Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
der Flüchtling refugee người tị nạn
der Kühlschrank refrigerator tủ lạnh
Ich höre lieber Musik. I prefer listening to music. Tôi thích nghe nhạc.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Không, bia thì thích hơn. No, preferably a beer. Nein, lieber ein Bier.
Trọng tài đến từ Bỉ. The referee is from Belgium. Der Schiedsrichter kommt aus Belgien.
Hay là bạn muốn một ly trà hơn? Or do you prefer a tea? Oder möchten Sie lieber einen Tee?
Bạn hãy cẩn thận! Be careful! Seien Sie vorsichtig!
Cậu thích gì? + What do you prefer?
Lucy không thích cà phê. Cô ấy thích trà hơn. + Lucy doesn't like coffee. She prefers tea.
Cậu phải cẩn thận với con dao này. Nó rất sắc. + You must be careful with this knife. It's very sharp.
Họ đã ở vào tình huống nguy hiểm. Họ cần phải cẩn thận. + They were in a dangerous situation. They had to be careful.
Tôi thích ngồi trên sàn hơn. Tôi thích ngồi trên sàn hơn. + I'd rather sit on the floor. — I would prefer to sit on the floor.
Tôi thích ngồi hơn đứng. + I'd prefer to sit than stand.
Tôi thích ngồi hơn đứng. + I'd prefer to sit rather than stand.
Chí Vinh thấy không ra ngoài thì hơn. + Zhirong would prefer not to go out.
Tôi muốn tối nay ở nhà hơn. Tôi thấy không ra ngoài thì hơn. + I'd rather stay home tonight. I'd prefer not to go out.
Cậu có muốn tôi đến cùng cậu không, hay cậu thích đi một mình hơn? + Do you want me to come with you, or would you prefer to go alone?
Tôi thấy không gọi anh ấy thì hơn. Tôi thích viết cho anh ấy hơn là gửi thư điện tử. + I'd rather not call him. I'd prefer to write him an email.
Cậu thích làm gì hơn: lái xe buýt, hay phi công? + Which would you prefer to be: a bus driver or an airplane pilot?
Cậu thích làm gì hơn: nhà báo hay giáo viên? + Which would you prefer to be: a journalist or a school teacher?
Cậu thích sống ở đâu hơn: ở thành phố lớn hay thị trấn nhỏ? + Where would you prefer to live: in a big city or a small town?
Cậu thích có cái nào hơn: một căn nhà nhỏ hay một căn lớn? + Which would you prefer to have: a small house or a big one?
Cậu thích học gì hơn: điện tử hay triết học? + Which would you prefer to study: electronics or philosophy?
Cậu thích xem gì hơn: một trận đá bóng hay một bộ phim? + Which would you prefer to watch: a football game or a movie?
Cẩn thận! Khéo ngã! + Be careful! Don't fall!
Cậu muốn ăn tối bây giờ hay tí nữa? - Tôi muốn tí nữa. + Would you prefer to have dinner now or later? — I'd prefer later.
Tôi thích lái xe hơn là đi tàu hoả. + I prefer driving over traveling by train. — I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.
Tamara thích sống ở nông thôn hơn ở thành phố. + Tamara prefers to live in the country rather than in the city.
Tôi thích ở nhà tối nay hơn là đi xem phim. > Tôi thích ở nhà tối nay hơn là đi xem phim. + I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the movies. — I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the movies.
Tôi muốn bắt taxi hơn là đi bộ về nhà. + I'd prefer to take a taxi rather than walk home.
Tôi thích đi bơi hơn là đi chơi bóng rổ. + I'd prefer to go swimming rather than playing basketball.
Vỉa hè băng dày nên chúng tôi phải đi cẩn thận. Chúng tôi sợ bị ngã. + The sidewalk was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid of falling.
Cẩn thận khi đi qua đường. + Be careful when crossing the street.
Nếu mọi người lái xe chịu cẩn thận thì sẽ không có nhiều tai nạn đến thế. + If people drove more carefully, there wouldn't be so many accidents.
Anh ấy từ chối không ăn gì. + He refused to eat anything.
Hãy đọc cẩn thận từng câu này. + Read each of these sentences carefully.
Trước có miếng fromage trong tủ lạnh. Giờ nó đâu rồi? Miếng fromage trước ở trong tủ lạnh giờ đâu rồi? + There was cheese in the refrigerator. Where is it? — Where's the cheese that was in the refrigerator?
Luật sư của anh ấy từ chối trả lời câu hỏi của viên cảnh sát. + His lawyer refused to answer the policeman's question.
Lính cứu hoả đã có thể dập tắt ngọn lửa trước khi ngôn nhà bị cháy trụi. + The firefighters were able to put the fire out before the house burned down.
Tuy nhiên lính cứu hoả đã gặp khó khăn khi cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh cho một phụ nữ. Có vẻ đẹp hoang dã như con mèo của cô ấy bị chết trong đám cháy. + However, the firefighters had a hard time trying to calm a woman down. Apparently, her cat perished in the fire.

Con đom đóm + the firefly

Làm ơn cẩn thận. + Please be careful.

Đứa trẻ đang mở cái tủ lạnh. + The child is opening the refrigerator.

tủ lạnh  + refrigerator

Hôm nay là chủ nhật, vậy nên chúng tôi ngủ. + Today is Sunday, therefore we sleep.

Toi nghi vay nen toi ton tai + I think therefore I exist.

vậy nên + therefore

Tôi đã từng là một người tị nạn. + I used to be a refugee.

người tị nạn + refugee

Anh ấy để chiến thắng của mình trong tủ lạnh. + He puts his victory in the refrigerator.

cần thận + careful

Hãy thận trọng! + Be careful! (Be on your toes.)

Cẩn thận! + Be careful!

Bạn muốn chọn ghế gẩn cửa sổ hay ghế giữa? + Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat?

Bạn có muốn ăn đổ ăn chinh hoặc điểm tâm không? + Would you like any food or refreshments?

Chị ấy không dễ bị bắt nắng và cẩn thận với ánh sáng măt trời. + She doesn't tan easily and has to be careful in the sun.
kept cold, refrigerated ướp lạnh +
GNOT Qualitative • expression to refer (to) +
SNOT Travel • public transport refreshments +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-10 beziehen 1. to refer, to put, to get, 2. to move into   (bezieht, bezog, hat bezogen)
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-3 Müllabfuhr refuse collection
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-18 tanken to refuel   (tankt, tankte, hat getankt)
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-2 Reform reform
16-2. Gesellschaft Exercise 16-2-6 Asyl asylum, refuge
17-2. Meinungen Exercise 17-2-8 vorziehen 1. to choose, 2. to prefer, 3. to bring forward   (zieht vor, zog vor, hat vorgezogen)
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-2 Hinweis 1. advice, 2. tip, 3. hint, 4. indicator, 5. reference
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-3 hinweisen to point to, refer to   (weist hin, wies hin, hat hingewiesen)
19-2. Lokaladverbien Exercise 19-2-1 daher 1. therefore, 2. from there, 3. for that reason
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-3 möglichst preferably
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-5 deshalb therefore
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-5 so 1. this way, 2. so, 3. therefore, 4. such a
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-8 Ich kann nicht anders als ablehnen.  + können* I can't help but refuse.  Tôi không thể không từ chối.
Exercise 2-4 Bitte lesen Sie diese Informationen genau.  + Information Please read this information carefully.  Xin vui lòng đọc thông tin này cẩn thận.
Exercise 3-1 Pass bitte auf, wenn du über die Straße gehst.  + über  Be careful when you cross the street.  Hãy cẩn thận khi bạn băng qua đường.
Exercise 3-5 Er bezog sich in der Bewerbung auf das Stellenangebot in der Zeitung.  + beziehen* In the application, he referred to the job offer in the newspaper.  Trong đơn đăng ký, ông đã đề cập đến công việc cung cấp trên báo.
Exercise 3-5 Die Preisangabe bezieht sich auf eine Kiste.  + beziehen* The price refers to a box.  Giá đề cập đến một hộp.
Exercise 3-5 Er bezieht immer alles auf sich.  + beziehen* He always refers to himself.  Anh ta luôn tự nói với mình.
Exercise 3-5 Worauf bezieht sich Ihre Frage? + beziehen* What does your question refer to? Câu hỏi của bạn đề cập đến?
Exercise 3-7 Unser Chef bevorzugt die Anrede mit Vornamen.  + Anrede Our boss prefers the form of address with a first name.  Sếp của chúng tôi thích dạng địa chỉ với tên.
Exercise 4-5 Sie zieht den Sommer allen anderen Jahreszeiten vor.  + Jahreszeit She prefers summer to all other seasons.  Cô thích mùa hè cho tất cả các mùa khác.
Exercise 4-8 Vorsicht, bissiger Hund!  + Hund Careful, biting dog!  Cẩn thận, cắn chó!
Exercise 5-4 Sie lehnten unsere Einladung ab.  + Einladung They refused our invitation.  Họ từ chối lời mời của chúng tôi.
Exercise 6-9 Die Zeitung spiegelt die öffentliche Meinung wider.  + öffentlich The newspaper reflects public opinion.  Báo chí phản ánh dư luận.
Exercise 7-2 Zu Mittag esse ich am liebsten Fleisch und Kartoffeln.  + Mittag I prefer to eat meat and potatoes at lunch.  Tôi thích ăn thịt và khoai tây vào buổi trưa.
Exercise 8-4 Die Kinder spielen am liebsten im Hof.  + Hof The children prefer to play in the yard.  Các em thích chơi trong sân.
Exercise 8-6 Die Butter liegt im Kühlschrank ganz oben.  + oben The butter is at the top of the refrigerator.  Bơ ở đầu tủ lạnh.
Exercise 9-8 Im Urlaub bin ich am liebsten am Strand.  + Strand On vacation I prefer to be on the beach.  Vào kỳ nghỉ, tôi thích đi trên bãi biển.
Exercise 11-2 Sie haben die Rechnung noch nicht bezahlt. Daher haben wir Ihnen eine Mahnung geschickt.  + daher You haven't paid the bill yet. Therefore, we have sent you a reminder.  Bạn chưa thanh toán hóa đơn. Vì vậy, chúng tôi đã gửi cho bạn một lời nhắc nhở.
Exercise 11-3 Pass bitte mit diesem Glas auf. Es geht leicht kaputt.  + kaputtgehen* Be careful with that glass, please. It breaks easily.  Hãy cẩn thận với kính, xin vui lòng. Nó dễ vỡ.
Exercise 11-9 Fahr vorsichtig, denn die Straßen sind glatt.  + denn Drive carefully, because the roads are slippery.  Lái xe cẩn thận, bởi vì những con đường trơn trượt.
Exercise 12-2 Wir suchen eine möblierte Wohnung, möglichst im Zentrum.  + Wohnung We are looking for a furnished apartment, preferably in the centre.  Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm một căn hộ được trang bị, tốt nhất ở trung tâm.
Exercise 13-3 Lesen Sie sich alles genau durch, bevor Sie unterschreiben.  + bevor Read everything carefully before you sign.  Đọc kỹ mọi thứ trước khi ký.
Exercise 13-7 Er berechnete die Kosten sehr sorgfältig. + berechnen He calculated the costs very carefully. Anh tính toán chi phí rất cẩn thận.
Exercise 14-3 Du musst im Unterricht besser aufpassen.  + aufpassen You need to be more careful in class.  Bạn cần phải cẩn thận hơn trong lớp.
Exercise 14-4 Alles wird teurer. Wir fordern deshalb von unserer Firma mehr Lohn.  + fordern Everything's getting more expensive. We therefore demand more wages from our company.  Tất cả mọi thứ đang trở nên đắt hơn. Do đó chúng tôi yêu cầu nhiều tiền lương từ công ty chúng tôi.
Exercise 14-4 Wir müssen besonders vorsichtig sein.  + besonders  We have to be extra careful.  Chúng ta phải cẩn thận hơn.
Exercise 14-4 Darauf müsst ihr besonders aufpassen!  + besonders  You have to be very careful!  Bạn phải rất cẩn thận!
Exercise 16-3 Vorsicht, fahr nicht an den Baum.  + Baum Careful, don't go near the tree.  Cẩn thận, đừng đi gần cây.
Exercise 18-6 Ich mag Bananen lieber als Äpfel.  + Banane I prefer bananas to apples.  Tôi thích chuối hơn táo.
Exercise 18-6 Obst kaufe ich am liebsten auf dem Markt.  + Obst I prefer to buy fruit at the market.  Tôi thích mua hoa quả ở chợ.
Exercise 18-9 Ich mag lieber Milch als Saft.  + Milch I prefer milk to juice.  Tôi thích sữa để nước trái cây.
Exercise 18-9 Magst du lieber Fleisch oder Fisch?  + Fleisch Do you prefer meat or fish?  Bạn có thích thịt hay cá không?
Exercise 19-1 Vorsicht, die Kanne ist aus Glas!  + Glas Careful, the jug is made of glass!  Cẩn thận, ly được làm bằng thủy tinh!
Exercise 19-4 Vorsicht, frisch gestrichen! + frisch Careful, freshly painted! Cẩn thận, mới được sơn!
Exercise 20-5 Wir bevorzugen eine vegetarische Ernährung. + Ernährung We prefer a vegetarian diet. Chúng tôi thích chế độ ăn chay.
Exercise 20-6 Sie bevorzugt Fleisch vom Rind. + Rind She prefers beef. Cô ấy thích thịt bò.
Exercise 22-4 Es war ein Angebot, das ich nicht ablehnen konnte.  + Angebot It was an offer I couldn't refuse.  Đó là một đề nghị mà tôi không thể từ chối.
Exercise 24-8 Er hat die Gläser für den Umzug sorgfältig verpackt. + verpacken He carefully packed the glasses for the parade. Anh cẩn thận đóng gói kính cho cuộc diễu hành.
Exercise 25-2 Welche Marke magst du lieber?  + Marke Which brand do you prefer?  Bạn thích thương hiệu nào?
Exercise 26-3 Fahren Sie bei Nebel besonders vorsichtig!  + Nebel Drive very carefully in fog!  Lái xe rất cẩn thận trong sương mù!
Exercise 26-3 Sie bevorzugt die städtische Lebensweise. + städtisch She prefers the urban lifestyle. Cô thích lối sống đô thị.
Exercise 26-4 Fahr vorsichtig! Es ist neblig.  + neblig Drive carefully! It's foggy.  Lái xe cẩn thận! Nó có sương mù.
Exercise 27-4 In Zukunft werde ich vorsichtiger sein. + Zukunft  I'll be more careful in the future. Tôi sẽ cẩn thận hơn trong tương lai.
Exercise 27-8 Fahren Sie bitte vorsichtig. Es sind Kühe auf der Fahrbahn.  + Fahrbahn Drive carefully, please. There are cows on the road.  Lái xe cẩn thận, xin vui lòng. Có những con bò trên đường.
Exercise 29-7 Sie wohnen im Stadtzentrum. Deshalb haben Sie keinen Anspruch aufFahrgeld.  + Anspruch They live in the city centre. Therefore, you are not entitled to a fare.  Họ sống ở trung tâm thành phố. Vì vậy, bạn không được hưởng giá vé.
Exercise 32-9 Meine Kinder ziehen am liebsten bequeme Sachen an.  + bequem My children prefer to wear comfortable clothes.  Con tôi thích mặc quần áo thoải mái.
Exercise 33-6 Vorsicht! Der Teller ist heiß.  + Vorsicht Careful! The plate's hot.  Cẩn thận! Miếng nóng.
Exercise 33-6 Vorsicht! Der Boden ist nass.  + Vorsicht Careful! The floor is wet.  Cẩn thận! Sàn nhà ướt.
Exercise 33-7 Sei vorsichtig!  + vorsichtig Be careful!  Hãy cẩn thận!
Exercise 33-7 Bitte fahr vorsichtig, die Straße ist glatt.  + vorsichtig Please drive carefully, the road is slippery.  Hãy lái xe cẩn thận, con đường trơn trượt.
Exercise 33-7 Sei vorsichtig beim Überqueren der Straße!  + vorsichtig Be careful crossing the road!  Hãy cẩn thận băng qua đường!
Exercise 33-7 Man kann gar nicht vorsichtig genug sein. + vorsichtig You can't be too careful. Bạn không thể quá cẩn thận.
Exercise 35-4 Viele Flüchtlinge bitten um Asyl.  + Asyl Many refugees ask for asylum.  Nhiều người tị nạn xin tị nạn.
Exercise 35-5 Sie wurde vom Hausarzt zu einem Facharzt überwiesen.  + überweisen* She was referred to a specialist by her family doctor.  Cô đã được bác sĩ gia đình giới thiệu đến chuyên gia.
Exercise 35-5 Der Arzt hat mich ins Krankenhaus überwiesen.  + überweisen* The doctor referred me to the hospital.  Bác sĩ đưa tôi đến bệnh viện.
Exercise 35-6 Der Hausarzt hat mir eine Überweisung fürs Krankenhaus gegeben.  + Überweisung The family doctor gave me a referral for the hospital.  Bác sĩ gia đình đã cho tôi một giấy giới thiệu cho bệnh viện.
Exercise 36-7 Passen Sie auf, dass Sie in einer Einbahnstraße nicht in die falsche Richtung fahren. + Einbahnstraße Be careful not to drive in the wrong direction on a one-way street. Hãy cẩn thận không lái xe theo chiều hướng sai trên con đường một chiều.
Exercise 37-1 Überholen Sie vorsichtig!  + überholen Pass carefully!  Đi cẩn thận!
Exercise 37-9 Wir suchen eine Wohnung, möglichst im Erdgeschoss.  + möglichst We are looking for an apartment, preferably on the ground floor.  Chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm một căn hộ, tốt nhất là ở tầng trệt.
Exercise 38-2 Seine Bewerbung für ein Stipendium wurde abgelehnt.  + Bewerbung His application for a scholarship has been refused.  Đơn xin học bổng của ông bị từ chối.
Exercise 39-3 Vorsicht, Gift!  + Gift Careful, poison!  Cẩn thận, độc!
Exercise 39-3 Vorsicht, das ist giftig!  + giftig Careful, it's poisonous!  Cẩn thận, nó độc!
Exercise 39-6 Fahr vorsichtig! Es ist heute glatt draußen.  + glatt Drive carefully! It's slippery out today.  Lái xe cẩn thận! Nó trơn trượt ra ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 40-2 Ich würde eine Wohnung im Stadtzentrum vorziehen.  + vorziehen* I'd prefer an apartment downtown.  Tôi thích một khu phố trung tâm căn hộ.
Exercise 40-2 Sie zieht ihn seinem Bruder vor.  + vorziehen* She prefers him to his brother.  Cô ấy thích anh ấy với anh trai.
Exercise 40-6 Es ist wichtig, die Fragen aufmerksam zu lesen.  + aufmerksam It is important to read the questions carefully.  Điều quan trọng là phải đọc kỹ các câu hỏi.
Exercise 40-9 Ich mag kein Fleisch. Ich esse am liebsten vegetarisch.  + vegetarisch I don't like meat. I prefer vegetarian food.  Tôi không thích thịt. Tôi thích ăn chay.
Exercise 41-9 Mein Arzt hat mich zum Spezialisten überwiesen.  + Spezialist My doctor referred me to a specialist.  Bác sĩ của tôi đã giới thiệu tôi đến một chuyên gia.
Exercise 42-4 Welchen Sender siehst du am liebsten?  + Sender Which station do you prefer to watch?  Bạn thích xem đài nào?
Exercise 42-8 Bei der nächsten Tankstelle müssen wir tanken. + tanken We'll have to refuel at the next gas station. Chúng tôi sẽ phải tiếp nhiên liệu tại trạm xăng tiếp theo.
Exercise 43-1 Er lehnte es ab, mit ihr zu sprechen.  + ablehnen He refused to talk to her.  Anh ấy từ chối nói chuyện với cô ấy.
Exercise 43-5 Du hättest seine Forderung ablehnen sollen.  + Forderung You should have refused his request.  Bạn nên đã từ chối yêu cầu của mình.
Exercise 43-5 Die Regierung plant für nächstes Jahr eine Steuerreform.  + Reform The government is planning a tax reform next year.  Chính phủ đang lên kế hoạch cải cách thuế vào năm tới.
Exercise 43-5 Sie behindern die Reformen. + Reform They hamper the reforms. Họ cản trở cải cách.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Fertighaus + prefab house + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Abfall + waste, refuse + B
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Müll + rubbish, garbage, refuse + B
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Glühwürmchen + firefly, glow-worm + B
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Leuchtkäfer + firefly + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment vorsichtig + careful, cautious + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment sorgfältig + careful + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning kultiviert + cultivated, cultured, refined + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Überlegung + thought, reflection + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice sorgenfrei + carefree + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice unbekümmert + carefree, unconcerned + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice unbeschwert + carefree + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad manners ungeschliffen + unrefined + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography (einäugige) Spiegel-reflexkamera + (single-lens) reflex camera + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure Vorwort + preface + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style gehoben + elevated, refined + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style gepflegt + cultured, refined + C
+ + 103 Speaking Asserting and denying etw widerlegen + to refute sth + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Types of books Nachschlagewerk + reference book + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Schiedsrichter(in) + referee [football, rugby] + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Ringrichter(in) + referee [boxing] + B
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition Kampfrichter(in) + referee [judo, wrestling] + B
+ + 103 Education General Auffrischungskurs + refresher course + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Reflexion + reflection + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Brechung + refraction + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Raffinerie + refinery + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production etw raffinieren + to refine sth + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Erdölraffinerie + oil refinery + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Zuckerraffinerie + sugar refinery + B
+ + 103 Employment Application and training Referenz + referee; reference; testimonial + C
+ + 103 Employment Application and training jmdn als Referenz angeben + to give sb as a referee + C
+ + 103 Employment Application and training jmdm als Referenz dienen + to be a referee for sb + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing vorformatiert + preformatted + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Reformation + Reformation + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Peace Kriegsdienstverweigerung + refusal to fight in a war + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity Reform + reform + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity Reformer(in) + reformer + A
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Immigration and asylum Flüchtling + refugee + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Immigration and asylum Flüchtlingslager + refugee camp + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Elections Volksentscheid + referendum + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Müll + rubbish, garbage, refuse + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Abfall + rubbish, garbage, refuse + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Environment Wiederaufforstung + reforestation + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 點心 + * * dian3xin pastry/ light refreshments leichter Imbiß +
A + * * zhi3 point at/ point to/ point out/ refer to 1. Finger 2. zeigen, weisen gerichtet sein 3. auf jn/etw angewiesen sein, von jn/etw abhängig sein, sich auf jn/etw stützen siehe *zhi1, zhi2 +
A 所以 + * * suo3yi3 so/ therefore/ as a result so, deshalb, wegen +
B 拒絕 + * * ju4jue2 refuse ablehnen, verweigern,absagen +
B + * * a1 prefix used before kinship terms/ (brother) Phonetisches A +
B 反映 + * * fan3ying4 reflect/ report/ reflection widerspiegeln,(einem Vorgesetzten) berichten,Informationen liefern +
B 改革 + * * gai3ge2 reform reformieren ; Reform +
B 感想 + * * gan3xiang3 impressions/ reflections Eindruck, Gefühle und Gedanken +
B 密切 + * * mi4qie4 intimate/ close/ carefully/ be close nahe, vertraulich, aufmerksam +
B 小心 + * * xiao3xin1 careful/ be careful sorgfältig, vorsichtig +
B 電冰箱 + * * dian4bing1xiang1 refrigerator Kühlschrank, Eisschrank +
B 細心 + * * xi4xin1 careful/ attentive sorgfältig,aufmerksam +
B 仔細 + * * zi3xi4 careful/ attentive vorsichtig, sorgfältig +
B 因此 + * * yin1ci3 therefore/ thus/ consequently folglich, daher, deswegen +
C 改良 + * * gai3liang2 improve/ better/ reform/ amend/ 1. verbessern, veredeln, 2. Reform +
C + * * jie2 save/ economize/ refrain/ abstain/ abridge 1. Gelenk, Glied, Knoten 2. Abschnitt, Absatz, Takt 3. Fest, Feiertag 4. Punkt, Sache 5. Moral 6. abkürzen, kürzen 7. sparen 8. Zählwort, z.B ein Stück Eisenrohr +
C 加油 + * * jia1 you2 oil/ lubricate/ refuel/ add more gas/ try harder/ cheer 1. ölen, schmieren 2. tanken 3. anfeuern, zurufen 4. mit vollem Einsatz arbeiten +
C 慎重 + * * shen4zhong4 careful/ cautious/ prudent/ discreet vorsichtig,umsichtig +
C 祖先 + * * zu3xian1 ancestor-forebear/ forefather/ forebear/ ancestor Vorfahren, Ahnen +
C 裁判 + * * cai2pan4 judge/ umpire/ act as referee/ referee schiedsrichtern, Schiedsrichter +
C 推辭 + * * tui1ci2 push-decline/ decline/ refuse/ turn down (an offer) ablehnen +
C 參考 + * * can1kao3 refer to/ consult Hinweis, Referenz, befragen, konsultieren +
C 謹慎 + * * jin3shen4 cautious/ prudent/ circumspect/ careful/ mindful umsichtig, vorsichtig,achtsam +
C + * * jing1 perfect/ excellent/ refined/ selected/ smart/ intensive 1.raffiniert, verfeinert, erlesen,ausgesucht 2. Extrakt, Essenz 3. vorzüglich, vortrefflich 4. fein, präzis, genau 5. raffiniert, klug 6. gewandt, bewandert 7. Geist, Energie 8. Sperma 9. Geist, Dämon +
C 思考 + * * si1kao3 think over/ ponder over/ reflect upon/ consider überdenken, reflektieren +
C 精細 + * * jing1xi4 fine/ meticulous/ careful/ precise and detailed äußerst sorgsam, fein +
C 精緻 + * * jing1zhi4 fine/ exquisite/ delicate/ refined fein, exquisit +
C 細緻 + * * xi4zhi4 meticulous-careful/ attentive to detail/ rich in detail fein, umsichtig, sorgfältig, minuziös +
C 不禁 + * * bu4jin1 cannot help/ cannot refrain from. nicht zurückzuhalten können, +
C + * * lian4 refine/ smelt/ burn/ try to find the best (word) schmelzen, raffinieren, kondensieren, härten,stählen +
D 反射 + * * fan3she4 echo/ reflect Reflex,Reflexion +
D 難民 + * * nan4min2 refugee Flüchtling +
D + * * ying4 reflect spiegeln, widerspiegeln, scheinen +
D 周密 + * * zhou1mi4 thorough/ careful lückenlos, gründlich, wohldurchdacht +
D 優惠 + * * you1hui4 preferential/ favorable / discount bevorzugt, bevorrechtigt, Ermäßigung +
D 優先 + * * you1xian1 first/ preferential bevorzugt, vorrangig +
D 參閱 + * * can1yue4 refer to/ consult konsultieren +
D 參照 + * * can1zhao4 refer to vergleichen, unter Verweis auf etw , gemäß +
D 提交 + * * ti2jiao1 put in/ refer vorlegen, unterbreiten, einreichen +
D 提煉 + * * ti2lian4 abstract/ refine extrahieren, raffinieren, läutern +
D 斯文 + * * si1wen gentle/ refined vornehm, gebildet, kultiviert +
D 精美 + * * jing1mei3 refined vorzüglich +
D 查閱 + * * cha2yue4 refer/ consult nachschlagen, nachsehen +
D 謝絕 + * * xie4jue2 refuse jm dankend absagen, höflich ablehnen +
D 確鑿 + * * que4zao2 authentic/ irrefutable sicher, wahr, felsenfest, unbestreitbar +
D 駁斥 + * * bo2chi4 refute widerlegen, zurückweisen +
D 工具書 + * * gong1ju4shu1 reference book Nachschlagewerk, Lexikon +
D 咨詢 + * * zi1xun2 refer/ consult (nachfragen, konsultieren, diskutieren) +
D 前人 + * * qian2ren2 forefathers Vorfahr, Vorgänger +
D + * * nai3 be/ so/ therefore 1. sein 2. so, darum +
D 反駁 + * * fan3bo2 retort/ contradict/ refute widerlegen, widersprechen +
D 反饋 + * * fan3kui4 reflect Rückkopplung, Feedback +
D + * * ju4 refuse/ resist 1. sich widersetzen, abwehren, widerstehen 2. ablehnen, weigern, verweigern, zurückweisen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
14 谢绝 鲜花 + She refused his flowers politely. Sie lehnte die Blumen höflich ab.
601 前方 施工 注意 + Be careful of the construction ahead. Achtung im folgenden Bereich Bauarbeiten!
612 虽然 但是 很多 没有 放弃 + Though exhausted from running, many refused to give up. Obwohl müde vom Laufen, haben viele Leute dennoch nicht aufgegeben.
729 群众 要求 政府 进行 改革 + The masses demand that the government reform. Die Massen verlangen, dass die Regierung Reformen durchführt.
740 联合国 难民 进行 救济 + The United Nations is providing relief to the refugees. Die Vereinten Nationen führen Hilfsmaßnahmen für die Flüchtlinge aus.
1320 新书 序言 执笔 + The new book's preface is written by him. Das Vorwort für die Neuerscheinung ist von ihm verfasst.
1444 人们 呼吁 政府 进行 改革 + People are appealing to the government to institute reforms. Menschen appellieren an die Regierung, daß sie Reformen durchführt.
1459 看起来 斯文 + She looks very refined. Sie sieht sehr vornehm aus.
1644 寻找 参考书 + He's looking for a reference book.
1707 小心 针尖 + Be careful of the point of the needle.
1760 消防员 灭火 + The firefighters are fighting a fire.
1814 夏天 洗澡 凉快 + Taking a bath in summer is very refreshing [lit., cool]. .
1818 天气 小心 冻坏 + It's cold, so be careful not to catch a cold.
1847 他们 拒绝 和好 + They refuse to reconcile.
1956 路滑 小心 + The road is slippery, so please be careful.
2022 喜欢 什么 颜色 + What color pen do you prefer?
2255 医生 仔细 检查 身体 + The doctor is checking her health carefully.
2490 反驳 观点 + He refuted my point. Er widerspricht meinem Standpunkt.
2556 不要 招惹 小心 + Don't provoke this dog; be careful not to get bitten. Provoziere diesen Hund nicht; laß dich nicht beißen!
2773 儒雅 + He is scholarly and refined.
2872 消防员 现场 拯救 灾民 + The firefighters went to the scene to rescue the victims.
2911 父亲 嘱咐 孩子 注意 安全 + The father tells his child to be careful.
3093 开车 谨慎 + She drives very carefully.
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉 + Be careful not to let any eggshell drop into the flour.
3623 原因 移民 倾向 + The reason he was refused a visa was because he may be inclined to immigrate.
3664 我们 精打细算 汽车 + If we budget carefully, we'll be able to afford a new car.
3672 这个 草编 花篮 十分 精致 + This reed-woven flower basket is very refined.
3730 母亲 反复 丁宁 出门 一定 注意 安全 + Mother kept on telling me to be careful when outside.
3756 口味 羊肉 莫若 烤鸭 + In my opinion, I prefer to eat roast duck rather than mutton. Meiner Meinung nach schmeckt geröstete Ente besser als Hammelfleisch.
Lesson 012. Home Sweet Home.
bing1xiang1 + fridge / refrigerator
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
Jia1le4fu2 + Carrefour (French retail shop No1. In China)
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
Wo3 qu4 Jia1le4fu2 mai3 dong1xi. + I go to Carrefour to buy things.
Lesson 028. Finding and Renting an Apartment.
Jia1le4fu2 shi4 yi1 ge4 chao1shi4. + Carrefour is a supermarket.
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
suo3yi3 + so / therefore
Lesson 032. Household Duties.
Yin1wei4...suo3yi3... + (GP: therefore...)
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
you1hui4 + favorable / preferential
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
Wo3 fei1chang2 xi3huan Zhong1guo2 wen2hua4, suo3yi3 wo3 xue2xi2 Zhong1wen4. + I like Chinese culture very much, therefore I study Chinese.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
xiao3xin1 + be careful / to be careful
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Qing3 ni3 xiao3xin1 yi1xia4. + Please be careful.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
Zai4 Zhong1guo2 kai1che1 yao4 te4bie2 xiao1xin1. + Driving in China you should be especially careful.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je vais m’abstenir d’employer un tel langage + I’m going to refrain from using such language

on préférerait une réponse simple + we would prefer a simple answer

attendez . . . vous refusez d’obéir? + wait . . . you refuse to obey?

nous sommes engagés dans un travail de réflexion + we’re involved in some reflective thinking

le juge chargé du dossier refuse de convoquer le maire + the judge assigned to the case refuses to summon the mayor

préférez-vous que j’appelle la police? + would you prefer that I call the police?

le reflet du miroir saisit son regard + the mirror’s reflection captured her face

elle insistait pour m’accompagner, je refusai + she insisted on accompanying me, I refused

nous devons réformer ces institutions + we must reform these institutions

il a commandé plusieurs exemplaires du guide de référence + he ordered several copies of the reference guide

les réformes continuent, et ces pays progressent + the reforms continue, and these countries are progressing

des milliers d’entre eux refusent de partir + thousands of them are refusing to leave

l’Europe doit donc jouer un rôle actif + Europe must therefore play an active role

je ne voyais aucun motif de refus + I didn’t see any reason for refusal

je n’ai pas compris sa référence aux oiseaux + I didn’t understand his reference to the birds

je m’étais réfugié dans une espèce d’esprit farceur + I sought refuge in a farcical mindset

je vous demande donc de prolonger le délai + I therefore ask you to extend the timeframe

plusieurs raisons peuvent motiver un refus de visa + a visa may be refused for several reasons

ces résultats sont évidemment à interpréter avec prudence + these results are clearly to be interpreted carefully

il s’agit du seul ouvrage de référence sur le sujet + it’s the only reference work on the subject

dans sa cellule, avant l’exécution, il en refuse les secours + in his cell, before the execution, he refuses help

la pièce d’eau reflétait la majestueuse façade d’un palais de pierre + the ornamental pool reflected the majestic facade of a stone palace

nous fondons nos espoirs sur une issue positive au référendum + our hopes rest on a positive outcome in the referendum

j’aurais aimé qu’il soit des nôtres + I would have preferred him to be on our side

les réformistes adoraient suivre l’évolution de la dette + the reformists love to follow the debt’s progress

il est probable que le visa sera refusé + the visa will probably be refused

ils se préparent à un référendum + they’re preparing for a referendum

préfères-tu une escorte royale? + would you prefer a royal escort?

il perd sa concentration, donc son sens + he loses his concentration and therefore his reason

il faut faire appel à des simulations numériques + we need to refer to digital simulations

il refuse de privilégier les insurgés cubains! + he refuses to legitimize the Cuban insurgents

il est difficile de réfléchir en roulant + it’s difficult to reflect on things while driving

il marchait pieds nus sur la plage + he walked barefoot along the beach

les régions rurales constituent un genre de refuge + rural regions are a kind of refuge

nous préférons une solution diplomatique + we prefer a diplomatic solution

j’ai trouvé refuge dans de piètres endroits + I found refuge in dismal places

nous préférons le dirigisme à la transparence + we prefer active leadership to transparency

ma préférence va toujours et encore à la poésie + my preference is still and forever poetry

le sujet mérite donc d’être approfondi + the subject therefore deserves further study

ils préfèrent donner des interviews téléphoniques + he prefers being interviewed on the telephone

je vous réfère à notre défense + I refer you to our defense

je préfère publier mon journal intime + I prefer to publish my personal diary

madame, je crois préférable que nous discutions en privé + ma’am, I belive it would be preferable for us to discuss this in private

fais un double nœud, mais doucement + make a double knot, but do it carefully

j’ai soigneusement examiné le document + I examined the document carefully

il était nécessaire de réformer l’ancien système d’assurance-chômage + it was necessary to reform the old unemployment insurance system

mes livres sont le reflet de mes propres expériences + my books reflect my own experiences

je dois donc reconstituer des réserves + I therefore have to rebuild some reserves

est-ce une référence indirecte à la religion? + is that an indirect reference to religion?

attention quand même : vous allez attraper un rhume + now be careful—you’re going to catch a cold

écoute-moi attentivement + listen to me carefully

ils étaient des réfugiés sans le sou + they were refugees without a single penny

elle aime mieux le pasteur que le Jésuite + she prefers the pastor to the Jesuit

je préfère la souplesse d’âme à la souplesse de peau + I prefer a gentle soul to soft skin

soyez attentif, ce message est confidentiel + be careful, this message is confidential

je préférais l’autobus au métro + I preferred the bus to the subway

il refusait les médicaments toujours par méfiance + he always refused the medica- tion because of distrust

il faut les coincer de façon subtile + wedge them together carefully

les chrétiens ont besoin de repères, sinon ils sont perdus + Christians need reference points, otherwise they’re lost

sa monnaie de référence est le mark allemand + its reference currency is the German mark

attention aux produits de jardinage toxiques + be careful of toxic gardening products

il parlait lentement et articulait avec soin + he spoke slowly and articulated carefully

en cas de rupture, il ne restituera rien + in case of breach of contract, he will not refund anything

la préférence raciale joue depuis longtemps dans le recrutement + racial preference has long figured in recruitment
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103 ref +
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