Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
der Nachname last name/surname Tên cuối cùng họ
Gerne. With pleasure. Với niềm vui.
die Operation operation/surgery phẫu thuật / phẫu thuật
Das muss operiert werden. It requires surgery. Nó đòi hỏi phẫu thuật.
Ich surfe im Internet. I surf the internet. Tôi lướt internet.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Xin mời. Sure. Gern.
Tôi rất muốn lướt sóng. I would like to surf. Ich würde gern surfen.
Có thể thuê một ván lướt sóng không? Can one rent a surfboard? Kann man ein Surfbrett mieten?
Và bảo hiểm sức khoẻ cao. And health insurance is expensive. Und die Krankenversicherung ist hoch.
Bạn có bảo hiểm ở đâu? What insurance company do you belong to? Wo sind Sie versichert?
Huyết áp bình thường. Your blood pressure is okay. Der Blutdruck ist in Ordnung.
Chắc chắn không? Are you sure? Ist das sicher?
Bạn biết chắc không? Do you know that for sure? Wissen Sie das genau?
Tôi không chắc, nhưng tôi không đi quá nhanh. + I'm not sure, but I wasn't driving very fast.
Tôi biết Được nhưng tôi chưa bao giờ gặp vợ anh ấy. + I know Masuru, but I've never met his wife.
Cậu có muốn đi xem phim tối nay không? - Chắc chắn, mấy giờ thì lm bắt đầu? + Do you want to go to the movies tonight? — Sure, what time does the movie begin?
Tôi không chắc sẽ đi đâu vào kì nghỉ. Có thể tôi đi Costa Rica + I'm not sure where to go on vacation. I might go to Costa Rica.
Có thể tôi tối nay đi xem phim, nhưng tôi không chắc. + I might go to the movies tonight, but I'm not sure.
Tôi ngồi giá được không? - Được chứ. + May I sit here? — Sure.
Cậu định đi nghỉ ở đâu? - Tôi cũng không rõ. Có thể tôi sẽ đi Ý. + Where are you going for your vacation? — I'm not sure. I might go to Italy.
Bao giờ cậu sẽ gặp lại Pablo? - Tôi không rõ. Có thể tôi sẽ gặp anh ấy mùa hè này. + When will you see Pablo again? — I'm not sure. I might see him this summer.
Tối nay cậu định về nhà thế nào? - Tôi không rõ. Có thể tôi sẽ bắt xe buýt. + How are you going to get home tonight? — I'm not sure. I might take the bus.
Chắc chắn anh ấy sẽ ra ngoài chiều mai. + He's going out in the afternoon for sure.
Anh ấy có thể sẽ đi mua sắm nhưng anh ấy cũng không chắc. + He might go shopping, but he's not sure.
Cậu có nghĩ là Igrid sẽ qua kì thi lái xe không? - Có, tôi chắc chắn cô ấy sẽ qua. + Do you think Ingrid will pass her driving test? —Yes, I'm sure she will.
Tối nay cậu có định ra ngoài không? - Có thể. Tôi không biết chắc. + Are you going out tonight? — I might. I don't know for sure.
Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ hát sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu. + Have you ever considered going to live in another country? — Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost.
Ai có thể chỉ cho tôi làm thế nào cho được cái hộp mực vào máy in không? - Được chứ, để tôi. + Can somebody show me how to change the cartridge in this printer? — Sure, I will.
Tôi đã cho cậu cô tiền mấy tháng trước. - Cậu chắc chứ? Tôi không nhớ là cậu đã cho tôi cô tiền. + I lent you some money a few months ago. — Are you sure? I don't remember you lending me money.
Mai cậu có muốn gặp nhau ăn trưa không? - Có, vì vậy, bữa trưa nhé. + Would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow? — Sure, let's do lunch.
Adrian có ngạc nhiên khi gặp cậu không? + Was Adrian surprised to see you?
Tôi hứng thú khi nghe tin Arturo đã thôi việc. - Tôi thì ngược lại, tôi ngạc nhiên khi nghe tin đó. + I was interested to hear that Arturo quit his job. — I, on the other hand, was surprised to hear it.
Tôi không nghĩ là họ tới. Đó là một sự bất ngờ toàn tập. + I wasn't expecting them to come. It was a complete surprise.
Mọi người đã ngạc nhiên là anh ấy thắng. Ít người nghĩ là anh ấy thắng. + Everybody was surprised that he won. Few people expected him to win.
Tôi có thể sẽ gặp cậu ngày mai. Nhưng cho dù tôi không gặp cậu ngày mai, tôi chắc chắn là chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau trước cuối tuần. + I'll probably see you tomorrow. But even if I don't see you tomorrow, I'm sure we'll see each other before the weekend.
Khi điền vào các mẫu đơn, đừng quên trong tên cậu bằng chữ hòa để cho dễ đọc. + When filling out forms, be sure to print your name in capital letters so it's legible.
Tôi đã viết một tờ séc năm trăm đô-la cho công ti bảo hiểm. + I wrote a check FOR five hundred dollars ($500) to the insurance company. — I wrote a check FOR four hundred euros (€400) to the insurance company.
Tôi rất ngạc nhiên với phản ứng của cô ấy trước gợi ý đơn giản của tôi. + I was very surprised BY her reaction TO my simple suggestion.
Cô ấy bảo tôi là cô ấy sẽ đến tối nay. - Cậu chắc chứ? + She told me she's arriving tonight. — Are you sure of it?

Họ không biết họ của tôi. + They do not know my last name。 surname.

Tôi đã rất bất ngờ. + I was very surprised.

Bạn có thể đo độ sâu của tình yêu không? + Can you measure the depth of love?

đo + measure

Tôi biết đo khối lượng của rượu. + I know how to measure the mass of wine.

Tôi không muốn đo trọng lượng của mình. + I do not want to measure my weight.

Công thức để đo trọng lượng + The formula to measure weight

Tôi cần một bảo hiểm cho cái váy của tôi. + I need an insurance for my skirt.

bảo hiểm + insurance

Anh ấy là giám đốc của công ty bảo hiểm. + He is the director of the insurance company.

Không bao giờ đầu hàng. + Never surrender.

đầu hàng + surrender

Tôi dự đoán họ sẽ đầu hàng. + I predict they will surrender.

Anh ấy thà đầu hàng còn hơn trở thành một tù binh. + He would rather surrender than become a prisoner.

Họ luôn cố thủ và không bao giờ đầu hàng. + They always stand their ground and never surrender.

 Anh ấy nổ là anh ấy có thể đi trên mặt nước. + He brags that he can walk on the surface of water.

Tôi không thể nói chắc! + I can't say for sure.

Bạn đến đây để đi công tác hay du lịch? + Are you here on business or leisure?

Tôi chắc chắn bạn có thể làm được + I'm sure you can do it!

Đó là niềm vinh hạnh của tôi + It was my pleasure

Chắc chắn rồi + Sure

Đo là niềm vinh hạnh của tôi + My pleasure

Áp dụng phương pháp + Take measures

Anh có bảo hiểm y tế cá nhân không? + Do you have private medical insurance?

Để tôi kiểm tra huyết áp cho anh + I'll test your blood pressure

Anh bị huyết ấp cao + You're suffering from high blood pressure

Tôi bị ngạc nhiên. + I am surprised

Bao gồm cả phí bảo hiểm không? + Does it include insurance fee?

Anh có muốn gửi bảo đảm không? + Do you wish to insure it?

Tôi đảm bảo việc duy trì chất lượng chăm sóc khách hàng. + I ensure that high standard aof customer service is maintained.

+ I ensure that high standard of customer care is maintained.

Tôi không thể nói được. + I can't say for sure

Huyết áp cao + High blood pressure

Huyết áp thấp + Low blood pressure

không biết bạn còn nhớ tôi không + I'm not sure if you remember me.
GNOT Spatial • pressure pressure +
GNOT Qualitative • reflection, intuition to be sure +
SNOT Personal identification • name surname/family name họ +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • leisure free time/spare time/leisure +
SNOT Travel • travel documents insurance +
SNOT Health and body care • insurance to insure +
SNOT Health and body care • insurance insurance +
SNOT Services • diplomatic service hospital, surgery etc +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-4 Krankenkasse health insurance company
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-5 Pflegeversicherung nursing care insurance
4-2. Menge, Maß Exercise 4-2-1 Maß measure
4-2. Menge, Maß Exercise 4-2-4 messen to measure   (misst, maß, hat gemessen)
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-3 Fläche 1. surface, 2. area
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-11 gemütlich 1. comfortable, 2. leisurely
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-3 Druck 1. pressure, 2. print, 3. atmospheric pressure
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-8 Ausfahrt 1. driveway, 2. exit, 3. pleasure trip
Exercise 9-1-2 Kasse 1. check-out, 2. till, 3. health insurance
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-6 Versicherung 1. insurance policy, 2. insurance company, 3. assurance
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-8 versichern 1. to insure, 2. to assure, 3. to make sure   (versichert, versicherte, hat versichert)
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Anlage 1. (public) park, 2. installation, 3. disposition, 4. enclosure
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-3 Vergnügen pleasure
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-2 Maßnahme measure
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-3 Umfrage survey
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-3 Überraschung surprise
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-5 überraschen to surprise   (überrascht, überraschte, hat überrascht)
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-5 wundern to be surprised   (wundert, wunderte, hat gewundert)
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-3 gern with pleasure
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-1 Er zeigte sich ein wenig erstaunt.  + zeigen He was a little surprised.  Anh ta hơi ngạc nhiên.
Exercise 3-8 Der Verkäufer kann Ihnen diese Jacke gerne zurücklegen. + Verkäufer The seller can put this jacket back to you with pleasure. Người bán có thể đặt áo khoác này trở lại với bạn với niềm vui.
Exercise 3-9 Kannst du dir meine Überraschung vorstellen?  + vorstellen Can you imagine my surprise?  Bạn có thể tưởng tượng sự ngạc nhiên của tôi?
Exercise 4-7 Darf ich dich zu einem Kaffee einladen? – Aber ja, sehr gern.  + aber Can I buy you a cup of coffee? But yes, with pleasure.  Tôi có thể mua cho bạn một tách cà phê không? Nhưng có, với niềm vui.
Exercise 5-1 Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass abends immer alle Fenster geschlossen sind.  + achten Please make sure that all windows are always closed in the evening.  Hãy đảm bảo rằng tất cả các cửa sổ đều đóng cửa vào buổi tối.
Exercise 5-1 Die Kosten trägt die Krankenkasse.  + tragen* The costs are borne by the health insurance company.  Các chi phí do công ty bảo hiểm y tế chịu.
Exercise 5-1 Sind Sie sicher, dass heute Ruhetag ist? – Ja, das weiß ich genau.  + genau  Are you sure it's closed for the day? Yes, I know exactly.  Bạn có chắc chắn nó đóng cửa trong ngày? Vâng, tôi biết chính xác.
Exercise 5-2 Haben Sie Ihre Versichertenkarte dabei?  + dabei Do you have your health insurance card with you?  Bạn có thẻ bảo hiểm y tế với bạn không?
Exercise 5-4 Er wird sicher kommen, er hat es uns fest zugesagt.  + zusagen He'll come, I'm sure, he promised us.  Anh ấy sẽ đến, tôi chắc chắn, anh ấy hứa với chúng tôi.
Exercise 5-7 Hast du deine Temperatur gemessen?  + Temperatur Have you measured your temperature?  Bạn đã đo nhiệt độ của bạn?
Exercise 8-4 Du bist hier in Berlin? – Das ist ja eine Überraschung.  + ja You're here in Berlin? This is a surprise.  Bạn đang ở Berlin? Đây là một bất ngờ.
Exercise 8-6 Ich sorge dafür, dass er das Gepäck nach oben trägt.  + oben I'll make sure he carries the luggage upstairs.  Tôi chắc chắn rằng anh ta mang hành lý lên lầu.
Exercise 8-7 Meine Enkel machen mir große Freude. + Enkel My grandchildren give me great pleasure. Những đứa cháu của tôi đã cho tôi rất nhiều niềm vui.
Exercise 8-8 Ich weiss das ziemlich sicher.  + ziemlich I'm pretty sure I know that.  Tôi chắc rằng tôi biết điều đó.
Exercise 9-3 Nebenbei gesagt, hat mich das nicht überrascht.  + nebenbei By the way, I wasn't surprised.  Nhân tiện, tôi đã không ngạc nhiên.
Exercise 9-5 Sein Verhalten wunderte sie sehr.  + wundern She was very surprised by his behaviour.  Cô đã rất ngạc nhiên bởi hành vi của mình.
Exercise 9-5 Ich wundere mich über gar nichts mehr.  + wundern I'm not surprised about anything anymore.  Tôi không ngạc nhiên về bất cứ điều gì nữa.
Exercise 9-5 Es wundert mich, dass das Essen hier so günstig ist.  + wundern I'm surprised the food's so cheap around here.  Tôi ngạc nhiên về thức ăn ở đây giá rẻ như vậy.
Exercise 9-5 Ich wundere mich, dass du schon so früh aus der Schule kommst. Was ist los?  + wundern I'm surprised you got out of school so early. What's going on?  Tôi ngạc nhiên khi bạn ra trường quá sớm. Điều gì đang xảy ra?
Exercise 9-5 Ich würde mich aber auch gar nicht wundern, wenn es noch eine Überraschung gäbe. + wundern I wouldn't be surprised if there was another surprise. Tôi sẽ không ngạc nhiên nếu có một sự ngạc nhiên khác.
Exercise 10-1 Ich weiß das ganz bestimmt.  + bestimmt I know that for sure.  Tôi biết chắc chắn.
Exercise 13-7 Diese Stelle in seinem Brief ist mir nicht ganz klar.  + Stelle I'm not sure about this part of his letter.  Tôi không chắc về phần này của bức thư.
Exercise 14-4 Ich bin ganz sicher: Du wirst den Test schaffen.  + Test I'm sure you'll pass the test.  Tôi chắc chắn bạn sẽ vượt qua bài kiểm tra.
Exercise 14-6 Nach dem Umzug musste er sich erst an die neue Umgebung gewöhnen.  + gewöhnen After the move he had to get used to the new surroundings.  Sau khi di chuyển, ông phải quen với môi trường mới.
Exercise 14-6 Darf ich Sie zu meinem Geburtstag einladen? – Mit Vergnügen!  + Vergnügen May I invite you to my birthday? With pleasure!  Tôi có thể mời bạn sinh nhật của tôi không? Với niềm vui!
Exercise 14-6 Können Sie mir bitte kurz helfen? - Mit Vergnügen!  + Vergnügen Can you give me a hand, please? With pleasure!  Bạn có thể cho tôi một bàn tay, xin vui lòng? Với niềm vui!
Exercise 14-6 Dieser Urlaub war ein teures Vergnügen.  + Vergnügen This vacation was an expensive pleasure.  Kỳ nghỉ này là một niềm vui tốn kém.
Exercise 14-6 Es war kein Vergnügen, mit ihnen zu arbeiten. + Vergnügen It was no pleasure to work with them. Không có niềm vui nào để làm việc với họ.
Exercise 16-6 Bist du sicher, dass die Bank heute geöffnet ist?  + sicher Are you sure the bank is open today?  Bạn có chắc là ngân hàng mở cửa ngày hôm nay không?
Exercise 16-6 Er hat es sicher vergessen.  + sicher I'm sure he forgot.  Tôi chắc chắn anh ấy đã quên mất.
Exercise 16-6 Du hast sicher davon gehört. + sicher I'm sure you've heard of it. Tôi chắc chắn bạn đã nghe nói về nó.
Exercise 18-5 In den Ferien bietet die Stadt für Kinder verschiedene Freizeitaktivitäten.  + Aktivität During the holidays, the city offers various leisure activities for children.  Trong những ngày nghỉ, thành phố cung cấp các hoạt động vui chơi giải trí cho trẻ em.
Exercise 19-6 Die Versicherung übernimmt die Kosten für den Unfall.  + übernehmen*  The insurance covers the costs of the accident.  Bảo hiểm bao gồm các chi phí của vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 19-6 Könnten Sie bitte den Reifendruck überprüfen? + überprüfen Could you check the tire pressure, please? Bạn có thể kiểm tra áp suất lốp, xin vui lòng?
Exercise 19-6 Wir machen eine Umfrage zum Thema Umweltschutz.  + Umfrage We conduct a survey on the subject of environmental protection.  Chúng tôi tiến hành khảo sát về đối tượng bảo vệ môi trường.
Exercise 19-6 Wir werden eine eine repräsentative Umfrage durchführen.  + Umfrage We will conduct a representative survey.  Chúng tôi sẽ tiến hành khảo sát đại diện.
Exercise 20-1 Welche Maßnahmen hat man gegen das Hochwasser getroffen?  + Maßnahme What measures have been taken to combat the flooding?  Những biện pháp nào đã được thực hiện để chống lại lũ lụt?
Exercise 20-1 Die Agentur für Arbeit fördert Maßnahmen für Arbeitslose. + Maßnahme The Federal Employment Agency promotes measures for the unemployed. Cơ quan tuyển dụng liên bang thúc đẩy các biện pháp cho người thất nghiệp.
Exercise 21-1 Diese Maßnahmen dienen Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit.  + dienen These measures are for your own safety.  Những biện pháp này nhằm mục đích an toàn cho chính bạn.
Exercise 21-4 Ich mag es nicht, Geschäft mit Vergnügen zu verbinden.  + verbinden* I don't like to combine business with pleasure.  Tôi không thích kết hợp kinh doanh với niềm vui.
Exercise 21-9 Seit der Operation kann ich mein Knie nicht mehr bewegen.  + Operation Since the surgery, I can't move my knee.  Kể từ khi phẫu thuật, tôi không thể di chuyển đầu gối của tôi.
Exercise 21-9 Sie hat die Operation gut überstanden.  + Operation She survived the surgery well.  Cô sống sót sau cuộc phẫu thuật.
Exercise 22-2 Der Arzt misst dem Patienten den Blutdruck.  + messen* The doctor measures the patient's blood pressure.  Bác sĩ đo huyết áp của bệnh nhân.
Exercise 22-2 Das Zimmer misst 20 Quadratmeter.  + messen* The room measures 20 square meters.  Phòng rộng 20 mét vuông.
Exercise 22-4 Ich bin erstaunt, dass sie so ein gutes Angebot abgelehnt hat. + Angebot I'm surprised she turned down such a good offer. Tôi ngạc nhiên khi cô ấy từ chối lời đề nghị như vậy.
Exercise 22-8 Als Autofahrer müssen Sie eine Versicherung haben. Das ist Pflicht.  + Pflicht As a driver, you must have insurance. It's mandatory.  Là lái xe, bạn phải có bảo hiểm. Đó là bắt buộc.
Exercise 23-9 Die alte Stadt ist mit einer Mauer umgeben. + Mauer The old town is surrounded by a wall. Khu phố cổ được bao quanh bởi một bức tường.
Exercise 24-1 Die Versicherung trägt das Risiko. + Risiko The insurance company bears the risk. Công ty bảo hiểm chịu rủi ro.
Exercise 24-3 Mit deiner guten Ausbildung findest du sicher eine Arbeit. + Ausbildung With your good education, I'm sure you'll find a job. Với nền giáo dục tốt của bạn, tôi chắc chắn bạn sẽ tìm được việc làm.
Exercise 24-3 In der Buchhandlung in der Stadt haben sie das Buch sicher.  + Buchhandlung I'm sure they've got the book at the bookstore in town.  Tôi chắc chắn họ đã có cuốn sách tại hiệu sách trong thị trấn.
Exercise 24-9 Er wird deinen Fehler sicher bemerken.  + bemerken I'm sure he'll notice your mistake.  Tôi chắc chắn anh ta sẽ nhận thấy lỗi của bạn.
Exercise 26-1 Was für eine angenehme Überraschung!  + angenehm What a pleasant surprise!  Thật là một sự bất ngờ thú vị!
Exercise 26-4 In der Umgebung von Berlin kann man schöne Ausflüge machen.  + Umgebung In the surroundings of Berlin you can make nice excursions.  Trong khu vực xung quanh Berlin bạn có thể đi dạo tốt đẹp.
Exercise 27-1 Um diese Uhrzeit finden wir sicher keinen Parkplatz.  + Parkplatz I'm sure we won't be able to find a parking space at this hour.  Tôi chắc chắn chúng tôi sẽ không thể tìm thấy một chỗ đậu xe vào giờ này.
Exercise 27-3 Kommst du mit? – Klar!  + klar Are you coming with me? Sure!  Bạn đang đến với tôi? Chắc chắn rồi!
Exercise 27-3 Ich komme zu deinem Geburtstag, das ist doch klar.  + klar I'm coming to your birthday, that's for sure.  Tôi sắp đến sinh nhật của bạn, đó là chắc chắn.
Exercise 27-5 Meine Eltern wollten uns mit dieser Reise eine ganz besondere Freude machen.  + besondere My parents wanted to make us a very special pleasure with this trip.  Cha mẹ tôi muốn làm cho chúng tôi một niềm vui rất đặc biệt với chuyến đi này.
Exercise 28-9 Sie müssen den Verlust Ihrer Versicherung melden.  + Verlust You must report the loss of your insurance.  Bạn phải báo cáo việc mất bảo hiểm.
Exercise 29-5 Auf der regennassen Fahrbahn griffen die Räder nicht mehr.  + greifen* The wheels no longer grip the wet road surface.  Các bánh xe không còn nắm chặt bề mặt đường ướt.
Exercise 31-4 Mein Schreibtisch hat die Maße: Länge: 1.20 m, Breite: 0,85 m, Höhe: 0,75 m.  + Länge My desk measures: length: 1.20 m, width: 0.85 m, height: 0.75 m.  Thước bàn của tôi: chiều dài: 1,20 m, chiều rộng: 0,85 m, chiều cao: 0,75 m.
Exercise 31-5 Ein so gutes Ergebnis hat uns alle überrascht.  + Ergebnis Such a good result surprised us all.  Một kết quả tốt như vậy làm chúng tôi kinh ngạc.
Exercise 31-7 Keine Angst. Mein Bruder kann die Heizung bestimmt reparieren. Er ist doch Profi.  + Profi Don't be afraid. I'm sure my brother can fix the heater. He's a professional.  Đừng sợ. Tôi chắc rằng anh tôi có thể sửa chữa nóng. Anh ấy là một chuyên gia.
Exercise 32-5 Ein zu großes Warenangebot drückt die Preise. + drücken Too large a supply of goods puts pressure on prices. Việc cung cấp hàng hoá quá lớn gây áp lực lên giá cả.
Exercise 33-2 Der Kollege kommt bestimmt gleich. Er ist immer sehr zuverlässig.  + zuverlässig  I'm sure my colleague will be here soon. He's always very reliable.  Tôi chắc rằng đồng nghiệp của tôi sẽ sớm đến đây. Anh ấy luôn rất đáng tin cậy.
Exercise 33-3 Die Kosten für die Zahnbehandlung zahlt die Krankenkasse.  + Kosten The costs for dental treatment are paid by the health insurance company.  Các chi phí cho việc điều trị nha khoa được trả bởi công ty bảo hiểm y tế.
Exercise 33-9 Kannst du mir mal die Maße geben?  + Maß Can you give me the measurements?  Bạn có thể cho tôi những phép đo?
Exercise 34-4 Die Versicherung trägt die gesamten Kosten.  + gesamt The insurance covers all costs.  Bảo hiểm bao gồm tất cả các chi phí.
Exercise 37-4 Den Unfall müssen Sie der Versicherung melden.  + melden You must report the accident to the insurance company.  Bạn phải khai báo tai nạn cho công ty bảo hiểm.
Exercise 37-5 Sie schlossen eine Versicherung ab.  + Versicherung They took out insurance.  Họ lấy bảo hiểm.
Exercise 37-5 Sie müssen den Unfall der Versicherung melden.  + Versicherung You must report the accident to the insurance company.  Bạn phải khai báo tai nạn cho công ty bảo hiểm.
Exercise 37-5 Die Versicherung beträgt 25 Euro im Monat  + Versicherung Insurance is 25 Euro per month  Bảo hiểm là 25 Euro một tháng
Exercise 37-5 In diesem Fall zahlt die Versicherung nicht. + Versicherung In this case the insurance does not pay. Trong trường hợp này, bảo hiểm không trả.
Exercise 38-2 Ich kann es nicht mit Sicherheit sagen.  + Sicherheit I can't say for sure.  Tôi không thể nói chắc chắn.
Exercise 38-7 Ich kann Sie beruhigen. Ihrem Sohn ist nichts passiert.  + beruhigen I can reassure you. Nothing happened to your son.  Tôi có thể trấn an bạn. Không có gì xảy ra với con trai của bạn.
Exercise 39-6 Der Tisch hat eine glatte Oberfläche.  + glatt The table has a smooth surface.  Bàn có bề mặt nhẵn.
Exercise 39-8 Haben Sie schon eine Unfallversicherung abgeschlossen?  + abschließen Have you already taken out accident insurance?  Bạn đã thực hiện bảo hiểm tai nạn?
Exercise 40-4 Wir finden den Fehler bestimmt heraus.  + herausfinden* We'll find out for sure.  Chúng tôi sẽ tìm ra cho chắc chắn.
Exercise 40-7 Die Passagiere überlebten die Katastrophe. + Katastrophe The passengers survived the disaster. Hành khách sống sót sau thảm hoạ.
Exercise 40-8 Meinetwegen kannst du heute das Auto haben. + meinetwegen I'm sure you can have the car today. Tôi chắc rằng bạn có thể có chiếc xe hôm nay.
Exercise 40-9 Ich bin ganz überrascht, dass die Wohnung so billig ist.  + überraschen I'm surprised the apartment is so cheap.  Tôi ngạc nhiên khi căn hộ này quá rẻ.
Exercise 40-9 Ich überrasche meine Frau mit einem Blumenstrauß.  + überraschen I surprise my wife with a bouquet of flowers.  Tôi ngạc nhiên với vợ tôi bằng một bó hoa.
Exercise 40-9 Das Angebot hat mich sehr überrascht.  + überraschen I was very surprised by the offer.  Tôi đã rất ngạc nhiên bởi lời đề nghị.
Exercise 40-9 Es hat mich völlig überrascht.  + überraschen I was completely surprised.  Tôi đã hoàn toàn ngạc nhiên.
Exercise 40-9 Ein Gewitter hat uns überrascht.  + überraschen We were surprised by a thunderstorm.  Chúng tôi đã rất ngạc nhiên bởi một cơn giông bão.
Exercise 41-4 Bei welcher Krankenkasse sind Sie versichert?  + Krankenkasse Which health insurance company are you insured with?  Bạn có bảo hiểm với công ty bảo hiểm y tế nào?
Exercise 41-7 Wollen Sie Ihr Gepäck versichern?  + versichern Do you want to insure your luggage?  Bạn có muốn đảm bảo hành lý của bạn?
Exercise 41-7 Wie sind Sie versichert?  + versichern How are you insured?  Làm thế nào bạn có bảo hiểm?
Exercise 41-7 Wir haben das Haus gegen Feuer versichert.  + versichern We insured the house against fire.  Chúng tôi bảo hiểm nhà chống cháy.
Exercise 41-7 Ich kann dir versichern, dass ich nicht zu spät komme.  + versichern I can assure you I'm not late.  Tôi có thể đảm bảo với bạn tôi không muộn.
Exercise 41-7 Das kann ich dir versichern.  + versichern I can assure you of that.  Tôi có thể cam đoan với bạn về điều đó.
Exercise 41-7 Die Krankenkasse hat die Beiträge erhöht.  + Beitrag The health insurance company has increased the premiums.  Công ty bảo hiểm y tế đã tăng phí bảo hiểm.
Exercise 42-4 Meine Frau arbeitet bei einer Versicherungsgesellschaft.  + Gesellschaft My wife works for an insurance company.  Vợ tôi làm việc cho một công ty bảo hiểm.
Exercise 43-5 Die Operation ist gut gelaufen. Wir können Sie nächste Woche aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen.  + entlassen*  Surgery went well. We can release you from the hospital next week.  Phẫu thuật tốt. Chúng tôi có thể giải phóng bạn khỏi bệnh viện vào tuần tới.
Exercise 44-3 Nein, umgekehrt: erst der Vorname, dann der Nachname.  + umgekehrt No, the reverse is true: first the first name, then the surname.  Không, ngược lại là đúng: đầu tiên là tên, sau đó là họ.
Exercise 44-7 Im harten Wettbewerb überleben nur die schnellsten und kostengünstigsten Hersteller.  + Wettbewerb Only the fastest and most cost-effective manufacturers survive in tough competition.  Chỉ những nhà sản xuất nhanh nhất và hiệu quả nhất có thể sống sót trong cạnh tranh khốc liệt.
Exercise 45-1 Mein Tisch hat die Maße: Länge: 1,20 m, Breite: 0,60 m, Höhe: 0,80 m.  + Höhe My table measures: length: 1,20 m, width: 0,60 m, height: 0,80 m.  Bàn của tôi đo: chiều dài: 1,20 m, chiều rộng: 0,60 m, chiều cao: 0,80 m.
Exercise 45-2 Wie hoch muss der Druck in den vorderen Reifen sein?  + Druck What is the pressure in the front tyres?  Áp lực trong lốp xe phía trước là gì?
Exercise 45-2 Er handelte unter Druck.  + Druck He acted under pressure.  Anh ta đã hành động dưới áp lực.
Exercise 45-2 Ich bin ständig unter Druck.  + Druck I'm under constant pressure.  Tôi chịu áp lực liên tục.
Exercise 45-2 Ich habe eine kleine Überraschung für dich.  + Überraschung I have a little surprise for you.  Tôi có một chút ngạc nhiên cho bạn.
Exercise 45-2 Das ist aber eine Überraschung!  + Überraschung This is a surprise!  Đây là một bất ngờ!
Exercise 45-2 In der ersten Überraschung konnte sie nicht antworten.  + Überraschung In the first surprise she could not answer.  Trong sự ngạc nhiên đầu tiên cô ấy không thể trả lời.
Exercise 45-2 Was für eine Überraschung, dich hier zu sehen!  + Überraschung What a surprise to see you here!  Thật ngạc nhiên khi thấy bạn ở đây!
Exercise 45-2 Zu meiner Überraschung lächelte sie mich an. + Überraschung To my surprise, she smiled at me. Tôi ngạc nhiên, cô mỉm cười với tôi.
Exercise 45-3 Für die Pflegeversicherung muss ich jeden Monat Beiträge zahlen.  + Pflegeversicherung I have to pay contributions for nursing care insurance every month.  Tôi phải đóng tiền bảo hiểm chăm sóc hàng tháng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Umgebung + surrounding area + A
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Dampfkochtopf + pressure cooker + C
+ + 103 The physical world Water Gischt + foam, surf, spray + B
+ + 103 The physical world Water Brandung + surf + B
+ + 103 Weather General Luftdruck + barometric pressure + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Bluthochdruck + high blood pressure + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Chirurg(in) + surgeon + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Chirurgie + surgery + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Dentistry Zahnarzt + dentist, dental surgeon + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Internist(in) + house surgeon, internist + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical personnel and specialities Orthopäde + orthopaedic surgeon + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Krankenkasse + health insurance organization or company + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Krankenversicherung + health insurance + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment (kranken)versichert sein + to have health insurance + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Versichertenkarte + health-insurance card + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Krankenschein + health-insurance certificate + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical equipment Druckverband + pressure bandage + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Laserchirurgie + laser surgery + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Schlüssellochchirurgie + keyhole surgery + C
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Knopflochchirurgie + keyhole surgery + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face staunende Augen + bulging eyes [from surprise] + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Freude + happiness, joy, pleasure + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Vergnügen + pleasure + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour Missfallen + displeasure + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability Gefasstheit + composure, calmness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity vergnügungssüchtig + pleasure-hungry + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability Gelassenheit + calmness, coolness, composure + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Hüftweite + hip measurement + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Oberweite + bust measurement + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style Schrittlänge + inside leg measurement + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning Zentimetermaß + tape measure + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Building materials etw betonieren + to surface sth with concrete + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Bandmaß + tape measure + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures Maß + measurement + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures etw messen + to measure sth + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Oberfläche + surface, surface area + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Fläche + area, surface, side, face + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures etw ausmessen + to measure (out) sth + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures etw abmessen + to measure off sth, measure up sth + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures an/bei jmdm Maß nehmen + to take sb's measurements + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Abmessung + dimension, measurement + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Landvermessung + surveying + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity General Landvermesser(in) + surveyor + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Takt + measure (bar), time, beat + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography Belichtungszeit + exposure time + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography Belichtungsautomatik + automatic exposure control + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Zäsur + caesura + C
+ + 103 Speaking Informing jmdm etw versichern + to assure sb (of) sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying jmdm etw zusichern + to assure sb of sth + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing Tilgung + deletion, erasure + C
+ + 103 Leisure Games Schatzsuche + treasure hunt + A
+ + 103 Leisure Relaxation Freizeit + free/leisure time + B
+ + 103 Leisure Relaxation Freizeitzentrum + leisure centre + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Surfing + surfing + B
+ + 103 Sport Sports Wellenreiten + surfing + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport Versicherung + insurance + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport etw versichern + to insure sth + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Rail transport Zuschlag + surcharge + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Air transport Sicherheitsmaß-nahmen + safety measures + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Familienname + family name, last name, surname + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Zuname + family name, surname, last name + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Leihmutter + surrogate mother + C
+ + 103 Religion Garments andceremonial object Chorhemd + surplice + C
+ + 103 Religion Garments andceremonial object Chorrock + surplice + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Druck + pressure + A
+ + 103 Science Earth sciences Erdspalte + fissure + C
+ + 103 Science Scientific instruments Messzylinder + measuring cylinder + C
+ + 103 Industry Industries Freizeitindustrie + leisure industry + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Marketing and sales Marktuntersuchung + market survey + B
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Versicherungsvertreter(in) + insurance agent + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Versicherungs-makler(in) + insurance broker + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Landvermesser(in) + surveyor + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post Post auf dem Landweg/Seeweg + surface mail + B
+ + 103 Law Police and investigation jmdn überwachen + to keep sb under surveillance + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Versicherung + insurance + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Versicherungsge-sellschaft + insurance company + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Krankenversicherung + health insurance + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Lebensversicherung + life insurance + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Feuerversicherung + fire insurance + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Kraftfahrzeugver-sicherung + car insurance + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Arbeitslosenver-sicherung + unemployment insurance + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Versicherungs-nehmer(in) + insured (party), policy holder + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Versicherungsgeber(in) + insurer, underwriter + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance versichert (bei) + insured (with/by) + A
+ + 103 Finance General Überschuss + surplus + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance eine Versicherung (gegen etw) abschließen + to take out insurance (against sth) + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Vermö gensversi-cherung + property insurance + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Hausratversicherung + household contents insurance + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Invalidenversicherung + disability insurance + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Unfallversicherung + industrial insura + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Ernteversicherung + crop insurance + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Versicherungs-vertreter(in) + insurance agent + B
+ + 103 Finance General Kassenwart(in) + treasurer + C
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Bürgschaft + surety + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Versicherungspolice + insurance policy + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Versicherungsprämie + insurance premium + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Haftpflichtversi-cherung + liability insurance; third-party insurance + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Pauschalversicherung + comprehensive insurance + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Teilkaskoversicherung + third-party, fire and theft insurance + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Vollkaskoversicherung + fully comprehensive insurance + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Versicherung auf Gegenseitigkeit + mutual insurance + C
+ + 103 Finance Taxation Schadenssachverständige(r) + insurance adjuster, loss adjuster + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Surinam + Surinam + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Vermessung + survey + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography etw vermessen + to survey sth + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War auf- + to surface/submerge + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Aufstand + rebellion, revolt, insurrection + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography Spalte + fissure, crevice + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War sich ergeben + to surrender + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Luft-Boden-Rakete + air-to-surface missile + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Finanzminister(in) + Chancellor of the Exchequer; Minister of Finance, Treasury Secretary (USA) + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity Tadelsantrag + vote of censure + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Sozialversicherung + social security, national insurance + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * ju4 (measure word for sentences) 1.Satz 2. Zählwort Satz +
A + * * ai4 1. love 2. like, to be fond of 3. be apt to, be in the habit of 4. cherish, treasure 1. (Na) Liebe 2. (VL) lieben, 2. gern, mit Vorliebe 3. (VL) für jn sorgen, jn etw behutsam und sorgsam behandeln 4. leicht, schnell +
A + * * liang4 (measure word for vehicles) ein Zählwort für Busse, Autos etc +
A + * * wei4 (measure word for people of status) 1. Platz, Ort, Stelle 2. Stand, Stellung, Rang 3. Thron 4.Stelle 5. ein Zählwort, für Personen +
A + * * xing4 be surnamed/ family name Familienname, Nachname,mit Nachnamen heißen +
A + * * sheng1 (measure word for sound)/ sound 1. Stimme, Laut, Geräusch 2. Ton 3. Reputation 4. ein Geräusch machen 5. Zählwort Klang +
A + * * ping2 (measure word for bottles) 1. Flasche, Vase 2.ein Zählwort,Flasche,Flasche, Vase +
A + * * dei3 have to/ be sure to brauchen, benötigen , müssen siehe de5, de2 +
A + * * jian1 (measure word for rooms) 1. zwischen, inmitten 2. in einem bestimmten Zeitraum, innerhalb eines bestimmten Gebiets 3. Zimmer, Raum 4. ein Zählwort, z.B ein Schafzimmer jian4= 1. Zwischenraum, Lücke, 2. trennen, scheiden, teilen 3. Zwietracht säen +
A 米(公尺) + * * mi3 meter (measure word for lengths) 1. Reis 2. enthülste Samen 3. Zählwort Meter +
A + * * sheng4 surplus/ remnant/ leave (over) übrig bleiben, als Rest zurück bleiben +
A + * * zhi1 (measure word for one of a pair) ein Zählwort für Haustiere +
A + * * zhi1 (measure word for stick-like things) ein Zählwort, für Lieder, Stifte etc +
A + * * zuo4 (measure word for cities and so on) 1. Sitz, Platz 2. Ständer, Gestell, Sockel 3.ein Zählwort, Berge, Brücken/ etc +
A + * * jian4 (measure word for clothes; affairs) 1. ein Zählwort für Hemd, Arbeit etc 2. Brief, Botschaft, Dokument +
A 辦法 + * * ban4fa3 way/ means/ measure Methode,Weise +
A + * * ke1 (measure word for plants) Zählwort für Pflanzen +
A + * * ge4 (a general measure word) ein Zählwort für Dinge allgemein +
A + * * xie1 (measure word for unspecified amount) ein Zählwort,etwas +
A + * * tiao2 strip (measure word for long things) 1. dünner Zweig, kleiner Ast 2. Streifen, schmaler und langer Gegenstand 3. Artikel,, Klausel, Posten, Punkt 4. Ordnung, Reihenfolge 5. ein Zählwort für Fische, Schiffe, etc +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter +
A + * * xia4 (measure word for times of an action) unter +
A + * * kou3 mouth/ (measure word for people) 1. Mund, Maul 2. Öffnung, Eingang, Mündung 3. Kerbe, Ritz, Schramme, Loch, Einschnitt 4. Schneide 5. ein Zählwort +
A + * * pian1 (measure word for articles) 1. Aufsatz, Schrift 2. ein beschriebenes oder bedrucktes Papier, Blatt (mit Text) 3. ein Zählwort für Papier, etc, ein Bogen +
A + * * pian4 (measure word for pieces of things) 1. Scheibe, Platte, kleines flaches Stück 2. unvollständig, fragmentarisch, bruchstückhaft 3.ein Zählwort,Tablette, für Land/ Wiese etc, eine Scheibe Brot +
B 環境 + * * huan2jing4 environment/ surroundings Umgebung +
B + * * liang2 measure Quantität, messen +
B 哎呀 + * * ai1ya1 1. oh, used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s surprise 2. used at the beginning of a sentence to express one´s disgust, pain or displeasure eine Interjektion, Ach ! +
B 手段 + * * shou3duan4 means/ measure/ method Methode +
B 臺/檯 + * * tai2 (臺) platform/ measure word for theatrical plays/ (檯) table/ desk 1. erhöhter Platz, Plattform Terrasse, Podest 2. Ständer 3. terrassenförmige oder sockelförmige Gegenstände 4. Tisch 5. Sender, Sendestation 6. Ansagedienst 7. ein Zählwort +
B 手術 + * * shou3shu4 operation/ surgical operation Chirurgie, Operation +
B 愛護 + * * ai4hu4 cherish/ treasure/ take good care of schützen, lieben +
B 不一定 + * * bu4 yi2ding4 not sure unbestimmt, nicht sicher, nicht notwendig +
B 沒錯 + * * mei2 cuo4 quite sure ich bin ziemlich sicher, sei sicher, kann nicht schief gehen +
B + * * zhou3 head/ first/ leader/ measure word for songs 1. Haupt, Kopf 2. Oberhaupt , Häuptling, Anführer 3. Zählwort Lied 4. der erste +
B + * * zhen4 period/ measure word for wind 1. Schlachtordnung 2. Kampfplatz, Stellung,Front 3. Zeitspanne, Weile 4. Zählwort Windstoß +
B 姓名 + * * xing4ming2 surname and given name/ full name Name (Name u. Vorname) +
B + * * dui1 department/ measure word for movies 1.Teil, Abschnitt 2. Einheit, Amt, Ministerium, Abteilung 3. Kommandostelle, Führungsstab 4. befehligen, kommandieren 5. Zählwort für Bücher und Filme +
B + * * jia4 measure word for planes; etc. 1.Gestell, Gerüst, Stütze, Regal, Gerippe, Ständer 2.Zählwort, ein Fernsehapparat +
B + * * zhu1 measure word for individual plants Zählwort für einzelne Pflanzen, z.B vier Maulbeerbäume, Stamm für Bäume +
B 放心 + * * fang4 xin1 set one's mind at rest/ rest assured sich beruhigen, sich keine Sorgen machen, erleichtert sein +
B + * * du4 degree/ measure word for temperature 1. Längenmaß 2. Intensitätsgrad , Härtegrad, Dichte 3. Maßeinheit von Winkeln, Temperaturen, 4. Kilowattstunde 5. Grenze, Höhe 6. Toleranz Großherzigkeit 7. Erwägung 8. Mal 9. verbringen 10. ein Zählwort, Grad +
B + * * tuan2 group/ ball/ measure word for ball-like things 1. rund, kreisförmig 2. Knödel, Kloß, Klößchen 3. sich vereinigen, sich zusammenschließen 4.Gruppe, Einheit 5. Regiment 6. Zählwort ein Knäuel, ein Klumpen +
B + * * tao4 cover with/ measure word for sets of things 1.Hülle, Umhüllung, Gehäuse, Futteral 2.überziehen, mit einem Überzug versehen 3.als Überzug dienen 4. ineinandergreifen, übereinanderliegen 5. Flußschleife, Flußknie, anspannen, Schleife, Konvention, Satz,Reihe +
B 措施 + * * cuo4shi1 measure/ step Maßnahme +
B + * * mian4 side/ surface Zählwort für Flaggen +
B + * * mian4 side/ surface Zählwort für Flaggen +
B 奇怪 + * * qi2guai4 strange/ surprising Merkwürdig +
B 觀察 + * * guan1cha2 survey/ observe/ watch beobachten, betrachten +
B 表面 + * * biao3mian4 surface/ outside/ face/ appearance Oberfläche +
B + * * duo3 measure word for flower or cloud Zählwort für Blumen oder Wolken +
B + * * ming2 name/ (measure word for people) 1. Zählwort Name, Benennung, persönlicher Name, Rufname, Vorname 2. Ruf, Ruhm, 3. berühmt, bekannt, angesehen, +
B 確定 + * * que4ding4 make certain/ make sure/ define/ determine sicher, definitiv, bestimmt, bestimmen, ermitteln, sicher sein +
B 上面 + * * shang4mian above/ over/ on the surface of oben +
B 保證 + * * bao3zheng4 ensure/ assure/ guarantee/ promise garantieren, versichern, bürgen +
B + * * fu2 measure word for pictures; paintings; etc. 1. Breite einer Stoffbahn 2. Größe, Umfang, Format 3. Zählwort für Bilder +
B 千萬 + * * qian1wan4 must/ be sure to müssen, stelle sicher, daß +
B 調查 + * * diao4cha2 investigate/ survey/ investigation untersuchen +
B + * * hua2 1. paddle, row 2. scratch, cut the surface of 1. rudern, paddeln 2.ritzen, kratzen, aufreißen 3. sich lohnen, sich bezahlt machen siehe hua4 +
B 果然 + * * guo3ran2 as expected/ really sure enough wirklich, sicher genug, wie erwartet +
B + * * pi3 measure word for cloth 1. ebenbürtig sein, sich mit jm messen können 2.ein Zählwort für Pferde 3. Zählwort für Stoffe, ein Ballen +
B + * * wei2 beleaguer/ enclose/ surround 1. umgeben, einschließen, umkreisen, umzäunen 2. rings, ringsherum, rundum +
B 超過 + * * chao1guo4 surpass/ exceed übertreffen, übersteigen +
B 圍繞 + * * wei2rao4 round/ surround/ revolve around herum gehen, umgeben, +
B + * * shen1 body/ measure word for clothes 1. Körper, Rumpf 2. Leben 3. selbst, persönlich 4. Hauptbestandteil, Rumpf, Stamm +
C 海面 + * * hai3mian4 sea surface Meeresoberfläche +
C 含糊 + * * han2hu ambiguous/ vague/ unsure/ careless/ perfunctory zweideutig, vage, unklar +
C 投降 + * * toou3xiang2 join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken +
C 步驟 + * * bu4zhou4 step/ move/ measure Schritt,Maßnahme +
C 從容 + * * cong2rong2 leisurely/ calm/ plentiful/ sufficient/ enough ruhig, in Ruhe, ohne Eile, +
C + * * yong3 gush/ pour/ surge/ rise/ spring/ well/ emerge 1. hervorquellen, sprudeln ,fluten, strömen, 2. aufsteigen, hochsteigen, emporsteigen siehe: *chong1 +
C 生存 + * * sheng1cun2 live and persist/ subsist/ exist/ survive überstehen, überleben,existieren +
C + * * bi4 certainly/ surely/ definitely/ necessarily 1. sicher, bestimmt, unbedingt 2. müssen +
C + * * xiang1 measure word for boxes; cases; chests; trunks; etc. Kiste, Kasten, Koffer,kastenartiger Gegenstand +
C 必定 + * * bi4ding4 undoubtedly/ certainly/ surely sicher +
C 把握 + * * ba3wo4 grasp/ hold/ certainty/ assurance halten, erfassen, Gewißheit +
C 優越 + * * you1yue4 superior-surpassing/ superior/ advantageous vorteihaft, günstig +
C + * * he1 oh/ ah (to express surprise) 1. hauchen, einen Atemzug hauchend ausstoßen 2. schelten, beschimpfen Interj. Oh, Ah +
C + * * deng4 stare/ glare with displeasure die Augen weit aufmachen, auf etw starren +
C 無比 + * * wu2bi3 nothing-compare/ incomparable/ unsurpassed unvergleichlich +
C 高潮 + * * gao1chao2 high tide/ upsurge/ climax 1.Hochwasser 2. Aufschwung, Höhepunkt,Klimax +
C 剩餘 + * * sheng4yu2 remain/ have a surplus/ surplus/ remainder/ residue Rest, Überschuß +
C 猶豫 + * * you2yu4 hesitant/ irresolute/ undecided/ unsure zögern, zaudern +
C + * * zhi1 branch/ twig/ measure word for guns; pens; flowers; etc. 1. Ast, Zweig, Geäst, Astwerk 2. Zählwort, ein Gewehr, ein Blütenzweig einer Winterkirsche +
C + * * kan1 guard/ keep under surveillance/ look after/ tend sehen, schauen,denken,beurteilen, betrachten +
C 高壓 + * * gao1ya1 high-pressure/ high-voltage/ oppressive 1.Hochdruck 2. Hochspannung +
C 觀測 + * * guan1ce4 observe and survey/ observe/ watch beobachten, Beobachtung +
C 地形 + * * di4xing2 terrain/ landform/ the shape of land surface Gelände +
C 多餘 + * * duo1yu2 unnecessary/ needless/ uncalled for/ surplus überflüssig, unnötig, ungefragt +
C + * * ce4 measure/ survey/ fathom/ test/ exam 1. messen, abmessen, vermessen, schätzen, feststellen 2. vermuten, mutmaßen, erraten +
C 驚奇 + * * jing1qi2 amazed/ astonished/ surprised/ shocking strange sich wundern, erstaunen +
C 外部 + * * wai4bu4 external-part/ outside/ exterior/ surface außen,äußerlich,extern, +
C 測量 + * * ce4liang2 measure/ survey/ gauge messen, vermessen,Vermessung +
C 驚訝 + * * jing1ya4 surprised/ astonished/ astounded/ amazed beeindruckt, entzückt, überrascht +
C 說不定 + * * shuo1buding4 cannot say for sure/ maybe/ perhaps nicht sicher sagen können, vielleicht, +
C 驚異 + * * jing1yi4 surprised/ astonished/ astounded/ amazed erstaunt, verblüfft +
C 起義 + * * qi3yi4 revolt/ uprise/ rebel/ insurrection/ uprising/ rebellion Aufstand +
C 外科 + * * wai4ke1 external-department/ surgical department chirurgische Abteilung, Chirugie +
C + * * zhan3 measure word for lights 1. kleines Trinkgefäß 2. Zählwort für Lampen,Lichter +
C + * * yu2 leave/ remain/ surplus/ spare time/ beyond/ more than 1. übrig, überflüssig, verbleibend, restlich, überschüssig 2. über 3. nach, außerhalb +
C 旅游 + * * lv3you2 travel for pleasure/ tour reisen,Reisen +
C + * * zhuang1 stake/ peg/ picket/ measure word for matters/ piece 1. Pfahl, Stange,Pfeiler, Mast 2. Zählwort z.B. ein Geschäftsabschluß, eine Kleinigkeit +
C + * * ya1 pressure-force/ pressure/ overwhelming force/ stress 1. verpfänden, etwas als Pfand geben 2. jn in Haft nehmen 3. eskortieren, bewachen 4.unterschreiben, unterzeichnen, signieren, stempeln +
C 包圍 + * * bao1wei2 surround/ encircle umgeben, umkreisen, umzingeln +
C + * * wan2 measure word for pills and boluses 1. Ball, Kügelchen 2.Pille +
C + * * zhuang4 measure word for buildings Zählwort für Gebäude +
C 襲擊 + * * xi2ji1 raid-attack/ assault by surprise/ attack by surprise Überraschungsangriff, überraschend angreifen +
C 可笑 + * * ke3xiao4 laughable/ ridiculous/ absurd/ funny lächerlich +
C 氣壓 + * * qi4ya1 air pressure/ atmospheric pressure Luftdruck +
C 四周 + * * si4zhou1 surround in four directions/ on all sides/ all around in vier Richtungen umzingeln, auf allen Seiten, vollständig herum +
C 保險 + * * bao3xian3 safe/ be sure/ insurance Versicherung, sicher, +
C 保障 + * * bao3zhang4 ensure/ guarantee/ protection Schutz, versichern, garantieren, sicherstellen, sichern +
C + * * jing4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1.vollenden,beenden 2. endlich, schließlich 3. gegen jede Erwartung, unerwartet 4. so weit gehen, daß, sogar +
C + * * bao3 precious things/ treasure 1. Schatz, Wertsachen, Kleinod 2. kostbar, wertvoll, edel 3.(alt) Anrede-Attribut für Damen +
C 竟然 + * * jing4ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to unerwartet, überraschend, so weit gehen, daß.. +
C + * * sou1 measure word for ships or boats ein Zählwort für Schiffe oder Boote +
C 盤地 + * * pen2di4 basin/ area surrounded by land of higher elevation Becken +
C 心愛 + * * xin1'ai4 heartfelt-love/ loved/ treasured/ precious/ dear geliebt, Lieblings- +
C + * * ding3 measure word for caps; hats; tents; etc. Zählwort für Mützen, Hüte, Zelte etc. +
C + * * fan1 time/ kind/ sort/ measure word for abstract things ein Zählwort Mal (für Handlungen) +
C + * * ji4 measuring device/ idea/ plan/ consider/ count 1.rechnen, zählen, kalkulieren 2. Messer, Zähler 3. Plan, List, Intrige +
C 居然 + * * ju1ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1. unerwartet, gegen jede Erwartung 2. ausgerechnet, soweit gehen +
C 自信 + * * zi4xin4 self-trust/ be self-confident/ be self-assured/ confident Selbstvertrauen, Selbsicherheit +
C + * * hai1 an interjection to express sadness; regret; or surprise Interj. Ausdruck des Bedauerns, Seufzens +
C 不料 + * * bu2liao4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise unerwartet, zur eigenen Überraschung +
C 難怪 + * * nan2guai4 it's difficult to blame/ it's hardly a surprise/ no wonder nicht verwunderlich +
C 珍惜 + * * zhen1xi1 value-cherish/ treasure/ value/ cherish hochschätzen, achten +
D + * * ju4 measure word 1. Gebrauchsgegenstand, Gerät, Zeug ,Werkzeug 2. Zählwort für Gerätschaften 3. haben, besitzen +
D 奔騰 + * * ben1teng2 gallop/ surge forward galoppieren, brauend vorwärts strömen +
D + * * mei2 measure word for medal 1. (Nf) Medaille, Münze, Abzeichen, Zählwort +
D + * * dong4 measure word for building Zählwort für Gebäude +
D 洶涌 + * * xiong1yong3 surge/ popple (turbulent) in xiong1yong3 reißend, tosend, aufwallend, stürmisch +
D 猜測 + * * cai1ce4 guess/ surmise Vermutung, vermuten, mutmaßen +
D 穩當 + * * wen3dang sure/ steady sicher, verläßlich +
D 軍醫 + * * jun1yi1 military surgeon Militärarzt +
D 必將 + * * bi4jian1 surely unvermeidlich +
D 斷定 + * * duan4ding4 be sure/ figure out eine Schlußfolgerung ziehen,behaupten, feststellen +
D 密封 + * * mi4feng1 pressurize verschließen, versiegeln, luftdicht, hermetisch verschlossen +
D 普查 + * * pu3cha2 general survey allgemeine Untersuchung, umfassende Erkundungen +
D 對策 + * * dui4ce4 countermeasure Gegenmaßnahme +
D 造反 + * * zao4 fan3 rebel/ insurgence rebellieren, Rebellion, Revolte +
D 路面 + * * lu4mian4 road surface Fahrbahndecke, Straßenbelag, Straßenpflaster +
D 測定 + * * ce4ding4 determine/ measure entscheiden +
D 測算 + * * ce4suan4 survey/ measure Berechnung +
D 務必 + * * wu4bi4 must/ be sure to unbedingt, auf jeden Fall, unter allen Umständen +
D 血壓 + * * xue4ya1 blood pressure Blutdruck +
D 大氣壓 + * * da4qi4ya1 atmospheric pressure Luftdruck +
D + * * ji1 stimulate/ surge 1. aufprallen, gegen etw schlagen (oder stoßen) 2. erregen, anreizen, anstacheln, hervorrufen, entfachen 3. heftig, bitter,gewaltig, ungestüm +
D 理直氣壯 + * * li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice mit vollem Recht, mit Fug und Recht +
D 確保 + * * que4bao3 insure garantieren, sichern, gewährleisten +
D 寶庫 + * * bao3ku4 treasure-house Schatzkammer +
D 擔保 + * * dan1bao3 assure/ hypothecate für jn,etwas bürgen +
D 熱潮 + * * re4chao2 upsurge Aufschwung +
D 國庫券 + * * guo2ku4quan4 treasury bill Schatzanweisung +
D 暴動 + * * bao4dong4 insurrection/ rebel rebellieren, Rebellion +
D 譴責 + * * qian3ze2 condemn/ accuse/ censure verurteilen, brandmarken, tadeln +
D 視察 + * * shi4cha2 survey eine Inspektion durchführen,inspizieren +
D 超越 + * * chao1yue4 exceed/ surpass übersteigen, übertreffen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
204 确定 我们 已经 迷路 + I'm sure we're lost. Ich bin sicher, daß wir uns schon verlaufen haben.
216 小路 不平 + The surface of this path is uneven. Die kleine Straße ist uneben.
398 地球 表面 + This is the surface of the earth. Dies ist die Erdoberfläche.
699 贵姓 + What's your surname please? Wie ist ihr (werter) Name?
708 房子 周围 草地 + The house is surrounded by lawn. Das Haus ist umgeben von einer Grünfläche.
795 测量 木板 长度 + He's measuring the length of the wooden board. Er misst die Länge des Holzbretts.
839 我们 客户 进行 问卷 调查 + We did a survey of our clients. Wir haben mit unseren Kunden eine Fragebogenaktion gemacht.
959 我们 推销 保险 + He is selling insurance to us. Er verkauft uns eine Versicherung. (oder: propagieren, anpreisen)
992 湖面 平静 + The lake surface is very calm. Die Oberfläche des Sees ist sehr ruhig.
1141 承受 工作 压力 + He's under a lot of pressure at work. Er steht unter einem großen Arbeitsdruck.
1202 竟然 打电话 + What a surprise that you should call me. Was für eine Überraschung, dass Du mich anrufst!
1241 孩子 妈妈 宝贝 + Children are their mothers' treasures. Das Kind ist Mamas Schatz.
1242 罕见 宝物 + This is a rarely-seen treasure. Dies ist ein selten zu sehender Schatz.
1285 周围 环境 宁静 + The surroundings are very quiet. Die Umgebung ist ruhig.
1314 海面 落日 映照 金色 + The setting sun shone on the sea's surface, turning it golden. Die untergehende Sonne bestrahlt das Meer und färbt es in Gold.
1339 面临 工作 压力 + She's under a lot of pressure at work. Sie steht unter großem Arbeitsdruck.
1451 腰围 + He's measuring my waist. Er misst meine Taille.
1485 把握 + I'm very sure about how to deal with this matter. Ich bin mir sehr sicher, wie man diese Sache behandelt.
1516 金字塔 埃及 国家 宝藏 + The pyramids are Egyptian national treasures. Die Pyramiden sind nationale Kulturdenkmäler Ägyptens.
1558 警方 投降 + He has surrendered to the police.
1656 血压 + She's having her blood pressure taken.
1737 姐姐 丈量 身高 + He's measuring his older sister's height.
1784 他们 生活 悠闲 + They're living a leisurely life.
1991 珍惜 盒子 + He treasures this box very much.
2019 外科 领域 专家 + He's an expert at surgery.
2054 美好 爱情 珍惜 + A beautiful love is worth treasuring.
2286 服药 掌握好 剂量 + Make sure that you have the correct dosage when taking medicine.
2302 男孩 水面 + The little boy is floating on the surface of water.
2956 压扁 + The ball deflated under pressure.
3010 + My surname is Ge.
3098 海里 掀起 巨浪 + The ocean is surging with huge waves.
3205 人群 湧入 车站 + The crowd surged into the train station.
3220 他们 谘询 保险 方面 问题 + They're inquiring about insurance.
3408 荒谬 + What you're saying is absurd.
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席 + There sure are a lot of rich people these days. Even in this kind of upscale restaurant, there's not a single empty seat.
3665 这种 药草 提炼 出来 精华 治疗 高血压 有效 + The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.
3723 老师 鼓励 学生 超越 自我 + The teacher encourages his students to surpass themselves.
3765 为了 保证 安全 驾驶 摩托车 一定 帽盔 + To ensure safety, motorbike riders must wear helmets. Um für Sicherheit zu sorgen, muss man beim Motorradfahren unbedingt einen Helm tragen.
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
xing4 + surname / family name
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
Bu4 yong4xie4 + you are welcome / my pleasure
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
bu4 xie4 + you are welcome / my pleasure
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
Wang2 + Wang (surname)
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
Zhang1 + Zhang (surname)
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
Li3 + Li (Surname)
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
Guo1 + Guo surname
Lesson 013. My Family.
yi1ding4 + for sure
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
liang2 + to measure
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
liang2 yi1fu + to measure cloth
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
liang2 ti3wen1 + to measure the temperature / to take temperature
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
dang1ran2 + of course / sure
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
mei2cuo4 + right / correct / I'm quite sure.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
wai4ke1 + surgical department
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Ni3 jue2ding4 ma? + Are you sure?
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
ke3bushi4 + exactly / to be sure it is
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il ne rêve que d’argent et de plaisirs + he only dreams of money and pleasure

l’énergie solaire assurait leur survie + solar energy assured their survival

je suis sûr qu’elle est en vie + I’m sure she’s alive

il provient sûrement d’une excellente famille + he surely comes from an excellent family

j’accepte avec plaisir votre aimable invitation + I accept with pleasure your kind invitation

dans des situations aussi difficiles, il faut trancher + in such difficult situations, drastic measures must be taken

le contrat assure une pension à l’époux survivant + the contract guarantees a pension to the surviving spouse

on ignore notamment si des gendarmes figurent parmi les victimes + at the moment it’s unsure whether policemen are among the victims

cette petite note, je la conserve comme un trésor + this little note I keep like a treasure

la guérilla n’est pas à l’origine de la violence + the insurgency isn’t the source of the violence

vous en employez beaucoup, de ces intellos gonflants + you sure employ a lot of these stuffy eggheads

quel plaisir d’avoir des parents cultivés + what a pleasure to have cultured relatives

cette pression fait partie de la négociation + this pressure is part of the negotiation

ça ne justifie pas la mesure extrême + that doesn’t justify the extreme measures taken

mon garçon, parfois tu me surprends + my son, sometimes you surprise me

la réalité va au-delà des concepts + reality surpasses concepts

le fonds de l’assurance-emploi enregistre un surplus + unemployment insurance funds have recorded a surplus

un seul bateau de pêche a survécu à la tourmente + only one fishing boat survived the tempest

il ne sait que faire pour survivre + he doesn’t know what to do to survive

la rapidité de cette évolution n’est pas surprenante + the swiftness of this evolution is not surprising

elle le surprend en pleine réflexion + she surprised him as he was deep in thought

il a survécu uniquement avec la diète anticancéreuse + he only survived via the anti-cancer diet

l’économie mondiale a surpassé toutes les prévisions + the global economy surpassed all predictions

nous pouvons bien survivre sans manger du poisson + we can survive very well without eating fish

tout mon argent sert à payer l’assurance médicale + all my money goes to pay medical insurance

le financement de cet achat est assuré + the financing of this purchase is assured

les caméras de surveillance l’ont bien vue + the surveillance cameras sure saw it

les eaux de surface sont très chaudes + the surface water is very hot

quelqu’un a sûrement besoin d’aide + someone surely needs help

j’étais plutôt content, c’était la bonne surprise + I was rather pleased – that was a nice surprise

on aime varier les plaisirs. varier, c’est bon + we like to vary our pleasures. change is good

elle cultive le goût des petits plaisirs + she cultivates a taste for simple pleasures

on ignore ce qui a déclenché la violence + we’re unsure who unleashed the violence

on aurait sûrement des images satellites animées + we must surely have animated satellite imagery

franchement, cela ne m’étonne pas + frankly that doesn’t surprise me

la séquence s’intitulera «Cinq minutes pour survivre» + the sequence was entitled “Five minutes of survival”

il refuse de privilégier les insurgés cubains! + he refuses to legitimize the Cuban insurgents

mes yeux parcoururent cet horizon désert + my eyes surveyed this desert horizon

cela semble tout à fait absurde + this seems completely absurd

personnellement, ces mesures ne me choquent pas + personally, these measures don’t shock me

je veux m’assurer que cela devienne illégal + I want to be sure that this becomes illegal

comment survivre à une attaque atomique? + how can one survive an atomic attack?

je peux calculer vos chances de survie + I can calculate your chances for survival

l’accusé devra remettre son passeport + the accused must surrender his passport

je dresse des chevaux dans mes loisirs + I groom horses in my leisure time

l’optimisme est en revanche de rigueur dans les assurances + on the other hand optimism is mandatory in insurance dealings

je fumerai bien une cigarette + I would sure like to smoke a cigarette

le contraire aurait été moins surprenant + the opposite would have been less surprising

il y a des pressions structurelles dans le système de santé + there are structural pressures in the health system

quelque 1.800 caméras de surveillance équipent les gares + the train stations are equipped with some 1,800 surveillance cameras

t’es complètement obsédé par un trésor + you’re completely obsessed by a treasure

s’il y a des surplus, je les prends + if there’s a surplus, I’ll take them

la compagnie d’assurance me remboursera de toute manière + anyway, the insurance company will reimburse me

nous savons que l’excédent va cesser d’augmenter + we know that the surplus will stop increasing

on n’a trouvé que 2 survivants pour l’instant + so far only 2 survivors have been found

vous avez l’air surpris de me voir + you seem surprised to see me

seize missiles air-sol ont visé cette base + sixteen surface-to-air missles were aimed at this base

j’en suis soucieux mais non surpris + I’m worried about it but not surprised

il faudra prendre des mesures appropriées + appropriate measures must be taken

je me retournai brusquement, surpris de son silence + I turned around suddenly, surprised by her silence

cela permettait aussi de ménager la surprise + it also enabled arranging the surprise

on peut se féliciter du renforcement des mesures pour la formation + we can be proud of strengthening the measures for training

j’en ai déduit de façon certaine que je l’avais perdue + I figured out for sure that I had lost it

il fut surpris de l’étendue de son savoir + he was surprised at the extent of her knowledge

il était nécessaire de réformer l’ancien système d’assurance-chômage + it was necessary to reform the old unemployment insurance system

il a joué un rôle déterminant lors du coup d’Etat + he played a crucial role during the insurrection

je me surprenais à pleurer sans cause apparente + I surprised myself by weeping without any apparent cause

quelles mesures de conservation peuvent être prises + what conservation measures can be taken

les manifestants ont fait monter la pression + the protesters increased the pressure

sans humour, tu ne survis pas + without humor, you don’t survive

il s’agirait du premier déploiement de missiles sol-air + it would be the first deployment of surface-to-air missiles

j’arriverai à concilier plaisir et nécessité + I managed to reconcile pleasure and duty

c’est rassurant des bruits de cuisine + kitchen sounds are reassuring

il naviguait sur Internet en quête de sujets scientifiques + he surfed the Internet looking for science topics

c’est typique. cela ne m’étonne pas + it’s typical. that doesn’t surprise me

il est sûrement fâché contre moi + he’s surely upset with me

nous devons conjointement exercer une pression + we must exert pressure together

la thèse se discute, assurément + the argument is most assuredly being discussed

une surprise amère l’attend + a bitter surprise awaits her

je vous demande concrètement si vous allez prendre des mesures sérieuses + I ask you concretely if you are going to take serious measures

mais il est enchanté de me voir, hein? + he’s sure delighted to see me, eh?

les chirurgiens disent qu’il n’a pas souffert + the surgeons say he didn’t suffer

le plasma reste confiné à la surface du solide + the plasma remains confined to the surface of the solid

les céréales sont le premier solde excéden- taire de la France + cereals are the leading surplus commodity of France
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