A + * * ben3 book/ root/ capital 1. Wurzel, Stamm, Stengel, Stiel 2. Grundlage, Basis 3. Kapital 4.Buch, Heft 5.Ausgabe 6. Zählwort für Bücher + +
A + * * fan4 meal/ cooked rice or other cereals 1. gekochte Getreidespeise, gekochter Reis 2. Mahlzeit,Essen + +
A 本子 + * * ben3zi book/ notebook Notizbuch,Übungsheft + +
A + * * po4 broken/ damaged/ break/ destroy 1.kaputt, zerrissen. beschädigt, gebrochen 2. scheußlich, miserabel, lausig 3. spalten entzweibrechen 4. zerschlagen 5. besiegen, erstürmen 6. enthüllen, entlarven + +
A + * * shu1 book 1. schreiben 2. Buch 3. Urkunde, Dokument + +
A 好看 + * * hao3kan4 good-looking/ nice/ pretty gut aussehend,schön + +
A 好像 + * * hao3xiang4 seem/ look like/ be like/ as if scheinen, genau wie, wie, als ob + +
A + * * shu2 ripe/ cooked/ done/ soft-boiled / familiar 1. reif 2. gar, zubereitet,gekocht 3.bearbeitet, behandelt 4. bekannt,vertraut 5. geübt,erfahren, geschickt 6. tief, fest + +
A 米飯 + * * mi3fan4 (cooked) rice gekochter Reis + +
A 參觀 + * * can1guan1 visit/ look around besuchen,besichtigen + +
A + * * zuo4 make/ do/ cook/ be/ be used as 1.machen, herstellen,produzieren 2. schreiben, verfassen 3.sich mit etw beschäftigen , an etw arbeiten 4. sein, dienen 5. eine Familienfeier veranstalten 6. Beziehungen aufnehmen + +
A 開玩笑 + * * kai1 wan2xiao4 joke/ crack a joke/ make fun of Spaß machen + +
A + * * kan4 see/ look at/ watch/ read/ think sehen, schauen,denken,beurteilen, betrachten + +
A + * * dian3 1. dot stroke (in Chinese characters) 2. point Punkt 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung + +
A + * * cha2 examine/ investigate/ look up 1.prüfen, überprüfen, nachprüfen 2. erforschen,untersuchen 3. nachschlagen, nachlesen + +
A 課本 + * * ke4ben3 textbook Lehrbuch,Schulbuch + +
A + * * zhao3 look for/ return the balance of money 1. suchen,sich nach etw umsehen, etw ausfindig machen 2. zu jn kommen, jn zu sprechen wünschen, jn besuchen 3. herausgeben + +
A 照顧 + * * zhao4gu4 look after/ give consideration to 1. berücksichtigen, etw in Betracht ziehen 2. sich um jn kümmern, betreuen, Fürsorge + +
A 口語 + * * kou3yu3 spoken language gesprochene Sprache + +
B 顯得 + * * xian3de look/ seem/ appear aussehen, scheinen + +
B 當做 + * * dang4zuo4 treat as/ regard as/ look upon as betrachten als, behandeln als + +
B + * * qiao2 look/ see (an-)sehen, (an-)schauen + +
B + * * dou4 tease/ provoke 1. necken, sich belustigen , sich amüsieren 2. (zum Lachen, Liebhaben) reizen 3. spaßhaft, komisch , jn zum Lachen bringen 4. verweilen, sich aufhalten, Aufenthalt + +
B + * * lin2 face/ overlook 1. nahe, gegenüber 2. kommen, eintreffen 3. kurz vor, gerade bei + +
B 書店 + * * shu1dian4 bookshop/ bookstore Buchhandlung + +
B + * * zhu3 cook/ boil kochen, Essen zubereiten + +
B 書架 + * * shu1jia4 bookshelf Bücherregal + +
B + * * gu4 attend to/ look at 1. sich herumdrehen und schauen, sich umsehen 2 auf etwas Rücksicht nehmen, berücksichtigen 3. besuchen + +
B 著作 + * * zhu4zuo3 work/ book/ writing 1. schreiben / verfassen 2. Werk / Buch + +
B 看不起 + * * kan4 bu qi3 look down upon verachten, geringschätzen + +
B 關照 + * * guan1zhao4 look after/ keep an eye on 1. für jn / etw. sorgen / sich um jn/etw. kümmern 2. benachrichtigen / Bescheid sagen + +
B 看樣子 + * * kan4 yang4zi look like/ seem like es sieht so aus, es scheint, als ob + +
B + * * wai1 askewed/ crooked/ awry 1. schief, schräg 2. unanständig, unsittlich, übel, hinterhältig + +
B + * * ce4 tome/ book 1. Heft, Buch 2. Zählwort Heft, Band, Exemplar + +
B 笑話 + * * xiao4hua joke/ jest/ laugh at/ mock Witz, Scherz + +
B 傷心 + * * shang1 xin1 sad/ grievous/ brokenhearted traurig + +
B 尋找 + * * xun2zhao3 look for/ seek 1. suchen, sich nach etw umsehen, etw ausfindig machen 2.zu jm kommen, jn zu sprechen wünschen , jn besuchen 3. herausgeben + +
B 盼望 + * * pan4wang4 hope for/ look forward to sehnsüchtig erwarten,sich nach etwas sehnen + +
B 吸煙(抽煙) + * * xi1 yan1 smoke rauchen + +
B 模樣 + * * mu2yang4 appearance/ look Aussehen, Erscheinung + +
B + * * re3 cause/ provoke 1. zu Schwierigkeiten führen, Schwierigkeiten heraufbeschwören 2. reizen, necken, foppen 3. hervorrufen, veranlassen, verursachen, herbeiführen + +
B + * * wang4 watch/ look 1. blicken, in die Weite blicken 2. besuchen, aufsuchen 3. hoffen, erwarten 4. Ruf, Ansehen 5. in Richtung, zu, nach + +
B + * * sui4 broken 1. zerbrechen, zersplittern 2. zerbröckelt, zerstückelt 3. redselig, schwatzhaft + +
B 召開 + * * zhao4kai1 convene/ convoke einberufen + +
C 神情 + * * shen2qing2 expression/ look/ air/ mien Ausdruck, Anblick, + +
C 刺激 + * * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation stimulieren, anregen,erregen, reizen + +
C + * * gou1 hook/ crochet 1. Haken 2. einhaken 3. heften, etw lose zusammennähen 4. häkeln + +
C 鉤子 + * * gou1zi hook/ hook-like object/ tick/ check mark Haken + +
C 讀物 + * * du2wu4 reading material/ books; magazines; etc. Lektüre, Lesestoff, + +
C 監視 + * * jian1shi4 keep watch on/ keep a lookout over/ oversee überwachen, beaufsichtigen,beobachten + +
C 輕視 + * * qing1shi4 look down upon/ despise/ belittle/ underestimate geringschätzen, mißachten,verachten + +
C 破產 + * * po4 chan3 go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through Bankrott machen,ruiniert sein,scheitern + +
C 書本 + * * shu1ben3 (general term for) book Buch (allgemeiner Ausdruck) + +
C 書籍 + * * shu1ji2 (collective term for) books/ works/ literature Bücher- (Sammelbegriff) + +
C 破爛 + * * po4lan4 broken and rotten/ ragged/ worn-out/ tattered 1. zerlumpt, zerfetzt, abgenutzt, schäbig 2. Kram, Trödel + +
C 香煙 + * * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke Zigarette + +
C 面孔 + * * mian4kong3 face/ look/ facial expression Gesicht + +
C 象徵 + * * xiang4zheng1 symbol-sign/ symbolize/ signify/ symbol/ token symbolisieren, versinnbildlichen, Symbol, Zeichen + +
C 打量 + * * da3liang4 look up and down/ check out/ examine with the eye mustern, jm/etw prüfend ansehen + +
C 注視 + * * zhu4shi4 attentively-watch/ look attentively at/ gaze at/ stare at verfolgen, anstarren + +
C + * * kan1 guard/ keep under surveillance/ look after/ tend sehen, schauen,denken,beurteilen, betrachten + +
C 祝願 + * * zhu4yuan4 wish-desire/ call upon/ invoke upon/ wish/ desire wünschen, Wunsch + +
C 歪曲 + * * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort verdrehen, verfälschen, etwas in ein falsches Licht rücken + +
C + * * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel + +
C + * * chou3 ugly/ unsightly/ bad-looking/ detestable/ shameful 1. häßlich, garstig, unansehnlich, abscheulich, scheußlich 2. anrüchig, entehrend, schimpflich 3.Clown, komische Figur + +
C 笑容 + * * xiao4rong2 smiling-look/ smiling expression/ smile Lächeln, lächelnder Ausdruck,lächelndes Gesicht + +
C + * * xun2 look for/ search/ seek suchen, auf der Suche nach etw sein + +
C + * * pan2 coil/ twist/ wind/ examine/ look into/ move/ transfer 1. um etw kreisen, schrauben, sich winden 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. überprüfen + +
C + * * pan4 yearn for/ hope for/ expect/ look 1. sich nach etwas sehnen, nach etw verlangen,hoffen 2. blicken, schauen + +
C 頑固 + * * wan2gu4 play-laugh/ joke/ jest/ prank eigensinnig, störrisch, verbissen + +
C + * * yan1 smoke/ tobacco/ cigarette/ opium 1. Zigarette, Tabak 2. Rauch, Qualm, Dunst + +
C 煙囪 + * * yan1cong1 smoke-hole/ chimney/ funnel/ stovepipe Kamin, Schornstein + +
C + * * zhang1 open/ spread/ stretch/ lay out/ display/ show/ look 1. (Vc) öffnen, spannen, aufstellen, ausstellen, vergrößern, übertreiben, schauen, sehen, ein Geschäft eröffnen, 2.(Nb) Gardine 3.(Nf) Stück (Papier, Bild, Haut etc) + +
C 張望 + * * zhang1wang4 peep-look/ peep (through a crack; etc.)/ look around/ herumgucken + +
C 忽視 + * * hu1shi4 ignore/ overlook/ neglect/ disregard übersehen, vernachlässigen + +
C 千方百計 + * * qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means/ by hook or crook nichts unversucht lassen, auf jede erdenkliche W. + +
C + * * zhang4 account/ account book/ debt/ credit 1. Schutzdach mit Vorhängen 2. Rechnung 3. Schulden, Kredit + +
C + * * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) 1.(mit der Hand) winken 2. anstellen, anwerben 3. sich etw. zuziehen, etw nach sich ziehen, zu sich locken 4. reizen, ärgern 5. gestehen, bekennen 6. Trick, Einfall + +
C 目光 + * * mu4guang1 sight/ view/ vision/ gaze/ look Sicht, Blick + +
C 角落 + * * jiao3luo4 corner/ nook/ remote place Ecke, Winkel + +
C 眼看 + * * yan3kan2 eye-see/ look on helplessly/ in a moment/ very soon im Augenblick, jeden Moment, ratlos (tatenlos) zusehen + +
C 召集 + * * zhao4ji2 summon-gather/ call together/ convoke/ convene zusammenrufen + +
C 口頭 + * * kou3tou2 oral/ spoken/ verbal mündlich + +
C 臉色 + * * lian3se4 complexion/ look/ facial expression Gesichtsfarbe, Aussehen,Gesichtsausdruck + +
D + * * tong3 poke/ stab 1. stoßen, knuffen, puffen ,herumstochern 2.etwas ans Licht bringen, verraten, ausplaudern + +
D 劇本 + * * ju4ben3 play book Theaterstück, Drehbuch,Textbuch + +
D 神色 + * * shen2se4 expression/ look Miene, Gesichtsausdruck + +
D 文人 + * * wen2ren2 literati/ bookman Gelehrte, Literat + +
D 探頭探腦 + * * tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 pop one's head in and look about verstohlen den Kopf herausstrecken und Ausschau halten + +
D 回顧 + * * hui2gu4 review/ look back zurückblicken, Rückschau halten + +
D 書刊 + * * shu1kan1 books and periodicals Bücher und Zeitschriften + +
D 撲克 + * * pu1ke4 poker/ playing card Spielkarten + +
D + * * zhu4 write/ book 1. deutlich, ausgeprägt, klar hervortretend 2. zeigen, sich erweisen 3. schreiben, verfassen 4. Werk + +
D 期待 + * * qi1dai4 expect/ look forward to erwarten, erhoffen + +
D 掛鉤 + * * gua4 gou1 hook up Kupplung,mit jm Kontakt aufnehmen + +
D 面容 + * * mian4rong2 look/ face Gesicht, Aussehen, Antlitz + +
D 看待 + * * kan4dai4 look on behandeln, betrachten + +
D 看起來 + * * kan4 qi3lai2 look like es scheint, dem Anschein nach + +
D 看作 + * * kan4zuo4 regard as/ look upon as betrachten als + +
D + * * guan1 look at/ watch/ see 1. schauen, sehen, beobachten, 2. Anblick, Aussehen, 3. Anschauung, Ansicht + +
D + * * xun1 fume/ smoke 1. (Rauch oder Geruch) anwehen, verräuchern 2. (Fisch etc) räuchern + +
D 瞻仰 + * * zhan1yang3 look at with reverence mit Respekt betrachten + +
D + * * xi1 brook Bach, Flüßchen + +
D 焦炭 + * * jiao1tan4 coke Koks + +
D 煙霧 + * * yan1wu4 smoke Rauchschwaden, Nebel, Dampf + +
D 忽略 + * * hu1lve4 ignore/ overlook vernachläsigen, übersehen + +
D 挑撥 + * * tiao3bo1 provoke aufhetzen, Zwietracht säen + +
D 預定 + * * yu4ding4 book/ engage festlegen, festsetzen + +
D 預訂 + * * yu4ding4 book/ subscribe for subscribieren, vorbestellen, reservieren, Reservation + +
D 工具書 + * * gong1ju4shu1 reference book Nachschlagewerk, Lexikon + +
D 烹飪 + * * peng1ren4 cooking Kochen, Kochkunst + +
D 懇切 + * * ken3qie4 fair-spoken aufrichtig, mit großem Ernst + +
D 烹調 + * * peng1tiao2 cook kochen, Speisen zubereiten + +
D 照應 + * * zhao4ying look to pfleglich behandeln, Sorge tragen für + +
D + * * shi4 look at/ watch 1. sehen, starren, anstarren 2. jn als ...ansehen, jd für etw halten 3.inspizieren + +
D 悲傷 + * * bei1shang1 heartbroken/ sorrowful traurig, trauervoll + +
D 鐮刀 + * * lian2dao1 reaphook Sichel + +
D + * * pie1 glance at/ dart a look at einen flüchtigen Blick auf jn,etw. werfen, jm einen Blick zuwerfen + +

* 1 shu1 book/ letter/ CL:本[ben3];冊|册[ce4];部[bu4]/ see also 書經|书经 Book of History
* 1 dian3 drop (of liquid)/ stain/ spot/ speck/ jot/ dot stroke (in Chinese characters)/ decimal point/ point/ mark (of degree or level)/ a place (with certain characteristics)/ iron bell/ o’clock/ a little/ a bit/ some/ (point) unit of measurement for type/ to tou
* 1 hui2 to circle/ to go back/ to turn around/ to answer/ to return/ to revolve/ Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)/ time/ classifier for acts of a play/ section or chapter (of a classic book)
* 1 ben3 roots or stems of plants/ origin/ source/ this/ the current/ root/ foundation/ basis/ classifier for books; periodicals; files etc/ originally
米饭* 1 mi3 fan4 (cooked) rice
* 2 ba5 (modal particle indicating polite suggestion)/ ...right?/ ...OK?
* 2 bai2 white/ snowy/ pure/ bright/ empty/ blank/ plain/ clear/ to make clear/ in vain/ gratuitous/ free of charge/ reactionary/ anti-communist/ funeral/ to stare coldly/ to write wrong character/ to state/ to explain/ vernacular/ spoken lines in opera/ surname B
* 2 kuai4 rapid/ quick/ speed/ rate/ soon/ almost/ to make haste/ clever/ sharp (of knives or wits)/ forthright/ plain-spoken/ gratified/ pleased/ pleasant
* 2 li2 to leave/ to part from/ to be away from/ (in giving distances) from/ without (sth)/ independent of/ one of the eight trigrams of the Book of Changes representing fire (old)
* 2 zhao3 to try to find/ to look for/ to call on sb/ to find/ to seek/ to return/ to give change
照顾* 3 zhao4 gu5 to take care of/ to show consideration/ to attend to/ to look after
* 3 kan4 to see/ to look at/ to read/ to watch/ to consider/ to regard as/ to view as/ to treat as/ to judge/ (after repeated verb) to give it a try/ depending on (how you're judging)/ to visit/ to call on/ to treat (an illness)/ to look after/ Watch out! (for a d
* 3 huai4 bad/ spoiled/ broken/ to break down
* 3 dai4 band/ belt/ girdle/ ribbon/ tire/ area/ zone/ region/ CL:條|条[tiao2]/ to wear/ to carry/ to lead/ to bring/ to look after/ to raise
* 3 zhu4 invoke/ pray to/ wish/ to express good wishes/ surname Zhu
饼干* 4 bing3 gan1 biscuit/ cracker/ cookie/ CL:片[pian4];塊|块[kuai4]
抽烟* 4 chou1 yan1 to smoke (a cigarette; tobacco)
开玩笑* 4 kai1 wan2 xiao4 to play a joke/ to make fun of/ to joke
看法* 4 kan4 fa3 way of looking at a thing/ view/ opinion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
伤心* 4 shang1 xin1 to grieve/ broken-hearted
* 4 ca1 to wipe/ to erase/ rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/ to clean/ to polish
* 4 gua4 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/ (of a telephone call) to hang up/ to be worried or concerned/ to make a phone call (topolect)/ to register or record/ to hitch/ classifier for sets or clusters of objects
参观* 4 can1 guan1 to look around/ to inspect/ visit and observe
样子* 4 yang4 zi5 manner/ air/ looks/ aspect
堵车* 4 du3 che1 traffic jam/ choking
积极* 4 ji1 ji2 active/ energetic/ vigorous/ positive (outlook)/ proactive
笑话* 4 xiao4 hua4 joke/ jest/ CL:個|个[ge4]
咱们* 4 zan2 men5 we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to)/ I or me/ you
笔记本* 4 bi3 ji4 ben3 notebook/ CL:本[ben3]
* 4 xing2 to walk/ to go/ to travel/ a visit/ temporary/ makeshift/ current/ in circulation/ to do/ to perform/ capable/ competent/ effective/ all right/ OK!/ will do
* 4 po4 broken/ damaged/ worn out/ to break; split or cleave/ to get rid of/ to destroy/ to break with/ to defeat/ to capture (a city etc)/ to expose the truth of
导游* 4 dao3 you2 tour guide/ to conduct a tour/ a guidebook
* 5 mo1 to feel with the hand/ to touch/ to stroke/ to grope/ to feel (one's pulse)
召开* 5 zhao4 kai1 to convene (a conference or meeting)/ to convoke/ to call together
* 5 heng2 horizontal/ across/ (horizontal character stroke)
书架* 5 shu1 jia4 bookshelf/ CL:個|个[ge4]
寻找* 5 xun2 zhao3 to seek/ to look for
看不起* 5 kan4 bu5 qi3 to look down upon/ to despise
点心* 5 dian3 xin5 light refreshments/ pastry/ dimsum (in Cantonese cooking)/ dessert
不要紧* 5 bu4 yao4 jin3 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but
前途* 5 qian2 tu2 prospects/ future outlook/ journey
显得* 5 xian3 de5 to seem/ to look/ to appear
* 5 diao4 to fish with a hook and bait
* 5 qiao2 look at
* 5 zhi2 straight/ to straighten/ fair and reasonable/ frank/ straightforward/ (indicates continuing motion or action)/ vertical/ vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
预订* 5 yu4 ding4 to place an order/ to book ahead
* 5 dong4 cave/ hole/ zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 wai1 askew/ at a crooked angle/ devious/ noxious
刺激* 5 ci4 ji1 to provoke/ to irritate/ to upset/ to stimulate/ to excite/ irritant
* 5 xiang4 (look) like/ similar (to)/ appearance/ to appear/ to seem/ image/ portrait/ resemble/ seem
* 5 ce4 book/ booklet/ classifier for books
作为* 5 zuo4 wei2 one's conduct/ deed/ activity/ accomplishment/ achievement/ to act as/ as (in the capacity of)/ qua/ to view as/ to look upon (sth as)/ to take sth to be
促使* 5 cu4 shi3 to induce/ to promote/ to urge/ to impel/ to bring about/ to provoke/ to drive (sb to do sth)/ to catalyze/ to actuate/ to contribute to (some development)
象征* 5 xiang4 zheng1 emblem/ symbol/ token/ badge/ to symbolize/ to signify/ to stand for
盼望* 5 pan4 wang4 to hope for/ look forward to
戒烟* 5 jie4 yan1 to give up smoking
* 5 shi1 poem/ CL: 首[shou3]/ poetry/ verse/ abbr. for Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[shi1 jing1]
* 5 lan4 soft/ mushy/ well-cooked and soft/ to rot/ to decompose/ rotten/ worn out/ chaotic/ messy/ utterly/ thoroughly
确定* 5 que4 ding4 definite/ certain/ fixed/ to fix (on sth)/ to determine/ to be sure/ to ensure/ to make certain/ to ascertain/ to clinch/ to recognize/ to confirm/ OK (on computer dialog box)
* 5 zhu3 to cook/ to boil
人才* 5 ren2 cai2 a person's talent/ talented person/ distinguished person/ a talent (worth head-hunting)/ person's looks/ an attractive woman/ used interchangeably with 人材/ CL:個|个[ge4]
形容* 5 xing2 rong2 to describe/ description/ appearance/ look
期待* 5 qi1 dai4 to look forward to/ to await/ expectation
转折* 6 zhuan3 zhe2 shift in the trend of events/ plot shift in a book/ twists and turns
容貌* 6 rong2 mao4 one's appearance/ one's aspect/ looks/ features
* 6 zhe2 to break/ to snap/ to suffer the loss of/ to turn/ to bend/ to admire/ to amount to/ to discoun/ to fold/ turning stroke (in Chinese character)/ booklet
挑衅* 6 tiao3 xin4 to provoke/ provocation
追究* 6 zhui1 jiu1 investigate/ look into
模样* 6 mu2 yang4 look/ style/ appearance/ approximation/ about/ CL:個|个[ge4]
目光* 6 mu4 guang1 sight/ vision/ view/ gaze/ look
忽略* 6 hu1 lve4 to neglect/ to overlook/ to ignore
* 6 ao2 (of cooking) to boil for a long time/ to endure/ to suffer
气魄* 6 qi4 po4 spirit/ boldness/ positive outlook/ imposing attitude
气势* 6 qi4 shi4 momentum/ manner/ energy/ look of great force or imposing manner/ powerful
巴不得* 6 ba1 bu4 de2 to be eager for/ to long for/ to look forward to
疏忽* 6 shu1 hu5 to neglect/ to overlook/ negligence/ carelessness
书籍* 6 shu1 ji2 books/ works
钩子* 6 gou1 zi5 hook
* 6 shu4 to erect/ vertical/ vertical stroke (in Chinese characters)
寻觅* 6 xun2 mi4 to look for
看待* 6 kan4 dai4 to look upon/ to regard
不择手段* 6 bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4 by fair means or foul/ by hook or by crook/ unscrupulously
角落* 6 jiao3 luo4 nook/ corner
钦佩* 6 qin1 pei4 to admire/ to look up to/ to respect sb greatly
东张西望* 6 dong1 zhang1 xi1 wang4 to look in all directions (idiom)/ to glance around
回顾* 6 hui2 gu4 to look back/ to review
刻不容缓* 6 ke4 bu4 rong2 huan3 to brook no delay/ to demand immediate action
操劳* 6 cao1 lao2 to work hard/ to look after
关照* 6 guan1 zhao4 to take care/ to keep an eye on/ to look after/ to tell/ to remind
外向* 6 wai4 xiang4 outward-looking/ extrovert/ extroverted (personality)/ export-oriented (economy)
* 6 cong2 cluster/ collection/ collection of books/ thicket
神情* 6 shen2 qing2 look/ expression
神色* 6 shen2 se4 expression/ look
神态* 6 shen2 tai4 appearance/ manner/ bearing/ deportment/ look/ expression/ mien
搜索* 6 sou1 suo3 to search/ to look for sth/ to scour (search meticulously)/ to look sth up/ internet search/ database search
向往* 6 xiang4 wang3 to yearn for/ to look forward to
俯仰* 6 fu3 yang3 looking up and down/ actions/ being obliging
备忘录* 6 bei4 wang4 lu4 memorandum/ aide-memoire/ memorandum book
烹饪* 6 peng1 ren4 cooking/ culinary arts
机遇* 6 ji1 yu4 opportunity/ favorable circumstance/ stroke of luck
急功近利* 6 ji2 gong1 jin4 li4 seeking instant benefit (idiom)/ shortsighted vision; looking only for fast return
片段* 6 pian4 duan4 fragment (of speech etc)/ extract (from book etc)/ episode (of story etc)
撤销* 6 che4 xiao1 to repeal/ to revoke/ to undo (computing)
弥漫* 6 mi2 man4 to pervade/ to fill the air/ diffuse/ everywhere present/ about to inundate (water)/ permeated by (smoke)/ filled with (dust)/ to saturate (the air with fog; smoke etc)
寄托* 6 ji4 tuo1 to have sb look after sb/ to entrust the care of sb/ to place (hope etc) on
城堡* 6 cheng2 bao3 castle/ rook (chess piece)
展望* 6 zhan3 wang4 outlook/ prospect/ to look ahead/ to look forward to
* 6 leng4 to look distracted/ to stare blankly/ distracted/ blank/ (coll.) unexpectedly
当心* 6 dang1 xin1 to take care/ to look out
世界观* 6 shi4 jie4 guan1 worldview/ world outlook/ Weltanschauung
著作* 6 zhu4 zuo4 to write/ literary work/ book/ article/ writings/ CL:部[bu4]
认可* 6 ren4 ke3 to approve/ approval/ acknowledgment/ OK
就业* 6 jiu4 ye4 looking for employment/ getting a job/ to start a career
* 6 bie1 to choke/ to stifle/ to restrain/ to hold back/ to hold in (urine)/ to hold (one's breath)
捣乱* 6 dao3 luan4 to disturb/ to look for trouble/ to stir up a row/ to bother sb intentionally

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

OK. a: Emotion_directed +

okay. a: Desirability +

okay. v: Grant_permission +


2 老师 机场 +
32 +
44 有趣 +
57 +
103 记事本 记录 以便 记忆 +
145 他们 +
148 东京 日本 中心 +
155 开门 看看 +
177 闹钟 但是 +
187 英文 +
206 回头 +
210 昨天 开始 戒烟 +
244 当然 可以 +
317 图书馆 +
378 地毯 样品 +
435 文件 +
448 这里 不许 吸烟 +
541 名单 +
554 她们 故事书 热门 +
583 这里 发生 火灾 +
591 烹饪 兴趣 +
667 书店 看书 +
675 +
734 战争 爆发 +
805 上书 准备 离开 +
830 未必 能够 戒烟 +
854 书架 摆放 整齐 +
905 他们 网上 资料 +
909 姐妹 俩长 +
954 例题 +
996 第一 +
1005 鸡蛋 +
1007 吸烟 损害 健康 +
1041 他们 全家 公园 散步 +
1055 网上 机票 +
1088 车子 +
1104 衣服 颜色 +
1210 深深地 一口气 +
1220 照顾 +
1250 妈妈 讲述 故事 +
1259 抽烟 +
1320 新书 序言 执笔 +
1358 这块 手表 看起来 档次 +
1388 我们 轮流 开车 +
1407 图书馆 +
1459 看起来 斯文 +
1481 书架 抽出 +
1501 城堡 看起来 庄严 +
1519 会议 大家 畅所欲言 +
1520 骨折 +
1535 急切 盼望 回家(Nv)。 +
1536 母女 俩长 相似 +
1567 这些 +
1602 树干 折断 +
1621 闹钟 吵醒 +
1639 摆在 桌子 +
1644 寻找 参考书 +
1670 书架 很多 字典 +
1675 桌上 摆有 +
1679 男朋友 吹了 +
1694 看起来 悲伤 +
1697 镜子 +
1750 东京 铁路网 发达 +
1788 图书馆 书籍 +
1834 +
1844 同事 裁员 幸灾乐祸 +
1859 大家 地上 仰望 天空 +
1901 他们 表情 严肃 +
1947 这些 颇重 +
1961 鸡蛋 +
1976 烟囱 正在 冒烟 +
1986 她们 俩长 +
2059 违背 诺言 +
2089 地址簿 +
2133 坏人 勒索 钱财 +
2145 翻到 +
2146 显得 气愤 +
2169 白云 衬托 天空 +
2198 眼镜 摘下来 +
2226 笔夹 记事本 +
2284 玻璃 打碎 +
2328 期待 幸福 婚姻 +
2335 土地 显得 湿润 +
2416 正在 饼干 +
2421 爸爸 戒烟 +
2438 看起来 有点 +
2455 +
2461 +
2487 盲文 +
2536 查字典 注解 +
2537 批注 +
2544 饼干 +
2556 不要 招惹 小心 +
2563 天空 烟雾 笼罩 +
2565 爷爷 慈祥 +
2566 看起来 有点 郁闷 +
2589 眼泪汪汪 +
2597 决心 戒烟 +
2720 昂头 +
2738 孩子 露出 仇视 表情 +
2768 墙上 相框 +
2779 准备 晚餐 +
2832 烹调 食物 +
2865 挑衅 +
2900 一口 饼干 +
2948 哎呀 什么 ? +
2950 汽车 辐条 撞坏 +
2967 烟瘾 +
2987 仙女 +
3011 K 自我 娱乐 方式 +
3072 举手 发誓 +
3088 吉他 +
3106 账本 数目 好像 出错 +
3136 +
3181 呛到 +
3247 豆腐 烹饪 原料 +
3283 相中 +
3298 数学 练习簿 +
3314 嗜好 吸烟 +
3317 厨师 +
3326 古诗 韵味 +
3343 钩子 掛满 厨具 +
3389 书架 +
3411 枉法 +
3452 东京 纬度 北纬 32 +
3474 喜欢 +
3499 他们 憧憬 美好 未来 +
3507 价目 标籤 +
3529 战场 硝烟 弥漫 +
3554 他们 车窗 +
3556 看起来 有点 +
3563 妈妈 煎锅 做菜 +
3577 +
3590 要不 看书 要不 睡觉. +
3607 不择手段 +
3640 专门 麻烦 +
3642 专程 +
3653 多谢 关照 +
3677 歪打正着 中了 彩票 头彩 +
3678 台下 平平常常 上台 光彩 夺目 +
3708 城市 面貌 改观 许多 +
3722 仰望 碧天 心情 豁然 开朗 +
3761 如果 一个 词语 词语 就要 词典 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[broken] physically separated into pieces
[book] volume
[book] written work
[hook] bent implement
[joke] gag, laugh, jest
[look] physical appearance
[look] spirit, tone, feel, feeling, flavor
[notebook] notebook computer
[notebook] book with blank pages
[outlook] mentality, mindset
[smoke] fumes
[stroke] apoplexy, cerebrovascular accident
[spokesperson] interpreter, representative
[choke] gag, suffocate
[choke] strangle
[hook] fasten with a hook
[revoke] lift, annul, reverse, repeal, overturn, rescind
[look] appear, seem
[look] search
[cook] fix, ready, prepare
[overlook] fail to notice
[provoke] arouse, evoke an emotion or response
[smoke] inhale a plant derivative
[stroke] fondle, caress
[evoke] suggest

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

ok + OK + OK + OK +

찾다 (seek,look for) + + (A book) + + 바라보다 ( Look at, watch ; to look forward to, hope for) + + 표정 (Facial expression, look) + + 향하다 (To face, look out on) + + (Uncooked rice) + + 괜찮다 (To be okay) + + 관점 (A point of view or a standpoint/outlook) + + 구하다 (1) To buy or purchase or 2) look for or seek or want) + + 쳐다보다 ( To look up at) + + 기대하다 ( To expect or look forward to) + + 요리 (Cooking) + + (A volume or a book) + + 살피다 (Take a good look at) + + 화려하다 ( Splendor, magnificence of a display, a look) + + 여겨지다 ( To look, appear, think of sth as) + + 연기 (Smoke, fume) + + (A chapter in a book) + + 내다보다 ( Look out for) + + 농담 (A joke) + + 교과서 (Textbook) + + 삶다 (boil,cook (eggs)) + + 내려다보다 (Overlook) + + 의지하다 ( To look to, depend on, rely on) + + 통장 (A bankbook (check register)) + + 고장 (Broken) + + 주방 (A kitchen, a cookroom) + + 부서지다 ( Break, be broken) + + 구석구석 ( Every nook and corner) + + 끼다 (To smoke) + + 부러지다 ( Break, get broken) + + 잘리다 (Be snapped,broken,cut off) + + 한눈 (A look, glampse, look) + + 서적 (books,publications) + + (To appear or look as) + + 공책 (Notebook for taking notes and studying) + + 서점 (A bookstore) + + 쓰다듬다 ( Stroke one’s beard) + + 앞길 (The road ahead, outlook) + + 한구석 (A corner, a nook) + + (1) raw,uncooked 2)living) + + 중계방송 ( A relay, a hookup) + + 금연 (Prohibition of smoking) + + 익히다 (cook,boil) + + 올려다보다 (Look up) + + 요리사 (A chef, a cook) + + 전기밥솥 ( Electric rice cooker) + + 저기 (“hey,look here,now”) + + 책가방 (Bookbag) + + 되돌아보다 (To look back on) + + 밥솥 (Pressure cooker for rice) + + 인상 (Look, personal appearance) + + 냇물 (A stream, brook) + + 예약하다 ( To book in advance, pledge) + + 요리하다 ( To cook (food)) + + 도쿄(동경) (Tokyo) + +
+ + + + + + + +