117 New HSK word(s): 1 的 of/ structural particle: used before a noun; linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive 1 前面 ahead/ in front/ preceding/ above 1 读 to read/ to study/ reading of word (i.e. pronunciation); similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 1 了 (modal particle intensifying preceding clause)/ (completed action marker) 1 好 good/ well/ proper/ good to/ easy to/ very/ so/ (suffix indicating completion or readiness) 1 认识 to know/ to recognize/ to be familiar with/ acquainted with sth/ knowledge/ understanding/ awareness/ cognition 2 着 particle attached after verb to indicate action in progress; like -ing ending 2 非常 unusual/ extraordinary/ extreme/ very/ exceptional 2 号 day of a month/ (suffix used after) name of a ship/ (ordinal) number 3 啊 modal particle ending sentence; showing affirmation; approval; or consent 3 地 -ly/ structural particle: used before a verb or adjective; linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct 3 看 to see/ to look at/ to read/ to watch/ to consider/ to regard as/ to view as/ to treat as/ to judge/ (after repeated verb) to give it a try/ depending on (how you're judging)/ to visit/ to call on/ to treat (an illness)/ to look after/ Watch out! (for a d 3 环境 environment/ circumstances/ surroundings/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ ambient 3 楼 house with more than 1 story/ storied building/ floor/ CL:層|层[ceng2];座[zuo4];棟|栋[dong4] 3 词语 word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases)/ term (e.g. technical term)/ expression 3 关于 pertaining to/ concerning/ regarding/ with regards to/ about/ a matter of 3 层 layer/ stratum/ laminated/ floor (of a building)/ storey/ classifier for layers/ repeated/ sheaf (math.) 3 一般 same/ ordinary/ common/ general/ generally/ in general 3 帽子 hat/ cap/ CL:頂|顶[ding3] 3 老 prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or to indicate affection or familiarity/ old (of people)/ venerable (person)/ experienced/ of long standing/ always/ all the time/ of the pas 3 普通话 Mandarin (common language)/ Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ ordinary speech 3 根据 according to/ based on/ basis/ foundation/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 误会 to misunderstand/ to mistake/ misunderstanding/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 连 to link/ to join/ to connect/ continuously/ in succession/ including/ (used with 也; 都 etc) even/ company (military) 4 挺 to stick out/ to (physically) straighten up/ to endure or hold out/ straight/ stiff/ outstanding/ extraordinary/ rather/ quite/ very/ classifier for machine guns 4 按照 according to/ in accordance with/ in the light of/ on the basis of 4 优秀 outstanding/ excellent 4 正常 regular/ normal/ ordinary 4 座 seat/ base/ stand/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ classifier for buildings; mountains and similar immovable objects 4 请客 give a dinner party/ entertain guests/ invite to dinner 4 阅读 to read/ reading 4 咱们 we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to)/ I or me/ you 4 周围 surroundings/ environment/ to encompass 4 以 to use as/ according to/ because of 4 理解 to comprehend/ to understand/ comprehension/ understanding 4 坚持 to continue upholding/ to remain committed to/ persistence/ to persist/ to uphold/ to insist on/ persevere 5 登机牌 boarding pass 5 通常 regular/ usual/ ordinary/ normal 5 不得了 desperately serious/ disastrous/ extremely/ exceedingly 5 资金 funds/ funding/ capital 5 公寓 apartment building/ block of flats/ CL:套|套[tao4] 5 了不起 amazing/ terrific/ extraordinary 5 出色 remarkable/ outstanding 5 建筑 building/ to construct/ Taiwan pr. jian4 zhu2/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 废话 nonsense/ rubbish/ superfluous words/ You don't say!/ No kidding! (gently sarcastic) 5 除 to get rid of/ to remove/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to wipe out/ to divide/ except/ not including 5 突出 prominent/ outstanding/ to give prominence to/ to protrude/ to project 5 领导 lead/ leading/ to lead/ leadership/ leader/ CL:位[wei4];個|个[ge4] 5 念 to read/ to study (a degree course)/ to read aloud/ to miss (sb)/ idea/ remembrance/ twenty (banker's anti-fraud numeral corresponding to 廿; 20) 5 餐厅 dining-hall/ dining-room/ restaurant/ CL:間|间[jian1];家[jia1] 5 录音 to record (sound)/ sound-recording/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 宴会 banquet/ feast/ dinner party/ CL:席[xi2];個|个[ge4] 5 婚礼 wedding ceremony/ wedding 5 婚姻 matrimony/ wedding/ marriage/ CL:次[ci4] 5 结合 to combine/ to link/ to integrate/ binding/ CL:次[ci4] 5 逗 to stay/ to stop/ to pause (while reading)/ to tease (play with) 5 配合 matching/ fitting in with/ compatible with/ to correspond/ to fit/ to conform to/ rapport/ to coordinate with/ to act in concert with/ to cooperate/ to become man and wife/ to combine parts of machine 5 所 actually/ place/ classifier for houses; small buildings; institutions etc/ that which/ particle introducing a relative clause or passive/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 台阶 flight of steps (leading up to a house)/ step (over obstacle)/ bench/ fig. way out of an embarrassing situation 5 协调 to coordinate/ to harmonize/ negotiation 5 对于 regarding/ as far as sth is concerned/ with regards to 5 匹 ordinary person/ classifier for horses; mules etc/ classifier for cloth: bolt 5 未来 future/ tomorrow/ approaching/ coming/ pending/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 老百姓 ordinary people/ the "person in the street"/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 乙 second of 10 heavenly stems 十天干/ second in order/ letter "B" or roman "II" in list "A; B; C"; or "I; II; III" etc/ second party (in legal contract; usually 乙方|乙方[yi3 fang1]; as opposed to 甲方|甲方[jia3 fang1])/ ethyl/ bent/ winding/ radical in Chinese charac 5 平常 ordinary/ common/ usually/ ordinarily 5 便 ordinary/ plain/ convenient/ as convenient/ when the chance arises/ handy/ easy/ informal/ simple/ so/ thus/ to relieve oneself/ to urinate/ to defecate/ equivalent to 就: then/ in that case/ even if/ soon afterwards 5 单元 unit/ entrance number/ staircase (for residential buildings) 5 特殊 special/ particular/ unusual/ extraordinary 5 成语 Chinese set expression; often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each; often alluding to a story or historical quotation/ idiom/ proverb/ saying/ adage/ set expression/ CL:條|条[tiao2];本[ben3];句[ju4] 6 误解 to misunderstand/ to misread/ misunderstanding 6 条理 arrangement/ order/ tidiness 6 据悉 according to reports/ it is reported (that) 6 简陋 simple and crude (of a room or building) 6 应酬 social niceties/ social interaction/ a dinner party 6 哺乳 breast feeding/ to suckle/ to nurse 6 卓越 distinction/ excellence/ outstanding/ surpassing/ distinguished/ splendid 6 见解 opinion/ view/ understanding 6 谅解 (reach) an understanding 6 优异 exceptional/ outstandingly good 6 画蛇添足 lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom)/ fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous/ to overdo it 6 下属 subordinate/ underling 6 正规 regular/ according to standards 6 正经 decent/ honorable/ proper/ serious/ according to standards 6 川流不息 the stream flows without stopping (idiom)/ unending flow 6 显著 outstanding/ notable/ remarkable 6 栋 classifier for houses or buildings/ ridgepole (old) 6 司令 commanding officer 6 相应 to correspond/ answering (one another)/ to agree (among the part)/ corresponding/ relevant/ appropriate/ (modify) accordingly 6 杰出 outstanding/ distinguished/ remarkable/ prominent/ illustrious 6 响亮 loud and clear/ resounding 6 结局 conclusion/ ending 6 摇摆 to waver/ swaying (of building in an earthquake) 6 层出不穷 more and more emerge/ innumerable succession/ breeding like flies (idiom) 6 制服 to subdue/ to check/ to bring under control/ (in former times) what one is allowed to wear depending on social status/ uniform (army; party; school etc)/ livery (for company employees)/ CL:套[tao4] 6 随意 as one wishes/ according to one's wishes/ at will/ voluntary/ conscious 6 搭 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train) 6 附属 subsidiary/ auxiliary/ attached/ affiliated/ subordinate/ subordinating 6 贝壳 shell/ conch/ cowry/ mother of pearl/ hard outer skin/ alternative reading bei4 qiao4; mostly written 6 曲折 complicated/ winding 6 对应 to correspond/ a correspondence/ corresponding/ homologous/ matching with sth/ counterpart 6 泰斗 leading scholar of his time/ magnate 6 依据 according to/ basis/ foundation 6 超级 transcending/ high grade/ super-/ ultra- 6 大厦 large building/ edifice/ mansion/ CL:座[zuo4] 6 一丝不苟 not one thread loose (idiom)/ strictly according to the rules/ meticulous/ not one hair out of place 6 探测 to probe/ to take readings/ to explore/ exploration 6 畏惧 to fear/ to dread/ foreboding 6 造型 modeling/ mold-making/ model or mold/ molding 6 恩怨 (feeling of) resentment/ (longstanding) grudge 6 纲领 program/ guiding principle 6 平凡 commonplace/ ordinary/ mediocre 6 精益求精 to perfect sth that is already outstanding (idiom)/ constantly improving 6 标题 title/ heading/ headline/ caption/ subject 6 体谅 to empathize/ to allow (for something)/ to show understanding/ to appreciate 6 帐篷 tent/ CL:頂|顶[ding3];座[zuo4] 6 招投标 bidding/ tender
113 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *int. * *part * *n;m * *Adv * *VS * *part * *VS;pref * *N * *M * *pref * *v;n * *N * *N * *N * *N * *part * *part * *N * *N * *N * *n;VS * * * *N * *N * *v;Prep * *VS * *Prep * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VS * *VS * *N * * * * * *v;n * *v;n * *v;n * *Prep;N * *Adv * *VA * *v;Prep * *v;Prep * * * *VS * * * *VA * *N * *VS * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * 线*N * *VA * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *Prep * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *VS * *VS * *M * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VS * * * *Adv * *VS * *VS * * * *N * *M * *VS * * * *VS * *VA * * * * * *VS;n * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VS * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *N * *VS * *VS * *N * *VS
113 OLD_HSK German word(s): eine Interjektion,Fragesatzpartikel, au, autsch Modalpartikel 1.Kopf 2. Haar, Frisur 3. Ende, Spitze 4. Anfang oder Ende 5. Überbleibsel, Rest 6. Chef, Boß 7. Seite, Aspekt 8. der erste 9. leitend, vorangehend 10. Zählwort für Tiere sehr,äußerst, höchst, [ siehe auch:非凡 außergewöhnlich; ungewöhnlich; einzigartig; hervorragend; eminent.] gewöhnlich milder Imperativ 1.alt, betagt 2.Alte(r) 3. seit lange bestehend, alt 4. veraltet, alt, überholt 5. hart, zäh, nicht zart 6. lange, für eine lange Zeit 7. stets, immer 8. sehr 1. Gebäude 2. Stockwerk 3. Turm 1. Pause 2.arrangieren, unterbringen 3. mit dem Fuß auf die Erde schlagen 4. sofort, plötzlich, auf einmal 5. ein Zählwort für Mahlzeiten 1. ein Präfix für eine Kardinalzahl, 2.kaiserliches Staatsexamen 3. Residenz eines hohen Beamten Tonbandaufnahme Speisesaal, Kantine, Mensa 1. oben, ober 2. höher, höherstehend 3. erst, vorhergehend 4.seine Majestät 5. von unten nach oben 6. gehen, fahren 7. überreichen 8.vorwärts Abendessen 1. vorn, frontal, vor 2. vorwärtsgehen, voranschreiten, voran, vorwärts 3. vorher, zuvor, vor 4. ehemalig 5. erste,r, s 1. welcher, welche, welches 2. irgendein, irgendwelche Endpartikel wie ah nach Wörtern, die auf n enden Bankett, Festessen Umgebung Lesesaal gewöhnlich, normal, üblich ungewöhnlich, hervorragend gewöhnliche Zeiten; Friedenszeiten Haus 1. pressen, drücken 2. zügeln, unterdrücken 3. die Hand auf etw. legen, festhalten, 4. nach, gemäß, entsprechend 5. Anmerkung, Bemerkung 1.Kopf 2. Haar, Frisur 3. Ende, Spitze 4. Anfang oder Ende 5. Überbleibsel, Rest 6. Chef, Boß 7. Seite, Aspekt 8. der erste 9. leitend, vorangehend 10. Zählwort für Tiere nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge, entsprechend 1. wie, gleich wie 2. gleichkommen 3. nach, gemäß, zufolge 4. wenn, falls 1. wie, gleich wie 2. gleichkommen 3. nach, gemäß, zufolge 4. wenn, falls hervorstehen, herausragen ausgezeichnet, hervorragend, vorzüglich lang, alt gewöhnlich, allgemein, durchschnittlich Restaurant einladen, jmd etw. ausgeben, eine Abend-Party geben Videoaufzeichnung Gebäude, Architektur, Bauten, bauen Mißverständnis, mißverstehen verstehen, begreifen, erfassen entsprechend, auf der Basis von, 1. sehr, äußerst, hoch kooperieren, zusammenwirken 1.scheinen, leuchten beleuchten erleuchten, erhellen 2. widerspiegeln, spiegeln 3. fotographieren 4. Photographie, Lichtbild, Aufnahme 5. Lizenz 6.auf jn aufpassen, sich um etw/jm kümmern, für jn sorgen 7. gegenüberstellen, vergleichen 8. verstehen, begre 1. besetzen, etwas in Besitz nehmen 2. gestützt auf etw, mit Hilfe von etw 3. nach, gemäß, laut, zufolge 4. Beweis, Nachweis intelligent, einsichtsvoll weise, klug laut und albern sein Verständnis für etw. zeigen, Verständnis, Verständigung 1. unterdrücken, niederdrücken, nicht hochkommen lassen, lindern 2.gefaßt, ruhig, gleichmütig 3. bewachen, schützen, verteidigen 4. Garnison, Standort 5. (kleinere) Stadt an zweiter Stelle, nachrangig, unwichtiger gewöhnlich,einfach 1.Linie, Zeile, Reihe 2. Geschwisterfolge 3. Beruf, Geschäftsbereich, Gewerbe, Zunft 4.Firma, Geschäft Haus, Gebäude Resultat,Folge, Lektüre, Lesestoff, Grenze, Grenz-, Demarkationslinie fliehen, davonlaufen, davonstürzen Seele Programm, leitendes Prinzip 1. ungewöhnlich, eigenartig, speziell 2. extra, eigens, ausschließlich 3. Agent, Spion, Spitzel Prosa,literarische Werke Speisewagen Wohnung, Behausung Gebäude oder Zimmer gegenüber Korridor, Flur, Diele mehrstöckiges Gebäude Meinung, Auffassung Banner, Standpunkt 1.gewunden,kurvenreich,krumm, 2.kompliziert, Komplikation Ausdrucksweise, Redensart gemäß, entsprechend, nach 1. Barriere, 2. Sprachbarriere krumm, gewunden, gebogen, biegen, krümmen, beugen,Kurve, Wendung Befehlshaber zusammenarbeiten,koordinieren Scherz, Spaß Spielzeug, Ding, Vorführung Zählwort für Gebäude Regeln, Vorschriften,Bestimmungen Baustelle, Bauplatz Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung 1. Ton, Schall, Laut 3. Nachricht, Botschaft vorn, etc auf etwas stolz sein etwas überflüssiges tun (Adverb Partikel) signalisiert die Vollendung einer Handlung blind, blindlings 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean Bauarbeiten in Angriff nehmen im Ausland lebende Landsleute Zählwort für Gebäude überragend, hervorragend,außergewöhnlich Verteilung nach Arbeitsleistung nach außen gewölbt, konvex fördern, befördern, transportieren gemäß, so gesehen, fest und unbeirrt leitend, führend ausgezeichnet, hervorragend Textilfaser(Mischung) großes Gebäude, Hochhaus Titel, Überschrift, Schlagzeile bemerkenswert höherer Grad, erster Klasse ein frohes Ereignis, Glücksfall, Hochzeit häufig zu sehen Routine, Alltägliches einer untergeordneten Stelle antworten niedrigrangig schlicht, ungekünselt, natürlich in ernster Gefahr, kritisch Ruf, Ansehen, Kredit strahlend rot
1430 synsets(s): abounding + coordinated + co-ordinated + uncoordinated + preceding + succeeding + freestanding + dinky + spellbinding + sounding + autoloading + self-loading + self-winding + forbidding + leading + guiding + guiding + receding + balding + pulchritudinous + blinding + latitudinarian + rending + multitudinous + dingy + dingy + puddingheaded + impending + surrounding + folding + according + ordinary + extraordinary + coordinating + coordinative + subordinating + subordinative + according + depending on + outstanding + never-ending + astounding + dumbfounding + dumfounding + faultfinding + faultfinding + deciding + insubordinate + demanding + undemanding + pleading + subordinate + budding + winding + uncomprehending + overriding + subordinate + plodding + fact-finding + coordinate + pending + concluding + yielding + unbending + slaveholding + breeding + unyielding + yielding + wounding + unheeding + altitudinous + commanding + misleading + degrading + iodinating + de-iodinating + standing + nodding + standing + standing + standing + cardinal + outstanding + astounding + tending + succeeding + preceding + coordinated + co-ordinated + intruding + protruding + heartrending + Brobdingnagian + dinky + law-abiding + longitudinal + longstanding + longitudinal + sounding + leading + coordinated + co-ordinated + sodding + inordinate + extraordinary + unfading + degrading + unoffending + invading + marauding + raiding + defending + offending + unoffending + uncoordinated + ordinary + extraordinary + exceeding + extraordinaire + platitudinal + platitudinous + outstanding + understanding + abiding + unending + standing + blockading + impeding + mind-expanding + mind-bending + forbidding + soil-building + unpretending + high-sounding + sounding + foreboding + dingy + standing + corresponding + upstanding + resounding + thudding + rewarding + unrewarding + corresponding + corresponding + libidinous + cardinal + ordinal + sliding + winding + unyielding + yielding + subordinate + insubordinate + condescending + leading + superordinate + outstanding + confounding + coinciding + brooding + confiding + ascending + descending + leading + binding + altitudinal + aptitudinal + arundinaceous + attitudinal + bottom-feeding + breech-loading + Brobdingnagian + tendinous + valetudinarian + valetudinary + longitudinal + muzzle-loading + latitudinal + libidinal + Scandinavian + ordinal + iodinated + Sardinian + notwithstanding + exceedingly + inordinately + extraordinarily + accordingly + accordingly + misleadingly + dingdong + ordinarily + outstandingly + disregarding + rewardingly + longitudinally + correspondingly + understandingly + in hiding + pleadingly + unendingly + condescendingly + yieldingly + confidingly + forbiddingly + longitudinally + longitudinally + ploddingly + resoundingly + coordinately + dingily + demandingly + outstandingly + incarnadine + coordinate + ordinate + coordinate + iodinate + de-iodinate + dinge + dinge + subordinate + din + superordinate + subordinate + platitudinize + dine in + dine out + dine + dine + wine and dine + wine and dine + ding + dingdong + din + ordinate + coordinate + coordinate + attitudinize + attitudinise + sledding + landing + landing + forced landing + emergency landing + receding + amphibious landing + boarding + eluding + backsliding + rounding + rounding error + trading + bond trading + bond-trading activity + program trading + insider trading + impounding + awarding + sending + forwarding + fielding + bonding + grounding + welding + butt welding + butt-welding + spot welding + spot-welding + flash welding + flash butt welding + finding + echo sounding + leading astray + leading off + ordination + ordinance + dint + ending + tone ending + ceding + beheading + founding + forwarding + mending + rebuilding + landing approach + plodding + wading + fording + shallow fording + deep fording + riding + horseback riding + endurance riding + pack riding + trail riding + blind landing + gliding + hang gliding + paragliding + aircraft landing + airplane landing + crash landing + three-point landing + instrument landing + handing over + ascending + snowboarding + speeding + scudding + upending + winding + standing + spending cut + withholding + spreading + expanding upon + compounding + blending + wounding + bending + enfolding + folding + featherbedding + slaveholding + surfboarding + surfriding + sledding + bobsledding + rollerblading + skateboarding + riding + horseback riding + cross-country riding + spending spree + din + wilding + dink + treading water + cardinalship + bookbinding + coding + encoding + recoding + decoding + plodding + bodybuilding + muscle building + musclebuilding + tending + topical prostaglandin eyedrop + binding + flooding + loading + unloading + reading assignment + pretending + pyramiding + coordination + load-shedding + holding + withholding + shielding + overshielding + feeding + dining + breeding + crossbreeding + interbreeding + crossbreeding + interbreeding + inbreeding + grading + lipreading + teaching reading + spoonfeeding + molding + recording + building + grading + shipbuilding + ship building + breeding + cattle breeding + dog breeding + horse breeding + molding + moulding + railroading + diversionary landing + shading + blending + reading + meter reading + sounding + grading + standing operating procedure + wedding + hiding + feeding + infant feeding + demand feeding + forced feeding + nasogastric feeding + breast feeding + intravenous feeding + overfeeding + spoonfeeding + schedule feeding + lending + funding + building + jerry-building + trading operations + horse trading + vending + spending + expending + deficit spending + compensatory spending + subordination + breeding + ordinary care + beheading + bidding contest + pounding + insubordination + bastardy proceeding + proceeding + legal proceeding + proceedings + judicial proceeding + judgment on the pleadings + judgement on the pleadings + finding + finding of fact + finding of law + morale building + branding + attending + ceding back + leading + Borodino + Caudine Forks + battle of Pittsburgh Landing + gliding bacteria + Sarcodina + class Sarcodina + sarcodinian + sarcodine + Dinoflagellata + order Dinoflagellata + dinoflagellate + Peridiniidae + family Peridiniidae + Peridinium + genus Peridinium + peridinian + Scardinius + genus Scardinius + Scardinius erythrophthalmus + Torpediniformes + order Torpediniformes + Torpedinidae + family Torpedinidae + Dinornithiformes + order Dinornithiformes + Dinornithidae + family Dinornithidae + Dinornis + genus Dinornis + Dinornis giganteus + cardinal + cardinal grosbeak + Richmondena Cardinalis + Cardinalis cardinalis + Turdinae + subfamily Turdinae + verdin + Hirundinidae + family Hirundinidae + Testudinata + order Testudinata + Testudines + order Testudines + Testudinidae + family Testudinidae + dinosaur + ornithischian dinosaur + armored dinosaur + bone-headed dinosaur + horned dinosaur + ornithopod dinosaur + duck-billed dinosaur + saurischian dinosaur + sauropod dinosaur + theropod dinosaur + bird-footed dinosaur + Numidinae + subfamily Numidinae + Alcedinidae + family Alcedinidae + Dracunculus medinensis + Hirudinea + class Hirudinea + hirudinean + Hirudinidae + family Hirudinidae + bleeding tooth + Teredinidae + family Teredinidae + teredinid + wading bird + Dandie Dinmont + Dandie Dinmont terrier + dingo + Canis dingo + Lynx pardina + Rodolia cardinalis + Tenthredinidae + family Tenthredinidae + Muscardinus + genus Muscardinus + Muscardinus avellanarius + Dinocerata + order Dinocerata + dinocerate + dinoceras + gelding + riding horse + sardine + Sardina + genus Sardina + genus Sardinia + sardine + Sardina pilchardus + Sardinops + genus Sardinops + Pacific sardine + Sardinops caerulea + Scleropages jardinii + Anabas testudineus + A. testudineus + cardinalfish + cardinal tetra + puddingwife + pudding-wife + abrading stone + phonograph recording disk + acetophenetidin + acetphenetidin + adding machine + landing field + landing strip + Aladdin's lamp + riding light + riding lamp + apartment building + zidovudine + banding + bank building + beading + beading + beading plane + bedding + bedding material + bedding + hoarding + binding + book binding + binding + boarding + boarding house + boardinghouse + feeding bottle + braiding + wedding gown + wedding dress + brigandine + building + building block + building complex + building supply store + building supply house + Capitol Building + lading + loading + sliding keel + cephaloridine + chlorhexidine + Coricidin + church building + cimetidine + clonidine + trading post + cyproheptadine + delavirdine + diner + dinette + dinghy + dinky + dinkey + dining area + dining car + diner + dining compartment + dining-hall + dining room + dining-room + dining-room furniture + dining-room table + dining table + dinner bell + dinner dress + dinner gown + dinner jacket + dinner napkin + dinner pail + dinner bucket + dinner plate + dinner service + dinner set + dinner table + dinner theater + dinner theatre + dinnerware + diphenylbutyl piperidine + diplomatic building + loading dock + heading + gaberdine + gabardine + Empire State Building + Lodine + cladding + famotidine + farm building + field winding + gabardine + flashboarding + landing deck + trading floor + floxuridine + folding chair + folding door + folding saw + gabardine + gilding + government building + gramicidin + grinding wheel + riding habit + half binding + feeding chair + holding cell + holding device + holding pen + holding paddock + holding yard + wedding chest + indinavir + branding iron + riding breeches + lamivudine + landing + landing place + landing + landing craft + landing flap + landing gear + landing net + landing skid + landing stage + leading + leading edge + leading rein + sounding line + reading desk + lending library + loading + medical building + mending + standing stone + meperidine + meperidine hydrochloride + molding + moulding + molding + moulding + molding + moulding + office building + ordinary + ordinary + ordinary bicycle + outbuilding + padding + winding-sheet + winding-clothes + phenazopyridine + phencyclidine + phencyclidine hydrochloride + Butazolidin + phonograph recording + primary winding + procyclidine + quinidine + quirk molding + quirk moulding + ranitidine + reading lamp + reading room + recording equipment + recording machine + recording + recording + recording studio + recording system + riding bitt + riding boot + riding crop + riding mower + Rifadin + Roman building + scaffolding + secondary winding + shielding + shielding + siding + railroad siding + ski binding + binding + sliding board + sliding door + sliding seat + sliding window + sounding board + sounding lead + sounding rocket + sound recording + audio recording + sourdine + sourdine + sordino + standing press + standing room + sulfapyridine + tape recording + telco building + three-quarter binding + tincture of iodine + iodine + trading card + tyrocidine + tyrocidin + vending machine + video recording + wading pool + Coumadin + wedding picture + wedding ring + wedding band + bloodiness + moodiness + readiness + giddiness + condescendingness + foolhardiness + banding + shading + binding + gaudiness + ding + cloudiness + muddiness + readiness + unwieldiness + unwieldiness + handiness + neediness + steadiness + unsteadiness + unsteadiness + steadiness + ordinariness + extraordinariness + shadiness + breeding + dowdiness + seediness + tweediness + gaudiness + greediness + cardinal virtue + hardiness + steadiness + sturdiness + unyieldingness + greediness + tidiness + untidiness + bawdiness + subordination + insubordination + ill-breeding + breeding + moldiness + tweediness + sandiness + woodiness + cardinal + ruddiness + bending + hardiness + sturdiness + shoddiness + tardiness + speediness + inordinateness + multitudinousness + sounding + shoddiness + woodiness + ascending aorta + descending aorta + ascending artery + cardinal vein + anterior cardinal vein + posterior cardinal vein + common cardinal vein + prostaglandin + nerve ending + free nerve ending + ascending colon + descending colon + gliding joint + pudding face + pudding-face + Brobdingnag + handiness + coordination + coordination + incoordination + understanding + bonding + readiness + muddiness + attending + beholding + coordinate system + Cartesian coordinate system + radioactive iodine test + radioactive iodine excretion test + radioactive iodine uptake test + dividing line + palm reading + deciding + understanding + reading + speed-reading + reading + meter reading + misunderstanding + reading + foreordination + preordination + grounding + coordinate geometry + coordinate axis + coordinate + co-ordinate + Cartesian coordinate + ordinate + polar coordinate + understanding + spreading + call forwarding + superordinate + superordinate word + subordinate + subordinate word + ending + inflectional ending + coordinate clause + subordinate clause + coordinating conjunction + subordinating conjunction + subordinate conjunction + heading + crossheading + subheading + coding system + ending + consuetudinary + consuetudinal + rewording + Gospel According to Matthew + Gospel According to Mark + Gospel According to Luke + Gospel According to John + cascading menu + standing + proceedings + bill of lading + building permit + wedding license + wedding licence + speeding ticket + pleading + affirmative pleading + alternative pleading + pleading in the alternative + defective pleading + special pleading + ordinance + reading + reading material + leading indicator + tidings + standing order + fence mending + national trading policy + ordinance + building code + Schrodinger equation + Schrodinger wave equation + reading program + standing ovation + boarding card + boarding pass + faultfinding + chiding + scolding + upbraiding + bidding + expounding + understanding + badinage + trading stamp + recording label + leading tone + play reading + Scandinavian + Scandinavian language + Sardinian + Ladino + Ladin + Dinka + wedding march + wording + windiness + wordiness + reading clinic + horse trading + first reading + second reading + bidding + reading + misunderstanding + misreading + conceding + yielding + special pleading + bidding + leading question + reading + goading + prodding + yielding + forbidding + foreboding + ending + bending + receding + standing wave + subsiding + din + ding + ding-dong + grinding + pounding + pounding + fading away + fading + spreading + wedding + wedding ceremony + foreboding + boding + brooding + moodiness + carbohydrate loading + carbo loading + dinner + TV dinner + pudding + pudding + frozen pudding + pudding + plum pudding + Christmas pudding + carrot pudding + corn pudding + steamed pudding + vanilla pudding + chocolate pudding + Nesselrode pudding + pease pudding + tapioca pudding + roly-poly pudding + suet pudding + wedding cake + standing rib roast + blood pudding + black pudding + liver pudding + Yorkshire pudding + hasty pudding + hasty pudding + muscadine + sardine + Scandinavian lox + grenadine + boiled dinner + New England boiled dinner + vin ordinaire + findings + building + DINK + diningroom suite + diningroom set + Harkat-ul-Mujahidin + Malaysian Mujahidin Group + Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization + People's Mujahidin of Iran + Salah al-Din Battalions + Iz Al-Din Al-Qassam Battalions + lending institution + shipbuilding industry + defending team + College of Cardinals + building department + cardinalate + holding company + bank holding company + multibank holding company + mujahidin + mujahedin + mujahadin + dinner + dinner party + wedding reception + wedding + wedding party + landing party + riding school + standing committee + standing army + boarding school + building society + ordination + Ferdinand and Isabella + ascending node + holding pattern + breeding ground + descending node + surroundings + hiding place + loading zone + loading area + medina + building site + heading + Scandinavian country + Scandinavian nation + Scandinavia + Scandinavia + Scandinavian Peninsula + Sardinia + Sardinia + Reading + Edinburgh + Saint Vincent and the Grenadines + St. Vincent and the Grenadines + Medina + Al Madinah + Redding + San Bernardino + libidinal energy + dingle + finding + Great Dividing Range + grinding + building block + undine + Odin + Aladdin + Dindymene + contadino + Scandinavian + bleeding heart + cardinal + paladin + commanding officer + coordinator + diner + dingbat + dining-room attendant + envoy extraordinary + founding father + Founding Father + Girondin + solitudinarian + latitudinarian + leading lady + leading man + Little Red Riding Hood + leading light + guiding light + ladino + midinette + humdinger + ordinand + ordinary + ordinary + platitudinarian + presiding officer + reading teacher + riding master + Sardinian + sounding board + pudding head + subordinate + superordinate + dining companion + valetudinarian + wedding guest + Khayr ad-Din + Cardinal Bellarmine + Borodin + Aleksandr Borodin + Aleksandr Porfirevich Borodin + Ferdinand Julius Cohn + Sidonie-Gabrielle Claudine Colette + Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix + Ferdinand de Saussure + Dinesen + Isak Dinesen + Dowding + Hugh Dowding + Baron Hugh Caswall Tremenheere Dowding + Eddington + Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington + Ferdinand I + Ferdinand the Great + Ferdinand I + Ferdinand II + Ferdinand III + Ferdinand + King Ferdinand + Ferdinand of Aragon + Ferdinand V + Ferdinand the Catholic + Fielding + Henry Fielding + Francis Ferdinand + Franz Ferdinand + Gardiner + Samuel Rawson Gardiner + Golding + William Golding + Sir William Gerald Golding + Nadine Gordimer + Harding + Warren Harding + Warren Gamaliel Harding + President Harding + Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz + Baron Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz + Charles Hardin Holley + Houdini + Harry Houdini + Humperdinck + Engelbert Humperdinck + Andrew Fielding Huxley + Kandinsky + Wassily Kandinsky + Kandinski + Wassily Kandinski + Din Land + Ferdinand de Lesseps + Vicomte Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps + Ferdinand Magellan + Dino Paul Crocetti + Mauldin + Bill Mauldin + William Henry Mauldin + August Ferdinand Mobius + Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe Morton + Cardinal Newman + Max Ferdinand Perutz + Duke of Edinburgh + George Dibdin Pitt + George Dibdin-Pitt + Cardinal Richelieu + Rodin + Auguste Rodin + Francois Auguste Rene Rodin + Saladin + Salah-ad-Din Yusuf ibn-Ayyub + Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin + Schrodinger + Erwin Schrodinger + John Addington Symonds + Teilhard de Chardin + Pierre Teilhard de Chardin + S. S. Van Dine + Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin + binding energy + coordinate bond + shedding + grinding + retarding force + wilding + Prumnopitys andina + lesser celandine + spreading dogbane + love-lies-bleeding + tree celandine + celandine + greater celandine + celandine poppy + bleeding heart + nodding thistle + spreading fleabane + nodding groundsel + spreading bellflower + spreading pogonia + Phalaris arundinacea + hardinggrass + Harding grass + Arundinaria + genus Arundinaria + Arundinaria gigantea + Arundinaria tecta + exploding cucumber + cardinal flower + Lobelia cardinalis + blue cardinal flower + green dinosaur + Medinilla + genus Medinilla + Medinilla magnifica + Maranta arundinaceae + nodding onion + nodding wild onion + pudding pipe tree + celandine + bedding geranium + Conradina + genus Conradina + Conradina glabra + pudding berry + Tricholoma pardinum + Uredinales + order Uredinales + bedding plant + muscadine + Platycerium andinum + Lycopodineae + class Lycopodineae + holding + landholding + landholding + shareholding + smallholding + wedding present + wedding gift + spending + ordinary annuity + withholding tax + withholding + stockholding + stockholding + stockholdings + ordinary shares + ordinary life insurance + funding + dinero + folding money + spending money + backgrounding + brooding + budding + clouding + clouding up + corroding + de-iodination + voiding + eroding + folding + foregrounding + infolding + iodination + shedding + protein folding + folding + unfolding + cardinality + ordinal number + ordinal + cardinal number + cardinal + Algerian dinar + dinar + Bahrain dinar + dinar + Iraqi dinar + dinar + Jordanian dinar + dinar + Kuwaiti dinar + dinar + Libyan dinar + dinar + Tunisian dinar + dinar + Yugoslavian dinar + dinar + Iranian dinar + dinar + loading + bonding + female bonding + male bonding + maternal-infant bonding + coordinating conjunction + subordinating conjunction + coordination + subordination + subordination + superordination + mutual understanding + fielding average + loading + power loading + span loading + wing loading + cardinal compass point + sliding scale + crowding + ordinary + over-crowding + standing + subordinateness + bloodiness + rowdiness + cloudiness + shadiness + subordination + holding pattern + readiness + sturdiness + bleeding + tendinitis + giddiness + dog's dinner + rough sledding + ordination + neediness + tidiness + dinginess + dinge + untidiness + surroundings + windiness + cloudiness + muddiness + valetudinarianism + hiding + iodine + iodin + iodine-131 + iodine-125 + almandine + pyridine + iodinated protein + hematoidin + haematoidin + building material + coordination compound + de-iodinase + deoxycytidine monophosphate + deoxythymidine monophosphate + coding DNA + noncoding DNA + pudding stone + gilding metal + histidine + spreading factor + nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide + nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate + wadding + pyrimidine + pyrimidine + sardine + sardine oil + siding + almandine + deoxycytidine + cytidine + deoxythymidine + thymidine + triphosphopyridine + triphosphopyridine nucleotide + vanadinite + weatherboarding + coordinated universal time + dinnertime + wedding day + wedding night + wedding anniversary + silver wedding anniversary + golden wedding anniversary + diamond wedding anniversary + diamond wedding + ending +
113 OLD_HSK English word(s): 1.indicating an earnest request 2. used after an interrogative to expect an answer 3. expressing one´s bewilderment 4. when stressed, it expresses one´s realization or understanding (modal particle ending a question) first/ leading very/ highly/ extraordinary/ unusual general/ ordinary/ common (modal particle ending a sentence) old/ aged/ tough/ of long standing storied building used for meals or scolding used to form ordinal numbers record sound/ sound recording dining room/ canteen/ cafeteria upper/ up/ upward/ preceding dinner/ supper front/ forward/ before/ preceding (modal particle ending a sentence) particle,used in the same way as ah after words ending with n banquet/ feast/ dinner party environment/ surroundings reading-room generally/ usually/ ordinary/ common great/ extraordinary at ordinary times/ in normal times building/ house/ room press/ push down/ according to first/ leading according to/ in accordance with according to according to outstanding/ stand out excellent/ fine/ outstanding long/ age-old/ longstanding ordinary/ common/ average restaurant/ dining room invite to dinner/ give a dinner party video recording build/ construct/ architecture/ building misunderstand/ mistake/ misunderstanding understand/ comprehend/ understanding base on/ according to/ basis/ grounds most/ extremely/ exceedingly coordinate/ cooperation/ concert shine/ illuminate/ according to occupy/ hold/ rely on/ depend on/ according to be intelligent/ be sensible/ be understanding outstandingly-bright/ brilliant/ wise frolic/ be just kidding/ tease/ act in a frivolous manner renounce anger or resentment through understanding town/ garrison post/ trading center secondary/ less important/ subordinate/ minor common/ commonplace/ ordinary/ trivial line/ row/ trade/ profession/ trading company houses and rooms/ buildings result/ outcome/ ending reading material/ books; magazines; etc. boundary line/ demarcation line/ dividing line flee/ scurry/ change (wording) soul/ spirit/ conscience/ guiding and decisive factor guiding principle/ program/ platform special/ particular/ extraordinary prose/ literary works including scribbles/ essays; etc. dinning car/ restaurant car living-house/ residence/ residential building/ dwelling opposite building or room corridor/ passageway within a storied building storied building view/ opinion/ understanding/ idea/ perspective flag/ banner/ streamer/ role model/ leading idea zigzag/ winding/ tortuous/ meandering/ complicated wording/ way to put it/ argument/ saying/ parlance comply-follow/ according to/ in the light of estrangement/ misunderstanding/ gulf/ barrier curving-meandering/ winding/ zigzag/ anfractuous commander/ commanding officer jointly-work/ cooperate/ coordinate unyielding-firm/ stubborn/ obstinate/ obdurate unyielding-firm/ tenacious/ indomitable measure word for buildings itemized-rules/ regulations/ ordinances/ rules construction site/ building site credit/ contribution/ outstanding service sound/ news/ tidings/ syllable in front/ ahead/ forward/ above/ proceeding/ forepart self-outstanding/ proud ruin by adding superfluous exceedingly/ unduly/ excessively blind/ lack of knowledge; understanding; and so on vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern start building countryman residing abroad measure word for building outstanding distribution according to work protruding transport/ feeding according to remain faithful and unyielding/ stand firm and unbending leading/ dominant outstanding/ superb/ excellent blending tall building title/ heading excellent/ outstanding outstanding/ classy happy events/ wedding ordinary day-to-day/ standing give a reply to a subordinate body subordinate unpretending/ unvarnished critical/ impending credit standing cardinal red
113 OLD_HSK French word(s): vieux
113 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s): viejo
113 OLD_HSK Italian word(s): vecchio
113 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): มาก เถอะ / เถิด แก่ , ชรา ที่ โรงอาหาร , ห้องสันทนาการ, ร้านอาหารบริการตนเอง บริการอาหารเย็น / อาหารเย็น บ้าน อาคาร / สถาปัตยกรรม เข้าใจ ผลลัพธ์ รถเสบียง หลัง , (คำสำหรับการสร้างวัด )
113 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s): vanha

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** XIAN1 XIAN3 XIAN4 frisch
* ** GONG1 HONG2 JIANG4 rot

ชาวบ้าน คนสามัญทั่วไป 老百姓 ordinary folk; common people
โต๊ะกินข้าว 饭桌 dining table
ทานข้าวเย็น 吃晚饭 to have dinner
เตียง, ที่นอนหมอนมุ้ง 被褥 bedding, bedclothes
โต๊ะอาหาร 台地 dining table
ทิงเจอร์ไอโอดีน 碘酒 tincture of iodine
ห้องอาหาร 餐厅 dining room
โรงอาหาร 餐厅 dining-hall
ฉนวน 楼道 corridor; passageway within a storied building
อาคาร building
อาคาร building
ห้องอ่านหนังสือ 阅览室 reading room
ที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจ 了不起 amazing; terrific; extraordinary
นักแสดงชั้นนำ 主角 leading actor or actress
หลัง ลูก (หน่วยของอาคารหรือภูเขา) (measure word for mountains, buildings and other immovable objects)
ลำดับที่ (indicates ordinal numbers)
ทั่วไป, สามัญ 一般 general, ordinary
อาหารค่ำ, อาหารเย็น 晚饭 supper, dinner
เชิญผู้อื่นไปทานอาหารเย็น 请客 invite someone to dinner (with the intent that they pay)
ตามที่ according to
ขนมแต่งงาน 喜糖 wedding candy
งานแต่งงาน 婚礼 wedding ceremony
อาคารสถาปัตยกรรม 建筑 building; architecture/to contruct
年夜饭 family reunion dinner on the lunar New Year's Eve
ตาม; ในแง่ของ 根据 according to; in the light of
โดดเด่น; ยอดเยี่ยม 优秀 outstanding; excellent
丁克 double income and no kids ("DINK")
measure word for buildings
อย่างมาก; เหลือเกิน 不得了 extremely; exceedingly
สถาปัตยกรรมการก่อสร้าง อาคารที่จะสร้าง 建筑 architecture; building; to build; to construct
写字楼 office building
ตามที่ according to
ให้เลี้ยงอาหาร, รับแขก, เชิญไปทานอาหารเย็น 请客 give a dinner party, entertain guests, invite to dinner
ลำดับที่ (prefix indicating ordinal number e.g. first, number two etc)
บันทึก (เสียง) 录音 (sound) recording
บันทึกวิดีโอ 录像 video recording
มากเหลือเกิน 极了 extremely, exceedingly
หา 找到 find (what one was searching for), succeeded in finding
ข้างหน้า, อยู่หน้า, ก่อน 前面 ahead, in front, preceding, above
เมลล์ 平信 ordinary mail (as opposed to air mail, etc.)
บัตรผ่านขึ้นเครื่อง 登机证 boarding pass
การบันทึกเสียง; การบันทึกเสียง 录音 sound recording; to record sound
บัตรผ่านขึ้นเครื่อง 登机牌 boarding pass
เรื่องชั้น (คำวัด) (ของอาคาร) storey (a measure word), story (of a building)
อาหาร - ฮอลล์ 食堂 dining-hall
เพื่อบันทึก (เสียงด้วยเสียง), การบันทึก 录音 to record (sound, voice), recording
平信 ordinary mail
(รูป) ทำลายผลโดยการเพิ่มเป็นสิ่งที่ไม่จำเป็น 画蛇添足 (fig.) ruin the effect by adding what is superfluous
อาคาร, การสร้าง 建筑 building, to build, to construct
บันทึก, การบันทึก 录音 to record, recording
อาหารค่ำครอบครัวส่งท้ายปีเก่า 年夜饭 New Year's Eve family dinner
งานแต่งงาน 婚礼 wedding ceremony, wedding
จัดเลี้ยง, งานฉลอง, งานเลี้ยงอาหารค่ำ 宴会 banquet, feast, dinner party
สภาพแวดล้อม 周围 surroundings, environment
สามัญทั่วไป 普通 ordinary, common
ให้เข้าใจผิด, ความเข้าใจผิด 误会 to misunderstand, to mistake, misunderstanding
ที่โดดเด่นยอดเยี่ยม 优秀 outstanding, excellent
กด, เพื่อผลักดันลงตามในแสงของ to press, to push down, according to, in the light of
ตามในแสงของ 按照 according to, in the light of
ลำดับที่ 第(第一) used to form ordinal numbers
ที่ใช้ในการรับประทานอาหารหรือการด่าว่า used for meals or scolding
(อนุภาคเป็นกิริยาช่วยจบประโยค) (modal particle ending a sentence)
เก่า; อายุ; ยาก; การยืนยาว 老(老二) old; aged; tough; of long standing
บันทึกเสียง; การบันทึกเสียง 录音 record sound; sound recording
(อนุภาคเป็นกิริยาช่วยจบประโยค) (modal particle ending a sentence)
(อนุภาคเป็นกิริยาช่วยจบประโยค) (modal particle ending a sentence)
หน้าไปข้างหน้า; ก่อน; ก่อนหน้านี้ front; forward; before; preceding
ห้องอาหาร; โรงอาหาร 食堂 dining room; canteen; cafeteria
ห้องจัดเลี้ยง; ฉลอง; งานเลี้ยงอาหารค่ำ 宴会 banquet; feast; dinner party
โดยทั่วไป 一般 general; ordinary; common
กด; กดลง; ตาม press; push down; according to
ตาม; เป็นไปตาม 按照 according to; in accordance with
อาคารบ้าน; ห้อง 房子 building; house; room
ฐานบน; ตาม; พื้นฐาน; เหตุ 根据 base on; according to; basis; grounds
สิ่งแวดล้อมรอบ 环境 environment; surroundings
ที่สุด; มาก; เหลือเกิน 极其 most; extremely; exceedingly
สร้างสถาปัตยกรรม; สร้างอาคาร 建筑 build; construct; architecture; building
เข้าใจ;ความเข้าใจ 理解 understand; comprehend; understanding
ดี; วิสามัญ 了不起 great; extraordinary
ความร่วมมือ; ประสานงานคอนเสิร์ต 配合 coordinate; cooperation; concert
โดยทั่วไป; มัก 平常 generally; usually; ordinary; common
โดยปกติ 平时 at ordinary times; in normal times
ตามที่ according to
สถานที่; หลัง (อาคาร) place; measure word for buildings
โดดเด่น 突出 outstanding; stand out
เข้าใจผิด; ผิด; ความเข้าใจผิด 误会 misunderstand; mistake; misunderstanding
ดี; โดดเด่น 优秀 excellent; fine; outstanding
ยาวนาน 悠久 long; age-old; longstanding
ห้องอ่านหนังสือ 阅览室 reading-room
รถนิ่ง 餐车 dinning car; restaurant car
รายย่อย 次要 secondary; less important; subordinate; minor
หนี flee; scurry; change (wording)
สมเหตุสมผล 懂事 be intelligent; be sensible; be understanding
读物 reading material; books, magazines, etc.
ประตู 对门 opposite building or room
ที่อยู่อาศัย 房屋 houses and rooms; buildings
纲领 guiding principle; program; platform
ช่องว่าง 隔阂 estrangement; misunderstanding; gulf; barrier
เวบไซต์ 工地 construction site; building site
เครดิต 功劳 credit; contribution; outstanding service
เกิน exceedingly; unduly; excessively
สาย line; row; trade; profession; trading company
画蛇添足 ruin by adding superfluous
见解 view; opinion; understanding; idea; perspective
ผล 结果 result; outcome; ending
ขอบเขต 界线 boundary line; demarcation line; dividing line
ตามที่ occupy; hold; rely on; depend on; according to
ความเข้าใจ 谅解 renounce anger or resentment through understanding
จิตวิญญาณ 灵魂 soul; spirit; conscience; guiding and decisive factor
อาคาร 楼房 storied building
การปิดตา 盲目 blind; lack of knowledge, understanding, and so on
อำเภอใจ 闹着玩儿 frolic; be just kidding; tease; act in a frivolous manner
สามัญ 平凡 common; commonplace; ordinary; trivial
ตอนแรก 旗帜 flag; banner; streamer; role model; leading idea
นำหน้า 前头 in front; ahead; forward; above; proceeding; forepart
คดเคี้ยว 曲折 zigzag; winding; tortuous; meandering; complicated
ร้อยแก้ว 散文 prose; literary works including scribbles; essays, etc.
คำแถลง 说法 wording; way to put it; argument; saying; parlance
ผู้บังคับบัญชา 司令 commander; commanding officer
พิเศษ special; particular; extraordinary
เทศบัญญัติ 条例 itemized-rules; regulations; ordinances; rules
การดัด 弯曲 curving-meandering; winding; zigzag; anfractuous
เรื่องตลก 玩笑 unyielding-firm; stubborn; obstinate; obdurate
สิ่ง 玩意儿 unyielding-firm; tenacious; indomitable
การทำงานร่วมกัน 协作 jointly-work; cooperate; coordinate
ต่างประเทศ vast; multitudinous; foreign; Western; modern
ตาม 依照 comply-follow; according to; in the light of
เสียง sound; news; tidings; syllable
ชาญฉลาด 英明 outstandingly-bright; brilliant; wise
ตัวเมือง town; garrison post; trading center
ที่อยู่อาศัย 住宅 living-house; residence; residential building; dwelling
ภูมิใจ 自豪 self-outstanding; proud
การจัดจำหน่ายตามงาน 按劳分配 distribution according to work
ชื่อ; หัวเรื่อง 标题 title; heading
สามัญ 常见 ordinary
ผู้จัดการ ยืน 常务 day-to-day; standing
ดี; โดดเด่น 出色 excellent; outstanding
เริ่มต้นสร้าง 动工 start building
คำสำหรับการสร้างวัด measure word for building
โดดเด่น; เลิศ; ยอดเยี่ยม 高超 outstanding; superb; excellent
การผสม 混纺 blending
ยังคงยึดมั่นและเด็ดเดี่ยว; บริษัท ยืนและไม่ยอมลดละ 坚贞不屈 remain faithful and unyielding; stand firm and unbending
โดดเด่น 杰出 outstanding
ตามที่ 来看来讲 according to
ให้ตอบกลับเพื่อร่างกายผู้ใต้บังคับบัญชา 批复 give a reply to a subordinate body
เพื่อนร่วมชาติที่อาศัยอยู่ในต่างประเทศ 侨胞 countryman residing abroad
โดดเด่น; ดีงาม 上等 outstanding; classy
การขนส่ง; การให้อาหาร 输送 transport; feeding
โหนก protruding
วิพากษ์การใกล้เข้ามา 危急 critical; impending
เหตุการณ์ความสุข; งานแต่งงาน 喜事 happy events; wedding
ผู้ใต้บังคับบัญชา 下级 subordinate
จำนวนนับสีแดง 鲜红 cardinal red
ยืนเครดิต 信誉 credit standing
ไม่ได้เคลือบ 质朴 unpretending; unvarnished
ชั้นนำ; เด่น 主导 leading; dominant
ร่มร่อน 滑翔伞 paragliding das Paragleiten le parapente el parapente
เข้าสันแบบเกลียว 螺旋装订 spiral binding die Spiralbindung, en la reliure à spirale el encuadernado con espiral
งานแต่งงาน 婚礼 wedding die Trauung, en le mariage la boda
อุปกรณ์เชื่อม 焊接设备 welding equipment das Schweißgerät, e le fer à souder el aparato de soldadura
เรือบดเล็ก 小艇 dinghy das Schlauchboot, e le bateau gonflable el bote neumático
การอ่าน 阅读 reading die Lektüre, n la lecture la lectura
ชุดแต่งงาน 婚纱 wedding dress das Brautkleid, er la robe de mariée el vestido de novia
เชื่อมโยงไปถึง 登陆 landing die Landung, en l'atterrissage el aterrizaje
อาหารเย็น 晚餐 dinner das Abendessen, - le dîner la cena
ทำเตียง 床上用品 bedding das Bettzeug la literie la ropa de cama
ที่หลบซ่อน 藏身之地 hiding place das Versteck, e la cachette el escondite
อาคารอพาร์ตเมนต์ 公寓大楼 apartment building das Wohnhaus, "er l'immeuble el edificio de viviendas
อาคาร 建筑物 building das Gebäude, - le bâtiment el edificio
อาคารสำนักงาน 办公楼 office building das Bürogebäude, - l'immeuble de bureaux el edificio de oficinas
ไดโนเสาร์ 恐龙 dinosaur der Dinosaurier, e le dinosaure el dinosaurio
dinamometro dinamometro dinamometro dinamometro dinamometro dinamómetro dinamometro dinamometro
epigrafo หัวข้อ 标题 heading Überschrift titre título titolo
fleksio การดัด 弯曲 bending Beugung fléchissement flexión curvatura
inundi น้ำท่วม 洪水 flooding Überschwemmung inondation inundación allagamento
jodo ไอโอดีน Iodine Jod Iode Yodo Iodio
kardinalo พระราชาคณะ 枢机主教 Cardinal Kardinal Cardinal Cardinal Cardinale
kotizi การค้าขาย 贸易 trading Handel commerce comercio negoziazione
laŭ ตาม 根据 according to nach selon De acuerdo a secondo
medio สิ่งแวดล้อม 周围环境 surroundings Umgebung environs alrededores dintorni
obstina กลับสัตย์ 倒退 backsliding Rückschritte retour en arrière reincidencia backsliding
ordinara สามัญ 普通 ordinary gewöhnlich ordinaire ordinario ordinario
pasi การใช้จ่าย 开支 spending Ausgabe dépenses gasto spesa
pudingo พุดดิ้ง 布丁 pudding Pudding pudding pudín budino
vinjeto dingbat 丁巴特 dingbat dingbat dingbat dingbat dingbat

Grade E word(s):

14 akabarē अकबरे pungent chilli, extraordinary hot adj.
62 aguvā अगुवा leader, leading n./adv.
161 ati अति very much, exceeding, extremely, beyond adj.
170 atyanta अत्यन्त a lot, much, very much, exceedingly, utterly, extremely adj.
220 anurūpa अनुरूप resembling, corresponding, similar, analogous, congruous adj.
229 anusāra अनुसार according to, in accordance with, equivalent to, in conformity with postp.
231 anauṭhā अनौठा queer, unusual, extraordinary adj.
232 anauṭhō अनौठो queer, unusual, extraordinary, strange, peculiar adj.
556 āśrita आश्रित depending on, relying on postp.
818 ōchyāna ओछ्यान bed, bedding,sleeping-mat, quilt n.
819 ōchyā'unu ओछ््याउनु to spread bedding, to spread a rug,to spread a mat v.t.
945 kānūna bamōjita कानून बमोजित according to the law, in conformity with the law
1089 kramabōdhaka क्रमबोधक ordinal number n.
1092 krānti क्रान्ति revolution, pace, movement, declination, invading, surpassing n.
1151 khīra खीर rice pudding n.
1185 gaṭhana गठन formation, construction, act of building,modelling or shaping n.
1194 gatē गते date [according to the Nepali calendar] n.
1208 gadya गद्य prose, ordinary writing n.
1309 gōḍamēla गोडमेल weeding, removal of weeds n.
1326 gauṇa गौण secondary, subordinate, indirect, inferior, expressing associate quality adj.
1329 grahaṇa ग्रहण acceptance, reception, act of receiving or holding n.
1483 caukā चौका eating place surrounding the store n.
1491 caupaṭṭai चौपट्टै exceedingly, exceptionally adj.
1523 chātrāvāsa छात्रावास hostel, boarding house, lodging n.
1636 jātō जातो handmill for grinding corn etc. n.
1643 jārī जारी proceeding, continued, current, in force adj.
1701 jñāna ज्ञान knowledge, intelligence, understanding, wisdom n.
1827 tayārī तयारी readiness, preparation n.
1865 tārīkha तारीख date [according to the western calendar] n.
1868 tālamēla तालमेल co-ordination, concordance, harmony, agreement n.
1876 tithi तिथि date [according to the astrological calendar] n.
1900 taipani तैपनि though, notwithstanding conj.
2088 dhāraṇa धारण holding, wielding n.
2201 nirmāṇa निर्माण construction, creation, manufacture, formation, framing, act of building or making n.
2284 paḍhā'i पढाइ study, method of reading or teaching n.
2356 paristhiti परिस्थिति circumstances, situation, condition, surrounding, environment n.
2402 pāṭa पाट lesson, reading, recital n.
2582 prasāra प्रसार width, expansion, extent, spreading, spread, diffusion n.
2610 pharāra फरार absconding, fled n.
2651 baksanu बक्सनु to give, to present [as a present or reward by a high standing personality like the king] v.t.
2695 bamōjita बमोजित according to, in accordance with, accordingly adj.
2696 bamōjima बमोजिम according to, in accordance with, accordingly adv.
2798 bihā बिहा marriage, wedding, matrimony n.
2917 bhājana भाजन receptacle, object, dividing n.
2990 bhōjanālaya भोजनालय kitchen, cafe, canteen, dining room n.
3062 mahasūsa महसूस feeling, experience, understanding n./adj.
3158 mūlaka मूलक based on, depending on, growing from, emanating from, originating from postp.
3207 yadyapi यद्यपि although, though, even, if, however, notwithstanding conj.
3354 lagāyata लगायत including, together with postp.
3412 lēkhapaḍha लेखपढ reading and writing, study n.
3449 vātāvaraṇa वातावरण condition, surrounding, environment, circumstances, situation n.
3468 vicalana विचलन departure, deviation, moving about, unsteadiness n.
3475 vijñāna विज्ञान acquired knowledge, conscience, wisdom, understanding, science n.
3482 vidyārambha विद्यारम्भ initiation into one's studies with religious solemnities, the beginning of reading an writing n.
3486 vidyāśrama विद्याश्रम boarding school n.
3490 vidhāna विधान legislation, act, law, ordinance, regulation, rule n.
3513 vivāha विवाह marriage, wedding, matrimony n.
3517 viśiṣṭa विशिष्ट conspicuous, remarkable, important, distinguished, extraordinary adj.
3518 viśēṣa विशेष extraordinary, unusual, special, distinguished, famous adv.
3559 vaidhānika वैधानिक constitutional, according to the constitution adj.
3643 saṅkhyāmātrabōdhaka संख्यामात्रबोधक cardinal number n.
3685 sattāruḍha सत्तारुढ ruling, wielding power adj.
3706 santāna सन्तान family, extended family, lineage, genealogy, offsoring, children, breeding n.
3804 sarvatōmukhi सर्वतोमुखि universal, all pervading adj.
3817 sanvadrdhana संवद्र्धन rearing, breeding, fostering n.
3840 sansthāpana संस्थापन establishment, founding, initiation, inauguration, foundation n.
3881 sātha साथ with, including postp.
3902 sāmān'ya सामान्य ordinary, general, common, usual, trivial, insignificant adj.
4022 said'dhāntika सैद्धान्तिक according top principle, theoretical adj.
4052 sthiratā स्थिरता immobility, steadiness, stability, constancy, immutability, patience n.
4053 sthiratvā स्थिरत्वा immobility, steadiness, stability, constancy, immutability, patience n.
千字文: 推位让国 有虞陶唐 Yielding the throne, passing the land; rulers of Yu2, Tao2 and Tang2.
千字文: 坐朝问道 垂拱平章 Presiding at court and asking the Way; gracious yet lordly, discuss and decide.
千字文: 临深履薄 夙兴温凊 Like facing the deep, like treading thin ice; early to rise, warm and cool.
千字文: 笃初诚美 慎终宜令 Diligence at start indeed is fine; completeness at ending, duly grand.
千字文: 乐殊贵贱 礼别尊卑 Music distinct by social rank, rites according to prestige.
千字文: 宫殿盘郁 楼观飞惊 A swirl of palaces unwinding; view from buildings, fright from flying!
千字文: 升阶纳陛 弁转疑星 Ascending stairs, to Emperor; hats awhirl, as if the stars.
千字文: 绮回汉惠 说感武丁 Qi returned to aid Han Hui; Delight affected Shang's Wu Ding.
千字文: 耽读 Dizzy reading, lost in stacks; eyes on bookbags, shelves and racks.
Plants: Fragaria x ananassa (Weston) Decne. & Naudin (Rosaceae) Garten-Erdbeere; Brestling; Ananas-Erdbeere
Plants: Maranta arundinacea L. (Marantaceae) Pfeilwurz; Jamaica Arrowroot; Guapo
Plants: Phalaris arundinacea L. (Poaceae) Rohrglanzgras
Plants: Terminalia ferdinandiana Exell (Combretaceae) Green Plum; Wild Plum; Murunga; Kakadu Plum; Billy Goat Plum; Gubinge

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [extraordinary]
(a.) [ordinary] not exceptional
(n.) [building] edifice
(n.) [dinner] supper
(n.) [wedding] marriage, marriage ceremony
(n.) [pudding] soft sweet dessert
(n.) [recording] information storage device
(n.) [understanding] sympathy, compassion
(n.) [wedding] wedding ceremony, nuptials
(n.) [wording] phrasing, choice of words
(v.) [dine] have supper

00606850-v din +
02187510-v din +
00553823-n din +
07377473-n din +

din + +




9 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1437 他在读一部很无聊的长篇小说。 เขาอ่านนิยายน่าเบื่อหนึ่งเรื่อง Hän lukee tylsää romaania.
356 我正在看这本书。 ผม or ดิฉัน กำลังอ่านหนังสือเล่มนี้ Luen juuri tätä kirjaa.
486 晚饭几点开始? บริการอาหารเย็นกี่โมง ครับ or คะ? Monelta on illallinen?
503 这附近有旅馆吗? มีเบดแอนด์เบรคฟาสต์ใกล้ที่นี่มีไหม ครับ or คะ? Onko tässä lähellä matkakotia?
549 我们要吃晚饭。 เราต้องการทานอาหารเย็น Haluaisimme syödä illallisen.
603 那么车厢餐厅在哪里? 在最前面。 และรถเสบียงอยู่ขบวนไหน ครับ or คะ?- ขบวนหน้า ครับ or คะ Missä on ravintolavaunu? – Junan alkuosassa.
751 这座大楼是做什么用的? นั่นตึกอะไร ครับ or คะ? Mikä rakennus tuo on?
752 这座大楼建了多少年了? ตึกนั้นสร้างมากี่ปีแล้ว ครับ or คะ? Miten vanha tuo rakennus on?
753 谁建的这座大楼? ใครเป็นคนสร้างตึกนี้ ครับ or คะ ? Kuka rakensi tuon rakennuksen?

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

29 杂志
43 说明书
76 他们 山坡 滑下来
114 老师 身后
145 他们
146 她们
156 新郎 新娘
187 英文
201 报纸 消息
221 他们 树林 走去
236 报纸
240 讲台 发表 演讲
299 我们 晚餐
312 农夫 喂食
388 知识 阅读 积累
501 学校
614 国有 很多 建筑
621 大家
667 书店 看书
701 右手 餐刀
712 援助 非洲 需要 大量 资金
731 他们 正在 建造 房子
740 联合国 难民 进行 救济
742 士兵 保卫 国家
757 导游 前面 带路
791 可以 使用 自动售票机 车票
898 在家 看书 消磨 时间
918 妈妈 正在 除草
924 法官 断案
942 股票 上涨 趋势
945 恐龙 已经 灭绝
957 鼻子 流血
981 超速
985 读书
996 第一
1000 建筑 工人 正在 修路
1052 包括 我们
1116 录音
1123 根据 天气 预报 显示 今天 晴间多云
1133 喜欢 文学 名著
1170 我们 引路
1176 电脑 显示 操作
1218 央求 妻子 原谅
1221 台阶 看书
1233 弟弟 怀
1285 周围 环境 宁静
1305 摩托车 危险
1357 士兵 坚守 阵地
1398 悬崖 感到 恐慌
1428 大厦
1465 他们 房子
1466 生产 顺序 进行
1467 公路 交通 次序 良好
1572 衣服
1615 市中心 很多 高楼 建筑
1668 沿 公路 前走
1669 他们 结婚 典礼
1699 平凡
1700 美国 国旗
1717 妈妈 宝宝 餵奶
1870 责骂 儿子
1875 恐怖 分子 侵佔
1897 傑出 建筑师
1934 学习 成绩 优秀
1965 士兵 长矛
2006 出色 哲学家
2015 他们 结婚 仪式 户外 举行
2097 假装 受伤 惯用 伎俩
2128 妈妈 读书
2151 喜酒 红包 老规矩
2188 发芽 树叶 绿色
2203 沿海 地区 水患 严重
2235 他们 举行 隆重 结婚 典礼
2236 外貌 类似
2243 股票 上涨 趋势
2274 历史 传记
2288 喜欢 体育 专栏
2310 儿子 幼稚园
2333 婚礼 现场 已经 筹备 好了
2375 山路 弯曲
2393 男朋友 吐露 心声
2425 他们 教堂 丧事
2497 请求 女朋友 原谅
2539 宝宝 梯子
2557 收拾 餐具
2573 痛斥 下属 无能
2621 小姨 看书
2639 咖啡豆
2650 她们 正在 灌唱片
2674 梯子
2727 弟弟 花盆
2800 婚礼 砸了
2891 母鸡 孵卵
2896 竖立 电线杆
2941 树枝 坠弯
3000 奶奶 看书
3004 我们 生活 平庸 快乐
3008 扇子
3033 感冒 征兆 鼻涕
3084 男朋友
3159 他们 取得 卓越 成果
3242 妈妈 孩子
3264 运动员 高擎 火炬
3267 父母 孩子 怀里
3312 士兵 藏匿 后面
3340 侍者 服侍 他们 用餐
3344 一刹那 赛车 冲过来
3354 火焰 吞没 屋子
3355 上司 求饶
3357 他们 祈祷
3381 这里 卸货 码头
3447 扮演 妖精
3473 祈求 宽恕
3494 妈妈 母乳 哺育 婴儿
3520 蜕皮
3568 雨伞
3715 那场 洪水 大家 意识 重新 筑堤 重要性 迫切性
3743 外边 那么 肯定 着凉 受病
3777 长江 人民 为了 三峡大坝 修建 作出 巨大 牺牲
3781 拿着 一个 水罐

Semantische Felder:

5.36 Heftigkeit
7.34 Länger dauernde und wiederholte Geräusche