Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
das Obst fruit trái cây
Ich möchte Obst kaufen. I would like to buy some fruit. Tôi muốn mua trái cây.
der Obstsalat fruit salad rau quả
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bà ấy thích nước cam và nước bưởi. The woman likes orange and grapefruit juice. Die Frau mag Orangensaft und Grapefruitsaft.
Tôi có một quả / trái cam và một quả / trái bưởi. I have an orange and a grapefruit. Ich habe eine Orange und eine Grapefruit.
Tôi làm món hoa quả / trái cây trộn. I am making a fruit salad. Ich mache einen Obstsalat.
Tôi muốn hoa quả / trái cây hoặc phó mát. I would like some fruit or cheese. Ich möchte Obst oder Käse.
Tôi muốn mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will Obst und Gemüse kaufen.
Tôi muốn đến siêu thị để mua hoa quả / trái cây và rau. I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables. Ich will zum Supermarkt, um Obst und Gemüse zu kaufen.
Cô ấy ăn nhiều hoa quả. + She eats a lot of fruit.
Cậu nên ăn thật nhiều hoa quả và rau. + You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

trái cây + fruit

Cô ấy bán thức ăn và trái cây. + She sells food and fruits.

+ She buys the fruit every afternoon.

Một tình yêu dang dở + a fruitless love

dang dở + fruitless

Bưởi + Grapefruit

Khế + Star fruit

Kiwi + Kiwi fruit

Mít + Jackfruit

Thanh long + Dragon fruit

Chanh leo + Passion fruit
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink fruit trái cây +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink names of fruits e.g. +
SNOT • types of food and drink breadfruit xa kê +
SNOT • types of food and drink dragonfruit thanh long +
SNOT • types of food and drink jackfruit mít +
SNOT • types of food and drink grapefruit, pomelo bưởi +
SNOT • types of food and drink passion fruit dây mát +
SNOT • types of food and drink starfruit khế +
SNOT Food and drink • types of food and drink fruit juice +
SNOT • types of food and drink fruit shake / smoothie sinh tố +
Oxford 3000VieEng
trái cây fruit
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-5 Frucht fruit
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-5 Obst fruit
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 4-4 Die Obstbäume stehen im Frühling in Blüte.  + Frühling The fruit trees are in bloom in spring.  Cây ăn quả nở vào mùa xuân.
Exercise 6-5 Obst ist reich an Vitaminen.  + reich Fruit is rich in vitamins.  Trái cây giàu vitamin.
Exercise 10-9 Das Angebot an frischem Obst war sehr mager.  + mager The supply of fresh fruit was very meagre.  Việc cung cấp trái cây tươi là rất ít ỏi.
Exercise 18-6 Frisches Obst und Gemüse sind gut für eure Gesundheit. + Gemüse Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for your health. Trái cây tươi và rau cải rất tốt cho sức khoẻ của bạn.
Exercise 18-6 Obst kaufe ich am liebsten auf dem Markt.  + Obst I prefer to buy fruit at the market.  Tôi thích mua hoa quả ở chợ.
Exercise 18-6 Du solltest mehr Obst essen.  + Obst You should eat more fruit.  Bạn nên ăn trái cây nhiều hơn.
Exercise 18-6 Welches Obst magst du am liebsten? + Obst Which fruit do you like best? Bạn thích trái cây nào nhất?
Exercise 19-1 Welche Frucht magst du am liebsten?  + Frucht Which fruit do you like best?  Bạn thích trái cây nào nhất?
Exercise 19-1 Diese Frucht ist noch nicht reif genug. + Frucht This fruit is not ripe enough. Quả này chưa chín.
Exercise 20-2 Der Arzt sagt, ich soll viel Obst und Milchprodukte essen.  + Produkt The doctor says I should eat a lot of fruit and dairy products.  Bác sĩ nói tôi nên ăn nhiều trái cây và các sản phẩm từ sữa.
Exercise 20-4 Ich ernähre mich hauptsächlich von Obst.  + ernähren I feed mainly on fruit.  Tôi ăn chủ yếu là trái cây.
Exercise 20-5 In dieser Gegend wachsen Obst, Gemüse und Getreide.  + Getreide In this area there are fruit, vegetables and cereals.  Trong khu vực này có trái cây, rau và ngũ cốc.
Exercise 32-7 Das ist eine Presse für Obst.  + Presse It's a fruit press.  Đó là một báo chí trái cây.
Exercise 33-9 Was hättest du gern als Nachtisch, Eis oder Obst?  + Nachtisch What would you like for dessert, ice cream or fruit?  Bạn muốn gì cho món tráng miệng, kem hoặc trái cây?
Exercise 33-9 Heute gibt es in der Kantine frischen Obstsalat.  + Kantine Today, fresh fruit salad is available in the canteen.  Ngày nay, rau quả tươi có sẵn trong căng tin.
Exercise 40-7 Zum Frühstück esse ich gerne Quark mit Früchten.  + Quark For breakfast I like to eat cottage cheese with fruits.  Đối với bữa ăn sáng, tôi thích ăn phô mai với hoa quả.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
fruit Back From the Market 9
+ + 103 Gardens Garden tools Obstpflücker + fruit picker + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Obst + fruit + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Obstsalat + fruit salad + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Frucht + fruit + A
+ + 103 Food and drink General Rohkost + raw fruits, nuts and vegetables + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Kompott + stewed fruit + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Back- + dried fruit + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Fruit Pampelmuse + grapefruit + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Most + cider; unfermented fruit juice + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking etw dünsten + to steam/braise [meat]/stew [fruit] sth + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Obstbau + fruit-growing + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Obstbauer + fruit farmer + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Obsthändler(in) + fruit merchant + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 水果 + * * shui3guo3 fruit Obst +
C + * * jie1 bear (fruit or seed)/ produce 1. (Früchte) tragen, halten 2. fest, stark, kräftig 3. stottern siehe: jie2 +
C + * * jiang4 jam/ spread made of nuts or fruit/ thick sauce 1. gesalzene Sojabohnen- und Weizenmehltunke 2. etw in Sojasoße einkochen, etw in Sojasoße einlegen, 3. Soße, Mus, Paste, Mark +
C 果實 + * * guo3shi2 fruit/ fruits/ gains Frucht, Früchte, Gewinn +
C 果樹 + * * guo3shu4 fruit tree Obstbaum +
D 結果 + * * jie2guo3 bear fruit Früchte tragen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
199 蔬菜 水果 等等 + I bought vegetables, fruits, etc. Ich habe Gemüse, Obst usw gekauft.
249 水果 市场 + This is a fruit market. Dies ist ein Obstmarkt.
421 超市 各种各样 水果 + There are many kinds of fruit in the supermarket. Im Supermarkt gibt es alle möglichen Sorten Obst und Gemüse.
429 这些 水果 新鲜 + The fruit is very fresh. Das Obst ist sehr frisch.
855 水果 + He's cutting the fruit. Er schneidet das Obst.
1295 超市里 水果 品种 丰富 + There's a tremendous variety of fruits in the supermarket. Im Supermarkt gibt es eine reiche Auswahl von Obstsorten.
1374 超市里 水果 新鲜 + The fruit in the supermarket is very fresh. Im Supermarkt ist das Obst sehr frisch.
1763 挑选 水果 + She's choosing fruits.
2410 那里 水果摊 + There is a fruit stall there.
2572 超市 水果 一应俱全 + The supermarket has all types of fruits. Im Supermarkt ist an Obst alles nötige vorhanden.
3318 什锦 水果 漂亮 + The mixed fruit is very colorful.
3561 母女俩 挑拣 水果 + The mother and her daughter are selecting fruits.
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
shui3guo3 hen3 xin1xian1 + the fruit is very fresh
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 xi3huan shui3guo3, you2qi2shi4 ping2guo3. + I like fruits, especially apples.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
shui3guo3 + fruits
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 ai4 chi1 shui3guo3. + I love eating fruits.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

allez manger des fruits + go eat fruit

le fruit d’une froide évaluation comptable + the fruit of passionless accounting evaluation
07294550-n fruit
13134947-n fruit
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 fruit +
103 fruit +
103 fruit +
103 fruit +
103 fruit +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
fruit hoa quả + +
fruit quả, trái [classifiers used when referring to specific fruits], trái cây [used to refer to fruits in general] + +
trái cây + + fruit