Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn làm ơn đợi một lát. Please wait a moment. Warten Sie bitte einen Moment.
Chờ một chút, tôi xem lại. One moment, I’ll look it up. Einen Augenblick, ich schau mal nach.
Bạn chờ một lát! Wait a moment! Warten Sie einen Moment!
Ngay khi nào tôi có một chút thì giờ. As soon as I have a moment. Sobald ich einen Moment Zeit habe.
Y Đình lúc này đang tắm. + Yiting's taking a shower at the moment.
Máy tính bây giờ có ai dùng không? Có, Boris đang dùng nó. + Is the computer being used at the moment? — Yes, Boris is using it.
Cậu có thể đợi một phút được không? Cậu làm ơn đợi một phút được không? + Can you wait a minute, please? — Could you wait a moment, please?

Vào lúc này, những con mèo đang ăn. + At this moment, the cats are eating.

Vào lúc này, chúng tôi đang học tiếng Việt. + At this moment, we are learning Vietnamese.

Anh ấy đang nấu bữa trưa vào lúc này. + He is cooking lunch at the moment.

Bạn không thể lưỡng lự vào lúc này. + You cannot hesitate at the moment.

Anh ấy hiện giờ đang tiếp khách hàng. + He's with a customer at the moment.

Một lát nữa tôi sẽ làm việc với anh. + I'll be with you in a moment.

Hiện giờ hệ thống đang bị sập + The system's down at the moment.

Hiện giờ đang mất mạng + The internet's down at the moment.

Tôi đang kẹt tiền lúc này + I'm short of cash at the moment

Xin lỗi guý khách, hiện giờ chúng tôi hết xe. + Sorry, there are none available at the moment.

Anh ấy hiện giờ đang tiếp khách hàng. + He's with a customer at the moment.

Một lát nữa tôi sẽ làm việc với anh. + I'll be with you in a moment.

Hiện giờ hệ thống đang bị sập. + The system's down at the moment.

Hiện giờ mạng đang bị sập. + The internet's down at the moment.

Ngay lập tức, tức khắc + At a moment's notice

Tại thời điểm này + At the moment

Một lát nữa + In a moment

Xin chờ một lát + One moment, please
GNOT Temporal • divisions of time moment +
Oxford 3000VieEng
mẹ mom
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-1 Zeitpunkt moment, (point in) time
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-1 Moment moment
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-1 Augenblick moment
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-15 zurzeit at the moment
4-1. Zeit Exercise 4-1-15 gleich 1. soon, in a moment, 2. just
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 3-2 Haben Sie einen Moment Zeit? Wir möchten Ihnen ein paar Fragen stellen.  + stellen Do you have a moment? We'd like to ask you a few questions.  Bạn có một chút thời gian? Chúng tôi muốn hỏi bạn một vài câu hỏi.
Exercise 5-3 Er wartet auf den richtigen Augenblick.  + richtig He's waiting for the right moment.  Anh ấy đang chờ đợi đúng thời điểm.
Exercise 5-6 Das Thermometer zeigt heute 30 Grad Celsius im Schatten.  + Grad The thermometer today shows 30 degrees Celsius in the shade.  Nhiệt kế ngày nay cho thấy 30 độ Celsius trong bóng râm.
Exercise 6-1 Warten Sie bitte einen Moment.  + Moment Hold on a moment, please.  Giữ một lát, làm ơn.
Exercise 6-1 Einen Moment bitte.  + Moment One moment, please.  Xin đợi một chút.
Exercise 6-1 Wir haben den richtigen Moment verpasst.  + Moment We missed the right moment.  Chúng tôi đã bỏ lỡ đúng thời điểm.
Exercise 12-1 Einen Augenblick, bitte!  + Augenblick One moment, please!  Xin đợi một chút!
Exercise 14-5 Gib der Mama einen Kuss.  + Kuss Give Mommy a kiss.  Cho mẹ một nụ hôn.
Exercise 15-9 Darf ich einen Moment das Fenster aufmachen?  + Fenster May I open the window for a moment?  Tôi có thể mở cửa sổ một lát không?
Exercise 17-3 Darf ich Sie einen Augenblick stören?  + stören May I bother you for a moment?  Tôi có thể làm phiền bạn một chút không?
Exercise 18-3 Das war ein historischer Augenblick. + historisch This was a historic moment. Đây là một khoảnh khắc lịch sử.
Exercise 21-4 Könnten Sie mich mit der Verkaufsabteilung verbinden? - Einen Augenblick bitte, ich verbinde.  + verbinden* Could you put me through to the sales department? One moment please, I'll connect.  Bạn có thể đưa tôi đến phòng bán hàng? Một khoảnh khắc xin vui lòng, tôi sẽ kết nối.
Exercise 22-8 Im Moment hat die Firma besonders viele Aufträge. + Auftrag At the moment the company has a lot of orders. Hiện tại, công ty có rất nhiều đơn đặt hàng.
Exercise 30-4 Ich muss mich einen Moment hinsetzen.  + hinsetzen I need to sit down for a moment.  Tôi cần ngồi xuống một chút.
Exercise 39-2 Das Thermometer ist unter null gesunken.  + sinken*  The thermometer has dropped below zero.  Nhiệt kế đã giảm xuống dưới không.
Exercise 43-9 Das war der geeignete Moment.  + geeignet That was the appropriate moment.  Đó là khoảnh khắc thích hợp.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Thermometer + thermometer + A
+ + 103 Food and drink Drinks Kamillentee + chamomile tea + B
+ + 103 Time Time phrases Augenblick + moment + A
+ + 103 Time Time phrases Moment + moment, minute + A
+ + 103 Time Time phrases vorhin + before that, just a moment ago + C
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Structure retardierendes Moment + retardation, moment of final suspense + C
+ + 103 Science Scientific instruments Thermometer + thermometer + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 剛才 + * * gang1cai2 a moment ago/ just now eben, gerade, soeben +
A 一會兒 + * * yi1hui4r a little while/ a moment ein Augenblick +
A 媽媽 + * * ma1ma mummy/ mom/ ma/ mother Mutter +
A + * * zhe4 this/ this moment/ now 1. dies,dies, das 2. nun, jetzt, gleich +
B 一時 + * * yi1shi2 a short period of time/ moment für eine Weile, zeitweilig +
B 時刻 + * * shi2ke4 moment Moment +
C 此刻 + * * ci3ke4 this moment/ at this moment nun, dieser Moment, jetzt +
C + * * niang2 ma/ mom/ mother/ woman 1. Mutter 2. Frau, Tante 3. junge Frau +
C 關頭 + * * guan1tou2 juncture/ key moment/ critical point Moment, Schlüsselstelle, kritischer Augenblick +
C 時機 + * * shi2ji1 moment of opportunity/ opportunity/ opportune time Zeitpunkt, Gelegenheit, günstiger Moment +
C 隨即 + * * sui2ji2 following-moment/ right afterward/ immediately afterward im folgenden Augenblick, sofort danach +
C 眼看 + * * yan3kan2 eye-see/ look on helplessly/ in a moment/ very soon im Augenblick, jeden Moment, ratlos (tatenlos) zusehen +
C 這會兒 + * * zhe4hui4r this-moment/ now/ at present/ at the moment nun, jetzt, in diesem Moment +
D 此時 + * * ci3shi2 now/ this moment in diesem Augenblick, jetzt +
D 溫度計 + * * wen1du4ji4 thermometer Thermometer +
D 聲勢 + * * sheng1shi4 impetus/ momentum Impetus,Kraft +
D 姑且 + * * gu1qie3 for the moment vorerst, vorläufig, im Augenblick +
D 暫且 + * * zan4qie3 for the moment für jetzt, für den Augenblick +
D 片刻 + * * pian4ke4 a while/ a moment Augenblick +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
61 妈妈 疼爱 + Mom loves me very much. Mama liebt mich sehr.
86 妈妈 超市 + My mom and I are going to the supermarket. Mama und ich gehen zum Supermarkt.
126 妈妈 医院 工作 + Mom works in a hospital. Mama arbeitet in einem Krankenhaus.
556 妈妈 包装 圣诞 礼物 + Mom is packing the Christmas presents. Mutti wickelt die Weihnachtsgeschenke ein.
746 我们 马上 就要 启程 + We're leaving in a moment. Wir reisen sofort ab.
784 妈妈 整理 房间 + My mom is tidying the room. Meine Mutter räumt das Zimmer auf.
883 妈妈 把门 关严 + Mom has shut the door tightly. Mama hat die Tür fest geschlossen.
918 妈妈 正在 除草 + My mom is weeding. Meine Mutter jätet gerade Unkraut.
1362 妈妈 额头 + My mom kissed my forehead. Mama hat meine Stirn geküsst.
2128 妈妈 读书 + Mom is reading with me.
2139 妈妈 东西 + I'm helping my mom carry things.
2189 妈妈 花苗 挪到 花盆 + Mom moved the flower seedling to a big flowerpot.
2415 妈妈 薄饼 + Mom has made some crêpes.
2760 妈妈 起床 + Mom was pestering me to get up.
2976 妈妈 摇椅 + My mom is sitting in the rocking chair.
3226 妈妈 洋葱 + My mom is cutting the onions.
3242 妈妈 孩子 + The mom is breastfeeding her child.
3260 见面 双方 高兴 + The moment they saw each other, they were happy.
3546 彗星 陨落 瞬间 + The moment when a comet falls is beautiful.
3563 妈妈 煎锅 做菜 + My mom is cooking with a frying pan.
3564 妈妈 煎鱼 + My mom is frying fish.
3591 冲动 这样 紧急 时刻 冷静 + Don't get overly excited. At a critical moment like this you need to be a little more calm.
3624 目前 生意 清淡 + The business is slack (ger=flau) at the moment.
Lesson 006. Chinese food is good to eat!
deng3 yi1xia4 + wait a moment
Lesson 026. Sing and Learn. Sweety Sweet.
yishi2 + one time / a moment
Lesson 039. Computers and Internet.
gang1cai2 + just / just a moment ago
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

arrête de parler pour un moment + stop talking for a moment

il est parti à présent + he is gone for the moment

c’est maintenant le moment de choisir + now is the moment to choose

on ignore notamment si des gendarmes figurent parmi les victimes + at the moment it’s unsure whether policemen are among the victims

c’est à cet instant précis que je suis devenu adulte + at that precise moment I became an adult

je suis très seul actuellement + I’m very alone at the moment

maman, j’ai peur! + mommy, I’m afraid!

je suis à vous dans un instant + I’ll be with you in a moment

ils demeurèrent quelques instants dans l’étroit couloir + they lingered for a few moments in the narrow corridor

maman et papa ont dû l’emmener à l’hôpital + mommy and daddy had to take him to the hospital

je suis ta maman et tu peux tout me dire + I’m your mommy, and you can tell me everything

elle me faisait vivre des moments intenses + she made me experience intense moments

c’est en ce moment, le tournant de ta vie + this moment is the turning point of your life

nous arrivons à un moment décisif + we have come upon a decisive moment

nous sommes à un moment crucial de notre histoire + we are at a critical moment of our history

je n’ai pas trouvé le moment opportun + I didn’t find the right moment

j’en ai eu des moments de chagrin dans ma vie + I have had moments of sorrow in my life

nous détenons en ce moment un meurtrier notoire + at the moment we have a notorious murderer in custody
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 mom +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie