302 New HSK word(s): 1 的 of/ structural particle: used before a noun; linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive 1 不 (negative prefix)/ not/ no 1 零 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither 1 下午 afternoon/ p.m./ CL:個|个[ge4] 1 现在 now/ at present/ at the moment/ modern/ current/ nowadays 1 谁 who/ also pronounced shui2 1 今天 today/ at the present/ now 1 他 he or him/ (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant)/ (used before sb's name for emphasis)/ (used as a meaningless mock object)/ other/ another 1 中午 noon/ midday/ CL:個|个[ge4] 1 没 (negative prefix for verbs)/ have not/ not 1 家 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[ 1 认识 to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition 2 雪 snow/ snowfall/ CL:場|场[chang2]/ to have the appearance of snow/ to wipe away; off or out/ to clean 2 白 white/ snowy/ pure/ bright/ empty/ blank/ plain/ clear/ to make clear/ in vain/ gratuitous/ free of charge/ reactionary/ anti-communist/ funeral/ to stare coldly/ to write wrong character/ to state/ to explain/ vernacular/ spoken lines in opera/ surname B 2 懂 to understand/ to know 2 卖 to sell/ to betray/ to spare no effort/ to show off or flaunt 2 介绍 to present/ to introduce/ to recommend/ to suggest/ to let know/ to brief 2 贵 expensive/ noble/ your (name)/ precious 2 再 again/ once more/ re-/ second/ another/ then (after sth; and not until then) 2 门 gate/ door/ CL:扇[shan4]/ gateway/ doorway/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ opening/ valve/ switch/ way to do something/ knack/ family/ house/ (religious) sect/ school (of thought)/ class/ category/ phylum or division (taxonomy)/ classifier for large guns/ classifier for les 2 票 ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect) 2 高 high/ tall/ above average/ loud/ your (honorific)/ surname Gao 2 告诉 to tell/ to inform/ to let know 2 别 to leave/ to depart/ to separate/ to distinguish/ to classify/ other/ another/ do not/ must not/ to pin 2 黑 black/ dark/ abbr. for Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江 province in northeast China 3 简单 simple/ not complicated 3 把 to hold/ to contain/ to grasp/ to take hold of/ a handle/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object/ classifier for objects with handle 3 难 difficult (to...)/ problem/ difficulty/ difficult/ not good 3 自己 self/ (reflexive pronoun)/ own 3 有名 famous/ well-known 3 黄 yellow/ pornographic/ to fall through 3 词语 word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/ term (e.g. technical term)/ expression 3 口 mouth/ classifier for things with mouths (people; domestic animals; cannons; wells etc) 3 北方 north/ the northern part a country/ China north of the Yellow River 3 鼻子 nose/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1] 3 位 position/ location/ place/ seat/ classifier for people (honorific)/ classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes) 3 刚才 just now/ a moment ago 3 而且 (not only ...) but also/ moreover/ in addition/ furthermore 3 面条 noodles 3 注意 to take note of/ to pay attention to 4 反映 to mirror/ to reflect/ mirror image/ reflection/ fig. to report/ to make known/ to render/ used erroneously for 反應|反应; response or reaction 4 不但 not only (... but also...) 4 不得不 have no choice or option but to/ cannot but/ have to/ can't help it/ can't avoid 4 放弃 to renounce/ to abandon/ to give up 4 通知 to notify/ to inform/ notice/ notification/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 不管 no matter (what; how)/ regardless of/ no matter 4 不过 only/ merely/ no more than/ but/ however/ anyway (to get back to a previous topic) 4 不仅 not only (this one)/ not just (...) but also 4 熟悉 to be familiar with/ to know well 4 够 to reach/ to be enough 4 正常 regular/ normal/ ordinary 4 正好 just (in time)/ just right/ just enough/ to happen to/ to chance to/ by chance/ it just so happens that 4 推 to push/ to cut/ to refuse/ to reject/ to decline/ to shirk (responsibility)/ to put off/ to delay/ to push forward/ to nominate/ to elect 4 科学 science/ scientific knowledge/ scientific/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3] 4 敲 extort/ knock/ to strike/ to knock (at a door)/ to hit 4 知识 intellectual/ knowledge-related/ knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2] 4 否则 if not/ otherwise/ else/ or else 4 响 to make a sound/ to sound/ to ring/ loud/ classifier for noises 4 尊重 esteem/ respect/ to honor/ to value sth 4 节约 to economize/ to conserve (resources)/ economy/ frugal 4 网站 website/ network station/ node 4 小说 novel/ fiction/ CL:本[ben3];部[bu4] 4 省 to save/ to economize/ to do without/ to omit/ to leave out/ province/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 尽管 despite/ although/ even though/ in spite of/ unhesitatingly/ do not hesitate (to ask; complain etc)/ (go ahead and do it) without hesitating 4 果然 really/ sure enough/ as expected 4 笔记本 notebook/ CL:本[ben3] 4 来不及 there's not enough time (to do sth)/ it's too late (to do sth) 4 弹钢琴 play the piano 4 吵 to quarrel/ to make a noise/ noisy/ to disturb by making a noise 4 经济 economy/ economic 4 而 and/ as well as/ and so/ but (not)/ yet (not)/ (indicates causal relation)/ (indicates change of state)/ (indicates contrast) 4 技术 technology/ technique/ skill/ CL:門|门[men2];種|种[zhong3];項|项[xiang4] 4 热闹 bustling with noise and excitement/ lively 4 好处 benefit/ advantage/ gain/ profit/ also pronounced hao3 chu4/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 平时 in normal times/ in peacetime 4 著名 famous/ noted/ well-known/ celebrated 4 标准 (an official) standard/ norm/ criterion/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 诚实 honest/ honesty/ honorable/ truthful 4 无 -less/ not to have/ no/ none/ not/ to lack/ un- 4 烦恼 agonize/ agony/ annoyance/ upset/ vexation/ worries 4 无聊 nonsense/ bored 4 无论 no matter what or how/ regardless of whether... 5 公布 to announce/ to make public/ to publish 5 休闲 leisure/ relaxation/ not working/ idle 5 巨大 huge/ immense/ very large/ tremendous/ gigantic/ enormous 5 荣幸 honored 5 荣誉 honor/ credit/ glory/ (honorable) reputation 5 营养 nutrition/ nourishment/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 简历 Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ résumé (resume)/ biographical notes 5 如今 nowadays/ now 5 宣布 to declare/ to announce/ to proclaim 5 布 cloth/ to declare/ to announce/ to spread/ to make known 5 角色 persona/ character in a novel 5 不必 need not/ does not have to 5 忽视 to neglect/ to ignore 5 诊断 diagnosis/ to diagnose 5 通常 regular/ usual/ ordinary/ normal 5 哪怕 even/ even if/ even though/ no matter how 5 胡说 to talk nonsense/ drivel 5 非 non-/ not-/ un-/ abbr. for Africa 非洲/ wrong/ evil-doing/ insist on/ simply must 5 不见得 not necessarily/ not likely 5 难怪 (it's) no wonder (that...)/ (it's) not surprising (that) 5 学问 learning/ knowledge/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 地区 local/ regional/ district (not necessarily formal administrative unit)/ region/ area/ as suffix to city name; means prefecture or county (area administered by a prefecture level city or county level city)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 瞎 blind/ groundlessly/ foolishly/ to no purpose 5 废话 nonsense/ rubbish/ superfluous words/ You don't say!/ No kidding! (gently sarcastic) 5 华裔 ethnic Chinese/ non-Chinese citizen of Chinese ancestry 5 不然 not so/ no/ or else/ otherwise/ if not 5 除 to get rid of/ to remove/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to wipe out/ to divide/ except/ not including 5 不如 not equal to/ not as good as/ inferior to/ it would be better to 5 透明 transparent/ open (non-secretive) 5 纷纷 one after another/ in succession/ one by one/ continuously/ diverse/ in profusion/ numerous and confused/ pell-mell 5 点头 to nod 5 不要紧 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but 5 浅 shallow; not deep/ superficial 5 不足 insufficient/ lacking/ deficiency/ not enough/ inadequate/ not worth/ cannot/ should not 5 宁可 preferably/ one would prefer to...(or not to...)/ would rather/ (would) be better to/ (to pick) the lesser of two evils 5 现象 appearance/ phenomenon/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 知道 to know/ to be aware of 5 宝贝 treasured object/ treasure/ darling/ baby/ cowry/ good-for-nothing or queer character 5 乖 (of a child) obedient; well-behaved/ clever/ shrewd/ alert/ perverse/ contrary to reason/ irregular/ abnormal 5 露 dew/ syrup/ nectar/ outdoors (not under cover)/ to show/ to reveal/ to betray/ to expose 5 怪不得 lit. you can't blame it!/ no wonder!/ so that's why! 5 歪 askew/ at a crooked angle/ devious/ noxious 5 观念 notion/ thought/ concept/ sense/ views/ ideology/ general impressions 5 节 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 落后 to fall behind/ to lag (in technology etc)/ backward/ to retrogress 5 清淡 light (of food; not greasy or strongly flavored)/ insipid/ slack (sales) 5 从此 from now on/ since then/ henceforth 5 报告 to inform/ report/ make known/ speech/ talk/ lecture/ CL:篇[pian1];份[fen4];個|个[ge4];通[tong4] 5 光临 (honorific) Welcome!/ You honor us with your presence./ It is an honor to have you. 5 光荣 honor and glory/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 智慧 wisdom/ knowledge/ intelligent/ intelligence 5 至今 until now 5 声调 tone/ note/ a tone (on a Chinese syllable)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 常识 common sense/ general knowledge/ CL:門|门[men2] 5 盖 lid/ top/ cover/ canopy/ to build 5 打招呼 to greet sb by word or action/ to give prior notice 5 彼此 each other/ one another 5 尽力 to strive one's hardest/ to spare no effort 5 未必 not necessarily/ maybe not 5 则 conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause/ standard/ norm/ rule/ to imitate/ to follow/ then/ principle/ classifier for written items (such as an official statement) 5 疑问 a question/ sth not understood/ to query/ interrogative (gramm.)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 凭 to lean against/ to rely on/ on the basis of/ no matter (how; what etc)/ proof 5 闻 to hear/ news/ well-known/ famous/ reputation/ fame/ to smell/ to sniff at/ surname Wen 5 单调 monotonous 5 特征 characteristic/ diagnostic property/ distinctive feature/ trait 5 嘉宾 esteemed guest/ honored guest 5 承认 to admit/ to concede/ to recognize/ recognition (diplomatic; artistic etc)/ to acknowledge 5 何必 there is no need/ why should 5 人物 a person/ a character (in a play; novel etc)/ a protagonist/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 是否 whether (or not)/ if/ is or isn't 5 表明 to make clear/ to make known/ to state clearly/ to indicate/ known 5 忍不住 cannot help/ unable to bear 5 体会 know (through learning or by experience)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 繁荣 prosperous/ booming (economy) 5 掌握 to grasp (often fig.)/ to master/ to know well/ to understand sth well and know how to use it/ fluency/ to control/ to seize (initiative; opportunity; destiny) 5 朴素 plain and simple/ unadorned/ simple living/ not frivolous 5 根本 fundamental/ basic/ root/ simply/ absolutely (not)/ (not) at all/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 无奈 without choice/ for lack of better option/ grudgingly/ willy-nilly/ nolens volens/ abbr. for 無可奈何|无可奈何[wu2 ke3 nai4 he2] 5 天真 naive/ innocent/ artless 6 侮辱 to insult/ to humiliate/ dishonor 6 转让 transfer (technology; goods etc)/ conveyancing (property) 6 供不应求 supply does not meet demand 6 哼 to groan/ to snort/ to hum/ to croon/ humph! 6 勿 do not 6 赤道 equator (of the earth or astronomical body) 6 得不偿失 (saying) the gains do not make up for the losses 6 哄 roar of laughter (onomatopoeia)/ hubbub/ to roar (as a crowd) 6 公告 post/ announcement 6 融洽 harmonious/ friendly relations/ on good terms with one another 6 需求 requirement/ demand (economics) 6 默默 in silence/ not speaking 6 廉洁 honest/ not coercive/ honesty/ integrity/ incorruptible 6 须知 prerequisites/ rules that must be known before starting sth 6 后顾之忧 fears of trouble in the rear (idiom)/ family worries (obstructing freedom of action)/ worries about the future consequences/ often in negative expressions; meaning "no worries about anything" 6 重叠 to overlap/ to superimpose/ to telescope/ to run together/ to duplicate/ one over another/ superposition/ an overlap/ redundancy/ reduplication (in Chinese grammar; e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll) 6 启事 announcement (written; on billboard; letter; newspaper or website)/ to post information/ a notice 6 准则 norm/ standard/ criterion 6 忽略 to neglect/ to overlook/ to ignore 6 公认 publicly known (to be)/ accepted (as) 6 宣扬 to proclaim/ to make public or well known 6 见多识广 experienced and knowledgeable (idiom) 6 不得已 act against one's will/ have no alternative but to/ have to/ to have no choice/ must 6 迄今为止 so far/ up to now/ still (not) 6 不妨 there is no harm in/ might as well 6 勇于 to dare to/ to be brave enough to 6 不敢当 lit. I dare not (accept the honor)/ fig. I don't deserve your praise/ you flatter me 6 布告 posting on a bulletin board/ notice/ bulletin/ to announce 6 公证 notarization/ notarized/ acknowledgement 6 把手 handle/ grip/ knob 6 见闻 what one sees and hears/ knowledge/ information 6 争气 to work hard for sth/ to resolve on improvement/ determined not to fall short 6 不堪 cannot bear/ cannot stand/ utterly/ extremely 6 雪上加霜 to add hail to snow (idiom)/ one disaster on top of another/ to make things worse in a bad situation 6 争先恐后 striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom)/ outdoing one another 6 恼火 to get angry/ irritated/ to annoy/ to aggravate/ annoying 6 内涵 meaning/ content/ essential properties implied or reflected by a notion/ intention/ connotation/ self-possessed 6 分寸 propriety/ appropriate behavior/ proper speech or action/ within the norms 6 内幕 inside story/ non-public information/ behind the scenes/ internal 6 不惜 not stint/ not spare/ not hesitate (to do sth)/ not scruple (to do sth) 6 先进 advanced (technology)/ to advance 6 伤脑筋 knotty/ troublesome/ bothersome 6 自主 to act for oneself/ autonomous 6 不由得 can't help/ cannot but 6 不止 incessantly/ without end/ more than/ not limited to 6 正经 decent/ honorable/ proper/ serious/ according to standards 6 谴责 to denounce/ to condemn/ to criticize/ condemnation/ criticism 6 衰退 to decline/ to fall/ to drop/ to falter/ a decline/ recession (in economics) 6 流浪 to drift about/ to wander/ to roam/ nomadic/ homeless/ unsettled (e.g. population)/ vagrant 6 显著 outstanding/ notable/ remarkable 6 磕 to tap/ knock 6 风度 elegance (for men)/ elegant demeanor/ grace/ poise 6 愚昧 ignorant/ uneducated 6 角落 nook/ corner 6 创新 innovation/ to bring forth new ideas/ to blaze new trails 6 垄断 enjoy market dominance/ monopolize 6 锲而不舍 to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom)/ to chisel away at sth/ to persevere/ unflagging efforts 6 参照 to consult a reference/ to refer to (another document) 6 相辅相成 to complement one another (idiom) 6 刻不容缓 to brook no delay/ to demand immediate action 6 直播 live broadcast (not recorded)/ direct internet broadcasting 6 眼下 now/ at present/ subocular (medicine) 6 相应 to correspond/ answering (one another)/ to agree (among the part)/ corresponding/ relevant/ appropriate/ (modify) accordingly 6 敷衍 to elaborate (on a theme)/ to expound (the classics)/ perfunctory/ to skimp/ to botch/ to do sth half-heartedly or just for show/ barely enough to get by 6 预兆 omen/ prognosis (in medicine) 6 外向 outward-looking/ extrovert/ extroverted (personality)/ export-oriented (economy) 6 冤枉 hatred/ injustice/ bad luck/ unjust treatment/ wronged/ not worthwhile 6 轻而易举 easy/ with no difficulty 6 指标 norm/ index/ target 6 尊严 dignity/ sanctity/ honor/ majesty 6 嘈杂 noisy/ clamorous 6 竭尽全力 to spare no effort (idiom)/ to do one's utmost 6 完备 faultless/ complete/ perfect/ to leave nothing to be desired 6 草率 careless/ negligent/ sloppy/ not serious 6 派别 denomination/ group/ school/ faction/ school of thought 6 凑合 to bring together/ to make do in a bad situation/ to just get by/ to improvise/ passable/ not too bad 6 指责 to criticize/ to find fault with/ to denounce 6 腐烂 to rot/ to become gangrenous 6 制裁 to punish/ punishment/ sanctions (incl. economic) 6 庞大 huge/ enormous/ tremendous 6 北极 the North Pole/ the Arctic Pole/ the north magnetic pole 6 泡沫 foam/ (soap) bubble/ (economic) bubble 6 规范 norm/ standard/ specification/ regulation/ rule/ within the rules/ to fix rules/ to regulate/ to specify 6 要命 to cause sb's death/ very/ extremely/ frightening/ annoying 6 规格 standard/ norm/ specification 6 生疏 unfamiliar/ strange/ out of practice/ not accustomed 6 贵族 lord/ nobility/ nobleman/ noblewoman/ aristocrat/ aristocracy 6 茫然 ignorant/ to have no knowledge of sth 6 劈 to hack/ to chop/ to split open/ see 噼啪|劈啪; onomat. for crack; slap; clap; clatter etc 6 师范 teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school; e.g. Beijing Normal University) 6 甭 need not/ (contraction of 不 and 用) 6 兑现 (of a cheque etc) to cash/ to honor a commitment 6 没辙 (idiom) unable to solve/ no way to escape a problem 6 暂且 for now/ for the time being/ temporarily 6 偏偏 (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)/ unfortunately/ against expectations 6 心得 knowledge gained/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 众所周知 as everyone knows (idiom) 6 一丝不苟 not one thread loose (idiom)/ strictly according to the rules/ meticulous/ not one hair out of place 6 噪音 rumble/ noise/ static 6 周转 turnover (in cash or personnel)/ to have enough resources to cover a need 6 沉闷 oppressive (of weather)/ heavy/ depressed/ not happy 6 而已 that's all/ nothing more 6 迷失 lost/ not knowing one's location 6 含义 meaning (implicit in a phrase)/ implied meaning/ hidden meaning/ hint/ connotation 6 滔滔不绝 unceasing torrent (idiom)/ talking non-stop/ gabbling forty to the dozen 6 沉着 steady/ calm and collected/ not nervous 6 发布 to release/ to issue/ to announce/ to distribute/ also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4] 6 淘汰 to wash out/ elimination (by selection)/ natural selection/ to knock out (in a competition)/ to die out/ to phase out 6 贬义 derogatory sense/ negative connotation 6 高尚 nobly/ lofty 6 以免 in order to avoid/ so as not to 6 免得 so as not to/ so as to avoid 6 毫无 not in the least/ none whatsoever/ completely without 6 勉强 to do with difficulty/ to force sb to do sth/ reluctant/ barely enough 6 便条 (informal) note/ CL:張|张[zhang1];個|个[ge4] 6 异常 exceptional/ abnormal/ an anomaly 6 疙瘩 swelling or lump on skin/ pimple/ knot/ preoccupation/ problem 6 面子 outer surface/ outside/ honor/ reputation/ face (as in "losing face")/ self-respect/ feelings/ (medicinal) powder 6 民间 among the people/ popular/ folk/ non-governmental/ involving people rather than governments 6 注释 marginal notes/ annotation/ to annotate/ to add comments to text 6 无偿 free/ no charge/ at no cost 6 家喻户晓 understood by everyone (idiom)/ well known/ a household name 6 酒精 alcohol/ ethanol CH3CH2OH/ ethyl alcohol/ also written 乙醇/ grain alcohol 6 无从 not to have access/ beyond one's authority or capability/ sth one has no way of doing 6 无非 only/ nothing else 6 体面 dignity/ face (as in "losing face")/ honorable/ creditable/ pretty 6 无可奉告 (idiom) "no comment" 6 名副其实 not just in name only; but also in reality (idiom) 6 无可奈何 have no way out/ have no alternative/ abbr. to 無奈|无奈 [wu2 nai4] 6 认可 to approve/ approval/ acknowledgment/ OK 6 任命 to appoint and nominate 6 专长 specialty/ special knowledge or ability 6 反常 unusual/ abnormal 6 无穷无尽 vast and limitless (idiom)/ endless span of time/ no vestige of a beginning; no prospect of an end 6 别扭 awkward/ difficult/ uncomfortable/ not agreeing/ at loggerheads/ gauche/ awkward (writing or speech) 6 隐患 a danger concealed within sth/ hidden damage/ misfortune not visible from the surface 6 名誉 fame/ reputation/ honor/ honorary/ emeritus (of retired professor) 6 事务 (political; economic etc) affairs/ work 6 无知 ignorance 6 更新 to replace the old with new/ to renew/ to renovate/ to upgrade/ to update/ to regenerate 6 天文 astronomy
352 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *v;Conj * *p.m * *VS * *Adv;v * *N * *Adv * *N * *Adv * *VA * *VS * *suf * *Adv * *VA * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *VS;pref * *VS * *VA * *N * *pron * *VA * *N * *N * * * *Adv * *VS * *Conj * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *pron * *N * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VS * *Adv * *VS * *N * *VA * *N * * * *VA * * * *VA * *N * *Conj * *N * *Adv * * * * * *N * * * *N * *VA * * * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VA * *Adv * *N * *VA * *Adv * *v;Adv * *VA * *VS * *Conj * 便*N * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *part * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *Adv * 西*N * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * * * *N * *Adv * *v;n * *VS * *Adv * *Adv * *VS * *N * *Adv * *v;Adv * *Conj * *v;n * *N * *Conj * *N * *N * *N * *Conj * *Conj * *VS * *Adv * * * *Adv * *N * *VS * *VS * *N * *VA * *VS * *VA * *Adv * * * * * * * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VA * *Conj * *VA * *VS * *VA * *N * *Conj * *Conj * *Conj * *VS * *VS * *N * *VA * *pron * * * *VS * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VS * *N * *Adv * *N * *VS * *VA * *Conj * *N * *Adv * *N * *Conj * *VS * * * *VS * * * *VS * * * *Adv * *Adv * * * *N * *VA * *VS * *VS * * * * * *N * *VA * *VA * *VS * * * * * *VA * *part * *interj * *part * *interj * *Adv * *N * * * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VA * *n;VS * *v;n * *Adv * * * *N * *VA * *v;n * *N * *N * *N * * * *VA * *n;VS * *VA * *N * * * *N * *n;VS * *ono * *Adv * *n;v * *VA * *VA * * * *v;n * *Adv * *v;Adv * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *VA * *ono * *N * *VS * *Adv * *VS * * * *VA * *N * *VS * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *VS * *VA * * * *N * *Adv * *N * *Adv * *VS * *N * * * * * *N * *Prep;Conj * *VA * *VAN * *VS * *VA * *v;Conj * *N * *VA * *VS * *Adv * *N * *VA * *N * * * *VA * *N * 穿* * *Adv * *VS * * * *N * * * *Adv * *N * *N * * * * * *VA * *N * *Adv * * * * * * * *Adv * * * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * * * *N * *N * * * *VS * *Adv * * * *Adv * * * * * * * *VS * *N * *v;n * *v;n * * * * * * * *VS * *VA * *N * *VS * *N * * * * * *VS * *Adv * *Adv * *VS;n * *VS * *VA * *N * *N * * * * * *part * *N * *VS * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *N * *VA * *VA * *VS * *N * * * * * *cheng * *VA * *N * *VA * * * *VS * *v;n * *v;n * *VA * *VS * * * *Adv * * * *
352 OLD_HSK German word(s): verstehen, begreifen,kapieren nicht so gut wie,jmd nachstehen # Ausrufepart. d. Ermahnung, d. Unzufriedenh. o. d. Erstaunens ungleich hat nicht, nicht jetzt,nun etwas nicht brauchen, unnötig sein Notizbuch,Übungsheft nicht haben verstehen,kennen,kennen lernen 1. ausreichen, genügen, hinlänglich genug 2. an etw reichen, erreichen 3. recht, ziemlich ein Suffix, Pluralmarker 1. noch einmal , nochmals, wieder 2. noch mehr 3. erst...dann 4. ferner, außerdem, überdies 5. zurückkehren vorstellen,bekannt machen,empfehlen eben, gerade, soeben heute 1. Laut, Schall, Geräusch 2. tönen, ertönen, klingen, knallen 3. laut 4. Echo Nudeln, Spaghetti beachten,aufpassen wissen, Bescheid wissen Kenntnis,Wissen, Wissenschaft und Kultur betreffend,intellektuell 1. klein, geringfügig, unbedeutend 2. eine kurze Weile 3. jung berühmt mitteilen 1. Schnee 2. (eine Schande) tilgen, sich rächen anderer 1.einen Punkt setzen 2. kurz berühren 3. nicken, kurz bewegen 4. tröpfeln 5. eines nach dem anderen prüfen 6. auswählen 7. anzünden, entzünden 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung 7. tropfen etc Wirtschaft,wirtschaftlich Morgen,Vormittag darf ich nach Ihrem Namen fragen.. nicht,nein nicht übel,ziemlich gut nicht nur Technik Nachmittag Mittag 1. Norden, nördlich 2. eine Niederlage erleiden Norden 1. dies,dies, das 2. nun, jetzt, gleich bald mitteilen,Mitteilung verstehen, begreifen,kapieren schlagen, klopfen 1. kennen 2. erkennen riesig, sehr groß 1. nicht getan haben 2. nicht beachtlich, beträchtlich,deutlich nähren, ernähren, Nährgehalt nicht erlauben, nicht dürfen Phänomen, Erscheinung unbestimmt, nicht sicher, nicht notwendig ökonomisch, sparen nutzlos, ohne Nutzen sparen, sparsam gewöhnliche Zeiten; Friedenszeiten von da an, darauf, von jetzt an Nase keine Zeit verlieren, sich beeilen, eilig, kaum, nicht im mindesten, überhaupt nicht ohne Anmerkung dafür gibt es keinen Gebrauch, ist nicht notwendig heutzutage, jetzt verlassen, aufgeben, preisgeben, auf etw verzichten ohne genügend Zeit, es ist zu spät Extra-curricular, Amateur-, Freizeit- normal, regulär gerade recht,im rechten Moment etwas gut kennen, mit etwas sehr vertraut sein 1. gerade, genau,nur, erst 2. eben, soeben ab sofort, von nun an anerkennen, bestätigen 1. weiß 2. ohne jeglichen Zusatz, einfach 3. klar, deutlich 4. umsonst, vergebens 5.kostenlos, unentgeltlich, gratis 6. reaktionär 7.gesprochener Text in einer chinesischen Oper 8.erklären, ausführen 1. ohne, nichts, nicht vorhanden sein 2. nicht erklären, veröffentlichen, bekanntmachen, proklamieren berühmt, bekannt unabhängig davon, ungeachtet, wie auch immer Notiz, Merkzettel, Formloses Protokoll es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel an wissen erfahren,Verständnis in lautes Weinen ausbrechen einer nach dem anderen, unübersichtlich, verwirrend (...) Gebirgsbereich, Gebirgsregion Wissen, Lernen Roman, Novelle nacheinander, einer nach dem anderen, aufeinanderfolgend Nordwest 1.glatt, geschliffen 2.nackt, entblößt achtbar, rühmlich,ehrenvoll, Ruhm, Ehre naiv, unschuldig, 1. Kanone, Geschütz, 2. Feuerwerk, Knallfrosch bis jetzt Minorität, Minderheit häufig, gewöhnlich Bericht, berichten, Vortrag monoton braucht nicht, nicht müssen nicht sehr, nicht oft ungewöhnlich,abnorm,äußerst,sehr, besonders Nicht-Grundnahrungsmittel wirklich, sicher genug, wie erwartet 1. verknüpfen, vereinigen, verbinden, zusammenhängen, zusammenfügen 2. Kompanie 3. aufeinanderfolgend 4. sogar 5. einschließlich, samt, inbegriffen, mit ungeachet, egal ob Aufzeichnung, aufzeichnen Nord nicht nur Nordost Norden Nordseite 1. schon, bereits 2. wenn...dann 3. sowohl...als auch weil , insoweit, daß... 1. unbeschäftigt, müßig,frei 2. leerstehend, ungenutzt,außer Betrieb, frei 3. Freizeit hintereinander, nacheinander, wiederholt nicht...sondern.. wahrscheinlich nicht, wohl nicht, kaum Nährstoff, Nahrung 1. schwer passierbare Stelle, enger Paß, Barriere 2. Gefahr, Risiko 3. heimtückisch, boshaft 4. beinahe, fast fertig, gebrauchsfertig,parat Krebsgeschwulst 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr 1. Reihenfolge,Rangordnung, Reihe 2. zweite, nächst, nachfolgend 3. von minderer Qualität, geringwertig 4. Zählwort Verständnis für etw. zeigen, Verständnis, Verständigung nicht umhin können, etw. zu tun sich nicht um etwas kümmern, sich nicht um etwas scheren wirklich gut gleichgültig sein, nicht von großem Interesse 1. Trockenheit, Dürre 2.trocken 3. Land- an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger geehrt werden, geehrt (sein) ununterbrochen, endlos, mehr als , unbegrenzt nicht nur 1. kämpfen, streiten, ringen, Kampf 2. sich mit jm messen, mit jm wetteifern 3. Tierkämpfe veranstalten unzulänglich, nicht genug, nicht ausreichend, inadäquat 1. knüpfen, knoten, schlingen, binden 2. Knoten 3. binden, schmieden, schließen, formen 4. abschließen, abrechnen siehe: jie1 Nachricht, Mitteilung sonst, andernfalls anderenfalls, oder sonst falls nicht.. springen, hüpfen, miteinander wetteifernd, eifrig, begeistert, lebhaft ruhig, in Ruhe, ohne Eile, gemischte-Substanz, Unreinheit bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen gegenseitig Bankrott machen,ruiniert sein,scheitern adv. einfach müssen im Widerspruch mit, illegal zerstören, zerschmettern, zertrümmern, 1. Erde, Boden 2. Boden, Land 3. lokal, regional 4. einheimisch 5. unzivilisiert, roh vernünftig,anständig,seriös (?) Finanzen, öffentliche Finanzpolitik Region, Gebiet, Zone heute, heutig, gegenwärtig klingend und hell, laut und klar respektieren, achten gewiß, natürlich, zwar Gouverneur einer Provinz vergebens, für nichts, ohne Zweck überflüssiges Gerede, Unsinn damit nicht, um etwas zu vermeiden unvergleichlich das Proletariat mit letzter Kraft, mit Mühe und Not, unfreiwillig unfähig etwas zu tun Chaos, Durcheinander,Unordnung nichts machen können wozu denn, warum denn von jeher, seit ehund je, schon immer auf jeden Fall, auf alle Fälle fließendes Wasser,laufend, fließend verlieren, z.B Gewichtverlust gefühllos, schonungslos, gnadenlos nobel, edel, erhaben Kein Wunder was das angeht Arme, arme Leute 1.gleichgültig,egal2.teilnahmslos,apathisch 1. wissen, kennen, Bescheid wissen 2. Bescheid sagen, mitteilen, informieren 3. Wissen, Kenntnis ohne Zweifel, zweifelsohne hallo sagen Intellektuelle monopolisieren, Monopol [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, Interjektion aha, soso, [Pronomen] sein, sein, ihr,dies, Interjektion, ach so, ich verstehe sehr, enorm Bergland, Gebirgsgegend wirklich etwas können begrenzt, beschränkt beleidigen klar, deutlich,offen, unverhüllt,verstehen, starten, abfliegen, Würde, ehrbar Diktatur nicht sicher sagen können, vielleicht, darauf brennen, etwas zu tun Schneeflocken durchgehend, direkt Innovation anderenorts Naturwissenschaft und Technik falsch-geschriebener Buchstabe, falsch ausgesprochener Buchsabe sich das Hirn zermartern, Kopfzerbrechen entblößen Glanz ,ehrbar mit einem Besuch beehren 1. Wert 2. kosten, sich lohnen, wert sein 3. gerade, ausgerechnet, zufällig 4. Dienst haben sicher, daß Astronomie, Sternenkunde Gepflogenheit, anständig onomat. für starken Wind müssen, nicht anders können, nicht umhin kommen für jn etwas machen,vertreten übersehen, vernachlässigen Unsinn reden Ehrengast etwas im voraus bekanntmachen, Ankündigung 1. sauber, rein 2. netto 3. restlos 4. nur, bloß 1. blind 2. blindlings, unbedacht, unbegründet Allgemeinwissen, gesunder Menschenverstand 1. mitteilen, Bericht erstatten, benachrichtigen 2.erwidern, belohnen,vergelten, heimzahlen 3. Botschaft, Meldung, Ankündigung 4. Telegraphie, Telegramm jm unrecht tun, vergeblich sein, nutzlos Ecke, Winkel bereit sein,etwas zu tun, nicht mißgönnen onomat. für laut laufendes Wasser Stärke, Macht, Einfluß Freizeit, Chance,Raum, Platz ob ..oder nicht im allgemeinen, gewöhnlich, normalerweise eigenartig, falsch, unkorrekt, verkehrt, unnormal veröffentlichen, bekannt machen, etwas zur Veröffentlichung freigeben Ton, Tonart,Klang, Art u. Weise,Beiklang unzureichend, nicht genug, inadäquat ohne Rücksicht, ungeachtet übergehen (von einem zu einem anderen Zustand) neue Ideen vorbringen, neue Wege bahnen, Neuerung, Innovation 1.verdroßen, mißmutig, verärgert 2. überdrüssig 3. liebenswürdigerweise, freundlicherweise nicht sehen, verschwinden, nicht antreffen nicht notwendigerweise, nicht wahrscheinlich Gegenwart, gegenwärtige Zeit nicht zurückzuhalten können, Banknote, Papiergeld unbewußt blind, blindlings nun, jetzt, in diesem Moment Mögen Sie nicht muß einfach, unfähig, etwas zu ertragen Identität, Status zur Zufriedenheit, was auch immer, wie auch immer 1. heben, aufheben, hochheben, hochziehen, aufrichten 2.(sich) verbreiten, etw in Umlauf bringen 1. Amt, Verantwortung 2. ernennen, einsetzen,jm mit einem Amt betrauen etc 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean Autodetermination, Autonomie nicht verwunderlich autome Region nicht tolerieren, nicht erlauben aufrichtig, ehrlich, offen, wahr von Zeit zu Zeit, ab und zu notarielle Beglaubigung nicht schonen, keine Bedenken haben Generalgouverneur weit bekannt, landläufig Diagnose in diesem Augenblick, jetzt nichts zu essen, keine Kleidung nicht geeignet, unangebracht absurd, widersinnig unbewußt, unbemerkt / unwissentlich / unversehens Ehre, Ruhm,Ehren- keinen Ausweg wissen nicht notwendigerweise,unwahrscheinlich Sinologie gewöhnliche Tage allgemein bekannt, wie allen bekannt in keinem Fall als nicht stimmberechtigter Deligierter an einer Konferenz teilnehmen Nasenschleim genug, ausreichend Selbstständigkeit, Unabhängigkeit von gleichem wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Status sein der Gewinn kann den Verlust nicht decken fürchten, aus Furcht große Bedenken haben leicht zu verhandeln,einfach zu regeln rechtzeitiger Schnee, glücksverheißender Schnee Finanzen und Wirtschaft Griff,Henkel, Hebel, Lenker behaupten, angeben, als bekannt sein etwas wissen müssen, Punkte zur Beachtung, Bekanntmachung Klavier,Piano sich nicht um etwas sorgen können respektvolle, Anredeform, respektvoll anreden, Ehrentitel Laut, Geräusch, Schall beachten, aufmerksam sein, aufpassen konsequent, ständig nicht in der Lage sein, unmöglich, nicht möglich redaktionelle Notiz nichts anderes als, nur, bloß in dem einem Augenblick...und in dem nächsten... nichts zu sagen haben kein Kommentar 1.edel, vornehm,nobel,gut 2. von hohem Stand, adelig Lärm, Geräusch erläutern, anmerken, Anmerkung, Glosse Anmerkung in Nichtstun versinken,Nichtstuerei seine Wirkung verlieren, nicht mehr wirksam sein nominieren, zur Wahl vorschlagen außer Kraft, ungültig, unnütz keine Lust haben, kein Interesse zeigen, nicht vorsätzlich Nenner (eines Bruchs) Unwissenheit, unwissend Vulkan eine scharfe Zunge haben, aber nicht böswillig sein perfekt in jeder Hinsicht, nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen grausam, boshaft, tückisch (bitte) nicht manchmal unfachmännisch, laienhaft, unprofessionell, Laie schneeweiß, weiß wie Schnee 1. hart stoßen 2. ausklopfen, abklopfen Artillerie,Schwätzer Mitteilung, Bekanntmachung weitesgehend identisch ernennen, nominieren das ist alles Mittag gewaltig, ungeheuer, kolossal, sehr viel wirklich nicht sein 1. kennen 2. Kenntnis, Wissen keiner, niemand, nicht, bitte nicht Streifen, Zettel mit kurzer Mitteilung vernachläsigen, übersehen erneuern, Innovation neu und originell Adlige, Aristokraten die Leute wie Luft behandeln, nichts gelten lassen, hochnäsig, überheblich nationale Minderheit weder hochmütig noch demütig an untere Ebenen weiterleiten 1. eine Note überreichen 2. Note nicht dürfen, nicht gestattet nicht nennenswert, ganz unbedeutend gegen seinen eigenen Willen handeln, ein Rundschreiben verschicken,Rundschreiben, Fachzeitung etwas allgemein bekanntmachen, allgemeine Bekanntmachung nicht verstehen ungewöhnlich, unnormal ins Auge fallen unverfroren, offen, unverhüllt, dreist weltberühmt, eins nach dem anderen, ununterbrochen
6011 synsets(s): nonabsorbent + nonabsorptive + nonadsorbent + nonadsorptive + gluttonous + ravenous + notional + voluminous + unobjectionable + unobliging + acknowledged + unacknowledged + nonadaptive + nonaddictive + glutinous + mucilaginous + resinous + nonadhesive + nonglutinous + nonviscid + nonresinous + non-resinous + nonresiny + non-resiny + monocled + topknotted + unornamented + nonmechanical + xenophobic + nonaggressive + nonturbulent + annoying + non-negotiable + nontransferable + exsanguinous + nonviable + monosemous + nonliving + non-living + nonconscious + anonymous + anon. + unknown + binomial + binominal + nonprehensile + monopteral + nonarbitrable + noncolumned + nonarboreal + nonspeaking + dishonored + nonassertive + nonassociative + hypnotic + prenominal + nonpregnant + ominous + canonized + canonised + autochthonous + allochthonous + autogenous + heterogenous + non-automatic + unobtainable + hypnoid + somnolent + nonastringent + ominous + nonhairy + nonbearing + pulchritudinous + poisonous + venomous + venomed + anonymous + mono + monophonic + mononuclear + mononucleate + non-white + nordic + nonviolent + knotted + knotty + non-U + eupnoeic + dyspnoeic + dyspnoeal + noncrystalline + caliginous + luminous + noctilucent + self-luminous + nonracist + monovular + cacophonous + euphonous + multitudinous + anorectic + anorexigenic + noncausative + noncausal + noncellular + nonporous + nonionized + nonionised + nonionic + diagnostic + unowned + monoclinic + anorthic + monochromatic + snow-white + snowy + monochromatic + monochrome + monochromic + monochromous + noisy + nonchristian + noncivilized + noncivilised + nonliterate + nonclassical + nonsensitive + snotty + snot-nosed + unobjectionable + nonradioactive + nonkosher + nonadjacent + panoplied + noncollapsible + noncollapsable + nontelescopic + nontelescoping + knockdown + notifiable + noncombinative + noncombining + noncombustible + nonflammable + nonexplosive + coterminous + conterminous + noncommercial + nonprofit + non-profit-making + nonresidential + noncommissioned + Finno-Ugric-speaking + nonverbal + nonverbal + nonverbal + unpronounceable + nonpareil + non-miscible + noncompetitive + monopolistic + all-or-none + all-or-nothing + panoptic + noncomprehensive + planoconcave + planoconvex + nonconcentric + nonchalant + nonconductive + nonconducting + non-conducting + snowbound + conterminous + conterminous + innocent + knocked out + nonconscious + nonprogressive + unnoticeable + ruinous + iconoclastic + nonstop + noncontinuous + noncontroversial + noncontentious + unorthodox + nonconformist + nontraditional + nonmaterial + nonphysical + notional + nonjudgmental + noncritical + noncritical + noncrucial + noncritical + noncrucial + nosy + nosey + snoopy + noncurrent + noncyclic + noncyclical + nocturnal + knocked-out + announced + unacknowledged + nondeductible + noncompliant + nonresistant + noncommittal + knockabout + nonarbitrary + denotative + denotive + connotative + connotational + connotative of + autonomous + autonomous + nonparasitic + nonsymbiotic + nonpartisan + nonpartizan + nonaligned + normative + knotty + dicotyledonous + monocotyledonous + monounsaturated + nonstop + no-nonsense + nondisposable + nonreturnable + nondisposable + monolithic + tyrannous + monotonous + honorary + northwestern + northeastern + nonpoisonous + non-poisonous + nontoxic + poisonous + knowing + knowledgeable + ignorant + ignorant + inoperative + economic + economical + uneconomical + nonresilient + nonappointive + nominated + nominative + nonelective + non-elective + nonelected + nonmandatory + nonobligatory + notional + hypnotized + hypnotised + endogenous + exogenous + nonexploratory + nonexplorative + nonenterprising + nostalgic + isochronous + nonequivalent + no-frills + nonessential + inoffensive + nonexistent + innocent + nonextant + nonextant + unannounced + knowledgeable + nonextensile + nonprotractile + cavernous + antimonopoly + treasonous + mutinous + well-known + unknown + andantino + abdominous + anorexic + anorectic + oleaginous + nonfat + nonfatal + nonlethal + non-finite + nonfissile + nonfissionable + knock-kneed + nonrigid + nonnative + nonnative + autochthonous + indigenous + nonnative + nominal + nonliterary + noisome + inodorous + non-aromatic + geosynchronous + autonomous + nonautonomous + nonsovereign + non-slave + nonfunctional + nonstructural + nonfunctional + panoplied + nominative + nominal + nonspecific + nontechnical + nonproprietary + sure-enough + unknown + no-go + not bad + good enough + no-good + misogynous + snorty + monoploid + nonalcoholic + innocent + innocuous + ruinous + nocent + nonmedicinal + inoperable + gangrenous + membranous + nondigestible + non-buoyant + heterogenous + nonuniform + homogenous + nonhierarchical + nonhierarchic + unordered + altitudinous + adenoidal + countertenor + soprano + sopranino + tenor + tenor + nonimitative + onomatopoeic + onomatopoeical + onomatopoetic + nonechoic + mountainous + honorable + dishonorable + honorable + honourable + time-honored + time-honoured + dishonorable + dishonourable + ignominious + noninstitutionalized + noninstitutionalised + noninstitutional + monoclinal + nodding + nonhuman + ravenous + acknowledgeable + diagnosable + undiagnosable + anosmic + noble + noticeable + pronounced + noted + unnoticeable + nonindulgent + nonindustrial + noninfectious + noncommunicable + noncontagious + nontransmissible + gnostic + agnostic + agnostical + knowing + knowledgeable + knowing + ignorant + unknowledgeable + unknowing + innocent + unoccupied + monogenic + noninheritable + nonheritable + nonhereditary + nontransmissible + innocent + not guilty + ennobling + nonsegregated + nonintegrated + nonintellectual + knowing + anodyne + not intrusive + noninvasive + knowable + cognoscible + unknowable + known + best-known + better-known + notable + noted + renowned + well-known + unknown + little-known + unbeknown + unbeknownst + undiagnosed + astronomic + astronomical + enormous + monolithic + mountainous + voluminous + gnomish + antiknock + antiknocking + nonleaded + nonlegal + broadnosed + minor + nonlinear + denotative + nonliteral + dianoetic + nonrational + long-snouted + short-snouted + stenosed + stenotic + sonorous + piano + nonmagnetic + minor + minor + minor + nonaged + minor + minor + minor + minor + androgynous + nominal + nonmeaningful + nonsense + nonsensical + nonmechanical + nonmechanistic + canorous + nonmusical + nonmusical + noncombatant + noncombatant + nonmilitary + manoeuvrable + nonmotile + nonmetallic + nonmetal + nonmetamorphic + abnormal + inordinate + nonmodern + monotone + monotonic + monotonous + monoclinous + diclinous + monoecious + monoicous + synoicous + synoecious + monophonic + monodic + monodical + monogamous + monogynous + monogynic + polygynous + monolingual + monovalent + monotonic + monotone + decreasing monotonic + increasing monotonic + nonmonotonic + monovalent + many another + nonmoving + nonnatural + monomaniacal + noble + ennobling + noble-minded + ignoble + noble + ignoble + normal + abnormal + anomalous + subnormal + supernormal + normal + abnormal + normotensive + normal + paranormal + supernormal + supranormal + north + northbound + northward + north-central + northerly + northern + northerly + northern + northernmost + northmost + northeastern + northeasterly + northeast + northeasterly + northeast + northeastward + northwestern + northwesterly + northwest + northwesterly + northwest + northwestward + northern + north-central + northern + nosed + hook-nosed + pug-nosed + pug-nose + short-nosed + snub-nosed + sharp-nosed + tube-nosed + noseless + noticed + unnoticed + ignored + unnoted + unobserved + unobserved + noxious + innocuous + innoxious + noticeable + unobtrusive + unnoticeable + nonsubjective + unobjective + unobligated + unobvious + unobstructed + unoccupied + unoccupied + obnoxious + verminous + inoffensive + innocuous + unobjectionable + inoffensive + unoffending + unoffending + unofficial + unofficial + novel + nonagenarian + unopen + nonopening + nonoperational + inopportune + unopposable + unopposed + unordered + unorganized + unorganised + nondescript + phenomenal + inorganic + nonsynthetic + inorganic + unoriented + anomic + novel + innovative + innovational + unoriginal + platitudinous + canonic + canonical + unorthodox + iconoclastic + nonconforming + nonconformist + canopied + snow-clad + snow-covered + snowy + snowy + non-paying + pro bono + unoiled + nonconvergent + nonintersecting + nonparallel + normal + minor + nonparticulate + nonbelligerent + unobservant + noticeable + incognoscible + unobservable + nonreversible + nonplused + nonplussed + nonpersonal + hallucinogenic + nonpsychoactive + noetic + monotheistic + nonchurchgoing + nonobservant + lentiginous + lentiginose + venose + annoyed + spinous + nonpolitical + nonnegative + on the nose + cretinous + nonprescription + unostentatious + nouveau-riche + snobbish + snobby + nonpublic + toffee-nosed + nonproductive + nonrecreational + nonprofessional + economic + innovative + pronounceable + unpronounceable + prognostic + prognosticative + nonprognosticative + snooty + snot-nosed + snotty + noninflammatory + acknowledged + noiseless + noisy + nonrandom + nonrational + nonracial + noble + notional + nominal + hard-nosed + nonreciprocal + nonreciprocating + unoiled + nonrenewable + nonrepetitive + nonperiodic + noncyclic + nonoscillatory + nonrepresentational + nonfigurative + nonobjective + nonrepresentative + honored + honorable + time-honored + time-honoured + notorious + honorific + snotty-nosed + do-nothing + nonrestrictive + nonreticulate + nonretractile + nonretractable + nonreflective + nonreflecting + nonresonant + nonrhythmic + honorable + honourable + numinous + synoptic + synoptical + another + non compos mentis + paranoid + technological + unopened + denominational + nonsectarian + interdenominational + nondenominational + undenominational + minor + erogenous + nociceptive + paranormal + telegnostic + nonpurulent + inoperable + nonresident + nonnomadic + nomadic + nonmigratory + libidinous + pornographic + nonsexual + parthenogenetic + monoestrous + Junoesque + knobby + knobbly + nodular + nodulated + noduled + nodulose + deuteranopic + protanopic + snow-blind + snow-blinded + tritanopic + noteworthy + nonsignificant + knotty + oleaginous + non-zero + uninominal + nonuple + nongranular + nonstick + nonslippery + nonskid + nonslip + mountainous + unnotched + notched + notched + spinose + nongregarious + nonsocial + cavernous + non-water-soluble + no + none + innocent + noneffervescent + noncarbonated + noneffervescent + spinous + knockabout + nonsyllabic + monosyllabic + nonsyllabic + canonic + canonical + nonstandard + nonstandard + nonnormative + nonstandard + nourished + well-nourished + malnourished + undernourished + unnourished + hypnogogic + adrenocorticotropic + adrenocorticotrophic + knotted + knotty + knobbed + voluminous + knockout + knock-down + noticeable + mutinous + no-hit + no-win + enough + nonsweet + topnotch + top-notch + not surprised + nonimmune + nonresistant + immunogenic + nonexempt + unknown + noninterchangeable + actinomorphic + actinomorphous + actinoid + synchronous + asynchronous + anachronous + nonsynchronous + unsynchronous + nonparallel + synchronous + asynchronous + synonymous + unostentatious + nonflavored + nonflavoured + nonexempt + nontaxable + nonterritorial + diaphanous + gelatinous + economical + uneconomical + uneconomic + north-polar + cartilaginous + cyanogenetic + cyanogenic + venomous + poisonous + nontoxic + nonpoisonous + non-poisonous + nonvenomous + annoyed + nonsubmersible + nonsubmergible + nonunion + unorganized + unorganised + nonunionized + nonunionised + nonsegmental + good-for-nothing + no-account + no-count + no-good + unoxygenated + knockdown-dragout + knock-down-and-drag-out + nonviolent + innocent + heinous + villainous + panoptic + panoptical + nonvisual + nonvolatile + nonvolatilizable + nonvolatilisable + nonvoluntary + autonomic + nonwashable + vertiginous + nourishing + noisome + panoramic + all-knowing + nonsensical + nonwoody + economic + noteworthy + notable + nomothetic + non-invertible + immunocompetent + immunodeficient + xenogeneic + nonflowering + abdominovesical + acapnotic + acinous + acinose + acrogenous + actinometric + actinometrical + actinomycetal + actinomycetous + actinomycotic + adenocarcinomatous + adenoid + adenoidal + agnostic + adrenocortical + agronomic + agronomical + agrypnotic + albinotic + albuminous + aluminous + amenorrheic + amenorrhoeic + amenorrheal + amenorrhoeal + amino + ammino + androgenous + androgynous + anoestrous + anginose + anginous + anodic + anodal + anoperineal + anopheline + anorectal + anorthitic + anosmic + anosmatic + anoxemic + anoxic + antinomian + apnoeic + arachnoid + venous + arteriovenous + astronomic + astronomical + avitaminotic + benzenoid + bignoniaceous + biogenous + noncaloric + carcinogenic + carcinomatous + cartilaginous + cenobitic + coenobitic + cenobitical + coenobitical + cenogenetic + Cenozoic + ceruminous + chitinous + collagenous + ctenoid + denominational + denominational + economic + economic + economical + socioeconomic + equinoctial + equinoctial + ergonomic + fibrinous + fibrocartilaginous + nonfictional + nonharmonic + hymenopterous + hypnotic + immunochemical + immunocompromised + immunological + immunologic + immunosuppressed + immunosuppressive + immunotherapeutic + impetiginous + nonionic + nonpolar + leguminous + limnological + macroeconomic + menopausal + premenopausal + postmenopausal + microeconomic + monocarboxylic + monoclonal + Monophysite + Monophysitic + monotypic + neotenous + Noachian + nominal + nominal + nominalistic + nominative + North Vietnamese + nosocomial + numinous + onomastic + nonpasserine + phonogramic + phonological + phonologic + nonphotosynthetic + phrenological + planographic + nonruminant + sarcolemnous + snow-capped + soft-nosed + nonspherical + sporogenous + stannous + stenographic + stenographical + nonsteroidal + nonsuppurative + synoptic + synovial + technophilic + technophobic + technological + tendinous + nonthermal + cyanobacterial + cyanophyte + nonspatial + crinoid + nonlinguistic + cyprinoid + nonfinancial + gnomic + Gnostic + pyrogenous + vinous + polyphonous + phenomenal + carbonous + binocular + endogenous + glottochronological + monoatomic + nonlexical + nonsurgical + intravenous + endovenous + nanocephalic + mucinous + mucinoid + monometallic + bionomical + bionomic + nonparametric + trigonometric + enolic + gymnosophical + gymnospermous + econometric + criminological + North American + nocturnal + monozygotic + monomorphemic + pronominal + phenotypical + phenotypic + genotypical + genotypic + chronological + Norwegian + Norse + Norse + North Korean + Genoese + Genovese + diagnostic + gastronomic + gastronomical + homophonous + non-metric + normative + North African + roentgenographic + canonic + canonical + canonic + canonical + canonist + nonenzymatic + pyknotic + pycnotic + eosinophilic + Minoan + taxonomic + taxonomical + monocarpic + monochromatic + binomial + bituminous + bituminoid + bitumenoid + ethnographic + ethnographical + ethnological + ethnologic + Filipino + Hanoverian + Latino + manorial + membranous + nitrogenous + nodular + nontranslational + Nordic + Nordic + Norman + Norman + polynomial + multinomial + pyrogenous + terminological + ethnocentric + onomatopoeic + onomatopoetic + vitiliginous + zoonotic + nosohusial + anno Domini + annoyingly + coterminously + now and then + now and again + not + non + nothing + no + no + none + nowhere + nonetheless + notwithstanding + up to now + til now + until now + no longer + no more + just now + anon + anon + nonspecifically + if not + inordinately + nowadays + now + now + now + now + now + now + now + now now + no + no more + by no means + not by a long sight + not by a blame sight + indigenously + not to mention + chronologically + last but not least + last not least + denominationally + normally + de novo + inorganically + unofficially + pornographically + no matter + astronomically + economically + economically + economically + nominally + nonverbally + non-verbally + nonlexically + notably + nocturnally + monosyllabically + sure enough + technologically + enough + no doubt + sure enough + unoriginally + more often than not + no matter what happens + every now and then + in no time + soon enough + no end + out of nothing + from nowhere + up to now + God knows how + enormously + socioeconomically + monolingually + nonviolently + abnormally + noisily + ominously + knowingly + unknowingly + nonchalantly + noncompetitively + north + northerly + northwards + northward + unofficially + anonymously + also known as + anomalously + noncomprehensively + nonchalantly + ignobly + obnoxiously + inoffensively + noxiously + ignominiously + dishonorably + dishonourably + dishonorably + honorably + honourably + somnolently + piano + gluttonously + heinously + ravenously + ignorantly + unnoticeably + noticeably + on the nose + innocently + innocently + inopportunely + intravenously + limnologically + monotonously + nobly + nohow + nonstop + nostalgically + notoriously + nowise + to no degree + northeast + north-east + nor'-east + northwest + north-west + nor'-west + north-northeast + nor'-nor'-east + north-northwest + nor'-nor'-west + unobtrusively + phenomenally + poisonously + venomously + sonorously + ruinously + snobbishly + snootily + noiselessly + synchronously + unbeknown + unbeknownst + honorably + dishonorably + one after another + northeastward + northeastwardly + northwestward + northwestwardly + canonically + endogenously + hypnotically + immunologically + synonymously + taxonomically + snort + snooze + nod + nod + snore + nod off + hypnotize + hypnotise + renovate + knock up + inoculate + inoculate + anoint + inoculate + novelize + novelise + anodize + anodise + snowball + renovate + renovate + winnow + knock out + inoculate + chronologize + chronologise + keynote + normalize + knock down + knock off + nolle pros + nolle prosequi + nol.pros. + knock out + normalize + normalise + renormalize + renormalise + normalize + normalise + knock out + nobble + envenom + novate + acknowledge + know + know + know + ignore + know + know + know + know the score + know what's going on + know what's what + know + know + know + know + ignore + nonplus + diagnose + diagnose + know apart + anoint + winnow + winnow out + foreknow + keep note + acknowledge + renounce + keynote + snoop + ignore + acknowledge + make no bones about + notarize + notarise + canonize + canonise + knock + inoculate + snow + lead by the nose + denounce + denounce + denounce + canonize + canonise + prognosticate + notify + give notice + nominate + brown-nose + acknowledge + acknowledge + nod + nod + prognosticate + connote + connote + denote + denote + mispronounce + annotate + monologuize + monologuise + announce + pronounce + announce + announce + denote + announce + pronounce + enounce + notate + notch + note + note + denominate + snort + notice + notice + acknowledge + ignore + snooker + nose + manoeuver + manoeuvre + outmanoeuvre + cannon + cannonade + cannon + nosh + undernourish + malnourish + snort + snort + nourish + nourish + canoodle + knock + knock + knock down + knock against + nock + notch + inosculate + inosculate + knot + leave no stone unturned + knock off + canopy + noose + knock down + knock cold + knock out + knock + knock about + nose + know + snog + winnow + nobble + snowball + unknot + knot + innovate + noose + knot + stenograph + knock off + annotate + footnote + strike a note + envenom + annoy + knock out + nose + nod + winnow + knock over + manoeuver + manoeuvre + canoe + snowmobile + snorkel + nosedive + nose + cannonball along + snowshoe + snowboard + notice + note + take notice + note + take note + ignore + reach one's nostrils + nose + nose out + get a noseful + notice + reconnoiter + reconnoitre + snow-blind + nose + make noise + noise + knock + knock + monopolize + monopolise + renounce + honor + honour + dishonor + dishonour + economize + economise + schnorr + shnorr + nobble + knock off + knock off + economize + economise + renounce + manoeuver + manoeuvre + renounce + hobnob + nominate + nominate + ennoble + nominate + give notice + keep one's nose to the grindstone + monopolize + monopolise + honor + honour + denounce + honor + honour + ennoble + dishonor + dishonour + dishonor + dishonour + nobble + snooker + do the honors + knock about + knock back + snow + knowledge + noesis + phenomenon + abdominoplasty + manoeuvre + ennoblement + nonaccomplishment + nonachievement + knock + knockdown + knockout + technical knockout + knockout punch + diagnosis + diagnosing + medical diagnosis + prenatal diagnosis + differential diagnosis + prognosis + medical prognosis + hypnotism + nomination + manoeuvre + tactical manoeuvre + diagnostic procedure + diagnostic technique + runoff + economy + economy of scale + novation + nonacceptance + honor killing + honorable discharge + dishonorable discharge + hypnogenesis + innovation + renovation + noctambulism + noctambulation + lap of honour + nonstop flight + nonstop + intravenous injection + nose dive + nosedive + snowboarding + nod + turnover + annotation + annotating + notch + nonconformism + annoyance + annoying + snorkeling + snorkel diving + knock on + no-hit game + no-hitter + no ball + no-trump + casino + cassino + pinochle + pinocle + rouge et noir + knock rummy + royal casino + spade casino + dominoes + dominos + cannon + snooker + beano + keno + Monopoly + noughts and crosses + turnout + manoeuvre + governorship + steganography + notation + stenography + Human Genome Project + colonoscopy + rhinoscopy + indirect immunofluorescence + nose count + nosecount + immunotherapy + nourishment + adenoidectomy + jejunostomy + minor surgery + nose job + rhinoplasty + rhinotomy + tympanoplasty + uranoplasty + token economy + hypnotherapy + hypnoanalysis + actinotherapy + anointing + anointment + abnormality + nonfeasance + nonperformance + enormity + pornography + porno + child pornography + misdemeanor + misdemeanour + enzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assay + immunohistochemistry + no-brainer + inoculation + inoculating + Heimlich manoeuvere + eupnoea + snorting + snore + snoring + carnal knowledge + nooky + nookie + unlawful carnal knowledge + monohybrid cross + snogging + snooze + Fere phenomenon + Tarchanoff phenomenon + immunologic response + piano lesson + hypnopedia + sonography + ultrasonography + A-scan ultrasonography + B-scan ultrasonography + roentgenography + venography + intravenous pyelography + monoculture + novelization + novelisation + gastronomy + abdominocentesis + technology + automotive technology + communications technology + digital communications technology + computer technology + high technology + rail technology + manoeuvre + reconnoitering + reconnoitring + unobserved fire + cannon fire + cannonade + actinometry + taxonomy + chanoyu + none + anointing of the sick + canonization + canonisation + novena + iconolatry + demonolatry + monolatry + selenolatry + intravenous feeding + nonproliferation + non-proliferation + North American Free Trade Agreement + tonometry + nonpayment + monopolization + monopolisation + noblesse oblige + nonprofit organization + nonprofit + not-for-profit + nomenklatura + normalization + normalisation + economic strangulation + nonresistance + noncompliance + notification + cognovit judgment + cognovit judgement + non prosequitur + non pros + honoring + nonobservance + nonconformity + nonconformance + economic mobilization + economic mobilisation + turnout + nonattendance + nonappearance + non-engagement + nonparticipation + non-involvement + nonviolent resistance + nonviolence + genocide + winnow + winnowing + hymnody + xenotransplant + xenotransplantation + Bannockburn + Borodino + Chattanooga + battle of Chattanooga + Chino-Japanese War + Sino-Japanese War + Cynoscephalae + battle of Cynoscephalae + Fontenoy + Battle of Fontenoy + Lucknow + Navarino + battle of Navarino + Salerno + Solferino + battle of Solferino + Trasimeno + battle of Trasimeno + Norman Conquest + topknot + monohybrid + adenovirus + variola minor + variola minor virus + human immunodeficiency virus + rhinovirus + methanogen + Cyanophyta + division Cyanophyta + class Cyanobacteria + Cyanophyceae + class Cyanophyceae + cyanobacteria + Nostocaceae + family Nostocaceae + genus Nostoc + nostoc + Pseudomonodaceae + family Pseudomonodaceae + gonococcus + Neisseria gonorrhoeae + Listeria monocytogenes + L. monocytogenes + Actinomycetales + order Actinomycetales + actinomycete + Actinomycetaceae + family Actinomycetaceae + genus Actinomyces + actinomyces + Actinopoda + subclass Actinopoda + actinopod + Ascophyllum nodosum + Euglenophyta + division Euglenophyta + Euglenophyceae + class Euglenophyceae + euglenoid + euglenophyte + Dinoflagellata + order Dinoflagellata + dinoflagellate + genus Noctiluca + noctiluca + Noctiluca miliaris + Actinomyxidia + order Actinomyxidia + actinomyxidian + Notropis + genus Notropis + Notropis atherinoides + Notropis cornutus + Notemigonus + genus Notemigonus + Notemigonus crysoleucas + minnow + Cyprinodontidae + family Cyprinodontidae + cyprinodont + topminnow + topminnow + Anomalopidae + family Anomalopidae + genus Anomalops + anomalops + notochord + Conodonta + order Conodonta + Conodontophorida + order Conodontophorida + conodont + conodont + Myxinoidei + Myxinoidea + suborder Myxinoidei + Myxine glutinosa + cartilaginous fish + Mustelus norrisi + Triaenodon + genus Triaenodon + Triaenodon obseus + Rhinobatidae + family Rhinobatidae + Rhinoptera + genus Rhinoptera + cownose ray + cow-nosed ray + Rhinoptera bonasus + genus Sinornis + Sinornis + Dromaius novaehollandiae + Emu novaehollandiae + Dinornithiformes + order Dinornithiformes + Dinornithidae + family Dinornithidae + Dinornis + genus Dinornis + Dinornis giganteus + genus Anomalopteryx + anomalopteryx + Anomalopteryx oweni + nonpasserine bird + dunnock + snowbird + Zonotrichia + genus Zonotrichia + Zonotrichia albicollis + Zonotrichia leucophrys + snow bunting + snowbird + snowflake + Poephila castanotis + Thamnophilus + genus Thamnophilus + snowbird + Acrocephalus schoenobaenus + northern parula + northern oriole + Cyanocitta + genus Cyanocitta + Cyanocitta cristata + Gymnorhina + genus Gymnorhina + Gymnorhina tibicen + Melanotis + genus Melanotis + Melanotis caerulescens + Hirundo pyrrhonota + northern shrike + Malaconotinae + subfamily Malaconotinae + Ptilonorhynchidae + family Ptilonorhynchidae + Ptilonorhynchus + genus Ptilonorhynchus + Ptilonorhynchus violaceus + Elanoides + genus Elanoides + Elanoides forficatus + Circus Aeruginosus + northern harrier + Neophron percnopterus + Gymnogyps + genus Gymnogyps + Gymnogyps californianus + Athene noctua + Notophthalmus + genus Notophthalmus + Notophthalmus viridescens + Bufo canorus + northern cricket frog + Pternohyla + genus Pternohyla + northern casque-headed frog + Pternohyla fodiens + Xenopodidae + family Xenopodidae + Xenopus + genus Xenopus + Xenopus laevis + Gymnophiona + order Gymnophiona + Temnospondyli + order Temnospondyli + Kinosternidae + family Kinosternidae + Kinosternon + genus Kinosternon + Sternotherus + genus Sternotherus + Sphenodon + genus Sphenodon + Sphenodon punctatum + Callisaurus draconoides + Uma notata + Phrynosoma + genus Phrynosoma + Phrynosoma cornutum + Anolis + genus Anolis + anole + Anolis carolinensis + Gerrhonotus + genus Gerrhonotus + Xenosauridae + family Xenosauridae + Xenosaurus + genus Xenosaurus + Lanthanotidae + family Lanthanotidae + Lanthanotus + genus Lanthanotus + Lanthanotus borneensis + venomous lizard + dinosaur + ornithischian dinosaur + genus Pisanosaurus + pisanosaur + pisanosaurus + armored dinosaur + Stegosaur stenops + Marginocephalia + suborder Marginocephalia + marginocephalian + bone-headed dinosaur + horned dinosaur + ornithopod dinosaur + duck-billed dinosaur + Iguanodontidae + family Iguanodontidae + genus Iguanodon + iguanodon + saurischian dinosaur + sauropod dinosaur + Titanosauridae + family Titanosauridae + Titanosaurus + genus Titanosaurus + titanosaur + titanosaurian + genus Argentinosaurus + argentinosaur + theropod dinosaur + bird-footed dinosaur + Carnosaura + suborder Carnosaura + carnosaur + genus Tyrannosaurus + tyrannosaur + tyrannosaurus + Tyrannosaurus rex + genus Deinocheirus + deinocheirus + genus Deinonychus + deinonychus + genus Mononychus + Mononychus olecranus + Chronoperates + genus Chronoperates + Chronoperates paradoxus + Cynodontia + division Cynodontia + cynodont + Dicynodontia + division Dicynodontia + dicynodont + genus Stenopterygius + stenopterygius + Stenopterygius quadrisicissus + Nothosauria + suborder Nothosauria + genus Nothosaurus + nothosaur + hognose snake + leaf-nosed snake + Sonoran whipsnake + Pituophis melanoleucus + Thamnophis + genus Thamnophis + Thamnophis sirtalis + Thamnophis sauritus + Thamnophis proximus + Sonora + genus Sonora + Sonora semiannulata + Sonoran lyre snake + Notechis + genus Notechis + Notechis scutatus + arachnoid + Panonychus + genus Panonychus + Panonychus ulmi + Pycnogonida + order Pycnogonida + pycnogonid + northern bobwhite + bird of Juno + Nestor notabilis + Cuculus canorus + Phalaenoptilus + genus Phalaenoptilus + Phalaenoptilus nuttallii + Pharomacrus mocino + Anser cygnoides + snow goose + Monotremata + order Monotremata + monotreme + Caenolestidae + family Caenolestidae + Caenolestes + genus Caenolestes + Hypsiprymnodon + genus Hypsiprymnodon + Hypsiprymnodon moschatus + Thylacinus cynocephalus + Notoryctidae + family Notoryctidae + Notoryctus + genus Notoryctus + Notoryctus typhlops + Menotyphla + suborder Menotyphla + starnose mole + star-nosed mole + Neomys anomalus + choanocyte + Siphonophora + order Siphonophora + siphonophore + genus Nanomia + nanomia + Actinozoa + class Actinozoa + actinozoan + ctenophore family + ctenophore genus + Ctenophora + phylum Ctenophora + ctenophore + genus Echinococcus + echinococcus + Pogonophora + phylum Pogonophora + pogonophoran + Haminoea + genus Haminoea + Solenogastres + order Solenogastres + solenogaster + Anomiidae + family Anomiidae + Anomia + genus Anomia + Anomia ephippium + Anodonta + genus Anodonta + giant northwest shipworm + Belemnoidea + order Belemnoidea + Pinnotheridae + family Pinnotheridae + Pinnotheres + genus Pinnotheres + Pinnotheres ostreum + Northern lobster + Norway lobster + Nephrops norvegicus + Anostraca + order Anostraca + Notostraca + order Notostraca + Balanus balanoides + Xenorhyncus + genus Xenorhyncus + Xenorhyncus asiaticus + snowy egret + snowy heron + Botaurus lentiginosus + genus Notornis + notornis + Notornis mantelli + Pedionomus + genus Pedionomus + Pedionomus torquatus + Arenaria-Melanocephala + Tringa melanoleuca + Calidris melanotos + knot + Philohela minor + Limnocryptes + genus Limnocryptes + Limnocryptes minima + Limnodromus + genus Limnodromus + Limnodromus griseus + Limnodromus scolopaceus + Himantopus novae-zelandiae + northern phalarope + Steganopus + genus Steganopus + Steganopus tricolor + Pelecanus onocrotalus + Aptenodytes + genus Aptenodytes + Aptenodytes patagonica + Aptenodytes forsteri + Procellaria aequinoctialis + northern storm petrel + Pelecanoididae + family Pelecanoididae + Balaenopteridae + family Balaenopteridae + Balaenoptera + genus Balaenoptera + Balaenoptera musculus + Balaenoptera physalus + Balaenoptera borealis + Balaenoptera acutorostrata + Megaptera novaeangliae + bottle-nosed whale + bottlenose whale + bottlenose + bottlenose dolphin + bottle-nosed dolphin + bottlenose + Atlantic bottlenose dolphin + Pacific bottlenose dolphin + Monodontidae + family Monodontidae + Monodon + genus Monodon + Monodon monoceros + bladdernose + Norwegian elkhound + Norfolk terrier + Norwich terrier + malinois + snow leopard + Acinonyx + genus Acinonyx + Acinonyx jubatus + tube-nosed bat + tube-nosed fruit bat + Cynopterus + genus Cynopterus + Cynopterus sphinx + leafnose bat + leaf-nosed bat + spearnose bat + hognose bat + Rhinolophidae + family Rhinolophidae + Rhinonicteris + genus Rhinonicteris + Rhinonicteris aurantius + guano bat + pennon + Panorpidae + family Panorpidae + Monochamus + genus Monochamus + Leptinotarsa + genus Leptinotarsa + Leptinotarsa decemlineata + Anomala + genus Anomala + Anomala orientalis + rhinoceros beetle + Macrodactylus subspinosus + Pyrophorus noctiluca + Anobiidae + family Anobiidae + snout beetle + Anthonomus + genus Anthonomus + Anthonomus grandis + Anoplophora glabripennis + Anoplura + order Anoplura + Menopon + genus Menopon + Menopon palladum + Menopon gallinae + Ctenocephalides + genus Ctenocephalides + Ctenocephalus + genus Ctenocephalus + Ctenocephalides canis + Ctenocephalides felis + Echidnophaga + genus Echidnophaga + Echidnophaga gallinacea + Drosophila melanogaster + Anopheles + genus Anopheles + anopheline + no-see-um + Chironomidae + family Chironomidae + Chironomus + genus Chironomus + Hymenoptera + order Hymenoptera + hymenopterous insect + hymenopteran + hymenopteron + hymenopter + nomia + genus Nomia + Nomia melanderi + Monomorium + genus Monomorium + Monomorium pharaonis + Monomorium minimum + Camponotus + genus Camponotus + Solenopsis + genus Solenopsis + Rhinotermitidae + family Rhinotermitidae + Melanoplus + genus Melanoplus + Stenopelmatidae + family Stenopelmatidae + Stenopelmatus + genus Stenopelmatus + Stenopelmatus fuscus + snowy tree cricket + Notonectidae + family Notonectidae + Notonecta + genus Notonecta + Notonecta undulata + conenose + cone-nosed bug + conenose bug + Planococcus + genus Planococcus + Planococcus citri + Thysanoptera + order Thysanoptera + thysanopter + thysanopteron + thysanopterous insect + Noctuidae + family Noctuidae + noctuid moth + noctuid + Noctua + genus Noctua + echinoderm family + echinoderm genus + Echinodermata + phylum Echinodermata + echinoderm + Gorgonocephalus + genus Gorgonocephalus + Echinoidea + class Echinoidea + Crinoidea + class Crinoidea + crinoid + snowshoe hare + snowshoe rabbit + Norway rat + Rattus norvegicus + Notomys + genus Notomys + Clethrionomys + genus Clethrionomys + northern bog lemming + northern pocket gopher + Cynomys + genus Cynomys + Cynomys ludovicianus + Cynomys gunnisoni + northern flying squirrel + Dinocerata + order Dinocerata + dinocerate + dinoceras + nonstarter + palomino + Rhinocerotidae + family Rhinocerotidae + rhinoceros family + rhinoceros + rhino + genus Rhinoceros + Indian rhinoceros + Rhinoceros unicornis + woolly rhinoceros + Rhinoceros antiquitatis + white rhinoceros + black rhinoceros + genus Anoa + anoa + Anoa depressicornis + Anoa mindorensis + merino + merino sheep + Oreamnos + genus Oreamnos + Oreamnos americanus + Connochaetes + genus Connochaetes + Adenota + genus Adenota + Adenota vardoni + hog-nosed skunk + hognosed skunk + Conepatus leuconotus + hog-nosed badger + snout + snout + Dasypus novemcinctus + tamanoir + cannon + cannon bone + Hominoidea + superfamily Hominoidea + hominoid + Cro-magnon + Ouranopithecus + genus Ouranopithecus + bonobo + guenon + guenon monkey + mammal Semnopithecus + Semnopithecus entellus + Cynocephalidae + family Cynocephalidae + Cynocephalus + genus Cynocephalus + Cynocephalus variegatus + northern mammoth + Ailuropoda melanoleuca + snoek + northern snakehead + Dipnoi + subclass Dipnoi + shovelnose catfish + Melanogrammus + genus Melanogrammus + Melanogrammus aeglefinus + Gonorhynchidae + family Gonorhynchidae + Gonorhynchus + genus Gonorhynchus + Gonorhynchus gonorhynchus + Sardinops + genus Sardinops + Sardinops caerulea + chinook + chinook salmon + Menominee whitefish + Synodontidae + family Synodontidae + northern barramundi + monoplane flying fish + snook + northern pike + Esox masquinongy + stumpknocker + Trachinotus + genus Trachinotus + pompano + Florida pompano + Trachinotus carolinus + Trachinotus falcatus + Selar crumenophthalmus + Stenotomus + genus Stenotomus + northern porgy + northern scup + Stenotomus chrysops + Stenotomus aculeatus + Sciaenops + genus Sciaenops + Sciaenops ocellatus + northern whiting + Cynoscion + genus Cynoscion + Cynoscion regalis + Cynoscion nebulosus + Atherinopsis + genus Atherinopsis + Atherinopsis californiensis + Lachnolaimus + genus Lachnolaimus + Lachnolaimus maximus + Hemipteronatus novacula + Uranoscopidae + family Uranoscopidae + Chaenopsis + genus Chaenopsis + Chaenopsis ocellata + Poronotus + genus Poronotus + Poronotus triacanthus + California pompano + Eucinostomus + genus Eucinostomus + Eucinostomus gula + ganoin + ganoine + Ganoidei + order Ganoidei + ganoid + ganoid fish + Scorpaenoidea + suborder Scorpaenoidea + scorpaenoid + scorpaenoid fish + Aspidophoroides monopterygius + Prionotus + genus Prionotus + northern sea robin + Prionotus carolinus + Monocanthidae + family Monocanthidae + Monocanthus + genus Monocanthus + Hippoglossus stenolepsis + Cynoglossidae + family Cynoglossidae + Psettichthys melanostichus + piano accordion + acetaminophen + Tylenol + phonograph recording disk + actinometer + actinomycin + allopurinol + aminophylline + aminopyrine + Norvasc + amrinone + Inocor + anodyne + humanoid + anode + anode + astatic galvanometer + astronomical telescope + astronomy satellite + atenolol + Tenormin + athanor + sonometer + baby grand piano + parlor grand piano + parlour grand piano + ballistic galvanometer + novelty + barrel knot + blood knot + ethyl aminobenzoate + nose drops + binoculars + binocular microscope + birchbark canoe + monochrome + nosegay + bowknot + bowline knot + breakfast nook + whatnot + nosepiece + notice board + bullnose + bullnosed plane + burnous + burnoose + burnouse + economy class + cannon + cannon + cannon + cannon + cannonball + cannon ball + cannon cracker + canoe + canopic jar + canopic vase + canopy + canopy + canopy + casino + gambling casino + cenotaph + inglenook + chino + chino + chinoiserie + chronograph + chronometer + chronoscope + clinometer + inclinometer + nose candy + snow + colonoscope + concert piano + nook + crinoline + crinoline + piano damper + declinometer + transit declinometer + dideoxyinosine + didanosine + Lanoxin + domino + domino + domino + doorknob + Dragunov + dreadnought + dronabinol + membranophone + dugout canoe + Enovid + ethchlorvynol + fenoprofen + fenoprofen calcium + fisherman's knot + true lover's knot + truelove knot + Rohypnol + roentgenoscope + nonsense + French knot + galvanometer + novelty shop + gnomon + Gordian knot + governor + grand piano + granny knot + hallucinogen + hallucinogenic drug + crinoline + hotel-casino + casino-hotel + hotel-casino + casino-hotel + iconography + iconoscope + immunogen + immunosuppressant + immunosuppressor + immunosuppressive drug + immunosuppressive + inclinometer + inclinometer + intravenous anesthetic + intravenous pyelogram + innovation + Clioquinol + isoproterenol + Sporanox + Kakemono + kimono + novelty + knob + knob + knob + knobble + knobkerrie + knobkerry + knockabout + knocker + doorknocker + knockoff + knockout drops + knot + knout + Normodyne + Labyrinth of Minos + lanolin + leflunomide + linocut + linocut + linoleum knife + linoleum cutter + Linotype + Linotype machine + lisinopril + loop knot + love knot + lovers' knot + lover's knot + true lovers' knot + true lover's knot + Maginot Line + manometer + manor + manor house + manor hall + Massachusetts Institute of Technology + Matthew Walker knot + Meccano + Meccano set + mechanical piano + Pianola + player piano + menorah + Menorah + metaproterenol + metronome + Micronor + minocycline + Minocin + minor suit + minor tranquilizer + minor tranquillizer + minor tranquilliser + minoxidil + monoamine oxidase inhibitor + monochrome + monocle + monofocal lens implant + monofocal IOL + monolith + monoplane + monopoly board + monorail + monotype + mortise-and-tenon joint + moving-coil galvanometer + piano stool + needlenose pliers + peignoir + ninon + node + nog + nogging + noisemaker + nomogram + nomograph + non-dedicated file server + nonsmoker + nonsmoking car + non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor + nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory + nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug + nontricyclic + nontricyclic drug + nontricyclic antidepressant + nontricyclic antidepressant drug + non-volatile storage + nonvolatile storage + noose + running noose + slip noose + Norfolk jacket + noria + Norinyl + Norlestrin + Nor-Q-D + nortriptyline + nose + nose + nosebag + noseband + nosepiece + nose cone + nose flute + nosepiece + nose ring + nosewheel + nostrum + notch + notebook + notebook computer + notion + notions counter + novel + novillada + novobiocin + nozzle + nose + nondirectional antenna + Norflex + turnout + turnout + outrigger canoe + overhand knot + nostrum + panopticon + panopticon + panorama + panoramic sight + anorak + Parthenon + paternoster + nog + phenoxymethyl penicillin + pennon + pennoncel + penoncel + pennoncelle + phenolphthalein + phenylpropanolamine + phonograph album + phonograph needle + phonograph record + phonograph recording + piano + pianoforte + forte-piano + piano action + piano keyboard + piano wire + anovulatory drug + anovulant + polypropenonitrile + snooker table + north-seeking pole + novocaine + Novocain + prolonge knot + propanolol + Quinora + radio-phonograph + phonograph + reef knot + flat knot + upper cannon + rhinoscope + Norvir + roentgenogram + salinometer + salvinorin + sedative-hypnotic + sedative-hypnotic drug + weaver's knot + turnout + slipknot + noose + Sno-cat + snood + snorkel + schnorkel + schnorchel + snorkel breather + snorkel + snorter + snowball + snowbank + snow bank + snowboard + snowman + snowmobile + snowplow + snowplough + snowshoe + snowsuit + snow thrower + snow blower + snow tire + phenobarbital + phenobarbitone + solenoid + sonogram + sonograph + hypnotic + sordino + spectinomycin + sphygmomanometer + square knot + Stassano furnace + stenograph + stopper knot + Gantanol + Clinoril + surgeon's knot + sword knot + synchronous converter + synchronous motor + synchronoscope + tannoy + tenon + tenor drum + Tenoretic + tenoroon + tetrahydrocannabinol + snow chain + tissue plasminogen activator + Tonocard + tonometer + topknot + tribromoethanol + turnoff + turnout + monocycle + University of North Carolina + upright piano + lower cannon + venogram + Verrazano-Narrows Bridge + notecase + water cannon + watercannon + Norfolk wherry + Windsor knot + common denominator + nonchalance + noticeability + noticeableness + unnoticeableness + unobtrusiveness + normality + inopportuneness + note + monotony + monotony + nonuniformity + nonequivalence + knottiness + atrioventricular nodal rhythm + nodal rhythm + noise + manoeuvrability + obnoxiousness + noisomeness + noxiousness + normality + normalcy + abnormality + indigenousness + novelty + unorthodoxy + nonconformity + unoriginality + ignominiousness + monosemy + noise + no man's land + heinousness + non-discrimination + honor + honour + anomie + anomy + enormity + villainousness + oleaginousness + honorableness + honourableness + honor + honour + nobility + nobleness + noble-mindedness + dishonorableness + dishonourableness + ignobleness + ignobility + dishonor + dishonour + larcenous + innocence + innocency + nonindulgence + snobbery + snobbism + snobbishness + knowledgeability + knowledgeableness + economy + demeanor + demeanour + enormity + chronological age + phenotype + genotype + gelatinousness + glutinosity + glutinousness + nonabsorbency + knot + solferino + melanoderma + nonsolid color + nonsolid colour + noisiness + noiselessness + soprano + tenor + sonorousness + sonority + piano + abdominousness + oleaginousness + exogenous obesity + luminosity + luminousness + chronological sequence + chronological succession + nowness + northernness + noise level + enormousness + enormity + voluminosity + voluminousness + turnover + inordinateness + multitudinousness + minority + snootiness + erogenous zone + mandibular notch + autonomic plexus + plexus autonomici + melanoblast + melanocyte + inosculation + sinus venosus sclerae + venous sinus + cavernous sinus + sinus cavernosus + chignon + node + nodule + innominate bone + glenoid fossa + glenoid cavity + glenoid fossa + sphenoid bone + sphenoid + os sphenoidale + autonomic ganglion + membranous labyrinth + innominate artery + innominate vein + saphenous vein + long saphenous vein + great saphenous vein + short saphenous vein + sternocleidomastoid vein + vena sternocleidomastoidea + sinoatrial node + SA node + atrioventricular node + menorrhea + venous blood + noradrenaline + norepinephrine + adrenocorticotropic hormone + adrenocorticotrophic hormone + adrenocorticotropin + adrenocorticotrophin + synovia + synovial fluid + snot + venous blood vessel + venous blood system + lymph node + node + axillary node + parthenote + nonallele + monocyte + monoblast + eosinophil + eosinophile + mononuclear phagocyte system + Ranvier's nodes + nodes of Ranvier + coronoid process + processus coronoideus + coronoid process of the mandible + arachnoid + arachnoid membrane + subarachnoid space + adenohypophysis + autonomic nervous system + labia minora + adenoid + tonsilla adenoidea + arytenoid + arytaenoid + arytenoid cartilage + cartilaginous structure + cartilaginous tube + noodle + noggin + synovial joint + articulatio synovialis + sphenoid fontanelle + sphenoid fontanel + sphenoidal fontanelle + sphenoidal fontanel + pectoralis minor + musculus pectoralis minor + knocker + saphenous nerve + rhomboid minor muscle + musculus rhomboideus minor + xenograft + sternocleidomastoid + sternocleidomastoid muscle + sternocleido mastoideus + musculus sternocleidomastoideus + teres minor + teres minor muscle + musculus teres minor + olecranon + olecranon process + nose + nozzle + snoot + snout + schnozzle + schnoz + hawk nose + pug nose + Roman nose + hooknose + nostril + physiognomy + synovial membrane + synovium + alpha-adrenoceptor + beta-adrenoceptor + nous + noddle + public knowledge + general knowledge + common knowledge + nous + know-how + nonverbal intelligence + knowingness + Inferno + innovation + innovativeness + novelty + enology + oenology + nose + economy + subnormality + abnormality + unoriginality + binocular vision + monocular vision + nose + honor system + organon + immunofluorescence + normal + point of honor + posthypnotic amnesia + knowingness + unknowingness + hypnotic trance + desire to know + thirst for knowledge + nosiness + snoopiness + snorter + notice + notice + mental note + gnosis + just-noticeable difference + piano music + noise + topognosia + topognosis + knock + diagnostic test + diagnostic assay + immunoassay + immunochemical assay + radioimmunoassay + point of no return + connoisseurship + prognostication + onomancy + non sequitur + knowing + know + self-knowledge + intellectual nourishment + cynosure + noumenon + nook and cranny + nooks and crannies + background knowledge + turnoff + annoyance + notion + Norman architecture + voter turnout + degree of a polynomial + polynomial + multinomial + biquadratic polynomial + quartic polynomial + homogeneous polynomial + monic polynomial + quadratic polynomial + all-or-none law + Bernoulli's law + sine qua non + ignoratio elenchi + uninominal system + uninominal voting system + scrutin uninomial system + scrutin uninominal voting system + manoeuvre + posthypnotic suggestion + notion + notion + tenor + denotation + connotation + keynote + minor role + panorama + preconceived notion + superstitious notion + gymnosophy + nominalism + agnosticism + unorthodoxy + iconoclasm + no-goal + traditional knowledge + ignorance + ignorantness + unknowing + unknowingness + economic theory + knowledge domain + knowledge base + metaknowledge + scientific knowledge + non-Euclidean geometry + spherical trigonometry + minor axis + semiminor axis + trigonometry + norm + nonparametric statistic + age norm + normal distribution + normal curve + ANOVA + nonlinear correlation + nonparametric statistics + binomial + binomial distribution + Bernoulli distribution + binomial theorem + phrenology + endocrinology + immunology + immunochemistry + chemoimmunology + immunopathology + nosology + diagnostics + rhinolaryngology + otorhinolaryngology + agronomy + bionomics + functional genomics + structural genomics + genomics + inorganic chemistry + astronomy + uranology + radio astronomy + selenology + oceanography + oceanology + limnology + volcanology + vulcanology + economic geology + economic geography + technology + biotechnology + ergonomics + biotechnology + recombinant DNA technology + information technology + nanotechnology + abnormal psychology + psychonomics + human language technology + ethnography + paleoethnography + palaeoethnography + ethnology + home economics + economics + economic science + political economy + econometrics + macroeconomics + microeconomics + supply-side economics + criminology + penology + poenology + taxonomy + iconology + chronology + glottochronology + phenomenology + Sinology + phonology + onomastics + toponomy + antinomianism + Monophysitism + Monothelitism + tenor + denominationalism + ethnocentrism + nonpartisanship + denominationalism + panoramic view + unorthodoxy + nonconformity + nonconformism + nonconformance + domino theory + agnosticism + Gnosticism + monotheism + Mennonitism + notepaper + asynchronous transfer mode + monosyllable + monosyllabic word + nonce word + hapax legomenon + synonym + terminology + nomenclature + nominative + nominative case + nonrestrictive clause + noun phrase + nominal phrase + nominal + pronominal phrase + pronominal + noun + noun + collective noun + mass noun + count noun + generic noun + proper noun + common noun + verbal noun + deverbal noun + adnoun + pronoun + anaphoric pronoun + demonstrative pronoun + personal pronoun + reciprocal pronoun + relative pronoun + reflexive pronoun + agnomen + cognomen + praenomen + cognomen + anonym + nom de guerre + misnomer + nom de plume + denomination + Senor + Senora + Senorita + Signora + Signorina + stenography + nonfiction + nonfictional prose + novel + detective novel + mystery novel + dime novel + novelette + novella + interior monologue + prolegomenon + monograph + notice + notebook + onomasticon + synonym finder + book of knowledge + canon + Deuteronomy + Book of Deuteronomy + Paralipomenon + Synoptic Gospels + Synoptics + Paternoster + synopsis + donor card + canon + honours list + chronology + note + nolle prosequi + nol pros + notebook entry + chronological record + nolo contendere + non vult + diagnostic program + connotation + denotatum + nonsense + nonsensicality + nonsense verse + stuff and nonsense + film noir + note + acknowledgment + acknowledgement + good afternoon + afternoon + cynosure + fruit of the poisonous tree + economic policy + glasnost + nonintervention + noninterference + nonaggression + canon + anonymous ftp + anonymous file transfer protocol + planographic printing + planography + honor + honour + honours + honours degree + first-class honours degree + honorary degree + honoris causa + honorable mention + Medal of Honor + Congressional Medal of Honor + antinomy + announcement + pronouncement + denouement + announcement + notice + prognostication + prognosis + minor premise + minor premiss + minor term + snow job + note + annotation + notation + acknowledgment + footnote + nota bene + North Atlantic Treaty + paronomasia + Gordian knot + pons asinorum + toponomy + notice + two-note call + nose + notation + notational system + mathematical notation + positional notation + binary notation + decimal notation + octal notation + duodecimal notation + hexadecimal notation + sexadecimal notation + fixed-point notation + floating-point notation + infix notation + parenthesis-free notation + prefix notation + Lukasiewicz notation + Polish notation + postfix notation + suffix notation + reverse Polish notation + musical notation + piano music + Labanotation + chemical notation + phonogram + monogram + monospaced font + stenograph + keynote + minor scale + minor diatonic scale + soprano clef + tenor clef + minor key + minor mode + note + musical note + segno + passing note + whole note + half note + quarter note + eighth note + sixteenth note + thirty-second note + sixty-fourth note + grace note + tenor + tenor voice + countertenor + mezzo-soprano + soprano + Latino + Latino sine flexione + Nov-Esperanto + Novial + Nov-Latin + indigenous language + Chinook Jargon + Illinois + Menomini + Menominee + Seminole + Nootka + Onondaga + Tanoan + Tanoan language + Diegueno + Costanoan + Chinookan + Chinook + Sino-Tibetan + Sino-Tibetan language + Filipino + Cebuano + Northern + Proto-Norse + Old Norse + Nordic + Norse + North Germanic + North Germanic language + Norwegian + Dano-Norwegian + Nynorsk + New Norwegian + Finno-Ugric + Finno-Ugrian + Non-Ugric + Norman-French + Norman French + Old North French + Anglo-Norman + Ladino + North Dravidian + nontextual matter + electroretinogram + Grand Guignol + monologue + monophony + monophonic music + monody + canon + enigma canon + enigmatic canon + enigmatical canon + riddle canon + piano sonata + nocturne + notturno + threnody + blue note + techno + honorific + note + monotone + monotone + technobabble + epanodos + epanodos + antinomasia + epanorthosis + onomatopoeia + paregmenon + phonological system + phonologic system + noise + snort + snort + nothingness + nothings + sweet nothings + gnome + non-standard speech + monologue + monologue + nonconformity + notification + notice + yes-no question + non sequitur + no + making known + notification + notice + word of honor + denotation + denouncement + keynote + keynote speech + keynote address + nominating speech + nominating address + nomination + renouncement + anomalous communication + telegnosis + psychic phenomena + psychic phenomenon + foreknowledge + Nobel prize + unknown + unknown quantity + nod + wanted notice + International Wanted Notice + Red Notice + nonevent + prognostic + prognostication + denouement + inferno + unknown quantity + knock + Carnot cycle + Carnot's ideal cycle + knock + knocking + noise + snore + runoff + knock + phenomenon + noise + background noise + ground noise + surface noise + white noise + radio noise + intravenous drip + governor's race + campaign for governor + nostalgia + technophobia + annoyance + venom + technophilia + pinole + nourishment + nouvelle cuisine + gastronomy + afternoon tea + nosh + nosh-up + nonpareil + penoche + panoche + panocha + nougat + nougat bar + snowball + snowball + maraschino + maraschino cherry + nonpareil + turnover + apple turnover + genoise + parson's nose + pope's nose + filet mignon + canola oil + canola + knockwurst + grissino + bannock + noodle + egg noodle + gnocchi + granola + granola bar + jalapeno + jalapeno pepper + snow pea + Northern Spy + scuppernong + annon + pignolia + pinon nut + pompano + Northern lobster + Norwegian lobster + chinook salmon + chinook + Nova Scotia lox + Nova lox + Nova Scotia salmon + Nova salmon + Nova style salmon + finocchio + oregano + monosodium glutamate + bourguignon + bourguignon sauce + sauce Espagnole + Espagnole + sauce Espagnole + nonfat dry milk + beurre noisette + beef Bourguignonne + boeuf Bourguignonne + boeuf fondu bourguignon + beef Stroganoff + oenomel + vino + Pinot Chardonnay + Pinot noir + Pinot blanc + Cabernet Sauvignon + Sauvignon blanc + Galliano + maraschino + maraschino liqueur + Pernod + cafe noir + cappuccino + cappuccino coffee + coffee cappuccino + pruno + eggnog + genotype + knot + minority + ethnos + ethnic minority + socio-economic class + Norse mythology + turnout + taxonomic group + taxonomic category + denomination + nongovernmental organization + Alcoholics Anonymous + ANO + Al Qanoon + Revolutionary Organization 17 November + 17 November + Sendero Luminoso + minor-league team + minor-league club + Baptist denomination + Northern Baptist Convention + Methodist denomination + Anabaptist denomination + Mennonite Church + monotype + economics profession + economics department + department of economics + Council of Economic Advisors + Nonproliferation Center + NOAA + Technology Administration + National Institute of Standards and Technology + denomination + Protestant denomination + Augustinian Canons + Hanover + House of Hanover + Hanoverian line + Romanov + Romanoff + North America + European Economic Community + North Atlantic Treaty Organization + koinonia + minor league + minors + Cosa Nostra + Know-Nothing Party + nonsingular matrix + honorary society + Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge + Minoan civilization + Minoan civilisation + Minoan culture + nonalignment + nonalinement + Economic and Social Council + Economic and Social Council commission + Economic Commission for Africa + Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East + Economic Commission for Europe + Economic Commission for Latin America + enosis + North Atlantic Council + Constantinople + First Council of Constantinople + Constantinople + Second Council of Constantinople + Constantinople + Third Council of Constantinople + Constantinople + Fourth Council of Constantinople + synod + technocracy + capitalist economy + black economy + market economy + laissez-faire economy + mixed economy + non-market economy + socialist economy + economy + economic system + managed economy + communist economy + taxonomy + nobility + noblesse + normal school + nondepository financial institution + nonlinear system + monocracy + canon law + genome + panoply + troponomy + art nouveau + Nouvelle Vague + Northern Alliance + PO Box No + North Frigid Zone + ascending node + node + node + antinode + field of honor + equinoctial circle + equinoctial line + equinoctial + equinoctial point + equinox + vernal equinox + autumnal equinox + snow line + descending node + north + northeast + northwest + northland + Northeast + northeastern United States + Northwest + northwestern United States + Pacific Northwest + inferno + ionosphere + Hawaii Volcanoes National Park + North Cascades National Park + no-go area + no man's land + nombril + no-parking zone + north celestial pole + northern hemisphere + North Pole + geosynchronous orbit + anomaly + unknown + unknown region + nook + field of honor + north side + North Temperate Zone + Northwest Passage + north-south direction + Asia Minor + North American country + North American nation + Nova Lisboa + Buenos Aires + Phnom Penh + Pnom Penh + Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region + Nogales + Brno + Porto Novo + Cotonou + northern Europe + Norway + Kingdom of Norway + Norge + Noreg + capital of Norway + Hannover + Hanover + Knossos + Cnossos + Cnossus + Cynoscephalae + Lemnos + Limnos + Ticino + Bolzano + Genoa + Genova + Milano + Torino + Trentino-Alto Adige + Northwest Territories + Nova Scotia + Nova Scotia + Northern Territory + Norfolk Island + Northern Marianas + Northern Mariana Islands + United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland + Northumberland + North Yorkshire + Northamptonshire + Northampton + Northumbria + Northern Ireland + capital of Northern Ireland + Lucknow + Adrianople + Adrianopolis + Nagano + Volcano Islands + Avignon + Grenoble + Basse-Normandie + Lower-Normandy + Haute-Normandie + Upper-Normandy + Nord-Pas-de-Calais + Normandie + Normandy + North Korea + capital of North Korea + Lebanon + capital of Lebanon + North Borneo + Nouakchott + North Island + San Marino + Republic of San Marino + San Marino + capital of San Marino + Nizhnyi Novgorod + Nizhni Novgorod + Novgorod + Novosibirsk + Novaya Zemlya + Nova Zembla + Vilno + Wilno + Kovno + Stalino + Chernobyl + Yekaterinoslav + Logrono + Constantinople + North + North + Nome + Nogales + Fresno + San Bernardino + Nob Hill + Honolulu + Illinois + capital of Illinois + Orono + North Star State + Magnolia State + North Platte + Reno + Verrazano Narrows + North Carolina + Old North State + North Carolina + capital of North Carolina + North Dakota + capital of North Dakota + Chattanooga + Knoxville + Plano + Norfolk + Roanoke + Mount Vernon + Citta del Vaticano + North Vietnam + Hanoi + Northern Rhodesia + Sonoran Desert + Fujinoyama + North Africa + monomania + onomatomania + ammonoid + antineutrino + Arno + Arno River + River Arno + asthenosphere + Canis Minor + Canopus + canon + Alpha Geminorum + Great Plains of North America + Illinois River + nonessential + knoll + Ursa Minor + llano + Llano Estacado + magnetic monopole + mare nostrum + minor planet + monocline + Monongahela + Monongahela River + neutrino + nodule + Norma + normal fault + North America + North Atlantic + North Channel + Northern Cross + North Pacific + North Peak + North Platte + North Platte River + North Sea + Norwegian Sea + nova + Okefenokee Swamp + Orinoco + Orinoco River + ozonosphere + notch + Penobscot + Penobscot River + Penobscot Bay + North Star + virino + Rappahannock + Rappahannock River + snowcap + snowdrift + snowfield + supernova + volcano + volcano + xenolith + abominable snowman + Hypnos + Stheno + Minotaur + Kwannon + Ninigino-Mikoto + gnome + Nox + Juno + Minos + Ouranos + Norse deity + Norn + Agamemnon + Snoopy + anomalist + anomaly + contadino + technologist + enologist + oenologist + innocent + monochromat + nonreligious person + nonworker + persona non grata + Chinook + Conoy + Costanoan + Diegueno + Illinois + Menomini + Menominee + Nootka + Onondaga + Penobscot + Seminole + Sahaptino + Wampanoag + Mennonite + non-Jew + non-Catholic + Hanoverian + Minoan + Norman + North Korean + Latino + Chicano + Mexicano + North American + Norwegian + Norseman + Norse + Nova Scotian + bluenose + Filipino + Norse + Northman + Illinoisan + North Carolinian + North Dakotan + nondrinker + annoyance + agnostic + agnostic + agronomist + albino + alienor + anagnost + bete noire + annotator + announcer + announcer + anointer + anorexic + anorectic + antinomian + cannoneer + assignor + astronomer + uranologist + noncompliant + novillero + blood donor + maid of honor + nosy-parker + nosey-parker + nominee + cannon fodder + canoeist + canon + canonist + Casanova + minor + nobody + nonentity + coloratura soprano + connoisseur + cognoscente + nonconformist + Nonconformist + consignor + countertenor + criminologist + danseur noble + deipnosophist + knocker + diagnostician + nonbeliever + donor + donor + don't-know + wino + economic libertarian + econometrician + econometrist + economist + economic expert + economizer + economiser + endocrinologist + enophile + oenophile + ear-nose-and-throat doctor + otorhinolaryngologist + rhinolaryngologist + gastronome + ethnographer + ethnologist + prognosticator + noncitizen + nominal head + Genoese + gitano + Gnostic + ganof + good-for-nothing + no-account + governor + governor general + guest of honor + guvnor + gymnosophist + Hanoverian + honoree + honor guard + guard of honor + Huguenot + hypnotist + hypnotizer + hypnotiser + iconoclast + iconoclast + monozygotic twin + monozygous twin + do-nothing + ignoramus + know nothing + nonreader + immunologist + inoculator + intervenor + knocker + knocker + knower + know-it-all + know-all + noblewoman + lieutenant governor + limnologist + loose cannon + noble + nobleman + nonstarter + notable + notability + macroeconomist + macroeconomic expert + manoeuvrer + Marrano + matron of honor + nonmember + ladino + mezzo-soprano + microeconomist + microeconomic expert + tenno + military governor + minority leader + minor leaguer + nonpareil + nonesuch + nonsuch + monogamist + monogynist + monolingual + monologist + monomaniac + Monophysite + monopolist + monopolizer + monopoliser + monotheist + Monsignor + Nobelist + Nobel Laureate + NOC + nomad + nominalist + nominator + nonagenarian + noncandidate + noncombatant + noncommissioned officer + noncom + nondescript + nondriver + nonparticipant + nonpartisan + nonpartizan + nonperson + nonreader + nonresident + non-resistant + nonsmoker + normalizer + normaliser + Northern Baptist + Northerner + nosher + no-show + nonattender + no-show + notary + notary public + noticer + noticer + novelist + novice + novitiate + novice + oceanographer + onomancer + organ donor + paranoid + paranoiac + penologist + persona non grata + phonologist + phrenologist + piano player + piano maker + piano teacher + innovator + have-not + pornographer + non-Christian priest + normal dwarf + radio announcer + radiologic technologist + renovator + cenobite + coenobite + Romanov + Romanoff + schnook + shnook + schnorrer + shnorrer + signor + signora + signore + signorina + Sinologist + noctambulist + knockout + snob + snot + snoot + snoop + snooper + snorer + snorter + snowboarder + soprano + sports announcer + stenographer + unknown + subnormal + synonymist + taxonomist + taxonomer + annoyer + technocrat + technocrat + technophile + technophobe + tenor + tenor saxophonist + tenorist + bambino + nob + trigonometrician + piano tuner + tv announcer + television announcer + nonachiever + universal donor + Unknown Soldier + nouveau-riche + Northerner + Anouilh + Jean Anouilh + Monophthalmos + Arnold + Benedict Arnold + Arnold + Matthew Arnold + Arnold of Brescia + Honore Balzac + Honore de Balzac + Bellarmino + Bernoulli + Jakob Bernoulli + Jacques Bernoulli + James Bernoulli + Bernoulli + Johann Bernoulli + Jean Bernoulli + John Bernoulli + Bernoulli + Daniel Bernoulli + Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi + Donato d'Agnolo Bramante + Bruno + Giordano Bruno + Bruno + Saint Bruno + St. Bruno + Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin + Calvino + Italo Calvino + Carnot + Sadi Carnot + Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot + Casanova + Giovanni Jacopo Casanova + Casanova de Seingalt + Giovanni Jacopo Casanova de Seingalt + Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Cherubini + Noam Chomsky + A. Noam Chomsky + Lucius DuBignon Clay + Connolly + Maureen Catherine Connolly + Little Mo Connolly + Connors + Jimmy Conors + James Scott Connors + Noel Coward + Sir Noel Pierce Coward + Cyrano de Bergerac + Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac + Honore Daumier + Duchesse de Valentinois + Domino + Fats Domino + Antoine Domino + Gaetano Donizetti + Stephen Arnold Douglas + Eleonora Duse + Eleanor of Aquitaine + Jean Honore Fragonard + Northrop Frye + Herman Northrop Frye + Arnold Gesell + Arnold Lucius Gesell + Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka + Godunov + Boris Godunov + Boris Fyodorovich Godunov + Gounod + Charles Francois Gounod + Eleanor Gwynn + Eleanor Gwyn + Eleanor Gwynne + Viscount Northcliffe + Sir Walter Norman Haworth + Michinomiya Hirohito + Innocent III + Innocent VIII + Innocent XI + Innocent XII + Ivanov + Lev Ivanov + El Nino + Norman Jewison + Albino Luciano + Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin + Knox + John Knox + Konoe + Fumimaro Konoe + Prince Fumimaro Konoe + Konoye + Fumimaro Konoye + Prince Fumimaro Konoye + Korchnoi + Viktor Korchnoi + Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi + Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov + Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov + Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov + Lennon + John Lennon + Le Notre + Andre Le Notre + Bruno + Bruno of Toul + Gioacchino Pecci + Filippino Lippi + Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky + Maginot + Andre Maginot + Norman Mailer + Maintenon + Marquise de Maintenon + Madame de Maintenon + Kazimir Severinovich Malevich + Malinowski + Bronislaw Malinowski + Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski + Benoit Mandelbrot + Gideon Algernon Mantell + Marciano + Rocco Marciano + Rocky Marciano + Marino + Giambattista Marino + Dino Paul Crocetti + Henri Emile Benoit Matisse + Meiji Tenno + Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev + Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev + Menotti + Gian Carlo Menotti + Honore-Gabriel Victor Riqueti + Amedeo Modigliano + Monod + Jacques Monod + Jacques Lucien Monod + Norma Jean Baker + Noemi + Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus + Noah + Nobel + Alfred Nobel + Alfred Bernhard Nobel + Noether + Emmy Noether + Noguchi + Hideyo Noguchi + Noguchi + Isamu Noguchi + Norman + Greg Norman + Gregory John Norman + Norman + Jessye Norman + Norris + Frank Norris + Benjamin Franklin Norris Jr. + Norrish + Ronald George Wreyford Norrish + North + Frederick North + Northrop + John Howard Northrop + Nostradamus + Michel de Notredame + Noyes + Alfred Noyes + O'Connor + Flannery O'Connor + Mary Flannery O'Connor + Ono + Yoko Ono + Arnold Palmer + Arnold Daniel Palmer + Panofsky + Erwin Panofsky + C. Northcote Parkinson + Cyril Northcote Parkinson + Luciano Pavarotti + Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti + James Knox Polk + Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin + Rachmaninoff + Sergei Rachmaninoff + Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff + Rachmaninov + Sergei Rachmaninov + Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov + Renoir + Pierre Auguste Renoir + Ottorino Respighi + Reynolds + Sir Joshua Reynolds + Edward Vernon Rickenbacker + Lennox Robinson + Esme Stuart Lennox Robinson + Norman Rockwell + Franklin Delano Roosevelt + Eleanor Roosevelt + Anna Eleanor Roosevelt + Giloacchino Antonio Rossini + Henry Norris Russell + Sarnoff + David Sarnoff + Arnold Schonberg + Arnold Schoenberg + Shannon + Claude Shannon + Claude E. Shannon + Claude Elwood Shannon + Nevil Shute Norway + Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky + Simenon + Georges Simenon + Georges Joseph Christian Simenon + Snow + C. P. Snow + Charles Percy Snow + Baron Snow of Leicester + Spinoza + de Spinoza + Baruch de Spinoza + Benedict de Spinoza + Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili + Sukarno + Achmad Sukarno + Algernon Charles Swinburne + Tarantino + Quentin Tarantino + Quentin Jerome Tarantino + Tenzing Norgay + Norman Thomas + Norman Mattoon Thomas + Tiziano Vecellio + Arnold Toynbee + Arnold Joseph Toynbee + Trevino + Lee Trevino + Lee Buck Trevino + Ulanova + Galina Ulanova + Galina Sergeevna Ulanova + Bartolomeo Prignano + Ustinov + Sir Peter Ustinov + Peter Alexander Ustinov + Guiseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi + Verrazano + Giovanni da Verrazano + Verrazzano + Giovanni da Verrazzano + Vinogradoff + Sir Paul Gavrilovich Vinogradoff + Luchino Visconti + Don Luchino Visconti Conte di Modrone + Vizcaino + Sebastian Vizcaino + Bruno Walter + Mary Augusta Arnold Ward + Noah Webster + Alfred North Whitehead + Norbert Wiener + Elinor Morton Hoyt Wylie + Xenophanes + Xenophon + Emiliano Zapata + Zeno + Zeno of Citium + Zeno + Zeno of Elea + Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov + natural phenomenon + chemical phenomenon + domino effect + knock-on effect + geological phenomenon + organic phenomenon + physical phenomenon + xenogenesis + acoustic phenomenon + atmospheric phenomenon + northern lights + venous pressure + chinook + chinook wind + snow eater + northwest wind + northwester + electrical phenomenon + nonparticulate radiation + epiphenomenon + Noah's flood + Noachian deluge + Noah and the Flood + northeaster + noreaster + luminous energy + mechanical phenomenon + north wind + northerly + norther + El Nino + El Nino southern oscillation + North Equatorial Current + optical phenomenon + ionospheric wave + equinoctial storm + snow + snowfall + snow flurry + snowflake + snow mist + frost snow + snowstorm + nonlinear distortion + non-flowering plant + nonvascular plant + nonflowering plant + gymnosperm family + gymnosperm genus + monocot family + liliid monocot family + monocot genus + liliid monocot genus + magnoliopsid family + magnoliid dicot family + magnoliopsid genus + magnoliid dicot genus + Gymnospermae + class Gymnospermae + Gymnospermophyta + division Gymnospermophyta + gymnosperm + progymnosperm + Seminole bread + Lyginopteridales + order Lyginopteridales + Lyginopteris + genus Lyginopteris + Pinopsida + class Pinopsida + Pinophytina + subdivision Pinophytina + knotty pine + pinon + pinon pine + Rocky mountain pinon + Pinus monophylla + northern pitch pine + Pinus resinosa + knobcone pine + cedar of Lebanon + Norway spruce + Athrotaxis selaginoides + Nootka cypress + Chamaecyparis nootkatensis + canoe cedar + northern white cedar + norfolk island pine + Phyllocladus trichomanoides + gymnospermous yellowwood + Prumnopitys + genus Prumnopitys + Prumnopitys ferruginea + Prumnopitys taxifolia + Prumnopitys andina + Prumnopitys elegans + Prumnopitys amara + Magnoliophyta + division Magnoliophyta + Magnoliopsida + class Magnoliopsida + magnoliopsid + Magnoliidae + subclass Magnoliidae + Monocotyledones + class Monocotyledones + Monocotyledonae + class Monocotyledonae + monocot + monocotyledon + gynostegium + gynobase + gynophore + monocarp + monocarpic plant + monocarpous plant + Annonaceae + family Annonaceae + Annona + genus Annona + Annona cherimola + Annona diversifolia + Annona muricata + Annona reticulata + Annona squamosa + Annona glabra + Laurus nobilis + Magnoliaceae + family Magnoliaceae + magnolia family + genus Magnolia + magnolia + magnolia + southern magnolia + evergreen magnolia + large-flowering magnolia + Magnolia grandiflora + umbrella magnolia + Magnolia tripetala + Magnolia fraseri + Magnolia acuminata + large-leaved magnolia + Magnolia macrophylla + saucer magnolia + Chinese magnolia + Magnolia soulangiana + star magnolia + Magnolia stellata + Magnolia virginiana + snowdrop + snowdrop anemone + snowdrop windflower + Leguminosae + family Leguminosae + leguminous plant + touch-me-not + Acacia melanoxylon + Carissa bispinosa + Trachelospermum jasminoides + Vinca minor + Lemna minor + Aralia spinosa + Schefflera actinophylla + Brassaia actinophylla + Hydnoraceae + family Hydnoraceae + Chenopodiales + order-Chenopodiales + snow-in-summer + Diangus gratianopolitanus + Amaranthus spinosus + Chenopodiaceae + family Chenopodiaceae + Chenopodium + genus Chenopodium + Chenopodium album + Chenopodium ambrosioides + Chenopodium bonus-henricus + Chenopodium botrys + Chenopodium capitatum + Chenopodium glaucum + Chenopodium hybridum + Chenopodium murale + Chenopodium rubrum + Chenopodium vulvaria + snowball + genus Echinocactus + echinocactus + Echinocactus grusonii + Echinocereus + genus Echinocereus + Gymnocalycium + genus Gymnocalycium + Knowlton's cactus + Pediocactus knowltonii + Nopalea + genus Nopalea + nopal + nopal + Phytolacca acinosa + Capparis cynophallophora + Capparis spinosa + Stephanomeria + genus Stephanomeria + Stephanomeria malheurensis + Thysanocarpus + genus Thysanocarpus + Meconopsis + genus Meconopsis + Meconopsis betonicifolia + Meconopsis cambrica + Arnoseris + genus Arnoseris + Arnoseris minima + Aster arenosus + Aster linosyris + Linosyris vulgaris + Aster novae-angliae + Aster novi-belgii + nodding thistle + Centaurea gymnocarpa + Chamaemelum nobilis + Anthemis nobilis + Conoclinium + genus Conoclinium + Conoclinium coelestinum + Cotula coronopifolia + Echinops + genus Echinops + Encelia farinosa + Hieracium venosum + Lagenophera + genus Lagenophera + north island edelweiss + Liatris pycnostachya + Lonas inodora + Onopordum + genus Onopordum + Onopordon + genus Onopordon + Onopordum acanthium + Onopordon acanthium + nodding groundsel + Stenotus + genus Stenotus + Stenotus acaulis + northern dune tansy + stemless hymenoxys + Hymenoxys acaulis + Hymenoxys grandiflora + Tripleurospermum inodorum + Matricaria inodorum + Actinomeris + genus Actinomeris + Actinomeris alternifolia + genus Vernonia + vernonia + Campanula aparinoides + Anoectochilus + genus Anoectochilus + Cycnoches + genus Cycnoches + snow orchid + Epidendrum venosum + Encyclia venosa + Gymnadenia conopsea + snowy orchid + Hexalectris warnockii + Phalaenopsis + genus Phalaenopsis + Phalaenopsis amabilis + Ardisia escallonoides + Chionochloa conspicua + Cynodon + genus Cynodon + Cynodon dactylon + Cynodon plectostachyum + Echinochloa + genus Echinochloa + Echinochloa crusgalli + Echinochloa frumentacea + Oryzopsis hymenoides + Paspalum notatum + knotgrass + noble cane + Spartina cynosuroides + Stenotaphrum + genus Stenotaphrum + Stenotaphrum secundatum + Cucumis melo inodorus + touch-me-not + Sida spinosa + green dinosaur + Conospermum + genus Conospermum + Stenocarpus + genus Stenocarpus + Stenocarpus sinuatus + Stenocarpus salignus + madrono + creeping snowberry + Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum + Lennoaceae + family Lennoaceae + Pyrola minor + Monotropaceae + family Monotropaceae + Monotropa + genus Monotropa + Monotropa uniflora + Monotropa hypopithys + snow plant + Castanopsis + genus Castanopsis + Castanopsis chrysophylla + Nothofagus + genus Nothofagus + Nothofagus cuninghamii + Nothofagus dombeyi + Nothofagus menziesii + Nothofagus obliqua + Nothofagus procera + Nothofagus solanderi + Nothofagus truncata + northern pin oak + Quercus prinoides + northern red oak + canoe birch + Alnus glutinosa + Gentianopsis + genus Gentianopsis + Gentianopsis crinita + Gentianopsis detonsa + Gentianopsid procera + Gentianopsis thermalis + Gentianopsis holopetala + Carya illinoensis + Carya illinoinsis + Conocarpus + genus Conocarpus + Conocarpus erectus + snow gum + Eucalyptus fraxinoides + eucalyptus kino + Oenothera + genus Oenothera + Oenothera biennis + Oenothera fruticosa + Oenothera macrocarpa + Calophyllum inophyllum + Hypericum gentianoides + governor's plum + governor plum + Hydnocarpus + genus Hydnocarpus + Taraktagenos + genus Taraktagenos + Taraktogenos + genus Taraktogenos + Hydnocarpus kurzii + Taraktagenos kurzii + Taraktogenos kurzii + Hydnocarpus laurifolia + Hydnocarpus wightiana + hydnocarpus oil + mignonette family + mignonette + dyer's mignonette + Ficus rubiginosa + Aletris farinosa + nodding onion + nodding wild onion + Allium schoenoprasum + snow lily + Hyacinthoides nonscripta + Scilla nonscripta + summer snowflake + Zigadenus venenosus + Zigadenus venenosus gramineus + snow trillium + Nolina + genus Nolina + Nolina microcarpa + Physostigma venenosum + Gymnocladus + genus Gymnocladus + Gymnocladus dioica + Papilionoideae + subfamily Papilionoideae + Butea monosperma + Castanospermum + genus Castanospermum + Cyamopsis tetragonolobus + Dalea spinosa + Desmanthus ilinoensis + Dipogon lignosus + Dolichos lignosus + Lotus tetragonolobus + Lupinus subcarnosus + nonesuch clover + Onobrychis + genus Onobrychis + Onobrychis viciifolia + Onobrychis viciaefolia + Ononis + genus Ononis + Ononis repens + Ononis spinosa + Ormosia monosperma + snow pea + Psophocarpus tetragonolobus + kino + East India kino + Malabar kino + kino gum + Serenoa + genus Serenoa + Serenoa repens + St.-Bruno's-lily + Limnobium + genus Limnobium + Limnodium spongia + Potamogeton nodosus + Chaenomeles + genus Chaenomeles + Chaenomeles japonica + Chaenomeles speciosa + Crataegus monogyna + maraschino cherry + Prunus spinosa + Rubus loganobaccus + Rubus ursinus loganobaccus + Northern dewberry + West Indian snowberry + Northern bedstraw + Northern snow bedstraw + Gardenia jasminoides + snowberry + common snowberry + touch-me-not + Citrus nobilis + Sonora gum + Cliftonia monophylla + Norway maple + Acer platanoides + Bumelia lanuginosa + snowbell + Japanese snowbell + Texas snowbell + Texas snowbells + snowdrop tree + Sarracenia minor + Cunoniaceae + family Cunoniaceae + cunonia family + Hydrangea anomala + Saxifraga hypnoides + northern Jacob's ladder + evening-snow + Bignoniaceae + family Bignoniaceae + bignoniad + Bignonia + genus Bignonia + Bignonia capreolata + cape forget-me-not + cape forget-me-not + Cynoglossum + genus Cynoglossum + Chinese forget-me-not + Cynoglossum amabile + Cynoglossum officinale + Cynoglossum virginaticum + garden forget-me-not + forget-me-not + Onosmodium + genus Onosmodium + Cuscuta gronovii + Phacelia minor + Acinos + genus Acinos + Acinos arvensis + Satureja acinos + Clinopodium grandiflorum + Clinopodium + genus Clinopodium + Clinopodium vulgare + Solenostemon blumei + Solenostemon scutellarioides + Leonotis + genus Leonotis + Leonotis leonurus + Leonotis nepetaefolia + Leonotis nepetifolia + oregano + knotted marjoram + Monarda clinopodia + Salvia divinorum + Solenostemon + genus Solenostemon + innocense + poisonous nightshade + Solanum melanocerasum + Capsicum annuum conoides + jalapeno + Cestrum nocturnum + Physalis pruinosa + snow-on-the-mountain + snow-in-summer + knob celery + Conopodium + genus Conopodium + Conopodium denudatum + Hymenophyllaceae + family Hymenophyllaceae + Hymenophyllum + genus Hymenophyllum + Hymenogastrales + order Hymenogastrales + Gymnomycota + division Gymnomycota + Peronosporales + order Peronosporales + Peronosporaceae + family Peronosporaceae + Peronospora + genus Peronospora + Peronospora tabacina + Peronospora destructor + Peronospora hyoscyami + Lechanorales + order Lechanorales + Lecanoraceae + family Lecanoraceae + genus Lecanora + lecanora + Hymenomycetes + class Hymenomycetes + poisonous parasol + Clitocybe inornata + Pyrenomycetes + class Pyrenomycetes + Disciotis venosa + Nigroporus vinosus + Phylloporus boletinoides + snow mushroom + Gymnosporangium + genus Gymnosporangium + Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae + Hygrophorus inocybiformis + Gymnopilus + genus Gymnopilus + Gymnopilus spectabilis + Gymnopilus validipes + Gymnopilus ventricosus + Ustilaginoidea + genus Ustilaginoidea + Ustilaginoidea virens + nonvascular organism + nodule + gynoecium + poisonous plant + lignosae + gymnospermous tree + internode + Pinot + Pinot grape + Pinot noir + Pinot blanc + Sauvignon grape + Cabernet Sauvignon grape + Sauvignon blanc + Parthenocissus + genus Parthenocissus + Parthenocissus tricuspidata + Parthenocissus quinquefolia + node + leaf node + Dicranopteris + genus Dicranopteris + genus Lecanopteris + lecanopteris + Solanopteris + genus Solanopteris + Solanopteris bifrons + Stenochlaena + genus Stenochlaena + Athyrium pycnocarpon + Diplazium pycnocarpon + Gymnocarpium + genus Gymnocarpium + Gymnocarpium dryopteris + northern oak fern + Gymnocarpium robertianum + Onoclea struthiopteris + Onoclea + genus Onoclea + Onoclea sensibilis + northern holly fern + northern woodsia + Anogramma + genus Anogramma + Anogramma leptophylla + Cheilanthes lanosa + Pityrogramma calomelanos + Pityrogramma calomelanos aureoflava + Sphenopsida + class Sphenopsida + Parathelypteris novae-boracensis + Dryopteris noveboracensis + Phegopteris hexagonoptera + Dryopteris hexagonoptera + Thelypteris hexagonoptera + northern beech fern + Hoya carnosa + genus Stephanotis + stephanotis + Stephanotis floribunda + tree of knowledge + no man's land + manor + signory + economic aid + non-cash expense + honorarium + nominal damages + economic rent + nonpayment + nonremittal + nonpayment + nonremittal + minor expense + nominal value + no-par-value stock + no-par stock + noncallable bond + no fault insurance + no fault automobile insurance + nondiscretionary trust + note + government note + bank note + banknote + Federal Reserve note + Treasury note + c-note + nickel note + note + promissory note + note of hand + demand note + note receivable + note payable + economic value + municipal note + time note + anovulation + asynchronous operation + cenogenesis + kenogenesis + caenogenesis + cainogenesis + kainogenesis + economic consumption + economic growth + economic process + ionophoresis + fibrinolysis + gynogenesis + immunoelectrophoresis + menorrhagia + hypermenorrhea + monogenesis + nocturia + nocturnal emission + nondevelopment + nondisjunction + nosedive + oligomenorrhea + parthenocarpy + parthenogenesis + parthenogeny + parthenogenesis + parthenogeny + pinocytosis + precession of the equinoxes + synchronous operation + enough + normality + no. + luminous flux unit + luminous intensity unit + nanovolt + astronomy unit + Astronomical Unit + nanometer + nanometre + knot + Norwegian monetary unit + Norwegian krone + boliviano + North Korean monetary unit + North Korean won + nanogram + denominator + common denominator + nothing + nought + aleph-nought + nose + trigonometric function + synonymy + synonymity + synonymousness + signal-to-noise ratio + signal-to-noise + signal/noise ratio + signal/noise + employee turnover + turnover rate + turnover + north + due north + northward + north by east + north + magnetic north + compass north + north northeast + nor'-nor'-east + northeast by north + northeast + nor'-east + northeastward + northeast by east + east northeast + east by north + west by north + west northwest + northwest by west + northwest + nor'-west + northwestward + northwest by north + north northwest + nor'-nor'-west + north by west + north + northeast + northwest + chronology + norm + conoid + nonagon + knot + true anomaly + node + knob + notch + node + noise conditions + nomination + no-win situation + nonbeing + nonexistence + nonentity + nonoccurrence + monogamy + monogamousness + monogyny + serial monogamy + immunological disorder + immunocompetence + immunodeficiency + immunosuppression + brownout + innocence + innocence + autonomy + autonomy + non-issue + asthenopia + anorchism + anorchidism + anorchia + pavor nocturnus + nonrapid eye movement sleep + nonrapid eye movement + hypnosis + self-hypnosis + somnolence + anoestrus + anoestrum + ravenousness + undernourishment + malnourishment + anoxia + anemic anoxia + anoxic anoxia + ischemic anoxia + stagnant anoxia + normothermia + anorexia + astereognosis + tactile agnosia + anorgasmia + adenosis + anorexia nervosa + monogenic disorder + monogenic disease + mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome + pycnosis + pyknosis + carcinomatous myopathy + periarteritis nodosa + polyarteritis nodosa + epilepsia minor + epilepsia minor + vaccinia gangrenosa + atopognosia + atopognosis + monorchism + monorchidism + anorthography + anorthopia + nonfluent aphasia + nominal aphasia + anomic aphasia + anomia + agnosia + auditory agnosia + visual agnosia + aortic stenosis + enterostenosis + laryngostenosis + pulmonary stenosis + pyloric stenosis + rhinostenosis + stenosis + mitral stenosis + mitral valve stenosis + nephrocalcinosis + hypoadrenocorticism + adenopathy + hyperadrenocorticism + non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus + non-insulin-dependent diabetes + variola minor + severe combined immunodeficiency + severe combined immunodeficiency disease + gonorrhea + gonorrhoea + infectious mononucleosis + mononucleosis + mono + pneumonoconiosis + genetic abnormality + deuteranopia + protanopia + tetartanopia + tritanopia + monochromacy + monochromatism + monochromatic vision + monochromia + monochromasy + clinocephaly + clinocephalism + clinodactyly + drepanocytic anemia + drepanocytic anaemia + afibrinogenemia + congenital afibrinogenemia + nonsocial infection + eosinopenia + hemoglobinopathy + haemoglobinopathy + nonthrombocytopenic purpura + avitaminosis + hypovitaminosis + hypervitaminosis + mental abnormality + nanophthalmos + adenomyosis + mononeuropathy + multiple mononeuropathy + noli-me-tangere + noma + Arnold-Chiari deformity + lichtenoid eczema + erythema nodosum + erythema nodosum leprosum + keratonosis + keratosis blennorrhagica + keratoderma blennorrhagica + melanosis + adenomatous polyp + adenoma + nonmalignant tumor + nonmalignant tumour + nonmalignant neoplasm + embryonal carcinosarcoma + carcinoid + carcinosarcoma + fibroadenoma + lymphadenoma + lymphadenopathy + carcinoma + squamous cell carcinoma + monocytic leukemia + monocytic leukaemia + monoblastic leukemia + monoblastic leukaemia + adenomyosarcoma + adenocarcinoma + glandular carcinoma + carcinoma in situ + embryonal carcinoma + endometrial carcinoma + neurinoma + retinoblastoma + hepatocarcinoma + hepatocellular carcinoma + oat cell carcinoma + small cell carcinoma + prostatic adenocarcinoma + seminoma + melanoma + malignant melanoma + actinomycosis + cervicofacial actinomycosis + normal tension glaucoma + keratonosus + retinopathy + diabetic retinopathy + thoracic actinomycosis + abdominal actinomycosis + balanoposthitis + bull nose + aminoaciduria + monocytosis + ochronosis + rhinotracheitis + zoonosis + zoonotic disease + black knot + vaginocele + amenorrhea + amenorrhoea + cyanosis + acrocyanosis + primary amenorrhea + secondary amenorrhea + Noonan's syndrome + gangrenous emphysema + dysmenorrhea + primary dysmenorrhea + secondary dysmenorrhea + odynophagia + jejunoileitis + monoplegia + trichinosis + myositis trichinosa + venous thrombosis + synovitis + tenonitis + tenosynovitis + tendosynovitis + tendonous synovitis + opisthotonos + monostotic fibrous dysplasia + adenomegaly + splenomegaly + dyspnoea + nosebleed + hallucinosis + arachnophobia + gynophobia + hypnophobia + phonophobia + cynophobia + satanophobia + xenophobia + endogenous depression + exogenous depression + rhinopathy + rhinophyma + toper's nose + brandy nose + rum nose + potato nose + hammer nose + copper nose + paranoia + paranoid schizophrenia + paranoic type schizophrenia + annoyance + acknowledgment + acknowledgement + anomie + anomy + renovation + post-menopause + nobility + noblesse + ennoblement + note + anonymity + nowhere + honor + honour + renown + notoriety + dishonor + dishonour + ignominy + monopoly + monopoly + monopsony + echinococcosis + nothingness + congenital anomaly + congenital abnormality + spinocerebellar disorder + hard knocks + economic condition + economic crisis + normality + normalcy + abnormality + abnormalcy + anoxemia + chromosomal anomaly + chrosomal abnormality + monosomy + subnormality + anomaly + anomalousness + pycnodysostosis + nanocephaly + carbon monoxide poisoning + nonbiodegradable pollution + noise pollution + immunogenicity + eosinophilia + pollinosis + anosmia + anopia + hemianopia + hemianopsia + quadrantanopia + snowblindness + snow-blindness + hemianopic scotoma + knock-knee + nongonococcal urethritis + rhinorrhea + rhinosporidiosis + nonspecific urethritis + ureterostenosis + actinoid + actinon + antiknock + ethanoyl group + ethanoyl radical + ethanoic acid + ethanoate + propanone + amino acid + aminoalkanoic acid + chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile + chloroacetophenone + enol + essential amino acid + gamma aminobutyric acid + iodoamino acid + alpha-linolenic acid + hexacosanoic acid + monobasic acid + 2-methylpropenoic acid + amino + amino group + aminomethane + non-ionic detergent + carbon nanotube + nanotube + noble gas + argonon + lanthanoid + lanthanon + noble metal + nonmetal + barium monoxide + nobelium + No + xenon + arsenopyrite + carnotite + greenockite + monomer + methanol + resinoid + Sonora lac + adenosine + adenosine deaminase + adenosine monophosphate + adenosine diphosphate + adenosine triphosphate + daminozide + ethanol + isopropanol + ergonovine + carotenoid + actinolite + aminoalkane + pentanoic acid + monounsaturated fatty acid + heptadecanoic acid + ricinoleic acid + fibrinopeptide + aminobenzoic acid + amino plastic + aminoplast + amino resin + norethindrone + norethindrone acetate + norethandrolone + Norlutin + norethynodrel + norgestrel + adrenosterone + Estronol + mestranol + spironolactone + aminobenzine + urobilinogen + stercobilinogen + arsenous anhydride + arsenous oxide + phenothiazine + butanone + butanol + butanoic acid + calcium octadecanoate + decanoic acid + hexanoic acid + carcinogen + diethylaminoethyl cellulose + phenol + carbon monoxide + carbon monoxide gas + monoamine neurotransmitter + ethanoyl chloride + chernozemic soil + bituminous coal + lanolin + nonconductor + methyl phenol + cyanogen + cyano group + cyano radical + cyanohydrin + cyclohexanol + cyclohexanol phthalate + deoxyadenosine monophosphate + deoxycytidine monophosphate + deoxyguanosine monophosphate + deoxythymidine monophosphate + noncoding DNA + mono-iodotyrosine + docosahexaenoic acid + sinopis + sinopia + sinoper + eicosapentaenoic acid + propanoic acid + anorthite + flavonoid + guano + butea kino + Bengal kino + kino + gum kino + kino gum + phenolic resin + phenolic + phenoplast + inoculant + inoculum + inorganic compound + inosine + inositol + dodecanoic acid + 1-dodecanol + linoleic acid + linolic acid + linolenic acid + linoleum + lino + monoamine + monoamine oxidase + monohydrate + monosaccharide + monosaccharose + monoxide + tetradecanoic acid + organophosphate + organophosphate nerve agent + hexadecanoic acid + para aminobenzoic acid + pepsinogen + phenolic plastic + phenolic urea + inorganic phosphate + fibrinolysin + plasminogen + plasminogen activator + bromophenol blue + bromphenol blue + tetrabromo-phenolsulfonephthalein + resorcinolphthalein + phenol + propanol + propenoate + propenoic acid + propenonitrile + quinone + benzoquinone + pheno-safranine + raffinose + resorcinol + rotenone + stannous fluoride + notepad + fibrinogen + albuminoid + agglutinogen + isoagglutinogen + monoclonal antibody + monoclonal + immunoglobulin + immunoglobulin A + immunoglobulin D + immunoglobulin E + immunoglobulin G + immunoglobulin M + tetanus immunoglobulin + poisonous substance + venom + kokoi venom + snake venom + snow + corn snow + octadecanoic acid + nonsteroid + nonsteroidal + deoxyadenosine + deoxyguanosine + guanosine + melanocyte-stimulating hormone + aminotransferase + aminopherase + triamcinolone + trypsinogen + ubiquinone + retinol + dehydroretinol + cyanocobalamin + pteroylmonoglutamic acid + naphthoquinone + phylloquinone + bioflavinoid + pine knot + knot + knothole + xenotime + nowadays + now + here and now + Cenozoic + Cenozoic era + note value + nonce + minority + nonage + menopause + November 5 + minor fast day + forenoon + noon + twelve noon + high noon + noonday + noontide + afternoon + midafternoon + 11 November + Holy Innocents' Day + Innocents' Day + November 1 + November 2 + Noel + November 11 + anomalistic year + astronomical year + equinoctial year + synodic month + anomalistic month + November + Nov + mid-November + equinox + vernal equinox + March equinox + spring equinox + autumnal equinox + September equinox + fall equinox + Noruz + Nowruz + Nowrooz + none + canonical hour + nones + nanosecond + technological revolution + meno mosso + metronome marking + luminous flux + novitiate + noviciate +
352 OLD_HSK English word(s): understand/ know not as good as/ better to 1. used at the end of a sentence to denote one´sigh or certainty 2. used at the end of an interrogative sentence 3. used in a sentence as a pause different/ not the same not have/ there is not/ not now/ at present/ today need not book/ notebook not have/ there is not/ not understand/ know/ find out be enough/ be up to/ reach/ quite (particle forming a plural pronoun) again/ not … until/ then and only then introduce/ recommend/ let know a moment ago/ just now today/ present/ now make a sound/ ring/ noisy/ loud noodles pay attention to/ take notice of know/ be aware of/ realize knowledge small/ little/ petty/ minor/ young famous/ well-known tell/ let know snow other/ another 1.put a dot 2.touch on very briefly, skim 3.nod, move very briefly 4. drip 5. check one by one 6. select, choose 7. light, burn economy/ income/ economical forenoon/ morning your honorable family name not/ no not bad/ pretty good/ correct not only technology/ skill/ technique afternoon noon/ midday north north/ north side this/ this moment/ now soon/ not long after notify/ give notice/ notice/ circular know/ grasp/ understand knock recognize/ know huge/ enormous not yet notable/ marked/ remarkable nutrition/ nourishment be not allowed/ must not appearance/ phenomenon not sure economize/ save no use economize at ordinary times/ in normal times from now on nose lose no time/ at once not a bit have no (sth.) notes have no use for nowadays/ now abandon/ give up/ renounce there's not enough time amateur/ not professional normal/ regular just in time/ just right/ just enough be familiar with/ know well just now from now on admit/ recognize/ acknowledge for nothing not have/ there is not/ not declare/ announce famous/ well-known no matter what informal note there's no lack of know realize/ know through experience/ experience used to denote sigh or certainty one after another a mountainous area learning/ knowledge/ scholarship novel/ fiction one after another/ in succession northwest nothing left glory/ honor naïve/ innocent big gun/ canon up to now/ to this day/ so far minority/ few often/ more often than not make known/ report/ speech/ lecture monotonous/ dull need not/ not have to not very/ not often unusual/ abnormal non-staple food as expected/ really sure enough link/ join/ one after another no matter/ regardless of take notes/ record north not only northeast north north though/ not only since/ as/ now that free/ idle/ not busy one after another/ in succession/ in a row not … but … not-necessarily/ may not/ perhaps not nutritional-material/ nutriment/ nourishment dangerous/ perilous/ sinister/ vicious/ venomous now-made/ ready-made cancer, carcinoma save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge not good/ inferior/ second/ next renounce anger or resentment through understanding can't help/ cannot but not mind/ not care flawless/ really good/ it goes without saying/ no doubt not so good/ not particularly good/ pretty bad dry/ droughty/ not related to water secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor honored and fortunate be not limited to/ be more than/ not stop not only/ not merely fight/ contest with/ make animals fight/ denounce not enough/ insufficient/ inadequate 1. tie, knit, knot, weave 2. congeal form notice/ bulletin/ edict if-not/ otherwise/ or else/ or if-not-so/ otherwise/ or else/ or if-not-be/ if the fact weren't that/ hadn't/ shouldn't jump-leap/ vying with one another/ enthusiastic/ eager leisurely/ calm/ plentiful/ sufficient/ enough mixed-record/ magazine/ journal/ random notes/ hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known each other/ one another go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- wrong/ mistaken/ erroneous/ non- destroy/ smash/ wreck/ knock out/ devastate local/ indigenous/ native/ crude/ rustic/ unfashionable upright-normal/ decent/ respectable/ formal/ serious government finance/ public economy one-one/ one by one/ one after another today/ this day/ present/ now loud-bright/ loud and clear/ sonorous/ resonant revere-respect/ respect/ value/ esteem/ honor it is true/ admittedly/ no doubt/ indeed/ certainly governor of a province/ premier of a province for nothing/ in vain/ to no purpose nonsense/ superfluous words/ foolish discourse so as not to/ so as to avoid nothing-compare/ incomparable/ unsurpassed no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class barely enough/ reluctant/ force sb. to do sth./ manage no-way/ have no way/ be incapable/ be unable disorderly/ chaotic/ unorganized/ promiscuous nothing-could-make-what/ be helpless why is it necessary to/ there is no need to from beginning coming towards now/ always/ all along no-matter-like-what/ in any case/ in any event/ at any rate running water/ turnover (of a shop) lose/ no longer possess/ miss/ let slip no-feeling/ unfeeling/ heartless/ merciless/ ruthless noble/ lofty/ sublime no wonder/ so that's why/ put no blame on not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of poor person/ have-not/ pauper/ the poor/ the destitute no-what-say/ be indifferent/ not care/ cannot be called know/ realize/ be aware of/ inform/ notify/ tell no-doubt/ undoubted/ beyond doubt/ unquestionable notify/ warn/ greet sb./ say hello knowledge-realization-member-person/ intellectual monopolize (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) oh (I have just noticed/ I have just realized) (used to connect the modifier and the noun modified) oh (that's why/ now I understand) greatly/ enormously mountainous area/ hilly topography have-two-feats/ know a few tricks of the trade have-limit/ limited/ finite/ not many in number bully-humiliate/ insult/ affront/ humiliate/ dishonor clear/ plain/ explicit/ sensible/ understand/ see/ know (of aircraft; rocket; economy; business; etc.) take off decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship cannot say for sure/ maybe/ perhaps hate that one cannot/ really want to snow-flower/ snowflake direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination innovate/ improve/ innovation another place/ elsewhere science and technology wrongly written or mispronounced character troublesome/ knotty/ bothersome bare/ be naked/ wear nothing/ glorify/ bring honor to luster/ splendor/ brilliance/ gloss/ honorable/ glorious visit as an honorable guest pointing-mark/ index/ target/ quota/ norm/ indicator exactly/ right/ cannot agree more/ tell me about it celestial-phenomena/ astronomy rule/ manner/ custom/ decent/ conforming to norms onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting only-must/ be obliged to/ have to/ have no choice but agency/ commission/ act for another ignore/ overlook/ neglect/ disregard talk nonsense/ drivel honored guest/ distinguished guest fore-announce/ announce in advance/ advance notice only/ nothing but/ all/ all the time become blind/ groundlessly/ to no purpose/ aimlessly common sense/ general knowledge report/ announce/ declare wrong-mistreat/ treat unjustly/ wrong/ not worthwhile corner/ nook/ remote place be willing to part with; spend; or use/ not grudge onomatopoetic word for noisy running water (political; economic or military) force/ power/ influence vacate/ leave empty or blank/ vacant/ unoccupied yes or no/ whether or not/ if common-frequent/ usual/ general/ normal not right/ wrong/ incorrect make public/ promulgate/ announce/ publicize manner of speaking/ tone/ connotation/ implication not enough/ insufficient/ inadequate have no consideration for/ have no regard for change from one state or stage to another innovate/ innovation/ creativity/ fresh idea vexed/ annoyed/ trouble/ be tired of/ be fed up vanish/ disappear/ not see/ not meet not necessarily/ not likely present time/ contemporary age/ nowadays cannot help/ cannot refrain from. bill/ note/ paper currency unknowingly/ unawares blind/ lack of knowledge; understanding; and so on this-moment/ now/ at present/ at the moment cannot/ should not/ must not cannot help/ unable to bear identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) raise/ fly/ throw up and scatter/ spread/ make known at will/ at discretion/ no matter (how; what; etc.) vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern self-administer/ exercise autonomy/ self-govern it's difficult to blame/ it's hardly a surprise/ no wonder self-administer-area/ autonomous region not allow faithful/ honor now and then notarization not spare/ not hesitate governor widely known diagnose now/ this moment have no food and clothes not suitable/ inadvisable ridiculous/ nonsensical unconsciously/ unknowingly honor/ glory have no idea not to such an extent as to Sinology in normal times/ as everyone knows/ it is common knowledge that in no case/ in no way attend as a nonvoting delegate nasal mucus/ snot enough paddle one's own canoe be well-matched in social and economic status be not worth the candle/ get more kicks than halfpence for fear that/ so as not to no problem auspicious snow finance and economics knob be known as notice/ information piano have no time to attend to the matter honorific title noise/ sound heed/ notice all along/ then as now have no way editorial note nothing but/ no more than now and then/ a little while have nothing to say no comment honorable/ noble noise note/ annotation note/ annotation attempt and accomplish nothing lose efficacy/ be no longer in force nominate/ name no effective have no intention denominator ignorant volcano be sharp-tongued but not malicious be perfect in every way/ leave nothing to be desired venomous not from time to time/ now … now … laity/ nonprofessional snow-white knock big gun/ cannon announcement largely identical but with minor difference call/ nominate nothing more noon enormous not so know no a brief in formal note ignore/ overlook renovate/ renew original/ novel noble consider everyone beneath one's notice minority neither haughty not humble make know to lower levels memo/ note should not not worth mentioning/ inconsiderable have no alternative but to circular/ circulate a notice announce/ notify not understand abnormal conspicuous/ noticeable to the teeth/ under one's nose of world known/ world-famous one after another/ in quick succession
352 OLD_HSK French word(s): petite
352 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s): pequeño
352 OLD_HSK Italian word(s): piccolo
352 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ตอนนี้ ไม่จำเป็นต้อง เข้าใจ , ตระหนักถึง แนะนำให้คุณรู้จักกับ วันนี้ ดัง รู้ , ทราบ เล็ก เล่า หิมะ สั่ง ไม่ เที่ยง , ตอนเที่ยง เหนือ ไม่แน่ใจว่า จมูก ปกติ อย่างไรก็ตาม นิยาย , นวนิยาย จริง ๆ ไม่เพียง...แต่ เข้าใจ , ชัดเจน ไปออก / บินขึ้น ว่าง ว่า เปียโน
352 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s): pieni romaani

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** JIE1 verbinden/empfangen
* ** ER4 zwei
* ** join, connect / continuous / even
*** SAN1 drei

ไม่เพียงแต่... 不但 not only…
เศรษฐศาสตร์ 经济 economics
เศรษฐกิจ 经济 economy
ดาราศาสตร์ Astronomy
เศรษฐศาสตร์ 经济学 Economics
บ่าย 下午 afternoon, p.m.
เที่ยงวัน 中午 noon
เดี๋ยวนี้ ตอนนี้ 如今 nowadays; now
พฤศจิกายน 十一月 November
นักร้อง ดารา 歌星 Singer stars; Not yet completed
กว่างซี (เขตปกครองตนเอง) 广西 Guangxi (Autonomous Region)
จมูก 鼻子 nose
รูจมูก 鼻孔 Nostril
ขนจมูก 鼻毛 Nose hair
ขี้มูก 青鼻涕 Snot
น้ำมูก 青鼻涕 Snot
ผงชูรส 谷氨酸钠(味精) monosodium glutamate (MSG)
โน๊ตบุ๊ค 笔记本 notebook
หม่นหมอง หน้าไม่รับแขก 忧郁的脸是不是生活 Melancholy face is not living.
ไม่มีน้ำใจ 没有精神 No spirit
เปียโน 钢琴 piano
หิมะ snow
ทางทิศเหนือ north
ทางทิศเหนือ 北方 north
ด้านเหนือ 北边 north side
ทางทิศเหนือ 北部 north
ทางทิศเหนือ 北面 north
ตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ 东北 northeast
ภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ 东北 the Northeast
ตะวันตกเฉียงเหนือ 西北 Northwest
โมโนโซเดียมกลูตาเมต (ผงชูรส) 味精 monosodium glutamate (MSG)
สมุดบันทึก 本子 notebook
ก๋วยเตี๋ยวผัด 炒面 stir-fried noodles
บะหมี่ผัด 炒面 fried noodles
เกี๊ยวหวานทำจากแป้งข้าวเหนียว 元宵 sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour
อเมริกาเหนือ 北美洲 North America
ไม่ดี 不好 not good
คำลงท้าย (ไหม/ หรือเปล่า) (interrogative particle for question expecting yes-no answer)
ไม่ not; no
รู้จัก 认识 to know (somebody)
ไม่อาจ ไม่สามารถ 不可以 may not, can not
นามสกุลอันมีเกียรติของคุณคืออะไร 贵姓 What's your honorable surname?
ไม่จำเป็นต้อง 不用 need not
ตอนนี้ 现在 now
บะหมี่วันเกิด, บะหมี่อายุยืน 寿面 birthday noodles, longevity noodles
ก๋วยเตี๋ยว noodles
หนังสือและโน๊ตบุ๊ค books and notebooks
สามารถ know how to, can
ไม่สามารถ 不能 may not, can not
ไม่ (ปฏิเสธแสดงความเจียมเนื้อเจียมตัว) 哪里 no (expresses modest denial)
นำเอา หรือแสดงการเน้น (denoting the disposal of something)
ไม่อนุญาต; ไม่ได้ 不行 not be allowed; won't do
ไม่เลว 不错 not bad
มีชีวิตชีวา; คึกคักกับเสียงและความตื่นเต้น 热闹 lively; bustling with noise and excitement
ไม่ได้มาตรฐาน ขาดไป not up to standard; poor; bad
หนังสือแจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้า 通知单 advice note; letter of notice
แจ้ง; แจ้งประกาศ 通知 notify; inform/notification
นวนิยาย 小说 novel; fiction
ไม่ดี 不怎么样 not so good
หิมะตก 下雪 to snow
ไม่เพียง แต่ 不但 not only
เทคโนโลยี ทักษะ 技术 technology; skill
ปกติ 正常 normal; regular
เคาะ ชนกัน knock; collide
คึกคักกับเสียง ความตื่นเต้น 热闹 bustling with noise and excitement
ระเบ็ง noisy
สาวกไม่จำเป็นต้องเป็นรองครูผู้สอน 弟子不必不如师 disciples are not necessarily inferior to teachers
ไม่จำเป็นต้อง 不必 not necessarily
ครูผู้สอนไม่จำเป็นต้องมีความสามารถมากกว่าสาวก 师不必贤于弟子 teachers are not necessarily more capable than disciples
จะดีเท่า 不如 to be not as good as; to be inferior to
ซึ่งกันและกัน 互相 mutually; one another
เคาะ beat; knock on
องค์ความรู้ 知识 knowledge
เทคโนโลยีใหม่และทันสมัย 高新技术 new and advanced technology
ให้ทำ; ไม่เลวเกินไป 凑合 make do; not too bad
ดีกว่าบางอย่าง แต่ไม่ดีเท่าคนอื่น ๆ 比上不足比下有余 better than some, but not as good as others fairing to middle
พอ, เพียงพอ / เพียงพอและเหมาะสม enough, sufficient/be adequate
บันทึก; ประหยัด 节约 save; economize
ละเมอ 梦话 words spoken while sleeping; nonsense
เศรษฐกิจสินค้า 商品经济 commodity economy
พระสงฆ์เคาะประตูใต้แสงจันทร์ 僧敲月下门 a monk knocks on a gate under the moonlight
เคาะ knock
เคารพ; เกียรติ 尊敬 respect; honor
ซินเจียง (เขตปกครองตนเองของจีน) 新疆 Xinjiang (autonomous region of China)
ไปเคาะที่ประตู 敲门 to knock at the door
ไม่เพียง แต่ 不只 not only
ไม่ว่า (สิ่ง, วิธีการ ฯลฯ ) 不管 no matter (what, how, etc.)
การออกเสียง 发音 to pronounce
ไม่น่าแปลกใจ; เพื่อที่ว่าทำไม 怪不得 no wonder; so that's why
ให้พอดีขึ้น; ได้ตกแต่ง 装修 to fit up; to renovate
ไม่ว่าสิ่ง, วิธีการ ฯลฯ 无论 no matter what, how, etc.
พูดคุยเรื่องไร้สาระ 胡说 to talk nonsense
ตั้งแต่; เป็น; ตอนนี้ที่ 既然 since; as; now that
ส่วนน้อย 小部分 minority
ทำความเข้าใจ; ทราบ 懂得 to understand; to know
丁克家庭 family with double income and no kids
丁克 double income and no kids ("DINK")
จากเวลานี้; จากนี้ไป 从此 from this time on; from now on
ซื้อ (ไม่สุกเกินไป); เด็กและอ่อนโยน young and tender; (not overcooked) tender
รสชาติไม่ถูกปาก ไม่เป็นที่นิยม 萝卜青菜,各有所爱 no dish suits all tastes
相处 to get along (with one another)
ไม่ทราบว่า 不知 do not know
ไม่อนุญาตให้ 不许 not allow
จะรำคาญจะกวนประสาท to be annoyed; to be irritated
เกล็ดหิมะ 雪花 snowflake
หมด สว่าง used up; nothing left, bright
ไม่สามารถช่วยอะไรบางอย่าง 不禁 cannot help doing something
แจ้ง 通知 to inform; to notify
ไม่เค็ม not salty
ไม่สามารถทำอะไรได้ ไม่มีทางทำได้ 没法 can do nothing about it; can't help it
ไม่ร้ายแรง 不要紧 not be serious; not matter
ไม่ทำอะไร 无可奈何 to have no alternative; to have no other way
ทันที 不久 soon; before long; not long after
เกียรติ; เครดิต 荣誉 honour; credit
少年不识愁滋味 youth do not know the taste of worries
การทะเลาะ; ถกเถียง to quarrel; to wrangle; to make a noise
เร่ง; เพื่อไม่เสียเวลา 赶紧 to hasten; to lose no time
ไม่สนใจ; การละเลย 忽略 to ignore; to neglect
ให้ความสนใจ ; เพื่อรับทราบ to pay attention to; to acknowledge
แผลเล็กน้อย 轻伤 slight (or minor) wound
ความคิดถึง 乡愁 nostalgia
ไม่ (negative prefix), not, no
สีขาว, หิมะ, ว่าง, ว่าง, สดใส, ใส, ธรรมดา, บริสุทธิ์ white, snowy, empty, blank, bright, clear, plain, pure, gratuitous
ยังคง also, in addition, more, still, else, still, yet, (not) yet
สุงสิง (คน) รู้ที่จะคุ้นเคยกับการรับรู้ 认识 be acquainted with (a person), to know, to be familiar with, to recognize
ถูกต้อง, ขวา, ไม่เลว, ดีงาม 不错 correct, right, not bad, pretty good
ไม่มีปัญหา 没问题 no problem
ไม่เป็นไร 不客气 you flatter me, not at all (polite reply to compliment)
哪里 you flatter me, not at all (polite reply to compliment)
ไม่ได้กล่าวถึงมันไม่ได้เลย 不谢 don't mention it, not at all
การออกเสียง 发音 pronounce, pronunciation
บอก, แจ้งให้ทราบ 告诉 to tell, to inform, to let know
ไม่เจอตั้งนาน 很久不见 long time no see
ไม่เพียง แต่ ... แต่ยัง ... 不但…而且 not only ... but also ...
ธนบัตร, ตั๋ว bank note, ticket
ให้เพียงพอ to be enough
มีเวลาไม่พอ สายเกินไป 来不及 there's not enough time (to do sth.), it's too late (to do sth.)
ถ้าผมรู้จักกันก่อนหน้านี้ 早知道 had I known earlier
ประเภท, ชนิด, เชื้อชาติสายพันธุ์เมล็ดพันธุ์ (อนุกรมวิธาน) kind, type, race, breed, seed, species (taxonomy)
ไม่ว่างพอที่จะนำบางสิ่งบางอย่าง 放不下 not enough room to put something
ง่าย 简单 simple, not complicated
เศรษฐกิจ 经济 economy, economic
ไม่สามารถที่จะทำอะไรบางอย่าง 不动 to not have the physical ability to do something
ไม่ได้จนกว่า, เท่านั้น, เพียง not until, only, merely
ที่จะทำความคุ้นเคยกับ; เพื่อรับรู้; เพื่อทราบ 认识 to be acquainted with; to recognize; to know
คุณ (ซึ่งให้เกียรติสำหรับ你) you (honorific for 你)
สามารถ; ทราบวิธีการ can; know how to
พอ enough
จะมีอาการน้ำมูกไหล 流鼻涕 to have a runny nose
สายการบินตะวันตกเฉียงเหนือ 西北航空公司 Northwest Airlines
ไม่ not
ตอนนี้ ในปัจจุบัน 现在 now, nowadays
สมุดแบบฝึกหัด 本子 note-book, exercise-book
รู้จัก 认识 to know, to be familiar with, to recognize
ไม่, ยังไม่ได้ not, no, have not
ไม่, ไม่มี, ยังไม่ได้ 没有 not, no, haven't
นวนิยาย 小说 novel
เพื่อให้ได้คนที่โกรธเพื่อให้ได้คนที่รำคาญ 气人 to get someone angry, to get someone annoyed
ไม่จำเป็นต้อง 不用 there is no need to
โรคมะเร็ง cancer; carcinoma
การเคาะ (ที่ประตู) to knock (at a door)
ส่วนภาคเหนือ, ภาคเหนือ 北边 north, northern part
... ไม่เร็ว กว่า ... ทันทีที่ 一…就… no sooner ... than ..., as soon as
บันทึกสั้น, ใบของกระดาษ 条子 a short note, a slip of paper
พื้นที่ภูเขา 山区 a mountainous area
นวนิยายเรื่องสั้น 小说 novel, short story
วิทยุ (หรือสายการออกอากาศ) ผู้ประกาศข่าว 广播员 radio (or wire-broadcasting) announcer
(อนุภาคเป็นกิริยาช่วย) (สรรพนาม) (a modal particle), (a pronoun)
พอ, พอเพียง enough, sufficient
อื่น ๆ อีก 别的 other, another
ตัวอักษร, ตัวเลข (ในการเล่นใหม่และอื่น ๆ ) 人物 figure, characters (in a play, novel, etc.)
ไม่เช้าไม่สาย 不早不晚 not early and not late
สรุป (การเล่นหรือฟิล์ม) 说明书 synopsis (of a play or film)
เสียงร้องสูงสุดของผู้หญิง 女高音 soprano
ซินเจียง (เขตปกครองตนเอง) 新疆 Xinjiang (Uygur Autonomous Region)
หนึ่งในสิ่งที่เห็นและได้ยิน, ความรู้ข้อมูล 见闻 what one sees and hears, knowledge, information
ที่รู้จักกันดีที่มีชื่อเสียงที่มีชื่อเสียง 闻名 well-known, famous, renowned
คึกคักกับเสียงและความตื่นเต้น, มีชีวิตชีวา 热闹 bustling with noise and excitement, lively
ที่จะไม่แยแส, ไม่ให้เรื่อง 无所谓 to be indifferent, not to matter
ผู้ป่วย (คำนาม) ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง 病人 patient, invalid (noun)
สันทนาการ พักผ่อน to stay idle, to be unoccupied, not busy
เทคโนโลยีเทคนิค, ทักษะ 技术 technology, technique, skill
จริงๆแล้ว 其实 actually, that is not the case, in fact
การเรียนรู้ 学问 learning, knowledge
ไม่คำนึงถึง 不论 no matter (what, who, how, etc.), whether ... or ..., regardless of
ไม่สามารถที่จะชนะหรือพ่ายแพ้ใครบางคน 打不过 not to be able to beat or defeat sb., to be no match for
เพื่อให้การวินิจฉัยที่ชัดเจน 确诊 to make a definite diagnosis
สารอาหารบำรุง 营养 nutrition, nourishment
อื่น ๆ , อื่น, แยก, แยกจากกัน other, another, separate, separately
ที่มีชื่อเสียงโด่งดัง, รู้จักกันดี 著名 famous, celebrated, well-known
ความรู้พื้นฐานระหว่างประเทศ 国际见闻 International Background Knowledge
วิทยาศาสตร์, ความรู้ทางวิทยาศาสตร์ 科学 science, scientific knowledge, scientific
จำนวนเล็ก ๆ น้อยน้อย 少数 small number, few, minority
ชนกลุ่มน้อยสัญชาติ, ชนกลุ่มน้อยของประเทศ 少数民族 minority nationality, national minority
ภาคเหนือ; ด้านเหนือ 北边 north; north side
ไม่เลว; สวยดีถูกต้อง 不错 not bad; pretty good; correct
ไม่ดีเท่ากับที่; ที่ดีกว่า 不如 not as good as; better to
บอกขอให้รู้ว่า 告诉 tell; let know
ชื่อครอบครัวของคุณมีเกียรติ 贵姓 your honorable family name
เทคโนโลยีทักษะเทคนิค 技术 technology; skill; technique
แนะนำ; ขอแนะนำให้ขอให้รู้ว่า 介绍 introduce; recommend; let know
เศรษฐกิจ; รายได้; ประหยัด 经济 economy; income; economical
เข้าใจ; รู้; หา 了解 understand; know; find out
(อนุภาคขึ้นรูปสรรพนามพหูพจน์) 们(朋友们) (particle forming a plural pronoun)
ก๋วยเตี๋ยว 面条儿 noodles
แจ้ง; ให้แจ้งให้ทราบ; แจ้งให้ทราบ; วงกลม 通知 notify; give notice; notice; circular
ทำให้มีเสียง; แหวน; มีเสียงดัง; ดัง make a sound; ring; noisy; loud
เล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ 小(小李) small; little; petty; minor; young
ทราบ; รับทราบ; รู้ 知道 know; be aware of; realize
ให้ความสนใจ; จะแจ้งให้ทราบของ 注意 pay attention to; take notice of
ไม่มีอะไร for nothing
ให้รู้จักกัน; รายงานการพูด การบรรยาย 报告 make known; report; speech; lecture
บันทึกย่อ 笔记 notes
หมายเหตุ 便条 informal note
ไม่จำเป็นต้อง; ไม่ต้อง 不必 need not; not have to
ไม่มาก ไม่บ่อย 不大 not very; not often
ไม่เพียง แต่ 不仅 not only
ไม่อนุญาต 不许 be not allowed; must not
ไม่แน่ใจว่า 不一定 not sure
ยอมรับ; ตระหนัก; รับทราบ 承认 admit; recognize; acknowledge
ต่อจากนี้ 从此 from now on
น่าเบื่อ 单调 monotonous; dull
ทราบ; เข้าใจ 懂得 know; grasp; understand
ละทิ้ง; ยอมแพ้ 放弃 abandon; give up; renounce
หนึ่งหลังจากที่อื่น 纷纷 one after another
ไม่ใช่อาหารหลัก 副食 non-staple food
เสียเวลาไม่; ในครั้งเดียว 赶紧 lose no time; at once
เพิ่งจะ 刚刚 just now
เกียรติ; เกียรติ 光荣 glory; honor
ตามที่คาดไว้; จริงๆนั่นเอง 果然 as expected; really sure enough
ไม่บิต 毫不 not a bit
ไม่มีบางอย่าง 毫无 have no (sth.)
จดบันทึก การบันทึก 记录 take notes; record
แม้ว่า; ไม่เพียง แต่ though; not only
ประหยัด 节省 economize; save
มัธยัสถ์ 节约 economize
ต่อจากนี้ 今后 from now on
ให้ความสำคัญ; ไม่เกิน give priority; no more than
มาก; อย่างใหญ่หลวง 巨大 huge; enormous
มีเวลาไม่เพียงพอ 来不及 there's not enough time
การเชื่อมโยง; หนึ่งหลังจากที่อื่นเข้าร่วม link; join; one after another
หนึ่งหลังจากที่อื่นอย่างต่อเนื่อง 陆续 one after another; in succession
ใช้ไม่ได้ 没用 no use
ปืนใหญ่ big gun; canon
โดยปกติ 平时 at ordinary times; in normal times
รับรู้; รู้ 认得 recognize; know
มีความคุ้นเคยกับ; รู้ดี 熟悉 be familiar with; know well
ตระหนักถึง; รู้ผ่านประสบการณ์; ประสบการณ์ 体会 realize; know through experience; experience
ไร้เดียงสา; บริสุทธิ์ 天真 naïve; innocent
ที่ใช้ในการแสดงถึงการถอนหายใจหรือความเชื่อมั่น used to denote sigh or certainty
มักจะ 往往 often; more often than not
ยังไม่ได้ not yet
ไม่ได้ แต่อย่างไม่ถูกต้อง; ไม่ not have; there is not; not
ไม่ว่าสิ่งที่ 无论 no matter what
ฟรี; ว่าง; ไม่ยุ่ง free; idle; not busy
เด่น; ทำเครื่องหมาย; โดดเด่น 显著 notable; marked; remarkable
ลักษณะ; ปรากฏการณ์ 现象 appearance; phenomenon
ทราบ 晓得 know
ประกาศ; ประกาศ 宣布 declare; announce
การเรียนรู้; ความรู้; ทุนการศึกษา 学问 learning; knowledge; scholarship
มือสมัครเล่น; ไม่เป็นมืออาชีพ 业余 amateur; not professional
ผิดปกติ ความผิดปกติของ 异常 unusual; abnormal
โภชนาการ บำรุง 营养 nutrition; nourishment
ไม่จำเป็นต้องใช้ 用不着 have no use for
มีการขาดไม่ได้ 有的是 there's no lack of
ป่านฉะนี้ 至今 up to now; to this day; so far
มีชื่อเสียง 著名 famous; well-known
เปล่า ๆ 白白 for nothing; in vain; to no purpose
ที่ได้รับรายงาน report; announce; declare
ซึ่งกันและกัน 彼此 each other; one another
ที่อื่น ๆ 别处 another place; elsewhere
คำอื่น ๆ 别字 wrongly written or mispronounced character
ไม่ 不对 not right; wrong; incorrect
พอ 不够 not enough; insufficient; inadequate
ไม่ว่า 不顾 have no consideration for; have no regard for
ไม่เห็น 不见 vanish; disappear; not see; not meet
ไม่จำเป็น 不见得 not necessarily; not likely
ไม่สามารถช่วย 不禁 cannot help; cannot refrain from.
รู้สึก 不觉 unknowingly; unawares
ไม่ 不可 cannot; should not; must not
แต่ไม่ได้ 不是 而是 not … but …
ไม่สามารถช่วย 不由得 can't help; cannot but
ดูแลไม่ได้ 不在乎 not mind; not care
เพิ่มเติมกว่า 不止 be not limited to; be more than; not stop
ไม่เท่านั้น 不只 not only; not merely
น้อยกว่า 不足 not enough; insufficient; inadequate
แถลงการณ์ 布告 notice; bulletin; edict
เงินทุน 财政 government finance; public economy
สามัญสำนึก 常识 common sense; general knowledge
แบงก์ 钞票 bill; note; paper currency
นวัตกรรม 创新 innovate; innovation; creativity; fresh idea
not good; inferior; second; next
รายย่อย 次要 secondary; less important; subordinate; minor
ไม่รีบร้อน 从容 leisurely; calm; plentiful; sufficient; enough
ที่เสียหาย 摧毁 destroy; smash; wreck; knock out; devastate
ทักทาย 打招呼 notify; warn; greet sb.; say hello
อย่างยิ่ง 大大 greatly; enormously
ตัวแทนจำหน่าย 代办 agency; commission; act for another
ร่วมสมัย 当代 present time; contemporary age; nowadays
สู้ fight; contest with; make animals fight; denounce
ยาพิษ poisonous; toxic; malicious; cruel; poison
มีค่า 对得起 not let down; treat sb. fairly; be worthy of
ตื๊อ vexed; annoyed; trouble; be tired of; be fed up
ไม่ not; must; have to; simply; it is imperative that
ไม่ wrong; mistaken; erroneous; non-
เรื่องไร้สาระ 废话 nonsense; superfluous words; foolish discourse
มีตระกูล 高尚 noble; lofty; sublime
นวัตกรรม 革新 innovate; improve; innovation
เผยแพร่แล้ว 公布 make public; promulgate; announce; publicize
แน่นอน 固然 it is true; admittedly; no doubt; indeed; certainly
มิน่าเล่า 怪不得 no wonder; so that's why; put no blame on
ตรงไปตรงมา 光彩 luster; splendor; brilliance; gloss; honorable; glorious
การแสดงตน 光临 visit as an honorable guest
กฎ 规矩 rule; manner; custom; decent; conforming to norms
วีไอพี 贵宾 honored guest; distinguished guest
การเปลี่ยนแปลง 过渡 change from one state or stage to another
ภัยแล้ง dry; droughty; not related to water
ทำไม 何必 why is it necessary to; there is no need to
รอสักครู่ 恨不得 hate that one cannot; really want to
เสียงหวอ 呼呼 onomatopoetic word for strong wind or heavy panting
ไม่สนใจ; ละเลย; มองข้ามไม่สนใจ 忽视 ignore; overlook; neglect; disregard
พูดคุยเรื่องไร้สาระ 胡说 talk nonsense; drivel
哗哗 onomatopoetic word for noisy running water
ความสับสนวุ่นวาย 混乱 disorderly; chaotic; unorganized; promiscuous
มุม 角落 corner; nook; remote place
ต่อเนื่อง 接连 one after another; in succession; in a row
งานเทศกาล save; economize; refrain; abstain; abridge
ผล congeal; form; end; knit; weave; tie; knot
สุทธิ only; nothing but; all; all the time
เทคโนโลยี 科技 science and technology
ไม่ 可不是 exactly; right; cannot agree more; tell me about it
ว่างเปล่า vacate; leave empty or blank; vacant; unoccupied
โทน 口气 manner of speaking; tone; connotation; implication
ความเข้าใจ 谅解 renounce anger or resentment through understanding
น้ำไหล 流水 running water; turnover (of a shop)
ผู้ผูกขาด 垄断 monopolize
การปิดตา 盲目 blind; lack of knowledge, understanding, and so on
ไม่ได้พูด 没说的 flawless; really good; it goes without saying; no doubt
เพื่อไม่ให้ 免得 so as not to; so as to avoid
อย่างไม่เต็มใจ 勉强 barely enough; reluctant; force sb. to do sth.; manage
เข้าใจ 明白 clear; plain; explicit; sensible; understand; see; know
สนุ๊กเกอร์ 斯诺克 snooker
มิน่าเล่า 难怪 it's difficult to blame; it's hardly a surprise; no wonder
แหม oh (I have just noticed; I have just realized)
แหม oh (that's why; now I understand)
การล้มละลาย 破产 go bankrupt; go broke; come to nothing; fall through
(จากเครื่องบิน, จรวด, เศรษฐกิจ, ธุรกิจและอื่น ๆ ) ถอด 起飞 (of aircraft, rocket, economy, business, etc.) take off
คนยากจน 穷人 poor person; have-not; pauper; the poor; the destitute
แต่ไม่สามารถช่วย 忍不住 cannot help; unable to bear
ใด ๆ at will; at discretion; no matter (how, what, etc.)
เกียรติ 荣幸 honored and fortunate
ภูเขา 山地 mountainous area; hilly topography
อาการปวดหัว 伤脑筋 troublesome; knotty; bothersome
เต็มใจ 舍得 be willing to part with, spend, or use; not grudge
身分(身份) identity; status; capacity; honorable position; dignity
ผู้ว่าราชการ 省长 governor of a province; premier of a province
สูญเสีย 失掉 lose; no longer possess; miss; let slip
กองกำลัง 势力 (political, economic or military) force; power; influence
ว่า 是否 yes or no; whether or not; if
อาจจะ 说不定 cannot say for sure; maybe; perhaps
เหมาะสม 体面 decent-face; dignity; honorable; creditable; handsome
มักจะ 通常 common-frequent; usual; general; normal
ไม่ 未必 not-necessarily; may not; perhaps not
มีชื่อเสียง 闻名 hear-name; know by reputation; be well-known
หาที่เปรียบมิได้ 无比 nothing-compare; incomparable; unsurpassed
ชนชั้นกรรมาชีพ 无产阶级 no-property-rank-level; proletariat; working class
ไม่สามารถ 无法 no-way; have no way; be incapable; be unable
ไม่ทำอะไร 无可奈何 nothing-could-make-what; be helpless
ยังไงก็ตาม 无论如何 no-matter-like-what; in any case; in any event; at any rate
เหี้ยม 无情 no-feeling; unfeeling; heartless; merciless; ruthless
ไม่ได้เรื่อง 无所谓 no-what-say; be indifferent; not care; cannot be called
ไม่มีการสงสัย 无疑 no-doubt; undoubted; beyond doubt; unquestionable
ดูถูก 侮辱 bully-humiliate; insult; affront; humiliate; dishonor
โต๋เต๋ become blind; groundlessly; to no purpose; aimlessly
อันตราย; น่ากลัว dangerous; perilous; sinister; vicious; venomous
สำเร็จรูป 现成 now-made; ready-made
ดัง 响亮 loud-bright; loud and clear; sonorous; resonant
เสมอ 向来 from beginning coming towards now; always; all along
เกล็ดหิมะ 雪花 snow-flower; snowflake
หนุ่มสาว raise; fly; throw up and scatter; spread; make known
ต่างประเทศ vast; multitudinous; foreign; Western; modern
การบำรุงรักษา 养料 nutritional-material; nutriment; nourishment
หรือ 要不 if-not; otherwise; or else; or
มิฉะนั้น 要不然 if-not-so; otherwise; or else; or
ทั้งสอง 要不是 if-not-be; if the fact weren't that; hadn't; shouldn't
กระตือรือร้น 踊跃 jump-leap; vying with one another; enthusiastic; eager
สองลง 有两下子 have-two-feats; know a few tricks of the trade
จำกัด 有限 have-limit; limited; finite; not many in number
แจ้งให้ทราบ 预告 fore-announce; announce in advance; advance notice
ผิด 冤枉 wrong-mistreat; treat unjustly; wrong; not worthwhile
เจือปน 杂质 mixed-record; magazine; journal; random notes;
ครู่ 这会儿 this-moment; now; at present; at the moment
ร้ายแรง 正经 upright-normal; decent; respectable; formal; serious
ทราบ know; realize; be aware of; inform; notify; tell
(used to connect the modifier and the noun modified)
โดยตรง 直达 direct-reach; go straight (or nonstop) to the destination
มูลค่า pointing-mark; index; target; quota; norm; indicator
จำเป็นต้อง 只得 only-must; be obliged to; have to; have no choice but
อำนาจเผด็จการ 专政 monopolize-government; rule by violence; dictatorship
เอกราช 自治 self-administer; exercise autonomy; self-govern
เขตปกครองตนเอง 自治区 self-administer-area; autonomous region
เท้า enough; sufficient; ample
จับ 把手 knob
เมือกจมูก; คนเลวทราม 鼻涕 nasal mucus; snot
หมายเหตุกองบรรณาธิการ 编者按 editorial note
ไม่ให้ 并非 not so
ไม่หยิ่งผยองไม่ประจบสอพลอ 不亢不卑 neither supercilious nor obsequious
ไม่ควร 不得 should not
มีทางเลือก แต่ยังไม่ 不得已 have no alternative but to
ไม่เข้าใจ 不解 not understand
ไม่อนุญาตให้ 不容 not allow
เป็นคราว ๆ 不时 now and then
ไม่ว่าง; ไม่ลังเล 不惜 not spare; not hesitate
ไม่เหมาะสม; ไม่สมควร 不宜 not suitable; inadvisable
โดยไม่รู้ตัว 不知不觉 unconsciously; unknowingly
ดังกล่าวเท่าที่จะไม่เป็นไป 不至于 not to such an extent as to
การเงินและเศรษฐศาสตร์ 财经 finance and economics
ตอนนี้ในขณะนี้ 此时 now; this moment
ปืนใหญ่ 大炮 big gun; cannon
ส่วนใหญ่เหมือนกัน แต่มีความแตกต่างกันเล็กน้อย 大同小异 largely identical but with minor difference
จะไม่คุ้มค่าเทียน 得不偿失 be not worth the candle; get more kicks than halfpence
พายเรือแคนูของตัวเองหนึ่งของ 独立自主 paddle one's own canoe
ไม่มีอะไรเพิ่มเติม 而已 nothing more
ผิดปกติ 反常 abnormal
ตัวหาร 分母 denominator
เกียรติ 高贵 honorable; noble
ตกแต่ง; ต่ออายุ 更新 renovate; renew
เพื่อฟัน; ภายใต้จมูกหนึ่งของ 公然 to the teeth; under one's nose
公证 notarization
มีเวลาที่จะเข้าร่วมกับเรื่องที่ไม่ 顾不得 have no time to attend to the matter
มีตระกูล 贵族 noble
วิชาว่าด้วยอารยธรรมจีน 汉学 Sinology
ไม่มีปัญหา 好说 no problem
จะเรียกว่า 号称 be known as
มีพิษ 狠毒 venomous
ไม่สนใจ; มองข้าม 忽略 ignore; overlook
ไร้สาระ 荒谬 ridiculous; nonsensical
ภูเขาไฟ 火山 volcano
ระบือ 家喻户晓 widely known
ของโลกที่รู้จักกัน; มีชื่อเสียงระดับโลก 举世闻名 of world known; world-famous
ในกรณีที่ไม่; ในทางไม่ 决不 in no case; in no way
เคาะ knock
เข้าร่วมเป็นตัวแทน 列席 attend as a nonvoting delegate
เอาใจใส่; แจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้า 留心 heed; notice
มีอาหารและเสื้อผ้า 没吃没穿 have no food and clothes
คิดไม่ออก 没辙 have no idea
ก้ำกึ่งในสถานะทางสังคมและเศรษฐกิจ 门当户对 be well-matched in social and economic status
โทร; เสนอชื่อ 命名 call; nominate
ไม่มี no
พิจารณาทุกคนหนึ่งของใต้แจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้า 目中无人 consider everyone beneath one's notice
ใหญ่โต 庞大 enormous
ในเวลาปกติ 平日 in normal times;
การประกาศ 启事 announcement
เกียรติ 荣誉 honor; glory
หิมะมงคล 瑞雪 auspicious snow
เที่ยงวัน 晌午 noon
ชนกลุ่มน้อย 少数民族 minority
เพราะกลัวว่า; เพื่อที่จะไม่ 生怕 for fear that; so as not to
สูญเสียการรับรู้ความสามารถ; จะไม่อยู่ในบังคับ 失效 lose efficacy; be no longer in force
สมบูรณ์แบบในทุกวิถีทาง 十全十美 be perfect in every way; leave nothing to be desired
ในบางเวลา; ตอนนี้ ... ตอนนี้ ... 时而 from time to time; now … now …
ทราบ know
เสนอชื่อ; ชื่อ 提名 nominate; name
ในช่วงสั้น ๆ ทราบอย่างเป็นทางการ 条子 a brief in formal note
วงกลม; เวียนแจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้า 通报 circular; circulate a notice
ประกาศ; แจ้ง 通告 announce; notify
ฆราวาส; มือสมัครเล่น 外行 laity; nonprofessional
ไม่คุ้มค่าการกล่าวขวัญ; ไม่สำคัญ 微不足道 not worth mentioning; inconsiderable
หมดทาง 无从 have no way
ไม่มีอะไร; ไม่เกิน 无非 nothing but; no more than
ไม่มีอะไรจะพูด 无话可说 have nothing to say
ไม่มีความเห็น 无可奉告 no comment
ความพยายามและประสบความสำเร็จ 无所作为 attempt and accomplish nothing
ไม่มีประสิทธิภาพ 无效 no effective
ไม่มีความตั้งใจ 无意 have no intention
ไม่รู้ 无知 ignorant
ไม่ not
下达 make know to lower levels
สัญญาณรบกวนเสียง 响声 noise; sound
นวนิยาย; เดิม 新颖 original; novel
แจ้งให้ทราบ; ข้อมูล 须知 notice; information
หิมะขาว 雪白 snow-white
พร้อมทุกแล้วเป็นตอนนี้ 一贯 all along; then as now
เปิดเผย; สังเกตเห็นได้ชัด 引人注目 conspicuous; noticeable
ปากร้าย แต่ไม่เป็นอันตราย 有口无心 be sharp-tongued but not malicious
สัญญาณรบกวน 噪音 noise
บันทึกช่วยจำ 照会 memo; note
ซื่อสัตย์; เกียรติ 真诚 faithful; honor
วิเคราะห์ 诊断 diagnose
เป็นทุกคนรู้มันคือความรู้ทั่วไปที่ 众所周知 as everyone knows; it is common knowledge that
หมายเหตุ; บันทึกย่อ 注解 note; annotation
หมายเหตุ; บันทึกย่อ 注释 note; annotation
ผู้ว่าราชการ 总督 governor
พอ 足以 enough
ชื่อเรื่อง 尊称 honorific title
พายเรือแคนู 独木舟 canoe das Kanu, s le canoë la canoa
สโนว์บอร์ด 滑雪板 snowboard das Snowboard, s le snowboard la tabla de snowboard
นักเล่นสโนว์บอร์ด 滑雪板者 snowboarder der Snowboardfahrer, - le snowboarder el snowboarder
แกรนด์เปียโน 大钢琴 grand piano der Flügel, - le piano à queue el piano de cola
ตัวโน้ต 音符 note die Note, n la note la nota
เปียโน 钢琴 piano das Klavier, e le piano el piano
สมุดบันทึก 笔记本 notebook das Heft, e le cahier el cuaderno
กระดาษจดบันทึก 记事卡片 notepad der Notizzettel, - le bloc-notes el bloc de notas
คาปูชิโน่ 卡布奇诺咖啡 cappuccino der Cappuccino, s le cappuccino el capuchino
ภูเขาไฟ 火山 volcano der Vulkan, e le volcan el volcán
ปม knot der Knoten, - le nœud el nudo
เขตห้ามผ่าน 禁止超车区 no-passing zone das Überholverbot, e l'interdiction de dépasser la zona de prohibido adelantar
ห้ามสูบบุหรี่ 禁止吸烟 non-smoking der Nichtraucher, - le non-fumeur el no fumador
รถสำหรับวิ่งบนหิมะ 雪地车 snowmobile der Motorschlitten, - la motoneige la moto de nieve
เดินทางด้วยเรือแคนู 独木舟之旅 canoe trip die Kanutour, en la balade en canoë el viaje en canoa
นวนิยายอาชญากรรม 侦探小说 crime novel der Kriminalroman, e le roman policier la novela negra
โดมิโน 多米诺骨牌 dominoes das Dominospiel, e les dominos el dominó
ปืนใหญ่ 大炮 cannon die Kanone, n le canon el cañón
เสื้อโค้ดมีฮู้ด 滑雪衫 anorak der Anorak, s l'anorak el anorak
บูตหิมะ 雪地靴 snow boot der Schneestiefel, - l'après-ski la bota para la nieve
เสียง 噪音 noise der Lärm le bruit el ruido
หมายเหตุ 笔记 note die Notiz, en la note la nota
หมายเหตุ 卡片 note der Zettel, - le pense-bête las notas
เทคโนโลยีพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์ 太阳能技术 solar technology die Solartechnik la technologie solaire la tecnología solar
เทคโนโลยี 技术 technology die Technik, en la technologie la tecnología
ที่เคาะประตู 门环 door knocker der Türklopfer, - le heurtoir el llamador de la puerta
ก๋วยเตี๋ยว 面条 noodle die Nudel, n la nouille el fideo
กล้องสองตา 双筒望远镜 binocular das Fernglas, "er les jumelles los binoculares
ความรู้ 知识 knowledge das Wissen le savoir el conocimiento
พาโนรามา 全景 panorama das Panorama, Panoramen le panorama el panorama
สโนว์ดร็อป 雪花莲 snowdrop das Schneeglöckchen, - le perce-neige la campanilla de invierno
ความแปลกใหม่ 新颖 novelty die Neuheit, en la nouveauté la novedad
หิมะ snow der Schnee la neige la nieve
เกล็ดหิมะ 雪花 snowflake die Schneeflocke, n le flocon de neige el copo de nieve
มนุษย์หิมะ 雪人 snowman der Schneemann, "er le bonhomme de neige el muñeco de nieve
ไดโนเสาร์ 恐龙 dinosaur der Dinosaurier, e le dinosaure el dinosaurio
แรด 犀牛 rhino das Nashorn, "er le rhinocéros el rinoceronte
agronomo นักปฐพีวิทยา 农学家 agronomist Agronom agronome agrónomo agronomo
agronomio เกษตรศาสตร์ 农学 Agronomy Agronomie Agronomie Agronomía Agronomia
anemono anemono anemono anemono Anemono anemono anemono anemono
anilino anilino 苯胺 anilino anilino anilino anilino anilino
Anno Anno 安诺 Anno Anno Anno Anno Anno
anomalio ความผิดปกติ 不规​​则 anomaly Anomalie anomalie anomalía anomalia
anonci ประกาศ 公布 announce bekannt geben annoncer anunciar annunciare
anonima ไม่ระบุชื่อ 匿名 anonymous anonym anonyme anónimo anonimo
Antono Antono Antono Antono Antono Antono Antono Antono
armo ชุดเกราะ 华服美饰 panoply Palette panoplie panoplia panoplia
astronomo นักดาราศาสตร์ 天文学家 Astronomer Astronom Astronome Astrónomo Astronomo
astronomio ดาราศาสตร์ 天文学 Astronomy Astronomie Astronomie Astronomía Astronomia
aŭtonoma อิสระ 自主 autonomous autonom autonome autónomo autonomo
avizo แจ้งให้ทราบ 通知 notice Ankündigung avis aviso avviso
balzamino balzamino balzamino balzamino balzamino balzamino balzamino balzamino
binoklo กล้องส่องทางไกล 双筒望远镜 binoculars Fernglas jumelles binoculares binocolo
brui ทำเสียงดัง 制造噪音 make noise Lärm machen faire du bruit hacer ruido fare rumore
cejano cejano cejano cejano cejano cejano cejano cejano
diagnozo การวินิจฉัย 诊断 diagnosis Diagnose diagnostic diagnóstico diagnosi
domeno โดมิโน 骨牌 domino Domino domino dominó domino
dragono dragono dragono dragono dragono dragono Dragono dragono
ekonomio เศรษฐกิจ 经济 economy Wirtschaft économie economía economia
estono estono estono estono estono estono estono estono
etnografo ชาติพันธุ์วิทยา 民族志学者 ethnographer Ethnograph ethnographe etnógrafo etnografo
etnografio etnografio etnografio etnografio etnografio etnografio etnografio etnografio
fenomeno ปรากฏการณ์ 现象 phenomenon Erscheinung phénomène fenómeno fenomeno
festono festono festono festono festono festono festono festono
flano flano flano flano Flano flano flano Flano
floreno floreno floreno floreno floreno floreno floreno Floreno
fonografo หีบเสียง 留声机 phonograph Plattenspieler phonographe fonógrafo fonografo
fortepiano เปียโน 钢琴 pianoforte Pianoforte pianoforte pianoforte pianoforte
galantino galantino galantino galantino Galantino Galantino Galantino Galantino
glicerino glicerino glicerino glicerino glicerino glicerino glicerino glicerino
gnomo คำพังเพย 地精 gnome Gnom gnome gnomo gnomo
hipnoto การสะกดจิต 催眠 Hypnosis Hypnose Hypnose Hipnosis Ipnosi
honoro เกียรติ 荣誉 honor Ehre honneur honor onore
honorario กิตติมศักดิ์ 名誉 Honorary Ehren- Honoraire Honorario Onorario
hortulano hortulano hortulano hortulano hortulano hortulano hortulano hortulano
ignori ที่จะไม่สนใจ 忽视 to ignore ignorieren ignorer ignorar ignorare
indiĝeno ชนพื้นเมือง 土著 indigenous einheimisch indigène indígena indigeno
inokuli ฉีดวัคซีน 接种 inoculate impfen inoculer inocular inoculare
kajero สมุดบันทึก 笔记本 Notebook Notizbuch Carnet Cuaderno Taccuino
kalsono kalsono kalsono kalsono kalsono kalsono kalsono kalsono
kanabeno kanabeno kanabeno kanabeno kanabeno kanabeno kanabeno kanabeno
kanoniko ศีล 教规 Canon Kanon Canon Canon Canonico
karpeno karpeno karpeno karpeno karpeno karpeno karpeno karpeno
kazino บ่อนคาสิโน 赌场 casino Kasino casino casino casinò
krakeno krakeno krakeno krakeno krakeno krakeno krakeno krakeno
kreno kreno kreno kreno KRENO kreno kreno kreno
kronologio ลำดับเหตุการณ์ 年表 chronology Chronologie chronologie cronología cronologia
kronometro kronometro kronometro kronometro kronometro kronometro kronometro kronometro
Libano ประเทศเลบานอน 黎巴嫩 Lebanon Libanon Liban Líbano Libano
makarono makarono makarono makarono makarono makarono makarono makarono
mandareno mandareno mandareno mandareno mandareno mandareno mandareno mandareno
manometro manometro manometro manometro manometro manometro manometro Manometro
marokeno marokeno marokeno marokeno marokeno marokeno marokeno marokeno
metronomo เครื่องเมตรอนอม 节拍器 metronome Metronom métronome metrónomo metronomo
monogramo พระปรมาภิไธยย่อ 花押字 monogram Monogramm monogramme monograma monogramma
monologo การพูดคนเดียว 独白 monologue Monolog monologue monólogo monologo
monomanio monomanio monomanio monomanio monomanio monomanio monomanio monomanio
monopolo ผู้ผูกขาด 垄断 monopoly Monopol monopole monopolio monopolio
monoteismo monotheism 一神教 monotheism Monotheismus monothéisme monoteísmo monoteismo
monotona น่าเบื่อ 单调 monotonous eintönig monotone monótono monotono
muslino muslino muslino muslino muslino muslino muslino muslino
muzelo จมูก 鼻子 nose Nase nez nariz naso
naftalino naftalino naftalino naftalino naftalino naftalino naftalino naftalino
nankeno nankeno nankeno nankeno nankeno nankeno nankeno nankeno
nazo จมูก 鼻子 nose Nase nez nariz naso
ne ไม่ not nicht pas no non
nenia ไม่ 没有 no keine aucun no no
nenie ไม่มีที่ไหนเลย 无处 nowhere nirgendwo nulle part en ninguna parte da nessuna parte
neniel ไม่มีอะไร 没什么 nothing nichts rien nada niente
nenies ไม่มีใคร 没有人是 nobody's niemand ist personne est de nadie nessuno è
nenio ไม่มีอะไร 没什么 nothing nichts rien nada niente
neniom ไม่มีอะไร 没什么 nothing nichts rien nada niente
neniu ไม่ 没有 no keine aucun no no
no ไม่ 没有 no keine aucun no no
nobelo ขุนนาง 贵族 nobleman Edelmann noble noble nobiluomo
nobla ชั้นสูง 高贵 noble edel noble noble nobile
nodo ปม 节点 node Knoten nœud nodo nodo
nominala น้อย 公称 nominal nominal nominal nominal nominale
nominativo ประธานของประโยค 主格 nominative Nominativ nominatif nominativo nominativo
nordo ทางทิศเหนือ north Norden nord norte a nord
normala ปกติ 正常 normal normal normal normal normale
norvego ภาษานอร์เว 挪威 Norwegian Norwegisch Norvégien Noruego Norvegese
nostalgio ความคิดถึง 怀旧之情 nostalgia Nostalgie nostalgie nostalgia nostalgia
noto บันทึก 注意 note Notiz Note Nota Note
notario ทนายความ 公证 notary Notar notaire notario notaio
Novembro พฤศจิกายน 十一月 November November Novembre Noviembre Novembre
novico สามเณร 初学者 novice Anfänger novice principiante novizio
nun ตอนนี้ 现在 now jetzt maintenant ahora ora
onobriko onobriko onobriko onobriko onobriko onobriko onobriko onobriko
palankeno palankeno palankeno palankeno palankeno palankeno palankeno palankeno
paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano
pepsino pepsino pepsino pepsino pepsino pepsino pepsino pepsino
piano เปียโน 钢琴 Piano Piano Piano Piano Pianoforte
pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono pontono
pronomo สรรพนาม 代词 pronoun Pronomen pronom pronombre pronome
prononci ออกเสียง 发音 pronounce aussprechen prononcer pronunciar pronunciare
rimarki แจ้งให้ทราบ 通知 notice Ankündigung avis aviso avviso
rinocero แรด 犀牛 rhinoceros Nashorn rhinocéros rinoceronte rinoceronte
romano นวนิยาย 小说 novel Roman roman novela romanzo
ronki การกรน 打鼾 snoring Schnarchen ronflement ronquidos russare
scii ที่จะรู้ว่า 要知道 to know wissen savoir saber sapere
sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono sifono
simio ขาวดำ mono mono mono mono mono
sinodo การประชุมทางศาสนา 主教 Synod Synode Synode Sínodo Sinodo
sinonimo ไวพจน์ 代名词 synonym Synonym synonyme sinónimo sinonimo
sinoptika sinoptika sinoptika sinoptika sinoptika sinoptika sinoptika sinoptika
soprano โซปราโน 女高音 Soprano Sopran Soprano Soprano Soprano
spleno spleno spleno spleno spléno espleno spleno
stearino stearino stearino stearino stearino stearino stearino stearino
stefano สเตฟาโน 斯特凡诺 Stefano Stefano Stefano Stefano Stefano
stenografi stenografi stenografi stenografi stenografi stenografi stenografi stenografi
striknino striknino striknino striknino striknino striknino striknino striknino
substantivo คำนาม 名词 noun Substantiv nom sustantivo sostantivo
sufiĉa พอ 够了 enough genug assez Suficiente basta
ŝalupo พายเรือแคนูขนาดเล็ก 小独木舟 small canoe kleine Kanu petit canot pequeña canoa piccola canoa
tabano Tabano tábano tábano Tábano tábano tábano Tabano
teĥniko เทคโนโลยี 技术 Technology Technologie Technologie Tecnología Tecnologia
tenoro แนวโน้ม 男高音 tenor Tenor ténor tenor tenore
tereno tereno tereno tereno TERENO tereno tereno tereno
timono timono timono timono timono Timono timono timono
trigonometrio ตรีโกณมิติ 三角 trigonometry Trigonometrie trigonométrie trigonometría trigonometria
ulano ulano ULANO ulano ulano ulano ulano ulano
veleno veleño veleño veleño Veleno Veleno veleño Veleno
verbeno verbeno verbeno verbeno verbeno verbeno verbeno verbeno
vermiĉelo ก๋วยเตี๋ยว 面条 noodles Nudeln nouilles fideos tagliatelle
vulkano ภูเขาไฟ 火山 Volcano Vulkan Volcan Volcán Vulcano

Grade E word(s):

1 Aba अब now, from now on adv.
19 akarṇa अकर्ण deaf, having no ear
24 akarmaṇya अकर्मण्य idle, useless, good for nothing adj.
25 akarmī अकर्मी a do nothing, sinner, evil- doer, rogue, villain n.
36 akkala अक्कल knowledge, cleverness, thought n.
107 acēla अचेल these days, nowadays, recently, presently adv.
112 ajaṅa अजङ huge, very big, enormous, formidable adj.
113 ajāta अजात outcaste, low caste, not born adj.
114 ajātaśatru अजातशत्रु having no enemy adj.
115 ajāna अजान ignorant adj.
116 ajñāta अज्ञात unknown, secret, obscure adj.
117 ajha अझ still, yet, moreover, now adv.
118 ajhai अझै even then, even now conj.
143 aḍuvā अडुवा not castrated animal n.
178 advittiya अद्वित्तिय unparalleled, second-to- none adj.
193 adhyārō अध्यारो dark, gloomy, sad, darkness, ignorance, gloom n./adj.
201 anādaravācī अनादरवाची non-honorific [ling.] adj.
202 anādi अनादि having no beginning, self- born adj.
217 anubhūti अनुभूति real knowledge, experience, sensation n.
273 aparicita अपरिचित unknown, unfamiliar adj.
287 abhāva अभाव non-existence, absence, lack, scarcity n.
306 amān'ya अमान्य unaccepted, unobeyed adj.
317 arū अरू another, more, either, further adj.
320 arkō अर्को another, next, second adj.
325 arthaśāstra अर्थशास्त्र economics, political economy n.
338 alpamata अल्पमत minority n.
356 avivēkapūrṇa अविवेकपूर्ण without reason, for no reason, unfounded adj.
357 aviśvāsa अविश्वास distrust, disbelief, non- confidence, suspicion, doubt n.
369 asaṅgati असंगति incoherence, irrelevance, absurdity, irrationality, incompatibility, anomaly n.
370 asat असत् evil, bad, non-existent, illusory adj.
386 asāmayika असामयिक inopportune, untimely, inconvenient adj.
400 aspaṣṭha अस्पष्ठ not clear, indistinct, vague, dim, obscure, blurred, ambiguous adj.
404 asvīkāra अस्वीकार non-acceptance, rejection, refusal, denial n.
405 aha अह no int.
407 ahilē अहिले now, this time adv.
440 ājakāla आजकाल nowadays adv.
441 ājabhōli आजभोलि nowadays adv.
464 ādaraṇīya आदरणीय respectable, deserving honour adj.
465 ādaraṇīya sadasya आदरणीय सदस्य honorary member n.
519 ārthika आर्थिक economic, financial arthik adj.
520 ārthika mahatva आर्थिक महत्व economic importance n.
570 ijjata इज्जत honour, status n.
632 uttara उत्तर answer, reply, north n.
652 udāra उदार high minded, munificent, generous, open-hearted, noble-minded adj.
653 udāratā उदारता generosity, liberality, magnanimity, nobleness n.
693 upan'yāsa उपन्यास novel n.
714 upēkṣita उपेक्षित neglected, ignored, discarded, disregarded adj.
755 ē'uṭā एउटा one [non-human] euta tukra adj.
772 ēkanāsa एकनास similar, in the same way, monotonous, uniform, all the same adj.
774 ēkalauṭī एकलौटी monopolistic adj.
828 ōsārinu ओसारिनु to be moved from one place to another v.i.
829 ōsārnu ओसार्नु to move something from one place to another v.t.
852 kaṭhinu कठिनु difficult, hard, arduous, not easy adj.
920 kahā pani कहा पनि nowhere, not anywhere adv.
968 kārtika कार्तिक seventh month of the Nepali year (October- November) n.
986 ki कि or, either, word to denote interrogation or doubt conj.
1005 kīrtimāna कीर्तिमान renowned, famous, celebrated adj.
1022 kunni कुन्नि I don't know, perhaps, maybe adv.
1102 khajñāna खज्ञान ignorance, ignorant n./adj.
1182 khōlnu खोल्नु to open, to unfasten, to explain, to annotate v.i./v.t.
1195 gatta गत्त hopeless, having nothing adj.
1196 gattama गत्तम hopeless, having nothing adj.
1198 gathāsō गथासो long tale of oneself, nonsense n.
1207 gaddu गद्दु a bear's cub, useless, good for nothing, worthless n./adv.
1219 ganathanā'unu गनथनाउनु to talk nonsense, to gossip v.t.
1305 gaira sarakārī sansthā गैर सरकारी संस्था Non Government Organization, NGO n.
1306 gairaprajātāntrika गैरप्रजातान्त्रिक undemocratic, non- democratic adj.
1360 ghōṣaṇā घोषणा declaration, proclamation, announcement n.
1398 caltīkā चल्तीका common, normal, in circulation adj.
1439 cinnu चिन्नु to recognize, to know, to identify, to distinguish v.t.
1637 jānakārī जानकारी knowledge, information n.
1638 jāni'ēkō जानिएको known adj.
1640 jānnu जान्नु to know, to understand v.t.
1701 jñāna ज्ञान knowledge, intelligence, understanding, wisdom n.
1706 jyōtirvidya ज्योतिर्विद्य astronomy, astrology n.
1707 jyōtiṣa ज्योतिष astronomy, astrology n.
1708 jyōtiṣī ज्योतिषी astrologer, astronomer n.
1743 ṭippaṇī टिप्पणी note, annotation, comment, commentary, observation, critical remark n.
1759 ṭhamā'unu ठमाउनु to recognize, to know v.t.
1760 ṭhamyā'unu ठम्याउनु to recognise, to know v.t.
1853 tājā ताजा fresh, not stale, green, unfaded, recent adj.
1900 taipani तैपनि though, notwithstanding conj.
1939 thāhā थाहा knowledge, information n.
1975 dalavihīnatā दलविहीनता independence from party, non-party n.
1978 daśaka sarvanāma दशक सर्वनाम demonstrative pronoun n.
1994 dātā दाता giver, donor, benefactor datri
1995 dātr̥ sansthā दातृ संस्था donor agency n.
2057 drabyavācaka nāma द्रब्यवाचक नाम material noun n.
2070 dhamilō धमिलो dim, not clear, dirty, muddy adj.
2078 dharmavācaka nāma धर्मवाचक नाम abstract noun [ling.] n.
2103 na न neither, nor conj.
2112 najitnu नजित्नु not to win v.t.
2121 narāmrō नराम्रो bad, not good adj.
2131 nā'īṁ नाईं no, negation interj.
2133 nā'u calēkā नाउ चलेका well known, famous adj.
2134 nāka नाक nose nakka n.
2135 nākkā pōrā नाक्का पोरा nostrils n.
2149 nāma नाम name, noun n.
2153 nāmadāra नामदार famous well known adj.
2156 nāmasthānika नामस्थानिक independent from a noun adj.
2161 nikaṭa निकट near, near by, close by, not far adj.
2186 niyutta नियुत्त appointed, engaged, employed, devoted, nominated, assigned adj.
2187 nira निर near, near by, close by, not far adj.
2191 niraparādha निरपराध innocent, faultless, guiltless adj.
2194 nirōgī निरोगी healthy, in good health, not ill adj.
2208 niścaya निश्चय sure knowledge, resolution, determination, confidence n.
2230 nēra नेर near, near by, close by, not far adj.
2231 nēri नेरि near, near by, close by, not far adj.
2327 pararāṣṭra परराष्ट्र foreign county, another country n.
2330 pararāṣṭrīya परराष्ट्रीय foreign, alien, related to another nation adj.
2331 paraspara परस्पर mutually, reciprocal, one another adj.
2348 paribhāṣā परिभाषा definition, terminology n.
2427 pālnu पाल्नु to take care of, to raise, to bring up, to nourish, to keep, to tame v.t.
2460 puruṣvācaka sarvanāma पुरुष्वाचक सर्वनाम personal pronoun n.
2465 puṣṭhi पुष्ठि nourishment, nutrition n.
2518 prakhyāta प्रख्यात renowned, famous, celebrated, noted adj.
2523 pracāra प्रचार publicity, publication, usage, advertisement, announcement n.
2577 praśasta प्रशस्त abundant, sufficient, enough adj.
2583 prasid'dha प्रसिद्ध famous, renowned, glorious, illustrious, celebrated adj.
2624 phāsī फासी execution by hanging, noose n.
2776 bāhira बाहिर outside, at another place bahira postp.
2785 bikha बिख poison, venom n.
2811 bud'dhi बुद्धि knowledge, intellect, mental power, wisdom n.
2830 bēmajjā बेमज्जा not pleasing adj.
2856 byaktivācaka nāma ब्यक्तिवाचक नाम proper name, proper noun n.
2906 bharkhara भर्खर right now adv.
2933 bhārādārī sabhā भारादारी सभा assembly of high officials or nobility in early Shah and Rana times n.
3007 maṅgasīra मंगसीर eighth month of the Nepali year [November/December] n.
3022 madhya–dina मध्य–दिन noon n.
3024 madhyānha मध्यान्ह noon madhyarat n.
3037 mantabya मन्तब्य view, opinion, remark, note, comment n.
3043 malā'ī thāhā chaina मलाई थाहा छैन I don't know comp.
3095 mānanīya माननीय honorable, respectable, venerable adj.
3096 mānabōdhaka मानबोधक honorific [grammar] adj.
3110 mārga मार्ग eighth month of the Nepali year [November/December] n.
3170 mēghālaya मेघालय Meghalaya [a Northeast Indian state] n.
3179 mainā मैना a name applied to several different sturnoid passerine birds of India and countries further east, belonging to the genera Acridotheres and Eulabes n.
3198 mausūpha मौसूफ personal address towards the king [royal honorific pronoun] pron.
3207 yadyapi यद्यपि although, though, even, if, however, notwithstanding conj.
3208 yaśasvī यशस्वी renowned, reputed, glorious adj.
3219 yahī nai यही नै this and no other pron.
3223 yāyāvara यायावर nomad, wanderer n.
3357 lajjā लज्जा shame, shyness, dishonour, ignominy, scandal, disgrace n.
3469 vicāra विचार consideration, observation, notion, idea, judgement n.
3475 vijñāna विज्ञान acquired knowledge, conscience, wisdom, understanding, science n.
3476 vidita विदित known, understood, acquainted adj.
3480 vidyā विद्या knowledge, learning, attainment n.
3523 viśēṣya विशेष्य substantive, a noun with an adjective qualifying it n.
3536 viṣayāntara विषयान्तर an outside subject, another topic n.
3537 viṣākta विषाक्त toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative adj.
3538 viṣālu विषालु toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative adj.
3546 vihīnatā विहीनता missing, non-existence n.
3590 śāsaka शासक administrator, ruler, governor n.
3595 śāsanakartā शासनकर्ता administrator, ruler, governor n.
3607 śira शिर head, crest, noddle, summit, top of anything n.
3757 samuāyavācaka nāma समुायवाचक नाम collective noun, generic term n.
3774 sambandhī sarvanāma सम्बन्धी सर्वनाम relative pronoun n.
3805 sarvanāma सर्वनाम pronoun n.
3868 sāṅkētika साङ्केतिक token, nominal, symbolic, indicative adj.
3916 sārvanāmika सार्वनामिक pronominal sarvapracin adj.
3974 suḍha सुढ trunk (of an elephant) snout n.
3978 sudhāra सुधार improvement, reform, reformation, correction, amendment, renovationr n.
4005 sūcanā सूचना notice, notification, information, advertisement, indication, hint n.
4006 sūcanāpatra सूचनापत्र advertisement, notice n.
4081 svādhīna स्वाधीन independent, free, self- governing, autonomous adj.
4082 svādhīnatā स्वाधीनता independence, freedom, autonomy n.
4084 svāyatta स्वायत्त autonomous, under one's control adj.
4085 svāyatta śāsana स्वायत्त शासन autonomy, self-government n.
4086 svāyattatā स्वायत्तता autonomy n.
4087 svāyattaśāsī स्वायत्तशासी autonomous adj.
4094 svīkr̥ti स्वीकृति acceptance, sanction, approbation, acknowledgement, consent n.
4119 hallā हल्ला noise, turmoil, uproar, tumult n.
4157 hi'u हिउ snow n.
4160 hijō'āja हिजोआज nowadays adv.
4165 himarēkhā हिमरेखा snowline n.
千字文: 恭惟鞠养 岂敢毁伤 Do honor to your upbringing; how dare one inflict a wound!
千字文: 尺璧非宝 寸阴是竞 A foot of jade is no treasure; an inch of time is to fight for.
千字文: 资父事君 曰严与敬 Nourish your father and serve your king; known as reverence and respect.
千字文: 荣业所基 籍甚无竟 Glorious works as the foundation, no limit to one's reputation.
千字文: 索居闲处 沈默寂寥 Alone reside in tranquil spot; speaking little, moving not.
千字文: 具膳餐饭 适口充肠 Prepare the meals, eat enough; the mouth to suit, the gut to stuff.
千字文: 昼眠夕寐 蓝笋象床 Snooze at noontime, sleep at night; bamboo on ivory bed is right.
千字文: 稽 Kneel and knock, again ground head; sincere respect, in grief and dread.
千字文: 笺牒简要 顾答审详 Your notes and letters brief, concise; replies detailed, thorough, wise.
千字文: 孤陋寡闻 愚蒙等诮 Fools and ignoramuses; dimwits too, ridiculous.
Plants: Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. (Pinaceae) Nordmanns-Tanne; Kaukasus-Tanne
Plants: Acer platanoides L. (Sapindaceae; Aceraceae;) Europäischer Spitz-Ahorn; Norway Maple; Weißarle; Geißschinken
Plants: Allium schoenoprasum L. (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Schnittlauch; Chives
Plants: Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. (Betulaceae) Schwarz-Erle; Rot-Erle; Eller
Plants: Annona cherimola Mill. (Annonaceae) Cherimoya; Custard Apple
Plants: Annona muricata L. (Annonaceae) Sauersack; Stachelannone; Sour Sop; Guanábano; Catuche; Custard Apple
Plants: Annona purpurea L. (Annonaceae) Coja
Plants: Annona squamosa L. (Annonaceae) Custard Apple; Rahmapfel; Süßsack; Schuppen-Annone; Zimtapfel; Sugar Apple; Sweet Sop
Plants: Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels (Sapotaceae) Arganbaum; Arganie; Eisenholzbaum; Argan Tree
Plants: Atriplex hortensis L. ssp. hortensis (Chenopodiaceae) Garten-Melde; Spanischer Salat; Orache
Plants: Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima (L.) Archang. (Chenopodiaceae) Wilde Rübe; Wilde Runkelrübe
Plants: Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Döll (Chenopodiaceae) Zucker-Rübe; Zuckerrübe; Sugar Beet
Plants: Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. cicla L. (Chenopodiaceae) Mangold; Beißkohl; Foliage Beet; Poirée; Spinach Beet
Plants: Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. conditiva A. Lef. (Chenopodiaceae) Rote Beete; Rote Rübe; Salatrübe; Red Beet
Plants: Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. rapacea K. Koch (Chenopodiaceae) Futterrübe; Runkelrübe; Runkeln; Fodder Beet
Plants: Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub. (Fabaceae) Flame of the Forest; Plossobaum; Lackbaum; Kinobaum;
Plants: Caesalpinia spinosa (Molina) Kuntze (Caesalpiniaceae)
Plants: Cananga odorata Hook. (Annonaceae) Ylang-Ylang-Pflanze
Plants: Capparis spinosa L. (Capparidaceae) Kapernstrauch; Caper Bush
Plants: Carya illinoiensis (Wangenh.) C. Koch (Juglandaceae) Pekannussbaum; Hickorybaum; Pecan Tree
Plants: Chenopodium giganteum D. Don (Amaranthaceae) Tree Spinach; Baumspinat; Riesen-Gänsefuß; Magenta Spreen; Spinatbaum
Plants: Chenopodium quinoa Willd. (Amaranthaceae; Chenopodiaceae) Reismelde; Quinoa; Pigweed
Plants: Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub. (Fabaceae) Cluster Bean; Indian Cluster Bean; Guar-Pflanze
Plants: Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. (Ebenaceae) Tendu; Ebony; Ebenholz; Coromandel Ebony Persimmon
Plants: Laurus nobilis L. (Lauraceae) Lorbeer; True Laurel; Bay Laurel; Sweet Bay; Bay Tree
Plants: Liriodendron tulipifera L. (Magnoliaceae) Tulpenbaum; Yellow Poplar; Basswood; American Whitewood; Tulip Poplar; Tuliptree
Plants: Oenothera biennis L. (Onagraceae) Gewöhnliche Nachtkerze; Zweijährige Nachtkerze; Schinkenwurzel; Gelbe Rapunzel; Rapunzelsellerie
Plants: Prunus spinosa L. (Rosaceae) Schlehe; Schwarzdorn;
Plants: Rollinia mucosa (Annonaceae) Biriba
Plants: Salicornia bigelovii Torr. (Chenopodiaceae) Annual Glasswort; Samphire; Queller; Glasschmalz
Plants: Sanguisorba minor Scop. (Rosaceae) Kleiner Wiesenknopf; Becherblume; Bibernelle; Pimpernell
Plants: Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.) Palla (Cyperaceae) Flecht-Simse; Sumpf-Binse; Teichsimse; Grüne Teichbinse; See-Binse; Flecht-Binse
Plants: Spinacia oleraceae L. (Chenopodiaceae) Spinat; Spinach
Plants: Triticum monococcum L. (Poaceae) Einkorn
Plants: Ullucus tuberosus Lozano (Basellaceae) Ulluca; Papa Lisa; Ulluma; Melloca; Ruba

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [abnormal]
(a.) [anonymous]
(a.) [economic] relating to economics
(a.) [honorable]
(a.) [ignorant] lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated
(a.) [indigenous]
(a.) [innocent] guiltless, clean-handed
(a.) [minor] lesser in scope or effect
(a.) [noble] having elevated character
(a.) [noble] belonging to hereditary aristocracy
(a.) [noisy]
(a.) [normal] conforming with a norm or standard
(a.) [notorious] ill-famed, infamous
(n.) [afternoon]
(n.) [announcement] proclamation, declaration
(n.) [autonomy] self-sufficiency, personal independence
(n.) [nonremittal] default, nonpayment
(n.) [diagnosis]
(n.) [donor] organ donor
(n.) [economics] economic science
(n.) [economist] economic expert
(n.) [economy] thriftiness, frugality
(n.) [economy] economic system
(n.) [governor] head of a state
(n.) [honor] honorableness
(n.) [honor] laurels
(n.) [ignorance] lack of knowledge
(n.) [innovation] invention
(n.) [knot] fastening formed by looping and tying
(n.) [knowledge] cognition, result of perception, learning, or reasoning
(n.) [minority] smaller in number
(n.) [monopoly] exclusive control
(n.) [node] connecting point
(n.) [noise] randomness, haphazardness
(n.) [noise] sound
(n.) [nomination] naming a candidate
(n.) [nonsense] bunk, hokum
(n.) [norm] standard
(n.) [north] due north, N, direction
(n.) [nose] olfactory organ
(n.) [note] annotation
(n.) [note] short letter, line, billet
(n.) [note] musical note, tone
(n.) [note] bill, banknote
(n.) [notebook] notebook computer
(n.) [notebook] book with blank pages
(n.) [notice] announcement
(n.) [notice] advance notification
(n.) [notion] concept
(n.) [noun]
(n.) [novel] fictional work
(n.) [phenomenon]
(n.) [piano] keyboard instrument
(n.) [snow] snowfall
(n.) [soprano] voice range
(n.) [technology] engineering
(n.) [volcano] mountain
(v.) [denounce]
(v.) [hypnothize] mesmerize
(v.) [ignore] neglect, disregard
(v.) [knock] rap, strike with the knuckles
(v.) [know] be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object
(v.) [know] be aware of the truth of something
(v.) [know] know how to do or perform something
(v.) [nod]
(v.) [nominate] put up, put forward, propose
(v.) [notice] note, perceive

02268485-a no +
00024356-r no +
00024587-r no +
00050681-r no +
07205104-n no +
14647722-n No +

NO + +
1 NO
17 NOW


all afternoon
Amherst, Nova Scotia
annoy (bother)


173 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1002 她不觉得无聊。 เธอไม่เบื่อ Hänellä ei ole tylsää.
1008 他们不口渴。 พวกเขาไม่กระหายน้ำ Heillä ei ole jano.
1030 看不见头发。 มองไม่เห็นเส้นผม Hiuksia ei näe.
1031 也看不见耳朵。 มองไม่เห็นหูด้วย Korvia ei myöskään näe.
1032 也看不见后背。 มองไม่เห็นหลังด้วย Selkää ei myöskään näe.
1035 这个男人有个长鼻子。 ผู้ชายคนนี้มีจมูกยาว Miehellä on pitkä nenä.
1041 这个男人是雪做的。 ผู้ชายคนนี้ทำมาจากหิมะ Mies on lumesta.
1042 他没穿裤子也没穿大衣。 เขาไม่สวมกางเกงและเสื้อคลุม Hänellä ei ole päällään housuja eikä takkia.
1043 但是他不感到寒冷。 แต่เขาก็ไม่หนาวสั่น Mutta hänellä ei ole kylmä.
1044 他是一个雪人。 เขาคือตุ๊กตาหิมะ Hän on lumiukko.
1058 您知道奥地利的前拨号吗? คุณทราบรหัสโทรศัพท์ของประเทศออสเตรียไหม? Tiedättekö Itävallan suuntanumeron?
1077 请您给我一些零钱。 กรุณาขอแบงค์ย่อย ครับ or คะ Antaisitteko minulle pieniä seteleitä?
1094 第十一个月份是十一月 เดือนที่สิบเอ็ดคือเดือนพฤศจิกายน Yhdestoista kuukausi on marraskuu.
1098 十月,十一月和十二月 ตุลาคม พฤศจิกายนและธันวาคม lokakuu, marraskuu ja joulukuu.
1101 不,他们学的少。 ไม่ พวกเขาเรียนน้อย Eivät, he opiskelevat vähän.
1104 不,我不经常问他。 ไม่ครับ or ค่ะ ผม or ดิฉัน ถามท่านไม่บ่อย Ei, en kysy opettajalta usein.
1109 他正在工作吗? เขากำลังทำงานอยู่ใช่ไหม? Työskenteleekö hän juuri?
1110 是啊,他正在工作。 ใช่ ครับ or ค่ะ เขากำลังทำงานอยู่ Kyllä, hän työskentelee juuri.
1146 不,听不太懂。 ไม่ ผม or ดิฉันไม่ค่อยเข้าใจพวกเขาซักเท่าไหร่ ครับ or คะ Ei, en ymmärrä heitä niin hyvin.
1152 不,我没有。 ไม่ ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มีลูกสาว Ei, minulla ei ole.
1154 不,只需要100欧元。 ไม่ครับ or คะ แหวนวงนี้ราคาเพียง ๑๐๐ or 100 ยูโร Ei, se maksaa vain sata euroa.
1157 不,还没呢。 ไม่ ยังไม่เสร็จ ครับ or คะ Ei, en vielä.
1160 不,我不要了。 ไม่ ผม or ดิฉันไม่อยากได้เพิ่มแล้ว ครับ or คะ Ei, en halua enää.
1161 但还要一个冰淇淋。 แต่ขอไอศครีมอีกถ้วย ครับ or ค่ะ Mutta haluaisin vielä jäätelön.
1163 不,才一个月。 ไม่ ครับ or ค่ะ เพิ่งเดือนเดียว En, vasta kuukauden.
1164 但是我已经认识很多人了。 แต่ ผม or ดิฉัน รู้จักคนเยอะแล้ว Mutta tunnen jo paljon ihmisiä.
1166 不,要等到周末。 ไม่ ครับ or คะ จะไปตอนเสาร์-อาทิตย์ En, vasta viikonloppuna.
1169 没有,她才十七岁。 ไม่ใช่ ครับ or ค่ะ ลูกผม or ดิฉัน เพิ่งอายุ 17 ปี Ei, hän on vasta seitsemäntoista.
1178 你知道,他的钥匙在哪吗? คุณทราบไหมว่ากุญแจของเขาอยู่ที่ไหน? Tiedätkö missä hänen avaimensa on?
1179 你知道,他的车票在哪吗? คุณทราบไหมว่าตั๋วรถของเขาอยู่ที่ไหน? Tiedätkö missä hänen lippunsa on?
1199 孩子们不能找到他们的父母 เด็ก ๆหาพ่อแม่ของพวกเขาไม่พบ Lapset eivät löydä vanhempiaan.
1309 他不可以在公园里睡觉。 เขานอนในสวนสาธารณะไม่ได้ Hän ei saa nukkua puistossa.
1310 他不可以在车里睡觉。 เขานอนในรถไม่ได้ Hän ei saa nukkua autossa.
1311 他不可以在火车站睡觉。 เขานอนที่สถานีรถไฟไม่ได้ Hän ei saa nukkua rautatieasemalla.
1316 请不要太短。 อย่าให้สั้นเกินไป นะครับ or นะคะ Ei liian lyhyeksi, kiitos.
1335 我不来了,因为天气太糟糕了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มาเพราะอากาศแย่มาก En tule, koska ilma on niin huono.
1340 我没有时间。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มีเวลา Minulla ei ole aikaa.
1341 我不来,因为我没有时间。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มาเพราะไม่มีเวลา Minä en tule, koska minulla ei ole aikaa.
1344 我不留下来,因为我还得工作。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่อยู่ต่อเพราะต้องทำงาน ครับ or คะ Minä en jää, koska minun täytyy vielä työskennellä.
1367 我不可以的。 ผม or ดิฉันไม่ได้รับอนุญาต En saanut lupaa.
1368 我没来,因为我不可以来。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มาเพราะไม่ได้รับอนุญาต Minä en tullut, koska en saanut lupaa.
1371 我不能吃它(蛋糕),因为我必须减肥。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ทานเพราะว่าต้องลดน้ำหนัก ครับ or คะ En syö sitä, koska minun täytyy laihduttaa.
1374 我不能喝(这啤酒),因为我还得开车呢。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ดื่มเบียร์เพราะว่าต้องขับรถ ครับ or คะ Minä en juo sitä, koska minun täytyy vielä ajaa.
1377 我不喝它(咖啡),因为它凉了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ดื่มกาแฟเพราะมันเย็นแล้ว ครับ or คะ Minä en juo sitä, koska se on kylmää.
1379 我没有糖。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มีน้ำตาล ครับ or คะ Minulla ei ole sokeria.
1380 我不喝它(茶),因为我没有糖。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ดื่มชาเพราะว่าไม่มีน้ำตาล ครับ or คะ En juo sitä, koska minulla ei ole sokeria.
1383 我不喝 它(汤),因为我没有点它。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ทานซุปเพราะว่าไม่ได้สั่ง ครับ or คะ Minä en syö sitä, koska en tilannut sitä.
1386 我不吃它(肉),因为我是素食者。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ทานเนื้อเพราะว่าเป็นมังสวิรัติ ครับ or คะ Minä en syö sitä, koska olen kasvissyöjä.
1435 他在读一部长篇小说。 เขาอ่านนิยายหนึ่งเรื่อง Hän lukee romaania.
1436 这部长篇小说很无聊。 นิยายน่าเบื่อ Romaani on tylsä.
1437 他在读一部很无聊的长篇小说。 เขาอ่านนิยายน่าเบื่อหนึ่งเรื่อง Hän lukee tylsää romaania.
1453 他没有钱,还有债务。 เขาไม่มีเงิน มีแต่หนี้ Hänellä ei ollut rahaa, vaan velkoja.
1454 他没有好运气,还很倒霉。 เขาไม่มีโชค มีแต่โชคร้าย Hänellä ei ollut onnea, vaan epäonnea.
1455 他没成功,还很失败。 เขาไม่ประสบความสำเร็จ มีแต่ความล้มเหลว Hänellä ei ollut menestystä, vaan epäonnea.
1456 他不满意,而且很不满足。 เขาไม่เคยพอใจ มีแต่ไม่พอใจ Hän ei ollut tyytyväinen, vaan tyytymätön.
1457 他不开心, 而且很不幸福。 เขาไม่มีความสุข มีแต่ความทุกข์ Hän ei ollut onnellinen, vaan onneton.
1458 他让人没有好感, 而且惹人厌。 เขาไม่เป็นมิตรกับใคร มีแต่ไม่เป็นมิตร Hän ei ollut sympaattinen, vaan epämiellyttävä.
1462 您有那个电话号码吗?我刚才还有那个电话号码。 คุณมีเบอร์โทรศัพท์ไหม? เมื่อกี้ยังมีอยู่เลย ครับ or คะ Onko teillä puhelinnumero? Minulla oli se vielä äsken.
1463 您有地址吗?我刚才还有那个地址。 คุณมีที่อยู่ไหม ครับ or คะ? เมื่อกี้ยังมีอยู่เลย ครับ or คะ Onko teillä osoite? Äsken minulla oli se vielä.
1464 您有城市旅游指南吗?我刚才还有。 คุณมีแผนที่เมืองไหม ครับ or คะ? เมื่อกี้ยังมีอยู่เลย ครับ or ค่ะ Onko teillä kaupungin kartta? Äsken minulla oli se vielä.
1465 他来得准时吗?他没能准时来。 เขามาตรงเวลาไหม? เขามาตรงเวลาไม่ได้ ครับ or คะ Tuliko hän ajoissa? Hän ei voinut tulla ajoissa.
1466 他找到路了吗?他没能找到路。 เขาหาทางพบไหม? เขาหาทางไม่พบ ครับ or คะ Löysikö hän tien? Hän ei voinut löytää tietä.
1467 他听懂你说的话了吗?他没听懂我说的话。 เขาเข้าใจคุณไหม? เขาไม่เข้าใจ ผม or ดิฉัน ครับ or คะ Ymmärsikö hän sinua? Hän ei ymmärtänyt minua.
1468 你为什么没能够准时来呢? ทำไมคุณมาตรงเวลาไม่ได้ ครับ or คะ? Miksi et voinut tulla ajoissa?
1469 你为什么没有能找到路呢? ทำไมคุณหาทางไม่พบ ครับ or คะ? Miksi et voinut löytää tietä?
1470 你为什么没听懂他说的话呢? ทำไมคุณไม่เข้าใจเขา ครับ or คะ? Miksi et voinut ymmärtää häntä?
1471 我没能准时来,因为当时没有公共汽车。 ผม or ดิฉัน มาตรงเวลาไม่ได้เพราะว่าไม่มีรถเมล์ En voinut tulla ajoissa, koska bussi ei mennyt.
1472 我没能找到路,因为我当时没有城市交通图。 ผม or ดิฉัน หาทางไม่พบเพราะว่าไม่มีแผนที่เมือง En voinut löytää tietä, koska minulla ei ollut kaupungin karttaa.
1473 我没有听懂他说的,因为当时音乐太吵了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่เข้าใจเขาเพราะว่าดนตรีดังเกินไป En voinut ymmärtää häntä, koska musiikki oli niin kovalla.
1497 整篇长篇小说我都读完了。 ผม or ดิฉัน อ่านหนังสือนิยายทั้งเรื่องแล้ว Minä olen lukenut koko romaanin.
1504 我知道 – 我早就知道了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ทราบแล้ว – ผม or ดิฉัน ได้ทราบแล้ว Minä tiedän sen – minä olen tiennyt sen.
1512 我知道这个 – 我已经知道这个了。 ผม or ดิฉัน รู้... – ผม or ดิฉัน รู้...แล้ว Minä tunnen sen – minä olen tuntenut sen.
1527 您了解到什么了? คุณได้พบอะไรมา? Mitä te saitte tietää?
1558 我们当时不想久待。 เราไม่อยากอยู่นาน Me emme halunneet jäädä pitkäksi aikaa.
1559 我们当时什么都不想喝。 เราไม่อยากดื่มอะไร Me emme halunneet juoda mitään.
1560 我们当时谁也不想打扰。 เราไม่อยากรบกวนคุณ Me emme halunneet häiritä.
1567 我儿子那时不想玩洋娃娃。 ลูกชาย ของผม or ของดิฉัน ไม่อยากเล่นตุ๊กตา Minun poikani ei halunnut leikkiä nukella.
1568 我女儿那时不想踢足球。 ลูกสาว ของผม or ของดิฉัน ไม่อยากเล่นฟุตบอล Minun tyttäreni ei halunnut pelata jalkapalloa.
1569 我的妻子那时不想和我玩儿国际象棋 。 ภรรยาของผมไม่อยากเล่นหมากรุกกับผม Minun vaimoni ei halunnut pelata šakkia minun kanssani.
1570 我的孩子那时不想去散步。 ลูก ๆของ ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่อยากไปเดินเล่น Minun lapseni eivät halunneet mennä kävelylle.
1571 他们当时不想收拾这个房间。 พวกเขาไม่อยากจัดห้อง He eivät halunneet siivota huonetta.
1572 他们那时不想去睡觉。 พวกเขาไม่อยากไปนอน He eivät halunneet mennä sänkyyn.
1573 他那时不可以吃冰激淋。 เขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ทานไอศครีม Hän ei saanut syödä jäätelöä.
1574 他那时不可以吃巧克力。 เขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ทานช็อคโกแล็ต Hän ei saanut syödä suklaata.
1575 他那时不可以吃糖。 เขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ทานของหวาน Hän ei saanut syödä karkkia.
1622 您从哪儿知道的? คุณทราบได้อย่างไร? Mistä tiedätte sen?
1626 我知道,他会来的。 ผม or ดิฉันรู้ว่าเขาจะมา Tiedän, että hän tulee.
1631 您知道得准确吗? คุณรู้แน่หรือ? Tiedättekö sen tarkkaan?
1639 太气人了,你总打呼噜。 ผม or ดิฉัน โมโหที่ คุณ นอนกรน Minua ärsyttää, että sinä kuorsaat.
1644 我认为,他在睡觉呢。 ผม or ดิฉัน คิดว่าตอนนี้เขาหลับอยู่ Luulen, että hän nukkuu nyt.
1656 我身上恐怕没有带钱。 ผม or ดิฉัน เกรงว่า ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มีเงินแล้ว Minä pelkään, ettei minulla ole rahaa.
1657 我不知道,他是否爱我。 ฉันไม่ทราบว่า เขารักฉันหรือไม่ En tiedä, rakastaako hän minua.
1658 我不知道,他是否回来。 ฉันไม่ทราบว่า เขาจะกลับมาหรือไม่ En tiedä, tuleeko hän takaisin.
1659 我不知道,他是否给我打电话 。 ฉันไม่ทราบว่า เขาจะโทรมาหรือไม่ En tiedä, soittaako hän minulle.
167 今天我不工作。 วันนี้ ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ ไม่ทำงาน Tänään en työskentele.
1690 车祸之后,他不能工作了。 หลังจากเขาประสบอุบัติเหตุ เขาทำงานไม่ได้อีกต่อไป Onnettomuuden jälkeen hän ei voinut tehdä töitä.
1693 从什么时候起她不工作了? เธอไม่ทำงานตั้งแต่เมื่อไร? Mistä lähtien hän ei tee enää töitä?
1695 是啊,自从她结婚以后就不再工作了。 ใช่ เธอไม่ทำงานอีกเลยตั้งแต่เธอแต่งงาน Kyllä, hän ei enää tee töitä siitä lähtien, kun hän meni naimisiin.
1696 从她结婚以后,就不再工作了。 ตั้งแต่เธอแต่งงาน เธอไม่ทำงานอีกเลย Sen jälkeen, kun hän meni naimisiin, hän ei ole enää tehnyt töitä.
1723 就我所知,他住在这儿。 เท่าที่ ผม or ดิฉัน ทราบบ้านเขาอยู่ที่นี่ Mikäli tiedän oikein, hän asuu täällä.
1724 就我所知,他的妻子病了。 เท่าที่ ผม or ดิฉัน ทราบ or ภรรยาของเขาไม่สบาย Mikäli tiedän oikein, hänen vaimonsa on sairas.
1725 就我所知,他失业了。 เท่าที่ ผม or ดิฉัน ทราบเขาตกงาน Mikäli tiedän oikein, hän on työtön.
1735 尽管他没有驾驶执照, 他仍然开车。 ทั้ง ๆที่เขาไม่มีใบขับขี่ เขาก็ขับรถ Vaikka hänellä ei ole ajokorttia, hän ajaa autoa.
1738 他没有驾驶执照, 却仍然开车。 เขาไม่มีใบขับขี่ แล้วยังขับรถ Hänellä ei ole ajokorttia. Siitä huolimatta hän ajaa autoa.
1743 她买了一辆车,尽管她没钱。 เธอซื้อรถ ถึงแม้ว่าเธอจะไม่มีเงินก็ตาม Hän ostaa auton, vaikka hänellä ei ole rahaa.
1746 她没钱,但她仍然买车。 เธอไม่มีเงิน แต่เธอก็ยังซื้อรถ Hänellä ei ole rahaa. Siitä huolimatta hän ostaa auton.
1755 她不仅了解西班牙而且也了解英格兰。 เธอรู้จักทั้งประเทศสเปน และประเทศอังกฤษ Hän tuntee sekä Espanjan että Englannin.
1756 他不只是傻,而且懒。 เขาไม่ได้โง่เท่านั้น แต่ยังขี้เกียจอีกด้วย Hän ei ole vain tyhmä, vaan myös laiska.
1757 她不仅漂亮,而且也聪明。 เธอไม่ได้สวยเพียงอย่างเดียว แต่ยังฉลาดอีกด้วย Hän ei ole vain nätti, vaan myös älykäs.
1758 她不只说德语,而且还说法语。 เธอไม่ได้พูดแค่ภาษาเยอรมันเท่านั้น แต่ยังพูดภาษาฝรั่งเศสอีกด้วย Hän ei puhu vain saksaa, vaan myös ranskaa.
1759 我既不会弹钢琴也不会弹吉他。 ผม or ดิฉัน เล่นไม่ได้ทั้งเปียโน และกีตาร์ En osaa soittaa pianoa enkä kitaraa.
1760 我既不会跳华尔兹也不会跳桑巴舞。 ผม or ดิฉัน เต้นไม่ได้ทั้งวอลซ์ และแซมบ้า En osaa tanssia valssia enkä sambaa.
1761 我既不喜欢歌剧也不喜欢芭蕾。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ชอบทั้งโอเปร่า และบัลเล่ย์ En pidä oopperasta enkä baletista.
1773 老板的电脑坏了。 คอมพิวเตอร์ของหัวหน้าเสีย Pomon tietokone on rikki.
1783 已经一次 – 从来没有 เคย – ยังไม่เคย jo kerran – ei koskaan
1785 不,还没去过。 ไม่ ยังไม่เคยเลย ครับ or คะ En, en koskaan.
1786 某人,有人 – 无人,没有人 ใคร – ไม่มีใคร joku – ei kukaan
1787 您在这儿有认识的人吗? คุณรู้จักใครที่นี่ไหม ครับ or คะ? Tunnetteko täältä jonkun?
1788 不,我在这儿不认识人。 ไม่ ผม or ดิฉันไม่รู้จักใครที่นี่ ครับ or คะ En, en tunne täältä ketään.
1789 还 – 不再有 อีกนิด – อีกไม่นาน vielä – ei enää
1791 不,这里我不再多呆了。 ไม่ ผม or ดิฉันอยู่ที่นี่อีกไม่นาน ครับ or คะ En, en jää enää pitkäksi aikaa tänne.
1792 还有什么 – 没有了 อะไรอีก – ไม่อีกแล้ว vielä jotain – ei enää mitään
1794 不,我不想喝了 ไม่ ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่อยากดื่มอะไรอีกแล้ว ครับ or คะ En, en halua enää mitään.
1795 已经有 – 还没有 อะไรบ้างแล้ว – ยังไม่...เลย jo jotain – ei mitään
1797 还没,我还什么都没吃呢 ไม่ ผม or ดิฉันยังไม่ได้ทานอะไรมาเลย ครับ or คะ En, en ole syönyt vielä mitään.
1798 还有人 – 没人了 มีใครอีก – ไม่มีใครอีกแล้ว vielä joku – ei enää kukaan
1800 不,没有人了。 ไม่ ไม่มีใครอีกแล้ว ครับ or คะ Ei, ei enää kukaan.
194 十一月 พฤศจิกายน marraskuu
198 十月, 十一月和十二月 ตุลาคม พฤศจิกายน และ ธันวาคม lokakuu, marraskuu, joulukuu.
211 我不喜欢喝香槟酒。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ ไม่ชอบแชมเปญ En pidä kuohuviinistä.
212 我不喜欢喝葡萄酒。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ ไม่ชอบไวน์ Minä en pidä viinistä.
213 我不喜欢喝啤酒。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ ไม่ชอบเบียร์ Minä en pidä oluesta.
232 他们不喜欢去哪儿? พวกเขาไม่ชอบไปไหน? Mihin he eivät mene mielellään?
234 他们不喜欢跳舞。 พวกเขาไม่ชอบเต้นรำ He eivät tanssi mielellään.
235 雪是白色的。 หิมะสีขาว Lumi on valkoinen.
244 雪是什么颜色的? 白色的。 หิมะมีสีอะไร? สีขาว Minkä värinen lumi on? Valkoinen.
278 冬天下雪或下雨。 ในฤดูหนาวหิมะตกหรือฝนตก Talvella sataa lunta tai vettä.
293 这座房子前面没有街道。 ไม่มีถนนอยู่หน้าบ้าน Talon edessä ei ole tietä.
35 这是个不小的家庭。 ครอบครัวที่ไม่เล็ก Perhe ei ole pieni.
368 不是的, 我去年已经来过这里了。 ไม่ใช่ ผม or ดิฉัน เคยมาที่นี่เมื่อปีที่แล้วครับ or คะ En, olin täällä jo viime vuonna.
377 不是的, 我的妻子 or 我的丈夫也在这儿。 ไม่ใช่ ภรรยาของผม or สามีของดิฉัน ก็มาที่นี่ด้วย ครับ or ค่ะ En, vaimoni or mieheni on myös täällä.
383 不, 绝对不会。 ไม่เลย ครับ or ค่ะ Ei, ehdottomasti ei.
387 不, 我更喜欢喝啤酒。 ไม่ ครับ or คะ ผม or ดิฉัน ชอบเบียร์มากกว่า Ei, mieluummin olutta.
390 不过现在我们在这里度假。 แต่ตอนนี้เรามาพักร้อน Mutta nyt olemme täällä lomalla.
412 我现在一时记不起来,(这教材)叫什么名字。 ตอนนี้ ผม or ดิฉัน จำชื่อไม่ได้ ครับ or คะ? Minä en tällä hetkellä tiedä sen nimeä.
413 我想不起来那(书的)标题了。 ผม or ดิฉัน นึกชื่อหนังสือไม่ออก ครับ or คะ Minulle ei tule nimi mieleen.
488 没热水出来。 ไม่มีน้ำอุ่น Ei tule lämmintä vettä.
490 这房间里没有电话。 ในห้องไม่มีโทรศัพท์ Huoneessa ei ole puhelinta.
491 这房间里没有电视。 ในห้องไม่มีโทรทัศน์ Huoneessa ei ole televisiota.
492 这房间没有阳台。 ห้องไม่มีระเบียง Huoneessa ei ole parveketta.
493 这房间太吵。 ห้องนี้เสียงดังเกินไป Huone on liian kovaääninen.
556 请再来一个酸奶。 ขอโยเกิร์ตอีกหนึ่งถ้วย ครับ or ค่ะ Haluaisin vielä yhden jugurtin, kiitos.
558 请再来一杯水。 ขอน้ำเปล่าอีกหนึ่งแก้ว ครับ or ค่ะ Haluaisin vielä lasin vettä, kiitos.
615 要一个靠窗座位, 不吸烟的。 ขอที่นั่งริมหน้าต่างและไม่สูบบุหรี่ ครับ or คะ Haluaisin ikkunapaikan, savuttomalta puolelta.
621 不,我们只有一个空位了。 ไม่,เรามีที่ว่างอีกเพียงหนึ่งที่เท่านั้น ครับ or คะ Ei, meillä on vain yksi paikka vapaana.
647 车票?不, 我没有。 ตั๋วรถหรือ? ไม่มี ผม or ดิฉันไม่มีตั๋วรถ ครับ or คะ Matkalippua? – Ei, minulla ei ole matkalippua.
680 我没有零钱。 ผม or ดิฉันไม่มีเงินทอน Minulla ei ole pikkurahaa.
689 我的车没有油了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มีน้ำมันเบนซินแล้ว ครับ or คะ Minulla ei ole enää bensiiniä.
768 犀牛都在哪里? แรดอยู่ที่ไหน? Missä sarvikuonot ovat?
806 这部电影不无聊。 หนังไม่น่าเบื่อ Elokuva ei ollut tylsä.
818 不是的,这是第一次。 ไม่บ่อย นี่เป็นครั้งแรก ครับ or ค่ะ En, tämä on ensimmäinen kerta.
825 不用了,还是下次吧! ไม่เป็นไร วันอื่นดีกว่า ครับ or คะ Ei, mieluummin joskus toiste.
84 首都都是又大又吵的。 เมืองหลวง ใหญ่และเสียงดัง Pääkaupungit ovat suuria ja meluisia.
875 正在转播足球赛。 กำลังมีการแข่งฟุตบอลในตอนนี้ Sieltä tulee jalkapallo-ottelu.
878 我不知道。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ทราบ ครับ or ค่ะ Minulla ei ole aavistustakaan.
88 加拿大位于北美洲。 ประเทศแคนาดาอยู่ในทวีปอเมริกาเหนือ Kanada sijaitsee Pohjois-Amerikassa.
881 现在要点球了。 ตอนนี้กำลังยิงลูกโทษ Nyt tulee rangaistuspotku.
900 我现在从水里出来。 ผม or ดิฉัน จะขึ้นจากน้ำแล้ว Lähden nyt pois vedestä.
956 但是不要太贵的。 แต่เอาที่ไม่แพงมาก Mutta ei mitään liian kallista.
983 我挣得不多。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ มีรายได้ไม่มาก En tienaa paljon.
987 中午我们总是一起去食堂。 เราไปทานข้าวเที่ยงที่โรงอาหารเสมอ Lounasaikaan käymme aina ruokalassa.
996 我不害怕。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่กลัว Minua ei pelota.
999 他没有时间。 เขาไม่มีเวลา Hänellä ei ole aikaa.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

22 我们 正在 开会
42 钱包 没有
103 记事本 记录 以便 记忆
107 过错
139 比赛 结束
149 心跳 正常
152 现在 几点
168 现在 九点
194 现在 10点
226 体温 正常
270 北方 下雪
297 一直 等到 中午
306 认识 汉字
385 这里
388 知识 阅读 积累
389 知道
400 冰雪 开始 融化
428 知道 选举 结果
432 站立
448 这里 不许 吸烟
472 他们 认识
490 住客 不得 入内
508 火车
525 认识 字母 D
535 不善 言语
549 北极熊 生活 北极
627 练习 弹钢琴
637 已经
655 超过 所有 选手
679 街上 没有
681 我们 需要 互相 帮助
710 头发
725 如何 解决 难题
743 了解
749 他们 设宴 庆祝
808 NO 表示 反对
831 油漆
897 少数 民族
919 正在
944 认识 他们 之中
945 恐龙 已经 灭绝
957 鼻子 流血
960 有事 留言
1002 葡萄 本质 没有 差别
1012 主持人 宣布 会议 开始
1018 目前 为止 北京
1046 前方 雪山
1115 路上 积雪
1138 正在
1139 毛色 雪白
1163 现在 时兴 染发
1200 临终 儿女 身边
1213 商店 正在 营业
1264 这里 没有 异常 事故 发生
1312 公司 待遇 不错
1338 告诉 鲜为人知 秘密
1347 鼻子
1461 丝绸 便宜
1464 大雪 掩盖 道路
1492 不能 忽视 大家 提问
1532 父母 给予 支持
1559 宁可 吃饭 减肥
1590 上海市 经济 繁荣
1610 蜘蛛
1648 如何 选择
1720 中国 经济 发展 迅速
1734 碰触 一下 鼻子
1774 火山 爆发
1801 积雪 阻碍 交通
1818 天气 小心 冻坏
1824 雪地
1828 胡说
1866 仪仗队 正在 接受 检阅
1877 晓得 什么
1918 弹琴
1924 大雪 纷纷
1925 大炮 古老
1926 家人 给予 支持
1943 蒙古 中国 北方
2052 贯穿 城市 南北
2072 树枝 很多
2086 老师 进行 钢琴 伴奏
2095 她们 彼此 熟悉
2190 天空 雪花
2226 笔夹 记事本
2238 敲门
2251 崇高 卫士 致敬
2253 脉搏 正常
2262 获得 很多 荣誉 勳章
2297 市长 郑重 宣布 消息
2310 儿子 幼稚园
2325 火山 喷发
2366 现在 衣服 折扣
2376 压弯
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都
2429 屋顶 大雪 掩盖
2537 批注
2545 他们 相互 切磋 球艺
2556 不要 招惹 小心
2570 乐谱 弹琴
2601 相框 没有 照片
2610 有毒
2633 医生 病情 诊断
2657 专家 鉴定 宝石
2668 笔记
2675 知识 人类 进步 阶梯
2706 大雪 复(b)盖 大地
2759 表示 第三 意思
2774 公司 前途
2814 现在 一月 上旬
2824 国家 乌鸦 不详 象征
2838 深圳 中国 最早 经济 特区
2887 (please parse)
2902 粘贴 纸条
2917 水壶 没有
2930 纯粹 一派胡言
2941 树枝 坠弯
2945 雪山 非常
2979 塞外 风光 优美
2983 现在 我们 问题 症结 所在
2997 地区 名声 显赫
3014 不要 妨碍 比赛
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕
3066 现在 旅游 旺季
3126 使用 手机
3208 幽暗 房间 空无一人
3214 雪地 留下 车辙
3215 对于 浅尝辄止
3229 划船
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉
3256 尴尬 知道 什么
3268 他们 关系 融洽
3279 短发 现在 风靡 一时
3308 其他 对手 淘汰
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著
3332 华山 之一
3361 头发 干枯 烦躁
3370 筷子 吃饭
3372 公司 垄断 世界 电脑 市场
3386 学习 愚昧 无知
3395 我们 谴责 家庭 暴力
3413 蜘蛛 有毒
3429 海啸 破坏力
3452 东京 纬度 北纬 32
3527 犀牛 生活 非洲
3532 侥倖 没有 受伤
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭
3574 理论 知识 单调
3584 我们 推翻 合同
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠
3593 中文 不够 流利 中文 广播 费劲
3594 现在 有钱人 高档 酒店 座无虚席
3612 塑料 口袋 不够 不下 那么 馒头
3625 现在 淡季
3629 邀请 推辞
3631 作出 此时 已经 死亡 推论 正确
3634 不能 注重 形式
3635 现在 情形 不同
3636 蒸汽 不同 形态
3637 今年 石油 供应 形势 不好
3639 夏天 西瓜 经常 供不应求
3643 过敏症 专家 过敏症 诊断 治疗 专科 医生
3646 没关系
3651 很多 犯罪 贫穷 密切 相关
3652 好像 认识 公关 小姐
3657 反正 知道 这些 东西.
3675 夏天 午后 人们 总是 无精打采
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素
3701 崇敬 光明磊落 的人 痛恨 势利 小人
3712 大米 已经 冒尖 一个 容器
3716 有些 东西 给与 不是 一件 轻而易举
3719 畜栏 结实 防止 牲畜 出去
3725 战役 下来 敌军 粮食 消耗 殆尽
3736 不在 这儿 可能 干活儿
3744 这个 老人 无儿无女 老景 十分 凄凉
3747 不料 下午 下雨
3753 教室 欢闹 实在 适宜 学习
3766 抱歉 对于 实在 无能为力
3767 本来 知道 这些 事情 故作 明白
3770 这个 杯盖 这个 杯子 有些 不合
3772 这个 买卖 不但 挣钱 贴钱
3773 不管 什么 矛盾 不能 诉诸 武力
3775 不仅 学校 问题

Semantische Felder:

4.26 Nichts, Null
5.3 Unmöglich
5.3 Unmöglich
7.3 Unsichtbar