Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Chúng ta có giờ học. We are having class / a lesson. Wir haben Unterricht.
Vô tuyến vẫn bật. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn ngủ. The TV was on. Nevertheless, he fell asleep. Der Fernseher war an. Trotzdem ist er eingeschlafen.
Đã muộn / trễ rồi. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn còn ở lại. It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. Es war schon spät. Trotzdem ist er noch geblieben.
Chúng tôi đã hẹn trước. Tuy vậy anh ấy vẫn không đến. We had made an appointment. Nevertheless, he didn’t come. Wir hatten uns verabredet. Trotzdem ist er nicht gekommen.
Chị ấy có bằng đại học. Tuy vậy chị ấy không tìm được việc. She went to college. Nevertheless, she can’t find a job. Sie hat studiert. Trotzdem findet sie keine Stelle.
Chị ấy bị đau. Tuy vậy chị ấy không đi bác sĩ. She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. Sie hat Schmerzen. Trotzdem geht sie nicht zum Arzt.
Chị ấy không có tiền. Tuy vậy chị ấy mua một chiếc xe hơi. She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car. Sie hat kein Geld. Trotzdem kauft sie ein Auto.
Chính phủ đã hứa là sẽ cung cấp nhiều tiền hơn để giúp đỡ người vô gia cư. + The government has promised to provide more money to help the homeless.
Chúng ta nên đi lúc mấy giờ? - Càng sớm Càng tốt. + When you're traveling, the less luggage you have the better.
Chúng ta đi càng sớm thì chúng ta về càng sớm. + The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it.
Cửa hàng không đông như mọi khi. > Cửa hàng đông không bằng mọi khi. + The shopping mall wasn't as crowded as usual. — The shopping mall was less crowded than usual.
Tôi biết tôi không có nhiều tiền nhưng tôi thậm chí có ít hơn tôi nghĩ. + I knew I didn't have much money, but I have even less than I thought.
Câu lạc bộ chỉ cho thành viên. Cậu không thể vào trừ phi cậu là thành viên. + The club is for members only. You can't go in unless you're a member.
Tôi sẽ gặp cậu ngày mai nếu tôi không phải làm muộn. + I'll see you tomorrow unless I have to work late.
Tôi sẽ không đi nếu trời không tạnh mưa. + I'm not going unless it stops raining.

Ăn ít hơn, nghĩ nhiều hơn + Eat less, think more.

Sự bất cẩn + The carelessness

bất cẩn + careless

Bạn sẽ thất bại trừ khi bạn cố gắng. + You will fail unless you try.

trừ khi + unless

Chiến tranh là vô nghĩa. + War is meaningless.

Mọi thứ sẽ trở thành vô nghĩa nếu tôi không có bạn. + Everything will become meaningless if I do not have you.

vô nghĩa + meaningless

Một tình yêu dang dở + a fruitless love

dang dở + fruitless

gan góc + fearless

bất cẩn, cẩu thả + careless

hấp tấp + reckless

nghèo rớt mổng tơi + moneyless

Tôi ngèo rớt mồng tơi. + I'm moneyless.

8 đồ hoặc ít hơn + 8 items or less

Tôi cảm thấy may mắn. + I feel so blessed

Thuốc đắng dã tật + Bitter pills may have blessed effects

Tôi đã thiếu cẩn thận. + I was careless.
GNOT Quantitative • quantity determiners less +
GNOT Qualitative • utility, inutility useless +
SNOT Education • education lessons etc. +
• education to study a lesson học bài +
SNOT Education • education lesson +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ít hơn less
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-11 blass 1. pale, 2. colourless, 3. wan, faint
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-2 Stunde 1. hour, 2. lesson
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-9 ewig 1. eternal, 2. forever, 3. perpetual, 4. deathless
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-2 Lehre 1. apprenticeship, 2. lesson, 3. teachings
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-4 Unterricht lesson
18-2. Konflikte Exercise 18-2-6 irren 1. to be mistaken, 2. to wander aimlessly   (irrt, irrte, hat geirrt)
19-1. Präpositionen Exercise 19-1-2 außer 1. with the exception of, 2. apart from, unless
20-1. W-Fragen, Konjunktionen Exercise 20-1-6 trotzdem nonetheless
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-4 gratis gratis, costless
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-9 Ich meine, du solltest weniger rauchen.  + meinen I mean, you should smoke less.  Ý tôi là, bạn nên hút thuốc ít hơn.
Exercise 7-4 Der Unterricht beginnt um neun und endet nachmittags um sechs.  + nachmittags Lessons begin at nine and end in the afternoon at six.  Các bài học bắt đầu lúc chín giờ và kết thúc vào buổi chiều lúc sáu giờ.
Exercise 7-5 Das bringt nichts!  + bringen* This is useless!  Đây là vô dụng!
Exercise 7-5 Lehrer sollten ihren Unterricht immer gut vorbereiten.  + vorbereiten Teachers should always prepare their lessons well.  Giáo viên phải chuẩn bị bài học tốt.
Exercise 8-2 Das soll dir eine Lehre sein. + Lehre Teach you a lesson. Dạy bạn một bài học.
Exercise 10-9 Ich bin zu dick. Ich muss weniger essen.  + dick I'm too fat. I have to eat less.  Tôi quá béo. Tôi phải ăn ít hơn.
Exercise 13-8 Meine Kinder lernen im Musikunterricht gerade Noten lesen. + Note My children are learning to read music in music lessons. Con tôi đang học cách đọc nhạc trong các bài học âm nhạc.
Exercise 14-6 Ich habe mich mehr oder weniger daran gewöhnt.  + gewöhnen I've gotten more or less used to it.  Tôi đã ít nhiều quen với nó.
Exercise 19-7 Das Geld gilt immer weniger.  + gelten* The money counts less and less.  Số tiền ít hơn và ít hơn.
Exercise 21-7 Die ganze Aktion dauerte keine zehn Minuten.  + Aktion The whole action lasted less than ten minutes.  Toàn bộ hành động kéo dài chưa đầy mười phút.
Exercise 23-3 Ihr Stolz war ohne Grenzen.  + Grenze Their pride was boundless.  Niềm tự hào của họ là vô biên.
Exercise 28-4 Sie ist hoffnungslos verliebt. + verlieben She's hopelessly in love. Cô ấy vô vọng trong tình yêu.
Exercise 29-5 In der Fahrschule gab es theoretische Kurse und Praxisstunden.  + Fahrschule The driving school offered theoretical courses and practical lessons.  Trường lái xe đưa ra các khóa học lý thuyết và các bài học thực tiễn.
Exercise 30-9 Er ist sinnlos betrunken. + betrunken He's uselessly drunk. Anh ta vô dụng say rượu.
Exercise 34-5 Ich habe beobachtet, dass er weniger isst. + beobachten  I've seen him eat less. Tôi đã nhìn thấy anh ta ăn ít hơn.
Exercise 36-6 Eine Hochzeitsfeier im Schloss wäre herrlich, aber leider unbezahlbar.  + herrlich A wedding celebration in the castle would be wonderful, but unfortunately priceless.  Lễ cưới trong lâu đài sẽ thật tuyệt vời, nhưng tiếc là không có giá trị.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals flugunfähiger Vogel + flightless bird + C
+ + 103 Weather Clouds düster + dark; gloomy; cheerless + C
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face ein ausdrucksloses Gesicht + an expressionless/impassive face + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust taktlos + tactless, indelicate + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Honesty and dishonesty, trust and distrust Taktlosigkeit + tactlessness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Willpower willenlos + weak-willed, spineless + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment gedankenlos + thoughtless + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Gedankenlosigkeit + absent-mindedness, thoughtlessness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment sorglos + careless + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Sorglosigkeit + carelessness + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning minderbegabt + less gifted + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice furchtlos + fearless, intrepid + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Virtue and vice, strictness and laxity kein Rückgrat haben + to be spineless + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness selbstlos + selfless + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment nachlässig + careless, negligent + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Nachlässigkeit + carelessness, negligence + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment leichtfertig + careless + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Leichtfertigkeit + carelessness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment rücksichtslos + inconsiderate, thoughtless, reckless + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment Rücksichtslosigkeit + recklessness + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy unnachgiebig + relentless, unyielding + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy ruhelos, rastlos + restless + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness uneigennützig + unselfish, selfless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness unerbittlich + inexorable, pitiless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness erbarmungslos + merciless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment unbesonnen + impulsive, rash, reckless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Intelligence and cunning begnadet + gifted, blessed + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy lustlos + listless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy lasch + limp, listless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy schlaff + lethargic, listless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy schlapp + worn out, listless, run-down + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice kühn + bold, daring, brave, fearless + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice todesmutig + absolutely fearless + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style rückenfrei + backless + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style trägerlos + strapless + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Footwear Pantoffel + backless slipper; mule + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste ohne Geschmack + tasteless + A
+ + 103 Perception Smell geruchlos + odourless, scentless + A
+ + 103 Perception Taste geschmacklos + tasteless + B
+ + 103 Perception Taste fade + tasteless, insipid + B
+ + 103 Materials and textures Metal rostfreier Stahl + stainless steel + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity zahllos + countless + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity unzählig + innumerable, countless + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease etw vermindern + to reduce/decrease/lessen/lower sth + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease Verminderung + reduction, decrease, lessening + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Klavierstunde + piano lesson + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Klavierunterricht + piano lessons, piano instruction + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style farblos + lifeless + A
+ + 103 Sport Training and competition torlos + goalless + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice jmdn/etw segnen + to bless sb/sth + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Segen + blessing, benediction + B
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Segnung + blessing, benediction + B
+ + 103 Education General Unterricht + teaching, lessons, classes, instruction + A
+ + 103 Education General Stunde + lesson, class + A
+ + 103 Education School Lektion + lesson + B
+ + 103 Science Mathematics zehn weniger fünf ist fünf + ten less five is five + A
+ + 103 Science Mathematics größer/weniger als + greater/less than + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials selbstdurchschrei-bendes Papier + carbonless paper + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone ein schnurloses Telefon + a cordless phone + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness obdachlos + homeless + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness Obdachlose(r) + homeless person + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness Obdachlosigkeit + homelessness + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness Obdachlosenheim + homeless shelter + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 可是 + * * ke3shi4 but/ nevertheless/ yet/ indeed aber +
A 上課 + * * shang4 ke4 attend class/ give a lesson Unterricht haben,zum Unterricht gehen +
A + * * ke4 lesson/ class/ subject/ course 1. Fach, Kursus 2. Unterricht, Vorlesung 3. Lektion,ein Zählwort 4. besteuern, Steuern erheben +
A + * * shao3 few/ little/ less/ lack/ lose/ reduce 1. wenig, gering 2. fehlen, mangeln 3. verlorengegangen sein, abhanden kommen 4. ein Moment +
A 預習 + * * yu4xi2 preview/ prepare lessons vor dem Unterricht ansehen,Lektionen vorbereiten +
A 但是 + * * dan4shi4 but/ however/ yet; nevertheless aber, dennoch +
A 還是 + * * hai2shi4 still/ nevertheless/ had better/ or oder, trotzdem, dennoch +
B + * * cu1 rude/ careless/ wide/ thick 1.dick 2.grobkörnig, rauh 3.tief und kräftig, 4. unfein, grob, roh, vulgär +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr +
B + * * lai2 about/ more or less ( v. ) kommen ( präp. ) seit / von. . . her ( adv. ) etwa / ungefähr +
B 無數 + * * wu2shu4 innumerable/ countless unzählbar, zahllos, unendlich +
B 無限 + * * wu2xian4 infinite/ limitless/ boundless endlos, grenzenlos +
B 以內 + * * yi3nei4 within/ less than innerhalb, binnen, weniger als +
B 胡亂 + * * hu2luan4 aimlessly unvorsichtig, nicht sorgfältig +
B 補課 + * * bu3 ke4 make up a missed lesson eine vermißte Lektion ausgleichen +
B 補習 + * * bu3xi2 take lessons after school außerhalb des Unterrichts Ergänzungslektionen nehmen +
B 馬虎 + * * ma3hu casual/ careless unvorsichtig, sorglos +
B 教訓 + * * jiao4xun teach sb. a lesson/ lesson jmd eine Lektion erteilen, Lektion +
B 不管 + * * bu4guan3 no matter/ regardless of ungeachet, egal ob +
B 不論 + * * bu2lun4 whether/ regardless of ganz gleich (wie...) +
C 不停 + * * bu4ting2 ceaselessly/ constantly/ on and on unaufhörlich, ohne Ende +
C 含糊 + * * han2hu ambiguous/ vague/ unsure/ careless/ perfunctory zweideutig, vage, unklar +
C 沒說的 + * * mei2 shuo1 de flawless/ really good/ it goes without saying/ no doubt wirklich gut +
C 次要 + * * ci4yao4 secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger +
C 潔白 + * * jie2bai2 pure white/ spotlessly white fleckenlos, weiß +
C + * * jue2 unique/ superb/ desperate/ hopeless/ exhausted 1. abbrechen, abschneiden, unterbrechen, 2. aufgebraucht, verbraucht, alle sein 3. ausweglos, hoffnungslos 4. einzigartig, 5. äußerst, extrem 6. unbedingt 7. kommpromißlos +
C + * * la4 spicy/ hot/ peppery/ pungent/ vicious/ ruthless 1. beißend, scharf, (Geschmack, Geruch)brennen 2. bitter, schonunglos, unbarmherzig +
C 粗心 + * * cu1xin1 careless/ thoughtless unsorgfältig, nachlässig +
C 放鬆 + * * fang4song1 loosen/ relax/ slacken/ become less attentive lockern, etw locker machen, entspannen, nachlassen +
C 粗心大意 + * * cu1xin1 da4yi4 careless/ inadvertent/ negligent lässig, nachlässig,unachtsam +
C 念書 + * * nian4shu1 read/ study (lessons)/ attend a school or university 1.lesen 2. lernen +
C + * * fei4 useless/ disused/ waste/ abandon/ abolish/ ruin 1. aufgeben,abschaffen 2. unbrauchbar, gebraucht, Abfall 3. invalid, körperlich behindert +
C 無可奈何 + * * wu2 ke3 nai4he2 nothing-could-make-what/ be helpless nichts machen können +
C 無情 + * * wu2qing2 no-feeling/ unfeeling/ heartless/ merciless/ ruthless gefühllos, schonungslos, gnadenlos +
C 無線電 + 线* * wu2xian4dian4 wireless-electricity/ radio Radio, Funk, (drahtlos) +
C 或多或少 + * * huo4 duo1 huo4 shao3 more or less mehr oder weniger +
C 多餘 + * * duo1yu2 unnecessary/ needless/ uncalled for/ surplus überflüssig, unnötig, ungefragt +
C + * * hen3 ruthless/ cruel/ savage 1. grausam, brutal, unbarmherzig, 2. sich überwinden, sich ein Herz fassen 3. energisch, entschlossen +
C + * * e4 bad/ evil/ criminal/ wicked/ vicious/ ruthless 1.Übeltat, Laster, Verbrechen, Bosheit 2.böse, grausam, erbittert 3. schlecht, übel +
C 除非 + * * chu2fei1 unless/ barring/ only if nur wenn, ausgenommen wenn +
C + * * xia1 become blind/ groundlessly/ to no purpose/ aimlessly 1. blind 2. blindlings, unbedacht, unbegründet +
C 眼看 + * * yan3kan2 eye-see/ look on helplessly/ in a moment/ very soon im Augenblick, jeden Moment, ratlos (tatenlos) zusehen +
C 漫長 + * * man4chang2 very long/ endless sehr lang, endlos +
C 縮小 + * * suo1xiao3 shrink-smaller/ reduce/ lessen/ deflate verkleinern,verringern,reduzieren +
D 犯渾 + * * fan4 hun2 act shamelessly etwas Törichtes tun +
D 潦草 + * * liao2cao3 hasty and careless/ illegible unleserlich gekritzelt, nachlässig geschrieben, nachlässig,achtlos, schlecht +
D 粗暴 + * * cu1bao4 wild/ ruthless roh, grob, brutal +
D 窩囊 + * * wo1nang hopeless stupid sich beleidigt fühlen, sich über ungerechte Behandlung ärgern, unfähig und feige +
D 盛情 + * * sheng4qing2 boundless hospitality große Freundlichkeit,Gastfreundlichkeit +
D 無能為力 + * * wu2 neng2 wei2 li4 incapable of action/ powerless hilflos +
D 無情無義 + * * wu2qing2wu2yi4 heartless erbarmungslos, rücksichtslos +
D 無窮 + * * wu2qiong2 boundless/ endless unerschöpflich, unendlich, unbegrenzt +
D 祝福 + * * zhu4fu2 bless/ benediction Segen, Segenswunsch +
D 大公無私 + * * da4 gong1 wu2 si1 selfless/ unselfish selbstlos, uneigennützig +
D 層出不窮 + * * ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2 emerge in endlessly nacheinander hinauskommen, nacheinander hervorkommen +
D 大無畏 + * * da4wu2wei4 fearless/ dauntless beherzt, unbezähmbar, unerschrocken +
D + * * hu2 carelessly 1. historische Bezeichnung für Volksgruppen im Norden u. Westen Chinas 2. von auswärts eingeführt 3 rücksichtslos, willkürlich, leichtsinnig, unverantwortlich +
D 汪洋 + * * wang1yang2 (of a body of water) vast/ boundless endloses Meer +
D 川流不息 + * * chuan1 liu2 bu4 xi1 flowing up in an endless stream Kommen u. Gehen, ununterbrochen +
D 茫茫 + * * mang2mang2 vast/ boundless in mang2mang2 unendlich weit, endlos +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
789 分文 + He's penniless. "Er hat keinen Cent."
832 大海 漫无边际 + The sea is boundless. Das Meer ist endlos.
880 古董 价值连城 + This antique is priceless. Diese Antiquität ist von unschätzbarem Wert.
929 温习 功课 + She's reviewing her lessons. Sie wiederholt den Lernstoff.
2259 帆船 茫茫大海 航行 + The boat is sailing on the boundless ocean.
2406 流浪 生活 悲惨 + The lives of the homeless are miserable.
2568 生活 感到 无奈 + He feels powerless about his own life.
2685 地球 围绕 太阳 永恒 真理 + It's a timeless truth that the earth revolves around the sun.
3195 枭雄 + In his time, he was an ambitious and ruthless character.
3580 + Our lesson starts at 10 o'clock, but he hasn't come until a quarter past ten.
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠 + Despite the fact that our leader does not come today, nevertheless we can't fall asleep.
3600 不甚 诚实 决不 归还 + A less scrupulous man wouldn't have given the money back.
3648 除非 我们 得到 更多 资金 我们 不得不 关闭 这家 商店 + Unless we can get more finance, we'll have to close the store.
3675 夏天 午后 人们 总是 无精打采 + People are always listless on summer afternoons.
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ke4 + lesson / class
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
shang4ke4 + to attend lessons
Lesson 035. How to Bargain in Mandarin Chinese.
ke4 shang4dao4 zhe4li3 + lessons are attended till here / let's stop our lesson here
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il avait moins d’excuses encore que ses complices + he had even less excuses than his accomplices did

les circonstances ne sont pas idéales + the circumstances are less than ideal

je reçois ma leçon d’armes à six heures + I get my weapons lesson at six o’clock

chez les internes, sa renommée était moins prestigieuse + among interns his renown was less prestigious

c’est un gaz mortel sans odeur + it’s a deadly, odorless gas

notre travail vous semble inutile + our work seems useless to you

je vais prier pour que Dieu vous bénisse + I’ll pray for God to bless you

il déclare qu’elle lui est inférieure en amitié + he declares that she is less loving than he

il est toutefois caractéristique qu’aucune décision définitive n’a été prise + it is nevertheless characteristic that no definitive decision was taken

une bulle de savon semblerait moins fragile + a soap bubble would seem to be less fragile

cet indice était d’ailleurs inutile + this clue was in fact useless

je me suis retrouvé plus ou moins chômeur + I found myself more or less unemployed

le contraire aurait été moins surprenant + the opposite would have been less surprising

c’est au foyer domestique qu’elles avaient pris leurs leçons + home is where they learned their lessons

dans moins d’une quinzaine, vous serez un homme libre + in less than two weeks, you’ll be a free man

la baie immense de Naples s’éployait sans fin + the immense bay of Naples extended endlessly

nous allons prendre des cours de chant à domicile + we’re going to take singing lessons at home

la justice est complètement impuissante + justice is completely powerless

le fruit d’une froide évaluation comptable + the fruit of passionless accounting evaluation

je restais là, immobile + I stayed there, motionless

des problèmes difficiles et controversés, mais tout aussi urgents + difficult and controversial problems that are nonetheless urgent

la maintenance des bateaux est moins bien assurée + upkeep of the boats is less certain

le spectre d’un conflit nucléaire généralisé s’écarte + the threat of a widespread nuclear conflict is lessening

il est bien inutile d’énumérer les obstacles + it’s totally useless to enumerate the obstacles

j’ai cependant été frustré par un nouvel échec + I was nonetheless frustrated by a new failure

une drogue est plus ou moins réglementée + a drug is more or less controlled
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 less +
103 less +
103 less +
103 less +
103 less +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
ít hơn + + less kém + + less