VNEN già * old * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich bin erkältet. I have a cold. Tôi bị cảm lạnh.
die Wurst cold meat/sausage thịt nguội / xúc xích
Ich hätte gerne 100 Gramm Wurst. I would like 100 grams of cold meat. Tôi muốn 100 gram thịt nguội.
Mein Baby ist drei Monate alt. My baby is three months old. Con tôi ba tháng tuổi.
Mein Baby ist drei Monate alt. My baby is three months old. Con tôi ba tháng tuổi.
Mir ist kalt. I'm cold. Tôi lạnh.
Ich erstelle einen Ordner. I'm creating a folder. Tôi đang tạo một thư mục.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Mùa đông lạnh. The winter is cold. Der Winter ist kalt.
Trời lạnh. It is cold. Es ist kalt.
Hôm nay trời lạnh. It is cold today. Es ist kalt heute.
Bạn hãy đi vào khu phố cổ. Go to the old city. Gehen Sie in die Altstadt.
Thức ăn nguội rồi. The food is cold. Das Essen ist kalt.
Khu phố cổ ở đâu? Where is the old city? Wo ist die Altstadt?
Toà nhà này xây bao lâu rồi? How old is the building? Wie alt ist das Gebäude?
Nước này lạnh quá. The water is too cold. Das Wasser ist zu kalt.
Đang là mùa đông và lạnh. It is winter and it is cold. Es ist Winter und es ist kalt.
già và trẻ old and young alt und jung
Ông của chúng tôi rất già. Our grandfather is very old. Unser Großvater ist sehr alt.
Nó lạnh. It is cold. Er ist kalt.
Tôi không uống, bởi vì nó lạnh. I’m not drinking it because it is cold. Ich trinke ihn nicht, weil er kalt ist.
Một bà già an old lady eine alte Frau
Một bà già sống ở trên đó. An old lady lives at the top. Da oben wohnt eine alte Frau.
Rượu vang này chắc cũ rồi. The wine is definitely old. Der Wein ist sicher alt.
Tôi đoán rằng nó cũ rồi. I think that it is old. Ich vermute, dass er alt ist.
Tôi không ngửi thấy gì nếu tôi bị chứng sổ mũi. I can’t smell anything when I have a cold. Ich rieche nichts, wenn ich Schnupfen habe.
Càng già, càng thấy thoải mái. The older one gets, the more complacent one gets. Je älter man wird, desto bequemer wird man.
Ông ấy già lắm rồi. Ông ấy chín mươi tám tuổi. + He's a very old man. He's ninety-eight (98) years old.
Cậu bao nhiêu tuổi? + How old are you?
Tôi hai mươi tuổi. + I'm twenty (20) years old.
Tay tôi đang lạnh. + My hands are cold.
Cô bao nhiêu tuổi? + How old are you?
Trong phòng cậu có lạnh không? + Is it cold in your room?
Hassan bao nhiêu tuổi? + How old is Hassan?
Mấy đứa nhà cậu bao nhiêu tuổi? + How old are your children?
Cậu bao nhiêu tuổi? + How old are you?
Cô ấy bao nhiêu tuổi? + How old is she?
Hôm nay trời có lạnh không? - Không lạnh. + Is it cold today? — No, it isn't.
Tay cậu có lạnh không? - Không. + Are your hands cold? — No, they aren't.
Trời đâu có lạnh. + It's not cold.
Hôm nay trời đẹp nhưng hôm qua trời lạnh. + Today the weather's nice, but yesterday it was very cold.
Ông của Cecilia chết lúc ông ấy chín mươi tuổi. + Cecilia's grandfather died when he was ninety (90) years old.
Cặp đôi cao tuổi, đã ở trong công viên đi dạo. + The old couple were in the park taking a walk.
Nadya từng có một cây dương cầm, nhưng cô ấy đã bán nó cách giá vài năm. + Nadya used to have a piano, but she sold it a few years ago.
Cậu có xe hơi không? Không, tôi từng có một cái nhưng tôi đã bán nó rỗi. + Do you have a car? No, I used to have one, but I sold it.
Tôi đã sống ở Chicago, từ khi tôi mười tuổi. + I've lived in Chicago since I was ten (10) years old.
Ichirou đã chơi đàn từ khi anh ấy bảy tuổi + Ichirou's played the piano since he was seven (7) years old.
Cậu đã báo tin vui cho các bạn của cậu chưa? Cậu có báo tin vui cho các bạn của cậu không? + Have you told your friends the good news? > Did you tell your friends the good news?
Tùng có biết là cậu đi vắng không? - Không, tôi chưa bảo cậu ấy. + Does Yannick know that you're going away? — No, I haven't told him yet.
Cậu đã nói với bố cậu về vụ tai nạn chưa? + Have you told your father about the accident yet?
Kiến Hao và Nhã Linh chưa nói với ai là họ đã cưới nhau. + Geonho and Ayeong haven't told anyone they're getting married yet.
Victor đã muốn bán xe hơi của anh ấy. Hỏi anh ấy xem anh ấy đã bán xe hơi của anh ấy chưa. + Victor was trying to sell his car. Ask him if he has sold his car yet.
Tem được bán ở bưu điện. + Stamps are sold at the post office.
bộ phim này có được bao nhiêu năm rồi? - Nó được làm từ năm 1965. + How old is this movie? — It was made in nineteen sixty-fi (1965).
Những ngôi nhà này bao nhiêu tuổi? Chúng dược xây lúc nào? + How old are these houses? When were they built?
+ This is a very old photograph. It was taken a long time ago.
Cậu đã kể với Herman về công việc mới của cậu chưa? + Have you told Herman about your new job?
Tất cả vé của buổi hòa nhạc đã được bán rất nhanh. + All the tickets for the concert were sold very quickly.
Để miếng bánh mì cũ trên đường. Lũ chứa chim sẽ ăn nó. + Leave the old bread in the yard. The birds will eat it.
Hôm nay trời lạnh. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ không ra ngoài. + It's cold today. I don't think I'll go out.
Tối sắp mua xe hơi mới. Tuần trước, anh ấy kể với tôi. + Yoshi's going to buy a new car. He told me last week.
Cậu bị cảm và sốt à? Khổ thân! Cậu hẳn là khó chịu lắm. + You have a cold and a fever? Poor thing! You must feel awful.
Leopold không nên đi ngủ muộn thế. + Leopold shouldn't go to bed so late.
Trời đang lạnh. Mình đừng ra ngoài nữa. Ở nhà đi. + It's cold. Let's not go out. Let's stay home.
Bedford không phải một thị trấn cũ. Không có toà nhà nào kiến trúc cả. + Bedford isn't an old town. There aren't any old buildings.
Có giá thường lạnh nhưng không có nhiều mưa. + It's often cold here, but there isn't much rain.
Cô ấy bảo tôi rằng sang năm cô ấy muốn đi Nam Mĩ. > Cô ấy bảo tôi rằng sang năm cô ấy muốn đi Nam Mĩ. + She told me that she wants to go to South America next year. — She told me that she wanted to go to South America next year.
Bác sĩ bảo tôi ở trên giường một vài ngày. + The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days.
Tôi bảo Luciđừng hét. + I told Lucien not to shout.
Noboru đã mất nhiều thời gian chuẩn bị nên tôi đã bảo anh ấy nhanh lên. + Noboru was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to hurry up.
Liliane lo lắng về tình hình nên tôi bảo cô ấy thư giãn và nghĩ thoáng hơn. + Lilianne was nervous about the situation, so I told her to relax and take it easy.
Cậu bao nhiêu tuổi khi cậu học lái xe? + How old were you when you learned to drive?
Tôi được bảo rằng tôi không nên tin bất cứ điều gì anh ấy nói. > Tôi được cảnh báo rằng đừng tin bất cứ điều gì anh ấy nói. + I was told that I shouldn't believe everything he says. — I was warned not to believe anything he says.
Trời bắt đầu trở lạnh và anh ấy hối hận vì không mặc áo khoác. + It began to get cold, and he regretted not wearing his coat.
Cậu sẽ nói với Vladimir về chuyện đã xả ra hay cậu muốn tôi nói với anh ấy hơn? - Không, tôi sẽ nói. + Are you going to tell Vladimir what happened or would you rather I told him? — No, I'll tell him.
Tôi đã mặc quần áo ấm để tôi không thấy lạnh. + I put on warmer clothes so I wouldn't feel cold.
Một người đàn ông mà ba mươi tuổi là một người đàn ông ba mươi tuổi. + A man who is thirty (30) years old is a thirty-year-old man.
Tôi đã được bảo là có người gặp tôi ở vịnh nhưng không có ao cả. + I was told that there'd be someone to meet me at the airport, but there wasn't.
Tất cả vá đã được bán. Không còn sót vé nào. + All the tickets have been sold. There are none left.
Tôi thích những người tôi làm cùng. + What's the name of that hotel you told me about?
Tôi đã đến gặp bác sĩ, người mà bảo tôi nghỉ ngơi vài ngày. + I went to see the doctor, who told me to rest for a few days.
Họ còn qua trẻ để kết hôn. > Họ không đủ lớn để kết hôn. + They're too young to get married. — They're not old enough to get married.
Con cả anh ấy mười sáu tuổi. + His eldest son is sixteen (16) years old.
Khi tôi nói với họ kế hoạch của tôi, họ nhìn tôi cứ như là tôi bị điên. + When I told them my plan, they looked at me as though I was crazy.
Tất cả các thông tin liên hệ của tôi đều nằm trên danh thiếp của tôi nhưng cách dễ nhất để liên lạc với tôi là bằng thư điện tử hoặc điện thoại di động. + All of my contact information is on my business card, but it's easiest to get ahold of me BY email or cellphone.
Cô ấy bảo tôi là cô ấy sẽ đến tối nay. - Cậu chắc chứ? + She told me she's arriving tonight. — Are you sure of it?
Cảnh sát chĩa súng vào người bị tình nghi và bảo anh ta nằm xuống đất. + The police pointed their guns at the suspect and told him to lie on the ground.
Ông tôi đã chín mươi tuổi và cần người chăm sóc ông. Nên chúng tôi thay phiên nhau trông ông. + My grandfather is already ninety (90) years old and needs somebody to care for him, so we take turns looking after him.
Cậu làm tôi nhớ lại sự ân cần của mẹ tôi. + My father heard from an old friend in high school last night.
Họ mặc áo ấm để bảo vệ họ khỏi cái lạnh. + They wore warm clothes to protect themselves from the cold.
Tôi xin lỗi, cuốn sách mà cậu đang tìm không có trong kho. Tất cả đã bán hết rồi. + I'm sorry, the book you're looking for isn't in stock. It's all sold out.
Một số ngôi nhà cũ bị đập bỏ để lấy chỗ phát triển nhà ở mới. Chủ của những ngôi nhà ấy đã cố gắng biểu tình nhưng không được tích sự gì. + Some old houses were torn down to make room for a new housing development. The owners of the houses tried to protest, but it was to no avail.
Vài người đàn ông đã tức giận với Jack trong quán rượu và Jack đã bảo họ là anh ấy không sợ đối đầu với họ. + Several men got angry with Jack in the bar and Jack told them he wasn't afraid to take them on.

Anh ấy mua một cái bàn cũ. + He buys an old table.

Một tờ báo cũ + An old newspaper

+ old

Bạn nghĩ cô ấy bao nhiêu tuổi? + How old do you think she is?

Anh trai và chị gái + The older brother and the older sister

Anh tôi không đánh giá cao sự cố gắng của tôi. + My older brother does not appreciate my efforts.

Họ giàu vì họ xuất khẩu vàng. + They are rich because they export gold.

Anh trai của tôi luôn dậy sau tôi. + My older brother always gets up after me.

Nước lạnh hay nóng? + Is the water cold or hot?

Bên ngoài rất lạnh. + It is very cold outside.

lạnh + cold

Cả họ và tôi đều thích vàng. + Both they and me like gold.

vàng + gold

Anh ấy sẽ đầu tư vào thị trường vàng. + He will invest in the gold market.

thị trường vàng + gold market

Những đứa trẻ muốn phát huy truyền thống của mình. + The children want to uphold their tradition.

phát huy + uphold

lính + soldier

Những người lính không thể nhắm. + The soldiers cannot take aim.

Những người lính đang bắt đầu đổ bộ. + The soldiers are starting to land.

Những người lính đã cố thủ để bảo vệ thủ đô. + The soldiers stood their ground to protect the capital.

Chúng tôi đã rất sợ khi anh ấy nói chochúng tôi về lời nguyền của anh ấymặc dù chúng tôi đã biết đó  + We were very afraid when he told us about his curse, although we knew that

Cô ấy luôn lạnh lùng với tôi. + She is always cold to me.

lạnh lùng + cold

Tôi luôn muốn gắt gỏng một ai đó mỗi khi tôi nghĩ về con khỉ đó. + I always wants to scold someone whenever I think about that monkey.

gắt gỏng + scold

Anh ấy sẽ bị trúng gió trong thời tiết lạnh. + He will be sick in cold weather

lạnh lùng + cold

Anh có thuốc nào chữa bệnh rộp môi? + Have you got anything for cold sores.

Bạn có thể giới thiệu thuốc nào chữa cảm không? + Can you recommend anything for a cold?

Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi rồi.? + How old are you.

Tôi nghĩ đã có một tai nạn đang làm tắc nghẽn giao thông. + I think there is an accident that is holding up traffic.

Bạn có nhớ tôi đã nói vơi bạn vào đâu tuần này không? + Remember I told you earlier this week?

Ông tôi khá già. + My grandfather is quite old.

Chị gái tôi có một đứa ở tuổi mới biết đi, 2 tuổi. + My sister has a toddler who is a two-year old.

Có ấy có một đứa nhỏ được 6 tháng tuổi. + She has a baby who is 6 months old.

Ông là một người ở độ tuổi vể hưu. + He is an old age pensioner.

Để xem ai chịu ai nhé + Let's see which one of us can hold out longer

Vâng, tôi vừa trình bày với các bạn về phần ... + Well, I've told you about …

Tôi 28 tuổi. + I am 28 years old.

bằng thạc sĩ ngành Ngân ngữ Hiện đại Đại học New York + I hold a master's degree (MA) in Modern Languages from the University of New York.

bằng cử nhân ngành Ngân ngữ Hiện đại Đại học New York + I hold a bachelor's degree (BA) in Modern Languages from the University of New York.

Tôi bị cảm rất nặng + I have a terrible cold

Cậu vẫn chứng nào tật nấy + Same old you

Quân nhân + Soldier

Cảm lạnh + Cold

Có mới nới cũ + New one in, old one out

Vẻ đẹp là ở con mắt kẻ si tình + Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Hết hàng + Sold out

vòi nước lạnh + cold water faucet

Tôi đa nói với bạn nhiều lần rồi + If told you upteen times.
GNOT Spatial • temperature cold +
kept cold, refrigerated ướp lạnh +
GNOT Spatial • temperature cold +
GNOT Spatial • temperature to get cold/hot/warm +
Sapa is very cold in Winter. Vào mùa đông Sapa rắt lạnh. +
GNOT Qualitative • age I am… (years old) tuổi +
GNOT Qualitative • age a(n) X year old boy/girl +
GNOT Qualitative • age How old are you (is he/she etc.)? +
GNOT Qualitative • age old già +
GNOT Qualitative • age old age +
GNOT Qualitative • material gold +
SNOT first child, oldest child con cả +
to organize / to hold tổ chức +
When does Dalat hold the flower festival? Khi nào Đà Lạt tổ chức lễ hội hoa? +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc. old +
SNOT Relations with other people • war and peace soldier +
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents to have a cold +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-1. Person Exercise 1-1-1 Alter (old) age
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-13 alt old
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-1 Schnupfen cold
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-8 sich erkälten to catch a cold   (erkältet, erkältete, hat erkältet)
3-1. Verben Exercise 3-1-9 fassen 1. to grasp, 2. to seize, to arrest, 3. to comprehend, 4. to put into words, 5. to hold, 6. to compose oneself   (fasst, fasste, hat gefasst)
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-2 Seniorenheim old people's home
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-1 Haushalt household, budget
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-5 kalt cold
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-10 Stau 1. traffic jam, 2. hold-up, 3. accumulation
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-12 Halt stop, hold
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-17 halten 1. to hold, 2. to keep, 3. to stop   (hält, hielt, hat gehalten)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-18 fett 1. fat, 2. overweight, 3. bold
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-2 Gold gold
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-14 vertreten 1. to stand in for, 2. to hold a view, 3. to represent   (vertritt, vertrat, hat vertreten)
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-6 festhalten 1. to hold on to, 2. to record, 3. to stick to   (hält fest, hielt fest, hat festgehalten)
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-7 Soldat soldier   (n-Dekl.)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-4 aufhalten to stop, to hold up, to delay   (hält auf, hielt auf, hat aufgehalten)
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-5 schimpfen 1. to scold, 2. to tell off, 3. to curse, swear   (schimpft, schimpfte, hat geschimpft)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-4 Wir wohnen in einem alten Haus.  + wohnen We live in an old house.  Chúng ta sống trong một ngôi nhà cổ.
Exercise 1-5 Heidelberg ist eine alte Stadt.  + Stadt Heidelberg is an old city.  Heidelberg là một thành phố cổ.
Exercise 1-8 Ich kann heute nicht singen, ich bin erkältet.  + singen* I can't sing today, I have a cold.  Tôi không thể hát ngày hôm nay, tôi bị cảm.
Exercise 2-7 Mein Mann hat mir schon viel von Ihnen erzählt.  + erzählen My husband's told me a lot about you.  Chồng tôi nói với tôi rất nhiều về bạn.
Exercise 2-7 Wer hat dir davon erzählt?  + erzählen Who told you about this?  Ai đã nói với bạn về điều này?
Exercise 2-9 Mein Bruder ist jetzt fünfzehn Jahre alt.  + sein* My brother is now fifteen years old.  Anh tôi bây giờ mười lăm tuổi.
Exercise 2-9 Mir ist kalt.  + sein* I'm cold.  Tôi lạnh.
Exercise 2-9 Wie alt sind Sie?  + alt How old are you?  Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?
Exercise 2-9 Ich bin 20 Jahre alt.  + alt I'm 20 years old.  Tôi 20 tuổi.
Exercise 2-9 Maria ist eine alte Freundin von mir.  + alt Maria is an old friend of mine.  Maria là một người bạn cũ của tôi.
Exercise 2-9 Er ist alt geworden.  + alt He's grown old.  Anh ấy đã già rồi.
Exercise 2-9 Dafür ist sie zu alt. + alt She's too old for that. Cô ấy quá già vì điều đó.
Exercise 3-3 Thomas ist 16 Jahre alt.  + Jahr Thomas is 16 years old.  Thomas đã 16 tuổi.
Exercise 3-7 Rico hat mir gesagt, dass er auch zur Party kommt.  + dass Rico told me he's coming to the party, too.  Rico nói với tôi rằng anh ấy cũng đến dự bữa tiệc.
Exercise 3-9 Es wird kalt.  + werden* It's getting cold.  Bắt đầu lạnh.
Exercise 3-9 Ich habe morgen Geburtstag. – Wie alt wirst du denn?  + werden* It's my birthday tomorrow. How old are you going to be?  Đó là ngày sinh nhật của tôi vào ngày mai. Bạn sẽ bao nhiêu tuổi?
Exercise 4-3 Meine Oma ist achtzig Jahre alt geworden.  + Oma My grandmother is eighty years old.  Bà tôi đã tám mươi tuổi.
Exercise 4-5 Der Januar ist normalerweise der kälteste Monat. + Monat January is usually the coldest month. Tháng Một thường là tháng lạnh nhất.
Exercise 4-5 Der Winter ist die kalte Jahreszeit.  + Jahreszeit Winter is the cold season.  Mùa đông là mùa lạnh.
Exercise 5-5 Meine Mutter hat alles, was ihr lieb und teuer war, verkauft.  + lieb  My mother sold everything she loved and loved.  Mẹ tôi bán mọi thứ mà bà ấy yêu và yêu.
Exercise 5-6 Es ist kalt heute.  + kalt It's cold today.  Hôm này trời lạnh.
Exercise 5-6 Du hast ja ganz kalte Hände.  + kalt You've got cold hands.  Bạn có bàn tay lạnh.
Exercise 5-6 Das Mittagessen ist kalt geworden.  + kalt Lunch has become cold.  Ăn trưa đã trở nên lạnh.
Exercise 5-6 Abends essen wir immer kalt.  + kalt In the evening we always eat cold.  Vào buổi tối chúng ta luôn luôn cảm thấy lạnh.
Exercise 5-6 Wir hatten einen kalten Winter.  + kalt We had a cold winter.  Chúng tôi đã có một mùa đông lạnh.
Exercise 5-6 Mir ist kalt. Mach bitte die Heizung an.  + kalt I'm cold. Turn on the heater, please.  Tôi lạnh. Bật lò sưởi, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 5-6 Das lässt mich kalt.  + kalt That leaves me cold.  Điều đó khiến tôi lạnh.
Exercise 5-8 Letztes Ostern war es noch recht kalt.  + Ostern Last Easter it was still quite cold.  Lễ Phục Sinh cuối cùng vẫn còn khá lạnh.
Exercise 5-9 Die Wohnung kostet 700 Euro Miete. - Warm oder kalt?  + warm The flat costs 700 Euro rent. Warm or cold?  Chi phí thuê căn hộ bằng 700 Euro. Ấm hay lạnh?
Exercise 6-1 Warten Sie bitte einen Moment.  + Moment Hold on a moment, please.  Giữ một lát, làm ơn.
Exercise 6-3 Es ist fraglich, ob sie es ihm gesagt hat.  + ob It's doubtful if she told him.  Không nghi ngờ gì nếu cô ấy nói với anh ta.
Exercise 6-4 Wer hat dir das bloß gesagt?  + wer Who told you that?  Ai nói với bạn rằng?
Exercise 6-7 Diese alten Möbel haben wir für 100 Euro bekommen.  + für This old furniture we got for 100 Euro.  Điều này cũ đồ nội thất chúng tôi đã nhận cho 100 Euro.
Exercise 7-6 Das Essen ist kalt geworden.  + Essen The food's cold.  Thức ăn lạnh.
Exercise 8-4 Es war ziemlich kalt. Trotzdem bin ich schwimmen gegangen.  + trotzdem It was pretty cold. Still, I went swimming.  Trời lạnh. Tuy nhiên, tôi đã đi bơi.
Exercise 8-6 Es ist kalt draußen.  + draußen It's cold outside.  Bên ngoài lạnh lắm.
Exercise 8-7 Ich möchte etwas Kaltes trinken.  + trinken* I'd like to drink something cold.  Tôi muốn uống cái gì đó lạnh.
Exercise 9-3 Neben ihrer Arbeit hat sie einen großen Haushalt zu versorgen. + neben Besides her work, she has a large household to look after. Ngoài công việc của mình, cô còn có một gia đình lớn để chăm sóc.
Exercise 9-5 Es ist sehr kalt. Zieh deinen Mantel an.  + Mantel It's very cold. Put your coat on.  Lạnh quá. Đặt áo khoác lên.
Exercise 9-6 Zieh dir eine Jacke an. Es ist kalt.  + Jacke Put on a jacket. It's cold.  Mặc áo khoác. Trời lạnh.
Exercise 9-8 Deine Hose hat ein Loch. – Ich weiß, sie ist schon alt.  + Loch Your pants have a hole. I know, she's already old.  Quần của bạn có một lỗ. Tôi biết, cô ấy đã già.
Exercise 10-2 Du musst dich wärmer anziehen, sonst erkältest du dich.  + anziehen* You need to get warmer or you'll catch cold.  Bạn cần phải ấm lên hoặc bạn sẽ cảm thấy lạnh.
Exercise 10-4 Sie trägt wertvollen goldenen Schmuck.  + Schmuck She wears precious gold jewellery.  Cô ấy mặc đồ trang sức bằng vàng quý.
Exercise 10-7 Haben Sie Nasentropfen? Ich bin sehr erkältet.  + Nase Do you have nose drops? I have a bad cold.  Bạn có giọt mũi? Tôi bị cảm lạnh.
Exercise 10-9 Ich bin erkältet. Ich kann nichts riechen.  + riechen* I have a cold. I can't smell anything.  Tôi bị cảm lạnh. Tôi không thể ngửi bất cứ thứ gì.
Exercise 10-9 Warum ziehst du nur so einen dünnen Mantel an? Es ist kalt draußen.  + dünn Why do you wear such a thin coat? It's cold outside.  Tại sao bạn mặc chiếc áo khoác mỏng như vậy? Bên ngoài lạnh lắm.
Exercise 11-2 Er hat es mir gesagt, daher weiß ich es schon lange.  + daher He told me, so I've known for a long time.  Anh ta nói với tôi, vì vậy tôi đã biết từ lâu.
Exercise 11-7 Er hat mir für den alten Wagen noch 800 Euro geboten.  + bieten* He offered me 800 euros for the old car.  Anh ấy đã cho tôi 800 euro tiền xe cũ.
Exercise 11-7 Im Alter bekomme ich eine ausreichende Rente.  + Alter I get a sufficient pension when I get old.  Tôi nhận được tiền cấp dưỡng đủ khi tôi già đi.
Exercise 11-7 Alter: 26 Jahre  + Alter Age: 26 years old  Tuổi: 26 tuổi
Exercise 11-8 Er hatte ihr geraten, das nicht zu tun.  + raten* He told her not to do that.  Anh ấy bảo cô đừng làm điều đó.
Exercise 11-9 Zieh dich warm an, denn es ist kalt!  + denn Dress warmly, because it's cold!  Ăn mặc nồng nhiệt, bởi vì nó lạnh!
Exercise 12-1 Wir verkauften das Auto durch eine Anzeige.  + Anzeige We sold the car through an ad.  Chúng tôi bán xe thông qua quảng cáo.
Exercise 12-5 Sofia ist erst 20 Jahre alt.  + erst Sofia is only 20 years old.  Sofia chỉ mới 20 tuổi.
Exercise 13-5 Ich habe ihm alles berichtet.  + berichten I told him everything.  Tôi nói với anh ta tất cả mọi thứ.
Exercise 14-5 Es wird langsam kalt. Es wird Herbst.  + langsam It's getting cold. It's autumn.  Bắt đầu lạnh. Đó là mùa thu.
Exercise 14-6 Ich kann mich nicht an das kalte Wetter gewöhnen.  + gewöhnen I can't get used to the cold weather.  Tôi không thể quen với thời tiết lạnh.
Exercise 14-6 Es ist sehr kalt. Meine Lippen sind ganz trocken.  + Lippe It's very cold. My lips are all dry.  Lạnh quá. Môi tôi khô.
Exercise 14-8 Martin ist 6 Jahre alt. Nächstes Jahr kommt er in die Grundschule.  + Grundschule  Martin is 6 years old. Next year he'll go to elementary school.  Martin 6 tuổi. Năm tới anh sẽ đi học tiểu học.
Exercise 14-8 Lukas ist 16 Jahre alt und besucht das Gymnasium in Mainz.  + Gymnasium Lukas is 16 years old and attends high school in Mainz.  Lukas 16 tuổi và học trung học ở Mainz.
Exercise 15-4 Ihre Absage war eine kalte Dusche für ihn.  + Dusche Your cancellation was a cold shower for him.  Việc hủy bỏ của bạn là một buổi tắm lạnh cho anh ấy.
Exercise 17-4 Unser Chef schrieb uns vor, die Regeln zu befolgen.  + Regel Our boss told us to follow the rules.  Ông chủ của chúng tôi nói với chúng tôi để làm theo các quy tắc.
Exercise 18-1 Das Rathaus ist schon viele Jahrhunderte alt.  + Jahrhundert The town hall is many centuries old.  Tòa thị chính là nhiều thế kỷ.
Exercise 18-3 Er ist zwar alt, aber für mich spielt das keine Rolle.  + Rolle He's old, but it doesn't matter to me.  Anh ấy đã già, nhưng điều đó không quan trọng với tôi.
Exercise 20-7 Er hat seinen Wagen an seinen Nachbarn verkauft.  + verkaufen He sold his car to his neighbor.  Anh ấy bán xe cho người hàng xóm.
Exercise 20-7 Orangen werden nicht nach Stückzahl, sondern nach Gewicht verkauft. + verkaufen Orange oranges are not sold by quantity, but by weight. Cam cam không được bán theo số lượng, nhưng theo trọng lượng.
Exercise 20-8 Ich kümmere mich um den Haushalt, d. h. ich putze, wasche, koche etc.  + Haushalt I take care of the household, i. e. I clean, wash, cook etc.  Tôi chăm sóc gia đình, i. e. Tôi rửa sạch, rửa, nấu ăn vv
Exercise 20-8 Wir rechnen die Nebenkosten pro Haushalt ab.  + Haushalt We calculate the additional costs per household.  Chúng tôi tính thêm chi phí cho mỗi hộ.
Exercise 20-8 Für meine Übungen im Deutschkurs habe ich mir einen Ordnergekauft. + Ordner For my exercises in the German course I bought a folder. Đối với các bài tập của tôi trong khóa học tiếng Đức tôi đã mua một thư mục.
Exercise 21-1 Zieh dich warm an, sonst erkältest du dich.  + sonst Get warm, or you'll catch cold.  Giữ ấm, hoặc bạn sẽ cảm thấy lạnh.
Exercise 22-9 Der Ring ist echt golden.  + echt The ring's really golden.  Vòng của thực sự vàng.
Exercise 23-9 Die alte Stadt ist mit einer Mauer umgeben. + Mauer The old town is surrounded by a wall. Khu phố cổ được bao quanh bởi một bức tường.
Exercise 24-2 Ich habe schon einen Käufer für den alten Tisch.  + Käufer I already have a buyer for the old table.  Tôi đã có một người mua cho bảng cũ.
Exercise 24-3 Sie führt das Kind an der Hand.  + führen She holds the child by the hand.  Cô nắm lấy đứa trẻ bằng tay.
Exercise 24-6 Frau Weber ist eine nette alte Dame.  + Dame Mrs. Weber is a nice old lady.  Bà Weber là một bà già tốt đẹp.
Exercise 24-7 Ich habe zum Geburtstag eine goldene Kette bekommen.  + Kette I got a gold necklace for my birthday.  Tôi có một chiếc vòng cổ vàng cho ngày sinh nhật của tôi.
Exercise 24-8 Ist der Ring aus Gold? Nein, er ist nur vergoldet.  + Gold Is the ring made of gold? No, he's just gilded.  Vòng được làm từ vàng? Không, anh ta chỉ mạ vàng.
Exercise 24-8 Ist das reines Gold?  + Gold Is that pure gold?  Đó là vàng nguyên chất?
Exercise 24-8 Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt. + Gold Not all that glitters is gold. Không phải tất cả những gì lấp lánh là vàng.
Exercise 25-5 Alte Autos sind ein Problem für die Umwelt.  + Umwelt Old cars are a problem for the environment.  Xe cũ là một vấn đề đối với môi trường.
Exercise 25-7 Kannst du mal kurz meine Handtasche halten?  + halten* Can you hold my purse for a second?  Bạn có thể giữ ví của tôi cho một thứ hai?
Exercise 25-7 Du kannst gehen, es hält dich niemand. + halten* You can go. No one will hold you. Bạn có thể đi. Không ai sẽ giữ bạn.
Exercise 26-2 Ich habe dir das jetzt zum letzten Mal gesagt. + Mal I've told you this for the last time. Tôi đã nói với bạn điều này lần cuối.
Exercise 27-5 Sie sollten Ihre alten Reifen durch neue Reifen ersetzen. + ersetzen You should replace your old tyres with new tyres. Bạn nên thay lốp cũ bằng lốp mới.
Exercise 27-6 Leider gibt es für dieses alte Gerät keine Ersatzteile mehr.  + Ersatzteil Unfortunately, there are no spare parts for this old device anymore.  Thật không may, không có phụ tùng thay thế cho thiết bị cũ này nữa.
Exercise 28-9 Er hat das Haus mit Verlust verkauft.  + Verlust He sold the house at a loss.  Anh ta bán ngôi nhà bị mất mát.
Exercise 29-4 Draußen ist es zwar sonnig, aber ziemlich kalt.  + zwar It's sunny outside, but it's quite cold.  Trời nắng, nhưng trời lạnh.
Exercise 30-1 Es ist kalt. Ist die Heizung kaputt?  + Heizung It's cold. Is the heater broken?  Trời lạnh. Là lò sưởi bị hỏng?
Exercise 30-8 Kann ich noch eine Decke bekommen? Mir ist kalt.  + Decke Can I get another blanket? I'm cold.  Tôi có thể lấy chăn khác không? Tôi lạnh.
Exercise 30-8 Bei dieser Kälte fahre ich nicht mit dem Fahrrad.  + Fahrrad I don't ride a bike in this cold weather.  Tôi không đi xe đạp trong thời tiết lạnh giá này.
Exercise 31-3 Die Soldaten schießen auf alles, was sich bewegt.  + schießen* The soldiers are shooting at anything that moves.  Những người lính đang bắn vào bất cứ thứ gì di chuyển.
Exercise 31-4 Der Sportler gewann drei Goldmedaillen bei den Olympischen Spielen.  + Sportler The athlete won three gold medals at the Olympic Games.  Vận động viên đã giành được ba huy chương vàng tại Thế vận hội Olympic.
Exercise 32-2 Man wird, überhaupt im Alter, nachlässiger.  + überhaupt You get, like, any old age, sloppier.  Bạn nhận được, như, bất kỳ tuổi già, sloppier.
Exercise 33-1 Glaube nicht alles, was man dir sagt. Es ist oft gelogen.  + lügen* Don't believe everything you're told. It's often a lie.  Không tin mọi thứ bạn nói. Nó thường là một lời nói dối.
Exercise 33-4 Der Tank fasst 60 Liter. + fassen The tank holds 60 litres. Bồn chứa 60 lít.
Exercise 33-5 Halt die Flasche gut fest.  + festhalten* Hold the bottle tight.  Giữ chặt chai.
Exercise 33-5 Halte es mit beiden Händen fest.  + festhalten* Hold it with both hands.  Giữ nó bằng cả hai tay.
Exercise 33-8 Aus alter Gewohnheit treffen wir uns jeden Samstagabend.  + Gewohnheit We meet every Saturday night, out of old habits.  Chúng tôi gặp nhau vào mỗi tối Thứ bảy, theo thói quen cũ.
Exercise 34-3 Er erzählte schmutzige Witze.  + schmutzig He told dirty jokes.  Anh kể những câu chuyện đùa bẩn.
Exercise 34-4 Die Farbe wirkt kalt.  + wirken The paint looks cold.  Sơn trông lạnh.
Exercise 34-4 Heute Abend gibt es Brote mit kaltem Braten.  + Braten Tonight we'll have sandwiches with cold meat.  Tối nay chúng ta sẽ có bánh sandwiches với thịt nguội.
Exercise 34-9 Wie alt ist der Chef? – Ich weiß nicht, ich schätze, um die Fünfzig.  + schätzen How old is the boss? I don't know, I guess around 50.  Ông chủ bao nhiêu tuổi? Tôi không biết, tôi đoán khoảng 50.
Exercise 35-2 Wie kann ich meine alte Kaffeemaschine entsorgen?  + entsorgen How can I dispose of my old coffee machine?  Bãi tính Theo tính thuận thuận Theo Fed.
Exercise 35-3 Das alte Sofa muss auf den Sperrmüll.  + Sperrmüll The old sofa has to be put on the bulky trash.  Ghế sofa cũ phải được đặt trên thùng rác cồng kềnh.
Exercise 35-7 Er hat mir ein Geheimnis verraten.  + Geheimnis He told me a secret.  Anh ấy nói với tôi một bí mật.
Exercise 36-2 Das Auto ist zwar alt, aber es erfüllt noch seinen Zweck.  + erfüllen The car may be old, but it still serves its purpose.  Chiếc xe có thể cũ, nhưng nó vẫn phục vụ mục đích của nó.
Exercise 36-6 Eile mit Weile. Das sagt auch ein altes Sprichwort.  + Sprichwort Hurry with a while. That's what an old saying goes.  Nhanh lên một chút. Đó là những gì một câu nói cũ đi.
Exercise 37-2 Altes Eisen kann wieder verwendet werden.  + Eisen Old iron can be reused.  Cũ sắt có thể được tái sử dụng.
Exercise 37-3 Unser Haus ist ein Altbau.  + Bau Our house is an old building.  Ngôi nhà của chúng tôi là một tòa nhà cũ.
Exercise 38-4 Wenn etwas passiert, mache ich dich dafür verantwortlich!  + verantwortlich If anything happens, I'll hold you responsible!  Nếu bất cứ điều gì xảy ra, tôi sẽ giữ bạn có trách nhiệm!
Exercise 38-9 Meine Großmutter hat uns viele Märchen erzählt.  + Märchen My grandmother told us many fairy tales.  Bà tôi kể cho chúng ta nhiều câu chuyện cổ tích.
Exercise 39-2 Das ist ein guter Schutz gegen Kälte.  + Schutz This is a good protection against the cold.  Đây là một bảo vệ tốt chống lại cái lạnh.
Exercise 39-3 Abgase aus Industrie und Haushalten verschmutzen die Luft. + Abgas Industrial and household exhaust gases pollute the air. Khí thải công nghiệp và hộ gia đình làm ô nhiễm không khí.
Exercise 39-3 Es ist heute feucht und kalt draußen. + feucht It's wet and cold outside today. Hôm nay trời ướt và lạnh.
Exercise 39-6 Wenn uns kalt ist, können wir den Ofen anmachen.  + anmachen If we're cold, we can turn the oven on.  Nếu chúng ta lạnh, chúng ta có thể bật lò.
Exercise 39-7 Wie kann ich im Haushalt Strom sparen?  + Strom How can I save electricity in my household?  Tôi có thể tiết kiệm điện trong gia đình tôi như thế nào?
Exercise 39-9 Die Großeltern unserer Nachbarn sind im Altersheim. + Altersheim The grandparents of our neighbours are in the old people's home. Ông bà của những người hàng xóm của chúng tôi ở trong nhà của người già.
Exercise 40-2 Es lohnt sich nicht, dieses alte Gebäude zu renovieren.  + renovieren  It's not worth renovating this old building.  Không đáng để tu bổ ngôi nhà cũ này.
Exercise 40-6 Das lasse ich mir nicht zweimal sagen. + zweimal I won't be told twice. Tôi sẽ không được nói hai lần.
Exercise 41-2 Der Anwalt klärte ihn über seine Rechte auf. + aufklären The lawyer told him about his rights. Luật sư nói với anh ta về các quyền của anh ta.
Exercise 41-3 Der Junge hat sich beim Baden erkältet.  + sich erkälten The boy has a cold while bathing.  Cậu bé bị cảm lạnh khi tắm.
Exercise 41-3 Ich bin stark erkältet.  + sich erkälten I have a bad cold.  Tôi bị cảm lạnh.
Exercise 41-3 Ich habe mich erkältet.  + sich erkälten I have a cold.  Tôi bị cảm lạnh.
Exercise 41-3 Ich will mich nicht erkälten. + sich erkälten I don't want to catch a cold. Tôi không muốn bị cảm lạnh.
Exercise 41-3 Ich habe Schnupfen. Welches Medikament empfehlen Sie?  + Schnupfen I have a cold. Which medication do you recommend?  Tôi bị cảm lạnh. Bạn đề nghị loại thuốc nào?
Exercise 41-3 Meine Tochter holte sich einen Schnupfen. + Schnupfen My daughter got a cold. Con gái tôi bị cảm.
Exercise 41-5 Er hat eine Erkältung und kann nicht durch die Nase atmen.  + atmen He has a cold and can't breathe through his nose.  Anh ấy bị cảm lạnh và không thể thở bằng mũi.
Exercise 41-5 Wir haben Witze erzählt und viel gelacht.  + Witz We told jokes and laughed a lot.  Chúng tôi nói đùa và cười rất nhiều.
Exercise 41-7 Wir hatten bisher sehr kaltes Frostwetter.  + bisher We've had very cold frosty weather so far.  Chúng ta đã có thời tiết lạnh giá rất lạnh cho đến nay.
Exercise 41-8 Nach zehn Jahren hat er seine alte Heimat wiedergesehen.  + Heimat After ten years, he has seen his old homeland again.  Sau mười năm, ông đã thấy quê hương cũ của mình một lần nữa.
Exercise 42-2 Die Lehrerin hat gesagt, wir sollen zwei Kapitel im Buch wiederholen.  + Kapitel The teacher told us to repeat two chapters in the book.  Giáo viên nói với chúng tôi để lặp lại hai chương trong cuốn sách.
Exercise 43-4 Heute nacht ist es bitter kalt.  + bitter It's bitterly cold tonight.  Hôm nay trời lạnh.
Exercise 44-6 Er ist wesentlich älter als sie.  + wesentlich He's much older than she is.  Anh ấy lớn hơn cô ấy nhiều.
Exercise 44-7 Halt! Stehen bleiben!  + halt Stop! Hold it right there!  Dừng lại! Giữ nó ngay!
Exercise 45-2 Seine Schwester besorgt ihm jetzt den Haushalt.  + besorgen His sister's taking care of his household now.  Chị gái chăm sóc hộ gia đình bây giờ.
Exercise 45-4 Er war drei Jahre Soldat.  + Soldat He was a soldier for three years.  Ông là một người lính trong ba năm.
Exercise 45-4 Die Bundeswehr in Deutschland hat viele Soldaten.  + Soldat The Bundeswehr in Germany has many soldiers.  Bundeswehr ở Đức có nhiều binh lính.
Exercise 45-7 Sie halten an alten Traditionen fest. + Tradition You're sticking to old traditions. Bạn đang gắn bó với truyền thống cũ.
Exercise 45-9 Sie las nur die fettgedruckten Überschriften der Zeitung. + Überschrift She only read the bold headlines of the newspaper. Cô chỉ đọc các tiêu đề táo bạo của tờ báo.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Buying, selling and renting property Wohnungsinhaber + householder + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Altstadt + the old town + B
+ + 103 Household Furniture Klapptisch + folding table + B
+ + 103 Household Furniture Klappstuhl + folding chair + B
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Kaltwassergriff + cold tap + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Toilettenpapierhalter + toilet paper holder + C
+ + 103 Household Tools Lötkolben + soldering iron + C
+ + 103 Gardens Plants Studentenblume + marigold + A
+ + 103 The animal world Birds Distelfink + goldfinch + B
+ + 103 The animal world Birds Stieglitz + goldfinch + B
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice eiskalt + icy cold + A
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice Kälte + cold + A
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice Kaltfront + cold front + B
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice Kältewelle + cold spell + B
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice Kälteeinbruch + sudden onset of cold weather + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses sich erkälten + to catch a cold + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Erkältung + cold + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses erkältet sein + to have a cold + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Schnupfen + cold + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses in kalten Schweiß ausbrechen + to break out in a cold sweat + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ältlich + rather elderly, oldish + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw greifen + to take hold of/grasp sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw festhalten + to hold on to sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs sich an jmdm/etw festhalten + to hold on to sb/sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs etw anfassen + to touch/feel/take hold of sth + A
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn packen + to seize, grab hold of + B
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement of the limbs jmdn/etw im Würgegriff haben + to have a stranglehold on sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness abweisend + cold + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice kühn + bold, daring, brave, fearless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice verwegen + daring, bold + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice vermessen + bold + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice wagemutig + daring, bold + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Wurst + sausage; cold cuts + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Aufschnitt + cold cuts + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours golden + gold + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours dottergelb + golden yellow + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours goldgelb + golden brown + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Gold + gold + A
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Vergoldung + gold-plating + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal Schrott + scrap metal, old iron + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity mannigfach + multifarious, manifold + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity fassen + to hold + C
+ + 103 Containers Bags Reisetasche + holdall, travelling bag + A
+ + 103 Containers Carriers and racks Kerzenständer + candle holder + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre ausverkauft + sold out + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Abonnent(in) + season-ticket holder; subscriber [newspaper] + B
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying die Ansicht/Meinung vertreten + to hold the view that + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing fett(gedruckt) + in bold + B
+ + 103 Leisure Games Zinnsoldat + tin soldier + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition den Rekord halten/innehaben + to hold the record + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Weltrekordinhaber(in) + world record holder + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Entertainment and dining kaltes Büfett + cold buffet + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Accommodation and facilities Klappbett + folding bed + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce silberne/goldene/diamantene Hochzeit + silver/golden/diamond wedding (anniversary) + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrine der Alte/Neue Bund + the Old/New Testament or Covenant + B
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrine das Alte/Neue Testament + the Old/New Testament + B
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Stipendiat(in) + grant-holder + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students ehemaliger Schüler/Student + old boy, old student, alumnus + B
+ + 103 Education Staff and students ehemalige Schülerin/Studentin + old girl, old student, alumna + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Kleinbauer + smallholder + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers kleiner Landbesitz intensive Landwirtschaft + smallholdingintensive farming + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Treibhaus, Kalthaus + hot/coldhouse + C
+ + 103 Industry Personnel Former(in) + molder + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm Holding-Gesellschaft + holding company + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel Aktionär(in) + shareholder + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Soldat(in) + soldier + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Goldschmied(in) + goldsmith + B
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment goldender Handschlag + golden handshake + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Aktendeckel + folder + A
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone bleiben Sie am Apparat! + hold the line! stay on the line! + A
+ + 103 Law Crime Überfall + mugging, raid, holdup + A
+ + 103 Law Crime bewaffneter Raubüberfall + hold-up, armed robbery + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Versicherungs-nehmer(in) + insured (party), policy holder + A
+ + 103 Finance Profit and loss eingehen (coll.) + to fold + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Kontoinhaber(in) + account holder + B
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Hausratversicherung + household contents insurance + B
+ + 103 Finance The market Goldwährung + gold standard + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Aktionär(in) + shareholder + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Obligationär(in) + bond-holder + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Moldawien + Moldova + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Soldat(in) + soldier + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War jmdn gefangen halten + to hold sb prisoner + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Gefallene(r) + soldier killed in action + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military ein gemeiner Soldat + a common soldier + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military Infanterist(in) + foot soldier, infantryman/woman + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geography (Boden)falte + fold + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War kalter Krieg + cold war + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Military ins Glied treten + to fall in [one soldier] + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace über den Frieden verhandeln + to hold peace negotiations + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations General alte Garde + old guard + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Government Amtsinhaber(in) + officeholder + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Hausmüll + household waste + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs eine radikale Entziehungskur machen + to come off drugs cold turkey + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs sofortiger Totalentzug + a cold-turkey cure + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * jia1 (suffix) -ist/ family/ home/ household 1. Familie, Haushalt 2. Haus, Heim 3. ein bestimmtes Gewerbe ausübende Person oder Familie 4. ein Spezialist 5. Schule, philos. Richtung 6. Zählwort, ein Restaurant +
A 家庭 + * * jia1ting2 family/ household Familie,Heim +
A 感冒 + * * gan3mao4 common cold sich erkälten,Erkältung +
A + * * kai1 open/ operate/ turn on/ hold/ boil 1. öffnen, aufmachen,aufschließen, aufsperren 2.eine Öffnung machen, eröffnen, erschließen, urbar machen 3. sich entfalten, sich öffnen 4. aufheben, abschaffen, beseitigen 5. in Bewegung setzen 6. abmarschieren 7. gründen 8. beginnen 9. halten 10. sc +
A 老(老二) + * * lao3 old/ aged/ tough/ of long standing 1.alt, betagt 2.Alte(r) 3. seit lange bestehend, alt 4. veraltet, alt, überholt 5. hart, zäh, nicht zart 6. lange, für eine lange Zeit 7. stets, immer 8. sehr +
A + * * gao3 do/ cause/ make/ get hold of 1. tun, machen, verrichten 2. verschaffen, auftreiben 3. herbeiführen +
A + * * dun4 used for meals or scolding 1. Pause 2.arrangieren, unterbringen 3. mit dem Fuß auf die Erde schlagen 4. sofort, plötzlich, auf einmal 5. ein Zählwort für Mahlzeiten +
A + * * shuo1 speak/ talk/ say/ scold 1. sprechen,sagen 2. erklären, erläutern 3. tadeln, kritisieren 4. Lehre, Theorie +
A + * * leng3 cold 1. kalt 2. kühl, gleichgültig, teilnahmslos 3. verlassen, still, zurückgezogen, einsam, menschenleer 4. rar, selten +
A + * * na2 take/ hold/ seize/ capture/ with/ at 1.(VC) (VB)nehmen, fassen ergreifen, halten 2. festhalten, überwältigen, überwinden 3. beherrschen, fähig zu etw sein 4. absichtlich Schwierigkeiten bereiten 5.(P08) mit (Instrument oder Ziel) +
A 聽說 + * * ting1 shuo1 be told/ hear of/ hear about man sagt daß,..gehört haben, daß... +
A + * * jiu4 old/ past/ bygone/ used/ worn 1. alt, veraltet, überholt, vergangen, altmodisch 2. abgenutzt, abgetragen, verbraucht 3. früher, ehemalig 4. alter Freund, alte Freundschaft +
A + * * sui4 years old (for a person's age) 1. Jahr 2. Alter, Lebensjahr 3. ein Zählwort,Alter +
A + * * ju3 lift/ heave/ raise/ hold up/ cite 1. heben, erheben, hochhalten 2. sich erheben 3. jn zu etw wählen 4. angeben, anführen 5. all, ganz, vollständig, gesamt 6. Akt, Aktion, Tat, Handeln, Vorgehen +
A + * * bei4 times/ -fold ein Zählwort,-fach,mal +
B 寒冷 + * * han2leng3 frigid/ cold kalt +
B 擁護 + * * yong1hu4 support/ uphold unterstützen, befürworten +
B + * * jin1 gold 1. Metall 2.Geld 3. altertümliches Schlaginstrument aus Metall 4. Gold 5. golden +
B + * * wo4 hold/ grasp fassen, ergreifen, halten, etwas in der Hand halten +
B 悠久 + * * you1jiu3 long/ age-old/ longstanding lang, alt +
B 開會 + * * kai1 hui4 hold a meeting eine Versammlung haben +
B 老大娘(大娘) + * * lao3dan4niang2 aunt/ old lady Tante, alte Dame +
B 老大爺(大爺) + * * lao3da4ye uncle/ old man Onkel, älterer Mann +
B + * * tuo1 hold in the palm 1. etw auf der flachen Hand tragen 2. Stütze, Ständer 3. als Hintergrund dienen 4. beauftragen, jn mit etw betrauen 5. vorschützen, vorgeben 6. sich auf etw stützen +
B 老人 + * * lao3ren2 old person, aged alte Leute +
B 老太太 + * * lao3tai4tai old woman alte Frau +
B 大膽 + * * da4dan3 daring/ bold dreist, schamlos, unverschämt, mutig, gewagt, furchtlos, unverfroren +
B 老頭兒 + * * lao3tou2r old man alter Mann (oft unhöflich) +
B + * * bing1 soldier 1. Waffe, Kampfgerät 2. Soldat 3. Armee, Truppe 4. Kriegswesen, Militärwesen +
B 展開 + * * zhan3 kai1 spread out/ unfold/ open up entfalten, ausbreiten, öffnen +
B 戰士 + * * zhan4shi4 soldier/ fighter Soldat +
B 保留 + * * bao3liu2 reserve/ hold back bewahren, vorbehalten +
B 擔任 + * * dan1ren4 assume the office of/ hold the post of eine Stelle bekleiden, +
B + * * peng3 hold or carry in both hands 1. etw mit beiden Händen tragen 2. lobpreisen, umschmeicheln, lobhudeln +
B + * * zhe2 break/ fold/ convert into 1. brechen, zerknacken, zerbrechen 2. verlieren, einen Verlust erleiden 3. biegen, krümmen, falten 4. umkehren, zurückkehren 5. von etw überzeugt sein 6. umrechnen 7. Rabatt +
B 舉行 + * * ju3xing2 hold veranstalten, stattfinden +
C 夾子 + * * jia1zi clamp/ clip/ tongs/ folder/ wallet Klammer, Zwicke, Mappe, Hefter +
C + * * ju4 occupy/ hold/ rely on/ depend on/ according to 1. besetzen, etwas in Besitz nehmen 2. gestützt auf etw, mit Hilfe von etw 3. nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge 4. Beweis, Nachweis +
C 涼水 + * * liang2shui3 cold water/ un-boiled water kaltes Wasser, ungekochtes Wasser +
C + * * qiao4 raise/ hold up/ curl up sich an einem Ende in die Höhe heben, sich nach oben biegen +
C + * * jie2 cut/ sever/ block/ stop/ intercept/ hold up 1.zerschneiden, abschneiden,abtrennen 2. stoppen, anhalten aufhalten, abfangen 3. bis 4. Stück,Teil, (siehe auch den Ausdruck:截然) +
C + * * yao2 kiln/ stove/ oven/ old-style coal pit/ cave dwelling 1. Brennofen 2. Schacht, Grube, Höhle, Bordell +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand +
C + * * han4 solder/ weld löten, schweißen +
C + * * tan1 spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall z.B: Imbißstand +
C + * * rong2 contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit 1. enthalten, fassen 2. tolerieren 3. gestatten,zulassen 4. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene +
C + * * meng2 cover/ blindfold/ suffer 1.bedecken, zudecken, verhüllen 2. empfangen, entgegennehmen 3. ungebildet, unkultiviert, unaufgeklärt +
C + * * zai4 carry/ hold/ be loaded with/ (of roads) be filled with 1. laden, mit etw. beladen sein, tragen, bringen 2. überall auf dem Weg 3. < lit > und, gleichzeitig +
C 阻止 + * * zu3zhi3 hinder-stop/ prevent/ preclude/ stop/ arrest/ hold back verhindern, zurückhalten +
C + * * ao2 decoct/ boil/ endure/ hold out 1. langsam kochen, abkochen, auskochen 2. durchhalten, aushalten, ertragen +
C 軍人 + * * jun1ren2 soldier/ serviceman Soldat, Armeeangehörige +
C + * * ba1 1 hold on to, cling to 2.dig up, rake, pull down 3. push aside 4. strip off, take off 1 halten, festhalten, sich an jn/etw hängen 2. aufwühlen, aufreißen, herausscharren 3.voneinander trennen, etw beiseite schieben 4. wegreißen, entkleiden, fortnehmen siehe: pa2 +
C + * * cheng2 fill/ ladle/ hold/ contain 1. füllen 2. aufnehmen, fassen siehe sheng4 +
C 敢於 + * * gan3yu2 have the courage to/ dare to/ be bold in wagen, sich trauen, sich erdreisten +
C + * * ba3 hold/ grasp/ control (VA)(VC) halten, fassen, kontrollieren +
C 主持 + * * zhu3chi2 manage-control/ direct/ preside over/ manage/ uphold leiten, verwalten,befürworten, eintreten +
C + * * nie1 hold using a thumb and other fingers/ knead/ mould 1. etw zwischen den Fingern halten, mit den Fingern nehmen 2. etw zwischen den Fingern rollen, kneten, formen +
C 把握 + * * ba3wo4 grasp/ hold/ certainty/ assurance halten, erfassen, Gewißheit +
C + * * jian1 hold (two or more jobs; positions) concurrently 1. doppelt ,zweifach, zweimal 2. gleichzeitig bestehen, zeitlich nebeneinander tun oder erledigen +
C 金魚 + * * jin1yu2 goldfish Goldfisch +
C + * * shuang1 two/ both/ twin/ dual/ double/ twofold/ even Zählwort Paar +
C + * * cang1 cabin/ hold gesamter Innenraum (eines Schiffes oder Flugzeugs) +
C 老年 + * * lao3nian2 old age/ agedness alte (Leute) +
C 火力 + * * huo3li4 firepower/ thermal power/ one's ability to stand cold Gefechtskraft +
C 老人家 + * * lao3renjia elderly/ old person/ old parent sehr höfliche Anrede für ältere Respektsperson +
C + * * lou3 hug/ embrace/ hold in one's arms 1. umfassen, umarmen, lou1= 1. sammeln, ansammeln 2. aufkrempeln, aufheben, 3. zusammenraffen, etw an sich reißen +
C 冷飲 + * * leng3yin3 cold drink Kaltgetränk +
C 占有 + * * zhan4you3 take-possess/ own/ hold/ have (a certain status)/ grasp besitzen, haben, einnehmen, ausfüllen +
C 模型 + * * mo2xing2 model/ mold/ matrix/ pattern/ die Modell, Form,Gußform +
C 上下 + * * shang4xia4 up and down/ high and low/ old and young hoch und niedrig,alt und jung,von oben bis unten +
C 博士 + * * bo2shi4 one who holds the degree of doctor Doktor +
C 士兵 + * * shi4bing1 rank-and-file soldier/ private/ rank and file einfacher Soldat +
C + * * ji1 hold tight/ seize/ haul 1. ergreifen, packen, fassen, festhalten 2.heftig ziehen +
C + * * die2 fold/ pile up 1. aufschichten, aufhäufen, 2. falten, zusammenlegen +
C 著涼 + * * zhao2 liang2 suffer-cold/ catch a cold/ catch a chill sich erkälten +
C 算數 + * * suan4 shu4 count-number/ count/ hold/ be valid gelten, als gültig betrachten, +
C 腐朽 + * * fu3xiu3 rotten/ decayed/ moldering/ degenerate/ decadent verfault, morsch +
C 照樣 + * * zhao4yang4 follow-appearance/ in the same old way/ as before 1. nach einem Muster 2.auf die gleiche alte Weise, in derselben Weise, wie früher +
C 當家 + * * dang1 jia1 manage household matters/ keep house den Haushalt führen +
C 舉辦 + * * ju3ban4 hold/ conduct/ run/ have veranstalten, organisieren, durchführen +
D + * * xian2 hold in mouth 1. etw im Mund halten 2. hegen, etw in sich bewahren 3. Rang, Titel +
D 據點 + * * ju4dian3 stronghold beachhead Stützpunkt, Festung +
D + * * han2 cold 1.kalt, frostig, Kälte 2. Angst haben, zittern 3. arm, armselig, bedürftig +
D 陳舊 + * * chen2jiu4 old veraltet, unmodern, aus der Mode +
D 黃金 + * * huang2jin1 gold Gold +
D 蘊藏 + * * yun4cang2 hold in store/ contain enthalten, in sich bergen +
D 容納 + * * rong2na4 accommodate/ contain/ hold behinhalten, enthalten +
D 擁有 + * * yong1you3 hold/ possess of haben, besitzen, über etwas verfügen +
D 阻擋 + * * zu3dang3 block off/ hold up hemmen, sperren,versperren +
D 舒展 + * * shu1zhan3 unfold/ stretch sich entfalten, strecken,entfalten +
D 主辦 + * * zhu3ban4 sponsor/ hold leiten, für etwas verantwortlich sein +
D 股東 + * * gu3dong1 stockholder Aktieninhaber, (Shareholder) +
D 把柄 + * * ba3bing3 handhold Griff, Henkel,Handhabe +
D 金黃 + * * jin1huang2 golden golden +
D 把關 + * * ba3 guan1 hold the pass einen (berg)Paß bewachen, kontrollieren,nachprüfen +
D 金牌 + * * jin1pai2 gold medal Goldmedaille +
D 兼任 + * * jian1ren4 hold a concurrent post gleichzeitig verschiede Ämter bekleiden, nebenber. +
D 百倍 + * * bai3bei4 a hundredfold hundertfach +
D 造型 + * * zao4xing2 model/ mold 1.formen, modellieren 2.Muster, Modell, Gestalt +
D 老漢 + * * lao3han4 old man alter Mann +
D + * * cao1 hold/ exercise 1 etwas in der Hand haben, halten, etw ind die Hand nehmen, fassen 2. sich mit etw befassen, tun, betreiben 3. (eine Sprache oder einen Dialekt) sprechen +
D 老太婆 + * * lao3tai4po2 old woman alte Frau +
D 老一輩 + * * lao3yi1bei4 older generation ältere Generation +
D 專業戶 + * * zhuan1ye4hu4 specialized households spezialisierter Haushalt +
D + * * bie1 hold back 1. ersticken, sich bedrückt fühlen 2. unterdrücken, zurückhalten +
D 挾持 + * * xie2chi2 hold sb; under duress jn an beiden Armen packen, jn zwingen sich zu unterwerfen +
D 占據 + * * zhan4ju4 hold/ take up/ inhabit okkupieren, besetzt halten +
D 理直氣壯 + * * li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice mit vollem Recht, mit Fug und Recht +
D 晚年 + * * wan3nian2 old age/ remaining years Alter, Lebensabend, letzte Jahre +
D 堡壘 + * * bao3lei3 fort/ stronghold Fort, Befestigungsanlage +
D 牽制 + * * qian1zhi4 hold down eindämmen, niederhalten, verwirren +
D + * * diao1 hold in mouth zwischen den Lippen festhalten,im Schnabel halten +
D 千軍萬馬 + * * qian1 jun1 wan4 ma3 a large number of mounted and foot soldiers ein großes Heer von Reitern und Fußsoldaten +
D 怠慢 + * * dai4man4 cold-shoulder jn kühl behandeln,unzureichend bewirten +
D 塑造 + * * su4zao4 shape/ mold/ figure 1. formen, bildhauern, skulptieren, modellieren 2. gestalten +
D 朝三暮四 + * * zhao1 san1 mu4 si4 blow hot and cold/ play fast and loose heute so, morgen so , wetterwendisch, allzu unbeständig +
D 自古 + * * zi4 gu3 from of old seit alters her +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
4 哥哥 + He's my older brother. Er ist mein älterer Bruder.
156 新郎 新娘 + The bridegroom is holding the bride's hand. Der Bräutigam hält die Hand der Braut.
165 弟弟 + My younger brother is six years old. Mein jüngerer Bruder ist sechs Jahre alt.
167 妹妹 + My younger sister is eight years old. Meine jüngere Schwester ist acht Jahre alt.
180 爷爷 树林 散步 + The old man is taking a walk in the woods. Der alte Mann macht einen Spaziergang im Wald.
198 因为 感冒 + It's so cold that she caught a cold. Weil es derartig kalt ist, hat sie sich erkältet.
253 下雨 + The rain has made it colder. Es regnet und wird kälter.
367 公园 老者 + There is an old man in the park. Im Park ist ein alter Mann.
368 其中 高个子 就是 哥哥 + The tall one of the group is my older brother. Der Große in dieser Gruppe ist mein älterer Bruder.
462 黄金 + Gold is very expensive. Gold ist sehr teuer.
500 照片 想起 往事 + The old pictures remind me of the past. Alte Fotos erinnern mich an Begebenheiten in der Vergangenheit.
551 球场 可以 容纳 几万 + This stadium can hold a few thousand people. Dieses Stadion kann einige zehntausend Besucher aufnehmen.
552 + She's holding a card in her hand. Sie hält eine Karte in der Hand
561 士兵 正在 操练 + The soldiers are performing a drill. Die Soldaten machen gerade eine Übung.
600 今年 + How old is she this year? Wie alt ist sie dieses Jahr?
616 金子 希奇 + Gold is very rare. Gold ist sehr rar.
674 今天 天气 + It's very cold today. Das Wetter von heute ist sehr kalt.
675 + This book is very old. Dieses Buch ist sehr alt.
701 右手 餐刀 + He is holding a dinner knife in his right hand. Er hält das (Speise-)Messer in der rechten Hand.
717 法律 维护 正义 + The law upholds justice. Das Gesetz wahrt die Gerechtigkeit.
735 寒冷 寒战 + The cold makes people shiver. Kälte lässt die Menschen zittern.
742 士兵 保卫 国家 + The soldiers are defending their country. Die Soldaten verteidigen ihr Land.
845 男孩 大约 + The boy is about six years old. Dieser Junge ist ungefähr sechs Jahre alt.
939 军人 服从 命令 + Soldiers obey orders. Soldaten befolgen Befehle.
940 士兵 + He is a good soldier. Er ist ein guter Soldat.
1014 士兵 执行 任务 + The soldiers are on a mission. Die Soldaten führen einen Auftrag aus.
1031 房子 陈旧 + This house is too old. Dieses Haus ist zu veraltet.
1180 士兵 列队 操练 + The soldiers are drilling in line. Die Soldaten stehen in Grundstellung und exerzieren.
1233 弟弟 怀 + She's holding her younger brother in her arms. Sie herzt ihren jüngeren Bruder.
1236 姐姐 + She's my older sister. Sie ist meine ältere Schwester.
1248 夫妇 恩爱 + The old couple love each other very much. Dieses alte Ehepaar ist sehr liebevoll zueinander.
1265 这里 人家 + There are a few households here. Hier gibt es einige Haushalte.
1307 铁架 牢固 + The metal scaffold is strong. Das Metallgerüst ist sehr stabil.
1311 遇到 老朋友 + He ran into an old friend. Er ist einem alten Freund begegnet.
1314 海面 落日 映照 金色 + The setting sun shone on the sea's surface, turning it golden. Die untergehende Sonne bestrahlt das Meer und färbt es in Gold.
1338 告诉 鲜为人知 秘密 + She told me a secret few people know. Sie verrät mir ein Geheimnis, das nur wenig Leute kennen.
1357 士兵 坚守 阵地 + The soldiers are holding their ground. Die Soldaten halten die Stellung.
1394 掌握 公司 大权 + He holds the power in the company. Er hat die Macht in der Firma.
1397 金门大桥 雄伟 + The Golden Gate Bridge is majestic. Die Golden Gate Bridge ist großartig.
1410 古玉 珍贵 + This piece of old jade is very valuable. Dieses Stück alte Jade ist sehr wertvoll.
1431 曾经 军人 + He was once a soldier. Er war früher Soldat.
1490 姐姐 早晨 跑步 + My older sister goes running every morning. Meine ältere Schwester läuft jeden Morgen.
1496 士兵 正在 进行 军事 训练 + The soldiers are in the midst of military drills. Die Soldaten machen militärischen Übungen.
1700 美国 国旗 + She's holding an American flag.
1704 室外 寒冷 + It is very cold outside.
1737 姐姐 丈量 身高 + He's measuring his older sister's height.
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 + All kinds of vegetables are sold in the market.
1818 天气 小心 冻坏 + It's cold, so be careful not to catch a cold.
1839 街上 碰到 老同学 + I ran into an old classmate on the street.
1870 责骂 儿子 + She's scolding her son.
1902 军人 国家 忠心 + The soldiers are loyal to their country.
1903 爸爸 忠厚 正直 军人 + My father is an honest and upright soldier.
1912 父亲 反省 自己 错误 + He told his father of his remorse for his mistakes.
1925 大炮 古老 + This cannon is very old.
1958 慈祥 老婆婆 + She's a kindly old lady. Sie ist eine freundliche alte Frau
1965 士兵 长矛 + The soldiers are holding long spears.
2097 假装 受伤 惯用 伎俩 + Pretending to be injured is one of his old tricks.
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩 + It is an old tradition to give a red envelope when one attends a wedding banquet.
2173 新兵 已经 应征 入伍 + The new soldiers have been recruited. Die Rekruten sind schon einberufen worden.
2204 重感冒 + He's caught a bad cold.
2224 军人 为国 牺牲 + The soldiers died for their country.
2322 士兵 驻守 边境 + The soldiers are stationed at the frontier.
2371 军人 踏步 前走 + The soldiers are marching forward in step.
2425 他们 教堂 丧事 + They're holding the funeral ceremony in the church.
2520 天气 骤然 + The weather has become suddenly cold.
2546 哥哥 喜欢 钓鱼 + My older brother and I enjoy fishing.
2565 爷爷 慈祥 + The old grandpa looks very kind. Der Großvater sieht sehr freundlich aus.
2708 战士 牺牲 战友 送行 + The soldiers are paying their respects to their comrades who sacrificed their lives.
2729 顽固 老头 + He's a stubborn old man.
2771 分辨 哥哥 + I can't tell which is the older brother.
2958 邱吉尔 英国 家喻户晓 + Churchill is a household name in the UK.
3006 左边 嫂子 + On the left is my older sister-in-law.
3008 扇子 + She's holding a fan.
3028 士兵 巡逻 + The soldiers are on patrol.
3030 凡尔赛宫 金碧辉煌 + Versailles is splendid in green and gold.
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕 + The sign of an impending cold is a runny nose.
3045 明天 降温 大家 做好 御寒 准备 + The temperature will drop tomorrow, so please be prepared for the cold.
3057 被子 叠好 + I've folded the quilt.
3084 男朋友 + She's holding her boyfriend's arm.
3112 渔翁 + He's an old fisherman.
3125 老年人 喜欢 回忆 往昔 + Old people like to reminisce about past.
3133 感到 敬畏 + He's the kind of person that people respect and hold in awe.
3261 乍冷乍热 舒服 + She's experiencing uncomfortable hot and cold spells.
3264 运动员 高擎 火炬 + The athlete is holding the torch high.
3265 士兵 警惕 + The soldier is very alert.
3267 父母 孩子 怀里 + The parents are holding their children in their arms. Die Eltern halten ihre Kinder in den Armen.
3312 士兵 藏匿 后面 + The soldiers are hiding behind the trees. Die Soldaten verstecken sich hinter den Bäumen.
3351 什么 事情 气魄 + Whatever he does, he does boldly and in grand style.
3379 水库 屯满 + The reservoir has stored as much water as it can hold.
3568 雨伞 + She's holding an umbrella.
3597 黄金 周出 旅游 简直 受罪 到处 + Traveling during the Golden Week is truly torture--there are people everywhere.
3604 有人 通知 司令部 报到 + He was told to report himself to headquarters.
3612 塑料 口袋 不够 不下 那么 馒头 + This plastic bag is not big enough to hold so many buns.
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花 + This old worker focuses all his energies( attentively) on carving designs.
3699 幼儿园 老师 告诉 小朋友们 互敬 互爱 + The teacher of the kindergarten told the pupils to respect, and cherish each other. Der Erzieher im Kindergarten ermahnt die Kinder, artig und lieb zu einander zu sein.
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题 + We are all old acquaintances, so we don't bother with formalities.
3740 年轻人 老年人 活力 + Young people have more energy than old people.
3743 外边 那么 肯定 着凉 受病 + He has been standing for so long outside, he must have caught a cold.
3744 这个 老人 无儿无女 老景 十分 凄凉 + Having no children, the old person will have a lonely and dreary old age.
3781 拿着 一个 水罐 + I am holding a jug (a pitcher).
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
leng3 + cold
Lesson 013. My Family.
jia1ting2 + family / household
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
shao1wei1 deng3 yi1xia4 + Please hold on
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
shao1 deng3 + Please hold on
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
gan3mao4 + to have a cold
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
Wo3 gan3mao4. + I have a cold.
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
Jin1tian1 sui1ran2 xia4yu3 dan4shi4 bu4 leng3. + Even though it is raining today, it is not cold.
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
sui4 + age / years old
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Ta1 er4shi2wu3 sui4. + She is twenty-five years old.
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Ji3 sui4 + how old
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Ni3 ji3 sui4? + How old are you?
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 san1 sui4. + I am three years old.
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
duo1da4 + how old
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Ni3 duo1da4? + How old are you?
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 san1shi2 sui4. + I am thirty years old.
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Duo1da4 sui4shu? + How old
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Nin2 duo1da4 sui4shu? + How old are you?
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Xian1sheng, nin2 gao1shou4, a? + Mr, how old are you?
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 ba1shi2er4 sui4. + I am eighty-two years old.
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
lao3 + old
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
bi3 da4 + bigger than / older than
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Wo3 bi3 ni3 da4 + I am older than you.
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
jiu4 + old
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
jiu4 de + old
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
gu3dai4 + old / ancient /antiquity
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
wen2jian4jia1 + a folder for documents, files
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Qing3 ba3 zhe4 ge4 wen2jian4 bao3cun2 zai4 wen2jian4jia1 li3mian4. + Please save this file in the file folder.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
na2 + to take / to get / to hold with the hands
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Wo3 de2 le gan1mao4. + I caught a cold.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Wai4mian leng3, qing3 ba3 yi1fu chuan1shang. + It's cold outside, please put on your clothes.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
ju3xing2 + to hold (a ceremony, a wedding etc)
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
ju3xing2 hun1li3 + to hold a wedding ceremony
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3men xian1 ban4 jie2hun1 deng1ji4, ran2hou4 cai2 ju3xing2 jie2hun1 hun1li3. + We first register the marriage, and then hold the wedding ceremony.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
bai2tou2xie2lao3 + to remain happily married to arrive old age
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
lao3gong1gong + old man
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
Xiao3jie, pi2jiu3 yao4 bing1 de. + Miss, beer needs to be ice-cold.
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
Wo3 gen1 ni3 shuo1 wu3 bian4. + I told you five times.
Lesson 051. Annoyances in China. Protect Yourself.
Wo3 gao4su ni3 wu3 bian4. + I told you five times.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
lao3shi4 + an old style
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
lao3shi4 jia1ju4 + old style furniture
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Chu2jiu4bu4xin1 + Eliminate the old to make way for the new
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
jiu4 + old
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Guo4nian2 de shi2hou Zhong1guo2ren2 chu2jiu4bu4xin1. + During Chinese New Year the Chinese get rid of the old things and get ready for a new beginning.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

c’est un soldat. mais que fait-il ici? + it’s a soldier. but what’s he doing here?

j’avais un an à la mort de mon père + I was one year old when my father died

un secret se dévoile peu à peu + a secret unfolds little by little

c’est une porte de sécurité. tiens ça + it’s a security door. hold this

sa main droite était occupée à tenir la petite valise + his right hand was busy holding the small suitcase

voyons un peu comment les choses se sont passées + let’s take a look at how things unfolded

on a raconté d’amusantes histoires + we told funny stories

je ne suis pas chercheuse d’or + I’m not a gold-digger

la nuit était froide et claire, sous la lune + the night was cold and clear, under the moon

ça fait trop longtemps, mon vieil ami + it has been too long, my old friend

votre fils est en entraînement pour devenir soldat + your son is in training to become a soldier

il a presque huit ans + he’s almost eight years old

il avait 23 ans, des yeux vert émeraude + he was twenty-three years old, with emerald green eyes

voilà nos petits soldats qui sont venus nous aider + here come our little soldiers to help us out

dehors il fait froid + it’s cold outside

dehors il fait froid + it’s cold outside

elles apportent conseils dans les travaux ménagers quotidiens + they provide advice through their daily household chores

j’en ai déjà vendu 100.000 exemplaires + I already sold 100,000 copies of it

ces hommes sont tous très âgés maintenant + these men are all very old now

on a envoyé des petits de douze ans à la mine + little twelve-year-olds were sent to the mine

j’occupe actuellement un poste administratif + I currently hold an administrative position

nous étions trois soldats à faire la manœuvre + three of us soldiers participated in the manoeuvre

ils ont laissé un soldat chargé de presser le détonateur + they left a soldier with the order to press the detonator

soldat, je vous ordonne d’avancer ces catapultes + soldier, I order you to move these catapults forward

a peine le seuil franchi elle s’arrêtait + barely crossing the threshold, she stopped

le débat se déroulera conformément au règlement + the debate unfolded according to regulations

le roman se développe comme une composition musicale + the novel unfolds like a musical composition

je vous ai dit de lâcher ces couteaux + I told you to let go of those knives

froid intense, très en dessous de zéro + intense cold, far below zero

prends la barre! comme ça, tu tomberas pas + hold onto the bar! that way you won’t fall

la marchandise s’est vendue de façon incroyable + the merchandise was sold out in an incredible manner

j’ai quarante ans, elle en a vingt-cinq! + I’m forty years old, she’s twenty-five!

c’est l’inverse de ce que tu m’as raconté + it’s the exact opposite of what you told me

à ma gauche, le tenant du titre + on my left, the record-holder

il nous dit que nous sommes les portraits de Dieu + he told us we are portraits of God

il tient une tranche serrée dans sa main + he’s holding a slice tightly in his hand

j’ai fait des dessins sur le tissu de vieux rideaux + I made drawings on the cloth from old curtains

un soldat de la coalition a été blessé dans l’opération + a coalition soldier was injured during the operation

un vieil homme serbe a été tué par balle + an old Serbian man was shot dead

mon fils aîné a onze ans + my oldest son is eleven years old

c’était un soldat de Rome. honorez sa mémoire + he was a Roman soldier. honor his memory

puis je me réveillais, soulagée d’avoir 23 ans + then I woke up, relieved to be 23 years old

nous avons examiné le déroulement des événements + we studied the unfolding of the events

pouvez-vous nous dévoiler l’évolution de l’intrigue? + can you reveal to us how the affair unfolded?

elle heurta le soldat romain sur le casque + she slugged the Roman soldier on the helmet

j’ai un lit pliant + I have a folding cot

il sentait mauvais, l’odeur des vieillards + he smelled bad, the stench of old men

elle y chante depuis l’âge de seize ans + she has been singing there since she was sixteen years old

en vieillissant, les choix se réduisent + getting old, your choices become more limited

les actionnaires recevront un dividende + the shareholders will receive a dividend

il éprouva une sorte d’attachement pour ce vieillard + he felt some kind of affection for this old-timer

j’ai une fille de dix-huit ans + I have an eighteen-year-old daughter

je suis contente d’arriver à la trentaine + I’m happy to have reached thirty years old

il était nécessaire de réformer l’ancien système d’assurance-chômage + it was necessary to reform the old unemployment insurance system

j’ai bloqué l’ascenseur, dépêchez vous, vite + I’m holding the elevator—hurry up, quick

je te l’ai dit et redit + I told you once, and then again

attention quand même : vous allez attraper un rhume + now be careful—you’re going to catch a cold

vas-y, prends le volant + go ahead, take hold of the steering wheel

l’or a dépassé la cote des $ 380 + gold rose above a quoted value of $380

elle m’avait annoncé sa grossesse + she told me she was pregnant

il est temps de prendre des décisions audacieuses + it’s time to make bold decisions

tu aurais dû nous en aviser + you should have told us about it

j’ai gardé des réflexes comme me laver à l’eau froide + I kept old habits like washing in cold water

je repliai la lettre + I folded up the letter

j’aime bien les bijoux anciens + I like old jewelry

j’ai raconté les tortures, les coups, les viols + I told them about the torture, the blows, the rapes

le plus âgé a depuis été relâché + the oldest one has since been let go

cela plie terriblement et se balance à la moindre brise + this folds terribly and sways with the slightest breeze

son existence résulte d’innombrables morts + its existence stems from an untold number of deaths

c’est le meilleur soldat du régiment + he’s the best soldier in the regiment

je devenais froide et molle comme un vieux cadavre + I became cold and soft like an old cadaver

je serais bien emmerdé si tu attrapais une pneumonie + I would be pissed off if you catch a cold

cette théorie est devenue un vieux cliché freudien + this theory has become an old Freudian cliché

c’était un vieil homme, vêtu bourgeoisement + he was an old man, dressed simply

le vieillard haussa les épaules + the old man shrugged his shoulders

ce que jeunesse désire, vieillesse l’a en abondance + what youth wants, old age has abundantly

la jeunesse étudiante est encore une jeunesse dorée + student youthfulness is still golden youthfulness

il faisait froid et humide dans la cabine + it was cold and humid in the cabin

quand tu auras soixante-dix ans, tu seras toujours toi + when you’re seventy years old, you’ll still be yourself

les promoteurs croient que les salles seront remplies + the promoters think the shows will be sold out

122.000 billets ont été vendus + 122,000 tickets were sold
15121302-n old
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 old +
103 Old +
103 old +
103 old +
103 old +
103 old +
103 old +
103 old +
103 old +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
old cựu + +
old tuổi + +
old già + +
old + +
old + +
old chán + +
+ + old