VNEN viễn * far * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Im wievielten Monat sind Sie? How far along are you?/When's the baby due? Bạn đã bao lâu rồi? / Khi nào em bé đến?
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Đến bưu điện gần nhất có xa không? Is the post office far from here? Ist es weit bis zum nächsten Postamt?
Theo tôi biết, anh ấy ở đây. As far as I know, he lives here. Soweit ich weiß, wohnt er hier.
Theo tôi biết, vợ của anh ấy bị ốm. As far as I know, his wife is ill. Soweit ich weiß, ist seine Frau krank.
Theo tôi biết, anh ấy đang thất nghiệp. As far as I know, he is unemployed. Soweit ich weiß, ist er arbeitslos.
Sau đó, cô ấy làm việc ở một trang trại, nhưng cô ấy không thích nó lắm. + After that, she worked on a farm, but she didn't enjoy it very much.
Farid không thể gặp chúng tôi Chủ nhật này. Anh ấy còn làm việc. + Farid can't meet us on Saturday. He's working.
Faruq định bao giờ gọi cậu? - Tôi không biết. + When's Faruq going to call you? — I don't know. He might call this afternoon.
Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến duy nhất khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa? + Do you want to walk to the hotel? — I don't know. How far is it?
Đường từ giá đến nhà gare bao xa? + How far is it from here to the train station?
Đường từ duy nhất khách sạn ra bãi biển bao xa? + How far is it from the hotel to the beach?
Khoảng cách từ Đài Bắc đến Tokyo bao xa? + How far is it from Taipei to Tokyo?
Từ nhà cậu đến vịnh cách bao xa? + How far is it from your house to the airport?
Đường đến vịnh bao xa? > Cậu có thể nói tôi biết đường đến vịnh bao xa không? + How far is it to the airport? — Can you tell me how far it is to the airport?
Đi về nhà từ giá quá xa. + It's too far to walk home from here.
Cậu đang đứng quá gần máy ảnh. Cậu lùi ra xa một tí được không? + You're standing too close to the camera. Can you move a little farther away?
Bệnh của cô ấy nghiêm trọng hơn nhiều so với chúng ta tưởng tượng lúc đầu. + Her illness was far more serious than we thought at first.

nông dân + farmer

Chúng tôi không phải là nông dân. + We are not farmers.

Người nông dân dùng nhiều cái liềm. + The farmer uses many sickles.

Nông trại động vật + animal farm

nông trại + farm

Những nông dân muốn xuất khẩu táo đến Pháp. + The farmers want to export apples to France.

Người nông dân không đồng ý bán đất của anh ấy. + The farmer does not agree to sell his land.

Chính phủ có một chính sách mới để phát triển phúc lợi xã hội. + The government has a new policy to develop social welfare.

Phúc lợi xã hội + social welfare

Thuỵ Điển có phúc lợi tốt. + Sweden has a good welfare.

Phúc lợi  + welfare

Bố mẹ của bạn ở gần hay xa? + Your parents are near or far?

Xa quá! + Too far!

xa + far

Ngày vinh quang không xa. + The glorious day is not far.

Những con heo tuyên chiến với những người nông dân. + The pigs declare war on the farmers.

Chiến tranh hiện đại không thể thắng chiến tranh du kích. + Modern warfare cannot win guerrilla warfare.

Chiến tranh + warfare

Đôi mắt của anh ấy to và cách xa nhau. + His eyes are large and set quite far apart.

Cô ấy sắn tổ chức tiệc chia tay vào thứ Sáu. + She's having a farewell party on Friday.

Chỗ đó cách đây bao xa? + How far is it?

... cách đây bao xa? + How far is it to …?

... cách đây bao xa? + How far is it to … from here?

Chỗ đó có xa không? + Is it far?

Tôi còn cách ngân hàng thương mại Á Chau bao xa? + How far I am from the Asia Commercial Bank?

Ông còn cách 100 m + You're one hundred metres far from it.

Chỗ đó không xa + It's not far

Nông dân + Farmer

Theo tôi có thể nói + As far as I can tell
GNOT Spatial • distance far (away) (from) khá xa +
far from cách +
GNOT Spatial • distance far xa +
SNOT House and home, environment • region farmland +
SNOT House and home, environment • region farm +
SNOT Travel • public transport fare +
SNOT Relations with other people • social affairs welfare +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-3. Kontakte Exercise 1-3-6 verabschieden to say farewell   (verabschiedet, verabschiedete, hat verabschiedet)
2-1. Körper Exercise 2-1-6 Wohl welfare
6-1. Umwelt Exercise 6-1-7 Hof 1. yard, 2. farm, 3. court
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-2 Bauernhof farm
7-1. Verkehr Exercise 7-1-20 entfernt 1. far away, 2. remote
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-7 weit 1. far, 2. loose-fitting, 3. wide
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-3 Bauer farmer   (n-Dekl.)
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-1 Landwirtschaft agriculture, farm
20-1. W-Fragen, Konjunktionen Exercise 20-1-6 soviel as far as
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 2-1 Der Bahnhof ist nicht weit. Ich zeige Ihnen den Weg.  + zeigen The train station is not far away. I'll show you the way.  Nhà ga xe lửa không xa. Tôi sẽ chỉ cho bạn cách.
Exercise 3-4 Wie weit ist es bis zum Bahnhof? Nicht weit, ungefähr zehn Minuten zu Fuß.  + ungefähr How far is it to the station? Not far, about ten minutes on foot.  Trạm đến như thế nào? Không xa, khoảng mười phút đi bộ.
Exercise 3-5 Soviel ich weiß, ist er verreist.  + wissen* As far as I know, he's out of town.  Theo tôi biết, anh ấy đã ra khỏi thị trấn.
Exercise 3-9 Bis hierher und nicht weiter!  + hierher So far and no further!  Cho đến bây giờ và không còn nữa!
Exercise 4-7 Bis jetzt hat alles gut geklappt.  + jetzt Everything's worked out well so far.  Mọi thứ đã thành công tốt đẹp cho đến nay.
Exercise 8-3 Wie weit ist es bis dorthin?  + weit How far is it to there?  Làm thế nào đến đó đến đó?
Exercise 8-3 Wie weit ist es noch bis München?  + weit How far is it to Munich?  Munich đến đâu?
Exercise 8-3 Zum Bahnhof ist es nicht weit.  + weit The train station is not far away.  Nhà ga xe lửa không xa.
Exercise 8-3 Die Jacke ist mir zu weit.  + weit The jacket's too far away for me.  Áo khoác quá xa cho tôi.
Exercise 8-3 Du bist zu weit gegangen.  + weit You've gone too far.  Bạn đã đi quá xa.
Exercise 9-2 Treib es nicht zu weit.  + treiben* Don't push it too far.  Đừng đẩy nó quá xa.
Exercise 9-2 Du treibst es zu weit.  + treiben* You're pushing it too far.  Bạn đang đẩy nó quá xa.
Exercise 11-9 Die nächste Tankstelle ist nicht weit weg von hier.  + weg The nearest gas station is not far from here.  Trạm xăng gần nhất không xa đây.
Exercise 13-7 Dieser Spaß ging zu weit.  + Spaß This joke went too far.  Truyện cười này đã đi quá xa.
Exercise 15-6 Wie weit ist es bis zur nächsten Haltestelle?  + Haltestelle How far is it to the next stop?  Làm thế nào đến nay là đến điểm dừng kế tiếp?
Exercise 15-7 Er hat sich bisher vergeblich beworben.  + vergeblich He has applied in vain so far.  Ông đã áp dụng vô ích cho đến nay.
Exercise 17-5 Wir sind noch lange nicht fertig mit der Arbeit.  + lange We're far from finished.  Chúng tôi còn chưa hoàn thành.
Exercise 18-6 Wir kaufen das Gemüse direkt beim Bauern.  + Gemüse We buy the vegetables directly from the farmer.  Chúng tôi mua rau trực tiếp từ nông dân.
Exercise 20-5 Der Bauer arbeitet auf dem Feld.  + Feld The farmer works in the field.  Nông dân làm việc trong lĩnh vực này.
Exercise 21-4 Wie weit ist es vom Flughafen bis zum Hotel?  + Hotel How far is it from the airport to the hotel?  Nó từ sân bay đến khách sạn bao xa?
Exercise 23-2 Wie weit ist es bis zum Flughafen?  + Flughafen How far is it to the airport?  Nó bay đến sân bay bao lâu?
Exercise 25-3 Wie weit ist es zum Bahnhof? – Das ist ganz nah, nur zwei Minuten von hier.  + nah How far is it to the station? It's only two minutes from here.  Trạm đến như thế nào? Chỉ cách đó hai phút.
Exercise 25-6 Wie weit ist es bis zu dir hin?  + hin How far is it to you?  Bạn đến đâu?
Exercise 25-7 Er betreibt eine kleine Landwirtschaft. + Landwirtschaft He runs a small farm. Anh ta điều hành một trang trại nhỏ.
Exercise 25-9 Meine Großeltern hatten einen Bauernhof.  + Bauernhof My grandparents had a farm.  Ông bà tôi có một trang trại.
Exercise 25-9 Er arbeitet von morgens bis abends auf dem Bauernhof. + Bauernhof He works on the farm from morning to night. Anh ta làm việc ở nông trại từ sáng đến tối.
Exercise 26-2 Wir kaufen unser Gemüse beim Bauern.  + Bauer We buy our vegetables from the farmer.  Chúng tôi mua rau của chúng tôi từ nông dân.
Exercise 26-2 Sie holt bei einem Bauern frische Eier. + Bauer She's getting fresh eggs from a farmer. Cô ấy đang lấy trứng tươi từ một nông dân.
Exercise 26-3 Weit und breit gab es keinen Schatten.  + Schatten There was no shadow far and wide.  Không có cái bóng nào xa xôi.
Exercise 27-8 Wie weit ist es noch bis zur Ausfahrt Freiburg?  + Ausfahrt How far is it to the Freiburg exit?  Khoảng cách tới lối ra của Freiburg là bao xa?
Exercise 29-3 Dieser Bauer hat noch 50 Stück Vieh.  + Vieh This farmer has 50 cattle left.  Người nông dân này còn lại 50 gia súc.
Exercise 29-7 Sie wohnen im Stadtzentrum. Deshalb haben Sie keinen Anspruch aufFahrgeld.  + Anspruch They live in the city centre. Therefore, you are not entitled to a fare.  Họ sống ở trung tâm thành phố. Vì vậy, bạn không được hưởng giá vé.
Exercise 29-9 Das Wohl seiner Familie ist ihm sehr wichtig.  + Wohl The welfare of his family is very important to him.  Phúc lợi của gia đình ông rất quan trọng đối với ông.
Exercise 32-3 Der Bahnhof ist nicht weit entfernt von unserem Hotel.  + entfernt The train station is not far from our hotel.  Ga xe lửa không xa khách sạn của chúng tôi.
Exercise 32-3 Wie weit ist der Ort entfernt von hier.  + entfernt How far is the place from here.  Từ đây đến đâu.
Exercise 32-3 Ihr Haus ist weit entfernt vom Bahnhof.  + entfernt Your house is far from the train station.  Ngôi nhà của bạn cách xa nhà ga xe lửa.
Exercise 32-3 Ich erinnere mich ganz entfernt daran.  + entfernt I remember it from afar.  Tôi nhớ nó từ xa.
Exercise 32-8 Wir wohnen nicht weit auseinander.  + auseinander  We don't live far away.  Chúng ta không sống xa.
Exercise 32-8 Die Häuser liegen weit auseinander.  + auseinander  The houses are far apart.  Các ngôi nhà xa nhau.
Exercise 35-8 Wie weit bist du heute gesprungen? – 3,40 m.  + springen* How far did you jump today? – 3,40 m.  Bạn nhảy ngày hôm nay đến mức nào? - 3,40 m.
Exercise 38-8 Welcher Arzt hat Sie bis jetzt behandelt?  + behandeln Which doctor has treated you so far?  Bác sĩ nào đã điều trị cho bạn cho đến nay?
Exercise 39-4 Der Bauer wirtschaftet nach ökologischen Grundsätzen.  + ökologisch The farmer works according to ecological principles.  Nông dân hoạt động theo nguyên tắc sinh thái.
Exercise 39-4 Die ökologische Landwirtschaft ist wichtig für die Umwelt.  + ökologisch Organic farming is important for the environment.  Nông nghiệp hữu cơ rất quan trọng đối với môi trường.
Exercise 39-4 z. B. Ökoladen, Ökostrom, ökologischer Anbau, ...  + ökologisch e. g. ecological shops, green electricity, organic farming,...  e. g. các cửa hàng sinh thái, điện xanh, canh tác hữu cơ, ...
Exercise 39-6 Bisher ging alles glatt. + glatt So far everything went smoothly. Cho đến nay, mọi thứ diễn ra suôn sẻ.
Exercise 41-7 Wir hatten bisher sehr kaltes Frostwetter.  + bisher We've had very cold frosty weather so far.  Chúng ta đã có thời tiết lạnh giá rất lạnh cho đến nay.
Exercise 41-7 Bisher haben wir es immer so gemacht.  + bisher So far, we've always done it this way.  Cho đến nay, chúng tôi đã luôn làm theo cách này.
Exercise 41-7 Bisher hat alles gut geklappt.  + bisher Everything has worked out well so far.  Mọi thứ đã thành công tốt đẹp cho đến nay.
Exercise 41-7 Bisher war alles in Ordnung.  + bisher Everything's been fine so far.  Mọi thứ đều ổn.
Exercise 41-7 Bisher waren wir recht erfolgreich. + bisher So far we have been quite successful. Cho đến nay chúng tôi đã khá thành công.
Exercise 42-5 Von fern sah man den Zug kommen.  + fern From afar you could see the train coming.  Từ xa bạn có thể thấy tàu đến.
Exercise 42-5 Der Tag ist nicht mehr fern, an dem wir uns wiedersehen werden.  + fern The day is not far off when we will meet again.  Ngày không xa khi chúng ta sẽ gặp lại.
Exercise 43-1 Er fasste zusammen, was bisher gesagt worden war.  + zusammenfassen He summarized what had been said so far.  Ông tóm tắt những gì đã được nói cho đến nay.
Exercise 43-6 Wir wohnen weit entfernt voneinander. + voneinander We live far from each other. Chúng ta sống xa nhau.
Exercise 43-7 Die Erfindung des Computers hatte weit reichende Folgen. + Erfindung The invention of the computer had far-reaching consequences. Sáng chế của máy tính đã có những hậu quả sâu xa.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The human body and health Symptoms, ailments and illnesses Herzinfarkt + heart attack, cardiac infarction + A
+ + 103 The human body and health Senses weitsichtig + longsighted, farsighted + B
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Good/poor judgment weitblickend + far-sighted + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance weit + far, a long way + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance entfernt + distant, far, away + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance weit weg/entfernt + far away + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity mannigfach + multifarious, manifold + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Distance weitab + far away + C
+ + 103 Time Time phrases bislang + so far, until now + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Komödie + comedy; farce; comedy theatre + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style weit hergeholt + far-fetched + B
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Style an den Haaren herbeigezogen + far-fetched + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General Tarif + fare + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport General einfache Fahrt + single fare, one-way ticket + B
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Tourism Safari + safari + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Bauer + farmer + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Bäuerin + farmer, farmer's wife + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Landwirtschaft + agriculture, farming + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Landwirt(in) + farmer + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Milchwirtschaft + dairy farming + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Schweinezucht + pig-breeding; pig farm + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Schweinezüchter(in) + pig farmer + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Schaffarm + sheep farm + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Fischzucht + fish farming + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Fischzüchter(in) + fish farmer + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Obstbauer + fruit farmer + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Bauernhof + farm + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Landwirtschaft + farm + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Hof + farmyard + A
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers kleiner Landbesitz intensive Landwirtschaft + smallholdingintensive farming + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Landwirtschaft betreiben + to farm + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Geflügelfarm + poultry farm + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Geflügelzucht + poultry farming + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Geflügelzüchter(in) + poultry farmer + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Ackerbau + agriculture, farming + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Ackerbau und Viehzucht + mixed farming + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops das Land bebauen + to farm the land + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Bauerngut + farm(stead) + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Farm buildings Bauernhaus + farmhouse + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Bio-Landwirtschafts-betrieb + organic farm + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Bio-Bauer/Bäuerin + organic farmer + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Gestüt + stud farm + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Pächter(in) eines Bauernhofes + tenant farmer + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Bauernhof auf Genossenschafts-basis + cooperative farm + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Legebatterie + battery farm + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers industriell betriebene Viehzucht + factory farming + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers industrieller Viehzuchtbetrieb + factory farm + C
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Landarbeiter(in) + farmhand + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Weapons die chemische Kriegsführung + chemical warfare + B
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Färöer + Faroe Islands + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples Färöer(in) + Faroese + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Guerillakrieg + guerrilla warfare + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Grabenkampf + trench warfare + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace War Stadtguerilla + urban guerrilla warfare + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies linksradikal + far left + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Political systems and ideologies rechtsradikal + far right + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Sozialhilfe + income support, welfare (aid) + A
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Fürsorge + welfare, relief, assistance + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Sozialfürsorge + welfare + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Kinderfürsorge + child welfare + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services soziale Einrichtungen + welfare services + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Sozialhilfeemp-fänger(in) + recipient of income support/welfare + C
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Social services Wohlfahrtstaat + welfare state + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 農業 + * * nong2ye4 agriculture/ farming Landwirtschaft +
A + * * yuan3 far/ remote 1. weit, fern 2. weitläufig, fern 3. bei weitem 4. einen Abstand von jm halten +
B + * * fei4 fare/ expense/ money Gebühr +
B + * * fei4 fare/ expense/ money Gebühr +
B + * * tian2 farmland Feld, Ackerland, Ackerboden +
B 戰爭 + * * zhan4zheng1 warfare/ war Krieg +
B 至今 + * * zhi4 jin1 up to now/ to this day/ so far bis jetzt +
C 遙遠 + * * yao2yuan3 distant-far/ faraway/ remote/ distant/ very far weit, fern, abgelegen +
C 甚至於 + * * shen4zhi4yu2 and even/ it goes so far that und sogar, so sehr,daß +
C 農場 + * * nong2chang3 farm Bauernhof,landwirtschaftlicher Betrieb +
C 農具 + * * nong2ju4 farm tools/ farm implements landwirtschaftliche Geräte +
C 農貿市場 + * * nong2mao4 shi4chang3 market of farm produce Markt für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse +
C 農田 + * * nong2tian2 farmland/ cultivated land/ cropland/ field Ackerland,landwirtschaftliche Fläche +
C 農藥 + * * nong2yao4 agricultural chemicals/ farming chemicals/ pesticide landwirtschaftliches Schädlingbekämpungsmittel, Pestizid +
C 對得起 + * * dui4deqi3 as far as … be concerned/ to … (someone) sich würdig erweisen, jemand nicht im Stich lassen +
C 作物 + * * zuo4wu4 cultivated-thing/ crop/ cultivated plant/ farm produce landwirtschaftliche Kulturen, Feldfrüchte +
C 大道 + * * da4dao4 wide street/ thoroughfare/ boulevard/ broad way Hauptstraße +
C 告辭 + * * gao4ci2 say good-bye/ bid farewell/ take leave Abschied nehmen, sich empfehlen +
C 老鄉 + * * lao3xiang1 fellow-townsman/ fellow-villager/ farmer buddy Landsmann, Bauer +
C 田地 + * * tian2di4 field-land/ cropland/ farmland/ plight/ pitiful situation Feld, Ackerland,Boden, elende Situation +
C + * * jing4 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1.vollenden,beenden 2. endlich, schließlich 3. gegen jede Erwartung, unerwartet 4. so weit gehen, daß, sogar +
C 竟然 + * * jing4ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to unerwartet, überraschend, so weit gehen, daß.. +
C 至於 + * * zhi4yu2 go-to/ (go) so far as to/ to such an extent/ as for/ as to was…(an)betrifft, so weit sein, so weit kommen +
C 牧場 + * * mu4chang3 ranch/ livestock farm/ pastureland/ grazing land Weide,Weideland +
C 居然 + * * ju1ran2 unexpectedly/ to one's surprise/ go so far as to 1. unerwartet, gegen jede Erwartung 2. ausgerechnet, soweit gehen +
D 深遠 + * * shen1yuan3 far-reaching tiefgreifend und dauernd, weitreichend +
D 農產品 + * * nong2chan3pin3 farm produce Agrarprodukte +
D 農戶 + * * nong2hu4 farmer landwirtschaftlicher Haushalt (Betrieb) +
D 田間 + * * tian2jian1 farms/ field Feld, Farm, Ackerbau, auf dem Feld +
D 福利 + * * fu2li4 welfare Wohlfahrt, Fürsorge +
D + * * pi4 fart Furz +
D 遠方 + * * yuan3fang1 far distance Ferne +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
288 学校 + The school is far away from my home. Die Schule ist sehr weit von meinem Zuhause.
312 农夫 喂食 + The farmer is feeding the cows. Der Bauer füttert die Kühe.
690 牧场 很多 + The farm has a lot of cows. Auf dem Bauernhof werden viele Kühe gehalten.
738 务农 为生 + He makes a living by farming. Er lebt von der Landwirtschaft.
2062 山腰 田地 + There is a large stretch of farmland on the hillside.
2687 火星 地球 遥远 + Mars is far away from the Earth.
2873 节约 能源 关系 人类 福祉 + Energy conservation touches on the welfare of all mankind. Energiesparen betrifft das Wohl der gesamten Menschheit.
2921 放屁 + Someone farted.
3081 我们 100 农田 + We have 100 acres of farmland.
3211 农民 辛苦 耕耘 + The farmers are working hard in the fields.
3217 农民 正在 收割 甘蔗 + The farmers are harvesting the sugar cane.
3445 爱滋病 无法 治癒 + So far, AIDS remains incurable.
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
li2 ...yuan3 + far from
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
li2 bin1guan3 yuan3 + far from the hotel
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
yuan3 + far
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
hen3 yuan3 + very far
Lesson 020. Traveling in China. Pt 2.
tai4 yuan3 + too far
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

tu es venu de si loin + you came from so far away

je m’étais réfugié dans une espèce d’esprit farceur + I sought refuge in a farcical mindset

les subventions agricoles sont des taxes + farm subsidies are taxes

les agriculteurs subissent déjà beaucoup de catastrophes naturelles + farmers are already suffering from many natural disasters

à la naissance, le cerveau humain est loin d’être complètement développé + at birth, the human brain is far from completely developed

je crois que la littérature africaine se porte bien + I think that African literature is faring very well

l’économie japonaise ne se porte pas si mal + the Japanese economy is faring rather well

froid intense, très en dessous de zéro + intense cold, far below zero

j’ai moi-même été agriculteur + I was a farmer myself

au lycée, la quête de popularité est une guerre + in high school, the pursuit of popularity is warfare

on voulait aller dans une terre lointaine + we wanted to go to a faraway land

on n’a trouvé que 2 survivants pour l’instant + so far only 2 survivors have been found

je ne t’aime plus. adieu + I don’t love you any more. farewell

les récoltes de certains agriculteurs sont gelées + some farmers’ crops are frozen

mais je n’irai pas au delà + but I won’t go any farther than that

les fermiers ont des journées très remplies + farmers have very busy days

il me fit un salut distant + he waved at me from afar

la simplicité de ces adieux le toucha + the simplicity of this farewell touched him
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 far +
103 far +
103 far +
103 far +
103 far +
103 far +
103 far +
103 far +
103 far +
103 FAR +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
far xa, xa xôi + +
far xa + +
xa + + far