VNEN chí linh * god * 103 VNEN đức chúa trời * god * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu

Những nhà sư sống ở chùa. + The monks live in the pagoda.

chùa + pagoda

Trời biết tất cả mọi thứ. + God knows everything.

Trời + God

Có Chúa mới biết! + The God knows!

Mưu sự nhân, thành sự tại tiên + Man proposes God deposes
SNOT Personal identification • religion god +
SNOT Personal identification • religion God +
Oxford 3000VieEng
thần god
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-7 Gott god
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 17-8 Gott sei Dank ist meine Brille noch ganz.  + ganz Thank God, my glasses are still in perfect shape.  Cảm ơn Chúa, kính của tôi vẫn còn trong hình dạng hoàn hảo.
Exercise 29-1 Gott sei Dank hat es nicht geregnet. + Dank Thank God it wasn't raining. Cảm ơn Chúa trời trời không mưa.
Exercise 30-7 Wir beten zu Gott.  + beten We pray to God.  Chúng tôi cầu nguyện với Chúa.
Exercise 40-4 Gott sei Dank ist dir nichts passiert.  + Gott Thank God nothing happened to you.  Cảm ơn Chúa không có gì xảy ra với bạn.
Exercise 40-4 Sie betet zu Gott.  + Gott She prays to God.  Cô ấy cầu nguyện với Thượng Đế.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity gottesfürchtig + God-fearing + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Pate + godfather/godmother + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Patenkind + godchild + A
+ + 103 Religion General Gott + god/goddess + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B + * * shen2 god/ deity 1. Gott, Gottheit 2. Geist, Seele, Energie 3. Ausdruck, Miene, Aussehen 4. übernatürlich, magisch +
C 宗教 + * * zong1jiao4 god-teaching/ religion Religion +
C 上帝 + * * shang4di4 God/ the ruler in heaven Gott +
D 老天爺 + * * lao3tian1ye2 God Gott, Himmel +
D 槐樹 + * * huai2shu4 pagoda tree Japanischer Schnurbaum +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
765 祷告 + She's praying to God. Sie betet zu Gott.
1249 相信 上帝 + Do you believe there is a God? Glaubt du, dass es einen Gott gibt?
1872 宝塔 + There are two pagodas by the river bank.
3473 祈求 宽恕 + He's pleading for God's forgiveness.
3706 虽然 他们 礼拜天 教堂 他们是笃信 + They believe in God even if they don't go to church every Sunday.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il s’arrêta, tomba à genoux pour remercier Dieu + he stopped, fell to his knees to thank God

que Dieu vous accompagne + may God be with you

je vais prier pour que Dieu vous bénisse + I’ll pray for God to bless you

Dieu me pardonnera peut-être de me réjouir de ma mort + perhaps God will forgive me for rejoicing in my death

aujourd’hui, les vrais dieux sont en colère + today the real gods are angry

il nous dit que nous sommes les portraits de Dieu + he told us we are portraits of God

le culte des anciens dieux a été réinstauré + the worship of ancient gods was reinstated

le foulard symbolise la soumission à Dieu + the head scarf symbolizes submission to God

tout ce qui est superflu déplaît à Dieu et à la nature + anything superfluous displeases God and nature
10133307-n god
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 god +
103 god +
103 God +
103 god +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
god thiên chúa, chúa + +
God Thiên Chúa + +