A 舒服 + + * * shu1fu comfortable bequem, angenehm,sich wohlfühlen + + +
A + + * * cai4 dish/ course/ vegetable/ greens 1.Gemüse 2.Lebensmittel außer Reis- und Mehlprodukten 3. Gericht, Gang, Speise, Küche + + +
A 合適 + + * * he2shi4 appropriate/ right/ suitable passend + + +
A 錶/表 + + * * biao3 (錶) watch/ (表) table/ meter/ chart 1. Außenseite, Äußere, Oberfläche 2.Modell, Beispiel, Vorbild 3.Tabelle, Liste, Formular, graphische Darstellung 4. Meßinstrument, Zähler 5. zeigen, ausdrücken 6.bei Verwandtschaften 7. Armbanduhr 8.6. Cousin/Cousine mütterlicherseits, im Gegensatz zu 堂 v + + +
A 桌子 + + * * zhuo1zi table/ desk Tisch + + +
B 顯著 + + * * xian3zhu4 notable/ marked/ remarkable beachtlich, beträchtlich,deutlich + + +
B 臺/檯 + + * * tai2 (臺) platform/ measure word for theatrical plays/ (檯) table/ desk 1. erhöhter Platz, Plattform Terrasse, Podest 2. Ständer 3. terrassenförmige oder sockelförmige Gegenstände 4. Tisch 5. Sender, Sendestation 6. Ansagedienst 7. ein Zählwort + + +
B 乒乓球 + + * * ping1pang1qiu2 table tennis Tischtennis + + +
B 蔬菜 + + * * shu1cai4 vegetable/ greens Gemüse + + +
B 舒適 + + * * shu1shi4 comfortable/ cozy/ snug komfortabel, bequem + + +
B + + * * wen3 stable 1.fest, sicher,stabil 2.sicher, bestimmt, zweifelsohne + + +
B 穩定 + + * * wen3ding4 stable/ steady stabil,standfest,stabilisieren/fixieren/festigen + + +
B 必然 + + * * bi4ran2 inevitable/ certain unvermeidbar, verpflichtet zu + + +
B + + * * pai2 tablet/ board 1. Schild, Platte, Tafel 2. Marke, Warenzeichen 3. Spielkarten, Dominosteine etc + + +
B 適當 + + * * shi4dang4 suitable/ proper angemessen,passend, geeignet + + +
B 適用 + 使+ * * shi4yong4 applicable/ suitable anwenden, benutzen, Gebrauch machen von + + +
B + + * * bei1 tablet Denkmal, Gedenktafel, Gedenkstein + + +
C + + * * an1 1. place in a suitable position, find a place for 2. fit, install 3. bring (a charge against sb.), give 1. Ruhe, ruhig 2. beruhigen, besänftigen 3.Sicherheit, (körperlich) gesund 4. mit etw. zufrieden sein 5. einsetzen 6. installieren, montieren , aufstellen 7. (etw. Böses) hegen, beabsichtigen, 8. rheth. Fragen + + +
C 安定 + + * * an1ding4 1. stable, settled 2. stabilize, maintain stabil,ruhig,aufrechterhalten + + +
C 青菜 + + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse + + +
C 舒暢 + + * * shu1chang4 comfortable and happy/ pleased and satisfied behaglich, sorglos,froh + + +
C 正經 + + * * zheng4jing upright-normal/ decent/ respectable/ formal/ serious vernünftig,anständig,seriös (?) + + +
C 妥當 + + * * tuo3dang sound-appropriate/ proper/ suitable/ appropriate angemessen, geeignet,richtig + + +
C 體面 + + * * ti3mian4 decent-face/ dignity/ honorable/ creditable/ handsome Würde, ehrbar + + +
C 有益 + + * * you3yi4 have-benefit/ beneficial/ profitable/ useful/ good nützlich, Nutzen bringend, vorteilhaft + + +
C + + * * chou3 ugly/ unsightly/ bad-looking/ detestable/ shameful 1. häßlich, garstig, unansehnlich, abscheulich, scheußlich 2. anrüchig, entehrend, schimpflich 3.Clown, komische Figur + + +
C 玩意兒 + + * * wan2yi4r unyielding-firm/ tenacious/ indomitable Spielzeug, Ding, Vorführung + + +
C 可惜 + + * * ke3xi1 regrettable/ it's a pity that/ it's too bad that leider, es ist schade + + +
C 恰當 + + * * qia4dang4 suitable/ proper/ appropriate 1. passend, treffend, recht, geeignet 2. gerade, genau, das rechte Maß halten, eben + + +
C 急躁 + + * * ji2zao4 impatient/ impetuous/ irritable/ irascible jähzornig, ungeduldig + + +
C 适宜 + + * * shi4yi2 suitable/ fit/ appropriate/ just right geeignet,angebracht, passen + + +
D 不宜 + + * * bu4yi2 not suitable/ inadvisable nicht geeignet, unangebracht + + +
D 輕便 + 便+ * * qing1bian4 light/ portable leicht, bequem, handlich + + +
D 好客 + + * * hao4ke4 hospitable gastfreundlich + + +
D 像樣 + + * * xiang4 yang4 up to the mark/ presentable ansehnlich, anständig, stattlich, geeignet + + +
D 可喜 + + * * ke3xi3 delectable/ delightful erfreulich, ermutigend + + +
D 確鑿 + + * * que4zao2 authentic/ irrefutable sicher, wahr, felsenfest, unbestreitbar + + +
D 煩躁 + + * * fan2zao4 irritable unruhig, nervös + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
bother, vex, trouble / troublesome
tense, excited, irritable

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from WOLD edited by Haspelmath, Martin & Tadmor, Uri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License.

table : +

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

table : raised flat surface
table Tabelle ตาราง table mesa tavola pöytä

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

tablespoon. n: Measure_volume +


73 桌子 咖啡 +
132 客厅 方桌 +
160 桌上 +
199 蔬菜 水果 等等 +
332 桌上 银色 餐具 +
335 桌上 很多 +
336 我们 超市 买菜 +
363 小摊 很多 蔬菜 +
518 桌子 很多 试管 +
698 大家 桌子 旁边 +
702 城市 适宜 居住 +
844 辣椒 洋葱 胡萝蔔 属于 蔬菜类 +
1079 项目 利益 可观 +
1661 丰盛 +
1765 市场 出售 蔬菜 +
1803 很多 小贩 +
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 +
1998 沙发 舒服 +
2041 桌上 多空 碗盘 +
2409 他们 桌子 摊开 地图 +
2525 蔬菜 +
2765 这些 蔬菜 物美价廉 +
2999 卧室 舒适 +
3056 桌上 报纸 +
3261 乍冷乍热 舒服 +
3377 桌子 一些 面包屑 +
3405 枕头 舒服 +
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 +
3753 教室 欢闹 实在 适宜 学习 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[comfortable] comfy
[respectable] worthy of respect
[stable] resistant to change
[stable] stalls, horse barn
[table] piece of furniture
[table] tabular array, data arranged in rows and columns
[tablet] pill, lozenge, medicine
[timetable] arrival and departure schedule
[vegetable] veggie, greens

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

table + table + table + table + table + table + table + table +
table bàn + +

bàn + + table

제대로 (As properly is suitable) + + 벌이다 ((1) to plan to start a job/project (2) to play a table game) + + 알맞다 (To fit, be fitting, suitable) + + 아주머니 ( An aunt, a respectable word for a married, older woman) + + 상당하다 ( Be proper,suitable) + + 테이블 (Table) + + 적당히 (suitable,proper) + + 식탁 (Dinner table) + + 불가피하다 (Inevitable, unavoidable) + + 채소 (vegetables,greens) + + 야채 (Vegetables) + + 밥상 (Dinner table) + + 유리하다 ( To be profitable, favorable) + + 억울하다 ( To be regrettable, disappointing) + + 상당 (proper,fit,suitable) + + 밉다 (Be detestable) + + 아깝다 (regrettable,pitiful) + + 안정되다 ( To be stable) + + 탁자 (A table, desk) + + (A table,small desk) + + 초밥 (Japanese vinegared rice vegetables) + + 자리 (A spot at a table) + + 김밥 (Roll of rice and vegetables) + + 포근하다 ( To be soft and comfortable, downy) + + 쓰다 (Bitter (vegetables)) + + 탁구 (ping-pong,table tennis) + + 비빔밥 (Vegetarian dish of rice and vegetables) + +

tabla + + table + + of a table
table + + table + +
tablo + + table + +

+ + + + + + + +