + +
D 化肥 + * * hua4fei2 chemical fertilizer chemisches Düngemittel, Kunstdünger + +
D 中秋 + * * zhong1qiu1 mid-autumn Mondfest (im Herbst) + +
D 耐力 + * * nai4li4 resistance/ stamina Ausdauer, Widerstandsfähigkeit + +
D 中途 + * * zhong1tu2 midway auf halben Weg, halbwegs, unterwegs + +
D 化纖 + * * hua4xian1 chemical fiber Chemiefaser + +
D 局限 + * * ju2xian4 limit/ confine begrenzen + +
D 刑法 + * * xing2fa3 criminal law Strafrecht,Strafgesetz(buch) + +
D 刑事 + * * xing2shi4 criminal kriminell,strafrechtlich, strafbar + +
D 索性 + * * suo3xing4 might as well einfach, geradezu + +
D 中游 + * * zhong1you2 middle reaches of a river Mittellauf, Mittelmäßigkeit, Durchschnittlichkeit + +

先生* 1 xian1 sheng5 teacher/ Mister (Mr.)/ husband/ doctor (topolect)/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
分钟* 1 fen1 zhong1 minute
* 1 xiang3 to think/ to believe/ to suppose/ to wish/ to want/ to miss
* 1 du2 to read/ to study/ reading of word (i.e. pronunciation); similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1]
小姐* 1 xiao3 jie5 young lady/ miss/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
中国* 1 Zhong1 guo2 China/ Middle Kingdom
* 1 zai4 (located) at/ (to be) in/ to exist/ in the middle of doing sth/ (indicating an action in progress)
中午* 1 zhong1 wu3 noon/ midday/ CL:個|个[ge4]
医生* 1 yi1 sheng1 doctor/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
* 1 jia1 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[
认识* 1 ren4 shi5 to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition
牛奶* 2 niu2 nai3 cow's milk/ CL:瓶[ping2];杯[bei1]
可能* 2 ke3 neng2 might (happen)/ possible/ probable/ possibility/ probability/ maybe/ perhaps/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 ci4 next in sequence/ second/ the second (day; time etc)/ secondary/ vice-/ sub-/ infra-/ inferior quality/ substandard/ order/ sequence/ hypo- (chemistry)/ classifier for enumerated events: time
* 2 cuo4 mistake/ error/ blunder/ fault/ cross/ uneven/ wrong/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 xiao4 laugh/ smile/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 jin4 to advance/ to enter/ to come (or go) into/ to receive or admit/ to eat or drink/ to submit or present/ (used after a verb) into; in/ to score a goal
* 2 xin1 new/ newly/ meso- (chemistry)
* 2 men2 gate/ door/ CL:扇[shan4]/ gateway/ doorway/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ opening/ valve/ switch/ way to do something/ knack/ family/ house/ (religious) sect/ school (of thought)/ class/ category/ phylum or division (taxonomy)/ classifier for large guns/ classifier for les
* 2 rang4 to yield/ to permit/ to let sb do sth/ to have sb do sth
* 2 xing4 family name/ surname/ name/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 2 yin1 overcast (weather)/ cloudy/ shady/ Yin (the negative principle of Yin and Yang)/ negative (electric.)/ feminine/ moon/ implicit/ hidden/ genitalia
阿姨* 3 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
方便* 3 fang1 bian4 convenient/ to help out/ to make things easy for people/ convenience/ suitable/ having money to spare/ (euphemism) to go to the toilet
检查* 3 jian3 cha2 inspection/ to examine/ to inspect/ CL:次[ci4]
放心* 3 fang4 xin1 to set one's mind at rest/ to be at ease/ to rest
地方* 3 di4 fang5 region/ regional (away from the central administration)
* 3 fen1 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money)
* 3 ban1 to move/ to shift/ to remove/ to transport/ to apply indiscriminately/ to copy mechanically
* 3 ban4 half/ semi-/ incomplete/ (after a number) and a half
办公室* 3 ban4 gong1 shi4 an office/ business premises/ a bureau/ CL:間|间[jian1]
可爱* 3 ke3 ai4 amiable/ cute/ lovely
结束* 3 jie2 shu4 termination/ to finish/ to end/ to conclude/ to close
* 3 ceng2 layer/ stratum/ laminated/ floor (of a building)/ storey/ classifier for layers/ repeated/ sheaf (math.)
中间* 3 zhong1 jian1 between/ intermediate/ mid/ middle
校长* 3 xiao4 zhang3 (college; university) president/ headmaster/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
经理* 3 jing1 li3 manager/ director/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
* 3 lao3 prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity/ old (of people)/ venerable (person)/ experienced/ of long standing/ always/ all the time/ of the pas
反映* 4 fan3 ying4 to mirror/ to reflect/ mirror image/ reflection/ fig. to report/ to make known/ to render/ used erroneously for 反應|反应; response or reaction
误会* 4 wu4 hui4 to misunderstand/ to mistake/ misunderstanding/ CL:個|个[ge4]
范围* 4 fan4 wei2 range/ scope/ limit/ extent/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 lian2 to link/ to join/ to connect/ continuously/ in succession/ including/ (used with 也; 都 etc) even/ company (military)
博士* 4 bo2 shi4 doctor/ court academician (in feudal China)/ Ph.D.
熟悉* 4 shu2 xi1 to be familiar with/ to know well
奖金* 4 jiang3 jin1 premium/ award money/ a bonus
千万* 4 qian1 wan4 ten million/ countless/ many/ one must by all means
友好* 4 you3 hao3 friendly/ amicable
* 4 qiang2 wall/ CL:面[mian4];堵[du3]
* 4 tui1 to push/ to cut/ to refuse/ to reject/ to decline/ to shirk (responsibility)/ to put off/ to delay/ to push forward/ to nominate/ to elect
* 4 diao4 to fall/ to drop/ to lag behind/ to lose/ to go missing/ to reduce/ fall (in prices)/ to lose (value; weight etc)/ to wag/ to swing/ to turn/ to change/ to exchange/ to swap/ to show off/ to shed (hair)
传真* 4 chuan2 zhen1 fax/ facsimile
羡慕* 4 xian4 mu4 envious/ envy/ to admire
羽毛球* 4 yu3 mao2 qiu2 shuttlecock/ badminton/ CL:個|个[ge4]
限制* 4 xian4 zhi4 to restrict/ to limit/ to confine/ restriction/ limit/ CL:個|个[ge4]
亲戚* 4 qin1 qi5 a relative (i.e. family relation)/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
* 4 luan4 in confusion or disorder/ in a confused state of mind/ disorder/ upheaval/ riot/ illicit sexual relations/ to throw into disorder/ to mix up/ indiscriminate/ random/ arbitrary
演员* 4 yan3 yuan2 actor or actress/ performer/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
详细* 4 xiang2 xi4 detailed/ in detail/ minute
管理* 4 guan3 li3 to supervise/ to manage/ to administer/ management/ administration/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 zuo4 seat/ base/ stand/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ classifier for buildings; mountains and similar immovable objects
节约* 4 jie2 yue1 to economize/ to conserve (resources)/ economy/ frugal
判断* 4 pan4 duan4 to decide/ to determine/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 man3 full/ filled/ packed/ fully/ completely/ quite/ to reach the limit/ to satisfy/ satisfied/ contented/ to fill/ abbr. for Manchurian
允许* 4 yun3 xu3 to permit/ to allow
区别* 4 qu1 bie2 difference/ to distinguish/ to discriminate/ to make a distinction/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 sheng3 to save/ to economize/ to do without/ to omit/ to leave out/ province/ CL:個|个[ge4]
师傅* 4 shi1 fu5 master/ qualified worker/ respectful form of address for older men/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
缺点* 4 que1 dian3 weak point/ fault/ shortcoming/ CL:個|个[ge4]
心情* 4 xin1 qing2 mood/ frame of mind/ CL:個|个[ge4]
经济* 4 jing1 ji4 economy/ economic
代表* 4 dai4 biao3 representative/ delegate/ CL:位[wei4];個|个[ge4];名[ming2]/ to represent/ to stand for/ on behalf of/ in the name of
大夫* 4 dai4 fu5 doctor/ minister of state (in pre-Han states)/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
精神* 4 jing1 shen2 spirit/ mind/ consciousness/ thought/ mental/ psychological/ essence/ gist/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 4 zhai3 narrow/ narrow-minded/ badly off
亿* 4 yi4 a hundred million/ calculate
* 4 shi4 to test/ to try/ experiment/ examination/ test
镜子* 4 jing4 zi5 mirror/ CL:面[mian4];個|个[ge4]
人民币* 4 ren2 min2 bi4 Renminbi (RMB)/ Chinese Yuan (CNY)
污染* 4 wu1 ran3 pollution/ contamination/ CL:個|个[ge4]
翻译* 4 fan1 yi4 to translate/ to interpret/ translator/ interpreter/ translation/ interpretation/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
提醒* 4 ti2 xing3 to remind/ to call attention to/ to warn of
任务* 4 ren4 wu5 mission/ assignment/ task/ duty/ role/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4]
专门* 4 zhuan1 men2 specialist/ specialized/ customized
坚持* 4 jian1 chi2 to continue upholding/ to remain committed to/ persistence/ to persist/ to uphold/ to insist on/ persevere
艰巨* 5 jian1 ju4 arduous/ terrible (task)/ very difficult/ formidable
转告* 5 zhuan3 gao4 to pass on/ to communicate/ to transmit
坚决* 5 jian1 jue2 firm/ resolute/ determined
奇迹* 5 qi2 ji4 miracle/ miraculous/ wonder/ marvel
反应* 5 fan3 ying4 to react/ to respond/ reaction/ response/ reply/ chemical reaction/ CL:個|个[ge4]
武术* 5 wu3 shu4 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
* 5 wu4 fog/ mist/ CL:場|场[chang2];陣|阵[zhen4]
工程师* 5 gong1 cheng2 shi1 engineer/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
模仿* 5 mo2 fang3 to imitate/ to copy/ to emulate/ to mimic/ model
* 5 chong1 (of water) to dash against/ to mix with water/ to infuse/ to rinse/ to flush/ to develop (a film)/ to rise in the air/ to clash/ to collide with
调皮* 5 tiao2 pi2 naughty/ mischievous/ unruly
充满* 5 chong1 man3 full of/ brimming with/ very full/ permeated
陌生* 5 mo4 sheng1 strange/ unfamiliar
手套* 5 shou3 tao4 glove/ mitten/ CL:雙|双[shuang1];隻|只[zhi1]
吸收* 5 xi1 shou1 to absorb/ to assimilate/ to ingest
宣传* 5 xuan1 chuan2 to disseminate/ to give publicity to/ propaganda/ CL:個|个[ge4]
仿佛* 5 fang3 fu2 to seem/ as if/ alike/ similar
工人* 5 gong1 ren2 worker/ CL:個|个[ge4];名[ming2]
决心* 5 jue2 xin1 determination/ resolution/ determined/ firm and resolute/ to make up one's mind/ CL:個|个[ge4]
军事* 5 jun1 shi4 military affairs/ military matters/ military
* 5 tong2 copper (chemistry)/ see also 紅銅|红铜[hong2 tong2]/ CL:塊|块[kuai4]
资源* 5 zi1 yuan2 natural resource (such as water or minerals)/ resource (such as manpower or tourism)
学术* 5 xue2 shu4 learning/ science/ academic/ CL:個|个[ge4]
地区* 5 di4 qu1 local/ regional/ district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)/ region/ area/ as suffix to city name; means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
优势* 5 you1 shi4 superiority/ dominance/ advantage
* 5 xia4 to frighten/ to scare/ to intimidate/ to threaten
* 5 chu2 to get rid of/ to remove/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to wipe out/ to divide/ except/ not including
内科* 5 nei4 ke1 medicine/ "internal" medicine; i.e. treatment by administering drugs; as opposed to surgical intervention 外科[wai4 ke1]/ medical department
化学* 5 hua4 xue2 chemistry/ chemical
突出* 5 tu1 chu1 prominent/ outstanding/ to give prominence to/ to protrude/ to project
怀念* 5 huai2 nian4 to cherish the memory of/ to think of/ reminisce
不要紧* 5 bu4 yao4 jin3 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but
电台* 5 dian4 tai2 transmitter-receiver/ broadcasting station/ radio station/ CL:個|个[ge4]
传播* 5 chuan2 bo1 to disseminate/ to propagate/ to spread
* 5 tu4 to vomit/ to throw up
传递* 5 chuan2 di4 to transmit/ to pass on to sb else
总理* 5 zong3 li3 premier/ prime minister/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
* 5 nian4 to read/ to study (a degree course)/ to read aloud/ to miss (sb)/ idea/ remembrance/ twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿; 20)
* 5 xian4 county; PRC administrative division below prefecture 地區|地区[di4 qu4]/ CL:個|个[ge4]
总统* 5 zong3 tong3 president (of a country)/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2];屆|届[jie4]
* 5 ding1 cubes of meat and vegetables/ man/ members of a family/ population/ fourth of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/
* 5 ding3 apex/ crown of the head/ top/ roof/ to carry on the head/ to push to the top/ to go against/ most/ to replace/ to substitute/ classifier for headwear; hats; veils etc/ to agree or support (internet slang; similar to digg)
可怕* 5 ke3 pa4 awful/ dreadful/ fearful/ formidable/ frightful/ scary/ hideous/ horrible/ terrible/ terribly
教练* 5 jiao4 lian4 instructor/ sports coach/ trainer/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
* 5 lou4 to leak/ to divulge/ to leave out by mistake/ waterclock or hourglass (old)
农业* 5 nong2 ye4 agriculture/ farming
亲切* 5 qin1 qie4 amiable/ friendliness/ gracious/ hospitality/ intimate/ cordial/ kind/ close and dear/ familiar
残疾* 5 can2 ji2 disabled/ handicapped/ deformity on a person or animal
观察* 5 guan1 cha2 to observe/ to watch/ to survey/ to examine/ observation/ view/ perspective/ CL:個|个[ge4]
接待* 5 jie1 dai4 to receive (a visitor)/ to admit (allow sb to enter)
相似* 5 xiang1 si4 to resemble/ similar/ like/ resemblance/ similarity
罪犯* 5 zui4 fan4 criminal
执照* 5 zhi2 zhao4 a license/ a permit
* 5 jie2 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4]
似乎* 5 si4 hu1 apparently/ to seem/ to appear/ as if/ seemingly
想念* 5 xiang3 nian4 miss/ remember with longing/ long to see again
* 5 xiang4 (look) like/ similar (to)/ appearance/ to appear/ to seem/ image/ portrait/ resemble/ seem
* 5 yao1 waist/ lower back/ pocket/ middle/ loins
宿舍* 5 su4 she4 dormitory/ dorm room/ living quarters/ hostel/ CL:間|间[jian1]
光明* 5 guang1 ming2 light/ illumination/ radiance (esp. glory of Buddha etc)/ fig. bright prospect/ openhearted
制度* 5 zhi4 du4 system (e.g. political; adminstrative etc)/ institution/ CL:個|个[ge4]
悲观* 5 bei1 guan1 pessimistic
错误* 5 cuo4 wu4 error/ mistake/ mistaken/ CL:個|个[ge4]
麦克风* 5 mai4 ke4 feng1 microphone (loanword)
佩服* 5 pei4 fu2 admire
答应* 5 da1 ying5 to promise/ to agree/ to reply/ to respond
* 5 zhong1 clock/ o'clock/ time as measured in hours and minutes/ bell/ CL:架[jia4];座[zuo4]
* 5 pi1 to ascertain/ to act on/ to criticize/ to pass on/ classifier for batches; lots; military flights/ tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)
省略* 5 sheng3 lve4 to leave out/ an omission
微笑* 5 wei1 xiao4 smile/ CL:個|个[ge4]
矿泉水* 5 kuang4 quan2 shui3 mineral spring water/ CL:瓶[ping2];杯[bei1]
毛病* 5 mao2 bing4 fault/ defect/ shortcomings/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 ta3 pagoda/ tower/ minaret/ stupa (abbr. loanword from Sanskrit tapo)/ CL:座[zuo4]
干脆* 5 gan1 cui4 straightforward/ clear-cut/ blunt (e.g. statement)/ you might as well/ simply
中旬* 5 zhong1 xun2 middle third of a month
伟大* 5 wei3 da4 great/ mighty/ large
赞美* 5 zan4 mei3 admire/ applause/ praise/ to eulogize
过期* 5 guo4 qi1 to be overdue/ to exceed the time limit/ to expire (as in expiration date)
委托* 5 wei3 tuo1 to entrust/ to trust/ to commission
确定* 5 que4 ding4 definite/ certain/ fixed/ to fix (on sth)/ to determine/ to be sure/ to ensure/ to make certain/ to ascertain/ to clinch/ to recognize/ to confirm/ OK (on computer dialog box)
未来* 5 wei4 lai2 future/ tomorrow/ approaching/ coming/ pending/ CL:個|个[ge4]
欣赏* 5 xin1 shang3 to appreciate/ to enjoy/ to admire
移动* 5 yi2 dong4 to move/ movement/ migration/ mobile/ portable
* 5 ze2 conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause/ standard/ norm/ rule/ to imitate/ to follow/ then/ principle/ classifier for written items (such as an official statement)
移民* 5 yi2 min2 to immigrate/ to migrate/ emigrant/ immigrant
燃烧* 5 ran2 shao1 combustion/ flaming/ kindle
密切* 5 mi4 qie4 close/ familiar/ intimate/ closely (related)/ to foster close ties/ to pay close attention
平方* 5 ping2 fang1 square (as in square foot; square mile; square root)
乐观* 5 le4 guan1 optimistic/ hopeful
* 5 dan4 insipid/ diluted/ weak/ mild/ light in color/ tasteless/ fresh/ indifferent/ nitrogen
* 5 lei4 kind/ type/ class/ category/ similar/ like/ to resemble
主席* 5 zhu3 xi2 chairperson/ premier/ chairman/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4]
家庭* 5 jia1 ting2 family/ household/ CL:戶|户[hu4];個|个[ge4]
承认* 5 cheng2 ren4 to admit/ to concede/ to recognize/ recognition (diplomatic; artistic etc)/ to acknowledge
意外* 5 yi4 wai4 unexpected/ accident/ mishap/ CL:個|个[ge4]
义务* 5 yi4 wu4 duty/ obligation/ commitment/ volunteer duty/ CL:項|项[xiang4]/ mandatory/ voluntary
繁荣* 5 fan2 rong2 prosperous/ booming (economy)
试卷* 5 shi4 juan4 examination paper/ test paper/ CL:份[fen4];張|张[zhang1]
* 5 gen1 root/ basis/ classifier for long slender objects; e.g. cigarettes; guitar strings/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ radical (chemistry)
* 5 xiong1 chest/ bosom/ heart/ mind/ thorax
侮辱* 6 wu3 ru3 to insult/ to humiliate/ dishonor
武装* 6 wu3 zhuang1 arms/ equipment/ to arm/ military/ armed (forces)
歧视* 6 qi2 shi4 to discriminate against/ discrimination
播放* 6 bo1 fang4 to broadcast/ to transmit
照耀* 6 zhao4 yao4 shine/ illuminate
赤道* 6 chi4 dao4 equator (of the earth or astronomical body)
爱不释手* 6 ai4 bu4 shi4 shou3 to love sth too much to part with it (idiom)/ to fondle admiringly
误解* 6 wu4 jie3 to misunderstand/ to misread/ misunderstanding
* 6 zhe2 to break/ to snap/ to suffer the loss of/ to turn/ to bend/ to admire/ to amount to/ to discoun/ to fold/ turning stroke (in Chinese character)/ booklet
得罪* 6 de2 zui4 to commit an offense/ to violate the law/ excuse me! (formal)/ see also 得罪|得罪[de2 zui5]
攻击* 6 gong1 ji1 to attack/ to accuse/ to charge/ an attack (terrorist or military)
需求* 6 xu1 qiu2 requirement/ demand (economics)
后顾之忧* 6 hou4 gu4 zhi1 you1 fears of trouble in the rear (idiom)/ family worries (obstructing freedom of action)/ worries about the future consequences/ often in negative expressions; meaning "no worries about anything"
起码* 6 qi3 ma3 at the minimum/ at the very least
吸取* 6 xi1 qu3 to absorb/ to draw (a lesson; insight etc)/ to assimilate
许可* 6 xu3 ke3 to allow/ to permit
检讨* 6 jian3 tao3 to examine or inspect/ self-criticism/ review
决策* 6 jue2 ce4 strategic decision/ decision-making/ policy decision/ to determine policy
防疫* 6 fang2 yi4 disease prevention/ protection against epidemic
检验* 6 jian3 yan4 to inspect/ to examine/ to test
胡乱* 6 hu2 luan4 careless/ reckless/ casually/ absent-mindedly/ at will/ at random/ any old how
不妨* 6 bu4 fang2 there is no harm in/ might as well
散发* 6 san4 fa1 distribute/ emit/ issue
涌现* 6 yong3 xian4 to emerge in large numbers/ to spring up/ to emerge prominently
初步* 6 chu1 bu4 initial/ preliminary/ tentative
开采* 6 kai1 cai3 to extract (ore or other resource from a mine)/ to exploit/ to mine
铜矿* 6 tong2 kuang4 copper mine
学历* 6 xue2 li4 educational background/ academic qualifications
开朗* 6 kai1 lang3 spacious and well-lit/ open and clear/ to open out (onto a wider vista)/ optimistic/ cheerful/ carefree/ easy-going/ open-minded
学位* 6 xue2 wei4 academic degree; e.g.: BSc 學士學位|学士学位[xue2 shi4 xue2 wei4]; MSc 碩士學位|硕士学位[shuo4 shi4 xue2 wei4]; Diploma 學位證書|学位证书[xue2 wei4 zheng4 shu1]; PhD 博士學位|博士学位[bo2 shi4 xue2 wei4]
开明* 6 kai1 ming2 enlightened/ open-minded/ enlightenment
争气* 6 zheng1 qi4 to work hard for sth/ to resolve on improvement/ determined not to fall short
出身* 6 chu1 shen1 family background/ class origin
霸道* 6 ba4 dao4 the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent
狭隘* 6 xia2 ai4 narrow/ tight/ narrow minded/ lacking in experience
吝啬* 6 lin4 se4 stingy/ mean/ miserly
将军* 6 jiang1 jun1 (Military) admiral/ (chess) to check/ to embarrass
出息* 6 chu1 xi5 promise/ prospects/ future
* 6 shu3 to count/ to enumerate/ to criticize (i.e. enumerate shortcomings)
熏陶* 6 xun1 tao2 nurturing (i.e. assimilate some branch of culture)/ seeped in
构思* 6 gou4 si1 to outline a story/ to make a preliminary sketch
迁徙* 6 qian1 xi3 to migrate/ to move
擅自* 6 shan4 zi4 without permission/ of one's own initiative
败坏* 6 bai4 huai4 to ruin/ to corrupt/ to undermine
话筒* 6 hua4 tong3 microphone
谦逊* 6 qian1 xun4 humble/ humility/ modesty
束缚* 6 shu4 fu4 to bind/ to restrict/ to tie/ to commit/ fetters
化验* 6 hua4 yan4 laboratory test/ chemical experiment/ assay
犹如* 6 you2 ru2 similar to/ appearing to be
前提* 6 qian2 ti2 premise/ precondition/ prerequisite
不止* 6 bu4 zhi3 incessantly/ without end/ more than/ not limited to
领袖* 6 ling3 xiu4 leader/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
* 6 xian2 to dislike/ suspicion/ resentment/ enmity/ abbr. for 嫌犯|嫌犯[xian2 fan4]; criminal suspect
考核* 6 kao3 he2 to examine/ to check up on/ to assess/ to review/ appraisal/ review/ evaluation
还原* 6 huan2 yuan2 to restore to the original state/ reduction (chemistry)
衰退* 6 shuai1 tui4 to decline/ to fall/ to drop/ to falter/ a decline/ recession (in economics)
缓和* 6 huan3 he2 to ease (tension)/ to alleviate/ to moderate/ to allay/ to make more mild
传达* 6 chuan2 da2 to pass on/ to convey/ to relay/ to transmit/ transmission
娇气* 6 jiao1 qi4 delicate/ squeamish/ finicky
颗粒* 6 ke1 li4 kernel/ granule/ granulated (sugar; chemical product)
推测* 6 tui1 ce4 speculation/ to conjecture/ to surmise/ to speculate
裁判* 6 cai2 pan4 judgment/ to referee/ umpire/ judge/ referee/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
顾虑* 6 gu4 lv4 misgivings/ apprehensions
固然* 6 gu4 ran2 admittedly (it's true that...)
* 6 chuan4 to string together/ to mix up/ to conspire/ to rove/ bunch or cluster/ string (computing)/ classifier for rows or strings
故障* 6 gu4 zhang4 malfunction/ breakdown/ defect/ shortcoming/ fault/ failure/ impediment/ error/ bug (in software)
垄断* 6 long3 duan4 enjoy market dominance/ monopolize
可恶* 6 ke3 wu4 repulsive/ vile/ hateful/ abominable
支配* 6 zhi1 pei4 to dominate/ to allocate
钦佩* 6 qin1 pei4 to admire/ to look up to/ to respect sb greatly
司法* 6 si1 fa3 judicial/ (administration of) justice
掩护* 6 yan3 hu4 to screen/ to shield/ to cover/ protection/ cover/ CL:面[mian4]
妥协* 6 tuo3 xie2 to compromise/ to reach terms/ a compromise
思念* 6 si1 nian4 think of/ long for/ miss
预赛* 6 yu4 sai4 preliminary competition/ to hold preliminary heats
虐待* 6 nve4 dai4 to mistreat/ to maltreat/ to abuse/ mistreatment/ maltreatment
* 6 qing1 hydrogen (chemistry)
歪曲* 6 wai1 qu1 to distort/ to misrepresent
清除* 6 qing1 chu2 eliminate/ get rid of
关照* 6 guan1 zhao4 to take care/ to keep an eye on/ to look after/ to tell/ to remind
动态* 6 dong4 tai4 development/ trend/ dynamic state/ movement/ moving
呕吐* 6 ou3 tu4 to vomit
杰出* 6 jie2 chu1 outstanding/ distinguished/ remarkable/ prominent/ illustrious
管辖* 6 guan3 xia2 to administer/ to have jurisdiction (over)
混合* 6 hun4 he2 to mix/ to blend
混淆* 6 hun4 xiao2 to obscure/ to confuse/ to mix up/ to blur/ to mislead
排斥* 6 pai2 chi4 to reject/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to remove/ to repel
神奇* 6 shen2 qi2 magical/ mystical/ miraculous
排除* 6 pai2 chu2 to eliminate/ to get rid of/ to remove
排放* 6 pai2 fang4 emission/ discharge/ exhaust (gas etc)
神态* 6 shen2 tai4 appearance/ manner/ bearing/ deportment/ look/ expression/ mien
测量* 6 ce4 liang2 survey/ to measure/ to gauge/ to determine
审查* 6 shen3 cha2 to examine/ to investigate/ to censor out/ censorship
派别* 6 pai4 bie2 denomination/ group/ school/ faction/ school of thought
派遣* 6 pai4 qian3 to send (on a mission)/ to dispatch
清真* 6 qing1 zhen1 Islamic/ Muslim/ halal (of food)/ clean/ pure
原始* 6 yuan2 shi3 first/ original/ primitive/ original (document etc)
报销* 6 bao4 xiao1 submit an expense account/ apply for reimbursement/ write-off/ wipe out
腐蚀* 6 fu3 shi2 corrosion/ to corrode (degrade chemically)/ to rot/ corruption
麻醉* 6 ma2 zui4 anesthesia/ fig. to poison (sb's mind)
制裁* 6 zhi4 cai2 to punish/ punishment/ sanctions (incl. economic)
元素* 6 yuan2 su4 element/ element of a set/ chemical element
致辞* 6 zhi4 ci2 to express in words or writing/ to make a speech (esp. short introduction; vote of thanks; afterword; funeral homily etc)/ to address (an audience)/ same as 致詞|致词
层次* 6 ceng2 ci4 arrangement of ideas/ administrative level/ level/ stage/ phase
消除* 6 xiao1 chu2 to eliminate/ to remove
悲惨* 6 bei1 can3 miserable/ tragic
解雇* 6 jie3 gu4 to fire/ to sack/ to dismiss
咬牙切齿* 6 yao3 ya2 qie4 chi3 gnashing one's teeth (idiom)/ displaying extreme anger/ fuming with rage between gritted teeth
治理* 6 zhi4 li3 to govern/ to administer/ to manage/ to control
查获* 6 cha2 huo4 to investigate and capture (a criminal)/ to ferret out/ to hunt down and arrest
* 6 duan1 end/ extremity/ item/ port/ to hold sth level with both hands/ to carry/ regular
约束* 6 yue1 shu4 to restrict/ to limit to/ to constrain/ restriction/ constraint
基地* 6 ji1 di4 base (of operations)/ industrial or military base/ al-Qaeda
泡沫* 6 pao4 mo4 foam/ (soap) bubble/ (economic) bubble
机动* 6 ji1 dong4 locomotive/ motorized/ power-driven/ adaptable/ flexible (use; treatment; timing etc)
饥饿* 6 ji1 e4 hunger/ starvation/ famine
* 6 chan1 to assist by the arm/ to mix/ to support/ to sustain
断定* 6 duan4 ding4 to conclude/ to determine/ to come to a judgment
* 6 chan2 slander/ defame/ misrepresent/ to speak maliciously
断断续续* 6 duan4 duan4 xu4 xu4 intermittent/ off and on/ discontinuous/ stop-go/ stammering/ disjointed/ inarticulate
生疏* 6 sheng1 shu1 unfamiliar/ strange/ out of practice/ not accustomed
小气* 6 xiao3 qi5 stingy/ petty/ miserly/ narrow-minded
威风* 6 wei1 feng1 might/ awe-inspiring authority/ impressive
微观* 6 wei1 guan1 micro-/ sub-atomic
制止* 6 zhi4 zhi3 to curb/ to put a stop to/ to stop/ to check/ to limit
威力* 6 wei1 li4 might/ formidable power
终点* 6 zhong1 dian3 the end/ end point/ finishing line (in a race)/ destination/ terminus/ CL:個|个[ge4]
索性* 6 suo3 xing4 you might as well (do it)/ simply/ just
盛开* 6 sheng4 kai1 blooming/ in full flower
对联* 6 dui4 lian2 rhyming couplet/ pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway/ CL:幅[fu2]
踏实* 6 ta1 shi5 practical/ down-to-earth/ realistic/ firmly based/ steadfast/ to have peace of mind/ free from anxiety
级别* 6 ji2 bie2 (military) rank/ level/ grade
兑现* 6 dui4 xian4 (of a cheque etc) to cash/ to honor a commitment
在乎* 6 zai4 hu5 determined by/ to care about/ to mind
维生素* 6 wei2 sheng1 su4 vitamin
再接再厉* 6 zai4 jie1 zai4 li4 to continue the struggle (idiom)/ to persist/ unremitting efforts
中央* 6 zhong1 yang1 central/ middle/ center/ central authorities (of a state)
过渡* 6 guo4 du4 to cross over (by ferry)/ transition/ interim/ caretaker (administration)
在意* 6 zai4 yi4 to care about/ to mind
终止* 6 zhong1 zhi3 to stop/ to terminate (law)
大不了* 6 da4 bu4 liao3 at worst/ if worst comes to worst/ serious/ alarming
失误* 6 shi1 wu4 lapse/ mistake/ to make a mistake/ fault/ service fault (in volleyball; tennis etc)
大臣* 6 da4 chen2 minister (of a monarchy)
委员* 6 wei3 yuan2 committee member/ committee/ council/ CL:個|个[ge4]
失踪* 6 shi1 zong1 missing/ lost/ unaccounted for
赞叹* 6 zan4 tan4 to sigh or gasp in admiration/ high praise
极限* 6 ji2 xian4 limit/ extreme boundary
坦白* 6 tan3 bai2 honest/ forthcoming/ to confess
遭受* 6 zao1 shou4 to suffer/ to sustain (loss; misfortune)
* 6 zhou1 prefecture/ state (e.g. of US)/ province (old)/ administrative division (old)
* 6 meng2 drizzle/ mist
遭殃* 6 zao1 yang1 to suffer a calamity
* 6 zhou1 porridge (of rice or millet)
拼命* 6 pin1 ming4 to do one's utmost/ with all one's might/ at all costs/ (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
遏制* 6 e4 zhi4 to check/ to contain/ to hold back/ to keep within limits/ to constrain/ to restrain
时机* 6 shi2 ji1 fortunate timing/ occasion/ opportunity
遗传* 6 yi2 chuan2 heredity/ inheritance/ to transmit
疑惑* 6 yi2 huo4 to doubt/ to distrust/ unconvincing/ to puzzle over/ misgivings/ suspicions
迷人* 6 mi2 ren2 fascinating/ enchanting/ charming/ tempting
心眼儿* 6 xin1 yan3 r5 one's thoughts/ mind/ intention/ willingness to accept new ideas/ baseless suspicions
* 6 ran3 to dye/ to catch (a disease)/ to acquire (bad habits etc)/ to contaminate/ to add colour washes to a painting
陶瓷* 6 tao2 ci2 pottery and porcelain/ ceramics
高峰* 6 gao1 feng1 peak/ summit/ height
淘汰* 6 tao2 tai4 to wash out/ elimination (by selection)/ natural selection/ to knock out (in a competition)/ to die out/ to phase out
* 6 zha1 slag (in mining or smelting)/ dregs
变故* 6 bian4 gu4 an unforeseen event/ accident/ misfortune
热泪盈眶* 6 re4 lei4 ying2 kuang4 eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom)/ extremely moved
豪迈* 6 hao2 mai4 bold/ open-minded/ heroic
继往开来* 6 ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2 to follow the past and herald the future (idiom)/ part of a historical transition/ forming a bridge between earlier and later stages
胆怯* 6 dan3 qie4 timid/ cowardly
毫米* 6 hao2 mi3 millimeter
纪要* 6 ji4 yao4 minutes/ written summary of a meeting
瞻仰* 6 zhan1 yang3 to revere/ to admire
类似* 6 lei4 si4 similar/ analogous
发射* 6 fa1 she4 to shoot (a projectile)/ to fire (a rocket)/ to launch/ to emit (a particle)/ to discharge/ emanation/ emission
使命* 6 shi3 ming4 mission (diplomatic or other)/ set task
辫子* 6 bian4 zi5 plait/ braid/ pigtail/ a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent/ handle/ CL:根[gen1];條|条[tiao2]
家常* 6 jia1 chang2 the daily life of a family
渺小* 6 miao3 xiao3 minute/ tiny/ negligible/ insignificant
刑事* 6 xing2 shi4 criminal/ penal
承诺* 6 cheng2 nuo4 to promise/ to undertake to do something/ commitment
家属* 6 jia1 shu3 family member/ (family) dependent
和蔼* 6 he2 ai3 kindly/ nice/ amiable
灭亡* 6 mie4 wang2 to be destroyed/ to become extinct/ to perish/ to die out/ to destroy/ to exterminate
提炼* 6 ti2 lian4 to extract (ore; minerals etc)/ to refine/ to purify/ to process
行政* 6 xing2 zheng4 administration/ administrative
战役* 6 zhan4 yi4 military campaign
合成* 6 he2 cheng2 to compose/ to constitute/ compound/ synthesis/ mixture/ synthetic
里程碑* 6 li3 cheng2 bei1 milestone
合乎* 6 he2 hu1 to accord with/ conforming to
夹杂* 6 jia1 za2 to mix together (disparate substances)/ to mingle/ a mix/ to be tangled up with
意志* 6 yi4 zhi4 will/ willpower/ determination/ CL:個|个[ge4]
认定* 6 ren4 ding4 to maintain (that sth is true)/ to determine (a fact)/ determination (of an amount)/ of the firm opinion/ to believe firmly/ to set one's mind on/ to identify with
和气* 6 he2 qi5 friendly/ polite/ amiable
任命* 6 ren4 ming4 to appoint and nominate
导弹* 6 dao3 dan4 guided missile/ cruise missile/ missile/ CL:枚[mei2]
天伦之乐* 6 tian1 lun2 zhi1 le4 pleasure of heavenly agreement (idiom)/ family love and joy/ domestic bliss
无穷无尽* 6 wu2 qiong2 wu2 jin4 vast and limitless (idiom)/ endless span of time/ no vestige of a beginning; no prospect of an end
示威* 6 shi4 wei1 to demonstrate (as a protest)/ a demonstration/ a military show of force
隐患* 6 yin3 huan4 a danger concealed within sth/ hidden damage/ misfortune not visible from the surface
期限* 6 qi1 xian4 time limit/ deadline/ allotted time
事务* 6 shi4 wu4 (political; economic etc) affairs/ work
胸怀* 6 xiong1 huai2 one's bosom (the seat of emotions)/ breast/ broad-minded and open/ to think about/ to cherish
局限* 6 ju2 xian4 limit
反射* 6 fan3 she4 to reflect/ reflection (from a mirror etc)/ reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
命名* 6 ming4 ming2 to give a name to/ to dub/ to christen/ to designate/ named after/ naming

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

microwave. v: Apply_heat +

mid-size. a: Size +

mid. a: Temporal_subregion +

midday. n: Calendric_unit +

middle name. n: Being_named +

middle of nowhere. n: Isolated_places +

middle. a: Temporal_subregion +

middle. n: Part_inner_outer +

middle. n: Temporal_subregion +

midnight. n: Calendric_unit +

midriff. n: Observable_body_parts +

midwife. n: Medical_professionals +

midwifery. n: Medical_specialties +

miffed. a: Emotion_directed +

might. n: Level_of_force_exertion +

might. v: Likelihood +

might. v: Possibility +

mighty. a: Level_of_force_exertion +

mile. n: Measure_linear_extent +

militant. n: Irregular_combatants +

military forces. n: Military +

military. a: Military +

military. n: Military +

militia. n: Military +

milk. n: Food +

mill. n: Businesses +

mill. v: Grinding +

milled. a: Ground_up +

millennium. n: Measure_duration +

millennium. n: Calendric_unit +

milligram. n: Measure_mass +

millimeter. n: Measure_linear_extent +

million. num: Cardinal_numbers +

millions. n: Quantified_mass +

mimic. v: Imitating +

mimic. v: Similarity +

mimic. v: Condition_symptom_relation +

mince. v: Self_motion +

mince. v: Cutting +

mind-boggling. a: Stimulus_focus +

mind-numbing. a: Stimulus_focus +

mine. n: Locale_by_use +

mine. n: Weapon +

mine. v: Mining +

miner. n: Mining +

mini. a: Size +

miniature. a: Size +

minimum. a: Extreme_value +

minimum. n: Extreme_value +

minimum. n: Proportional_quantity +

minion. n: Subordinates_and_superiors +

miniscule. a: Size +

miniskirt. n: Clothing +

minister. n: Leadership +

minister. n: Appellations +

minivan. n: Vehicle +

minus. prep: Non-commutative_statement +

minute. n: Measure_duration +

minute. n: Calendric_unit +

mire. n: Biological_area +

misappropriate. v: Theft +

misappropriation. n: Theft +

misbehave. v: Conduct +

misbehavior. n: Conduct +

miscellany. n: Diversity +

mischance. n: Catastrophe +

miscreant. a: Morality_evaluation +

miscreant. n: People_by_morality +

misdeed. n: Misdeed +

miser. n: Stinginess +

miserable. a: Emotion_directed +

miserable. a: Desirability +

miserliness. n: Stinginess +

miserly. a: Stinginess +

misery. n: Emotion_directed +

misfortune. n: Catastrophe +

misfortune. n: Predicament +

mishap. n: Catastrophe +

mislead. v: Prevarication +

mislead. v: Intentional_deception +

misnomer. n: Being_named +

misplace. v: Losing +

mispronounce. v: Spelling_and_pronouncing +

misrepresent. v: Prevarication +

misrepresentation. n: Prevarication +

miss. n: Attention_getting +

miss. n: Appellations +

miss. v: Success_or_failure +

miss. v: Hit_or_miss +

missile. n: Weapon +

mission. n: Being_obligated +

missive. n: Text +

misspell. v: Spelling_and_pronouncing +

mistreat. v: Treating_and_mistreating +

mistress. n: Personal_relationship +

misword. v: Encoding +

mite. n: Quantified_mass +

mitre. n: Accoutrements +

mitt. n: Clothing +

mitten. n: Clothing +

mix. v: Cause_to_amalgamate +

mix. v: Amalgamation +

mixed bag. n: Diversity +


26 他们 全家 野外 用餐 +
31 游泳 +
57 +
70 花园 游泳池 +
125 一共 +
342 +
391 地铁 间隔 分钟 +
414 中间 +
447 许诺 一生 +
448 这里 不许 吸烟 +
464 中秋节 月饼 中国 风俗 +
490 住客 不得 入内 +
497 警方 控告 犯罪 +
500 照片 想起 往事 +
515 圣诞节 +
522 +
561 士兵 正在 操练 +
577 十二点 +
703 这里 环境 宜人 +
706 想念 +
727 玫瑰 联想 爱情 +
738 务农 为生 +
750 真是 奇观 +
752 化学 属于 理科 +
775 进行 视力 测验 +
793 开销 超出 限制 +
816 游泳 水平 提高 +
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始 +
863 游泳 专长 +
889 化学 研究 +
896 家族 +
897 少数 民族 +
906 考试 测验 没有 结束 +
966 他们 初中生 +
1014 士兵 执行 任务 +
1034 做错 +
1035 夏天 +
1041 他们 全家 公园 散步 +
1068 今天 零下 +
1080 能力 有限 +
1081 挑战 自身 极限 +
1083 考试 开始 +
1087 我们 一家人 永远 分离 +
1089 医院 检查 身体 +
1107 空气 夹杂 花儿 芳香 +
1140 继承 家业 +
1181 玫瑰 属于 蔷薇科 植物 +
1214 爸爸 赚钱 养家 +
1238 介意 我们 采访 一下 +
1240 犯罪 +
1260 树林 烟雾 弥漫 +
1279 移民局 申请 签证 +
1293 家庭 幸福 +
1376 木板 27 毫米 +
1436 他去 邮局 汇款 +
1455 化学系 学生 +
1472 鸡蛋 面粉 在一起 +
1496 士兵 正在 进行 军事 训练 +
1514 残疾 不幸 遭遇 +
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 +
1530 邱吉尔 英国 首相 +
1541 观察 微生物 +
1553 原子弹 爆炸 +
1579 伊人 花丛 +
1590 上海市 经济 繁荣 +
1632 警察 搜索 逃犯 +
1658 罪犯 逃走 +
1697 镜子 +
1705 他们 家境 贫寒 +
1711 做梦 +
1757 矿山 +
1770 法官 审讯 犯人 +
1808 台风 +
1822 家人 坟墓 +
1825 检查 硅片 +
1858 仰慕 上司 +
1885 父母 允诺 我们 野餐 +
1900 我们 同辈 +
1911 他们 回家 省亲 +
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 +
1926 家人 给予 支持 +
1938 瓷砖 +
2001 搬进 学生 宿舍 +
2059 违背 诺言 +
2078 +
2142 他们 旅途 短暂 休息 +
2160 仿制品 +
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作 +
2179 牛奶 钙量 +
2192 象群 迁徙 地方 +
2206 财政 大臣 发表 今年 预算 报告 +
2214 犯错 +
2228 屋顶 瓦片 +
2236 外貌 类似 +
2280 矿泉水 味道 甘甜 +
2292 填写 姓氏 +
2299 扎进 泳池 +
2341 罪犯 关进 监狱 +
2384 这里 耗子 +
2406 流浪 生活 悲惨 +
2420 雷声 轰轰 作响 +
2436 +
2508 仲夏 不停 +
2515 城市 陌生 +
2526 警察 歹徒 +
2542 儿童 游泳池 +
2552 显微镜 观察 细胞膜 +
2583 穷人 遭到 歧视 +
2597 决心 戒烟 +
2658 水清 +
2667 埃及 人民 智慧 创造 金字塔 +
2669 他用 微波炉 热菜 +
2673 出口 英哩 +
2690 他们 在一起 叙家常 +
2710 警察 搜查 罪犯 +
2730 孩子 顽皮 +
2780 受到 同学 羞辱 +
2791 正在 +
2803 心眼 容不下 别人 +
2805 学习 成绩 感到 羞耻 +
2811 有点 害羞 +
2822 这些 铝管 +
2824 国家 乌鸦 不详 象征 +
2835 他们 暑假 游泳 +
2836 警察 缉拿 罪犯 +
2838 深圳 中国 最早 经济 特区 +
2845 小孩 喜欢 看小 表演 +
2856 他们 家庭 和睦 +
2894 牛奶 洒出 +
2949 手机 可能 放出 轻微 辐射 +
2963 越南 移民 后裔 +
2970 瞄准 目标 +
2992 羡慕 好朋友 幸福 婚姻 +
3032 农业 收益 兆亿 美金 +
3071 他们 亲人 举行 葬礼 +
3101 家境 富裕 +
3125 老年人 喜欢 回忆 往昔 +
3127 邪恶 罪犯 +
3141 原始人 野兽 +
3165 总理 犯罪 遭到 罢黜 +
3169 厄运 降临 +
3192 冬天 大雁 迁徙 南方 +
3224 瓷砖 +
3257 办理 出国 手续 繁琐 +
3276 豁达 +
3281 生活 淫乱 +
3284 罪犯 猖狂 +
3302 镜子 +
3304 检查 肾脏 +
3318 什锦 水果 漂亮 +
3356 笑嘻嘻 表情 可爱 +
3390 分钟 不能 耽搁 +
3425 眨眼 +
3429 海啸 破坏力 +
3524 注射 疫苗 防止 瘟疫 +
3542 弟弟 小幺 +
3559 快乐 曲子 +
3586 推测 没有 下决心 +
3592 公主 气坏 抓住 青蛙 使劲儿地 地上 +
3595 完美 搭档 曾经 获得 11 冠军 +
3602 达到 极限 +
3608 昨晚 听到 音乐 几个 片段 不断地 萦绕 在他的 脑际 +
3623 原因 移民 倾向 +
3661 很多 误以为 大猩猩 野蛮 动物 +
3676 抱憾 错过 精彩 比赛 +
3680 彩色电视 色彩 输出 主要 彩色 显像管 作用 +
3692 这个 高官 由于 受贿 数额 丢掉 自己 身家性命。 +
3709 这个 女人 容貌 曼丽 婀娜 多姿 +
3720 听说 家乡 今年 闹灾 赶快 些 钱 +
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 +
3735 随着 复活节 来临 冬天 结束 春天 +
3738 脑筋 灵活 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[dominant] exercising influence or control
[dynamic] dynamical, characterized by action
[economic] relating to economics
[familiar] well known
[feminine] womanly
[limited] small in range or scope
[mild] moderate
[minimum] minimal
[minor] lesser in scope or effect
[miserable] abject, scummy, contemptible
[similar] alike, like
[terminal] endmost
[administration] presidency
[admiration] esteem
[admission] acknowledgment
[admission] entrance fee
[aluminium] aluminum, Al, silvery metal
[chemistry] chemical science
[commission] deputation, delegation
[commission] fee
[commitment] allegiance, loyalty, dedication
[committee] commission
[compromise] allowance, accommodation with concessions
[criminal] felon, crook, outlaw, malefactor
[nonremittal] default, nonpayment
[discrimination] unfair treatment
[dismissal] pink slip
[domination] mastery
[economics] economic science
[economist] economic expert
[examination] test
[family] folk, kinfolk, kinsfolk, kin
[feminist] women's rightist
[hemisphere] cerebral hemisphere
[hemisphere] half of the terrestrial globe
[family] household, home, menage
[limit] demarcation, demarcation line
[limit] limitation
[microphone] mike
[middle] intermediate part or section
[midnight] 12 o'clock
[migration] movement from one country to another
[mile] distance
[mill] grinder
[mind] head, brain, what is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings
[mind] intellect, knowledge and intellectual ability
[mine] explosive device
[mine] excavation of ores and minerals
[miner] mineworker
[minimum] lower limit
[minister] pastor, rector
[minister] government minister
[ministry] government department
[minority] smaller in number
[minute] min, unit of time equal to 60 seconds
[miracle] supernatural event
[mirror] reflector
[miscarriage] stillbirth
[misery] wretchedness, miserableness
[missile] projectile, weapon
[mist] thin fog
[mixture] mix
[nomination] naming a candidate
[omission] skip, mistake resulting from neglect
[permission] approval to do something
[premium] insurance premium
[promise] verbal commitment
[pyramid] polyhedron
[seminar] course
[smile] smiling, grin, grinning, facial expression
[comic strip]
[summit] summit meeting
[terminal] keyboard and monitor
[transmission] automobile transmission
[admire] look up to
[admit] acknowledge
[admit] allow in, let in, allow to enter
[compromise] make a compromise
[determine] influence
[dismiss] fire, give notice, give the axe, sack
[dominate] be in control
[eliminate] get rid of, do away with
[dismiss] disregard, brush aside, brush off, discount
[misplace] lose
[mind] be offended or bothered by
[minimize] understate, downplay
[mislead] misinform, give false information
[miss] feel or suffer from the lack of
[miss] fail to reach or get to
[miss] fail to attend an event or activity
[mix] shuffle, randomize
[nominate] put up, put forward, propose
[mastermind] engineer, direct, orchestrate, organize
[remind] prompt, cue
[discriminate] separate, single out, treat differently
[mistreat] maltreat, abuse
[undermine] sabotage, countermine, counteract

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

mi + MI + MI + MI + mi + mi + mi + MI +

같다 (To be similar) + + (The center, the middle) + + 가운데 (In the middle) + + (Minutes) + + 정신 (mind,spirit) + + 웃다 (To laugh, smile) + + 알아보다 ( To investigate, examine, search) + + 가족 (Family) + + 장관 (A government cabinet minister) + + 잃다 (To lose, to miss, to be deprived) + + 전하다 (To transmit,convey) + + 정하다 (To set,determine) + + 주인 (The head of a family,the owner) + + 관리 (Management or administration) + + 중앙 (The middle and the heart) + + 불구하다 ( Deformity, malformation) + + 조사하다 ( To examine,investigate) + + 웃음 (Laughter, a smile) + + 어울리다 ( To be becoming, suiting) + + 한계 (Boundary, limits) + + 경영 (Management or administration) + + (A limit) + + 결정 (A decision or determination) + + 썰다 (Chip, mince,dice) + + 입시 (An entrance examination) + + 약속 (A promise) + + 위원 (A member of a committee) + + 단순하다 ( Be simple-minded) + + 오염 (Contamination, pollution) + + 주인공 (The head of a family, the hero/heroine) + + 밝다 (To be promising) + + 미소 (Smile) + + 논문 (Dissertations , an academic paper (these are 2 separate meanings)) + + 농사 (Farming) + + 검사 (Investigation or inspection or examination or audit) + + 실수 (A mistake) + + 식구 (Members of a family, your immediate family members (those you live with, preferably)) + + (Miss ~) + + (a spot, a blemish) + + 군사 (Military affairs) + + 중간 (In the middle) + + 위원장 (A chairman of a committee) + + 저지르다 ( do,commit,spoil) + + 생겨나다 ( To begin, germinate) + + 틀림없다 ( No mistaking it) + + 잘못 (wrong,mistake) + + 접근 (Proximity) + + 밀리미터 ( Millimeter) + + 중세 (The middle ages) + + 틀리다 (To be turned, warped 2) go wrong, be mistaken) + + 잘못하다 ( To make a mistake) + + (You and your family) + + 용어 (Technical terminology) + + 섞다 (blend,mix) + + 정상 (The top, summit) + + 위대하다 ( To be great,mighty,grand) + + 가령 (1) For example 2) supposing or admitting) + + 중학교 (Middle school) + + 입학 (Admission into school) + + 우유 (Milk) + + 운영하다 ( manage,administer) + + 거울 (1) mirror 2) a pattern or model or exemplar) + + 놓치다 (Miss, let slip) + + 비추다 ((1) Shed, throw light on (2) to reflect in the mirror) + + 낯설다 (To be unfamiliar with, to be a stranger to ( a person)) + + 제한 (limits,bounds) + + 전해지다 ( To be transmitted) + + 화학 (Chemistry) + + 이동 (movement,migration,drift) + + 갈다 (1) sharpen (a blade) 2) rub or chafe 3) make juice in a mixer) + + 섞이다 (To be mixed,blended) + + 형사 (A criminal, penal case) + + 군인 (Sb in the military) + + 급하다 (Be urgent or pressing or iminent) + + 아가씨 (Mis, young lady) + + 경제적 (Economical) + + 수상 (The prime minister) + + 약속하다 ( To make a promise) + + 위협 (Menace, threat, intimidation) + + 함부로 (Indiscriminately, at random) + + 줄다 (Diminish) + + 기운 (Strength or might (the strength you feel you have on that particular day)) + + 검토 (An examination or investigation or study) + + 중반 (At the middle stage (of a game or contest, or otherwise)) + + 허용하다 ( To permit, approve, grant, allow) + + 수영 (Swimming) + + 엉뚱하다 ( Be extraordinary, extravagant ; to misdirect somebody`s attention) + + 태우다 (Burn, commit to flames) + + 정해지다 ( To be determined, settled) + + 짚다 (Feel, examine) + + 칭찬 (Praide, admiration) + + 긍정적 (Affirmation or admission) + + 제출하다 ( To submit,tender) + + 가구 (Family) + + 범인 (A criminal) + + 최종 (last,final,terminal) + + 얼핏 (at a momentary glance or intermittently appearing (e.g. catch a fleeting glimpse of)) + + 중부 (The center, middle part) + + 아쉽다 (To miss, feel the loss of) + + 친하다 (To be intimate, familiar, close, friendly) + + 불행하다 ( Do not permit) + + 오가다 (Come and go, keep going and coming) + + 한가운데 ( The very middle, the center) + + 한정되다 ( To be limiited, qualified) + + 흉내 (Imitation, mimicry) + + 다름없다 ( Be similar, not different) + + 세다 (To be strong, mighty) + + 오염되다 ( To be polluted, contaminated) + + 오해 (Misunderstanding) + + 제한하다 ( To restrict,limit) + + 허가 (Permission, grant, leave) + + 심사 (judgment,examination) + + 유사하다 ( To be similar, to resemble) + + 제한되다 ( To be restricted,limited) + + 한창 (The height, summit , the top) + + 결심하다 ( To resolve or be determined) + + 마이크 (Mike) + + 시집 (one’s husband’s home/family) + + 이동하다 ( To move,migrate,travel) + + 하숙집 (Dormitory, boarding house) + + 죄인 (A criminal) + + 출입 (Coming and going) + + 허용 (Permission, allowance) + + 골고루 (Evenly or among all indiscriminately) + + 입학하다 ( To enter/be admitted into a school) + + 친정 (A woman’s maiden home and family) + + 마음먹다 ( Be determined to) + + 반성하다 ( Examine oneself) + + 허용되다 ( To be permitted, approved) + + 나르다 (to move a long or semi-long distance (not just within a room); Carry, convey, transport) + + 미스 (Miss) + + (Coming (year, week)) + + 유의하다 ( To bear in mind, be heedful of) + + 탁월하다 ( Be excellent, prominished) + + 토하다 (To vomit) + + 감소하다 ( To reduce or diminish) + + 미사일 (Missile) + + 강력히 (With great strengh or or might) + + 결심 (Determination or resolution) + + 수험생 (A student preparing for an examination) + + 틀림없이 ( No mistaking it) + + 유형 (A similar type) + + 경제력 (Economic power) + + 농사짓다 ( To do farming) + + 자정 (Midnight) + + 중학생 (Middle school student) + + 중년 (Middle-aged) + + 알루미늄 ( Aluminum) + + 자가용 (For personal/family use) + + 점검 (inspection,examination) + + 학위 (Academic rank) + + 아쉬움 (Sense of missing) + + 한하다 (Limit, restrict) + + 예선 (A preliminary match/election) + + 농사일 (Farming) + + 엇갈리다 ( Cross, miss eachother) + + 조명 (lighting,illumination) + + 착각하다 ( To misunderstand, to deceive oneself, to be having illucinations) + + 퇴근 (Leaving one’s office, coming home from work) + + 경제학 (Economics) + + 기적 (A miracle) + + (A family name,surname) + + 고프다 (Hungry or famished) + + 세미나 (Seminar) + + 비타민 (Vitamin) + + 한여름 (Midsummer, the middle of summer) + + 깨소금 (Powdered sesame mixed with salt) + + 진료 (Medical examination and treatment) + + 타다 (Put in, mix, dissolve) + + 힘껏 (With all one’s might) + + 미니 (Mini) + + 절약하다 ( To economize) + + 합격 (Success in an examination) + + 경영하다 ( To manage or adminster) + + 최저 (The lowest, the minimum/lowest price) + + 연하다 (Tender, soft, mild) + + 제출 (presentation,submission) + + 한밤중 (Midnight) + + 습기 (moisture,humidity) + + 익다 (Get familiar with, experienced with) + + 제대하다 ( Be discharged from the military) + + 팩시밀리 ( Facximile, fax) + + 터미널 (Terminal) + + 무더위 (High humidity) + + 학력 (Academic background, formal schooling) + + 한정하다 ( To limit, restrict) + + 과거 (The state examination) + + 밤중 (Midnight) + + 배드민턴 ( Badminton) + + 약수 (Medicinal water, mineral water) + + 양보 (concession,compromise) + + 감소되다 ( To be reduced or diminished) + + 시댁 (one’s husband’s family/house) + + 실수하다 ( To make a mistake) + + 자살하다 ( Commit suicide) + + 이민 (Emigration) + + 한겨울 (Midwinter, the dead of winter) + + 해수욕장 ( A swimming beach) + + 수영장 (Swimming pool) + + 최소 (At the least, the minimum) + + 양식 (raising,farming,culture) + + (One hundred million) + +
+ + + + + + + +