A + + * * liang4 bright/ shiny/ light/ shine/ show 1. hell,leuchten 2.helltönend, laut und klar 3. einleuchtend, einleuchten 4. leuchten 5. zeigen, offenlegen, vorzeigen + + +
A 痛快 + + * * tong4kuai very happy/ delighted/ forthright fröhlich, heiter, offen, frank und frei + + +
A + + * * qing1 light/ small in number; degree; etc. 1. leicht 2. wenig, leicht 3. nicht wichtig, leicht, unbedeutend 4. leicht, sanft, sachte 5. geringachten + + +
A + + * * deng1 lamp/ light/ lantern Lampe, Leuchte, Laterne + + +
A + + * * dian3 1.put a dot 2.touch on very briefly, skim 3.nod, move very briefly 4. drip 5. check one by one 6. select, choose 7. light, burn 1.einen Punkt setzen 2. kurz berühren 3. nicken, kurz bewegen 4. tröpfeln 5. eines nach dem anderen prüfen 6. auswählen 7. anzünden, entzünden 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung 7. tropfen etc + + +
A 點心 + + * * dian3xin pastry/ light refreshments leichter Imbiß + + +
A 愉快 + + * * yu2kuai4 happy/ cheerful/ joyful/ delightful glücklich + + +
A 電燈 + + * * dian4deng1 electric light/ electric lamp elektrische Lampe + + +
A + + * * qian3 shallow/ simple/ superficial/ light 1. seicht, flach 2. einfach, leicht 3. oberflächlich 4. hell, matt, fahl + + +
B 開明 + + * * kai1ming2 enlightened erleuchtet, offener Geist, aufgeklärt, freidenkend + + +
B 減輕 + + * * jian3qing1 lighten/ ease erleichtern, vereinfachen + + +
B 明亮 + + * * ming2liang4 light/ bright hell + + +
B 啟發 + + * * qi3fa1 arouse/ inspire/ enlighten/ illumination 1. aufklären, belehren 2. starten, anfangen 3. öffnen, aufmachen + + +
B + + * * guang1 light, ray 1. Licht, Strahl 2.Glanz, Helle 3.Ehre, Ruhm 4.Landschaft + + +
B 光明 + + * * guang1ming2 light/ bright hell, vielversprechend,strahlend + + +
B 光線 + 线+ * * guang1xian4 light/ ray Licht, Lichtstrahl + + +
B 稍微 + + * * shao1wei1 a little/ a bit/ slightly ein wenig, ein bißchen, etwas + + +
B 陽光 + + * * yang2guang1 sunlight/ sunshine Sonnenlicht,Sonnenschein + + +
C 歡喜 + + * * huan1xi3 happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful 1. froh, erfreut 2.etwas mögen, gern haben + + +
C 月光 + + * * yue4guang1 moon-light/ moonlight/ moonbeam Mondlicht + + +
C 黃昏 + + * * huang2hun1 twilight/ dusk/ sundown/ sunset Abenddämmerung + + +
C + + * * nen4 tender/ delicate/ rare/ underdone/ light/ pale/ callow 1. zart, weich, 2. hell, zart 3.unerfahren,jung, grün + + +
C 輕易 + + * * qing1yi4 lightly and easily/ lightly/ easily leicht, mühelos, leichthin, unbesonnen + + +
C 燈火 + + * * deng1huo3 lights Lichter + + +
C 地步 + + * * di4bu4 condition/ plight/ extent/ degree/ Situation + + +
C 趣味 + + * * qu4wei4 interest/ delight/ fun/ palate/ taste Interesse,Vergnügen,interessant,Vorliebe, Hang, + + +
C 閃電 + + * * shan3dian4 lightning Blitz + + +
C 依照 + + * * yi1zhao4 comply-follow/ according to/ in the light of gemäß, entsprechend, nach + + +
C + + * * zhan3 measure word for lights 1. kleines Trinkgefäß 2. Zählwort für Lampen,Lichter + + +
C 絲毫 + + * * si1hao2 very little/ of the slightest amount or degree im geringsten + + +
C 田地 + + * * tian2di4 field-land/ cropland/ farmland/ plight/ pitiful situation Feld, Ackerland,Boden, elende Situation + + +
C 喜悅 + + * * xi3yue4 happy-pleased/ joyful/ joyous/ delighted/ cheerful Freude, Frohsinn, Frohmut + + +
C 著重 + + * * zhuo2zhong4 place-weight/ emphasize/ stress/ underline/ highlight hervorheben, unterstreichen + + +
C 歡樂 + + * * huan1le4 happy/ joyous/ gay/ delighted/ cheerful freudig, fröhlich, lustig, vergnügt, + + +
D 手電筒 + + * * shou3dian4tong3 electric torch/ flashlight Taschenlampe + + +
D 日光 + + * * ri4guang1 sunlight Sonnenlicht + + +
D 亮光 + + * * liang4guang1 light Licht,Lichtstrahl, Glanz + + +
D 航班 + + * * hang2ban1 scheduled flight Flugnummer + + +
D 航天 + + * * hang2tian1 space flight Raumflug, Raumfahrt + + +
D 輕便 + 便+ * * qing1bian4 light/ portable leicht, bequem, handlich + + +
D 輕工業 + + * * qing1gong1ye4 light industry Leichtindustrie + + +
D 輕微 + + * * qing1wei1 light/ slight leicht + + +
D 閉塞/蔽塞 + + * * bi4se4 close up/ unenlightened verstopfen,schwer zugänglich + + +
D 班機 + + * * ban1 ji1 flight Linienflugzeug + + +
D 點燃 + + * * dian3ran2 enkindle/ light up anzünden + + +
D 光芒 + + * * guang1mang2 rays of light Lichtstrahlen, strahlender Glanz + + +
D 可喜 + + * * ke3xi3 delectable/ delightful erfreulich, ermutigend + + +
D 處境 + + * * chu3jing4 plight/ situation ungünstige Situation, Lage + + +
D + + * * ting3 a light boat leichtes Boot + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
small boat, dugout, punt

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from WOLD edited by Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License.

light : +
from WOLD edited by Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License.

light : +

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

light : Not heavy; weighing only a little
light Licht แสง lumière ligero luce valo

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

light [weight]. a: Measurable_attributes +

light up. v: Location_of_light +

light-fingered. a: Theft +

light-year. n: Measure_linear_extent +

light. a: Color_qualities +

light. a: Level_of_light +

light. n: Location_of_light +

light. v: Setting_fire +

lighted. a: Level_of_light +

lighthouse. n: Buildings +

lightless. a: Level_of_light +


108 红灯 不要 马路 +
195 有点 +
360 闪电 +
361 电灯 +
862 箱子 +
1206 阳光 若隐若现 +
1298 清扫 电灯 +
1360 部分 航班 延误 +
1392 飞往 美国 航班 +
1452 +
1691 叶子 淡绿色 +
1734 碰触 一下 鼻子 +
1844 同事 裁员 幸灾乐祸 +
2279 灯光 昏暗 +
2373 小鸟 树枝 +
2470 很多 惧怕 闪电 +
3080 不能 闯红灯 +
3103 闪电 瞬间 照亮 天空 +
3185 天边 出现 曙光 +
3193 向导 带领 我们 参观 灯塔 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[light] of little weight
[light] light-colored
[light] bright, emitting light
[twilight] dusk, nightfall
[flight] escape
[flight] trip by plane
[flight] flight of stairs
[highlight] high spot
[light] light source, source of illumination
[lighter] igniter, device for lighting or igniting
[light] luminosity, brightness, luminance
[light] light up, illuminate, make light

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + light + Light + light + light + light + light +
light nhẹ, [extra milk] nhiều sữa , [extra cream] nhiều kem + + light sáng, sáng sủa + + light nhẹ, [indicates speed due to lightness] nhanh nhẹn + + light [low in alcohol] nhẹ + + light tầm thường + + light nhẹ, nhẹ nhàng + + light nhạt + + light ánh sáng, ánh + + light lửa + + light ["see [someone] in a good light" = nhìn đến ai một cách đẹp] cách, trạng thái + + light đèn + + light xuống + + light tình cờ gặp + + light chiếu sáng, rọi sáng , soi sáng + + light đốt, thắp, châm, nhóm + +

ánh sáng + + light

밝히다 (To light up) + + (A baby, or a slightly derogative word for person) + + 태어나다 ( To be born, see the light of day) + + 즐기다 (Enjoy oneself,take pleasure,delight) + + (Light) + + 가볍다 (Light) + + 기쁨 (Joy or delight) + + 살짝 ((1) softly,lightly,just a little (2) furtively, stealthily) + + 비추다 ((1) Shed, throw light on (2) to reflect in the mirror) + + (joy,delight) + + 켜다 (To light, turn on, kindle) + + 불빛 (Fire light) + + 햇빛 (Sunshine, sunlight) + + 기뻐하다 ( Be pleased or delighted with) + + 덜다 (Save, lighten) + + 환하다 (To be clear, unobstructed ; to be light, bright (opp. 어둡다)) + + 모색하다 ( Evening twilight) + + 막걸리 (A slightly bitter soju drink) + + 쓸다 (brush, sweep perhaps lightly) + + 햇볕 (Sunbeams, sunlight) + + 대낮 (Broad daylight) + + 고속도로 ( Freeway or highway with no street lights) + + 가로등 (A street light) + + 타오르다 ( Blaze, light up) + + 번개 (Lightning) + + 엷다 (Be thin, light) + + 조명 (lighting,illumination) + + 달빛 (Moonlight) + + 신호등 (Signal light, blinker) + + 치다 ((a storm, strong wind, rain, lightning) to strike, hit) + + 촛불 (Candle-light) + + 교시 (Teach or instruct or enlighten) + + 연두색 (Light green) + +

graseta + + light + +
lumeco + + light + +
lumo + + light + +

+ + + + + + + +