A + * * fang4 let go/ put/ lay/ have a vacation 1. setzen, stellen, legen 2. freilassen 3. abgeben, aussenden 4.Schluß machen, zu Ende gehen 5. auf die Weide führen 6. etw freien Lauf lassen 7. etw länger oder weiter machen 8. blühen, aufblühen 9. beiseite lassen 10. zeigen, vorführen + +
A 介紹 + * * jie4shao4 introduce/ recommend/ let know vorstellen,bekannt machen,empfehlen + +
A 對不起 + * * dui4buqi3 sorry/ excuse me/ let down Entschuldigung,leider + +
A 告訴 + * * gao4su4 tell/ let know mitteilen + +
A + * * le 1. used after a verb, indicating a completed action 2.a modal particle used at the end of a sentence Modalpartikel,Aspektpartikel + +
A + * * quan2 complete/ whole/ entire/ full/ total 1. ganz, gesamt 2. komplett, vollständig, voll 3. etw als Ganzes unversehrt erhalten 4. völlig, gänzlich + +
A + * * feng1 for letters ein Zählwort für Briefe + +
A 全部 + * * quan2bu4 all/ without exception/ complete ganz + +
A + * * wan2 use up/ be over/ finish/ complete 1. ganz, vollständig 2. aus, zu Ende, aufgebraucht 3. vollenden, beenden 4. (Steuern) zahlen + +
A 完成 + * * wan2cheng2 accomplish/ complete/ fulfill ergänzen,vollenden, erfüllen + +
A 完全 + * * wan2quan2 complete/ whole/ full/ at all völlig + +
A + * * rang4 give way/ give ground/ invite/ let 1. nachgeben, aufgeben , jm einen Vorteil überlassen 2. jm etw überlassen, an jn etw abtreten 3. bitten, anbieten 4. lassen, zulassen , erlauben + +
A + * * xin4 letter Brief; Botschaft + +
A 滿 + * * man3 full/ filled/ complete/ fill/ expire 1. voll, erfüllt 2. hochmütig, überheblich, eingebildet 3. ganz und gar 4. enden + +
B 運動員 + * * yun4dong4yuan2 athlete/ player Athlet, Sportler, Spieler + +
B 香皂 + * * xiang1zao4 perfumed soap/ toilet soap duftende Seife, parfümierte Seife, Toilettenseife + +
B 來信 + * * lai2xin4 send a letter/ incoming letter ankommender Brief, einen Brief senden + +
B + * * sa1 cast/ let go 1.loslassen, auslassen, auswerfen 2. etw. freien Lauf lassen, sich gehen lassen + +
B 廁所 + * * ce4suo3 W.C./ toilet/ lavatory Toilette + +
B + * * pai2 tablet/ board 1. Schild, Platte, Tafel 2. Marke, Warenzeichen 3. Spielkarten, Dominosteine etc + +
B 完整 + * * wan2zheng3 complete/ intact Vollständigkeit, vollkommen + +
B + * * bei1 tablet Denkmal, Gedenktafel, Gedenkstein + +
C 夾子 + * * jia1zi clamp/ clip/ tongs/ folder/ wallet Klammer, Zwicke, Mappe, Hefter + +
C 字母 + * * zi4mu3 character-origin/ letter of an alphabet/ letter Alphabet, Buchstabe + +
C 統統 + * * tong3tong3 totally-totally/ all/ entirely/ completely/ wholly alle (total) + +
C 島嶼 + 屿* * dao3yu3 islands and islets Inseln + +
C 布告 + * * bu4gao4 notice/ bulletin/ edict Nachricht, Mitteilung + +
C 辜負 + * * gu1fu4 let down/ fail to live up to/ be unworthy of/ disappoint sich einer Sache als unwürdig erweisen, etwas nicht rechtfertigen + +
C + * * zu1 charter/ let/ lease/ hire/ rent/ 1. mieten, pachten 2. vermieten, verpachten + +
C 架子 + * * jia4zi shelf/ frame/ stand/ rack/ skeleton/ outline/ haughtiness Regal, Gerüst,Rahmen, Umriß, + +
C 放手 + * * fang4 shou3 let go/ relinquish/ give a free hand; go all out 1. loslassen, die Hand wegnehmen 2. jm freie Hand lassen + +
C 穀子 + * * gu3zi millet 1. Hirse 2. ungeschälter Reis + +
C 鄉村 + * * xiang1cun1 countryside-hamlet/ rural area/ countryside/ village Dorf, dörflich, ländliches Gebiet, Land + +
C 村莊 + * * cun1zhuang1 village/ hamlet Dorf, kleine ländliche Siedlung + +
C 村子 + * * cun1zi village/ hamlet Dorf + +
C 無產階級 + * * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class das Proletariat + +
C 何況 + * * he2kuang4 let alone (used in rhetorical questions) geschweige denn, erst recht + +
C 失掉 + * * shi1diao4 lose/ no longer possess/ miss/ let slip verlieren, z.B Gewichtverlust + +
C 對…來說 + * * dui4 lai2shuo1 not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of was das angeht + +
C 消耗 + * * xiao1hao4 reduce-expend/ consume/ deplete/ consumption verbrauchen + +
C + * * shan1 delete/ strike out/ expunge streichen, weglassen + +
C + * * lou modal particle to suggest the completion of an action modaler Partikel Vollendung einer Handlung + +
C 健全 + * * jian4quan2 healthy and complete/ sound/ perfect gesund, perfekt,vervollkommnen + +
C 出路 + * * chu1lu4 way out/ outlet Ausweg + +
C 嶄新 + * * zhan3xin1 very-new/ nascent/ brand new/ completely new brandneu + +
C 完備 + * * wan2bei4 whole-complete/ complete/ entire/ perfect vollständig, komplett, vollkommen + +
C 出租 + * * chu1zu1 hire out/ rent out/ let vermieten, verpachten + +
C + * * rao2 forgive/ spare/ let off/ throw in/ make an extra free offer 1. begnadigen, jm etw nachsehen, jm etw verzeihen 2.reich,viel,voll, + +
C 子彈 + * * zi3dan4 ball-bullet/ bullet/ cartridge Patrone, Kugel + +
C 信息 + * * xin4xi1 letter-message/ information/ news/ message Nachricht, Botschaft, Information + +
C 通信 + * * tong1 xin4 communicate-letter/ correspond/ communicate by letter brieflich verkehren, mit jm korrespondieren, + +
C 聚精會神 + * * ju4 jing1 hui4 shen2 with complete concentration/ with rapt attention mit großer Konzentration,sich konzentrieren + +
D 結業 + * * jie2 ye4 complete an educational or training program einen Kurs abschließen + +
D 成套 + * * cheng2 tao4 complete set ein kompletten Satz bilden + +
D 芭蕾舞 + * * ba1lei3wu3 ballet Ballet + +
D 書信 + * * shu1xin4 letter/ missive Brief, Schreiben + +
D 一乾二凈 + * * yi1 gan1 er4 jing4 completely/ thoroughly vollständig, völlig, gründlich + +
D 百花齊放 + * * bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 let a hundred flowers blossom laßt hundert Blumen blühen + +
D + * * can2 incomplete 1.unvollständig, defekt, fragmentarisch 2.Rest, Überbleibsel, übriggeblieben 3. beschädigen, verletzen 4. grausam, brutal, barbarisch + +
D 對聯 + * * dui4lian2 antithetical couplet antithetisches Spruchpaar, Spruchrollen + +
D 齊全 + * * qi2quan2 complete/ all ready komplett, vollständig + +
D 小米 + * * xiao3mi3 millet Hirse + +
D 包乾兒 + * * bao1gan1'er be responsible for a task until it is completed für einen Arbeitsauftrag die volle Verantwortung ü + +
D 完畢 + * * wan2bi4 complete/ finish fertig, abgeschlossen + +
D + * * xie4 let out/ 1. entweichen, ausströmen 2. preisgeben, Luft machen, freien Lauf lassen + +
D 泄露 + * * xie4lou4 let out/ leak/ divulge verraten, ausplaudern, preisgeben + +
D 落成 + * * luo4cheng2 complete fertigstellen, vollenden + +
D 配套 + * * pei4 tao4 form a complete set zu einem kompletten Ganzen zusammenfügen, komplettieren + +
D 傳單 + * * chuan2dan1 fly sheet/ leaflet Flugblatt + +
D 信件 + * * xin4jian4 letter Post, Briefe, Drucksachen + +
D + * * dan4 bomb/ pellet 1. Kugel, Kügelchen 2. Geschoß, Bombe siehe tan2 + +
D 滿月 + * * man3 yue4 a baby's completion of its first month Vollmond, die Erfüllung des ersten Lebensmonats eines Säuglings + +
D 公告 + * * gong1gao4 bulletin öffentliche Bekanntmachung + +
D 為期 + * * wei2qi1 (to be completed) by a definite date festgelegter Termin, für die Dauer von, befristet bis + +

* 1 shu1 book/ letter/ CL:本[ben3];冊|册[ce4];部[bu4]/ see also 書經|书经 Book of History
* 1 zi4 letter/ symbol/ character/ word/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ courtesy or style name traditionally given to males aged 20 in dynastic China
对不起* 1 dui4 bu5 qi3 unworthy/ to let down/ I'm sorry/ excuse me/ pardon me/ if you please/ sorry? (please repeat)
* 1 le5 (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/ (completed action marker)
* 1 hao3 good/ well/ proper/ good to/ easy to/ very/ so/ (suffix indicating completion or readiness)
* 2 wan2 to finish/ to be over/ whole/ complete/ entire
介绍* 2 jie4 shao4 to present/ to introduce/ to recommend/ to suggest/ to let know/ to brief
便宜* 2 pian2 yi5 small advantages/ to let sb off lightly/ cheap/ inexpensive
* 2 rang4 to yield/ to permit/ to let sb do sth/ to have sb do sth
告诉* 2 gao4 su5 to tell/ to inform/ to let know
方便* 3 fang1 bian4 convenient/ to help out/ to make things easy for people/ convenience/ suitable/ having money to spare/ (euphemism) to go to the toilet
* 3 di1 low/ beneath/ to lower (one's head)/ to let droop/ to hang down/ to incline
* 3 fang4 to release/ to free/ to let go/ to put/ to place/ to let out/ to set off (fireworks)
洗手间* 3 xi3 shou3 jian1 toilet/ lavatory/ washroom
* 3 ban4 half/ semi-/ incomplete/ (after a number) and a half
完成* 3 wan2 cheng2 complete/ accomplish/ perfect tense (grammar)
* 3 xin4 letter/ mail/ to trust/ to believe/ to profess faith in/ truthful/ confidence/ trust/ at will/ at random
完全* 4 wan2 quan2 complete/ whole/ totally/ entirely
* 4 man3 full/ filled/ packed/ fully/ completely/ quite/ to reach the limit/ to satisfy/ satisfied/ contented/ to fill/ abbr. for Manchurian
全部* 4 quan2 bu4 whole/ entire/ complete
十分* 4 shi2 fen1 to divide into ten equal parts/ very/ hundred percent/ completely/ extremely/ utterly/ absolutely
* 5 zi3 purple/ violet/ amethyst/ Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye)/ Japanese: murasaki
删除* 5 shan1 chu2 to delete/ to cancel
亲爱* 5 qin1 ai4 Dear or beloved (way of starting a letter)
挂号* 5 gua4 hao4 to register (a letter etc)
* 5 ce4 book/ booklet/ classifier for books
* 5 pai4 clique/ school/ group/ faction/ to dispatch/ to send/ to assign/ to appoint/ pi (Greek letter Ππ)/ the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926
厕所* 5 ce4 suo3 toilet/ lavatory/ CL:間|间[jian1];處|处[chu4]
完整* 5 wan2 zheng3 complete/ intact
* 5 pian4 thin piece/ flake/ a slice/ film/ TV play/ to slice/ to carve thin/ partial/ incomplete/ one-sided/ classifier for slices; tablets; tract of land; area of water/ classifier for CDs; movies; DVDs etc/ used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario; scen
彻底* 5 che4 di3 thorough/ thoroughly/ complete
卫生间* 5 wei4 sheng1 jian1 bathroom/ toilet/ WC/ CL:間|间[jian1]
* 5 yi3 second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ second in order/ letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A; B; C"; or "I; II; III" etc/ second party (in legal contract; usually 乙方|乙方[yi3 fang1]; as opposed to 甲方|甲方[jia3 fang1])/ ethyl/ bent/ winding/ radical in Chinese charac
* 5 tao4 cover/ sheath/ to encase/ a case/ to overlap/ to interleave/ bend (of a river or mountain range; in place names)/ harness/ classifier for sets; collections/ tau (Greek letter Ττ)
夹子* 5 jia1 zi5 clip/ clamp/ tongs/ folder/ wallet
何况* 5 he2 kuang4 much less/ let alone
成语* 5 cheng2 yu3 Chinese set expression; often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each; often alluding to a story or historical quotation/ idiom/ proverb/ saying/ adage/ set expression/ CL:條|条[tiao2];本[ben3];句[ju4]
* 5 li4 grain/ granule/ classifier for small round things (peas; bullets; peanuts; pills; grains etc)
* 5 bing3 third of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ third in order/ letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A; B; C"; or "I; II; III" etc/ propyl
田径* 6 tian2 jing4 track and field (athletics)
齐全* 6 qi2 quan2 complete
赤字* 6 chi4 zi4 (financial) deficit/ red letter
* 6 zhe2 to break/ to snap/ to suffer the loss of/ to turn/ to bend/ to admire/ to amount to/ to discoun/ to fold/ turning stroke (in Chinese character)/ booklet
* 6 xi1 creek/ rivulet
启事* 6 qi3 shi4 announcement (written; on billboard; letter; newspaper or website)/ to post information/ a notice
放手* 6 fang4 shou3 let go/ have a free hand/ let go one's hold
选手* 6 xuan3 shou3 athlete/ contestant
布告* 6 bu4 gao4 posting on a bulletin board/ notice/ bulletin/ to announce
子弹* 6 zi3 dan4 bullet/ CL:粒[li4];顆|颗[ke1];發|发[fa1]
字母* 6 zi4 mu3 letter (of the alphabet)/ CL:個|个[ge4]
辜负* 6 gu1 fu4 to fail to live up (to expectations)/ unworthy (of trust)/ to let down/ to betray (hopes)/ to disappoint
传单* 6 chuan2 dan1 leaflet/ flier/ pamphlet
凝聚* 6 ning2 ju4 to condense/ to coagulate/ coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets)/ aggregation/ coherent
伺候* 6 ci4 hou4 to serve/ to act as a valet
落成* 6 luo4 cheng2 to complete a construction project
完备* 6 wan2 bei4 faultless/ complete/ perfect/ to leave nothing to be desired
完毕* 6 wan2 bi4 to finish/ to end/ to complete
督促* 6 du1 cu4 to urge sb to complete a task
作废* 6 zuo4 fei4 to become invalid/ to cancel/ to delete/ to nullify
算了* 6 suan4 le5 let it be/ let it pass/ forget about it
配套* 6 pei4 tao4 to form a complete set/ coherent
孕育* 6 yun4 yu4 to be pregnant/ to produce offspring/ to nurture (a development; school of thought; artwork etc)/ fig. replete with (culture etc)
对联* 6 dui4 lian2 rhyming couplet/ pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway/ CL:幅[fu2]
* 6 zhou1 porridge (of rice or millet)
贫乏* 6 pin2 fa2 lack/ incomplete
* 6 bian3 flat/ (old form of character 匾; horizontal tablet with inscription)
毫无* 6 hao2 wu2 not in the least/ none whatsoever/ completely without
十足* 6 shi2 zu2 ample/ complete/ hundred percent/ a pure shade (of some color)
成交* 6 cheng2 jiao1 to complete a contract/ to reach a deal

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

let : to not stop someone from doing something
let lassen ให้ laisser dejar lasciare päästää

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

let down. v: Experiencer_obj +

let go. v: Releasing +

let go. v: Firing +

let on. v: Reveal_secret +

let slip. v: Reveal_secret +

let. v: Grant_permission +

let. v: Make_possible_to_do +

lethal. a: Killing +

lethargic. a: Dynamism +

lethargy. n: Dynamism +

letter. n: Text +

lettuce. n: Food +


12 厕所 +
42 钱包 没有 +
80 捡到 钱包 +
153 +
321 +
322 我们 踢球 +
333 手链 +
455 钱袋 几百 +
475 收到 +
498 告诉 +
521 回答 问题 +
525 认识 字母 D +
528 算一算 钱包 多少 现金 +
683 新家 装修 完毕 +
760 我们 合影 +
858 钱包 遗失 板凳 +
884 完整 演奏 曲子 +
934 我们 继续 工作 +
948 今晚 芭蕾舞 演出 +
1156 我们 立即 出发 +
1220 照顾 +
1254 邮局 寄信 +
1291 这里 落叶 +
1365 介绍 一下 汤姆 +
1432 运动员 努力 前冲 +
1449 +
1506 钱包 遗失 +
1510 考虑 一下 +
1568 告诉 秘密 +
1726 钱包 +
1811 我们 保持 联系 +
1890 钱包 +
1977 男厕所 左侧 +
1978 咱们 +
2077 钱包 +
2083 小字 模糊 清楚 +
2135 今年 最佳 运动员 +
2158 厕所 干净 +
2166 卫生纸 +
2461 +
2498 他们 +
2686 一下 +
2694 中国 除夕 放烟火 +
2842 钱包 英镑 +
2983 现在 我们 问题 症结 所在 +
2984 浑身 湿 +
3064 地球 资源 正在 慢慢 枯竭 +
3174 房子 竣工 +
3234 小心 蛋壳 掉到 面粉 +
3264 运动员 高擎 火炬 +
3282 删除 电脑 档案 +
3460 坚持 不懈 跑完 全程 +
3586 推测 没有 下决心 +
3726 秘书 收据 +
3750 这种 情况 不能 任凭 一人 做主 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[complete] having every necessary part
[athlete] jock, sportive person
[ballet] dance
[bullet] slug, projectile
[bulletin] brief report
[skeleton] frame, bones and cartilages
[leaflet] brochure, folder, pamphlet
[letter] missive, written message addressed
[letter] letter of the alphabet
[outlet] retail store, sales outlet
[outlet] wall socket, electric outlet
[outlet] wall socket, wall plug, electric outlet
[tablet] pill, lozenge, medicine
[delete] erase, wipe out information

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

let + let + let + let + let + let + let + LET +

보이다 (show,let see) + + 이루다 (Accomplish, complete) + + 전혀 (entirely,utterly,completely) + + 마치다 (Finish, complete) + + 완전히 (completely,perfectly) + + (As many as, full, complete) + + 선수 (An athlete) + + 편지 (Letter) + + 글자 (A letter or a character) + + 채우다 (To fill up, complete, fulfill) + + 붉다 (Be red, scalet) + + 글쎄 (Now or well or let me see) + + (Less, incompletely) + + 놓치다 (Miss, let slip) + + 문자 (letters,character) + + 완전 (Perfection, completeness) + + 완성 (completion,accomplishment) + + 발레 (Ballet) + + 마무리 (Finish, completion) + + 지갑 (A purse,wallet) + + 글씨 (1) Handwriting 2) a letter or an ideograph or a character) + + 글쎄요 (Now or well or let me see) + + (Completely, entirely) + + 보완하다 ( to supplement and make complete, to complement sth) + + 바싹 (Completely) + + 내보내다 ( Let out, let go out) + + 휴지 (Toilet paper) + + 놔두다 (Leave as it is, let it be) + + 놓아두다 ( Leave as it is, let it be) + + (Counters for letters) + + 게시판 (A notice board or a bulletin board) + + 양상추 (Lettuce) + + 상추 (Lettuce) + + 수업 (Completing an education course) + + 식히다 (To cool, let cool. 차게 하다) + +
+ + + + + + + +