A + * * di1 low/ droop/ hang down 1. niedrig, tief 2.etw sinken lassen, senken, etw hängen lassen + +
A 對不起 + * * dui4buqi3 sorry/ excuse me/ let down Entschuldigung,leider + +
A + * * guan1 shut/ lock up/ turn off/ close down 1. zumachen, schließen, verschließen 2. ausmachen, abstellen, abschalten 3. einschließen, einsperren 4. betreffen, angehen 5. schließen, stillegen 6. Paß 7. Zollamt 8. Engpaß + +
A 下來 + * * xia4 lai2 come down herunter kommen + +
A 下去 + * * xia4 qu go down/ descend hinunter gehen + +
A + * * ji4 mark/ remember/ jot down/ record 1. sich merken, sich etw einprägen, etw im Gedächtnis behalten, etw auswendig lernen 2. sich Notizen machen, notieren, niederschreiben 3. Notiz, Aufzeichnung 4. Marke, Merkmal 5. Muttermal 6. Zählwort, ein Schlag + +
B + * * an4 press/ push down/ according to 1. pressen, drücken 2. zügeln, unterdrücken 3. die Hand auf etw. legen, festhalten, 4. nach, gemäß, entsprechend 5. Anmerkung, Bemerkung + +
B 打倒 + * * da3 dao3 beat down stürzen, nieder mit + +
B 看不起 + * * kan4 bu qi3 look down upon verachten, geringschätzen + +
B 降低 + * * jiang4di1 reduce/ cut down/ drop/ lower verringern, senken, + +
B + * * luo4 1. fall, drop 2. go down, set 3. fall onto, rest with 4. lay behind, fall behind 5. lower 6.leave behind, stay behind 7. get, have, receive 1. fallen 2. sinken 3. herunterlassen 4. verfallen, untergehen 5. zurückbleiben 6. zurücklassen, hinterlassen 7. erhalten, bekommen 8. Niederlassung, Unterkunft 9. Ansiedlung siehe la4 + +
B + * * die1 fall down 1. fallen, hinfallen, umfallen, stürzen 2. (im Preis) fallen, sinken + +
B 制定 + * * zhi4ding4 establish/ lay down/ stipulate ausarbeiten, niederlegen, entwerfen, verfassen + +
B + * * kou4 upside down/ buckle/ button 1. zuknöpfen, zuschnallen jn/etw in Gewahrsam halten, jn verhaften 3. abziehen 4. Rabatt, Preisnachlaß 5. (Ball) schmettern + +
B 毛病 + * * mao2bing4 trouble/ breakdown/ shortcoming Problem,Ärger,Zusammenbruch + +
C + * * ta1 fall down/ collapse/ crumple/ sink/ slump/ calm down 1. einstürzen, zuammenbrechen, zusammenfallen 2. einsinken, einfallen 3. sich beruhigen, ruhig werden + +
C 踏實 + * * ta1shi step-solid/ down-to-earth/ anxiety-free Standhaftigkeit, standhaft, praktisch, erfahren + +
C 鎮壓 + * * zhen4ya1 suppress-repress/ crackdown/ put down/ execute unterdrücken + +
C 黃昏 + * * huang2hun1 twilight/ dusk/ sundown/ sunset Abenddämmerung + +
C + * * xian4 get stuck/ get bogged down/ sink/ cave in/ frame/ fall 1. Fallgrube, Falle 2. sinken, versinken, hineingeraten, steckenbleiben 3. einfallen, sinken 4. Schaden zufügen, zu Fall bringen 5. besetzt werden, eingenommen werden 6. Defekt, Fehler + +
C 辜負 + * * gu1fu4 let down/ fail to live up to/ be unworthy of/ disappoint sich einer Sache als unwürdig erweisen, etwas nicht rechtfertigen + +
C 輕視 + * * qing1shi4 look down upon/ despise/ belittle/ underestimate geringschätzen, mißachten,verachten + +
C + * * ba1 1 hold on to, cling to 2.dig up, rake, pull down 3. push aside 4. strip off, take off 1 halten, festhalten, sich an jn/etw hängen 2. aufwühlen, aufreißen, herausscharren 3.voneinander trennen, etw beiseite schieben 4. wegreißen, entkleiden, fortnehmen siehe: pa2 + +
C 束縛 + * * shu4fu4 tie down/ bind down/ constrain/ fetter gebunden, gefesselt,angebunden + +
C 推辭 + * * tui1ci2 push-decline/ decline/ refuse/ turn down (an offer) ablehnen + +
C 流傳 + * * liiu2chuan2 spread/ circulate/ hand down/ pass down überliefern,sich verbreiten, + +
C + * * shuan1 tether/ tie/ fasten/ tie down/ bind up binden, anbinden + +
C + * * tun1 swallow/ devour/ gulp down/ annex 1. schlucken, verschlucken, verschlingen 2. etw in Besitz nehmen + +
C 對…來說 + * * dui4 lai2shuo1 not let down/ treat sb. fairly/ be worthy of was das angeht + +
C 打量 + * * da3liang4 look up and down/ check out/ examine with the eye mustern, jm/etw prüfend ansehen + +
C 分解 + * * fen1jie3 decompose/ resolve/ break down/ recount zersetzen, zerfallen, zerlegen, auflösen, aufschließen + +
C 地主 + * * di4zhu3 landlord/ landowner/ host Gutsbesitzer, Gastgeber + +
C + * * feng1 seal/ cap/ close down/ blockade 1. schließen, verschließen, siegeln 2. jn belehnen 3. Umschlag , Hülle, 4. ein Zählwort für Briefe + +
C 遺留 + * * yi2liu2 leave-remain/ leave behind/ hand down/ bequeath hinterlassen, zurücklassen,vermachen + +
C 壓力 + * * ya1li4 press-shrink/ compress/ constrict/ reduce/ cut down Druck, Zwang, Nötigung + +
C 壓縮 + * * ya1suo1 oppress-control/ suppress/ stifle/ inhibit/ keep down komprimieren, kürzen, verringern + +
C 上下 + * * shang4xia4 up and down/ high and low/ old and young hoch und niedrig,alt und jung,von oben bis unten + +
C 以至 + * * yi3zhi4 so-to/ up to/ down to/ so … that … so daß, als Folge von etw., folglich, daher kommt es das + +
C 跳動 + * * tiao4dong4 jump-move/ jump up and down/ beat/ pulsate sich auf und ab bewegen, schlagen, pulsieren + +
C + * * fu3 bow one's head/ bend over; forward; or down ( den Kopf) neigen + +
C 下降 + * * xia4jiang4 lower-descend/ decline/ get down/ drop/ fall niedergehen, sinken, untergehen + +
C 暴雨 + * * bao4yu3 rainstorm/ downpour Regensturm + +
C 記載 + * * ji4zai3 record/ put down in writing/ chronicle 1. eintragen, aufzeichnen ,niederschreiben 2. Bericht, Aufzeichnung, Protokoll + +
C + * * chui2 droop/ hang downward/ hand down/ approach 1.nach unten hängen, herabhängen 2. etw der Nachwelt überliefern 3. nahebei, beinahe, sich nähern + +
C + * * kua3 collapse/ fall/ break down zusammenbrechen, einstürzen + +
D 倒閉 + * * dao3bi4 close down ruiniert werden, bankrott gehen + +
D 內幕 + * * nei4mu4 inside story/ low-down etwas hinter dem Vorhang + +
D + * * zhen4 ease/ press down 1. unterdrücken, niederdrücken, nicht hochkommen lassen, lindern 2.gefaßt, ruhig, gleichmütig 3. bewachen, schützen, verteidigen 4. Garnison, Standort 5. (kleinere) Stadt + +
D 崩潰 + * * beng1kui4 collapse breakdown zusammenbrechen, Zerfall, Zusammenbruch + +
D 封閉 + * * feng1bi4 occlude/ close down schließen + +
D 查獲 + * * cha2huo4 hunt down and seize/ ferret out ausfindig machen und sicherstellen + +
D + * * xie4 have diarrhea/ rush down 1. dahinströmen, herabströmen, sich ergießen schnell abfließen 2. Durchfall, Durchfall haben + +
D 降落 + * * jiang4luo4 land/ put-down landen, herabfallen + +
D 牽制 + * * qian1zhi4 hold down eindämmen, niederhalten, verwirren + +
D + * * fa2 cut down/ strike 1. fällen,schlagen, umhauen, abholzen 2.einen Straffeldzug unternehmen, eine Expedition entsenden + +
D 定居 + * * ding4ju1 settle down sich niederlassen + +

* 1 xia4 down/ downwards/ below/ lower/ later/ next (week etc)/ second (of two parts)/ to decline/ to go down
对不起* 1 dui4 bu5 qi3 unworthy/ to let down/ I'm sorry/ excuse me/ pardon me/ if you please/ sorry? (please repeat)
* 3 di1 low/ beneath/ to lower (one's head)/ to let droop/ to hang down/ to incline
* 3 huai4 bad/ spoiled/ broken/ to break down
降低* 4 jiang4 di1 to reduce/ to lower/ to bring down
* 4 tang3 to recline/ to lie down
* 5 kan3 to chop/ to cut down/ to throw sth at sb
下载* 5 xia4 zai3 to download/ also pr. xia4 zai4
看不起* 5 kan4 bu5 qi3 to look down upon/ to despise
* 5 shuai1 to throw down/ to fall/ to drop and break
流传* 5 liu2 chuan2 to spread/ to circulate/ to hand down
* 5 zhi2 straight/ to straighten/ fair and reasonable/ frank/ straightforward/ (indicates continuing motion or action)/ vertical/ vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters
节省* 5 jie2 sheng3 saving/ to save/ to use sparingly/ to cut down on
* 5 chai1 to tear open/ to tear down/ to tear apart/ to open
* 5 sui4 to break down/ to break into pieces/ fragmentary
缩短* 5 suo1 duan3 to curtail/ to cut down
* 5 mao2 hair/ feather/ down
起伏* 6 qi3 fu2 to move up and down/ to undulate/ ups and downs
安置* 6 an1 zhi4 find a place for/ help settle down/ arrange for/ to get into bed/ placement
牺牲* 6 xi1 sheng1 to sacrifice oneself/ to lay down one's life/ to do sth at the expense of/ beast slaughtered for sacrifice/ sacrifice/ CL:個|个[ge4]
停滞* 6 ting2 zhi4 stagnation/ at a standstill/ bogged down
镇压* 6 zhen4 ya1 suppression/ repression/ to suppress/ to put down/ to quell
颠倒* 6 dian1 dao3 to turn upside-down/ to reverse/ back-to-front/ confused/ deranged/ crazy
辜负* 6 gu1 fu4 to fail to live up (to expectations)/ unworthy (of trust)/ to let down/ to betray (hopes)/ to disappoint
牵制* 6 qian1 zhi4 to control/ to curb/ to restrict/ to impede/ to pin down (enemy troops)
分解* 6 fen1 jie3 to resolve/ to decompose/ to break down
封闭* 6 feng1 bi4 to seal/ to close/ to confine/ to seal off/ to close down/ sealed/ confined/ closed/ unreceptive
故障* 6 gu4 zhang4 malfunction/ breakdown/ defect/ shortcoming/ fault/ failure/ impediment/ error/ bug (in software)
羽绒服* 6 yu3 rong2 fu2 down garment
俯仰* 6 fu3 yang3 looking up and down/ actions/ being obliging
查获* 6 cha2 huo4 to investigate and capture (a criminal)/ to ferret out/ to hunt down and arrest
打击* 6 da3 ji1 to hit/ to strike/ to attack/ to crack down on sth/ a setback/ a blow/ percussion (music)
对联* 6 dui4 lian2 rhyming couplet/ pair of lines of verse written vertically down the sides of a doorway/ CL:幅[fu2]
踏实* 6 ta1 shi5 practical/ down-to-earth/ realistic/ firmly based/ steadfast/ to have peace of mind/ free from anxiety
遗留* 6 yi2 liu2 (leave or be a) legacy/ left over/ hand down (to next generation)
贬低* 6 bian3 di1 to belittle/ to disparage/ to play down/ to demean/ to degrade/ to devalue
以至* 6 yi3 zhi4 down to/ up to/ to such an extent as to ... (also written 以至於|以至于[yi3 zhi4 yu2])
以致* 6 yi3 zhi4 to such an extent as to/ down to/ up to
记载* 6 ji4 zai3 write down/ record/ written account
抑制* 6 yi4 zhi4 to inhibit/ to keep down/ to suppress
无精打采* 6 wu2 jing1 da3 cai3 dispirited and downcast (idiom)/ listless/ in low spirits/ washed out
朴实* 6 pu3 shi2 plain/ simple/ guileless/ down-to-earth/ sincere and honest
倒闭* 6 dao3 bi4 to go bankrupt/ to close down

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

down : Going from a higher position to a lower position
down nach unten 向下 ลง vers le bas abajo giù alas

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

down the road. adv: Time_vector +

down. a: Being_operational +

down. a: Willingness +

down. adv: Direction +

down. prep: Locative_relation +

down. prep: Change_position_on_a_scale +

down. v: Ingestion +

down. v: Downing +

downcast. a: Emotion_directed +

downed. a: Being_operational +

downer. n: Intoxicants +

downhearted. a: Emotion_directed +

downing. n: Downing +

downpour. n: Precipitation +

downsize. v: Firing +

downtown. n: Locale_by_use +


76 他们 山坡 滑下来 +
461 单词 +
724 +
1021 突然 摔倒 +
1088 车子 +
1324 飞机 着陆 +
1415 商店 休业 +
1662 课桌 睡着 +
1776 泪珠 +
1823 今天 逛街 购物 +
2029 机械 故障 +
2055 房子 烧毁 +
2593 跌倒 +
2628 他们 +
2676 王位 世袭 +
3017 摔倒 +
3130 楼梯 栽倒 下来 +
3206 汹湧 海浪 颠簸 +
3432 毒品 沉沦 +
3666 公司 正在 精简 人员 +
3686 革命 催迫 皇帝 退位 +
3737 这只 猴子 树间 上蹿下跳 异常 活跃 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[breakdown] equipment failure
[breakdown] mental or physical crack-up
[landowner] landholder, property owner
[break down] die, conk out

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + down + Down +

먹다 (Eat, chow down on) + + 앉다 (To sit down) + + 내려오다 ( Come down) + + 눕다 (Lie down) + + 내려가다 ( To go down) + + 기록하다 ( To record and write down) + + 적다 (Write down) + + 누르다 (Press or push down) + + 매달리다 ( Be suspended, to be hanging down (from) ; to stick to a job, to persevere) + + 현실적 (Down to earth, Realistic) + + 주저앉다 ( Sit down, plump down) + + 깔다 (to pave (a road), lay down a floor, spread a blanket etc.) + + 내려놓다 ( Set or put down) + + 적히다 (To be recorded,written down) + + 달래다 (Calm down) + + 기록되다 ( To be recorded or written down) + + 넘어지다 ( Fall down, collapse) + + 흘러내리다 (Run (stream,pour) down) + + 넘어오다 ( Fall, come down) + + 오르내리다 (Go up and down, rise and fall) + + 넘어뜨리다 (Throw down) + + 전세 (renting with a big downpayment and not paying month to month) + + 포근하다 ( To be soft and comfortable, downy) + + 위아래 (Up and down) + +
+ + + + + + + +