Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Der Supermarkt ist in der Nähe. The supermarket is close-by. Siêu thị gần đó.
Das Fenster geht nicht zu. The window doesn't close. Cửa sổ không đóng.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Cửa nhà đã khóa. The front door is closed. Die Haustür ist geschlossen.
Hãy đóng cửa sổ, trước khi bạn đi ra ngoài. Close the window before you go out. Schließ das Fenster, bevor du rausgehst.
Bảo tăng đóng cửa lúc năm giờ chiều. + The museum closes at five (5) in the afternoon.
Hôm qua là ngày lễ nên ngân hàng đóng cửa. Hôm nay họ mở cửa. + Yesterday was a holiday, so the banks were closed. They're open today.
Cái cầu đang bị đóng cửa. Nó bị hỏng tuần trước và nó chưa được sửa chữa. + The bridge is closed. It got damaged last week, and it hasn't been repaired yet.
Các cửa hàng khi nào đóng cửa? + What time do the stores close?
Đường cao tốc này đã đóng. Lái xe phải đi một đường khác. + This highway is closed. Drivers must take another road.
Cậu có muốn tôi đóng cửa sổ không? - Không, cứ để nó mở đi. + Do you want me to close the window? — No, leave the window open.
Cậu đã đóng cửa phải không? - Đúng như vậy. + You closed the window, didn't you? — Yes, I think so.
moʔt ŋɯəəj ɓaʔn mɐʔ k moʔt ɓoʔ aẃ vɐj . ɓaʔn VI ɪjk nɔ . > để giết chóc + You wanted to visit a museum. It was closed when you got there. — The museum we were going to visit was closed when we got there.
Cậu đang đứng quá gần máy ảnh. Cậu lùi ra xa một tí được không? + You're standing too close to the camera. Can you move a little farther away?
Bây giờ quá muộn để đi ngân hàng. Đến khi chúng ta tới đó thì nó sẽ không mở cửa. + It's too late to go to the bank now. By the time we get there, it'll be closed.

Chỗ đó khá gần + It's quite close

+ Who would I report to? Who would I be working closely with?
GNOT Spatial • distance close (to) +
GNOT Qualitative • accessibility to close +
GNOT Qualitative • accessibility closed +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc. closed +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc. to close đóng +
SNOT close friend bạn thân +
Oxford 3000VieEng
gần close
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-8 schließen 1. to close, 2. to conclude   (schließt, schloss, hat geschlossen)
 5-2. Einrichtung Exercise 5-2-9 zumachen to close   (macht zu, machte zu, hat zugemacht)
6-3. Klima, Wetter Exercise 6-3-6 dicht 1. close, 2. tight, 3. dense
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-20 nah close, nearby
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-7 eng 1. narrow, 2. close, 3. tight-fitting
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-7 Schluss 1. end, close, 2. conclusion
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-7 Das Büro ist von 13 bis 15 Uhr geschlossen. + von The office is closed from 13 to 15 o' clock. Văn phòng đóng cửa từ 13 đến 15 o 'clock.
Exercise 2-3 Samstags ist die Schule schon um elf Uhr aus.  + Schule School closes on Saturdays at 11:00.  Trường đóng cửa vào các ngày Thứ 7 lúc 11:00.
Exercise 2-3 Ab heute bleibt unser Büro nachmittags geschlossen.  + heute From today our office will be closed in the afternoon.  Từ hôm nay văn phòng của chúng tôi sẽ đóng cửa vào buổi chiều.
Exercise 2-5 Das Geschäft ist bis einschließlich Dienstag geschlossen.  + Dienstag The shop is closed until Tuesday.  Cửa hàng đóng cửa cho đến thứ ba.
Exercise 2-6 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Samstag Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện.
Exercise 2-6 Die Banken sind am Samstag geschlossen.  + Samstag Banks are closed on Saturday.  Các ngân hàng đóng cửa vào thứ bảy.
Exercise 2-6 Am Sonntag sind die meisten Läden zu. + Sonntag Most shops are closed on Sunday. Hầu hết các cửa hàng đóng cửa vào Chủ nhật.
Exercise 4-1 Die Post ist ganz in der Nähe.  + Nähe The post office is close by.  Bưu điện gần đó.
Exercise 5-1 Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass abends immer alle Fenster geschlossen sind.  + achten Please make sure that all windows are always closed in the evening.  Hãy đảm bảo rằng tất cả các cửa sổ đều đóng cửa vào buổi tối.
Exercise 5-1 Sind Sie sicher, dass heute Ruhetag ist? – Ja, das weiß ich genau.  + genau  Are you sure it's closed for the day? Yes, I know exactly.  Bạn có chắc chắn nó đóng cửa trong ngày? Vâng, tôi biết chính xác.
Exercise 5-3 Zwischen Weihnachten und Neujahr bleibt unser Büro geschlossen.  + zwischen Between Christmas and New Year our office is closed.  Giữa Giáng Sinh và Năm mới văn phòng của chúng tôi đóng cửa.
Exercise 5-7 Soviel ich weiß, hat dieses Restaurant heute Ruhetag.  + soviel I understand this restaurant's closed for the day.  Tôi hiểu rằng nhà hàng này đã đóng cửa trong ngày.
Exercise 7-4 Mittags sind die Läden geschlossen.  + mittags The shops are closed at noon.  Các cửa hàng đóng cửa vào buổi trưa.
Exercise 7-7 Ab nächster Woche bleibt unser Geschäft samstags geschlossen.  + ab Starting next week, our shop will be closed on Saturdays.  Bắt đầu từ tuần tới, cửa hàng của chúng tôi sẽ đóng cửa vào Thứ 7.
Exercise 7-8 Das Geschäft ist bis einschließlich Dienstag geschlossen.  + einschließlich The shop is closed until Tuesday.  Cửa hàng đóng cửa cho đến thứ ba.
Exercise 7-8 Diese Bank öffnet um 9 Uhr morgens und schließt um 3 Uhr nachmittags. + morgens This bank opens at 9:00 a. m. and closes at 3:00 p. m. Ngân hàng này mở cửa lúc 9:00 a. m. và đóng cửa lúc 3:00. m.
Exercise 9-5 Hänge deinen Mantel in den Schrank.  + Mantel Put your coat in the closet.  Đặt áo của bạn trong tủ quần áo.
Exercise 10-2 Das war knapp.  + knapp That was close.  Điều đó đã gần.
Exercise 10-4 Wir arbeiten mit dieser Firma eng zusammen.  + eng We work closely with this company.  Chúng tôi làm việc chặt chẽ với công ty này.
Exercise 10-4 Er ist ein enger Freund von mir. + eng He's a close friend of mine. Anh ấy là bạn thân của tôi.
Exercise 11-2 Wir haben schon geschlossen. – Da kann man nichts machen.  + da We're closed already. There's nothing you can do.  Chúng tôi đã đóng rồi. Không có gì bạn có thể làm.
Exercise 12-2 Bitte, schließen Sie die Tür.  + schließen* Please, close the door.  Xin vui lòng, đóng cửa.
Exercise 12-2 Die Banken sind am Samstag geschlossen.  + schließen* Banks are closed on Saturday.  Các ngân hàng đóng cửa vào thứ bảy.
Exercise 12-2 Du kannst die Datei schließen. Ich bin fertig. + schließen* You can close the file. I'm done. Bạn có thể đóng tệp. Tôi đa xong.
Exercise 12-4 Unser Büro bleibt samstags geschlossen.  + Büro Our office is closed on Saturdays.  Văn phòng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào những ngày thứ bảy.
Exercise 12-4 Die Geschäfte schließen um 18.30 Uhr.  + Geschäft Shops close at 6:30 p. m.  Các cửa tiệm đóng cửa lúc 6:30 s. m.
Exercise 13-1 Am Samstag ist unser Lokal geschlossen. Wir haben eine Veranstaltung.  + Veranstaltung Our restaurant is closed on Saturday. We have an event.  Nhà hàng của chúng tôi đóng cửa vào Thứ 7. Chúng tôi có một sự kiện.
Exercise 15-7 Die Kleider hingen im Schrank.  + hängen* The clothes were in the closet.  Quần áo trong tủ quần áo.
Exercise 15-7 Hast du den Anzug wieder in den Schrank gehängt?  + hängen* Did you put the suit back in the closet?  Bạn đã đặt lại bộ quần áo trong tủ quần áo?
Exercise 15-9 Das Fenster war nicht zu.  + Fenster The window wasn't closed.  Cửa sổ không đóng lại.
Exercise 15-9 Mach im Schlafzimmer das Fenster zu!  + Zimmer Close the window in the bedroom!  Đóng cửa sổ trong phòng ngủ!
Exercise 16-4 Am Mittwoch bleibt die Arztpraxis geschlossen. + Arztpraxis The doctor's office will be closed on Wednesday. Văn phòng của bác sĩ sẽ đóng cửa vào Thứ Tư.
Exercise 16-5 Machen Sie bitte die Tür zu! Es zieht.  + Tür Close the door, please! It drags.  Xin hãy đóng cửa lại! Nó kéo.
Exercise 17-1 Die Handtücher liegen im Schrank.  + Schrank The towels are in the closet.  Khăn tắm là trong tủ quần áo.
Exercise 17-1 Häng deinen Mantel in den Schrank.  + Schrank Put your coat in the closet.  Đặt áo của bạn trong tủ quần áo.
Exercise 17-4 Die Kasse ist schon geschlossen. + Kasse The register is already closed. Đăng ký đã được đóng lại.
Exercise 19-6 Überprüf doch noch mal, ob die Fenster wirklich alle zu sind.  + überprüfen Why don't you check again to see if the windows are closed?  Tại sao bạn không kiểm tra lại để xem có đóng cửa sổ không?
Exercise 20-4 Am Sonntag sind die meisten Läden zu. + Laden Most shops are closed on Sunday. Hầu hết các cửa hàng đóng cửa vào Chủ nhật.
Exercise 20-6 Die Praxis bleibt bis zum 7. Januar geschlossen.  + Praxis The practice will be closed until January 7th.  Thực hành sẽ đóng cửa cho đến ngày 7 tháng 1.
Exercise 20-9 Die Sitzung ist geschlossen.  + Sitzung The meeting is closed.  Cuộc họp đã kết thúc.
Exercise 21-5 Wir müssen den Schrank verschieben.  + verschieben* We have to move the closet.  Chúng ta phải di chuyển tủ quần áo.
Exercise 21-5 Die Tür schließt automatisch.  + automatisch The door closes automatically.  Cửa đóng tự động.
Exercise 23-3 Die Grenze war gesperrt.  + Grenze The border was closed.  Biên giới đã đóng cửa.
Exercise 25-1 Sie ist etwas näher an den Tisch gerückt.  + rücken She's a little closer to the table.  Cô ấy gần một chút gần bàn.
Exercise 25-3 Das Postamt ist ganz nah.  + nah The post office is close by.  Bưu điện gần đó.
Exercise 25-6 Das Tor wird um acht Uhr geschlossen.  + Tor The gate will be closed at eight o' clock.  Cổng sẽ đóng cửa lúc 8 giờ.
Exercise 25-7 Halten Sie bitte im Keller die Fenster geschlossen.  + halten* Keep the windows closed in the basement, please.  Giữ các cửa sổ đóng kín trong tầng hầm, làm ơn.
Exercise 26-8 Die Autobahn ist wegen einer Baustelle halbseitig gesperrt. + Baustelle The motorway is half closed due to a construction site. Đường cao tốc bị đóng nửa do một khu vực xây dựng.
Exercise 28-1 Diese Straße ist für Kraftfahrzeuge gesperrt.  + Kraftfahrzeug This road is closed to motor vehicles.  Đường này đóng cửa cho xe có động cơ.
Exercise 29-7 Wenn Sie frieren, mache ich das Fenster wieder zu.  + frieren* If you freeze, I'll close the window.  Nếu bạn đóng băng, tôi sẽ đóng cửa sổ.
Exercise 31-1 Tut mir leid, wir haben schon geschlossen. – Naja, da kann man nichts machen.  + naja  Sorry, we're closed already. Well, there's nothing to be done.  Xin lỗi, chúng tôi đã đóng rồi. Vâng, không có gì để làm.
Exercise 32-1 Die Ämter haben heute geschlossen.  + Amt The offices are closed today.  Các văn phòng đóng cửa hôm nay.
Exercise 34-9 Eine Beschreibung des Geräts liegt bei.  + Beschreibung A description of the device is enclosed.  Một mô tả của thiết bị được kèm theo.
Exercise 38-6 Die Tür geht nicht zu. Kannst du mir helfen?  + zugehen* The door won't close. Can you help me?  Cửa sẽ không đóng. Bạn có thể giúp tôi được không?
Exercise 38-6 Warum geht die Tür nicht zu?  + zugehen* Why doesn't the door close?  Tại sao không đóng cửa?
Exercise 38-6 Es geht allmählich auf Mitternacht zu.  + zugehen* It's starting to get close to midnight.  Nó bắt đầu đến gần nửa đêm.
Exercise 39-8 Lassen Sie bitte die Fenster zu.  + zulassen* Keep the windows closed, please.  Giữ các cửa sổ đóng lại, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 39-9 Die Abfahrt von der Autobahn bei Arnstadt ist gesperrt.  + Abfahrt The exit from the motorway at Arnstadt is closed.  Lối ra khỏi đường cao tốc tại Arnstadt đã đóng cửa.
Exercise 42-3 Die Stadtbücherei hat bereits geschlossen.  + Bücherei The library is already closed.  Thư viện đã được đóng lại.
Exercise 42-6 Um fünf Uhr ist in der Fabrik Feierabend.  + Feierabend At five o' clock, the factory is closed.  Lúc 5 giờ đồng hồ, nhà máy đóng cửa.
Exercise 43-6 Mein Buch steht kurz vor dem Abschluss.  + Abschluss My book is about to close.  Cuốn sách của tôi sắp kết thúc.
Exercise 44-3 Zwischen diesen beiden Problemen besteht ein enger Zusammenhang.  + Zusammenhang There is a close link between these two problems.  Có một mối liên kết chặt chẽ giữa hai vấn đề này.
Exercise 44-9 Der Prozess findet hinter verschlossenen Türen statt.  + Prozess The trial takes place behind closed doors.  Phiên tòa diễn ra sau những cánh cửa đóng kín.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Household Furniture Garderobe + coat rack, closet + A
+ + 103 Household Furniture Wandschrank + closet; built-in cupboard + B
+ + 103 Household Furniture Kleiderschrank + clothes closet + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Face eng zusammenste-hende Augen + close-set eyes + C
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness enge Freunde + close friends + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Vertraute(r) + close/intimate friend; confidant(e) + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Friendliness and unfriendliness, communicativeness Brüderschaft + close friendship + C
+ + 103 Perception Sight jmdn/etw in Augenschein nehmen + to take a close look at sb/sth + C
+ + 103 Perception Smell stickig + stuffy, close + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance nah(e) + near, close + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance Nähe + closeness, proximity, vicinity, area near(by) + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance bei + at, close to + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance dicht + close + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease sich zusammenziehen + to contract, close up + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Großaufnahme + close-up + C
+ + 103 Employment Unions and industrial action gewerkschaftsgebundene Firma + closed shop + B
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post beiliegend + enclosed + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Post dem Brief beigelegt + enclosed with/in the letter + C
+ + 103 Finance Banking and investment ein Konto löschen/auflösen + to close an account + A
+ + 103 Finance The market Börsenschluss + close of the stock market + B
+ + 103 Finance Credit and debt ein Darlehen kündigen + to foreclose on a loan + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * guan1 shut/ lock up/ turn off/ close down 1. zumachen, schließen, verschließen 2. ausmachen, abstellen, abschalten 3. einschließen, einsperren 4. betreffen, angehen 5. schließen, stillegen 6. Paß 7. Zollamt 8. Engpaß +
A + * * jin4 nearby/ near/ close 1. nahe, unweit, dicht bei 2. sich nähern, an etw grenzen, annähernd 3. innig, intim 4. leicht verständlich +
A 友好 + * * you3hao3 friendly/ amicable/ close friend freundlich +
A 自己 + * * zi4ji3 oneself/ closely related/ own selbst +
B + * * ai1 1. touch, lean on or against 2. get close to, be next to 1.(VJ) berühren, anlehnen 2 (VJ) nahe kommen 3.(P) neben,an, nahe bei 4. der Reihe nach, in Reihenfolge siehe ai2 +
B + * * bi4 close/ shut 1. schließen, zumachen, versperren 2. verstopfen, verschließen +
B 密切 + * * mi4qie4 intimate/ close/ carefully/ be close nahe, vertraulich, aufmerksam +
B + * * he2 close/ shut/ join/ combine 1. schließen, zumachen 2. vereinigen, zusammenschließen 3. entsprechen, passen, zusagen, jm bekommen, 4. umgerechnet, gleich sein +
B 抓緊 + * * zhua1 jin3 firmly grasp/ pay close attention to festhalten, höchste Aufmerksamkeit schenken +
B 跟前 + * * gen1qian2 in front of/ near/ close to 1. Ferse 2. folgen, nachkommen, befolgen 3.(zusammen )mit , und +
B + * * wei2 beleaguer/ enclose/ surround 1. umgeben, einschließen, umkreisen, umzäunen 2. rings, ringsherum, rundum +
B 接近 + * * jie1jin4 be close to/ near nah, in der Nähe sein, sich nähern +
C + * * qin1 close/ intimate/ dear/ related by blood 1. Elternteil, Blutsverwandte innig, vertraut, intim 3.Ehe, Heirat +
C + * * shou3 guard/ defend/ keep watch/ observe/ be close to 1. verteidigen, schützen, behaupten 2. Wache halten, wachen, aufpassen 3. halten, einhalten, festhalten 4. beobachten, in der Nähe sein +
C + * * cou4 move close to/ gather together/ collect/ pool 1. sammeln, zusammentun, 2. zufällig, gerade, bei Gelegenheit 3. sich nähern, an etw heranrücken +
C 閉幕 + * * bi4mu4 the curtain falls, close schließen , der Vorhang fällt +
C 緊密 + * * jin3mi4 close and dense/ close/ inseparable eng, fest,unzertrennlich,heftig und dicht aufein.f +
C + * * xuan2 suspend/ hang/ feel anxious/ be unsettled/ disclose 1. hängen, aufhängen 2. schwebend, ungelöst 3. besorgt sein 4. weit entfernt, sehr unterschiedlich +
C + * * long3 approach/ sum up/ bring together/ close/ comb (hair) 1. sich nähern, eintreffen 2. zusammenrechnen 3. etw sammeln und bündeln 4.kämmen +
C 旗袍 + * * qi2pao2 close-fitting lady's dress originating from the Manchu Qipao, Cheongsam, chinesisches Etui-kleid +
C 友愛 + * * you3'ai4 friendship-love/ friendly and close/ friendly affection Freundlichkeit, Kameradschaft +
C 靠近 + * * kao4jin4 get close to/ draw near/ approach nahe,in der Nähe von,neben,sich nähern,näherkommen +
C + * * feng1 seal/ cap/ close down/ blockade 1. schließen, verschließen, siegeln 2. jn belehnen 3. Umschlag , Hülle, 4. ein Zählwort für Briefe +
C + * * yan2 strict/ stern/ tight/ close/ severe/ heavy/ extreme 1. dicht, fest 2. strikt, streng +
C 櫃子 + * * gui4zi cupboard/ cabinet/ closet/ dresser/ chest Schrank +
C 嚴密 + * * yan2mi4 close-tight/ close/ tight/ well-conceived dicht, streng, hermetisch +
C + * * ding1 follow closely/ tail behind/ urge/ press 1. Nagel 2. annageln +
C + * * jie1 peel off/ tear off/ uncover/ lift/ expose/ disclose/ raise 1. abnehmen, abheben, abdecken 2.aufdecken, enthüllen, entlarven, bloßlegen 3. hochhalten, hochziehen, hissen +
C 揭露 + * * jie1lu4 uncover/ disclose/ unmask/ expose/ unveil/ lay bare an die Öffentlichkeit bringen +
D 倒閉 + * * dao3bi4 close down ruiniert werden, bankrott gehen +
D 親密 + * * qin1mi4 intimate/ close vertraut, intim +
D 閉塞/蔽塞 + * * bi4se4 close up/ unenlightened verstopfen,schwer zugänglich +
D 關閉 + * * guan1bi4 close/ shut schließen +
D 精密 + * * jing1mi4 exact/ close präzis, fein +
D 封閉 + * * feng1bi4 occlude/ close down schließen +
D 追問 + * * zhui1wen4 question closely/ examine minutely gründlich untersuchen, eingehende Erkundigungen einholen +
D 揭發 + * * jie1fa1 disclose/ expose ans Tageslicht bringen, enthüllen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
390 他们 感情 不错 + They have a close relationship. Sie haben ein inniges Verhältnis.
417 商店 关门 + The shop is closed. Das Geschäft ist geschlossen.
510 学校 + My home is very close to the school. Mein Zuhause (Wohnung, Haus ...) ist dicht bei der Schule.
805 上书 准备 离开 + I closed my books and got ready to leave. Ich schliesse meine Bücher und bereite mich vor zu gehen.
1415 商店 休业 + The shop has closed down. Das Geschäft hat den Betrieb eingestellt.
1479 栏杆 树圈 起来 + The railings enclose the flowers and trees. Die Geländer umgrenzen die Blumen und die Bäume.
1962 着眼 + She has her eyes closed.
2070 邮局 营业 几点 + What time does the post office close?
3365 大家 站拢 拍照 + Everyone stand closer together, we're about to take a picture!
3615 经常 走入 社区 倾听 普通 民众 心声 + He often goes into the community, to listen closely to the aspirations of the average citizens.
3648 除非 我们 得到 更多 资金 我们 不得不 关闭 这家 商店 + Unless we can get more finance, we'll have to close the store.
3726 秘书 收据 + The secretary enclosed a receipt in the letter.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
guan1 + shut / close
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
guan1men2 + to close a door
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
Qing3 ni3 guan1men2. + Please close the door.
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
Qing3wen4, zhe4ge4 shang1dian4 ji3dian3 guan1men2? + Excuse me, what time does this shop close?
Lesson 019. Traveling in China. Pt 1.
fu4jin4 + near by / close by
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
li2 ... Jin4 + near to / close to
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
li2 bin1guan3 hen3 jin4 + very close to the hotel
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
guan1bi4 + to close / to shut down
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Xian4zai4 qing3 guan1bi4 suo3you3 de cheng2xu4. + Now please close all the programs.
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Xian4zai4 qing3 guan1bi4 suo3you3 de cheng2shi4. + Now please close all the programs.
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
Qing3 guan1bi4 zhe4ge4 shi4chuang1. + Please close this window. (comp.)
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
bi4shang + to close
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Qing3 ni3 bi4shang yan3jing. + Please close your eyes.
Lesson 046. Baby Talk in Mandarin.
Yan3jing bi4bi4. + Please close your eyes.
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
xiang1qin1xiang1'ai4 + to be close and love each other
Lesson 047. Marriage and Wedding.
Wo3 zhu4 ni3men xiang1qin1xiang1'ai4! + I wish you to be close and love each other!
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

avec ce traité, le Japon se rapproche des Etats-Unis + with this treaty, Japan brings itself closer to the U.S.

ferme les yeux, et respire + close your eyes and breathe

veuillez fermer la porte derrière vous + please close the door after you

je vais fermer les yeux maintenant + I’m going to close my eyes now

nous n’avions pas de famille proche + we didn’t have any close relatives

j’ai voulu me rapprocher de toi + I wanted to get closer to you

l’Irak disposait de trois divisions près de la frontière + Iraq had three divisions close to the border

fermez bien les volets, il y aura de la tempête + close the shutters tightly, a storm is coming

les banques ont été contraintes de fermer leurs guichets + the banks had to close their tellerstations

les frontières terrestres et les aéroports sont fermés + the border crossings and airports are closed

c’est l’heure de fermeture. la piscine est fermée + it’s closing time. the pool’s closed

c’est la dernière tournée. le bar va fermer + that’s the last round. the bar’s going to close

ils restaient à proximité + they stayed close by

il a refermé la porte tout doucement + he closed the door very gingerly

on pourrait penser qu’ils sont étroitement liés + one might think that they are closely connected

volontairement, je fermai les yeux + willingly, I closed my eyes

«ferme les rideaux», dis-je – “ + close the curtains”, I said

je pourrais dessiner les yeux fermés + I could draw with my eyes closed

j’entends la porte se refermer derrière moi + I hear the door close behind me

de nombreuses autoroutes ont dû être fermées + many highways had to be closed

d’accord, fermez les cahiers. commençons cet examen + OK, close your workbooks. let’s begin this exam

l’école est fermée pour inondation + the school is closed due to flooding
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
103 close +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
close đóng + +
close đóng + +