Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Em bé thích sữa. The baby likes milk. Das Baby mag Milch.
Đứa trẻ thích cacao và nước táo. The child likes cocoa and apple juice. Das Kind mag Kakao und Apfelsaft.
Bà ấy thích nước cam và nước bưởi. The woman likes orange and grapefruit juice. Die Frau mag Orangensaft und Grapefruitsaft.
Vô tuyến còn rất mới. The TV set is brand new. Der Fernseher ist ganz neu.
Bạn nấu xúp ở trong nồi này à? Are you cooking the soup in this pot? Kochst du die Suppe in diesem Topf?
Bạn rán / chiên cá ở trong chảo này à? Are you frying the fish in this pan? Brätst du den Fisch in dieser Pfanne?
Bạn nướng rau ở trên lò này à? Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill? Grillst du das Gemüse auf diesem Grill?
Bạn có thích ở đây không? How do you like it here? Wie gefällt es Ihnen bei uns?
Rất thích. Mọi người rất là dễ mến. A lot. The people are nice. Sehr gut. Die Leute sind nett.
Cuối tuần này bạn có dự định gì chưa? Do you already have plans for this weekend? Hast du dieses Wochenende schon etwas vor?
Tôi đề nghị, chúng ta gặp nhau vào cuối tuần. I suggest that we meet on the weekend. Ich schlage vor, wir treffen uns am Wochenende.
Giá phòng bao nhiêu tiền một đêm? What does the room cost per night? Wie viel kostet das Zimmer pro Nacht?
Tốt, tôi lấy căn phòng này. Fine, I’ll take the room. Gut, ich nehme das Zimmer.
Vòi hoa sen không dùng được. The shower isn’t working. Die Dusche funktioniert nicht.
Tôi nghĩ rằng đây là chỗ của tôi. I think this is my seat. Ich glaube, das ist mein Platz.
Bạn hãy đưa tôi đến địa chỉ này. Drive me to this address. Fahren Sie mich zu dieser Adresse.
Bạn đi qua cầu! Cross the bridge! Überqueren Sie die Brücke!
Bạn đi qua đường hầm! Go through the tunnel! Fahren Sie durch den Tunnel!
Chỗ này còn trống không? Is this seat taken? Ist der Platz hier frei?
Nhưng ban nhạc chơi rất hay. But the band plays very well. Aber die Band spielt ganz gut.
Ở trong thành phố của chúng tôi có sân vận động. There is a football / soccer (am.) stadium in our city. In unserer Stadt gibt es ein Fußballstadion.
Trọng tài đến từ Bỉ. The referee is from Belgium. Der Schiedsrichter kommt aus Belgien.
Và túi xách tay thực sự là rất rẻ. And the bag is really very reasonable. Und die Handtasche ist wirklich sehr preiswert.
Tôi lấy cái này. I’ll take it. Die nehme ich.
Ở nước này có nhiều người thất nghiệp quá. There are too many unemployed people in this country. In diesem Land gibt es zu viele Arbeitslose.
Người đàn ông ấy nhảy và cười. The man is dancing and laughing. Der Mann tanzt und lacht.
Người đàn ông ấy có mũi dài. The man has a long nose. Der Mann hat eine lange Nase.
Người đàn ông ấy làm bằng tuyết. The man is made of snow. Der Mann ist aus Schnee.
Bưu phẩm nặng bao nhiêu? How heavy is the package? Wie schwer ist das Paket?
Tôi không hiểu từ này. I don’t understand the word. Ich verstehe das Wort nicht.
Tôi không hiểu câu này. I don’t understand the sentence. Ich verstehe den Satz nicht.
Tôi không hiểu ý nghĩa này. I don’t understand the meaning. Ich verstehe die Bedeutung nicht.
Bạn hiểu thầy giáo không? Do you understand the teacher? Verstehen Sie den Lehrer?
Bạn hiểu cô giáo không? Do you understand the teacher? Verstehen Sie die Lehrerin?
Cái nhẫn này có đắt không? Is the ring expensive? Ist der Ring teuer?
Bạn sửa đồng hồ được không? Can you fix the clock? Können Sie die Uhr reparieren?
Tại sao bạn không ăn bánh ngọt? Why aren’t you eating the cake? Warum essen Sie die Torte nicht?
Khách sạn này rẻ tiền. The hotel is cheap. Das Hotel ist billig.
Tôi nghe cái này – tôi đã nghe cái này. I hear that – I heard that. Ich höre das – ich habe das gehört.
Tôi mua cái này – tôi đã mua cái này. I’ll buy that – I bought that. Ich kaufe das – ich habe das gekauft.
Tôi giải thích điều này – tôi đã giải thích điều này. I’ll explain that – I explained that. Ich erkläre das – ich habe das erklärt.
Tôi biết cái này – tôi đã biết cái này. I know that – I knew that. Ich kenne das – ich habe das gekannt.
Các bạn ấy đã không muốn dọn dẹp căn phòng. They did not want to tidy the room. Sie wollten nicht das Zimmer aufräumen.
Ai là cha mẹ của bé gái này? Who are the girl’s parents? Wer sind die Eltern des Mädchens?
Oxford 3000VieEng
这个 zhègè dieser
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 這個 + * * zhe4ge this one/ this 1. dieser, dies, das 2. nun, jetzt, gleich +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
67 苹果 + This apple is very big. Der Apfel ist sehr groß.
233 小镇 人口 + This town has a small population. Diese kleine Stadt hat eine kleine Bevölkerung.
306 认识 汉字 + I know this Chinese character. Ich kenne dieses chinesische Zeichen.
338 + This lake is very vast. Dieser See ist sehr groß.
469 地区 风景 + The scenery in this area is very beautiful. Die Landschaft in diesem Gebiet ist sehr schön.
517 管理 部门 + I'm in charge of this department. Ich leite diese Abteilung.
521 回答 问题 + Let me answer this question. Lassen Sie mich diese Frage beantworten.
551 球场 可以 容纳 几万 + This stadium can hold a few thousand people. Dieses Stadion kann einige zehntausend Besucher aufnehmen.
636 英文 句子 什么 意思 + What does this English sentence mean? Was bedeutet dieser englische Satz?
697 有点 + This man is a bit weird. Dieser Mann ist etwas merkwürdig.
716 汉字 什么 含义 + What does this Chinese character mean? Welche Bedeutung hat dieses chinesische Zeichen?
728 皮包 使用 上好 皮革 + This bag is made of excellent quality leather. Diese Ledertasche ist aus exzellentem Leder.
776 + This hole is very deep. Dieses Loch ist sehr tief.
786 铅球 实心 + This lead ball is solid. Diese Bleikugel ist massiv.
793 开销 超出 限制 + This month's expenses have exceeded the limit. Die Ausgaben dieses Monats übersteigen die Grenze.
797 收入 不错 + This month's income is pretty good. Das Einkommen dieses Monats ist ziemlich gut.
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始 + The living conditions in this village are still very primitive. Die Lebensbedingungen in diesem Dorf sind immer noch sehr primitiv.
845 男孩 大约 + The boy is about six years old. Dieser Junge ist ungefähr sechs Jahre alt.
862 箱子 + This case is very light. Diese Kiste ist sehr leicht.
866 工厂 + This is a very large factory. Diese Fabrik ist sehr groß.
938 他们 讨论 案子 + They are discussing the case. Sie diskutieren diesen Fall.
954 例题 + Have a look at this sample question. Sieh dir dieses Beispiel an.
1022 回答 问题 + Who is going to answer this question? Wer kann diese Frage beantworten?
1030 同意 方案 还是 大多数 + The majority agrees to this proposal. Die Personen, die diesem Plan zustimmen, sind eher in der Mehrzahl.
1033 负责 管理 团队 + I'm in charge of this team. Ich bin verantwortlich für die Leitung dieses Teams.
1079 项目 利益 可观 + This project is very profitable. Die Vorteile dieses Projekts sind beträchtlich.
1091 喜欢 香味 + She really likes the fragrant smell. Sie mag diesen Duft sehr.
1225 薪水 剩余 + Some of this month's salary is still left over. Es ist noch ein Rest des Gehalts dieses Monats übrig.
1228 生活 开支 减少 + Living expenses for this month have decreased. Die Lebenshaltungskosten haben sich in diesem Monat gesenkt.
1263 有点 怪异 + This man is a little weird. Dieser Mann ist etwas eigenartig.
1363 收入 总额 多少 + What are the total earnings for this month? Wie hoch ist die Gesamtsumme der Monatseinnahmen?
1429 报纸 公布 消息 + This news has been published in the newspaper. Die Zeitung hat diese Neuigkeiten veröffentlicht.
1438 尽快 修改 地方 + Please revise this as soon as possible. Bitte überarbeiten sie diesen Bereich so schnell wie möglich.
1557 降伏 男人 + She's subdued the man.
1582 小岛 + This island is very beautiful.
1597 故事 有趣 + This story is really interesting.
1652 小镇 安静 + This small town is very quiet.
1822 家人 坟墓 + Her family members are buried in this tomb.
1833 方案 + Hmm, this is a very good plan.
1834 + Hey, come look at this.
1879 山坡 + This slope is quite flat.
1880 房间 整洁 + This room is very tidy.
1892 消息 振奋 + This news is very exciting.
1922 沉默 + He is very silent. Er ist sehr verschlossen.
1982 仓库 + This warehouse is very big.
1991 珍惜 盒子 + He treasures this box very much.
2010 政府 官员 腐败 + This government official is very corrupt.
2018 领域 专家 + He is an expert in this area.
2032 案件 涉及到 很多 + Many people are involved in this case.
2111 符号 + I can't understand this symbol.
2323 小女孩 聪明 + This little girl is very smart.
2386 公司 终于 赢利 + The company finally makes a profit this month.
2446 姿势 容易 + This is a difficult posture.
2448 问题 困扰 + He was perplexed by this problem.
2515 城市 陌生 + He's very unfamiliar with this city.
2523 计画 暂时 停滞 下来 + This plan is temporarily suspended.
2560 玩具 + This toy is made of tin.
2620 阿姨 漂亮 + This 'auntie' is very pretty.
2711 仓库 + This warehouse is very big.
2829 甜点 经理 推荐 + This dessert was recommended by the manager.
2848 问题 棘手 + This is a very thorny problem.
2909 男孩 淘气 + This little boy is very naughty.
2919 婴儿 可爱 + This baby is so cute.
2997 地区 名声 显赫 + He's quite well-known in this area.
3035 狂妄 + He's extremely conceited.
3060 男人 姦情 + She's having an affair with this guy.
3094 男人 + This man is really cunning.
3266 我们 包揽 项目 奖牌 + Our team has won all the medals in this category.
3359 骑士 + This rider's head was cut off.
3405 枕头 舒服 + This pillow is really comfortable.
3415 女佣 能干 + This maidservant is very capable.
3435 岛屿 + This island is really beautiful.
3476 小孩 不幸 夭折 + Sadly, the child died.
3537 丫头 喜欢 音乐 + The little girl enjoys listening to music. Dieses kleine Mädchen mag gern Musik hören.
3539 村庄 屋舍 俨然 + The houses in this village are laid out neatly.
3550 欧洲 客栈 别有 风味 + This little European inn has a distinctive charm of its own.
3585 负责 香港 推广 这个 网站 + He is in charge of promoting this website in Hong Kong.
3613 这个 牛排 根本 咬不动。 根本 咬不动 + Simply unable to bite this steak.
3626 这个 淡水 许多 + There are many fish in this freshwater lake.
3632 这个 卡通 形象 可爱 + This cartoon is very (super) lovely.
3672 这个 草编 花篮 十分 精致 + This reed-woven flower basket is very refined.
3692 这个 高官 由于 受贿 数额 丢掉 自己 身家性命。 + This high-ranking official lost his and his family's lives due to a large number of bribes.
3693 这个 吝啬 要命 + This man's incredibly stingy.
3709 这个 女人 容貌 曼丽 婀娜 多姿 + The woman is beautiful and charming.
3714 演员 阵容 非常 强大 我们 十分 欣赏 这个 节目 + All the cast were brilliant, and we really enjoyed the show.
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因 + A general review of the situation can lead us to the reason for this failure.
3731 这个 公司 正在 大量 复制 古画 + This company is reproducing a lot of ancient paintings.
3744 这个 老人 无儿无女 老景 十分 凄凉 + Having no children, the old person will have a lonely and dreary old age.
3764 这个 办法 保准 不行 + Your method is destined to fail.
3772 这个 买卖 不但 挣钱 贴钱 + I not only fail to make profits out of the business, but have to run it at a loss.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng
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