Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich komme aus Russland. I'm from Russia. Tôi đến từ Nga.
Ich bin Bauarbeiter. I'm a construction worker. Tôi là một công nhân xây dựng.
der Februar February Tháng hai
Das geht von zwei bis drei Uhr. It runs from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Nó chạy từ 2 giờ chiều đến 3 giờ chiều.
Ich putze mir die Zähne. I brush my teeth. Tôi đánh răng.
das Obst fruit trái cây
Ich möchte Obst kaufen. I would like to buy some fruit. Tôi muốn mua trái cây.
der Obstsalat fruit salad rau quả
die Regel/die Tage period/menstruation thời kỳ / kinh nguyệt
Ich habe Krämpfe. I have menstrual cramps. Tôi bị co thắt kinh nguyệt.
die Gebärmutter uterus tử cung
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Họ học tiếng Nga. They learn Russian. Sie lernen Russisch.
Tháng hai February der Februar
Tháng giêng, tháng hai, tháng ba, January, February, March, Januar, Februar, März,
Bạn có uống cô la với rượu rum không? Do you drink Coke with rum? Trinkst du Cola mit Rum?
Bà ấy thích nước cam và nước bưởi. The woman likes orange and grapefruit juice. Die Frau mag Orangensaft und Grapefruitsaft.
Tôi có một quả / trái cam và một quả / trái bưởi. I have an orange and a grapefruit. Ich habe eine Orange und eine Grapefruit.
Tôi làm món hoa quả / trái cây trộn. I am making a fruit salad. Ich mache einen Obstsalat.
Bạn có chơi nhạc cụ không? Do you play a musical instrument? Spielen Sie ein Instrument?
Tôi muốn hoa quả / trái cây hoặc phó mát. I would like some fruit or cheese. Ich möchte Obst oder Käse.
Tôi chỉ muốn vé một chiều đi Brüssel thôi. I’d like a one-way ticket to Brussels. Ich möchte nur die Hinfahrt nach Brüssel.
Bạn cần một cái lược, một bàn chải đánh răng và thuốc đánh răng. You need a comb, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Du brauchst einen Kamm, eine Zahnbürste und Zahnpasta.
Bạn có quần bơi không? Do you have swimming trunks? Hast du eine Badehose?
Tôi muốn mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will Obst und Gemüse kaufen.
Tôi muốn đến siêu thị để mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will zum Supermarkt, um Obst und Gemüse zu kaufen.
Chúng tôi tìm một hiệu thuốc. We’re looking for a pharmacy / drugstore (am.). Wir suchen eine Apotheke.
Chúng tôi tìm một cửa hàng / tiệm thuốc tây / dược khoa để mua thuốc / dược phẩm. We’re looking for a drugstore to buy medicine. Wir suchen eine Apotheke, um Medikamente zu kaufen.
Tháng thứ hai là tháng hai. The second month is February. Der zweite Monat ist der Februar.
Tháng giêng, tháng hai, tháng ba, January, February, March, Januar, Februar, März,
Liệu anh ấy có nói thật không? Maybe he tells me the truth? Ob er wohl die Wahrheit sagt?
Mặc dù anh ấy bị say rượu, anh ấy vẫn đạp xe đạp. Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle. Obwohl er betrunken ist, fährt er mit dem Rad.
Anh ấy đã say. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn đạp xe đạp. Despite being drunk, he rides the bike. Er ist betrunken. Trotzdem fährt er mit dem Rad.
Minoru rất khó chịu làm việc. + Minoru works very hard.
Cô ấy ăn nhiều hoa quả. + She eats a lot of fruit.
Điều đấy không đúng. Tôi không tin. + It's not true. I don't believe it.
Tôi đánh răng hàng sáng. Sáng nay tôi có đánh răng. + I brush my teeth every day. Today I brushed myteeth.
Cậu có chơi nhạc cụ nào không? - Không, nhưng tôi đã từng chơi guitar. + Do you play any instruments? — No, I used to play guitar though.
Cậu từng đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Rồi, hai lần. + Have you ever been to Peru? — Yes, twice.
Tôi chưa bao giờ lái xe tải. + I've never driven a truck.
Noboru đi lúc nào thế? - Anh ấy đi cách đây mười phút. + When did Noboru leave? — He left ten (10) minutes ago.
Cậu không thể đi ngủ được. Cậu chưa đánh răng. + You can't go to bed. You haven't brushed your teeth yet.
Anh trai tôi đã chạy ở Boston Marathon năm ngoái. Cậu đã bao giờ chạy marathon chưa? + My brother ran in the Boston Marathon last year. Have you ever run in a marathon?
Tôi biết Được nhưng tôi chưa bao giờ gặp vợ anh ấy. + I know Masuru, but I've never met his wife.
Faruq định bao giờ gọi cậu? - Tôi không biết. + When's Faruq going to call you? — I don't know. He might call this afternoon.
Hồi tôi còn bé, tôi có thể chạy rất nhanh. + When I was young, I could run very fast.
Cậu có chạy được mười km không? + Can you run ten (10) kilometers?
Người đạp xe đạp phải tuân da luật giao thông như người lái xe + Bicyclists must follow the same traffic rules as drivers.
Cậu nên ăn thật nhiều hoa quả và rau. + You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Truy cập phải đi Moskva. Khi nào thì anh ấy phải đi? + Minoru has to go to Moscow. — When does he have to go?
Có đúng là cậu sẽ chuyển đến Berlin không? + Is it true that you're moving to Berlin?
Có đúng là Jirou biết lái trực thăng không? + Is it true that Jirou can fly a helicopter?
Cậu đã đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, nhưng Còn đến rồi. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ ở đó năm ngoái. + Have you ever been to Peru? — No, but Eveline has. She went there on vacation last year.
Noboru đã mất nhiều thời gian chuẩn bị nên tôi đã bảo anh ấy nhanh lên. + Noboru was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to hurry up.
Cậu vẫn tiếp tục cắt ngang khi tôi đang nói chuyện. + You keep interrupting when I'm talking.
Cậu nên xin lỗi vì không nói thật. + You should apologize for not telling the truth.
Cậu luôn vội vã. Sao cậu không ngồi xuống và nghỉ ngơi? + You're always rushing around. Why don't you sit down and relax?
Xe bus con thoi mà chạy đến vịnh chạy nửa tiếng một lần. + The shuttle that goes to the airport runs every half hour.
Mọi thứ mà họ nói đều đúng. > Mọi thứ họ nói đều đúng. + Everything that they said was true. — Everything they said was true.
Chỉ dẫn rất phức tạp. Lẽ ra nó phải đơn giản hơn. + The instructions were very complicated. They could have been simpler.
Xe buýt chạy thường xuyên hơn tàu hoả. + The buses run more often than the trains.
Tôi không thể chạy nhanh bằng anh ấy. > Tôi không thể chạy nhanh bằng anh ấy. + I can't run as fast as he can. — I can't run as fast as him.
Máy bay vẫn đợi trên đường và chưa cất cánh. + The plane is still waiting on the runway and hasn't taken off yet.
Sau khi bị gián đoạn, diễn giả tiếp tục nói cứ như thể là chưa có chuyện gì xảy ra. + After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened.
Chúng tôi đã đi trên một con du thuyền tuần trước và không có nhiều người trên tàu. + We went on a cruise last week, and there weren't many people on the ship.
Một chiếc xe tải đâm vào một chiếc xe buýt trên quốc lộ sáng nay gây ra một vụ đâm chồng năm xe. + A truck collided with a bus on the highway this morning, causing a five-car pile-up.
Tốt nhất là tìm một trạm xăng. Chúng ta đang hết xăng. + Better find a gas station. We're running out of gas.
Đàm phán giữa Nga và Mĩ đã đổ vỡ. + Talks between Russia and the United States have broken down.
Họ không thể quét nó xuống dưới thảm và nghĩ mọi thứ sẽ qua và rồi bỏ đi. + They couldn't just brush it under the carpet and expect everything to blow over and go away.

trái cây + fruit

Cô ấy bán thức ăn và trái cây. + She sells food and fruits.

Họ chạy. + They run.

Tôi hát khi tôi đang chạy. + I sing when I am running.

+ She buys the fruit every afternoon.

Anh ấy chạy mỗi buổi sáng. + He runs every morning.

Cô ấy là người Nga. + She is Russian.

Người phụ nữ nói tiếng Nga, tiếng Anh và tiếng Hà Lan. + The woman speaks Russian, English and Dutch.

Những đứa trẻ có thích văn hoá Nga không? + Do the children like Russian culture?

Bạn muốn biết sự thật không? + Do you want to know the truth?

Sự thật là gì? + What is the truth?

sự thật + truth

thật + true, real

+ The truth needs protection.

Tôi nhận ra sự thật. + I realize the truth.

Cô ấy không phát hiện sự thật này ư? + She does not discover this truth?

Đừng yêu tôi. Đừng tin tôi. Trừng phạt tôi. + Do not love me. Do not trust me. Punish me.

Họ muốn tìm ra sự thật về tôi. + They want to find (out) the truth about me.

Tôi sẽ mua chiếc bàn chải đó. + I will buy that brush.

bàn chải + brush

chải + brush

Tôi không tin những ngân hàng đó. + I do not trust those banks

Tôi muốn biết họ sẽ chạy lúc mấy giờ. + I want to know what time they will run.

Tôi muốn đi thăm họ hàng của tôi ở Nga. + I want( to go) to visit my relatives in Russia.

Tôi sẽ mua loại bàn chải tốt nhất. + I will buy the best kind of brush.

Đây là một diễn đàn quốc tế nổi tiếng. + This is a famous international forum.

diễn đàn + forum

Diễn đàn này kết nối với diễn đàn kia bằng Internet. + This forum connects with that forum via Internet.

Tôi sẽ mua cái bàn chải quý giá này. + I will buy this precious brush.

Bạn định nghĩa tham nhũng như thế nào? + How do you define corruption?

tham nhũng + corruption

Sự giàu có của chính trị gia đó là kết quả của tham nhũng. + The wealth of that politician is the result of corruption.

Cơ sở hạ tầng + infrastructure

Các nhà lãnh đạo đang chơi bóng bầu dục. + The leaders are playing rugby.

bóng bầu dục + rugby

Kinh phí để phát triển cơ sở hạ tầng là rất thấp. + The budget to develop the infrastructure is very low.

Tập đoàn đó phá sản vì quá nhiều tham nhũng. + That corporation goes bankrupt because of too uch corruption.

Nếu công ty của tôi không trốn thuế, thì nó sẽ phá sản. + If my company does not evade tax, it will go bankrupt.

phá sản + go bankrupt

Đó là một vệ tinh của Nga. + That is a Russian satellite.

Hôm qua anh ấy đã rất say. + Yesterday he was very drunk.

say + drunk

Anh ấy chạy trốn với cô ấy. + He runs away with her.

chạy trốn + run away

Bạn có thể chạy trốn, nhưng bạn không thể núp. + You can run away, but you cannot hide.

Trống đồng Việt Nam + Vietnamese bronze drum

Không ai thích một người cộc cằn. + Nobody likes a rude person

một người cộc cằn + rude person

Con mèo này luôn cộc cằn với con chó đó. + This cat is always rude to that dog.

cộc cằn + rude

Không ai có thể bưng bít sự thật. + No one can suppress the truth.

Anh ấy bảnh bao nhưng cộc cằn. + He is chic but rude.

Anh ấy luôn cằn nhằn với tôi về côngviệc của mình. + He always grumbles to me about his job.

Vị nhạc sĩ cằn nhằn trong khi đi bộ. + The songwriter grumbles while walking.

cằn nhằn + grumble

Một tình yêu dang dở + a fruitless love

dang dở + fruitless

độc ác + cruel

thô lỗ cục cằn + gruff

Chuyện này khó tin quá! + This is too good to be true!

Hãy chân thât! + Be truthful!

Tốt đến khó tin. + Too good to be true.

hết tiền + run out of money

Mình nghĩ phim này quá chán + I thought it was rubbish.

Xe buýt bao lâu có 1 chuyến? + How often do the buses run?

Xe buýt chạy 5 phút 1 chuyến. + The bus runs about every five minutes

Sáng nay cậu đi muộn à? + Running late this morning?

Chào Jack, hôm nay tôi sẽ đến muộn một chút. + Hey Jack I'm running a little late today.

Tôi tin bạn. + I trust you

Mình chạy bộ nhiều lắm. + I go running a lot.

Mình đang rất cố gắng + I'm struggling

+ I have to give three weeks notice to my current employer, so the earliest I can start is the first of February.

Chuyện này khó tin quá! + This is to good to be true!

Tôi cảm thấy kiệt sưc + I feel rundown

Công nhân xây dựng + Construction worker

Bưởi + Grapefruit

Khế + Star fruit

Kiwi + Kiwi fruit

Mít + Jackfruit

Thanh long + Dragon fruit

Chanh leo + Passion fruit

Anh phải lòng em rồi + I've got a crush on you

Anh đã phải lòng em từ lâu rồi + I've had a crush on you for a long time

Sốt siêu vi + Fever virus

Sổ mũi + Runny nose

Chưa học bò chớ lo học chạy + To try to run before one can walk

Điếu đó đúng đấy + That's so true.

bàn chải đánh răng + toothbrush

bàn chải cọ nhà vệ sinh + toilet brush

Tôi rất thất vọng, tôi sẽ không quan tâm đến kết quả ra saonữa. + I was so frustrated,I stopped caring about the outcome.

Thất là bực bội khi làm việc với anh ta. + It's so frustrating working with hi.

Thất dề dàng nổi cáu khi mọi thứ không công bằng. + It's easy to get frustrated when things are not fair.

Tôi rất thất vọng. + I'm so frustrated.
GNOT Spatial • motion to run chạy +
GNOT Temporal • change to interrupt +
truly thật  +
GNOT Qualitative • correctness/incorrectness TRUE +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre names of musical instruments e.g. +
SNOT Travel • holidays ruins +
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice drugs +
SNOT Relations with other people • crime and justice to take drugs +
• crime and justice be drunk say +
SNOT Health and body care • hygiene brush +
SNOT Health and body care • hygiene toothbrush +
• types of food and drink brussels sprouts món cải Brussel  +
SNOT • types of food and drink runner beans +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink fruit trái cây +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink names of fruits e.g. +
SNOT • types of food and drink breadfruit xa kê +
SNOT • types of food and drink dragonfruit thanh long +
SNOT • types of food and drink jackfruit mít +
SNOT • types of food and drink grapefruit, pomelo bưởi +
SNOT • types of food and drink passion fruit dây mát +
SNOT • types of food and drink plum, prune mận +
SNOT • types of food and drink starfruit khế +
tofu syrup tàu hủ nước đường +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink fruit juice +
SNOT • types of food and drink fruit shake / smoothie sinh tố +
SNOT • ability, understanding, expression Russian tiếng Nga +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-13 zuverlässig 1. reliable, 2. dependable, 3. trustworthy, 4. steady, 5. solid, 6. certain, 7. authentic
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-4 grüßen 1. to greet, 2. to send someone one’s regards   (grüßt, grüßte, hat gegrüßt)
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-4 begrüßen 1. to greet, 2. to welcome   (begrüßt, begrüßte, hat begrüßt)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-5 Bürste brush
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-5 Zahnbürste toothbrush
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-8 ausruhen to rest   (ruht aus, ruhte aus, hat ausgeruht)
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-6 Medikament medicine, drug
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-11 betrunken drunk
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-5 überfahren 1. to drive through, 2. to run over   (überfährt, überfuhr, hat überfahren)
2-3. Unfall Exercise 2-3-5 verursachen to cause   (verursacht, verursachte, hat verursacht)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-5 laufen to run   (läuft, lief, ist gelaufen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-5 rennen to run   (rennt, rannte, ist gerannt)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-6 rücken  1. to move, to push, 2. to pull up   (rückst, rückte, hat/ist gerückt)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-6 springen 1. to jump, 2. to break   (springt, sprang, ist gesprungen)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-8 drücken 1. to push against, 2. to press, 3. to shirk   (drückt, drückte, hat gedrückt)
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-5 rufen to call   (ruft, rief, hat gerufen)
4-2. Menge, Maß Exercise 4-2-1 Tonne 1. rubbish bin, 2. ton
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-4 Bedienungsanleitung instruction manual
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-4 Gebrauchsanweisung instructions
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-3 Abfall 1. waste, 2. rubbish, 3. abatement, 4. decrease, 5. litter
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-3 Müll rubbish, waste
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-6 Bauten 1. building, 2. construction, 3. lair, 4. site
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-6 Baustelle building site, construction site
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-4 fließen 1. to flow, 2. to run   (fließt, floss, ist geflossen)
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-2 Steuer 1. steering-wheel, 2. rudder, 3. helm
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-3 Kofferraum boot, trunk
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-4 Laster truck
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-4 Lastkraftwagen truck
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-4 LKW truck
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-5 S-Bahn interurban train
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-5 Frucht fruit
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-5 Obst fruit
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-14 trinken to drink   (trinkt, trank, hat getrunken)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-14 frühstücken to have breakfast   (frühstückt, frühstückte, hat gefrühstückt)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-15 rühren to stir   (rührt, rührte, hat gerührt)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-17 roh 1. raw, 2. rude
Exercise 9-1-1 Drogerie chemist, drugstore
Exercise 9-1-12 betragen 1. to behave, 2. to amount to   (beträgt, betrug, hat betragen)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-2 Stoff 1. element, 2. material, fabric, 3. drug
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-6 tragen 1. to carry, 2. to take something somewhere, 3. to wear, 4. to bear   (trägt, trug, hat getragen)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-8 blau 1. blue, 2. drunk
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-11 echt 1. genuine, 2. true, 3. real
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-3 Laufwerk drive, running gear
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-5 übertragen to transfer   (überträgt, übertrug, hat übertragen)
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-5 anrufen to phone   (ruft an, rief an, hat angerufen)
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-6 herunterladen to download   (lädt herunter, lud herunter, hat heruntergeladen)
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-6 drucken to print   (druckt, druckte, hat gedruckt)
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-6 ausdrucken to print   (druckt aus, druckte aus, hat ausgedruckt)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-3 Kursleiter teacher, course instructor
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-12 eintragen to enter, to record, to register   (trägt ein, trug ein, hat eingetragen)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-15 prüfen 1. to examine, 2. to check   (prüft, prüfte, hat geprüft)
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-15 überprüfen to check   (überprüft, überprüfte, hat überprüft)
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Betrieb 1. company, firm, 2. workforce, 3. activity, 4. operation, running
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-5 unterhalten 1. to talk about, 2. to run, 3. to entertain; to amuse (oneself), chat   (unterhält, unterhielt, hat unterhalten)
14-1. Freizeit Exercise 14-1-6 verlaufen 1. to go according to, 2. to run, 3. to blend; to lose one’s way   (verläuft, verlief, hat verlaufen)
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-5 Instrument 1. instrument, 2. tool
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-5 betrügen 1. to cheat, 2. to fool oneself   (betrügt, betrog, hat betrogen)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-7 verurteilen to condemn   (verurteilt, verurteilte, hat verurteilt)
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-2 Regel rule
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-8 regieren to govern, to rule   (regiert, regierte, hat regiert)
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-8 herrschen 1. to rule, 2. to prevail   (herrscht, herrschte, hat geherrscht)
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-3 Vertrauen trust
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-5 beruhigen to calm down   (beruhigt, beruhigte, hat beruhigt)
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-6 vertrauen to trust   (vertraut, vertraute, hat vertraut)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-2 Wahrheit truth
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-12 wahr adj. true
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-5 behindern to interfere, to obstruct   (behindert, behinderte, hat behindert)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-1 Störung disturbance, interruption
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-1 Quatsch nonsense, rubbish
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 unterbrechen to interrupt   (unterbricht, unterbrach, hat unterbrochen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 gründen to establish, to found   (gründet, gründete, hat gegründet)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 begründen to give a reason, to found, to justify   (begründet, begründete, hat begründet)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 ausschließen to exclude, rule out   (schließt aus, schloss aus, hat ausgeschlossen)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-8 berücksichtigen to consider   (berücksichtigt, berücksichtigte, hat berücksichtigt)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-8 Die Linie 8 fährt nur bis zum Hauptbahnhof.  + bis Line 8 only runs to the main station.  Đường 8 chỉ chạy đến ga chính.
Exercise 2-2 Heute ist Freitag, der 10. Februar.  + Freitag Today is Friday, February 10th.  Hôm nay là thứ 6, ngày 10 tháng 2.
Exercise 2-3 Heute ist Freitag, der 10. Februar.  + heute Today is Friday, February 10th.  Hôm nay là thứ 6, ngày 10 tháng 2.
Exercise 3-1 Hast du die Betriebsanleitung gelesen? + lesen* Have you read the operating instructions? Bạn đã đọc hướng dẫn vận hành chưa?
Exercise 3-6 Ich kenne dich gut. Ich vertraue dir.  + vertrauen I know you well. I trust you.  Tôi biết bạn tốt. Tôi tin bạn.
Exercise 3-6 Wir konnten ihm bedingungslos vertrauen.  + vertrauen We could trust him unconditionally.  Chúng ta có thể tin tưởng anh ta một cách vô điều kiện.
Exercise 3-6 Sie vertraute mir ein Geheimnis.  + vertrauen She trusted me with a secret.  Cô ấy tin tôi một cách bí mật.
Exercise 3-6 Du kannst mir vertrauen, ich kenne den Weg.  + vertrauen You can trust me, I know the way.  Bạn có thể tin tưởng tôi, tôi biết cách.
Exercise 3-6 Ich vertraue auf mein Glück. + vertrauen I trust in my luck. Tôi tin tưởng vào vận may của tôi.
Exercise 3-7 Wir haben unser Vertrauen zu ihm verloren.  + Vertrauen We have lost our trust in him.  Chúng tôi đã mất lòng tin của mình vào anh ấy.
Exercise 3-7 Er hat mein Vertrauen.  + Vertrauen He has my trust.  Anh ấy có sự tin tưởng của tôi.
Exercise 4-2 Wir wollen euch nicht beim Essen stören.  + bei We don't want to interrupt your dinner.  Chúng tôi không muốn làm gián đoạn bữa ăn tối của bạn.
Exercise 4-4 Die Obstbäume stehen im Frühling in Blüte.  + Frühling The fruit trees are in bloom in spring.  Cây ăn quả nở vào mùa xuân.
Exercise 4-8 Du kommst immer zu spät! – Das stimmt nicht.  + nicht You're always late! That's not true.  Bạn luôn muộn! Đo không phải sự thật.
Exercise 5-4 Ich hoffe, es stimmt. + hoffen I hope it's true. Tôi hy vọng nó là sự thật.
Exercise 5-5 Das Haus wurde vom Blitz getroffen.  + Blitz The house was struck by lightning.  Ngôi nhà bị sét đánh.
Exercise 5-5 Der Blitz hat in den Baum eingeschlagen. + Blitz The lightning struck the tree. Sét đánh vào cây.
Exercise 5-7 Im Februar gibt es oft viel Schnee.  + Schnee There is often a lot of snow in February.  Thường có rất nhiều tuyết vào tháng Hai.
Exercise 6-3 Du glaubst mir nicht? Es ist aber wirklich so.  + wirklich You don't believe me? But it's really true.  Bạn không tin tôi? Nhưng nó thực sự đúng.
Exercise 6-3 Nein, das darf nicht wahr sein!  + nein No, that can't be true!  Không, điều đó không thể đúng!
Exercise 6-3 Er läuft jeden Morgen, ob es regnet oder schneit.  + ob It runs every morning, whether it's raining or snowing.  Nó chạy vào mỗi buổi sáng, cho dù trời đang mưa hoặc tuyết rơi.
Exercise 6-5 Obst ist reich an Vitaminen.  + reich Fruit is rich in vitamins.  Trái cây giàu vitamin.
Exercise 6-9 Die Uhr geht richtig / falsch / vor / nach. + Uhr The clock is running correctly / wrong / before / after. Đồng hồ đang chạy đúng / sai / trước / sau.
Exercise 7-1 Dieser Autobus verkehrt nur stündlich.  + stündlich This bus only runs hourly.  Xe buýt này chỉ chạy hàng giờ.
Exercise 7-3 Wer beruflich erfolgreich sein möchte, muss die Spielregeln der Branche genau kennen. + beruflich  If you want to be successful in your career, you need to know the rules of the trade. Nếu bạn muốn thành công trong sự nghiệp của mình, bạn cần biết các quy tắc của thương mại.
Exercise 7-5 Er joggt jeden Morgen drei Kilometer. + joggen He runs three kilometers every morning. Anh ta chạy ba cây số mỗi sáng.
Exercise 8-8 Dies ist die einfache Wahrheit. + einfach This is the simple truth. Đây là sự thật đơn giản.
Exercise 9-2 Stimmt das wirklich? Hast du nicht etwas übertrieben?  + übertreiben* Is that really true? Didn't you exaggerate a bit?  Điều đó thực sự đúng? Bạn có phóng đại một chút không?
Exercise 9-2 Ich wünsche, die Wahrheit zu erfahren.  + wünschen I wish to know the truth.  Tôi muốn biết sự thật.
Exercise 10-1 Das ist bestimmt richtig.  + bestimmt That's probably true.  Đó có thể là sự thật.
Exercise 10-2 Unser Geld wird knapp. Wir müssen sparen.  + knapp We're running out of money. We have to save.  Chúng ta đang hết tiền. Chúng ta phải tiết kiệm.
Exercise 10-6 Er hat endlich sein wahres Gesicht gezeigt.  + Gesicht He finally showed his true colors.  Cuối cùng ông đã cho thấy màu sắc thật sự của mình.
Exercise 10-8 Der Motor läuft ruhig und gleichmäßig.  + gleichmäßig The motor runs smoothly and evenly.  Động cơ hoạt động trơn tru và đều đặn.
Exercise 10-9 Das Angebot an frischem Obst war sehr mager.  + mager The supply of fresh fruit was very meagre.  Việc cung cấp trái cây tươi là rất ít ỏi.
Exercise 11-7 Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel. + Ausnahme Exceptions confirm the rule. Các ngoại lệ xác nhận quy tắc.
Exercise 12-3 Während sie sehr sparsam ist, kauft er sich teure Bücher.  + während While she's very frugal, he buys expensive books.  Trong khi cô ấy rất kiệm, anh ta mua sách đắt tiền.
Exercise 12-9 Diese Sendung läuft jede zweite Woche.  + Sendung This show runs every other week.  Chương trình này diễn ra mỗi tuần khác.
Exercise 14-8 Ich bin müde vom Laufen.  + müde I'm tired of running.  Tôi mệt mỏi vì chạy.
Exercise 14-9 Der Zug verkehrt täglich außer sonn- und feiertags.  + täglich The train runs daily except Sundays and public holidays.  Tàu chạy hàng ngày trừ ngày chủ nhật và những ngày lễ.
Exercise 15-3 Hast du dir schon die Zähne geputzt?  + putzen Have you brushed your teeth yet?  Bạn đã chải răng chưa?
Exercise 15-5 Er fing an zu rennen.  + rennen* He started running.  Anh ta bắt đầu chạy.
Exercise 15-5 Man muß nicht gleich zum Arzt rennen.  + rennen* You don't have to run to the doctor right away.  Bạn không phải chạy ngay đến bác sĩ.
Exercise 15-5 Es hilft nichts, mit dem Kopf gegen die Wand zu rennen.  + rennen* It's no use running your head up against the wall.  Không cần phải chạy đầu vào tường.
Exercise 15-6 Wenn Träume in Erfüllung gingen!  + Traum When dreams came true!  Khi những giấc mơ trở thành sự thật!
Exercise 15-6 Sein Traum hat sich endlich erfüllt.  + Traum His dream has finally come true.  Giấc mơ của anh cuối cùng đã trở thành hiện thực.
Exercise 15-8 Die Straße verläuft parallel zum Fluss. + parallel The road runs parallel to the river. Đường chạy song song với sông.
Exercise 15-9 Ein König herrscht über das Volk.  + herrschen A king rules over the people.  Vua cai trị dân.
Exercise 15-9 In unserer Zeit herrscht das Geld.  + herrschen Money rules in our time.  Tiền trong thời đại chúng ta.
Exercise 16-2 Das stimmt nicht! – Doch!  + doch That's not true! Yes, yes!  Đo không phải sự thật! Vâng vâng!
Exercise 16-2 Schließlich habe ich die Wahrheit verstanden.  + schließlich I finally understood the truth.  Cuối cùng tôi đã hiểu sự thật.
Exercise 16-3 Das heutige Datum ist der 1. Februar 2012.  + Datum Today's date is February 1,2012.  Ngày hôm nay là ngày 1 tháng 2 năm 2012.
Exercise 17-3 Entschuldigen Sie bitte, dass ich störe.  + stören Excuse me for interrupting.  Xin lỗi vì đã làm gián đoạn.
Exercise 17-4 Meine Tochter lernt in der Schule gerade die Verkehrsregeln.  + Regel My daughter's at school learning the traffic rules.  Con gái tôi ở trường học các quy tắc giao thông.
Exercise 17-4 Wie geht dieses Spiel? Kennst du die Regeln?  + Regel How's this game going? Do you know the rules?  Trò chơi này diễn ra như thế nào? Bạn có biết các quy tắc?
Exercise 17-4 Unser Chef schrieb uns vor, die Regeln zu befolgen.  + Regel Our boss told us to follow the rules.  Ông chủ của chúng tôi nói với chúng tôi để làm theo các quy tắc.
Exercise 17-4 Sie hält die Regeln ein.  + Regel She's following the rules.  Cô ấy tuân theo các quy tắc.
Exercise 17-4 Das ist hier nicht die Regel. + Regel That's not the rule here. Đó không phải là quy tắc ở đây.
Exercise 17-5 Das ist die reine Wahrheit.  + rein That's the absolute truth.  Đó là sự thật tuyệt đối.
Exercise 17-7 Wann kommt die Müllabfuhr?  + Müllabfuhr When's the garbage truck coming?  Khi xe chở rác đến?
Exercise 17-7 Die Müllabfuhr kommt dreimal pro Woche. + Müllabfuhr Garbage truck comes three times a week. Xe chở rác thải ba lần một tuần.
Exercise 17-8 Das war nicht die ganze Wahrheit. + ganz That wasn't the whole truth. Đó không phải là toàn bộ sự thật.
Exercise 18-6 Frisches Obst und Gemüse sind gut für eure Gesundheit. + Gemüse Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for your health. Trái cây tươi và rau cải rất tốt cho sức khoẻ của bạn.
Exercise 18-6 Obst kaufe ich am liebsten auf dem Markt.  + Obst I prefer to buy fruit at the market.  Tôi thích mua hoa quả ở chợ.
Exercise 18-6 Du solltest mehr Obst essen.  + Obst You should eat more fruit.  Bạn nên ăn trái cây nhiều hơn.
Exercise 18-6 Welches Obst magst du am liebsten? + Obst Which fruit do you like best? Bạn thích trái cây nào nhất?
Exercise 19-1 Welche Frucht magst du am liebsten?  + Frucht Which fruit do you like best?  Bạn thích trái cây nào nhất?
Exercise 19-1 Diese Frucht ist noch nicht reif genug. + Frucht This fruit is not ripe enough. Quả này chưa chín.
Exercise 19-3 Diese Dose Tomaten ist mindestens haltbar bis Februar.  + haltbar This can of tomatoes is at least preserved until February.  Cà chua này có thể được bảo quản ít nhất cho đến tháng Hai.
Exercise 19-7 Die Regeln gelten für alle.  + gelten* The rules apply to everyone.  Các quy tắc áp dụng cho tất cả mọi người.
Exercise 20-2 Der Arzt sagt, ich soll viel Obst und Milchprodukte essen.  + Produkt The doctor says I should eat a lot of fruit and dairy products.  Bác sĩ nói tôi nên ăn nhiều trái cây và các sản phẩm từ sữa.
Exercise 20-4 Ich ernähre mich hauptsächlich von Obst.  + ernähren I feed mainly on fruit.  Tôi ăn chủ yếu là trái cây.
Exercise 20-5 In dieser Gegend wachsen Obst, Gemüse und Getreide.  + Getreide In this area there are fruit, vegetables and cereals.  Trong khu vực này có trái cây, rau và ngũ cốc.
Exercise 21-9 Das Schiff macht eine Kreuzfahrt um die Welt.  + Schiff The ship is making a cruise around the world.  Con tàu đang thực hiện chuyến đi vòng quanh thế giới.
Exercise 22-1 Seine Aussage entspricht der Wahrheit.  + entsprechen* His testimony is true.  Lời chứng của ông là đúng.
Exercise 22-1 Er unterhält seine Familie allein.  + unterhalten*  He runs his own family.  Ông điều hành gia đình riêng của mình.
Exercise 22-3 Im Urlaub haben wir Schloss Schönbrunn besichtigt.  + besichtigen We visited Schönbrunn Palace on holiday.  Chúng tôi viếng thăm Cung điện Schönbrunn trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 22-7 In Mannheim haben Sie Anschluss nach Saarbrücken.  + Anschluss In Mannheim you have access to Saarbrücken.  Tại Mannheim bạn có thể đến Saarbrücken.
Exercise 23-7 Eine Fähre verkehrt zwischen der Insel und dem Festland. + Insel A ferry runs between the island and the mainland. Phà chạy giữa đảo và đại lục.
Exercise 23-9 Das stimmt nur teilweise.  + teilweise That's only partly true.  Đó chỉ là một phần sự thật.
Exercise 24-3 Frau Meyer führt den Betrieb schon seit zehn Jahren.  + führen Ms. Meyer has been running the company for ten years.  Bà Meyer đã điều hành công ty trong mười năm.
Exercise 24-4 Ich muss dich um Verzeihung bitten, dass ich so unhöflich war.  + Verzeihung I have to ask your forgiveness for being so rude.  Tôi phải xin sự tha thứ của bạn vì quá thô sơ.
Exercise 24-9 Vor dem Einschalten des Gerätes bitte die Bedienungsanleitung lesen.  + Bedienungsanleitung Please read the operating instructions before switching on the device.  Vui lòng đọc hướng dẫn sử dụng trước khi bật điện thoại.
Exercise 25-1 Die Sache hat nicht geeilt.  + eilen There was no rush.  Không có vội vã.
Exercise 25-1 Ich bin sofort zu meinem Freund geeilt. + eilen I rushed to my friend right away. Tôi vội vã đến bên bạn tôi.
Exercise 25-2 Das hat keine Eile.  + Eile There's no rush.  Không có vội vã.
Exercise 25-2 Lesen Sie bitte zuerst die Gebrauchsanweisung. + Gebrauchsanweisung Please read the instructions for use first. Vui lòng đọc hướng dẫn sử dụng đầu tiên.
Exercise 25-7 Alle Mieter müssen sich an die Hausordnung halten.  + halten* All tenants must abide by the house rules.  Tất cả người thuê nhà đều phải tuân thủ các quy tắc về nhà.
Exercise 25-7 Er betreibt eine kleine Landwirtschaft. + Landwirtschaft He runs a small farm. Anh ta điều hành một trang trại nhỏ.
Exercise 26-1 Sag mir bitte die Wahrheit. Hast du wieder geraucht?  + Wahrheit Tell me the truth, please. Have you been smoking again?  Nói cho tôi biết sự thật, xin vui lòng. Bạn đã hút thuốc lần nữa không?
Exercise 26-1 Wir kennen die Wahrheit noch nicht.  + Wahrheit We don't know the truth yet.  Chúng ta chưa biết sự thật.
Exercise 26-2 Was ich sage, ist wahr.  + wahr What I'm saying is true.  Những gì tôi nói là đúng.
Exercise 26-2 Das ist gar nicht wahr.  + wahr That's not true at all.  Điều đó hoàn toàn không đúng.
Exercise 26-2 Es ist eine wahre Geschichte.  + wahr It's a true story.  Đó là một câu chuyện có thật.
Exercise 26-2 Das ist zu schön, um wahr zu sein.  + wahr That's too good to be true.  Điều đó là quá tốt để có thể là sự thật.
Exercise 26-8 Wir müssen die Baustelle umfahren.  + Baustelle We have to bypass the construction site.  Chúng ta phải bỏ qua địa điểm xây dựng.
Exercise 26-8 Das Betreten der Baustelle ist verboten!  + Baustelle Entering the construction site is prohibited!  Vào công trường xây dựng là bị cấm!
Exercise 26-8 Die Autobahn ist wegen einer Baustelle halbseitig gesperrt. + Baustelle The motorway is half closed due to a construction site. Đường cao tốc bị đóng nửa do một khu vực xây dựng.
Exercise 26-9 Umfahren Sie den Baustellenbereich.  + Bereich Avoid the construction site area.  Tránh diện tích xây dựng.
Exercise 27-1 Die Ausnahme bestätigt die Regel. + bestätigen The exception confirms the rule. Ngoại lệ xác nhận quy tắc.
Exercise 27-5 Könntest du diese Taschen in den Kofferraum packen?  + Kofferraum Could you put these bags in the trunk?  Bạn có thể đặt những túi này trong thân cây?
Exercise 27-5 Die Tasche geht nicht mehr in den Kofferraum. + Kofferraum The bag doesn't go in the trunk anymore. Các túi không đi trong thân cây nữa.
Exercise 27-6 Du solltest den Motor nicht laufen lassen. + Motor You shouldn't let the engine run. Bạn không nên để động cơ chạy.
Exercise 27-6 Bitte beachten Sie die Hausordnung.  + Ordnung Please observe the house rules.  Hãy tuân thủ các quy tắc về nhà.
Exercise 27-6 Dieses Auto fährt mit Benzin.  + Benzin  This car runs on gasoline.  Chiếc xe này chạy bằng xăng.
Exercise 27-8 Das bekommen Sie in der Drogerie an der Ecke.  + Ecke You can get it at the drugstore on the corner.  Bạn có thể lấy nó tại hiệu thuốc ở góc.
Exercise 28-8 Ich ehre dein Vertrauen.  + ehren I respect your trust.  Tôi tôn trọng sự tin tưởng của bạn.
Exercise 28-8 Es ehrt mich sehr, dass du mir vertraust.  + ehren I'm very honored that you trust me.  Tôi rất vinh dự khi bạn tin tưởng tôi.
Exercise 29-1 Stimmt das etwa nicht?  + etwa Isn't that true?  Không đúng sao?
Exercise 29-6 Es gibt jetzt härtere Strafen für Trunkenheit am Steuer.  + Steuer There are now harsher penalties for drunk driving.  Hiện giờ đã trừng phạt nặng hơn đối với lái xe say rượu.
Exercise 29-9 Hast du eine Bürste? Meine Schuhe sind so schmutzig.  + Bürste Do you have a brush? My shoes are so dirty.  Bạn có một bàn chải? Giày của tôi rất bẩn.
Exercise 29-9 Ich brauche eine Bürste für meine Haare.  + Bürste I need a brush for my hair.  Tôi cần một bàn chải cho tóc của tôi.
Exercise 29-9 Waschmittel bekommst du in der Drogerie.  + Drogerie You can get detergent at the drugstore.  Bạn có thể lấy chất tẩy rửa tại hiệu thuốc.
Exercise 29-9 Salben und Pflaster kann man auch in einer Drogerie bekommen.  + Drogerie Ointments and patches can also be bought in a drugstore.  Thuốc mỡ và miếng dán cũng có thể được mua tại một hiệu thuốc.
Exercise 30-1 Ich brauche eine neue Zahnbürste. + Zahnbürste I need a new toothbrush. Tôi cần một bàn chải đánh răng mới.
Exercise 30-5 Die Firma ist am Rande des Bankrotts.  + Rand The company's on the verge of bankruptcy.  Công ty đang trên bờ vực phá sản.
Exercise 30-9 Wenn Sie betrunken Auto fahren, verlieren Sie Ihren Führerschein.  + betrunken If you drive a drunk car, you lose your driver's license.  Nếu bạn lái một chiếc xe say rượu, bạn sẽ bị mất giấy phép lái xe.
Exercise 30-9 Er ist sinnlos betrunken. + betrunken He's uselessly drunk. Anh ta vô dụng say rượu.
Exercise 31-1 Er hatte nicht den Mut, ihr die Wahrheit zu sagen.  + Mut He didn't have the courage to tell her the truth.  Anh không có can đảm để nói cho cô biết sự thật.
Exercise 31-2 Ich spiele Klavier. Spielen Sie auch ein Musikinstrument?  + Instrument I play the piano. Do you also play a musical instrument?  Tôi chơi piano. Bạn có chơi nhạc cụ không?
Exercise 31-2 Spielen Sie ein Instrument?  + Instrument Do you play an instrument?  Bạn có chơi nhạc cụ nào không?
Exercise 31-6 Dieses warme Wetter ist für den Februar ungewöhnlich.  + ungewöhnlich This warm weather is unusual for February.  Thời tiết ấm áp này không bình thường trong tháng hai.
Exercise 31-9 Er steht unter dem Einfluss von Drogen. + Einfluss He's under the influence of drugs. Anh ta đang chịu ảnh hưởng của ma túy.
Exercise 32-2 Das stimmt überhaupt nicht.  + überhaupt That's not true at all.  Điều đó hoàn toàn không đúng.
Exercise 32-3 Ich möchte nicht stören. Bitte essen Sie ruhig weiter.  + weiter I don't want to interrupt. Please continue to eat, please.  Tôi không muốn làm gián đoạn. Hãy tiếp tục ăn, làm ơn.
Exercise 32-7 Das ist eine Presse für Obst.  + Presse It's a fruit press.  Đó là một báo chí trái cây.
Exercise 33-1 Ihre Geschichte kann nicht stimmen. Sie erzählt oft Lügen.  + Lüge Your story can't be true. She often tells lies.  Câu chuyện của bạn không thể đúng. Cô thường nói dối.
Exercise 33-9 Was hättest du gern als Nachtisch, Eis oder Obst?  + Nachtisch What would you like for dessert, ice cream or fruit?  Bạn muốn gì cho món tráng miệng, kem hoặc trái cây?
Exercise 33-9 Heute gibt es in der Kantine frischen Obstsalat.  + Kantine Today, fresh fruit salad is available in the canteen.  Ngày nay, rau quả tươi có sẵn trong căng tin.
Exercise 34-9 Ein Lastwagen stand mitten auf der Straße. + mitten There was a truck in the middle of the road. Có một chiếc xe tải ở giữa con đường.
Exercise 35-9 Er hat von dem Sturz einen blauen Fleck. + Fleck He's got a bruise from the fall. Anh ấy bị bầm tím từ khi mùa thu.
Exercise 35-9 Du räumst nie dein Zimmer auf. – Das ist gar nicht wahr.  + gar You never clean up your room. That's not true at all.  Bạn không bao giờ làm sạch phòng của bạn. Điều đó hoàn toàn không đúng.
Exercise 36-2 Ich bin fest entschlossen, die volle Wahrheit zu sagen.  + sich entschließen* I am determined to tell the whole truth.  Tôi quyết tâm nói lên toàn bộ sự thật.
Exercise 36-2 Mein Wunsch hat sich erfüllt.  + erfüllen My wish has come true.  Điều ước của tôi đã trở thành sự thật.
Exercise 36-2 Meine Träume haben sich erfüllt. + erfüllen My dreams have come true. Giấc mơ của tôi đã trở thành sự thật.
Exercise 36-4 Bitte parken Sie so, dass Sie niemanden behindern.  + behindern Please park in such a way that you do not obstruct anyone.  Hãy đậu xe theo cách mà bạn không cản trở bất cứ ai.
Exercise 37-1 Hier dürfen LKWs nicht überholen.  + überholen Trucks are not allowed to overtake here.  Xe tải không được vượt quá ở đây.
Exercise 37-3 Die neue Schule ist noch im Bau.  + Bau The new school is still under construction.  Trường mới vẫn đang được xây dựng.
Exercise 37-3 Wir haben viel Geld für den Bau ausgegeben. + Bau We've spent a lot of money on construction. Chúng tôi đã dành rất nhiều tiền cho xây dựng.
Exercise 37-4 Diese Medikamente sind notwendig für eine schnelle Heilung.  + notwendig These drugs are necessary for a quick healing.  Những loại thuốc này là cần thiết để chữa bệnh nhanh chóng.
Exercise 37-7 Für das nächste Jahr ist der Bau eines neuen Kraftwerks geplant.  + Kraftwerk The construction of a new power plant is planned for next year.  Việc xây dựng một nhà máy điện mới được lên kế hoạch cho năm tới.
Exercise 37-8 Er leitet eine Firma.  + leiten He runs a company.  Anh ta điều hành một công ty.
Exercise 37-8 Der Einbrecher war schon auf der Flucht.  + Flucht The burglar was already on the run.  Tên trộm đã chạy trốn.
Exercise 37-8 Er ist auf der Flucht vor der Polizei.  + Flucht He's on the run from the police.  Anh ấy đang chạy trốn khỏi cảnh sát.
Exercise 37-9 Es ist traurig, aber wahr!  + traurig It's sad, but true!  Thật buồn, nhưng thật đấy!
Exercise 38-2 Ich brachte das Medikament in Sicherheit vor den Kindern.  + Sicherheit I put the drug away from the children.  Tôi bỏ thuốc ra khỏi bọn trẻ.
Exercise 38-3 Ein neuer Direktor leitet die Schule.  + Direktor A new director runs the school.  Một giám đốc mới điều hành trường học.
Exercise 38-7 Ist das tatsächlich wahr?  + tatsächlich Is that really true?  Điều đó thực sự đúng?
Exercise 38-8 Er hat mich sehr unhöflich behandelt.  + behandeln He treated me very rudely.  Anh ta đối xử với tôi thô bạo.
Exercise 39-1 Die Firma produziert seit zehn Jahren Baumaschinen.  + produzieren The company has been producing construction machinery for ten years.  Công ty đã được sản xuất máy móc xây dựng trong mười năm.
Exercise 39-2 Er konnte im Schutz der Dunkelheit davonlaufen.  + Schutz He could run away under cover of darkness.  Anh ta có thể chạy trốn dưới bóng tối.
Exercise 39-4 Das Flugzeug rollt zur Startbahn.  + rollen The plane rolls to the runway.  Chiếc máy bay lăn xuống đường băng.
Exercise 39-4 Er wurde bei seiner Erzählung unterbrochen.  + Erzählung He was interrupted in his story.  Anh đã bị gián đoạn trong câu chuyện của mình.
Exercise 40-3 Auf der Autobahn waren so viele Laster. Deshalb hat es so lange gedauert. + Laster There were so many trucks on the highway. That's why it took so long. Có rất nhiều xe tải trên xa lộ. Đó là lý do tại sao phải mất nhiều thời gian.
Exercise 40-3 Als Abkürzungen für Lastkraftwagen werden LKW verwendet.  + Lastkraftwagen Trucks are used as abbreviations for trucks.  Xe tải được dùng làm chữ viết tắt cho xe tải.
Exercise 40-3 Mein Mann ist LKW-Fahrer.  + LKW My husband is a truck driver.  Chồng tôi là lái xe tải.
Exercise 40-3 Wir mieteten einen LKW, um unsere Möbel zu transportieren.  + LKW We rented a truck to transport our furniture.  Chúng tôi thuê một chiếc xe tải để vận chuyển đồ đạc của chúng tôi.
Exercise 40-5 Du musst dir selber treu bleiben.  + treu You must be true to yourself.  Bạn phải đúng với chính mình.
Exercise 40-7 Zum Frühstück esse ich gerne Quark mit Früchten.  + Quark For breakfast I like to eat cottage cheese with fruits.  Đối với bữa ăn sáng, tôi thích ăn phô mai với hoa quả.
Exercise 42-2 Du musst die Salbe gut einreiben.  + Salbe You need to rub the ointment well.  Bạn cần phải chà xát thuốc mỡ tốt.
Exercise 42-4 Wir unterbrechen die Sendung für eine wichtige Nachricht.  + unterbrechen* We interrupt the show for an important message.  Chúng tôi ngắt chương trình cho một thông điệp quan trọng.
Exercise 42-4 Unterbrich mich doch nicht immer!  + unterbrechen* Don't interrupt me all the time!  Đừng làm gián đoạn tôi mọi lúc!
Exercise 42-4 Der Zugang zum Internet war stundenlang unterbrochen.  + unterbrechen* Internet access was interrupted for hours.  Truy cập Internet đã bị gián đoạn trong nhiều giờ.
Exercise 42-4 Die Übertragung wurde heute unterbrochen.  + Übertragung The transmission was interrupted today.  Việc truyền tải đã bị gián đoạn ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 42-9 Der König regierte das Land.  + regieren The king ruled the land.  Vua cai trị đất.
Exercise 42-9 Sie regiert die ganze Familie.  + regieren She runs the whole family.  Cô ấy điều hành cả gia đình.
Exercise 42-9 Geld regiert die Welt. + regieren Money rules the world. Tiền quy định thế giới.
Exercise 43-3 Man darf diese Regel nicht in allen Fällen anwenden.  + anwenden* This rule may not be applied in all cases.  Quy tắc này có thể không được áp dụng trong mọi trường hợp.
Exercise 44-2 Er ist von Drogen abhängig.  + abhängig He's addicted to drugs.  Anh ấy nghiện ma túy.
Exercise 44-2 Meine Frau ist sehr sparsam.  + sparsam My wife is very frugal.  Vợ tôi rất thanh đạm.
Exercise 44-3 Nein, umgekehrt: erst der Vorname, dann der Nachname.  + umgekehrt No, the reverse is true: first the first name, then the surname.  Không, ngược lại là đúng: đầu tiên là tên, sau đó là họ.
Exercise 44-8 Ich vertraue ihm blind.  + blind I trust him blindly.  Tôi tin tưởng anh ta một cách mù quáng.
Exercise 45-1 Die Bauarbeiten verursachen viel Lärm.  + verursachen The construction work causes a lot of noise.  Công trình xây dựng gây ra nhiều tiếng ồn.
Exercise 45-4 Sein Traum ist Wirklichkeit geworden.  + Wirklichkeit His dream has come true.  Giấc mơ của anh đã trở thành hiện thực.
Exercise 45-5 Ich muss alle Zweifel ausschließen.  + ausschließen* I must rule out all doubts.  Tôi phải loại trừ mọi nghi ngờ.
Exercise 45-6 Die Grundlage unserer Zusammenarbeit ist Vertrauen.  + Grundlage The basis of our cooperation is trust.  Cơ sở hợp tác của chúng tôi là sự tin tưởng.
Exercise 45-9 Ich hatte nur ein Zimmer mit fließendem Wasser.  + fließend I only had one room with running water.  Tôi chỉ có một phòng với nước máy.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Shops Drogerie + drugstore + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Müllabfuhr + rubbish collection (service) + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of building Fachwerk + half-timbered construction + C
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Gummihandschuh + rubber glove + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning etw schrubben + to scrub sth + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Müll + rubbish, garbage, refuse + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Müllbeutel + rubbish bag + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Mülltonne + rubbish bin + B
+ + 103 Household Tools Streichbürste + paintbrush + B
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Teppich + carpet, rug + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Orientteppich + Oriental rug + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Bettvorleger + bedside rug + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Läufer + runner + C
+ + 103 Gardens Garden tools Baumschere + tree pruner + B
+ + 103 Gardens Garden tools Baumsäge + pruning saw + B
+ + 103 Gardens Garden tools Rosenschere + pruning shears + B
+ + 103 Gardens Garden tools Obstpflücker + fruit picker + B
+ + 103 Gardens Gardening etw stutzen + to clip, prune, trim sth + C
+ + 103 Gardens Gardening Ausläufer + runner + C
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plain Stamm + trunk + A
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plains Strauch + shrub + B
+ + 103 The physical world Woodlands and plains Fichte + spruce + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Rüssel + trunk + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Walross + walrus + B
+ + 103 The animal world Birds Drossel + thrush + B
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Krebstier + crustacean + B
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Krustentier + crustacean + B
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour brüllen + to bellow [cow], roar [lion], trumpet [elephant] + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Wiederkäuer + ruminant + C
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Larve + grub, larva + C
+ + 103 Weather Wind and storms ein leichter Wind kommt auf + a breeze has sprung up + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Virus + virus + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses blauer Fleck + bruise + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses blaue Flecken bekommen + to bruise + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses menstruieren + to menstruate + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses betäubt + drugged + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Schuppen + dandruff + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses prämenstruelles Syndrom + premenstrual syndrome + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Head Trommelfell + eardrum + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Oberarmbein + humerus + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Kreuzbein + sacrum + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Sexual organs Gebärmutter + uterus + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Apotheker(in) + (dispensing) chemist, druggist + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical facilities Apotheke + chemist's, pharmacy, drugstore + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Droge + drug + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Gummi + johnny, rubber + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Gummihandschuh + rubber glove + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Krücke + crutch + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Arznei + drug + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein rötliches Gesicht + a ruddy face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein undurchdringliches Gesicht + an inscrutable face + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein vorspringendes/vorstehendes Kinn + a prominent/protruding chin + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General laufen + to run, walk, go + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement rennen + to run + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement stürzen + to rush, dash + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement auf jmdn/etw zustürzen + to rush towards sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw reiben + to rub sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Impact gegen etw fahren + to run into sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General jmdm begegnen + to meet sb, run into sb + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards zusammenbrechen + to collapse, cave in, crumble + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement davonlaufen + to run away + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement auf der Flucht + on the run + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement sausen + to dash, rush + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement rasen + to dash/rush/tear along + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement hetzen + to rush; tear, race, dash + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs mit den Fingern auf den Tisch trommeln + to drum one's fingers on the desk + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw befühlen + to feel/run one's hands over sth + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement ausreißen (coll.) + to run away + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement latschen (sl.) + to trudge + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Fast and slow movement trotten + to trudge + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn/etw streifen + to brush against sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Gait stolzieren + to strut + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Gait stelzen + to strut, stalk + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity korrupt + corrupt + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour (über jmdn/etw) schimpfen + to bitch/moan/grumble (about sth) + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity (un)bestechlich + (in)corruptible + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity bedenkenlos + unscrupulous + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity Bedenkenlosigkeit + unscrupulousness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust vertrauenswürdig + trustworthy + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust Vertrauen + trust + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust Misstrauen + mistrust, distrust + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust misstrauisch + mistrustful, distrustful + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness grausam + cruel + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness schroff + abrupt, curt, brusque + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners grob + coarse, rude + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners roh + brutish, callous, uncouth + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners Rohheit + brutishness, callousness, uncouthness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners unanständig + rude + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Meckerer + moaner, grumbler, grouser + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning gelehrt + learned, erudite, scholarly + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning hochgelehrt + erudite, very learned + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy abgespannt + weary, tired, run down + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity Skrupel + scruple + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity Skrupel haben + to have scruples + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity skrupellös + scrupulous + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity Skrupellosigkeit + unscrupulousness + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity skrupellos + unscrupulous + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust wahrhaft + truthful; true, real + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust (un)wahrhaftig + (un)truthful + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness Uneigennützigkeit + altruism + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness bärbeißig + gruff + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness brüsk + brusque, abrupt + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness kurz angebunden + curt, brusque + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness mitteilsam + communicative, garrulous + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners derb + crude, coarse + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners ungebärdig + unruly + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour brummig + grumpy, grouchy, sour-tempered + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour grantig + grumpy + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour mürrisch + grumpy, sullen + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour griesgrämig + grumpy, grouchy + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment umsichtig + circumspect, prudent, judicious + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy schlapp + worn out, listless, run-down + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Badehose + swimming trunks + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Gummistiefel + rubber boot + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning Schuhbürste + shoe brush + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming (Haar)bürste + hairbrush + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming sich die Haare bürsten + to brush one's hair + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming sich die Zähne putzen + to brush one's teeth + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming Zahnbürste + toothbrush + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Obst + fruit + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Obstsalat + fruit salad + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Frucht + fruit + A
+ + 103 Food and drink General Rohkost + raw fruits, nuts and vegetables + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Kompott + stewed fruit + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Back- + dried fruit + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Back- + prune + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Pastries, desserts and sweets Apfelstrudel + apple strudel + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks betrunken + drunk + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Keule + drumstick, leg + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Pampelmuse + grapefruit + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Rosenkohl + Brussels sprouts + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Brotkrümel + breadcrumb + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Breads, grains and pasta Brösel + breadcrumb + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Most + cider; unfermented fruit juice + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Rum + rum + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking etw dünsten + to steam/braise [meat]/stew [fruit] sth + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking etw panieren + to breadcrumb sth + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking Paniermehl + breadcrumbs + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking Mürb(e)teig + shortcrust pastry + C
+ + 103 Perception Sound trommeln + to drum + A
+ + 103 Perception Sound rauschen + to roar, rustle, murmur, swish, hiss + A
+ + 103 Perception Sight jmdn/etw mustern + to eye, scrutinize sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound rascheln + to rustle + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound knistern + to rustle, crackle + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound klirren + to clink, tinkle, rattle, jangle, crackle, crunch + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound knirschen + to crunch + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound Spektakel + row, rumpus, racket + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rostrot + rust-coloured, russet + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours preußischblau + Prussian blue + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rehbraun + russet + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rubinrot + ruby-red, ruby + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Various Gummi + rubber + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Various gummiartig + rubbery + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Wellblech + corrugated iron + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Various Schaumgummi + foam rubber + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Cloth Ulster + heavy, rugged fabric + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines kreuzförmig + cruciform + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures Lineal + ruler + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Maßstab + scale, standard, ruler + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity General maßstäblich + scale, (true) to scale + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease wuchern + to proliferate, run wild, be rampant + C
+ + 103 Containers Bags Rucksack + rucksack, backpack + A
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Fass + barrel, keg, vat, churn, drum + A
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Tonne + barrel, cask, drum, trash can + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Müllbeutel + rubbish bag, garbage bag + B
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Mülltonne + rubbish bin + B
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Abfalleimer + rubbish bin + B
+ + 103 Containers Dishes and pots Krügchen + cruet + C
+ + 103 Time The day, week and year bis Anfang Februar + until/by the beginning of February + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Pinsel + brush + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture etw gestalten + to design, shape, form, structure sth + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Saiteninstrument + stringed instrument + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Holzblasinstrument + woodwind instrument + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Blechblasinstrument + brass instrument + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Trompete + trumpet + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Trompeter(in) + trumpeter + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Schlaginstrument + percussion instrument + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Trommel + drum + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music kleine/große Trommel + snare/bass drum + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Trommelschlegel + drumstick + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Pauke + kettledrum (pl. timpani) + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Schlagzeuger(in) + drummer, percussionist + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Chor + choir, chorus; choral piece + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Chorist(in) + chorus member + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Chorleiter(in) + chorus leader, choir leader + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Tasteninstrument + keyboard instrument + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Schlagzeug + drums + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Klavierunterricht + piano lessons, piano instruction + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Dance Rumba + rumba + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Aufbau + structure, construction, composition + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Live-Reportage + live/running commentary + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Aufbau + form, structure, composition + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Gesamtkomposition + overall structure + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Auftakt + anacrusis + C
+ + 103 Speaking Conversing jmdn unterbrechen + to interrupt sb + A
+ + 103 Speaking Praising and complaining schimpfen + to moan, grumble, bitch + A
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering schwatzhaft (pej.) + talkative, garrulous + A
+ + 103 Speaking Rambling and chattering Blödsinn reden + to talk rubbish + A
+ + 103 Speaking Miscellaneous die Wahrheit sagen + to tell the truth + A
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying etw als unwahr/falsch bezeichnen + to characterize sth as untrue/wrong + B
+ + 103 Speaking Praising and complaining brummen + to grumble, grouch, grouse + B
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing über jmdn/etw herziehen + to run sb/sth down; pull sb/sth to pieces + B
+ + 103 Speaking Praising and complaining murren + to grumble + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Reading etw genau durchlesen + to peruse sth + B
+ + 103 Leisure Games Trumpf + trump card, trumps + C
+ + 103 Sport Sports Rennen + running, racing, race + A
+ + 103 Sport Athletes Läufer(in) + runner + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Zweite(r) + runner-up + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Zweitplazierte(r) + runner-up + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition die weiteren Gewinner + the runners-up + A
+ + 103 Sport Sports Geländerennen + cross-country running/race + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Rugby + rugby + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Schiedsrichter(in) + referee [football, rugby] + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Homerun + home run + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition um alle vier Male laufen + to hit a home run + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Hundert-Meter-Lauf (100-Meter-Lauf) + 100 metre run + B
+ + 103 Sport Premises Loipe + cross-country ski run + C
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Schlauchboot + rubber dinghy + C
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Steigbügel + stirrup + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Gedränge + scrum [rugby] + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Doping + drug-taking + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Dopingtest + drug test + C
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Dopingsünder(in) + drug-taker + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Start-und Landebahn + runway + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Ruder + oar; rudder, helm + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Seereise + ocean trip, cruise, voyage + A
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Kofferraum + boot, trunk + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Kreuzfahrt + cruise + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Einwanderungs-gesetze + immigration rules + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Lastkraftwagen + truck + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport LKW + truck + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Trunkenheit am Steuer + drunk driving + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Reisegeschwindigkeit + cruising speed + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Reiseflughöhe + cruising altitude + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Vierling + quadruplet + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Fruchtbarkeitspille + fertility drug + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Wahrheit + truth + A
+ + 103 Religion Clergy Guru + guru + A
+ + 103 Religion Religious buildings and architecture Kreuz + cross; crucifix + A
+ + 103 Religion Garments andceremonial objects Kruzifix + crucifix + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Kreuzträger(in) + cross-bearer, crucifer + C
+ + 103 Education General Unterricht + teaching, lessons, classes, instruction + A
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Tafelschwamm + blackboard sponge, board rubber + A
+ + 103 Education School die Schule schwänzen + to play truant, cut classes + B
+ + 103 Education School (Schul)schwänzer(in) + truant + B
+ + 103 Education General getrennter Unterricht + single-sex instruction + C
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences Virus + virus + A
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Spektrum + spectrum + B
+ + 103 Science Earth sciences Erdkruste + earth's crust + C
+ + 103 Science Scientific instruments Rechenschieber + slide rule + C
+ + 103 Science Scientific instruments Schmelztiegel + crucible + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Obstbau + fruit-growing + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Obstbauer + fruit farmer + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Livestock ein Pferd putzen + to groom/brush down a horse + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Furche + furrow, rut + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Hühnerhof + chicken-run + B
+ + 103 Industry Machinery, tools and equipment Kipper + dump truck + A
+ + 103 Industry General Betriebskosten + running costs + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries Hochbau + structural engineering + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries Tiefbau + civil engineering [excluding construction of buildings] + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm Trust + trust company + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm Treuhandvertrag + trust agreement + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales einen geringen Vorrat haben + to run low + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Accounts and costs Betriebskosten + running costs + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Obsthändler(in) + fruit merchant + A
+ + 103 Employment Application and training jmdn einstellen + to recruit sb; appoint sb + B
+ + 103 Employment Application and training Einstellung + recruiting + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Fahrlehrer(in) + driving instructor + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Last(kraft)wagen-fahrer(in) + lorry/truck driver + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Dienst nach Vorschrift machen + to work to rule + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Gummiband + rubber band + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing kaputt + corrupt + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing nicht lesbar + corrupt + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing etw kaputt/nicht lesbar machen + to corrupt sth + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing ein Programm ablaufen lassen + to run a program + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Computervirus + virus + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials fein liniertes Papier + narrow-ruled paper + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Lineal + ruler + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Waffenschmuggler(in) + gun runner + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Drogenhändler(in) + drug dealer + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Dealer(in) + drug pusher + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Drogenhandel + drug-trafficking + A
+ + 103 Law Justice Wahrheit + truth + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Drogenmissbrauch + drug abuse + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Drogenabhängige(r) + drug addict + B
+ + 103 Law Crime auf der Flucht + on the run + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Knüppel + baton, truncheon + B
+ + 103 Law Justice Einspruch abgelehnt/stattgegeben + objection overruled/sustained + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation Drogenfahndungs-behörde + drug squad + C
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss Bankrott + bankruptcy + A
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss Bankrott gehen/machen + to become/go bankrupt + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Schulden machen + to run up debts + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment auflaufen + to accrue + A
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss den Bankrott anmelden/ansagen/erklären + to declare/file for bankruptcy + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt jmds Kreditwürdigkeit überprüfen + to run a credit check on sb + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt entlasteter/rehabilitierter Konkursschuldner + discharged bankrupt + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Einzugsermächtigung + direct debit instruction + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Belorussland + Belarus + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Belorusse + Belarussian + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Russland + Russia + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Russe + Russian + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Burundi + Burundi + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Peru + Peru + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Peruaner(in) + Peruvian + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Ausbruch + eruption + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography ausbrechen + to erupt + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Untergang + decline [empire]; ruin [person] + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Zypern + Cyprus + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Kreuzzug + crusade + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History einen Kreuzzug führen + to (go on) crusade + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Kreuzfahrer(in) + crusader + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Waffenstillstand + truce; armistice + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn/etw vernichten + to annihilate/destroy/crush sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Rekrut(in) + recruit; rookie + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Massenvernichtungswaffen + weapons of mass destruction + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Cruisemissile + cruise missile + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political parties Regierungspartei + ruling party + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government (jmdn/etw) regieren + to rule/govern (sb/sth) + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government herrschen + to rule + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Elections sich zur Wahl stellen + to run [for an office], stand + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Mehrheits- + majority/minority rule + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Vorschrift + regulation, rule + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Droge + drug + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs harte/weiche Droge + hard/soft drug + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Müll + rubbish, garbage, refuse + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Abfall + rubbish, garbage, refuse + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Rauschgift + drug, narcotic + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogenbenutzer(in) + drug user + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogenmissbrauch + drug abuse + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogensucht + drug addiction + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogenabhängigkeit + drug addiction + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs drogensüchtig + addicted to drugs + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogensüchtige(r) + drug addict + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogenabhängige(r) + drug addict + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Abfalldeponie + rubbish/garbage dump + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs eine radikale Entziehungskur machen + to come off drugs cold turkey + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogenkonsument(in) + druggie + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs Drogi + druggie + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs schnüffeln + to sniff [glue, drugs] + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs verschreibungs-pflichtige Medikamente + controlled drugs + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 真正 + * * zhen1zheng4 genuine/ real/ true wahr,wirklich,echt +
A + * * yao4 medicine/ drug/ remedy 1. Medizin, Arznei, Medikament 2. bestimmte chemische Substanzen 3. < lit > mit Arzneien heilen 4. mit Gift töten +
A 道理 + * * dao4li3 principle/ truth/ reason/ argument 1.Wahrheit, Grundsatz, Prinzip 2. Grund, Argument +
A + * * ca1 wipe/ rub/ spread on/ scrape 1. abwischen, trockenwischen 2. aufstreichen, auftragen 3. reiben, schaben, sich schürfen, reibend streichen 4. hart vorbeigehen, leicht berühren, streifen 5. (mit einem Reibeisen) fein zerkleinern +
A 突然 + * * tu1ran2 sudden/ abrupt schlagartig, plötzlich, unvermittelt, unerwartet +
A 卡車 + * * ka3che1 lorry/ truck Lastwagen, +
A 農村 + * * nong2cun1 rural area/ countryside Dorf,auf dem Lande +
A + * * jin4 enter/ come or go into/ recruit 1. vorgehen, vorwärtsgehen, vorrücken, vordringen, vorankommen 2. hineingehen, eintreten,hereinkommen 3. einnehmen,, bekommen 4. essen, trinken 5.übereichen, offerieren 6. in, hinein 7. einer der trad. Wohnhöfe +
A 水果 + * * shui3guo3 fruit Obst +
A 建設 + * * jian4she4 build/ construct/ construction aufbauen,Aufbau +
A + * * pao3 run/ run away/ run about doing sth. 1. laufen 2. entfliehen, entkommen 3. gehen, fahren 4. herumlaufen, um etw zu beschaffen +
A 跑步 + * * pao3 bu4 run laufen (als Sport),einen Lauf machen +
A 確實 + * * que4shi2 true/ reliable tatsächlich,wirklich,verläßlich +
A 遇到 + * * yu4dao4 meet with/ run into/ encounter stoßen auf,begegnen, treffen auf +
A + * * jiao1 teach/ instruct 1. lehren, unterrichten, beibringen jiao4 = lehren, unterrichten, erziehen, belehren 2. Religion +
A 發展 + * * fa1zhan3 develop/ recruit/ development entwickeln, Entwicklung, entfalten, wachsen +
A + * * peng4 touch/ bump/ meet/ run into 1. berühren, stoßen 2. treffen,begegnen, auf etw/jn stoßen 3 etw auf gut Glück versuchen +
A + * * fan1 turn over/ rummage/ capsize 1. umkehren, umdrehen 2. übersteigen 3. durchwühlen, stöbern 4. übersetzen, übertragen +
A + * * huai4 bad/ go bad/ spoil/ ruin 1. schlecht, schlimm 2. schlecht werden, kaputt gehen, verderben 3.sehr, äußerst, furchtbar 4. böse Absicht, gemeiner Trick +
A + * * zhen1 true/ real/ genuine/ clearly/ really 1. wirklich,wahr, echt, real, tatsächlich 2. wirklich, wahrlich, wahrhaftig 3.klar, deutlich, unverkennbar +
B 真理 + * * zhen1li3 truth Wahrheit +
B 真實 + * * zhen1shi2 true/ real/ authentic wahr, wirklich, authentisch +
B 統治 + * * tong3zhi4 rule/ dominate regieren +
B 鬥爭 + * * dou4zheng1 fight/ struggle/ combat kämpfen gegen +
B 構造 + * * gou4zao4 structure/ construction Konstruktion, Bau, Struktur +
B 結構 + * * jie2gou4 structure/ composition Struktur, Komposition, Architektur +
B + * * zheng1 levy/ draft/ recruit/ call up/ collect/ ask for/ solicit 1. eine weite Reise unternehmen 2. einen Feldzug, eine Expedition unternehmen 3. jn ausheben, jm zum Militärdienst einberufen 4.(Steuern, Beiträge erheben) einkassieren 5. um etw. bitten, oder ersuchen +
B 垃圾 + * * la1ji1 garbage/ rubbish Abfall +
B + * * cu1 rude/ careless/ wide/ thick 1.dick 2.grobkörnig, rauh 3.tief und kräftig, 4. unfein, grob, roh, vulgär +
B 骨頭 + * * gu3tou drum Knochen +
B + * * zui4 become drunk/ be tipsy 1. betrunken, berauscht 2. in Alkohohl getränkt +
B + * * shua1 brush 1.bürsten, putzen 2. malen, streichen, tünchen 3. ausscheiden, eliminieren 4. rascheln, rauschen +
B + * * chi3 ruler/ 1 chǐ = 0.333 meter 1. Chi, chinesisches Längenmaß =Fuß, ca 0,333 m 2. Lineal, Zollstock +
B 吩咐(分付) + * * fen1fu4 instruct/ tell anweisen, auftragen +
B + * * chong1 1. charge, rush 2.pour boiling water on 3. rinse, flush kochendem Wasser übergießen, aufbrühen2.spülen,waschen, 3.stürmen, vorstoßen 4. Krach, Zusammenstoß, Kollision 5. Verkehrsader , Hauptverkehrsstraße, wichtiger Platz 6. entwickeln siehe chong4 +
B 關鍵 + * * guan1jian4 crux/ key/ hinge Schlüssel +
B 施工 + * * shi1 gong1 construct/ build/ construction Aufbau, Konstruktion +
B 奮鬥 + * * fen4dou4 fight/ struggle/ strive kämpfen, nach etwas streben +
B 建築 + * * jian4zhu4 build/ construct/ architecture/ building Gebäude, Architektur, Bauten, bauen +
B + * * cha1 thrust 1. stecken, hineinstecken, aufstecken 2 einsetzen, einschalten +
B 儀器 + * * yi2qi4 instrument/ apparatus Instrument, Gerät,Apparat +
B + * * zhuang4 collide/ bump against/ run into 1. zusammenstoßen,stoßen 2. treffen, begegnen 3. voreilig handeln +
B 規定 + * * gui1ding4 provide/ stipulate/ provision; rule bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen +
B + * * mo2 wear/ rub/ grind 1. reiben, zerreiben 2. schleifen, polieren, wetzen 3. trödeln, vertrödeln 4. jm lästig fallen, jm auf die Nerven gehen +
B 指示 + * * zhi3shi4 instruction/ order/ indicate/ point out aufzeigen, darauf hinweisen, Anweisung +
B 牙刷 + * * ya2shua1 toothbrush Zahnbürste +
B 實在 + * * shi2zai4 true/ real/ honest tatsächlich, wirlich, ehrlich +
B + * * zhui1 run after/ pursue/ trace/ go after 1. nacheilen, jm nachsetzen, verfolgen, nachlaufen 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. trachten, streben, jagen 4. sich erinnern, sich etw ins Gedächtnis zurückrufen +
B 碰見 + * * peng4 jian4 meet unexpectedly/ run into (zufällig) treffen, begegnen +
B + * * xin4 trust/ believe 1. wahr, richtig, echt 2. Vertrauen 3. glauben 4. sich zu einem Glauben bekennen, gläubig sein 5. nach Belieben, auf gut Glück +
B + * * chuang3 rush 1. gewaltsam oder unerlaubt eindringen o. herausdrängen 2.sich durchkämpfen, durch das Leben schlagen +
B 教員 + * * jiao1yuan2 teacher/ instructor Lehrer, Ausbilder +
B 違反 + * * wei2fan3 violate/ run counter to zuwiderhandeln,verletzen,gegen verstoßen +
B 紀律 + * * ji4lv4 rule/ discipline Disziplin +
C 委托 + * * wei3tuo1 entrust-trust/ consign/ commission/ delegate/ devolve jm mit etwas betrauen, jn beauftragen +
C + * * gong1 imperial palace/ place for cultural activities/ uterus 1. Palast, Schloß 2 (Taoisten) Tempel, 3. Stätte für Kulturveranstaltungen, und Erholung +
C + * * ben1 1. run quickly, hurry, rush 1. schnell laufen, rennen 2. eilen 3. fliehen siehe: ben4 +
C 奔跑 + * * ben1pao3 run/ run about laufen,rennen, eilen +
C + * * ta1 fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden +
C + * * jie1 bear (fruit or seed)/ produce 1. (Früchte) tragen, halten 2. fest, stark, kräftig 3. stottern siehe: jie2 +
C 樂器 + * * yue3qi4 musical-instrument/ musical instrument Musikinstrument +
C 侵犯 + * * qin1fan4 intrude upon/ encroach on/ violate/ invade verletzen, überfallen +
C 倒騰 + * * dao3teng move around/ rummage/ buy low and sell high sich drehen, billig kaufen und teuer verkaufen +
C + * * ben4 1. go straight towards, head for 2. approach, be getting on for 3. run for auf etwas direkt zugehen, sich nähern , um etwas rennen siehe:ben1 +
C 謠言 + * * yao2yan2 rumor-words/ rumor/ canard/ unfounded report/ hearsay Lüge, Gerücht +
C + * * gou1 ditch/ channel/ trench/ rut/ waterway/ gully/ ravine 1. Graben, Schützengraben 2. Furche, Rinne, Rille 3. Felsenschlucht +
C 鎮靜 + * * zhen4jing4 calm-tranquil/ calm/ cool/ composed/ poised/ unruffled ruhig, gelassen, gefaßt, kühl +
C 干擾 + * * gan1rao3 interfere/ disturb/ obstruct/ interference/ disturbance stören, Störung +
C + * * xiong1 inauspicious/ vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ brutal/ terrible 1. böse, furchterregend 2. schrecklich, furchtbar 3. unheildrohend, verhängnisvoll, unheilvoll +
C 運轉 + * * yun4zhuan3 revolve-turn/ revolve/ turn round/ run/ operate/ work kreisen, sich im Kreis drehen, in Betrieb sein, laufen +
C 慎重 + * * shen4zhong4 careful/ cautious/ prudent/ discreet vorsichtig,umsichtig +
C 掙扎 + * * zheng1zha2 struggle-strain/ struggle/ battle/ flounder sich abmühen, sich anstrengen +
C + * * qin2 general name for certain musical instruments 1.allg. Bezeichn. für manche Streich-,Zupf-u.Klavierinstr. 2. Klavier, Piano +
C + * * rou2 knead/ roll/ crumple/ rub/ massage reiben, kneten, massieren +
C 喇叭 + * * la3ba trumpet/ horn/ suona horn/ loudspeaker/ speaker Lautsprecher, Brass Windinstrument, Trompete +
C 妨礙 + * * fang2'ai4 hinder/ hamper/ obstruct/ impede/ make difficult behindern +
C + * * zhou1 porridge/ congee/ gruel Brei +
C 皺紋 + * * zhou4wen2 wrinkle-line/ wrinkle/ furrow/ rimple/ crumple/ pucker Falte, Furche +
C + * * la4 spicy/ hot/ peppery/ pungent/ vicious/ ruthless 1. beißend, scharf, (Geschmack, Geruch)brennen 2. bitter, schonunglos, unbarmherzig +
C 修建 + * * xiu1jian4 build-construct/ build/ construct/ erect bauen, aufbauen, im Bau sein +
C 整頓 + * * zheng3dun4 organize-arrange/ restructure/ consolidate/ reorganize konsolidieren, reorganisieren +
C 阻力 + * * zu3li4 resisting-force/ resistance/ drag/ obstruction Widerstand,Hindernis +
C 修築 + * * xiu1zhu4 build-construct/ (of roads; dikes/ etc.) build/ construct bauen, anlegen +
C 猛然 + * * meng3ran2 suddenly/ abruptly plötzlich, jäh +
C 破產 + * * po4 chan3 go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through Bankrott machen,ruiniert sein,scheitern +
C + * * hui3 destroy/ ruin/ damage/ demolish 1. zerstören, vernichten 2. verbrennen, etw durch Feuer vernichten 3. verleumden, diffamieren, verunglimpfen +
C + * * xiu4 rust/ become rusty Rost, rosten, korrodieren +
C 囑咐 + * * zhu3fu4 enjoin-instruct/ enjoin/ exhort/ advise/ urge/ tell ermahnen, einschärfen +
C 迫害 + * * po4hai4 persecute/ treat sb. with cruelty/ oppress cruelly verfolgen +
C 謎語 + * * mi2yu3 conundrum/ riddle Rätsel +
C + * * tu3 local/ indigenous/ native/ crude/ rustic/ unfashionable 1. Erde, Boden 2. Boden, Land 3. lokal, regional 4. einheimisch 5. unzivilisiert, roh +
C + * * xiang1 measure word for boxes; cases; chests; trunks; etc. Kiste, Kasten, Koffer,kastenartiger Gegenstand +
C 鄉村 + * * xiang1cun1 countryside-hamlet/ rural area/ countryside/ village Dorf, dörflich, ländliches Gebiet, Land +
C 開辦 + * * kai1ban4 set up and run/ open/ start/ operate gründen, errichten, eröffnen, beginnen +
C + * * wu1 dirty/ filthy/ foul/ corrupt/ smeared 1. Schmutz, Dreck, 2. schmutzig, dreckig 3.verunreinigen,beschmutzen 4. bestechlich, korrupt +
C + * * cuo1 twist/ twine/ rub/ scrub etw mit den Händen reiben +
C 挫折 + * * cuo4zhe2 setback/ reverse/ defeat/ frustration Rückschlag +
C + * * fei4 useless/ disused/ waste/ abandon/ abolish/ ruin 1. aufgeben,abschaffen 2. unbrauchbar, gebraucht, Abfall 3. invalid, körperlich behindert +
C 固然 + * * gu4ran2 it is true/ admittedly/ no doubt/ indeed/ certainly gewiß, natürlich, zwar +
C + * * zheng4 struggle to get free/ try to break loose/ earn/ make 1.sich befreien, sich von jm/etw freimachen, abschütteln 2. verdienen, erwerben +
C 廢墟 + * * fei4xu1 ruins/ remains of a place destroyed Ruinen, Trümmerfeld +
C 刷子 + * * shua1zi brush Bürste +
C 證實 + * * zheng4shi2 prove-true/ confirm/ verify/ validate/ bear out bekräftigen, bestätigen, beweisen +
C 流動 + * * liu2dong4 flow/ run/ circulate/ move fließen, strömen,wandern, mobil +
C 尺子 + * * chi3zi ruler/ rule Lineal +
C 謹慎 + * * jin3shen4 cautious/ prudent/ circumspect/ careful/ mindful umsichtig, vorsichtig,achtsam +
C 請示 + * * qing3shi4 ask for instructions um Anweisungen ersuchen +
C 牢騷 + * * lao2sao1 whine/ complaint/ grumble/ grievance Beschwerde,Unmut, Unzufriedenheit +
C 流氓 + * * liu2mang2 hooligan/ hoodlum/ ruffian/ gangster/ thug Rowdy, Gauner,Lump, Schurke +
C 流水 + * * liu2shui3 running water/ turnover (of a shop) fließendes Wasser,laufend, fließend +
C 殘酷 + * * can2ku4 cruel/ brutal grausam, brutal +
C 打擊 + * * da3ji1 strike/ hit/ attack/ pound/ frustrate angreifen, zuschlagen, Schläge versetzen +
C 無情 + * * wu2qing2 no-feeling/ unfeeling/ heartless/ merciless/ ruthless gefühllos, schonungslos, gnadenlos +
C 合唱 + * * he2chang4 sing in chorus/ chorus Chor, Chorgesang, im Chor singen +
C + * * can3 miserable/ tragic/ cruel/ inhumane traurig, jämmerlich, tragisch, entsetzlich +
C 托兒所 + * * tuo1'er2suo3 entrust-child-place/ nursery/ child care center Kindertagesstätte, Krippe +
C 水分 + * * shui3fen4 water element/ moisture content/ untruthful information Feuchtigkeit, unwahre Information +
C 地毯 + * * di4tan3 carpet/ rug Teppich, Läufer +
C 驚動 + * * jing1dong4 alarm/ alert/ disturb/ interrupt stören, erschrecken, in Unruhe versetzen +
C + * * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel +
C + * * hen3 ruthless/ cruel/ savage 1. grausam, brutal, unbarmherzig, 2. sich überwinden, sich ein Herz fassen 3. energisch, entschlossen +
C 粉碎 + * * fen3sui4 break into pieces/ grind/ smash/ shatter/ crush zertrümmern, zerschlagen, pulverisieren +
C 專政 + * * zhuan1zheng4 monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship Diktatur +
C + * * ji1 machine/ aircraft/ crucial point/ opportunity/ intention 1. Maschine, mechanisches Werkzeug, Apparat, Gerät 2.Flugzeug 3.Angelpunkt, kritischer Moment 4. Gelegenheit, Möglichkeit , Chance 5. organisch 6. geschmeidig, gewandt, geschickt +
C 建造 + * * jian4zao4 build/ construct/ make/ manufacture errichten, bauen +
C 俄語(俄文) + * * e2yu3 Russian language Russisch +
C 大腦 + * * da4nao3 cerebrum Gehirn, Cerebrum +
C + * * leng4 be startled out of one's wit/ rash/ brash/ imprudent dumpf vor sich hin starren, verdutzt innehalten +
C + * * e4 bad/ evil/ criminal/ wicked/ vicious/ ruthless 1.Übeltat, Laster, Verbrechen, Bosheit 2.böse, grausam, erbittert 3. schlecht, übel +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln +
C 實話 + * * shi2hua4 truthful words; truth Wahrheit +
C + * * li3 put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to regeln +
C 天下 + * * tian1xia4 under-sky/ world/ rule/ domination under dem Himmel, die Welt oder China +
C 儀表 + * * yi2biao3 instrument-meter/ meter/ instrument/ appearance Aussehen, Haltung,Meßinstrument +
C 指標 + * * zhi3biao1 point-direct/ instruct/ give directions/ find fault with Planziffer, Soll, Index, Ziel, Quote, Norm +
C 經營 + * * jing1ying2 manage/ run/ operate/ plan and organize managen, führen, wirtschaften,betreiben,planen und besorgen +
C + * * jiang4 jam/ spread made of nuts or fruit/ thick sauce 1. gesalzene Sojabohnen- und Weizenmehltunke 2. etw in Sojasoße einkochen, etw in Sojasoße einlegen, 3. Soße, Mus, Paste, Mark +
C 上帝 + * * shang4di4 God/ the ruler in heaven Gott +
C 規則 + * * gui1ze2 rule/ law/ regulation/ regular/ orderly Regel, Vorschrift, regelmäßig, gleichmäßig +
C 規矩 + * * gui1ju rule/ manner/ custom/ decent/ conforming to norms Gepflogenheit, anständig +
C 亞軍 + * * ya4jun1 second-army/ second place (in a contest)/ runner-up zweite Stelle, zweiter Platz +
C 條例 + * * tiao2li4 itemized-rules/ regulations/ ordinances/ rules Regeln, Vorschriften,Bestimmungen +
C 追求 + * * zhui1qiu2 pursuing-seek/ pursue/ seek/ woo/ run after (a woman) verfolgen,jagen, streben, um jn werben +
C 工地 + * * gong1di4 construction site/ building site Baustelle, Bauplatz +
C 障礙 + * * zhang4'ai4 block-stop/ barrier/ obstacle/ hinder/ block/ obstruct versperren, Hindernis +
C + * * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) 1.(mit der Hand) winken 2. anstellen, anwerben 3. sich etw. zuziehen, etw nach sich ziehen, zu sich locken 4. reizen, ärgern 5. gestehen, bekennen 6. Trick, Einfall +
C + * * zhi4 make/ manufacture/ work out/ formulate/ rule/ control 1. herstellen, erzeugen, fabrizieren 2. beherrschen, einschränken, beschränken 3.System +
C 捨不得 + * * she3 bu de hate to part with; spend; or use/ grudge/ begrudge es nicht übers Herz bringen +
C 製作 + * * zhi4zuo4 make-do/ produce/ make/ build/ construct machen +
C 捨得 + * * she3de be willing to part with; spend; or use/ not grudge bereit sein,etwas zu tun, nicht mißgönnen +
C 嘩嘩 + * * hua1hua1 onomatopoetic word for noisy running water onomat. für laut laufendes Wasser +
C 腐蝕 + * * fu3shi2 erode/ corrode/ corrupt/ pervert chemisch zerfressen,korrumpieren +
C 教練 + * * jiao4lian4 coach/ instructor/ drill master Trainer +
C 照例 + * * zhao4li4 follow-rule/ as usual/ as a rule/ usually in der Regel,wie gewöhnlich +
C 國營 + * * guo2ying2 state-run/ state-owned/ state-operated staatseigen, volkseigen, staatlich (geführt) +
C 爆發 + * * bao4fa1 erupt/ burst out/ break out Eruption, Ausbruch, Explosion +
C 信任 + * * xin4ren4 believe-trust/ trust/ confide in/ depend on/ have faith in jm vertrauen +
C 果實 + * * guo3shi2 fruit/ fruits/ gains Frucht, Früchte, Gewinn +
C 果樹 + * * guo3shu4 fruit tree Obstbaum +
C + * * man2 hide the truth from/ keep sb. in the dark about sth. verheimlichen, verschweigen, etw für sich behalten, jn über etw. im unklaren lassen +
C 畫蛇添足 + * * hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 ruin by adding superfluous etwas überflüssiges tun +
C 違背 + * * wei2bei4 violate-disobey/ go against/ run counter to zuwiderhandeln,verletzen, übertreten +
C 中斷 + * * zhong1duan4 midway-break/ interrupt/ suspend/ break off/ intermit abbrechen, unterbrechen, aussetzen +
C 屁股 + * * pi4gu buttocks/ bottom/ rear/ rump/ hindquarters/ end/ butt Hintern, Arsch, Hinterteil eines Tiere,Stummel, +
C 自信 + * * zi4xin4 self-trust/ be self-confident/ be self-assured/ confident Selbstvertrauen, Selbsicherheit +
C 舉辦 + * * ju3ban4 hold/ conduct/ run/ have veranstalten, organisieren, durchführen +
C 背包 + * * bei1bao1 knapsack/ backpack/ rucksack Rucksack +
C 忠誠 + * * zhong1cheng2 loyal-honest/ loyal/ true/ staunch/ faithful treu, getreu +
C 忠實 + * * zhong1shi2 loyal-dependable/ faithful and trustworthy/ truthful treu, getreu, loyal, ergeben +
C 毛筆 + * * mao2bi3 Chinese writing and painting brush Schreibpinsel +
D 真相 + * * zhen1xiang4 fact/ truth Wahrheit, wahrer Sachverhalt +
D 深信 + * * shen1xin4 trust/ convince fest an etw. glauben +
D 奔馳 + * * ben1chi2 run quickly schnell laufen, gallopieren +
D 結果 + * * jie2guo3 bear fruit Früchte tragen +
D + * * tan1 corrupt 1.korrupt, bestechlich 2. unersättlich, gierig +
D + * * jue2 grub/ pick graben +
D 壇/罈 + * * tan2 (壇) platform/ forum/ (罈) jug 1. Altar 2. erhöhtes Beet 3. Plattform, Tribüne, Podest 4.Fachgebiet, Kreis, 5.dickbäuchiges Tongefäß, Kruke +
D 陷入 + * * xian4ru4 plunge/ run into geraten, in etwas verfallen +
D 毒品 + * * du2pin3 drug Rauschmittel, Drogen +
D + * * gu3 drum 1. Trommel 2. ermuntern, antreiben 3. Luft in etw hineinblasen +
D + * * lin2 phosphorus Phosphor (P) +
D + * * tu1 protruding nach außen gewölbt, konvex +
D 野蠻 + * * ye3man2 wild/ truculent unzivilisiert, barbarisch +
D 粗暴 + * * cu1bao4 wild/ ruthless roh, grob, brutal +
D 阻撓 + * * zu3nao2 obstruct/ stand in the way 1. (VC) behindern, jd im Weg sein 2. (Nv)... +
D 粗魯 + * * cu1lu3 rude grob,roh +
D 毀滅 + * * hui3mie4 destroy/ ruin vernichten, ruinieren +
D 囑托 + * * zhu3tuo1 entrust auftragen, beauftragen, einschärfen +
D 幹線 + 线* * gan4xian4 main stem/ trunk line Hauptlinie, Hauptstrecke +
D 逃跑 + * * tao2pao3 run away/ flee Reißaus nehmen, davonlaufen +
D 樹幹 + * * shu4gan4 trunk/ stock Baumstamm +
D 廢物 + * * fei4wu4 rubbish/ waste wertloses Zeug,unnützer Kram,Taugenichts +
D 糟蹋 + * * zao1ta4 waste/ ruin/ spoil verschwenden, verderben, verunglimpfen, beleidigen, mit Füßen treten, vergewaltigen +
D 橡膠 + * * xiang4jiao1 rubber Kautschuk, Gummi +
D 簡陋 + * * jian3lou4 simple and crude primitiv, kärglich +
D 支撐 + * * zhi1cheng1 support/ crutch stützen, unterstützen +
D 殘忍 + * * can2ren3 brutal grausam, unbarmherzig,rücksichtslos +
D 高漲 + * * gao1zhang3 run up/ upswing steigen, sich erhöhen, im Aufstieg (begriffen) sein +
D 毆打 + * * ou1da3 beat up/ hit/ drub schlagen, prügeln +
D 籌建 + * * chou2jian4 prepare to construct vorbereiten zu bauen, vorbereiten zu errichten +
D 管轄 + * * guan3xia2 dominate/ rule zuständig sein,verwalten +
D 狠心 + * * hen3 xin1 cruel hearted herzlos, grausam, rücksichtslos, fest entschlossen +
D 墮落 + * * duo4luo4 degenerate/ corrupt sittlich verkommen, moralisch sinken +
D 橫行 + * * heng2xing2 run amuck wild umherlaufen +
D + * * ceng4 rub/ be smeared with 1.reiben, schleifen, wetzen etwas beschmiert sein 3. gemächlich schlendern, die Zeit vertrödeln +
D 辦學 + * * ban4 xue2 run a school eine Schule führen +
D 灌木 + * * guan4mu4 shrub Strauch, Busch, Strauchgewächs +
D 插嘴 + * * cha1zui3 interrupt unterbrechen, sich in ein Gespräch einmischen +
D 器械 + * * qi4xie4 instrument Geräte, Apparate, Instrumente +
D 遺址 + * * yi2zhi3 site/ ruin Relikte, Ruine +
D 吸毒 + * * xi1 du2 drug abuse Drogen einnehmen +
D 病毒 + * * bing4du2 virus Virus +
D 理事 + * * li3shi4 trustee/ director Vorstandsmitglied +
D 指令 + * * zhi3ling4 order/ instruction 1. Finger 2. zeigen auf, hinweisen auf, weisen, gerichtet sein 3. auf jn/etw angewiesen sein +
D 熄滅 + * * xi1mie4 crush out/ go out ausgehen, erlöschen, verlöschen +
D 規範 + * * gui1fan4 criterion/ rule Norm, Regel, Standard +
D 摩擦 + * * mo2ca1 rub/ scrape reiben, Reibung, Friktion +
D + * * xie4 have diarrhea/ rush down 1. dahinströmen, herabströmen, sich ergießen schnell abfließen 2. Durchfall, Durchfall haben +
D + * * xie4 bits/ crumb 1. Späne, Splitter, Krume, Fetzen 2. unbedeutend, geringfügig +
D 跟蹤 + * * gen1zong1 run after/ tail einer Spur nachgehen, verfolgen +
D 追趕 + * * zhui1gan3 chase/ run after verfolgen, jagen +
D 章程 + * * zhang1cheng2 statute/ rule Regeln, Satzung +
D 否決 + * * fou3jue2 veto/ reject/ overrule ablehnen, zurückweisen +
D 準則 + * * zhun3ze1 rule/ guide line 1. Muster, Richtschnur, Maßstab, Standard 2. Regel, Vorschrift, Satzung 3. Zählwort, eine Zeitungsnotiz, eine Nachricht +
D 搏鬥 + * * bo2dou4 struggle/ fight 1. (VA) (VA4) kämpfen,ringen +
D 利息 + * * li4xi1 accrual/ interest Zins +
D 競選 + * * jing4xuan3 run for Wahlkampf, sich als Kandidat aufstellen lassen +
D 招收 + * * zhao1shou1 take in/ recruit einstellen, anstellen +
D 批示 + * * pi1shi4 make comments and instructions einen Aktenvermerk anbringen, Aktennotiz +
D 腐敗 + * * fu3bai4 corrupt verfaulen, verderben,verfault, verdorben +
D 信賴 + * * xin4lai4 trust/ rely jm vertrauen, zu jm Vertrauen haben +
D 原油 + * * yuan2you2 base oil/ crude oil Rohöl +
D 連綿 + * * lian2mian2 uninterrupted continuous aufeinanderfolgend, andauernd +
D 興建 + * * xing1jian4 build/ construct bauen, errichten +
D + * * qiang1 cavity/ antrum 1. Hohlraum (in einem menschlichen oder tierischen Körper), Höhle 2. Melodie, Ton 3. Akzent 4. Sprechen +
D 東奔西走 + 西* * dong1 ben1 xi1 zou3 run around here and there/ rush around geschäftig hin und her rennen +
D 廉潔 + * * lian2jie2 uncorrupted/ clean-fingered redlich, rechtschaffen +
D 深奧 + * * shen1'ao4 abstruse/ deep schwer zu verstehen, dunkel +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
161 二月 + Next month is February. Der nächste Monat ist Februar.
177 闹钟 但是 + The alarm clock has rung, but he hasn't yet woken up. Der Wecker hat geklingelt, aber er ist noch nicht aufgewacht.
199 蔬菜 水果 等等 + I bought vegetables, fruits, etc. Ich habe Gemüse, Obst usw gekauft.
246 孩子 信任 父母 + Children trust their parents very much. Kinder vertrauen ihren Eltern sehr.
249 水果 市场 + This is a fruit market. Dies ist ein Obstmarkt.
307 + He runs very fast. Er läuft sehr schnell.
339 + He runs very fast. Er rennt wirklich schnell.
342 + I've run three miles. Ich bin eineinhalb Kilometer gelaufen.
386 自己 刷牙 + I can brush my teeth by myself. Ich kann meine Zähne selbst putzen.
395 上气 接下 + She's running so hard that she can hardly catch her breath. Sie läuft so, daß sie fast außer Atem ist.
421 超市 各种各样 水果 + There are many kinds of fruit in the supermarket. Im Supermarkt gibt es alle möglichen Sorten Obst und Gemüse.
429 这些 水果 新鲜 + The fruit is very fresh. Das Obst ist sehr frisch.
601 前方 施工 注意 + Be careful of the construction ahead. Achtung im folgenden Bereich Bauarbeiten!
611 希望 愿望 实现 + I hope my dream will come true. Ich hoffe, dass sich mein Wunsch erfüllt.
612 虽然 但是 很多 没有 放弃 + Though exhausted from running, many refused to give up. Obwohl müde vom Laufen, haben viele Leute dennoch nicht aufgegeben.
628 习惯 晨跑 + She's used to running in the morning Sie ist gewöhnt, morgens zu laufen.
646 这些 房子 结构 简单 + The structure of these houses is very simple. Die Struktur dieser Häuser ist sehr schlicht.
668 + The horses are running really fast. Das Pferd läuft wirklich schnell.
689 毛笔字 + She is practicing Chinese brush calligraphy. Sie übt Kalligraphie mit dem Pinsel.
736 卡车 用来 运送 货物 + The truck is used to carry goods. Der Lastwagen wird zum Warentransport benutzt.
826 卡车 司机 + He's a truck driver. Er ist LKW-Fahrer.
855 水果 + He's cutting the fruit. Er schneidet das Obst.
861 木头 建筑 材料 + Wood is a very good construction material. Holz ist ein sehr gutes Baumaterial.
865 他们 接受 委托 + They've agreed to take on the job. [lit., They've accepted the entrustment.] Sie haben den Auftrag angenommen.
911 报告 批示 + He's writing comments and instructions on the report. Er schreibt einen Aktenvermerk auf den Bericht.
932 + She's run one section of road. Sie ist einen Abschnitt der Straße entlang gelaufen.
965 初冬 时节 坚持 晨跑 + He still insists on running in the morning even though it's early winter. Noch im frühen Winter besteht er auf seinen Morgenlauf.
1000 建筑 工人 正在 修路 + The construction workers are building a road. Die Bauarbeiter bauen eine Straße.
1114 终点 跑去 + He's running toward the finish line. Er rennt auf die Ziellinie zu.
1127 他们 跑步 速度 平均 + They run at an even pace. Sie laufen in einem regelmäßigen Tempo.
1176 电脑 显示 操作 + Please operate it according to the computer instructions. Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Computerbildschirm.
1185 核桃 压碎 + The walnuts have been crushed to pieces. Die Walnüsse sind zerkleinert worden.
1191 尽力 + She is running on ahead as best she can. Sie läuft mit aller Kraft nach vorn.
1192 体力 用尽 + They've run out of energy. Die Körperkräfte sind erschöpft.
1230 药店 + She went to a drugstore to buy medicine. Sie geht in die Apotheke, um Arzneien zu kaufen.
1253 木头 可以 建筑 材料 + Wood can be used as a construction material. Holz kann als Konstruktionsmaterial benutzt werden.
1282 招聘 员工 + He wants to recruit some new employees. Er möchte gern neues Personal anwerben.
1295 超市里 水果 品种 丰富 + There's a tremendous variety of fruits in the supermarket. Im Supermarkt gibt es eine reiche Auswahl von Obstsorten.
1306 拐杖 + She's walking with crutches. Sie läuft auf Krücken.
1366 车子 超载 + The truck is overloaded. Das Fahrzeug ist überladen.
1374 超市里 水果 新鲜 + The fruit in the supermarket is very fresh. Im Supermarkt ist das Obst sehr frisch.
1401 比赛 激烈 + It was a gruelling race. Der Wettbewerb ist sehr heftig.
1460 俄罗斯 + I've been to Russia before. Ich war schon einmal in Russland.
1490 姐姐 早晨 跑步 + My older sister goes running every morning. Meine ältere Schwester läuft jeden Morgen.
1502 机器 运行 稳定 + The machine is running stably. Die Maschine läuft stabil.
1578 儿子 喜欢 打鼓 + My son loves playing drums.
1602 树干 折断 + The tree trunk has broken.
1729 习惯 每天 晨跑 + She is in the habit of running every morning.
1741 腰围 缩小 + The waistline has shrunk.
1763 挑选 水果 + She's choosing fruits.
1774 火山 爆发 + The volcano has erupted.
1804 毒品 贩卖 违法 + Selling drugs is illegal.
1929 他用 尺子 画图 + She uses a ruler to draw the design.
1941 奔跑 + The horses are running.
1983 明天 俄罗斯 + I'm going to Russia tomorrow.
2010 政府 官员 腐败 + This government official is very corrupt.
2016 正在 仪器 实验 + She is doing an experiment with the instrument.
2025 + I've drunk half a bottle of wine.
2052 贯穿 城市 南北 + This bridge runs across the city from north to south.
2136 + The car was struck.
2155 指出 房子 结构 弊端 + He points out flaws in the construction of the house.
2173 新兵 已经 应征 入伍 + The new soldiers have been recruited. Die Rekruten sind schon einberufen worden.
2277 挣扎 + He is struggling to climb up.
2283 牙膏 准备 刷牙 + I am squeezing toothpaste in preparation to brush my teeth.
2325 火山 喷发 + The volcano has erupted.
2410 那里 水果摊 + There is a fruit stall there.
2424 感到 沮丧 + She feels frustrated.
2434 + It's truly ugly. Es sieht wirklich häßlich aus.
2451 喝醉 + He got drunk.
2454 盼望 梦想 早日 实现 + I long for my dream to come true soon.
2456 大概 13 + I have run for approximately 13 seconds.
2504 打搅 一下 + Sorry to interrupt you.
2572 超市 水果 一应俱全 + The supermarket has all types of fruits. Im Supermarkt ist an Obst alles nötige vorhanden.
2614 橡皮 颠簸 + The rubber raft tossed about on the river.
2685 地球 围绕 太阳 永恒 真理 + It's a timeless truth that the earth revolves around the sun.
2752 挣扎 到岸 + He struggled to swim to shore.
2826 告诉 谣言 + I'll tell you a rumor.
2876 他们 球门 + They're rushing towards the goal.
2897 毛笔字 + She writes Chinese brush characters vertically.
2915 煎饼 糖浆 + The pancakes are covered with syrup.
2932 国家 严惩 贪官污吏 + The government is severely punishing corrupt officials.
2983 现在 我们 问题 症结 所在 + Now let's talk about the crux of the issue.
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕 + The sign of an impending cold is a runny nose.
3080 不能 闯红灯 + You shouldn't run red lights.
3169 厄运 降临 + Misfortune has struck.
3195 枭雄 + In his time, he was an ambitious and ruthless character.
3197 经常 酗酒 + He often gets drunk.
3201 贪官 祸国殃民 + Corrupt officials bring disaster to the country and the people.
3202 山火 村庄 遭殃 + The brush fire brought disaster to the village.
3203 军舰 巡弋 + The warships are cruising.
3215 对于 浅尝辄止 + With wine, she drinks only enough to get a taste of it, not to get drunk.
3232 轮胎 橡胶 + Tires are made of rubber.
3233 裂缝 地壳 运动 形成 + This crack has been formed by the movement of the earth's crust.
3243 生锈 + The car has rusted.
3246 案板 面包 + There are some crumbs of bread on the chopping board.
3249 吃粥 + He is eating congee [rice gruel].
3288 医生 一丝不苟 + The doctor is scrupulous about every detail. Der Arzt geht äußerst methodisch vor.
3318 什锦 水果 漂亮 + The mixed fruit is very colorful.
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著 + The politician arrested for corruption has become notorious.
3335 这里 橡胶 手套 + There's a pair of rubber gloves here.
3364 头发 + She brushed her hair with her hand.
3377 桌子 一些 面包屑 + There are some bread crumbs on the table.
3429 海啸 破坏力 + The destructive power of a tsunami is enormous.
3432 毒品 沉沦 + Drugs brought about his downfall.
3504 感觉 气馁 + He feels very frustrated.
3512 赛马 霎时 跑过去 + The race horses run past us in a flash.
3519 火灾 过后 剩下 &# 38973 (SEMICOLONCATEGORY) + Only ruined walls remained after the fire.
3545 谣言 纷纷纭纭 + As the rumor spread, it developed into a jumble of numerous versions.
3561 母女俩 挑拣 水果 + The mother and her daughter are selecting fruits.
3597 黄金 周出 旅游 简直 受罪 到处 + Traveling during the Golden Week is truly torture--there are people everywhere.
3600 不甚 诚实 决不 归还 + A less scrupulous man wouldn't have given the money back.
3601 我们 讨论 要点 归纳 一下 + Could we have a run-through of the main points discussed?
3608 昨晚 听到 音乐 几个 片段 不断地 萦绕 在他的 脑际 + Snatches (fragments) of that music he heard last night keep running in his mind.
3644 专利 期限 3 + The patent runs out in three years time.
3645 杂志 下周 发表 一篇 关于 教育 专题 文章 + This magazine will be running a special feature on education next week.
3667 精密 仪器 提高 分析 质量 + Precision instruments have enhanced the quality of analysis.
3668 手表 走时 精确 + Watches run more accurately than clocks.
3695 为人 忠厚 朴实 大家 信任 + He's loyal and honest – everybody trusts him.
3719 畜栏 结实 防止 牲畜 出去 + The fence must be firm enough to prevent livestock from rushing out.
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字 + I practice Chinese calligraphy with a brush for two hours every day. Ich übe täglich Chinesische Kalligraphie mit einem Schreibpinsel.
3762 打印 使 + The printing paper has run out.
3772 这个 买卖 不但 挣钱 贴钱 + I not only fail to make profits out of the business, but have to run it at a loss.
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
er4yue4 + February
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
liu2 bi2ti + to have a running nose
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
pao3bu4 + to run (exercise)
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
pao3 + to run
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
Wo3 xi3huan pao3bu4. + I like running.
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
xiang1xin4 + to believe / to trust
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Wo3 xiang1xin4 ni3. + I trust you.
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
shui3guo3 hen3 xin1xian1 + the fruit is very fresh
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xi3huan shui3guo3, you2qi2shi4 ping2guo3. + I like fruits, especially apples.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
shui3guo3 + fruits
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 ai4 chi1 shui3guo3. + I love eating fruits.
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
kai1 gong1si1 + open a company / start a company / run a company
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Ni3 de gong1si1 kai1 duo1 jiu3 le? + How long have you been running your company?
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
bu4tong1 + it doesn't go through / doesn't circulate / to be obstructed / to be blocked
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
xin4yong4 + trust / credit
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Ta1 mei2you3 xin4yong4. + He has no credit. / He is not trusted.
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Zuo4 sheng1yi xu1yao4 jiang3 xin4yong4. + When do business, you need to trust each other.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
xi3jiu3 + liquor drunk at a wedding / wedding feast
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
que4qi4 + musical instrument
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
yan3zou4 + to play a musical instrument (in general)
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Ni3 hui4 yan3zou4 shen2me yue4qi4? + What musical instrument can you play?
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
tan2 + to play a musical instrument (using your fingers)
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
chui1 + to play a musical instrument (using your mouth) / to blow
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
la1 + to play a musical instrument (pulling) / to pull
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
gu3 + drums
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
da3gu3 + to play drums
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Wo3 zai4 yue4dui4 li3 da3gu3. + I play drums in the band.
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
gu3shou3 + drummer
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Wo3 shi4 gu3shou3. + I am a drummer.
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
Bu4 hui4 ba! + No way! ( when you doubt, that Is true)
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
pao3bu4qi4 + running machine
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Mei3 ci4 lai2dao4 jian4shen1fang2 wo3 xian1 zaii4 pa3bu4qi4 shang4 pao3bu4. + Every time I come to the gym, I first run on the running machine.
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
pao3bu4 + to run
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je ne suis pas riche, mais je connais la vérité + I’m not rich, but I know the truth

ce petit drogué n’a pas tort + this little drug addict isn’t wrong

il s’agit, en effet, d’une question cruciale + it is, indeed, a crucial question

Joseph reconnut le chant de la grive + Joseph recognized the thrush’s song

la boisson est une sorte de drogue + liquor is a kind of drug

je ne peux pas lui faire confiance + I can’t trust him

encore une fois, j’exprime ma frustration + once again, I express my frustration

ce jeu fonctionne avec une règle très simple + this game follows one very simple rule

le chef de poste haussa les épaules + the station chief shrugged his shoulders

le reste de la route était en construction + the rest of the road was under construction

avant d’attaquer, établissons les règles + before we attack, let’s establish the ground rules

c’est un rêve devenu réalité pour plusieurs + for several it’s a dream come true

vous venez de découvrir votre vraie nature + you have just discovered your true nature

plus grande devient l’organisation, plus il y a de règles + the bigger the organization grows, the more rules there are

mais le contraire est vrai aussi + but the opposite is also true

les véritables coupables restaient en liberté + the true guilty parties remained free

nous avons déjà du nouveau matériel en chantier + we already have new equipment on the construction site

des compagnies pétrolières russes ont signé plusieurs accords + Russian oil companies signed several agreements

nous avons dû construire une digue + we had to construct a dike

on a interrompu la série pendant 15 ans + we interrupted the series for 15 years

l’élection présidentielle en Russie est prévue l’été prochain + the Russian presidential elections are slated for next summer

je te confie ce garçon. rends-moi un homme + I entrust you with this boy. return a man to me

allez manger des fruits + go eat fruit

mais enfin il arrêta brusquement leur marche + finally he abruptly stopped their march

provoqué à la vérité, je répondrai au défi + pushed to the truth, I will answer the challenge

une structure bien déterminée est choisie + a well specified structure is chosen

la consommation de drogues illicites contribue à la criminalité + illegal drug use contributes to crime

tout ceci a causé une certaine frustration + this all caused some frustration

nous devons maintenant attendre jusqu’en février + we must now wait until February

on a souvent critiqué le mode de recrute- ment des juges + recruitment methods for judges are often criticized

la cité était gouvernée par les poètes et les philosophes + the city was ruled by poets and philosophers

la Turquie est une destination privilégiée des touristes russes + Turkey is a privileged destination for Russian tourists

les tribunaux russes sont totalement engorgés + the Russian court system is totally swamped

je haussai les épaules et fis mine de rire + I shrugged my shoulders and feigned laughing

il s’attacha à dénoncer les abus et la corruption + he took up the cause of denouncing abuse and corruption

je n’aime pas qu’on m’interrompe + I don’t like being interrupted

le sommet extraordinaire de Bruxelles n’était pas une fête + the special summit at Brussels was no picnic

nous avons été très prudents dans nos demandes + we were very prudent in our requests

je ne reçois aucune instruction de l’industrie nucléaire + I don’t receive any instruction from the nuclear industry

ils ont continué de grimper de manière pratiquement ininterrompue + they continued with their practically uninterrupted climbing

je voulais connaître mieux l’instrument et apprendre des solos + I want to know the instrument better and learn some solos

il parle ouvertement des effets des drogues + he talks openly about the effects of drugs

moi, j’ai interrompu mes vacances + as for me, I had to interrupt my vacation

parfois, j’ai envie de rétablir quelques vérités + sometimes I want to re-establish some truths

votre salut est sa destruction + your salvation is his destruction

les liaisons ferroviaires ont été interrompues + railroad connections were interrupted

excusez moi de vous interrompre monsieur + excuse me for interrupting, sir

pour rétablir le climat de confiance, il faut gagner le respect + to reestablish the climate of trust, respect must be gained

je ne prétends pas détenir la vérité + I don’t pretend to have the whole truth

je ne sais pas dessiner. c’est une frustration + I don’t know how to draw. it’s frustrating

après plusieurs années de rumeurs, le scandale a éclaté + after years of rumors, the scandal broke

elle est tombée du troisième étage en secouant un tapis + she fell from the third floor while shaking out a rug

les infrastructures sont dans une situation bien pire + the infrastructure is in a much worse condition

elle avait de longs cheveux bouclés, toujours bien peignés + she had long curly hair, always well brushed

nous écraserons toute armée qu’on enverra contre nous + we will crush any army sent against us

ceci renforcera notre fusion organique + this will reinforce our structural incorporation

la construction était conforme aux plans produits + the construction followed the specifications

ils ont trouvé le camion stationné à l’extérieur + they found the truck parked outside

suis mes indications à la lettre + follow my instructions precisely

70 % des divorces sont motivés par la toxicomanie du conjoint + 70% of divorces are caused by drug addiction

les régions rurales constituent un genre de refuge + rural regions are a kind of refuge

il était parti avant l’aube, comme un fuyard + he left before dawn, like a runaway

l’enthousiasme fit place à une méfiance extrême + enthusiasm gave way to extreme distrust

nous sommes tous atterrés par l’accroisse- ment du chômage + we’re all crushed by the growth in unemployment

je trouve leur méthode de revendication brutale, injuste + I find their reclamation method brutal, injust

elle croqua la pomme avec un bruit qu’il détesta + she crunched into the apple with a noisethathedetested

le policier ignore si l’ordonnance est encore en vigueur + the policeman doesn’t know whether the ruling is still in effect

il y a des pressions structurelles dans le système de santé + there are structural pressures in the health system

un édifice s’élève pierre à pierre + a building is constructed one stone at a time

ils relayent la vérité avec la même intensité que les mensonges + they convey the truth as intently as they do lies

les luttes politiques entre divers groupes ethniques + the political struggle between different ethnic groups

beaucoup d’entre eux devront déclarer faillite + many of them will have to declare bankruptcy

ça prend de vrai musiciens pour jouer du blues + it takes true musicians to play the blues

après notre victoire, la reconstruction sera très rapide + after our victory, reconstruction will be very swift

je vais vous faire courir autour du lac + I’m going to make you run around the lake

je suis pour une mondialisation avec des règles éthiques + I’m all for globalization with ethical rules

la méfiance entre salariés et employeurs s’accentue + the mistrust between salaried workers and employers is growing

il existe des règles sur la détention de prisonniers + there are rules for detaining prisoners

la population souffre de la corruption des politiciens + the population suffers from politicians’ corruption

la Russie n’est un pays ni asiatique ni européen + Russia is neither an Asian country nor a European one

je vais louer du matériel de chantier + I will rent construction-site equipment

votre salut viendra de votre croyance en la vérité + your salvation will come from your belief in truth

le tyrannosaure obéit à aucune schéma de groupe + the tyrannosaurus didn’t follow any group scenarios

parallèlement, une restructuration va être lancée + in parallel, a restructuring will begin

il gère des placements pour l’argent de la drogue + he launders drug money

messieurs, je voudrais intervenir très brièvement + sirs, may I interrupt briefly

ce type est aussi intelligent que cruel + this guy is as intelligent as he is cruel

nous avons ainsi recruté un linguiste! + so we have recruited a linguist!

elle porte un virus extraterrestre + she carries an extraterrestrial virus

il y a une sensation de flottement quand tu cours + there’s a sensation of floating when you run

les étudiants diplômés peinent à trouver du travail + the graduates are struggling to find work

elle va organiser un forum + she will organize a forum

ils ont une vraie vision artistique + they have truly artistic vision

ce livre est bien une fiction + this book is truly a piece of fiction

la maison était en ruine + the house was in ruins

la Russie a affirmé ses ambitions aux dépens de l’Italie + Russia affirmed its ambitions at Italy’s expense

elle parlait sans interruption, d’un air raisonnable + she spoke uninterrupted, quite reasonably

il y faut toute une diplomatie et une patience infinie + there we need true diplomacy and infinite patience

il a joué un rôle déterminant lors du coup d’Etat + he played a crucial role during the insurrection

c’est le combat entre les forces obscures et les forces de la lumière + it’s the struggle between the dark forces and the forces of light

nul n’osa l’interrompre pour rectifier + nobody dared interrupt her to correct her

maintenant je suis ruiné. je suis divorcé + I’m ruined now. I’m divorced

nous avons hérité du communisme une destruction massive de l’environnement + we inherited from communism massive destruction of the environment

ils sont accompagnés par un diplomate russe + they’re accompanied by a Russian diplomat

j’ai tenté de grimper encore un échelon, pour lui échapper + I tried to crawl up one more rung to escape him

le fruit d’une froide évaluation comptable + the fruit of passionless accounting evaluation

malheureusement la prudence ne modérait pas toujours les élans de son coeur + sadly, prudence didn’t always restrain the outbursts of her heart

trouvez une facon constructive de vous améliorer + find a constructive way to improve yourself

excusez-moi. j’ai été grossier + excuse me. I was rude

elle est très fiable, croyez-moi + she’s very trustworthy, believe me

le régime actuel me semble absolument corrompu + the current regime seems absolutely corrupt to me

l’état-major entendait écraser la résistance tchétchène + headquarters intended to crush the Chechen resistance

il refusait les médicaments toujours par méfiance + he always refused the medica- tion because of distrust

tu feras confiance à un banquier des Bahamas? + you would trust a banker from the Bahamas?

un flot ininterrompu de mots et de larmes + an uninterrupted flow of words and tears

c’est vrai que j’aime la polémique, le débat d’idées + it’s true that I like controversy, debating ideas

il démantèle la structure réglementaire de la loi actuellement en vigueur + it dismantles the regulatory structure of the current law

c’est vrai que les bons scores me font plaisir + it’s true that I enjoy good scores

nous rejetons toute idée de trêve ou de négociation politique + we reject any idea of a truce or political negotiation

cela ne va pas sans frustration chez moi + it’s not without frustration on my part

il n’a pas respecté les règles sanitaires + he didn’t obey the sanitation rules

je ne voulais pas gâcher votre fête + I didn’t want to ruin your party

en surface, elle paraissait décente, prude et tout + outwards, she appeared proper, prudish, and so on

il harmonise les règles + he reconciled the rules

on a décidé de faire cette croisière en Mer Rouge + we decided to take a Red Sea cruise

le vieillard haussa les épaules + the old man shrugged his shoulders

il se lamentait d’être exilé + he rued at being exiled

c’est tout simplement un acte de cruauté + it’s simply an act of cruelty

je me suis déjà drogué + I was already high on drugs

les bagages sont dans le coffre + the suitcases are in the trunk

j’ai cependant été frustré par un nouvel échec + I was nonetheless frustrated by a new failure

vous avez été frappé par la foudre + you were struck by lightning

elle est une tension perpétuelle + she is highly strung

ce sont des pertes écrasantes pour n’importe quel pays + those would be crushing losses for any country

une drogue est plus ou moins réglementée + a drug is more or less controlled

la préférence raciale joue depuis longtemps dans le recrutement + racial preference has long figured in recruitment

le trafic ferroviaire régional a été interrompu + regional railway traffic has been inter- rupted
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