VNEN đỏ * red * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich bin müde. I'm tired. Tôi mệt.
Meine Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist abgelaufen. My residence permit is expired. Giấy phép cư trú của tôi hết hạn.
rot red đỏ
Ich möchte mit Karte zahlen. I would like to pay with my credit card. Tôi muốn thanh toán bằng thẻ tín dụng của tôi.
Wir akzeptieren keine Kreditkarten. We do not accept credit cards. Chúng tôi không chấp nhận thẻ tín dụng.
Das muss repariert werden. It has to be repaired. Nó phải được sửa chữa.
die Kreditkarte credit card thẻ tín dụng
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Quả / trái anh đào màu đỏ. The cherry is red. Die Kirsche ist rot.
Quả / trái anh đào màu gì? Màu đỏ. What colour / color (am.) is the cherry? Red. Welche Farbe hat die Kirsche? Rot.
Đây là thẻ tín dụng của tôi. Here is my credit card. Hier ist meine Kreditkarte.
Bạn có thể gọi người đến để sửa không? Can you get it repaired? Können Sie das reparieren lassen?
Tôi muốn một ly rượu vang đỏ. I’d like a glass of red wine. Ich hätte gern ein Glas Rotwein.
Đã xảy ra tai nạn. An accident has occurred. Es ist ein Unfall passiert.
Rồi bạn rẽ phải đi một trăm mét nữa. Then go right for a hundred metres / meters (am.). Gehen Sie dann hundert Meter nach rechts.
Buồn chán to be bored Langeweile haben
Chị ấy buồn chán. She is bored. Sie hat Langeweile.
Chị ấy không buồn chán. She is not bored. Sie hat keine Langeweile.
Thẻ tín dụng nào dùng được? Which credit cards can one use? Welche Kreditkarten kann man benutzen?
Không, cái này có một trăm Euro thôi. No, it costs only one hundred Euros. Nein, er kostet nur hundert Euro.
Và thẻ tín dụng cũng mất rồi. And her credit card is also gone. Und ihre Kreditkarte ist auch weg.
Phụ nữ nặng 100 ki lô là béo / mập. A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is fat. Eine Frau mit 100 Kilo ist dick.
Trả tiền bằng thẻ tín dụng ở đây được không? May one pay by credit card? Darf man mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?
Tôi mệt. I am tired. Ich bin müde.
Tôi đi, bởi vì tôi mệt. I’m going because I’m tired. Ich gehe, weil ich müde bin.
Chị ấy đã bị mệt. She was tired. Sie war müde.
Chị ấy đã không đến, bởi vì chị ấy đã bị mệt. She didn’t come because she was tired. Sie ist nicht gekommen, weil sie müde war.
Một chiếc váy màu đỏ a red dress ein rotes Kleid
Tôi đang mặc một chiếc váy màu đỏ. I am wearing a red dress. Ich habe ein rotes Kleid an.
Tôi đã trả lời. I answered. Ich habe geantwortet.
Tôi đã trả lời tất cả các câu hỏi. I answered all the questions. Ich habe auf alle Fragen geantwortet.
Tôi thấy mệt mỗi khi tôi phải học. I become tired as soon as I have to study. Ich werde müde, sobald ich lernen soll.
Tôi mệt. + I'm tired.
Tôi không mệt. + I'm not tired.
Màu đỏ. + It's red.
Cậu có mệt không? + Are you tired?
Nước sôi ở một trăm độ C. + Water boils at one hundred degrees (100o) Celsius.
Cậu sống ở gần đây. Còn Fred thì sao? Anh ấy có sống ở gần đây không? + You live near here. How about Fred? Does he live near here?
Junko mệt. Cô ấy muốn về nhà bây giờ. + Junko's tired. She wants to go home now.
Tối qua tôi mệt. + I was tired last night.
Chúng tôi thấy đói sau chuyến đi, nhưng chúng tôi không thấy mệt. + We were hungry after the trip, but we weren't tired.
Sáng nay tôi thấy khoẻ nhưng đêm qua tôi rất mệt + I feel fine this morning, but I was very tired last night.
Cái máy ảnh mới của cậu giá bao nhiêu? - Giá ba trăm đô-la. + How much did your new camera cost? It was three hundred dollars ($300). > It was two hundred euros (€200).
Sáng nay tôi thấy mệt. + I'm tired this morning.
Chúng tôi thấy mệt nên chúng tôi đã không ở bữa tiệc lâu. + We were tired, so we didn't stay long at the party.
Anh ấy dừng đọc sách và trả lời điện thoại. + He stopped reading and answered the phone.
Cuộc sống một trăm năm trước rất khác. + Life was very different a hundred (100) years ago.
Ngôi nhà này được xây cách có giá một trăm năm. + This house was built one hundred (100) years ago.
Những ngôi nhà này được xây cách có giá một trăm năm. + These houses were built one hundred (100) years ago.
Có ai bị thương trong vụ tai nạn không? + Was anybody injured in the accident?
Ba người bị thương trong vụ tai nạn. + Three people were injured in the accident.
Gara là nơi xe hơi được sửa. + A garage is a place where cars are repaired.
Xe hơi của tôi ở trong nhà để xe. Nó đang được sửa. + My car is at the garage. It's being repaired.
Xe hơi của tôi đang được sửa. + The car's being repaired. — The car's getting repaired.
Mái nhà đang được sửa. + The roof is being repaired. — The roof is getting repaired.
Máy giặt bị hỏng. Bây giờ nó mới được chữa xong, + The washing machine was broken. It's been repaired now.
+ The washing machine was getting repaired yesterday afternoon.
Cái cầu đang bị đóng cửa. Nó bị hỏng tuần trước và nó chưa được sửa chữa. + The bridge is closed. It got damaged last week, and it hasn't been repaired yet.
Nó chưa được sửa chữa. + It hasn't gotten repaired yet.
Tôi rất mệt. Tôi không muốn ra ngoài tối nay. + I'm very tired. I don't want to go out tonight.
Tôi rất mệt. Tôi sẽ không ra ngoài tối nay. + I'm very tired. I'm not going out tonight.
Giá là một bức ảnh rất cũ. Nó được chụp lâu lắm rồi. + Why are you so tired? Did you go to bed late last night?
Xe hơi của tôi đã được chữa. + My car has been repaired.
Tôi đã đi ngủ sớm vì tôi mệt. + I went to bed early because I was tired.
Feliciana nói cô ấy rất mệt. Cô ấy sẽ đi nằm một tiếng. + Feliciana says she's feeling very tired. She's going to lie down for an hour.
Cuối chuyến đi cô ấy sẽ rất mệt. + At the end of her trip she'll be very tired.
Tôi mệt. Tôi nghĩ tối nay tôi sẽ đi ngủ sớm. + I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.
Tôi thấy mệt lắm. Tôi nghĩ hôm nay tôi sẽ không chơi quần vợt đâu. + I feel very tired. I don't think I'll play tennis today.
Tối qua tôi mệt nhưng tôi không ngủ được. + I was tired last night, but I couldn't sleep.
Tôi mệt nhưng tôi đã không ngủ được. + I was tired, but I couldn't sleep.
Hôm nay cậu làm mười tiếng. Cậu hẳn là mệt rồi. + You worked ten (10) hours today. You must be tired.
Giờ đã muộn mà cậu lại rất mệt. Cậu nên đi ngủ. + It's late, and you're very tired. You should go to bed.
Tôi thấy mệt. Tôi muốn ở nhà tối nay. + I'm feeling tired. I'd like to stay home tonight.
Tôi mệt. Tôi muốn đi ngủ bây giờ. + I'm tired. I'd like to go to bed now.
Tôi đang mệt. Tôi thấy không đi ra ngoài tối nay thì hơn. + I'm feeling tired. I'd rather not go out tonight.
Chí Tường đang mệt. Anh ấy thấy không đi ra ngoài tối nay thì hơn. + Jisang is feeling tired. He'd rather not go out tonight.
Tối nay chúng ta có nên ra ngoài không? - Không, tôi mệt. Hãy ở nhà đi. + Should we go out tonight? — No, I'm tired. Let's stay home.
Tôi mệt mỏi vì cãi nhau rồi. Lần sau đừng có cãi nhau nữa. + I'm tired of arguing. Let's not do it any more.
Có một chiếc xe hơi màu đỏ bên ngoài nhà của cậu. Nó là của cậu à? + There's a red car outside your house. Is it yours?
Chúng tôi đang ở trong một khách sạn rất lớn. Có một nghìn hai trăm năm mươi phòng ở đây. + We're staying at a very big hotel. There are one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) rooms.
Chúng tôi từng ở trong một khách sạn rất lớn. Có một nghìn hai trăm năm mươi phòng ở đó. + We stayed at a very big hotel. There were one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) rooms.
Mười năm trước trong trường có năm trăm trẻ em. Bây giờ ở đó có hơn một nghìn. + Ten years ago there were five hundred (500) children in the school. Now there are more than a thousand.
Cô ấy không mệt nhưng anh ấy thì có. + She isn't tired, but he is.
Cậu có mệt không? - Trước thì có nhưng giờ thì không. + Are you tired? — I was, but I'm not now.
Cậu có mệt không? - Có. Không. + Are you tired? — Yes, I am. — No, I'm not.
Cậu có mệt không? - Trước thì có nhưng giờ thì không. + Are you tired? — I was earlier, but I'm not now.
Cậu trông có vẻ đẹp hoang dã mệt. - Thế à? Tôi thấy khoẻ mà. + You look tired. — I do? I feel fine.
+ Caroline looks tired, doesn't she? — Yes, she works very hard.
Cậu không mệt à? - Không, tôi khoẻ. + You aren't tired, are you? — No, I feel fine.
Người ta báo cáo là có hai người bị thương trong vụ nổ. + It's reported that two (2) people were injured in the explosion.
Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ hát sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu. + Have you ever considered going to live in another country? — Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost.
Trời nóng làm tôi thấy mệt. + Hot weather makes me feel tired.
Tôi biết là tôi đã khoá cửa. Tôi nhớ rõ ràng là đã khoá nó. > Tôi có nhớ khoá cửa nhưng tôi đã quên đóng cửa sổ. + I know I locked the door. I clearly remember locking it. — I remembered to lock the door, but I forgot to shut the windows.
Tôi mệt. Tôi không muốn ra ngoài tối nay lắm, nếu cậu không + I'm tired. I'd rather not go out tonight, if you don't mind.
Chúng tôi đã nói thầm để không ai có thể nghe thấy cuộc trao đổi của chúng tôi. + We whispered so that nobody could hear our conversation.
Sau chuyến đi dài, chắc cậu mệt lắm. + After such a long trip, you're bound to be tired.
Cảm thấy mệt, tôi đã đi ngủ sớm. + Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
Người dân bị thương trong vụ tai nạn. + The people were injured in the accident.
Họ nhận tôi làm việc vì tôi có nhiều kinh mua vé để bay kinh nghiệm. + They offered me the job because I had a lot of experience.
Vụ tai nạn trông có vẻ đẹp hoang dã nghiêm trọng, nhưng may mắn là không ai bị thương. + The accident looked serious, but fortunately nobody was injured.
Cả hai chúng ta đều rất mệt. + Both of us were very tired.
Tôi vừa mệt vừa đói khi tôi về đến nhà. + I was both tired and hungry when I got home.
Chúng ta sống ở một thế giới đang thay đổi luôn luôn. + The driver who caused the accident was fined five hundred dollars ($500). — The driver who caused the accident was fined four hundred euros (€400).
Cậu bé bị thương trong vụ tai nạn đã được đưa đến bệnh viện. + The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.
Con đường bị con bão phá nay đã được sửa lại. + The road damaged in the storm has now been repaired.
Tôi không có việc gì để làm. Tôi đang chán. + I don't have anything to do. I'm bored.
Hai người đã bị thương nghiêm trọng trong vụ tai nạn. + Two people were seriously injured in the accident.
Chúng tôi biết làm sao để học ngôn ngữ nhanh đến khó tin. + We know how to learn languages incredibly quickly.
Hai người đã bị thương nghiêm trọng trong vụ tai nạn. + Two people got seriously injured in the accident.
Tôi không ngủ được mặc dù tôi rất mệt. Cho dù tôi thực sự mệt, tôi vẫn không ngủ được. + I couldn't sleep despite being very tired. — Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep.
Chúng tôi đã cất cánh một tiếng trước và chúng tôi đang bay với tốc độ chín km một giờ, và ở độ cao mười nghìn mét. + We took off an hour ago, and now we're flying at a speed of nine hundred (900) kilometers per hour at an altitude of ten thousand (10,000) meters.
Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái. + The train was traveling at a speed of one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. — The train was traveling at a speed of two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control.
Nước sôi ở nhiệt độ một trăm độ C. + Water boils at a temperature of one hundred degrees (100º) Celsius.
Tôi không mang đủ tiền mặt, do đó, tôi có thể trả bằng thẻ tín dụng được không? + I didn't bring enough cash, so could I pay BY credit card?
Lương của tôi đã tăng từ hai nghìn đô la một tháng lên hai nghìn, năm trăm đô-la. > Lương của tôi đă tăng thêm năm trăm đô-la. + My salary has increased from two thousand dollars ($2000) a month to twenty-five hundred ($2500). — My salary's increased BY five hundred dollars ($500). — My salary has increased from fifteen hundred fifty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). — My salary's increased BY three hundred fifty euro (€350).
Tôi đã viết một tờ séc năm trăm đô-la cho công ti bảo hiểm. + I wrote a check FOR five hundred dollars ($500) to the insurance company. — I wrote a check FOR four hundred euros (€400) to the insurance company.
Cậu có sợ nhện không? > Cậu có sợ nhện không? > Nhện có làm cậu sợ không? > Nhện có nước sợ không? > Nhện có đang làm cậu sợ không? + Are you scared of spiders? — Are you afraid of spiders? — Are spiders scary? — Are spiders frightening?
Con nhện khổng lồ trong lm "Người Hobbit" làm tôi chết khiếp! + The giant spider in The Hobbit scared me to death!
Tôi mệt vì ngày nào cũng ăn cùng một món. Hãy thử kiếm cái khác xem sao. + I'm tired of eating the same food every day. Let's try something different.
+ I couldn't pay the minimum amount on my credit card bill.
Tôi được mời vào làm ở một công ti dầu nhưng tôi đã quyết định từ chối nó. + I was offered a job at the oil company, but I decided to turn it down.
Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát Trung quốc ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ. + In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down.

Tôi thích cái ví đỏ của mình. + I like my red wallet.

Màu đỏ + Red

Một trăm + one hundred

Bốn nghìn bốn trăm + four thousand four hundred

+ Six million seven hundred thousand

Chín nghìn ba trăm bốn mươi lăm + Nine thousand three hundred forty-five

Ba trăm hai mươi tư + three hundred twenty-four

Bảy nghìn bảy trăm bảy mươi bảy + Seven thousand seven hundred seventy-seven

Hai tỷ hai trăm triệu + Two billion two hundred million

thẻ tín dụng + credit card

Cái thiệp của tôi có màu đỏ. + My card is red.

Làm ơn liên hệ ngân hàng khi thẻ tín dụng của bạn hết hạn. + Please contact the bank when your credit card expires.

Một trăm mét + one hundred meters

Tôi đã chuẩn bị mọi thứ cho cuộc phỏng vấn. + I prepared everything for the interview.

Họ đã chuẩn bị an ninh tối đa tại sân bay. + They prepared maximum security at the airport.

Tổng thống đã biến mất cùng với mộ tcon mèo. + The president disappeared with a cat.

Tôi có thể dự đoán bạn không thể dự đoán tương lai. + I can predict that you cannot predict the future.

Tôi dự đoán họ sẽ đầu hàng. + I predict they will surrender.

dự đoán + predict

Chính phủ đã huy động nhiều xe thiết giáp. + The government mobilized many armored cars.

Xe thiết giáp của họ bị tấn công. + Their armored car is attacked.

Một tiểu đoàn thiết giáp + an armored battalion

thiết giáp + armored

Những con ma ở trong lâu đài đã biến mất. + The ghosts in the castle disappeared.

Tôi cảm thấy mệt mỏi. + I feel tired.

mệt mỏ + tired

háng trước, diễn viên hài đó mua một trăm con thỏ và bây giờ anh ấy bị viêm màng túi. + Last month that comedian bought one hundred rabbits and now he is broke.

nóng tính + bad-tempered

Em đã bị đuổi việc! + You're fired.

Hãy chuẩn bị! + Be prepared.

Bạn muốn trả tiển mặt hay thẻ tín dụng? + Will you pay by cash or by credit card?

Tôi có cái đầu đỏ - với mái tóc đổ. + I am a red-head - with red hair.

Nguy hiểm + At a red light

Tiếp tục đi tiếp thêm (100 thước) nữa + Keep going for another (hundred yards)

Ông còn cách 100 m + You're one hundred metres far from it.

Tôi thấy chán quá à. + I am bored

Tôi sợ. + I am scared

Ngày hôm nay của tôi rất buồn tẻ. + I am so bored today

Tôi đang chán chết mất. + I'm dying from boredom

Tôi rất dể chán nản. + I get bored very easily

Tôi thấy chán ngắt hầu như mọi lúc. + I was bored most of the time

Nhà hàng có nhận thanh toán bằng thẻ tín dụng không? + Do you take credit cards?

Tôi muốn báo mất thẻ tín dụng. + I want to report a lost credit card.

Tôi đã bị cho nghỉ việc trở thành nhân sự thừa vì công ty tái cơ cấu. + I was made redundant, because the company relocated.

thu nhỏ quy mô + I was made redundant, because the company downsized.

cần cắt giảm chi phí + I was made redundant, because the company needed to cut costs.

+ What would be the first project I'd be working on if I was offered the job?

Em thật tuyệt vời + You're incredible

Tôi thực sự ốm và mệt bởi. + I'm sick and tired of …
GNOT Temporal • points of time 1500 (fifteen hundred) +
Quantitative • number hundred trăm +
GNOT Qualitative • colour red +
SNOT Personal identification • date and place of birth the required numerals +
SNOT Personal identification • physical appearance dark (-haired) +
SNOT Personal identification • physical appearance fair (-haired) +
SNOT Travel • accommodation credit card +
SNOT Health and body care • personal comfort tired mệt +
SNOT Shopping • prices credit-card +
• types of food and drink red cabbage bắp cải đỏ +
SNOT • types of food and drink red kidney beans +
Oxford 3000VieEng
đỏ red
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-5 verabreden to arrange a meeting   (verabredet, verabredete, hat verabredet)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-12 müde tired
3-2. Sprache, Schrift Exercise 3-2-4 reden 1. to talk, 2. to make a speech   (redet, redete, hat geredet)
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-1 Wohngemeinschaft shared apartment
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-16 fliegen 1. to fly, 2. to get fired   (fliegt, flog, hat/ist geflogen)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-12 Schnitzel 1. escalope, 2. shred
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-14 abnehmen 1. to take something off something, 2. to examine, 3. to relieve, 4. to lose weight, 5. to reduce, to slim   (nimmt ab, nahm ab, hat abgenommen)
Exercise 9-1-7 Ermäßigung reduction
Exercise 9-1-12 reduzieren to reduce, to decrease   (reduziert, reduzierte, hat reduziert)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-8 farbig coloured
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-8 rot red
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-10 hässlich 1. ugly, 2. nasty, 3. mean, 4. ill-favoured
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-3 Einschreiben registered mail
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-5 Kredit loan, credit
10-1. Dienstleistungen, Post, Bank Exercise 10-1-5 Kreditkarte 1. credit card, 2. charge card
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-16 ausgezeichnet 1. excellent, 2. honoured, 3. price marked
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-9 notwendig required
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-9 erforderlich required
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-13 unglaublich incredible
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-7 überreden to talk someone into something   (überredet, überredete, hat überredet)
19-1. Präpositionen Exercise 19-1-2 gegenüber 1. opposite, 2. compared with
19-1. Präpositionen Exercise 19-1-3 neben 1. next to, 2. alongside, 3. compared with
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Hier steht, dass der Pass abgelaufen ist. Was heißt das?  + heißen* It says here the passport has expired. What does that mean?  Nó nói ở đây hộ chiếu đã hết hạn. Điều đó nghĩa là gì?
Exercise 2-4 Warum siehst du mich so erschrocken an?  + ansehen* Why are you looking at me so scared?  Tại sao bạn lại nhìn tôi sợ vậy?
Exercise 2-6 Der Schrank wird am Montag geliefert.  + Montag The cabinet will be delivered on Monday.  Nội các sẽ được phát vào thứ Hai.
Exercise 2-8 Du hast auf meine Frage noch nicht geantwortet.  + antworten You haven't answered my question yet.  Bạn chưa trả lời câu hỏi của tôi.
Exercise 2-8 Ich habe ihm noch nicht auf seinen Brief geantwortet.  + antworten I haven't answered his letter yet.  Tôi chưa trả lời thư của anh ấy.
Exercise 2-9 Ich bin müde.  + sein* I am tired.  Tôi mệt.
Exercise 3-4 Die rote Bluse steht dir gut.  + rot The red blouse looks good on you.  Áo đỏ trông rất đẹp.
Exercise 3-4 Sie ist rot vor Scham.  + rot She's red with shame.  Cô ấy đỏ mặt vì xấu hổ.
Exercise 3-4 Ein rotes Licht blinkte.  + rot A red light was flashing.  Đèn đỏ nhấp nháy.
Exercise 3-4 Ist es nicht etwas zu rot? + rot Isn't it a little too red? Không phải là nó quá đỏ?
Exercise 3-5 Er bezog sich in der Bewerbung auf das Stellenangebot in der Zeitung.  + beziehen* In the application, he referred to the job offer in the newspaper.  Trong đơn đăng ký, ông đã đề cập đến công việc cung cấp trên báo.
Exercise 3-6 Ich verwende zum Kochen nur die besten Zutaten.  + verwenden* I use only the best ingredients for cooking.  Tôi chỉ dùng những nguyên liệu nấu ăn ngon nhất.
Exercise 3-8 Mein Nachbar ist seit drei Jahren pensioniert. + Nachbar My neighbor has been retired for three years. Người hàng xóm của tôi đã nghỉ hưu trong ba năm.
Exercise 4-5 Ich kann mir nicht erklären, wie der Brief verschwinden konnte.  + erklären I can't explain how the letter disappeared.  Tôi không thể giải thích làm thế nào lá thư biến mất.
Exercise 4-7 Bei dem Unfall wurde er tödlich verletzt.  + tödlich He was fatally injured in the accident.  Anh ta đã bị thương trong tai nạn.
Exercise 5-2 Hast du die Preise verglichen? + vergleichen* Have you compared the prices? Bạn đã so sánh giá?
Exercise 5-5 Das scheint mir unglaublich.  + scheinen* That seems incredible to me.  Điều đó có vẻ khó tin với tôi.
Exercise 5-7 Schnee bedeckte die ganze Stadt.  + Schnee Snow covered the whole city.  Tuyết phủ khắp cả thành phố.
Exercise 5-7 Der Berg ist mit Schnee bedeckt.  + Schnee The mountain is covered with snow.  Núi được phủ tuyết.
Exercise 5-7 Hast du deine Temperatur gemessen?  + Temperatur Have you measured your temperature?  Bạn đã đo nhiệt độ của bạn?
Exercise 5-8 Der Himmel überzog sich plötzlich mit dunklen Wolken.  + Wolke The sky suddenly covered with dark clouds.  Bầu trời bỗng chốc phủ mây đen.
Exercise 5-8 Der Himmel war mit Wolken bedeckt.  + Wolke The sky was covered with clouds.  Bầu trời bao phủ bởi những đám mây.
Exercise 6-6 Sie ist nur für kurze Zeit zu ertragen.  + Zeit It can only be endured for a short time.  Nó chỉ có thể chịu được trong một thời gian ngắn.
Exercise 7-5 Er hatte seine Rede gut vorbereitet. + vorbereiten He had prepared his speech well. Ông đã chuẩn bị lời nói của mình tốt.
Exercise 7-9 Haben Sie schon bestellt?  + bestellen Have you ordered yet?  Bạn đã đặt hàng chưa?
Exercise 7-9 Ich habe mir ein Schnitzel bestellt.  + bestellen I ordered a schnitzel.  Tôi ra lệnh cho một schnitzel.
Exercise 7-9 Einzelne Fragen sind noch offen.  + einzeln Some questions remain unanswered.  Một số câu hỏi vẫn chưa được trả lời.
Exercise 8-4 Ich bin müde. Trotzdem muss ich meine Hausaufgaben erledigen. + trotzdem I am tired. Still, I have to do my homework. Tôi mệt. Tuy nhiên, tôi phải làm bài tập về nhà.
Exercise 8-8 Ich bin ziemlich müde. Ich gehe ins Bett.  + ziemlich I'm pretty tired. I'm going to bed.  Tôi mệt lắm. Tôi đi ngủ.
Exercise 9-1 Mein Sohn spielt am liebsten mit dem roten Ball.  + Ball My son likes to play with the red ball.  Con trai tôi thích chơi với quả bóng màu đỏ.
Exercise 9-2 Hier wird nur eine schmale Auswahl geboten.  + schmal Only a narrow selection is offered here.  Chỉ có một lựa chọn hẹp được cung cấp ở đây.
Exercise 9-4 Weiterer Schaden ist nicht entstanden.  + entstehen* No further damage has occurred.  Không có thiệt hại nào khác đã xảy ra.
Exercise 9-4 Ich brauche kein weißes, sondern farbiges Papier.  + farbig I don't need white paper, but colored paper.  Tôi không cần giấy trắng, nhưng giấy màu.
Exercise 9-5 Wo sind meine roten Strümpfe?  + Strumpf Where are my red stockings?  Vớ màu đỏ của tôi ở đâu?
Exercise 9-6 Gestern hatte Julia ein rotes Kleid an.  + anhaben* Yesterday Julia was wearing a red dress.  Hôm qua Julia mặc một chiếc váy màu đỏ.
Exercise 9-8 Sie hat sich im Urlaub gut erholt.  + Urlaub She has recovered well on vacation.  Cô đã hồi phục tốt trong kỳ nghỉ.
Exercise 10-1 Er kaufte das Auto auf Kredit.  + kaufen He bought the car on credit.  Anh ấy đã mua xe hơi bằng tín dụng.
Exercise 10-2 Du musst nicht bleiben, wenn dir langweilig ist.  + langweilig You don't have to stay if you're bored.  Bạn không phải ở lại nếu bạn đang chán.
Exercise 10-2 Es war ihm sehr langweilig. + langweilig He was very bored. Anh ấy đã rất chán.
Exercise 10-7 Ich habe die Nase voll von diesem feuchten Wetter.  + Nase I'm sick and tired of this wet weather.  Tôi mệt mỏi vì thời tiết ẩm ướt này.
Exercise 11-3 Du bist sicher todmüde! – Oh nein, ganz im Gegenteil!  + Gegenteil You must be dead tired! Oh no, on the contrary!  Bạn phải chết mệt mỏi! Oh không, trái lại!
Exercise 11-4 Du klingst müde.  + klingen* You sound tired.  Bạn cảm thấy mệt mỏi.
Exercise 11-4 Die Geschichte klingt unglaublich.  + klingen* The story sounds incredible.  Câu chuyện nghe có vẻ khó tin.
Exercise 11-7 Er hat mir für den alten Wagen noch 800 Euro geboten.  + bieten* He offered me 800 euros for the old car.  Anh ấy đã cho tôi 800 euro tiền xe cũ.
Exercise 12-5 Wir teilten den Gewinn unter uns.  + teilen We shared the profits among ourselves.  Chúng tôi chia sẻ lợi nhuận giữa chúng ta.
Exercise 12-5 Wir haben brüderlich geteilt.  + teilen We shared fraternally.  Chúng tôi chia sẻ tình huynh đệ.
Exercise 12-7 Er bot ihr an, sie nach Hause zu fahren.  + anbieten* He offered to take her home.  Anh ta đề nghị đưa cô về nhà.
Exercise 12-8 Für diesen Bericht waren viele Recherchen nötig. + Bericht This report required a lot of research. Báo cáo này yêu cầu rất nhiều nghiên cứu.
Exercise 14-2 Mehrere Menschen wurden bei dem Unfall schwer verletzt.  + schwer Several people were seriously injured in the accident.  Một số người bị thương nặng trong vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 14-7 Zu Weihnachten gibt es Gänsebraten, Rotkraut und Klöße. + Kloß At Christmas time there are roast goose, red cabbage and dumplings. Vào dịp Giáng sinh có những con ngỗng nướng, bắp cải đỏ và bánh bao.
Exercise 14-8 Ich bin müde. Ich gehe schlafen.  + müde I am tired. I'm going to bed.  Tôi mệt. Tôi đi ngủ.
Exercise 14-8 Ich bin müde von der Arbeit.  + müde I'm tired from work.  Tôi mệt mỏi vì công việc.
Exercise 14-8 Du siehst müde aus.  + müde You look tired.  Bạn trông có vẻ mệt mỏi.
Exercise 14-8 Mir reicht es für heute. Ich bin zu müde.  + müde I've had enough for today. I'm too tired.  Tôi đã có đủ cho ngày hôm nay. Tôi quá mệt.
Exercise 14-8 Ich bin müde vom Laufen.  + müde I'm tired of running.  Tôi mệt mỏi vì chạy.
Exercise 14-8 Ich bin zu müde zum Laufen.  + müde I'm too tired to walk.  Tôi quá mệt mỏi để đi bộ.
Exercise 15-6 Er ist mir im Traum erschienen. + Traum He appeared to me in my dream. Anh ấy xuất hiện với tôi trong giấc mơ của tôi.
Exercise 16-6 Früher habe ich in einer Wohngemeinschaft gewohnt.  + Wohngemeinschaft I used to live in a shared apartment.  Tôi đã từng sống trong một căn hộ chung cư.
Exercise 16-6 In der Wohngemeinschaft teilen sich vier Studenten eine Küche und ein Bad. + Wohngemeinschaft In the shared apartment, four students share a kitchen and a bathroom. Trong căn hộ chung, bốn học sinh chia sẻ nhà bếp và phòng tắm.
Exercise 16-6 Du bist jetzt sicher müde.  + sicher You must be tired now.  Bây giờ bạn phải mệt mỏi.
Exercise 16-7 Das muss in Ruhe überlegt sein.  + überlegen That's got to be quietly considered.  Đó là phải được xem xét một cách lặng lẽ.
Exercise 16-8 Die Wohngemeinschaft ist eine Gemeinschaft von Personen, die zusammen wohnen.  + Gemeinschaft The shared flat is a community of people living together.  Căn hộ chung cư là một cộng đồng người sống chung với nhau.
Exercise 16-9 Er kaufte die Möbel auf Kredit. + Möbel He bought the furniture on credit. Anh mua đồ đạc bằng tín dụng.
Exercise 17-3 Das soll mich nicht weiter stören.  + stören I don't want to be bothered by that anymore.  Tôi không muốn bị làm phiền bởi điều đó nữa.
Exercise 17-4 Die Störungen im Radio wurden durch ein Gewitter ausgelöst. + Störung Radio interference was triggered by a thunderstorm. Sự can thiệp của vô tuyến đã được kích hoạt bởi một cơn bão.
Exercise 17-5 Er betrat mein Zimmer ohne Erlaubnis. + Erlaubnis He entered my room without permission. Anh ấy bước vào phòng tôi mà không được phép.
Exercise 17-6 Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?  + bezahlen Can I pay by credit card?  Tôi có thể trả bằng thẻ tín dụng?
Exercise 20-1 Ihr Handy ist kaputt? Wir schicken es an den Hersteller zurück und lassen es reparieren.  + Hersteller Your phone is broken? We send it back to the manufacturer and have it repaired.  Điện thoại của bạn bị hỏng? Chúng tôi gửi lại cho nhà sản xuất và sửa chữa.
Exercise 20-1 Ein Meter hat hundert Zentimeter. + Meter A meter is a hundred centimeters. Một mét là một trăm centimet.
Exercise 20-1 Hundert Zentimeter sind ein Meter. + Zentimeter A hundred centimeters is a meter. Một trăm centimet là một mét.
Exercise 20-3 Der Schrank wird am Montag geliefert.  + liefern The cabinet will be delivered on Monday.  Nội các sẽ được phát vào thứ Hai.
Exercise 20-5 Das Feld ist mit Schnee bedeckt.  + Feld The field is covered with snow.  Các lĩnh vực được bao phủ bởi tuyết.
Exercise 20-9 Die Sekretärin trug unsere Namen ein. + Sekretärin The secretary entered our names. Thư ký nhập tên của chúng tôi.
Exercise 21-2 Das Fahrrad kann man leider nicht mehr reparieren.  + reparieren Unfortunately, the bicycle cannot be repaired.  Thật không may, xe đạp không thể sửa chữa.
Exercise 21-2 Du solltest deinen Wagen reparieren lassen.  + reparieren You should have your car repaired.  Bạn nên sửa xe.
Exercise 21-3 Die Sekretärin trug unsere Namen in die Teilnehmerliste ein.  + eintragen* The secretary entered our names in the list of participants.  Thư ký đã nhập tên của chúng tôi vào danh sách những người tham gia.
Exercise 21-7 Dieses Rot ist sehr intensiv. + intensiv This red is very intense. Màu đỏ này rất mãnh liệt.
Exercise 22-3 Ich habe mir ein Kleid aus dem Katalog bestellt.  + Katalog I ordered a dress from the catalogue.  Tôi ra lệnh cho một bộ trang phục từ cửa hàng.
Exercise 22-4 Er hat einen neuen Stern entdeckt. + Stern He has discovered a new star. Anh ấy đã khám phá ra một ngôi sao mới.
Exercise 22-5 Gentechnik ist ein rotes Tuch für viele Umweltschützer.  + Tuch Genetic engineering is a red rag for many environmentalists.  Kỹ thuật di truyền là một giọt đỏ cho nhiều nhà môi trường.
Exercise 23-4 Ich bin so müde, dass ich kaum laufen kann.  + kaum I'm so tired I can barely walk.  Tôi quá mệt mỏi tôi chỉ có thể đi bộ.
Exercise 23-7 Er hat die Fehler mit Rotstift unterstrichen.  + unterstreichen* He underlined the mistakes with red pencil.  Ông đã nhấn mạnh những sai lầm bằng bút chì màu đỏ.
Exercise 23-7 Er verglich die Kopie mit dem Original.  + Kopie He compared the copy to the original.  Ông đã so sánh bản sao với bản gốc.
Exercise 24-1 Ich nehme keinen Kredit auf. Das Risiko ist mir zu hoch.  + Risiko I'm not taking credit. The risk is too high for me.  Tôi không lấy tín dụng. Rủi ro quá cao đối với tôi.
Exercise 24-2 Sie dekorieren die Schaufenster neu. + Schaufenster They're redecorating the shop windows. Họ đang trang trí lại cửa sổ cửa hàng.
Exercise 24-4 Insgesamt haben sich 20 Teilnehmer für die Prüfung angemeldet.  + insgesamt A total of 20 participants have registered for the exam.  Tổng cộng 20 người tham gia đã đăng ký tham dự kỳ thi.
Exercise 25-4 Im Vergleich zu seinem Bruder ist er nicht so groß.  + Vergleich He's not that big compared to his brother.  Anh ấy không lớn so với anh trai.
Exercise 25-4 Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr ist es dieses Jahr trocken und warm. + Vergleich Compared to the previous year, it is dry and warm this year. So với năm trước, năm nay khô và ấm.
Exercise 25-6 Mein Bruder hat gestern wieder ein Tor geschossen.  + Tor My brother scored another goal yesterday.  Anh trai tôi ghi một bàn thắng khác hôm qua.
Exercise 25-6 Im Hotel gab es typisch deutsches Essen.  + typisch The hotel offered typical German food.  Khách sạn cung cấp đồ ăn Đức điển hình.
Exercise 25-7 Sie haben die schöne Landschaft bewundert. + Landschaft You admired the beautiful landscape. Bạn ngưỡng mộ cảnh quan đẹp.
Exercise 25-9 Sie hat Kaffee in die Tassen gegossen.  + gießen* She poured coffee into the cups.  Cô đổ cà phê vào cốc.
Exercise 27-2 Die Parkuhr ist abgelaufen. + Parkuhr The parking meter has expired. Chỗ đỗ xe đã hết hạn.
Exercise 27-5 Auf ihn kann man sich hundertprozentig verlassen.  + verlassen* You can rely on him one hundred percent.  Bạn có thể dựa vào anh ta một trăm phần trăm.
Exercise 27-8 Sie haben die Vorfahrt nicht beachtet. + Vorfahrt You have ignored the right of way. Bạn đã bỏ qua quyền của con đường.
Exercise 28-2 Der Fahrer des Wagens war nicht verletzt.  + Fahrer The driver of the car was not injured.  Người lái xe không bị thương.
Exercise 28-2 Ein Auto hatte eine Panne und es ist zu einem Stau gekommen.  + Stau A car broke down and a traffic jam has occurred.  Một chiếc xe bị hỏng và một vụ tắc đường đã xảy ra.
Exercise 28-3 Du hast mich zu Tode erschreckt.  + Tod You scared the hell out of me.  Bạn sợ hãi khỏi tôi.
Exercise 28-5 Mein Ausweis ist verschwunden. Hast du ihn vielleicht gesehen?  + verschwinden* My badge has disappeared. Have you ever seen him?  Huy hiệu của tôi đã biến mất. Bạn đã bao giờ nhìn thấy anh ta?
Exercise 28-5 Die Sonne ist hinter den Bergen verschwunden.  + verschwinden* The sun has disappeared behind the mountains.  Mặt trời đã biến mất sau những ngọn núi.
Exercise 28-5 Sie verschwand spurlos.  + verschwinden* She disappeared without a trace.  Cô biến mất mà không có dấu vết.
Exercise 28-7 Ich möchte diesen Brief als Einschreiben schicken.  + Einschreiben I would like to send this letter as a registered letter.  Tôi muốn gửi bức thư này như một bức thư đã đăng ký.
Exercise 28-7 Besonders wichtige Dinge sollte man als Einschreiben versenden.  + Einschreiben Particularly important things should be sent as registered mail.  Những điều đặc biệt quan trọng cần được gửi bằng thư bảo đảm.
Exercise 28-8 Es ehrt mich sehr, dass du mir vertraust.  + ehren I'm very honored that you trust me.  Tôi rất vinh dự khi bạn tin tưởng tôi.
Exercise 28-8 Ich fühle mich dadurch geehrt.  + ehren I'm honored by that.  Tôi được vinh dự bởi điều đó.
Exercise 28-9 Unser Unternehmen hat letztes Jahr hohe Verluste gemacht.  + Verlust Our company suffered heavy losses last year.  Công ty chúng tôi bị lỗ nặng năm ngoái.
Exercise 29-3 Die Polizei hat ihn auf frischer Tat ertappt.  + Tat The police caught him red-handed.  Cảnh sát bắt anh ta đỏ tay.
Exercise 29-4 Er hat sich auf die Prüfung gründlich vorbereitet.  + gründlich He has prepared himself thoroughly for the exam.  Anh đã chuẩn bị kỹ lưỡng cho kỳ thi.
Exercise 29-5 In der Fahrschule gab es theoretische Kurse und Praxisstunden.  + Fahrschule The driving school offered theoretical courses and practical lessons.  Trường lái xe đưa ra các khóa học lý thuyết và các bài học thực tiễn.
Exercise 29-5 Er war bereit, die Konsequenzen zu tragen.  + Konsequenz He was prepared to face the consequences.  Ông đã chuẩn bị để đối phó với hậu quả.
Exercise 29-7 Im Urlaub habe ich mich sehr gut erholt.  + sich erholen On vacation I recovered very well.  Vào kỳ nghỉ, tôi hồi phục rất tốt.
Exercise 29-7 Meine Schwester hat sich nach der Geburt sehr schnell wieder erholt.  + sich erholen My sister recovered very quickly after giving birth.  Chị tôi hồi phục rất nhanh sau khi sinh.
Exercise 30-5 Er wurde bei dem Unfall schwer verletzt.  + verletzen He was seriously injured in the accident.  Anh ta bị thương nặng trong vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 30-5 Er liegt verletzt am Straßenrand.  + Rand He's injured on the side of the road.  Anh ấy bị thương ở bên đường.
Exercise 30-5 Der Verletzte hat viel Blut verloren.  + Blut  The injured man has lost a lot of blood.  Người đàn ông bị thương đã bị mất rất nhiều máu.
Exercise 31-3 Unsere Mannschaft hat ein Tor geschossen.  + schießen* Our team scored a goal.  Đội ngũ của chúng tôi ghi một bàn thắng.
Exercise 31-7 Bei diesem Unglück gab es viele Verletzte.  + Unglück There were many injured in this disaster.  Có nhiều người bị thương trong thảm họa này.
Exercise 31-7 Nach der Nachtschicht bin ich immer sehr erschöpft.  + erschöpft  After the night shift, I'm always very tired.  Sau ca đêm, tôi luôn mệt mỏi.
Exercise 32-5 Meine Tochter ist etwas ängstlich. Sie geht nicht gern allein auf die Straße.  + ängstlich My daughter's a little scared. She doesn't like to go out alone.  Con gái tôi hơi sợ. Cô ấy không thích đi ra ngoài một mình.
Exercise 32-5 Er ist ängstlich Fremden gegenüber. + ängstlich He's scared of strangers. Anh ta sợ người lạ.
Exercise 34-3 Hast du schon ausgerechnet, wie viel Geld du von mir bekommst?  + ausrechnen Have you figured out how much money I'll give you?  Bạn đã tính toán được tôi sẽ cho bạn bao nhiêu tiền?
Exercise 34-3 Die Reisegruppe sammelte sich auf dem Bahnhof.  + sammeln The group gathered at the station.  Nhóm tụ tập tại nhà ga.
Exercise 34-4 Akzeptieren Sie Kreditkarten?  + akzeptieren Do you accept credit cards?  Bạn có chấp nhận thẻ tín dụng?
Exercise 34-4 Du wirkst müde.  + wirken You seem tired.  Bạn có vẻ mệt mỏi.
Exercise 34-4 Sie hat sich freiwillig für die Aufgabe gemeldet. + freiwillig She volunteered for the assignment. Cô tình nguyện cho nhiệm vụ này.
Exercise 35-5 Die Bank hat das Geld überwiesen.  + überweisen* The bank transferred the money.  Ngân hàng chuyển tiền.
Exercise 35-5 Die Miete wird per Dauerauftrag auf sein Girokonto überwiesen.  + überweisen* The rent is transferred by standing order to his current account.  Tiền thuê được chuyển bằng lệnh tạm thời vào tài khoản hiện tại của anh ta.
Exercise 35-5 Sie wurde vom Hausarzt zu einem Facharzt überwiesen.  + überweisen* She was referred to a specialist by her family doctor.  Cô đã được bác sĩ gia đình giới thiệu đến chuyên gia.
Exercise 35-5 Der Arzt hat mich ins Krankenhaus überwiesen.  + überweisen* The doctor referred me to the hospital.  Bác sĩ đưa tôi đến bệnh viện.
Exercise 35-5 Ich habe den Wagen auf Kredit gekauft.  + Kredit I bought the car on credit. Tôi đã mua chiếc xe về tín dụng.
Exercise 35-6 Der Schein ist leider abgelaufen.  + Schein I'm afraid the ticket has expired.  Tôi e rằng vé đã hết hạn.
Exercise 35-6 Das Geld überweisen wir am ersten März auf Ihr Konto.  + Konto The money will be transferred to your account on the first of March.  Số tiền này sẽ được chuyển vào tài khoản của bạn vào đầu tháng 3.
Exercise 35-6 Der Betrag ist auf dem Konto eingegangen.  + Konto The amount has been credited to the account.  Số tiền này đã được ghi có vào tài khoản.
Exercise 35-6 Wir haben den Betrag Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben.  + Konto We have credited the amount to your account.  Chúng tôi đã ghi có số tiền vào tài khoản của bạn.
Exercise 35-7 Das Gehalt wird jeden Monat auf das Girokonto überwiesen.  + Girokonto The salary is transferred to the current account every month.  Tiền lương được chuyển vào tài khoản vãng lai mỗi tháng.
Exercise 35-8 Ich bin vor ihm erschrocken.  + erschrecken* I was scared of him.  Tôi đã sợ anh ta.
Exercise 35-8 Du hast sie sehr erschreckt.  + erschrecken* You scared the hell out of her.  Bạn sợ sự ra khỏi cô ấy.
Exercise 35-8 Der Hund erschreckte das Kind.  + erschrecken* The dog scared the child.  Con chó sợ đứa trẻ.
Exercise 35-9 In diesem Gebiet wurden wichtige Naturschätze entdeckt.  + entdecken  Important natural resources have been discovered in this area.  Các tài nguyên thiên nhiên quan trọng đã được phát hiện trong khu vực này.
Exercise 36-3 Die Frist ist abgelaufen.  + Frist The deadline has expired.  Hạn chót đã hết hạn.
Exercise 36-4 Heftiges Herzklopfen behinderte mich zu sprechen.  + behindern Fierce palpitations interfered with my ability to speak.  Kẹt cứng dữ dội đã can thiệp vào khả năng nói của tôi.
Exercise 36-4 Kann ich mit Kreditkarte zahlen?  + Kreditkarte Can I pay by credit card?  Tôi có thể trả bằng thẻ tín dụng?
Exercise 36-4 Er bezahlte die Rechnung mit Kreditkarte. + Kreditkarte He paid the bill by credit card. Anh ta trả tiền bằng thẻ tín dụng.
Exercise 36-7 Das Modell wird nicht mehr hergestellt.  + Modell The model is no longer manufactured.  Mô hình không còn được sản xuất.
Exercise 36-9 Die Polizei hat mich gestoppt, weil ich bei Rot über die Ampel gegangen bin.  + stoppen The police stopped me because I walked over the traffic lights in red.  Cảnh sát dừng lại vì tôi đi qua đèn giao thông màu đỏ.
Exercise 37-7 Jetzt bin ich angestellt. Früher war ich selbstständig.  + selbstständig Now I'm hired. I used to be self-employed.  Bây giờ tôi được thuê. Tôi từng là người tự làm chủ.
Exercise 38-1 Einzige erforderliche Qualifikation ist das Abitur.  + Qualifikation The only qualification required is the Abitur.  Yêu cầu duy nhất là Abitur.
Exercise 38-6 Der Wetterbericht hat für morgen Regen vorhergesagt.  + Wetterbericht The weather forecast predicted rain for tomorrow.  Dự báo thời tiết dự đoán mưa cho ngày mai.
Exercise 38-9 Der Service lässt zu wünschen übrig.  + übrig The service leaves a lot to be desired.  Các dịch vụ để lại rất nhiều để được mong muốn.
Exercise 39-5 Die Prüfung war unheimlich schwer.  + unheimlich The test was incredibly difficult.  Bài kiểm tra vô cùng khó khăn.
Exercise 40-4 Er schickte ihr einen Strauß roter Rosen.  + Rose He sent her a bouquet of red roses.  Anh ta gửi cho cô một bó hoa hồng đỏ.
Exercise 40-5 Für Ehegatten gibt es eine Ermäßigung. + Ehegatte There is a reduction for spouses. Có sự giảm bớt đối với vợ hoặc chồng.
Exercise 40-6 Persönliches Erscheinen ist erforderlich.  + erforderlich Personal appearance is required.  Xuất hiện cá nhân là bắt buộc.
Exercise 40-8 Er wird auf seine zukünftige Arbeit vorbereitet.  + zukünftig He is being prepared for his future work.  Anh ấy đang chuẩn bị cho công việc tương lai của mình.
Exercise 40-9 Wir können beweisen, dass Sie bei Rot über die Ampel gefahren sind.  + beweisen* We can prove that you crossed the traffic lights in red.  Chúng tôi có thể chứng minh rằng bạn đã vượt qua đèn giao thông màu đỏ.
Exercise 41-1 Das ist ja eine unglaubliche Geschichte!  + unglaublich That's an incredible story!  Đó là một câu chuyện đáng kinh ngạc!
Exercise 41-1 Die Zustände hier sind unglaublich.  + unglaublich The conditions here are incredible.  Các điều kiện ở đây là đáng kinh ngạc.
Exercise 41-1 Um diese Zeit ist ein unglaublicher Verkehr.  + unglaublich At this time of day is an incredible traffic.  Vào thời điểm này của ngày là một lưu lượng truy cập đáng kinh ngạc.
Exercise 41-2 Der Himmel hatte sich nach dem Gewitter wieder aufgeklärt.  + aufklären The sky had cleared up after the thunderstorm.  Bầu trời đã dọn dẹp sau cơn bão.
Exercise 41-2 Die Sache hat sich aufgeklärt.  + aufklären The matter has cleared itself up.  Vấn đề đã tự giải phóng.
Exercise 41-2 Die Missverständnisse haben sich aufgeklärt.  + aufklären The misunderstandings have been cleared up.  Sự hiểu lầm đã được giải quyết.
Exercise 41-2 Du irrst dich. Das Auto war nicht grün, sondern rot.  + irren You're mistaken. The car wasn't green, it was red.  Bạn đang nhầm lẫn. Chiếc xe không xanh, màu đỏ.
Exercise 41-4 Bei welcher Krankenkasse sind Sie versichert?  + Krankenkasse Which health insurance company are you insured with?  Bạn có bảo hiểm với công ty bảo hiểm y tế nào?
Exercise 41-5 Es ist doch ein Witz, dass man auf die bestellte Ware zwei Wochen warten muss!  + Witz It's a joke that you have to wait two weeks for the ordered goods!  Đó là một trò đùa mà bạn phải đợi hai tuần đối với hàng đặt hàng!
Exercise 41-6 Die Verletzten sind auf dem Wege der Besserung.  + Besserung The injured are on the road to recovery.  Những người bị thương đang trên đường phục hồi.
Exercise 41-7 Wie sind Sie versichert?  + versichern How are you insured?  Làm thế nào bạn có bảo hiểm?
Exercise 41-7 Wir haben das Haus gegen Feuer versichert.  + versichern We insured the house against fire.  Chúng tôi bảo hiểm nhà chống cháy.
Exercise 41-9 Mein Arzt hat mich zum Spezialisten überwiesen.  + Spezialist My doctor referred me to a specialist.  Bác sĩ của tôi đã giới thiệu tôi đến một chuyên gia.
Exercise 41-9 Selbst Fachleute verstehen diesen unglaublichen Unfall nicht.  + Fachleute Even professionals don't understand this incredible accident.  Ngay cả các chuyên gia cũng không hiểu được tai nạn đáng kinh ngạc này.
Exercise 41-9 Du darfst nicht bei Rot über die Straße gehen. Das ist gefährlich.  + gefährlich You can't cross the street in red. This is dangerous.  Bạn không thể băng qua đường phố màu đỏ. Điều này nguy hiểm.
Exercise 42-8 Sie trat in das Zimmer ein.  + eintreten* She entered the room.  Cô bước vào phòng.
Exercise 43-2 Was du da redest, ist Quatsch! Die Ampel war grün, nicht rot.  + Quatsch What you're talking about is bullshit! The light was green, not red.  Những gì bạn đang nói về là bullshit! Ánh sáng có màu xanh lá cây, không màu đỏ.
Exercise 43-6 Er hat zwei rote Ampeln überfahren.  + überfahren* He ran over two red lights.  Anh ta chạy qua hai đèn đỏ.
Exercise 44-1 Er hat seine Existenz gesichert.  + sichern He has secured his existence.  Ông đã bảo đảm sự tồn tại của ông.
Exercise 44-1 Seine Zukunft ist gesichert.  + sichern His future is secured.  Tương lai của ông được bảo đảm.
Exercise 44-1 Er hat sich nach allen Seiten gesichert.  + sichern He's secured himself on all sides.  Anh ta tự bảo vệ mình ở mọi khía cạnh.
Exercise 44-1 Ich habe die Tür mit einem zusätzlichen Schloss gesichert.  + sichern I secured the door with an extra lock.  Tôi bảo vệ cánh cửa với một khóa thêm.
Exercise 44-4 Für bestimmte Berufe ist ein Zeugnis erforderlich.  + Zeugnis A certificate is required for certain professions.  Giấy chứng nhận là bắt buộc đối với một số ngành nhất định.
Exercise 44-5 Sonstige Kosten übersteigen oft das erforderliche Maß.  + sonstig Other costs often exceed the required amount.  Các chi phí khác thường vượt quá số tiền yêu cầu.
Exercise 44-9 Bei Bedarf stehen Ihnen unsere Mitarbeiter jederzeit zur Verfügung.  + Bedarf If required, our employees are always at your disposal.  Nếu được yêu cầu, nhân viên của chúng tôi luôn sẵn sàng sử dụng.
Exercise 44-9 Er erlitt schwere Verletzungen.  + Verletzung He suffered serious injuries.  Anh ta bị thương nặng.
Exercise 45-3 Das Rote Kreuz ist ein internationaler Verband.  + Verband The Red Cross is an international association.  Hội Chữ Thập Đỏ là một hiệp hội quốc tế.
Exercise 45-4 Wir haben jetzt unsere Preise reduziert.  + reduzieren We have now reduced our prices.  Bây giờ chúng tôi đã giảm giá của chúng tôi.
Exercise 45-4 Der ursprüngliche Preis hat sich auf die Hälfte reduziert.  + reduzieren The original price has been reduced by half.  Giá gốc đã giảm một nửa.
Exercise 45-4 Die Zahl der Unfälle hat sich um ein Drittel reduziert.  + reduzieren The number of accidents has been reduced by a third.  Số vụ tai nạn đã giảm 1/3.
Exercise 45-4 Ist dieser Pullover auch reduziert?  + reduzieren Is this sweater also reduced?  Áo len này cũng có giảm không?
Exercise 45-4 Reduzieren Sie den Bericht auf die wichtigsten Punkte.  + reduzieren Reduce the report to the most important points.  Giảm báo cáo tới những điểm quan trọng nhất.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
red Colors 1
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Features of building Fachwerk + half-timbered construction + C
+ + 103 Household Furniture Polstermöbel + piece of upholstered furniture + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Spiegelschrank + mirrored bathroom cabinet + C
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Hirsch + deer, red deer, stag + A
+ + 103 The animal world Protection and hunting bedrohte Tierart + endangered species + A
+ + 103 Weather Snow and ice schneebedeckt + snow-covered, snow-capped + B
+ + 103 Weather Rain vereinzelte Niederschläge + scattered showers + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Röte + redness + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Kieferbruch + fractured jaw + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses übermüdet + overtired + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build vollschlank + full-figured + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build breitschultrig + broad-shouldered. + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein hochrotes Gesicht + a bright red face + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face großporige Haut + large-pored skin + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face rot anlaufen + to turn red + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance (Un) attractiveness entstellt + disfigured + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face abgespannt aussehen + to look drawn [from tiredness] + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Duldermiene + martyred expression + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face Pausbacken + red, chubby cheeks + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair angeklatschte Haare + plastered-down hair + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement Movement upwards and downwards Senkung + lowering, reduction, subsidence + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust glaubwürdig + credible + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners gute/schlechte Manieren haben + to be good-/bad-mannered + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability aufgeregt + excited, nervous, flustered, agitated + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning gebildet + educated, learned, well-bred, cultured + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning kultiviert + cultivated, cultured, refined + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy gelangweilt + bored + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy müde + tired, weary + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust leichtgläubig + credulous, gullible + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust Leichtgläubigkeit + credulity, gullibility + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour bitter + embittered + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Stability and instability aufbrausend + quick-tempered, hot-tempered + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy abgespannt + weary, tired, run down + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy abgeschlagen + exhausted, tired out + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice verängstigt + frightened, scared, intimidated + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice verschreckt + frightened, scared + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Amiability gutmütig + good-natured + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour brummig + grumpy, grouchy, sour-tempered + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment unberechenbar + unpredictable + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning genial + brilliant, inspired + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy verzückt + enraptured + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy gerädert (coll.) + tired out + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice tollkühn + daredevil, daring + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice waghalsig + foolhardy, daredevil + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice bang(e) + scared, frightened + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice mir ist bang(e) vor jmdm/etw + I am scared/frightened of sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice Angsthase + scaredy-cat, cowardy custard + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Jewelry and accessories (Zucht)perle + (cultured) pearl + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables Rotkohl + red cabbage + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Rot- + red/white wine + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking Zutat + ingredient + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Dairy Dickmilch + soured milk + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Nuts gebrannte Mandeln + sugared roasted almonds + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking etw schnitzeln + to chop up/shred sth + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking Puderzucker + powdered sugar + B
+ + 103 Food and drink Vegetables rote Rübe + red beet + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Pastries, desserts and sweets Sahnetorte + cake layered with whipped cream + C
+ + 103 Perception Sight undeutlich + indistinct, hazy, blurred + A
+ + 103 Perception Touch lackiert + lacquered + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rot + red + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rötlich + reddish + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours grünblind + suffering from red-green colour-blindness + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours bunt + coloured, colourful, multicoloured, spotted + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours farbig + coloured + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours Röte + redness, red; blush + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours blutrot + blood-red + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs etw röten + to make red, redden + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs sich röten + to turn/become red + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions einen roten Kopf bekommen + to go red in the face + A
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours kaffeebraun + coffee-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours schokolade(n)braun + chocolate-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours braunrot + brownish red + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rotbraun + reddish brown + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours erdfarben + earth-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours khakifarben + khaki(-coloured) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours purpurrot + crimson (red) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours hochrot + bright red + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours knallrot + bright red, scarlet + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours flammend rot + flame red, blazing red + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours feuerrot + fiery red, flaming, scarlet + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours kirschrot + cherry(-red) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rostrot + rust-coloured, russet + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours fuchsrot + red, chestnut, ginger, carroty + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours krebsrot + red as a lobster + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours weinrot + wine-red, claret + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rosenrot + rosy (red) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours kupferrot + copper-red, copper-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours kupferfarben + copper-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours honigfarben + honey-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours strohgelb + straw-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours senffarben + mustard(-coloured) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours maisgelb + corn-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours pfirsichfarben + peach-coloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours pastellfarben + pastel(-coloured) + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours kunterbunt + multicoloured + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Verbs erröten + to turn red, turn pink, blush + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions ein Roter (adj. decl.;coll.) + a red [wine] + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions ein Roter/eine Rote (adj. decl.) + a redhead + B
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours bleifarben + lead-coloured, lead-grey + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours ziegelrot + brick-red + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours korallenrot + coral(-red) + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours krapprot + madder red + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours karmin(rot) + carmine (red) + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours rubinrot + ruby-red, ruby + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours burgunderrot + burgundy (red) + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours bernsteingelb + amber(-coloured) + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours ein Stich ins Rote + a tinge of red + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Colours türkisgrün + turquoise(-coloured) + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions etw durch eine rosa(rote) Brille sehen + to see sth through rose-coloured spectacles + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease etw senken + to lower/sink/reduce sth + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease Senkung + lowering, reduction + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Weights and measures Zentner + hundredweight + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion Fetzen + shred, tatter, scrap + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease etw beeinträchtigen + to restrict/diminish/impair/reduce sth + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease etw vermindern + to reduce/decrease/lessen/lower sth + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease Verminderung + reduction, decrease, lessening + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Vor- + opening/final credits + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Buntstift + coloured pencil, crayon + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media fernsehmüde + tired of watching television + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Advertising eingetragenes Warenzeichen + registered trademark + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style gepflegt + cultured, refined + C
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing hetzen + to stir up hatred, say malicious things + B
+ + 103 Sport Premises Tennishalle + covered tennis court + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Road transport zugelassen sein + to be registered for road use + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family ein Kind bei jmdm in Pflege geben + to have a child fostered by sb + C
+ + 103 Religion General heilig + holy, sacred + A
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Erlösung + redemption + C
+ + 103 Religion Beliefs and doctrines Kredo + creed, credo + C
+ + 103 Education Further and higher education Schein + credit + A
+ + 103 Education Educational materials kariertes/liniertes Papier + squared/lined paper + B
+ + 103 Science Mathematics fünf hoch zwei + five squared + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Grubengas + firedamp + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production batteriebetrieben + battery powered + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production mit Netzanschluss + mains powered + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce Ownership, management and personnel bevollmächtigter Vertreter; bevollmächtigte Vertreterin + accredited agent + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm eingetragene Firma + registered company + C
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm handelsgerichtlich eingetragene Gesellschaft + registered company + C
+ + 103 Employment Application and training Zeugnisse + credentials + B
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions jmdn anders einsetzen + to redeploy sb + B
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment freiwillige Arbeitslosigkeit + voluntary redundancy + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Schredder + shredder + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Reißwolf + shredder + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials etw in den Reißwolf geben + to shred sth + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing zentriert + centred + C
+ + 103 Law Crime gedungener Mörder; gedungene Mörderin + hired assassin + C
+ + 103 Law Crime misshandelt + battered + C
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing Kreditkarte + charge card; credit card + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Kredit + credit; loan + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt sie hat bei der Bank Kredit + her credit is good with the bank + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Kreditgrenze + credit limit + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Kreditgeber(in) + creditor + A
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Gläubiger(in) + creditor + A
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Geld auf dem Konto haben + to be in credit + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance Versicherungs-nehmer(in) + insured (party), policy holder + A
+ + 103 Finance Insurance versichert (bei) + insured (with/by) + A
+ + 103 Finance Payment and purchasing auf Kredit kaufen + to buy on credit + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt kreditfähig + creditworthy + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Kreditwürdigkeit + credit rating + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt jmds Kreditwürdigkeit überprüfen + to run a credit check on sb + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Kreditbrief + letter of credit + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Kreditvereinbarungen + credit arrangements + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt Kreditbedingungen + credit terms + B
+ + 103 Finance Banks and bank staff Kreditgenossenschaft + credit union [US] + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment gedeckter Scheck + cleared cheque; certified cheque + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt jmdm einen Kredit gewähren + to grant sb credit/a loan + C
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt einen Kredit sperren + to freeze credit + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples das Rote Meer + the Red Sea + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations International relations das Rote Kreuz + the Red Cross + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * bai3 hundred 1. hundert, Hundert 2. hunderste 3. viel, zahlreich, alle +
A + * * lei4 tired/ tire/ strain 1.müde, erschöpft, ermattet 2. ermüden, ermatten, anstrengen 3.hart arbeiten, schuften +
A + * * hong2 red/ symbol of success 1.rot 2. rot, Revolutionär 3.rotes Tuch, roter Kattun, rote Seide 4. (Symbol für) Erfolg 5. Dividende +
A + 亿* * yi4 a hundred million hundert Millionen +
A + * * diao4 fall/ drop/ lose/ reduce/ turn 1.fallenlassen, herunterfallen, abfallen 2. zurückbleiben 3. verlieren, verschwinden 4. wenden, umkehren 5. abwischen +
A + * * shao3 few/ little/ less/ lack/ lose/ reduce 1. wenig, gering 2. fehlen, mangeln 3. verlorengegangen sein, abhanden kommen 4. ein Moment +
B + * * huang1 nervous/ scared/ flurry/ fluster unruhig, nervös, konfus, verwirrt +
B 成分 + * * cheng2fen4 ingredient Bestandteil, Zutat +
B 放心 + * * fang4 xin1 set one's mind at rest/ rest assured sich beruhigen, sich keine Sorgen machen, erleichtert sein +
B + * * lao1 drag for/ dredge for 1. etw aus dem Wasser holen, herausfischen, auffischen 2. profitieren, ergattern, Profit aus etw ziehen, herausschlagen +
B + * * jian3 reduce 1. minus, subtrahieren, abziehen 2. reduzieren, senken, vermindern, kürzen +
B 減少 + * * jian3shao3 reduce/ decrease verringern, verkleinern, senken +
B 紅旗 + * * hong2qi2 red flag/ red banner rote Fahne +
B 降低 + * * jiang4di1 reduce/ cut down/ drop/ lower verringern, senken, +
B 糊塗 + * * hu2tu muddled/ confused/ bewildered wirrköpfig, durcheinander +
B 心得 + * * xin1de2 something personal acquired from study Wissen, daß man durch Arbeit und Studium erwirbt +
B 疲勞 + * * pi2lao2 exhausted/ tired müde, abgearbeitet, überarbeitet, Ermüdung +
C 收縮 + * * shou1suo1 contract/ shrink/ reduce/ concentrate one's forces zusammenziehen,reduzieren,seine Kräfte bündeln +
C 含量 + * * han2liang4 content/ quantity of an ingredient in a substance Inhalt +
C 興高采烈 + * * xing4 gao1 cai3 lie4 spirits-high-mood-ardent/ be in high spirits/ be raptured Freude und Begeisterung +
C 神聖 + * * shen2sheng4 sacred/ holy heilig +
C 慌忙 + * * huang1mang2 hurried/ hasty/ rash/ flustered and busy eilig, hastig +
C 榮幸 + * * rong2xing4 honored and fortunate geehrt werden, geehrt (sein) +
C 好比 + * * hao3bi3 be just like/ may be compared to/ can be likened to gleich wie, gleichen, mit etwas vergleichbar sein +
C + * * men4 bored/ depressed/ in low spirits/ muffled 1.gelangweilt, bedrückt, niedergeschlagen 2. luftdicht siehe men4 +
C 破爛 + * * po4lan4 broken and rotten/ ragged/ worn-out/ tattered 1. zerlumpt, zerfetzt, abgenutzt, schäbig 2. Kram, Trödel +
C 必修 + * * bi4xiu1 compulsory/ required/ obligatory obligatorisch, Pflicht-, +
C + * * wu1 dirty/ filthy/ foul/ corrupt/ smeared 1. Schmutz, Dreck, 2. schmutzig, dreckig 3.verunreinigen,beschmutzen 4. bestechlich, korrupt +
C 固定 + * * gu4ding4 fixed/ regular/ predetermined/ fix/ fasten/ regularize fest, feststehend,befestigen,festlegen +
C 證件 + * * zheng4jian4 certificate-paper/ credentials/ certificate/ papers Papiere, Ausweis, Bescheinigung +
C 證書 + * * zheng4shu1 certificate-document/ certificate/ credentials Urkunde, Zeugnis, Zertifikat +
C 分布 + * * fen1bu4 be distributed/ be scattered/ be dispersed verteilen, verteilt sein +
C 消耗 + * * xiao1hao4 reduce-expend/ consume/ deplete/ consumption verbrauchen +
C 體面 + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar +
C + * * chou2 hatred/ enmity 1.Feind, Erzfeind 2.Haß, Feinschaft +
C 仇恨 + * * chou2hen4 hate/ hatred/ animosity/ rancor Haß, Feindschaft +
C 壓力 + * * ya1li4 press-shrink/ compress/ constrict/ reduce/ cut down Druck, Zwang, Nötigung +
C + * * xi1 rare/ uncommon/ sparse/ scattered/ watery/ thin 1. selten, rar 2. dünn, spärlich, licht 3. dünn, flüssig, wässrig +
C 模糊 + * * mo2hu blurred/ indistinct/ dim/ vague/ unclear unklar, undeutlich,verwechseln, verwischen +
C 群島 + * * qun2dao3 group of scattered islands/ archipelago Inselgruppe, Archipel +
C 預報 + * * yu4bao4 beforehand-report/ predict/ forecast/ prediction Voraus- Vorhersage +
C 貴賓 + * * gui4 bin1 honored guest/ distinguished guest Ehrengast +
C + * * zhang4 account/ account book/ debt/ credit 1. Schutzdach mit Vorhängen 2. Rechnung 3. Schulden, Kredit +
C 心愛 + * * xin1'ai4 heartfelt-love/ loved/ treasured/ precious/ dear geliebt, Lieblings- +
C 調動 + * * diao4dong4 transfer/ move/ redeploy/ mobilize/ arouse/ actuate verlegen, bewegen, +
C 功勞 + * * gong1lao2 credit/ contribution/ outstanding service Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung +
C 疲倦 + * * pi2juan4 tired and sleepy/ weary/ fatigued müde +
C + * * fan2 vexed/ annoyed/ trouble/ be tired of/ be fed up 1.verdroßen, mißmutig, verärgert 2. überdrüssig 3. liebenswürdigerweise, freundlicherweise +
C + * * ku1 withered/ shriveled/ faded/ wilted/ dried-up 1.welk, verwelkt, ausgetrocknet, 2.versiegt, ausgetrocknet, vertrocknet +
C 自私 + * * zi4si1 self-favor/ selfish/ self-centered/ self-concerned egoistisch, eigensüchtig +
C 縮小 + * * suo1xiao3 shrink-smaller/ reduce/ lessen/ deflate verkleinern,verringern,reduzieren +
C 自信 + * * zi4xin4 self-trust/ be self-confident/ be self-assured/ confident Selbstvertrauen, Selbsicherheit +
C 鮮艷 + * * xian1yan4 bright-colorful/ bright-colored/ gaily-colored farbenfreudig, in leuchtenden Farben +
C + * * yuan4 complain/ blame/ resentment/ discontent/ hatred 1. Haß, Feindseligkeit, Groll 2. verübeln, sich beklagen, sich beschweren, jn verantwortlich machen, tadeln +
C 公用 + * * gong1yong4 for public use/ public/ communal/ shared gemeinsam benutzen, zur allgemeinen Verwendung +
D 受傷 + * * shou4 shang1 be injured verletzt werden +
D 零星 + * * ling2xing1 scattered/ fragmentary fragmentarisch, bruchstückhaft, sporadisch, vereinzelt +
D 骨肉 + * * gu3rou4 kindred and kin Fleisch und Blut, blutsverwandt +
D 和藹 + * * he2'ai3 kind/ good-tempered freundlich, liebenswürdig +
D 百倍 + * * bai3bei4 a hundredfold hundertfach +
D 百花齊放 + * * bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 let a hundred flowers blossom laßt hundert Blumen blühen +
D 百家爭鳴 + * * bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend hundert Schulen wettstreiten mit einander +
D 簡化 + * * jian3hua4 predigest vereinfachen +
D 赤字 + * * chi4zi4 deficit/ red ink Defizit, rote Zahlen, Fehlbetrag +
D 無聊 + * * wu2liao2 bored/ tiresome langweilig, Langeweile, geschmacklos, fade +
D 減產 + * * jian3 chan3 reduction of output Produktionssenkung, Produktion senken +
D 減低 + * * jian3di1 reduce/ cut back on herabsetzen, verringern +
D 十全十美 + * * shi2 quan2 shi2 mei3 be perfect in every way/ leave nothing to be desired perfekt in jeder Hinsicht, nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen +
D 驚慌 + * * jing1huang1 scared Panik +
D + * * ceng4 rub/ be smeared with 1.reiben, schleifen, wetzen etwas beschmiert sein 3. gemächlich schlendern, die Zeit vertrödeln +
D 紅領巾 + * * hong2ling3jin1 red scarf roter Schal +
D 理直氣壯 + * * li3 zhi2 qi4 zhuang4 one is assured and bold with justice mit vollem Recht, mit Fug und Recht +
D 貸款 + * * dai4 kuan3 extend credit to/ provide a loan Kredit gewähren +
D 億萬 + 亿* * yi4wan4 hundreds of millions Hunderte Millionen +
D 預料 + * * yu4liao4 anticipate/ expect/ predict voraussehen, erwarten, antizipieren +
D 預言 + * * yu4yan2 predict weissagen, voraussagen +
D 戶口 + * * hu4kou3 registered permanent residence eingetragener ständiger Wohnsitz +
D + * * bu3 predict 1.Wahrsagerei, Weissagung, Phrophetie, Vorhersage 2. voraussagen, voraussehen,wahrsagen,prophezeien +
D 救濟 + * * jiu4ji4 redress/ relief Almosen geben +
D 信貸 + * * xin4dai4 credit Kredit +
D 疲憊 + * * pi2bei4 tired out/ exhausted ermattet, erschöpft, müde +
D 疲乏 + * * pi2fa2 tired müde, ermattet +
D 信用 + * * xin4yong4 credit Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Kredit +
D 信譽 + * * xin4yu4 credit standing Ruf, Ansehen, Kredit +
D 枯燥 + * * ku1zao4 bored eintönig, uninteressant +
D 廉潔 + * * lian2jie2 uncorrupted/ clean-fingered redlich, rechtschaffen +
D 鮮紅 + * * xian1hong2 cardinal red strahlend rot +
D 不愧 + * * bu4kui4 creditably eines Namens würdig sein, sich würdig erweisen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
20 三明治 + I ordered a sandwich. Ich habe ein Sandwich bestellt.
108 红灯 不要 马路 + Don't cross the road when the light is red. Überquere die Straße nicht, wenn das Licht rot ist.
134 街上 聚集 很多 民众 + Many people have gathered in the street. Auf der Straße hat sich eine Menschenmasse versammelt.
151 太阳 出现 地平线 + The sun appeared on the horizon. Die Sonne erschien am Horizont.
227 打伤 + He was hit and injured. Er wurde durch einen Schlag verwundet.
250 一百 + I've got one hundred RMB. Ich habe ein hundert RMB.
279 喜欢 玫瑰 + I like red roses. Ich mag rote Rosen.
385 这里 + Everything is covered in snow here. Hier ist alles unter Schnee.
455 钱袋 几百 + There are several hundred Yuan in the wallet. Im Portemonnaie sind mehrere Hundert Yuan.
484 觉得 + She feels very tired. Sie fühlt sich sehr müde.
496 会上 发言 + She delivered a speech at the meeting. Sie hält eine Rede auf der Versammlung.
608 比萨 + I've ordered a piece of pizza. Ich habe eine Pizza bestellt.
626 这里 发生 交通 事故 + A traffic accident have taken place here. ((A traffic accident has occurred here.)) Hier hat sich ein Verkehrsunfall ereignet.
645 港口 很多 + A lot of boats are moored at the port. Im Hafen liegen viele Schiffe vor Anker.
685 穿着 裙子 + She's wearing a red skirt. Sie trägt einen roten Rock / rotes Kleid.
707 中国 古代 周朝 秦朝 几百年 + The ancient Chinese Zhou dynasty was several hundred years earlier than the Qin dynasty. Die alte Chinesische Zhou Dynastie war mehrere hundert Jahre früher als die Qin Dynastie.
754 衣领 口红印 + There's a red lipstick mark on the collar. Am Kragen ist ein Abdruck von einem Lippenstift.
781 哥伦布 1492 发现 美洲 + Columbus discovered America in 1492. Kolumbus hat im Jahr 1492 Amerika entdeckt.
840 调到 人事 部门 + I was transferred to personnel department. Ich wurde in die Personalabteilung versetzt.
849 大家 聚集 在一起 + Everyone gathered together. Alle kommen zusammen.
887 大众 集聚 街上 + The crowd gathered in the street. Die Menschenmasse versammelte sich auf der Straße.
892 身体 康复 + His health has recovered. Seine Gesundheit ist wieder hergestellt.
955 小朋友 一起 种树 + The little children gathered round to plant the tree. Die Kinder versammeln sich rund herum und pflanzen einen Baum.
987 人类 已经 进入 21世纪 + Mankind has entered the twenty first century. Die Menschheit ist schon in das einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert eingetreten.
1015 受伤 + The kitten is injured. Das Kätzchen ist verletzt.
1046 前方 雪山 + There is a snow-covered mountain up ahead. Vorne ist ein schneebedeckter Berg.
1121 受伤 + Her foot has been injured. Ihr Fuß wurde verletzt.
1122 刷卡 东西 + I use a credit card to purchase things. Ich benutze eine Kreditkarte zum Einkaufen.
1161 穿 格子 衬衫 + He is wearing a checkered shirt. Er trägt ein kariertes Hemd.
1162 立志 成为 建筑师 + She aspired to become an architect. Er hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein Architekt zu werden.
1169 发现 万有引力 + Who discovered universal gravitation? Wer hat das Gravitationsgesetz entdeckt?
1184 一些 + She gathered some flowers. Sie hat einige Blumen gepflückt.
1291 这里 落叶 + The ground is completely covered by fallen leaves. Der Boden ist komplett von Laub bedeckt.
1334 打败 + Can the red team beat the blue team? Kann die rote Mannschaft die blaue Mannschaft besiegen?
1375 这些 郁金香 颜色 鲜艳 + These tulips are very brightly colored. Diese Tulpen sind sehr farbenprächtig.
1383 这里 很多 彩色 铅笔 + There are many colored pencils. Hier sind viele Buntstifte.
1464 大雪 掩盖 道路 + Heavy snow has covered the roads. Dichter Schnee bedeckt die Straßen.
1492 不能 忽视 大家 提问 + People's questions shouldn't be ignored. Man sollte keine Frage ignorieren.
1558 警方 投降 + He has surrendered to the police.
1564 沾满 巧克力 + His lips and face are covered with chocolate.
1576 + The ship is moored at the shore.
1630 纸币 散开 + The paper money is scattered.
1646 大家 召集 这里 开会 + Everyone has been gathered for a meeting here.
1676 朋友们 在一起 + Friends have gathered together.
1725 + I'm very bored. ((I'm very annoyed.))
1777 小心 + I accidently injured my lower back.
1794 沙发 朱红色 + This sofa is bright red. Das Sofa ist zinnoberrot.
1795 受伤 + I've injured my leg.
1824 雪地 + She kneels on the snow-covered ground.
2045 玻璃 + The glass shattered.
2096 宪法 神圣 + The constitution is sacred. Die Verfassung ist heilig.
2097 假装 受伤 惯用 伎俩 + Pretending to be injured is one of his old tricks.
2129 陷入 困境 + She's in a predicament. Sie ist in Schwierigkeiten geraten.
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩 + It is an old tradition to give a red envelope when one attends a wedding banquet.
2206 财政 大臣 发表 今年 预算 报告 + The financial minister has delivered this year's budget report.
2316 他们 争得 面红耳赤 + They argued till they were red in the face.
2344 天空 布满 乌云 + The sky is covered by dark clouds.
2370 这里 储藏 很多 + There's a lot of wine stored here.
2429 屋顶 大雪 掩盖 + The roof is covered with snow.
2435 圣诞树 悬掛 彩球 + Colored balls are hanging on the Christmas tree.
2457 疲倦 + She's very tired.
2577 称为 贤人 + He's considered to be a man of great virtue.
2588 这里 存放 很多 档案 + A lot of archives are kept here. ((A large numbers of files are stored here.))
2591 慌张 + She is very flustered.
2599 斑马 全身 黑白 相间 + The body of a zebra is covered with alternating stripes of black and white.
2611 辣椒 + Red chili peppers are very hot.
2629 公司 聘用 + The company hired her.
2659 雇用 + You're hired.
2706 大雪 复(b)盖 大地 + Heavy snow covered the ground.
2731 发现 张伪钞 + He discovered that this is a counterfeit bill.
2737 港口 停泊 舰艇 + A naval ship is anchored at port.
2740 厌倦 母亲 唠叨 + She's tired of her mother's nagging.
2795 感到 困惑 + He feels bewildered.
2797 保存 已经 + The meat wasn't stored well, and it smells bad.
2819 这些 兔子 屠杀 + These rabbits were slaughtered.
2869 政府 提供 赈灾 援助 + The government has offered aid to relieve the people affected by the disaster.
2915 煎饼 糖浆 + The pancakes are covered with syrup.
2922 沾满 肥皂沫 + His hands are covered with soap foam.
2944 宰杀 + He slaughtered the pig.
2988 植物 枯死 + This plant has withered and died.
2991 脂肪 减少 + There's been a reduction in fat.
2993 停泊 港口 + The ship is anchored in the port.
3044 沾满 巧克力 + His hands are covered with chocolate.
3045 明天 降温 大家 做好 御寒 准备 + The temperature will drop tomorrow, so please be prepared for the cold.
3080 不能 闯红灯 + You shouldn't run red lights.
3180 害怕 蒙住 眼睛 + She is so scared that she's covered her eyes.
3185 天边 出现 曙光 + The first light of dawn appeared on the horizon. Am Horizont erschien die Morgendämmerung.
3214 雪地 留下 车辙 + A track has been left on the snow-covered ground.
3244 树枝 发芽 + Buds have appeared on the branch of the tree.
3247 豆腐 烹饪 原料 + The residue from the process of making bean curd is also used as an ingredient in cooking.
3252 诬衊 + He slandered me.
3379 水库 屯满 + The reservoir has stored as much water as it can hold.
3383 咖啡 + I've ordered a cup of coffee.
3411 枉法 + The man who broke the law has been captured.
3414 公司 雇佣 + I've been hired by this company.
3436 医生 受伤 敷药 + The doctor is applying medicine to his injured leg.
3456 枯萎 + The flower has withered.
3460 坚持 不懈 跑完 全程 + He persevered and ran the entire course to completion.
3503 平民 惨遭 杀戮 + Civilians were tragically massacred.
3509 掌握 攀岩 窍门 + She's mastered the secrets of rock-climbing.
3515 小店 可以 赊账 + This small shop sells things on credit.
3534 樱桃 猩红色 + The cherry is blood red in color.
3560 出现 彩虹 + A rainbow has appeared in the sky.
3641 大学 专业 国际 贸易 + He majored in international commerce in college.
3669 精通 好几 国语言 + He has mastered several foreign languages.
3693 这个 吝啬 要命 + This man's incredibly stingy.
3722 仰望 碧天 心情 豁然 开朗 + Looking up at the open sky, he suddenly cheered up.
3780 玻璃杯 地上 摔碎 + The glass slivered when it fell.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
hong2shao1yu2 + red-cooked fish (simmered in soy sauce)
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
bai3 + hundred
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
yi1 bai3 + one hundred
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
er4 bai3 + two hundred
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
san1 bai3 + three hundred
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
san1bai3 jiu3shi2 ba1 + three hundred ninety-eight
Lesson 016. Visiting Friends, Giving Gifts, Drinking Culture.
hong2 pu2taojiu3 + red wine
Lesson 016. Visiting Friends, Giving Gifts, Drinking Culture.
hong2 + red
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
yi4 bai3 mi3 + one hundred meters (GP:)
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ni3 hui4 he1 jiu3 ma? + (GP: hui4 emphasizes skills aquired through learning)
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
hong2se4 + red
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
bai3 + hundred
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
yi1bai3 + one hundred
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
yi1bai3ling2yi1 + one hundred one
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
yi1bai3yi1shi2 + one hundred and ten
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
yi1bai3yi1shi2yi1 + one hundred and eleven
Lesson 025. Colours and Numbers. Review.
shi2wan4 + one hundred thousand
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
yi3jing guo4qi1 le + already expired
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
Pi2jiu3 yi3jing guo4qi1 le! + The beer has already expired.
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
Yao4 yi3jing guo4qi1 le. + The medicine has already expired.
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
You3 mei2you3 guo4qi1? + Has it expired?
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Qiian1zheng4 yi3jing guo4qi1. Yao4 fa2kuan3 wu3bai3 kuai4 qian2. + The visa is already expired. You need to pay a fine of 500 Yuan.
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
xin4yong4ka3 + credit card
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
xin4yong4 + trust / credit
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Ta1 mei2you3 xin4yong4. + He has no credit. / He is not trusted.
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
ban4 xin4yong4ka3 + to apply for a credit card / to get a credit card
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Ling4wai4 wo3 xi3huan yu2xiang1rou4si1. + In addition I like fish-flavored shredded pork.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
shou4shang1 + to get injured
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Ta1 shou4shang1 le. + He is injured.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Wo3 shou4shang1 le. + i injured myself.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Guai1guai1 yao4 chi1fan4fan4 le. + (GP: Reduplication , Child-talk:) Darling, it is time to eat.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
pa4 + to be afraid / to be scared of
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
hai4pa4 + to be afraid / to be scared of
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
hong2bao1 + red envelope / containing money as a gift
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
song4 hong2bao1 + to gift a red envelope
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 hen3 duo1ren2 ba3 Sheng4dan4 li3wu4 fang4 zai4 yi1 ge4 da4 de hong2se4 de wa4zi li3mian4. + Generally speaking many people put the Christmas gifts inside a big, red sock.
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
hong2bao1 + red envelope with money
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Gong1xi3fa1cai2! Hong2bao3 na3 lai2? + Wish you to get rich! Now give me the red envelope.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

allez voir s’il est blessé + go see if he is injured

l’énergie solaire assurait leur survie + solar energy assured their survival

nous avons osé soulever le problème + we dared raise the problem

vous avez fait une tournée européenne + you toured around Europe

l’avion a subitement disparu des écrans + the airplane suddenly disappeared from the screens

il déclare que cette méthode était utile à l’époque + he declared that this method was useful at that time

vous venez de découvrir votre vraie nature + you have just discovered your true nature

la police a décrété le secteur «zone interdite» + the police declared the area off-limits

ils ont passé rapidement dans l’histoire + they disappeared quickly into history

tu réduis les aliments graisseux et le chocolat + you reduce your intake of fatty foods and chocolate

je pensais te faire livrer un plat chaud + I thought I would have a hot plate delivered to you

certaines autres ont subi de terribles ravages + certain others suffered terrible ravages

la sœur a découvert la fenêtre cassée + the sister discovered the broken window

il était couvert de taches de sang + he was covered by blood stains

on me paie mes frais de déplacement + my travel expenses are being covered

son nom apparaissait dans une autre liste + her name appeared on another list

aucun des cinq cents voyageurs n’a été blessé + none of the five hundred travelers was injured

le reflet du miroir saisit son regard + the mirror’s reflection captured her face

tu as l’air fatigué + you seem tired

ils ne satisfont pas aux conditions requises + they won’t satisfy the required conditions

quel plaisir d’avoir des parents cultivés + what a pleasure to have cultured relatives

les coûts de production seront réduits + production costs will be reduced

parmi les signataires, figurent 42 maires + among the signatories appeared 42 mayors

vous pouvez venir, j’ai sécurisé la zone + you can come here – I’ve secured the area

nous sommes conscients de la nécessité de réduire ces cotisations + we’re aware of the need to reduce these subscriptions

elle avait disparu le 30 mai dernier + she had disappeared last May 30

il a commandé plusieurs exemplaires du guide de référence + he ordered several copies of the reference guide

le sang a séché, le rouge est devenu brun + the blood dried, red turning to brown

il est entré dans la vie professionnelle voilà huit ans + he entered professional life eight years ago

c’est une espèce en voie de disparition + that’s an endangered species

ce mot a acquis une connotation très particulière + this word has acquired a very particular connotation

j’acquérais une conscience plus attentive des autres + I acquired a more attentive conscience than most

le gouvernement socialiste voulait mettre le crédit au service de l’économie + the socialist government wanted to make credit work for the economy

c’était un rocker à la retraite + he’s a retired rock-n-roll artist

elle inventait dix, vingt, cent prétextes + she dreamed up ten, twenty, a hundred excuses

considérons que les livres ont inspiré le tueur + let’s assume that the books inspired the killer

il y avait huit travailleurs pour un retraité + there were eight workers per retired person

une nuit, le roi lui apparut en rêve + one night, the king appeared to him in a dream

à l’institut, j’ai été formée à l’orthophonie + at the institute I majored in speech therapy

il a traîné dans la station toute la journée + he lingered in the station all day

la pétition est signée par plusieurs centaines de résidents + the petition was signed by hundreds of residents

j’en ai pas le courage. je suis fatiguée + I don’t have the courage. I’m tired

j’entretenais de sérieuses inquiétudes à ce sujet + I harbored serious anxiety on the project

nous dormions sur le sol en béton + we were sleeping on the cement-covered ground

il parle aussi des réductions d’impôt + he’s also talking about tax reductions

les médias vous ont comparée à Oprah Winfrey + the media has compared you to Oprah Winfrey

l’économie mondiale a surpassé toutes les prévisions + the global economy surpassed all predictions

le financement de cet achat est assuré + the financing of this purchase is assured

si vous menez une vie saine, vos réduisez vos risques + if you live a healthy life, you reduce your risks

nous avons récupéré vos armes + we recovered your weapons

ils demeurèrent quelques instants dans l’étroit couloir + they lingered for a few moments in the narrow corridor

toute la planète est fatiguée de ce conflit + the whole planet is tired of this conflict

le premier avait été légèrement blessé, le second était sorti indemne + the first was lightly injured, the second escaped unharmed

j’aurais aimé qu’il soit des nôtres + I would have preferred him to be on our side

les blessés ont été transportés dans sept hôpitaux + the injured were transported to seven hospitals

moi, j’ai passé une nuit incroyable + me, I had an incredible night

tu sais que ta mère avait refait la salle de bains + you know that your mother redid the bathroom

l’autorité revenait à celui qui remportait la victoire + the authority was conferred on the one who won the victory

l’amour se change en haine + love changes to hatred

je participai pendant une heure à une cérémonie sacrée + I attended a sacred ceremony for an hour

elle adorait sa grand-mère maternelle + she adored her maternal grandmother

elle baissa légèrement la vitre + she slightly lowered the window

je dois vous charger d’une mission sacrée + I have to confer a sacred mission upon you

comme elle le soupçonnait, il souffrait de douleurs + since she suspected him, he suffered pain

la marchandise s’est vendue de façon incroyable + the merchandise was sold out in an incredible manner

j’ai retrouvé quelques-uns de ces poèmes + I recovered some of these poems

éditez le dictionnaire utilisateur pour le réduire à 10.000 mots maximum + edit the user dictionary to reduce it to at most 10,000 words

Lucent avait annoncé la suppression de 900 emplois + Lucent announced a reduction of 900 jobs

de Transylvanie surgit un chevalier roumain + from Transylvania a Romanian knight suddenlyappeared

la coordination est considérée comme un problème de gestion + coordination is considered a management problem

un soldat de la coalition a été blessé dans l’opération + a coalition soldier was injured during the operation

les syndicats ont consenti une réduction des salaires + the unions agreed to a salary reduction

nous avons offert une compensation aux provinces qui ont perdu de l’argent + we offered compensation to the provinces that lost money

les Américains ont déclaré la guerre au terrorisme + the Americans declared war on terrorism

il lui a prédit qu’elle aurait un enfant + he predicted that she would have a child

la Terre est recouverte d’eau + the Earth is covered with water

la police a rassemblé les preuves établissant leur culpabilité + the police gathered proof to establish their guilt

nous proposons de réduire considérablement les impôts + we propose to reduce taxes considerably

il y a eu des tirs dans le couloir + there were shots fired in the hallway

il avait programmé l’élimination des paysans + he engineered the elimination of all peasants

notre pays était complètement effondré + our country had suffered a complete meltdown

il faudrait explorer le coin + the place should be explored

les prix ne sont pas abaissés proportionnellement aux coûts + the prices aren’t reduced proportionately to costs

les approvisionnements ont été réduits de 25 % + supplies have been reduced by 25%

si j’étais fatigué, je dormais + if I was tired, I went to sleep

je parie que vous mourez d’ennui + I bet you’re dying of boredom

nous voulons atténuer la pauvreté + we want to reduce poverty

je ramassai mon parapluie + I gathered up my umbrella

les résultats seront automatiquement enregistrés + the results will be automatically stored

j’ai eu l’inspiration pour faire cette peinture + I was inspired to make this painting

ma candidature ne pouvait pas être considérée + my candidacy couldn’t be considered

ils ont institué un plan de réduction du déficit + they adopted a deficit reduction plan

mettez le cap sur la rive gauche, commanda-t-il + set course for the left bank, he ordered

le gouvernement a décrété un deuil de sept jours + the government declared a week-long period of mourning

la crédibilité de tous les états financiers est compromisé + the credibility of our financial state is compromised

les descendants parleront de leurs ancêtres disparus + the descendants will speak of their ancestors who have disappeared

vous réduisez ma vie à néant + you’re reducing my life to oblivion

j’en ai déduit de façon certaine que je l’avais perdue + I figured out for sure that I had lost it

en onze mois, il a embauché sept personnes + in eleven months he hired seven people

il faut les accueillir avec le tapis rouge + they should be given a red-carpet welcome

le résultat fut une cote mal taillée + the result was a badly tailored quote

tout dans la pièce lui sembla flou, déformé + everything in the room seemed blurred to him

elle m’a torturée mentalement toute l’année + she tortured me mentally all year long

le futur m’attirait et m’effrayait à la fois + the future both attracted me and scared me

il brandit longuement les poings sous l’ovation + he pumped his fists as the crowd cheered

notre système est crédible, reconnu mondialement + our system is credible, recognized worldwide

sa morale privée était axée sur le culte de la famille + her private morals centered on family worship

nul n’osa l’interrompre pour rectifier + nobody dared interrupt her to correct her

nous avions une équipe très réduite + we had a team that had been greatly reduced

il est temps d’alléger les impôts + it’s time to reduce taxes

il est substantiellement semblable à son prédécesseur + he’s largely similar to his predecessor

par ailleurs, le yen doit être soutenu + elsewhere, the yen must be shored up

c’est un coup médiatique incroyable pour cette compagnie-là + it’s an incredible public relations coup for that company

à Rome, nous avons pris le bus. un bus rouge + in Rome, we took the bus. a red bus

le gouvernement fédéral a réduit sensiblement sa contribution + the federal government reduced its contribution sizably

tu ne peux pas rompre un serment, c’est sacré + you can’t break an oath – it’s sacred

je vous trouve incroyablement sympathiques + I find you incredibly likable

ils massacraient des indigènes + they massacred some natives

je m’attardais longtemps à ma fenêtre + I lingered a long while at my window

la motivation financière venait de surcroît + financial motivation appeared excessive

on quittait les sphères du sacré pour entrer dans la politique + we left more sacred spheres to go into politics

j’ai déclaré un gel du recrutement + I declared a hiring freeze

je préférais l’autobus au métro + I preferred the bus to the subway

la distorsion peut réduire la durée de cet intervalle + the distortion can reduce the duration of that interval

les retraités ne peuvent dépenser l’argent + retired people can’t spend money

son crâne est à moitié couvert par ce bonnet noir + his skull is half covered by this black bonnet

monsieur, vous êtes pâle, vous avez l’air fatigué + sir, your’re pale, you look tired

son pantalon entravait la liberté de ses mouvements + his trousers hampered his freedom of movement

une autopsie a été ordonnée par le parquet + the prosecutor ordered an autopsy

le trottoir était couvert d’une boue glacée + the sidewalk was covered with frozen mud

le dénie est la plus prévisible des réponses humaines + denial is the most predictable of human responses

les enquêteurs ont nié vendredi avoir torturé le suspect + on Friday the interrogators denied having tortured the suspect

la thèse se discute, assurément + the argument is most assuredly being discussed

ils découvraient un corridor souterrain + they discovered an underground corridor

les gens sont peut-être fatigués + the people are perhaps tired

le personnel d’encadrement des ateliers est réduit + supervisory staff in the workshops is reduced

en surface, elle paraissait décente, prude et tout + outwards, she appeared proper, prudish, and so on

j’avais prédit une multiplication de travail pour l’automne + I predicted an increase in workload for the fall

on a décidé de faire cette croisière en Mer Rouge + we decided to take a Red Sea cruise

en science, on ne décerne pas de distinction pour les redécouvertes + in science nobody receives a prize for rediscovering something

il a disparu derrière les rochers + he disappeared behind the rocks

au loin un orage grondait + in the distance a storm thundered

je lui ai offert une boule à neige + I offered her a snowball

cette quantité se précise dans une équation + this amount is figured out in an equation

avez-vous déjà subi des préjudices? + have you already suffered any losses?

la majorité de nos véhicules blindés sont des blindés légers + most of our armored vehicles are light tanks

la peste ravage Londres, mais Paris est épargnée + the plague ravages London, but Paris is spared

la préférence raciale joue depuis longtemps dans le recrutement + racial preference has long figured in recruitment

ces valeurs sont fermement ancrées dans notre héritage + these values are firmly anchored in our heritage
Wordnet ChineseGb
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103 red +
103 red +
103 red +
103 red +
103 Red +
103 red +
103 red +
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Wiktionary VietnameseVie
red đỏ, hồng (紅) + +
red đỏ + +
red đỏ + +
màu đỏ + + red