66 New HSK word(s): 1 电脑 computer/ CL:臺|台[tai2] 1 做 to do/ to make/ to produce/ to write/ to compose/ to act as/ to engage in/ to hold (a party)/ to be/ to become/ to function (in some capacity)/ to serve as/ to be used for/ to form (a bond or relationship)/ to pretend/ to feign/ to act a part/ to put on a 2 出 to go out/ to come out/ to occur/ to produce/ to go beyond/ to rise/ to put forth/ to happen/ classifier for dramas; plays; operas etc 2 穿 to bore through/ pierce/ perforate/ penetrate/ pass through/ to dress/ to wear/ to put on/ to thread 3 放 to release/ to free/ to let go/ to put/ to place/ to let out/ to set off (fireworks) 3 解决 to settle (a dispute)/ to resolve/ to solve 3 普通话 Mandarin (common language)/ Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language)/ ordinary speech 4 收拾 to put in order/ to tidy up/ to pack/ to repair/ to punish (colloquial)/ to manage 4 推 to push/ to cut/ to refuse/ to reject/ to decline/ to shirk (responsibility)/ to put off/ to delay/ to push forward/ to nominate/ to elect 4 推迟 to postpone/ to put off/ to defer 4 丢 to lose/ to put aside/ to throw 4 演出 to act (in a play)/ to perform/ to put on (a performance)/ performance/ concert/ show/ CL:場|场[chang2];次[ci4] 4 麻烦 inconvenient/ troublesome/ to trouble or bother sb/ to put sb to trouble 4 算 regard as/ to figure/ to calculate/ to compute 4 戴 to put on or wear (glasses; hat; gloves etc)/ to respect/ to bear/ to support 5 反正 to put things back in order/ to return to the correct path/ in any event/ come what may/ whatever happens (I'm still sure it's right)/ anyway 5 方 square/ power or involution (mathematics)/ upright/ honest/ fair and square/ direction/ side/ party (to a contract; dispute etc)/ place/ method/ prescription (medicine)/ upright or honest/ just when/ only or just/ classifier for square things/ abbr. for s 5 荣誉 honor/ credit/ glory/ (honorable) reputation 5 软件 (computer) software 5 目录 catalog/ table of contents/ directory (on computer hard drive)/ list/ contents 5 出版 to publish/ to come off the press/ to put out 5 输入 to import/ to input 5 鼠标 mouse (computing) 5 构成 to constitute/ to form/ to compose/ to make up/ to configure (computing) 5 保存 to conserve/ to preserve/ to keep/ to save (a file etc) (computing) 5 克服 (try to) overcome (hardships etc)/ to conquer/ to put up with/ to endure 5 消灭 to put an end to/ to annihilate/ to cause to perish/ to perish/ annihilation (in quantum field theory) 5 运用 to use/ to put to use 5 改正 to correct/ to amend/ to put right/ correction/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 集中 to concentrate/ to centralize/ to focus/ centralized/ concentrated/ to put together 5 确定 definite/ certain/ fixed/ to fix (on sth)/ to determine/ to be sure/ to ensure/ to make certain/ to ascertain/ to clinch/ to recognize/ to confirm/ OK (on computer dialog box) 5 实践 to practice/ to put into practice/ to fulfill 5 闻 to hear/ news/ well-known/ famous/ reputation/ fame/ to smell/ to sniff at/ surname Wen 5 发表 to issue (a statement)/ to publish/ to issue/ to put out 5 实行 to implement/ to carry out/ to put into practice 5 计算 to count/ to calculate/ to compute/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 展览 to put on display/ to exhibit/ exhibition/ show/ CL:個|个[ge4];次[ci4] 5 程序 procedures/ sequence/ order/ computer program 6 容忍 to put up with/ to tolerate 6 着手 to put one's hand to it/ to start out on a task/ to set out 6 着重 put emphasis on/ to stress/ to emphasize 6 镇压 suppression/ repression/ to suppress/ to put down/ to quell 6 争端 dispute/ controversy/ conflict 6 争议 controversy/ dispute 6 化妆 to put on make-up 6 布置 to put in order/ to arrange/ to decorate/ to fix up/ to deploy 6 考验 to test/ to put to the test 6 串 to string together/ to mix up/ to conspire/ to rove/ bunch or cluster/ string (computing)/ classifier for rows or strings 6 演习 exercise/ practice/ to put on a play/ to act 6 清理 clear/ to put in order/ to check up 6 贯彻 to implement/ to put into practice/ to carry out 6 副 secondary/ auxiliary/ deputy/ assistant/ vice-/ abbr. for 副詞|副词 adverb/ classifier for pairs 6 杜绝 put an end to 6 网络 network (computing; telecommunications; transport etc)/ Internet 6 搭 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train) 6 制止 to curb/ to put a stop to/ to stop/ to check/ to limit 6 声誉 reputation/ fame 6 打官司 to file a lawsuit/ to sue/ to dispute 6 施展 to use fully/ to put to use 6 撤销 to repeal/ to revoke/ to undo (computing) 6 信誉 prestige/ distinction/ reputation/ trust 6 搁 to place/ to put aside/ to shelve 6 面子 outer surface/ outside/ honor/ reputation/ face (as in "losing face")/ self-respect/ feelings/ (medicinal) powder 6 纠纷 a dispute/ entanglement (law) 6 和解 to settle (a dispute out of court)/ to reconcile/ settlement/ conciliation/ to become reconciled 6 名誉 fame/ reputation/ honor/ honorary/ emeritus (of retired professor)
85 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *VA * *Adv * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *n;v * *VS * 穿*VA * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *VS * *VS * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *VS * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * *vt * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *VA * * * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *VA * *VA
85 OLD_HSK German word(s): in Ordnung bringen,reparieren,ausbessern 1. addieren, zusammenzählen, 2. vermehren, steigern, 3. hinzufügen 4. etw nicht berücksichtigen immer 1. setzen, stellen, legen 2. freilassen 3. abgeben, aussenden 4.Schluß machen, zu Ende gehen 5. auf die Weide führen 6. etw freien Lauf lassen 7. etw länger oder weiter machen 8. blühen, aufblühen 9. beiseite lassen 10. zeigen, vorführen 1. stellen, setzen, legen, aufsetzen, ausstellen 2. zeigen, etw sehen lassen, zur Schau stellen 3. etw hin- und her bewegen , schwenken, schwingen , winken 1. etwa mit einer Hand tragen 2. hochheben, aufheben 3. einen Termin vorverlegen 4. vorlegen, äußern 5. herausziehen, extrahieren 6. erwähnen, etw ins Gespräch bringen 1. sitzen, sich setzen, Platz nehmen 2. fahren mit (Fahrzeug) 3. (Topf, Pfanne) aufs Feuer stellen 4. (Gewehr etc) zurückstoßen 1.einen Punkt setzen 2. kurz berühren 3. nicken, kurz bewegen 4. tröpfeln 5. eines nach dem anderen prüfen 6. auswählen 7. anzünden, entzünden 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung 7. tropfen etc Ausstellung, ausstellen, zu Schau stellen 1. tragen, aufsetzen,anziehen 2.verehren, lieben Deligierter,Vertreter, deligieren/vertreten/ belästigen, stören,hinderlich (sein), lästig 1. tragen,anziehen, anhaben 2. durch etw gehen, über etw gehen 3.bohren, durchlöchern 1. rechnen 2. einbeziehen, einrechnen, einkalkulieren 3. planen 4. zählen, gelten 5. etw als gültig betrachten 6. am Ende, schließlich 7. laß das, schon, gut, basta aufführen,Aufführung 1. verlieren 2.zuwerfen, wegwerfen 3.beiseitelegen, liegenlassen 1.entgegennehmen, aufnehmen, annehmen 2. hereinbringen, zurückholen 3. einkassieren, einziehen 4. Ernte, ernten 5. beenden,mit etw Schluß machen 6. zurückhalten 7. Einkommen, eingezogenens Geld einsteigen, hineinwerfen 1. kämpfen, ringen, wetteifern, streben 2. streiten, hadern streiten, debattieren, argumentieren, Debatte, Kontroverse 1.aufräumen, gerade werden, in Ordnung bringen 2. anordnen, arrangieren, aufstellen, einfädeln, einleiten, einordnen, einrichten, herrichten, in Ordnung bringen, ordnen, organisieren, rasieren, regeln, zurechtschneiden 1. aufstellen, aufschlagen, bauen, errichten 2.hängen, umhängen 3. anknüpfen, sich berühren 4. heben, beim Aufheben mithelfen 5 per...fahren , nehmen, 1.erlöschen 2. auslöschen, löschen, ausmachen 3. vernichten, beseitigen, ausrotten 1. legen, stellen, setzen 2. beiseite legen, beiseite schieben, aufschieben austellen, anzeigen in die Praxis umsetzen, implementieren Produktionsmenge, Ertrag 1. sich verwickeln, sich verstricken 2. zusammenrotten, zusammentrommeln 3. verbessern, berichtigen, korrigieren Zählwort Paar, Satz 1. stellvertretend, Vize- 2.zusätzlich, Neben-, Sekundär- 3. Zählwort Paar, Satz zählen 1. zusammenfassen, zusammenstellen 2. allseitig, total 3. führend, leitend, Haupt-, General-, Chef- 4. immer, stets 5. wie dem auch sei, jedenfalls pflanzen, anbauen 1. hinzufügen, ergänzen 2. teilnehmen, eintreten, beitreten, sich anschließen unterdrücken 1. aufstellen,stützen, errichten 3. abwehren, parieren 4. halten, stützen 5. verschleppen, entführen 6.Rauferei, Balgerei 1. ganz, gesamt, vollkommen 2. ordentlich, geordnet, sauber, reinlich, gepflegt 3. in Ordnung bringen, berichtigen 4. ausbessern, reparieren 5. jn grundlos anschuldigen und bestrafen bekannt, prominent, berühmt, jn nur den Namen nach kennen hinausschieben, aufschieben ein Zählwort, für Lieder, Stifte etc Kein Wunder 1. in derselben Richtung, mit 2. annehmlich, gefällig sein 3. anordnen, etw in Ordnung bringen 4. gehorchen Ausdrucksweise, Redensart ordnen, in eine Reihenfolge bringen regeln regeln umsetzen, ausführen Computer 1. streichen, aufstreichen, bestreichen, schmieren 2. wischen, abwischen, Ausgabewert als Vertreter handeln 1.unterlegen 2. jemanden etwas bezahlen in der Erwartung, es später zurückzubekommen demonstrieren sich an etwas machen,beginnen, ja richtig Computer, Rechner 1. eintragen, aufzeichnen ,niederschreiben 2. Bericht, Aufzeichnung, Protokoll aushalten, ertragen, still leiden anwenden, von etwas Gebrauch machen das Gesicht wahren wollen in Betrieb genommen werden, die Produktion aufnehmen auf den Markt werfen, (einen Köder) auswerfen Sputum, Auswurf setzen, stellen,unterbringen, arrangieren Ruf, Reputation exportieren einführen, importieren streiten, Streit, Disput, Kontroverse verbieten, stoppen,unterbinden auslöschen, ersticken, vernichten, ausrotten verzögern,aufschieben,hinauschieben Produktionssenkung, Produktion senken vorlegen, unterbreiten, einreichen entfalten, zeigen Ruf, Name, Leumund, Reputation Ruhm, Ehre, Reputation verpacken,einpacken,Verpackung löschen, erlöschen, auslöschen, verlöschen erlassen,erteilen,bekanntgeben landen, herabfallen praktisch, in der Praxis durchführbar, verwirklichen, in die Tat umsetzen verzögern, verlangsamen eine Frist aufschieben 1. legen, stellen, unterbringen,einrichten, errichten,etablieren 2. anschaffen, erstehen Kraftprobe, Fähigkeiten miteinander messen
387 synsets(s): putative + off-putting + imputable + computable + incomputable + indisputable + disputable + disputable + disputed + undisputed + disputatious + disputative + putrid + indisputable + undisputable + kaput + putrid-smelling + putrid + putrescent + put on + lilliputian + putdownable + lilliputian + putrescible + putrefiable + imputrescible + put-up + off-putting + reputable + disreputable + putrefactive + putrefacient + hard put + put-upon + Laputan + putrid + computer readable + computational + Laputan + Lilliputian + put differently + computationally + disputatiously + disreputably + reputably + reputedly + undisputedly + put under + put out + put out + put on + put on + sputter + put on + put on + put in + put right + put up + putrefy + put through + sputter + compute + put out feelers + put up + put + repute + impute + impute + put + put across + put over + dispute + put away + put aside + put in + put off + put on + put one over + put one across + dispute + put forward + put up + put forward + put in + put out + put + sputter + put down + put down + put in + put out + put + put away + amputate + put back + put down + put away + put to sleep + put away + put through + put on + putty + putt + putt + input + putter + putter around + putter + put down + put + put to sleep + put + put down + put down + put out + put in + put up + put out + put away + put aside + output + put out + put forward + put on + put on + put together + put up + put on + put + computerize + computerise + put off + put down + put off + put off + stay put + sputter + put down + put + sputter + computerize + computerise + put away + put up + put + put in + put up + computerize + computerise + put forward + put up + depute + depute + deputize + deputise + deputize + deputise + depute + put to work + putter + put up + put to death + put behind bars + put away + put out + put on the line + put on airs + put over + put off + put back + put out + put out + put option + put + computerization + putout + putting to death + put-on + computer game + putt + putting + amputation + put-on + computation + computing + computerized tomography + computed tomography + computerized axial tomography + computed axial tomography + output + computer programming + computer programing + computer technology + deputation + putsch + dispute + Mustela putorius + Spilogale putorius + analog computer + analogue computer + Army High Performance Computing Research Center + computer backup + briefcase computer + computer + computing machine + computing device + electronic computer + computer accessory + computer circuit + computer graphics + computerized axial tomography scanner + computer keyboard + computer monitor + computer network + computer screen + computer display + computer store + computer system + computing system + data input device + input device + desktop computer + digital computer + output + computer graphic + hand-held computer + hand-held microcomputer + computer hardware + home computer + input + laptop computer + mainframe computer + computer memory + computer storage + minicomputer + computer mouse + notebook computer + output + output device + computer peripheral + personal computer + microcomputer + portable computer + put-put + puttee + putter + putting iron + putty knife + small computer system interface + sputnik + supercomputer + throughput + house of ill repute + indisputability + putrescence + putrefaction + reputability + disreputability + disreputableness + computer architecture + complex instruction set computing + complex instruction set computer + reduced instruction set computing + reduced instruction set computer + sputum smear + sputum + putamen + putz + caput + occiput + sinciput + Laputa + Lilliput + computer simulation + imputation + computation + input + computer science + computing + computational linguistics + reputation + computer filename + computer file name + computer code + computer address + computer menu + computer file + input file + input data + output file + output contract + computer software + computer-aided design + computer program + computer programme + input program + output program + input routine + output routine + computer virus + computer database + put-down + computer architecture + putoff + input + put-on + computer language + computer-oriented language + sputter + dispute + disputation + imputation + disputation + input signal + input + output signal + output + computer error + sputter + sputtering + shot put + computer dealer + computer business + computer industry + department of computer science + deputation + putting green + putting surface + Putrajaya + Maputo + Huainaputina + Brahmaputra + Brahmaputra River + Lilliputian + disputant + amputator + amputee + computer + computational linguist + computer expert + computer guru + computer scientist + computer user + deputy + deputy + deputy sheriff + deputy + deputy + lilliputian + computer programmer + putter + putterer + putz + Rajput + disreputable person + shot putter + Putin + Vladimir Putin + Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin + Rasputin + Grigori Efimovich Rasputin + puttyroot + Elymus caput-medusae + Euphorbia caput-medusae + put option + computer operation + putrefaction + computer memory unit + output + output-to-input ratio + caput + repute + reputation + reputation + disrepute + putridity + amputation + putrefaction + putrescence + putridness + putty + iron putty + red-lead putty + bouncing putty + computer paper + putrescine + cardiac output +
85 OLD_HSK English word(s): put in order/ tidy/ punish/ repair add/ plus/ increase/ put in put together/ general/ chief/ always let go/ put/ lay/ have a vacation put/ put on/ sway carry/ put forward/ draw out/ raise sit/ take a seat/ ride/ put on a fire 1.put a dot 2.touch on very briefly, skim 3.nod, move very briefly 4. drip 5. check one by one 6. select, choose 7. light, burn put on display/ exhibit/ show put on/ wear/ support/ respect represent/ representative/ deputy troublesome/ put sb. to trouble penetrate/ go through/ put on 1. calculate, reckon, compute, figure 2. include, count 3. carry weight, count perform/ put on a show/ performance lose/ throw/ put aside put away/ collect/ harvest/ receive put into/ throw into/ invest/ investment vie/ contend/ strive/ argue/ dispute dispute/ debate/ controvert put in order/ straighten out/ sort out put up/ build go out/ put out lay/ put put on display/ exhibit put into practice/ carry out output/ yield correct/ put right deputy/ vice- deputy/ vice- count/ computer/ calculate put together/ assemble/ total/ overall/ general/ chief plant-grow/ plant/ grow/ crop/ put in join/ enter/ accede to/ affiliate/ add/ mix/ put in suppress-repress/ crackdown/ put down/ execute put up/ erect/ support/ prop/ help/ fend off/ kidnap whole/ entire/ neat/ tidy/ put in order/ do/ repair/ punish hear-name/ know by reputation/ be well-known push-later/ put off/ postpone/ delay/ defer raise/ put up/ send away/ order about/ pay or withdraw no wonder/ so that's why/ put no blame on smooth/ put in order/ be agreeable to/ yield to wording/ way to put it/ argument/ saying/ parlance arrange/ put in order/ align/ line up put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to put in order/ tide up/ manage/ run/ pay attention to put into effect/ implement/ carry out/ enforce/ execute computer apply/ put on/ smear/ plaster/ wipe/ cross out/ erase output value/ value of output act as an agent/ deputize put sth. under sth. else to raise it or make it level (underlay)/ pay for sb. and expect to be paid back later demonstrate/ put on a show of strength and prowess put-hand/ put one's hand to/ set about/ begin/ start right and wrong/ dispute/ conflict over trivialities computer record/ put down in writing/ chronicle bear/ endure/ tolerate/ put up with (pain; hardship; etc.) put to use be sensitive about one's reputation put into production put in/ throw in sputum/ phlegm find a place for, put, arrange reputation export/ output import/ input dispute put an end to put out eradicate/ tread out delay/ put off reduction of output put in/ refer put to good use reputation reputation pack/ put up/ make up extinguish/ put out issue/ put out land/ put-down put into effect delay/ put off put off/ defer put/ set up/ install dispute
85 OLD_HSK French word(s):
85 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
85 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
85 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ทำความสะอาด/จัดห้อง /จัดกระเป๋า ใส่ ตลอด ใส่ ตั้ง นั่ง สั่ง แสดงสินค้า สวม การแสดง หาย รับ , ได้รับ ทุกครั้ง คอมพิวเตอร์ คอมพิวเตอร์ การห่อหุ้ม ถึง /เพื่อลง / เพื่อแผ่นดิน
85 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** JIAO4 vergleichen/relativ
* ** LIANG4 Kapazität/messen

วิศวกรรมคอมพิวเตอร์ 计算机工程 Computer Engineering
รำมวยจีน, ไท้เก๊ก 太极拳 Chinese boxing dance, Tai put on airs
คอมพิวเตอร์ 电脑 computer
แล้ว alas (only put at the end of a word)
ใส่ในคำสั่ง; จัด; คัดออก 整理 put in order; arrange; sort out
จัด arrange; put in order
แต่งหน้าทาปาก 化妆 put on makeup
นำมา; เพิ่ม put forward; raise
ใส่สวม put on, wear
ที่จะนำ; เพื่อวาง to put; to place
มีสมควรจะได้ชื่อเสียง 名不虚传 have a well-deserved reputation
ดับ (ไฟ) 熄灯 put out (a lamp)
รอง deputy; vice
เพื่อวางฟอร์ม 摆架子 to put on airs
รอง; มอบหมาย; ตัวแทน / เป็นตัวแทน 代表 deputy; delegate; representative/to represent
ดำเนินการ 实行 to put into practice; to carry out
放养 put (cattles, etc.) in a natural place to breed
แสดงผลการ ผลผลิต 产量 output; yield
to put out (light, etc.); to extinguish
ไม่ว่างพอที่จะนำบางสิ่งบางอย่าง 放不下 not enough room to put something
ไปเที่ยวที่จะนำขึ้นในการระงับ to hang, to put up, to suspend
ถือ นำ to carry (with the arm down), to lift, to put forward, (upwards character stroke), lifting (brush stroke in painting), to mention
ที่จะนำ; เพื่อวาง to put; to place
ไปเที่ยวที่จะนำขึ้น to hang, to put up
ให้คำแนะนำที่จะนำไปข้างหน้า to suggest, to put forward
ที่จะนำในการสั่งซื้อไปเรียบร้อยแล้ว 收拾 to put in order, to tidy up
to put, to lay (the table)
รบกวน 麻烦 to bother, to put somebody to trouble, trouble, troublesome
ประสิทธิภาพการทำงาน, การแสดง, การดำเนินการที่จะนำมาแสดง 演出 performance, show, to perform, to put on a show
มูลค่าของการส่งออกมีมูลค่าส่งออก 产值 value of output, output value
ใส่ใน, การเพิ่ม, บวก 加上 to put in, to add, plus
ที่จะนำมาแต่งหน้า 化妆 to put on make-up
เพื่อการปฏิบัติที่จะนำสู่การปฏิบัติ 实践 to practice, to put into practice
ที่จะวางในเวลาและพลังงานเพื่อสมาธิอย่างหนึ่งของความพยายาม 下工夫 to put in time and energy, to concentrate one's efforts
ที่จะนำมาแสดงเพื่อเป็นที่แสดง 展出 to put on display, to be on show
ที่จะนำมาแสดงในการจัดแสดงนิทรรศการแสดง 展览 to put on display, to exhibit, exhibition, show
ใส่; ฟัด put; put on; sway
วางบน; สนับสนุน; สวมเคารพ put on; wear; support; respect
ตัวแทน; แทนรองผู้ว่าการ 代表 represent; representative; deputy
จุด; นับ; เลือก; แสง put a dot; count; select; light
ปล่อยให้ไป; ใส่; วาง; มีวันหยุด let go; put; lay; have a vacation
麻烦 troublesome; put sb. to trouble
ใส่ในคำสั่ง; เรียบร้อยการซ่อมแซม; ลงโทษ 收拾 put in order; tidy; punish; repair
คำนวณ; การคำนวณ; การนับ calculate; compute; include; count
พก; นำมา; วาดออก; เพิ่ม carry; put forward; draw out; raise
จัดแสดง; วางบนจอ แสดงผล แสดง 展览 put on display; exhibit; show
ใส่กัน; ทั่วไป; หัวหน้า; เสมอ 总(是) put together; general; chief; always
วาง; สร้าง put up; build
รอง deputy; vice-
วาง; ใส่ lay; put
นับ; คอมพิวเตอร์คำนวณ 计算 count; computer; calculate
ถูกต้อง; สิ่งที่ถูกต้อง 纠正 correct; put right
ออกไปข้างนอก; ใส่ออก go out; put out
ใส่ลงไปในการปฏิบัติ; ดำเนินการ 实行 put into practice; carry out
ใส่ลงไปใน; โยนลงใน; การลงทุน 投入 put into; throw into; invest; investment
แสดง; วางบนจอแสดงผล 展出 put on display; exhibit
สู้ vie; contend; strive; argue; dispute
การอภิปราย 争论 dispute; debate; controvert
产值 output value; value of output
ตัวแทนจำหน่าย 代理 act as an agent; deputize
แปลก blame; complain; accuse; impute
มิน่าเล่า 怪不得 no wonder; so that's why; put no blame on
คอมพิวเตอร์ 计算机 computer
ระเบียน 记载 record; put down in writing; chronicle
กรอบ put up; erect; support; prop; help; fend off; kidnap
การจัดการ put in order; tide up; manage; run; pay attention to
เช็ด apply; put on; smear; plaster; wipe; cross out; erase
การจัดการ 排列 arrange; put in order; align; line up
หมี 忍受 bear; endure; tolerate; put up with (pain, hardship, etc.)
การดำเนินงาน 实施 put into effect; implement; carry out; enforce; execute
แสดง 示威 demonstrate; put on a show of strength and prowess
ใช่ 是的 right and wrong; dispute; conflict over trivialities
ตาม smooth; put in order; be agreeable to; yield to
คำแถลง 说法 wording; way to put it; argument; saying; parlance
ทีเดียว straighten up; stick out; erect; endure; put up with
เลื่อนเวลา 推迟 push-later; put off; postpone; delay; defer
มีชื่อเสียง 闻名 hear-name; know by reputation; be well-known
การปราบปราม 镇压 suppress-repress; crackdown; put down; execute
สนับสนุน raise; put up; send away; order about; pay or withdraw
การเพาะปลูก 种植 plant-grow; plant; grow; crop; put in
เริ่มต้น 着手 put-hand; put one's hand to; set about; begin; start
หน้าเกี่ยวกับ 爱面子 be sensitive about one's reputation
การจัดตำแหน่ง 安置 put; arrange for
แพ็ค; วาง; ทำขึ้น 包装 pack; put up; make up
นำไปใช้ 动用 put to use
หมดสิ้นไป 杜绝 put an end to
ปัญหา; ใส่ออก 发布 issue; put out
การลดลงของการส่งออก 减产 reduction of output
ที่ดิน การลงความเห็น 降落 land; put-down
ข้อโต้แย้ง 较量 dispute
ใส่ลงในผล 落实 put into effect
ชื่อเสียง 名声 reputation
ชื่อเสียง 名誉 reputation
เอาขจัด; ดอกยางออก 扑灭 put out eradicate; tread out
ชื่อเสียง 声誉 reputation
นำไปใช้ดี 施展 put to good use
การส่งออก; ออก 输出 export; output
นำเข้าใส่ 输入 import; input
เสมหะ; เสมหะ sputum; phlegm
ใส่ใน; อ้างอิง 提交 put in; refer
ใส่ลงไปในการผลิต 投产 put into production
ใส่ใน; โยนใน 投放 put in; throw in
ความล่าช้า 拖延 delay; put off
ดับ; ใส่ออก extinguish; put out
ความล่าช้า; วางปิด 延缓 delay; put off
ใส่; เลื่อน 延期 put off; defer
ข้อโต้แย้ง 争议 dispute
ใส่; ติดตั้ง put; set up; install
คอมพิวเตอร์ 计算机 computer der Computer, - l'ordinateur el ordenador
amputi ที่จะตัด 截肢 to amputate amputieren amputer amputar amputare
deputi deputi deputi deputi deputi deputi Deputi deputi
mastiko ผงสำหรับอุดรู 油灰 putty Kitt mastic masilla stucco
reputacio ชื่อเสียง 声誉 reputation Ansehen réputation reputación reputazione
sputi sputi sputi sputi Sputi Sputi Sputi Sputi
ŝovi ใส่ put setzen mettre poner mettere

Grade E word(s):

93 aṅga–bhaṅga garnu अङ्ग–भङ्ग गर्नु to amputate, to dismember, to mutilate v.t.
94 aṅgacchēda अङ्गच्छेद amputation n.
517 ārōpa आरोप imputation, allegation, insinuation, accusation n.
825 ōdhāna ओधान three-legged iron stand for putting a cooking vessel over a fire n.
898 kalaha कलह quarrel, scramble, dispute, fray n.
1394 calā'unu चलाउनु to cause to move, to put to use, to move, to despatch v.t.
1711 jhagaḍā झगडा quarrel, dispute, squabble n.
2311 pancāyata पन्चायत village assembly to decide disputes, an assembly of elected representatives n.
2425 pārnu पार्नु to put in, to lay, to ignite, to cause, to make v.t.
2534 pratinidhitva प्रतिनिधित्व representation, deputation, delegacy n.
3208 yaśasvī यशस्वी renowned, reputed, glorious adj.
3351 lagā'unu लगाउनु to use, to put on, to wear, v.t.
3377 lā'unu लाउनु to put on (clothes), to ware v.t.
3406 lugā lagā'unu लुगा लगाउनु put on clothes luga v.t.
3407 lugā lā'unu लुगा लाउनु put on clothes luga phernu v.t.
3450 vāda वाद theory, dispute, controversy n.
3512 vivāda विवाद discussion, debate, dispute, altercation, quarrel, controvercy n.
3593 śāsana parivartana शासन परिवर्तन coup, putsch n.
4149 hālnu हाल्नु to put, to serve v.t.
千字文: 荣业所基 籍甚无竟 Glorious works as the foundation, no limit to one's reputation.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [computer] computing machine
(n.) [computing] computer science
(n.) [deputy] surrogate
(n.) [output] end product
(n.) [reputation] notoriety for some characteristic
(n.) [computer virus] virus
(v.) [amputate] cut off, remove surgically
(v.) [put] place, set, pose, lay, position

00673448-v put +
00735571-v put +
00981276-v put +
01160370-v put +
01493741-v put +
01494310-v put +
01706375-v put +
02111499-v put +
02271137-v put +
00080968-n put +

put + +


amputate (2)


6 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1237 我需要一台电脑。 ผม or ดิฉัน ต้องการคอมพิวเตอร์ Minä tarvitsen tietokoneen.
1239 这儿有电脑吗? ที่นี่มีคอมพิวเตอร์ไหม? Onko täällä tietokonetta?
1773 老板的电脑坏了。 คอมพิวเตอร์ของหัวหน้าเสีย Pomon tietokone on rikki.
219 她用计算机工作。 เธอทำงานด้วยคอมพิวเตอร์ Hän työskentelee tietokoneella.
304 我的电脑在那里。 คอมพิวเตอร์ ของผม or ของดิฉัน ตั้งอยู่ตรงนั้น Tuolla on minun tietokoneeni.
316 我把脏衣服放进洗衣机里。 ผม or ดิฉัน กำลังใส่ผ้าที่จะซักลงในเครื่องซักผ้า Minä laitan pyykin pyykkikoneeseen.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

258 文件 桌上
291 电脑 用途 广
445 警察 分界线
486 正在 检查 电脑 服务 系统
718 检查 电脑 系统
787 政府 即将 推出 政策
834 电脑 记录 证明 想法
838 电脑 安装 什么
1048 我们 公司 副经理
1149 准备 更新 电脑 设备
1176 电脑 显示 操作
1244 礼物 头顶
1778 正在 操作 电脑
1781 逮捕
1816 背上 背包 爬山
2085 咖啡
2340 帐篷
2341 罪犯 关进 监狱
2417 口红
2476 先生 电脑
2557 收拾 餐具
2801 电脑 砸了
2893 消防员 扑灭 大火
2990 涂抹 胭脂
3282 删除 电脑 档案
3347 化妆
3372 公司 垄断 世界 电脑 市场
3404 手臂 睡着
3784 烤面包 放到 早餐 托盘

Semantische Felder:

3.4 Abwesenheit
8.5 Beförderung