VNEN rẻ sườn * rib * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Tôi thấy cái này khủng khiếp. I find that terrible. Ich finde das furchtbar.
Bạn đã đặt báo nào? Which newspaper did you subscribe to? Welche Zeitung hast du abonniert?
Bộ phim không hay lắm phải không? - Phải, chán kinh khủng. + The movie wasn't very good, was it? — No, it was terrible.
Văn phòng chỗ tôi làm việc rất kinh khủng. Tôi ghét làm việc ở đó. + The office I worked at was horrible. I hated working there.
Đấy là một đám cháy kinh khủng. Cả toà nhà bị phá huỷ. + It was a terrible fire. The whole building got destroyed.
Để tôi tả lại cho cậu chuyện đã xảy ra như thế nào. + Let me describe to you how it happened.
Thật kinh khủng khi một số người đang chết vì đói trong khi những người khác ăn quá nhiều. + It's terrible that some people are dying of hunger while others eat too much.
Simon cực kì sáng tạo và luôn nảy ra những ý tưởng tuyệt vời. + Simon is terribly creative, and is always coming up with great ideas.

Anh ấy buồn như mất sổ gạo. + He is terribly sad.

buồn như mất sổ gạo + terribly sad

Giao thông hôm nay thật kinh khủng + The traffic was terrible today.

Diễn xuất tệ kinh khúng + The acting was terrible.

Tôi thật sự xin lỗi. + I'm terribly sorry.

Giao thông hôm nay thật kinh khủng (khủng khiếp). + The traffic was terrible today.

Tôi thực sự xin lỗi. + I'm terribly sorry.

Thành thật xin lỗi anh vì đã dể anh phải chờ lâu. + I'm terribly sorry that I kept you waiting for so long.

Đóng góp vào + Make a contribution

Ruy băng + Ribbon

Anh miêu tả bản thân mình là người như thế nao? + How would you describe yourself?

Tôi bị cảm rất nặng + I have a terrible cold
GNOT Qualitative • quality terrible +
GNOT Qualitative • quality terribly +
candied coconut ribbons mứt dừa +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-5 Beitrag contribution
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-9 verschreiben to prescribe   (verschreibt, verschrieb, hat verschrieben)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-16 verteilen 1. to distribute, 2. to spread   (verteilt, verteilte, hat verteilt)
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-10 schrecklich terrible
11-2. Telefon, Computer Exercise 11-2-5 abonnieren to subscribe   (abonniert, abonnierte, hat abonniert)
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-8 Autor 1. author, 2. writer, 3. scribe
15-1. Polizei, Recht, Gesetz Exercise 15-1-6 beschreiben 1. to describe, 2. to write on   (beschreibt, beschrieb, hat beschrieben)
17-1. Gefühle, Stimmungen Exercise 17-1-8 furchtbar terrible
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-4 Sie beschrieben den Vorfall unterschiedlich.  + unterschiedlich They described the incident differently.  Họ mô tả vụ việc một cách khác.
Exercise 5-1 Können Sie mir kein stärkeres Mittel verschreiben?  + stark Can't you prescribe a stronger remedy for me?  Bạn không thể kê toa một biện pháp khắc phục cho tôi hơn?
Exercise 10-8 Die Arbeit muss gleichmäßig auf alle Mitarbeiter verteilt werden.  + gleichmäßig The work must be distributed evenly among all employees.  Công việc phải được phân bố đều trong số tất cả nhân viên.
Exercise 15-8 Beschreiben Sie den Unfall detailliert.  + beschreiben Describe the accident in detail.  Mô tả tai nạn cụ thể.
Exercise 15-8 Ich kann meine Gefühle nicht beschreiben.  + beschreiben I can't describe my feelings.  Tôi không thể diễn tả cảm xúc của mình.
Exercise 15-8 Die Straße beschreibt einen Bogen.  + beschreiben The street describes an arc.  Đường phố mô tả một cung.
Exercise 15-8 Ich kann dir nicht beschreiben, was in mir vorging.  + beschreiben I can't describe to you what was going on inside me.  Tôi không thể mô tả cho bạn những gì đang xảy ra bên trong tôi.
Exercise 15-8 Es ist nicht zu beschreiben, wie schön es gestern war.  + beschreiben It's impossible to describe how beautiful it was yesterday.  Không thể mô tả nó đẹp như thế nào trong ngày hôm qua.
Exercise 17-7 Die Flugzeuge machen einen schrecklichen Lärm.  + Lärm The planes make a horrible noise.  Các máy bay gây ra một tiếng ồn khủng khiếp.
Exercise 20-7 Die Regierung verteilte Lebensmittel an die Opfer.  + verteilen The government distributed food to the victims.  Chính phủ phân phối thực phẩm cho các nạn nhân.
Exercise 20-7 Sie verteilte Flugblätter an die Passanten.  + verteilen She distributed flyers to the passers-by.  Cô phân phát tờ rơi cho người qua lại.
Exercise 23-4 Ich habe ein schreckliches Erlebnis gehabt. + Erlebnis I've had a terrible experience. Tôi đã có một kinh nghiệm khủng khiếp.
Exercise 24-1 Ich habe schreckliche Schmerzen. + Schmerz I'm in terrible pain. Tôi đau đớn khủng khiếp.
Exercise 26-3 Gestern war eine schreckliche Hitze!  + Hitze Yesterday was a terrible heat!  Hôm qua là một cơn sốt khủng khiếp!
Exercise 26-7 Wir müssen diesen schrecklichen Konflikt beenden. + Konflikt We must put an end to this terrible conflict. Chúng ta phải chấm dứt xung đột khủng khiếp này.
Exercise 28-6 Der Briefträger teilt die Briefe schnell aus.  + Briefträger The postman distributes the letters quickly.  Người đưa thư phân phát các chữ cái một cách nhanh chóng.
Exercise 31-7 Ein schweres Unglück ist geschehen.  + Unglück A terrible accident has happened.  Một tai nạn khủng khiếp đã xảy ra.
Exercise 34-5 Können Sie den Täter beschreiben?  + Täter Can you describe the killer?  Bạn có thể mô tả kẻ giết người?
Exercise 35-1 In der Stadt herrscht heute furchtbarer Betrieb.  + Betrieb The city is a terrible place to be today.  Thành phố này là một nơi khủng khiếp để có được ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 35-8 Sie haben Zahnschmerzen? Ich verschreibe Ihnen ein Schmerzmittel.  + Schmerzmittel You have a toothache? I'll prescribe you a painkiller.  Bạn bị đau răng? Tôi sẽ kê toa cho bạn một thuốc giảm đau.
Exercise 36-2 Der Arzt hat mir ein Mittel gegen Grippe verschrieben.  + Mittel The doctor prescribed me a cure for the flu.  Bác sĩ kê toa cho tôi một loại thuốc chữa cúm.
Exercise 39-5 Heute ist eine schreckliche Hitze.  + schrecklich It's a terrible heat today.  Đó là một ngày nóng khủng khiếp.
Exercise 39-5 Ich finde dieses Kleid schrecklich.  + schrecklich I think this dress is terrible.  Tôi nghĩ rằng trang phục này là khủng khiếp.
Exercise 39-5 Auf der Autobahn ist ein schrecklicher Unfall passiert.  + schrecklich There was a terrible accident on the freeway.  Có một tai nạn khủng khiếp trên xa lộ.
Exercise 39-5 Es war eine schreckliche Erfahrung.  + schrecklich It was a terrible experience.  Đó là một kinh nghiệm khủng khiếp.
Exercise 41-6 Die Ärztin hat mir Tabletten verschrieben.  + verschreiben* The doctor prescribed pills for me.  Bác sĩ kê toa thuốc cho tôi.
Exercise 41-6 Der Arzt hat ihm die Pille verschrieben. + verschreiben* The doctor prescribed him the pill. Bác sĩ kê toa viên thuốc.
Exercise 41-6 Der Arzt hat mir ein Medikament verschrieben.  + Medikament The doctor prescribed me a medication.  Bác sĩ cho tôi dùng thuốc.
Exercise 41-7 Jeder leistete seinen Beitrag. + Beitrag Everyone made their own contribution. Mọi người đều đóng góp cho chính họ.
Exercise 42-1 Der Arzt hat mir neue Pillen verschrieben.  + Pille The doctor prescribed me new pills.  Bác sĩ kê toi tôi thuốc mới.
Exercise 42-5 Diese Zeitschrift würde ich gerne abonnieren.  + abonnieren I would like to subscribe to this magazine.  Tôi muốn đăng ký tạp chí này.
Exercise 42-5 Wir haben im Theater abonniert.  + abonnieren We subscribed to the theatre.  Chúng tôi đăng ký nhà hát.
Exercise 42-5 Er hat mehrere Zeitschriften abonniert. + abonnieren He's subscribed to several magazines. Anh ấy đăng ký một số tạp chí.
Exercise 43-3 Daniel hat furchtbare Schmerzen.  + furchtbar Daniel's in terrible pain.  Daniel đau đớn khủng khiếp.
Exercise 43-3 Ich hatte letzte Nacht einen furchtbaren Traum.  + furchtbar I had a terrible dream last night.  Tôi đã có một giấc mơ khủng khiếp đêm qua.
Exercise 43-3 Ich hatte mein Geld vergessen. Das war mir furchtbar unangenehm.  + furchtbar I forgot my money. I was terribly uncomfortable.  Tôi quên tiền của tôi. Tôi đã rất khó chịu.
Exercise 43-3 Er war furchtbar aufgeregt.  + furchtbar He was terribly excited.  Anh ấy đã rất vui mừng.
Exercise 44-2 Wo ist die die Ausgabe des Essens?  + Ausgabe Where's the food distribution?  Phân phối thực phẩm ở đâu?
Exercise 45-3 Für die Pflegeversicherung muss ich jeden Monat Beiträge zahlen.  + Pflegeversicherung I have to pay contributions for nursing care insurance every month.  Tôi phải đóng tiền bảo hiểm chăm sóc hàng tháng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The physical world Water Nebenfluss + tributary + B
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Rippe + rib + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment etw verschreiben + to prescribe sth + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment etw aufschreiben + to write sth down, prescribe sth + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Benevolence and malevolence, generosity and meanness schrecklich + terrible, dreadful + A
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/bad humour kreuzunglücklich (coll.) + terribly miserable + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Jewelry and accessories Band + ribbon + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Meat, fish and poultry Rippchen + rib + C
+ + 103 Perception Smell scheußlich + terrible + B
+ + 103 Perception Sound Mordskrach + terrible din/racket + C
+ + 103 Shapes and patterns Patterns gerippt + ribbed; fluted + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion etw austeilen + to distribute sth + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Portion etw verteilen + to space/spread sth out, distribute + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Abonnent(in) + season-ticket holder; subscriber [newspaper] + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Filmverleih + distribution company + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media eine Zeitung im Abonnement beziehen + to subscribe to a newspaper + B
+ + 103 Speaking Informing etw schildern + to describe sth + B
+ + 103 Speaking Praising and complaining jmdn würdigen + to pay tribute to sb + B
+ + 103 Speaking Gossiping and teasing jmdn mit/wegen etw aufziehen (coll.) + to rib/tease sb about sth + B
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing Gekritzel + scribble + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing (etw) kritzeln + to scribble (sth) + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Writing etw hinkritzeln + to scribble sth down + C
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice spenden + to donate, give, contribute + A
+ + 103 Religion Faith and practice Spende + donation, contribution + A
+ + 103 Science Biological sciences Desoxyribonukle-insäure (DNS) + deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) + C
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Beitrag + contribution + C
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Rentenversicherungs-beitrag + pension scheme contribution + C
+ + 103 Employment Termination of employment Arbeitsgericht + industrial tribunal + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Farbband + ribbon + B
+ + 103 Law Crime Bestechung + bribery + B
+ + 103 Law Crime jmdn bestechen + to bribe sb + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Schreiber(in) + scribe + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples das Karibische Meer + the Caribbean Sea + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Karibe + Carib + B
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political activity etw verteilen + to distribute sth + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * de particle to form an attribute/ of strukt.Partikel de , besitzanzeigendes Attribut +
A + * * xie3 write/ compose/ describe schreiben +
B 貢獻 + * * gong4xian4 contribute/ dedicate/ contribution Beitrag, widmen, beitragen +
B + * * xian4 contribute 1.darbieten,darbringen, überreichen 2. zeigen, etw zur Schau tragen +
B 糟糕 + * * zao1gao1 terrible/ bad/awful welch ein Pech, wie schade, verflucht, schrecklich, schlimm, fürchterlich +
B 描寫 + * * miao2xie3 portray/ depict/ describe beschreiben,schildern,darstellen +
B 可怕 + * * ke3pa4 fearful/ terrible/ frightful furchtbar, schrecklich, entsetzlich +
B 不得了 + * * bu4de2liao3 very/ terribly sehr, extrem, sehr ernst +
B 抄寫 + * * chao1xie3 transcribe/ copy 1. ein Plagiat begehen, plagiieren 2. Erfahrungen anderer unkritisch übernehmen +
B 形容 + * * xing2rong2 describe beschreiben +
C 改編 + * * gai3bian1 adapt/ transcribe/ revise/ reorganize/ recompose 1. umarbeiten, umschreiben 2.reorganisieren, umorganisieren, umbilden +
C + * * xiong1 inauspicious/ vicious/ fierce/ ferocious/ brutal/ terrible 1. böse, furchterregend 2. schrecklich, furchtbar 3. unheildrohend, verhängnisvoll, unheilvoll +
C 均勻 + * * jun1yun2 even/ uniform/ well-distributed/ regularly-paced gleichmäßig,regelmäßig +
C + * * san3 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel sich lösen,sich lockern,auseinandergehen,verstreut siehe san4 +
C 散文 + * * san3wen2 prose/ literary works including scribbles/ essays; etc. Prosa,literarische Werke +
C + * * san4 break up/ disperse/ distribute/ give out/ dispel 1. sich trennen, sich auflösen,auseinandergehen 2. verbreiten, ausstreuen, verteilen 3. vertreiben, zerstreuen, herauslassen siehe san3 +
C 分布 + * * fen1bu4 be distributed/ be scattered/ be dispersed verteilen, verteilt sein +
C 分散 + * * fen1san4 distract/ divert/ decentralize/ disperse/ distribute verstreuen, zerstreuen, dezentralisieren +
C 帶兒 + * * dai4r string/ ribbon/ belt/ strap Riemen +
C 發行 + * * fa1xing2 distribute/ publish/ issue/ release ausgeben, etwas in Umlauf bringen +
C 法院 + * * fa3yuan4 court/ court of law/ court of justice/ tribunal Gericht +
C 恐怖 + * * kong3bu4 fearful/ horrifying/ horrible/ terrifying/ terrible Schrecken, Terror +
C 功勞 + * * gong1lao2 credit/ contribution/ outstanding service Verdienst, verdienstvolle Leistung +
D 行賄 + 贿* * xing2 hui4 bribe bestechen, korrumpieren +
D 真是的 + * * zhen1 shi4 de be really terrible sind wirklich +
D 捐獻 + * * juan1xian4 contribute/ subscribe spenden, eine Schenkung machen +
D 布局 + * * bu4ju2 distribution/ layout das generelle Schema, Anordnung, Layout +
D 按勞分配 + * * an4 lao2 fen1pei4 distribution according to work Verteilung nach Arbeitsleistung +
D 賄賂 + 贿* * hui4lu4 bribe bestechen, Bestechung, Bestechungsgeld +
D 剪彩 + * * jian3 cai3 cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony bei einer Einweihung das Band durchschneiden +
D 描繪 + * * miao2hui4 describe/ portray schildern, beschreiben, malen +
D 描述 + * * miao2shu4 describe charakterisieren +
D 預訂 + * * yu4ding4 book/ subscribe for subscribieren, vorbestellen, reservieren, Reservation +
D 簽署 + * * qian1shu3 sign/ affix to/ subscribe unterzeichnen, unterschreiben +
D 訂閱 + * * ding4yue4 subscribe to abonnieren +
D 苦難 + * * ku3nan4 tribulation Leiden, Elend, Not +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
875 派发 资料 + She is on the sidewalk distributing materials. Sie ist am Straßenrand und verteilt Info-Material.
1346 恐怖 + Wow, how horrible! (Interjektion)Wie entsetzlich!
1891 爱因斯坦 人类 做出 巨大 贡献 + Einstein made a great contribution to mankind.
2837 贿赂 政府 官员 + He's bribing government officials.
2853 贿赂 主管 + He is trying to bribe the person in charge.
2957 糖醋 排骨 + This is sweet and sour spareribs.
3469 列宁 制成 雕像 人们 瞻仰 + Lenin's likeness has been made into a statue to enable people to pay tribute to him.
3633 形容 + He is good at describing people.
3679 市长 开幕式 剪彩 + The mayor is cutting the ribbon at the opening ceremony.
3692 这个 高官 由于 受贿 数额 丢掉 自己 身家性命。 + This high-ranking official lost his and his family's lives due to a large number of bribes.
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
kai1yao4 + to prescribe medicine
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

j’ai décrit le système idéal + I described the idealsystem

un quart de million d’articles ont été distribués + a quarter million articles were distributed

des malentendus nous créent des problèmes terribles + misunderstandings create horrible problems for us

je ne pense pas qu’il soit nécessaire de la distribuer + I don’t think it will be necessary to distribute it

il voulait simplement contribuer au débat + he simply wanted to contribute to the debate

certaines autres ont subi de terribles ravages + certain others suffered terrible ravages

le gouvernement fédéral a contribué au problème + the federal government contributed to the problem

la consommation de drogues illicites contribue à la criminalité + illegal drug use contributes to crime

je remercie mon collègue pour sa contribution d’hier + I thank my colleague for his contribution yesterday

ces valeurs se distribuent selon une courbe en cloche + these values are distributed along a bell curve

je n’aurais qu’à décrire ce que je voyais + all I had to do was describe what I saw

c’était terrible! la situation était terrible + it was terrible! the situation was horrible

son mari attribuait cette apathie à sa naissance + her husband attributed this apathy to her birth

j’entends ce bruit horrible + I hear this horrible noise

nous reconnaissons leur contribution dans le domaine médical + we recognize their contribution to the medical domain

j’ai participé à un programme de distribution de petits déjeuners + I participated in a breakfast distribution program

la main-d’œuvre chinoise a contribué de façon importante au développement économique + Chinese manpower contributed greatly to economic development

j’ai dû affronter la terrible réalité + I had to confront the terrible reality

le communiqué a été distribué aux journalistes + the communiqué was distributed to the journalists

l’employeur et les employés ont tous deux contribué + both the employers and the employees contributed

le texte du message reçu de l’abonné + the text of the message received by the subscriber

la violence est une chose horrible + violence is a horrible thing

leur cinéma est terriblement cynique + their cinema is terribly cynical

ils prescrivent ces médicaments + they prescribe these medicines

nous sommes une tribu, une communauté + we’re a tribe, a community

je suis terriblement navré + I’m terribly embarrassed

cite-moi un seul apport positif de la technologie + name me one positive contribution from technology

elle ne souscrit pas complètement à nos principes + she doesn’t altogether subscribe to our principles

on a été manger des côtes de porc dans un bistro + we went to eat pork ribs in a bistro

le gouvernement fédéral a réduit sensiblement sa contribution + the federal government reduced its contribution sizably

la courbe qu’il spécifie est une spirale + the curve that it describes is a spiral

les distributeurs quittaient la salle en courant + the distributors ran out of the room

c’est un épouvantable malentendu + it’s a horrible misunderstanding

j’ai fait un cauchemar affreux + I had a horrible nightmare

cela plie terriblement et se balance à la moindre brise + this folds terribly and sways with the slightest breeze
04087126-n rib
04087290-n rib
05235879-n rib
06767693-n rib
07656741-n rib
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 rib +
103 rib +
103 rib +
103 rib +
103 rib +
103 rib +
103 rib +
103 rib +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
rib xương sườn + +