Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Das ist zu kurz. That is too short. Điều đó quá ngắn.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Làm ơn đừng ngắn quá. Not too short, please. Nicht zu kurz, bitte.
Làm ơn ngắn hơn một chút. A bit shorter, please. Etwas kürzer, bitte.
Emilia bây giờ đang để tóc ngắn,nhưng nó đã từng rất dài. + Emilia has short hair now, but it used to be very long.
Tôi nghĩ cậu nên để tóc thật ngắn vào. + I think you should get your hair cut really short.
Bạn để ý thấy tóc của bạn của bạn ngắn hơn lần gặp trước. Bạn nói: "Cậu cắt tóc có đúng không?" + You notice your friend's hair is much shorter than last time. You say, "You had your hair cut, didn't you?"
Tôi sống cách giá chỉ một quãng ngắn đi bộ nên không cần phải bắt xe taxi. + I live only a short walk from here, so it's not worth taking a taxi.
bộ phim dài không cần thiết. Nó lẽ ra phải ngắn hơn nhiều. + The movie was unnecessarily long. It could have been much shorter.

Nó là một cái muỗng ngắn. + It is a short spoon.

Một cái quần ngắn + A pair of short pants.

ngắn + short

Câu trả lời ngắn nhất là hành động. + The shortest answer is action.

Vui lòng chú ý theo dõi doạn minh hoạ về an toàn trên máy bay. + Please pay attention to this short safety demonstration.

kẹt tiền + short of cash

Tôi đang kẹt tiền lúc này + I'm short of cash at the moment

Quý khách vui lòng chú ý theo dõi minh hoạ ngắn an toàn tren máy bay. + Please pay attention to this short safety demonstration.

Chị gái tôi thì thấp. + My sister is short.

Chị tôi thì ngược lại, tóc ngắn và thẳng. + My sister is the opposite, with short, straight hair.

Tóm lại + In short
GNOT Spatial • size short +
GNOT Spatial • length short +
GNOT Temporal • duration short +
SNOT Personal identification • physical appearance short +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ngắn short
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-14 neulich recently, a short while ago
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-16 bald 1. soon, 2. in a short time, 3. nearly
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-7 klein 1. small, 2. short, 3. younger
9-2. Kleidung Exercise 9-2-7 kurz short
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 4-2 Ricardo hat kurze Haare.  + kurz  Ricardo has short hair.  Ricardo có mái tóc ngắn.
Exercise 4-2 Ich habe das Kleid kürzer machen lassen.  + kurz  I had the dress made shorter.  Tôi đã mặc trang phục ngắn hơn.
Exercise 4-2 Er machte eine kurze Pause.  + kurz  He took a short break.  Anh nghỉ một lúc.
Exercise 4-2 Die Zeit ist zu kurz.  + kurz  Time is too short.  Thời gian quá ngắn.
Exercise 4-2 Er war nur kurz weg gewesen. + kurz  He had only been gone for a short time. Anh ta chỉ mất đi một thời gian.
Exercise 6-6 Sie ist nur für kurze Zeit zu ertragen.  + Zeit It can only be endured for a short time.  Nó chỉ có thể chịu được trong một thời gian ngắn.
Exercise 9-2 Was ist der kürzeste Weg zum Flughafen?  + Weg What is the shortest way to the airport?  Cách ngắn nhất đến sân bay là gì?
Exercise 9-7 Ist der Rock nicht zu kurz?  + Rock Isn't the skirt too short?  Váy không quá ngắn?
Exercise 9-7 Können Sie die Hose etwas kürzer machen?  + Hose Can you make the pants a little shorter?  Bạn có thể làm cho quần ngắn hơn một chút?
Exercise 10-2 Mach schnell. Die Zeit ist knapp.  + knapp Make it quick. Time is short.  Làm nhanh lên. Thời gian là ngắn.
Exercise 10-2 Die Fahrt war kurz. Nur knapp eine Stunde.  + knapp The trip was short. Just under an hour.  Chuyến đi ngắn. Chỉ dưới một giờ.
Exercise 10-2 Ich bin knapp bei Kasse. + knapp I'm short of cash. Tôi thiếu tiền mặt.
Exercise 10-5 Die Hose ist zu lang. Können Sie sie kürzer machen?  + lang The pants are too long. Can you make it shorter?  Quần quá dài. Bạn có thể làm cho nó ngắn hơn?
Exercise 10-6 Lügen haben kurze Beine. + Bein Lies have short legs. Giống có chân ngắn.
Exercise 14-5 Er holte seine Versäumnisse nach.  + nachholen He made up for his shortcomings.  Ông đã bù đắp cho những thiếu sót của mình.
Exercise 18-4 Bevor der Kurs anfängt, gibt es eine kurze Einführung. + Einführung Before the course starts, there is a short introduction. Trước khi khóa học bắt đầu, có một giới thiệu ngắn.
Exercise 28-2 Kurz vor München hatten wir eine Panne mit dem Auto.  + Panne Shortly before Munich we had a breakdown with the car.  Ngay trước khi Munich chúng tôi đã có một sự cố với chiếc xe.
Exercise 28-3 Kurz vor München hatten wir eine Panne mit dem Auto.  + Panne Shortly before Munich we had a breakdown with the car.  Ngay trước khi Munich chúng tôi đã có một sự cố với chiếc xe.
Exercise 37-1 Kurz vor dem Ziel wurde sie doch noch überholt.  + überholen Shortly before the finish, it was overtaken.  Ngay trước khi kết thúc, nó đã được vượt qua.
Exercise 44-7 Das Projekt konnte in kürzester Zeit realisiert werden.  + realisieren The project was completed in a very short time.  Dự án đã hoàn thành trong một thời gian rất ngắn.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
short Describing People 6
+ + 103 The human body and health Senses kurzsichtig + shortsighted, nearsighted + B
+ + 103 Physical appearance Build klein + small, little, short + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair kurzes/langes Haar + short/long hair + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Hair das Haar kurz/lang tragen + to wear one's hair short/long + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs kurze/lange Beine + short/long legs + A
+ + 103 Physical appearance Limbs kurze/lange Finger + short/long finger + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garment details and style kurz- + short/long-sleeved + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments kurze Hose + pair of shorts + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Bermudashorts (Bermudas) + Bermuda shorts + B
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Care and cleaning etw länger/kürzer machen + to lengthen/shorten sth + C
+ + 103 Food and drink Cooking Mürb(e)teig + shortcrust pastry + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity General kurz + short + A
+ + 103 Size and quantity General niedrig + low, short + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Capacity, volume and quantity knapp + short, scarce + B
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease etw verkürzen + to shorten sth + B
+ + 103 Time Time phrases kurz + short(ly) + A
+ + 103 Time Time phrases kurz- + short/long-term + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Cinema and film Kurzfilm + short; short film + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Kurz- + short/long wave + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Kurzgeschichte + short story + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Novelle + novella; short story + A
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions Kurzarbeit + short time + B
+ + 103 Employment Salary and conditions kurzarbeiten + to be on short shift/time + B
+ + 103 Employment General Arbeitskräftemangel + labour shortage + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Kurzschrift + shorthand + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Stenografie + shorthand + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Stenotypist(in) + shorthand typist + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel stenografieren + to write shorthand + B
+ + 103 Public services, social and environmental issues Poverty and homelessness Wohungsnot + housing shortage + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * ai3 short (of stature), low 1.(VH) klein 2. niedrig +
A + * * duan3 short/ brief 1. kurz, 2. fehlen, mangeln, schuldig 3.Fehler, schwache Seite +
A 緊張 + * * jin3zhang1 nervous/ tense/ in short supply intensiv,angespannt,nervös +
A + * * cha4 short of/ differ from/ poor nicht gleichen, nicht übereinstimmen, sich mit etw nicht decken, mit etw nicht identisch fehlen, ermangeln, geringer als, kurz vor siehe cha4 +
B 短期 + * * duan3qi1 short-term kurzfristig +
B 一時 + * * yi1shi2 a short period of time/ moment für eine Weile, zeitweilig +
B 缺點 + * * que1dian3 shortcoming/ defect/ weakness Fehler, schwache Seite, Angriffspunkt +
B 缺乏 + * * que1fa2 be short of/ lack unzulänglich, fehlen, mangeln an +
B 缺少 + * * que1shao3 lack/ be short of fehlen, ermangeln, mangeln an +
B 毛病 + * * mao2bing4 trouble/ breakdown/ shortcoming Problem,Ärger,Zusammenbruch +
C 總而言之 + * * zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1 generalize-and-say-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell kurz (gesagt) +
C 總之 + * * zong3zhi1 generalize-it/ in short/ in brief/ in a nutshell/ to sum up allgemein gesagt +
C 緊俏 + * * jin4qiao4 sought-after/ in shortage due to great demand sehr gefragt und schwer erhältlich +
C 一心 + * * yi1xin1 one-while/ a short period of time/ a burst/ a fit/ a gust mit ganzem Herzen +
C 一陣 + * * yi1zhen4 one-time/ in a short while/ all of a sudden/ all at once eine Wile, für eine kurze Zeit +
C 隨後 + * * sui2hou4 following-rear/ afterward/ shortly after/ in a minute hinterher,kurz danach +
C 縮短 + * * suo1duan3 shrink-shorter/ shorten/ curtail/ cut short/ verkürzen, verkleinern +
D 短處 + * * duan3chu4 shortcoming Schwäche, Fehler +
D 簡稱 + * * jian3cheng1 shortened form Abkürzung +
D 簡短 + * * jian3duan3 short/ curt kurz und bündig +
D 供不應求 + * * gong1 bu4 ying4 qiu2 supply falls short of demand das Angebot ist kleiner als die Nachfrage +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
215 中华 人民 共和国 简称 中国 + The People's Republic of China is shortened to China. Die Volksrepublik China wir kurz China genannt.
1103 短发 + She has short hair. Sie hat kurze Haare.
1328 公司 缺少 人手 + This company is short-handed. Diese Firma ist gerade knapp an Arbeitskräften.
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源 + There's a real water shortage here. Hier herrscht ein ein echter Wassermangel.
1883 获得 短跑 比赛 冠军 + He won the short-distance championship.
2783 + He's very short.
3279 短发 现在 风靡 一时 + Short hair is all the rage now.
3739 就是 眼浅 现在 活该 + You are really short-sighted, you deserve to be cheated.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
yi1xia4 + a short period of time
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
jia4zhao4 + driving licence (short for: jia4shi3zhi2zhao4)
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il a succombé à ses blessures peu après + he shortly thereafter succumbed to his wounds

ils organisaient des petits cours et des séminaires + they organized short courses and seminars

la vie est trop courte. essayez d’être heureuse + life is too short. try to be happy

j’inscris mes objectifs long terme, court terme + I wrote my short-term and long-term goals

je lirai seulement un petit passage + I will only read a short passage

il avait perdu l’usage de la mémoire immédiate + he had lost the use of short- term memory

je n’ai plus de mémoire immédiate + I have no more short-term memory

on peut parler de mes défauts si tu veux + we can talk about my shortcomings if you want

il a écrit une douzaine de poèmes courts + he wrote about a dozen short poems

elles se sont endormies peu après minuit + they fell asleep shortly after midnight

j’aime beaucoup le format court + I really like the short format

il n’y a pas de pénurie d’uranium au niveau mondial + there’s no world shortage of uranium

je connaissais mes défaillances et je les regrettais + I knew my shortcomings and I regretted them

les chercheurs font en moyenne une carrière beaucoup plus courte + researchers on average have a much shorter career
04204619-n short
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
103 short +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
short đoản (短), ngắn + +
ngắn + + short