Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Ich komme etwas später. I'm coming a bit later. Tôi sắp về sau.
Ich komme etwas später. I'm coming a bit later. Tôi sắp về sau.
Das schmeckt bitter. It tastes bitter. Nó có vị đắng.
die EC-Karte debit card thẻ ghi nợ
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Cuộc trưng bày có mở cửa thứ ba không? Is the exhibition open on Tuesdays? Ist die Ausstellung dienstags geöffnet?
Làm ơn ngắn hơn một chút. A bit shorter, please. Etwas kürzer, bitte.
Tôi bị chó cắn mấy ngày trước. + I was bitten by dog a few days ago.
Chúng tôi vào được bên trong triển lãm mà không phải xếp hàng + We got into the exhibition without having to wait in line.
Tôi không thích chó. Tôi luôn sợ bị cắn. + I don't like dogs. I'm always afraid of getting bitten.
Tôi sợ màn ăn khi đi gần con chó vì tôi sợ bị cắn. + I was afraid to go near the dog because I was afraid of getting bitten.
Cậu nói chậm hơn một phút được không? + Could you speak a bit more slowly?
Con nhện khổng lồ trong lm "Người Hobbit" làm tôi chết khiếp! + The giant spider in The Hobbit scared me to death!

Con cá cắn. + The fish bites.

Con cá cắn cái ca. + The fish bites the mug.

Con thỏ + the rabbit

thỏ + rabbit

Con khỉ cắn tôi. + The monkey bites me.

Tôi không cần một người đàn ông. + I do not need a man. ( # I do not bite a man.)

Một con thỏ xanh da trời + a blue rabbit

Làm ơn, đừng cắn tôi. + Please, do not bite me.

Tôi sẽ cắn bạn nếu bạn muốn. + I will bite you if you want.

Xin lỗi, tôi hơi cả tin. + Sorry I am a bit gullible.

hơi + a bit

Cô ấy hơi xấu nhưng cô ấy không xấu. + She is a bit ugly but she is not bad.

Họ cấm bán thuốc lá. + They prohibit selling tobacco

Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. + I am prohibited from drinking alcohol.

cấm + prohibit

Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. + I am prohibited from drinking alcohol.

Chỉ một chút. + Only a little bit.

một chút + little bit

háng trước, diễn viên hài đó mua một trăm con thỏ và bây giờ anh ấy bị viêm màng túi. + Last month that comedian bought one hundred rabbits and now he is broke.

Chúng tôi không chấp nhận cái giá cắt cổ này. + We do not accept this exorbitant price.

giá cắt cổ + exorbitant price

cắt cổ + exorbitant

có nhiều tham vọng + ambitious

Trông ông vẫn còn phong độ chán! + You haven't changed a bit.

Em có muốn đi ăn cái gì đó không? + Do you fancy getting a bite to eat?

Tôi rất hài lòng. + I am thrilled to bits

Không, chẳng có gì cả + No, not a bit

Con trùng dốt + Insect bite

Thuốc đắng dã tật + Bitter pills may have blessed effects

Tôi điên lên mất, thực sự thất vọng. + I'm really mad, just a bit disappointed.
GNOT Quantitative • degree a bit một ít/một chút +
a little bit too loud Hơi ồn quá +
GNOT Qualitative • taste bitter +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc. exhibition +
• types of food and drink bitter melon Khổ qua, mướp đắng +
SNOT a little bit hơi +
Oxford 3000VieEng
một chút bit
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-3 Gewohnheit habit
5-1. Wohnung Exercise 5-1-2 Bewohner inhabitants, occupants
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-5 Einwohner inhabitant
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-18 bitter bitter
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-7 Ausstellung 1. exhibition, 2. (date of) issue
16-1. Amt, Behörde Exercise 16-1-2 Verbot ban, prohibition
18-1. Aufforderungen Exercise 18-1-3 bitten to request   (bittet, bat, hat gebeten)
20-2. Pronomen, Adverbien Exercise 20-2-2 etwas 1. something, 2. a little bit
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-2 Sprechen Sie Englisch? – Ein bisschen. + ein bisschen Do you speak English? A little bit. Bạn có nói tiếng Anh không? Một chút.
Exercise 3-6 Ihr Ehrgeiz kennt keine Grenzen.  + kennen* Your ambition knows no bounds.  Tham vọng của bạn không có giới hạn.
Exercise 4-8 Vorsicht, bissiger Hund!  + Hund Careful, biting dog!  Cẩn thận, cắn chó!
Exercise 4-8 Der Hund beißt nicht.  + Hund The dog won't bite.  Con chó sẽ không cắn.
Exercise 8-1 Die Bilder des Künstlers wurden im Museum ausgestellt.  + ausstellen  The artist's paintings were exhibited in the museum.  Các bức tranh của họa sĩ được trưng bày trong bảo tàng.
Exercise 8-1 Wir waren mit der Lehrerin in einer Ausstellung.  + Ausstellung We went to an exhibition with the teacher.  Chúng tôi đã đi đến một cuộc triển lãm với giáo viên.
Exercise 8-1 Die Ausstellung wird noch einen Monat geöffnet sein.  + Ausstellung The exhibition will be open for another month.  Triển lãm sẽ mở cửa trong tháng nữa.
Exercise 8-8 Das ist eine ziemliche Frechheit.  + ziemlich That's a bit of cheek.  Đó là một chút má.
Exercise 9-2 Stimmt das wirklich? Hast du nicht etwas übertrieben?  + übertreiben* Is that really true? Didn't you exaggerate a bit?  Điều đó thực sự đúng? Bạn có phóng đại một chút không?
Exercise 13-8 Die Macht der Gewohnheit war stärker.  + Macht The power of habit was stronger.  Sức mạnh của thói quen mạnh mẽ hơn.
Exercise 16-8 Die Zahl der Bewohner unserer Erde wächst ständig.  + Bewohner The number of inhabitants of our planet is constantly growing.  Số lượng cư dân của hành tinh chúng ta đang tăng lên liên tục.
Exercise 17-8 Wie viele Einwohner hat diese Stadt?  + Einwohner How many inhabitants does this city have?  Có bao nhiêu cư dân thành phố này?
Exercise 17-8 Berlin hat über drei Millionen Einwohner.  + Einwohner Berlin has over three million inhabitants.  Berlin có hơn ba triệu cư dân.
Exercise 18-4 Sie organisiert eine Ausstellung. + organisieren She organizes an exhibition. Cô tổ chức một cuộc triển lãm.
Exercise 19-9 Ich begleite dich ein Stück. + Stück I'll walk with you a bit. Tôi sẽ đi với bạn một chút.
Exercise 26-8 Das Betreten der Baustelle ist verboten!  + Baustelle Entering the construction site is prohibited!  Vào công trường xây dựng là bị cấm!
Exercise 27-3 Es ist verboten, in der Ausstellung zu fotografieren!  + fotografieren It is forbidden to take photographs in the exhibition!  Không được chụp ảnh trong triển lãm!
Exercise 30-5 Sie weinte bitterlich, als sie die Nachricht hörte.  + weinen She cried bitterly when she heard the news.  Cô ấy đã khóc rất cay đắng khi cô ấy nghe tin đó.
Exercise 33-7 Ich verstehe ein bisschen was von Computern. Aber ich bin kein Experte.  + Experte I know a little bit about computers. But I'm not an expert.  Tôi biết một chút về máy tính. Nhưng tôi không phải là một chuyên gia.
Exercise 33-8 Das ist eine schlechte Gewohnheit von ihm.  + Gewohnheit It's a bad habit of his.  Đó là một thói quen xấu của anh ta.
Exercise 33-8 Ich muss meine Gewohnheiten ändern.  + Gewohnheit I need to change my habits.  Tôi cần thay đổi thói quen của mình.
Exercise 33-8 Er tut dies aus reiner Gewohnheit.  + Gewohnheit He does this out of pure habit.  Anh ta làm điều này từ thói quen thuần túy.
Exercise 33-8 Das ist die Macht der Gewohnheit!  + Gewohnheit It's the power of habit!  Đó là sức mạnh của thói quen!
Exercise 33-8 Aus alter Gewohnheit treffen wir uns jeden Samstagabend.  + Gewohnheit We meet every Saturday night, out of old habits.  Chúng tôi gặp nhau vào mỗi tối Thứ bảy, theo thói quen cũ.
Exercise 35-6 Nächste Woche wird die Ausstellung eröffnet.  + eröffnen The exhibition will be opened next week.  Triển lãm sẽ được mở vào tuần tới.
Exercise 35-6 Wir haben Ihr Konto mit 100 Euro belastet. + Konto We debited your account with 100 Euro. Chúng tôi đã ghi nợ tài khoản của bạn với 100 Euro.
Exercise 38-1 Einzige erforderliche Qualifikation ist das Abitur.  + Qualifikation The only qualification required is the Abitur.  Yêu cầu duy nhất là Abitur.
Exercise 40-6 Für das Studium an einer Universität ist das Abitur erforderlich.  + erforderlich To study at a university, you must have an Abitur.  Để học tại một trường đại học, bạn phải có một Abitur.
Exercise 41-2 Du hast mich bitter enttäuscht.  + enttäuschen You have disappointed me bitterly.  Bạn đã làm tôi thất vọng cay đắng.
Exercise 42-4 Das Radio ist zu laut. Kannst du es ein wenig leiser drehen?  + Radio The radio's too loud. Can you turn it down a little bit?  Đài phát thanh quá lớn. Bạn có thể biến nó xuống một chút được không?
Exercise 43-4 Hast du Zucker? Der Tee ist sehr bitter.  + bitter Do you have any sugar? The tea is very bitter.  Bạn có đường nào không? Trà là rất cay đắng.
Exercise 43-4 Die Medizin schmeckt bitter.  + bitter The medicine tastes bitter.  Thuốc có vị đắng.
Exercise 43-4 Es war eine bittere Pille.  + bitter It was a bitter pill.  Đó là một viên thuốc đắng.
Exercise 43-4 Das war eine bittere Enttäuschung.  + bitter That was a bitter disappointment.  Đó là một sự thất vọng cay đắng.
Exercise 43-4 Heute nacht ist es bitter kalt.  + bitter It's bitterly cold tonight.  Hôm nay trời lạnh.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Einwohner(in) + inhabitant + C
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Einheimische(r) + local inhabitant + C
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Kaninchen + rabbit + A
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour (etw) stechen + to bite, sting (sth) + A
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour Mückenstich + mosquito bite + A
+ + 103 The animal world Animal behaviour jmdm (or jmdn) ins Bein beißen + to bite s.o. in the leg + A
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals Kaninchenbau + rabbit burrow + B
+ + 103 The animal world Mammals (Kaninchen)stall + (rabbit) hutch + B
+ + 103 The animal world Reptiles and amphibians Schlangenbiss + snakebite + C
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Stich + sting, insect bite, stitch + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Barbiturat + barbiturate + C
+ + 103 Gesture and movement General Bahn + path, orbit, trajectory + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour (über jmdn/etw) schimpfen + to bitch/moan/grumble (about sth) + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour bitter + embittered + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour verbittert + bitter + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Energy and apathy ehrgeizig + ambitious + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice gehemmt + inhibited + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Courage and cowardice verklemmt + inhibited + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Kaninchen + rabbit + C
+ + 103 Perception Taste bitter + bitter, acrid + A
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines Umlaufbahn + orbit + B
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Shapes and lines Kreisbahn + orbit + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Ausstellung + exhibition + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture etw ausstellen + to exhibit sth + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Nachruf + obituary + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media die Todesanzeigen + obituary column/page + A
+ + 103 Speaking Praising and complaining schimpfen + to moan, grumble, bitch + A
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing Verleumder(in) + back-biter + C
+ + 103 Sport Equipment Gebiss + bit + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Marriage and divorce zusammenleben + to cohabit, live together + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Death Nachruf + obituary + B
+ + 103 Religion Garments andceremonial object Habit + habit + C
+ + 103 Education Staff and students Abiturient(in) + person who is doing/has done the Abitur + B
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences Lebensraum + habitat + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Umlauf- + orbit + B
+ + 103 Science Space science Planetenbahn + planetary orbit + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Kaninchenstall + rabbit hutch + A
+ + 103 Business and commerce Production and consumption Verbrauchsge-wohnheiten + consumer habits + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions vor eine Schlich-tungskommission gehen + to go to arbitration + C
+ + 103 Law Crime Gewohnheitstäter(in) + habitual offender + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment einen Betrag von einem Konto abbuchen + to debit a sum to an account + B
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Einzugsauftrag + direct debit + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment Einzugsermächtigung + direct debit instruction + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Prohibition + Prohibition + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity Schlichtungsausschuss + arbitration/conciliation commission + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Alcohol and drugs es sich abgewöhnen + to kick the habit + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * ai4 1. love 2. like, to be fond of 3. be apt to, be in the habit of 4. cherish, treasure 1. (Na) Liebe 2. (VL) lieben, 2. gern, mit Vorliebe 3. (VL) für jn sorgen, jn etw behutsam und sorgsam behandeln 4. leicht, schnell +
A 一點兒 + * * yi1dian3r a bit/ a few/ a little ein wenig,ein bißchen +
A 展覽 + * * zhan3lan3 put on display/ exhibit/ show Ausstellung, ausstellen, zu Schau stellen +
A 習慣 + * * xi2guan4 be used to/ usual practice/ habit sich gewöhnen an,Gewohnheit +
A + * * ku3 bitter/ miserable 1. bitter 2. Bitternis, Härte, Leiden, Schmerz 3. jm Schmerz zufügen 4. unter etw leiden 5. sein Möglichstes tun, mühsam, fleißig +
B + * * yao3 bite 1. beißen 2. jn zu Unrecht belasten 3. aussprechen 4. sich übertrieben gewählt ausdrücken +
B 毫不 + * * hao2 bu4 not a bit kaum, nicht im mindesten, überhaupt nicht +
B 兔子 + * * tu4zi hare/ rabbit Kaninchen, Hase +
B 有(一)點兒 + * * you3 a little bit ein wenig, ein bißchen +
B 禁止 + * * jin4zhi3 prohibit/ ban/ forbid Verbot, verbieten +
B 展出 + * * zhan3chu1 put on display/ exhibit austellen, anzeigen +
B 展覽會 + * * zhan3lan3hui4 exhibition Ausstellung +
B 稍微 + * * shao1wei1 a little/ a bit/ slightly ein wenig, ein bißchen, etwas +
C 任意 + * * ren4yi4 arbitrarily/ willfully/ at will/ at discretion beliebig,nach Belieben, willkürlich +
C 貧苦 + * * pin2ku3 poor and bitter/ destitute/ lacking living materials armselig, elend +
C 陳列 + * * chen2lie4 display/ exhibit/ show Ausstellung, ausstellen +
C 烈士 + * * lie4shi4 martyr/ person of heroic ambitions Märtyrer, jmd,der ein erhabenes Ziel vor Augen hat +
C 周年 + * * zhou1nian2 orbit-year/ anniversary Jahrestag +
C + * * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross 1. Niederschlag, Rückstand, Bodensatz 2. kleine Stücke, Krume, Krümmel +
C + * * guan4 used to/ conditioned to/ habitual/ indulge/ spoil 1. an etwas gewöhnt sein, sich an jn etw gewöhnen 2. verwöhnen, verziehen, verhätscheln +
C 壓縮 + * * ya1suo1 oppress-control/ suppress/ stifle/ inhibit/ keep down komprimieren, kürzen, verringern +
C 軌道 + * * gui3dao4 track/ rail/ orbit/ trajectory Gleis, Bahn, Umlaufbahn, Orbit +
C 嚴禁 + * * yan2jin4 strictly-prohibit/ forbid/ prohibit/ strikt verbieten +
C 居民 + * * ju1min2 resident/ inhabitant Bewohner, Einwohner +
D 未免 + * * wei4mian3 rather/ a bit too eher, vielmehr, ziemlich +
D 野心 + * * ye3xin1 ambition krankhafter Ehrgeiz +
D 堅韌 + * * jian1ren4 gritty/ hard-bitten zäh und ausdauernd +
D 住所 + * * zhu4suo3 habitation/ residence Wohnhaus, Wohnsitz +
D + * * jin4 ban/ prohibit 1.untersagen, verbieten 2. einkerkern , einsperren 3. Tabu 4. verbotener Ort +
D 占據 + * * zhan4ju4 hold/ take up/ inhabit okkupieren, besetzt halten +
D 習俗 + * * xi2su2 habitude Brauch, Sitten und Gebräuche +
D + * * xie4 bits/ crumb 1. Späne, Splitter, Krume, Fetzen 2. unbedeutend, geringfügig +
D 博覽會 + * * bo2lan3hui4 exhibition 1. anschauen, ansehen,besichtigen, überblicken 2. lesen, etw oberflächlich durchlesen +
D 葫蘆 + * * hu2lu gourd/ cucurbit in hu2lu Flaschenkürbis +
D 志氣 + * * zhi4qi4 ambition/ backbone/ spirit Ehrgeiz, Ambition +
D 抱負 + * * bao4fu4 ambition Ehrgeiz +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
585 工作 能力 不亚于 其他 + She is every bit as competent in her work as others. Ihre Arbeitskompetenz ist nicht geringer als die der anderen.
697 有点 + This man is a bit weird. Dieser Mann ist etwas merkwürdig.
900 咖啡 有点 + The coffee tastes a bit bitter. Der Kaffee ist ein wenig bitter.
1729 习惯 每天 晨跑 + She is in the habit of running every morning.
1845 有点 烤焦 + The chicken is a bit burned.
1992 这儿 灰色 兔子 + There is a grey rabbit here.
2321 肩膀 有点 + My shoulder hurts a bit.
2438 看起来 有点 + He looks a bit silly.
2556 不要 招惹 小心 + Don't provoke this dog; be careful not to get bitten. Provoziere diesen Hund nicht; laß dich nicht beißen!
2566 看起来 有点 郁闷 + He looks a bit depressed.
2573 痛斥 下属 无能 + He bitterly rebuked his subordinate for his incompetence.
2602 兔子 繁殖 + Rabbits breed rapidly.
2736 我们 捉到 兔子 + We've caught a rabbit.
2746 卫生 习惯 滋生 病菌 + Unsanitary habits can cause germs to multiply. Unhygienische Gewohnheiten können dazu führen, daß sich Keime vermehren.
2753 觉得 有点 爸爸 牙医 + He has a bit of a stomach ache.
2819 这些 兔子 屠杀 + These rabbits were slaughtered.
2899 额头 有点 + Her forehead is itching a bit.
2900 一口 饼干 + He had a bite of the cookie. Er hat einen Bissen von dem Keks genommen.
3195 枭雄 + In his time, he was an ambitious and ruthless character.
3270 良好 饮食 习惯 缔造 健康 人生 + Good eating habits create healthy lives.
3273 蚊子 + He's been bitten by a mosquito.
3314 嗜好 吸烟 + She's a habitual smoker.
3317 厨师 + The cook added a little bit of salt to the bowl.
3577 + It is a little bit inappropriate to smoke in the office.
3613 这个 牛排 根本 咬不动。 根本 咬不动 + Simply unable to bite this steak.
Lesson 011. Buying and Bargaining in Chinese.
yi1dian3 + a little / a bit
Lesson 015. Making Phone Calls in Chinese.
shao1wei1 + a little / just a little bit
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
yi1dian3 + a little bit (GP:)
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
yi1diar3 + a liile bit (Beijing)
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Zhe4li3 bu4 ke3yi3 he1 jiu3. + (GP: neng2 and ke3yi3 are also used to show permisson or prohibition of
Lesson 018. I Can Speak a Little Chinese.
Ni3 ming2tian1 neng2 bu4 neng2 lai2? + (GP: neng2 and ke3yi3 are also used to show permisson or prohibition of
Lesson 024. Dating and Relationships.
Ta1 dui4 wo3 de peng2you you yi1dian3 yi4si. + He is a little bit interested in my friend.
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
ku3 + bitter
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
fei1chang2 ku3 + very bitter
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Zhe4 ge4 yao4 hen3 ku3. + This medicine is very bitter.
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Tai4 gui4 le! Ke3 bu4 ke3yi3 you1hui4 yi1dian3? + Too expensive! Can you lower the price a bit?
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
chu3xu4 ka3 + debit card / savings card
Lesson 041. Open a Bank Account in Chinese.
ban4 chu3xu4ka3 + to apply for a debit card / to get a debit card
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
deng3 yi1xia4 + wait a little bit
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
zao3 dian3 + a little bit earlier
Lesson 042. Teaching Mandarin.
wan3 dian3 + a little bit later
Lesson 052. Chinese Antiques.
tan2bushang4 hen3 liao3jie3, zhi3 zhi1dao4 yi1dian3dian3. + I can't really say that I understand a lot, I just know a little bit.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je dois travailler sans la moindre entrave + I must work without the least bit of hindrance

il est parfois sage d’être un peu fou + sometimes it’s wise to be a little bit crazy

on pourrait les amener à changer leurs habitudes + we could bring them to change their habits

les gens fonctionnent beaucoup par habitude + people operate a lot through habits

les 200.000 habitants ont fui + the 200,000 inhabitants fled

et ça, ça m’inquiète un petit peu + and this, this disturbs me a little bit

elle est un peu à l’écart de la route + it’s a little bit off the road

la moitié des habitants sont de confession chrétienne + half of the inhabitants are Christians

je n’avais aucune ambition d’écrire des livres + I didn’t have any ambition to write books

la longueur d’un document d’opérateur est arbitraire + the length of an operator’s manual is arbitrary

les socialistes appuient un plan ambitieux + the socialists are supporting an ambitious plan

il mélangeait un peu les dates + he got the dates a little bit mixed up

il y a plus de soixante ans que j’en ai perdu l’habitude + I dropped the habit over sixty years ago

l’arbitrage peut être long et coûteux + the arbitration might be long and costly

la Russie a affirmé ses ambitions aux dépens de l’Italie + Russia affirmed its ambitions at Italy’s expense

la police se livre à des activités arbitraires + the police are prone to arbitrary activities

c’est un bon arbitre. il arbitre bien + he’s a good arbitrator. he judges well

je voulais bousculer les habitudes des gens + I wanted to shake up people’s habits

l’argent est prélevé sur les chèques toutes les semaines + money is debited against the checks every week

c’était rien, juste une petite trahison + it was nothing, just a little bit of treason

j’ai gardé des réflexes comme me laver à l’eau froide + I kept old habits like washing in cold water

on allait le tuer pour avoir mordu un garde + it was going to be killed for having bitten a guard

j’espère que vous êtes modéré dans vos habitudes + I hope you are steady in your habits

une surprise amère l’attend + a bitter surprise awaits her

le stress, ça rend un peu dingue + stress makes you a little bit crazy
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