A + * * shou3 hand 1. Hand 2.Personen mit speziellen Fertigkeiten oder Funktionen 3. etw in der Hand haben + +
A 握手 + * * wo4 shou3 shake hands/ clasp hands Hände schütteln + +
A + * * jiao1 hand over/ deliver/ associate with 1. aushändigen, übergeben, abliefern, abgeben überreichen 2. angrenzen, an etw stoßen 3. auf eine bestimmte Jahreszeit) zugehen, werden 4. sich kreuzen, sich überschneiden, 5. mit jn Bekanntschaft schließen, 6. geschlechtlich verkehren 7. Freund, + +
A 掌握 + * * zhang3wo4 grasp/ master/ control/ have in hand 1.meistern,beherrschen,begreifen 2.kontrollieren in der Hand haben + +
B 手工 + * * shou3gong1 handwork/ handicraft Handarbeit, manuell + +
B 手帕 + * * shou3pa4 handkerchief Taschentuch + +
B 一方面…一方面… + * * yi1 fang1mian4 yi1 fang1mian4 on one hand … on the other hand … einerseits...anderseits + +
B + * * fu2 support with the hand stützen,aufrichten, jdn unter die Arme greifen + +
B 處理 + * * chu3li3 handle/ deal with behandeln, regeln, + +
B + * * peng3 hold or carry in both hands 1. etw mit beiden Händen tragen 2. lobpreisen, umschmeicheln, lobhudeln + +
B 工藝品 + * * gong1yi4pin3 handicraft Handwerk + +
B 事先 + * * shi4xian1 in advance/ beforehand vorher,zuvor, im voraus + +
C 手槍 + * * shou3qiang1 handgun/ pistol Handfeuerwaffe, Pistole + +
C 放手 + * * fang4 shou3 let go/ relinquish/ give a free hand; go all out 1. loslassen, die Hand wegnehmen 2. jm freie Hand lassen + +
C 助手 + * * zhu4shou3 assisting-hand/ assistant/ helper/ aide Helfer, Assistent + +
C 百貨 + * * bai3huo4 general merchandise verschiedene Waren + +
C 流傳 + * * liiu2chuan2 spread/ circulate/ hand down/ pass down überliefern,sich verbreiten, + +
C 提包 + * * ti2bao1 carrying-bag/ handbag/ shopping bag/ valise Handtasche, Tasche,Sack + +
C 提綱 + * * ti2gang1 lifting-rope/ lifting-in-hand head-rope of a net/ outline Umriß (der wichtigsten Punkte) + +
C 操縱 + * * cao1zong4 handle/ control/ operate/ manipulate/ rig steuern, lenken,kontrollieren (bedienen) + +
C 貨物 + * * huo4wu4 cargo/ freight/ goods/ commodity/ merchandise Waren, Güter + +
C 體面 + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar + +
C 順手 + * * shun4shou3 smooth and handy/ convenient/ without difficulty reibungslos,ohne Schwierigkeiten,wenn möglich,tunlichst,bei Gelegenheit, nebenbei + +
C 辦理 + * * ban4li3 handle/ conduct/ deal with regeln, managen, + +
C + * * bing3 handle of sth. 1. Griff, Stiel 2.Stengel, (Blumen-)Stengel 3. Anlaß für Gerede + +
C 遺留 + * * yi2liu2 leave-remain/ leave behind/ hand down/ bequeath hinterlassen, zurücklassen,vermachen + +
C 協助 + * * xie2zhu4 assist-help/ lend a hand/ assist/ help helfen, assistieren,Hilfe leisten + +
C + * * mo4 Chinese ink/ ink stick/ ink/ handwriting or painting 1. Tinte,Tusche,Druckerfarbe 2. pechschwarz, stockdunkel + +
C + * * bo1 move sth. with hand; foot; or stick/ turn/ dial/ assign 1. rühren, drehen, bewegen 2. zuteilen, zuweisen + +
C 交代 + * * jiao1dai4 tell/ exhort/ explain/ make clear/ confess/ hand over übergeben, jm etwas einprägen,klarmachen, + +
C 預報 + * * yu4bao4 beforehand-report/ predict/ forecast/ prediction Voraus- Vorhersage + +
C 預防 + * * yu4fang2 beforehand-guard/ prevent/ take precautions against vorbeugen, verhüten + +
C 著手 + * * zhuo2shou3 put-hand/ put one's hand to/ set about/ begin/ start sich an etwas machen,beginnen, + +
C 預先 + * * yu4xian1 beforehand-before/ in advance/ beforehand im voraus, vorher + +
C 招手 + * * zhao1 shou3 wave-hand/ beckon/ wave one's hand as a signal mit der Hand winken + +
C 預祝 + * * yu4zhu4 beforehand-wish/ wish/ may wünschen, für etwas beten, + +
C 隨手 + * * sui2shou3 following-hand/ without extra trouble mühelos, bequem + +
C 原始 + * * yuan2shi3 original-initial/ original/ firsthand/ primeval/ primitive original, ursprünglich, aus erster Hand, primitiv, Ur- + +
C + * * chui2 droop/ hang downward/ hand down/ approach 1.nach unten hängen, herabhängen 2. etw der Nachwelt überliefern 3. nahebei, beinahe, sich nähern + +
D 英俊 + * * ying1jun4 handsome intelligent, hochbegabt, schön und voller Leben + +
D 手榴彈 + * * shou3liu2dan4 hand grenade Handgranate + +
D 手藝 + * * shou3yi4 craft/ handicraft Handwerkskunst + +
D 親身 + * * qin1shen1 personal/ firsthand selbst, persönlich, am eigenen Leib + +
D 能手 + * * neng2shou3 master-hand Könner + +
D 筆跡 + * * bi3ji4 a person's handwriting Handschrift, Schriftzüge + +
D 得力 + * * de2li4 right-hand profitieren von, fähig + +
D 把柄 + * * ba3bing3 handhold Griff, Henkel,Handhabe + +
D + * * shuai4 handsome 1. Oberkommandierender 2.sehr gut , herrlich, ausgezeichnet, toll, bravo + +
D 退還 + 退* * tui4huan2 send back/ hand back zurückgeben + +
D 合伙 + * * he2huo3 cooperate/ join hands with gemeinsam ein Unternehmen gründen + +
D 健美 + * * jian4mei3 strong and handsome kraftvoll und schön + +
D 遞交 + * * di4jiao1 hand over/ submit überreichen, übergeben + +
D + * * dian1 weigh in hand mit der Hand das Gewicht abschätzen + +
D 上交 + * * shang4jiao1 hand in etw. an eine höhere Instanz abgeben + +
D 交付 + * * jiao1fu4 hand over/ deliver bezahlen + +
D 交手 + * * jiao1 shou3 fight hand to hand einander tätlich angreifen + +
D + * * jiao3 scar/ capture/ hand in 1. zahlen, bezahlen, etw. abliefern 2. jmd die Waffe abnehmen, erbeuten, entwaffnen + +
D 繳納 + * * jiao3na4 capture/ hand over bezahlen , zusteuern, beitragen + +
D 就近 + * * jiu4jin4 handily in der Nähe, in der Nachbarschaft + +
D 付出 + * * fu4chu1 hand over/ pay bezahlen, ausgeben + +

* 2 bi3 (particle used for comparison and "-er than")/ to compare/ to contrast/ to gesture (with hands)/ ratio
* 3 ba3 to hold/ to contain/ to grasp/ to take hold of/ a handle/ particle marking the following noun as a direct object/ classifier for objects with handle
帮忙* 3 bang1 mang2 to help/ to lend a hand/ to do a favor/ to do a good turn
一边* 3 yi1 bian1 one side/ either side/ on the one hand/ on the other hand/ doing while
* 4 jiao1 to hand over/ to deliver/ to pay (money)/ to turn over/ to make friends/ to intersect (lines)
* 4 shuai4 handsome/ graceful/ smart/ commander in chief
* 4 nong4 to do/ to manage/ to handle/ to play with/ to fool with/ to mess with/ to fix/ to toy with
符合* 4 fu2 he2 in keeping with/ in accordance with/ tallying with/ in line with/ to agree with/ to accord with/ to conform to/ to correspond with/ to manage/ to handle
握手* 4 wo4 shou3 to shake hands
* 5 mo1 to feel with the hand/ to touch/ to stroke/ to grope/ to feel (one's pulse)
英俊* 5 ying1 jun4 handsome
手工* 5 shou3 gong1 handwork/ manual
* 5 di4 to hand over/ to pass on sth/ to gradually increase or decrease/ progressively
* 5 qian1 to pull (an animal on a tether)/ to lead along/ to hold hands
商品* 5 shang1 pin3 good/ commodity/ merchandise/ CL:個|个[ge4]
处理* 5 chu3 li3 to handle/ to treat/ to deal with/ to process/ CL:個|个[ge4]
办理* 5 ban4 li3 to handle/ to transact/ to conduct
流传* 5 liu2 chuan2 to spread/ to circulate/ to hand down
残疾* 5 can2 ji2 disabled/ handicapped/ deformity on a person or animal
* 5 fu2 to support with hand/ to help sb up/ to help
从事* 5 cong2 shi4 to go for/ to engage in/ to undertake/ to deal with/ to handle/ to do
产品* 5 chan3 pin3 goods/ merchandise/ product/ CL:個|个[ge4]
* 5 jin3 tight/ strict/ close at hand/ near/ urgent/ tense/ hard up/ short of money/ to tighten
便* 5 bian4 ordinary/ plain/ convenient/ as convenient/ when the chance arises/ handy/ easy/ informal/ simple/ so/ thus/ to relieve oneself/ to urinate/ to defecate/ equivalent to 就: then/ in that case/ even if/ soon afterwards
事先* 5 shi4 xian1 in advance/ before the event/ beforehand/ prior
反之* 6 fan3 zhi1 on the other hand.../ conversely...
目睹* 6 mu4 du3 to witness/ to see at first hand/ to see with one's own eyes
手艺* 6 shou3 yi4 craftmanship/ workmanship/ handicraft/ trade
着手* 6 zhuo2 shou3 to put one's hand to it/ to start out on a task/ to set out
放手* 6 fang4 shou3 let go/ have a free hand/ let go one's hold
工艺品* 6 gong1 yi4 pin3 handicraft article/ handiwork/ CL:個|个[ge4]
书法* 6 shu1 fa3 calligraphy/ handwriting/ penmanship
把手* 6 ba3 shou3 handle/ grip/ knob
* 6 bai1 to break with both hands
处置* 6 chu3 zhi4 to handle/ to take care of/ to punish
交代* 6 jiao1 dai4 to hand over/ to explain/ to make clear/ to brief (sb)/ to account for/ to justify oneself/ to confess/ to finish (colloquial)
预先* 6 yu4 xian1 beforehand/ prior
动手* 6 dong4 shou3 to hit with hands or fists/ to start work/ to touch
* 6 duan1 end/ extremity/ item/ port/ to hold sth level with both hands/ to carry/ regular
* 6 cuo1 to rub or roll between the hands or fingers/ to twist
* 6 peng3 to clasp/ to cup the hands/ to hold up with both hands/ to offer (esp. in cupped hands)/ to praise/ to flatter
对付* 6 dui4 fu5 to handle/ to deal with/ to cope/ to get by with
* 6 gang1 to raise aloft with both hands
遗留* 6 yi2 liu2 (leave or be a) legacy/ left over/ hand down (to next generation)
辫子* 6 bian4 zi5 plait/ braid/ pigtail/ a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent/ handle/ CL:根[gen1];條|条[tiao2]

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

hand : body part at the end of a person's arm
hand Hand มือ main mano mano käsi

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

hand in. v: Giving +

hand in. v: Submitting_documents +

hand out. v: Giving +

hand over. v: Giving +

hand. n: Observable_body_parts +

hand. v: Giving +

handbag. n: Containers +

handbook. n: Text +

handcuff. v: Attaching +

handcuff. v: Immobilization +

handcuffed. a: Being_attached +

handful. n: Quantified_mass +

handgun. n: Weapon +

handicap. v: Hindering +

handle. n: Shaped_part +

handle. v: Manipulation +

handle. v: Resolve_problem +

handsome. a: Aesthetics +


127 这些 物品 手工 制作 +
156 新郎 新娘 +
211 吃饭 洗手 +
552 +
701 右手 餐刀 +
733 邮件 交给 +
913 举手 回答 问题 +
1032 商店 陈列 很多 商品 +
1310 一下 +
1328 公司 缺少 人手 +
1473 清楚 +
1561 大家 高兴 扬手 欢呼 +
1640 圣经 +
1716 +
1851 工作 没有 头绪 +
1940 擅长 徒手 格斗 +
1972 裤子 口袋 +
2170 下巴 +
2300 玫瑰花 扎手 +
2346 处事 泰然 +
2549 左手 门铃 +
2808 新郎 +
2922 沾满 肥皂沫 +
3044 沾满 巧克力 +
3072 举手 发誓 +
3207 大家 会上 踊跃 举手 发言 +
3239 准备 出手 榴弹 +
3299 绷带 +
3364 头发 +
3548 肥皂 洗手 +
3658 丈夫 一个 非常 英俊 年轻人 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[first-hand] direct
[handy] easy to use
[hand] helping hand
[hand] manus, mitt, paw
[hand] round of applause
[hand] deal, cards held in a game by a player
[hand] hired hand, hired man
[handicap] hinder, hamper

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand + hand +

(The hand) + + 처리 (handling,treatment) + + 미리 (Beforehand) + + 앞서 (Before, previously 2) in anticipation,beforehand) + + 편리하다 ( To be convenient, handy) + + 사전 (beforehand,in advance) + + 만만하다 ( Be soft, tender ; to be easy to handle, deal with) + + 글씨 (1) Handwriting 2) a letter or an ideograph or a character) + + 잘나다 (To be handsome,excellent) + + 악수 (Handshake) + + 손질하다 ( Handle with care) + + 수건 (Handkerchief) + + 손질 (handling,care) + + 손발 (Hand and foot; the limbs) + + 넘겨주다 ( Hand over) + + 오른손 (The right hand) + + 손길 (An outstretched hand) + + 일손 (Work in hand) + + 핸드백 (Handbag) + + 세수 (Hand-washing) + + 왼손 (The right hand) + + 잘생기다 ( To be handsome) + + 장애인 (A handicapped person) + + 손등 (The back of the hand) + + (Right near at hand) + + 손잡이 (A handle,knob) + + 손수건 (A handkerchief) + + 손뼉 (The flat of one’s hand) + + 손수 (With one’s own hands, personally) + + 손잡다 (Take a person by the hand) + +
+ + + + + + + +