3 New HSK word(s): 2 雪 snow/ snowfall/ CL:場|场[chang2]/ to have the appearance of snow/ to wipe away; off or out/ to clean 2 白 white/ snowy/ pure/ bright/ empty/ blank/ plain/ clear/ to make clear/ in vain/ gratuitous/ free of charge/ reactionary/ anti-communist/ funeral/ to stare coldly/ to write wrong character/ to state/ to explain/ vernacular/ spoken lines in opera/ surname B 6 雪上加霜 to add hail to snow (idiom)/ one disaster on top of another/ to make things worse in a bad situation
4 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *N * *N * *VS
4 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. Schnee 2. (eine Schande) tilgen, sich rächen Schneeflocken rechtzeitiger Schnee, glücksverheißender Schnee schneeweiß, weiß wie Schnee
99 synsets(s): snow-white + snowy + snowbound + snow-clad + snow-covered + snowy + snowy + snow-blind + snow-blinded + snow-capped + snowball + snow + snowball + snowmobile + snowshoe + snowboard + snow-blind + snow + snowboarding + snowbird + snow bunting + snowbird + snowflake + snowbird + snow goose + snowy egret + snowy heron + snow leopard + snowy tree cricket + snowshoe hare + snowshoe rabbit + snow + snowball + snowbank + snow bank + snowboard + snowman + snowmobile + snowplow + snowplough + snowshoe + snowsuit + snow thrower + snow blower + snow tire + snow chain + snow job + snowball + snowball + snow pea + snow line + snowcap + snowdrift + snowfield + abominable snowman + snowboarder + Snow + C. P. Snow + Charles Percy Snow + Baron Snow of Leicester + snow eater + snow + snowfall + snow flurry + snowflake + snow mist + frost snow + snowstorm + snowdrop + snowdrop anemone + snowdrop windflower + snow-in-summer + snowball + snow orchid + snowy orchid + creeping snowberry + snow plant + snow gum + snow lily + summer snowflake + snow trillium + snow pea + West Indian snowberry + Northern snow bedstraw + snowberry + common snowberry + snowbell + Japanese snowbell + Texas snowbell + Texas snowbells + snowdrop tree + evening-snow + snow-on-the-mountain + snow-in-summer + snow mushroom + snowblindness + snow-blindness + snow + corn snow +
4 OLD_HSK English word(s): snow snow-flower/ snowflake auspicious snow snow-white
4 OLD_HSK French word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): หิมะ
4 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** LIAN2 XUE3 Schnee
* ** BAI2 BO2 weiß


หิมะ snow
หิมะตก 下雪 to snow
เกล็ดหิมะ 雪花 snowflake
สีขาว, หิมะ, ว่าง, ว่าง, สดใส, ใส, ธรรมดา, บริสุทธิ์ white, snowy, empty, blank, bright, clear, plain, pure, gratuitous
เกล็ดหิมะ 雪花 snow-flower; snowflake
หิมะมงคล 瑞雪 auspicious snow
หิมะขาว 雪白 snow-white
สโนว์บอร์ด 滑雪板 snowboard das Snowboard, s le snowboard la tabla de snowboard
นักเล่นสโนว์บอร์ด 滑雪板者 snowboarder der Snowboardfahrer, - le snowboarder el snowboarder
รถสำหรับวิ่งบนหิมะ 雪地车 snowmobile der Motorschlitten, - la motoneige la moto de nieve
บูตหิมะ 雪地靴 snow boot der Schneestiefel, - l'après-ski la bota para la nieve
สโนว์ดร็อป 雪花莲 snowdrop das Schneeglöckchen, - le perce-neige la campanilla de invierno
หิมะ snow der Schnee la neige la nieve
เกล็ดหิมะ 雪花 snowflake die Schneeflocke, n le flocon de neige el copo de nieve
มนุษย์หิมะ 雪人 snowman der Schneemann, "er le bonhomme de neige el muñeco de nieve

Grade E word(s):

4157 hi'u हिउ snow n.
4165 himarēkhā हिमरेखा snowline n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [snow] snowfall

00839194-v snow +
02758977-v snow +
03066743-n snow +
11307082-n Snow +
11508382-n snow +
15043763-n snow +

snow + +




5 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1041 这个男人是雪做的。 ผู้ชายคนนี้ทำมาจากหิมะ Mies on lumesta.
1044 他是一个雪人。 เขาคือตุ๊กตาหิมะ Hän on lumiukko.
235 雪是白色的。 หิมะสีขาว Lumi on valkoinen.
244 雪是什么颜色的? 白色的。 หิมะมีสีอะไร? สีขาว Minkä värinen lumi on? Valkoinen.
278 冬天下雪或下雨。 ในฤดูหนาวหิมะตกหรือฝนตก Talvella sataa lunta tai vettä.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

270 北方 下雪
385 这里
400 冰雪 开始 融化
919 正在
1046 前方 雪山
1115 路上 积雪
1138 正在
1139 毛色 雪白
1464 大雪 掩盖 道路
1801 积雪 阻碍 交通
1824 雪地
1924 大雪 纷纷
2072 树枝 很多
2190 天空 雪花
2376 压弯
2429 屋顶 大雪 掩盖
2706 大雪 复(b)盖 大地
2941 树枝 坠弯
2945 雪山 非常
3214 雪地 留下 车辙
3636 蒸汽 不同 形态

Semantische Felder:

1.10 Winterwetter
1.10 Winterwetter
1.10 Winterwetter
1.10 Winterwetter
1.10 Winterwetter
17.21 Wintersport