Häufigkeit: 8.38

D + * * chan2 twine 1.wickeln, winden 2. jn in etwas verwickeln,jn mit etw. belästigen, + +

缠绕* 6 chan2 rao4 twisting/ to twine/ to wind/ to pester/ to bother

aneinandergeraten mit [si1 chan2] 厮缠
aufspulen (V)winden, wickeln (V)herumwickeln, einwickelnRolle,Spule [chan2]
Faden (S) [chan2 pan2] 缠盘
garstig (Adj) [nan2 chan2] 难缠
Gewirr (S) [jiu1 chan2 wu4] 纠缠物
Komplikation (S)belästigen, stören (V)sich in etw. verwickeln (V) [jiu1 chan2] 纠缠
lästig (Adj) [jiu1 chan2 bu4 xiu1] 纠缠不休
Lendenschurz (S) [chan2 yao1 dai4] 缠腰带
lose gewickelte Rolle [chan2 rao3 song1 de5 zhi3 juan3] 缠绕松的纸卷
Lotosfuß (Gesch) [chan2 zu2] 缠足
Luftkampf (S, Mil)Nahkampf [chan2 dou4] 缠斗
Nachstellung (S)Stalking (S, Rechtsw) [chan2 rao3] 缠扰
plagen, Kräfte binden (V) [chan2 shen1] 缠身
Quantenverschränkung (S, Phys) [liang4 zi3 chan2 jie2] 量子缠结
Ranke (S, Bio)Schnur, Zwirn, Faden (S)belästigen, plagen, schikanieren (V) [chan2 rao3] 缠绕
Reisegeld, Reiseausgaben [pan2 chan5] 盘缠
Sardonyx (S) [chan2 si1 ma3 nao3] 缠丝玛瑙
triezen (V) [man2 chan2] 蛮缠
verbunden (V)verwickeltverwirrt [chan2 shu4] 缠束
verstimmen (V) [chan2 jia1] 缠夹
verwirren (V) [jiu1 chan2 zai4 yi4 qi3] 纠缠在一起
Wickelbildung, Wickler (Textil) (S) [chan2 luo2 la1] 缠罗拉
Wicklung (S) [chan2 rao3 wu4] 缠绕物

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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wrap, wind around / tie, bind
reside, live at, dwell, lodge / stop

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

纏' + * * + to wind to wrap round/ to coil tangle
纏夾' + 缠夹* * + to annoy/ to bother to harass
纏夾不清' + 缠夹不清* * + to muddle things together (idiom)/ to bother sb with annoying muddle-headed talk
纏夾二先生' + 缠夹二先生* * + annoying muddle-headed person who gabbles unintelligibly/
纏手' + 缠手* * + troublesome/ hard to deal with
纏擾' + 缠扰* * + to harass/ to disturb
纏結' + 缠结* * + to coil around/ knot to entangl
纏絡' + 缠络* * + to wind around/ to twist and turn (of road or river)
纏絲瑪瑙' + 缠丝玛瑙* * + sardonyx (gemstone of brown-white striped chalcedony)/
纏綿' + 缠绵* * + touching (emotions)/ lingering (illness)
纏綿不已' + 缠绵不已* * + to cling without letting go/ to pester without end to cling l
纏綿悱惻' + 缠绵悱恻* * + (of a person) sad beyond words (idiom)/ (of music, literature etc) poignant very senti
纏繞' + 缠绕* * + twisting/ to twine to wind
纏繞莖' + 缠绕茎* * + vine/ twining stem
纏足' + 缠足* * + foot binding/
纏身' + 缠身* * + (of an illness, debt etc) to plague sb/ to preoccupy sb difficult
纏頭' + 缠头* * + embroidered headband used as decoration by actors or in Hui ethnic group/ to reward an actor with brocade headband

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2380 绳子 纠缠 在一起 +
3299 绷带 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

缠绕 둘둘 감다. 얽히다. 휘감다. + +

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