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A圈兒' + A圈儿* * + at symbol, @/
一大早' + 一大早* * + at dawn/ at first light first thin
一氣' + 一气* * + at one go/ at a stretch for a peri
一黑早' + 一黑早* * + at dawn/ early in the morning
一齊' + 一齐* * + at the same time/ simultaneously
七上八下' + 七上八下* * + at sixes and sevens/ perturbed state of mind in a mess
三角腹帶' + 三角腹带* * + athletic supporter/
乍' + * * + at first/ suddenly abruptly
乍看' + 乍看* * + at first glance/
乘便' + 乘便* * + at your convenience/
乘務員' + 乘务员* * + attendant on an airplane, train, boat etc/
亞特蘭大' + 亚特兰大* * + Atlanta/
今朝' + 今朝* * + at the present/ now
任從' + 任从* * + at one's discretion/
侍者' + 侍者* * + attendant/ waiter
便中' + 便中* * + at one's convenience/ when it's convenient
儐相' + 傧相* * + attendant of the bride or bridegroom at a wedding/
充其量' + 充其量* * + at most/ at best
公費' + 公费* * + at public expense/
冒著生命危險' + 冒着生命危险* * + at the risk of one's life/
冶天' + 冶天* * + ATI, brand name of AMD graphics cards/
出席者' + 出席者* * + attendant/
初' + * * + at first/ (at the) beginning first
到了' + 到了* * + at last/ finally in the end
到時' + 到时* * + at that (future) time/
劍拔弩張' + 剑拔弩张* * + lit. wi at daggers drawn/
動脈粥樣硬化' + 动脉粥样硬化* * + atherosclerosis/
勤勤' + 勤勤* * + attentive/ solicitous earnest
原子' + 原子* * + atom/ atomic
原子半徑' + 原子半径* * + atomic radius/
原子反應堆' + 原子反应堆* * + atomic reactor/
原子堆' + 原子堆* * + atomic pile (original form of nuclear reactor)/
原子序數' + 原子序数* * + atomic number/
原子彈' + 原子弹* * + atom bomb/ atomic bomb A-bomb
原子核' + 原子核* * + atomic nucleus/
原子武器' + 原子武器* * + atomic weapon/
原子爆彈' + 原子爆弹* * + atom bomb/
原子爆破彈藥' + 原子爆破弹药* * + atomic demolition munition/
原子科學家' + 原子科学家* * + atomic scientist/ nuclear scientist
原子能' + 原子能* * + atomic energy/
原子能發電站' + 原子能发电站* * + atomic power station/
原子論' + 原子论* * + atomic theory/
原子質量' + 原子质量* * + atomic mass/
原子量' + 原子量* * + atomic weight/ atomic mass
原子鐘' + 原子钟* * + atomic clock/
原爆' + 原爆* * + atom bomb/ contraction of 原子爆彈|原子爆弹
參贊' + 参赞* * + diploma attache/
及早' + 及早* * + at the earliest possible time/ as soon as possible
取款機' + 取款机* * + ATM/
古今中外' + 古今中外* * + at all times and in all places (idiom)/
同時' + 同时* * + at the same time/ simultaneously
同時期' + 同时期* * + at the same time/ contemporary
吸力' + 吸力* * + attraction (in gravitation or electrostatics)/ attractive force
吸引子' + 吸引子* * + attractor (math., dynamical systems)/
吸引子網絡' + 吸引子网络* * + attractor network/
命不久已' + 命不久已* * + at death's door/
圖集' + 图集* * + atlas/ CL:本
在槍口' + 在枪口* * + at gunpoint/
執著' + 执着* * + attachment/ stubborn be attache
夙日' + 夙日* * + at ordinary times/
多動症' + 多动症* * + attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/
大不了' + 大不了* * + at worst/ if worst comes to worst serious
大步流星' + 大步流星* * + at a stride/ taking large steps (while walking)
大氣候' + 大气候* * + atmosphere/
大氣壓' + 大气压* * + atmospheric pressure/
大氣壓力' + 大气压力* * + atmospheric pressure/
大氣壓強' + 大气压强* * + atmospheric pressure/
大氣層' + 大气层* * + atmosphere/
大氣層核試驗' + 大气层核试验* * + atmospheric nuclear test/
大氣暖化' + 大气暖化* * + atmospheric warming/
大氣環流' + 大气环流* * + atmospheric circulation/
大西國' + 大西国* * + Atlantis/
大西洋' + 大西洋* * + Atlantic Ocean/
大西洋中脊' + 大西洋中脊* * + Atlantic mid-ocean ridge/
大西洋洋中脊' + 大西洋洋中脊* * + Atlantic mid-ocean ridge/
天電' + 天电* * + atmospherics/ static
夾攻' + 夹攻* * + attack from two sides/ pincer movement converging
嫈' + * * + attentively/ carefully
安泰' + 安泰* * + at peace/ healthy and secure
安舒' + 安舒* * + at peace/ relaxed serene
定勢' + 定势* * + attitude/ mindset prejudice
定語' + 定语* * + attributive (modifier)/
小白臉' + 小白脸* * + attractive young man (usually derog.)/ pretty boy gigolo
就' + * * + at once/ right away only
就便' + 就便* * + at sb's convenience/ in passing while doin
就此' + 就此* * + at this point/ thus from then
尾擊' + 尾击* * + attack from the rear/
屬性' + 属性* * + attribute/ property
後附' + 后附* * + attachment/ appendix addendum
心態' + 心态* * + attitude (of the heart)/ state of one's psyche way of thi
心房顫動' + 心房颤动* * + atrial fibrillation/
態' + * * + attitude/
慢步' + 慢步* * + at a slow pace/
應邀' + 应邀* * + at sb's invitation/ on invitation
手足無措' + 手足无措* * + at a loss to know what to do (idiom); bewildered/
拂士' + 拂士* * + attendant to the emperor/ wise counselor
掗' + * * + attach/ brandish hold
搭便' + 搭便* * + at one's convenience/ in passing
擬阿拖品藥物' + 拟阿拖品药物* * + atropinemimetic drug/
攻佔' + 攻占* * + attack and occupy/
攻防' + 攻防* * + attack and defense/ the midfield (in soccer)
政柄' + 政柄* * + at the helm of state/ political power regime
時下' + 时下* * + at present/ right now
時時刻刻' + 时时刻刻* * + at all times/
暗箭' + 暗箭* * + attack by a hidden enemy/ a stab in the back
最多' + 最多* * + at most/ maximum greatest (
最少' + 最少* * + at least/ minimum lowest (am
有魅力' + 有魅力* * + attractive/ charming
朝不保夕' + 朝不保夕* * + at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state/ imminent crisis living fro
朝不慮夕' + 朝不虑夕* * + at dawn, not sure of lasting to evening (idiom); precarious state/ imminent crisis living fro
架勢' + 架势* * + attitude/ position (on an issue etc)
核裂變' + 核裂变* * + atomic fission/ nuclear fission fission
櫃員機' + 柜员机* * + ATM/
此時此刻' + 此时此刻* * + at this very moment/
步步' + 步步* * + step by at every step/
歪' + * * + askew at a crooked angle/ devious noxious
殘年短景' + 残年短景* * + at the end of the year (idiom)/
殺人未遂' + 杀人未遂* * + attempted murder/
每時每刻' + 每时每刻* * + at all times/ at every moment
每隔' + 每隔* * + at intervals of/ every (so often)
氣壓' + 气压* * + atmospheric pressure/ barometric pressure
氣氛' + 气氛* * + atmosphere/ mood
沒有法' + 没有法* * + at a loss/ unable to do anything about it to have no
沒法' + 没法* * + at a loss/ unable to do anything about it to have no
沒轍' + 没辙* * + at one's wit's end/ unable to find a way out
注意力' + 注意力* * + attention/
注意力不足過動症' + 注意力不足过动症* * + attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/
注意力缺失症' + 注意力缺失症* * + attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/
注意力缺陷過動症' + 注意力缺陷过动症* * + attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/
注目' + 注目* * + attention/ to stare at to fix att
泰雅族' + 泰雅族* * + Atayal or Tayal, one of the indigenous ethnic groups of Taiwan/
減毒活疫苗' + 减毒活疫苗* * + attenuated live vaccine/
湊手' + 凑手* * + at hand/ within easy reach convenient
滿孝' + 满孝* * + at the end of the mourning period/ to fulfill one's filial duties of mourning
滿服' + 满服* * + at the end of the mourning period/ to fulfill one's filial duties of mourning
火炬手' + 火炬手* * + torchbe athlete carrying Olympic flame/
火速' + 火速* * + at top speed/ at a tremendous lick
無所作為' + 无所作为* * + attempting nothing and accomplishing nothing (idiom); without any initiative or dr/ feckless
無神論' + 无神论* * + atheism/
無神論者' + 无神论者* * + atheist/
爽然若失' + 爽然若失* * + at a loss/ confused not know w
猛一看' + 猛一看* * + at first glance/ first impression
現階段' + 现阶段* * + at the present stage/
球鞋' + 球鞋* * + athletic shoes/
環礁' + 环礁* * + atoll/
當' + * * + at or in the very same.../ suitable adequate
當初' + 当初* * + at that time/ originally
當即' + 当即* * + at once/ on the spot
當口' + 当口* * + at that moment/ just then
當場' + 当场* * + at the scene/ on the spot
疾步' + 疾步* * + at a fast pace/
目下' + 目下* * + at present/
目前' + 目前* * + at the present time/ currently
相持不下' + 相持不下* * + at a stalemate/ deadlocked in unrelen
相機' + 相机* * + at the opportune moment/ as the circumstances allow abbr. for
眼下' + 眼下* * + now at present/ subocular (medicine)
眼時' + 眼时* * + at present/ nowadays
眾矢之的' + 众矢之的* * + lit. ta attacked on all sides/
磨損率' + 磨损率* * + attrition rate/
空氣阻力' + 空气阻力* * + atmospheric drag/
穿著' + 穿着* * + attire/ clothes dress
立馬' + 立马* * + at once/ immediately promptly
粥樣硬化' + 粥样硬化* * + atherosclerosis/ hardening of the arteries
終於' + 终于* * + at last/ in the end finally
總算' + 总算* * + at long last/ finally on the who
繾' + * * + attached to/ loving
美國電話電報公司' + 美国电话电报公司* * + AT&T/
肇' + * * + at first/ devise originate
背後' + 背后* * + behind at the back/ in the rear behind sb'
腳癬' + 脚癣* * + athlete's foot/
膝下' + 膝下* * + at the knee (in reference to children)/ (salutation used in letters to parents or grandparents)
臨時' + 临时* * + at the instant sth happens/ temporary interim
臨死' + 临死* * + facing at death's door/
臨盆' + 临盆* * + at childbirth/ in labor
自失' + 自失* * + at a loss/
至少' + 至少* * + at least/ (to say the) least
至遲' + 至迟* * + at the latest/
與此同時' + 与此同时* * + at the same time/ meanwhile
艾奇遜' + 艾奇逊* * + Atchison or Acheson (name)/ Atchison city on Missouri in Kansas, USA
艾登堡' + 艾登堡* * + Attenborough (name)/ David Attenborough (1926-), British naturalist and broadcaster, author of Life on Earth 地球上的生物
花架子' + 花架子* * + attractive appearance, but without substance/
茫然失措' + 茫然失措* * + at a loss (idiom)/
薄暗' + 薄暗* * + at dusk/ evening
薄曉' + 薄晓* * + at dawn/
血管粥樣硬化' + 血管粥样硬化* * + atherosclerosis/ hardening of the arteries
裝束' + 装束* * + attire/ clothing
襲擊' + 袭击* * + attack (esp. surprise attack)/ raid to attack
襲擊者' + 袭击者* * + attacker/
誘人' + 诱人* * + attractive/ alluring captivatin
負有責任' + 负有责任* * + at fault/ blamed for responsibl
質明' + 质明* * + at dawn/
質量數' + 质量数* * + atomic weight of an element/ atomic mass
起先' + 起先* * + at first/ in the beginning
起碼' + 起码* * + at the minimum/ at the very least
趁早' + 趁早* * + as soon at the first opportunity/ the sooner the better before it'
趕快' + 赶快* * + at once/ immediately
足癬' + 足癣* * + athlete's foot/
跑道' + 跑道* * + athletic track/ track runway (i.
距' + * * + at a distance of/ distance to be apar
跟差' + 跟差* * + attendant/
跟班' + 跟班* * + attendant/ footman (servant)
身邊' + 身边* * + at one's side/ on hand
輒' + * * + then at once/ always (archaic)
迷惘' + 迷惘* * + perplex at a loss/
這時' + 这时* * + at this time/ at this moment
這陣兒' + 这阵儿* * + now at present/ at this juncture
逢年過節' + 逢年过节* * + at the Chinese New Year or other festivities/
運動家' + 运动家* * + athlete/ sportsman activist
選手' + 选手* * + athlete/ contestant
那咱' + 那咱* * + at that time (old)/
那時候' + 那时候* * + at that time/
那陣' + 那阵* * + at that time/ then
那陣子' + 那阵子* * + at that time/ then
量販式' + 量贩式* * + at wholesale price/
銀行卡' + 银行卡* * + bank ca ATM card/
開初' + 开初* * + at the outset/ at first early
閑在' + 闲在* * + at leisure/
閒來無事' + 闲来无事* * + at leisure/ idle to have no
阿圖什' + 阿图什* * + Atush or Artux city and county in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang/ Atushi city near Kashgar in Xinjiang
阿圖什市' + 阿图什市* * + Atush or Artux city in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治/ Atushi city near Kashgar in Xinjiang
阿圖什縣' + 阿图什县* * + Atush or Artux county in Qizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜/
阿拖品化' + 阿拖品化* * + atropinization/
阿提拉' + 阿提拉* * + Attila (406-453), Hun emperor, known as the scourge of God/
阿森斯' + 阿森斯* * + Athens, Ohio/
阿特拉斯' + 阿特拉斯* * + Atlas (Titan in Greek mythology)/ Atlas mountains of north Africa
阿特蘭蒂斯' + 阿特兰蒂斯* * + Atlantis/
阿特金斯' + 阿特金斯* * + Atkins (name)/
阿的平' + 阿的平* * + atabrine or quinacrine, used as antimalarial drug and antibiotic against intestina/
附上' + 附上* * + attached/ included herewith
附中' + 附中* * + attached (or affiliated) secondary (or middle) school/ abbr. for 附屬中學|附属中学
附件' + 附件* * + enclosu attachment (email)/ appendix
附屬物' + 附属物* * + attachment/ appendage
隨信' + 随信* * + attached with the letter/
隨員' + 随员* * + attendant/
隨時' + 随时* * + at any time/ at all times at the rig
隨遇而安' + 随遇而安* * + at home wherever one is (idiom); ready to adapt/ flexible to accept
雅典' + 雅典* * + Athens, capital of Greece/
雅典娜' + 雅典娜* * + Athena/
靚' + * * + attractive/ good-looking
非典' + 非典* * + atypical pneumonia/ Severe Acute Respitory Syndrome SARS
非典型肺炎' + 非典型肺炎* * + atypical pneumonia/ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome SARS
頂多' + 顶多* * + at most/ at best
飛馬' + 飞马* * + at the gallop/
香港腳' + 香港脚* * + athlete's foot/
馬上' + 马上* * + at once/ right away immediatel
鼎盛' + 鼎盛* * + flouris at its peak/ a golden age
齊根' + 齐根* * + at the base/ at the root (of a leg)
齊頭' + 齐头* * + at the same time/ simultaneously

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[applied] concerned with concrete problems or data
[artificial] unreal, unnatural
[automatic] operating with minimal human intervention
[bare] lacking its natural or customary covering
[black] achromatic
[broken] physically separated into pieces
[close] close in relevance or relationship
[complex] complicated
[concrete] material
[constitutional] relating to a/the constitution
[continental] relating to a continent
[cool] neither warm or very cold in temperature
[cooperative] co-operative
[critical] being in a state of crisis or emergency
[cultural] relating to arts
[cute] attractive
[dead] inanimate
[deep] having great spatial extension downward
[diplomatic] diplomatical, suave
[direct] without deviation or interruption
[discreet] keeping private, prudent, restrained
[distant] separated in space or time
[domestic] concerning the internal affairs of a nation
[domestic] relating to the home
[dramatic] pertaining to theater
[dull] boring, lacking in liveliness or animation
[economic] relating to economics
[empirical] empiric, derived from experiment and observation
[environmental] relating to the external surroundings
[far] at a long distance
[fast] at a rapid tempo
[fat] having much flesh, especially fat
[forward] at, near or directed toward the front
[free] able to act at will
[free] complimentary, costless, gratis
[full] replete, filled to satisfaction with food
[general] applying to most members of a category
[heavy] of great physical weight
[helpless] incapacitated
[high] greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount
[hot] being of high temperature
[ignorant] lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated
[imperial] relating to an empire
[integrated] not segregated
[late] belated, tardy
[latest] newest, up-to-date
[long] of great spatial extension
[long] of relatively great duration
[loud] characterized by sound of great volume
[low] being at small elevation
[magnetic] relating to magnetism
[major] greater in scope or effect
[marine] nautical, maritime, relating to the sea
[mature] having reached full natural growth or development
[mature] ripe, fully developed and ready to be eaten
[mild] moderate
[monstrous] atrocious, heinous
[moral] relating to principles of right and wrong
[narrow] not wide spatially
[national] relating to a nation or country
[new] recently created, unused or little used
[noble] having elevated character
[nuclear] atomic
[offensive] for the purpose of attack
[old] elderly, having lived for a relatively long time
[orthodox] adhering to what is commonly accepted
[popular] regarded with great favor, approval, or affection
[present] intermediate between past and future
[presidential] relating to a president or presidency
[productive] generative
[public] not private
[raw] not treated with heat
[revolutionary] advocating or engaged in revolution
[rich] possessing material wealth
[romantic] amatory, amorous
[seasonal] occurring at a particular season
[seasonal] occurring at or dependent on a particular season
[short] of limited duration
[single] individual, separate
[soft] relatively low in volume
[spontaneous] self-generated
[steep] having a sharp inclination
[still] inactive, motionless, static
[strategic] strategical
[strong] secure, unattackable
[stubborn] obstinate
[stunning] strikingly beautiful or attractive
[talkative] chatty, gabby, garrulous
[tender] gentle, sympathetic, feeling
[tense] in a state of physical or nervous tension
[thoughtful] considerate, showing concern
[tidy] neat, orderly, clean
[tired] fatigued
[unlawful] illegitimate, illicit
[warm] producing a comfortable degree of heat
[white] achromatic
[abortion] termination pregnancy
[absorption] preoccupation, engrossment
[absorption] social assimilation
[abuse] maltreatment, ill-treatment
[accent] speech pattern
[account] explanation
[account] accounting, account statement
[acid] water-soluble compound with sour taste
[action] series of events that form a plot
[addition] summation, plus
[address] place where a person or organization can be found
[advice] proposal for an appropriate course of action
[affinity] natural attraction
[agency] business that serves other businesses
[agent] representative who acts on behalf of others
[aisle] passage between seats or supermarket shelves
[alarm] dismay, consternation, fear
[ally] friendly nation
[animal] animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna
[announcement] proclamation, declaration
[appeal] solicitation
[appendix] supplementary material
[application] practical application
[argument] argumentation, debate
[arrow] pointer, indicator
[art] artistic creation, artistic production
[article] nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
[artist] creative person
[assault] physical attack
[rape] rape, violation, assault, ravishment
[assembly] assemblage, gathering of people
[assembly] fabrication, construction
[association] formal organization of people
[association] affiliation
[attack] onslaught, physical attack
[attention] faculty or power of mental concentration
[attitude] mental attitude
[attraction] attractiveness
[audience] spectators, listeners
[aunt] auntie, relative
[authority] persons who exercise administrative control
[aviation] operation of aircraft
[axis] axis of rotation
[back] rear, side that goes last or is not normally seen
[balance] state of equilibrium
[ball] object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games
[banana] elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit
[bar] horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts
[barrier] separator obstructing vision or access
[base] flat bottom on which something sits
[basin] washbasin, washbowl, washstand, lavatory
[basis] base, foundation, fundament
[bathtub] bath, bathing tub, tub
[bathroom] bath, toilet, lavatory
[battery] electric battery
[battlefield] battleground, field of battle, field
[bay] indentation of a shoreline
[beat] pulse, pulsation, heartbeat
[beef] meat
[bench] long seat
[bird] warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate
[snack] bite, collation, light meal
[boat] a small vessel for travel on water
[bolt] type of screw that screws into a nut
[border] boundary line, borderline, delimitation
[bracket] punctuation mark
[bracket] category
[brain] encephalon, grey matter
[budget] sum of money allocated
[burial] entombment, inhumation, interment
[business] occupation, job, line of work, line
[cabinet] persons appointed by a head of state
[calculation] computation, figuring, reckoning
[calculation] deliberation, planning
[calf] young cattle
[call] cry, outcry, yell, shout, vociferation
[capital] seat of government
[carbon] C, atomic number 6
[care] attention, aid, tending
[career] calling, vocation
[carriage] baby carriage, perambulator, pram, stroller
[catalogue] catalog
[censorship] deletion of material in art works
[center] building dedicated to a particular activity
[chair] seat
[challenge] questioning a statement
[challenge] demanding or stimulating situation
[change] alteration, modification
[channel] narrow body of water, canal
[charge] accusation
[chart] map for navigation
[chart] display of information
[check] confirmation, verification
[chip] crisp, potato chip
[choice] option, alternative
[chord] combination of notes
[cinema] movie theater, theater
[citizen] member of a state
[civilization] society in an advanced state
[climate] clime, weather
[club] bat, stout stick that is larger at one end
[coach] private instructor, tutor
[coalition] coalescence, conglutination
[coat] coating, thin layer
[cold] coldness, low temperature
[collection] aggregation, accumulation, assemblage
[college] institution of higher education
[colon] punctuation mark
[comfort] consolation, solace
[command] authoritative instruction
[commission] deputation, delegation
[commitment] allegiance, loyalty, dedication
[communication] something communicated between people
[complication] complex situation
[compromise] allowance, accommodation with concessions
[conception] fertilization
[concern] feeling of sympathy
[concrete] strong building material
[condition] precondition, stipulation
[condition] status, state
[conductor] substance that readily transmits electricity or heat
[conflict] incompatibility of dates or events
[conflict] state of opposition between persons or ideas
[congress] national legislative assembly
[connection] shifting from one transportation to another
[consciousness] alert cognitive state
[conservation] preservation, environmental management
[constellation] configuration of stars
[continuation] lengthiness, prolongation, extension
[contribution] donation
[cooperation] group action, collaboration
[copy] secondary representation of an original
[copyright] right of publication
[correction] rectification
[costume] attire for special occasions
[council] administrative body
[country] state, nation, land
[coup] coup d'etat, putsch, takeover
[course] path, track
[court] tribunal, judicature
[courtesy] considerate act
[cream] fat part of milk
[creation] creative activity
[crisis] unstable situation
[culture] product of cultivating micro-organisms
[culture] attitudes and behavior
[culture] civilization, civilisation
[customer] client, patron
[cycle] periodically repeated sequence
[debate] disputation, public debate
[declaration] statement
[decoration] ornament, ornamentation
[defeat] frustration, feeling of defeat
[definition] concise explanation
[degree] unit of temperature
[denial] disaffirmation
[depression] natural depression, geological formation
[deputy] surrogate
[design] invention, innovation
[designer] interior designer, interior decorator
[despair] desperate feeling
[detective] investigator, police detective
[development] growth, growing, maturation
[dialogue] dialog, conversation
[difference] remainder, number that remains after subtraction
[diplomat] official engaged in international negotiations
[direction] course, orientation
[disaster] calamity, catastrophe, tragedy
[discrimination] unfair treatment
[disk] disc, flat circular plate
[distance] property created by the space between two objects or points
[distortion] optical aberration
[division] arithmetic operation
[division] administrative unit
[dragon] mythical creature
[drama] dramatic event
[drawing] representation, artwork
[dream] ambition, aspiration
[drift] something heaped up by wind or water
[drive] high motivation
[driver] operator of a motor vehicle
[duty] work that you are obliged to perform
[echo] reverberation, sound reflection
[edition] publication
[effort] attempt, endeavor
[equation] mathematical statement
[estimate] estimation, approximation
[example] illustration, instance, representative
[exception] instance that does not conform to a rule
[excitement] agitation, turmoil, upheaval, hullabaloo
[excitement] excitation, fervor, mental state
[excuse] alibi, exculpation, self-justification
[execution] capital punishment, death penalty
[executive] administrator
[exile] deportation, expatriation, expulsion
[expectation] anticipation
[experience] accumulation of knowledge or skill
[experiment] experimentation
[explosion] detonation, blowup
[facility] installation, building or place providing a particular service
[factor] anything that contributes causally to a result
[fair] promotional gathering of producers
[fairy] faery, faerie, sprite, magical creature
[fare] transportation fee
[fashion] latest style, rage, fad
[fault] responsibility for a bad situation
[feature] facial feature
[federation] confederation, confederacy, political union
[feeling] touch, touch sensation
[ferry] ferryboat
[fever] high body temperature
[few] indefinite but relatively small number
[field] playing field, athletic field
[fight] fighting, combat
[figure] design, pattern
[file] data file
[film] thin coating
[filter] device that removes something small
[final] final examination
[fire] attack, flak, flack, blast
[fish] cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates
[flash] heartbeat, instant, jiffy, split second
[flat] flat tire
[flood] inundation
[flower] plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
[fog] water vapor
[folklore] unwritten literature or songs
[form] shape, pattern
[format] formatting, data format, data formatting
[formation] spatial arrangement
[formula] statement of a fundamental principle
[fountain] water dispenser, font
[freight] transportation
[front] the side that is seen or that goes first
[front] battlefront, front line
[front] atmospheric phenomenon at the boundary between two air masses
[function] mathematical function
[fur] pelt, hairy coat of a mammal
[garlic] aromatic bulb used as seasoning
[gas pedal] accelerator
[gas] state of matter distinguished from solid and liquid
[gloom] gloominess, glumness, atmosphere of depression
[goal] successful attempt at scoring
[goal] finish, destination
[gold] Au, atomic number 79
[governor] head of a state
[gravity] gravitation, gravitational force
[greeting] salutation
[growth] vegetation that has grown
[growth] abnormal proliferation of tissue
[guard] watchman
[gutter] trough, channel for collecting rainwater
[hair] natural body covering
[hall] large room for gatherings or entertainment
[ham] meat
[harmony] concord, harmoniousness, compatibility
[health] wellness, healthy state of wellbeing
[heart] figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top
[heat] heating system
[herd] group of cattle
[hill] elevation of the land
[history] discipline that interprets past events
[history] the aggregate of past events
[mess] difficult situation, fix, jam, muddle, pickle
[holiday] vacation
[home] dwelling, domicile, abode, habitation
[house] legislature
[housing] lodging, living accommodations
[hypothesis] guess, conjecture, surmise, speculation
[ice] frozen water
[illusion] false mental representation
[implication] logical implication
[import] importation
[incentive] inducement, motivator, carrot
[infrastructure] basic features of a system
[integration] desegregation
[introduction] first section of a communication
[introduction] presentation, intro
[irony] sarcasm, satire
[island] land mass surrounded by water
[isolation] state of separation
[jacket] short coat
[jelly] gelatinous substance
[judge] justice, jurist, magistrate
[key] legend, list of words that explain symbols
[kick] sudden stimulation
[kid] young goat
[kinship] family relationship
[labour] working class, proletariat
[lace] delicate fabric
[lake] body of water
[land] estate, landed estate
[language] linguistic communication
[language] terminology, nomenclature
[law] natural scientific law
[lawyer] attorney
[lead] Pb, atomic number 82, soft heavy toxic metal
[legislation] legislating, lawmaking
[legislature] legislative assembly
[length] duration, continuance in time
[level] layer, stratum
[liability] legal obligation and responsibility
[lie] prevarication
[lift] elevator
[light] light source, source of illumination
[limit] demarcation, demarcation line
[limit] limitation
[line] dividing line, demarcation
[line] argumentation, logical argument, line of reasoning
[line] formation of people or things one behind another
[list] tilt, inclination
[literature] creative writing
[loop] iteration
[loss] something that is lost
[lot] deal, flock, good deal, great deal, heap
[lung] respiratory organ
[magazine] periodic publication
[manufacture] fabrication
[map] representation of the earth's surface
[mark] scratch, scrape, scar, indication of damage
[mass] body of matter
[master] maestro, artist of consummate skill
[match] lighter, friction match
[match] catch, a good matrimonial prospect
[mathematics] math, maths
[meaning] significance, signification
[medal] decoration, laurel wreath, medallion, ribbon
[medicine] medication, medicament, medicinal drug
[medium] intermediate state
[memorial] commemoration, remembrance
[memory] something that is remembered
[message] written, spoken, or signaled communication
[middle] intermediate part or section
[mind] head, brain, what is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings
[mine] excavation of ores and minerals
[miracle] supernatural event
[model] simulation
[monkey] long-tailed primate
[moon] satellite of the Earth
[highway] expressway, freeway, state highway
[move] relocation, changing your residence or business
[mutation] genetic mutation
[name] person's reputation
[nationalism] patriotism, love of country
[nationalist] patriot
[nature] natural physical world including plants and animals
[nature] causal agent creating and controlling the universe
[needle] indicator for readings
[network] communication system with a group of broadcasting stations
[news] new information
[nomination] naming a candidate
[note] annotation
[notice] advance notification
[offense] offensive, attack
[offense] misdemeanor, infraction, violation
[operation] military operation
[outline] lineation, linear boundary
[pace] tempo, rate
[paint] substance used to protect or decorate
[chimpanzee] primate
[panel] plate or sheet that is a component of something
[paper] cellulose, material for writing or printing on
[paper] material made of cellulose pulp
[partner] spouse, married person, mate, better half
[partnership] cooperation among people
[passion] passionateness, strong emotion
[password] watchword, word
[patent] patent of invention
[peace] state prevailing during the absence of war
[personality] personal attributes
[philosophy] investigation of existence, knowledge, ethics
[picture] image, icon, visual representation
[piece] separate part of a whole
[pigeon] wild and domesticated bird
[pin] personal identification number, PIN, PIN number
[pioneer] innovator, trailblazer, groundbreaker
[slant] pitch, deviation from the horizontal
[place] seat
[plastic] materials
[play] drama, dramatic play
[pneumonia] respiratory disease
[pollution] contamination
[position] placement, location
[position] status
[power] world power, major power, great power, superpower
[practice] pattern, customary way of operation or behavior
[practice] exercise, drill, practice session, recitation
[praise] congratulations, kudos
[prayer] supplication
[predator] predatory animal
[preoccupation] idea that preoccupies the mind
[presence] state of being present
[pressure] pressure sensation
[pressure] imperativeness, insistence, insistency
[printer] output device that prints data
[privacy] privateness, seclusion
[product] mathematical product obtained by multiplication
[production] presentation for the stage or screen or radio or TV
[profession] occupation
[program] announcement of a theatrical event
[proof] mathematical proofs
[property] attribute, dimension
[property] belongings, holding, material possession
[proposition] statement
[prospect] expectation, outlook
[qualification] reservation, limitation
[quarter] United States coin worth 25 cents
[question] inquiry, query, interrogation
[quotation] quote, citation, words
[quotation] price quotation
[radiation sickness] radiation syndrome
[radio] radiocommunication, wireless, medium
[raid] foray, sudden attack
[rank] status
[ratio] relative magnitude
[reaction] response revealing a person's feelings or attitude
[realism] pragmatism
[reason] explanation of the cause
[reason] rationality
[record] extreme attainment, the best/worst performance ever
[recording] information storage device
[recovery] convalescence, recuperation
[reference] citation, acknowledgment, credit, mention, quotation
[referral] recommendation to consult someone
[regulation] authoritative rule
[rehabilitation] treatment of physical disabilities
[rehabilitation] vindication of character, exoneration
[relation] relative, person related by blood or marriage
[relationship] state of connectedness between people
[reliance] state of relying on something
[relief] ease, alleviation
[reluctance] hesitancy, hesitation, disinclination
[remedy] curative, cure, medicine
[repetition] repeat
[replacement] surrogate, alternate, substitute
[report] study, written report, evaluation
[reproduction] replica, replication, copy
[research] systematic investigation to establish facts
[researcher] research worker, investigator
[responsibility] duty, obligation
[restaurant] eating place
[restoration] renovation, refurbishment
[restraint] limitation
[restriction] limitation
[return] act of returning to a prior location
[return] restitution, restoration, regaining
[revenge] retaliation
[review] recapitulation, recap, summary
[revival] resurgence, revitalization
[revolution] rotation, gyration
[rhythm] beat, musical rhythm
[ribbon] strip of material
[orgy] orgy, debauchery, saturnalia, bacchanal, riot
[river] large natural stream of water
[road] route, open way for travel or transportation
[robot] automaton
[role] character, theatrical role, part
[route] path, itinerary
[royalty] payment for a patent or copyright
[rubbish] trash, scrap, worthless material
[ruin] downfall, ruination
[rule] regulation
[rule] convention, norm of behavior, pattern
[rule] principle, law concerning a natural phenomenon
[rule] formula standard procedure for solving a mathematical problem
[rule] duration of a monarch's or government's power
[runner] athlete
[safety] state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused
[sale] cut-rate sale, sales event
[sample] small part representative of the whole
[sanctuary] consecrated place
[sausage] wurst, meat
[scale] scale of measurement, graduated table
[scheme] schema organization of concepts
[school] educational institution
[selection] survival, survival of the fittest, natural selection
[sense] sensation, sentience, sentiency, sensory faculty
[separation] disassociation, division
[series] serial, serial publication
[set] group of things of the same kind that belong together
[shame] pity, unfortunate event
[share] any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided
[sign] gesture that is part of a sign language
[sign] augury, foretoken, preindication
[simplicity] simpleness, uncomplicatedness
[situation] state of affairs
[sleeve] arm, part of a garment that is attached at armhole
[slice] thin flat piece
[slogan] motto, catchword
[source] informant, person who supplies information
[south] Confederacy, Confederate States
[spectrum] broad range of related values
[spirit] emotional state
[sport] athletics
[spray] water in small drops
[ranch] cattle ranch, cattle farm
[stage] large platform on which people are seen by an audience
[state] state of matter
[statement] financial statement
[statement] affirmation, assertion
[steak] slice of meat
[steam] boiling water
[step] gradation
[steward] flight attendant
[stool] simple seat
[storm] weather condition
[story] narrative, narration
[stream] watercourse
[strike] attack
[summary] brief statement
[sun] star that is the source of light and heat
[sunshine] fair weather
[support] documentation, documentary validation
[support] device that bears the weight of another thing
[surgeon] operating surgeon
[sweat] perspiration
[swing] rapid fluctuation, vacillation
[syndrome] pattern of symptoms
[table] tabular array, data arranged in rows and columns
[tail] posterior part of the body of a vertebrate
[tank] army tank, armored combat vehicle
[tap] water faucet, spigot
[taste] gustation, sense of taste
[tax] taxation, revenue enhancement
[team] squad, cooperative unit
[television] television system, telecommunication system
[tendency] inclination, disposition
[tension] latent hostility
[terrace] patio
[test] examination, exam
[text] textual matter
[thanks] acknowledgment of appreciation
[theater] dramaturgy, dramatic art, dramatics, theatre
[thesis] dissertation
[thinker] creative thinker, mind, important intellectual
[thought] thinking, cerebration
[tile] flat thin slab
[tin] atomic number 50, silvery metal
[tip] lead, confidential information
[tip] gratuity
[tissue] aggregate of cells
[tongue] natural language
[top] garment that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips
[track] data track, circular magnetic path on a disk
[trade] craft, skilled practice of a practical occupation
[tragedy] theatrical drama
[training] preparation, grooming
[trait] distinguishing feature of your personal nature
[transfer] transportation, transferral, conveyance
[transport] transportation, shipping
[trap] snare, device for catching
[trial] tribulation
[triangle] trilateral
[trust] corporate trust, combine, cartel
[trust] confidence, trustful relationship
[truth] true statement
[turkey] bird domesticated for food
[twin] offspring born at the same time
[tycoon] baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul
[understanding] sympathy, compassion
[marriage] union, matrimony, spousal relationship, wedlock
[unrest] feeling of agitation
[urgency] urgent situation calling for prompt action
[urine] piss, pee, piddle, weewee, water
[variant] variation, something a little different
[variation] fluctuation
[vegetarian] person who eats no meat
[version] interpretation from a certain viewpoint
[version] adaptation
[vessel] watercraft
[spokesperson] interpreter, representative
[volume] publication
[wage] pay, earnings, remuneration, salary
[waste] waste material, waste matter, waste product
[way] path, way of life, course of conduct
[weather] weather condition
[weed] plant that crowds out cultivated plants
[well] deep hole with water, oil, or gas
[witness] spectator, viewer, watcher, looker
[worker] person who works at a specific occupation
[wreck] something dilapidated
[youth] time of life between childhood and maturity
[feign] sham, pretend, dissemble, simulate
[appoint] name, nominate
[appreciate] recognize with gratitude
[arrange] set up, put in systematic order
[articulate] enunciate
[impound] confiscate, seize
[attack] assail, assault, attack physically or emotionally
[attract] appeal, be attractive to
[bake] prepare with dry heat
[balance] equilibrate, bring into balance or equilibrium
[banish] bar, relegate, expel
[bargain] negotiate, dicker
[beat] hit repeatedly
[scramble] beat, stir vigorously
[behead] decapitate, cut the head off
[bond] create social or emotional ties
[bother] annoy, irritate
[bounce] move up and down repeatedly
[breathe] take a breath, respire
[predict] call, foretell, prognosticate, forebode
[capture] catch
[cater] supply food ready to eat
[charge] energize a battery
[chew] masticate
[choke] gag, suffocate
[clarify] clear up, elucidate, make comprehensible
[close] finish, terminate, conclude, end
[combine] blend, mix, conflate, commingle, fuse, merge
[remunerate] compensate
[concede] acknowledge defeat
[concentrate] focus, focus one's attention
[consider] debate, think about
[construct] manufacture, fabricate
[contain] incorporate, comprise
[control] operate, handle
[falsify] manipulate, fake, fudge, cook, misrepresent
[cooperate] collaborate, join forces
[copy] imitate, simulate
[copy] re-create, replicate
[count] number, enumerate
[crash] cease operating abruptly
[crouch] squat
[cultivate] domesticate, naturalize, naturalise, tame
[dance] move in a pattern to music
[debate] deliberate
[delay] act later than planned
[delete] erase, wipe out information
[deteriorate] become worse, disintegrate
[train] prepare, educate
[arise] originate, develop, come into existence
[devote] dedicate, commit to a specific cause or function
[die] suffer death
[dive] plunge into water
[divide] split, split up, separate
[double] increase twofold, duplicate
[draw] attract, pull, pull in, draw in
[deteriorate] degenerate, grow worse
[drown] die in water
[drug] dose, medicate
[endure] weather, brave
[enhance] make better or more attractive
[exaggerate] overstate
[exceed] surpass, outstrip, outmatch, outdo
[execute] put to death
[elaborate] expand, expatiate, enlarge, flesh out
[expect] anticipate
[experiment] conduct a test or investigation
[explain] explicate
[explode] detonate, blow up
[exploit] manipulate to one's advantage
[fan] agitate the air
[feel] experience, undergo an emotional sensation
[flood] inundate, fill quickly beyond capacity
[fold] fold up, bend or lay so that one part covers the other
[formulate] word, phrase, articulate
[give] render, yield, return, generate
[grow] mature, maturate
[guard] ward, watch over, shield from danger or harm
[hate] detest, loathe
[hiccup] breathe spasmodically
[hover] levitate
[imagine] conceive of, ideate, envisage
[improve] better, amend, ameliorate
[increase] become bigger or greater
[infect] communicate a disease
[inspire] supply the inspiration for
[intensify] escalate, step up
[introduce] inaugurate, usher in
[jail] imprison, incarcerate
[justify] excuse, rationalize
[keep] observe, celebrate holidays or rites
[kill] cause to die, put to death
[leave] bequeath, will, pass on
[light] light up, illuminate, make light
[locate] situate, determine the location
[make] produce, create
[evaluate] valuate, assess, appraise, value
[meet] gather, assemble
[minimize] understate, downplay
[mislead] misinform, give false information
[miss] fail to attend an event or activity
[model] simulate
[move] arouse sympathy or compassion
[move] change residence, affiliation, or employment
[multiply] calculate
[nap] catnap, take a nap
[offset] countervail, compensate, counterbalance, make up for
[organize] bring order and organization to
[mastermind] engineer, direct, orchestrate, organize
[paint] apply paint to, coat with paint
[rank] rate, place, range, order, grade
[play] participate in games or sport
[beg] implore, entreat
[precede] predate, antecede, antedate
[proclaim] exclaim, promulgate, state, announce
[produce] grow, raise, farm, cultivate
[prove] show, demonstrate, establish
[question] interrogate
[lift] raise, elevate, move up
[rape] ravish, violate, assault
[achieve] accomplish, attain, gain with effort
[read] interpret something that is written or printed
[recover] recuperate, convalesce
[redeem] exchange for ransom under threat
[reflect] think over, meditate, ponder, contemplate
[reform] improve by alteration or correction
[reject] rule out, eliminate
[release] free, liberate
[repeat] duplicate, reduplicate, double, replicate
[replace] substitute for a defective or inadequate one
[represent] be a delegate or spokesperson
[rest] breathe, catch one's breath, take a breather
[revive] resuscitate
[roll] turn over, turn over or rotate
[run] be operating or functioning
[say] state, tell
[scrape] grate, scratch
[secure] fasten, fix, cause to be firmly attached
[discriminate] separate, single out, treat differently
[serve] attend to, wait on, attend, assist
[set] adjust, correct, regulate
[shake] agitate, move back and forth
[stun] floor, surprise greatly
[shoot] spud, germinate, sprout
[abuse] shout at, abuse verbally
[show] indicate, point
[show] exhibit, present, demonstrate
[sign] mark with one's signature
[sit] sit down, be seated
[skate] move on skates
[slap] hit with a flat surface
[smoke] inhale a plant derivative
[snatch] snatch up, snap up
[kidnap] snatch, abduct
[speculate] invest at a risk
[speed] travel at an excessive or illegal velocity
[spin] twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation
[spin] spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate, revolve
[spray] scatter
[circulate] distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, diffuse, disperse, spread, cause to become widely known
[mistreat] maltreat, abuse
[strike] scratch, expunge, excise, remove by erasing
[support] confirm, corroborate, substantiate
[hypothesize] speculate, theorize, conjecture
[swear] declare under oath
[swim] travel through water
[float] be afloat, fail to sink
[tease] arouse hope or desire without satisfying them
[tell] narrate, recount, recite
[terrify] frighten greatly
[think] cogitate, cerebrate
[time] clock, measure the time or duration of an event
[treat] care for, provide treatment for, treat medically
[try] seek, attempt, essay
[try] judge, adjudicate
[turn] turn around, change orientation
[understand] sympathize, empathize
[update] bring up to date
[wait] stay in one place and anticipate something
[wash] bathe, cleanse one's body
[withdraw] retreat, pull out
[wrestle] engage in a wrestling match
[write] communicate or express by writing

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
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Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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