219 New HSK word(s): 1 字 letter/ symbol/ character/ word/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ courtesy or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China 1 零 zero/ nought/ zero sign/ fractional/ fragmentary/ odd (of numbers)/ (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one)/ fraction/ (in mathematics) remainder (after division)/ extra/ to wither and fall/ to wither 1 能 to be able to/ to be capable of/ ability/ capability/ able/ capable/ can possibly/ (usually used in the negative) to have the possibility of 1 叫 to shout/ to call/ to order/ to ask/ to be called/ by (indicates agent in the passive mood) 1 都 all; both/ entirely (due to) each/ even/ already 1 小 small/ tiny/ few/ young 1 块 lump (of earth)/ chunk/ piece/ classifier for pieces of cloth; cake; soap etc/ colloquial word for yuan (or other unit of currency such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc); usually as 塊錢|块钱 1 本 roots or stems of plants/ origin/ source/ this/ the current/ root/ foundation/ basis/ classifier for books; periodicals; files etc/ originally 1 打电话 to make a telephone call 1 一 one/ 1/ single/ a (article)/ as soon as/ entire/ whole/ all/ throughout/ "one" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) 2 真 really/ truly/ indeed/ real/ true/ genuine 2 雪 snow/ snowfall/ CL:場|场[chang2]/ to have the appearance of snow/ to wipe away; off or out/ to clean 2 百 hundred/ numerous/ all kinds of/ surname Bai 2 生病 to fall ill/ to sicken 2 打篮球 play basketball 2 便宜 small advantages/ to let sb off lightly/ cheap/ inexpensive 2 票 ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect) 2 高 high/ tall/ above average/ loud/ your (honorific)/ surname Gao 2 踢足球 play soccer(football) 2 给 to/ for/ for the benefit of/ to give/ to allow/ to do sth (for sb)/ (passive particle) 2 找 to try to find/ to look for/ to call on sb/ to find/ to seek/ to return/ to give change 3 其实 actually; in fact; really 3 影响 an influence/ an effect/ to influence/ to affect (usually adversely)/ to disturb/ CL:股[gu3] 3 分 to divide/ to separate/ to allocate/ to distinguish (good and bad)/ part or subdivision/ fraction/ one tenth (of certain units)/ unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm/ minute/ a point (in sports or games)/ 0.01 yuan (unit of money) 3 看 to see/ to look at/ to read/ to watch/ to consider/ to regard as/ to view as/ to treat as/ to judge/ (after repeated verb) to give it a try/ depending on (how you're judging)/ to visit/ to call on/ to treat (an illness)/ to look after/ Watch out! (for a d 3 搬 to move/ to shift/ to remove/ to transport/ to apply indiscriminately/ to copy mechanically 3 黄 yellow/ pornographic/ to fall through 3 向 direction/ orientation/ to face/ to turn toward/ to/ towards/ shortly before/ formerly/ to side with/ to be partial to/ all along (previously)/ surname Xiang 3 几乎 almost/ nearly/ practically 3 秋 autumn/ fall/ harvest time/ a swing/ surname Qiu 3 一般 same/ ordinary/ common/ general/ generally/ in general 3 终于 at last/ in the end/ finally/ eventually 3 一直 straight (in a straight line)/ continuously/ always/ from the beginning of ... up to .../ all along 3 老 prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity/ old (of people)/ venerable (person)/ experienced/ of long standing/ always/ all the time/ of the pas 3 特别 especially/ special/ particular/ unusual 4 到处 in all places/ everywhere 4 到底 finally/ in the end/ when all is said and done/ after all/ to the end/ to the last 4 首先 first (of all)/ in the first place 4 忽然 suddenly/ all of a sudden 4 挺 to stick out/ to (physically) straighten up/ to endure or hold out/ straight/ stiff/ outstanding/ extraordinary/ rather/ quite/ very/ classifier for machine guns 4 访问 to visit/ to call on/ to interview/ CL:次[ci4] 4 互相 each other/ mutually/ mutual 4 千万 ten million/ countless/ many/ one must by all means 4 整理 to arrange/ to tidy up/ to sort out/ to straighten out/ to list systematically/ to collate (data; files)/ to pack (luggage) 4 自然 nature/ natural/ naturally 4 尤其 especially/ particularly 4 墙 wall/ CL:面[mian4];堵[du3] 4 掉 to fall/ to drop/ to lag behind/ to lose/ to go missing/ to reduce/ fall (in prices)/ to lose (value; weight etc)/ to wag/ to swing/ to turn/ to change/ to exchange/ to swap/ to show off/ to shed (hair) 4 挂 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/ (of a telephone call) to hang up/ to be worried or concerned/ to make a phone call (topolect)/ to register or record/ to hitch/ classifier for sets or clusters of objects 4 回忆 to recall/ recollection/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 轻 light/ easy/ gentle/ soft/ reckless/ unimportant/ frivolous/ small in number/ unstressed/ neutral 4 最后 final/ last/ finally/ ultimate 4 偶尔 occasionally/ once in a while/ sometimes 4 符合 in keeping with/ in accordance with/ tallying with/ in line with/ to agree with/ to accord with/ to conform to/ to correspond with/ to manage/ to handle 4 原来 original/ former/ originally/ formerly/ at first/ so... actually 4 从来 always/ at all times/ never (if used in negative sentence) 4 完全 complete/ whole/ totally/ entirely 4 允许 to permit/ to allow 4 本来 original/ originally/ at first/ it goes without saying/ of course 4 长城 the Great Wall 4 所有 all/ to have/ to possess/ to own 4 果然 really/ sure enough/ as expected 4 感动 to move (sb)/ to touch (sb emotionally)/ moving 4 一切 everything/ every/ all 4 缺少 lack/ shortage of/ shortfall/ to be short (of)/ to lack 4 确实 indeed/ really/ reliable/ real/ true 4 乒乓球 table tennis/ ping-pong/ ping pong/ table tennis ball/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 逐渐 gradually 4 遍 a time/ everywhere/ turn/ all over/ one time 4 实在 in reality/ honestly/ really/ verily/ concrete 4 行 to walk/ to go/ to travel/ a visit/ temporary/ makeshift/ current/ in circulation/ to do/ to perform/ capable/ competent/ effective/ all right/ OK!/ will do 4 竟然 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ in spite of everything/ in that crazy way/ actually/ to go as far as to 4 当 to be/ to act as/ manage/ withstand/ when/ during/ ought/ should/ match equally/ equal/ same/ obstruct/ just at (a time or place)/ on the spot/ right/ just at 4 究竟 after all (when all is said and done)/ actually/ outcome/ result 4 提醒 to remind/ to call attention to/ to warn of 5 武术 military skill or technique (in former times)/ all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/ self-defense/ tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/ also called kungfu 功夫/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 召开 to convene (a conference or meeting)/ to convoke/ to call together 5 装 adornment/ to adorn/ dress/ clothing/ costume (of an actor in a play)/ to play a role/ to pretend/ to install/ to fix/ to wrap (sth in a bag)/ to load/ to pack 5 联合 to combine/ to join/ unite/ alliance 5 挑战 challenge 5 安装 install/ erect/ fix/ mount/ installation 5 简直 simply/ at all/ practically 5 的确 really/ indeed 5 胡同 lane/ alley/ CL:條|条[tiao2] 5 递 to hand over/ to pass on sth/ to gradually increase or decrease/ progressively 5 铃 (small) bell/ CL:隻|只[zhi1] 5 分别 to part or leave each other/ to distinguish/ difference/ in different ways/ differently/ separately or individually 5 零钱 change (of money)/ small change/ pocket money 5 正 upright/ centrally located/ (of time or figure) exactly/ correct/ (of taste) pure 5 不要紧 unimportant/ not serious/ it doesn't matter/ never mind/ it looks all right/ but 5 分配 to distribute/ to assign/ to allocate 5 摔 to throw down/ to fall/ to drop and break 5 浅 shallow; not deep/ superficial 5 总共 altogether/ in sum/ in all/ in total 5 颗 classifier for small spheres; pearls; corn grains; teeth; hearts; satellites etc 5 总算 at long last/ finally/ on the whole 5 傍晚 in the evening/ when night falls/ towards evening/ at night fall/ at dusk 5 设备 equipment/ facilities/ installations/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 吹 to blow/ to play a wind instrument/ to blast/ to puff/ to boast/ to brag/ to end in failure/ to fall through 5 设施 facilities/ installation 5 餐厅 dining-hall/ dining-room/ restaurant/ CL:間|间[jian1];家[jia1] 5 亲自 personally 5 接待 to receive (a visitor)/ to admit (allow sb to enter) 5 偶然 incidentally/ occasional/ occasionally/ by chance/ randomly 5 落后 to fall behind/ to lag (in technology etc)/ backward/ to retrogress 5 排球 volleyball/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 球迷 soccer fan/ crazy about ball sports/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 所 actually/ place/ classifier for houses; small buildings; institutions etc/ that which/ particle introducing a relative clause or passive/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 所谓 so-called/ what is called 5 全面 all-around/ comprehensive/ total/ overall 5 过敏 to be allergic/ allergy 5 毕竟 after all/ all in all/ when all is said and done/ in the final analysis 5 喊 call/ cry/ to shout 5 鞭炮 firecrackers/ a string of small firecrackers/ CL:枚[mei2] 5 乙 second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ second in order/ letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A; B; C"; or "I; II; III" etc/ second party (in legal contract; usually 乙方|乙方[yi3 fang1]; as opposed to 甲方|甲方[jia3 fang1])/ ethyl/ bent/ winding/ radical in Chinese charac 5 平常 ordinary/ common/ usually/ ordinarily 5 称呼 to call/ to address as/ appellation 5 特意 specially/ intentionally 5 使劲儿 to exert all one's strength 5 始终 from beginning to end/ all along 5 格外 especially/ particularly 5 夹子 clip/ clamp/ tongs/ folder/ wallet 5 凡是 every/ all 5 成语 Chinese set expression; often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each; often alluding to a story or historical quotation/ idiom/ proverb/ saying/ adage/ set expression/ CL:條|条[tiao2];本[ben3];句[ju4] 5 根本 fundamental/ basic/ root/ simply/ absolutely (not)/ (not) at all/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 粒 grain/ granule/ classifier for small round things (peas; bullets; peanuts; pills; grains etc) 6 历来 always/ throughout (a period of time)/ (of) all-time 6 并非 really isn't 6 狠心 callous/ heartless 6 艰难 difficult/ hard/ challenging 6 拨打 to call/ to dial 6 英勇 bravery/ gallant/ valiant 6 力争 to work hard for/ to do all one can/ to contend strongly 6 起初 originally/ at first/ at the outset 6 登陆 to land/ to come ashore/ to make landfall (of typhoon etc)/ to log in 6 许可 to allow/ to permit 6 联盟 alliance/ union/ coalition 6 补贴 to subsidize/ subsidy/ allowance 6 挺拔 tall and straight 6 呼吁 to call on (sb to do sth)/ to appeal (to)/ an appeal 6 觉醒 to awaken/ to come to realize/ awakened to the truth/ the truth dawns upon one/ scales fall from the eyes/ to become aware 6 胡乱 careless/ reckless/ casually/ absent-mindedly/ at will/ at random/ any old how 6 踊跃 to leap/ to jump/ eager/ enthusiastically 6 书法 calligraphy/ handwriting/ penmanship 6 滋长 to grow (usually of abstract things)/ to yield/ to develop 6 见义勇为 to see what is right and act courageously (idiom; from Analects)/ to stand up bravely for the truth/ acting heroically in a just cause 6 统筹兼顾 an overall plan taking into account all factors 6 争气 to work hard for sth/ to resolve on improvement/ determined not to fall short 6 统统 totally 6 不愧 be worthy of/ deserve to be called/ prove oneself to be 6 拜访 pay a visit/ call on 6 循序渐进 in sequence; step by step (idiom)/ to make steady progress incrementally 6 拜年 pay a New Year call/ wish sb a Happy New Year 6 不相上下 equally matched/ about the same 6 突破 to break through/ to make a breakthrough/ to surmount or break the back of (a task etc)/ (of ball sports) to break through a defense 6 看望 to visit/ to pay a call to 6 衰退 to decline/ to fall/ to drop/ to falter/ a decline/ recession (in economics) 6 缓和 to ease (tension)/ to alleviate/ to moderate/ to allay/ to make more mild 6 有条不紊 regular and thorough (idiom)/ methodically arranged 6 团结 a rally/ to hold a rally/ to join forces 6 留恋 reluctant to leave/ to hate to have to go/ to recall fondly 6 留念 to keep as a souvenir/ to recall fondly 6 纵横 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC) 6 走廊 corridor/ aisle/ hallway/ colonnade/ passageway/ piazza/ veranda 6 跌 to drop/ to fall/ to tumble/ Taiwan pr. die2 6 黄昏 dusk/ evening/ nightfall 6 吞咽 to swallow/ to gulp 6 支配 to dominate/ to allocate 6 东张西望 to look in all directions (idiom)/ to glance around 6 设置 to set up/ to install 6 相等 equal/ equally/ equivalent 6 皆 all/ each and every/ in all cases 6 娃娃 baby/ small child/ doll 6 保守 (politically) conservative/ to guard/ to keep 6 仓促 all of a sudden/ hurriedly 6 浑身 all over/ from head to foot 6 结晶 crystallization/ crystalline/ crystal 6 神圣 divine/ hallow/ holy/ sacred 6 巷 lane/ alley 6 玩弄 to play with/ to engage in/ to resort to/ to dally with 6 向来 always/ all along 6 腐蚀 corrosion/ to corrode (degrade chemically)/ to rot/ corruption 6 制服 to subdue/ to check/ to bring under control/ (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/ uniform (army; party; school etc)/ livery (for company employees)/ CL:套[tao4] 6 往常 habitually in the past/ as one used to do formerly/ as it used to be 6 配备 to allocate/ to provide/ to outfit with 6 尽快 as quickly as possible/ as soon as possible/ with all speed/ also written 盡快|尽快 6 终究 in the end/ after all is said and done 6 唯独 only/ just (i.e. it is only that...)/ all except/ unique 6 对联 rhyming couplet/ pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway/ CL:幅[fu2] 6 终身 lifelong/ all one's life/ marriage 6 崩溃 to collapse/ to crumble/ to fall apart 6 一贯 consistent/ constant/ from start to finish/ all along/ persistent 6 全局 overall situation 6 对照 to contrast/ to compare/ to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts)/ to check 6 全力以赴 do at all costs/ make an all-out effort 6 失误 lapse/ mistake/ to make a mistake/ fault/ service fault (in volleyball; tennis etc) 6 一律 same/ uniformly/ all/ without exception 6 大伙儿 everybody/ everyone/ we all 6 摊儿 street vendor's stall or stand 6 缺口 nick/ jag/ gap/ shortfall 6 大体 in general/ more or less/ in rough terms/ basically/ on the whole 6 堕落 to morally degenerate/ to become depraved/ a fall from grace/ a fall into sin or depravity 6 时而 occasionally/ from time to time 6 一向 all along/ the whole time/ constantly/ earlier/ lately 6 拼命 to do one's utmost/ with all one's might/ at all costs/ (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it 6 而已 that's all/ nothing more 6 品尝 to taste a small amount/ to sample 6 记性 memory/ recall 6 平行 parallel/ of equal rank/ simultaneous 6 冷酷 grim/ unfeeling/ callous 6 号召 to call/ to appeal 6 当初 at that time/ originally 6 敏感 sensitive/ susceptible/ politically sensitive (pretext for censorship) 6 成天 (coll.) all day long/ all the time 6 体谅 to empathize/ to allow (for something)/ to show understanding/ to appreciate 6 无赖 hoodlum/ rascal/ rogue/ rascally/ scoundrelly 6 瀑布 waterfall 6 捣乱 to disturb/ to look for trouble/ to stir up a row/ to bother sb intentionally 6 期限 time limit/ deadline/ allotted time
292 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *VS * *aux;v * *Conj * *N * 访*VA * *VS * *v;aux * *VA * *N * *VS * *Adv * *VS * *Adv * *VA * *N * *N * *VS;pron * *N * *VS;pref * *Adv * *Adv * *pron * *N * *N * *Adv * *N * *N * *pron * *VS * *Adv * *VA * *VS * *VA * *N * 便*VS;n * *N * *VS * *Adv * *VS * *Adv * *Adv * *VA * *n;VS * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *VS * *Adv * *Adv * *Adv * *Adv * *VA * *Adv * *Adv * *N * *Adv * *VA * *n;m * *v;n * *v;Adv * *VS * *VA * *Adv * *N * *VA * *Adv * *VS * *VA * *Adv * *Adv * *VS * *N * *Adv;Conj * *Adv;Conj * *VA * *VA * *N * *VS * *vi, vt * *VS * *Adv * *N * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *Adv * *Adv * *Adv * *N * *VA * *VA * *VS * *N * * * *N * *VS * *int * *VA * *aux * *VA * *v;n * *Adv * *Adv * *VA * *VA * *Adv * * * *VS * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *Adv * *VS * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *VA * *VS * *VA * *N * *VS * *Adv * * * * * *N * * * *VA * *Adv * * * * * *n, v * *VA * *N * *N * *Adv * *Adv * 退*v;n * 访*VA * *VA * *Adv * *VA * *N * * * *Adv * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *v;n * * * *VA * *Adv * *Adv * *N * *N * *N * * * *N * *Adv * *VS * *VA * *Adv * * * *VS * *N * *Adv * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *v;n * * * *v;n * *VS * *N * *N * *N * 退*VA * 使* * *N * *N * *Adv * *VA * *Adv * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *Adv * *N * *VS * *VA * *Adv * *N * *VA * *N * *N * * * *VA * *VA * *N * *Adv * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *n;Adv * * * *Adv * *Adv * *N * *VA * * * *N * 访*VA * *Adv * 退*VA * *N * *VA * *N * * * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *Adv * *N * *VS * *Adv * * * * * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *Adv;n * *VS * *N * 出动*VA * * * *Adv * *N * *N * * * * * *N * *N * * * * * *pron * *N * *N * *VA * *N * * * * * *Adv * *VA * *VS * * * *VA * *VS * *VA * *v;n * *v;n * *VA * *VS * * * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA
292 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. Benehmen, Betragen 2. es geht, in Ordnung 3. fähig, tüchtig, geeignet hinfallen, zusammenbrechen 1.rufen, schreien, 2.jn rufen 1. all, ganz, sämtlich 2. Gebrauch mit 1. gelb, blond 2. abgekürzte Bezeichnung für den Huanghe-Fluß etw haben wollen, nach etw verlangen, bitten, lassen, fordern, mögen, wünschen, müssen, sollen, werden letztlich, am Ende Fußball besuchen 1. leicht 2. wenig, leicht 3. nicht wichtig, leicht, unbedeutend 4. leicht, sanft, sachte 5. geringachten 1.denken 2. glauben, annehmen 3. wollen, möchten 4. sich nach jn/etw sehnen vereinigen,Einigkeit Basketball,Korbball besonders besonders, vornehmlich, insbesondere, vor allem 1. hoch, groß 2. Höhe, Größe 3. über dem Durchschnitt, hochgradig 4. laut 5. Ihre im ganzen,insgesamt 1. hängen 2. sich festhaken, sich verfangen, hängen bleiben 3. (den Telefonhörer) auflegen 4. eine Telefonverbindung herstellen, anrufen 5. Sorge tragen, um jn/etw besorgt sein 6. sich anmelden 7. Zählwort ein Pferdegespann, 1. Herbst 2. Erntezeit 3. Jahr Herbst alle 1. Ball 2. Erde, Erdkugel, Globus 3. etwas Ballförmiges, kugelförmiger Gegenstand 1. klein, geringfügig, unbedeutend 2. eine kurze Weile 3. jung gleich, identisch mit, wie, genauso wie geradeaus, immer, fortwährend alle,jedermann Volleyball ganz alltäglich, oft,stets alle, ganz Telefon verschiedene Arten völlig plötzlich,unerwartet 1.fallenlassen, herunterfallen, abfallen 2. zurückbleiben 3. verlieren, verschwinden 4. wenden, umkehren 5. abwischen 1. seicht, flach 2. einfach, leicht 3. oberflächlich 4. hell, matt, fahl 1. rufen, ausrufen, schreien 2. rufen, anrufen ansprechen 3.bestellen, anfordern 4. heißen, bedeuten, anreden 5. veranlassen, anordnen 6. ...präp.passiv Wand, Mauer preiswert,Schnäppchen 1. Karte, Zettel 2. Wahlzettel, Wahlstimme 3. Banknote, Papiergeld 4.Eintrittskarte 1.besitzen 2. Besitz 3. all 1. wirklich,wahr, echt, real, tatsächlich 2. wirklich, wahrlich, wahrhaftig 3.klar, deutlich, unverkennbar heroisch, heldenhaft, Mut, Tapferkeit am Ende (vielleicht), schließlich, endlich gemäß, nach ,eigentlich, ursprünglich nicht erlauben, nicht dürfen gewöhnlich, normal, üblich erlauben, gestatten,zulassen 1. nennen, benennen, bezeichnen 2. Name, Benennung, Bezeichnung, 3. rühmen, preisen 4. wiegen Zuerst durchschnittlich (sein) ununterbrochen, unaufhörlich überall persönlich zu allen Zeiten, immer 1. eine weite Reise unternehmen 2. einen Feldzug, eine Expedition unternehmen 3. jn ausheben, jm zum Militärdienst einberufen 4.(Steuern, Beiträge erheben) einkassieren 5. um etw. bitten, oder ersuchen 1. einander, gegenseitig 2. besehen (z.B. zukünftige Familie) stufenweise Wechselgeld allmählich / nach und nach sich erinnern, Erinnerung 1. rund, kreisförmig 2. Knödel, Kloß, Klößchen 3. sich vereinigen, sich zusammenschließen 4.Gruppe, Einheit 5. Regiment 6. Zählwort ein Knäuel, ein Klumpen aufrufen, appellieren 1. erlauben, genehmigen, dürfen 2. versprechen 3. vielleicht, wahrscheinlich, vermutlich groß, hoch, riesig, großartig, erhaben 1. auf den Boden fallen, stürzen 2. brechen, zerbrechen, kaputt machen 3. werfen, hinwerfen tatsächlich, wirklich ein Leben lang 1. verteilen, zuteilen, anweisen 2. Verteilung, Distribution in einem Augenblick, plötzlich, auf einmal überall absagen, canceln allmählich, nach und nach, stufenweise werden / im Begriff sein / bald komplett, total, völlig gegen Abend, Dämmerung 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus 1. verbinden, zusammenlegen, zusammenschließen, vereinigen 2. nebeneinander, gleichzeitig 3. durchaus fallen, sinken 1. ausatmen, 2. herausschreien, rufen, 3.nennen, aufrufen Hörsaal 1. genehmigen, erlauben, bewilligen 2. Norm, Richtschnur, Standard 3. genau, richtig 4. bestimmt, gewiß 5. para-, quasi- 1. fallen 2. sinken 3. herunterlassen 4. verfallen, untergehen 5. zurückbleiben 6. zurücklassen, hinterlassen 7. erhalten, bekommen 8. Niederlassung, Unterkunft 9. Ansiedlung siehe la4 rückständig, zurückfallen Resultat, in der Tat, exakt Tennis rufen, grüßen, Gruß (winken und rufen) 1. fallen, hinfallen, umfallen, stürzen 2. (im Preis) fallen, sinken zu jeder Zeit, jederzeit wirklich, sicher genug, wie erwartet 1. gewöhnlich, alltäglich, ordinär, mittelmäßig 2. das irdische Leben 3. all, jede Ununterbrochen Kugelschreiber genannt werden, bekannt sein als Rachen, schlucken, verschlingen siehe *yan1 was etw.betrifft,betreffs,sogenannt Klammer, Zwicke, Mappe, Hefter es gibt viele, da ist kein Mangel.. sein ganzes Leben, lebenslang 1. zusammenfassen, zusammenstellen 2. allseitig, total 3. führend, leitend, Haupt-, General-, Chef- 4. immer, stets 5. wie dem auch sei, jedenfalls Interjektion der Überraschung o. Schmerzes 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden müssen, auf jeden Fall, unbedingt gastfreundlich aufnehmen, gastlich bewirten Statistik zusammengerechnet, insgesamt alle (total) treffen, betroffen sein, getroffen sein siehe zhong1 1.laut rufen herbeirufen 2. aufrufen 3. wachrufen, erwecken, wecken letzten Endes, endlich, im allgemeinen wirklich gut 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen z.B: Imbißstand z.B: Imbißstand nennen, ansprechen, klassifizieren sich anstrengen, m. aller Kraft,alle Kräfte einsetzen, s.Bestes tun 1. zart, weich, 2. hell, zart 3.unerfahren,jung, grün 1. Fallgrube, Falle 2. sinken, versinken, hineingeraten, steckenbleiben 3. einfallen, sinken 4. Schaden zufügen, zu Fall bringen 5. besetzt werden, eingenommen werden 6. Defekt, Fehler 1. enthalten, fassen 2. tolerieren 3. gestatten,zulassen 4. Gesichtsausdruck, Miene mit eigenen Augen, persönlich montieren, installieren, aufstellen parallel billigen, erlauben,zulassen 1. Leben , Existenz 2. Schüler, Student sich gegenüberliegen, sich gegenüberstehen, relativ, verhältnismäßig, den ganzen Tag, die ganze Zeit krank werden, erkranken krank werden verhütten, Metallurgie 1. loslassen, die Hand wegnehmen 2. jm freie Hand lassen zurückdenken, sich erinnern alles in allem,jedoch, schließlich zu Ende sein, fertig sein, alles o.k, das ist genug Bankrott machen,ruiniert sein,scheitern schließen , der Vorhang fällt 1. etw in wenig Öl braten 2. kochen 1.Wand, Mauer 2. Dinge von der Form oder Funktion einer Wand, wandartig Gasse ein Atemzug, in einem Atemzug, ohne Pause von jeher, seit ehund je, schon immer einen Schritt zurück machen besuchen, jmd einen Besuch abstatten jmd einen offiziellen Besuch abstatten einfach, geradezu, überhaupt, gar 1. schlucken, verschlucken, verschlingen 2. etw in Besitz nehmen Einzugsgebiet eines Flusses, Stromgebiet, (Fluß-) Tal zur gleichen Zeit…und… in der Tat, in Wirklichkeit Herbst 1.gleichgültig,egal2.teilnahmslos,apathisch blaß, bleich, ohne Lebenskraft Legierung wünschen, Wunsch eine Serie von jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen ab und zu, gelegentlich,manchmal meistens, größtenteils Tal Tanz Tanzabend, Tanzparty, Ball sein Bestes tun (od geben), alles in seiner Macht Stehende tun, alle Kräfte mobilisieren, sein Äußerstes tun, alles tun, alles einsetzen am Anfang, zu Beginn eine Wile, für eine kurze Zeit überflüssig, unnötig, ungefragt etwas im Sinn haben, gewillt sein, mit Absicht, absichtlich allmählich, nach und nach, zunehmend darauf brennen, etwas zu tun 1. horizontal, querlaufend 2. quer, seitwärts, waagerecht 3. durchqueren, überqueren 4. kreuz und quer,siehe:heng4 Gruppe besonders natürlich, von Natur generelle Lage Erdgas aktuelle Lage, aktuelle Situation ausrüsten, ausstatten, Ausrüstung, Ausstattung alle Arten von, verschiedene einbauen, anbringen, Anlage, Einrichtung ungefähr, grob, mehr oder weniger überall, ringsrum Strategie in vier Richtungen umzingeln, auf allen Seiten, vollständig herum sich zurückziehen anstrengen,Kraft benutzen,Anstrengungen unternehmen Fabel, Allegorie, Parabel Gasse, Allee 1. sauber, rein 2. netto 3. restlos 4. nur, bloß Wachstum, Entwicklung überall, in jeder Hinsicht 1. Halle, großer Raum 2. Büro, Dienststelle Schlucht, Canyon 1. Schritt 2. Gang 1. Gallenblase 2. Mut, Kühnheit, Tapferkeit 3. Einsatzgefäß niedergehen, sinken, untergehen Patrone, Kugel in der Regel,wie gewöhnlich Bündnis,Union, Liga sehr klein zusammenrufen jede, alle,jegliche ursprünglich, damals chemische Untersuchung,Laboruntersuchung Schwalbe Wand, Mauer sich selbst widersprechen verkleinern,verringern,reduzieren zusammenbrechen, einstürzen Bündnis, Allianz, Verbündeter unvermeidbar, unvermeidlich etwas in der Pfanne kurz braten, sautieren 1. zusammenstückeln, zusammensetzen 2. aufs Ganze gehen, sich rückhaltlos einsetzen 3.buchstabieren nicht tolerieren, nicht erlauben die ganze Kraft einsetzen 1. Ende, Schluß 2. sterben, ableben 3. ganz sind wirklich alle, jeder, allgemein nach allem das ganze Jahr lang galoppieren, brauend vorwärts strömen auf gleicher Stufe stehen, kaum einen Unterschied 1. Röhrenlauch,Frühlingszwiebel 2. grün interviewen, jm einen Besuch abstatten mit eigenen Händen zurückfallen Rückfall 1.auslassen, übersehen,überschlagen 2.vergessen,liegenlassen 3. zurückbleiben,aus der Reihe fallen siehe luo4 entsprechen, übereinstimmen Schutz-, Scheidewand und dergleichen, und so weiter verstopfen, versperren einsammeln, rückgewinnen 1. gut, schön, nett 2. gesund, genesen 3. befreundet, freundlich Ballet Kalligraphie den ganzen Tag ankommen, herannahen zerbrochen, zerfetzt, zerschmettern, zerstückeln schreiben billigen, einwilligen, zustimmen, erlauben, genehmigen, Zuschuß extra, eigens, speziell Wasserfall konsequent, ständig speziell berufliche Qualifikation in einem bestimmten Fach alle reden zur gleichen Zeit 1. gallopieren, springen, emporschnellen 2. in die Höhe steigen, emporsteigen 3. etw frei machen, freihalten gleich, ebenso, ohne Ausnahme der ganze Körper, ein Anzug, eine einzelne Person großes Gebäude, Hochhaus besuchen komplett, vollständig überall, an allen Ecken und Kanten Bach, Wasserrinne, Wasserfurche, Tal, Schlucht Tanzsaal, Tanzboden, Tanzlokal Spezialist, Experte für etwas Verständnis aufbringen äußerst,außergewöhnlich, 1.(Guß-) Form 2.Typ, Art generelle Situation aussenden die Namensliste verlesen, namentlich alle mit aller Kraft, mit aller Energie Baseball sein Bestes geben, alle Kräfte einsetzen / sein Letztes hergeben ernennen, nominieren die gesamte Bevölkerung Unsinn, absurde Behauptung mit Leib und Seele alle Branchen und Gewerbe alle Schichten Luftballon, Ballon die vier Himmelsrichtungen, Viereck ankommen, hereinbrechen,herniedersteigen hinfallen,zu Boden Fallen, Salto es scheint so ist aber nicht so in der letzten Analyse ohne weiteres, ungehemmt, nur, bloß appellieren, aufrufen zu Boden fallen, zusammenfallen zum Kampf herausfordern zu beidseitigem Nutzen, von Vorteil für beide Seiten leer,hohl,abstrakt,spekulativ, 1. legen, stellen, unterbringen,einrichten, errichten,etablieren 2. anschaffen, erstehen 1.aufkleben,ankleben 2. sich an etw anschmiegen, sich dicht an etw anlehnen 3. jn mit Geld unterstützen, finanzieller Zuschuß Unterstützungsgelder sich erinnern, zurückdenken, sich etw in das Gedächtnis zurückrufen hoch und gerade,hochragend,kräftig, energisch das Angebot ist kleiner als die Nachfrage Durchgangsstraße, Hauptverkehrsstraße, Verbindungsweg, Passage etwas ausführlich erklären schreien, heulen 1. sagen 2. nennen, bezeichnen, einen Namen geben
3368 synsets(s): appalled + galling + fallen + callable + enthralling + allochthonous + appalling + gallant + crystalline + crystallized + microcrystalline + polycrystalline + noncrystalline + uncrystallized + uncrystallised + small-minded + squally + all-devouring + swallow-tailed + credentialled + fallen + metallic-colored + metallic-coloured + pallid + pallid + crystalline + allocable + allocatable + all-time + unrivalled + unequalled + unparalleled + mutually exclusive + all + all-or-none + all-or-nothing + all-out + allover + all-embracing + all-encompassing + all-inclusive + all-around + all-round + all-victorious + challengeable + unchallengeable + unchallenged + off-the-wall + fallacious + gallant + ungallant + tall + walleyed + crystallized + crystallised + uncrystallized + uncrystallised + alleged + allowable + shallow + shallow + chapfallen + chopfallen + crestfallen + mutually beneficial + allied + sexually attractive + fallen + challenging + tall + allusive + crystalline + small-eared + allotted + enthralled + rallying + small + unparallel + callow + fallow + allegiant + fallible + infallible + allegro + allegretto + all over + all-mains + alliaceous + caller + pally + small-fruited + all-purpose + overall + in small stages + sallow + fallacious + rascally + fall-flowering + fall-blooming + fallible + all-important + all important + small-time + gallant + alloyed + alleviative + alleviatory + palliative + walloping + small + smaller + smallish + small-scale + small + small-scale + functionally illiterate + all-night + small + small + phallic + alleviated + bally + metallic + all-metal + bimetallic + metallike + metallic-looking + nonmetallic + metalloid + small + all-fired + small + uncalled-for + overall + small + petallike + galled + parallel + antiparallel + nonparallel + allowable + allowable + petalled + four-petalled + five-petalled + three-petalled + petalless + hallucinogenic + all-powerful + fallow + screwball + naturally occurring + shallow + challenging + unalloyed + alloyed + alleged + so-called + squally + squalling + hallucinatory + alliterative + allied + allegorical + allegoric + all-weather + tall + ball-shaped + allantoid + hallowed + unhallowed + mentally ill + all right + alluring + callous + rascally + callipygian + callipygous + malleable + football-shaped + sandalled + visually impaired + visually challenged + ball-hawking + small-grained + small + alligatored + scalloped + small-seeded + all + gallant + stall-fed + challenging + pallid + goalless + small + allergic + bilaterally symmetrical + bilaterally symmetric + radially symmetrical + bilaterally symmetrical + allopatric + parallel + allochronic + nonparallel + tall + tall-growing + tall-stalked + tallish + all in + small-toothed + calloused + callous + malleable + unmalleable + allied + falling + falling + fallen + fallacious + uncalled-for + caller + falling + allargando + rallentando + hallucinating + small-winged + all-knowing + allogeneic + allantoic + allelic + allelomorphic + allergenic + allergic + Allied + Allied + allogamous + allographic + allomerous + allometric + allomorphic + allophonic + allotropic + allotropical + allylic + alliaceous + balletic + ballistic + bimetallistic + bimetallic + callithumpian + Gallican + Palladian + politically correct + politically incorrect + phallic + mechanically skillful + monometallic + calligraphic + calligraphical + Gallic + gallinaceous + alluvial + Gallic + allopathic + metallurgical + metallurgic + pyrogallic + small-capitalization + small-capitalisation + small-cap + shallow-draft + shallow-draught + thalloid + thallophytic + anisotropically + basically + fundamentally + essentially + automatically + ultrasonically + partially + totally + all + isotropically + substantially + all right + conjecturally + perpetually + occasionally + equally + practically + paradoxically + parasitically + conventionally + unconventionally + pathogenically + pictorially + all-fired + all over + all the same + fugally + really + fantastically + intrinsically + emphatically + by all odds + really + really + naturally + unnaturally + accidentally + circumstantially + specifically + generally + nonspecifically + vocationally + additionally + finally + finally + eventually + biradially + all right + all right + practically + practically + pyramidically + abysmally + drastically + at all + by all means + individualistically + for all practical purposes + to all intents and purposes + for all intents and purposes + all of a sudden + insecticidally + intentionally + unintentionally + accidentally + all told + in all + all together + anatomically + chromatically + chronologically + clinically + punctually + mathematically + finally + all along + virtually + asexually + asymptotically + principally + aurally + axially + catalytically + commercially + cosmetically + microscopically + microscopically + statistically + thermodynamically + contractually + comically + hebdomadally + annually + dorsally + dorsoventrally + ventrally + empirically + especially + specially + eschatologically + experimentally + allowably + categorically + unconditionally + eternally + provisionally + continually + histologically + magnetically + marginally + geometrically + vitally + energetically + once and for all + denominationally + cortically + focally + hypothalamically + intradermally + first of all + initially + demoniacally + frenetically + normally + usually + unusually + erratically + gradually + historically + historically + scientifically + unscientifically + macroscopically + literally + virtually + least of all + internationally + organically + inorganically + organically + organically + mechanically + mechanically + automatically + metabolically + officially + unofficially + centrally + peripherally + phylogenetically + physically + physiologically + politically + politically + pornographically + symbiotically + symbolically + volumetrically + systematically + unsystematically + academically + astronomically + axiomatically + photoelectrically + photographically + photometrically + constitutionally + unconstitutionally + democratically + undemocratically + digitally + digitally + economically + economically + economically + electronically + ethnically + federally + genetically + graphically + ideographically + idyllically + industrially + legally + manually + medically + medicinally + nominally + professorially + provincially + realistically + royally + scenically + scholastically + serially + socially + socially + symbolically + technically + technically + technically + temporally + terminally + terrestrially + territorially + thematically + therapeutically + geothermally + thermally + typically + atypically + untypically + verbally + verbally + vocally + nonverbally + non-verbally + globally + electrically + chemically + chemically + bilingually + longitudinally + magically + bacterially + relativistically + racially + municipally + governmentally + professionally + spatially + semantically + linguistically + lingually + sociolinguistically + linguistically + cross-linguistically + fiscally + algebraically + polyphonically + poetically + phonetically + personally + personally + personally + philosophically + infernally + pathologically + graphically + catastrophically + optically + visually + viscerally + cerebrally + cerebrally + mystically + biologically + sociobiologically + biochemically + musicologically + morally + meteorologically + metaphysically + metonymically + melodically + harmonically + acoustically + metaphorically + allegorically + locally + locally + topically + regionally + nationally + culturally + interracially + chorally + facially + syntactically + spinally + sexually + sexually + lexically + nonlexically + materially + materially + surgically + chromatographically + transversally + severally + in all likelihood + in all probability + dramatically + undramatically + naturally + artificially + unnaturally + chronically + chronically + electrostatically + episodically + feudally + frontally + geometrically + glacially + gravitationally + gutturally + hieroglyphically + homeostatically + horticulturally + imperially + institutionally + judicially + nasally + nocturnally + rurally + spherically + superficially + syllabically + monosyllabically + polysyllabically + symptomatically + tangentially + volcanically + technologically + temperamentally + of all time + factually + actually + actually + really + actually + actually + above all + most especially + after all + after all + all in all + all of a sudden + all at once + all the way + all the way + at all costs + allegedly + illegally + originally + unoriginally + generally + by small degrees + incidentally + orally + orally + all the time + above all + for all the world + publically + communally + originally + confidentially + on all fours + hypothetically + theoretically + theoretically + methodically + apologetically + symmetrically + asymmetrically + unsymmetrically + reciprocally + distally + radically + exceptionally + terrifically + preferentially + rationally + irrationally + critically + uncritically + emotionally + emotionally + unemotionally + informally + formally + formally + officially + best of all + theatrically + dramatically + enthusiastically + unenthusiastically + intellectually + hyperbolically + sympathetically + sympathetically + empathetically + unsympathetically + universally + ideally + liberally + liberally + all over + kinesthetically + kinaesthetically + tactually + haptically + brutally + aerially + alphabetically + aristocratically + autocratically + diplomatically + undiplomatically + socioeconomically + financially + psychically + ornamentally + individually + severally + binaurally + monaurally + monolingually + satirically + habitually + spiritually + incidentally + accidentally + sporadically + periodically + realistically + unrealistically + cordially + genially + equivocally + unequivocally + ceremonially + ritually + ceremonially + generally + plastically + small + editorially + abnormally + perennially + perpetually + anachronistically + mentally + externally + laconically + geographically + atonally + tragically + callously + analytically + anarchically + magisterially + casually + commensally + obsessionally + structurally + unofficially + dramatically + classically + characteristically + uncharacteristically + dialectically + prophetically + artistically + internally + externally + all too + annually + legally + jurisprudentially + bilaterally + bilaterally + unilaterally + multilaterally + semiannually + hierarchically + aesthetically + esthetically + appallingly + casually + antagonistically + apathetically + ascetically + adverbially + angelically + architecturally + authentically + bombastically + bombastically + allegretto + allegro + alliteratively + altruistically + arithmetically + antithetically + beneficially + enthrallingly + biennially + biannually + bestially + bureaucratically + bureaucratically + caustically + vitriolically + centennially + chaotically + chaotically + gallantly + all the way + climatically + colloquially + conversationally + informally + colloidally + computationally + conceptually + conically + cynically + cytophotometrically + cytoplasmically + criminally + criminally + sequentially + conditionally + unconditionally + crucially + consequentially + inconsequentially + cryptically + enigmatically + cryptographically + potentially + developmentally + congenially + controversially + polemically + uncontroversially + convivially + all day long + volitionally + deferentially + deferentially + diabolically + detrimentally + diagonally + diagrammatically + graphically + diametrically + dictatorially + autocratically + magisterially + didactically + pedagogically + differentially + venally + hypocritically + loyally + disloyally + dismally + dismally + proportionally + doctrinally + dogmatically + domestically + domestically + dynamically + ecclesiastically + ecologically + ecstatically + rhapsodically + educationally + effectually + ineffectually + egotistically + environmentally + ethically + unethically + euphemistically + equally + unequally + exponentially + fanatically + whimsically + farcically + literally + fraternally + hectically + frugally + functionally + genealogically + generically + generically + geologically + hermetically + heroically + horizontally + vertically + hydraulically + hygienically + unhygienically + hysterically + identically + ideologically + idiomatically + idiotically + logically + illogically + logically + impartially + morally + immorally + amorally + penitentially + impersonally + impersonally + personally + personally + providentially + influentially + inspirationally + substantially + insubstantially + illiberally + ironically + ironically + journalistically + jovially + lackadaisically + laterally + laterally + longitudinally + longitudinally + lethargically + unenergetically + limnologically + lineally + matrilineally + patrilineally + logarithmically + lyrically + majestically + managerially + maniacally + masochistically + materialistically + maternally + maximally + minimally + mechanistically + medially + melodramatically + melodramatically + menially + methodologically + metrically + rhythmically + ministerially + circumstantially + morphologically + mortally + terrestrially + musically + unmusically + mutually + reciprocally + reciprocally + small-mindedly + nationally + neurotically + nostalgically + nutritionally + numerically + operationally + optimally + optimistically + pessimistically + optionally + organizationally + osmotically + pacifistically + pallidly + parentally + parenterally + parenthetically + parochially + paternally + pathetically + pathetically + patriotically + unpatriotically + pacifically + pedantically + perceptually + pharmacologically + phenomenally + philanthropically + philatelically + phlegmatically + rallentando + piratically + pneumatically + pragmatically + carnally + preternaturally + supernaturally + originally + probabilistically + problematically + prodigally + prosaically + proverbially + providentially + providentially + puritanically + psychologically + psychologically + penally + quizzically + quixotically + radially + regally + reverentially + rhetorically + romantically + rotationally + sarcastically + sardonically + sceptically + skeptically + schematically + seasonally + sensationally + sensually + sentimentally + unsentimentally + severally + shallowly + shambolically + signally + signally + enthusiastically + sociologically + all together + all at once + spasmodically + spasmodically + spectrographically + spirally + theatrically + stereotypically + stochastically + stoically + strategically + stylistically + romantically + unromantically + synthetically + tactically + telegraphically + telescopically + theologically + theologically + thermostatically + traditionally + topographically + transcendentally + transitionally + trivially + trivially + tropically + tutorially + typographically + ungrammatically + grammatically + unnaturally + naturally + voyeuristically + circumstantially + circumstantially + conjugally + integrally + martially + philosophically + inaugurally + specially + especially + frantically + naturally + caudally + causally + magnetically + fatally + coincidentally + contextually + departmentally + polygonally + regimentally + residentially + schismatically + viscerally + abaxially + adaxially + adjectivally + canonically + eccentrically + eccentrically + erotically + hypnotically + immunologically + judicially + logogrammatically + prepositionally + presidentially + sinusoidally + synergistically + synergistically + taxonomically + topologically + fall over backwards + fall asleep + fall over + alleviate + palliate + pall + fall back + call + allegorize + allegorise + crystallize + crystallise + scallop + fall + fall off + fall away + fall in love + fall + snowball + fall away + callus + callus + balloon + ballast + callous + sallow + fall apart + alligator + fall out + fall + fall + fall + befall + befall + fall + fall + pall + alloy + fall apart + fall off + crystallize + crystallize + crystallise + stonewall + stall + alloy + alleviate + parallel + rally + fall + shallow + shallow + pall + pall + pall + fall + fall + fall into place + be on the ball + swallow + recall + call back + call up + crystallize + crystallise + allegorize + allegorise + calliper + swallow + lowball + call + dally + recall + allow + allow + fall in line + swallow + call + call + call for + call + call + fall out + call + call + call up + call in + recall + call back + call back + call in + call + allure + call on + disallow + swallow + allow + allow + challenge + challenge + counterchallenge + call + call on the carpet + call down + rally + hallow + unhallow + call into question + call one's bluff + challenge + call out + challenge + call + call + palliate + call out + call + squall + halloo + call + call attention + swallow + tally + tally + recall + call + miscall + call + call out + ballyhoo + allege + call up + allude + call + stonewall + dally + squall + catcall + call + call for + call + call + fall by the wayside + swallow + call up + rally + wallop + tally + fall back + fall behind + wall + circumvallate + scallop + pull out all the stops + have a ball + wallow + wallow + pall + swallow + allay + halloo + wallpaper + scallop + fall off + pall + fall apart + rally + rally + wall in + wall up + wallop + call in + parallelize + snowball + ball + fall + install + install + reinstall + swallow + swallow up + metallize + call down + call forth + create mentally + call forth + dry-wall + scallop + escallop + scallop + calligraph + create verbally + alliterate + fall for + ballyrag + appall + pall + gall + go ballistic + fall short + ball over + appall + allay + enthrall + wallow + fall apart + stall + stall + stall + stall + wallow + gallivant + call + call off + fall back + parallel-park + balloon + gallop + gallop + gallop + sally out + fall + fall + fall open + fall + fall + fall down + fall in + fall back + fall behind + fall out + dally + sally forth + sally out + call at + fall + fall back + wallow + cannonball along + fall out + fall + hallucinate + gall + eyeball + allot + reallot + fall + fall + fall + allocate + reallocate + allot + allow + allowance + mothball + fall upon + allot + call + outcall + fall + call for + recall + call in + call back + allow + fall + fall + call + call in + install + fall + call in + allow + allow + call to order + call + ally + misally + ally with + fall in + fall in + dally + forestall + stall + ballot + blackball + call off + recall + call in + call + call + allow in + blackball + fall all over + fall from grace + ball up + fall + fall through + fall flat + fall for + go all out + forestall + fall + fall + drop the ball + fall back + call the shots + call the tune + call + fall + fall + call for + lallygag + stall + shillyshally + dilly-dally + dillydally + call + tally + parallel + parallel + fall + fall short of + recall + call it quits + call it a day + fall into + fall under + shillyshally + fall out + allow for + allow + fall + allow + fall + squall + blind alley + rally + rallying + fallback + close call + fall + pratfall + ballup + balls-up + fall + pratfall + call option + call + firewall + ball + beanball + change-of-pace ball + curve ball + breaking ball + fastball + knuckleball + passed ball + screwball + spitball + submarine ball + basketball shot + base on balls + fair ball + foul ball + fly ball + ground ball + groundball + ballottement + allurement + allocation + storage allocation + call + pis aller + ballot + balloting + secret ballot + football score + baseball score + tally + basketball score + blackball + installation + installing + installment + jump ball + gallop + shallow fording + ballooning + palliation + alleviation + palliation + swallow dive + pinball + pinball game + pall-mall + tetherball + paintball + football + football game + American football + American football game + professional football + touch football + rugby football + ball game + ballgame + baseball + baseball game + ball + professional baseball + hardball + softball + softball game + stickball + stickball game + bosie ball + no ball + pushball + association football + handball + racquetball + volleyball + volleyball game + basketball + basketball game + professional basketball + netball + pallone + all fours + dalliance + ballet + classical ballet + modern ballet + comedy ballet + ballroom dancing + ballroom dance + ball hawking + football play + basketball play + baseball play + net ball + baseball swing + calling + callisthenics + callisthenics + tally + minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery + callosotomy + callosectomy + phalloplasty + allopathy + ball-buster + ball-breaker + signal caller + fall + any-and-all bid + tall order + sally + sallying forth + swallow + landfall + dry walling + sally + call fire + roll call + mail call + muster call + blue wall of silence + blue wall + wall of silence + call + call + shillyshally + dalliance + stall + stalling + stonewalling + forestalling + alliance + allotment + allocation + reallotment + reallocation + allowance + rally + wallop + free-for-all + allegiance + call-back + gallantry + rallying + calling together + service call + recall + War of the Grand Alliance + smallpox virus + allantois + chorioallantois + chorioallantoic membrane + smalleye hammerhead + smalltooth sawfish + wall creeper + swallow + barn swallow + chimney swallow + cliff swallow + tree swallow + white-bellied swallow + tree swallow + bank swallow + wood swallow + swallow shrike + swallow-tailed kite + swallow-tailed hawk + Cryptobranchus alleganiensis + alligator snapping turtle + alligator snapper + chuckwalla + Callisaurus + genus Callisaurus + Callisaurus draconoides + Eumeces callicephalus + alligator lizard + Alligatoridae + family Alligatoridae + genus Alligator + alligator + American alligator + Alligator mississipiensis + Chinese alligator + Alligator sinensis + genus Allosaurus + allosaur + allosaurus + Calliophis + genus Calliophis + Callophis + genus Callophis + Galliformes + order Galliformes + gallinaceous bird + gallinacean + Gallus + genus Gallus + gallina + Gallus gallus + Gallus gallus + Meleagris gallopavo + Tetrao urogallus + Tympanuchus pallidicinctus + Ortilis vetula macalli + mallee fowl + mallee hen + fairy swallow + pallas's sandgrouse + chimney swallow + Phalaenoptilus nuttallii + mallard + butterball + wallaby + common wallaby + hare wallaby + nail-tailed wallaby + rock wallaby + tree wallaby + scallop shell + Ascaridia galli + scallop + escallop + bay scallop + sea scallop + giant scallop + Callinectes + genus Callinectes + Callinectes sapidus + Rallidae + family Rallidae + Gallirallus + genus Gallirallus + Gallinula + genus Gallinula + gallinule + Florida gallinule + Gallinula chloropus cachinnans + Gallinula chloropus + purple gallinule + European gallinule + American gallinule + Gallinago + genus Gallinago + Gallinago gallinago + Gallinago gallinago delicata + Gallinago media + sea swallow + Plautus alle + Callorhinus + genus Callorhinus + Callorhinus ursinus + alley cat + Pallas's cat + small civet + pallid bat + Antrozous pallidus + gallfly + Mallophaga + order Mallophaga + Menopon palladum + Menopon gallinae + Echidnophaga gallinacea + gall midge + gallfly + gall gnat + Calliphoridae + family Calliphoridae + Calliphora + genus Calliphora + Calliphora vicina + gall wasp + gallfly + cynipid gall wasp + spruce gall aphid + small white + fall cankerworm + Galleria + genus Galleria + Galleria mellonella + fall armyworm + Callimorpha + genus Callimorpha + Callimorpha jacobeae + fall webworm + Neofiber alleni + valley pocket gopher + Equus caballus + stallion + Equus caballus gomelini + Equus caballus przewalskii + Equus caballus przevalskii + Gallant Fox + Galloway + Dall sheep + Dall's sheep + Ovis montana dalli + Litocranius walleri + fallow deer + Callithricidae + family Callithricidae + Callithrix + genus Callithrix + Callicebus + genus Callicebus + allice shad + allis shad + allice + allis + Clupea harengus pallasii + Mallotus + genus Mallotus + allmouth + walleye + walleyed pike + blue walleye + smallmouth + smallmouth bass + smallmouthed bass + smallmouth black bass + smallmouthed black bass + crevalle jack + jack crevalle + bergall + Callionymidae + family Callionymidae + cavalla + Scomberomorus cavalla + alligatorfish + balloonfish + Allen screw + Allen wrench + alley + alleyway + alligator wrench + allopurinol + entrance hall + hall + antiballistic missile + Antonine Wall + assembly hall + basketball backboard + ball + ball + ball and chain + ball-and-socket joint + ballast + ballast + light ballast + ballast resistor + ballast + ball bearing + ball cartridge + ballcock + ball cock + balldress + ballet skirt + ball field + baseball field + ball gown + ballistic galvanometer + ballistic missile + ballistic pendulum + ballistocardiograph + balloon + balloon + balloon bomb + balloon sail + ballot box + ballpark + ball-peen hammer + ballpoint + ballpoint pen + ballpen + ballroom + dance hall + ball valve + fallal + barrage balloon + baseball + baseball bat + baseball cap + baseball card + baseball diamond + baseball equipment + baseball glove + baseball mitt + basketball hoop + basketball + basketball court + basketball equipment + beach ball + beachball + bearing wall + beer hall + balloon seat + billiard ball + billiard hall + bimetallic strip + birdcall + Blackwall hitch + sausage balloon + blind alley + bocce ball + bocci ball + boccie ball + bookstall + recall dose + stall + bowling alley + alley + skittle alley + bowling alley + bowling ball + gallus + wall bracket + seawall + alligator clip + calliper + call-board + call center + call centre + caller ID + calliope + cannonball + cannon ball + carpenter's mallet + stall + carryall + holdall + ballista + catchall + cavity wall + challis + frontstall + front-stall + Chinese Wall + Great Wall + Great Wall of China + city hall + coffee stall + concert hall + coverall + ten-gallon hat + cricket ball + croquet ball + croquet mallet + crystal ball + cue ball + pall + dining-hall + whatchamacallit + whatchamacallum + residence hall + hall + gallery + dry wall + dry-stone wall + eight ball + exhibition hall + installation + fallboard + fall-board + fallout shelter + field hockey ball + fingerstall + small-arm + firewall + firewall + fleet ballistic missile submarine + fly gallery + football + football field + football helmet + football stadium + gable wall + galleon + gallery + gallery + gallery + gallery + art gallery + picture gallery + galley + ship's galley + galley + galley + galley + gallows + gallows tree + gallows-tree + gallous + gildhall + golf ball + great hall + guildhall + hall + hall + hall + Hall of Fame + hall of residence + hallstand + hallucinogen + hallucinogenic drug + hallway + hall + halliard + handball + handball court + wall hanging + headstall + highball glass + tallboy + hot-air balloon + Independence Hall + intercontinental ballistic missile + kite balloon + lacrosse ball + lally + lally column + lavalliere + levallorphan + mallet + mallet + mallet + manor hall + hall + hall + marshalling yard + medicine ball + mess hall + metallic + metallic + meteorological balloon + military installation + mothball + camphor ball + all-terrain bike + wall painting + music hall + musket ball + ball + Nalline + National Baseball Hall of Fame + naval installation + ninepin ball + skittle ball + object ball + outfall + overall + overall + palliasse + paintball + paintball gun + pallet + pall + pallet + pallet + pallet + pallette + palliative + alleviant + alleviator + pallium + pallium + cure-all + parallel bars + parallel circuit + parallel interface + parallel port + party wall + pectoral medallion + footstall + pilot balloon + pinball machine + ping-pong ball + pitfall + mall + shopping mall + polo ball + polo mallet + pool ball + call box + tallith + tallis + press gallery + mall + proscenium wall + punching ball + punchball + racquetball + wall + retaining wall + rifle ball + roulette ball + rugby ball + sallet + save-all + save-all + save-all + peanut gallery + shooting gallery + shooting gallery + shower stall + sidewall + sidewall + small boat + small computer system interface + small ship + small stores + small stuff + snowball + soccer ball + softball + playground ball + ballistic capsule + spitball + squash ball + stalls + stall + stall + stall bar + stall + starting stall + stone wall + strip mall + study hall + swallow-tailed coat + swallowtail + tea ball + football tee + call box + tennis ball + thumbstall + time-ball + topgallant + topgallant mast + topgallant + topgallant sail + town hall + trackball + trial balloon + small beer + uneven parallel bars + gallery + volleyball + volleyball court + volleyball net + wall + wall + wall + wallboard + drywall + dry wall + wall clock + wallet + wall panel + wall plate + wall socket + wall plug + wall tent + wall unit + whispering gallery + Wiffle Ball + siren call + allure + allurement + ballast + hallmark + parallelism + parallel + allowance + infallibility + papal infallibility + fallibility + fallaciousness + smallness + callousness + callosity + gallantry + allegiance + gallantry + gall + allusiveness + pallidity + pallidness + pallor + sallowness + tallness + malleability + unmalleability + smallness + ballet position + shallowness + small + tall + smallness + smallness + fall + free fall + shortfall + ballpark + pallet + shallowness + tallness + vallecula + pallium + musculus abductor hallucis + musculus adductor hallucis + eyeball + crystalline lens + malleus + gallbladder + gall bladder + gall + allele + allelomorph + dominant allele + recessive allele + nonallele + neopallium + archipallium + pallium + corpus callosum + pallidum + globus pallidus + Fallopian tube + ball + ballock + phallus + microphallus + small intestine + smaller pectoral muscle + small + ball + fallen arch + hallux + allograft + ball-and-socket joint + wall + abdominal wall + Valhalla + Walhalla + balletomania + pitfall + allurement + recall + crystallization + trial balloon + hallucination + calling card + be-all and end-all + be all and end all + all-or-none law + fallacy + logical fallacy + pathetic fallacy + hallucination + end-all + allometry + parallel axiom + Kendall test + Kendall partial rank correlation + Kendall's tau + Kendall rank correlation + allergology + crystallography + ballistics + metallurgy + powder metallurgy + hardball + Call + call + phone call + telephone call + call-back + collect call + call forwarding + call-in + call waiting + crank call + local call + long-distance call + trunk call + toll call + conference call + wake-up call + three-way calling + allomorph + allegory + allegory + ballad + ballade + installment + calligraphy + allograph + ballistic identification + ballistic fingerprinting + ballot + absentee ballot + tally + call + function call + system call + supervisor call instruction + galley proof + rallying point + lallation + codswallop + installment + calling card + small print + all clear + hall pass + hallelujah + medallion + name calling + allegation + allegement + overcall + Parallel Lives + walloper + small print + allusion + sally + alliance + birdcall + call + bell-like call + two-note call + distress call + all clear + bugle call + recall + call mark + call number + allograph + small letter + small capital + small cap + hallmark + alla breve + allegory + medallion + Lallans + Scottish Lallans + Walloon + ballistocardiogram + music hall + Hallel + allegro + allegretto + ballad + folk ballad + callithump + callathump + ballet + ballroom music + Gallicism + alliteration + enallage + hypallage + allophone + call + catcall + halloo + rallying cry + small talk + basketball clinic + baseball clinic + rallying cry + call up + call + recall + challenge + call + call + margin call + call + challenge + challenge + tall tale + wake-up call + curtain call + challenge + call-out + calling into question + allegation + allocution + ballyhoo + recall + callback + appalling + falling out + downfall + stall + allomerism + fall + free fall + fall + footfall + Fall of Man + fall + downfall + allogamy + wallow + ball + masked ball + masquerade ball + fancy-dress ball + installation + rally + fall + small slam + walloping + windfall + Fall + alleviation + enthrallment + pall + gall + allergy diet + swallow + brandyball + sourball + gum ball + crystallized fruit + crystallized ginger + all-day sucker + marshmallow + popcorn ball + snowball + snowball + Sally Lunn + fish ball + medallion + scallop + escallop + challah + hallah + farfalle + matzo ball + matzoh ball + matzah ball + scallion + shallot + windfall + melon ball + alligator pear + smallmouth bass + tomalley + scallop + escallop + sea scallop + bay scallop + allspice + allemande + allemande sauce + marshmallow fluff + codfish ball + fish ball + meatball + porcupine ball + Swedish meatball + scallopine + scallopini + veal scallopini + spaghetti and meatballs + Galliano + highball + Harvey Wallbanger + mentally retarded + developmentally challenged + peanut gallery + ball + Hizballah + Lebanese Hizballah + Palestinian Hizballah + Salafast Group for Call and Combat + Turkish Hizballah + Tammany Hall + small cap + Wall Street + baseball team + baseball club + ball club + basketball team + football team + generally accepted accounting principles + allies + Allies + Allies + Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe + Allied Command Atlantic + Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic + Allied Command Europe + Supreme Allied Commander Europe + ballet company + corps de ballet + gallery + small town + baseball league + basketball league + football league + ball + file allocation table + alliance + ally + Small Business Administration + hiring hall + Whitehall + rally + pep rally + Ballistic Missile Defense Organization + gallimaufry + rogue's gallery + rogue's gallery + small loan company + sick call + callithump + callathump + callithump parade + Gallicanism + Northern Alliance + Walloons + Tin Pan Alley + hole-in-the-wall + parallel of latitude + parallel + Whitehall + Kobuk Valley National Park + port of call + Van Allen belt + Aspinwall + Santiago de los Caballeros + Halle + Halle-an-der-Saale + Ruhr Valley + Wailing Wall + Valle D'Aosta + Kalaallit Nunaat + Marshall Islands + Marshall Islands + Republic of the Marshall Islands + Pall Mall + Cornwall + Hadrian's Wall + Galloway + Gallia + Valletta + Lyallpur + Tallinn + Tallin + Tallahassee + Idaho Falls + Sun Valley + Twin Falls + Great Falls + Gallup + Wall Street + Wall St. + Niagara Falls + Klamath Falls + Allentown + Sioux Falls + Dallas + McAllen + Wichita Falls + Walla Walla + Mukalla + Al-Mukalla + Silicon Valley + Death Valley + Guallatiri + wee small voice + small voice + Alleghenies + Allegheny Mountains + Allegheny + Allegheny River + alluvial sediment + alluvial deposit + alluvium + alluvion + alluvial flat + alluvial plain + American Falls + Angel Falls + Callisto + Canadian Falls + Horseshoe Falls + crystallization + crystallite + Cuquenan Falls + Kukenaam Falls + fall + fallow + fireball + fireball + footwall + gallstone + Great Rift Valley + hairball + hair ball + hanging wall + icefall + Iguazu Falls + Iguassu Falls + Victoria Falls + landfall + Loire Valley + Mendenhall Glacier + Great Mendenhall Glacier + Niagara Falls + Pallas + pallasite + Paulo Afonso Falls + rift valley + San Fernando Valley + San Joaquin Valley + Guaira Falls + Shenandoah Valley + shallow + swallow hole + Small Magellanic Cloud + spall + Tallapoosa + Tallapoosa River + Tugela Falls + Twin Falls + Urubupunga Falls + valley + Victoria Falls + wall + wall + wallow + wall rock + waterfall + falls + Yosemite Falls + Allah + Pallas + Pallas Athena + Pallas Athene + Calliope + Heimdall + Heimdallr + greaseball + Walloon + allegorizer + allegoriser + allergist + alleviator + alliterator + allocator + all-rounder + all arounder + ally + ball boy + ball-buster + ball-breaker + ball carrier + ballerina + ballet dancer + ballet master + ballet mistress + balletomane + ball hawk + balloonist + ballplayer + baseball player + baseball coach + baseball manager + basketball coach + basketball player + bimetallist + caller + caller + caller-up + caller + caller + caller + caller-out + caller + caller + call girl + calligrapher + calligraphist + small fry + fall guy + goofball + screwball + balladeer + crystallographer + dallier + dillydallier + dilly-dallier + gallant + hall porter + galley slave + oddball + faller + butterball + fire-swallower + fire marshall + football coach + football hero + football official + football player + footballer + galley slave + gallows bird + ball of fire + goofball + jack of all trades + rapscallion + scallywag + Jack of all trades + know-it-all + know-all + faller + marshall + marshall + medallist + medallist + metallurgist + metallurgical engineer + pallbearer + pedaller + small fry + ball of fire + fireball + prima ballerina + signal caller + allayer + challenger + rapscallion + scallywag + scallywag + screwballer + ballyhoo artist + signaller + small businessman + small-for-gestational-age infant + smallholder + small person + small farmer + ballad maker + spend-all + gallant + dock-walloper + stonewaller + victualler + tallyman + tally clerk + tallyman + teetotaller + thrall + valley girl + victualler + visually impaired person + volleyball player + wallah + wallflower + walloper + walloper + wallpaperer + wall-paperer + wally + dirt ball + Allen + Ethan Allen + Allen + Woody Allen + Allen Stewart Konigsberg + Allen + Gracie Allen + Grace Ethel Cecile Rosalie Allen + Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina + Ball + Lucille Ball + Tallulah Bankhead + Callas + Maria Callas + Maria Meneghini Callas + Wallace Carothers + Wallace Hume Carothers + Chagall + Marc Chagall + Cornwallis + Charles Cornwallis + First Marquess Cornwallis + Antonio Allegri da Correggio + Baron Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding + Falla + Manuel de Falla + Fallopius + Gabriele Fallopius + Fallopio + Gabriello Fallopio + Fallot + Etienne-Louis Arthur Fallot + Furnivall + Frederick James Furnivall + Gallaudet + Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet + Allen Ginsberg + Goodall + Jane Goodall + Hall + Asaph Hall + Hall + Charles Francis Hall + Hall + Charles Martin Hall + Hall + G. Stanley Hall + Granville Stanley Hall + Hall + Radclyffe Hall + Marguerite Radclyffe Hall + Halley + Edmond Halley + Edmund Halley + James Marshall Hendrix + Stonewall Jackson + Randall Jarrell + Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli + Kendall + Edward Kendall + Edward Calvin Kendall + Tjalling Koopmans + Tjalling Charles Koopmans + LaSalle + Sieur de LaSalle + Le Gallienne + Eva Le Gallienne + Mallarme + Stephane Mallarme + Mallon + Mary Mallon + Marshall + John Marshall + Marshall + George Marshall + George Catlett Marshall + Marshall + E. G. Marshall + Cyrus Hall McCormick + Marshall McLuhan + Herbert Marshall McLuhan + Alla Nazimova + Palladio + Andrea Palladio + Edgar Allan Poe + Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan + Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan + Wallis Warfield Simpson + Wallis Warfield Windsor + Upton Beall Sinclair + Smalley + Richard Smalley + Richard E. Smalley + Richard Errett Smalley + Spallanzani + Lazzaro Spallanzani + Wallace Stevens + Tallchief + Maria Tallchief + Talleyrand + Charles Maurice de Talleyrand + Tallis + Thomas Tallis + Allen Tate + John Orley Allen Tate + Joseph Mallord William Turner + Tyndall + John Tyndall + Van Allen + James Alfred Van Allen + Wallace + Alfred Russel Wallace + Wallace + Edgar Wallace + Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace + Wallace + Sir William Wallace + Wallenstein + Albrecht Eusebius Wenzel von Wallenstein + Waller + Fats Waller + Thomas Wright Waller + allotropy + allotropism + crystallization + crystallisation + crystallizing + wallop + fallout + alluvial fan + alluvial cone + metallic bond + alluviation + alluvion + squall line + ballistics + ballistic trajectory + fireball + downfall + rainfall + snowfall + squall + line squall + parallax + Tyndall effect + heliocentric parallax + annual parallax + stellar parallax + geocentric parallax + diurnal parallax + horizontal parallax + solar parallax + cell wall + Thallophyta + thallophyte + thallus + crustose thallus + fern ally + Larix lyallii + Callitris + genus Callitris + Callitris cupressiformis + Callitris endlicheri + Callitris calcarata + Callitris glaucophylla + Callitris glauca + Callitris parlatorei + Callitris quadrivalvis + allspice + Carolina allspice + California allspice + Japan allspice + Japanese allspice + tall buttercup + tall crowfoot + tall field buttercup + bayberry tallow + genus Calliandra + calliandra + genus Allamanda + allamanda + common allamanda + Allamanda cathartica + black calla + genus Amorphophallus + amorphophallus + Amorphophallus paeonifolius + Amorphophallus campanulatus + Amorphophallus rivieri + Amorphophallus titanum + Calla + genus Calla + wild calla + Calla palustris + calla lily + calla + pink calla + golden calla + Mesembryanthemum crystallinum + alligator weed + alligator grass + allgood + Allioniaceae + family Allioniaceae + snowball + Allionia + genus Allionia + Allionia incarnata + feather ball + Capparis cynophallophora + Alliaria + genus Alliaria + Alliaria officinalis + Biscutalla laevigata + wallflower + wall rocket + wallflower + Siberian wall flower + Erysimum allionii + Cheiranthus allionii + western wall flower + swallowwort + swallow wort + Allegheny vine + Antheropeas wallacei + Eriophyllum wallacei + small white aster + Callistephus + genus Callistephus + Callistephus chinensis + subgenus Calliopsis + calliopsis + tall sunflower + fall dandelion + gall of the earth + Pericallis + genus Pericallis + Pericallis cruenta + Pericallis hybrida + tall goldenrod + blowball + tall bellflower + Corallorhiza + genus Corallorhiza + Corallorhiza maculata + Corallorhiza striata + Corallorhiza trifida + Listera convallarioides + genus Masdevallia + masdevallia + genus Pleurothallis + pleurothallis + Anagallis + genus Anagallis + Anagallis arvensis + Anagallis tenella + Ardisia escallonoides + tallgrass + tall-grass + tall oat grass + tall meadow grass + Echinochloa crusgalli + wall barley + dallisgrass + dallis grass + shallu + small cane + Ecballium + genus Ecballium + Ecballium elaterium + mallow family + mallow + musk mallow + common mallow + tall mallow + high mallow + musk mallow + Indian mallow + rose mallow + marsh mallow + white mallow + Callirhoe + genus Callirhoe + poppy mallow + fringed poppy mallow + Callirhoe digitata + purple poppy mallow + Callirhoe involucrata + clustered poppy mallow + Callirhoe triangulata + rose mallow + swamp mallow + common rose mallow + swamp rose mallow + Confederate rose mallow + seashore mallow + salt marsh mallow + tree mallow + chaparral mallow + false mallow + waxmallow + wax mallow + glade mallow + Virginia mallow + Indian mallow + globe mallow + false mallow + prairie mallow + red false mallow + small-leaved linden + small-leaved lime + Grevillela parallela + Calluna + genus Calluna + Calluna vulgaris + shallon + Gaultheria shallon + lily-of-the-valley tree + small cranberry + tall bilberry + Vaccinium pallidum + wild lily of the valley + wild lily of the valley + Allegheny chinkapin + valley oak + valley white oak + Nuttall oak + Nuttall's oak + Quercus nuttalli + Betula alleghaniensis + allspice + allspice tree + allspice tree + mallee + white mallee + congoo mallee + black mallee + black sally + shall-flower + tall white violet + pellitory-of-the-wall + wall pellitory + Iris pallida + falls + Alliaceae + family Alliaceae + Allium + genus Allium + alliaceous plant + Allium acuminatum + Allium ampeloprasum + Allium canadense + Allium carinatum + Allium cepa + shallot + Allium cepa aggregatum + Allium ascalonicum + shallot + Allium cepa viviparum + Allium cernuum + Allium fistulosum + Allium haematochiton + scallion + Allium porrum + Allium neopolitanum + Allium paradoxum + Allium sativum + Allium scorodoprasum + Allium schoenoprasum + Allium tricoccum + Allium vineale + Allium ursinum + Allium tuberosum + Allium sphaerocephalum + Allium triquetrum + Calochortus nuttallii + Hemerocallidaceae + family Hemerocallidaceae + Hemerocallis + genus Hemerocallis + Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelus + Hemerocallis flava + Zigadenus nuttalli + Convallariaceae + family Convallariaceae + Convallaria + genus Convallaria + lily of the valley + Convallaria majalis + heal all + false lily of the valley + false lily of the valley + Yucca smalliana + Crotalaria sagitallis + Erythrina corallodendrum + Erythrina crista-galli + Vigna caracalla + Phaseolus caracalla + Eriogonum allenii + tall yellow-eye + Vallisneria + genus Vallisneria + Vallisneria spiralis + Crataegus marshallii + Crataegus crus-galli + Geum alleppicum strictum + Allegheny plum + Alleghany plum + Prunus alleghaniensis + Hall's honeysuckle + Lonicera japonica halliana + Callitrichaceae + family Callitrichaceae + Callitriche + genus Callitriche + sallow + Comandra pallida + balloon vine + Allegheny spurge + Allegheny mountain spurge + gallberry + gall-berry + low gallberry holly + tall gallberry holly + Rhus copallina + wall pepper + fall-blooming hydrangea + Cordia alliodora + Ballota + genus Ballota + Ballota nigra + heal all + wall germander + balloon flower + Veronica anagallis-aquatica + ball nettle + ball nightshade + genus Browallia + browallia + tall cupflower + earthball + puffball + hard-skinned puffball + star earthball + smooth earthball + stalked puffball + stalked puffball + earth-ball + Amanita phalloides + Phallales + order Phallales + Phallaceae + family Phallaceae + Phallus + genus Phallus + Phallus impudicus + Phallus ravenelii + puffball + true puffball + giant puffball + Boletus pallidus + callus + gall + parallel-veined leaf + American wall fern + wall fern + wall rue + wall rue spleenwort + Davalliaceae + family Davalliaceae + genus Davallia + davallia + Davallia canariensis + Davallia pyxidata + ball fern + Davallia Mariesii + swallowwort + call option + smallholding + windfall profit + Marshall Plan + allowance + cost-of-living allowance + depreciation allowance + installment rate + allowance + allotment + allocation + reallocation + allowance + travel allowance + installment plan + installment buying + installment + installation charge + noncallable bond + allowance + allowance account + bimetallism + installment credit + installment loan + calling card + small change + medallion + installment debt + call loan + alluvion + morphallaxis + parallel processing + parallel operation + rally + falloff + falling off + spallation + miles per gallon + gallon + gallon + Imperial gallon + allocation unit + small calorie + bugger all + fuck all + small indefinite quantity + small indefinite amount + all get out + small fortune + alliance + Mercalli scale + scallop + parallel + parallelogram + parallelepiped + parallelopiped + parallelepipedon + parallelopipedon + ball + ballgame + new ballgame + challenge + allopatry + misalliance + mesalliance + thrall + thralldom + Kallman's syndrome + gallop rhythm + smallpox + pseudosmallpox + West Indian smallpox + sexually transmitted disease + valley fever + Rift Valley fever + gall + allergic eczema + small cell carcinoma + gall + cotton ball + crown gall + callus + callosity + callus + hallucinosis + hallucination + auditory hallucination + pseudohallucination + visual hallucination + lallation + alliance + callowness + tetralogy of Fallot + Fallot's tetralogy + Fallot's syndrome + alloy + small-particle pollution + food allergy + immediate allergy + atopic allergy + type I allergic reaction + delayed allergy + type IV allergic reaction + allergy + allergic reaction + allergic rhinitis + walleye + wall + allergen + alloy + pyrogallol + pyrogallic acid + allyl + allyl group + allyl radical + buckyball + allotrope + metallic element + metallized dye + gallium + palladium + thallium + carnallite + ballast + alloy iron + alloy cast iron + alloy steel + alluvial soil + allyl alcohol + allyl resin + alligator + beef tallow + allomorph + copper-base alloy + fallout + gallamine + gallic acid + Japan tallow + mutton tallow + nickel-base alloy + nickel alloy + tall oil + Permalloy + pyrophoric alloy + Ballistite + alloantibody + tallow + vegetable tallow + tallow oil + wallpaper + water of crystallization + water of crystallisation + Wood's alloy + phallic stage + phallic phase + small hours + nightfall + evenfall + fall + All Fools' day + Halloween + Hallowe'en + Allhallows Eve + All Saints' Day + Allhallows + Hallowmas + Hallowmass + Allhallowtide + All Souls' Day + fall equinox + fall + baseball season + basketball season + football season + allegretto + allegro + allegro con spirito + study hall +
292 OLD_HSK English word(s): all right/ O.K./ capable/ competent fall/ collapse/ resell/ exchange/ rearrange shout/ cry out/ yell/ call sb. all yellow/ sallow/ fall through want to/ wish to/ must/ shall/ ask for finally/ at last/ result/ outcome football game/ soccer ball visit/ call on light/ small in number; degree; etc. think/ suppose/ recall/ want to/ miss unite/ rally basketball special/ particular/ especially especially/ particularly tall/ high/ of a high degree in all/ altogether/ in total hang/ call up/ ring off autumn/ fall autumn/ fall all/ every/ everything ball/ anything shaped like a ball small/ little/ petty/ minor/ young the same/ equally/ alike/ as … as … always/ all along/ straight everybody/ all volleyball all/ without exception/ complete often/ frequently/ constantly/ usually all/ whole/ entire telephone/ phone/ phone call all kinds of complete/ whole/ full/ at all suddenly/ all of a sudden fall/ drop/ lose/ reduce/ turn shallow/ simple/ superficial/ light call/ greet/ order/ name/ shout/ cry wall cheap/ inexpensive/ small gains ticket/ ballot all true/ real/ genuine/ clearly/ really heroic/ valiant/ brave/ gallant at last/ finally/ in the end originally be not allowed/ must not generally/ usually/ ordinary/ common permit/ allow weigh/ call first/ above all/ first of all share out equally/ mean/ average continually at all places/ everywhere personally always/ all along levy/ draft/ recruit/ call up/ collect/ ask for/ solicit each other/ mutually step by step/ gradually small change gradually/ by degrees recollect/ recall group/ ball/ measure word for ball-like things summon/ call up/ appeal/ call allow/ permit/ perhaps/ maybe tall and big/ tall fall/ tumble indeed/ really lifetime/ all one's life assign/ allocate all at once/ in an instant all over, everywhere cancel/ abolish/ call off gradually/ by degrees be going to/ will/ shall overall/ all-round/ comprehensive toward evening/ at nightfall simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover simultaneously/ equally/ and/ moreover fall/ drop/ lower/ land call assembly hall/ auditorium (準) accurate/ exact/ (准) allow/ permit 1. fall, drop 2. go down, set 3. fall onto, rest with 4. lay behind, fall behind 5. lower 6.leave behind, stay behind 7. get, have, receive backward/ fall behind actually/ exactly/ after all tennis ball/ tennis call/ greet/ say hello to fall down at any time/ at all time as expected/ really sure enough any/ all continually/ in succession ball pen be called/ named swallow so called clamp/ clip/ tongs/ folder/ wallet really-be/ really/ indeed/ what a shame/ too bad all-life/ life-time/ all one's life put together/ assemble/ total/ overall/ general/ chief 1. indicting a response to a call, order etc 2. indicating one´s grief, depression or akwardness fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down eventually-must/ must/ have to/ be obliged to entertain cordially/ treat cordially totally-count/ tally/ collect statistic data/ statistics overall-total/ altogether/ in all/ in the aggregate/ in total totally-totally/ all/ entirely/ completely/ wholly hit/ be affected/ get hit/ suffer/ fall into call out/ summon totally-count/ at long last/ finally/ in the end/ on the whole flawless/ really good/ it goes without saying/ no doubt 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall spread out/ unfold/ lay out/ share/ (of sth. bad) befall call/ address/ name/ term of address as best one can/ with all one's power and energy tender/ delicate/ rare/ underdone/ light/ pale/ callow get stuck/ get bogged down/ sink/ cave in/ frame/ fall contain/ hold/ tolerate/ forgive/ allow/ permit (see) with one's own eyes/ (witness) personally install/ erect parallel/ simultaneous/ concurrent/ at the same level allow/ permit life/ all one's life/ livelihood/ existence mutually-face/ face each other/ be opposite/ relative all day long/ all the time get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease get sick/ fall ill/ contract a disease smelt-metal/ metallurgy let go/ relinquish/ give a free hand; go all out recall/ recollect/ think back/ reminisce after all/ when all is said and done/ in the end a remark made for an all-right situation go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through the curtain falls, close fry in shallow oil without stirring wall alley/ lane/ narrow street all-along/ always/ consistently from beginning coming towards now/ always/ all along back-steps/ regress/ fall behind/ retrogression pay a visit/ call on pay an official visit/ call on simply/ utterly/ totally/ at all/ virtually swallow/ devour/ gulp down/ annex river valley/ river basin/ drainage area all-way-peace-safe/ have a safe trip in fact/ actually/ as a matter of fact autumn season/ autumn/ fall/ season of autumn no-what-say/ be indifferent/ not care/ cannot be called pale/ wan/ pallid alloy wish-desire/ call upon/ invoke upon/ wish/ desire all-way-along-wind/ have a good journey prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to once in a while/ occasionally/ sometimes almost all/ mostly/ for the most part mountain valley move-step/ move and step rhythmically/ dance dance-party/ dance/ ball try one's best/ do all one can at first/ in the beginning/ originally one-time/ in a short while/ all of a sudden/ all at once unnecessary/ needless/ uncalled for/ surplus have-mind/ have a mind (to do)/ be attracted sexually gradually/ little by little/ by degrees hate that one cannot/ really want to traverse/ place sth. horizontally/ crosswise/ horizontal small-team/ team/ group especially/ particularly/ all the more naturally-formed/ naturally-developed/ natural general or overall situation/ situation as a whole naturally-formed-gas/ natural gas actual situation/ what is actually happening install-equip/ fit out/ equip/ furnish/ equipment/ outfit of all styles and types/ all kinds of install-establish/ install/ fit/ installation/ unit/ apparatus general/ rough/ overall four places/ all around/ hither and thither/ everywhere war-strategy/ strategy/ stratagem/ overall plan/ tactic surround in four directions/ on all sides/ all around back up/ draw back/ fall back/ retreat use strength/ exert all one's strength/ make efforts implying-word/ fable/ allegory/ parable alley/ lane only/ nothing but/ all/ all the time develop/ grow (especially in puberty) everywhere/ in all respects hall/ department in a large government organization ravine-valley/ gorge/ canyon footstep/ footfall/ step/ pace/ way of walking gallbladder/ courage/ nerve/ bladder lower-descend/ decline/ get down/ drop/ fall ball-bullet/ bullet/ cartridge follow-rule/ as usual/ as a rule/ usually alliance/ coalition/ league/ union micro-small/ tiny/ little/ small/ minute summon-gather/ call together/ convoke/ convene every/ any/ all/ without exception in the beginning/ at that time/ originally chemically examine/ conduct a lab test/ assay swallow/ house swallow wall self-mutually-spear-shield/ self-contradiction shrink-smaller/ reduce/ lessen/ deflate collapse/ fall/ break down same-vow/alliance/ league/ ally inevitably/ would naturally stir-fry/ fry/ sauté/ speculate illegally piece together/ join together/ achieve sth. at all costs not allow go all out in work end/ finally be really terrible all after all all year long gallop/ surge forward about the same/ equally matched scallion call on/ interview personally fall back 1. leave out, be missing 2. forget to bring 3. lag (or fall, drop) behind tally with/ conform to wall/ barrier and all that/ and so on jam/ wall up reclaim/ callback stand or fall ballet calligraphy all day come/ fall fall to pieces calligraphy/ make out/ write admit/ allow allowance specially waterfall all along/ then as now specially professional skill/ specially all talking at once gallop/ jump clear out all and singular all over the body tall building call on/ visit/ see complete/ all ready all over valley/ gully ballroom person specially assigned for a task understand/ allow for especially/ very small-scale overall situation call out/ turn out call the roll all all-out baseball do one's level best/ go all out call/ nominate the whole people/ all the people fallacy/ paralogism with all one's heart all trades and professions all circles balloon all sides/ all directions become of/ befall/ arrive fall specious/ apparently right but actually wrong at all time and place by all means call on/ appeal fall to the ground challenge mutually benefit empty/ hollow/ shallow put/ set up/ install allowance allowance recall tall and straight supply falls short of demand alleyway/ channels allege/ state cry out/ call out call/ say
292 OLD_HSK French word(s): petite
292 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s): pequeño
292 OLD_HSK Italian word(s): piccolo
292 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): เหลือง ต้องการ , จำเป็น , ประสงค์, อยาก, ปรารถนา, ต้องการ สุดท้าย ฟุตบอล เบา อยากจะ ชุมนุม โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง สูง กันหมด แขวน , แขวนอยู่ ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง เล็ก บ่อย โทรศัพท์ เรียก ถูก ตั๋ว ทั้งหมด จริงๆ อนุญาตให้ ก่อนอื่น เงินทอน ยกเลิก เทนนิส จริง ๆ ปากกาลูกลื่น ทุกครั้ง ไม่สบาย , ล้มป่วย ทอด ไปพบ , เยี่ยม , ไปหา ขวนขวาย หอม เขียน
292 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s): keltainen pieni

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** YUE1


คนขายของหาบเร่ แผงลอย 摊子 Hawker stalls of people selling
บาสเกตบอล 篮球 Basketball
วอลเลย์บอล 排球 volleytball
ฟุตบอล 足球 Football
เล่นเบสบอล 打棒球 Play baseball
ลูกบอล Ball
อเมริกันฟุตบอล 橄榄球 American football
ภาษาฮังกาเรียน 有意 have-mind; have a mind (to do); be attracted sexually
กำแพงเมืองจีน 长城 the Great Wall
ลูกตา 眼球 Eyeball
ปากกาลูกลื่น 圆珠笔 ballpoint pen
กระเป๋าสตางค์ 钱包 wallet
ใจแข็ง 冷酷 Callous
เครื่องอุปกรณ์ 装备 install-equip; fit out; equip; furnish; equipment; outfit
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 秋天 autumn; fall
ทุกทิศทาง 四方 all sides; all directions
ลูกชิ้น 丸子 meatball
ทอด fry in shallow oil without stirring
ทอด ผัด stir-fry; fry; sauté; speculate illegally
ห้องบอลรูม 舞厅 ballroom
หอศิลป์ 艺术画廊 Art galleries
โรงอาหาร 餐厅 dining-hall
ห้างสรรพสินค้า 购物中心 Shopping mall
ล้วน ทั้งหมด both; all
เล่นฟุตบอล 打球 to play ball
สูง high; tall
บัตรโทรศัพท์ 名片 calling card
ขนาดเล็ก little, small
จริง / จริงๆ real/really
ชั้นเรียน all over the body
ตลาด; ช้อปปิ้งมอลล์ 商场 market; bazaar; shopping mall
ทั่วร่างกาย 全身 all over the body
ทั้งหมด 统统 totally-totally; all; entirely; completely; wholly
ทั้งหมด 凡是 every; any; all; without exception
ทั้งหมด all
ทั้งหมด 一共 in all; altogether; in total
ทั้งหมด 所有 all
ทั้งหมด 全部 all; without exception; complete
ทั้งหมด 全体 all; whole; entire
โทรออก โทรศัพท์ 打电话 make a phone call
ให้; ทำให้ let; allow; make
แสงเล็ก ๆ light; small
ไม่อนุญาต; ไม่ได้ 不行 not be allowed; won't do
อาร์ตแกลเลอรี่ 美术馆 art gallery
ผมไม่สมควรได้รับนี้ 不敢当 I really don't deserve this
เขียนด้วยลายมือ; การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษร 书法 handwriting; calligraphy
คอนเสริต 音乐厅 concert hall
ขอให้สมหวังดังปราถนา 万事如意 may all your wishes come true
ส่วนเกิน; ฟุ่มเฟือย; ไม่มีเหตุสมควรสำหรับ 多余 superfluous; uncalled for; surplus
หลังจาก; หลังจากนั้น 以后 art gallery
ตกหลุมรัก 相爱 fall in love
ระลึกถึง; นึกออก; จำ 回忆 reminisce; recollect; recall
เมือง; ผนัง city; wall
ลดลง; ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง drop; fall
ซื่อสัตย์ / จริง; จริงๆ 实在 honest/truly; really
书法家 calligrapher
สิ่งเล็กๆน้อยๆ น้ำใจเล็กๆน้อยๆ 小意思 just a small token
เดิม ที่แท้ 原来 formerly; originally
ผนัง wall
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรและภาพวาด 字画 calligraphy and painting
ซึ่งกันและกัน 互相 mutually; one another
ล้มป่วย 生病 fall ill
ป่วย fall ill/disease
โทร / รูปแบบของที่อยู่ 称呼 to call/a form of address
เพื่อโทรไปยัง to call
จริงๆแน่นอน 确实 really; indeed
จริงๆ, แท้จริง; แน่นอน really, truly; indeed
两岸猿声啼不住 monkeys on both banks keep calling
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง fall
อายุการใช้งาน; สำหรับชีวิตหนึ่งของทุกตลอดชีวิต 一辈子 lifetime; for all one's life; throughout one's life
สนามกีฬา 球场 field or court for ball games
ก่อนอื่น 首先 first of all; firstly
เลน; ซอย 胡同 lane; alley
ในที่สุด 终于 finally; eventually
ก้อนเล็ก ๆ ("ลูกเต๋า") ของเนื้อสัตว์หรือผัก small cubes ("dice") of meat or vegetable
จริง; ว่า 究竟 actually; exactly
เพื่ออนุญาตให้ 允许 to allow
ความท้าทาย 挑战 to challenge
万事如意 realize all one's wishes
อยู่ทั้งคืนตลอดวันสิ้นปี 守岁 to stay up all night on New Year's Eve
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง 尤其 especially
จ่ายโทรปีใหม่ 拜年 to pay a New Year's call
碰壁 to run up against a stone wall
ผนัง wall
คอก 失速 stall
คอก; ของผู้ขายขาตั้งบูธ 摊子 vendor's stand; stall; booth
ทั้งหมด ทุกอย่าง 一切 all, every, everything
จะรวมกัน; การชุมนุม 团结 to unite; to rally
เป็นพื้น; เป็นหลัก 基本上 basically; essentially
พื้นฐาน 基本 basic; fundamental/fundamentally
อย่างต่อเนื่อง; ทั้งหมดพร้อม; เสมอ 一直 continuously; all along; always
简直 simply; at all
รสชาติไม่ถูกปาก ไม่เป็นที่นิยม 萝卜青菜,各有所爱 no dish suits all tastes
ส่วนตัว; ตัวเอง 亲自 personally; in person; oneself
ไม่อนุญาตให้ 不许 not allow
จริงๆ 真是 really
โดยไม่คาดหมาย 竟然 unexpectedly; to one's surprise; actually
จะนอนหลับ 入睡 to fall asleep
สั้นและเล็ก 矮小 short and small
ลดลง to drop; to fall
ล้มป่วย 一病不起 to fall ill and never recover
โทรไปยัง 呼唤 to call
ไปเที่ยว; ฆ่าเวลา to hang about; to dally
สูงและใหญ่ 高大 tall and big
ทุกชนิด 各种各样 all kinds of
มีสีสัน 五颜六色 of all colors; colorful
เต้นบอลรูม 交际舞 ballroom dance
ทุกคน 大伙 everybody; we all
หลังจาก ทั้งหมด 毕竟 after all; all in all
อายุการใช้งาน 一生 lifetime; all one's life
แกรนูล (ทุกสิ่งมีขนาดเล็กและอ้วน); เมล็ดข้าว 颗粒 granule (anything small and roundish); grain
ค่อยๆ; ทีละเล็กทีละน้อย 渐渐 gradually; little by little
การก้าวเท้า; เดินตามรอยเท้า 脚步 footfall; footstep
เติมอากาศ; กระจายไปในทุกสถานที่ 弥漫 to fill the air; to spread all over the place
ทั่ว 四周 all around
ทุกอย่างสมบูรณ์ all; completely
เตือน 提醒 to remind; to call attention to
สายแรก (ในการประกวดราคา) 起价 first call (in an auction)
measure word for ball-shaped things
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง; ทั้งหมดยิ่งขึ้น 格外 especially; all the more
ทั้งหมด ในทันที 忽然 all of a sudden; suddenly
เป็นลูกกลม 滚圆 round as a ball
น้ำตก 瀑布 waterfall
measure word for small objects
ตื้น shallow
sing, to call loudly, to chant
ไม่เป็นไร 不客气 you flatter me, not at all (polite reply to compliment)
哪里 you flatter me, not at all (polite reply to compliment)
ไม่ได้กล่าวถึงมันไม่ได้เลย 不谢 don't mention it, not at all
ในที่สุด 最后 final, last, finally, ultimate
ให้ อนุญาต to ask, to let, permit, have (someone do something), to yield, to allow
กำแพงเมือง, เมือง city walls, city, town
อย่างต่อเนื่องเสมอไปตรงมาตลอด 一直 continuously, always, straight, all along
เต้นบอล,, งานเลี้ยง 舞会 dance, ball, party
ป่วย, เจ็บป่วย, โรค, ล้มป่วย ailment, sickness, illness, disease, fall ill, sick, defect
แพ้ 过敏 to be allergic, allergy
นึกออก 想起来 to remember, to recall
(coll) ออกทั้งหมดไปยังเนื้อหาหนึ่งของครอบครัวของ 好好儿 (coll) all out, to one's hearth's content
เพื่อให้, การสรรเสริญ to allow, to permit, to praise
ติดไปวางไว้ใกล้กับ, ให้พอดี, เงินอุดหนุนค่าเผื่อ to stick, to paste, to keep close to, to fit snugly, subsidize, allowance
เตะเล่น (ฟุตบอล) kick, play (football or soccer)
ในทุกส่วนของ (ประเทศ), สถานที่ต่างๆ 各地 in all parts of (a country), various places
เมืองเล็ก ๆ small town
เตือนความจำ ย้ำ 提醒 remind, call attention to, warn of
ด้วย กับการ to follow, to go along with, to comply with, to allow, (surname)
to weigh, to estimate, to call, to praise, to consider, to address, to name, to say, commend
อนุญาตหรือทำให้ (ใครบางคนที่จะทำสิ่ง) to allow or cause (someone to do something)
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง 特别 especially
แผ่นดิสก์; จานเล็กจาน, จานรอง disc; small plate, dish, saucer
งานเลี้ยงเต้นรำ 舞会 dance party; ball
เจ็บปวดจริงๆ 疼死 really painful
แพ้ 过敏 to be allergic to
เพียง; เท่านั้น (ระบุจำนวนน้อย) just; only (indicating a small number)
เรียกว่า to call, to be called
ฉันไม่สมควรได้รับมันคุณเลียแข้งเลียขาฉัน 不敢当 I don't really deserve it, you flatter me
กัน, ร่วมกัน 互相 each other, mutually, mutual
อาหาร - ฮอลล์ 食堂 dining-hall
เข้าชมสถานที่หรือเยี่ยมบุคคล เรียกร้องให้ 访问 to visit (thing, place or person), to call on
ตกเจ็บป่วย, ป่วยโรค to fall ill, illness, disease
เพื่อล้มป่วย, การติดเชื้อ 得病 to fall ill, to contract a disease
(หน่วยเงินจีน) (a measure word), (the smallest Chinese monetary unit)
ซอย 胡同 lane, alley
ยังคงปรารถนาจะวิ่งพันลี้ (รูป) คนเก่าอาจจะยังคงยึดมั่นแรงบันดาลใจสูง 老骥伏枥志在千里 still aspires to gallop a thousand li, (fig.) old people may still cherish high aspirations
หอประชุม, ห้องประชุม 礼堂 assembly hall, auditorium
ฮอลล์ยิ่งใหญ่ของประชาชน 人民大会堂 Great Hall of the People
จ่ายโทรปีใหม่, ต้องการใครสักคนสวัสดีปีใหม่ 拜年 pay a New Year call, wish somebody a Happy New Year
เพื่อคัดลอก (รูปแบบการเขียนตัวอักษรหรือภาพวาดและอื่น ๆ ) 临摹 to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.)
หอศิลป์แห่งชาติ 中国美术馆 National Art Gallery
ในทุกสถานที่ทุกที่ 到处 in all places, everywhere
傍晚 toward evening, (at) nightfall, (at) dusk
ในทุกส่วนของ (ประเทศ) 各地 in all parts of (a country)
เพียง ทั้งหมด 简直 simply, at all
จริงและเชื่อถือได้จริงๆแน่นอน 确实 true, reliable, really, indeed
ทั้งหมดโดยรวม total, overall
ล้มลง, โค่นล้ม, เพื่อยุบ to fall, to topple, to collapse
ทันใดนั้นทั้งหมดในทันที 忽然 suddenly, all of a sudden
ในขณะที่เดิม 当初 at that time, originally
อย่างไม่คาดคิด unexpectedly, actually, to go so far as to
ชีวิตเรา 辈子 all ones's life, lifetime
จริงๆแล้ว 其实 actually, that is not the case, in fact
การกระจาย การจำหน่าย 分配 to assign, to distribute, to allot
บังเอิญ opportunely, coincidentally, as it happens
ทั้งหมด (วัน), ทั้งหมด 整(天) the whole (day), all
ในที่สุด 终于 at last, in the end, finally
ตาราง (สำหรับเกมที่ใช้ลูกบอล) 球台 table (for games using balls)
สุทธิ (สำหรับเกมลูกบอล) 球网 net (for ball games)
ทั้งหมดขวาสามารถ, มีอำนาจ all right, capable, competent
แฟนฟุตบอล 足球迷 football fan
ละครรำ, เต้นบัลเล่ย์ 舞剧 dance drama, ballet
จริงๆตามที่คาดไว้ 果然 really, as expected
ในระยะสั้นและขนาดเล็กในระยะสั้นและเล็กน้อยในรูปที่ 矮小 short and small, short and slight in figure
ตลอดชีพ 一生 all one's life, throughout one's life
เพื่อคัดลอก (รูปแบบการเขียนตัวอักษรหรือภาพวาด) 临写 to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษรต้นแบบที่ดี 书圣 a great calligraphy master
สมุดแบบฝึกหัดเขียนลายมือ (การเขียนตัวอักษร) 字帖 copybook (for calligraphy)
โดยรวมทั้งหมดตลอด 全面 overall, all-round
จำนวนเล็ก ๆ น้อยน้อย 少数 small number, few, minority
สิ่งที่เป็นจริงที่เกิดขึ้น 实况 what is actually happening
ตก; ยุบ; แลกเปลี่ยน; ขายจัดเรียง fall; collapse; resell; exchange; rearrange
โทรศัพท์; สายโทรศัพท์ 电话 telephone; phone; phone call
ตก; ลดลง; เปิด; ลด; สูญเสีย fall; drop; lose; reduce; turn
ทุกชนิด 各种 all kinds of
แขวน; เรียก; วางหูโทรศัพท์ hang; call up; ring off
ตะโกน; ออกร้องไห้; เสียงดังลั่น shout; cry out; yell; call sb.
กึก; ทั้งหมดในทันที 忽然 suddenly; all of a sudden
ในที่สุด; ผล; การที่ผ่านมาผล 结果 finally; at last; result; outcome
มักจะ; มัก; เสมอ 经常 often; frequently; constantly; usually
ตั๋ว; บัตรเลือกตั้ง ticket; ballot
ตื้น; ง่ายๆ ; แสง shallow; simple; superficial; light
แสงเล็ก ๆ ในจำนวนองศาและอื่น ๆ light; small in number, degree, etc.
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง autumn; fall
รวมกัน; การชุมนุม 团结 unite; rally
เล็ก ๆ น้อย ๆ 小(小李) small; little; petty; minor; young
ได้; สามารถ; อำนาจ all right; O.K.; capable; competent
ทุกสิ่ง ทุกอย่าง 一切 all; every; everything
เหมือนกัน พอ ๆ กัน 一样 the same; equally; alike; as … as …
โครงสร้างประโยคที่สำคัญในการอธิบายหน่วยที่เล็กที่สุดของเรื่อง 一…也… an emphatic sentence structure to describe the smallest unit of the subject
อยู่เสมอตลอดมา; ตรง 一直 always; all along; straight
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง 尤其 especially; particularly
ย่ำค่ำ; เวลาย่ำค่ำ 傍晚 toward evening; at nightfall
ไม่อนุญาต 不许 be not allowed; must not
เรื่อย 不住 continually
น้ำหนัก; โทร weigh; call
อยู่เสมอ ตลอดมา 从来 always; all along
ทุกที่ 到处 at all places; everywhere
แน่นอน; จริงๆ 的确 indeed; really
ฟุบ fall down
ใด ๆ ทั้งหมด any; all
กำหนด; จัดสรร 分配 assign; allocate
ตามที่คาดไว้; จริงๆนั่นเอง 果然 as expected; really sure enough
อุทธรณ์; เรียก; เรียกสาย 号召 summon; call up; appeal; call
โทรศัพท์ call
ฟื้นความจำ; จำ 回忆 recollect; recall
ค่อยๆ 渐渐 gradually; by degrees
เป็นไป; จะ; ต้อง 将要 be going to; will; shall
ตก; ลดลง; ที่ดินที่ต่ำกว่า fall; drop; lower; land
ถูกเรียก; ชื่อ 叫做 be called; named
จริง; ตรง; หลังจากทั้งหมด 究竟 actually; exactly; after all
หอประชุม 礼堂 assembly hall; auditorium
อย่างต่อเนื่อง; ในการสืบมรดก 连续 continually; in succession
เศษสตางค์ 零钱 small change
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง fall
ตกอยู่ข้างหลัง; ย้อนหลัง 落后 backward; fall behind
โดยทั่วไป; มัก 平常 generally; usually; ordinary; common
แบ่งออกเท่า ๆ กัน; เฉลี่ย 平均 share out equally; mean; average
ส่วนตัว 亲自 personally
การยกเลิก, ยกเลิก; โทรออก 取消 cancel; abolish; call off
โดยรวมทั้งหมดตลอด; ครบวงจร 全面 overall; all-round; comprehensive
แรกที่สูงกว่าทุกครั้งแรกของทั้งหมด 首先 first; above all; first of all
ตก; เกลือกกลิ้ง fall; tumble
เมื่อใดก็ได้ตลอดเวลา 随时 at any time; at all time
จึงเรียกว่า 所谓 so called
กลุ่ม; ลูก group; ball; measure word for ball-like things
แต่ละอื่น ๆ ร่วมกัน each other; mutually
อนุญาตให้; ใบอนุญาต; อาจจะ allow; permit; perhaps; maybe
กลืน swallow
ทั้งหมดในครั้งเดียว; ในทันที 一下子 all at once; in an instant
กล้าหาญ; สุภาพ 英勇 heroic; valiant; brave; gallant
ใบอนุญาต; อนุญาตให้ 允许 permit; allow
โทร; ทักทาย; ทักทาย 招呼 call; greet; say hello to
ในที่สุด 终于 at last; finally; in the end
ค่อยๆ 逐步 step by step; gradually
ค่อยๆ 逐渐 gradually; by degrees
ดูเหมือน (準) accurate; exact; (准) allow; permit
การติดตั้ง 安装 install; erect
เยือน 拜访 pay a visit; call on
โทรศัพท์ 拜会 pay an official visit; call on
หลังจากทั้งหมด 毕竟 after all; when all is said and done; in the end
อย่างแน่นอน 不免 inevitably; would naturally
อ่อน 苍白 pale; wan; pallid
โทรศัพท์ 称呼 call; address; name; term of address
ตลอดทั้งวัน 成天 all day long; all the time
ทุกที่ 处处 everywhere; in all respects
มากที่สุด 大都 almost all; mostly; for the most part
เกะกะ 大致 general; rough; overall
ถุงน้ำดี gallbladder; courage; nerve; bladder
แต่เดิม 当初 in the beginning; at that time; originally
ป่วย 得病 get sick; fall ill; contract a disease
หาด 得了 a remark made for an all-right situation
ไม่จำเป็น 多余 unnecessary; needless; uncalled for; surplus
การพัฒนา 发育 develop; grow (especially in puberty)
ปล่อยให้ไป 放手 let go; relinquish; give a free hand, go all out
โดยเฉพาะ 格外 especially; particularly; all the more
ความหลากหลาย 各式各样 of all styles and types; all kinds of
โลหะผสม 合金 alloy
รอสักครู่ 恨不得 hate that one cannot; really want to
ตามแนวนอน traverse; place sth. horizontally; crosswise; horizontal
ล่าถอย 后退 back up; draw back; fall back; retreat
a swallow
ซอย; เลน 胡同 alley; lane
ห้องปฏิบัติการ 化验 chemically examine; conduct a lab test; assay
โทรศัพท์ call out; summon
จำ 回想 recall; recollect; think back; reminisce
คลิป 夹子 clamp; clip; tongs; folder; wallet
อย่างหนัก 使劲 use strength; exert all one's strength; make efforts
เพียงแค่ 简直 simply; utterly; totally; at all; virtually
ค่อยๆ gradually; little by little; by degrees
ก้าว 脚步 footstep; footfall; step; pace; way of walking
กำลังพยายาม 竭力 as best one can; with all one's power and energy
ลอง 尽力 try one's best; do all one can
สุทธิ only; nothing but; all; all the time
ล่มสลาย collapse; fall; break down
การต้อนรับ 款待 entertain cordially; treat cordially
สหภาพ 联盟 alliance; coalition; league; union
อ่าง 流域 river valley; river basin; drainage area
ไม่ได้พูด 没说的 flawless; really good; it goes without saying; no doubt
บางครั้งบางคราว 偶尔 once in a while; occasionally; sometimes
สะกด piece together; join together; achieve sth. at all costs
ขนาน 平行 parallel; simultaneous; concurrent; at the same level
การล้มละลาย 破产 go bankrupt; go broke; come to nothing; fall through
หมากรุก 其实 in fact; actually; as a matter of fact
เวิก 起初 at first; in the beginning; originally
ผนัง 墙壁 wall
亲眼 (see) with one's own eyes; (witness) personally
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 秋季 autumn season; autumn; fall; season of autumn
ทั่วโลก 全局 general or overall situation; situation as a whole
ยอมให้ contain; hold; tolerate; forgive; allow; permit
ยอมให้ 容许 allow; permit
come loose; fall apart; scattered; disintegrated
หุบเขา 山谷 mountain valley
สุขภาพ life; all one's life; livelihood; existence
实况 actual situation; what is actually happening
รอบ 四处 four places; all around; hither and thither; everywhere
แคบ 缩小 shrink-smaller; reduce; lessen; deflate
ล่มสลาย fall down; collapse; crumple; sink; slump; calm down
ส่วนแบ่ง spread out; unfold; lay out; share; (of sth. bad) befall
ส่วนแบ่ง booth; stall; stand; measure word for pools of liquid
นึกถึง 提醒 prompt-awareness; remind; call attention to
เนเชอรัล 天然 naturally-formed; naturally-developed; natural
ก๊าซธรรมชาติ 天然气 naturally-formed-gas; natural gas
hall; department in a large government organization
พันธมิตร 同盟 same-vow;alliance; league; ally
สถิติ 统计 totally-count; tally; collect statistic data; statistics
ถอยหลัง 退步 back-steps; regress; fall behind; retrogression
กลืน swallow; devour; gulp down; annex
เล็ก 微小 micro-small; tiny; little; small; minute
ไม่ได้เรื่อง 无所谓 no-what-say; be indifferent; not care; cannot be called
เต้นรำ 舞蹈 move-step; move and step rhythmically; dance
เต้นรำ 舞会 dance-party; dance; ball
หุบเขา ; หุบ; แคนยอน 峡谷 ravine-valley; gorge; canyon
ต่ำลง; ลดลง; ลง; เลื่อน; ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 下降 lower-descend; decline; get down; drop; fall
กับดัก ดักจับ get stuck; get bogged down; sink; cave in; frame; fall
ญาติ 相对 mutually-face; face each other; be opposite; relative
ซอย; ช่อง; ถนนแคบ alley; lane; narrow street
เสมอ 向来 from beginning coming towards now; always; all along
กลุ่ม 小组 small-team; team; group
กลืน 燕子 swallow; house swallow
โลหะวิทยา 冶金 smelt-metal; metallurgy
เดินทางบอน 一路平安 all-way-peace-safe; have a safe trip
เดินทางบอน 一路顺风 all-way-along-wind; have a good journey
เสมอ 一向 all-along; always; consistently
ปั้นน้ำเป็นตัว 寓言 implying-word; fable; allegory; parable
ยุทธศาสตร์ 战略 war-strategy; strategy; stratagem; overall plan; tactic
ตามปกติ 照例 follow-rule; as usual; as a rule; usually
ประชุมกัน 召集 summon-gather; call together; convoke; convene
จริงๆ 真是 really-be; really; indeed; what a shame; too bad
การจัดเก็บ levy; draft; recruit; call up; collect; ask for; solicit
ชีวิต 终身 all-life; life-time; all one's life
ต้องการ 祝愿 wish-desire; call upon; invoke upon; wish; desire
อุปกรณ์ 装置 install-establish; install; fit; installation; unit; apparatus
子弹 ball-bullet; bullet; cartridge
ซึ่งไม่ลงรอยกัน 自相矛盾 self-mutually-spear-shield; self-contradiction
อย่างใด 总得 eventually-must; must; have to; be obliged to
รวม 总共 overall-total; altogether; in all; in the aggregate; in total
ในที่สุด 总算 totally-count; at long last; finally; in the end; on the whole
การฟ้อนรำ 芭蕾舞 ballet
กีฬาเบสบอล 棒球 baseball
ควบม้าไปข้างหน้าไฟกระชาก 奔腾 gallop; surge forward
ทั่ว 遍地 all over
เบี้ยเลี้ยง 补贴 allowance
เบี้ยเลี้ยง 补助 allowance
ไม่อนุญาตให้ 不容 not allow
เปรียบเทียบกับ 不相上下 about the same; equally matched
โทรออก; เปิดออก 出动 call out; turn out
สถานการณ์โดยรวม 大局 overall situation
ถอยกลับ 倒退 fall back
เรียกม้วน 点明 call the roll
ติดขัด; ผนังขึ้น 堵塞 jam; wall up
โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง; มาก 分外 especially; very
ธุรกิจการค้าและการประกอบวิชาชีพ 各行各业 all trades and professions
วงการทั้งหมด 各界 all circles
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 跟头 fall
อุปทานของความต้องการต่ำสั้น 供不应求 supply falls short of demand
ตลอดเวลาและสถานที่ 归根到底 at all time and place
ยืนหรือตก 好坏 stand or fall
ร้องไห้ออก; โทรออก 叫唤 cry out; call out
เรียกร้องให้; อุทธรณ์ 呼吁 call on; appeal
ผลประโยชน์ร่วมกัน 互利 mutually benefit
เรียกคืน; เรียกกลับ 回收 reclaim; callback
กลายเป็นของ; บังเกิดขึ้น; มาถึง 降临 become of; befall; arrive
เบี้ยเลี้ยง 津贴 allowance
เรียกร้องให้; เยี่ยม; ดู 看望 call on; visit; see
ว่างเปล่ากลวง; ตื้น 空洞 empty; hollow; shallow
ลดลง; ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 腊月 drop; fall
มา; ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 来临 come; fall
พัง 落地 fall to the ground
โทร; เสนอชื่อ 命名 call; nominate
การเข้าใจผิด 谬论 fallacy; paralogism
ออกไปทั้งหมดในการทำงาน 拼搏 go all out in work
ผนัง; อุปสรรค 屏障 wall; barrier
เหลวแหลก 破碎 fall to pieces
ทั้งหมดพูดคุยในครั้งเดียว 七嘴八舌 all talking at once
ครบถ้วนพร้อมทั้งหมด 齐全 complete; all ready
ลูกโป่ง 汽球 balloon
ผิดหมด 全力 all-out
ทำระดับหนึ่งที่ดีที่สุด; ออกไปทั้งหมด 全力以赴 do one's level best; go all out
ปวงชน; คนทุกคน 全民 the whole people; all the people
หมดจิตหมดใจ 全心全意 with all one's heart
ทางน้ำไหล 山沟 valley; gully
กล่าวหา; รัฐ 申述 allege; state
การประดิษฐ์ตัวอักษร; ให้ออก; เขียน 书写 calligraphy; make out; write
似是而非 specious; apparently right but actually wrong
พิเศษ 特地 specially
พิเศษ 特意 specially
ควบม้า; กระโดดออกชัดเจน gallop; jump clear out
เข้าใจ; อนุญาตให้มีการ 体谅 understand; allow for
ท้าทาย 挑战 challenge
สูงและตรง 挺拔 tall and straight
ตรอก; ช่อง 通道 alleyway; channels
สอดคล้องต้องกัน; เป็นไปตาม 相符 tally with; conform to
ขนาดเล็ก 小型 small-scale
ยอมรับ; อนุญาตให้ 许可 admit; allow
พร้อมทุกแล้วเป็นตอนนี้ 一贯 all along; then as now
ทักษะวิชาชีพ พิเศษ 一技之长 professional skill; specially
และเอกพจน์ 一律 all and singular
ทั่วร่างกาย 一身 all over the body
จำ recall
โทร; พูด call; say
เหลือร้ายจริงๆ 真是的 be really terrible
ตลอดทั้งวัน 整天 all day
โดยทุกวิถีทาง 只管 by all means
ใส่; ติดตั้ง put; set up; install
ในที่สุด end; finally
หลังจากทั้งหมด 终究 after all
ตลอดปี 终年 all year long
และสิ่งที่; และอื่น ๆ 诸如此类 and all that; and so on
บุคคลที่ได้รับมอบหมายเป็นพิเศษสำหรับงาน 专人 person specially assigned for a task
เรียกร้องให้การสัมภาษณ์ 走访 call on; interview
ลูกบอล ball der Ball, "e la balle el balón
เบสบอล 棒球 baseball das Baseballspiel, e le base-ball el béisbol
บาสเก็ต 篮球 basketball der Basketball, "e le basket-ball el baloncesto
ลูกบิลเลียด 台球 billiard ball die Billardkugel, n la boule de billard la bola de billar
กายบริหาร 体操 callisthenics die Gymnastik la gymnastique la gimnasia
ลูกบอลออกกำลังกาย 健身球 exercise ball der Gymnastikball, "e le ballon e gymnastique la pelota de ejercicio
สโมสรฟุตบอล 足球俱乐部 football club der Fußballclub, s le club de football el club de fútbol
บอลลูนร้อน 热气球 hot air balloon der Heißluftballon, s la montgolfière el globo de aire caliente
ลูกปิงปอง 乒乓球 table tennis ball der Tischtennisball, "e la balle de tennis de table la pelota de pimpón
ลูกเทนนิส 网球 tennis ball der Tennisball, "e la balle de tennis la pelota de tenis
ผู้เล่นวอลเลย์บอล 排球运动员 volleyball player der Volleyballspieler, - le joueur de volley-ball el jugador de voleibol
หอประชุม 礼堂 hall der Saal, Säle la salle la sala
ปากกาลูกลื่น 圆珠笔 ball pen der Kugelschreiber, - le stylo à bille el bolígrafo
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง / ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 秋季 autumn / fall der Herbst l'automne el otoño
แท่นวางของ 托盘 pallet die Palette, n la palette el palé
ลูกบอลชายหาด 沙滩球 beach ball der Wasserball, "e le water-polo la pelota de playa
โต๊ะฟุตบอล 桌上足球 table football der Tischfußball le baby-foot el futbolín
โทร 通话 call der Anruf, e l'appel la llamada
โทรศัพท์ 电话 telephone call das Telefonat, e l'appel téléphonique la llamada
ตลับลูกปืน 滚珠轴承 ball bearing das Kugellager, - le roulement à billes el cojinete de bolas
ผนัง 墙上 wall die Wand, "e le mur la pared
วอลล์เปเปอร์ 壁纸 wallpaper die Tapete, n le papier peint el papel de empapelar
นักฟุตบอล 足球运动员 football player der Fußballspieler, - le joueur de football el futbolista
ลูกบอล ball die Kugel, n la boule el balón
บอลลูน 气球 balloon der Luftballon, s le ballon de baudruche el globo
หุบเขา 山谷 valley das Tal, "er la vallée el valle
น้ำตก 瀑布 waterfall der Wasserfall, "e la chute d'eau la cascada
กระเป๋าสตางค์ 钱包 wallet das Portemonnaie, s le porte-monnaie la cartera
ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง 跌落 fall der Sturz, "e la chute la caída
แกลเลอรี่ 画廊 gallery die Galerie, n la galerie la galería
ตลาด 商场 market hall die Markthalle, n la halle el mercado
สนามฟุตบอล 足球场 football stadium das Fußballstadion, s le stade de football el estadio de fútbol
จระเข้ 短吻鳄 alligator der Alligator, en l'alligator el caimán
alegorio ชาดก 寓言 Allegory Allegorie Allégorie Alegoría Allegoria
aligatoro จระเข้ 鳄鱼 alligator Alligator alligator caimán alligatore
balo ลูกบอล ball Ball balle bola palla
balado บทกวี 民谣 Ballad Ballade Ballade Balada Ballata
balasto อับเฉา 压载 ballast Ballast ballast lastre zavorra
baleto การฟ้อนรำ 芭蕾舞 ballet Ballett ballet ballet balletto
balono ลูกโป่ง 气球 balloon Ballon ballon globo palloncino
bulo ลูกบอล ball Ball balle bola palla
ĉia ทั้งหมด 所有 all alle tous todos tutto
ĉiom มันทั้งหมด 这一切 it all es alles tout todo tutto
demonstracio การชุมนุม 团结 rally Rallye rassemblement mitin raduno
destini จัดสรร 分配 allocate vergeben allouer asignar assegnare
-er- อนุภาคเล็ก ๆ ของทั้ง 小颗粒的全 small particle of whole kleine Partikel des gesamten petite particule de toute pequeña partícula de todo piccola particella di tutto
fali จะลดลง 下跌 to fall fallen tomber caer cadere
favo โรคคัน 头疥 scall Grind teigne tiña scall
flamo โทร 来电 calls Anrufe appels llamadas Chiamate
galo กัล 加洛 Gallo Gallo Gallo Gallo Gallo
galerio เฉลียง 画廊 gallery Galerie galerie galería galleria
galono แกลลอน 加仑 gallon Gallone gallon galón gallone
galopo วิ่ง 驰骋 gallop Galopp galop galope galoppo
gluti ที่จะกลืน to swallow schlucken avaler tragar ingoiare
hirundo กลืน Swallow Schlucken Avaler Tragar Rondine
instali ติดตั้ง 安装 install installieren installer instalar installare
konkreta เฉพาะ 特别是 Specifically Speziell Spécifiquement Específicamente In particolare
levkojo พืชยุโรปชนิดหนึ่ง 局限 wallflower Mauerblümchen giroflée alhelí violacciocca
malvo ต้นแมลโล 锦葵 mallow Malve mauve malva malva
metalurgio โลหะวิทยา 冶金 metallurgy Metallurgie métallurgie metalurgia metallurgia
muro ผนัง wall Wand mur pared muro
paralelo ขนาน 并行 parallel parallel parallèle paralelo parallelo
paralelogramo สี่เหลี่ยมด้านขนาน 平行四边形 parallelogram Parallelogramm parallélogramme paralelogramo parallelogrammo
permesi ให้ 允许 allow erlauben permettre permitir consentire
pilko ลูกบอล ball Ball balle bola palla
ŝalupo พายเรือแคนูขนาดเล็ก 小独木舟 small canoe kleine Kanu petit canot pequeña canoa piccola canoa
tapeto วอลล์เปเปอร์ 壁纸 wallpaper Tapete papier peint papel pintado carta da parati
tuta ทั้งหมด 所有 all alle tous todos tutto
valo หุบเขา valley Tal vallée valle valle
variolo ไข้ทรพิษ 天花 smallpox Pocken variole viruela vaiolo

Grade E word(s):

28 akasmāta अकस्मात suddenly, accidentally, unexpectedly, all of a sudden adv.
42 aksara अक्सर often, frequently, usually, many, a lot adv.
72 aglō अग्लो tall, high adj.
86 aṅka ra akṣaralē bōlā'unu अङ्क र अक्षरले बोलाउनु to call by figure and word
178 advittiya अद्वित्तिय unparalleled, second-to- none adj.
189 adhōgati अधोगति fall, downfall, degradation n.
214 anuprāsa अनुप्रास alliteration n.
270 aparajhaṭha अपरझठ suddenly, surprisingly, all of a sudden adv.
294 abhiyōga अभियोग accusation, allegation, charge n.
332 alikati अलिकति a little, a small quantity adj.
344 avanati अवनति decline, downfall n.
379 asala असल real, true, pure, unadulterated, morally good adj.
426 ākhira आखिर at last, eventually adv.
496 āphai आफै self, personally adv.
517 ārōpa आरोप imputation, allegation, insinuation, accusation n.
689 upatya उपत्य valley n.
744 ūcā'i ऊचाइ height, tallness, summit n.
756 ē'uṭhā ṭukrā एउठा टुक्रा a small plot of land
772 ēkanāsa एकनास similar, in the same way, monotonous, uniform, all the same adj.
792 ēkkāsi एक्कासि suddenly, at once, all at once adv.
808 ō'iranu ओइरनु to drop, to fall headlong v.i.
809 ō'irā'unu ओइराउनु to cause to drop, to cause to fall [in large quantity] v.t.
810 ō'irinu ओइरिनु to drop, to fall [in large quantity] v.i.
811 ō'irinu ओइरिनु to flow continually v.i.
837 aupacārika ādaravācī औपचारिक आदरवाची formally polite [linguistics] adj.
875 kama कम little, less, small adj.
881 kamērō कमेरो white clay used in painting walls n.
918 Kahalā'unu कहलाउनु to be called, to be famous v.i.
1050 kēvala केवल only, mere, all, whole adv.
1090 kramaśaḥ क्रमशः step by step, by degree, serially, successively adj.
1129 khasā'unu खसाउनु to cause to fall v.t.
1131 khasnu खस्नु to fall, to die v.i.
1146 khālḍō खाल्डो valley, ditch, trench, pit, hole n.
1178 khōpō खोपो a small hole in the wall for keeping things n.
1181 khōlō खोलो small river n.
1186 gaḍḍīnarasiṅa गड्डीनरसिङ enthroned, installed as king adj.
1212 gadryām'ma गद्र्याम्म terrible sound produced by the fall of heavy things n.
1243 garērai chāḍnu गरेरै छाड्नु to perform at all cost v.t.
1248 garna dinu गर्न दिनु ro allow to do something, to cause to do something v.t.
1274 gārō गारो wall n.
1286 girnu गिर्नु to fall, to drop, to come down, to be degraded v.i.
1307 gaihra गैह्र all, whole gainda adj.
1312 gōdāvarī गोदावरी Godavari [a village in Kathmandu valley] n.
1320 gōlī गोली a small ball, bullet goli n.
1324 gōṣṭhī गोष्ठी symposium, small assembly, discourse n.
1327 gaunthalī गौंथली swallow n.
1406 cāgunārāyaṇa चागुनारायण Changunarayan [an ancient site in the eastern part of the Kathmandu valley] n.
1416 cāratarpha चारतर्फ on all (four) sides adv.
1417 cāratira चारतिर on all (four) sides adv.
1418 cāraitira चारैतिर on all (four) sides adv.
1455 cunautī चुनौती challenge n.
1487 cautarpha चौतर्फ on all (four) sides adv.
1491 caupaṭṭai चौपट्टै exceedingly, exceptionally adj.
1552 chōṭhō छोठो short, small, condensed adj.
1601 jayaprakāśa malla जयप्रकाश मल्ल Jayaprakash Malla [the last Malla king of Kathmandu] n.
1716 jharnu झर्नु to fall, to descend, to go down v.i.
1719 jhaskanu झस्कनु to be startled, to get frightened all of a sudden, to feel sudden alarm v.i.
1745 ṭukrā टुक्रा a small piece, n.
1753 ṭōlī टोली small group, btch, party, team n.
1781 ḍāknu डाक्नु to call, to invite v.t.
1864 tārīkō sāga तारीको साग mustard greens [small] n.
1936 thālī थाली small plate n.
2017 dīrgha दीर्घ large, wide, tall, huge, deep adj.
2143 nātā नाता relationship, alliance n.
2288 patana पतन fall, downfall, degradation n.
2290 patita पतित fallen, degraded, outcaste adj.
2324 paramapitā परमपिता the creator of all, God n.
2331 paraspara परस्पर mutually, reciprocal, one another adj.
2333 parākramī पराक्रमी heroic, gallant, valiant, brave adj.
2361 parkhāla पर्खाल wall n.
2366 parnu पर्नु to happen, to occur, to fall, to ignite v.i.
2374 palṭana पल्टन regiment, batallion n.
2473 pūrṇataḥ पूर्णतः completely, fully, perfectly, totally adv.
2474 pūrṇatayā पूर्णतया completely, totally, fully, entirely adj.
2485 pēṭī पेटी belt, casket, small box, small chest, girdle n.
2497 pōtnu पोत्नु smear with red clay, paint the floor wall, whitewash v.t.
2549 pratīkātmaka प्रतीकात्मक symbolic, allegorical pratikriya adj.
2601 prāyaḥ प्रायः almost, nearly, often, generally adv.
2629 phuṭabala khēlnu फुटबल खेल्नु to play football v.t.
2730 bā बा father [colloquially] n.
2762 bāra बार fence, temporary wall n.
2836 bēnsī बेंसी valley, lowland, lower portion of a hill n.
2848 bōlabālā बोलबाला all in all, all powerful n.
2849 bōlā'unu बोलाउनु to call, to invite v.t.
2874 bhakuṇḍō khēlnu भकुण्डो खेल्नु to play football v.t.
2880 bhañjyāṅa भञ्ज्याङ narrow valley, defile, mountain pass n.
2896 bhannē भन्ने called, named adj.
2921 bhāḍnu भाड्नु to spoil, to ruin (morally) v.t.
2949 bhittē भित्ते wall
2950 bhittō भित्तो side of the wall n.
2998 bhraṣṭa भ्रष्ट fallen, spoilt, polluted, defiled adj.
3001 makala मकल a small moveable earthenware stove used for heating n.
3128 mīta मीत friend (ritually concluded) mit n.
3129 mīta lagā'unu मीत लगाउनु to make friends (ritually) v.t.
3135 mukhyata मुख्यत chiefly, mainly, principally, primarily adv.
3159 mūlataḥ मूलतः basically, fundamentally, primarily, essentially adv.
3172 mēla मेल meeting, unity, concord, harmony, intimacy, friendship, union, alliance n.
3202 yatā'utā यताउता hither an thither, here and there, in all directions adv.
3301 rātō māṭō रातो माटो red clay to paint the wall n.
3361 laḍnu लड्नु to fight, to struggle, to fall down v.i./v.t.
3374 lahara लहर ripple, small wave, surge, undulation n.
3375 laharāī लहराी ripple, small wave, surge, undulation n.
3397 licchavi लिच्छवि Licchavi [an early ruling dynasty of the Kathmandu valley] n.
3423 lōhōṭhā लोहोठा a small metal water-pot n.
3435 varipari वरिपरि all round, round about, on all sides adv.
3492 vidhipūrvaka विधिपूर्वक duly, methodically, systematically adv.
3493 vidhivata विधिवत duly, methodically, systematically, in conformity with rules, as prescribed by law adv.
3496 vipaÌ विपÌ distressed, afflicted, fallen into calamity, in a critical state adj.
3542 visphōṭa विस्फोट outburst, explosion, eruption, smallpox n.
3547 vīra वीर brave, courageous, heroic, gallant adj.
3676 saḍaka सडक road [metalled] n.
3689 sadana सदन residence, house, assembly hall n.
3691 sadara upatyakā सदर उपत्यका central valley n.
3718 saba सब all, everything adj.
3722 sabai bhandā सबै भन्दा of all
3723 sabaijasō सबैजसो almost all pron.
3728 samagra समग्र whole, all, entire, complete adj.
3740 samasta समस्त whole, entire, all adj.
3770 sampūrṇa सम्पूर्ण complete, whole, entire, all, total, perfect, finished adj.
3776 sambōdhana सम्बोधन address, calling aloud, vocative case n.
3777 sambhavataḥ सम्भवतः possible, in all probability adv.
3802 sarva सर्व all, entire, whole, complete adj.
3804 sarvatōmukhi सर्वतोमुखि universal, all pervading adj.
3806 sarvaśrēṣṭha सर्वश्रेष्ठ best of all, preeminent, highest, supreme, paramount adj.
3810 sarvēsarvā सर्वेसर्वा all-in-all, supreme, chied of all adj.
3867 sāghu साघु wooden bridge (of a log or planks), small bridge (usually made of bamboos or planks of wood) n.
3889 sānu सानु small, little, inferior adj.
3890 sānū सानू small, little, inferior adj.
3891 sānō सानो small, little, inferior sanp adj.
3913 sārā सारा all, whole, entire, complete adj.
3919 sālānā सालाना annually, every year, yearly adj.
3922 sālindā सालिन्दा annually, every year adj.
4047 sthāpita स्थापित propounded, founded, established, instituted, set up, fixed, placed, erected, installed adj.
4071 svabhāvataḥ स्वभावतः naturally, by nature adv.
4073 svayaṁ स्वयं personally, self adj.
4074 svayama स्वयम personally, self adv.
4104 haḍpa हड्प confiscation, taking one's property illegally, misappropriation n.
4113 hartākartā हर्ताकर्ता one who is all in all, the Almighty n.
4136 hāknu हाक्नु to drive, to challenge, to exaggerate v.t.
4141 hāta ā'unu हात आउनु to fall into someone's hands comp.
千字文: 遐迩壹体 率宾归王 Far and near, they joined as one; all followed, rallied to the king.
千字文: 鸣凤在树 白驹食场 The phoenix calls from bamboo stand; White pony grazes pasture land.
千字文: 空谷传声 虚堂习听 The empty valleys broadly resonate; in hollow halls wisely officiate.
千字文: 孝当竭力 忠则尽命 Devoted to parents with all your strength; loyal to throne with your very life.
千字文: 杜稿钟隶 漆书壁经 Du's cursive script and Zhong's print style, lacquer books, classics from wall.
千字文: 高冠陪辇 驱毂振缨 High hats pace Son of Heaven's chariot; fast driving blows their ribbons all about.
千字文: 桓公匡合 济弱扶倾 The Duke of Huan brought all in line; helped those weak and in decline.
千字文: 雁门紫塞 鸡田赤城 Mt Yanmen Pass, purple Great Wall; Jitian station, Chicheng's vault.
千字文: 旷远绵邈 岩岫杳冥 Rivers flowing without end, boundless lakes and seas; tall rocks in caves so dark and deep, climate as you please.
千字文: 贻厥嘉犹 勉其祗植 Pass down to others your fine principle; encourage them to carefully stand tall.
千字文: 欣奏累遣 慼谢欢招 Delights all gathered, drudge dispersed; worries gone, in joy immersed.
千字文: 匕杷晚翠 梧桐早凋 Loquat late in year still green, Firmiana fast to fall.
千字文: 陈根委翳 落叶飘摇 Old trees bare or dead on ground; fallen leaves fly all around.
千字文: 易攸畏 属耳垣墙 Laxness is a thing to fear; the office wall affixed with ear.
千字文: 布射辽丸 嵇琴阮啸 Lv Bu's bow, Yi Liao's balls; Ji Kang's zither, Ruan Ji's calls.
千字文: 释纷利俗 并皆佳妙 Peace and benefit to us; together all are marvelous.
千字文: 年矢每催 曦辉朗耀 The clock of years times out all lives; the blazing sun alone survives.
千字文: 矩步引领 俯仰廊庙 Measured steps, neck thrust forward; all the bowing, life at court.
千字文: 谓语助者 焉哉乎也 So-called helpers; yan zai hu ye.
Plants: Acer saccharum Marshall (Sapindaceae; Aceraceae) Zucker-Ahorn; Zuckerahorn; Sugar Maple; Erable a Sucre
Plants: Allium cepa L. var. aggregatum (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Schalotte; Eschlauch
Plants: Allium cepa L. var. cepa (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Küchen-Zwiebel; Küchenzwiebel; Speisezwiebel, Speise-Zwiebel; Sommer-Zwiebel; Frühlings-Zwiebel; Gewürz-Zwiebel; Onion; Cebolla
Plants: Allium fistulosum L. (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Frühlingszwiebel; Lauchzwiebeln; Schlotten; Röhrenlauch; Winterzwiebel; Winterheckzwiebel; Schnittzwiebel; Schlottenzwiebel; Lange Bollen; Welsche Zwiebel; Grober Schnittlauch; Frühlingslauch; Fleischlauch; Jakobszwiebel; Ewige Zwiebel; Scallions
Plants: Allium porrum L. var. porrum (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Lauch; Breitlauch; Porree; Winterlauch; Leek; Poireau
Plants: Allium sativum L. var. sativum (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Knoblauch; Garlic; Ajo
Plants: Allium schoenoprasum L. (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Schnittlauch; Chives
Plants: Allium ursinum L. (Amaryllidaceae; Alliaceae; Liliaceae) Bär-Lauch; Bärlauch; Bären-Lauch; Rams; Wilder Knoblauch; Waldknoblauch; Ramsel; Bear's Garlic
Plants: Amorphophallus campanulatus (Araceae) Elephantenfuß; Elephant Yam; Chena; Whitespot Giant Arum; Elephant's Foot; Pongapong
Plants: Euphorbia tirucalli L. (Euphorbiaceae) Milchbusch; Gummihecke; African Milkbush; Gummihecke
Plants: Manihot carthaginensis (Jaqc.) Müll. Arg. ssp. glaziovii (Müll. Arg.) Allem (Euphorbiaceae) Ceara-Kautschuk
Plants: Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. (Aizoaceae) Kristall-Mittagsblume; Eiskraut
Plants: Phormium tenax Forster & Forster f. (Xanthorrhoeaceae; Hemerocallidaceae; Agavaceae; Phormiaceae) Bush Flax; Neuseeland-Hanf; Harakeke (Maori)
Plants: Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.) Palla (Cyperaceae) Flecht-Simse; Sumpf-Binse; Teichsimse; Grüne Teichbinse; See-Binse; Flecht-Binse
Plants: Tetragonia tetragonioides (Pall.) O. Kuntze (Aizoaceae) Neuseeländer Spinat

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [parallel] equidistant and not intersecting
(a.) [shallow] lacking physical depth
(a.) [shallow] lacking depth of intellect or knowledge or feeling
(a.) [small] little
(a.) [tall]
(n.) [allocation] allotment, share
(n.) [allowance] money allowed or granted
(n.) [ally] friendly nation
(n.) [ally] friend
(n.) [ball] object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games
(n.) [ball] formal dance
(n.) [ball] globe, orb, object with a spherical shape
(n.) [ballet] dance
(n.) [balloon]
(n.) [ballot] voting document
(n.) [baseball] baseball game
(n.) [basketball] hoops, basketball game
(n.) [call] brief social visit
(n.) [call] phone call, telephone call
(n.) [call] cry, outcry, yell, shout, vociferation
(n.) [call] birdcall, birdsong, song
(n.) [challenge] questioning a statement
(n.) [challenge] demanding or stimulating situation
(n.) [fall] drop, free descent
(n.) [fall] autumn
(n.) [football] football game
(n.) [gallery] art gallery
(n.) [gallon] gal, liquid unit
(n.) [hall] large building for meetings or entertainment
(n.) [hall] large room for gatherings or entertainment
(n.) [hall] hallway
(n.) [hallway] passage, corridor
(n.) [overall] clothing
(n.) [parallel] analogue, analog
(n.) [rally] mass meeting
(n.) [stall] booth, cubicle
(n.) [valley] vale
(n.) [wall] architectural partition
(n.) [waterfall] cascade
(v.) [allow] permit, let
(v.) [call] telephone, call up, phone, ring
(v.) [call] name
(v.) [call] send for
(v.) [call] shout, shout out, cry, yell, holler
(v.) [challenge] dispute, call into question
(v.) [fall] descend in free fall
(v.) [install] put into an office or a position
(v.) [swallow] believe or accept without questioning
(v.) [swallow] pass through the esophagus

00521584-a all +
02269286-a all +
00008007-r all +

all + +
1 YOU-all
22 BROKE (financially)


all (of us)
all (of you)
all afternoon
all day
all gone
all morning
all night
all right
allergy (var)
ally (fs)


99 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1054 我在哪里能打电话? 我能在哪里打电话? ผม or ดิฉัน โทรศัพท์ได้ที่ไหน? Mistä voin soittaa puhelun?
1056 您有电话卡吗? คุณมีบัตรโทรศัพท์ไหม ครับ or คะ? Onko teillä puhelinkortteja?
1077 请您给我一些零钱。 กรุณาขอแบงค์ย่อย ครับ or คะ Antaisitteko minulle pieniä seteleitä?
1121 我踢足球。 ผม or ดิฉัน เล่นฟุตบอล Minä pelaan jalkapalloa.
1122 足球场在哪里? สนามฟุตบอลอยู่ที่ไหน ครับ or คะ? Missä on jalkapallokenttä?
1194 钟挂在墙上。 นาฬิกาแขวนอยู่บนฝาห้อง Kello roikkuu seinällä.
1207 大和小 ใหญ่ และ เล็ก iso ja pieni
1209 老鼠是小的。 หนูตัวเล็ก Hiiri on pieni.
1232 我要打电话。 ผม or ดิฉัน อยากโทรศัพท์ Minä haluan soittaa.
1260 他们想打电话。 พวกเขาอยากโทรศัพท์ He haluavat soittaa.
1262 你们要踢足球吗? คุณ อยากเล่นฟุตบอลไหม? Haluatteko pelata jalkapalloa?
1297 你已经被允许开车了吗? คุณได้รับอนุญาติให้ขับรถได้แล้วหรือ? Saatko jo ajaa autoa?
1298 你已经可以喝酒了吗? คุณได้รับอนุญาติให้ดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ได้แล้วหรือ? Saatko jo juoda alkoholia?
1299 你已经可以一个人出国了吗? คุณได้รับอนุญาติให้ไปต่างประเทศคนเดียวได้แล้วหรือ? Saatko jo mennä yksin ulkomaille?
1300 允许,可以,准许, อนุญาต or ...ได้ saada
1302 这里可以吸烟吗? ตรงนี้สูบบุหรี่ได้ไหม ครับ or คะ? Saako täällä polttaa?
1306 我现在可以打一个电话吗? ขอใช้โทรศัพท์ได้ไหม ครับ or คะ? Saanko soittaa?
1309 他不可以在公园里睡觉。 เขานอนในสวนสาธารณะไม่ได้ Hän ei saa nukkua puistossa.
1310 他不可以在车里睡觉。 เขานอนในรถไม่ได้ Hän ei saa nukkua autossa.
1311 他不可以在火车站睡觉。 เขานอนที่สถานีรถไฟไม่ได้ Hän ei saa nukkua rautatieasemalla.
1367 我不可以的。 ผม or ดิฉันไม่ได้รับอนุญาต En saanut lupaa.
1368 我没来,因为我不可以来。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่มาเพราะไม่ได้รับอนุญาต Minä en tullut, koska en saanut lupaa.
1427 这栋房子很小。 บ้านหลังเล็ก Talo on pieni.
1428 她有一栋小房子。 เธอมีบ้านหลังเล็กหนึ่งหลัง Hänellä on pieni talo.
1459 你得要叫救护车吗? แล้วคุณต้องเรียกรถพยาบาลไหม? Pitikö sinun soittaa ambulanssi?
1460 你得要找医生吗? แล้วคุณต้องเรียกหมอไหม? Pitikö sinun soittaa lääkäri?
1461 你得要找警察吗? แล้วคุณต้องเรียกตำรวจไหม? Pitikö sinun soittaa poliisi?
1477 通电话(打电话) โทรศัพท์ puhua puhelimessa
1478 我打过电话了。 ผม or ดิฉัน โทรศัพท์แล้ว Minä olen puhunut puhelimessa.
1479 我一直在打电话了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ได้โทรศัพท์ตลอดเวลาที่ผ่านมา Minä olen puhunut puhelimessa koko ajan.
1491 我工作了一整天。 ผม or ดิฉัน ทำงานทั้งวันเลย Minä olen työskennellyt koko päivän.
1494 我把全部饭菜都吃光了。 ผม or ดิฉัน ทานอาหารทั้งหมดแล้ว Minä olen syönyt koko ruoan.
1503 我回答了所有的问题。 ผม or ดิฉัน ตอบคำถามทั้งหมดแล้ว Minä olen vastannut kaikkiin kysymyksiin.
1561 我那时想马上打电话。 ตอนนั้น ผม or ดิฉัน แค่อยากโทรศัพท์ Minä halusin puhua puhelimessa juuri.
1562 我那时想打辆出租车。 ผม or ดิฉัน แค่ต้องการเรียกแท็กซี่ Minä halusin tilata taksin.
1563 我那时想开车回家。 ที่จริง ผม or ดิฉัน แค่อยากขับรถกลับบ้าน Sillä minä halusin mennä kotiin.
1564 我当时以为,你想 给你的妻子打电话。 ผม or ดิฉัน คิดว่า คุณอยากโทร.ถึงภรรยาของคุณ Minä luulin, että halusit soittaa vaimollesi.
1565 我当时以为,你想给信息台打电话。 ผม or ดิฉัน คิดว่า คุณ อยากโทรสอบถามข้อมูล Minä luulin, että halusit soittaa numerotiedusteluun.
1568 我女儿那时不想踢足球。 ลูกสาว ของผม or ของดิฉัน ไม่อยากเล่นฟุตบอล Minun tyttäreni ei halunnut pelata jalkapalloa.
1573 他那时不可以吃冰激淋。 เขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ทานไอศครีม Hän ei saanut syödä jäätelöä.
1574 他那时不可以吃巧克力。 เขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ทานช็อคโกแล็ต Hän ei saanut syödä suklaata.
1575 他那时不可以吃糖。 เขาไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ทานของหวาน Hän ei saanut syödä karkkia.
1576 我那时可以为自己许愿。 ผม or ดิฉัน ได้รับอนุญาตให้ขอพร Minä sain toivoa itselleni jotain.
1577 我那时可以给自己买条连衣裙。 ผม or ดิฉัน ได้รับอนุญาตให้ซื้อชุดให้ตัวเองได้ หนึ่งชุด Minä sain ostaa itselleni mekon.
1578 我那时可以拿块夹心巧克力吃。 ผม or ดิฉัน ได้รับอนุญาตให้หยิบช็อคโกแล็ต Minä sain ottaa itselleni konvehdin.
1579 你那时可以在飞机里吸烟吗? คุณ สูบบุหรี่บนเครื่องบินได้หรือ? Saitko sinä tupakoida lentokoneessa?
1580 你那时可以在医院喝啤酒吗? คุณ ดื่มเบียร์ในโรงพยาบาลได้หรือ? Saitko sinä juoda olutta sairaalassa?
1581 你那时可以把狗带到宾馆里吗? คุณ นำสุนัขเข้ามาในโรงแรมได้หรือ? Saitko sinä ottaa koiran mukaan hotelliin?
1582 孩子们那时可以在假期里在外面长时间逗留。 ในช่วงพักร้อนเด็ก ๆ ไม่ต้องไปนอนตามเวลา Loman aikana lapset saivat jäädä kauan ulos.
1583 他们那时可以在院子里长时间玩儿 พวกเขาเล่นที่สนามได้นาน He saivat leikkiä kauan pihalla.
1584 他们那时可以长时间熬夜。 พวกเขาได้รับอนุญาตให้นอนดึกได้ He saivat olla kauan valveille.
1606 打电话!您打电话! โทรมานะ! Soita! Soittakaa!
1627 他一定会打电话来。 เขาโทร.มาแน่ Hän soittaa varmasti.
1628 真的吗? จริงหรือ? Oikeasti?
1629 我认为,他会打电话过来的 。 ผม or ดิฉันเชื่อว่าเขาจะโทร.มา Luulen, että hän soittaa.
1637 您真是这么想的? คุณคิดอย่างนั้นจริง ๆหรือ? Uskotteko todella niin?
1659 我不知道,他是否给我打电话 。 ฉันไม่ทราบว่า เขาจะโทรมาหรือไม่ En tiedä, soittaako hän minulle.
1662 他会不会给我打电话呢? เขาอาจจะไม่โทรมาหา ผม or ดิฉัน ก็ได้? Soittaakohan hän minulle?
1669 我怀疑,他是否真的喜欢我。 ฉันสงสัยว่าเขาจะชอบฉันจริง ๆหรือไม่ Minä epäilen, pitääkö hän minusta.
1672 他是否真的喜欢我呢? เขาจะชอบฉันจริงจังไหม? Pitääköhän hän minusta todella?
1699 她什么时候打电话? เธอโทรศัพท์มาตอนไหน? Milloin hän puhuu puhelimessa?
1702 她边开车边打电话。 เธอโทรศัพท์ขณะที่เธอขับรถ Hän puhuu puhelimessa autoa ajaessaan.
1714 您什么时候来电话? คุณจะโทร.มาเมื่อไร? Milloin soitatte?
1716 只要他一有时间,就会打电话来。 เขาจะโทรมาทันทีที่เขามีเวลา Hän soittaa heti kun hänellä on hiukan aikaa.
1761 我既不喜欢歌剧也不喜欢芭蕾。 ผม or ดิฉัน ไม่ชอบทั้งโอเปร่า และบัลเล่ย์ En pidä oopperasta enkä baletista.
18 他们都在这里。 พวกเขาทุกคนอยู่ที่นี่ He ovat kaikki täällä.
273 秋天和冬天 ฤดูใบไม้ร่วง และ ฤดูหนาว syksy ja talvi.
328 我是不是应该把洋葱切一下? ผม or ดิฉัน ควรจะหั่นหัวหอมดีไหม ครับ or คะ? Leikkaanko minä sipulit?
329 我是不是应该削土豆皮? ผม or ดิฉัน ควรจะปอกมันฝรั่งดีไหม ครับ or คะ? Kuorinko minä perunat?
330 我应该把生菜洗一下吗? ผม or ดิฉัน ควรจะ ล้างผักกาดหอมดีไหม ครับ or คะ? Pesenkö minä salaatin?
35 这是个不小的家庭。 ครอบครัวที่ไม่เล็ก Perhe ei ole pieni.
392 是啊, 今天真的是很热。 ใช่ วันนี้ร้อนจริงๆ Kyllä, tänään on oikein kuuma.
422 我们明天要不要见面? พรุ่งนี้เราจะพบกันดีไหม ครับ or คะ? Tavataanko huomenna?
427 我们要去野餐吗? เราไปปิกนิกกันดีไหม ครับ or คะ? Mennäänkö piknikille?
428 我们要去海滩吗? เราไปชายหาดกันดีไหม ครับ or คะ? Mennäänkö rannalle?
429 我们要去山里吗? เราไปเที่ยวภูเขากันดีไหม ครับ or คะ? Ajammeko vuorille?
494 这房间太小。 ห้องนี้เล็กเกินไป Huone on liian pieni.
50 我们明天见面吗? เราพบกันพรุ่งนี้ดีไหมครับ♂ or คะ♀? Nähdäänkö huomenna??
667 请您叫一辆出租车。 ช่วยเรียกรถแท็กซี่ให้ด้วย ครับ or คะ Olkaa hyvä ja tilatkaa taksi.
68 你们学习意大利语。 พวกคุณทุกคนเรียนภาษาอิตาเลียน Te opiskelette italiaa.
691 我能在哪里打电话? ผม or ดิฉัน จะโทรศัพท์ได้ที่ไหน ครับ or คะ? Missä voin käyttää puhelinta?
698 您叫医生来! ตามหมอให้ที ครับ or คะ! Soittakaa lääkäri!
699 您叫警察来! เรียกตำรวจให้ที ครับ or คะ! Soittakaa poliisi!
712 我怎么去足球体育场呢? ผม or ดิฉัน จะไปสนามแข่งฟุตบอลได้อย่างไรครับ or คะ ? Miten pääsen jalkapallostadionille?
744 画廊星期五开放吗? หอศิลปเปิดทุกวันศุกร์ใช่ไหม ครับ or คะ? Onko galleria perjantaisin auki?
783 还有足球比赛的入场卷吗? ยังมีบัตรดูฟุตบอลเหลืออีกไหมครับ or คะ? Onko vielä lippuja jalkapallo-otteluun?
868 我们踢足球。 เราเล่นฟุตบอล Me pelaamme jalkapalloa.
871 在我们这个城市里有一个足球场。 มีสนามแข่งฟุตบอลในเมืองของเรา Kaupungissamme on jalkapallostadioni.
875 正在转播足球赛。 กำลังมีการแข่งฟุตบอลในตอนนี้ Sieltä tulee jalkapallo-ottelu.
884 我们去游泳馆吗? เราไปสระว่ายน้ำกันไหม? Mennäänkö uimahalliin?
919 我们去百货商店吗? เราไปห้างสรรพสินค้ากันไหม? Mennäänkö tavarataloon?
930 我需要一个足球和一个国际象棋。 ผม or ดิฉัน ต้องการลูกฟุตบอลและกระดานหมากรุก Tarvitsen jalkapallon ja šakkipelin.
940 我们要买一个足球。 เราต้องการซื้อลูกฟุตบอล Haluamme nimittäin ostaa jalkapallon.
943 我们找一家体育用品商店,买一个足球。 เรากำลังมองหาร้านขายเครื่องกีฬาเพื่อจะซื้อลูกฟุตบอล Etsimme urheiluliikettä ostaaksemme jalkapallon.
949 因为我打算,买一个戒指。 อันที่จริง ผม or ดิฉัน วางแผนที่จะซื้อแหวน Aion nimittäin ostaa sormuksen.
950 因为我打算,买一个胶卷。 อันที่จริง ผม or ดิฉัน วางแผนที่จะซื้อฟิล์มถ่ายภาพ Aion nimittäin ostaa filmirullan.
951 因为我打算,买一个圆形大蛋糕。 อันที่จริง ผม or ดิฉัน วางแผนที่จะซื้อเค้ก Aion nimittäin ostaa kakun.
960 一个大的还是一个小的(手提包)? ใบใหญ่หรือใบเล็ก? Ison vai pienen?
966 这个手提包确实是物美价廉。 และกระเป๋าถือใบนี้ก็คุ้มค่าราคาจริง ๆนะ ครับ or คะ Ja käsilaukku on oikeasti hyvin edullinen.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

42 钱包 没有
47 哪儿
51 什么
62 足球
63 这些 孩子 可爱
68 可爱
71 手机 可以 拨打 国际 电话
79 终于 到达 山顶
80 捡到 钱包
82 喜欢
91 中国 医生 大夫
112 长城 奇迹 之一
127 这些 物品 手工 制作
129 我们 冰淇淋
154 篮球
158 海边 风景
218 爸爸 很多
233 小镇 人口
275 喜欢 什么 颜色 气球
297 一直 等到 中午
309 穿 小号 衣服
328 药片 糖衣
334 这些 草莓
341 儿子
347 睡着
363 小摊 很多 蔬菜
368 其中 高个子 就是 哥哥
377 这些 房子 样式 相同
384 力气
394 野外 空气
412 并不 喜欢 汉堡
420 成员 团结
423 他们 篮球
446 世界
447 许诺 一生
450 办公室 安装 电话
455 钱袋 几百
465 气球 吹走
472 他们 认识
492 怎么办
502 传给
528 算一算 钱包 多少 现金
553 长城 历史 悠久
594 我们 明天 长城
655 超过 所有 选手
689 毛笔字
750 真是 奇观
786 铅球 实心
803 裤子 裤腰 特别
812 电话 打通
813 小路 通往 山顶
814 我们 爱护 生命
838 电脑 安装 什么
844 辣椒 洋葱 胡萝蔔 属于 蔬菜类
858 钱包 遗失 板凳
878 技术 全面
886 地上 很多 落叶
890 穿着 随便
948 今晚 芭蕾舞 演出
970 附近 村庄
973 爬山虎 墙上
978 投票
1021 突然 摔倒
1062 耳环 漂亮
1069 小朋友 什么
1072 今天 工作 特别
1076 妈妈 准许 他们 冰淇淋
1081 挑战 自身 极限
1091 喜欢 香味
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云
1137 渐渐
1166 她们 几乎 长得 一模一样
1178 击中
1202 竟然 打电话
1261 礼物
1262 墙上 画有
1277 睡着
1278 树叶 地上
1291 这里 落叶
1322 双方 会议厅 签约
1341 小朋友 喜欢 马戏 表演
1377 墙上 油漆 脱落
1393 秋季 来临
1428 大厦
1430 朋友 遍布 世界
1437 小河 这里 汇合
1457 新娘 今天 漂亮
1495 墙上 幅画
1500 前面 村庄
1506 钱包 遗失
1533 真是 灾难
1597 故事 有趣
1599 喜欢 冰淇淋
1652 小镇 安静
1657 累计 选票
1659 喜欢 日本菜 尤其 寿司
1678 接受 挑战
1680 男孩 吹气球
1685 办公室 分隔成
1687 万事 大吉
1721 瀑布 壮观
1726 钱包
1728 男孩 勇敢
1744 中国人 过年 饺子 风俗
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜
1773 足球 比赛 刺激
1788 图书馆 书籍
1806 玫瑰 漂亮
1827 高尔夫球 滚进
1840 墙上 裂缝
1849 我们 终于 爬到 顶峰
1871 墙壁
1886 允许 丈夫 出门
1889 蒋介石 纪念堂
1890 钱包
1927 漂亮 山谷
1928 正在 打孔
1937 生活 补贴
1979 我们 终于 来到 巴黎
2004 这里 交通 拥挤
2027 不要 拖延 时间
2077 钱包
2080 没有
2102 自由 女神 挺立 港口
2103 树林 小径
2105 收下 薄礼
2124 政府 学校
2175 下雨 水滴 落到 车窗
2177 中国人 称呼 自己 父母 爹娘
2207 房间 家俱 撤掉
2210 花粉 过敏 症状
2232 他们 结成 同盟
2266 粉刷 墙壁
2296 海面
2303 腰围
2352 这里
2386 公司 终于 赢利
2395 孩子 魔术
2410 那里 水果摊
2423 一直 叫唤
2433 真是 丑闻
2435 圣诞树 悬掛 彩球
2482 父母 疼爱 自己 孩子
2485 气球
2495 气球 膨胀 起来
2545 他们 相互 切磋 球艺
2551 郁闷
2572 超市 水果 一应俱全
2581 颜色 均匀
2585 买到 球赛 入场券
2604 我们 草地 踢球
2606 他们 砖墙 画画
2646 气球 腾空 飞起
2655 长高 厘米
2683 发型
2704 我们 今天 游览 长城
2725 药丸 吞下去
2763 幼鸟 羽翼 渐渐 丰满
2768 墙上 相框
2769 我们
2775 他们
2794 这些 照片 勾起 回忆
2842 钱包 英镑
2866 水晶球 占卜 吉凶
2871 花粉 过敏 症状
2873 节约 能源 关系 人类 福祉
2874 燕子 屋簷 筑巢
2897 毛笔字
2956 压扁
2979 塞外 风光 优美
3041 小树
3053 巷子 空间 狭小
3058 喜欢 篮球
3064 地球 资源 正在 慢慢 枯竭
3067 工具箱 装满 钉子
3086 小桶 装满 沙子
3090 拦球
3094 男人
3096 傍晚 景色
3147 桌上 乒乓球
3186 长城 历史 可以 追溯到 秦朝
3207 大家 会上 踊跃 举手 发言
3254 双方 开始 正式 会晤
3258 有情人 眷属
3266 我们 包揽 项目 奖牌
3279 短发 现在 风靡 一时
3321 泥墙
3343 钩子 掛满 厨具
3354 火焰 吞没 屋子
3361 头发 干枯 烦躁
3376 不要 打电话 骚扰
3405 枕头 舒服
3426 尼亚加 拉大 瀑布
3432 毒品 沉沦
3435 岛屿
3454 新闻 惊骇
3485 赃款 全部
3498 皇帝 女儿 丈夫 驸马
3500 长城 可以 用来 防止 外寇 入侵
3503 平民 惨遭 杀戮
3514 赡养 父母
3515 小店 可以 赊账
3519 火灾 过后 剩下 &# 38973 (SEMICOLONCATEGORY)
3523 感到 惘然
3540 回忆 不会 随着 时间 湮灭
3546 彗星 陨落 瞬间
3551 蟑螂 讨厌
3567 墙面 刷上 油漆
3588 尽管 领导 今天 来可 我们 还是 不 能 懈怠。 我们 还是 懈怠
3592 公主 气坏 抓住 青蛙 使劲儿地 地上
3606 一个 影响 一切 社会 阶层 问题
3611 细胞 生长 细胞壁 必然 扩张
3640 专门 麻烦
3642 专程
3643 过敏症 专家 过敏症 诊断 治疗 专科 医生
3674 工人 正在 聚精会神 刻花
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则
3703 同学 之间 互相 尊重, 相互 贬称
3707 我们 老熟人 大家 不会 计较 礼节性 问题
3714 演员 阵容 非常 强大 我们 十分 欣赏 这个 节目
3725 战役 下来 敌军 粮食 消耗 殆尽
3739 就是 眼浅 现在 活该
3753 教室 欢闹 实在 适宜 学习
3755 每天 两个 小时 大字
3766 抱歉 对于 实在 无能为力
3767 本来 知道 这些 事情 故作 明白

Semantische Felder:

4.26 Nichts, Null
4.41 Gesamtheit
4.41 Gesamtheit
14.11 Musik