Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Oxford 3000VieEng
昨天 zuótiān gestern
tiān Tag
明天 míngtiān morgen
今天 jīntiān heute
天气 tiānqì Wetter
天气预报 tiānqì yùbào Wettervorhersage
饭后甜点 fànhòu tiándiǎn Nachtisch
填满 tiánmǎn auffüllen
甜的 tián de süß
春天 chūntiān Frühling
夏天 xiàtiān Sommer
秋天 qiūtiān Herbst
冬天 dōngtiān Winter
天井 tiān jǐng Innenhof
天台 tīan tái Terrasse
前天 qián tiān vorgestern
后天 hòu tiān übermorgen
tián ausfüllen
填写 tián xiě eintragen
每天的 měi tiān de täglich
天花板 tiān huā bǎn (Zimmer)Decke
饭后甜点 fàn hòu tián diǎn Nachtisch
田径运动 tián jìng yùn dòng Leichtathletik
春天 chūn tiān Frühling
夏天 xià tiān Sommer
秋天 qiū tiān Herbst
冬天 dōng tiān Winter
填满 tián mǎn füllen
白天 bái tiān tagsüber
天空 tiān kōng Himmel
腼腆的 miǎn tiǎn de schüchtern
天才的 tiān cái de genial
天赋 tiān fù Begabung
天平座 tiān píng zuò Waage
在天堂 zài tiān táng im Himmel (Paradies) sein
天上的云 tiān shàng de yún Wolken am Himmel
有天赋的 yǒu tiān fù de talentiert
有天赋的 yǒu tiān fù de begabt
添加, 补充 tiānjiā, bǔchōng hinzufügen, ergänzen
和某人聊天, 与某人交谈 hé mǒurén liáotiān, yǔ mǒurén jiāotán sich mit jemandem unterhalten
天真 tiānzhēn naiv
天才 tiāncái Genie
天线 tiānxiàn Antenne
甜椒 tiánjiāo Paprika
舔冰激凌 tiǎn bīngjīlíng Eis lecken
天然气 tiānránqì Erdgas
天鹅 tiān’é Schwan
为一块田施肥 wèi yī kuài tián shīféi ein Feld düngen
田, 田野 tián, tiányě Feld
填字游戏 tiánzì yóuxì Kreuzworträtsel
先天的 xiāntiān de angeboren
变化无常的天气 biànhuà-wúcháng de tiānqì unbeständiges Wetter
天使 tiānshǐ Engel
上天的 shàngtiān de himmlisch
天堂 tiāntáng Paradies
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng
Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 今天 + * * jin1tian1 today/ present/ now heute +
A 昨天 + * * zuo2tian1 yesterday gestern +
A 秋天 + * * qiu1tian1 autumn/ fall Herbst +
A 半天 + * * ban4tian1 half a day/ a long time eine lange Zeit,einen halben Tag +
A 明天 + * * ming2tian1 tomorrow morgen +
A + * * tian1 sky/ heaven/ weather 1.Himmel, Firmament 2. oben befindlich 3. Tag 4. Zeitabschnitte im Laufe eines Tages 5. Jahreszeit 6. Wetter 7. Natur 8. Gott +
A 天氣 + * * tian1qi4 weather Wetter +
A 夏天 + * * xia4tian1 summer Sommer +
A 春天 + * * chun1tian1 spring/ springtime Frühling +
A 冬天 + * * dong1tian1 winter Winter +
B 聊天兒 + * * liao2 tian1r chat plaudern, sich unterhalten, Schwätzchen +
B 白天 + * * bai2tian1 daytime am hellichten Tage, während der Tagesstunden +
B 天真 + * * tian1zhen naïve/ innocent naiv, unschuldig, +
B + * * tian1 add hinzufügen, ergänzen +
B + * * tian2 fill 1. füllen, ausfüllen, anfüllen 2. (ein Formular) ausfüllen +
B + * * tian2 farmland Feld, Ackerland, Ackerboden +
B 田野 + * * tian2ye3 field/ open country Felder, offene Landschaft +
B + * * tian2 sweet 1. süß, honigsüß 2. fest, süß +
B 後天 + * * hou4tian1 the day after tomorrow übermorgen +
B 禮拜天(禮拜日) + * * li3bai4tian1 Sunday Am Sonntag +
B 前天 + * * qian2tian1 the day before yesterday vorgestern +
C 成天 + * * cheng2tian1 all day long/ all the time den ganzen Tag, die ganze Zeit +
C 晴天 + * * qing2tian1 sunny day/ fine day sonnig +
C 農田 + * * nong2tian2 farmland/ cultivated land/ cropland/ field Ackerland,landwirtschaftliche Fläche +
C 油田 + * * you2tian2 oil-field/ oil field Ölfeld +
C 天才 + * * tian1cai2 heavenly-talent/ genius/ gift/ endowment/ gifted person Genie, Genialität, angeborenes Talent +
C 天空 + * * tian1kong1 sky-space/ sky/ heavens Himmel +
C 天然 + * * tian1ran2 naturally-formed/ naturally-developed/ natural natürlich, von Natur +
C 天然氣 + * * tian1ran2qi4 naturally-formed-gas/ natural gas Erdgas +
C 天上 + * * tian1shang4 heavenly-above/ in the sky im Himmel, aus dem Himmel +
C 天文 + * * tian1wen2 celestial-phenomena/ astronomy Astronomie, Sternenkunde +
C 天下 + * * tian1xia4 under-sky/ world/ rule/ domination under dem Himmel, die Welt oder China +
C 天主教 + * * tian1zhu3jiao4 heavenly-lord-religion/ Catholicism katholische Kirche, Katholizismus +
C 田地 + * * tian2di4 field-land/ cropland/ farmland/ plight/ pitiful situation Feld, Ackerland,Boden, elende Situation +
C 畫蛇添足 + * * hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 ruin by adding superfluous etwas überflüssiges tun +
C 陰天 + * * yin1tian1 cloudy-day/ overcast day/ gloomy day bedeckter Himmel, bewölkt +
D 當天 + * * dang4tian1 in that day an eben diesen Tag, am gleichen Tag +
D 談天 + * * tan2 tian1 chat sich unterhalten +
D 航天 + * * hang2tian1 space flight Raumflug, Raumfahrt +
D 整天 + * * zheng3tian1 all day den ganzen Tag +
D 開天辟地 + * * kai1 tian1 pi4 di4 since the beginning of the history/ the creation of the world die Welt erschaffen, seit dem Beginn der Geschichte +
D 老天爺 + * * lao3tian1ye2 God Gott, Himmel +
D 增添 + * * zeng1tian1 add/ superinduce hinzufügen, vermehren +
D 半邊天 + * * ban4bian1tian1 half of the sky die Hälfte des Himmels, Frauen,(Mao Zedong) +
D 天長地久 + * * tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3 everlasting so lange wie Himmel und Erde währen +
D 天地 + * * tian1di4 heaven and earth Himmel und Erde +
D 天色 + * * tian1se4 time/ color of sky Färbung und Helligkeit des Himmels +
D 天生 + * * tian1sheng1 inherent natürlich, angeboren, von Natur aus +
D 天堂 + * * tian1tang2 heaven Paradies, Himmelreich +
D 天線 + 线* * tian1xian4 antenna Antenne +
D 填補 + * * tian2bu3 padded/ fill up füllen, ausfüllen +
D 填寫 + * * tian2xie3 fill in (ein Formular) ausfüllen +
D 田間 + * * tian2jian1 farms/ field Feld, Farm, Ackerbau, auf dem Feld +
D 田徑 + * * tian2jing4 track and field Leichtathletik +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
69 天安门 广场 位于 北京市 中心 + Tiananmen Square is in the center of Beijing. Der Tiananmen Platz befindet sich im Zentrum Pekings.
120 病人 今天 + The patient is much better today. Dem Kranken geht es heute viel besser.
124 今天 早餐 面包 + Today's breakfast is toast. Zum Frühstück gibt es Toast heute.
131 每天 慢跑 + I jog every day. Ich jogge jeden Tag.
137 今天 几月 几日 + What's the date today? Welches Datum haben wir heute?
140 每天 经过 + I pass by this shop every day. Ich gehe jeden Tag an diesem Geschäft vorbei.
205 每天 定时 起床 + I get up at a fixed time every day. Ich stehe jeden Tag zu einer festgesetzten Zeit auf.
208 今天 生日 + Today is my birthday. Heute ist mein Geburtstag.
210 昨天 开始 戒烟 + I've stopped smoking as of yesterday. Seit gestern habe ich mit dem Rauchen aufgehört.
253 下雨 + The rain has made it colder. Es regnet und wird kälter.
277 天黑 + It's already dark outside. Der Himmel ist schwarz.
283 今天 很多 + I spent a lot of money today. Ich habe heute viel Geld ausgegeben.
298 每天 + He gets up late every day. Er steht jeden Tag spät auf.
314 很多 星星 + There are many stars in the sky. Am Himmel sind viele Sterne.
331 田野 + This field is very beautiful. Dieses Feld ist wirklich schön.
355 每天 步行 学校 + I walk to school every day. Ich gehe jeden Tag zu Fuß zur Schule.
397 填写 申请表 + Please fill in the application form. Füllen Sie bitte das Antragsformular aus.
456 明天 就是 元旦 + It's New Year's day tomorrow. Morgen ist Neujahr.
519 天空 + The sky is very blue. Der Himmel ist sehr blau.
548 今天 天气 好极了 + The weather's great today. Das Wetter von heute ist großartig.
594 我们 明天 长城 + We're going to climb the Great Wall tomorrow. Wir werden morgen die große Mauer besteigen.
674 今天 天气 + It's very cold today. Das Wetter von heute ist sehr kalt.
737 坚持 每天 运动 + I make a point of exercising every day. Ich halte daran fest, jeden Tag Sport zu treiben.
818 喜欢 游戏 孩子 天性 + A fondness for playing games is in the nature of children. Eine Leidenschaft, Spiele zu spielen, liegt in der Natur von Kindern.
881 今天 油价 多少 + What's today's oil price? Wie hoch ist der Benzinpreis heute?
908 好像 下雨 + It seems that it it is going to rain. Es sieht so aus, als ob es gleich regnen wird.
927 儿子 每天 + My son saves one yuan every day. Mein Sohn spart jeden Tag einen Yuan.
930 春天 天气 温暖 + The weather in spring is very warm. Im Frühling ist das Wetter sehr warm.
947 春天 + Spring has come. Der Frühling ist gekommen.
963 动物 保护 子女 天性 + It's in animals' nature to protect their young. Tiere haben einen angeborenen Instinkt, ihr Junges zu schützen.
974 他们 今天 休假 + They're on vacation today. Sie machen heute Urlaub.
977 他们 辛勤 劳动 + They're working hard in the field. Sie verrichten fleißig körperliche Arbeit auf dem Feld.
997 天边 白云 + There is a patch of white clouds on the horizon. Am Horizont ist ein Bereich mit weißen Wolken.
1035 夏天 + Summer is coming. Der Sommer kommt.
1068 今天 零下 + It's minus ten degrees today. Heute ist es zehn Grad unter Null.
1070 秋天 + Autumn is here. Der Herbst ist gekommen.
1071 冬天 + Winter has come. Der Winter ist gekommen.
1072 今天 工作 特别 + Work was really tiring today. Die heutige Arbeit war besonders ermüdend.
1074 昨天 剪发 + I had my hair cut yesterday. Ich habe mir gestern mein Haar schneiden lassen.
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云 + According to the weather forecast, it will be partially cloudy today. Nach Darstellung des Wetterberichts wird es heute wechselnd bewölkt.
1137 渐渐 + The day is gradually getting dark. Der Himmel wir allmählich dunkel.
1147 老师 今天 我们 减法 + The teacher will teach us subtraction today. Der Lehrer lehrt uns heute die Subtraktion.
1286 天边 布满 朝霞 + The horizon is full of glowing clouds. Der Horizont erstrahlt im Morgenrot.
1294 今天 幸运 + She is lucky today. Sie hat heute Glück.
1367 今天 风和日丽 + It's a beautiful day today, with gentle breezes and bright sunshine. Heute ist es sonnig mit einem leichten Wind.
1405 播种 + He's sowing the fields. Er ist auf dem Feld und sät.
1417 甜食 唯一 嗜好 + Sweet foods are her only indulgence. Süßigkeiten sind ihr einziges Laster.
1427 + The sky is very blue. Der Himmel ist sehr blau.
1452 + It's almost light outside. Es ist fast schon hell.
1453 今天 美元 人民币 汇率 多少 + What's today's exchange rate for US dollars to RMB? Wie ist der Wechselkurs zwischen Dollar und Renminbi heute?
1457 新娘 今天 漂亮 + The bride is really pretty today. Die Braut ist heute wirklich hübsch.
1490 姐姐 早晨 跑步 + My older sister goes running every morning. Meine ältere Schwester läuft jeden Morgen.
1702 明天 返校 + School starts again tomorrow.
1713 天气 阴沉 + The weather is cloudy.
1729 习惯 每天 晨跑 + She is in the habit of running every morning.
1802 今天 廿八日 + Today is the twenty-eighth.
1807 今天 卅一日 + It's the thirty-first of the month.
1814 夏天 洗澡 凉快 + Taking a bath in summer is very refreshing [lit., cool]. .
1818 天气 小心 冻坏 + It's cold, so be careful not to catch a cold.
1821 天鹅 张开 翅膀 + The swan spread its wings.
1823 今天 逛街 购物 + I went strolling down the street and did some shopping today.
1842 雨天 道路 湿 + The roads are very wet in the rain.
1859 大家 地上 仰望 天空 + Everyone is lying on the ground and looking up at the sky. Alle liegen auf dem Boden und blicken auf in den Himmel.
1867 每天 阅读 报纸 + She reads the newspaper everyday.
1878 天刚 破晓 景色 + The scenery at dawn is very beautiful.
1881 纵容 自己 甜食 + She indulged herself by eating some sweets.
1914 今天 波浪 + The waves are big today.
1944 老鹰 天空 盘旋 + The eagle is circling in the sky.
1983 明天 俄罗斯 + I'm going to Russia tomorrow.
2003 天气 他们 很多 + It's too hot, and they have been sweating a lot.
2013 天气 下雨 + What lousy weather! It's raining again.
2062 山腰 田地 + There is a large stretch of farmland on the hillside.
2140 他们 今天 搬家 + They're moving today.
2169 白云 衬托 天空 + The white clouds make the sky look much bluer.
2178 他们 这儿 逗留 + They're going to stay here for a few days.
2190 天空 雪花 + Snowflakes are drifting through the sky.
2193 今天 + It's very foggy today.
2239 + She's sleeping soundly.
2240 + Sugar is sweet.
2246 今天 新郎 + He's the bridegroom today.
2280 矿泉水 味道 甘甜 + The mineral water tastes very sweet.
2292 填写 姓氏 + Please fill in your family name.
2329 纽约 很多 摩天大楼 + There are many skyscrapers in New York.
2344 天空 布满 乌云 + The sky is covered by dark clouds.
2349 收割机 小麦 + The harvester is reaping the wheat in the field.
2358 渔民 每天 出海 捕鱼 + The fishermen go to sea to fish everyday.
2364 今天 天气 晴朗 + Today's weather is very sunny.
2414 考试 答案 + She's filling in the answers on the exam.
2458 他们 聊天 + They are chatting.
2520 天气 骤然 + The weather has become suddenly cold.
2528 天色 逼近 黄昏 + Dusk is approaching.
2534 倘若 天使 好了 + It would be great if I were an angel. Es wäre klasse, wenn ich ein Engel wäre.
2563 天空 烟雾 笼罩 + The sky is shrouded in smoke.
2586 今天 天气 恶劣 + The weather's awful today.
2643 帐单 犹如 晴天霹雳 + The bill hit him like a thunderbolt.
2651 机器 正在 浇灌 农田 + The machine is watering the fields.
2678 + He had another glass of wine.
2691 今天 出嫁 + She's getting married today.
2704 我们 今天 游览 长城 + We're going to visit the Great Wall today.
2726 洪水 吞没 农田 + The flood has engulfed the fields.
2778 今天 晴天 + It's sunny today.
2829 甜点 经理 推荐 + This dessert was recommended by the manager.
2847 今天 收获 不错 + Today's catch is pretty good.
2905 耕田 + The water buffalo is plowing the field.
3002 今天 刮大风 + It's very windy today.
3016 每天 硬币 + I save one coin every day.
3026 这里 北京 天坛 + This is the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.
3045 明天 降温 大家 做好 御寒 准备 + The temperature will drop tomorrow, so please be prepared for the cold.
3077 打赌 今天 不会 下雨 + I bet it won't rain today.
3081 我们 100 农田 + We have 100 acres of farmland.
3103 闪电 瞬间 照亮 天空 + A streak of lightning lit up the sky for a split second.
3118 今天 天气 爽朗 + Today's weather is bright and clear.
3128 蜂蜜 + The honey is very sweet.
3148 天都 淋浴 + She takes a shower every day.
3185 天边 出现 曙光 + The first light of dawn appeared on the horizon. Am Horizont erschien die Morgendämmerung.
3192 冬天 大雁 迁徙 南方 + In winter, wild geese migrate to the south.
3200 天然 石灰 岩洞 非常 壮观 + The natural limestone caverns are very spectacular.
3211 农民 辛苦 耕耘 + The farmers are working hard in the fields.
3271 田地 公顷 + This field is one hectare.
3324 他们 天都 忙碌 + They're very busy every day.
3345 摩天 大厦 高耸入云 + The skyscrapers reach to the clouds.
3349 每天 马铃薯 + I eat potatoes every day.
3375 今天 奶奶 八十 诞辰 + Today is my Grandma's eightieth birthday.
3461 冬天 喜欢 澡堂 洗澡 + In the winter, I like going to a bathhouse to have a bath.
3490 今天 菜肴 丰富 + Today there's a huge assortment of dishes.
3511 闰年 366 + A leap year has 366 days.
3560 出现 彩虹 + A rainbow has appeared in the sky.
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 + Despite the fact that our leader does not come today, nevertheless we can't fall asleep.
3628 会议 推迟 明天 举行 + The meeting was postponed to tomorrow.
3639 夏天 西瓜 经常 供不应求 + In summer, the watermelon supply often cannot meet the demand.
3662 这么 明天 精神 + If you go to sleep so late, will you have any energy tomorrow?
3675 夏天 午后 人们 总是 无精打采 + People are always listless on summer afternoons.
3700 那天 追悼会 上, 敬爱 老师 致了哀辞 + He gave a speech during his teacher's funeral. Am Tag der Gedenkfeier hielt er für seinen geliebten und verehrten Lehrer eine Trauerrede.
3706 虽然 他们 礼拜天 教堂 他们是笃信 + They believe in God even if they don't go to church every Sunday.
3722 仰望 碧天 心情 豁然 开朗 + Looking up at the open sky, he suddenly cheered up.
3735 随着 复活节 来临 冬天 结束 春天 + With the coming of Easter, winter ends and spring comes.
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字 + I practice Chinese calligraphy with a brush for two hours every day. Ich übe täglich Chinesische Kalligraphie mit einem Schreibpinsel.
Lesson 008. Let’s talk about hobbies.
jin1tian1 + today
Lesson 008. Let’s talk about hobbies.
ming2tian1 + tomorrow
Lesson 008. Let’s talk about hobbies.
zuo2tian1 + yesterday
Lesson 008. Let’s talk about hobbies.
hou4tian1 + the day after tomorrow
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
tian1qi4 + weather
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
dong1tian1 + winter
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
xia4tian1 + summer
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
chun1tian1 + spring
Lesson 009. Weather and Seasons in Chinese.
qiu1tian1 + fall / autumn
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
Jin1tian1 shi4 ji3 hao4? + What date is today?
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
xing1qi1tian1 + Sunday
Lesson 014. Calendar and Time.
tian1 + day / sky
Lesson 017. Giving Directions in Mandarin Chinese.
tian1'an1men2 + Tiananmen
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
jin1tian1 + (GP: adverbial of time, S+adv of time +P)
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
jin1tian1 + (GP: adverbial of time,Adv of time+S +P)
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
ming2tian1 xia4wu3 + (GP: large unit of adv of time +smaller unit of adv of time)
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ni3 ming2tian1 neng2 bu4 neng2 lai2? + (GP: neng2 and ke3yi3 are also used to show permisson or prohibition of
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
Jin1tian1 sui1ran2 xia4yu3 dan4shi4 bu4 leng3. + Even though it is raining today, it is not cold.
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
mei3tian1 + every day
Lesson 022. Playing Sports and Exercising.
Wo3 mei3tian1 xue2xi2 Han4yu3. + I study Chinese every day.
Lesson 023. Asking Age in Mandarin Chinese.
Ming2tian1 wo3 you3 sheng1ri ju4hui4. + Tomorrow I will have a birthday party.
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Jin1tian1 wan3shang wo3 you3 yue4hui4. + I have a date tonight.
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Ni3 jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 mei2you3 kong4? + Are you free tonight?
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
tian2mi4 + sweet
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
tian2 + sweet
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
duo1 tian2mi4 + so sweet
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
xiao4 duo1 tian2mi4 + smiling so sweet
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
duo1me tian2mi4 + so sweet
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
mei3 san1si4 tian1 + every three or four days
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
tian2 + sweet
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
tai4 tian2 le! + It is too sweet!
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Tang2 shi4 tian2 de. + Sugar is sweet.
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
ming2tian1 jian4 + See you tomorrow
Lesson 033. Listen and Sing Along. Grammar Update.
guo4 liang3 tian1 + in the near future / after two days
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
tian2xie3 + to fill in a form /to fill in an application form
Lesson 036. Coming to China. Visa and Tickets.
Ming2tian1 ni3 bi4xu1 lai2! Ming2bai3 le ma? + You must come tomorrow! Understand?
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
xiang3shou4 hao3 tian1qi4 + to enjoy the good weather
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
liao2tian1 + to chat
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Ta1men zuo4 zai4 sha1fa1 shang4 liao2tian1. + They sit on the sofa and chat.
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Wo3 jing1chang2 shang4wang3 gen1 wo3 de peng2you liao2tian1. + I often go online to chat with my friends.
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Xian4zai4 tai4 wan3 le! Wo3 yao4 xia4xian4 le! Ming2tian1 jian4! + It's too late now! I want to sign off. See you tomorrow!
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
Qing3 tian2xie3 zheng4jian4 hao4. + Please fill in the document number.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Wo3 mei3tian1 shang4 san1 ge4 xiao3shi2 de Zhong1wen2 ke4. + I attend three hours of Chinese classes every day.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Wo3 mei3tian1 xia4wu3 wu3 dian3 xia4ke4. + I finish my class at 5 p.m. every day.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Jin1tian1 xia4wu4 wo3 you3 kao3shi3. + I have an exam this afternoon.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
Ming2tian1 shi4 bao4ming2 zui4hou4 yi1 tian1. + Tomorrow is the last day to enroll.
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
zui4hou4 yi1 tian1 + the last day
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Zuo2tian1 wo3men can1guan1 le Zhong1guo2hua4 bo2wu4guan3. + Yesterday we visited the Museum of traditional Chinese paintings.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Jin1tian1 wo3 bu4 shu1fu. + I don't feel well today.
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
Hu4shi xiao3jie, Wang2 yi1sheng1 jin1tian1 zai4 ma? + Miss nurse, is doctor Wang in the office today?
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Wo3 de xiao3 guai1guai1 jin1tian1 hao3 ma? + How is my little puppet today?
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Jin1tian1 xin1niang2 he2 xin1lang2 dou1 hen3 piao4liang. + Today the bride and the groom both are very pretty.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
tian1zuo4zhi1he2# + a marriage made in heaven
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Ming2tian1 shi4 Sheng4dan4jie2. + Tomorrow is Christmas.
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
Jin1tian1 wan3shang you3 yi1 ge4 yan3chu1. Ni3 qu4 bu4 qu4? + There will be a performance tonight. Are you going?
Lesson 049. Night Life. Going to a Pub.
Jin1tian1wan3shang wo3men chu1qu feng1kuang2 yi1xia4 ba! + Let' go out tonight to have some crazy fun!
Lesson 050. Musical Instruments in Mandarin.
Ni3 jue2de jin1tian1 yin1yue4hui4 zen3meyang4? + How do you think of today's concert?
Lesson 053. In the Gym.
Wei4le jian3fei2 wo3 jue2ding4 mei3tian1 qu4 jian4shen1fang2 yun4dong4. + To lose weight I made up my mind to exercise in the gym every day.
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
Ming2tian1 wo3 dai4 nü3peng2you qu4 dian4ying3yuan4 kan4 dian4ying3. + Tomorrow I take my girlfriend to go to the cinema to watch a movie.
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