A 同學 + * * tong2xue2 fellow student/ schoolmate Mitschüler,Mitstudent + +
A 沒關係 + * * mei2 guan1xi never mind/ it doesn't matter das macht nichts + +
A 比賽 + * * bi3sai4 match/ competition/ game Wettbewerb + +
A 最後 + * * zui4hou4 last/ final/ ultimate letzter, zuletzt + +
A 數學 + * * shu4xue2 mathematics Mathematik + +
A 消息 + * * xiao1xi news/ information/ message Nachricht,Neuigkeit + +
A 新聞 + * * xin1wen2 information/ news Nachrichten + +
A + * * shi4 matter/ affair/ thing/ business 1. Sache, Angelegenheit 2. Unfall 3. Beruf, Job, Tätigkeit 4. Verantwortung, Verwicklung 5. mit etw beschäftigt sein, an etw arbeiten + +
A 事情 + * * shi4qing matter/ affair/ thing/ business Sache,Angelegenheit + +
B 同屋 + * * tong2wu1 be as a roommate/ roommate Zimmergenosse + +
B 不要緊 + * * bu4 yao4jin3 doesn't matter unwichtig, keine Ursache + +
B 沒什麼 + * * mei2 shen2me it doesn't matter nichts, keine Ursache + +
B 沒事兒 + * * mei2 shi4r it doesn't matter nichts vorhaben,nicht von Bedeutung + +
B 估計 + * * gu1ji4 appraise/ estimate schätzen, abschätzen + +
B 成熟 + * * cheng2shu2 mature/ ripe reif + +
B 材料 + * * cai2liao4 material Material + +
B 業餘 + * * ye4yu2 amateur/ not professional Extra-curricular, Amateur-, Freizeit- + +
B 密切 + * * mi4qie4 intimate/ close/ carefully/ be close nahe, vertraulich, aufmerksam + +
B 左右 + * * zuo3you4 about/ approximate/ influence/ control ungefähr, etwa, annähernd, links und rechts + +
B 無論 + * * wu2lun4 no matter what unabhängig davon, ungeachtet, wie auch immer + +
B 活躍 + * * hou2yue4 active/ brisk/ enliven/ animate/ invigorate aktiv + +
B 火柴 + * * huo3chai2 match Streichholz + +
B 學術 + * * xue2shu4 systematic learning/ science akademische Kenntnisse, akademisch + +
B 物質 + * * wu4zhi4 matter/ substance/ material Material, Materie, Substanz + +
B 西紅柿 + 西* * xi1hong2shi4 tomato Tomate + +
B 氣候 + * * qi4hou4 climate Klima + +
B 大約 + * * da4yue1 approximate/ about annähernd, etwa + +
B 實用 + * * shi2yong4 practical/ pragmatic praktisch, funktional, pragmatisch + +
B 肯定 + * * ken3ding4 affirm/ approve/ positive/ affirmative bejahend, bejahen, bestätigen, anerkennen, positiv, zustimmend, eindeutig, definitiv, zweifellos + +
B 資料 + * * zi1liao4 data/ material/ means Mittel, Materialien, Daten + +
B 教材 + * * jiao4cai2 teaching materials Lehrmittel, Lehrbuch, Kursmaterial + +
B 原料 + * * yuan2liao4 raw material Rohstoff + +
B 自動 + * * zi4dong4 automatic 1. aus eigener Initiative / unaufgefordert / freiwillig 2. automatisch / selbsttätig + +
B 不管 + * * bu4guan3 no matter/ regardless of ungeachet, egal ob + +
B 形式 + * * xing2shi4 form/ format/ shape Form + +
C 貧苦 + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend + +
C 養料 + * * yang3liao4 nutritional-material/ nutriment/ nourishment Nährstoff, Nahrung + +
C + * * qin1 close/ intimate/ dear/ related by blood 1. Elternteil, Blutsverwandte innig, vertraut, intim 3.Ehe, Heirat + +
C 親熱 + * * qin1re4 intimate/ warm/ affectionate/ loving warmherzig,intim,liebevoll + +
C + * * liao4 suppose/ expect/ manage/ material/ (grain) feed 1. vermuten, glauben, erwarten, ahnen, mit etwas rechnen 2. Material, Stoff 3. Futter + +
C 探索 + * * tan4suo3 feel-seek/ try to find (information)/ explore/ probe ergründen, forschen, schürfen + +
C 讀物 + * * du2wu4 reading material/ books; magazines; etc. Lektüre, Lesestoff, + +
C 輕視 + * * qing1shi4 look down upon/ despise/ belittle/ underestimate geringschätzen, mißachten,verachten + +
C 情報 + * * qing2bao4 intelligence/ information/ tip-off Information, Nachricht + +
C 無論如何 + * * wu2lun4 ru2he2 no-matter-like-what/ in any case/ in any event/ at any rate auf jeden Fall, auf alle Fälle + +
C 合法 + * * he2fa3 legal/ lawful/ legitimate/ rightful legal, legitim, rechtens, gesetzlich, rechtmäßig + +
C 變革 + * * bian4ge2 change/ transform/ transformation Umwandlung, Änderung, transformieren + +
C 其實 + * * qi2shi2 in fact/ actually/ as a matter of fact in der Tat, in Wirklichkeit + +
C 伙伴 + * * huo3ban4 fellow/ partner/ mate/ pal/ friend Kamerad, Gefährte,Partner + +
C 水分 + * * shui3fen4 water element/ moisture content/ untruthful information Feuchtigkeit, unwahre Information + +
C 姥姥 + * * lao3lao maternal grandmother/ grandma Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) + +
C 物品 + * * wu4pin3 substance-matter/ article/ goods/ thing Gegenstand, Sache + +
C 物資 + * * wu4zi1 substance material/ goods and materials Güter und Materialien + +
C 幼稚 + * * you4zhi4 young-childish/ childish/ puerile/ immature/ naive jung, klein, kindisch, naiv + +
C 器材 + * * qi4cai2 equipment and material Geräte,Materialien + +
C 外祖父 + * * wai4zu3fu4 external-grandfather/ maternal grandfather Großvater (Mutter´s Vater) + +
C 外祖母 + * * wai4zu3mu3 external-grandmother/ maternal grandmother Großmutter (Mutter´s Mutter) + +
C + * * zhuang1 stake/ peg/ picket/ measure word for matters/ piece 1. Pfahl, Stange,Pfeiler, Mast 2. Zählwort z.B. ein Geschäftsabschluß, eine Kleinigkeit + +
C 講義 + * * jiang3yi4 teaching materials/ lecture sheets Lehrmaterial, Lehrstoff + +
C 後果 + * * hou4guo3 consequence/ aftermath/ (negative) outcome Folge, Nachwirkungen + +
C 模型 + * * mo2xing2 model/ mold/ matrix/ pattern/ die Modell, Form,Gußform + +
C + * * yi2 aunt/ maternal aunt/ mother's sister/ wife's sister 1. Schwester der Mutter, Tante 2. Schwester der Ehefrau, Schwägerin + +
C 完善 + * * wan2shan4 whole-good/ perfect/ consummate/ improve vollkommen, vollständig, vollendet, perfekt + +
C 呼呼 + * * hu1hu1 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting onomat. für starken Wind + +
C 燃料 + * * ran2liao4 inflammable material/ fuel Brenn-,Kraftstoff, Brennmaterial + +
C 舅舅 + * * jiu4jiu4 mother's brother/ maternal uncle der Bruder der Mutter, Onkel + +
C 舅母 + * * jiu4mu wife of mother's brother/ maternal uncle's wife die Frau des Bruders der Mutter, Tante + +
C 嘩嘩 + * * hua1hua1 onomatopoetic word for noisy running water onomat. für laut laufendes Wasser + +
C 信號 + * * xin4hao4 information-signal/ signal Signal, Zeichen + +
C + * * zhi4 quality/ character/ nature/ matter/ substance/ material 1. Natur, Eigenschaft, Charakter, Wesen 2. Qualität 3. Material, Stoff, Substanz 4. fragen, anfragen, ausfragen + +
C 信息 + * * xin4xi1 letter-message/ information/ news/ message Nachricht, Botschaft, Information + +
C 當家 + * * dang1 jia1 manage household matters/ keep house den Haushalt führen + +
C 同伴 + * * tong2ban1 accompanying-partner/ companion/ mate/ comrade Gefährte, Kamerad, Begleiter + +
C + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) zur Zufriedenheit, was auch immer, wie auch immer + +
C + * * ren4 at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) 1. Amt, Verantwortung 2. ernennen, einsetzen,jm mit einem Amt betrauen etc + +
D 不相上下 + * * bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4 about the same/ equally matched auf gleicher Stufe stehen, kaum einen Unterschied + +
D 總和 + * * zong3he2 summation 1.und,mit 2. mild, mäßig, gemäßigt 3.mit jm in Harmonie leben, friedlich, harmonisch 4.Patt, unentschieden + +
D 親密 + * * qin1mi4 intimate/ close vertraut, intim + +
D 藥材 + * * yao4cai2 medicinal materials Grundstoffe für die Herstellung vonArzneien + +
D 到期 + * * dao4 qi1 mature/ expire ablaufen, fällig werden + +
D 門當戶對 + * * men2 dang1 hu4 dui4 be well-matched in social and economic status von gleichem wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Status sein + +
D 須知 + * * xu1zhi1 notice/ information etwas wissen müssen, Punkte zur Beachtung, Bekanntmachung + +
D 顧不得 + * * gu4 bu de have no time to attend to the matter sich nicht um etwas sorgen können + +
D 搭配 + * * da1pei4 arrange/ match kombinieren, paarweise zusammenstellen + +
D 面面俱到 + * * mian4 mian4 ju4 dao4 reach every aspect of a matter keinen Aspekt außer Acht lassen, sich um alles kümmern wollen und sich auf nichts konzentrieren können + +
D 怒火 + * * nu4huo3 inflammation Flammen des Zorn + +
D 水土 + * * shui3tu3 natural environment and climate Wasser und Boden + +
D 伴侶 + * * ban4lv3 partner/ mate Gefährte, Begleiter + +
D 近似 + * * jin4si4 approximate ähneln, annähernd, sehr ähnlich + +
D 有聲有色 + * * you3 sheng1 you3 se4 vivid and dramatic klangreich und farbenprächtig, etw. bildhaft schildern, bildlich (ausgedrückt) / lebendig (geschildert) + +
D 物力 + * * wu4li4 material resources materielle Ressourcen + +
D 建交 + * * jian4 jiao1 establish diplomatic relationship diplomatische Beziehungen aufnehmen + +
D 錄取 + * * lu4qu3 matriculate aufnehmen, zulassen + +
D 豈不 + * * qi3bu4 used to reinforce affirmation after a question bei rhetorischen Fragen verwendetes Fragewort + +
D 格式 + * * ge2shi4 format Form, Muster,Schablone + +
D 名副其實 + * * ming2 fu4 qi2 shi2 be worthy of the name/ the name matches the reality der Name entspricht der Wirklichkeit, buchstäblich + +
D 實物 + * * shi2wu4 material object/ in kind materielles Objekt + +
D 規格 + * * gui1ge2 standard/ format Norm, Standard, Spezifikation + +
D + * * xi2 mat/ feast/ seat 1. Matte 2. Sitz, Platz 3. Bankett, Tafel, Festessen, Festmahl 4. Zählwort, ein Festessen, ein Gespräch + +
D 史料 + * * shi3liao4 historical materials historische Materialien, geschichtliche Daten und Fakten + +
D 配偶 + * * pei4'ou3 consort/ mate Ehepartner + +
D 發炎 + * * fa1 yan2 inflammation Entzündung + +
D 預計 + * * yu4ji4 foresee/ estimate vorausberechnen, schätzen + +
D 預賽 + * * yu4sai4 preliminary match Vorrunde, Vorlauf + +
D 事項 + * * shi4xiang4 matter/ item Punkt, Gegenstand + +
D 原材料 + * * yuan2cai2liao4 raw and processed materials Rohmaterialien, Ausgangsprodukt + +
D 番茄 + * * fan1qie2 tomato Tomate + +
D 演算 + * * yan3suan4 perform mathematical calculations mathematische Aufgaben lösen + +
D 唯物論 + * * wei2wu4lun4 materialism Materialismus + +
D 唯物主義 + * * wei2wu4 zhu3yi4 materialism Materialismus + +

同学* 1 tong2 xue2 (fellow) classmate/ CL:位[wei4];個|个[ge4]
* 1 ling2 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither
没关系* 1 mei2 guan1 xi5 it doesn't matter
* 2 piao4 ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect)
阿姨* 3 a1 yi2 maternal aunt/ step-mother/ childcare worker/ nursemaid/ woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 3 a5 modal particle ending sentence; showing affirmation; approval; or consent
数学* 3 shu4 xue2 mathematics/ mathematical
关于* 3 guan1 yu2 pertaining to/ concerning/ regarding/ with regards to/ about/ a matter of
* 3 ceng2 layer/ stratum/ laminated/ floor (of a building)/ storey/ classifier for layers/ repeated/ sheaf (math.)
生气* 3 sheng1 qi4 angry/ mad/ offended/ animated/ to get angry/ to be enraged/ to take offense/ animation
* 3 jin4 near/ close to/ approximately
比赛* 3 bi3 sai4 competition (sports etc)/ match/ CL:場|场[chang3];次[ci4]
西红柿* 4 xi1 hong2 shi4 tomato/ CL:隻|只[zhi1]
气候* 4 qi4 hou4 climate/ atmosphere/ situation/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
不管* 4 bu4 guan3 no matter (what; how)/ regardless of/ no matter
整理* 4 zheng3 li3 to arrange/ to tidy up/ to sort out/ to straighten out/ to list systematically/ to collate (data; files)/ to pack (luggage)
估计* 4 gu1 ji4 to estimate/ to reckon/ CL:個|个[ge4]
材料* 4 cai2 liao4 material/ data/ makings/ stuff/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
流行* 4 liu2 xing2 to spread/ to rage (of contagious disease)/ popular/ fashionable/ prevalent/ (math.) manifold
* 4 xiang1 fragrant/ sweet smelling/ aromatic/ savory or appetizing/ (to eat) with relish/ (of sleep) sound/ perfume or spice/ joss or incense stick/ CL:根[gen1]
最后* 4 zui4 hou4 final/ last/ finally/ ultimate
肯定* 4 ken3 ding4 to be sure/ to be certain/ sure/ certain/ definite/ to confirm/ to affirm/ affirmative
消息* 4 xiao1 xi5 news/ information/ CL:條|条[tiao2]
大概* 4 da4 gai4 roughly/ probably/ rough/ approximate/ about
大约* 4 da4 yue1 approximately/ about
* 4 dang1 to be/ to act as/ manage/ withstand/ when/ during/ ought/ should/ match equally/ equal/ same/ obstruct/ just at (a time or place)/ on the spot/ right/ just at
成熟* 4 cheng2 shu2 mature/ ripe/ Taiwan pr. cheng2 shou2
无论* 4 wu2 lun4 no matter what or how/ regardless of whether...
* 5 fang1 square/ power or involution (mathematics)/ upright/ honest/ fair and square/ direction/ side/ party (to a contract; dispute etc)/ place/ method/ prescription (medicine)/ upright or honest/ just when/ only or just/ classifier for square things/ abbr. for s
物质* 5 wu4 zhi4 matter/ substance/ material/ materialistic/ CL:個|个[ge4]
后果* 5 hou4 guo3 consequences/ aftermath
叙述* 5 xu4 shu4 to relate (a story or information)/ to tell or talk about/ to recount/ narration/ telling/ narrative/ account
连续剧* 5 lian2 xu4 ju4 serialized drama/ dramatic series/ show in parts
军事* 5 jun1 shi4 military affairs/ military matters/ military
哪怕* 5 na3 pa4 even/ even if/ even though/ no matter how
资料* 5 zi1 liao4 material/ resources/ data/ information/ profile (Internet)/ CL:份[fen4];個|个[ge4]
自动* 5 zi4 dong4 automatic/ voluntarily
不要紧* 5 bu4 yao4 jin3 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but
交换* 5 jiao1 huan4 to exchange/ to swap/ to switch (telecom)/ commutative (math)/ to commute
舌头* 5 she2 tou5 tongue/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information
* 5 qie1 to cut/ to slice/ tangent (math)
教材* 5 jiao4 cai2 teaching material/ CL:本[ben3]
亲切* 5 qin1 qie4 amiable/ friendliness/ gracious/ hospitality/ intimate/ cordial/ kind/ close and dear/ familiar
动画片* 5 dong4 hua4 pian1 cartoon/ animation
外交* 5 wai4 jiao1 diplomacy/ diplomatic/ foreign affairs/ CL:個|个[ge4]
婚姻* 5 hun1 yin1 matrimony/ wedding/ marriage/ CL:次[ci4]
原料* 5 yuan2 liao4 raw material/ CL:個|个[ge4]
火柴* 5 huo3 chai2 match (for lighting fire)/ CL:根[gen1];盒[he2]
配合* 5 pei4 he2 matching/ fitting in with/ compatible with/ to correspond/ to fit/ to conform to/ rapport/ to coordinate with/ to act in concert with/ to cooperate/ to become man and wife/ to combine parts of machine
业余* 5 ye4 yu2 spare time/ amateur/ extra-curricular
对手* 5 dui4 shou3 opponent/ adversary/ match
确认* 5 que4 ren4 to confirm/ to verify/ confirmation
* 5 ping2 to lean against/ to rely on/ on the basis of/ no matter (how; what etc)/ proof
姥姥* 5 lao3 lao5 (informal) mother's mother/ maternal grandmother
密切* 5 mi4 qie4 close/ familiar/ intimate/ closely (related)/ to foster close ties/ to pay close attention
信息* 5 xin4 xi1 information/ news/ message
* 5 cheng2 to ride/ to mount/ to make use of/ to avail oneself of/ to take advantage of/ to multiply (mathematics)/ Buddhist sect or creed
实用* 5 shi2 yong4 practical/ functional/ pragmatic/ applied (science)
人事* 5 ren2 shi4 human affairs/ ways of the world/ consciousness of the world/ what is humanly possible/ personnel matters/ sexual awareness/ sexual passion/ facts of life
承认* 5 cheng2 ren4 to admit/ to concede/ to recognize/ recognition (diplomatic; artistic etc)/ to acknowledge
合法* 5 he2 fa3 lawful/ legitimate/ legal
舅舅* 5 jiu4 jiu5 mother's brother/ maternal uncle (informal)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
事情* 5 shi4 qing5 affair/ matter/ thing/ business/ CL:件[jian4];樁|桩[zhuang1]
成长* 5 cheng2 zhang3 to mature/ to grow/ growth
* 6 hong1 roar of laughter (onomatopoeia)/ hubbub/ to roar (as a crowd)
模型* 6 mo2 xing2 model/ mould/ matrix/ pattern
务实* 6 wu4 shi2 pragmatic/ dealing with concrete issues
物资* 6 wu4 zi1 goods and materials
联络* 6 lian2 luo4 communication/ to get in touch with/ to contact/ connection (math.)
模样* 6 mu2 yang4 look/ style/ appearance/ approximation/ about/ CL:個|个[ge4]
启事* 6 qi3 shi4 announcement (written; on billboard; letter; newspaper or website)/ to post information/ a notice
器材* 6 qi4 cai2 equipment/ material
阵容* 6 zhen4 rong2 troop arrangement/ battle formation/ line-up (of a sports team etc)
见闻* 6 jian4 wen2 what one sees and hears/ knowledge/ information
内幕* 6 nei4 mu4 inside story/ non-public information/ behind the scenes/ internal
不相上下* 6 bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4 equally matched/ about the same
处分* 6 chu3 fen4 to discipline sb/ to punish/ disciplinary action/ to deal with (a matter)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 6 dian4 pad/ cushion/ mat
伴侣* 6 ban4 lv3 companion/ mate/ partner
走漏* 6 zou3 lou4 to leak (of information; liquid etc)/ to divulge
亲热* 6 qin1 re4 affectionate/ intimate/ warm-hearted
汇报* 6 hui4 bao4 to report/ to give an account of/ to collect information and report back
轮胎* 6 lun2 tai1 tire/ pneumatic tire
外行* 6 wai4 hang2 layman/ amateur
福利* 6 fu2 li4 (material) welfare/ well-being
空前绝后* 6 kong1 qian2 jue2 hou4 unprecedented and never to be duplicated/ the first and the last/ unmatched/ unique
左右* 6 zuo3 you4 about/ approximately/ left and right/ around/ attendant
曝光* 6 bao4 guang1 exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material)/ to expose (a scandal to the public)
情报* 6 qing2 bao4 (spy) intelligence/ information-gathering
* 6 da1 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train)
搭配* 6 da1 pei4 to pair up/ to match/ to arrange in pairs/ to add sth into a group
配偶* 6 pei4 ou3 consort/ mate/ spouse
运算* 6 yun4 suan4 (mathematical) operation
机密* 6 ji1 mi4 secret/ classified (information)
* 6 pi1 to hack/ to chop/ to split open/ see 噼啪|劈啪; onomat. for crack; slap; clap; clatter etc
本事* 6 ben3 shi5 ability/ skill/ source material/ original story
对应* 6 dui4 ying4 to correspond/ a correspondence/ corresponding/ homologous/ matching with sth/ counterpart
泄露* 6 xie4 lu4 to leak (information)/ to divulge
来源* 6 lai2 yuan2 source (of information etc)/ origin
大致* 6 da4 zhi4 more or less/ roughly/ approximately
实惠* 6 shi2 hui4 tangible benefit/ material advantages/ advantageous (deal)/ substantial (discount)
稿件* 6 gao3 jian4 rough draft/ material contributing to a final document
主流* 6 zhu3 liu2 main stream (of a river)/ fig. the essential point/ main viewpoint of a matter
使命* 6 shi3 ming4 mission (diplomatic or other)/ set task
发炎* 6 fa1 yan2 inflamed from infection or injury/ inflammation
题材* 6 ti2 cai2 subject matter
意图* 6 yi4 tu2 intent/ intention/ intend/ schematic diagram
格式* 6 ge2 shi4 form/ specification/ format
无比* 6 wu2 bi3 matchless
当务之急* 6 dang1 wu4 zhi1 ji2 top priority job/ matter of vital importance
理所当然* 6 li3 suo3 dang1 ran2 as it should be by rights (idiom)/ proper and to be expected as a matter of course/ inevitable and right
反馈* 6 fan3 kui4 to send back information/ feedback
反射* 6 fan3 she4 to reflect/ reflection (from a mirror etc)/ reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism)
事项* 6 shi4 xiang4 matter/ item

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

match. n: Evaluative_comparison +

match. v: Evaluative_comparison +

match. v: Compatibility +

matchless. a: Beyond_compare +

mate. n: Personal_relationship +

mate. v: Sex +

material. n: Ingredients +

material. n: Substance +

material. n: Text +

materialize. v: Coming_to_be +

maternal. a: Kinship +

mathematician. n: People_by_vocation +

mathematics. n: Fields +

matricide. n: Killing +

maturation. n: Progress +

mature. a: Stage_of_progress +

mature. a: Social_interaction_evaluation +

mature. a: Age +

mature. v: Progress +

mature. v: Aging +

mature. v: Cause_to_make_progress +

mature. v: Bond_maturation +

maturity. n: Bond_maturation +

maturity. n: Age +

maturity. n: Social_interaction_evaluation +

maturity. n: Stage_of_progress +


255 数学题 +
436 老师 我们 数学 +
527 数学 +
574 数学题 容易 +
580 图书馆 资料 +
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票 +
852 挑选 番茄 +
861 木头 建筑 材料 +
875 派发 资料 +
905 他们 网上 资料 +
1190 报纸 刊登 旅游 资讯 +
1253 木头 可以 建筑 材料 +
1434 复杂 +
1440 地上 席子 +
1485 把握 +
1671 中国 美国 建立 邦交 +
1839 街上 碰到 老同学 +
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 +
2034 孩子们 进行 启蒙 教育 +
2297 市长 郑重 宣布 消息 +
2347 参赛 队员 他们 当中 选拔 +
2456 大概 13 +
2486 盗取 别人 隐私 +
2531 他们 工作 夥伴 +
2576 事情 已经 办妥 +
2780 受到 同学 羞辱 +
2858 新郎 新娘 匹配 +
3109 沙漠 气候 干燥 +
3116 惟独 数学 +
3119 一直 瞎忙 +
3161 拷贝 资料 +
3298 数学 练习簿 +
3412 生命 蕴含 母爱 +
3646 没关系 +
3663 现在 大学生 博大精深 中华 文化 皮毛 +
3676 抱憾 错过 精彩 比赛 +
3687 特殊 材料 堆焊 制成 零件 使用 寿命 +
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素 +
3703 同学 之间 互相 尊重, 相互 贬称 +
3770 这个 杯盖 这个 杯子 有些 不合 +
3773 不管 什么 矛盾 不能 诉诸 武力 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[automatic] operating with minimal human intervention
[charismatic] possessing a magnetic personality
[diplomatic] diplomatical, suave
[dramatic] pertaining to theater
[mature] having reached full natural growth or development
[mature] ripe, fully developed and ready to be eaten
[premature] untimely
[systematic] characterized by order and planning
[climate] clime, weather
[diplomat] official engaged in international negotiations
[estimate] estimation, approximation
[estimate] esteem, respect
[estimate] appraisal of value
[estimate] likely cost
[format] formatting, data format, data formatting
[formation] spatial arrangement
[information] info
[match] lighter, friction match
[match] formal contest
[match] peer, equal, compeer
[match] catch, a good matrimonial prospect
[material] fabric, cloth, textile
[material] stuff
[mathematics] math, maths
[matrix] rectangular array
[matter] substance
[match] fit, correspond, check, agree
[match] be equal or harmonize
[matter] count, weigh, carry weight

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

mat + mat + mat + mat + mat + mat + mat + mat + MAT + mat +

변화 (Change, transformation) + + 맞다 (Be right, correct; to match, be fitting for) + + 정보 (information,intelligence) + + 자료 (materials,data) + + (About, approximately) + + 경기 (Race or match or contest) + + 재료 (stuff,material) + + 지식 (Knowledge, information) + + 불구하다 ( Deformity, malformation) + + 물질 (matter,material) + + 소식 (News, information) + + 형성 (Formation) + + 일정하다 ( To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless, constant, certain, definite ; invariable (mathematics)) + + 물체 (A material body) + + 소재 (material, subject matter) + + 예산 (An estimate, budget) + + (A matter or an object or a case) + + 아무래도 ( Never on any account, no matter what) + + 평가하다 ( To evaluate, estimate, judge) + + 큰일 (An important affair, a serious matter) + + 기후 (Climate or weather) + + 이르다 (Be early, premature) + + 자동 (self-acting, self-moving, automatic) + + 홍보 (Public information, public relations) + + 확인 (A check,confirmation) + + 보고 (report,information) + + 긍정적 (Affirmation or admission) + + 친하다 (To be intimate, familiar, close, friendly) + + (A match, game, contest) + + 토마토 (Tomato) + + 실현 (realization,materialization) + + 밀접하다 ( Be close,intimate with) + + 수학 (Mathematics) + + 정보화 (Change to an information orientation) + + 승부 (A contest,match) + + 규칙적 (Be regular or systematic) + + 의논하다 ( To consult,confer with, talk over a matter) + + 체계적 (Systematic, organizational) + + 성숙하다 ( to ripen, to mature) + + 생기 (animation,life) + + 이모 (A maternal aunt) + + 외교관 (A diplomat) + + 예선 (A preliminary match/election) + + 제도적 (Systematic) + + 관심사 (A matter of concern and interest) + + 극작가 (A dramatist) + + 변신 (Disguise, transformation) + + 상징적 (symbolic,emblematic) + + 세제 (detergent,cleaning material) + + 시합 (A contest,match) + + 물질적 (Material) + + 교재 (Teaching material or insruction materials) + + 배우자 (A mate, life partner) + + 외할머니 ( A maternal grandmother) + + 거리 (Materials) + + 외할아버지 (A maternal grandfather) + + 세탁소 (Laundromat) + +
+ + + + + + + +