Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Oxford 3000VieEng
lái kommen
进来 jìnlái herein kommen
坐下来 zuòxiàlái sich hinsetzen
回来 huílái zurückkommen
醒来 xǐnglái aufwachen
站起 zhànqǐlái aufstehen
回来 huílái zurück
本来的 běnlái de eigentlich
散布开来 sànbù kāi lái sich verbreiten
带来 dàilái bringen
随后到来 suíhòu dàolái kommen nach
迎面走来 yíngmiàn zǒulái daherkommen
本来 běn lái eigentlich
听起来不错 tīng qǐ lái bú cuò gut klingen
吐出来 tù chū lái ausspucken
用篱笆围起来的 yòng lí ba wéi qǐ lái de umzäunt
依赖性 yī lài xìng Abhängigkeit
平静下来 píng jìng xià lái sich beruhigen
依赖 yī lài abhängig
再来一次 zài lái yí cì noch einmal
将来 jiāng lái Zukunft
未来的 wèi lái de zukünftig
建立起来 jiàn lì qǐ lái gegründet
将来的, 今后的 jiānglái de, jīnghòu de künftig
未来的丈夫 wèilái de zhàngfu zukünftige Ehemann
独行侠, 独来独往的人 dúxíngxiá, dúlái- dúwǎng de rén Einzelgänger
水尝起来不新鲜 shuǐ chángqǐlái bù xīnxiān Wasser schmeckt abgestanden
招来某人 zhāolái mǒurén jemanden herbeirufen
无赖 wúlài Arsch
值得信赖的 zhídé xìnlài de vertrauenswürdig
马来西亚 Mǎláixīyà Malaysia
莱茵河 Láiyīnhé Rhein
莱茵兰 Láiyīnlán Rheinland
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 回來 + * * hui2 lai2 return/ come back/ be back zurück,zurückkommen +
A + * * lai2 come/ arrive/ crop up/ take place etwa +
A 進來 + * * jin4lai2 come in/ get in hineinkommen +
A 起來 + * * qi3 lai2 stand up/ sit up/ rise to one's feet aufstehen +
A 將來 + * * jiang1lai2 future Zukunft +
A 出來 + * * chu1 lai2 come out/ emerge herauskommen, hervorkommen +
A 上來 + * * shang4 lai2 come up hoch kommen +
A 下來 + * * xia4 lai2 come down herunter kommen +
A 原來 + * * yuan2lai2 original/ former ursprünglich +
A 過來 + * * guo4 lai come over/ come up herüberkommen +
B 越來越… + * * yue4lai2yue4 more and more immermehr, mehr und mehr +
B 未來 + * * wei4lai2 future Zukunft +
B 本來 + * * ben3lai2 original ursprünglich +
B 從來 + * * cong2lai2 always/ all along zu allen Zeiten, immer +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr +
B 來不及 + * * lai2 bu ji2 there's not enough time ohne genügend Zeit, es ist zu spät +
B 來得及 + * * lai2 de ji2 there's still time da ist noch genug Zeit, noch Zeit haben / noch etw. machen können +
B 來信 + * * lai2xin4 send a letter/ incoming letter ankommender Brief, einen Brief senden +
B 來自 + * * lai2zi4 come from von (einem Ort) kommen +
B 看來 + * * kan4lai2 it seems anscheinend, es scheint, +
B 近來 + * * jin4lai2 recently/ lately vor kurzem, kürzlich +
B 後來 + * * hou4lai2 afterwards/ after dann,danach +
B 以來 + * * yi3lai2 since seit, seitdem +
C 來賓 + * * lai2bin1 visitor/ guest Gast, Besucher +
C 來回 + * * lai2hui2 visitor/ guest hin und her,hin und zurück,Hin-und Rückweg +
C 來客 + * * lai2ke4 back and forth/ to and fro/ round trip Gast, Besucher +
C 來往 + * * lai2wang3 come and go/ associate/ association kommen und gehen, Verkehr +
C 來源 + * * lai2yuan2 source/ origin Quelle, entspringen,entstammen +
C 向來 + * * xiang4lai2 from beginning coming towards now/ always/ all along von jeher, seit ehund je, schon immer +
C 對…來說 + * * dui4 lai2shuo1 not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of was das angeht +
C 往來 + * * wang3lai2 come-go/ be in contact with/ have relations with kommen und gehen, hin- und zurück, Kontakt, Verkehr +
C 拿…來說 + * * na2 lai2shuo1 take … for example auf jmd einreden, beschwören +
C 自來水 + * * zi4lai2shui3 self-come-water/ tap water Leitungswasser +
C 這樣一來 + * * zhe4yang4 yi1 lai2 this-way-ever-since/ in this way/ in such a case/ thus in dieser Art, in so einem Fall, +
D 總的來說 + * * zong3 de lai2 shuo1 in general im allgemeinen +
D 到來 + * * dao4lai2 come ankommen, Ankunft +
D 從…看來 + * * cong2 kan4lai2 from soweit es ...betrifft +
D 來訪 + 访* * lai2fang3 come to visit zu Besuch kommen +
D 來回來去 + * * lai2 hui2 lai2 qu4 come-and-go Kommen und Gehen +
D 來看 + * * lai2kan4 according to gemäß, so gesehen, +
D 來歷 + * * lai2li4 derivation/ history Vorgeschichte +
D 來臨 + * * lai2lin2 come/ fall ankommen, herannahen +
D 來年 + * * lai2nian2 the coming year kommendes Jahr, nächstes Jahr +
D …來說 + * * lai2shuo1 concerning/ on betreffend +
D + * * lai4 go back on one's word 1. sich auf jetw/jn stützen/verlassen , auf jn/etw verlassen/angewiesen sein 2. hartnäckig stehenbleiben 3. abstreiten,leugnen,jn falsch beschuldigen 4. jn zuzuschreiben sein +
D 推來推去 + * * tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4 push/ decline alle möglichen Entschuldigungen vorbringen +
D 看起來 + * * kan4 qi3lai2 look like es scheint, dem Anschein nach +
D 依賴 + * * yi1lai4 depend on/ reply on abhängen, abhängig sein +
D 歷來 + * * li4lai2 always seit jeher, von alters her, schon immer +
D 胡來 + * * hu2lai2 make trouble/ mess things up etwas durcheinander bringen +
D 信賴 + * * xin4lai4 trust/ rely jm vertrauen, zu jm Vertrauen haben +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
55 美国 + I'm from America. Ich komme aus Amerika.
76 他们 山坡 滑下来 + They're sliding down the slope. Sie kommen den Berghang herunter geglitten.
78 回来 + I'm back. Ich bin wieder da.
95 太阳 出来 + The sun has risen. ((The sun has come out.)) Die Sonne ist aufgegangen. (herauskommen)
99 要是 分手 + If you don't come, I am going to break up with you. Wenn du nicht kommst, dann mache ich Schluß mit dir.
190 机会 + A good opportunity presented itself. Eine gute Gelegenheit bietet sich.
267 我们 来自 东方 + We're from the East. Wir kommen aus dem Osten.
321 + Let me help you. Ich komme Ihnen zu Hilfe.
350 来自 英国 + I'm from the U.K. Ich komme aus England.
388 知识 阅读 积累 + Knowledge is accumulated by reading. Wissen wird durch Lesen angehäuft.
508 火车 + The train should be getting in now. Der Zug sollte jetzt kommen.
521 回答 问题 + Let me answer this question. Lassen Sie mich diese Frage beantworten.
530 越来越 苗条 + She's getting slimmer. Sie wird immer schlanker.
537 铁路 城市 连起来 + Railroads connect cities. Eisenbahnen verbinden Städte.
634 + Please follow me. Bitte folgen Sie mir.
736 卡车 用来 运送 货物 + The truck is used to carry goods. Der Lastwagen wird zum Warentransport benutzt.
760 我们 合影 + Let's take a group photo. Lasst uns ein Gruppenfoto machen.
829 我们 根据 合同 办事 + We conduct our business in accordance with the contract. Wir handeln gemäß dem Vertrag.
947 春天 + Spring has come. Der Frühling ist gekommen.
1022 回答 问题 + Who is going to answer this question? Wer kann diese Frage beantworten?
1024 法官 依据 法律 审判 + The judge tries cases in accordance with the law. Der Richter urteilt auf Basis der Gesetze.
1097 国旗 升起来 + The national flag has been raised. Die Nationalflagge wurde gehisst.
1124 没有 预料 到来 这么 朋友 + I didn't expect that so many friends would come. Ich habe nicht vorausgesehen, dass so viele Freunde kommen würden.
1193 激动 甚至 出来 + He was so excited that he couldn't utter a word. Er ist so aufgeregt, dass er kein Wort herausbringt.
1197 大家 仿效 老师 动作 练习 + Everyone is copying the teacher's movements. Alle imitieren die Bewegungen der Lehrerin beim Üben.
1220 照顾 + Let me look after you. Lass mich um dich kümmern.
1358 这块 手表 看起来 档次 + This watch looks first-class. Diese Armbanduhr sieht sehr edel aus.
1372 女儿 迎面 走来 + My daughter walked towards me head-on. Meine Tochter kommt auf mich zu gelaufen.
1393 秋季 来临 + Fall has arrived. Der Herbst steht vor der Tür.
1422 啤酒 走过来 + He came over, carrying a tray of beer. Er kam mit einem Tablett Bier herüber.
1459 看起来 斯文 + She looks very refined. Sie sieht sehr vornehm aus.
1479 栏杆 树圈 起来 + The railings enclose the flowers and trees. Die Geländer umgrenzen die Blumen und die Bäume.
1501 城堡 看起来 庄严 + The castle looks stately. Das Schloß sieht stattlich aus.
1504 大家 兴奋 欢呼起来 + Everyone got so excited they started to cheer. Alle waren so aufgeregt, daß sie zu jubeln begannen.
1554 消息 登出来 + The news has come out.
1673 这些 咖啡豆 来自 巴西 + These coffee beans are from Brazil.
1689 诚实 从来 说谎 + He's very honest, and never lies.
1694 看起来 悲伤 + She looks so sad.
1708 她们 害怕 尖叫 起来 + They were so frightened that they started to scream.
1714 他们 愈来愈 恩爱 + They are getting more and more affectionate.
1727 偷偷地 躲起来 + He secretly hid.
1808 台风 + The typhoon is coming.
1929 他用 尺子 画图 + She uses a ruler to draw the design.
1959 房产 抵押 贷款 + I mortgaged my house to get a loan (lit., I used my property as collateral for a loan).
1979 我们 终于 来到 巴黎 + We have finally arrived in Paris.
1981 援用 生动 案例 讲解 + He explains by citing vivid cases.
2042 丝瓜 可以 用来 洗澡 + A loofah can be used to bathe with.
2165 图纸 捲起来 + Roll up the blueprint. Rolle den Plan zusammen.
2198 眼镜 摘下来 + She took her glasses off.
2247 做错 不要 别人 + Don't blame others unfairly for things that you've done wrong.
2248 孩子 依赖 父母 + Children are very dependent on their parents. Kinder hängen sehr von ihren Eltern ab.
2311 幼苗 长出来 + The seedlings have come up.
2334 生意 带来 巨大 利润 + Business brought me great profits.
2342 国家 越来越 繁荣 昌盛 + The country is growing more and more prosperous.
2438 看起来 有点 + He looks a bit silly.
2495 气球 膨胀 起来 + The hot air balloon inflated.
2523 计画 暂时 停滞 下来 + This plan is temporarily suspended.
2566 看起来 有点 郁闷 + He looks a bit depressed.
2625 捞上来 + A big fish was caught (in a net).
2627 幼苗 长出来 + The seedlings have come up.
2672 他用 现金 偿还 贷款 + He repaid his loan in cash.
2786 妈妈 毛巾 婴儿 起来 + The mother wraps the baby in the towel.
2839 水坝 可以 用来 发电 + The dam can be used to generate electricity.
2866 水晶球 占卜 吉凶 + She uses a crystal ball to tell whether the omens are good or bad.
2894 牛奶 洒出 + The milk spilled out.
2938 朋友们 一起 拜祭 故人 + Together, the friends paid their respects to their deceased friends.
2977 老虎 悄悄 走过来 + The tiger walked over quietly.
2983 现在 我们 问题 症结 所在 + Now let's talk about the crux of the issue.
3042 葡萄 可以 用来 酿酒 + Grapes can be made into wine.
3108 我们 一起 蜡烛 + We are blowing out the candles together.
3130 楼梯 栽倒 下来 + He fell down the stairs.
3143 渗出来 + Water is seeping out.
3307 揣测 不会 + I guess he won't come.
3344 一刹那 赛车 冲过来 + In an instant, the race cars came speeding towards us.
3499 他们 憧憬 美好 未来 + They're looking forward to a bright future.
3500 长城 可以 用来 防止 外寇 入侵 + The Great Wall was used to defend against incursions by foreign invaders.
3501 医生 通过 把脉 揆度 病情 + By taking a pulse, a doctor can gauge a patient's condition.
3556 看起来 有点 + He looks a little silly. Er sieht etwas bescheuert aus.
3580 + Our lesson starts at 10 o'clock, but he hasn't come until a quarter past ten.
3581 + Our class starts at nine o'clock, but he came as early as at eight.
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 + Despite the fact that our leader does not come today, nevertheless we can't fall asleep.
3610 一个 优秀 领袖 国民 团结 起来 + An excellent leader can unite his people.
3642 专程 + I took this trip specially to see you.
3665 这种 药草 提炼 出来 精华 治疗 高血压 有效 + The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.
3681 运气 不好 摸奖 从来 中过 + She has bad luck, and never won a price in drawing lots.
3684 东西 携带 起来 方便 所以 它们 托运到学校 + It's very inconvenient to carry luggage, so I consigned it for shipment.
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素 + He is forever seeking after material comforts, and has no idea about hard work and plain living.
3725 战役 下来 敌军 粮食 消耗 殆尽 + After several battles, the enemy practically has no food.
3735 随着 复活节 来临 冬天 结束 春天 + With the coming of Easter, winter ends and spring comes.
3748 边城 出差 星期 才能 回来 + He will take a business trip to a border town, and will be back in a week.
3757 大风 过后 帮忙 扶苗 + He asked some people to help him straighten the seedlings flattened by wind. Nach dem Starkwind bat er Leute um Hilfe, die Saatpflanzen wieder aufzurichten.
3767 本来 知道 这些 事情 故作 明白 + Though he didn't actually know this stuff, he pretended that he did.
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
Ni3 cong2 na3li3 lai2? + Where have you come from?
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
cong2 lai2 ? + where from?
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
lai2 + to come
Lesson 005. What’s your name?
cong2 Jia1na2da4 lai2. + I come from Canada.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
Huan1ying2 zai4 lai2. + Welcome to come again.
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
chu1lai + to come out
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
Wo3 jiu4 lai2. + I will come right away.
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
dao4 ... lai2 + to come to / arrive
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
Wo3lai2shuo... + Let me speak
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
hui2lai + to come back / to return
Lesson 016. Visiting Friends, Giving Gifts, Drinking Culture.
Wo3 lai2 jing4jiu3. + I have a toast.
Lesson 016. Visiting Friends, Giving Gifts, Drinking Culture.
Lai2 wo3men jia1 zuo4ke4. + Come to our home as a guest.
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Wo3 bu4 neng2 lai2. + I can not come.
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
ying1gai1 lai2 + should come
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ni3 ying1gai1 lai2. + You should come.
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ni3 ming2tian1 neng2 bu4 neng2 lai2? + (GP: neng2 and ke3yi3 are also used to show permisson or prohibition of
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
xiang3qi3lai + to remember
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
Wo3 xiang3qi3lai le. + I remember it now.
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
Ta1 de zhong1wen2 yue4 lai2 yue4 hao3. + His Chinese is getting better and better.
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
yue4 lai2 yue4 ... + (GP: more and more...)
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4...lai2 + to come to a certain place
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4 Zhong1guo2 lai2 + to come to China
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
dao4 Mei3guo2 lai2 + to come to America
Lesson 029. Buying Food in a Supermarket.
hui2lai2 zai4 shuo1 + we talk about it after I come back
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
chu1lai + to come out
Lesson 030. Quick Review. Directions and Location.
jin4lai + to come in
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Ru2guo3 ni3 xiang3 lai2 Zhong1guo2, ni3 bi4xu1 you3 qian1zheng4. + If you want to come to China, you must have a visa.
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Ming2tian1 ni3 bi4xu1 lai2! Ming2bai3 le ma? + You must come tomorrow! Understand?
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Qian1zheng4 yi3jing ban4 hao3 le. Ni3 ke3yi3 lai2 qu3. + The visa is already done. You can come to pick it up.
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
lai2hui2 ji1piao4 + round-trip plane ticket
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
yu4ding4 lai2hui2 ji1piao4 + to book a round-trip plane ticket
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Wo3 de dian4nao3 huai4 le. Qing3 pai4 ren2 lai2 xiu1li3. + There is something wrong with my computer. Please sende someone to fix it.
Lesson 040. Can You Fix It?
Shi1fu, wo3men de men2suo3 huai4 le. Ma2fan ni3 lai3 xiu1li3 yi1xia4 hao3buhao3? + Master, there is something wrong with our lock on the door. Could you please come and fix it?
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
yuan2lai2 + originally / turn out to be different from One originally thought
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
O, yuan2lai2 zhe4yang4! + Oh, it turned out to be this way!
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Ta1 yao1qing3 wo3 lai2 can1jia1 ta1men de hun1li3. + He invited me to come and participate in their wedding.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 hen3 duo1ren2 ba3 Sheng4dan4 li3wu4 fang4 zai4 yi1 ge4 da4 de hong2se4 de wa4zi li3mian4. + Generally speaking many people put the Christmas gifts inside a big, red sock.
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 + generally speaking
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 Sheng4dan4jie2 shi4 yi1 ge4 xi1fang1ren2 de jie2ri4. + Generally speaking Christmas is a festival of Western people
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
bu4guo4 zui4jin4 yue4lai2yue4 duo1 Zhong1guo2ren2 y3 qing3zhu4 Sheng4dan4jie2. + however, recently more and more Chinese people also celebrate Christmas
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
dai4lai2 + to bring here
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
Hao3, lai2 liang3 zha1. + Ok, two jars please.
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
Xiao3jie, lai2 yi1 pan2 hua1sheng1mi3. + Waitress, one plate of peanuts please.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Xiao3jie, qing3 zai4 lai2 yi1 wan3 mi3fan4. + Miss, one more bowl of rice please.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
kan4lai + apparently / it's seems that
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Kan4lai, ni3 dui4 gu3dong3 hen3 liao3jie3. + It seems, that you know a lot about antiques.
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
kan4chu1lai + to tell / to make out (by looking)
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
neng2 kan4chu1lai + can tell
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
Ni3 neng2 kan4chu1lai ta1 shi4 Zhong1guo2ren2 hai2shi Ri4ben3ren2? + Can you tell she is Chinese or Japanese?
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
guo4lai + come over here / come here
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Mei3 ci4 lai2dao4 jian4shen1fang2 wo3 xian1 zaii4 pa3bu4qi4 shang4 pao3bu4. + Every time I come to the gym, I first run on the running machine.
Lesson 054. Chinese New Year.
Gong1xi3fa1cai2! Hong2bao3 na3 lai2? + Wish you to get rich! Now give me the red envelope.
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