277 New HSK word(s): 1 开 to open/ to start/ to turn on/ to boil/ to write out (a medical prescription)/ to operate (vehicle)/ abbr. for 開爾文|开尔文 degrees Kelvin 1 零 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither 1 电视 television/ TV/ CL:臺|台[tai2];個|个[ge4] 1 电影 movie/ film/ CL:部[bu4];片[pian4];幕[mu4];場|场[chang3] 1 请 to ask/ to invite/ please (do sth)/ to treat (to a meal etc)/ to request 1 家 home/ family/ classifier for families or businesses/ refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China/ noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary; corresponds to English -ist; -er; -ary or -ian/ surname Jia/ CL:個|个[ 1 个 individual/ this/ that/ size/ classifier for people or objects in general 2 走 to walk/ to go/ to run/ to move (of vehicle)/ to visit/ to leave/ to go away/ to die (euph.)/ from/ through/ away (in compound verbs; such as 撤走)/ to change (shape; form; meaning) 2 次 next in sequence/ second/ the second (day; time etc)/ secondary/ vice-/ sub-/ infra-/ inferior quality/ substandard/ order/ sequence/ hypo- (chemistry)/ classifier for enumerated events: time 2 服务员 waiter/ waitress/ attendant/ customer service personnel/ CL:個|个[ge4] 2 也 also/ too/ (in classical Chinese) final particle serving as copula 2 门 gate/ door/ CL:扇[shan4]/ gateway/ doorway/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ opening/ valve/ switch/ way to do something/ knack/ family/ house/ (religious) sect/ school (of thought)/ class/ category/ phylum or division (taxonomy)/ classifier for large guns/ classifier for les 2 离 to leave/ to part from/ to be away from/ (in giving distances) from/ without (sth)/ independent of/ one of the eight trigrams of the Book of Changes representing fire (old) 2 黑 black/ dark/ abbr. for Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江 province in northeast China 3 方便 convenient/ to help out/ to make things easy for people/ convenience/ suitable/ having money to spare/ (euphemism) to go to the toilet 3 分 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money) 3 看 to see/ to look at/ to read/ to watch/ to consider/ to regard as/ to view as/ to treat as/ to judge/ (after repeated verb) to give it a try/ depending on (how you're judging)/ to visit/ to call on/ to treat (an illness)/ to look after/ Watch out! (for a d 3 环境 environment/ circumstances/ surroundings/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ ambient 3 客人 visitor/ guest/ customer/ client/ CL:位[wei4] 3 相信 be convinced (that something is true)/ believe/ to accept sth as true 3 向 direction/ orientation/ to face/ to turn toward/ to/ towards/ shortly before/ formerly/ to side with/ to be partial to/ all along (previously)/ surname Xiang 3 作用 to act on/ to affect/ action/ function/ activity/ impact/ result/ effect/ purpose/ intent/ to play a role/ corresponds to English -ity; -ism; -ization/ CL:個|个[ge4] 3 要 important/ vital/ to want/ will/ going to (as future auxiliary)/ may/ must 3 附近 (in the) vicinity/ nearby/ neighboring/ next to 3 复习 to revise/ to review/ revision/ CL:次[ci4] 3 过去 (in the) past/ former/ previous/ to go over/ to pass by 3 文化 culture/ civilization/ cultural/ CL:個|个[ge4];種|种[zhong3] 3 以前 before/ formerly/ previous/ ago 3 明白 clear/ obvious/ unequivocal/ to understand/ to realize 4 访问 to visit/ to call on/ to interview/ CL:次[ci4] 4 通过 by means of/ through/ via/ to pass through/ to get through/ to adopt/ to pass (a bill)/ to switch over 4 不过 only/ merely/ no more than/ but/ however/ anyway (to get back to a previous topic) 4 签证 visa/ certificate/ to certify/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 看法 way of looking at a thing/ view/ opinion/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 羡慕 envious/ envy/ to admire 4 参观 to look around/ to inspect/ visit and observe 4 农村 rural area/ village/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 观众 spectators/ audience/ visitors (to an exhibition etc) 4 管理 to supervise/ to manage/ to administer/ management/ administration/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 活动 to exercise/ to move about/ to operate/ activity/ loose/ shaky/ active/ movable/ maneuver/ to use connections/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4] 4 活泼 lively/ vivacious/ brisk/ active 4 邀请 to invite/ invitation/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 逛 to stroll/ to visit 4 生活 life/ activity/ to live/ livelihood 4 规定 provision/ to fix/ to set/ to formulate/ to stipulate/ to provide/ regulation/ rule/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 请客 give a dinner party/ entertain guests/ invite to dinner 4 往 to go (in a direction)/ to/ towards/ (of a train) bound for/ past/ previous 4 生命 life/ living/ biological/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 积极 active/ energetic/ vigorous/ positive (outlook)/ proactive 4 省 to save/ to economize/ to do without/ to omit/ to leave out/ province/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 感动 to move (sb)/ to touch (sb emotionally)/ moving 4 暂时 temporary/ provisional/ for the time being 4 十分 to divide into ten equal parts/ very/ hundred percent/ completely/ extremely/ utterly/ absolutely 4 周围 surroundings/ environment/ to encompass 4 食品 foodstuff/ food/ provisions/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 4 行 to walk/ to go/ to travel/ a visit/ temporary/ makeshift/ current/ in circulation/ to do/ to perform/ capable/ competent/ effective/ all right/ OK!/ will do 4 提供 to offer/ to supply/ to provide/ to furnish 4 招聘 recruitment/ to invite applications for a job 4 厉害 difficult to deal with/ difficult to endure/ ferocious/ radical/ serious/ terrible/ violent/ tremendous/ awesome 5 病毒 virus 5 道德 virtue/ morality/ ethics/ moral/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 调整 adjustment/ revision/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 简历 Curriculum Vitae (CV)/ résumé (resume)/ biographical notes 5 振动 vibration 5 非 non-/ not-/ un-/ abbr. for Africa 非洲/ wrong/ evil-doing/ insist on/ simply must 5 咨询 to consult/ to seek advice/ consultation/ (sales) inquiry (formal) 5 紫 purple/ violet/ amethyst/ Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye)/ Japanese: murasaki 5 部门 department/ branch/ section/ division/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 除 to get rid of/ to remove/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to wipe out/ to divide/ except/ not including 5 分别 to part or leave each other/ to distinguish/ difference/ in different ways/ differently/ separately or individually 5 游览 to go sight-seeing/ to tour/ to visit/ CL:次[ci4] 5 上 on/ on top/ upon/ first (of multiple parts)/ previous/ last/ upper/ higher/ above/ to climb/ to go into/ to go up/ to attend (class or university) 5 证据 evidence/ proof/ testimony 5 显然 clear/ evident/ obvious(ly) 5 强烈 intense/ (violently) strong 5 县 county; PRC administrative division below prefecture 地區|地区[di4 qu4]/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 推辞 to decline (an appointment; invitation etc) 5 支 to support/ to sustain/ to erect/ to raise/ branch/ division/ to draw money/ surname Zhi/ classifier for rods such as pens and guns; for army divisions and for songs or compositions/ watt; classifier for power of light bulbs 5 采访 to interview/ to gather news/ to hunt for and collect/ to cover 5 角度 angle/ point of view 5 可见 it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)/ it is (thus) clear/ clear/ visible 5 宁可 preferably/ one would prefer to...(or not to...)/ would rather/ (would) be better to/ (to pick) the lesser of two evils 5 说服 to persuade/ to convince/ to talk sb over/ Taiwan pr. shui4 fu2 5 摄影 to take a photograph/ photography/ to shoot (a movie) 5 相对 relatively/ opposite/ to resist/ to oppose/ relative/ vis-a-vis 5 观察 to observe/ to watch/ to survey/ to examine/ observation/ view/ perspective/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 观点 point of view/ viewpoint/ standpoint/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 接待 to receive (a visitor)/ to admit (allow sb to enter) 5 青 nature's color/ green or blue/ greenish black/ youth/ young (of people)/ abbr. for Qinghai province 青海 5 歪 askew/ at a crooked angle/ devious/ noxious 5 观念 notion/ thought/ concept/ sense/ views/ ideology/ general impressions 5 客厅 drawing room (room for arriving guests)/ living room/ CL:間|间[jian1] 5 从 from/ via/ passing through/ through 5 从前 previously/ formerly/ once upon a time 5 活跃 active/ vigorous 5 节省 saving/ to save/ to use sparingly/ to cut down on 5 辅导 to coach/ to tutor/ to give advice (in study) 5 宿舍 dormitory/ dorm room/ living quarters/ hostel/ CL:間|间[jian1] 5 醋 vinegar 5 作为 one's conduct/ deed/ activity/ accomplishment/ achievement/ to act as/ as (in the capacity of)/ qua/ to view as/ to look upon (sth as)/ to take sth to be 5 独特 unique/ distinct/ having special characteristics 5 曾经 once/ already/ former/ previously/ ever/ (past tense marker used before verb or clause) 5 解放 to liberate/ to emancipate/ liberation/ refers to the Communists' victory over the Nationalists in 1949/ CL:次[ci4] 5 存 exist/ deposit/ store/ keep/ survive 5 生动 vivid/ lively 5 规律 rule (e.g. of science)/ law of behavior/ regular pattern/ rhythm/ discipline 5 打工 to work (do manual labor for a living)/ a part time job/ to moonlight 5 对方 counterpart/ other person involved/ opposite side/ other side/ receiving party 5 胜利 victory/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 违反 to violate (a law) 5 权利 power/ right/ privilege 5 劝 to advise/ to urge/ to try to persuade/ exhort 5 片 thin piece/ flake/ a slice/ film/ TV play/ to slice/ to carve thin/ partial/ incomplete/ one-sided/ classifier for slices; tablets; tract of land; area of water/ classifier for CDs; movies; DVDs etc/ used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario; scen 5 必然 inevitable/ certain/ necessity 5 恶劣 vile/ nasty/ of very poor quality 5 一致 unanimous/ identical (views or opinions) 5 频道 frequency/ (television) channel 5 则 conjunction used to express contrast with a previous sentence or clause/ standard/ norm/ rule/ to imitate/ to follow/ then/ principle/ classifier for written items (such as an official statement) 5 贷款 a loan/ to provide a loan (e.g. bank)/ CL:筆|笔[bi3] 5 文明 civilized/ civilization/ culture/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 以来 since (a previous event) 5 景色 scenery/ scene/ landscape/ view 5 主张 to advocate/ to stand for/ view/ position/ stand/ proposition/ viewpoint/ assertion/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 行为 action/ conduct/ behavior/ activity 5 形象 image/ form/ figure/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ visualization/ vivid 5 个别 individual/ specific/ respective/ just one or two 5 个人 individual/ personal/ oneself 5 个性 individuality/ personality 5 朴素 plain and simple/ unadorned/ simple living/ not frivolous 5 明显 clear/ distinct/ obvious 6 反思 to think back over sth/ to review/ to revisit/ to rethink/ reflection/ reassessment 6 视野 field of view/ horizon 6 举动 act/ action/ activity/ move/ movement 6 事业 undertaking/ project/ activity/ (charitable; political or revolutionary) cause/ publicly funded institution; enterprise or foundation/ career/ occupation/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 魔鬼 devil 6 剧本 script for play; opera; movie etc/ screenplay 6 得罪 to commit an offense/ to violate the law/ excuse me! (formal)/ see also 得罪|得罪[de2 zui5] 6 抹杀 to erase/ to cover traces/ to obliterate evidence/ to expunge/ to blot out/ to suppress 6 供给 to furnish/ to provide/ supply (as in supply and demand) 6 莫名其妙 unfathomable mystery (idiom)/ subtle and ineffable/ unable to make head or tail of it/ boring (e.g. movie) 6 充沛 abundant/ plentiful/ vigorous 6 剧烈 violent/ acute/ severe/ fierce 6 追悼 mourning/ memorial (service etc) 6 功劳 contribution/ meritorious service/ credit 6 检讨 to examine or inspect/ self-criticism/ review 6 目光 sight/ vision/ view/ gaze/ look 6 应邀 at sb's invitation/ on invitation 6 亭子 pavilion 6 纺织 spinning and weaving 6 悬念 suspense in a movie; play etc/ concern for sb's welfare 6 间隔 compartment/ gap/ interval/ to divide 6 敌视 hostile/ malevolence/ antagonism/ to view as enemy/ to stand against 6 见解 opinion/ view/ understanding 6 刹车 to brake (when driving)/ to stop/ to switch off/ to check (bad habits)/ a brake 6 争夺 fight over/ contest/ vie over 6 资助 to subsidize/ to provide financial aid/ subsidy 6 开朗 spacious and well-lit/ open and clear/ to open out (onto a wider vista)/ optimistic/ cheerful/ carefree/ easy-going/ open-minded 6 鉴于 in view of/ seeing that/ considering/ whereas 6 霸道 the Way of the Hegemon; abbr. of 霸王之道/ despotic rule/ rule by might/ evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道/ overbearing/ tyranny/ (of liquor; medicine etc) strong/ potent 6 优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest 6 峡谷 canyon/ gill/ ravine 6 争先恐后 striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom)/ outdoing one another 6 灵感 inspiration/ insight/ a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor 6 划分 to divide 6 拜访 pay a visit/ call on 6 分寸 propriety/ appropriate behavior/ proper speech or action/ within the norms 6 前景 foreground/ vista/ (future) prospects/ perspective 6 先前 before/ previously 6 不言而喻 it goes without saying/ it is self-evident 6 分裂 to split up/ to divide/ to break up/ fission 6 姑且 temporarily/ the time being/ for the moment/ provisional/ tentatively 6 储蓄 to deposit money/ to save/ savings 6 看望 to visit/ to pay a call to 6 慷慨 vehement/ fervent/ generous/ giving/ liberal 6 考核 to examine/ to check up on/ to assess/ to review/ appraisal/ review/ evaluation 6 贤惠 chaste/ virtuous 6 正气 healthy environment/ healthy atmosphere/ righteousness/ vital energy (in Chinese medicine) 6 缓和 to ease (tension)/ to alleviate/ to moderate/ to allay/ to make more mild 6 雕刻 to carve/ to engrave/ carving 6 流氓 rogue/ hoodlum/ gangster/ immoral behavior 6 顾虑 misgivings/ apprehensions 6 纵横 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC) 6 风暴 storm/ violent commotion/ fig. crisis (e.g. revolution; uprising; financial crisis etc) 6 顾问 adviser/ consultant 6 风光 scene/ view/ sight/ landscape/ to be well-regarded/ to be well-off/ grand (topolect)/ impressive (topolect) 6 可恶 repulsive/ vile/ hateful/ abominable 6 侵犯 to infringe on/ to encroach on/ to violate 6 设想 to imagine/ to assume/ to envisage/ tentative plan/ to have consideration for 6 参谋 staff officer/ give advice 6 眼光 vision 6 支援 to provide assistance/ to support/ to back 6 回顾 to look back/ to review 6 饱经沧桑 having lived through many changes 6 动静 sound of activity or people talking/ news of activity 6 欲望 desire/ longing/ appetite/ craving 6 乡镇 village/ township 6 动态 development/ trend/ dynamic state/ movement/ moving 6 想方设法 to think up every possible method (idiom)/ to devise ways and means/ to try this; that and the other 6 空洞 cavity/ empty/ vacuous 6 神气 expression/ manner/ spirited/ vigorous 6 服气 to be convinced/ to accept 6 活力 energy/ vitality/ vigor/ vital force 6 神圣 divine/ hallow/ holy/ sacred 6 暴力 violence/ (use) force/ violent 6 凑合 to bring together/ to make do in a bad situation/ to just get by/ to improvise/ passable/ not too bad 6 口腔 oral cavity 6 副 secondary/ auxiliary/ deputy/ assistant/ vice-/ abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/ classifier for pairs 6 生存 to exist/ to survive 6 埋没 oblivion 6 复活 to bring back to life/ to revive/ resurrection 6 请柬 invitation card/ written invitation 6 生机 opportunity to live/ to reprieve from death/ life force/ vitality 6 请帖 invitation card/ written invitation 6 配备 to allocate/ to provide/ to outfit with 6 复兴 to revive/ rebirth 6 野蛮 barbarous/ uncivilized 6 生物 organism/ living creature/ life form/ biological/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 省会 provincial capital 6 取缔 to ban/ to prohibit (publications; customs etc)/ to outlaw/ to suppress (violators) 6 胜负 victory or defeat/ the outcome of a battle 6 违背 to violate/ to be contrary to 6 急功近利 seeking instant benefit (idiom)/ shortsighted vision; looking only for fast return 6 维生素 vitamin 6 协助 provide assistance/ aid 6 偏差 bias/ deviation 6 失误 lapse/ mistake/ to make a mistake/ fault/ service fault (in volleyball; tennis etc) 6 一目了然 obvious at a glance (idiom) 6 贪婪 avaricious/ greedy/ rapacious/ insatiable/ avid 6 劲头 enthusiasm/ zeal/ vigor/ strength 6 过瘾 to satisfy a craving/ to get a kick out of sth/ gratifying/ immensely enjoyable/ satisfying/ fulfilling 6 比重 proportion/ specific gravity 6 重心 center of gravity/ central core/ main part 6 弊病 malady/ evil/ malpractice/ drawback/ disadvantage 6 州 prefecture/ state (e.g. of US)/ province (old)/ administrative division (old) 6 堕落 to morally degenerate/ to become depraved/ a fall from grace/ a fall into sin or depravity 6 门诊 outpatient service 6 猛烈 fierce/ violent (criticism etc) 6 歹徒 evil-doer/ malefactor/ gangster/ hoodlum 6 探望 to visit 6 确信 to be convinced/ to be sure/ to firmly believe/ to be positive that/ definite news 6 疑惑 to doubt/ to distrust/ unconvincing/ to puzzle over/ misgivings/ suspicions 6 港湾 natural harbor/ bay serving as harbor 6 欣欣向荣 luxuriant growth (idiom)/ flourishing/ thriving 6 贼 thief/ wily/ deceitful/ evil/ extremely/ disagreeably 6 品行 behavior/ moral conduct 6 经商 to trade/ to carry out commercial activities/ in business 6 航空 aviation 6 信念 faith/ belief/ conviction 6 惹祸 stirring up trouble/ to invite disaster 6 航行 to sail/ to fly/ to navigate 6 精益求精 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom)/ constantly improving 6 信仰 to believe in (a religion)/ firm belief/ conviction 6 辩解 to explain/ to justify/ to defend (a point of view etc)/ to provide an explanation/ to try to defend oneself 6 主流 main stream (of a river)/ fig. the essential point/ main viewpoint of a matter 6 变迁 changes/ vicissitudes 6 警惕 to be on the alert/ vigilant/ alert/ on guard/ to warn 6 颈椎 cervical vertebra/ the seven cervical vertebrae in the neck of humans and most mammals 6 兴旺 prosperous/ thriving/ to prosper/ to flourish 6 好客 hospitality/ to treat guests well/ to enjoy having guests/ hospitable/ friendly 6 镜头 camera shot (in a movie etc)/ scene 6 诬陷 to entrap/ to frame/ to plant false evidence against sb 6 民间 among the people/ popular/ folk/ non-governmental/ involving people rather than governments 6 民用 (for) civilian use 6 人为 artificial/ man-made/ having human cause or origin/ human attempt or effort 6 当务之急 top priority job/ matter of vital importance 6 各抒己见 everyone gives their own view 6 个体 individual 6 理所当然 as it should be by rights (idiom)/ proper and to be expected as a matter of course/ inevitable and right 6 世界观 worldview/ world outlook/ Weltanschauung 6 明明 obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly/ definitely 6 视力 vision/ eyesight 6 理直气壮 in the right and self-confident (idiom)/ bold and confident with justice on one's side/ to have the courage of one's convictions/ just and forceful 6 导航 navigation 6 别墅 villa/ CL:幢[zhuang4];座[zuo4] 6 朝气蓬勃 full of youthful energy (idiom)/ vigorous/ energetic/ a bright spark 6 隐患 a danger concealed within sth/ hidden damage/ misfortune not visible from the surface 6 监督 to control/ to supervise/ to inspect
299 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *VA * *N * 访*VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *v;n * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * 宿*N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *Adv * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VA * *v;n * *N * *n;VS * *VA * *n;m * *VA * *v;n * *M * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VA * * * *N * *VA * *v;n * * * *N * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VA * *Adv * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *VS * * * *N * *N * *N * *N * *v;n * *VA * *Conj * *N * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VS * *n;VS * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *VA * *n;VS * *VA * *VS * *VA * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *VS * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *VS * *VA * *VS * 线*N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *v;n * *VA * *N * *VS * *N * *N * 访*VA * *VA * *Adv * *VA * * * *VS * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *VS * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *v;n * * * *Adv * *VA * *N * *VS * * * *VS * *VS * *VA * *VA * *N * *VS * *Conj * 饿*VS * *v;n * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *n;VS * *N * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *v;n * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *n;v * *VA * *VA * *v;n * 窿*N * *VS * *N * *Adv * *N * *VS * * * *VA * * * *VA * *VA * * * *Adv * *VA * *VS * *VA * *N * *N * *N * 访*VA * *N * *VA * *n;v * * * *N * *VA * *VA * * * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * 访*VA * *N * *VA * *N * * * * * *v;n * *VS * *VA * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *v;n * *v;n * *VA * * * *Prep * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * * * *N * *VS * *N * *VS * *VS * * * *N * 访*VA * *VS * * * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * * * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *v;n * * * *N * * * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *VS
299 OLD_HSK German word(s): in der Nähe, nahe bei 1. gehen, fortgehen ,zu Fuß gehen, losgehen 2. laufen, rennen 3. verlassen, fortgehen 4. einen Besuch machen 5. auslaufen, ausströmen 6. vom Original abweichen Kultur kulturell besuchen Provinz besuchen,besichtigen 1. bitten, ersuchen ,einladen, auffordern,fragen 2. bitte (nehmen Sie...) gewinnen,Sieg Aktivität,Tätigkeit 1. Unterkunft für Gäste 2. Laden, Geschäft 3. Stätte für kulturelle Aktivitäten Fernseher,TV Film 1. nachgeben, aufgeben , jm einen Vorteil überlassen 2. jm etw überlassen, an jn etw abtreten 3. bitten, anbieten 4. lassen, zulassen , erlauben Meinung dienen,Dienste leisten Wohnheim vor dem Unterricht ansehen,Lektionen vorbereiten wiederholen 1. ernähren, unterhalten 2. züchten, großziehen 3. gebären 4. in Pflege nehmen 5. erziehen 6. sich erholen, pflegen 7. warten, instand halten Umgebung offenbar,offenkundig,sichtbar, ganz klar haben, besitzen, ausgestattet mit, gewissen Anforderungen genügen besitzen, haben bewegen, berühren 1. gegen etw verstoßen, verletzen (Regel), übertreten 2. angreifen, überfallen 3. Verbrecher 4. begehen, verüben, einladen Luftfahrt Zivilisation 1. kämpfen, ringen, wetteifern, streben 2. streiten, hadern 1.Teil, Abschnitt 2. Einheit, Amt, Ministerium, Abteilung 3. Kommandostelle, Führungsstab 4. befehligen, kommandieren 5. Zählwort für Bücher und Filme spinnen und weben verbessern, korrigieren, abändern, Zählwort für einzelne Pflanzen, z.B vier Maulbeerbäume, Stamm für Bäume lebendig, klar 1.Essig 2. eifersüchtig, neidisch Organismus, lebendiges Wesen, biologisch 1.Land, ländliche Gebiete 2. Heimat, Heimatstadt, Heimatdorf, Gemeinde unvermeidbar, verpflichtet zu Sitzung, interviewen,sich mit jm treffen einen Besucher, Gast empfangen ländlich, Gegend, Land 1. sich vorstellen, sich einbilden 2. Imagination, Einbildungskraft Position, Vorschlag, Blickpunkt, befürworten einladen, jmd etw. ausgeben, eine Abend-Party geben Aussehen lebhaft, lebendig, aktiv besichtigen / besuchen, Tour aktiv zur Verfügung stellen, versorgen wieder, noch einmal Betrachtungsweise, Meinung, Ansicht Gesichtspunkt, Auffassung Zuschauer,Zuhörer, klar offensichtlich Videoaufzeichnung Tatkraft, Energie 1. Wissensgebiet, Disziplin, Lehrfach, Fach 2. Unterabteilung einer Verwaltungseinheit 3. Familie (Biologie) 4. jn (zu einer Strafe) verurteilen 1. Einzelperson, Individuum, individuell, persönlich, privat 2. ich individuell,Individuum bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen 1. loswerden, entfernen, ausmerzen, beseitigen 2.ausschließen, ausnehmen, ausgenommen 3. abgesehen davon, neben 4. dividieren, teilen solange, wenn nur Gast, Besucher ausrichten, regulieren,regeln Zählwort Paar, Satz 1. stellvertretend, Vize- 2.zusätzlich, Neben-, Sekundär- 3. Zählwort Paar, Satz ausrüsten, zur Verfügung stellen zuwiderhandeln,verletzen,gegen verstoßen intensiv, stark, Bild 1. Palast, Schloß 2 (Taoisten) Tempel, 3. Stätte für Kulturveranstaltungen, und Erholung armselig, elend der Klang von Unruhe, Lärm zeigen,demonstrieren, manifestieren Kraft,Impetus 1. umarbeiten, umschreiben 2.reorganisieren, umorganisieren, umbilden 1. schwer passierbare Stelle, enger Paß, Barriere 2. Gefahr, Risiko 3. heimtückisch, boshaft 4. beinahe, fast Benehmen, Betragen, Handlung Planet 1.wahnsinnig, verrückt,toll, 2. heftig, gewalttätig 3. hemmungslos, zügellos Kriminell 1. beben,erschüttern,vibrieren 2. erchrecken, schockiert erschüttern,beben Ausdruck, Art,energisch,lebhaft verletzen, überfallen heftig, drastisch,stürmisch, intensiv,stark Schwingung, Vibration Film, Filmstreifen 1. Graben, Schützengraben 2. Furche, Rinne, Rille 3. Felsenschlucht gewöhnlich,einfach Tutor, Lehrer 1. lauwarm, warm 2. Temperatur 3. erwärmen, aufwärmen 4. auffrischen, wiederholen eingeladen, auf Einladung warmherzig,intim,liebevoll 1. böse, furchterregend 2. schrecklich, furchtbar 3. unheildrohend, verhängnisvoll, unheilvoll böse, boshaft sich unterhalten, Unterhaltung 1.kommentieren, kritisieren 2. beurteilen, abschätzen lenken, fahren, steuern kommentieren, kritisieren,Kommentar 1. beißend, scharf, (Geschmack, Geruch)brennen 2. bitter, schonunglos, unbarmherzig ambulante Behandlung überwachen, beaufsichtigen,Kontrolleur überstehen, überleben,existieren Gast, Besucher wild,heftig,kräftig,plötzlich, unerwartet neufassen, korrigieren heftig, gewaltig,stürmisch, wild Grenze, Grenz-, Demarkationslinie Soldat, Armeeangehörige hin und her,hin und zurück,Hin-und Rückweg ermahnen, einschärfen Arbeitseifer, Enthusiasmus Dorf, dörflich, ländliches Gebiet, Land Dorf, kleine ländliche Siedlung (im Wettkampf) stärker Dorf Verbrechen, Sünde, Schuld verleumden, diffamieren, verunglimpfen Berater, Ratgeber Gouverneur einer Provinz gründen,errichten, eröffnen, abhalten, anbieten Beweis, Beweismittel Rat geben, Berater, Stabsoffizier um Rat fragen, zu Rate ziehen Pädagogik lebend, lebendig Wohnung, Behausung Arbeitsstil, Stil, Art und Weise des Verhaltens besuchen, jmd einen Besuch abstatten jmd einen offiziellen Besuch abstatten einfach, geradezu, überhaupt, gar abtrennen, abspalten Arbeitsteilung Zorn, Wut 1.spalten, zerspalten, zersplittern, zerfallen 2. Spaltung, Teilung klar, offenbar, offensichtlich, eindeutig Meinung, Auffassung Landsmann, Bauer zivil, für die Zivilbevölkerung sich etwas ansehen, zuschauen, mit einer Kamera aufnehmen, filmen,fotographieren klar und deutlich,offensichtlich Diktatur überzeugen, überreden energisch drehen, wenden Ventilator 1. Energie, Lebenskraft 2. lebhaft, munter, frisch, rüstig drehen, umdrehen, um eine Ecke gehen, eine Wendung machen, Ecke 1.Übeltat, Laster, Verbrechen, Bosheit 2.böse, grausam, erbittert 3. schlecht, übel abscheulich, widerwärtig, gemein, wertlos drehen, etwas in Bewegung setzen mit einem Besuch beehren Individualität, Persönlichkeit krumm, gewunden, gebogen, biegen, krümmen, beugen,Kurve, Wendung es ist ersichtlich, daß.. hungrig, hungern, Hunger überreden,einreden,zureden,ermahnen wachsam sein, auf der Hut sein Elektrisches Gerät praktikabel, möglich, duchführbar Anblick, Landschaft, Landschaftsbild, Szenerie Gottesdienst, Anbetung,Woche, Wochentag, Sonntag Landschaft, Szenerie 1. Gast, Besucher 2. Reisende, Passagier 3. Kunde 4. fremd 5 jn, der einer besonderen Aufgabe nachgeht 6. objektiv Objektivität,objektiv Empfangshalle,Besucherzimmer,Wohnzimmer vibrieren, zittern schnitzen, einscheiden, bildhauern, 1. Kleidung, Kleid, Anzug 2. (Medizin) einnehmen 3. etw auf sich nehmen, übernehmen 4. jn überzeugen 5. sich einleben, akklimatisieren 1. Lohn 2. Gehalt Sicht, Blick blühend und gedeihend,üppig,schwungvoll,stürmisch Schlucht, Canyon gegenseitige Hilfe angreifen,Angriff 1. Winkel 2. Perspektive 3. Blickwinkel etwas mit allen Mitteln erreichen wollen 1. schwer atmen, um Luft ringen, nach Luft schnappen 2. Asthma Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung Pavillion, Laube Auge, Blick, Urteilsvermögen/ Einsicht ja richtig Glaube, Überzeugung versorgen, liefern, beliefern, Versorgung 1.rechnen, zählen, kalkulieren 2. Messer, Zähler 3. Plan, List, Intrige zuwiderhandeln,verletzen, übertreten 1. bedecken, zudecken, verdecken 2. Schutz gegen etw. bieten, vor etw schützen neue Ideen vorbringen, neue Wege bahnen, Neuerung, Innovation Loch,Höhle,Hohlraum,Fehlbetrag, Schuld strahlend (Farben) Bösewicht, üble Person unvermeidbar, unvermeidlich Vitamin tugendhaft, sittsam offensichtlich fest an etw. glauben das Gesetz brechen 1.einladen 2. bitten, ersuchen erschüttern, beben sich zum Besseren bekehren nicht geeignet, unangebracht zügig vorantreiben 1. gleichmäßig, gleich 2. gleichmachen, etw gleichmäßig verteilen 3. abtreten, überlassen Navigation Schwerpunkt innere Organe Bürgerkrieg interviewen, jm einen Besuch abstatten hohe Tugend, hohe Moral,Sittlichkeit dafür sorgen, daß jd etw. tut Seefahrt, Seeschiffahrt, Nautik entfernt lebende Eltern oder Ehepartner besuchen Anteil, Proportion ausweichen, vermeiden, sich abwenden revidieren, verbessern, etwas überprüfen und abändern erster sein wollen und dabei fürchten zurückzufallen zurückblicken, Rückschau halten ausspähen, nach etw. Ausschau halten,jm einen Besuch abstatten Produktionstempo kontrollieren, überwachen,beaufsichtigen Überlebenschance, Lebenskraft, Vitalität zu Besuch kommen Lebenskraft, Vitalität tief überzeugt sein Landsleute, Dorfbewohner Geld bei einer Bank deponieren massenhaft,nicht abreißend, Bedenken, Befürchtung 1. hinterhältig, heimtückisch, arglistig 2. schlau, hinterlistig, egoistisch 3. Verräter 4. unerlaubtes sexuelles Verhältnis, Unzucht zivilisiert werden Provinzhauptstadt energisch, in voller Blüte, großartig siehe cheng2 Sonderrecht, Vorrecht, Privileg Einladungskarte, Einladung 1. Rattan, Rotang, Peddigrohr, spanisches Rohr 2. Ranke, Rebe umherschweifende Banditen (Rebellen) Einladungskarte, Einladung Lehrer, Divisionskommandeur Vitalität,Energie 1. einlagern, speichern 2. stationieren, einquartieren 3. Dorf Wandel, Veränderung verteidigen, rechtfertigen,vor Gericht rechtfertig lebendig werden in Anbetracht, angesichts, im Hinblick besuchen Luftfahrt Wasser und Boden Zivilsache kleiner Teufel klangreich und farbenprächtig, etw. bildhaft schildern, bildlich (ausgedrückt) / lebendig (geschildert) Kraft, Stärke,Eifer, Elan kerngesund und stark Violine mit großer Begeisterung gut und freundlich,ehrlich stürmisch, schwungvoll 1. Lattenzaun, Pfahlwerk 2. Lager, Feldlager, Heereslager 3. Bergfeste von Banditen, befestigte Räuberhöhle in den Bergen besuchen, besichtigen böse,boshaft, heimtückisch sich ständig verbessern bösartig, boshaft liebevolle Fürsorge,Güte, Wohltat 1. Dorf, Gut, Gehöft 2. ernst, seriös Virus unterschiedlich, eigenartig unrecht, unsauber,übel, ketzerisch,Krankheit verursachende Umwelteinflüsse Stattlichkeit, Schwung Teufel, Dämon, Satan Logistik 1.Naht 2.Ritz, Spalt, Riß Teufel Kredit gewähren Weltanschauung verletzen,gegen etw. stoßen,beleidigen überzeugt sein, etwas zugeben Herz und Auge, geistiges Auge, in js Augen, Aufassung Personal anwerben Visum Katastrophengeschädigte unterstützen, Anzeichen,Vorzeichen,Symptom heftiger Sturm Gewalt Sehkraft, Sehfähigkeit, Urteilsvermögen einteilen, aufgliedern, unterscheiden Mundhöhle in Schiffs- oder Luftverkehrsverbindung stehen wiederbeleben,wiedererstehen,Wiederauferstehung Haus, Zimmer Gesichtsinn, Sehvermögen wiedererstehen Abweichung, Fehler Erinnerungsvermögen, Gedächtniskraft abgelegen,entlegen Gesichts- Blickfeld 1. Hohlraum (in einem menschlichen oder tierischen Körper), Höhle 2. Melodie, Ton 3. Akzent 4. Sprechen blind gehorchen,mit jm blind mitlaufen
4659 synsets(s): living + acid-loving + alkaline-loving + activist + activistic + virulent + avirulent + viscid + viscous + nonviscid + advisable + inadvisable + unadvisable + well-advised + advised + ill-advised + unadvised + vigilant + unvigilant + inviolable + viable + vital + nonviable + living + livid + nonliving + non-living + vital + revived + previous + tree-living + knavish + oblivious + gravid + self-moving + visible + oblivious + unnerving + ravishing + evil-looking + evil + vindictive + vicious + vixenish + visaged + violent + nonviolent + daredevil + livid + individualistic + collectivist + collectivistic + collectivized + collectivised + cavitied + outward-moving + inward-moving + convinced + convinced + unconvinced + inevitable + evitable + revised + unrevised + revised + virgin + virginal + virtuous + blue-violet + bluish-violet + violet-blue + violet-pink + violet + red-violet + reddish-violet + vinaceous + violet-tinged + violet-tinted + violet-black + vivid + violet-colored + violet-coloured + violet-flowered + violet-purple + vivid + vibrant + livid + civilized + civilised + civil + noncivilized + noncivilised + uncivilized + uncivilised + vivid + collectivized + collectivised + individual + individualist + individualistic + undivided + divisional + undivided + divided + divided up + divisive + provisional + provisionary + provisory + divisional + vincible + invincible + all-victorious + violated + civil-libertarian + in evidence + invisible + unswerving + vitriolic + devil-may-care + convincing + unconvincing + vitiated + provincial + civil + uncivil + civil + disbelieving + unbelieving + vituperative + victorious + undeviating + free-living + individual + enviable + unenviable + unenviable + undeviating + unswerving + devious + devious + divisible + dividable + indivisible + undividable + indivisible by + servile + slavish + subservient + unservile + bovine + driving + previous + viscoelastic + divinatory + driving + vigorous + avid + avid + envious + virtual + vital + vital + vicarious + absolvitory + forgiving + vindicatory + living + surviving + living + unprovided for + timeserving + inadvisable + slow-moving + vivace + approving + reproving + disapproving + invidious + spavined + home-loving + forgiving + unvindictive + unforgiving + vindictive + providential + violet-scented + servile + visored + giving + lavish + vitreous + vitrified + unvitrified + divine + saving + evil + vile + devilish + evil-minded + peevish + vinegary + vinegarish + salving + conniving + flatus-relieving + rock-loving + sun-loving + water-loving + divine + divine + providential + divine + heavier-than-air + face-saving + subservient + laborsaving + laboursaving + thieving + thievish + fervid + divine + vicious + vitiated + trivial + evident + advisory + unbelieving + advised + unadvised + livid + eviscerate + inviolate + vindicated + alleviative + alleviatory + intra vires + ultra vires + invigorating + life-giving + vitalizing + reviving + revitalizing + revitalising + inviting + invitatory + uninviting + in vitro + ex vivo + in vivo + grieving + jovial + vindicatory + visceral + abbreviated + abbreviated + viselike + loving + unloving + virile + violent + violent + civilian + civil + alleviated + Victorian + clean-living + moving + unmoving + moving + vibratory + nonmoving + unmoving + moving + violent + deviant + deviate + vicarious + obvious + evident + self-evident + unobvious + violative + antediluvian + virgin + slavish + ivied + visible + conniving + navigable + unnavigable + fervid + perfervid + previous + chauvinistic + flag-waving + dovish + peace-loving + observing + unperceiving + improvised + obviating + individual + individualized + individualised + pervious + impervious + imperviable + unbelieving + unforgiving + violet-streaked + unconvincing + virulent + vitriolic + viewless + viable + virile + serviceable + inevitable + vicarious + privileged + privileged + underprivileged + forward-moving + atavistic + victorian + divinatory + evidenced + provident + improvident + provident + improvident + vindicatory + virginal + vicenary + envisioned + visualized + visualised + eye-deceiving + vivid + living + virtual + civilized + civilised + devil-may-care + vibrant + revived + revitalized + revitalised + unrevived + unprovided for + lavish + vicious + vigorous + oviform + divine + inviolable + inviolate + raving mad + uninviting + self-loving + self-serving + self-giving + trivial + devilish + elvish + serviceable + unserviceable + roving + lascivious + navicular + individual + undivided + visually impaired + visually challenged + evidential + evidentiary + trivial + unsubdivided + vi + vii + viii + xvi + xvii + xviii + xxvi + xxvii + xxviii + xxxvi + xxxvii + xxxviii + xlvi + xlvii + xlviii + lvi + lvii + lviii + lxvi + lxvii + lxviii + lxxvi + lxxvii + lxxviii + lxxxvi + lxxxvii + lxxxviii + xcvi + xcvii + xcviii + divided + virtuoso + convivial + vibrant + vivacious + viva-voce + starving + uncurving + curving + curvilineal + curvilinear + virile + subservient + thriving + victorious + supervised + unsupervised + convincible + privileged + vinegary + vinegarish + viscous + saving + invigorated + reinvigorated + virulent + heavily traveled + devious + undivided + divided + acclivitous + declivitous + improving + victimized + victimised + serviceable + unserviceable + visionary + violable + inviolable + violent + nonviolent + virtuous + evil + vicious + villainous + visible + visual + viewable + invisible + nonvisual + ultraviolet + viviparous + oviparous + ovoviviparous + inviolable + uninvited + vile + deserving + undeserving + antiviral + audiovisual + avian + avifaunal + avifaunistic + avionic + avitaminotic + behavioristic + behaviorist + behaviouristic + behaviourist + cervical + cervine + chauvinistic + civil + civic + civil + civic + evidentiary + fluvial + gravitational + gravitative + Levitical + living + Merovingian + postdiluvian + North Vietnamese + orb-weaving + positivist + positivistic + provincial + self-service + synovial + viatical + vibrational + vicarial + vicennial + vigesimal + virginal + vitreous + vitreous + relativistic + relativistic + bovine + bovid + corvine + diluvian + diluvial + antediluvian + antediluvial + alvine + vinous + vinaceous + visceral + visual + vicinal + Bolshevik + Bolshevist + Bolshevistic + viral + pelvic + supervisory + navigational + virological + cervical + ovine + exuvial + behavioral + behavioural + environmental + environmental + Calvinist + Calvinistic + Calvinistical + revivalistic + Soviet + Scandinavian + Yugoslavian + Latvian + Peruvian + Bolivian + Viennese + vice-presidential + nativist + nativistic + nativist + nativistic + Markovian + gravimetric + thermogravimetric + alluvial + providential + Shavian + Victorian + Pavlovian + Stravinskyan + Stravinskian + Thoreauvian + Moravian + divisional + Jovian + Jovian + Muscovite + Slavic + vibrionic + viceregal + Vietnamese + invitational + subclavian + viscometric + viscosimetric + viricidal + virucidal + vitiliginous + salvific + enviably + movingly + obviously + evidently + vis-a-vis + devilishly + individualistically + previously + advisedly + virtually + deceivingly + provisionally + vitally + virtually + inevitably + provincially + relativistically + visually + viscerally + gravitationally + evilly + reprovingly + topsy-turvily + like the devil + heavily + heavily + heavily + vice versa + vigorously + in vivo + lavishly + viz. + videlicet + divinely + convincingly + unconvincingly + thievishly + visibly + invitingly + victoriously + viciously + individually + on an individual basis + inevitably + violently + nonviolently + lovingly + vividly + viva voce + approvingly + disapprovingly + avidly + privily + vitriolically + virtuously + nervily + knavishly + unbelievingly + disbelievingly + believingly + devilishly + devilish + convivially + enviously + devilishly + deviously + environmentally + inadvisably + lavishly + civilly + uncivilly + fervidly + forgivingly + unforgivingly + unadvisedly + heavily + virtuously + improvidently + providently + providentially + invidiously + invincibly + invisibly + visibly + jovially + lasciviously + lividly + scurvily + subserviently + servilely + observingly + peevishly + providentially + providentially + raving + ravingly + ravishingly + vindictively + self-evidently + slavishly + viscidly + trivially + trivially + ultra vires + uninvitedly + unswervingly + unswervingly + vicariously + vigilantly + vilely + virulently + vivace + vivaciously + heavily + heavily + heavily + out of view + viscerally + in vitro + ex vivo + exuviate + gain vigor + revive + revive + vivify + revivify + invigorate + reinvigorate + alleviate + revitalize + revive + avianize + avianise + individuate + revitalize + revitalise + vitalize + vitalise + vitalize + vitalise + devitalize + devitalise + eviscerate + revive + revive + invigorate + eviscerate + abbreviate + abbreviate + visit + subdivide + subdivide + get moving + get weaving + individualize + individualise + provide + bolshevize + bolshevise + civilize + civilise + transitivize + transitivise + detransitivize + detransitivise + intransitivize + intransitivise + invigorate + vitiate + eviscerate + service + vinify + vitiate + devitrify + devitrify + alleviate + vitrify + vitrify + devilize + devilise + virilize + virilise + visualize + visualise + vivify + bedevil + divide + individualize + individualise + view + relativize + relativise + view as + review + review + review + review + previse + visit + convince + invite + visa + cavil + interview + interview + interview + evidence + bloviate + trivialize + trivialise + vilify + revile + vituperate + review + peer review + vilipend + vitriol + previse + advise + advise + advise + misadvise + speak of the devil + vindicate + vindicate + vindicate + convict + reconvict + evince + evidence + televise + revise + visa + videotape + evidence + visit + make vibrant sounds + provide + invite + vie + outvie + victual + provide + violate + eviscerate + divine + service + environ + evict + evict + invite + invite + vivisect + divide + divide + violate + devise + visualize + visualise + envision + visualize + visualise + envision + envisage + devise + devil + improvise + improvize + sovietize + sovietise + invite + devil + vibrate + bedevil + invite + invigorate + ravish + gravitate + visit + visit + revisit + navigate + vibrate + vibrate + circumnavigate + navigate + navigate + aviate + levitate + levitate + divide + deviate + deviate + divine + vitriol + view + view + visualize + visualise + preview + supervise + vibrate + provide + devise + lavish + victual + provide + victual + provision + vitaminize + vitaminise + provide + invite + invite + civilize + civilise + revise + collectivize + collectivise + sovietize + sovietise + supervise + obviate + privilege + divide + invite out + visit + visit + victimize + victimise + service + violate + ravish + violate + violate + victimize + victimize + victimise + vitiate + improvise + invigilate + survive + survive + visit + survive + survive + divide + obviate + deviate + violate + individuate + vibrate + provide + gravitate + gravitate + living thing + individual + human activity + leaving + deviationism + recidivism + bond-trading activity + viatication + viaticus + moving in + giving + saving + lifesaving + service + curb service + self-service + improvisation + driving force + heaving + hyperemesis gravidarum + review + shaving + solving + device + porcupine provision + improvisation + saving + giving up + Babylonian Captivity + splitsville + subversive activity + viatical settlement + viaticus settlement + civil death + vitiation + shaving + hairweaving + service + environmentalism + victory lap + circumnavigation + roving + driving + aviation + skydiving + navigation + service + serving + service of process + levitation + heaving + vibration + deviation + service cutback + devitalization + devitalisation + evisceration + alleviation + abbreviation + division + word division + division + subdivision + revision + activity + victimization + victimisation + bedevilment + festivity + spare-time activity + diving + cliff diving + skin diving + scuba diving + snorkel diving + video game + virtual reality + vingt-et-un + bolivia + conviviality + victory celebration + Virginia reel + apache devil dance + violent disorder + service + driving + service + consulting service + advisory service + attestation service + national service + service + military service + knight's service + social service + service + services + public service + Secretary of Health and Human Services + vice-presidency + viceroyship + viziership + the devil + gravimetric analysis + visitation + site visit + megavitamin therapy + tender loving care + evisceration + evisceration + vitrectomy + giving medication + behavior therapy + behavior modification + vivisection + paving + service abroad + violation + civil wrong + trespass viet armis + misbehavior + misbehaviour + deviltry + devilry + devilment + deviation + deviance + lavishness + evildoing + evil + villainy + deviltry + devilry + violation + depravity + vice + invidia + violation + violation + disorderly behavior + violation + ravishment + thieving + vice crime + victimless crime + striving + navigation + celestial navigation + astronavigation + inertial navigation + saving + security review + civil censorship + heaving + sexual activity + sex activity + servicing + service + division + long division + short division + sensory activity + evil eye + review + vigil + view + educational activity + extension service + extracurricular activity + violin lesson + review + creative activity + weaving + devising + moviemaking + movie making + grooving + carving + engraving + steel engraving + devisal + carving + magnetic levitation + civil defense + civil war + violence + domestic violence + intelligence activity + gravimetry + pelvimetry + projective device + survival + vigil + viewing + service + religious service + divine service + church service + prayer service + chapel service + Divine Office + committal service + civil marriage + devil-worship + revival + revitalization + revitalisation + revivification + vivification + invigoration + visit + visiting + provision + inactivity + obviation + social activity + giving + survivors insurance + alms-giving + almsgiving + business activity + commercial activity + navigation + thermogravimetry + viscometry + viscosimetry + government activity + viticulture + viniculture + vigilantism + civic duty + civic responsibility + providence + supervision + supervising + invigilation + administrivia + starving + collectivization + collectivisation + male chauvinism + chauvinism + selective service + public violence + civil disobedience + civil contempt + civil suit + civil action + cognovit judgment + cognovit judgement + conviction + judgment of conviction + murder conviction + rape conviction + robbery conviction + eviction + actual eviction + eviction + constructive eviction + retaliatory eviction + review + bill of review + judicial review + via media + service + disservice + ill service + community service + community service + public service + approving + inter-service support + behavior + behaviour + behavior + behaviour + offensive activity + civility + service call + visit + visit + flying visit + visit + vindication + nonviolent resistance + nonviolence + swerving + face saving + Bouvines + Buena Vista + Chancellorsville + Vicksburg + siege of Vicksburg + American Civil War + United States Civil War + English Civil War + Spanish Civil War + Vietnam War + Vietnam + survivor + virus + arbovirus + arborvirus + virion + adenovirus + parainfluenza virus + arenavirus + Junin virus + Lassa virus + lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus + Machupo virus + Bunyaviridae + bunyavirus + Filoviridae + filovirus + Ebola virus + Marburg virus + Togaviridae + alphavirus + Flaviviridae + flavivirus + West Nile virus + West Nile encephalitis virus + Arenaviridae + Rhabdoviridae + vesiculovirus + Reoviridae + poxvirus + myxoma virus + variola virus + smallpox virus + variola major virus + variola minor virus + tobacco mosaic virus + viroid + virusoid + plant virus + animal virus + hepadnavirus + retrovirus + human T-cell leukemia virus-1 + human immunodeficiency virus + myxovirus + orthomyxovirus + paramyxovirus + respiratory syncytial virus + picornavirus + poliovirus + hepatitis A virus + enterovirus + coxsackievirus + Coxsackie virus + echovirus + rhinovirus + herpes virus + herpes simplex virus + herpes zoster virus + herpes varicella zoster virus + Epstein-Barr virus + cytomegalovirus + varicella zoster virus + papovavirus + human papilloma virus + polyoma virus + rhabdovirus + lyssavirus + reovirus + rotavirus + parvovirus + slow virus + onion yellow-dwarf virus + potato yellow-dwarf virus + division Archaebacteria + division Eubacteria + division Cyanophyta + division Schizophyta + genus Vibrio + vibrio + vibrion + Vibrio comma + Vibrio fetus + tumor virus + wound tumor virus + division Protista + division Heterokontophyta + division Chrysophyta + division Phaeophyta + division Euglenophyta + division Chlorophyta + division Rhodophyta + Plasmodium vivax + segmentation cavity + cleavage cavity + ovipositor + vitellus + vitelline sac + chorionic villus + Negaprion brevirostris + Galeocerdo cuvieri + devilfish + devil ray + Raja laevis + genus Protoavis + protoavis + Loxia curvirostra + Vidua + genus Vidua + Contopus virens + Rupicola peruviana + Hylophylax naevioides + Turdus viscivorus + mavis + Sylviidae + family Sylviidae + Sylviinae + subfamily Sylviinae + Silvia + genus Silvia + Silvia atricapilla + Sylvia communis + Sylvia curruca + Icteria virens + Corvidae + family Corvidae + corvine bird + Thryothorus ludovicianus + Xenicus gilviventris + Auriparus flaviceps + Piranga ludoviciana + Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides + Lanius lucovicianus + Lanius ludovicianus migrans + Ptilonorhynchus violaceus + Vireonidae + family Vireonidae + genus Vireo + vireo + red-eyed vireo + Vireo olivaceous + solitary vireo + Vireo solitarius + blue-headed vireo + Vireo solitarius solitarius + Bubo virginianus + Notophthalmus viridescens + Bufo viridis + Brevicipitidae + family Brevicipitidae + Xenopus laevis + mountain devil + Lacerta viridis + false gavial + Gavialidae + family Gavialidae + Gavialis + genus Gavialis + gavial + Gavialis gangeticus + oviraptorid + division Cynodontia + division Dicynodontia + sand viper + Coluber constrictor flaviventris + viperine grass snake + vine snake + Lichanura trivirgata + Micrurus fulvius + Viperidae + family Viperidae + viper + Vipera + genus Vipera + common viper + Vipera berus + asp viper + Vipera aspis + gaboon viper + horned viper + sand viper + pit viper + Crotalus viridis + vinegarroon + orb-weaving spider + Colinus virginianus + Columba livia + Picus viridis + diving duck + Didelphis virginiana + Dasyurus viverrinus + Tasmanian devil + Blarina brevicauda + villus + vibrissa + vinegar eel + vinegar worm + Ancylus fluviatilis + Bivalvia + class Bivalvia + Virginia oyster + devilfish + ecrevisse + Nyctanassa violacea + Pluvialis + genus Pluvialis + Aphriza virgata + Tringa flavipes + Recurvirostridae + family Recurvirostridae + Recurvirostra + genus Recurvirostra + Pluvianus + genus Pluvianus + Pluvianus aegyptius + coastal diving bird + Uria lomvia + Gaviiformes + order Gaviiformes + gaviiform seabird + Gavidae + family Gavidae + Gavia + genus Gavia + diving petrel + devilfish + Kogia breviceps + Phoca vitulina + vizsla + Bouvier des Flandres + Bouviers des Flandres + vixen + Viverridae + family Viverridae + Viverrinae + family Viverrinae + viverrine + viverrine mammal + Viverra + genus Viverra + Viverra zibetha + Viverricula + genus Viverricula + Viverricula indica + Viverricula malaccensis + Xestobium rufovillosum + weevil + boll weevil + flour weevil + seed weevil + pea weevil + bean weevil + rice weevil + black weevil + Calliphora vicina + Oestrus ovis + vinegar fly + Melophagus Ovinus + Cryptotermes brevis + Reduviidae + family Reduviidae + reduviid + Phylloxera vitifoleae + Liposcelis divinatorius + devil's darning needle + Vanessa virginiensis + viceroy + Sylvilagus + genus Sylvilagus + Sylvilagus floridanus + Sylvilagus aquaticus + Sylvilagus palustris + Arvicola + genus Arvicola + Arvicola amphibius + Cynomys ludovicianus + Marmota flaviventris + Caviidae + family Caviidae + Cavia + genus Cavia + Cavia cobaya + Cavia porcellus + mountain viscacha + viscacha + Procaviidae + family Procaviidae + Procavia + genus Procavia + Procavia capensis + Bovidae + family Bovidae + bovid + Bovinae + subfamily Bovinae + Bovini + tribe Bovini + bovine + Ovibos + genus Ovibos + Ovibos moschatus + Ovis + genus Ovis + Ovis aries + Cheviot + Ovis ammon + Ovis poli + Ovis vignei + Ovis montana dalli + Ovis canadensis + Ovis musimon + Ammotragus lervia + Antilope cervicapra + Cervidae + family Cervidae + cervid + Virginia deer + Odocoileus Virginianus + pere david's deer + Elaphurus davidianus + Vicugna + genus Vicugna + vicuna + Vicugna vicugna + Mustela vison + Grison vittatus + Galictis vittatus + Charronia flavigula + pelvic fin + Aotus trivirgatus + Indri brevicaudatus + Perca fluviatilis + Stizostedion vitreum + Strizostedion vitreum glaucum + Anisotremus virginicus + Halicoeres bivittatus + Polydactylus virginicus + viviparous eelpout + Zoarces viviparus + Gymnelis viridis + convict fish + convictfish + Parophrys vitulus + Elvis + acoustic device + acyclovir + Zovirax + warning device + Elavil + blue devil + antiviral + antiviral agent + antiviral drug + anvil + audiovisual + audiovisual aid + aviary + Retrovir + bass viol + visor + vizor + breathing device + cable television + cable television service + carving + carving fork + carving knife + vitrine + cavity wall + violoncello + cervical cap + television channel + movie theater + movie theatre + movie house + civies + civvies + civilian clothing + civilian dress + civilian garb + clavichord + clavier + Klavier + cleaning device + clevis + Plavix + closed-circuit television + color television + colour television + color television system + colour television system + color television tube + colour television tube + Amphitheatrum Flavium + civic center + computing device + contraceptive device + prophylactic device + birth control device + copperplate engraving + loving cup + data input device + input device + Davis Cup + davit + delavirdine + detonating device + device + device + device + dinner service + video display + divided highway + divider + diving bell + diving board + divining rod + diving suit + diving dress + Vibramycin + driving belt + driving iron + driving wheel + highly active antiretroviral therapy + graving dock + gravity bomb + elastic device + electrical device + electromechanical device + electronic device + engraving + engraving + Enovid + moving staircase + moving stairway + Brevibloc + divinyl ether + vinyl ether + exercise device + explosive device + violin bow + field-sequential color television + field-sequential color television system + viewfinder + view finder + service elevator + service road + service department + driving range + graving tool + gravimeter + gravity meter + griseofulvin + Fulvicin + safety device + guidance device + halftone engraving + photoengraving + heavier-than-air craft + holding device + homing device + living accommodations + gravimeter + Vistaril + Advil + improvisation + improvised explosive device + indinavir + inertial navigation system + intrauterine device + video iPod + Jarvik heart + Jarvik artificial heart + service cap + television tube + Levi's + levis + flotation device + lifting device + line engraving + line engraving + driving axle + living quarters + living room + living-room + vis-a-vis + loving cup + machinist's vise + metalworking vise + tonguing and grooving plane + measuring device + mechanical device + memory device + storage device + monitoring device + movie camera + movie film + movie projector + moving-coil galvanometer + moving van + vaudeville theater + vaudeville theatre + Privine + serviette + navigational system + navigational chart + navigational instrument + navigation light + nelfinavir + Viracept + nevirapine + Viramune + novillada + optical device + output device + alleviant + alleviator + vicarage + divider + parvis + paving + pavilion + paving stone + pavior + paviour + paving machine + pavis + pavise + pelvimeter + peripheral device + Triavil + vial + clavier + Visken + pipe vise + poliovirus vaccine + Potemkin village + potential divider + voltage divider + primitivism + prosthetic device + proving ground + receiving set + pluviometer + rearview mirror + receiving system + vibrating reed + cavity resonator + reviewing stand + revolving door + ribavirin + Virazole + ritonavir + Norvir + Vioxx + oral poliovirus vaccine + salvinorin + satellite television + savings bank + view + red devil + semiconductor device + service + table service + service club + service door + service entrance + service station + serving cart + serving dish + shaving brush + shaving cream + shaving soap + shaving foam + signaling device + Viagra + Skivvies + saquinavir + Invirase + steel engraving + steel engraving + subdivision + sun visor + tea service + television + television system + television antenna + television camera + television-camera tube + television pickup tube + television equipment + video equipment + television monitor + television receiver + television + television set + television room + television station + television transmitter + thermogravimeter + toga virilis + Mavik + tricolor television tube + tricolour television tube + triviality + trivia + ultraviolet lamp + ultraviolet source + University of West Virginia + Levitra + viaduct + vibraphone + vibraharp + vibes + vibrator + vibrator + victory garden + Victrola + vicuna + videocassette + videocassette recorder + videodisk + videodisc + video recording + video + videotape + videotape + viewer + viewgraph + vigil light + vigil candle + vignette + vignette + villa + villa + villa + vinblastine + vincristine + Oncovin + vineyard + vinery + viol + viola + viola da braccio + viola da gamba + bass viol + viola d'amore + violin + viomycin + Viocin + virginal + pair of virginals + virility drug + virtu + virtual memory + virtual storage + viscometer + viscosimeter + viscose rayon + viscose + vise + bench vise + visible speech + visor + vizor + visual display unit + vivarium + Viyella + woodcarving + wood engraving + wood engraving + wood vise + woodworking vise + shoulder vise + Virginia fence + individuality + compulsivity + obsessivity + lovingness + invigoration + vivification + vigor + vigour + vim + vitality + vivacity + activity + inactivity + passivity + peevishness + receptivity + gravity + levity + expansivity + conviviality + joviality + virulence + virulency + reflectivity + on the qui vive + vigilance + virility + visual aspect + view + visage + invitation + visibility + divisibility + obviousness + heaviness + navigability + vibration + vibe + expansivity + saving grace + progressivity + vicissitude + inevitability + inevitableness + positivity + individuality + individualism + individuation + waviness + motivity + vileness + virtu + deviation + deservingness + civilization + civilisation + forgivingness + viciousness + loving-kindness + sensitivity + insensitivity + virtue + virtuousness + virtue + cardinal virtue + natural virtue + theological virtue + supernatural virtue + virtue + depravity + evil + evilness + vileness + villainy + villainousness + vice + divinity + daredevilry + daredeviltry + deviousness + thievishness + chauvinism + civic pride + civic spirit + objectivity + subjectivity + providence + improvidence + behavior + behaviour + servility + subservience + passivity + gravitas + suavity + civility + incivility + device characteristic + connectivity + deviousness + hybrid vigor + vintage + longevity + modus vivendi + free living + viscosity + viscousness + viscidity + viscidness + perviousness + specific gravity + retentivity + imperviousness + electronegativity + negativity + retentivity + visual property + viridity + violet + vividness + lividness + lividity + vibrancy + vinegariness + vinegarishness + vitality + virility + virilism + absorptivity + reflectivity + refractivity + visibility + visibleness + visual range + invisibility + invisibleness + reluctivity + sensitivity + relativistic mass + gravitational mass + heaviness + vigor + vigour + invincibility + vigor + vigour + violence + longevity + length of service + brevity + viability + directivity + directivity + concavity + waviness + point of view + positivity + negativity + view + purview + service ceiling + heaviness + virtue + evil + lavishness + productivity + service + serviceability + serviceableness + viability + privilege + advisability + positivity + inadvisability + virulence + virulency + positivity + positivism + negativity + negativism + vitalness + vitalness + triviality + conjugal visitation right + conjugal visitation + privilege + privilege of the floor + privilege + attorney-client privilege + informer's privilege + journalist's privilege + marital communications privilege + husband-wife privilege + physician-patient privilege + priest-penitent privilege + civil right + civil liberty + privilege against self incrimination + freedom from involuntary servitude + visitation right + convincingness + vividness + effectivity + heaviness + selectivity + relativity + subjectivism + fissure of Sylvius + Sylvian fissure + exuviae + cervical smear + navicular + clavicle + glenoid cavity + pulp cavity + orbital cavity + musculus adductor brevis + vital organ + vitals + viscus + viscera + visual system + oral cavity + buccal cavity + incompetent cervix + cervix + uterine cervix + cervix uteri + cavity + bodily cavity + vitreous humor + vitreous humour + vitreous body + tympanic cavity + anvil + cervical artery + areteria cervicalis + vasa brevis + subclavian artery + arteria subclavia + cervical vein + deep cervical vein + vena cervicalis profunda + subclavian vein + vena subclavia + visceral pleura + pleural cavity + cranial cavity + intracranial cavity + amniotic cavity + synovia + synovial fluid + peritoneal cavity + lesser peritoneal cavity + visceral pericardium + pericardial cavity + living substance + visual cell + Ranvier's nodes + nodes of Ranvier + nervii olfactorii + visual area + visual cortex + first visual area + visceral brain + Sylvian aqueduct + cervical plexus + plexus cervicalis + oviduct + uterine cavity + cervical canal + canalis cervicis uteri + virginal membrane + cervical glands + cervical glands of the uterus + glandulae cervicales uteri + nasal cavity + synovial joint + articulatio synovialis + cervix + tubular cavity + axillary cavity + chest cavity + thoracic cavity + abdominal cavity + cervical nerve + cervical vertebra + cotyloid cavity + pelvis + renal pelvis + pelvis + pelvic girdle + pelvic arch + pelvic cavity + visage + synovial membrane + synovium + creativity + vision + aviation + virtuosity + retentivity + sensitivity + hypersensitivity + reactivity + photosensitivity + radiosensitivity + vision + visual sense + visual modality + achromatic vision + visual acuity + binocular vision + central vision + color vision + chromatic vision + distance vision + foveal vision + monocular vision + near vision + night vision + scotopic vision + twilight vision + daylight vision + photopic vision + peripheral vision + stereoscopic vision + code of behavior + levirate + obliviousness + oblivion + vigil + divine guidance + vis-a-vis + misgiving + vigilance + visual perception + visual space + vision + visual sensation + believing + living arrangement + cross-division + chorionic villus sampling + chorionic villus biopsy + review + dividing line + individualization + individualisation + individuation + virtu + judicial activism + vision + envisioning + prevision + prevision + retrovision + divination + star divination + resolving + advisement + provision + problem solving + prevision + living + reliving + triviality + evidence + cogent evidence + Victorian architecture + division + divine law + law of gravitation + Newton's law of gravitation + self-evident truth + activism + retirement savings plan + retirement savings account + individual retirement account + employee savings plan + prevision + visual percept + visual image + field of view + view + vista + visual field + field of vision + side view + visual image + visualization + visualisation + conviction + view + misgiving + divine right + divine right of kings + individualism + individualism + rugged individualism + passivism + environmentalism + nativism + relativism + subjectivism + vitalism + view + theory of gravitation + theory of gravity + gravitational theory + Newton's theory of gravitation + principle of relativity + positivism + logical positivism + deviation + mean deviation + mean deviation from the mean + standard deviation + curvilinear regression + vital statistics + curvilinear correlation + aviation medicine + virology + environmental science + silviculture + avionics + relativity + theory of relativity + relativity theory + Einstein's theory of relativity + general relativity + general theory of relativity + general relativity theory + Einstein's general theory of relativity + special relativity + special theory of relativity + special relativity theory + Einstein's special theory of relativity + civil engineering + behaviorism + behaviourism + behavioristic psychology + behaviouristic psychology + problem solving + civics + trivium + quadrivium + divinity + total depravity + Virgin Birth + Nativity + gravitation + devices + proclivity + provincialism + provincialism + view + bird's eye view + panoramic view + point of view + viewpoint + world view + collectivism + conservativism + progressivism + dovishness + Calvinism + revivalism + Vaishnavism + Vaisnavism + Vishnuism + descriptivism + descriptivism + prescriptivism + prescriptivism + mail service + postal service + television + video + video + video + cable television + high-definition television + viscountcy + Pahlavi + revision + Divine Comedy + Divina Commedia + subdivision + review + critical review + review article + book review + breviary + review copy + revising + revision + revisal + revise + Leviticus + Book of Leviticus + Revelation of Saint John the Divine + Revised Version + American Revised Version + Revised Standard Version + service book + curriculum vitae + overview + review + visible speech + service contract + civil law + jus civile + advice and consent + living will + driving license + driving licence + anti-virus program + device driver + Web Map Service + supervisory program + supervisor + service program + supervisory routine + service routine + virus + computer virus + supervisor call instruction + supervisory software + electronic information service + review + literary review + movie + moving picture + moving-picture show + home movie + silent movie + television program + television show + visiting card + cost-of-living index + evidence + footprint evidence + rule of evidence + best evidence rule + parol evidence rule + nativism + double standard of sexual behavior + advice + word of advice + television news + giving + visa + Bachelor of Divinity + Master of Divinity + Doctor of Divinity + Distinguished Service Medal + Distinguished Service Cross + Victoria Cross + Distinguished Service Order + revilement + vilification + vilification + vituperation + vitriol + evidence + direct evidence + circumstantial evidence + indirect evidence + corroborating evidence + hearsay evidence + state's evidence + affidavit + vindication + deriving + advisory + divination + vicious circle + provision + proviso + lip service + cavil + visual joke + view + divination + Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary + virgule + viola clef + visual communication + visual signal + Star of David + Shield of David + Magen David + Mogen David + service stripe + viewing + preview + preview + sneak preview + Novial + Vietnamese + Balto-Slavic + Balto-Slavic language + Slavic + Slavic language + Old Church Slavic + Church Slavic + Latvian + Scandinavian + Scandinavian language + Mordvin + Mordvinian + Pahlavi + Pehlevi + Luvian + Dravidian + Dravidic + Dravidian language + South Dravidian + South-Central Dravidian + Kuvi + Central Dravidian + North Dravidian + review + vaudeville + device + brevity + abbreviation + rhetorical device + devil + interview + previous question + modus vivendi + division + invitation + invite + flag waving + thanksgiving + interview + job interview + employment interview + telephone interview + viva voce + viva + vignette + divine revelation + grapevine + raving + giving up + waving + Stravinsky + vision + vis major + inevitable accident + visitation + nativity + inevitable + vicissitude + atavism + gravity wave + gravitation wave + vibration + moving ridge + violent death + gravitation + levitation + gravitational collapse + deviation + heaving + visitation + vibrato + violent stream + diving + diving event + victory + Pyrrhic victory + service break + fervidness + impassivity + craving + lasciviousness + ravishment + joie de vivre + alleviation + levity + gravity + sensitivity + perceptivity + lividity + misgiving + heaviness + survivor guilt + lovingness + enviousness + vindictiveness + joviality + peevishness + avidity + avidness + victual + victuals + high-vitamin diet + vitamin-deficiency diet + victuals + provisions + viands + victuals + serving + vichyssoise + viand + divinity + divinity fudge + devil's food + devil's food cake + Victoria sandwich + Victoria sponge + Virginia ham + Vienna sausage + Vienna roll + ravioli + Vidalia onion + serviceberry + Seville orange + Victoria plum + vinifera grape + ecrevisse + Scandinavian lox + caviar + caviare + beluga caviar + chervil + chili vinegar + vinegar + cider vinegar + wine vinegar + marchand de vin + ravigote + ravigotte + vinaigrette + sauce vinaigrette + deviled egg + coq au vin + vino + vintage + Cabernet Sauvignon + Sauvignon blanc + vin ordinaire + aqua vitae + eau de vie + aquavit + akvavit + slivovitz + Virgin Mary + Vichy water + multivitamin + multivitamin pill + vitamin pill + living + triumvirate + quadrumvirate + avifauna + Victoriana + violin family + livingroom suite + livingroom set + Divine Unity + Provisional Irish Republican Army + Provisional IRA + Lashkar-e-Jhangvi + Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Anaru + Soviets + aviation + movie industry + service industry + Calvinistic Baptist + Vaishnavism + Vaisnavism + vicariate + vicarship + civilization + civilisation + advertising division + sales division + service department + Environmental Protection Agency + Council of Economic Advisors + United States Postal Service + US Postal Service + United States Postal Inspection Service + US Postal Inspection Service + Council on Environmental Policy + National Weather Service + National Technical Information Service + Department of Health and Human Services + Health and Human Services + United States Public Health Service + Immigration and Naturalization Service + Foreign Service + United States Fish and Wildlife Service + US Fish and Wildlife Service + National Park Service + Financial Management Service + United States Marshals Service + US Marshals Service + Customs Service + Bureau of Engraving and Printing + Internal Revenue Service + Federal Aviation Agency + Carlovingian dynasty + Flavian dynasty + Merovingian + Merovingian dynasty + public-service corporation + service + telephone service + phone service + power service + gas service + bus service + Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division + Marine Corps Intelligence Activity + military service + armed service + service + armed services + vice squad + division + violin section + division + naval division + division + air division + division + division + division + form division + viewing audience + viewers + village + service club + division + revolving door + ground-service crew + deconstructivism + driving school + Academy of Television Arts and Sciences + Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge + civilization + civilisation + Aegean civilization + Aegean civilisation + Helladic civilization + Helladic civilisation + Indus civilization + Minoan civilization + Minoan civilisation + Cycladic civilization + Cycladic civilisation + Mycenaean civilization + Mycenaean civilisation + Clovis culture + Western civilization + Invincible Armada + International Civil Aviation Organization + Vienne + Council of Vienne + soviet + vigilance committee + intelligence service + Advanced Research and Development Activity + Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service + Canadian Security Intelligence Service + Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada + Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence + Inter-Services Intelligence + Foreign Intelligence Service + Iraqi Intelligence Service + Special Air Service + Secret Intelligence Service + Security Intelligence Review Committee + Security Service + General Security Services + United States Secret Service + US Secret Service + Secret Service + General Services Administration + Federal Protective Service + service staff + Selective Service + Selective Service System + wire service + service agency + service bureau + service firm + civil service + diplomatic service + Bolshevism + collectivism + sovietism + revisionism + revisionism + tableau vivant + advisory board + visit + revival + revival meeting + subdivision + full service bank + savings and loan + savings and loan association + savings bank + child welfare service + mutual savings bank + federal savings bank + aviation + civil law + constructivism + fauvism + reductivism + Civil Rights movement + Lubavitch + Lubavitch movement + Chabad-Lubavitch + moving company + Ovimbundu + Soviet KGB + Federal Security Service + administrative division + territorial division + center of gravity + centre of gravity + environs + civic center + viscounty + view + environment + environs + benthic division + Heaviside layer + Kennelly-Heaviside layer + visible horizon + line of vision + Virgin Islands National Park + vicinity + Camp David + service area + service line + province + village + subdivision + viewpoint + viceroyalty + Victoria Land + village green + divide + continental divide + Great Divide + Virgo + Virgo the Virgin + Virgin + provincial capital + Scandinavian country + Scandinavian nation + Vicente Lopez + Vina del Mar + Guangdong province + Gansu province + Hebei province + Hunan province + Szechwan province + Yunnan province + Brazzaville + Leopoldville + Elisabethville + Ciudad Victoria + Victoria de Durango + Villahermosa + Villa Hermosa + Vieques + Virgin Islands + British Virgin Islands + United States Virgin Islands + American Virgin Islands + VI + Moravia + Scandinavia + Scandinavia + Scandinavian Peninsula + Viborg + Viti Levu + Cheviots + Cheviot Hills + Tel Aviv + Tel Aviv-Yalo + Tel Aviv-Jaffa + Patavium + Yugoslavia + Yugoslavia + Federal Republic of Yugoslavia + Jugoslavija + Bosnia and Herzegovina + Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina + Bosna i Hercegovina + Bosnia-Herzegovina + Maritime Provinces + Canadian Maritime Provinces + Canadian province + Victoria + Victoria + Bougainville + Vienna + Bolivia + Republic of Bolivia + capital of Bolivia + Avignon + Vichy + Vienne + Riviera + French Riviera + Libreville + Reykjavik + Vientiane + Monrovia + Luxembourg-Ville + Monaco-Ville + Visayan Islands + Saint Kitts and Nevis + Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis + Saint Christopher-Nevis + St. Christopher-Nevis + St. Kitts and Nevis + Nevis + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines + St. Vincent and the Grenadines + Saint Vincent + St. Vincent + Victoria + Cape Province + Cape of Good Hope Province + Soviet Union + Union of Soviet Socialist Republics + Soviet Socialist Republic + Soviet Russia + Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic + Lubavitch + Latvia + Republic of Latvia + capital of Latvia + Vilnius + Vilna + Vilno + Moldavia + Oviedo + Sevilla + Seville + Svizzera + Huntsville + Fayetteville + Chula Vista + Gainesville + Jacksonville + Vidalia + Evansville + Louisville + Martha's Vineyard + Virginia + Greenville + Vicksburg + Greenwich Village + Village + Asheville + Fayetteville + Greenville + Bartlesville + Providence + Greenville + Knoxville + Nashville + Brownsville + Victoria + Virginia + Virginia + capital of Virginia + Virginia Beach + Chancellorsville + West Virginia + capital of West Virginia + Fayetteville + Montevideo + Port Vila + Vila + Vietnam + Socialist Republic of Vietnam + Viet Nam + North Vietnam + South Vietnam + capital of Vietnam + Dasht-e-Kavir + Kavir Desert + Great Victoria Desert + Vesuvius + Mount Vesuvius + Mt. Vesuvius + alluvial sediment + alluvial deposit + alluvium + alluvion + alluvial flat + alluvial plain + acclivity + Bougainville Trench + crevice + declivity + graviton + Great Dividing Range + Victoria Falls + Jovian planet + Lake Victoria + Victoria Nyanza + Mohorovicic discontinuity + Nanda Devi + gravity fault + shaving + cavity + virino + invigorator + ravine + Victoria + Victoria Falls + viral delivery vector + Virgo + Vistula + Vistula River + leviathan + divinity + Asvins + Bhumi Devi + Devi + Savitar + Vishnu + Divine + divine messenger + evil spirit + devil + Devil + Rhea Silvia + Rea Silvia + Victoria + Jupiter Pluvius + vestal virgin + Vitharr + Vithar + Vidar + behaviorist + behaviourist + individualist + nativist + Dravidian + Slavic people + Slavic race + Almoravid + Bolivian + Latvian + Mordvin + Mordvinian + Angevin + Angevine + Maldivian + Peruvian + Muscovite + Scandinavian + Viking + Virginian + West Virginian + Vietnamese + Yugoslavian + Jugoslavian + Virgo + Virgin + abbreviator + mavin + virtuoso + advisee + adviser + advisor + alleviator + virago + antediluvian + antediluvian + antediluvian patriarch + vindicator + archivist + atavist + aviator + aviatrix + aviatress + novillero + Bolshevik + Bolshevik + Bolshevist + Calvinist + Carlovingian + shipwreck survivor + violoncellist + chauvinist + chauvinist + male chauvinist + civic leader + civil leader + civil engineer + civilian + civil libertarian + civil rights leader + civil rights worker + civil rights activist + civil servant + divine + reviewer + conservativist + constructivist + convict + convict + daredevil + vilifier + negativist + dervish + deviationist + devil's advocate + devil worshiper + devisee + devisor + divider + diviner + vitalizer + vitaliser + environmentalist + bon vivant + revivalist + executive vice president + fauvist + movie maker + movie star + gravida + invitee + primary care provider + health care provider + devil + individual + interviewee + interviewer + investment adviser + investment advisor + invigilator + leviathan + Levite + logical positivist + Lubavitcher + devil dog + Menshevik + Merovingian + activist + military adviser + military advisor + devil + moviegoer + navigator + navigator + negativist + novice + novitiate + novice + provincial + deviant + deviate + Levi-Lorrain dwarf + deviser + poor devil + Vicar of Christ + positivist + postdiluvian + provincial + primigravida + gravida I + printer's devil + provider + caviller + caviler + rara avis + recidivist + recidivist + reviser + service man + reservist + reviewer + revisionist + civil authority + civil officer + navigator + savior + saviour + movie actor + Secretary of Health and Human Services + secundigravida + gravida II + senior vice president + villein + serving girl + serviceman + servitor + Shavian + she-devil + shrinking violet + evildoer + ravisher + collectivist + viewer + divider + subdivider + subjectivist + supervisor + provider + survivalist + survivor + survivor + victualer + victualler + provisioner + television reporter + television newscaster + television star + tertigravida + gravida III + triumvir + television announcer + arriviste + vaudevillian + VIP + ex-serviceman + vibist + vibraphonist + vicar + vicar + vicar + vicar apostolic + vicar-general + vice admiral + vice chairman + vice chancellor + vicegerent + vice president + Vice President of the United States + vice-regent + viceroy + vicereine + vicereine + victim + victim + victimizer + victimiser + victor + Victorian + victualer + victualler + vigilante + vigilance man + villager + villain + villain + villainess + vintager + vintner + vintner + violator + ravisher + violator + violinist + violin maker + violist + virago + virgin + virologist + virtuoso + Visayan + viscount + viscountess + viscountess + viscount + Visigoth + visionary + visionary + visiting fireman + visiting nurse + visiting professor + visitor + visitant + visualizer + visualiser + visually impaired person + vitalist + vital principle + viticulturist + vivisectionist + vixen + vizier + whirling dervish + victor + living dead + Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa + Alvin Ailey + Aleksandr Pavlovich + Alexander VI + Pope Alexander VI + Carl David Anderson + Sir Edward Victor Appleton + Viscountess Astor + Gaius Octavianus + Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus + Octavian + Avicenna + Viscount St. Albans + Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin + Melville Bell + Alexander Melville Bell + Vincenzo Bellini + Stephen Vincent Benet + David Ben Gurion + David Grun + Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria + Vitus Bering + Vitus Behring + Irving Berlin + Bevin + Ernest Bevin + Alexander Alexandrovich Blok + Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok + Niels Henrik David Bohr + Boniface VIII + Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin + Bougainville + Louis Antoine de Bougainville + Louis Victor de Broglie + David Bruce + Sir David Bruce + Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin + David Bushnell + Calvin + John Calvin + Jean Cauvin + Jean Caulvin + Jean Chauvin + Calvin + Melvin Calvin + Calvino + Italo Calvino + Carl XVI Gustav + Carl XVI Gustaf + Neville Chamberlain + Arthur Neville Chamberlain + Charles VII + Vicomte de Chateaubriand + Anton Pavlovich Chekhov + Anton Pavlovich Chekov + Clement VII + Clovis + Clovis I + Flavius Valerius Constantinus + Calvin Coolidge + David Crockett + Cuvier + Georges Cuvier + Baron Georges Cuvier + Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier + Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac + David + David + Jacques Louis David + David + Saint David + St. David + Davis + Bette Davis + Davis + Dwight Davis + Dwight Filley Davis + Davis + Jefferson Davis + Davis + Miles Davis + Miles Dewey Davis Jr. + Davis + Stuart Davis + Davis + John Davis + Eugene Victor Debs + Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix + Vittorio De Sica + Melvil Dewey + Melville Louis Kossuth Dewey + Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev + Titus Flavius Domitianus + Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky + Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky + Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski + Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski + Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky + Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky + Edward VI + Edward VII + Edward VIII + Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenberg + Dwight David Eisenhower + Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein + Erving + Julius Erving + Julius Winfield Erving + David Glasgow Farragut + Vigdis Finnbogadottir + Melville W. Fuller + Melville Weston Fuller + Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin + David Garrick + George VI + Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka + Boris Fyodorovich Godunov + Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol + Benjamin David Goodman + Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev + Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov + Aleksey Maximovich Peshkov + Granville-Barker + Harley Granville-Barker + Gregory VII + Gregory XVI + David Lewelyn Wark Griffith + Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko + Gustavus VI + First Viscount Haldane of Cloan + Granville Stanley Hall + Viscount Northcliffe + David Hartley + Heaviside + Oliver Heaviside + Henry VI + Henry VII + Henry VII + Henry VIII + Victor Herbert + Victor Hess + Victor Franz Hess + David Hilbert + Malvina Hoffman + Victor Horta + Irving Howe + David Hubel + Victor Hugo + Victor-Marie Hugo + David Hume + Innocent VIII + Irving + John Irving + Irving + Washington Irving + Ivan III Vasilievich + Ivan Iv Vasilievich + Roman Osipovich Jakobson + Johannes Vilhelm Jensen + Savior + Saviour + John the Divine + Flavius Josephus + Juan Carlos Victor Maria de Borbon y Borbon + Flavius Claudius Julianus + Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin + Anatoli Yevgenevich Karpov + Karsavina + Tamara Karsavina + Kenneth David Kaunda + Kelvin + First Baron Kelvin + Edward Calvin Kendall + Aleksandr Feodorovich Kerensky + Jerome David Kern + Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev + Calvin Klein + Calvin Richard Klein + Viktor Korchnoi + Viktor Lvovich Korchnoi + Koussevitzky + Serge Koussevitzky + Sergei Aleksandrovich Koussevitzky + Pyotr Alexeyevich Kropotkin + Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov + Lev Davidovich Landau + Irving Langmuir + David Herbert Lawrence + David John Moore Cornwell + Rose Louise Hovick + Vivien Leigh + Giovanni Vincenzo Pecci + Leonardo da Vinci + da Vinci + Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov + Vicomte Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps + Levi-Strauss + Claude Levi-Strauss + Livingston + Robert R. Livingston + Livingstone + David Livingstone + Titus Livius + Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky + Louis VI + Louis VII + Louis VIII + Louis XVI + David Low + Sir David Low + Sir David Alexander Cecil Low + Trofim Denisovich Lysenko + Malevich + Kazimir Malevich + Kazimir Severinovich Malevich + David Mamet + Osip Emilevich Mandelstam + Virgin Mary + The Virgin + Blessed Virgin + James Neville Mason + Leonide Fedorovitch Massine + Leonid Fyodorovich Myasin + Levi + Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovski + Melville + Herman Melville + Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev + Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev + Edna Saint Vincent Millay + Honore-Gabriel Victor Riqueti + Mithridates VI + Mohorovicic + Andrija Mohorovicic + Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov + 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein + Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky + Modest Petrovich Moussorgsky + Vladimir vladimirovich Nabokov + Viscount Nelson + Nervi + Pier Luigi Nervi + First Viscount Nuffield + Olivier + Laurence Olivier + Sir Laurence Kerr Olivier + Baron Olivier of Birghton + Ovid + Publius Ovidius Naso + Pahlavi + Mohammed Reza Pahlavi + Shah Pahlavi + Pahlevi + Mohammed Reza Pahlevi + Vilfredo Pareto + Boris Leonidovich Pasternak + Paul VI + Ivan Petrovich Pavlov + Philip VI + Aeneas Silvius + Enea Silvio Piccolomini + Pius VI + Pius VII + Sylvia Plath + Grigori Aleksandrovich Potemkin + Elvis Presley + Elvis Aron Presley + Aleksandr Mikjailovich Prokhorov + Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev + Aleksandr Sergeyevich Pushkin + Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin + Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff + Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov + Kund Johan Victor Rasmussen + Grigori Efimovich Rasputin + David Ricardo + Sir Ralph David Richardson + David Riesman + David Riesman Jr. + Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov + Nikolai Andreyevich Rimski-Korsakov + David Rittenhouse + Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur + John Davison Rockefeller + Virginia McMath + Virginia Katherine McMath + Anton Grigorevich Rubinstein + Andrei Dimitrievich Sakharov + Jerome David Salinger + David Sarnoff + Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli + Aleksandr Nikolayevich Scriabin + Segovia + Andres Segovia + David O. Selznick + David Oliver Selznick + Service + Robert William Service + Ravi Shankar + Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko + Shostakovich + Dmitri Shostakovich + Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich + Nevil Shute + Nevil Shute Norway + Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky + Marvin Neil Simon + Isaac Bashevis Singer + David Siqueiros + David Alfaro Siqueiros + David Smith + David Roland Smith + Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn + Boris Vasilevich Spassky + Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili + Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky + Konstantin Sergeevich Alekseev + David Barnard Steinman + Vinegar Joe Stilwell + Stravinsky + Igor Stravinsky + Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky + Edward Vincent Sullivan + Igor Yevgeneevich Tamm + Andrei Arsenevich Tarkovsky + Teresa of Avila + Saint Teresa of Avila + Flavius Theodosius + Virgil Thomson + Virgil Garnett Thomson + Henry David Thoreau + Titus Flavius Vespasianus + Tocqueville + Alexis de Tocqueville + Alexis Charles Henri Maurice de Tocqueville + Count Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy + Trevino + Lee Trevino + Lee Buck Trevino + Trevithick + Richard Trevithick + Lev Davidovich Bronstein + Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev + Urban VI + Urban VIII + Vincent van Gogh + Viktor Vasarely + Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus + Victor Emanuel II + Victor Emanuel III + Victoria + Queen Victoria + Vidal + Gore Vidal + Eugene Luther Vidal + Vigee-Lebrun + Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun + Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun + Villa + Pancho Villa + Francisco Villa + Villa-Lobos + Heitor Villa-Lobos + Villard + Henry Villard + Villon + Francois Villon + Vinogradoff + Sir Paul Gavrilovich Vinogradoff + Vinson + Frederick Moore Vinson + Virchow + Rudolf Virchow + Rudolf Karl Virchow + Virgil + Visconti + Luchino Visconti + Don Luchino Visconti Conte di Modrone + Vitus + St. Vitus + Vivaldi + Antonio Vivaldi + Antonio Lucio Vivaldi + Vizcaino + Sebastian Vizcaino + Virginia Wade + Richard Neville + Patrick Victor Martindale White + Pelham Grenville Wodehouse + Victoria Clafin Woodhull + Virginia Woolf + Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf + Orville Wright + Xavier + Saint Francis Xavier + Yevgeni Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko + Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov + levitation + photoconductivity + superconductivity + alluvial fan + alluvial cone + vitelline circulation + alluviation + dust devil + alluvion + frost heaving + violent storm + gravitational field + gravity + gravitation + gravitational attraction + gravitational force + solar gravity + visible light + visible radiation + sympathetic vibration + gravity-assist + Peruvian current + resistivity + resolving power + virga + conductivity + gravitational interaction + ultraviolet + ultraviolet radiation + ultraviolet light + ultraviolet illumination + ultraviolet spectrum + virtual image + visible spectrum + vital force + vitality + elan vital + division Tracheophyta + division Bryophyta + division Pteridophyta + division Spermatophyta + division Gymnospermophyta + subdivision Gnetophytina + subdivision Cycadophytina + subdivision Cycadophyta + subdivision Coniferophytina + subdivision Pinophytina + Virginia pine + Pinus virginiana + Cupressus sempervirens + Juniperus virginiana + savin + Sequoia sempervirens + Callitris quadrivalvis + arborvitae + American arborvitae + Oriental arborvitae + hiba arborvitae + subdivision Taxophytina + Taxus brevifolia + subdivision Ginkgophytina + subdivision Ginkgophyta + subdivision Pteropsida + division Magnoliophyta + division Anthophyta + Magnolia virginiana + Virginia thimbleweed + Anemone virginiana + Viorna baldwinii + vase vine + Clematis viorna + virgin's bower + devil's darning needle + Clematis virginiana + Clematis vitalba + purple virgin's bower + Helleborus viridis + Anemone ludoviciana + peanut vine + devil tree + Easter lily vine + Vinca rosea + Mandevilla + genus Mandevilla + Mandevilla boliviensis + Dipladenia boliviensis + Mandevilla laxa + Thevetia peruviana + Vinca + genus Vinca + Vinca minor + Vinca major + devil's tongue + Amorphophallus rivieri + Peltandra virginica + Xanthosoma atrovirens + devil's walking stick + pipe vine + Virginia snakeroot + Virginia serpentaria + Virginia serpentary + Asarum virginicum + Silene virginica + livingstone daisy + living stone + living granite + living rock + Abronia villosa + genus Bougainvillea + Bougainvillaea + genus Bougainvillaea + bougainvillea + Bougainvillea glabra + Mirabilis laevis + maravilla + maravilla + living rock + Barbados-gooseberry vine + Thanksgiving cactus + Rivina + genus Rivina + Rivina humilis + Virginia spring beauty + Claytonia virginica + Lewisia rediviva + Talinum brevifolium + Biscutalla laevigata + Brassica perviridis + Brassica rapa perviridis + damask violet + Dame's violet + Virginian stock + Virginia stock + devil's fig + Corydalis claviculata + Fumaria claviculata + Corydalis sempervirens + Fumaria sempervirens + Allegheny vine + Artemisia ludoviciana + Aster novi-belgii + Ayapana triplinervis + Baccharis viminea + Cichorium endivia + Haastia pulvinaris + Heterotheca villosa + Chrysopsis villosa + king devil + Machaeranthera bigelovii + climbing hemp-vine + stevia + Sanvitalia + genus Sanvitalia + Sanvitalia procumbens + Senecio bigelovii + viper's grass + Solidago sempervirens + genus Stevia + stevia + Stokesia laevis + Virginia crownbeard + Verbesina virginica + Mentzelia livicaulis + Mentzelia laevicaulis + Coeloglossum viride + Cypripedium parviflorum + cinnamon vine + Hottentot bread vine + Hottentot's bread vine + water violet + Samolus parviflorus + Andropogon virginicus + devil grass + Festuca ovina + Panicum virgatum + Pennistum villosum + Setaria viridis + gourd vine + pumpkin vine + squash vine + summer squash vine + prairie gourd vine + devil's turnip + melon vine + watermelon vine + sweet melon vine + cantaloupe vine + cantaloup vine + winter melon vine + cucumber vine + strainer vine + Peruvian cotton + Gossypium peruvianum + Kosteletzya virginica + Malvaviscus + genus Malvaviscus + Virginia mallow + Sidalcea malviflora + shaving-brush tree + Guevina + genus Guevina + Guevina heterophylla + Guevina avellana + genus Grevillea + grevillea + Grevillea banksii + Grevillela parallela + Grevillea robusta + Grevillea striata + mountain devil + Rhododendron viscosum + Viccinium membranaceum + Viccinium myrtillus + Vaccinium vitis-idaea + Chrysolepis sempervirens + Quercus laevis + Quercus virginiana + Ostrya virginiana + Persian violet + calathian violet + Gentiana villosa + Chionanthus virginicus + devilwood + Syringa villosa + Virginian witch hazel + Hamamelis virginiana + Eucalyptus viminalis + guinea gold vine + Hypericum virginianum + tara vine + kiwi vine + silvervine + silver vine + vine cactus + passionflower vine + Violaceae + family Violaceae + violet family + Viola + genus Viola + viola + violet + Viola arvensis + American dog violet + Viola conspersa + sweet white violet + white violet + woodland white violet + Viola blanda + Canada violet + tall white violet + white violet + Viola canadensis + dog violet + heath violet + Viola canina + horned violet + Viola cornuta + two-eyed violet + Viola ocellata + sweet violet + garden violet + English violet + Viola odorata + bird's-foot violet + pansy violet + wood violet + Viola pedata + downy yellow violet + Viola pubescens + long-spurred violet + Viola rostrata + pale violet + striped violet + cream violet + Viola striata + hedge violet + wood violet + Viola sylvatica + Viola reichenbachiana + Viola tricolor hortensis + Viola tricolor + Ulmus laevis + Ulmus parvifolia + Celtis laevigata + Iris virginica + devil lily + Allium cepa viviparum + Allium vineale + Peruvian lily + dogtooth violet + dog's-tooth violet + white dogtooth violet + white dog's-tooth violet + Fritillaria parviflora + Veratrum viride + Agave atrovirens + genus Sansevieria + sansevieria + Sansevieria guineensis + Sansevieria zeylanica + Sansevieria trifasciata + Yucca brevifolia + Gelsemium sempervirens + calabar-bean vine + divi-divi + divi-divi + Anthyllis barba-jovis + groundnut vine + Centrosema virginianum + caviuna wood + Daviesia + genus Daviesia + coral vine + bonavist + Tangier peavine + Peruvian balsam + Onobrychis viciifolia + Onobrychis viciaefolia + goa bean vine + kudzu vine + Robinia viscosa + jade vine + Tephrosia virginiana + Thermopsis villosa + pride of Bolivia + Vicia + genus Vicia + Vicia cracca + Vicia faba + Vicia orobus + Vicia sativa + Vicia sepium + Vicia villosa + Vigna + genus Vigna + Vigna aconitifolia + Vigna angularis + Vigna caracalla + Vigna radiata + Vigna unguiculata + Vigna sinensis + Vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis + Vigna sesquipedalis + Viminaria + genus Viminaria + Viminaria juncea + Viminaria denudata + Virgilia + genus Virgilia + Virgilia capensis + Virgilia oroboides + Virgilia divaricata + Acrocomia vinifera + Livistona + genus Livistona + Livistona australis + Raffia vinifera + Thrinax parviflora + Plantago virginica + silver lace vine + China fleece vine + Russian vine + Rosa laevigata + serviceberry + service tree + alder-leaved serviceberry + Crataegus laevigata + Virginia strawberry + Fragaria virginiana + Geum virginianum + Prunus avium + Prunus virginiana + Prunus virginiana demissa + Rubus trivialis + Rubus parviflorus + service tree + wild service tree + Peruvian bark + Diervilla + genus Diervilla + Diervilla lonicera + Diervilla sessilifolia + trumpet vine + Lonicera sempervirens + Viburnum + genus Viburnum + Viburnum trilobum + Viburnum lantana + Viburnum opulus + Viburnum dentatum + Viburnum recognitum + Viburnum prunifolium + Geranium viscosissimum + violet wood sorrel + Oxalis violacea + Seville orange + Irvingia + genus Irvingia + Irvingia gabonensis + canarybird vine + lignum vitae + lignum vitae + bastard lignum vitae + coville + devil's weed + Salix alba vitellina + Salix vitellina + Salix viminalis + Viscaceae + family Viscaceae + Viscum + genus Viscum + Viscum album + soapberry vine + balloon vine + Buxus sempervirens + staff vine + vine maple + vinegar tree + Virginian sumac + vinegar tree + Peruvian mastic tree + Diospyros virginiana + Chrysophyllum oliviforme + Lithophragma parviflorum + violet suksdorfia + Suksdorfia violaceae + Polemonium viscosum + black-eyed Susan vine + cross vine + quartervine + quarter-vine + trumpet vine + Cynoglossum virginaticum + blue devil + viper's bugloss + Virginia bluebell + Virginia cowslip + Mertensia virginica + love vine + Cuscuta gronovii + cypress vine + sweet potato vine + wild potato vine + wild sweet potato vine + railroad vine + lace-flower vine + African violet + Virginia waterleaf + Hydrophyllum virginianum + whitlavia + Phacelia whitlavia + Dracocephalum parviflorum + Lycopus virginicus + Molucella laevis + Physostegia virginiana + Pycnanthemum virginianum + genus Salvia + salvia + Salvia azurea + Salvia clarea + Salvia farinacea + Salvia reflexa + Salvia lancifolia + Salvia leucophylla + Salvia lyrata + Salvia officinalis + Salvia pratensis + Salvia sclarea + Salvia spathacea + Salvia divinorum + Salvia verbenaca + vinegarweed + devil's claw + common devil's claw + sand devil's claw + Aureolaria virginica + Gerardia virginica + Collinsia parviflora + Veronicastrum virginicum + devil's flax + Davidson's penstemon + Penstemon davidsonii + Solanum aviculare + Uruguay potato vine + potato vine + white potato vine + potato vine + bush violet + matrimony vine + common matrimony vine + devil's apples + violet-flowered petunia + Physalis peruviana + Physalis viscosa + chalice vine + Avicennia + genus Avicennia + Avicenniaceae + family Avicenniaceae + Avicennia marina + Avicennia officinalis + devil's milk + devil's milk + Acalypha virginica + devil nettle + chervil + wild chervil + Carum carvi + Levisticum + genus Levisticum + Levisticum officinale + Salviniaceae + family Salviniaceae + Salvinia + genus Salvinia + Salvinia rotundifolia + Salvinia auriculata + Botrychium virginianum + Claviceps + genus Claviceps + Claviceps purpurea + Scleroderma flavidium + Scleroderma bovista + subdivision Zygomycota + subdivision Zygomycotina + division Myxomycota + division Gymnomycota + subdivision Mastigomycota + subdivision Mastigomycotina + devil's cigar + devil's urn + division Lichenes + division Eumycota + subdivision Deuteromycota + subdivision Deuteromycotina + subdivision Basidiomycota + subdivision Basidiomycotina + Pholiota flavida + viscid mushroom + Entoloma lividum + Tricholoma flavovirens + Pluteus cervinus + Clitocybe clavipes + subdivision Ascomycota + subdivision Ascomycotina + Clavicipitaceae + Saccharomyces cerevisiae + Thielavia + genus Thielavia + Thielavia basicola + Albatrellus ovinus + Nigroporus vinosus + Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae + Cortinarius violaceus + Ustilaginoidea virens + vine + Vitaceae + family Vitaceae + Vitidaceae + grapevine family + Vitis + genus Vitis + grapevine + grape vine + Vitis labrusca + Vitis rotundifolia + vinifera + vinifera grape + common grape vine + Vitis vinifera + Sauvignon grape + Cabernet Sauvignon grape + Sauvignon blanc + Virginia creeper + pepper vine + cubeb vine + Polypodium virgianum + Vittariaceae + family Vittariaceae + Vittaria + genus Vittaria + Vittaria lineata + Asplenium viride + Virginia chain fern + Woodwardia virginica + Olfersia cervina + Polybotrya cervina + Polybotria cervina + Equisetum fluviatile + Lycopodium clavitum + Asclepias curassavica + silk vine + Vincetoxicum + genus Vincetoxicum + negro vine + Vincetoxicum hirsutum + Vincetoxicum negrum + virgin forest + villeinage + devise + dividend + cost-of-living allowance + moving expense + living wage + undivided interest + undivided right + vigorish + survivorship annuity + cost-of-living benefit + viatical settlement + cost of living + vigorish + service charge + service fee + savings bond + revolving fund + savings + living trust + inter vivos trust + savings account trust + savings bank trust + savings account + passbook savings account + living + provision + revolving credit + revolving charge account + dividend warrant + dividend + stock dividend + extra dividend + equalizing dividend + visible balance + invisible balance + review + limited review + analytical review + devise + Civil List + agglutinating activity + alluvion + activity + calving + cavity + cell division + cellular division + civilization + civilisation + use of goods and services + dissolving + virilization + virilisation + reduction division + activity + overactivity + virgin birth + giving birth + phase of cell division + radioactivity + relaxation behavior + survival + survival of the fittest + vicious circle + vicious cycle + video digitizing + vinification + vitrification + expansivity + reflectivity + coefficient of viscosity + absolute viscosity + dynamic viscosity + gravitational constant + universal gravitational constant + constant of gravitation + unit of viscosity + radioactivity unit + Yugoslavian monetary unit + Yugoslavian dinar + Vietnamese monetary unit + Peruvian monetary unit + Bolivian monetary unit + boliviano + Latvian monetary unit + kelvin + dividend + divisor + divisor + common divisor + greatest common divisor + VI + VII + VIII + XVI + XVII + XVIII + XXVI + XXVII + XXVIII + LXXVIII + living space + vital capacity + transitivity + intransitivity + transitivity + reflexivity + reflexivity + productivity + confidential adviser-advisee relation + correlativity + Kelvin scale + positivity + negativity + gravity gradient + concavity + crevice + cavity + view angle + angle of view + environment + standard of living + subservience + subservientness + civil death + villeinage + villainage + living + survival + civil union + virginity + civil order + violence + divide + civil liberty + captivity + servitude + captivity + vibration + activity + virus + behavior + behaviour + inactivity + paracervical block + qui vive + gravidity + gravidness + gravidation + gravida + placenta previa + vitalization + vitalisation + vim + vitality + attention deficit hyperactivity disorder + hyperactivity + myasthenia gravis + gingivitis + deviated septum + deviated nasal septum + Saint Vitus dance + St. Vitus dance + visual aphasia + visual agnosia + Vincent's angina + Vincent's infection + viral hepatitis + king's evil + color vision deficiency + colour vision deficiency + double vision + monochromatic vision + mucoviscidosis + favism + pelvic inflammatory disease + viral hemorrhagic fever + viral haemorrhagic fever + viral pneumonia + visceral leishmaniasis + viral infection + virus infection + avitaminosis + hypovitaminosis + hypervitaminosis + vitiligo + villoma + cervicofacial actinomycosis + bovine spongiform encephalitis + spavin + blood spavin + bog spavin + bone spavin + granville wilt + vital sign + cervical disc syndrome + cervical root syndrome + cervicitis + conjunctivitis + endocervicitis + keratoconjunctivitis + synovitis + tenosynovitis + tendosynovitis + tendonous synovitis + vulvitis + visual hallucination + blue devils + viscountcy + viscounty + visibility + oblivion + living death + saving grace + primitivism + providence + victimization + deviance + province + ecclesiastical province + environmental condition + subservience + activity + sensitivity + hypersensitivity reaction + hypersensitivity + reactivity + conjunctivitis arida + visual impairment + visual defect + vision defect + visual disorder + tunnel vision + viremia + viraemia + polyvinyl acetate + polyvinyl chloride + vinylbenzene + Vinylite + mendelevium + muscovite + olivine + ergonovine + alluvial soil + gentian violet + crystal violet + blue vitriol + provirus + effluvium + wood vinegar + flavin + fulvic acid + vitreous silica + balsam capivi + larvicide + viscose + wood shavings + paving + paving material + polyvinyl-formaldehyde + vinyl cyanide + pyruvic acid + dissolving agent + viricide + virucide + sylvite + sylvine + factor VII + factor VIII + vesuvianite + vesuvian + vinegar + vinyl + vinyl + vinyl group + vinyl radical + vinyl polymer + vinyl resin + polyvinyl resin + visual purple + vitamin + fat-soluble vitamin + water-soluble vitamin + vitamin A + vitamin A1 + vitamin A2 + provitamin + provitamin A + B-complex vitamin + vitamin B complex + vitamin B + B vitamin + vitamin B1 + vitamin B12 + vitamin B2 + vitamin G + riboflavin + lactoflavin + ovoflavin + hepatoflavin + vitamin B6 + vitamin Bc + vitamin M + vitamin D + viosterol + vitamin E + vitamin H + vitamin K + vitamin K1 + vitamin K3 + vitamin P + bioflavinoid + vitamin C + vitriol + oil of vitriol + vicuna + virgin wool + white vitriol + zinc vitriol + vitrification + civil time + daylight-saving time + daylight-savings time + daylight saving + daylight savings + Victorian age + Ordovician + Ordovician period + civil day + Victory Day + Pluviose + Jefferson Davis' Birthday + Davis' Birthday + Thanksgiving + Thanksgiving Day + Victoria Day + civil year + Asvina + vice-presidency + vice-presidential term + novitiate + noviciate +
299 OLD_HSK English word(s): nearby/ neighboring area/ vicinity walk/ visit/ pass/ leave/ go away civilization/ culture/ education visit/ call on province visit/ look around please/ request/ ask/ invite/ engage victory/ triumph move about/ relax/ activity/ shaky an indoor place for activities television/ TV film/ movie give way/ give ground/ invite/ let opinion/ view/ objection serve/ service hostel/ living quarters/ dormitory preview/ prepare lessons revise/ review provide for/ raise/ give birth to/ rest environment/ surroundings obviously possess/ have/ be provided with possess/ have/ be provided with moving/ touching violate/ offend/ attack invite/ invitation aviation civilization/ civilized vie/ contend/ strive/ argue/ dispute department/ measure word for movies spinning and weaving/ textile revise/ modify/ revision/ modification measure word for individual plants vivid/ lively vinegar living thing/ organism village inevitable/ certain interview/ meet receive a visitor village/ country side imagine/ fancy/ visualize advocate/ idea/ view/ proposition invite to dinner/ give a dinner party face/ appearance/ visage vivacious/ vivid/ lively visit/ tour/ go sightseeing active/ brisk/ enliven/ animate/ invigorate provide/ supply/ furnish/ offer heavily view viewpoint/ standpoint audience/ spectator/ viewer show/ evince clear/ obvious/ apparent video recording energy/ vigor division individual individual provide/ stipulate/ provision; rule divide so long as/ provided visitor/ guest adjust/ regulate/ revise deputy/ vice- deputy/ vice- provide/ furnish violate/ run counter to intense/ strong/ violent appearance/ image/ vivid/ expressive/ graphic imperial palace/ place for cultural activities/ uterus poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials sound and movement/ activity/ happening reveal-displaymake it obvious and show/ manifest motivity/ driving force/ motive power/ impetus adapt/ transcribe/ revise/ reorganize/ recompose dangerous/ perilous/ sinister/ vicious/ venomous action-doing/ act/ action/ behavior/ conduct moving-star/ planet overbearing/ mad/ wild/ violent/ unconstrained prisoner/ convict/ (convicted) criminal shake/ shock/ vibrate/ quake/ be excited/ be shocked shock-move/ quiver/ vibrate/ quake/ shock/ astonish expression/ manner/ spirited/ vigorous/ proud/ cocky intrude upon/ encroach on/ violate/ invade acute/ violent/ severe vibrate-move/ vibrate/ tremble/ flutter/ oscillate image-film/ movie/ film ditch/ channel/ trench/ rut/ waterway/ gully/ ravine common/ commonplace/ ordinary/ trivial teacher/ tutor/ supervisor/ mentor/ adviser warm/ lukewarm/ mild/ gentle/ warm up/ review accept-invitation/ on invitation/ at sb.'s invitation intimate/ warm/ affectionate/ loving inauspicious/ vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ brutal/ terrible ferocious-vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ fiendish/ vicious talk/ chat/ statement issued in the form of an interview comment/ criticize/ review/ assess/ judge/ evaluate drive/ pilot/ steer/ astrogate/ navigate comment/ remark/ review/ commentary spicy/ hot/ peppery/ pungent/ vicious/ ruthless outpatient service supervise/ superintend live and persist/ subsist/ exist/ survive visitor/ guest brave/ violent/ fierce/ energetic/ vigorous revise-rectify/ correct/ amend/ revise fierce/ violent/ vigorous boundary line/ demarcation line/ dividing line soldier/ serviceman visitor/ guest enjoin-instruct/ enjoin/ exhort/ advise/ urge/ tell vigor/ drive/ enthusiasm/ energy countryside-hamlet/ rural area/ countryside/ village village/ hamlet superior-victorious/ winning/ victorious/ superior village/ hamlet crime-evil/ crime/ evil/ sin/ villainy/ maleficence/ vice slander-smear/ slander/ smear/ vilify/ libel consultant/ adviser governor of a province/ premier of a province set up/ open up/ provide/ offer proof-evidence/ proof/ evidence/ testimony give advice/ brain man/ advisor consult/ ask for advice/ seek advice teacher training/ person of exemplary virtue lifelike/ living/ alive/ vivid/ lively/ movable/ flexible living-house/ residence/ residential building/ dwelling behaving-style/ style/ way/ attitude/ behavior/ conduct pay a visit/ call on pay an official visit/ call on simply/ utterly/ totally/ at all/ virtually separate/ cut apart/ carve up/ divide up division of labor/ divide up the work angry/ raging/ forceful/ vigorous/ dynamic/ vehement split/ break up/ divide/ separate clear/ distinct/ obvious/ plain view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective fellow-townsman/ fellow-villager/ farmer buddy civil/ for civil use watch/ see/ view/ observe/ spectate shoot (a photograph; movie; video clip; etc.)/ film obviously/ plainly/ undoubtedly monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship talk to convince/ talk over/ persuade/ convince/ in great force/ forcefully/ vigorously revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate fan (that can create airflow through waving) vigorous/ spirited/ lively/ spunky/ smart turn-corner/ turn a corner/ change one's point of view bad/ evil/ criminal/ wicked/ vicious/ ruthless very bad/ vile/ abominable/ odious/ disgusting revolve-moving/ turn/ revolve/ rotate/ spin/ gyrate visit as an honorable guest personality/ individuality/ character curving-meandering/ winding/ zigzag/ anfractuous it is thus obvious that/ we can see that/ it shows that hungry/ starving persuade/ advise/ exhort/ urge/ advice/ exhortation be alert/ be vigilant/ be on guard against/ watch out for electric appliance/ electric device be practicable/ be feasible/ be viable scenery/ view/ prospect/ landscape religious service/ week/ Sunday objects and background seen in a view/ environment guest/ visitor/ passenger/ customer/ client objectivity/ objective living room/ drawing room/ parlor vibrate/ quiver/ shake carve/ engrave/ sculpt/ work of carving take (medicine)/ obey/ be convinced/ convince pay/ charge for a service/ money paid for odd jobs sight/ view/ vision/ gaze/ look vigorous/ flourishing/ burgeoning ravine-valley/ gorge/ canyon help each other/ provide mutual help accuse/ vilify/ assume the offensive/ attack/ onset angle/ perspective/ point of view do one's best to/ strive for/ contend vigorously pant/ breathe heavily credit/ contribution/ outstanding service pavilion-thingpavilion/ kiosk eye-sight/ eye/ vision/ foresight/ insight/ point of view right and wrong/ dispute/ conflict over trivialities believing-thought/ belief/ faith/ conviction supply/ provide/ accommodate measuring device/ idea/ plan/ consider/ count violate-disobey/ go against/ run counter to cover/ screen/ conceal/ hide from view/ cloak/ hinder innovate/ innovation/ creativity/ fresh idea hollow/ hole/ cavity/ loophole/ flaw with bright colors and clear/ vivid/ distinct/ distinctive villain/ bad person/ bad egg inevitably/ would naturally maintain-life-element/ vitamin virtuous obviously/ stick out a mile trust/ convince violate the law invite shake/ vibrate give up evil and return to good not suitable/ inadvisable vitalize/ develop/ promote divide evenly/ even navigate center of gravity trips/ viscera civil war call on/ interview virtue supervise and urge navigation go home to visit one's family specific gravity/ proportion obviate/ slide over revise strive to be the first/ vie with each other review/ look back visit productivity supervise vitality come to visit vital force/ life be firmly convinced villager/ local people saving deposit go forward with great strength and vigor misgive/ misgiving evil/ wicked become civilized the capital of province vigorous, energetic privilege invitation card vine roving bandits invitation card teacher/ division commander energy/ vigor collect/ village vicissitude vindicate/ plead make vigorous in view of call on/ visit/ see civil aviation natural environment and climate civil devilkin/ little devil vivid and dramatic energy/ vigor vigorous/ strong violin energetic/ vigorous kind/ virtuous dynamic/ vigorous stockade village visit to (foreign countries) evil-minded keep improving vicious/ malignant loving-kindness village virus individual/ idiographic evil vigor devil/ demon rear service/ logistics chink/ crevice devil/ enemy extend credit to/ provide a loan world view offend/ violate be convinced mental view invite applications for a job visa provide disaster relief evidence violent storm tempest violence vision divide up mouth/ oral cavity be open to navigation or air traffic relive/ revival room/ living room vision/ seeing revive/ renew error/ deviation memory/ retentivity out of the way/ devious/ outlying field of vision cavity/ antrum blindly slavish
299 OLD_HSK French word(s):
299 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
299 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
299 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ใกล้ เดิน เที่ยว / มาเที่ยว / มาเยี่ยม / มาหา เชิญ โทรทัศน์ หนัง บริการ เชิญ , ชวน , เลี้ยง การบิน แขก หมู่บ้าน ไปพบ , เยี่ยม , ไปหา พัดลม สัปดาห์ / อาทิตย์ ห้องนั่งเล่น
299 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** MANG2 blind/-lings
* ** CONG2 folgen/von/aus

วิศวกรรมโยธา 土木工程 Civil engineering
วิทยาศาสตร์สิ่งแวดล้อม 环境科学 Environmental Science
ก่อนหน้า, ก่อน before, in front, ago, former, previous, earlier, front
กำนัน 村领导 Village leader
ชาวบ้าน; คนในท้องถิ่น 乡亲 villager; local people
ประเทศเวียดนาม 越南 Vietnam
มณฑลกวางตุ้ง 广东 Guangdong Province
จังหวัด province
จังหวัดเจินเจียง (เมือง) ในมณฑลเจียงซู 镇江 Zhenjiang (city), in Jiangsu province
อู่ (เมือง) ในจังหวัดเจียงซู 无锡 Wuxi (city), in Jiangsu Province
จังหวัดมณฑลเสฉวน 四川 Sichuan Province
จังหวัดหูเป่ย์ 湖北 Hubei Province
จังหวัดหูเป่ย์ 湖北省 Hubei Province
จังหวัดหูหนาน 湖南 Hunan Province
มณฑลเหลียวหนิง (จังหวัด) 辽宁 Liaoning (Province)
ซูโจว (เมืองในมณฑลเจียงซูจังหวัด) 苏州 Suzhou (city in Jiangsu Province)
อู่ (เมืองในมณฑลเจียงซูจังหวัด) 无锡 Wuxi (city in Jiangsu Province)
กวางตุ้ง (จังหวัด) 广东 Guangdong (Province)
เจ้อเจียง (จังหวัด) 浙江 Zhejiang (Province)
เหอเป่ย (จังหวัด) 河北 Hebei (Province)
ฝูเจี้ยน (จังหวัด) 福建 Fujian (Province)
ฉางชา (เมืองในจังหวัดหูหนาน) 长沙 Changsha (city in Hunan Province)
หนานจิง (เมืองในมณฑลเจียงซูจังหวัด) 南京 Nanjing (city in Jiangsu Province)
ตาแดง 结膜炎 Conjunctivitis
น้ำส้มสายชู Vinegar
โต๊ะบริการ โต๊ะประชาสัมพันธ์ 服务台 service desk, information desk, reception desk
วันขอบคุณพระเจ้า 感恩节 Thanksgiving Day
หันมอง 面对看法 Facing view.
หาร Divide
หม่นหมอง หน้าไม่รับแขก 忧郁的脸是不是生活 Melancholy face is not living.
โทรทัศน์ 电视 television
ร้านค้า shop; place for cultural activities
ห้องรับแขก 可听 living room
โรงภาพยนตร์ 电影院 movie theater; cinema
ห้องรับแขก 客厅 living room
หมู่บ้าน village
ดู; ไปเยี่ยม to watch; to look at, to visit
ความรัก 爱心 A loving heart
บะหมี่วันเกิด, บะหมี่อายุยืน 寿面 birthday noodles, longevity noodles
หนัง 电影 movie
การทบทวน 复习 review
เข้าชม (สถานที่) 参观 visit (a place)
การบิน 航空 aviation
หนังสือแจ้งให้ทราบล่วงหน้า 通知单 advice note; letter of notice
ผู้เข้าชม; ผู้เข้าพัก visitor; guest
ก่อน; เดิม; ก่อนหน้านี้ 以前 before; formerly; previously
สัมผัส; ย้าย 感人 touching; moving
ให้คำแนะนำ; คำแนะนำ 建议 make suggestions/suggestion; advice
มุมมอง; ฉาก view; scene
การบริหารการบินพลเรือนของประเทศจีน 中国民航 Civil Aviation Administration of China
สถานพื้นเมือง; หมู่บ้าน; ประเทศ native place; home village; country
ให้บริการตอบสนอง 服务 give service, serve
มุมมอง 看法 view
บริสุทธิ์, สามารถ virtuous, able
เกี่ยวกับกิจกรรม 活动 move about/activity
อายุยืน 长寿 longevity
เพื่อจะเปิดให้การจราจรทางอากาศหรือการนาวิเกต 通航 to be open to air traffic or to navigation
แต่ละคน 个人 individual (person)
สิ่งแวดล้อม 环境 environment
การออมทรัพย์ 积蓄 save/savings
เงินกู้ / ให้หรือขอสินเชื่อ 贷款 loan/provide or ask for a loan
เงินฝากออมทรัพย์ธนาคาร 存款 bank savings
คุณธรรม 美德 virtue
เชิญผู้อื่นไปทานอาหารเย็น 请客 invite someone to dinner (with the intent that they pay)
走马灯 lantern with revolving paper-cut figures
แบ่งงาน 分工 to divide the work
หน่วย (เป็นองค์กร, กรม, กอง, ส่วน, ฯลฯ ) 单位 unit (as an organization, a department, a division, a section, etc.)
รอง deputy; vice
สิ่งทอ การปั่นและทอผ้า 纺织 spinning and weaving; textile
招聘 to invite applications for a job
เชิญชวนบางคน การโพสต์ในงาน to invite sb. to a post (or job)
สัมภาษณ์ 面试 to interview
การปรับตัว; เพื่อแก้ไข 改编 to adapt; to revise
โทรทัศน์สี 彩电 color television
ละครโทรทัศน์ 电视剧 television play; television series
ได้อาศัยอยู่; อยู่ 在世 be living; exist
กลับมา; ประวัติย่อ 简历 resume; curriculum vitae
มั่นใจ; เป็นไปตาม to be convinced; to obey
ชัยชนะ 胜利 to win victory/victory
养儿防老 bring up children to provide against old aage
การละเมิด 违反 to violate; to run counter to; to go against
เพื่อพยายามโน้มน้าว; เพื่อโน้มน้าวใจ to try to persuade; to convince
จะให้คำแนะนำ; เพื่อชักชวน to advise; to persuade
นำทาง to navigate
สั่น; ช็อก; การสั่นสะเทือน to shake; to shock; to vibrate
อิจฉา 羡慕 to admire; to be envious of
รองรับ; ให้ 供应 to accommodate; to provide
陈醋 mature vinegar
มีกลิ่นของปลา having the smell of fish
รุนแรง; ความรุนแรง 强烈 strong; intense; violent
ตัวละครที่ดี; พี่ใหญ่; วีไอพี 大人物 great personage; big shot; VIP
白族 Bai ethnic group, mainly inhibiting Yunnan Province
อิจฉาตาร้อน 眼红 be envious; be jealous
สู้ to contend; to vie; to strive
เยือน 拜访 to pay a visit
ขึ้นอยู่กับ 基于 because of; in view of
อายุยืน 长寿 long life; longevity
รวบรวมข่าว การให้สัมภาษณ์ 采访 to gather news; to interview
ความแตกต่าง; กลายเป็น 分化 to differentiate; to become divided; differentiation
ให้มองย้อนกลับไป; ตรวจสอบ 回顾 to look back; to review
ภรรยา 贤妻良母 virtuous wife and loving mother
บริสุทธิ์ virtuous
大丈夫主义 male chauvinism
ขอคำแนะนำ; ให้คำปรึกษา 求教 to ask for advice; to consult
กิจกรรม; การกระทำ 行动 to act; action; activity
กลับมุมมองของใครบางคน 背影 view of somebody's back
ระมัดระวัง; การแจ้งเตือน 警醒 to sleep lightly; vigilant; alert
หากิน; ให้มีชีวิต 谋生 to seek a livelihood; to make a living
จิ๊บจ๊อย 琐屑 trivial
空巢家庭 family of aged parents living by themselves
สนับสนุน; จัดให้มีการ 赡养 to support; to provide for
别墅 villa
指教 (polite term) to give advice or comments
ผมปรับ 绒毛 fine hair; villus
ซ่อนจากมุมมอง; ให้ครอบคลุม 遮蔽 to hide from view; to cover
ภาพยนตร์ 电影 movie, film
ให้เลี้ยงอาหาร, รับแขก, เชิญไปทานอาหารเย็น 请客 give a dinner party, entertain guests, invite to dinner
หอพัก 宿舍 dormitory, living quarters, hostel
บันทึกวิดีโอ 录像 video recording
เพื่อรองรับ การให้บริการ 服务 to serve, service
ศูนย์กิจกรรม 活动中心 activity center
ที่จะแสดง, การเล่น, การกระทำ, การแสดง (ภาพยนตร์) เพื่อพัฒนาที่จะพัฒนาขึ้นเพื่อการปฏิบัติ to perform, to play, to act, to show (a movie), to develop, to evolve, to practice
(ใน) บริเวณใกล้, ใกล้เคียงติดกับ 附近 (in the) vicinity, nearby, neighboring, next to
หนึ่งห้องนอนและห้องนั่งเล่น 一房一厅 one bedroom and one living room
ฝากเงิน, เก็บ, อยู่รอด, มีอยู่ deposit, store, keep, survive, exist
วีซ่า 签证 visa
วัฒนธรรม อารยธรรม 文化 culture, civilization, cultural
กลับบ้านไปเยี่ยมครอบครัวหนึ่งของ 探亲 to go home to visit one's family
วิสัยทัศน์ vision
เล่นวิดีโอเกม 玩游戏机 to play video game
ก่อนหน้านี้ ; สุดท้าย 上个 the previous one; the last one
ตรวจสอบ 复习 to review
ดูตัวอย่าง 预习 to preview
เพื่อตอบสนอง; เพื่อให้บริการ 服务 to serve; to provide service
กิจกรรม 活动 activity
เพื่อเข้าชมพิพิธภัณฑ์ 参观博物馆 to visit a museum
บริเวณใกล้เคียง; พื้นที่ใกล้เคียงการหาพื้นที่ในบริเวณใกล้เคียง 附近 vicinity; neighborhood; nearby area
บันทึกหีบเสียง, บันทึก (ไวนิล) 唱片 gramophone record, (vinyl) record, LP
เพื่อโค้ชเพื่อกวดวิชาเพื่อให้คำแนะนำ (ในการศึกษา) 辅导 to coach, to tutor, to give advise (in study)
เพื่อเข้าชม (สถานที่หรือสิ่งอื่นที่ไม่ใช่คน) เพื่อจ่ายเงินเข้าชม 参观 to visit (place or thing other than a person), to pay a visit
เข้าชมสถานที่หรือเยี่ยมบุคคล เรียกร้องให้ 访问 to visit (thing, place or person), to call on
งานบริหารทั่วไปของการบินพลเรือนของจีน (CAAC) 中国民航 General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC)
ไวโอลิน 小提琴 violin
โรคหอบหืด pant; breathe heavily
ชุดน้ำชา, บริการชา 茶具 tea set, tea service
แขกผู้เข้าชม 客人 guest, visitor
ศาลา 亭子 pavilion
ที่ปรึกษา 顾问 adviser
สมุดเยี่ยม 留言簿 visitor's book
เพื่อย้ายไปโดนย้าย 感动 to move, to touch, moving
(การเล่นภาพยนตร์ ฯลฯ ) เพื่อเริ่มต้น 开演 (of a play, movie, etc.) to begin
เดินทางท่องเที่ยว,, ผู้เข้าชม 旅游者 tourist, traveler, visitor
ชักชวน, โน้มน้าว 说服 to persuade, to convince, to talk sb. over
อารยธรรมอารยะวัฒนธรรม 文明 civilized, civilization, culture
ซีอาน (เมือง) เมืองหลวงของมณฑลส่านซีจังหวัด 西安 Xi'an (city), the capital city of Shaanxi Province
ไปเห็น - เห็น, ไปทัวร์, เพื่อเข้าชม 游览 to go sight-seeing, to tour, to visit
กินอาหารให้นำบทบัญญัติ 食品 foodstuff, food, provisions
สภาพแวดล้อม 周围 surroundings, environment
นาวิเกต 导航 navigation
เพื่อแก้ไขตัวเองจะถอนหรือปรับเปลี่ยนข้อสังเกตก่อนหน้าของ 改口 to correct oneself, to withdraw or modify one's previous remark
ที่จะทำอันตรายต่อเพื่อก่อให้เกิดปัญหาในการให้, อันตราย, ภัย, ชั่วร้าย to do harm to, to cause trouble to, harm, evil, calamity
ชัดเจน, เข้าใจ, ตระหนักถึง 明白 clear, obvious, to understand, to realize
มาเป็นแขกหรือผู้เยี่ยมชม 做客 to be a guest or visitor
ปฏิเสธคำเชิญ 推辞 to decline (an appointment, invitation, etc.)
การปรับตัวเพื่อจัดเรียงใหม่เพื่อแก้ไข 改编 to adapt, to rearrange, to revise
คิดสร้างสรรค์ความคิดสร้างสรรค์ 创造性 creativeness, creativity
วิธีการบรรเทาอาการปวด 止痛法 method of relieving pain
สดใสเหมือนจริง 传神 vivid, lifelike
精神 vigor, vitality, drive
มีสมาธิในการรวมศูนย์เพื่อโฟกัสแบบรวมศูนย์เข้มข้น 集中 it is thus clear (evident, obvious) that
เพื่อสนับสนุน, ที่จะยืนดูตำแหน่งยืนข้อเสนอ 主张 to advocate, to stand for, view, position, stand, proposition
วิทยุปักกิ่ง, ปักกิ่งสถานีโทรทัศน์ 北京台 Radio Beijing, Beijing Television Station
รีวิวปักกิ่ง 北京周报 Beijing Review
แอคทีฟมีพลังแข็งแรง 积极 active, energetic, vigorous
เยี่ยมชม; มองไปรอบ ๆ 参观 visit; look around
ฟิล์ม; ภาพยนตร์ 电影 film; movie
แบ่ง; แจกจ่าย; แยกความแตกต่าง divide; distribute; distinguish
บริการ; บริการ 服务 serve; service
บริเวณใกล้เคียง; ใกล้เคียงพื้นที่ใกล้เคียง 附近 nearby; neighboring area; vicinity
สถานที่สำหรับกิจกรรมในร่ม an indoor place for activities
ย้ายเกี่ยวกับ; พักผ่อน; กิจกรรม; สั่นคลอน 活动 move about; relax; activity; shaky
ขอ; กรุณาสอบถาม; เชิญ please; request; ask; invite; engage
หลีกทาง; ให้พื้น; เชิญขอให้ give way; give ground; invite; let
ชัยชนะ 胜利 victory; triumph
โฮสเทล; ที่อยู่อาศัย; หอพัก 宿舍 hostel; living quarters; dormitory
วัฒนธรรม 文化 civilization; culture; education
ความคิดเห็น; ดู; การคัดค้าน 意见 opinion; view; objection
ตัวอย่าง; เรียนเตรียมความพร้อม 预习 preview; prepare lessons
หลีกเลี่ยงไม่ได้; บาง 必然 inevitable; certain
แสดง; แสดงให้เห็น 表明 show; evince
หาร divide
เคลื่อนไหว สัมผัส 动人 moving; touching
ละเมิด; รุกราน; โจมตี violate; offend; attack
รอง deputy; vice-
แต่ละบุคคล 个体 individual
ให้; เฟอร์นิเจอร์ 供给 provide; furnish
มุมมอง; จุดยืน 观点 viewpoint; standpoint
ผู้ชม; ชม; ผู้ดู 观众 audience; spectator; viewer
ให้, กฎ; กําหนด 规定 provide; stipulate; provision, rule
สิ่งแวดล้อมรอบ 环境 environment; surroundings
สัมภาษณ์; พบ 会见 interview; meet
ได้รับผู้เข้าชม 会客 receive a visitor
ร่าเริง; สดใส; มีชีวิตชีวา 活泼 vivacious; vivid; lively
ที่ใช้งานอยู่; คล่อง; ทำให้มีชีวิตชีวา; เคลื่อนไหว; ทำให้ชุ่มชื่น 活跃 active; brisk; enliven; animate; invigorate
พลังงานความแข็งแรง 精力 energy; vigor
มี; จะให้มาพร้อมกับ 具备 possess; have; be provided with
มี; จะให้มาพร้อมกับ 具有 possess; have; be provided with
หมวด division
ผู้เข้าชม; ผู้เข้าพัก 客人 visitor; guest
หน้า; ลักษณะ; ใบหน้า 面貌 face; appearance; visage
ที่ชัดเจนเห็นได้ชัด; ชัดเจน 明显 clear; obvious; apparent
รุนแรง; ความรุนแรง 强烈 intense; strong; violent
สดใส; มีชีวิตชีวา 生动 vivid; lively
สิ่งมีชีวิต; สิ่งมีชีวิต 生物 living thing; organism
ให้; อุปทานการตกแต่ง; เสนอ 提供 provide; supply; furnish; offer
ปรับ; ควบคุม; แก้ไข 调整 adjust; regulate; revise
ละเมิด; วิ่งสวนทางกับ 违反 violate; run counter to
อารยธรรม อารยะ 文明 civilization; civilized
อย่างชัดเจน 显然 obviously
ลักษณะ; ภาพ; สดใส; ความหมาย; กราฟิก 形象 appearance; image; vivid; expressive; graphic
แก้ไข; ปรับเปลี่ยน 修改 revise; modify; revision; modification
จัดให้มีการ; เพิ่ม; ให้เกิดกับ; ส่วนที่เหลือ provide for; raise; give birth to; rest
เชิญคำเชิญ 邀请 invite; invitation
เยี่ยมชม; ทัวร์; ไปเยี่ยมชมทิวทัศน์ 游览 visit; tour; go sightseeing
สู้ vie; contend; strive; argue; dispute
สายพันธุ์ measure word for individual plants
ผู้สนับสนุน 主张 advocate; idea; view; proposition
เยือน 拜访 pay a visit; call on
โทรศัพท์ 拜会 pay an official visit; call on
อย่างแน่นอน 不免 inevitably; would naturally
เจ้าหน้าที่บุคลากร 参谋 give advice; brain man; advisor
ตัวสั่น 颤动 vibrate; quiver; shake
นวัตกรรม 创新 innovate; innovation; creativity; fresh idea
หมู่บ้าน 村庄 village; hamlet
หมู่บ้าน 村子 village; hamlet
อย่างขยันขันแข็ง 大力 in great force; forcefully; vigorously
ครูผู้สอน 导师 teacher; tutor; supervisor; mentor; adviser
การแกะสลัก 雕刻 carve; engrave; sculpt; work of carving
การเคลื่อนไหว 动静 sound and movement; activity; happening
อำนาจ 动力 motivity; driving force; motive power; impetus
ชั่วร้าย bad; evil; criminal; wicked; vicious; ruthless
เลว 恶劣 very bad; vile; abominable; odious; disgusting
อาชญากร 犯人 prisoner; convict; (convicted) criminal
การแบ่งกลุ่ม 分割 separate; cut apart; carve up; divide up
แยก 分裂 split; break up; divide; separate
ชัดเจน 分明 clear; distinct; obvious; plain
การบริการ take (medicine); obey; be convinced; convince
การปรับตัว 改编 adapt; transcribe; revise; reorganize; recompose
พลังงาน 干劲 vigor; drive; enthusiasm; energy
บุคลิกภาพ 个性 personality; individuality; character
อัตราค่าจ้าง 工钱 pay; charge for a service; money paid for odd jobs
โจมตี 攻击 accuse; vilify; assume the offensive; attack; onset
เครดิต 功劳 credit; contribution; outstanding service
จัดหา 供应 supply; provide; accommodate
พระราชวัง imperial palace; place for cultural activities; uterus
คูน้ำ ditch; channel; trench; rut; waterway; gully; ravine
ที่ปรึกษา 顾问 consultant; adviser
เฝ้าดู 观看 watch; see; view; observe; spectate
การแสดงตน 光临 visit as an honorable guest
ช่วยกัน; ให้ความช่วยเหลือซึ่งกันและกัน 互助 help each other; provide mutual help
ตัวโกง 坏蛋 villain; bad person
lifelike; living; alive; vivid; lively; movable; flexible
ความหิว 饥饿 hungry; starving
เมตร measuring device; idea; plan; consider; count
การขับขี่ 驾驶 drive; pilot; steer; astrogate; navigate
การควบคุมดูแล 监督 supervise; superintend
เพียงแค่ 简直 simply; utterly; totally; at all; virtually
见解 view; opinion; understanding; idea; perspective
มุม 角度 angle; perspective; point of view
ขอบเขต 界线 boundary line; demarcation line; dividing line
วิญญาณ 精神 vigorous; spirited; lively; spunky; smart
การแจ้งเตือน 警惕 be alert; be vigilant; be on guard against; watch out for
景色 scenery; view; prospect; landscape
ฉาก 景物 objects and background seen in a view; environment
รุนแรง 剧烈 acute; violent; severe
ทหาร 军人 soldier; serviceman
เปิด 开设 set up; open up; provide; offer
มองเห็นได้ 可见 it is thus obvious that; we can see that; it shows that
เป็นไปได้ 可行 be practicable; be feasible; be viable
ผู้โดยสาร guest; visitor; passenger; customer; client
วัตถุประสงค์ 客观 objectivity; objective
รู 窟窿 hollow; hole; cavity; loophole; flaw
บ้า overbearing; mad; wild; violent; unconstrained
แขก 来宾 visitor; guest
เกลอ 老乡 fellow-townsman; fellow-villager; farmer buddy
เคารพบูชา 礼拜 religious service; week; Sunday
มุ่งมั่น 力争 do one's best to; strive for; contend vigorously
คนไข้นอก 门诊 outpatient service
ดุร้าย brave; violent; fierce; energetic; vigorous
รุนแรง 猛烈 fierce; violent; vigorous
แพ่ง 民用 civil; for civil use
อย่างชัดเจน 明明 obviously; plainly; undoubtedly
ดู 目光 sight; view; vision; gaze; look
การยิง 拍摄 shoot (a photograph, movie, video clip, etc.); film
กระฉับกระเฉง 蓬勃 vigorous; flourishing; burgeoning
คนยากจน 贫苦 poor and bitter; destitute; lacking living materials
สามัญ 平凡 common; commonplace; ordinary; trivial
การประเมินผล comment; criticize; review; assess; judge; evaluate
ความคิดเห็น 评论 comment; remark; review; commentary
การละเมิด 侵犯 intrude upon; encroach on; violate; invade
ที่รักใคร่ 亲热 intimate; warm; affectionate; loving
ปรึกษา 请教 consult; ask for advice; seek advice
คำแนะนำ 劝告 persuade; advise; exhort; urge; advice; exhortation
พัดลม 扇子 fan (that can create airflow through waving)
อากาศ 神气 expression; manner; spirited; vigorous; proud; cocky
การอยู่รอด 生存 live and persist; subsist; exist; survive
ผู้ว่าราชการ 省长 governor of a province; premier of a province
ปกติ 师范 teacher training; person of exemplary virtue
ใช่ 是的 right and wrong; dispute; conflict over trivialities
โน้มน้าวใจ 说服 talk to convince; talk over; persuade; convince;
คุย 谈话 talk; chat; statement issued in the form of an interview
การดัด 弯曲 curving-meandering; winding; zigzag; anfractuous
ละเมิด 违背 violate-disobey; go against; run counter to
วิตามิน 维生素 maintain-life-element; vitamin
อุณหภูมิ warm; lukewarm; mild; gentle; warm up; review
ใส่ร้าย ใส่ไฟ; กลั่นแกล้ง 诬蔑 slander-smear; slander; smear; vilify; libel
หุบเขา ; หุบ; แคนยอน 峡谷 ravine-valley; gorge; canyon
ชัดเจน 鲜明 with bright colors and clear; vivid; distinct; distinctive
แสดง 显示 reveal-displaymake it obvious and show; manifest
อันตราย; น่ากลัว dangerous; perilous; sinister; vicious; venomous
หมู่บ้านชนบท; พื้นที่ชนบท 乡村 countryside-hamlet; rural area; countryside; village
ความเชื่อ 信念 believing-thought; belief; faith; conviction
พฤติกรรม 行为 action-doing; act; action; behavior; conduct
ดาวเคราะห์ 行星 moving-star; planet
ดุร้าย inauspicious; vicious; fierce; ferocious; brutal; terrible
ดุร้าย 凶恶 ferocious-vicious; fierce; ferocious; fiendish; vicious
แก้ไข 修正 revise-rectify; correct; amend; revise
วิสัยทัศน์ 眼光 eye-sight; eye; vision; foresight; insight; point of view
วิดีโอ 影片 image-film; movie; film
ได้รับเชิญ 应邀 accept-invitation; on invitation; at sb.'s invitation
การชนะ 优胜 superior-victorious; winning; victorious; superior
ปก cover; screen; conceal; hide from view; cloak; hinder
ช็อก shake; shock; vibrate; quake; be excited; be shocked
ช็อก 震动 shock-move; quiver; vibrate; quake; shock; astonish
การสั่นสะเทือน 振动 vibrate-move; vibrate; tremble; flutter; oscillate
พยานหลักฐาน 证据 proof-evidence; proof; evidence; testimony
ที่ถาม 嘱咐 enjoin-instruct; enjoin; exhort; advise; urge; tell
ที่อยู่อาศัย 住宅 living-house; residence; residential building; dwelling
อำนาจเผด็จการ 专政 monopolize-government; rule by violence; dictatorship
เลี้ยว 转弯 turn-corner; turn a corner; change one's point of view
บาป 罪恶 crime-evil; crime; evil; sin; villainy; maleficence; vice
สไตล์ 作风 behaving-style; style; way; attitude; behavior; conduct
พายุ พายุรุนแรง 暴风骤雨 violent storm tempest
ความรุนแรง 暴力 violence
แรงโน้มถ่วงเฉพาะสัดส่วน 比重 specific gravity; proportion
การเปลี่ยนแปลง 变迁 vicissitude
จองเวร; วอน 辩护 vindicate; plead
เชื้อไวรัส 病毒 virus
ไม่เหมาะสม; ไม่สมควร 不宜 not suitable; inadvisable
เยี่ยม (ต่างประเทศ) 出访 visit to (foreign countries)
รุกราน; ละเมิด 触犯 offend; violate
เงินฝากออมทรัพย์ 存款 saving deposit
ขยายสินเชื่อไปยัง; ให้เงินกู้ยืม 贷款 extend credit to; provide a loan
นำทาง 导航 navigate
กำกับดูแลและผลักดันให้ 督促 supervise and urge
ใจหิน 恶毒 evil-minded
หิน; ร้าย 恶性 vicious; malignant
ความเมตตา - รัก 恩情 loving-kindness
ละเมิดกฎหมาย 犯法 violate the law
ร่อง; รอยแยก chink; crevice
มั่นใจ 服气 be convinced
มีชีวิตอีก; การฟื้นฟู 复活 relive; revival
ฟื้น; ต่ออายุ 复兴 revive; renew
ยอมแพ้ความชั่วร้ายและกลับไปที่ดี 改邪归正 give up evil and return to good
ทำให้แข็งแรง 搞活 make vigorous
ของปัจเจกบุคคล 各别 individual; idiographic
ความขุ่นข้อง 顾虑 misgive; misgiving
ศัตรู; มาร 鬼子 devil; enemy
航海 navigation
ไปข้างหน้าด้วยความแรงที่ดีและความแข็งแรง 浩浩荡荡 go forward with great strength and vigor
轰轰烈烈 dynamic; vigorous
บริการหลัง; ลอจิสติกส์ 后勤 rear service; logistics
แบ่ง 划分 divide up
ดักคอ; ภาพนิ่งกว่า 回避 obviate; slide over
ทบทวนมองย้อนกลับไป 回顾 review; look back
พลังงานความแข็งแรง 活力 energy; vigor
พยานหลักฐาน 迹象 evidence
หน่วยความจำ 记忆力 memory; retentivity
กำกับ 监察 supervise
จะปักใจ 坚信 be firmly convinced
ชั่วคนชั่วร้าย evil; wicked
ในมุมมองของ 鉴于 in view of
แข็งแรง 健壮 vigorous; strong
พลังงานความแข็งแรง 劲头 energy; vigor
ให้ดีขึ้น 精益求精 keep improving
ช่วยบรรเทาภัยพิบัติ 救灾 provide disaster relief
ห้องห้องนั่งเล่น 居室 room; living room
กลายเป็นอารยะ 开化 become civilized
เรียกร้องให้; เยี่ยม; ดู 看望 call on; visit; see
ปาก; ช่องปาก 口腔 mouth; oral cavity
มาเยี่ยมชม 来访 come to visit
การท่องเที่ยวโจร 流寇 roving bandits
เลวทราม สุ่มสี่สุ่มห้า 盲从 blindly slavish
การบินพลเรือน 民航 civil aviation
แพ่ง 民事 civil
มารปีศาจ 魔鬼 devil; demon
ทริป; อวัยวะภายใน 内脏 trips; viscera
สงครามกลางเมือง 内战 civil war
ข้อผิดพลาด; ส่วนเบี่ยงเบน 偏差 error; deviation
ออกจากทางนั้นคดเคี้ยว; รอบนอก 偏僻 out of the way; devious; outlying
คึกคัก; แข็งแรง 起劲 energetic; vigorous
พิริยะ 气势 vigor
ช่อง cavity; antrum
การ์ดเชิญ 请柬 invitation card
การ์ดเชิญ 请帖 invitation card
ชนิด; บริสุทธิ์ 善良 kind; virtuous
ความไว้วางใจ; โน้มน้าว 深信 trust; convince
ผลผลิตที่ 生产率 productivity
พลัง 生机 vitality
กำลังสำคัญในชีวิต 生命力 vital force; life
เมืองหลวงของจังหวัด 省会 the capital of province
ที่นิยมใช้กันคึกคัก popular; vigorous
ครูผู้สอน; ผู้บัญชาการกอง 师长 teacher; division commander
มุมมองโลก 世界观 world view
วิสัยทัศน์; เห็น 视觉 vision; seeing
ด้านการมองเห็น 视野 field of vision
สภาพแวดล้อมทางธรรมชาติและสภาพภูมิอากาศ 水土 natural environment and climate
เยือน 探望 visit
สิทธิพิเศษ 特权 privilege
เถาวัลย์ vine
จะเปิดให้เข้าชมการเดินเรือหรืออากาศ 通航 be open to navigation or air traffic
รวบรวม collect; village
บริสุทธิ์ 贤惠 virtuous
เห็นได้ชัด 显而易见 obviously; stick out a mile
ปีศาจน้อย 小鬼 devilkin; little devil
ชั่วร้าย evil
ดูจิต 心目 mental view
ปรับปรุงแก้ไข 修订 revise
วิสัยทัศน์ 眼力 vision
เชิญชวน invite
สดใสและชัดเจน 有声有色 vivid and dramatic
แบ่งเท่า ๆ กันไปแม้แต่ divide evenly; even
เขย่า; สั่น 震荡 shake; vibrate
ทำให้มีพลัง; พัฒนา; การส่งเสริม 振兴 vitalize; develop; promote
มุ่งมั่นที่จะเป็นที่หนึ่ง; ประชันกัน 争先恐后 strive to be the first; vie with each other
จุดศูนย์ถ่วง 重心 center of gravity
หมู่บ้าน village
เรียกร้องให้การสัมภาษณ์ 走访 call on; interview
ความคิดสร้างสรรค์ 创造力 creativity die Kreativität la créativité la creatividad
ไวโอลิน 小提琴 violin die Geige, n le violon el violín
กล่องไวโอลิน 小提琴盒 violin case der Geigenkasten, " l'étui à violon el estuche de violín
ไร่องุ่น 葡萄园 vineyard der Weinberg, e le vignoble el viñedo
ทั่ง 铁砧 anvil der Amboss, e l'enclume el yunque
เครื่องหนีบ 台钳 vise der Schraubstock, "e l'étau el tornillo de banco
แกะสลัก 雕刻 carving die Schnitzerei, en la sculpture la talla
ชัยชนะ 胜利 victory der Sieg, e la victoire la victoria
การสัมภาษณ์ 采访 interview das Interview, s l'interview la entrevista
กล้องโทรทัศน์ 电视摄像机 television camera die Fernsehkamera, s la caméra de télévision la cámara de televisión
วิดีโอเทป 录像带 video cassette die Videocassette, n la cassette vidéo la cinta de vídeo
กล้องวิดีโอ 摄像机 video camera die Videokamera, s la caméra vidéo la cámara de video
ห้องนั่งเล่น 客厅 living room das Wohnzimmer, - le salon la sala de estar
กัมมันตภาพรังสี 放射性 radioactivity die Radioaktivität la radioactivité la radiactividad
มุมมอง 眺望 view die Aussicht, en le point de vue la vista
มาร 魔鬼 devil der Teufel, - le diable el diablo
บริการ 礼拜 service der Gottesdienst, e l'office religieux / la messe el servicio religioso
เชิญ 邀请 invitation die Einladung, en l'invitation la invitación
แปรงโกนหนวด 剃须刷 shaving brush der Rasierpinsel, - le blaireau la brocha de afeitar
เหยื่อ 受害人 victim das Opfer, - la victime la víctima
กระจกมองหลัง 后视镜 rear view mirror der Rückspiegel, - le rétroviseur el espejo retrovisor
บริการลากจูง 拖车服务 towing service der Abschleppdienst, e la fourrière el servicio de remolque
รถโบราณ 老爷车 vintage car der Oldtimer, - la voiture de collection el coche de época
หมู่บ้าน village das Dorf, "er le village el pueblo
akvilegio akvilegio akvilegio akvilegio akvilegio akvilegio akvilegio akvilegio
amboso ทั่งตีเหล็กหรือตีทอง anvil Amboss enclume yunque incudine
aparato เครื่อง 设备 device Gerät dispositif dispositivo dispositivo
asesoro กุนซือ 顾问 Advisor Advisor Conseiller Tutor Consulente
atavismo atavism 返祖现象 atavism Atavismus atavisme atavismo atavismo
atenci ละเมิด 违反 violating Verletzung violer viola violando
aviado การบิน 航空 aviation Luftfahrt aviation aviación aviazione
banala จิ๊บจ๊อย 琐细 trivial trivial banal trivial banale
Bolivio ประเทศโบลิเวีย 玻利维亚 Bolivia Bolivien Bolivie Bolivia Bolivia
civila พลเรือน 国内 civil zivil civil civil civile
civilizi ศิวิไลซ์ 教化 civilize zivilisieren civiliser civilizar civilizzare
civilizacio อารยธรรม 文明 civilization Zivilisation civilisation civilización civiltà
ĉizi แกะสลัก 雕刻 carving Schnitzerei sculpture tallado intaglio
diablo มาร 魔鬼 devil Teufel diable diablo demone
divizio แผนก division Abteilung division división divisione
doni ให้ giving Angabe donnant dando dando
erotika ด้วยความรัก 爱心 loving liebevoll affectueux amoroso amorevole
filmo หนัง 电影 movie Film film película film
improvizi กระทำอย่างไม่ได้ 凑合 improvise improvisieren improviser improvisar improvvisare
individuo แต่ละบุคคล 个人 individual Einzelne individuel individual individuale
intervjuo สัมภาษณ์ 访问 interview Interview interview entrevista intervista
inviti เชิญ 邀请 invite laden inviter invitar invitare
Kalvino คาลวิน 卡尔文 Calvin Calvin Calvin Calvin Calvin
kartavi kartavi kartavi kartavi kartavi kartavi kartavi kartavi
kavo โพรง 空穴 cavity Hohlraum cavité cavidad cavità
kaviaro คาเวียร์ 鱼子酱 Caviar Kaviar Caviar Caviar Caviale
kino ภาพยนตร์ 电影 movies Kino films cine film
konsili แนะนำ advise beraten conseiller asesorar consigliare
konvinki ที่จะโน้มน้าวให้ 说服 to convince überzeugen convaincre convencer convincere
kvita kvita kvita kvita kvita kvita Kvita kvita
ludoviko ludoviko ludoviko ludoviko Ludoviko Ludoviko ludoviko Ludoviko
malica ชั่วร้าย 邪恶 evil Übel mal mal male
mekanismo เครื่อง 设备 device Gerät dispositif dispositivo dispositivo
naski ให้กำเนิด 生完孩子 giving birth Geburt donner naissance dar a luz il parto
navigacio การเดินเรือ 导航 Navigation Navigation Navigation Navegación Navigazione
nepra แน่นอน 必然 inevitable unvermeidlich inévitable inevitable inevitabile
novico สามเณร 初学者 novice Anfänger novice principiante novizio
paskvilo paskvilo paskvilo paskvilo paskvilo paskvilo paskvilo paskvilo
paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano paviano
pelvo กระดูกเชิงกราน 骨盆 pelvis Becken bassin pelvis pelvi
privilegio สิทธิพิเศษ 特权 privilege Privileg privilège privilegio privilegio
providenco ความรอบคอบ 普罗维登斯 Providence Vorsehung Providence Providencia Provvidenza
provinco จังหวัด Province Provinz Province Provincia Provincia
provizo บทบัญญัติ 规定 provision Bestimmung disposition provisión fornitura
provizora ชั่วคราว 临时 provisional vorläufig provisoire provisional provvisorio
recenzi ทบทวน 回顾 review Rezension examen revisión recensione
revizii ทบทวน 回顾 review Rezension examen revisión recensione
salono ห้องนั่งเล่น 客厅 living room Wohnzimmer salon Sala soggiorno
salvio ซัลเวีย 丹参 Salvia Salvia Salvia Salvia Salvia
servi การให้บริการ 服务 serving Dienst service servicio serve
ŝovinismo อุดมการณ์ 沙文主义 chauvinism Chauvinismus chauvinisme chauvinismo sciovinismo
ŝovinisto ŝovinisto ŝovinisto ŝovinisto ŝovinisto ŝovinisto ŝovinisto ŝovinisto
ŝvebi ล่องลอยอยู่ในอากาศ 浮置 levitate schweben léviter levitar fluttuare in aria
triviala จิ๊บจ๊อย 琐细 trivial trivial banal trivial banale
veziro ขุนนางผู้ใหญ่ในประเทศมุสลิม 大臣 vizier Wesir vizir visir visir
viadukto สะพานรถไฟ 高架桥 viaduct Viadukt viaduc viaducto viadotto
vibri สั่นสะเทือน 颤动 vibrate vibrieren vibrer vibrar vibrare
viburno Viburnum viburnum Schneeball viorne viburnum viburno
vidi ดู 视图 view Ansicht vue vista vista
vikario ตัวแทน 牧师 Vicar Vikar Vicaire Vicario Vicario
viktimo เหยื่อ 受害者 victim Opfer victime víctima vittima
vinagro น้ำส้มสายชู vinegar Essig vinaigre vinagre aceto
vindo vindo vindo vindo vindo vindo vindo vindo
vinko Vinko Vinko Vinko Vinko Vinko Vinko Vinko
vinkto vinkto vinkto vinkto vinkto vinkto vinkto vinkto
violo สีม่วง 紫罗兰色 violet violett violet violeta viola
violono ไวโอลิน 小提琴 violin Violine violon violín violino
vipero vipero vipero vipero vipero Vipero Vipero vipero
vipuro งูพิษ 毒蛇 viper Viper vipère víbora vipera
virga บริสุทธิ์ 处女 virgin Jungfrau vierge virgen vergine
virto คุณธรรม 美德 virtue Tugend vertu virtud virtù
virtuozo อัจฉริยะ 演奏家 virtuoso Virtuose virtuose virtuoso virtuoso
visto visto Visto公司 visto visto visto Visto Visto
vito เถาวัลย์ vine Weinstock vigne vid vite
vitriolo กรดกำมะถัน 硫酸 vitriol Vitriol vitriol vitriolo vetriolo
vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio vivisekcio
vizo วีซ่า 签证 visa Visum visa visa visto
vizio วิสัยทัศน์ 视力 vision Vision vision visión visione
viziero เกราะหน้ากะบังหมวก 帽舌 visor Visier visière visera visiera
viziti เยือน 访问 visit Besuch visite visita visita
vojo ผ่านทาง 通过 via über via vía via

Grade E word(s):

19 akarṇa अकर्ण deaf, having no ear
25 akarmī अकर्मी a do nothing, sinner, evil- doer, rogue, villain n.
76 aghi अघि already, before, previously, formerly, facing, in front of, ago,
105 acāraṇa अचारण conduct, behaviour, practice n.
114 ajātaśatru अजातशत्रु having no enemy adj.
127 aṭala अटल firm, irrevocable, resolute, unwavering, steadfast, still, unmoving adj.
149 aḍnu अड्नु to stop, to cease moving v.i.
163 atikramaṇa अतिक्रमण infringement, contravention, violation n.
179 adhama अधम mean, low, wretched, base, vile adj.
182 adhikārī अधिकारी officer, one having authority, magistrate, proprietor n.
190 adhyakṣa अध्यक्ष chief, master, director, chairman, superintendent, supervisor n.
202 anādi अनादि having no beginning, self- born adj.
208 anivārya अनिवार्य inevitable adj.
247 antarvārtā अन्तर्वार्ता interview n.
321 artī अर्ती advice, counsel, lesson, instruction, precept, moral lesson, admonition n.
358 anśa अंश share, division, fragment, ingredient, contribution, element, portion, clause, sub-clause n.
370 asat असत् evil, bad, non-existent, illusory adj.
374 asabhya असभ्य uncivilised, uncultured adj.
392 asōja असोज Ashvin or Asoj, fifth month of the Nepali year [September-October] n.
431 āgraha आग्रह desire, longing, craving, zeal, urging, insistence n.
437 ācāra आचार conduct, behaviour n.
464 ādaraṇīya आदरणीय respectable, deserving honour adj.
468 ādāna–pradāna आदान–प्रदान giving and taking of things, exchange, social communication, give and take n.
500 ābhāsa आभास glimpse, shadow, reflection, vision, faint memory, inkling n.
533 āvaśyaka आवश्यक necessary, needful, inevitable adj.
557 āśvina आश्विन Ashvin or Asoj, fifth month of the Nepali year [September-October] n.
597 īṣryālu ईष्र्यालु jealous, envious adj.
646 utsava उत्सव entertainment, festival, celebration, festivity n.
701 uparāṣṭrapati उपराष्ट्रपति vice-president n.
706 upasabhāpati उपसभापति vice-chairman [of a meeting, organization or party] n.
716 ubjanī उब्जनी production, productivity n.
734 ullaṅghana उल्लंघन violation, contravention n.
1061 kaidī कैदी prisoner, captive, convict n.
1078 kōpa-bhājana कोप-भाजन victim of anger n.
1106 khaṇḍa खण्ड part, section, chapter, division, piece, canto n.
1191 gatividhi गतिविधि activity, movements, frequentation, state of things, position of progress n.
1195 gatta गत्त hopeless, having nothing adj.
1196 gattama गत्तम hopeless, having nothing adj.
1234 gandhī गन्धी a perfumer, one who sells essences or scented oils, scented, perfumed, having a sweet smell
1262 gā'u गाउ village n.
1263 gā'u vikāsa samiti गाउ विकास समिति Village Development Committee, VDC n.
1264 gā'ughara गाउघर neighbour, villager n.
1265 gā'univāsī गाउनिवासी villager n.
1289 guṇa गुण quality, virtue, merit, attainment n.
1312 gōdāvarī गोदावरी Godavari [a village in Kathmandu valley] n.
1328 graha ग्रह planet, evil star, eclipse n.
1329 grahaṇa ग्रहण acceptance, reception, act of receiving or holding n.
1330 grāma ग्राम village n.
1383 carita चरित character, conduct, manners, behaviour, work, occupation n.
1384 caritra चरित्र character, conduct, manners, behaviour, work, occupation n.
1404 cahārnu चहार्नु to loiter, to linger, to walk about, to spend time idly by moving about v.t.
1569 janajīvana जनजीवन public life, public living n.
1586 janma जन्म birth, life, nativity, production n.
1600 jaya जय victory, conquest, triumph, gain, profit n.
1626 jāgīra जागीर employment, Job, service, monthly salary, wages n.
1645 ji'udō जिउदो living, alive, lively adj.
1657 jīta जीत victory, triumph, success n.
1659 jīvajantu जीवजन्तु living being, animal n.
1660 jīvajantu जीवजन्तु animal, living being n.
1746 ṭukrinu टुक्रिनु to be divided to pieces v.i.
1781 ḍāknu डाक्नु to call, to invite v.t.
1830 taraṅga तरङ्ग wave, whim, caprice, emotion, vibration n.
1970 darśana दर्शन audience, appearance, vision n.
1980 dasī दसी proof, evidence n.
2005 dāsatā दासता slavery, servitude, bondage n.
2029 durvavahāra दुर्ववहार misconduct, misbehaviour n.
2033 dr̥sṭhi दृस्ठि sight, vision, looking n.
2034 dr̥sṭhikōṇa दृस्ठिकोण viewpoint, visual angle n.
2060 dvija द्विज twice-born, Brahman, oviparous n.
2069 dhamadēva धमदेव Dharmadeva [a Licchavi king, father of Manadeva I] n.
2109 najara नजर eye, vision, sight, look, glance n.
2136 nāgarika नागरिक civil, urban, metropolitan nagarik adj.
2137 nāgarika śāstra नागरिक शास्त्र civics, civic studies n.
2171 nindana निन्दन vilification n.
2172 nindā निन्दा reflection, condemnation, slander, calumny, vilification, censure, blame n.
2311 pancāyata पन्चायत village assembly to decide disputes, an assembly of elected representatives n.
2341 paricchēda परिच्छेद part, division, section of a book, chapter, paragraph n.
2356 paristhiti परिस्थिति circumstances, situation, condition, surrounding, environment n.
2429 pāhunā पाहुना visitor, guest n.
2448 punaravalīkana पुनरवलीकन revision, retrospect, review n.
2450 punarjīvita पुनर्जीवित revived, risen from the dead adj.
2459 puruṣārtha पुरुषार्थ manly achievement, energy, vigour, valour n.
2510 pyārō प्यारो loving, dear, beloved, lovely, pleasant adj.
2555 pradēśa प्रदेश province, region, realm, country, territory, state n.
2562 pramāṇa प्रमाण proof, testimony, evidence, attestation, ascertainment n.
2597 prānta प्रान्त border, end, extremity, province n.
2606 prēta प्रेत dead, deceased, spirit of the dead, evil spirit, ghost, a very greedy person n.
2680 badī बदी the dark half of a lunar month, evil, wickedness n.
2744 bācnu बाच्नु to survive v.i.
2751 bāḍnu बाड्नु to part, to divide, to share, to partition v.t.
2840 baiṭhaka बैठक meeting, session, living room, sitting room, reception room n.
2849 bōlā'unu बोलाउनु to call, to invite v.t.
2853 byakti ब्यक्ति person, individual, manifestation n.
2854 byaktigata ब्यक्तिगत personal, individual adj.
2855 byaktitva ब्यक्तित्व personality, individuality, self n.
2866 byavahāra ब्यवहार behaviour, conduct, manner, treatement n.
2917 bhājana भाजन receptacle, object, dividing n.
2974 bhūtapūrva भूतपूर्व past, former, previous adj.
2978 bhēṭha भेठ meeting, visit, interview bhet n.
3037 mantabya मन्तब्य view, opinion, remark, note, comment n.
3055 mahattā महत्ता greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, importance n.
3056 mahatva महत्व greatness, magnitude, gravity, glory, importance n.
3064 mahājana महाजन moneylender, rich man, virtuous man n.
3094 mānadēva मानदेव Manadeva [name of several kings of the Licchavi era] n.
3156 muhūrta मुहूर्त a division of time (48 minutes), auspicious moment, a moment, a while, a very short time n.
3225 yugōslābhīyā युगोस्लाभीया Yugoslavia n.
3295 rājyavatī राज्यवती Rajyavati [mother of Licchavi king Manadeva I] n.
3332 rūpī रूपी having the form of, having the shape of postp.
3397 licchavi लिच्छवि Licchavi [an early ruling dynasty of the Kathmandu valley] n.
3398 licchavikāla लिच्छविकाल Licchavi era n.
3449 vātāvaraṇa वातावरण condition, surrounding, environment, circumstances, situation n.
3456 vāstavika वास्तविक in reality, essential, genuine, true, virtual adj.
3465 vikhaṇḍita विखण्डित divided, separated, split up, cut off, broken adj.
3468 vicalana विचलन departure, deviation, moving about, unsteadiness n.
3470 vijaya विजय victory, triumph, conquest n.
3473 vijayī विजयी victor, conqueror, vanquisher, victorious, triumphant n./adj.
3474 vijētā विजेता conqueror, victor, one who has achieved victory n.
3478 vidēśī विदेशी foreigner videshi n.
3519 viśēṣa adālata विशेष अदालत special court vishes n.
3537 viṣākta विषाक्त toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative adj.
3538 viṣālu विषालु toxic, poisonous, venomous, vituperative adj.
3553 vr̥ṣadēva वृषदेव Vrishadeva [name of a Licchavi king, great- grandfather of Manadeva I] n.
3561 śa, ṣa, sa, haEdit," śaṅkaradēva श, ष, स, हEdit," शंकरदेव Shankaradeva [a Licchavi king, grandfather of Manadeva I] n.
3563 śakta शक्त able, capable, strong, vigorous, energetic, hard, firm adj.
3564 śakti शक्ति strength, power, prowess, capability, calibre, vigour, energy n.
3566 śaktimāna शक्तिमान powerful, capable, mighty, vigorous adj.
3608 śiṣṭa शिष्ट gentle, polite, mannerly, civil, wellbred, refined, trained adj.
3649 saglō सग्लो whole, complete, undivided adj.
3663 sacīva सचीव secretary, advisor, companion n.
3680 satī सती Sati, virtuous wife, chaste woman, faithful woman n.
3719 sabūta सबूत proof, evidence, testimony, demonstration n.
3726 sabhyatā सभ्यता civilization, civility, politeness, courtesy, good manner n.
3734 samarthaka समर्थक supporter, vindicator, supporting n./adj.
3746 samādhāna समाधान solving the problem, cracking the nuts, removel of doubts n.
3750 samālōcanā समालोचना review n.
3815 sallāha सल्लाह consultation, advice, counsel, conference, deliberation n.
3816 sallāhakāra सल्लाहकार advisor, consultant
3825 sanśōdhana संशोधन correction, purification, refinement, revision, amendment n.
3826 sanśōdhita संशोधित corrected, amended, revised adj.
3884 sādhanā साधना devotes labour or striving, object of devotion, controlling spirit or ghost by reciting sacred verses, n.
3892 sāpha साफ clear, fair, pure, unadulterated, obvious, bright adj.
3893 sābika साबिक former, previous adj.
3902 sāmān'ya सामान्य ordinary, general, common, usual, trivial, insignificant adj.
3911 sāra सार substance, essence, kernel, purport, chief part, vigour, spirit n.
3912 sāraṅgī सारङ्गी Sarangi, a kind of violin n.
3917 sāla साल year [of vikram samvat] n.
3946 sid'dhi सिद्धि perfection, accomplishment, maturity, fulfilment, victory n.
3971 sukhiyā सुखिया pleasure loving, pleasant, happy adj.
4009 sūjhā'u सूझाउ suggestion, advice, counsel n.
4010 sūjhāva सूझाव suggestion, advice, counsel n.
4019 sēvana सेवन service, attendance, worship n.
4020 sēvā सेवा service, attendance, worship n.
4056 spaṣṭa स्पष्ट distinct, clear, intelligible, lucid, apparent, evident adj.
4127 hansa हंस soul, vital air, life, duck, swan, goose n.
4129 hasilō हसिलो humerous, cheerful, frolicsome, jolly, jovial, gay, merry adj.
4168 hīna हीन low, vile, inferior, degraded, adj.
千字文: 德建名立 形端表正 Virtue built, good name made; figure upright, bearing straight.
千字文: 祸因恶积 福缘善庆 Calamity's caused by evil stored; blessings result as good's reward.
千字文: 宫殿盘郁 楼观飞惊 A swirl of palaces unwinding; view from buildings, fright from flying!
千字文: 肆筵设席 鼓瑟吹笙 Throwing banquets, lavish settings; playing flutes, percussion, strings.
千字文: 高冠陪辇 驱毂振缨 High hats pace Son of Heaven's chariot; fast driving blows their ribbons all about.
千字文: 索居闲处 沈默寂寥 Alone reside in tranquil spot; speaking little, moving not.
千字文: 年矢每催 曦辉朗耀 The clock of years times out all lives; the blazing sun alone survives.
Plants: Amaranthus lividus (Amaranthaceae) Roter Heinrich; Küchenamaranth; Blito; Blutkraut; Roter Meier; Gemüseamaranth; Chinesischer Spinat
Plants: Avicennia germinans (L.) L. (Acanthaceae; Avicenniaceae; Verbenaceae) Black Mangrove
Plants: Buxus sempervirens L. (Buxaceae) Buchsbaum
Plants: Carludovica palmata Ruíz & Pavón (Cyclanthaceae) Panamapalme
Plants: Carum carvi L. (Apiaceae) Echter Kümmel
Plants: Cichorium endivia L. (Asteraceae) Winterendivie
Plants: Coccoloba uvifera L. (Polygonaceae) Sea Grape; Meertraube
Plants: Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. (Rosaceae) Weißdorn, Zweigriffeliger; Hagedorn; Mehldorn
Plants: Diospyros virginiana L. (Ebenaceae) Persimone; Common Persimmon; Possumwood; Simmon
Plants: Levisticum officinale Koch (Apiaceae) Garten-Liebstöckel; Maggikraut; Lovage
Plants: Manihot carthaginensis (Jaqc.) Müll. Arg. ssp. glaziovii (Müll. Arg.) Allem (Euphorbiaceae) Ceara-Kautschuk
Plants: Physalis peruviana L. (Solanaceae) Cape Gooseberry; Kapstachelbeere; Uchuva; Andenbeere; Essbare Judenkirsche; Aguaimanto (Peru)
Plants: Prunus avium L. (Rosaceae) Süß-Kirsche, Süßkirsche; Hagberry
Plants: Rivina humilis L. Rivina laevis L. (Phytolaccaceae) Blutbeere; Baby Pepper; Bloodberry; Coral Berry; Rouge Plant; Polo; Pigeon Berry
Plants: Salicornia bigelovii Torr. (Chenopodiaceae) Annual Glasswort; Samphire; Queller; Glasschmalz
Plants: Salix viminalis L. (Salicaceae) Korb-Weide; Korbweide; Hanf-Weide
Plants: Salvia hispanica L. (Lamiaceae) Mexican Chia; Chia-Pflanze;
Plants: Salvia officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) Echter Salbei
Plants: Sansevieria trifasciata Prain (Asparagaceae; Agavaceae) Bogenhanf; Mother-in-Law Tongue;
Plants: Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L. (Aizoaceae) Sea Purslane; Mboga; Meeresportulak
Plants: Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Hemsl. (Asteraceae) Süßkraut; Honigblatt; Sweet Leaf of Paraguay; Erva Doce; Süßstoffpflanze
Plants: Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. (Ericaceae) Preiselbeere; Lingonberry
Plants: Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae) Saubohne; Ackerbohne; Pferdebohne; Dicke Bohne; Puffbohne; Große Bohne; Faba Bean; Broad Bean; Field Bean; Bell Bean; Tic Bean; Horse Bean
Plants: Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi (Fabaceae) Adzuki-Bohne; Amberique Gros
Plants: Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper (Fabaceae) Black Gram; Urd-Bohne; Urid-Bohne
Plants: Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek (Fabaceae) Mungbohne; Green Gram; Grüne Sojabohne
Plants: Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp (Fabaceae) Kuhbohne; Augenbohne; Spargelbohne; Catjangbohne; Bora; Blackeyed Pea; Black-Eyed Pea; Blackeyed Bean; Kousebanden; Cow Pea; Snake Bean; Yard Long Bean; Asparagus Bean
Plants: Viscum album L. ssp. album (Santalaceae; Viscaceae) Mistel, Laubholz-
Plants: Vitellaria paradoxa Gärtn. f. (Sapotaceae) Sheabutterbaum; Schibutterbaum; Karité
Plants: Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera (Vitaceae) Echte Weinrebe

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [civic]
(a.) [civilian]
(a.) [environmental] relating to the external surroundings
(a.) [inevitable]
(a.) [invisible] unseeable
(a.) [moving] arousing deep emotion
(a.) [obvious]
(a.) [privileged]
(a.) [provincial] characteristic of the provinces
(a.) [trivial] banal, commonplace
(a.) [viable] feasible, practicable, workable
(a.) [vicious]
(a.) [vigorous] strong physically or mentally
(a.) [violent]
(a.) [visible] seeable
(a.) [visual] ocular, optic, optical
(n.) [activity] activeness, trait of being active
(n.) [advice] proposal for an appropriate course of action
(n.) [adviser] advisor, consultant
(n.) [aviation] operation of aircraft
(n.) [behavior] conduct
(n.) [crevice] cranny, crack, fissure
(n.) [chauvinist] prejudiced person
(n.) [civilian] nonmilitary citizen
(n.) [civilization] society in an advanced state
(n.) [conviction] strong belief
(n.) [deviation] diversion, digression, deflection
(n.) [dividend] bonus
(n.) [division] arithmetic operation
(n.) [division] army unit
(n.) [division] administrative unit
(n.) [environment] environs, surroundings
(n.) [gravity] graveness, sobriety, soberness, somberness
(n.) [gravity] gravitation, gravitational force
(n.) [individual]
(n.) [interview]
(n.) [invitation]
(n.) [overview] summary
(n.) [movie] film
(n.) [privilege] special advantage
(n.) [provision] supply, supplying
(n.) [review] brushup
(n.) [review] recapitulation, recap, summary
(n.) [review] critique, critical review, review article
(n.) [review] periodical
(n.) [revival] resurgence, revitalization
(n.) [sensitivity] sensitiveness
(n.) [service] help, assistance
(n.) [service] religious service, divine service
(n.) [service] overhaul, inspection and repair
(n.) [service] military service, armed service
(n.) [supervisor]
(n.) [survival] endurance
(n.) [survivor] one who outlives another
(n.) [survivor] survivor of a disaster
(n.) [television] television system, telecommunication system
(n.) [television] television receiver, T.V. set
(n.) [victim]
(n.) [victory] triumph
(n.) [video] video recording
(n.) [view] aspect, prospect, scene, vista, panorama
(n.) [view] position, perspective
(n.) [view] opinion
(n.) [villa]
(n.) [village] small town, settlement
(n.) [villager]
(n.) [violation] infringement
(n.) [virgin] person who has never had sex
(n.) [virtue] moral excellence
(n.) [virus] infectious agent
(n.) [computer virus] virus
(n.) [vision] vivid mental image
(n.) [visit]
(n.) [visitor]
(n.) [vitamin]
(v.) [convict] find guilty
(v.) [convince] convert, win over
(v.) [divide] split, split up, separate
(v.) [invite] ask over, invite to one's house
(v.) [provide] supply, render, furnish
(v.) [review] look back, retrospect
(v.) [revise] make revisions to
(v.) [revive] resuscitate
(v.) [visit] travel to

02186833-a vi +
08755003-n VI +
13744722-n VI +

vi + +




26 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1026 我给您开个药方,到药店取药。 ผม or ดิฉัน จะเขียนใบสั่งยาให้คุณไปซื้อที่ร้านขายยา Annan teille reseptin apteekkia varten.
1165 你明天坐车 or 开车回家吗? คุณจะขับรถกลับบ้านพรุ่งนี้ใช่ไหม ครับ or คะ ? Lähdetkö huomenna kotiin?
1263 你们要拜访朋友吗? คุณอยากไปหา เพื่อน ๆ ไหม? Haluatteko käydä kylässä ystävien luona?
1337 他没有被邀请。 เขาไม่ได้รับเชิญ Häntä ei ole kutsuttu.
1338 他不来,因为他没有被邀请。 เขาไม่มาเพราะเขาไม่ได้รับเชิญ Hän ei tule, koska häntä ei ole kutsuttu.
1402 可爱的孩子们 เด็กน่ารัก kilttejä lapsia
1438 她在看一部电影。 เธอดูหนังหนึ่งเรื่อง Hän katsoo elokuvaa.
1439 这部电影很有趣。 หนังน่าตื่นเต้น Elokuva on jännittävä.
1440 她在看一部很有趣的电影 。 เธอดูหนังน่าตื่นเต้นหนึ่งเรื่อง Hän katsoo jännittävää elokuvaa.
1620 请您再到我们这儿来! มาเยี่ยมเราอีก นะครับ or นะคะ! Tulkaa kohta taas käymään!
1700 在开车时? ขณะขับรถหรือ? Matkan aikanako?
1701 是啊,在她开车的时候。 ใช่ ขณะที่เธอขับรถ Kyllä, autoa ajaessaan.
1738 他没有驾驶执照, 却仍然开车。 เขาไม่มีใบขับขี่ แล้วยังขับรถ Hänellä ei ole ajokorttia. Siitä huolimatta hän ajaa autoa.
297 那里是客厅和卧室。 ห้องนั่งเล่นและห้องนอนอยู่ที่นี่ Tuolla on olohuone ja makuuhuone.
301 我们到客厅去。 เรากำลังไปที่ห้องนั่งเล่น Me menemme olohuoneeseen.
396 是啊, 我们也收到邀请函了。 ครับ or ค่ะ พวกเราได้รับเชิญด้วย Kyllä, meidät on myös kutsuttu.
453 你看见那里的村庄了吗? คุณเห็นหมู่บ้านตรงนั้นไหม ครับ or คะ? Näetkö tuon kylän tuolla?
48 欢迎您到我这儿来! มาเยี่ยม ผมบ้างนะครับ♂ or มาเยี่ยม ดิฉันบ้างนะคะ♀! Tulkaa käymään joskus!
57 我们在上课。 เรากำลังเรียนหนังสือ Meillä on opetusta.
586 火车什么时候到达维也纳? รถไฟถึงเวียนนาเมื่อไร ครับ or คะ ? Monelta juna saapuu Wieniin?
692 我需要拖车服务。 ผม or ดิฉัน ต้องการรถลาก ครับ or คะ Tarvitsen hinauspalvelua.
764 我也有一台电影摄影机。 ผม or ดิฉัน มีกล้องถ่ายวีดีโอด้วย Minulla on myös videokamera.
779 今晚电影院上演什么? เย็นนึ้ที่โรงหนังฉายหนังเรื่องอะไร? Mitä pyörii tänä iltana elokuvateatterissa?
782 电影院还有门票吗? ยังมีบัตรดูหนังเหลืออีกไหมครับ or คะ? Onko vielä lippuja elokuviin?
857 能租用潜水器吗? ขอเช่าอุปกรณ์ดำน้ำได้ไหมครับ or คะ? Voiko sukellusvarusteet vuokrata?
973 您是做什么工作的? คุณทำอาชีพอะไร ครับ or คะ? Mitä teette työksenne?

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

77 开车 纽约
132 客厅 方桌
192 把握 每次 面试 机会
239 电视台 工作
269 住在 美国 西部
303 他们 服兵役
313 有名 电影 明星
376 附近
402 奖杯 代表 胜利
415 他们 开心
424 大象 洗澡
449 开车 注意 安全
486 正在 检查 电脑 服务 系统
543 广州 广东省 首府
602 正在 接待 客户
604 她们 提供 电话 服务
666 商店 打折
673 医生 预防针
691 英国 大使馆 签证
702 城市 适宜 居住
703 这里 环境 宜人
738 务农 为生
740 联合国 难民 进行 救济
746 我们 马上 就要 启程
751 男孩 地上 观察 昆虫
775 进行 视力 测验
820 村子 生活 条件 仍然 原始
919 正在
922 我们 具有 必胜 信心
926 它们 之间 存在 明显 差别
929 温习 功课
949 地球 不断 演变
964 爱护 大自然
967 职务 部门 主管
970 附近 村庄
1036 他们 研究 计策
1044 纽约 夜景
1049 观察 昆虫
1120 山脚 村庄
1135 他们 礼堂 开会
1166 她们 几乎 长得 一模一样
1169 发现 万有引力
1206 阳光 若隐若现
1223 篮子
1228 生活 开支 减少
1238 介意 我们 采访 一下
1257 乞讨 生活
1267 观点 提出 抗议
1271 他们 接受 记者 访问
1272 回国 探亲 访友
1279 移民局 申请 签证
1281 招手
1292 率领 球队 获胜
1352 大使馆 申请 签证
1355 地球 环境 不断 恶化
1388 我们 轮流 开车
1411 他们 採纳 建议
1420 审稿
1438 尽快 修改 地方
1462 今晚 登台 献艺
1474 房屋 火势
1482 政府 官员 人民 监督
1491 出门 忽然 大雨
1500 前面 村庄
1541 观察 微生物
1561 大家 高兴 扬手 欢呼
1575 准备 回国 探望 亲友
1600 拔牙
1638 摇摆
1654 观察 敌人 活动
1655 双方 谋求 合作
1656 血压
1666 首饰 珠宝商 赞助
1695 医生 打针
1784 他们 生活 悠闲
1866 仪仗队 正在 接受 检阅
1906 邀请 参加 派对
1911 他们 回家 省亲
1913 工作 编织 地毯
1924 大雪 纷纷
1937 生活 补贴
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门
1976 烟囱 正在 冒烟
1981 援用 生动 案例 讲解
1984 客厅 干净
2000 拜访 老师
2005 他们 亲密 拥抱 在一起
2024 家庭 暴力 伦理 问题
2034 孩子们 进行 启蒙 教育
2106 贵宾 通道
2140 他们 今天 搬家
2144 台风
2148 他们 正在 搬迁
2172 进口 商品 征收 进口税
2241 遵从 医生 忠告
2301 他们 柜子 上车
2355 他们 钻研 问题
2361 怜悯
2365 喜欢 潜水
2368 破案 关键 证人 找到
2391 我们 驾车 旅游
2396 装扮成 魔鬼
2400 石油 污染 海岸 造成 环境 浩劫
2421 爸爸 戒烟
2467 鲨鱼 口腔
2469 相信
2492 忌妒
2510 电影 排行榜
2511 懊恼 自己 愚蠢 行为
2532 这些 灾民 饥饿
2533 说服 他们
2552 显微镜 观察 细胞膜
2577 称为 贤人
2608 正在 雕刻 作品
2661 电车 沿 轨道 行驶
2689 银行 可以 储蓄 存款
2704 我们 今天 游览 长城
2716 客厅 阁楼
2744 老师 行为 感到 愤慨
2870 公司 甄选 面试 人员
2872 消防员 现场 拯救 灾民
2887 (please parse)
2923 姐弟俩 一些 大动 干戈
2953 医生 防疫
2963 越南 移民 后裔
2965 奢望 温暖
2967 烟瘾
2986 这里 景色 好像 仙境
2992 羡慕 好朋友 幸福 婚姻
2995 卧室 柜子
3003 正在 刮胡子
3004 我们 生活 平庸 快乐
3052 服务 宗旨 顾客 第一
3060 男人 姦情
3096 傍晚 景色
3115 酬劳
3127 邪恶 罪犯
3150 耶稣 基督徒 救世主
3189 收到 请帖
3202 山火 村庄 遭殃
3209 这里 环境 幽静
3210 新郎 新娘 岳父母 合影
3213 占卜 大师
3236 小提琴
3250 广州市 广东省 管辖
3269 潜水 需要 氧气罐
3294 蜘蛛 结网
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听
3331 大家 挥舞 旗帜
3341 老师 发脾气
3346 卸妆
3371 会上 阐述 自己 观点
3390 分钟 不能 耽搁
3395 我们 谴责 家庭 暴力
3401 节俭 美德
3438 进球 奠定 比赛 胜利
3447 扮演 妖精
3457 红酒 贮藏 年份
3462 他们 洗澡
3465 四川 简称
3484 他们 准备 分赃
3503 平民 惨遭 杀戮
3535 鬍鬚
3539 村庄 屋舍 俨然
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭
3623 原因 移民 倾向
3629 邀请 推辞
3671 精益求精
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花
3680 彩色电视 色彩 输出 主要 彩色 显像管 作用
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则
3694 贪求 享受 从来 不懂 艰苦 朴素
3696 我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益
3718 统观 全局 自然 总结 这个 事情 失败 原因
3733 达芬奇 文艺复兴时期 代表 人物
3744 这个 老人 无儿无女 老景 十分 凄凉
3746 对不起 错怪
3754 去年 三亚 男朋友 作伴

Semantische Felder: