A + * * zou3 walk/ visit/ pass/ leave/ go away 1. gehen, fortgehen ,zu Fuß gehen, losgehen 2. laufen, rennen 3. verlassen, fortgehen 4. einen Besuch machen 5. auslaufen, ausströmen 6. vom Original abweichen + +
A 訪問 + 访* * fang3wen4 visit/ call on besuchen + +
A 情況 + * * qing2kuang4 circumstance/ situation; condition Zustand,Situation + +
A 參觀 + * * can1guan1 visit/ look around besuchen,besichtigen + +
A + * * zuo4 sit/ take a seat/ ride/ put on a fire 1. sitzen, sich setzen, Platz nehmen 2. fahren mit (Fahrzeug) 3. (Topf, Pfanne) aufs Feuer stellen 4. (Gewehr etc) zurückstoßen + +
A 起來 + * * qi3 lai2 stand up/ sit up/ rise to one's feet aufstehen + +
A 大學 + * * da4xue2 university/ college Universität + +
A + * * xi4 department (in a university) 1. System, Reihe 2. Abteilung 3. binden, anbinden 4. um etw gehen, betreffen 5. < lit.> sein + +
A 公共汽車 + * * gong1gong4 qi4che1 bus (for public transit) öffentlicher Bus + +
B 位置 + * * wei4zhi place/ position Position, Platz + +
B 性格 + * * xing4ge2 nature/ disposition/ temperament Charakter, Natur, Disposition, Temperament + +
B 結構 + * * jie2gou4 structure/ composition Struktur, Komposition, Architektur + +
B 成果 + * * cheng2guo3 gain/ achievement/ positive result Erfolg, Errungenschaft, Frucht + +
B 相反 + * * xiang1fan3 opposite/ contrary entgegengesetzt + +
B 古代 + * * gu3dai4 historic site alte Zeiten, Altertum, Antike + +
B 會客 + * * hui4 ke4 receive a visitor einen Besucher, Gast empfangen + +
B 主張 + * * zhu3zhang1 advocate/ idea/ view/ proposition Position, Vorschlag, Blickpunkt, befürworten + +
B 情形 + * * qing2xing* circumstance/ condition/ situation Umstände,Lage + +
B 游覽 + * * you2lan3 visit/ tour/ go sightseeing besichtigen / besuchen, Tour + +
B 作文 + * * zuo4 wen2 write a composition/ composition 1. einen Aufsatz schreiben 2. Aufsatz, Abfassung + +
B 對面 + * * dui4mian4 opposite gegenüberliegende Seite + +
B 地點 + * * di4dian3 place/ site/ locale Ort + +
B 地位 + * * di4wei4 position/ status Status + +
B 建議 + * * jian4yi4 propose/ suggest/ proposition/ suggestion Vorschlag, vorschlagen, empfehlen + +
B 積極 + * * ji1ji2 positive/ active 1.positiv 2.aktiv + +
B 客人 + * * ke4ren visitor/ guest Gast, Besucher + +
B 肯定 + * * ken3ding4 affirm/ approve/ positive/ affirmative bejahend, bejahen, bestätigen, anerkennen, positiv, zustimmend, eindeutig, definitiv, zweifellos + +
B 立場 + * * li4chang3 position/ stand/ standpoint Standpunkt + +
B 強度 + * * qiang2du4 intensity Intensität, Festigkeit + +
B 形勢 + * * xing2shi4 situation/ circumstances Situation + +
C 位於 + * * wei4yu2 position-at/ lie on/ be located in/ be situated in sich befinden, liegen + +
C + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen + +
C 陣地 + * * zhen4di4 position-place/ battlefront/ front/ ground/ position Stellung, Front + +
C 雜文 + * * za2wen2 extra-composition/ essay/ satirical essay Essay + +
C 相對 + * * xiang1dui4 mutually-face/ face each other/ be opposite/ relative sich gegenüberliegen, sich gegenüberstehen, relativ, verhältnismäßig, + +
C 猜想 + * * cai1xiang3 suppose/ speculate/ guess/ supposition annehmen,vermuten, Annahme, Vermutung + +
C 來賓 + * * lai2bin1 visitor/ guest Gast, Besucher + +
C 圖畫 + * * tu2hua4 drawing-painting/ composition of lines and colors Zeichnung, Bild + +
C 得了 + * * de2 le a remark made for an all-right situation zu Ende sein, fertig sein, alles o.k, das ist genug + +
C 來回 + * * lai2hui2 visitor/ guest hin und her,hin und zurück,Hin-und Rückweg + +
C 念書 + * * nian4shu1 read/ study (lessons)/ attend a school or university 1.lesen 2. lernen + +
C + * * wo4 lie/ take a prone position/ (of certain animals) crouch 1.sich hinlegen, liegen 2.sich hinkauern, zum Zwecke des Schlafens 3. Eier pochieren 4. Schlaf- + +
C 正面 + * * zheng4mian4 face-side/ facade/ the front/ the right side/ positive frontal, direkt, positiv + +
C 優勢 + * * you1shi4 superior-situation/ superiority/ dominance/ advantage Übermacht,Oberhand,Überlegenheit + +
C + * * jian1 hold (two or more jobs; positions) concurrently 1. doppelt ,zweifach, zweimal 2. gleichzeitig bestehen, zeitlich nebeneinander tun oder erledigen + +
C 好奇 + * * hao4qi2 curious/ inquisitive neugierig, wißbegierig + +
C 吃虧 + * * chi1 kui1 suffer losses/ be in an unfavorable situation Schaden erleiden, zum Nachteil gereichen, benachteiligt + +
C 猶豫 + * * you2yu4 hesitant/ irresolute/ undecided/ unsure zögern, zaudern + +
C 拜訪 + 访* * bai4fang3 pay a visit/ call on besuchen, jmd einen Besuch abstatten + +
C 拜會 + * * bai4hui4 pay an official visit/ call on jmd einen offiziellen Besuch abstatten + +
C 對門 + * * dui4men2 opposite building or room Gebäude oder Zimmer gegenüber + +
C 學位 + * * xue2wei4 academic-position/ academic degree/ degree akademischer Grad + +
C 仇恨 + * * chou2hen4 hate/ hatred/ animosity/ rancor Haß, Feindschaft + +
C 精緻 + * * jing1zhi4 fine/ exquisite/ delicate/ refined fein, exquisit + +
C 全局 + * * quan2ju2 general or overall situation/ situation as a whole generelle Lage + +
C 光臨 + * * guang1lin2 visit as an honorable guest mit einem Besuch beehren + +
C 講究 + * * jiang3jiu be particular about/ exquisite/ tasteful/ elegant großen Wert auf etwas legen, fein, elegant + +
C 實況 + * * shi2kuang4 actual situation/ what is actually happening aktuelle Lage, aktuelle Situation + +
C 田地 + * * tian2di4 field-land/ cropland/ farmland/ plight/ pitiful situation Feld, Ackerland,Boden, elende Situation + +
C 電流 + * * dian4liu2 electric current/ electric current intensity Elektrischer Strom + +
C 輪廓 + * * lun2kuo4 outline/ contour/ profile/ silhouette/ general situation Kontur,Umriß, Silhouette + +
C + * * jing4 border/ boundary/ place/ territory/ condition/ situation 1.Grenze 2.Gegend, Gebiet,Ort 3. Lage,Zustand,Umstände + +
C + * * ke4 guest/ visitor/ passenger/ customer/ client 1. Gast, Besucher 2. Reisende, Passagier 3. Kunde 4. fremd 5 jn, der einer besonderen Aufgabe nachgeht 6. objektiv + +
C 上游 + * * shang4you2 upper reaches (of a river)/ advanced position Oberlauf eines Flusses + +
C 工地 + * * gong1di4 construction site/ building site Baustelle, Bauplatz + +
C 處於 + * * chu3yu2 be in (a certain situation; state; or condition) sich in einer bestimmten Situation befinden + +
C 場地 + * * chang3di4 space/ place/ site/ ground Feld, Platz, Ort + +
C 場合 + * * chang3he2 occasion/ situation Situation, Gelegenheit, Anlaß + +
C 下游 + * * xia4you2 lower reaches (of a river)/ backward position Unterlauf eines Flußes, Zustand der Rückständigkeit + +
C 局面 + * * ju2mian4 situation Aspekt, Phase, Situation + +
C 身分(身份) + * * shen1fen identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity Identität, Status + +
D 不惜 + * * bu4xi1 not spare/ not hesitate nicht schonen, keine Bedenken haben + +
D 樂曲 + * * yue4qu3 musical composition Musikstück syn:Komposition, Musikwerk, Opus, Tondichtung, Tonstück + +
D 聘任 + * * pin4ren4 appoint to a position einstellen, ernennen, anstellen + +
D 飯碗 + * * fan4wan3 position/ job/ rice bowl Reisschüssel, Eßnapf + +
D 愛面子 + * * ai4 mian4zi be sensitive about one's reputation das Gesicht wahren wollen + +
D 概況 + * * gai4kuang4 general situation Allgemeine, Überblick + +
D 探親 + * * tan4 qin1 go home to visit one's family entfernt lebende Eltern oder Ehepartner besuchen + +
D 探望 + * * tan4wang4 visit ausspähen, nach etw. Ausschau halten,jm einen Besuch abstatten + +
D 來訪 + 访* * lai2fang3 come to visit zu Besuch kommen + +
D 玲瓏 + * * ling2long2 exquisite fein, kunstvoll, exquisit, flink, geschickt + +
D 存款 + * * cun2 kuan3 saving deposit Geld bei einer Bank deponieren + +
D 遲疑 + * * chi2yi2 hesitate zögern + +
D 高考 + * * gao1kao3 the exam for entering universities Zulassungsprüfung der Hochschule + +
D 變遷 + * * bian4qian1 vicissitude Wandel, Veränderung + +
D 看望 + * * kan4wang4 call on/ visit/ see besuchen + +
D 躊躇 + * * chou2chu2 hesitate/ boggle zögernd, zögern + +
D 敏感 + * * min3gan3 impressible/ sensitive empfindlich, sensibel + +
D 職務 + * * zhi2wu4 headship/ duty/ position Amt, Amtspflicht, Posten, Verantwortungsbereich + +
D 大局 + * * da4ju2 overall situation generelle Situation + +
D 格局 + * * ge2ju2 situation Muster,Aufbau,Struktur + +
D 出訪 + 访* * chu1fang3 visit to (foreign countries) besuchen, besichtigen + +
D 命題 + * * ming4 ti2 proposition jd ein Thema geben, Theorem, Behauptung, Urteil + +
D 遺址 + * * yi2zhi3 site/ ruin Relikte, Ruine + +
D 儲存 + * * chu3cun2 deposited store einlegen, speichern + +
D 處境 + * * chu3jing4 plight/ situation ungünstige Situation, Lage + +
D 事態 + * * shi4tai4 a state of affairs/ situation Situation + +
D 下放 + * * xia4fang4 transfer a lower position etwas einer untergeordneten Organisation übertragen, (Kader) an die Basis schicken + +
D 國情 + * * guo2qing2 the situation of a country Lage der Nation + +
D 複合 + * * fu4he2 composite/ compound zusammengesetzt + +
D 局勢 + * * ju2shi4 situation Situation, Lage + +
D + * * yang2 sun/ positive 1. Yang, (männliches Prinzip) 2. Sonne, Gebiet südlich eines Berges, nördlich eines Flusses, konvex, plastisch hervortretend, irdisch, von dieser Welt, positiv 4. offen, äußerlich + +
D 反面 + * * fan3mian4 back/ opposite Rückseite,Kehrseite,Gegenteil + +

* 1 zuo4 to sit/ to take a seat/ to take (a bus; airplane etc)/ to bear fruit/ surname Zuo
* 2 zou3 to walk/ to go/ to run/ to move (of vehicle)/ to visit/ to leave/ to go away/ to die (euph.)/ from/ through/ away (in compound verbs; such as 撤走)/ to change (shape; form; meaning)
* 3 kan4 to see/ to look at/ to read/ to watch/ to consider/ to regard as/ to view as/ to treat as/ to judge/ (after repeated verb) to give it a try/ depending on (how you're judging)/ to visit/ to call on/ to treat (an illness)/ to look after/ Watch out! (for a d
* 3 dong1 east/ host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest)/ landlord/ surname Dong
客人* 3 ke4 ren2 visitor/ guest/ customer/ client/ CL:位[wei4]
校长* 3 xiao4 zhang3 (college; university) president/ headmaster/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4];名[ming2]
* 3 wei4 position/ location/ place/ seat/ classifier for people (honorific)/ classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十六位 16-bit or 2 bytes)
* 3 jiu4 old/ opposite: new 新/ former/ worn (with age)
* 3 qi2 to ride (an animal or bike)/ to sit astride
条件* 4 tiao2 jian4 condition/ circumstances/ term/ factor/ requirement/ prerequisite/ qualification/ CL:個|个[ge4]
访问* 4 fang3 wen4 to visit/ to call on/ to interview/ CL:次[ci4]
气候* 4 qi4 hou4 climate/ atmosphere/ situation/ CL:種|种[zhong3]
参观* 4 can1 guan1 to look around/ to inspect/ visit and observe
相反* 4 xiang1 fan3 opposite/ contrary
直接* 4 zhi2 jie1 direct/ opposite: indirect 間接|间接/ immediate/ directly/ straightforward
观众* 4 guan1 zhong4 spectators/ audience/ visitors (to an exhibition etc)
情况* 4 qing2 kuang4 circumstances/ state of affairs/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3]
* 4 guang4 to stroll/ to visit
网站* 4 wang3 zhan4 website/ network station/ node
积极* 4 ji1 ji2 active/ energetic/ vigorous/ positive (outlook)/ proactive
尽管* 4 jin3 guan3 despite/ although/ even though/ in spite of/ unhesitatingly/ do not hesitate (to ask; complain etc)/ (go ahead and do it) without hesitating
对面* 4 dui4 mian4 opposite
主动* 4 zhu3 dong4 to take the initiative/ to do sth of one's own accord/ active/ opposite: passive 被動|被动[bei4 dong4]/ drive (of gears and shafts etc)
* 4 xing2 to walk/ to go/ to travel/ a visit/ temporary/ makeshift/ current/ in circulation/ to do/ to perform/ capable/ competent/ effective/ all right/ OK!/ will do
性格* 4 xing4 ge2 nature/ disposition/ temperament/ character/ CL:個|个[ge4]
反对* 4 fan3 dui4 to fight against/ to oppose/ to be opposed to/ opposition
专业* 4 zhuan1 ye4 specialty/ specialized field/ main field of study (at university)/ major/ CL:門|门[men2];個|个[ge4]/ professional
状况* 5 zhuang4 kuang4 condition/ state/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
状态* 5 zhuang4 tai4 state of affairs/ state/ mode/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
应聘* 5 ying4 pin4 to accept a job offer/ to apply for an advertised position
* 5 zhen4 disposition of troops/ wave/ spate/ burst/ spell/ short period of time/ classifier for events or states of short duration
姿势* 5 zi1 shi4 posture/ position
地位* 5 di4 wei4 position/ status/ place/ CL:個|个[ge4]
讲究* 5 jiang3 jiu5 to pay particular attention to/ exquisite/ aesthetic
游览* 5 you2 lan3 to go sight-seeing/ to tour/ to visit/ CL:次[ci4]
整体* 5 zheng3 ti3 whole entity/ entire body/ synthesis/ as a whole (situation; construction; team etc)/ global/ macrocosm/ integral/ holistic/ whole
犹豫* 5 you2 yu4 to hesitate
* 5 shang4 on/ on top/ upon/ first (of multiple parts)/ previous/ last/ upper/ higher/ above/ to climb/ to go into/ to go up/ to attend (class or university)
综合* 5 zong1 he2 comprehensive/ composite/ synthesized/ to sum up/ to integrate/ to synthesize
* 5 zhi1 to support/ to sustain/ to erect/ to raise/ branch/ division/ to draw money/ surname Zhi/ classifier for rods such as pens and guns; for army divisions and for songs or compositions/ watt; classifier for power of light bulbs
相对* 5 xiang1 dui4 relatively/ opposite/ to resist/ to oppose/ relative/ vis-a-vis
接待* 5 jie1 dai4 to receive (a visitor)/ to admit (allow sb to enter)
身份* 5 shen1 fen4 identity/ status/ capacity/ dignity/ position/ rank
结构* 5 jie2 gou4 structure/ composition/ makeup/ architecture/ CL:座[zuo4];個|个[ge4]
作文* 5 zuo4 wen2 to write an essay/ composition (student essay)/ CL:篇[pian1]
差别* 5 cha1 bie2 difference/ distinction/ diversity/ disparity
* 5 cun2 exist/ deposit/ store/ keep/ survive
培养* 5 pei2 yang3 to train/ culture/ to bring up/ to groom (for a position)
运输* 5 yun4 shu1 transport/ haulage/ transit/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 pi1 to ascertain/ to act on/ to criticize/ to pass on/ classifier for batches; lots; military flights/ tier (for the ranking of universities and colleges)
对方* 5 dui4 fang1 counterpart/ other person involved/ opposite side/ other side/ receiving party
台阶* 5 tai2 jie1 flight of steps (leading up to a house)/ step (over obstacle)/ bench/ fig. way out of an embarrassing situation
必然* 5 bi4 ran2 inevitable/ certain/ necessity
位置* 5 wei4 zhi5 position/ place/ seat/ CL:個|个[ge4]
成分* 5 cheng2 fen4 composition/ make-up/ ingredient/ element/ component/ one's social status/ CL:個|个[ge4]
主张* 5 zhu3 zhang1 to advocate/ to stand for/ view/ position/ stand/ proposition/ viewpoint/ assertion/ CL:個|个[ge4]
好奇* 5 hao4 qi2 inquisitive/ curious
形势* 5 xing2 shi4 circumstances/ situation/ terrain/ CL:個|个[ge4]
形式* 5 xing2 shi4 form/ shape/ situation/ circumstance/ CL:個|个[ge4]
名胜古迹* 5 ming2 sheng4 gu3 ji4 historical sites and scenic spots
反思* 6 fan3 si1 to think back over sth/ to review/ to revisit/ to rethink/ reflection/ reassessment
迟疑* 6 chi2 yi2 to hesitate
波涛汹涌* 6 bo1 tao1 xiong1 yong3 tumultuous situations
博览会* 6 bo2 lan3 hui4 exposition/ international fair
方位* 6 fang1 wei4 direction/ points of the compass/ bearing/ position/ azimuth
须知* 6 xu1 zhi1 prerequisites/ rules that must be known before starting sth
重叠* 6 chong2 die2 to overlap/ to superimpose/ to telescope/ to run together/ to duplicate/ one over another/ superposition/ an overlap/ redundancy/ reduplication (in Chinese grammar; e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll)
启事* 6 qi3 shi4 announcement (written; on billboard; letter; newspaper or website)/ to post information/ a notice
阵地* 6 zhen4 di4 position/ front
踌躇* 6 chou2 chu2 to hesitate
气魄* 6 qi4 po4 spirit/ boldness/ positive outlook/ imposing attitude
抵制* 6 di3 zhi4 to resit/ to boycott/ to refuse (to cooperate)/ to reject/ resistance/ refusal
地步* 6 di4 bu4 condition/ situation/ plight/ extent/ room for action
布局* 6 bu4 ju2 arrangement/ composition/ layout/ opening (chess jargon)
雪上加霜* 6 xue3 shang4 jia1 shuang1 to add hail to snow (idiom)/ one disaster on top of another/ to make things worse in a bad situation
拜访* 6 bai4 fang3 pay a visit/ call on
灵敏* 6 ling2 min3 smart/ clever/ sensitive/ keen/ quick/ sharp
部位* 6 bu4 wei4 position/ place
不惜* 6 bu4 xi1 not stint/ not spare/ not hesitate (to do sth)/ not scruple (to do sth)
押金* 6 ya1 jin1 deposit/ cash pledge
处境* 6 chu3 jing4 plight/ unfavorable situation
正负* 6 zheng4 fu4 positive and negative
储蓄* 6 chu3 xu4 to deposit money/ to save/ savings
看望* 6 kan4 wang4 to visit/ to pay a call to
前提* 6 qian2 ti2 premise/ precondition/ prerequisite
分歧* 6 fen1 qi2 difference (of opinion; position)/ bifurcation
上游* 6 shang4 you2 upper reaches/ advanced position
扭转* 6 niu3 zhuan3 to reverse/ to turn around (an undesirable situation)
现状* 6 xian4 zhuang4 current situation
职位* 6 zhi2 wei4 post/ office/ position
职务* 6 zhi2 wu4 post/ position/ job/ duties
徘徊* 6 pai2 huai2 to dither/ to hesitate/ to pace back and forth/ by ext. to hover around/ to linger
曝光* 6 bao4 guang1 exposure (e.g. of photosensitive material)/ to expose (a scandal to the public)
凑合* 6 cou4 he5 to bring together/ to make do in a bad situation/ to just get by/ to improvise/ passable/ not too bad
麻木* 6 ma2 mu4 numb/ insensitive/ apathetic
情形* 6 qing2 xing2 circumstances/ situation/ CL:個|个[ge4]
阐述* 6 chan3 shu4 to expound (a position)/ to elaborate (on a topic)/ to treat (a subject)
对策* 6 dui4 ce4 countermeasure for dealing with a situation
对立* 6 dui4 li4 to oppose/ to set sth against/ to be antagonistic to/ antithetical/ relative opposite/ opposing/ diametrical
场合* 6 chang3 he2 situation/ occasion
师范* 6 shi1 fan4 teacher-training/ pedagogical/ normal (school; e.g. Beijing Normal University)
脾气* 6 pi2 qi5 temperament/ disposition/ temper/ CL:個|个[ge4]
全局* 6 quan2 ju2 overall situation
过渡* 6 guo4 du4 to cross over (by ferry)/ transition/ interim/ caretaker (administration)
晋升* 6 jin4 sheng1 to promote to a higher position
偏偏* 6 pian1 pian1 (indicates that sth turns out just the opposite of what one would expect or what would be normal)/ unfortunately/ against expectations
栏目* 6 lan2 mu4 a column (in a newspaper or on a news website)
狼狈* 6 lang2 bei4 in a difficult situation/ to cut a sorry figure/ scoundrel! (derogatory)
探望* 6 tan4 wang4 to visit
确信* 6 que4 xin4 to be convinced/ to be sure/ to firmly believe/ to be positive that/ definite news
位于* 6 wei4 yu2 to be located at/ to be situated at/ to lie
代理* 6 dai4 li3 to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/ to act as an agent or proxy/ surrogate
密度* 6 mi4 du4 density/ thickness
时事* 6 shi2 shi4 current trends/ the present situation/ how things are going
继往开来* 6 ji4 wang3 kai1 lai2 to follow the past and herald the future (idiom)/ part of a historical transition/ forming a bridge between earlier and later stages
精致* 6 jing1 zhi4 delicate/ fine/ exquisite/ refined
变迁* 6 bian4 qian1 changes/ vicissitudes
斩钉截铁* 6 zhan3 ding1 jie2 tie3 to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/ resolute and decisive/ unhesitating/ definitely/ without any doubt
毅然* 6 yi4 ran2 firmly/ resolutely/ without hesitation
意向* 6 yi4 xiang4 disposition
敏感* 6 min3 gan3 sensitive/ susceptible/ politically sensitive (pretext for censorship)
表态* 6 biao3 tai4 to declare one's position/ to say where one stands
名次* 6 ming2 ci4 position in a ranking of names
立场* 6 li4 chang3 position/ standpoint/ CL:個|个[ge4]
事态* 6 shi4 tai4 situation/ existing state of affairs
局面* 6 ju2 mian4 aspect/ phase/ situation
局势* 6 ju2 shi4 situation/ state (of affairs)
反面* 6 fan3 mian4 reverse side of sth/ opposite side of some topic/ the other side

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

sit : To be in a resting position on a chair
sit sitzen นั่ง s'asseoir sentarse sedersi istua

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

sit down. v: Change_posture +

sit up. v: Change_posture +

sit. v: Posture +

sit. v: Placing +

sit. v: Change_posture +

sit. v: Being_located +

site. n: Locale_by_use +

site. n: Locale +

site. n: Locale_by_event +

sitting room. n: Building_subparts +

situate. v: Placing +

situated. a: Being_located +


188 作文 +
698 大家 桌子 旁边 +
808 NO 表示 反对 +
933 作文 一段 +
967 职务 部门 主管 +
1134 著名 公司 应聘 +
1143 他们 研究 目前 状况 +
1221 台阶 看书 +
1255 不少 寄生虫 +
1272 回国 探亲 访友 +
1344 他们 屋子 前面 +
1347 鼻子 +
1575 准备 回国 探望 亲友 +
1747 埃及 很多 文化 古迹 +
1836 凉棚 下面 +
1911 他们 回家 省亲 +
1919 +
2000 拜访 老师 +
2067 悬崖 边缘 +
2229 肥胖 容易 引起 疾病 +
2333 婚礼 现场 已经 筹备 好了 +
2363 老师 要求 朗读 作文 +
2704 我们 今天 游览 长城 +
2875 这里 燕京 大学 校园 旧址 +
2891 母鸡 孵卵 +
2976 妈妈 摇椅 +
3137 她们 犹豫 +
3199 在一块 岩石 +
3428 汛情 严峻 +
3458 抨击 时政 +
3585 负责 香港 推广 这个 网站 +
3635 现在 情形 不同 +
3637 今年 石油 供应 形势 不好 +
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因 +
3742 敞快 痛快地 答应了 这件 事情 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[positive] accepting, confirming
[sensitive] having acute mental or emotional sensibility
[acquisition] possession
[density] denseness
[deposit] sediment
[deposit] down payment
[deposit] bank deposit
[disposition] temperament
[opposite] reverse, contrary
[opposition] resistance
[opposition] political party opposed
[opposition] enemy, foe
[position] placement, location
[position] stance, posture
[position] status
[proposition] statement
[sensitivity] sensitiveness
[site] web site, website, internet site
[site] land site
[situation] state of affairs
[transition] conversion, changeover
[hesitate] pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
[sit] sit down, be seated
[visit] travel to

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

sit + sit + sit + sit + sit + sit + sit + sit + sit + sit +

앉다 (To sit down) + + 대학 (University) + + 현상 (The present situation, state) + + 필요 (Need, requirement,necessity) + + 입장 (A position, situation) + + 자세 (Position, posture) + + 조직 (Organization (composition, structure)) + + 공장 (Construction site) + + 현장 (on site, on location, at the site in question) + + 위치 (A position, a location) + + 바탕 (Natural disposition ; to go all out in a fight, 아주 크게 싸우다 ; the background) + + 반대 (Opposite and being opposed to (objecting to)) + + (Position, grade, rank) + + 적극적 (Positively) + + 장면 (A scene, situation) + + 위기 (A crisis,an emergency situation) + + 지켜보다 ( Watch, stare at ( wait on some situation)) + + 총장 (The president, the chancellor (university’s)) + + 방문 (A visit) + + 다녀오다 ( Drop in for a short visit) + + 지위 (Position, status) + + 대학생 (University student) + + 방문하다 ( To visit) + + 예금 (Deposit money) + + 대응 (Confrontation, opposition) + + 필요성 (Necessity) + + 이상 (Indisposition, abnormal) + + 처지 (A situation,circumstances) + + 형편 (The situation, the state of things (esp. financial)) + + 신분 (Social position) + + 실정 (The actual situation) + + 적극 (The positive) + + 지경 (A boundary,situation,state) + + 호기심 (Curiousity) + + 맞서다 (Stand opposite) + + 성질 (naure,disposition) + + (A site, place) + + 주저앉다 ( Sit down, plump down) + + 문장 (writing,composition) + + 부정적 (negative, contradicting sth else, not positive) + + 망설이다 ( Hesitate) + + (A seat,sitting place) + + 가정 (Supposition) + + 대학교 (University) + + 작성 (editing,composition) + + 필연적 (Necessity, necessary) + + 강도 (Intensity or strength) + + 보관 (custody,deposit) + + 건너편 (The opposite side) + + 이용자 (A user; visitor) + + 나들이 (Going out, an outing ; making a short visit to sb or somewhere) + + 정반대 (Direct opposition, the exact reverse) + + 새우다 (Sit up all night) + + 마음씨 (Disposition, nature) + + 대학교수 ( University professor) + + 다녀가다 ( Drop in for a short visit) + + 일자리 (A job, position) + + 건너 (The other or opposite side) + + 건넌방 (The room opposite the main living room) + + 반대편 (The opposite side) + + 밤새우다 ( Sit up all night) + + 생활용품 ( Necessities for daily life) + + 이성 (The opposite sex) + +
+ + + + + + + +