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(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von

Grade E word(s):

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(v.) [abandon] forsake, desert
(v.) [abolish] get rid of
(v.) [abridge] shorten, cut
(v.) [absorb] take in, suck up
(v.) [accept] live with, put up with
(v.) [accompany] go or come with
(v.) [activate] make active
(v.) [add] total
(v.) [adjust] conform, adapt
(v.) [admire] look up to
(v.) [admit] acknowledge
(v.) [admit] allow in, let in, allow to enter
(v.) [adopt] take in as a child
(v.) [adopt] borrow, take over, take up
(v.) [advance] progress, pass on, move on, march on, go on
(v.) [affect] impact, bear upon
(v.) [feign] sham, pretend, dissemble, simulate
(v.) [afford] have the financial means
(v.) [age] get older
(v.) [agree] consent, assent
(v.) [match] fit, correspond, check, agree
(v.) [allow] permit, let
(v.) [amputate] cut off, remove surgically
(v.) [amuse] make laugh
(v.) [answer] reply, respond
(v.) [apologize]
(v.) [appeal] challenge a decision
(v.) [appear] come into view
(v.) [applaud] clap one's hands
(v.) [appoint] name, nominate
(v.) [appreciate] recognize with gratitude
(v.) [approach] near, draw near, draw close, come near
(v.) [approve] O.K., okay, sanction
(v.) [arrange] set up, order
(v.) [arrange] set up, put in systematic order
(v.) [arrest] apprehend, pick up, take into custody
(v.) [articulate] enunciate
(v.) [ascertain]
(v.) [ask] inquire
(v.) [expect] require, ask
(v.) [assume] presume, take for granted, take to be the case
(v.) [impound] confiscate, seize
(v.) [attack] assail, assault, attack physically or emotionally
(v.) [attract] appeal, be attractive to
(v.) [authorise] empower
(v.) [avoid]
(v.) [endorse] second, back, support
(v.) [bake] prepare with dry heat
(v.) [balance] equilibrate, bring into balance or equilibrium
(v.) [ostracize] shun, blackball, expel from a community
(v.) [banish] bar, relegate, expel
(v.) [bargain] negotiate, dicker
(v.) [bark] make barking sounds
(v.) [carry] bear
(v.) [beat] vanquish, come out better in a competition or race
(v.) [beat] hit repeatedly
(v.) [scramble] beat, stir vigorously
(v.) [beat] pound, thump, move rhythmically
(v.) [beat] be superior to
(v.) [become]
(v.) [beg] ask for money or goods
(v.) [begin] start, commence, cause to start
(v.) [behave] comport, act in a certain manner
(v.) [behead] decapitate, cut the head off
(v.) [belong] be owned by
(v.) [flex] bend
(v.) [bend] crouch, stoop, bow
(v.) [bet] wager
(v.) [betray] deceive
(v.) [bind] tie or secure with a rope or cable
(v.) [bond] create social or emotional ties
(v.) [bite] seize with teeth
(v.) [blame] fault put the blame on
(v.) [blame] find fault, pick on
(v.) [blast] blare
(v.) [bleed] shed blood
(v.) [bless] give a benediction to
(v.) [block] obstruct, hinder, stymie
(v.) [waste] squander, blow, throw away, spend thoughtlessly
(v.) [board] get on
(v.) [boil]
(v.) [bomb] bombard
(v.) [borrow] obtain temporarily
(v.) [bother] annoy, irritate
(v.) [bounce] move up and down repeatedly
(v.) [bow] bend the head or the upper body in respect or greeting
(v.) [brag] show off, boast
(v.) [break] destroy
(v.) [disclose] bring out, reveal, expose, divulge
(v.) [pause] pause, take a break
(v.) [wear out] bust, fall apart, break
(v.) [break in] enter illegally
(v.) [breathe] take a breath, respire
(v.) [breed] raise, cause to reproduce
(v.) [bring] bring along
(v.) [bring] fetch, bring in, be sold for a certain price
(v.) [brush] rub with a brush
(v.) [displace] bump
(v.) [burn] bite, sting, cause a sharp or stinging pain
(v.) [burn] combust, cause to burn
(v.) [burst] bust, break open
(v.) [bury] place in the ground as for hiding
(v.) [buy] purchase, acquire
(v.) [call] telephone, call up, phone, ring
(v.) [call] name
(v.) [call] send for
(v.) [call] shout, shout out, cry, yell, holler
(v.) [predict] call, foretell, prognosticate, forebode
(v.) [calm] calm down, quiet, tranquilize, quieten
(v.) [cancel] call off
(v.) [captivate] beguile, charm, bewitch, entrance, enchant
(v.) [capture] take possession of by force, seize, conquer
(v.) [care] feel concern or interest
(v.) [carry] transport
(v.) [carve] cut up, cut to pieces
(v.) [hurl] cast, hurtle, throw forcefully
(v.) [cast] select for a play or movie
(v.) [catch] grab, take hold of
(v.) [capture] catch
(v.) [cater] supply food ready to eat
(v.) [challenge] dispute, call into question
(v.) [change] alter, make or become different
(v.) [switch] change, shift, change one thing for another
(v.) [charge] energize a battery
(v.) [charge] accuse
(v.) [charge] pay with a credit card
(v.) [charge] demand payment
(v.) [chase] chase after, give chase
(v.) [check] check off, mark, mark off, tick off, tick
(v.) [check] check out, verify
(v.) [chew] masticate
(v.) [choke] gag, suffocate
(v.) [choke] strangle
(v.) [choose]
(v.) [chop] chop up
(v.) [claim] assert, affirm
(v.) [clarify] clear up, elucidate, make comprehensible
(v.) [classify] declare unavailable
(v.) [clear] empty, remove the occupants of
(v.) [acquit] clear, pronounce not guilty
(v.) [climb] climb up, mount, go up
(v.) [close] shut
(v.) [close] finish, terminate, conclude, end
(v.) [coincide] concur, happen simultaneously
(v.) [collapse] crumble, crumple, tumble
(v.) [collect] pick up
(v.) [combine] blend, mix, conflate, commingle, fuse, merge
(v.) [comfort] soothe, console
(v.) [compare]
(v.) [remunerate] compensate
(v.) [compete] vie, contend
(v.) [complain] express discontent
(v.) [compromise] make a compromise
(v.) [concede] acknowledge defeat
(v.) [conceive] become pregnant
(v.) [concentrate] focus, focus one's attention
(v.) [confine] detain
(v.) [confront] come face to face with
(v.) [congratulate]
(v.) [consider] debate, think about
(v.) [consolidate] unite into one
(v.) [construct] manufacture, fabricate
(v.) [contain] incorporate, comprise
(v.) [control] operate, handle
(v.) [command] control
(v.) [convert] change religious beliefs
(v.) [convict] find guilty
(v.) [convince] convert, win over
(v.) [falsify] manipulate, fake, fudge, cook, misrepresent
(v.) [cooperate] collaborate, join forces
(v.) [cope] get by, make do, manage
(v.) [copy] imitate, simulate
(v.) [copy] re-create, replicate
(v.) [correspond] exchange messages
(v.) [cough]
(v.) [count] number, enumerate
(v.) [treat] handle, deal with, address, cover
(v.) [cover] provide with a covering
(v.) [crash] cease operating abruptly
(v.) [smash] break apart
(v.) [dash] smash, hurl or thrust violently
(v.) [crash] fall or come down violently
(v.) [create] bring into existence
(v.) [creep] crawl
(v.) [cower] fawn, cringe, grovel, show submission or fear
(v.) [crop] cut short
(v.) [graze] pasture
(v.) [cross] traverse
(v.) [crouch] squat
(v.) [cry] weep
(v.) [cultivate] domesticate, naturalize, naturalise, tame
(v.) [curl] coil, loop
(v.) [reduce] cut down, cut back, trim
(v.) [cut] cleave
(v.) [damn] curse
(v.) [dance] move in a pattern to music
(v.) [dare] be courageous enough to try or do something
(v.) [debate] deliberate
(v.) [debut] appear in public for the first time
(v.) [decide] make up one's mind
(v.) [determine] influence
(v.) [decline] worsen
(v.) [decrease] lessen, make smaller or less
(v.) [dedicate] inscribe or address by way of compliment
(v.) [defend] represent in a court of law
(v.) [define] give a definition for
(v.) [delay] detain, hold up
(v.) [delay] act later than planned
(v.) [delete] erase, wipe out information
(v.) [deliver] make a delivery, bring
(v.) [deport] extradite, hand over to the authorities of another country
(v.) [rescue] deliver, free from harm
(v.) [demand] request urgently and forcefully
(v.) [demolish] destroy
(v.) [demonstrate] march, march in protest
(v.) [denounce]
(v.) [deny] contradict, declare untrue
(v.) [deny] refuse to grant
(v.) [digress] sidetrack
(v.) [depend] be contingent upon
(v.) [deprive] keep from having or obtaining
(v.) [describe] depict
(v.) [desert] defect
(v.) [deserve] merit, be worthy or deserving
(v.) [despise] scorn, disdain
(v.) [deter] dissuade
(v.) [deteriorate] become worse, disintegrate
(v.) [modernize] develop
(v.) [train] prepare, educate
(v.) [develop] make something new, invent
(v.) [arise] originate, develop, come into existence
(v.) [devote] dedicate, commit to a specific cause or function
(v.) [dictate] say out loud for the purpose of recording
(v.) [break down] die, conk out
(v.) [die] suffer death
(v.) [disagree] differ, take issue
(v.) [differ] be different
(v.) [dig]
(v.) [excavate] hollow, hollow out
(v.) [dilute] thin, reduce, cut
(v.) [dine] have supper
(v.) [dip] slope downwards
(v.) [direct] point somebody into a certain direction
(v.) [direct] guide actors
(v.) [disappear] vanish
(v.) [disappoint] let down
(v.) [discourage] deter
(v.) [discover] come upon, chance upon, come across
(v.) [discuss] talk over
(v.) [disguise]
(v.) [dislike]
(v.) [dismiss] fire, give notice, give the axe, sack
(v.) [display] expose, exhibit
(v.) [quarrel] dispute, argue
(v.) [thaw] unfreeze, unthaw, dethaw, melt
(v.) [distort] falsify
(v.) [distribute] give out, hand out
(v.) [dive] plunge into water
(v.) [divide] split, split up, separate
(v.) [divorce] split up
(v.) [document] record in detail
(v.) [dominate] be in control
(v.) [donate]
(v.) [double] increase twofold, duplicate
(v.) [doubt] consider unlikely
(v.) [drag] pull against a resistance
(v.) [trail] be behind, hang back, drop behind
(v.) [drain] empty of liquid
(v.) [tie] tie, finish a game with an equal number of points
(v.) [pull] draw
(v.) [draw] attract, pull, pull in, draw in
(v.) [draw] represent by making a drawing of
(v.) [withdraw] take out, draw off
(v.) [dress] clothe
(v.) [drink] imbibe, take in liquids
(v.) [drive] travel by vehicle
(v.) [deteriorate] degenerate, grow worse
(v.) [dribble] drip
(v.) [drop] let fall
(v.) [drown] die in water
(v.) [drug] dose, medicate
(v.) [dump] discard, dispose, toss out
(v.) [ditch] dump, unceremoniously sever all ties with
(v.) [eat] take in solid food
(v.) [eavesdrop] listen in
(v.) [choose] elect to do
(v.) [elect] select by in an election
(v.) [eliminate] get rid of, do away with
(v.) [embark] venture
(v.) [employ] hire, engage
(v.) [encourage] spur on
(v.) [endure] weather, brave
(v.) [enhance] make better or more attractive
(v.) [enlarge] magnify, blow up
(v.) [ensure] guarantee, insure, assure, secure
(v.) [enter] come in, get into, get in, go into, go in
(v.) [enter] enroll, inscribe
(v.) [entertain] provide entertainment
(v.) [escape] get away, break loose, run away from confinement
(v.) [establish] install, set up
(v.) [exaggerate] overstate
(v.) [exceed] surpass, outstrip, outmatch, outdo
(v.) [exclude] except, leave out, leave off, omit
(v.) [eject] expel, throw out, kick out
(v.) [excuse] forgive, pardon
(v.) [execute] put to death
(v.) [exhibit]
(v.) [prosper] boom, thrive, flourish
(v.) [elaborate] expand, expatiate, enlarge, flesh out
(v.) [expand] spread out, extend in one or more directions, spread
(v.) [expect] anticipate
(v.) [experiment] conduct a test or investigation
(v.) [explain] explicate
(v.) [explode] detonate, blow up
(v.) [explode] show a violent emotional reaction
(v.) [exploit] manipulate to one's advantage
(v.) [export] sell abroad
(v.) [expose] debunk
(v.) [extend] widen, broaden in scope or range or area
(v.) [confront] face, face up to
(v.) [fade] wither
(v.) [fail] go wrong
(v.) [faint] pass out
(v.) [decrease] diminish, fall
(v.) [fall] descend in free fall
(v.) [fan] agitate the air
(v.) [fascinate] intrigue
(v.) [fast] abstain from food
(v.) [fear] dread, be afraid of
(v.) [feel] experience, undergo an emotional sensation
(v.) [fight] struggle
(v.) [fill] fill up, make full
(v.) [film] record on film
(v.) [find] discover
(v.) [find] recover, retrieve, regain
(v.) [finish] complete
(v.) [fire] discharge a weapon
(v.) [equip] fit out, outfit
(v.) [fit] conform to shape or size
(v.) [fix] repair, mend
(v.) [flash] blink, wink, twinkle
(v.) [fling] throw with force or recklessness
(v.) [splurge] indulge oneself
(v.) [flood] inundate, fill quickly beyond capacity
(v.) [flourish] thrive, prosper
(v.) [flush] blush, redden
(v.) [flush] cause to flow or flood
(v.) [fly] travel through the air, be airborne
(v.) [fold] fold up, bend or lay so that one part covers the other
(v.) [follow] go behind
(v.) [follow] comply
(v.) [follow] succeed, come after
(v.) [fool around] horse around, fool
(v.) [forbid] prohibit, interdict
(v.) [force] move something forcibly
(v.) [coerce] pressure, force, compel
(v.) [forge] fake, counterfeit
(v.) [forget] block, blank out, draw a blank, fail to remember
(v.) [form] shape, give shape to
(v.) [organize] form
(v.) [formulate] word, phrase, articulate
(v.) [foster] nurture
(v.) [frame] ensnare, entrap, set up
(v.) [frame] enclose in a frame
(v.) [exempt] free, grant an exemption
(v.) [freeze] feel or be cold
(v.) [freeze] change to ice
(v.) [frighten] scare, cause fear in
(v.) [fund] finance, underwrite
(v.) [gain] profit, benefit
(v.) [gasp] pant, puff, heave
(v.) [stare]
(v.) [generate] bring forth, produce
(v.) [get] acquire
(v.) [feed] provide with food
(v.) [give] yield, be flexible
(v.) [give] render, yield, return, generate
(v.) [give] collapse, fall in, cave in, give way
(v.) [give] present, give as a gift
(v.) [give] pass, hand, reach
(v.) [glance] peek
(v.) [glare] glower
(v.) [glide] move smoothly and effortlessly
(v.) [glow] emit light
(v.) [die] perish
(v.) [go] move
(v.) [graduate] receive an academic degree
(v.) [greet] send greetings
(v.) [grin]
(v.) [grind] mash, crunch
(v.) [groan] moan
(v.) [grow] mature, maturate
(v.) [guard] ward, watch over, shield from danger or harm
(v.) [guess] make a guess
(v.) [handicap] hinder, hamper
(v.) [hang] hang up, suspend
(v.) [happen] go on, occur
(v.) [harm] do harm to
(v.) [hate] detest, loathe
(v.) [haul] transport
(v.) [haunt] stalk
(v.) [have] have got
(v.) [heal] cure
(v.) [hear] perceive sound
(v.) [help] assist, aid
(v.) [hesitate] pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
(v.) [hiccup] breathe spasmodically
(v.) [hide] conceal
(v.) [hide] hide out, be or go into hiding
(v.) [hike] walk for pleasure, take a hike
(v.) [hit] strike
(v.) [hit] strike, run into, collide with
(v.) [defend] guard, protect
(v.) [support] hold, sustain, hold up
(v.) [hold] reserve, book
(v.) [hold] bear, carry, contain
(v.) [hook] fasten with a hook
(v.) [host] be the host
(v.) [hover] levitate
(v.) [offend] wound, hurt
(v.) [hurt] ache, be the source of pain
(v.) [hypnothize] mesmerize
(v.) [identify] name
(v.) [ignore] neglect, disregard
(v.) [dismiss] disregard, brush aside, brush off, discount
(v.) [illustrate] exemplify
(v.) [imagine] conceive of, ideate, envisage
(v.) [import] bring in from abroad
(v.) [impress] make a good impression
(v.) [improve] better, amend, ameliorate
(v.) [include] admit, let in
(v.) [include] have as a part
(v.) [increase] become bigger or greater
(v.) [indulge] enjoy to excess
(v.) [infect] communicate a disease
(v.) [inflate] blow up, fill with air
(v.) [inherit]
(v.) [inject] take by injection
(v.) [injure] wound, hurt
(v.) [insert] place inside
(v.) [insist] take a firm stand
(v.) [inspire] supply the inspiration for
(v.) [instal] put in, set up for use
(v.) [install] put into an office or a position
(v.) [insure] take out insurance
(v.) [intensify] escalate, step up
(v.) [translate] interpret in another language
(v.) [interrupt] disrupt
(v.) [introduce] inaugurate, usher in
(v.) [introduce] present, acquaint
(v.) [introduce] bring in
(v.) [invite] ask over, invite to one's house
(v.) [jail] imprison, incarcerate
(v.) [twitch] jerk
(v.) [jest] act or speak playfully
(v.) [skip] pass over, skip over
(v.) [jump] leap, bound
(v.) [parachute] jump from an airplane
(v.) [justify] excuse, rationalize
(v.) [keep] preserve
(v.) [keep] maintain
(v.) [keep] hold on, retain possession of
(v.) [keep] observe, celebrate holidays or rites
(v.) [kick] strike with the foot
(v.) [kill] cause to die, put to death
(v.) [kiss]
(v.) [knead]
(v.) [kneel] rest one's weight on one's knees
(v.) [knit] make textiles by knitting
(v.) [knock] rap, strike with the knuckles
(v.) [know] be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object
(v.) [know] be aware of the truth of something
(v.) [know] know how to do or perform something
(v.) [land] come down on the ground
(v.) [endure] last, persist
(v.) [laugh]
(v.) [launch] propel with force, set in motion
(v.) [lay] put down, lay down
(v.) [lead] head, travel in front of
(v.) [lead] be in charge
(v.) [leak] escape through an opening
(v.) [lean] tilt, tip, slant, angle, incline, bend
(v.) [learn] memorize
(v.) [teach] instruct
(v.) [leave] leave behind
(v.) [leave] exit, go out, get out
(v.) [leave] bequeath, will, pass on
(v.) [lend] loan
(v.) [lease] rent, let
(v.) [level] raze, rase, dismantle, tear down
(v.) [license] certify
(v.) [lick] lap, pass the tongue over
(v.) [lie] tell an untruth
(v.) [lie] lie down
(v.) [revoke] lift, annul, reverse, repeal, overturn, rescind
(v.) [plagiarize] steal intellectual property
(v.) [light] light up, illuminate, make light
(v.) [ignite] light, light up
(v.) [like] be fond of
(v.) [restrict] limit, restrain
(v.) [linger] loiter
(v.) [link] connect, tie, fasten together
(v.) [list] include in a list
(v.) [listen] hear
(v.) [load] place on a surface or a conveyance
(v.) [locate] situate, determine the location
(v.) [lock] fasten with a lock
(v.) [lodge] stay temporarily
(v.) [yearn] hanker, long
(v.) [look] appear, seem
(v.) [look] search
(v.) [lose] fail to win
(v.) [misplace] lose
(v.) [love] be in love with
(v.) [enjoy] enjoy doing, love to do
(v.) [frown] glower, look angry or sullen
(v.) [make] produce, create
(v.) [cook] fix, ready, prepare
(v.) [make] gain, take in, clear, earn
(v.) [manage] oversee, supervise
(v.) [manage] pull off, bring off, carry off
(v.) [fabricate] cook up, make up, invent
(v.) [march] walk
(v.) [market] commercialize
(v.) [master] get the hang of
(v.) [match] be equal or harmonize
(v.) [matter] count, weigh, carry weight
(v.) [mean] intend, signify, stand for
(v.) [measure] quantify, express as a number or quantity
(v.) [evaluate] valuate, assess, appraise, value
(v.) [meet] gather, assemble
(v.) [meet] get to know
(v.) [mention] note, observe, remark
(v.) [mind] be offended or bothered by
(v.) [minimize] understate, downplay
(v.) [mislead] misinform, give false information
(v.) [miss] feel or suffer from the lack of
(v.) [miss] fail to reach or get to
(v.) [lack] be without
(v.) [miss] fail to attend an event or activity
(v.) [mix] shuffle, randomize
(v.) [model] simulate
(v.) [move] be active
(v.) [move] arouse sympathy or compassion
(v.) [move] change position
(v.) [move] change residence, affiliation, or employment
(v.) [multiply] calculate
(v.) [mutter] mumble, murmur
(v.) [nap] catnap, take a nap
(v.) [need] require
(v.) [nod]
(v.) [nominate] put up, put forward, propose
(v.) [notice] note, perceive
(v.) [obey]
(v.) [object] raise an objection
(v.) [obscure] make less visible
(v.) [obtain]
(v.) [occupy] fill, occupy the whole space of
(v.) [offend] cause to feel resentment
(v.) [offer] bid, propose to pay
(v.) [offer] volunteer to do
(v.) [offset] countervail, compensate, counterbalance, make up for
(v.) [open] open up
(v.) [oppose] be against
(v.) [organize] bring order and organization to
(v.) [mastermind] engineer, direct, orchestrate, organize
(v.) [overlook] fail to notice
(v.) [overwhelm] overpower
(v.) [owe] be obliged to pay
(v.) [pack] arrange in a container
(v.) [paint] apply paint to, coat with paint
(v.) [paint] make a painting
(v.) [park] maneuver a vehicle into a parking space
(v.) [participate] take part
(v.) [pass] go through, go across
(v.) [pass] overtake, travel past
(v.) [elapse] pass by, go by
(v.) [legislate]
(v.) [pass] make it, be successful
(v.) [exceed] pass, go past, top
(v.) [pat] dab, hit lightly
(v.) [pay] give money in exchange for goods or services
(v.) [penetrate] enter into
(v.) [perceive] sense
(v.) [perforate] pass in or through
(v.) [perform] give a performance
(v.) [persist] persevere
(v.) [persuade]
(v.) [photocopy] xerox, run off
(v.) [pick] select carefully
(v.) [pluck] pick, cull
(v.) [pile] stack, heap
(v.) [rank] rate, place, range, order, grade
(v.) [plan] make plans
(v.) [design] conceive
(v.) [play] participate in games or sport
(v.) [bet] wager, stake
(v.) [play] act, roleplay, playact
(v.) [play] play on an instrument
(v.) [play] engage in playful activity
(v.) [plead] enter a plea in courts of law
(v.) [please] delight, give pleasure
(v.) [pledge] promise solemnly
(v.) [plot] plan secretly
(v.) [plot] diagram
(v.) [plug] stop up
(v.) [poison] administer poison to
(v.) [polish] refine
(v.) [pop] burst open with a sharp, explosive sound
(v.) [post] publicize with, or as if with, a poster
(v.) [postpone]
(v.) [swarm] pour, teem, move in large numbers
(v.) [pour] cause to flow
(v.) [pray] say a prayer
(v.) [beg] implore, entreat
(v.) [preach] deliver a sermon
(v.) [precede] predate, antecede, antedate
(v.) [prefer] favor
(v.) [present] submit, hand over formally
(v.) [urge] urge on
(v.) [press] exert pressure or force on
(v.) [squeeze] compress, constrict, press, compact
(v.) [prevent] forestall, keep from happening
(v.) [print] reproduce by printing
(v.) [proclaim] exclaim, promulgate, state, announce
(v.) [produce] grow, raise, farm, cultivate
(v.) [profit] turn a profit
(v.) [prosecute] bring a criminal action against
(v.) [protect] shield from danger
(v.) [prove] show, demonstrate, establish
(v.) [provide] supply, render, furnish
(v.) [provoke] arouse, evoke an emotion or response
(v.) [harass] hassle, plague, molest
(v.) [publish] bring out, put out, issue, release
(v.) [extract] pull, pull out, pull up, take out
(v.) [pump] raise fluid with a pump
(v.) [punch] hit with the fist
(v.) [punch] make a hole in
(v.) [punish] penalize
(v.) [advertise] push, promote
(v.) [push] press
(v.) [put] place, set, pose, lay, position
(v.) [qualify] modify
(v.) [qualify] measure up, prove capable, meet requirements
(v.) [question] interrogate
(v.) [quit] drop out, give up, throw in the towel
(v.) [quote] cite
(v.) [race] rush, hasten, speed, hurry
(v.) [build] raise, put up, construct, raise
(v.) [lift] raise, elevate, move up
(v.) [raise] collect funds
(v.) [raise] rear, bring up, nurture, parent
(v.) [promote] upgrade, advance, kick upstairs
(v.) [rape] ravish, violate, assault
(v.) [achieve] accomplish, attain, gain with effort
(v.) [reach] extend to, touch
(v.) [read] interpret something that is written or printed
(v.) [realize] recognize, be fully aware of
(v.) [rear] rise up
(v.) [recognize] perceive to be the same
(v.) [recognize] accredit, grant credentials
(v.) [recommend] commend
(v.) [record] tape, register electronically
(v.) [recover] recuperate, convalesce
(v.) [recruit] seek to employ
(v.) [recycle] reprocess, reuse
(v.) [redeem] exchange for ransom under threat
(v.) [refer] mention, advert, bring up, cite, name
(v.) [reflect] think over, meditate, ponder, contemplate
(v.) [reflect] shine
(v.) [reform] improve by alteration or correction
(v.) [refuse] decline to do
(v.) [reject] pass up, turn down, refuse, decline
(v.) [deny] refuse to let have
(v.) [register] enroll to vote
(v.) [regret] repent, rue, feel remorse
(v.) [reinforce] reward, support with rewards
(v.) [reject] rule out, eliminate
(v.) [relate] tie in, link, connect logically or causally
(v.) [relax] loosen up, unwind
(v.) [release] free, liberate
(v.) [relieve] free from a burden or distress
(v.) [relinquish] renounce, give up, foreswear
(v.) [trust] rely on, have confidence in
(v.) [remain] persist, stay behind
(v.) [commemorate] remember
(v.) [remind] prompt, cue
(v.) [repeat] duplicate, reduplicate, double, replicate
(v.) [replace] substitute for a defective or inadequate one
(v.) [represent] be a delegate or spokesperson
(v.) [represent] stand for, correspond to
(v.) [reproduce] make a copy
(v.) [request] call for
(v.) [command] compel
(v.) [rescue] free from harm or evil
(v.) [resemble]
(v.) [resent]
(v.) [reserve] obtain or arrange in advance
(v.) [resign] leave office, quit, step down
(v.) [resist] withstand, hold up against
(v.) [resist] baulk, refuse to comply
(v.) [respect] esteem, value
(v.) [rest] breathe, catch one's breath, take a breather
(v.) [restrain] encumber, constrain, hold back
(v.) [retain] remember, keep in one's mind
(v.) [retire] go to bed, turn in
(v.) [retire] go into retirement
(v.) [retreat] move away
(v.) [return] go back
(v.) [return] bring back, take back
(v.) [refund] repay, pay back
(v.) [reveal] uncover, bring out, make visible
(v.) [reverse] invert, turn inside out or upside down
(v.) [review] look back, retrospect
(v.) [revise] make revisions to
(v.) [revive] resuscitate
(v.) [reward] repay, pay back
(v.) [tease] rag, taunt
(v.) [ride] be carried or travel in or on a vehicle
(v.) [ring] peal
(v.) [arise] get up, get out of bed
(v.) [rise] increase, go up, climb, increase in value or level
(v.) [rise] move upward
(v.) [rise] arise, get up, stand up, rise to one's feet
(v.) [rise] come up, ascend in the sky
(v.) [risk] gamble, chance, hazard, take chances
(v.) [roar] bellow, make a loud noise
(v.) [rob] deprive somebody of something
(v.) [rock] sway, move back and forth
(v.) [roll] turn over, turn over or rotate
(v.) [wander] stray, tramp, roam, ramble, rove, range, drift
(v.) [row] propel with oars
(v.) [rub] apply friction
(v.) [scratch] scrape or rub to relieve itching
(v.) [rule] govern
(v.) [run] campaign for office
(v.) [run] be operating or functioning
(v.) [run] move fast on one's feet
(v.) [flow] run
(v.) [escape] run, run away, flee
(v.) [sail]
(v.) [save] lay aside, save up
(v.) [save] spare
(v.) [say] state, tell
(v.) [scan] skim, examine hastily
(v.) [scatter] sprinkle, dot, dust, disperse
(v.) [scramble] jumble
(v.) [scrape] grate, scratch
(v.) [scratch] scrape
(v.) [scream] yell, shriek
(v.) [screen] examine methodically
(v.) [screen] screen out, sieve out
(v.) [cheat] fool, swindle
(v.) [screw] tighten, fasten
(v.) [seal] seal off, make tight, secure against leakage
(v.) [secure] fasten, fix, cause to be firmly attached
(v.) [see] understand, realize
(v.) [see] meet, ran into, encounter, run across, come across
(v.) [see] perceive by sight
(v.) [seek] search, look for
(v.) [seem] appear
(v.) [seize] clutch, take hold of, grab, grasp
(v.) [sell] exchange for money
(v.) [betray] sell out
(v.) [mail] send, post
(v.) [broadcast] air, send
(v.) [branch] fork, divide into branches
(v.) [separate] split up, split, part company
(v.) [discriminate] separate, single out, treat differently
(v.) [serve] serve up, dish out
(v.) [serve] attend to, wait on, attend, assist
(v.) [set] adjust, correct, regulate
(v.) [plant] put or set into the ground
(v.) [set] go down, go below the horizon
(v.) [settle] establish a residence
(v.) [settle] end a legal dispute
(v.) [reconcile] make up
(v.) [sink] go down, go under
(v.) [shake] agitate, move back and forth
(v.) [rock] sway
(v.) [shape] form, work, mold, forge
(v.) [share] use jointly or in common
(v.) [shatter] break
(v.) [shave] remove body hair
(v.) [shed] spill, disgorge
(v.) [budge] shift, stir
(v.) [polish] shine
(v.) [shine] glitter, glisten, glint, gleam
(v.) [shiver] shudder
(v.) [stun] floor, surprise greatly
(v.) [shock] offend, scandalize, outrage
(v.) [shoot] spud, germinate, sprout
(v.) [shoot] fire a shot
(v.) [shout] speak loudly
(v.) [abuse] shout at, abuse verbally
(v.) [show] indicate, point
(v.) [show] exhibit, present, demonstrate
(v.) [show] reveal, display
(v.) [shrink] shrivel
(v.) [shrug]
(v.) [sigh] utter a sigh
(v.) [sightsee]
(v.) [sign] mark with one's signature
(v.) [sing]
(v.) [sip] drink
(v.) [sit] sit down, be seated
(v.) [skate] move on skates
(v.) [slam] bang, close violently
(v.) [slap] hit with a flat surface
(v.) [slide] slither, pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly
(v.) [slip] skid, slide
(v.) [slump] slouch
(v.) [smash] break into pieces
(v.) [smell] emit an odor
(v.) [smell] perceive by the olfactory sense
(v.) [smile]
(v.) [smoke] inhale a plant derivative
(v.) [snap] crack, break suddenly, rupture
(v.) [snarl] speak sharply, snap
(v.) [snatch] snatch up, snap up
(v.) [snap] click, flick, make a snapping sound
(v.) [kidnap] snatch, abduct
(v.) [sniff] whiff, inhale
(v.) [snuggle] cuddle, nestle, draw close
(v.) [soak] submerge in liquid
(v.) [overcharge] surcharge, fleece, rip off
(v.) [pawn] hock
(v.) [soar] fly upwards
(v.) [solve] work out, figure out, puzzle out
(v.) [sow] place seeds into the ground
(v.) [spare] give up, part with
(v.) [spare] save from an unpleasant experience
(v.) [speculate] invest at a risk
(v.) [speed] travel at an excessive or illegal velocity
(v.) [spend] expend
(v.) [spill] flow out
(v.) [spin] twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation
(v.) [spin] form a web
(v.) [spin] spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate, revolve
(v.) [spit] spew
(v.) [split] burst, break open
(v.) [spoil] rot, go bad, become unfit for consumption
(v.) [spoil] impair, make imperfect
(v.) [spoil] pamper, coddle, mollycoddle, indulge
(v.) [spray] scatter
(v.) [circulate] distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, diffuse, disperse, spread, cause to become widely known
(v.) [spread] distribute over a surface
(v.) [square] raise to the second power
(v.) [squeeze] pinch
(v.) [embrace] hug
(v.) [squash] crush, mash
(v.) [extort] gouge
(v.) [stab] knife
(v.) [stain] spot, produce stains
(v.) [stereotype] pigeonhole
(v.) [stamp] stomp, walk heavily
(v.) [stand] bear, endure, stomach, bear, put up with
(v.) [stand] stand up
(v.) [depart] leave, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
(v.) [stay] stick around, stay put
(v.) [step] tread
(v.) [mistreat] maltreat, abuse
(v.) [stick] adhere, hold fast, bond, bind, stick to
(v.) [pierce] stick, puncture
(v.) [sting] bite, deliver an animal sting
(v.) [stir] move an implement with a circular motion
(v.) [stop] halt, come to a halt, stop moving
(v.) [stop] discontinue, cease doing
(v.) [store] lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away
(v.) [storm] rain, hail, or snow hard
(v.) [straighten] straighten out, make straight
(v.) [strain] tense, tense up
(v.) [stress] emphasize, underline
(v.) [stretch] stretch out, extend one's limbs
(v.) [stride] walk with long steps
(v.) [strike] scratch, expunge, excise, remove by erasing
(v.) [strike] walk out, walk off a job
(v.) [undress] disrobe
(v.) [stroke] fondle, caress
(v.) [stroll] saunter
(v.) [study] hit the books
(v.) [stuff] fill tightly
(v.) [overeat] gorge
(v.) [stumble] slip up, trip up, make an error
(v.) [resign] reconcile oneself, accept as inevitable
(v.) [substitute] replace, put in the place of another
(v.) [suffer] hurt, ache
(v.) [suggest] propose, advise
(v.) [evoke] suggest
(v.) [suit] be agreeable or acceptable
(v.) [support] confirm, corroborate, substantiate
(v.) [hypothesize] speculate, theorize, conjecture
(v.) [suppress] curb, inhibit
(v.) [surround] encircle, circle, round
(v.) [sustain] prolong, keep up
(v.) [swallow] believe or accept without questioning
(v.) [swallow] pass through the esophagus
(v.) [swear] declare under oath
(v.) [swear] curse, cuss, blaspheme
(v.) [sweep] use a broom
(v.) [swell] swell up
(v.) [swim] travel through water
(v.) [float] be afloat, fail to sink
(v.) [swing] move with a swaying motion
(v.) [swipe] move something with a swiping motion
(v.) [swop] switch, trade, swap, exchange
(v.) [take] choose, select, pick out
(v.) [take] bring, convey
(v.) [talk] speak, use language
(v.) [tap] draw from
(v.) [tap] strike lightly
(v.) [taste] perceive by the sense of taste
(v.) [tease] mock, make fun of
(v.) [tease] arouse hope or desire without satisfying them
(v.) [tell] narrate, recount, recite
(v.) [tempt] entice, lure
(v.) [terrify] frighten greatly
(v.) [testify] bear witness
(v.) [thank] give thanks
(v.) [think] cogitate, cerebrate
(v.) [think] believe, accept as true
(v.) [remember] retrieve, recall
(v.) [threaten] utter intentions of injury or punishment
(v.) [confuse] throw, befuddle, confound
(v.) [throw] project through the air
(v.) [thrust] lunge, hurl, hurtle
(v.) [tick] click
(v.) [tie] form a knot or bow in
(v.) [time] clock, measure the time or duration of an event
(v.) [tiptoe] tippytoe
(v.) [topple] tip, cause to fall over
(v.) [tolerate] recognize, respect others' rights
(v.) [toss] flip, pitch, throw
(v.) [total] damage beyond the point of repair
(v.) [touch] make physical contact with
(v.) [train] coach
(v.) [transfer] transmit, transport, channel
(v.) [transform] transmute, metamorphose
(v.) [tread] trample
(v.) [treat] care for, provide treatment for, treat medically
(v.) [treat] handle
(v.) [tremble]
(v.) [trip] stumble
(v.) [trouble] perturb, distract, make uneasy
(v.) [try] sample, try out, taste
(v.) [try] seek, attempt, essay
(v.) [try] judge, adjudicate
(v.) [tumble] topple, fall down
(v.) [tune] tune up, adjust for (better) functioning
(v.) [bend] flex, turn, deform, twist
(v.) [turn] turn around, change orientation
(v.) [rotate] turn
(v.) [twist] entwine, form into a spiral
(v.) [wriggle] writhe, worm, squirm
(v.) [underline] underscore, draw a line
(v.) [undermine] sabotage, countermine, counteract
(v.) [understand] comprehend
(v.) [understand] sympathize, empathize
(v.) [undertake] tackle, take on
(v.) [update] bring up to date
(v.) [upset] disturb, trouble, move deeply
(v.) [upset] overturn, tip over, turn over, knock over
(v.) [urge] cheer, inspire, urge on
(v.) [use] practice, apply
(v.) [utter] emit
(v.) [visit] travel to
(v.) [vote] cast a vote in an election
(v.) [wait] stay in one place and anticipate something
(v.) [wake] wake up, stop sleeping
(v.) [walk] use one's feet to advance
(v.) [digress] wander, stray
(v.) [want] desire
(v.) [warn] notify of danger, potential harm, or risk
(v.) [wash] bathe, cleanse one's body
(v.) [wash] launder
(v.) [waste] squander, spend extravagantly
(v.) [watch] look on, observe
(v.) [wave] beckon, signal with the hands
(v.) [wear] have on clothes
(v.) [weave] make cloth
(v.) [weigh] determine the weight of
(v.) [weigh] have a certain weight
(v.) [whip] lash
(v.) [whisper] speak softly
(v.) [widen] make wider
(v.) [win] be victorious
(v.) [wind] wind up, coil the spring of a mechanism
(v.) [wipe]
(v.) [withdraw] retreat, pull out
(v.) [wonder] question, want to know
(v.) [work] do work
(v.) [work out] exercise
(v.) [worry] be worried
(v.) [wrap] enfold in a tissue
(v.) [wrestle] engage in a wrestling match
(v.) [write] communicate or express by writing
(v.) [write] publish
(v.) [spell] write
(v.) [compose] write music
(v.) [yawn]

v + +

yawn yawn


Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

Semantische Felder: