6 New HSK word(s): 2 笑 laugh/ smile/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 哈 laughter/ yawn/ abbr. for Kazakhstan 6 哄 roar of laughter (onomatopoeia)/ hubbub/ to roar (as a crowd) 6 牺牲 to sacrifice oneself/ to lay down one's life/ to do sth at the expense of/ beast slaughtered for sacrifice/ sacrifice/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 宰 to slaughter livestock/ to govern or rule/ to cheat customers/ Imperial official in dynastic China 6 嘲笑 jeer/ mockery/ scoff/ sneer/ make fun of/ laugh at (derogatory)
9 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *ono * *n;v * *VA * *N * * * *VS * *VA * *VA
9 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1.lachen, Gelächter 2. auslachen, sich über jn lustig machen Interj.Ha,ha Witz, Scherz 1.fröhlich, glücklich, froh, sich freuen 2. gern, Vergnügen an etw finden 3. lachen 4. Freude, Fröhlichkeit eigensinnig, störrisch, verbissen sich lächerlich machen, sich zum Gespött machen lächerlich herzlich lachen massakrieren, abschlachten, in Massen töten
48 synsets(s): slaughterous + laughing + laughable + laughable + laughingly + laughably + bellylaugh + laugh loudly + laugh softly + laugh + slaughter + laugh off + laugh away + laugh at + slaughter + manslaughter + slaughter + slaughter + onslaught + laughter + laughing owl + laughing jackass + laughing jackass + laughing gull + laughing hyena + slaughterhouse + laugh track + laughing gas + laugh + laugh line + belly laugh + laugh + onslaught + laugh + laughter + belly laugh + horselaugh + onslaught + last laugh + laugher + slaughter + slaughterer + laughingstock + laugher + Laughton + Charles Laughton + schnittlaugh + laugh line +
9 OLD_HSK English word(s): smile (at)/ laugh (at)/ ridicule ha-ha (the sound of laughing) joke/ jest/ laugh at/ mock joy/ laugh/ love to/ be happy to/ enjoy play-laugh/ joke/ jest/ prank make a laughing stock of oneself laughable/ ridiculous/ absurd/ funny laugh slaughter
9 OLD_HSK French word(s):
9 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
9 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
9 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): หัวเราะ , รอยยิ้ม
9 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** TU2
* ** SHA1 töten


หัวเราะเยาะ to laugh at; to laugh; to smile
หัวเราะ; รอยยิ้ม laugh; smile
หัวเราะใครสักคนที่ตลก 笑话 to laugh at somebody/joke
ไร้สาระ, น่าหัวเราะ 可笑 ridiculous, laughable
ฮ่า (เสียงหัวเราะ) 哈哈 ha-ha (the sound of laughing)
รอยยิ้ม; เยาะเย้ย; หัวเราะ smile (at); laugh (at); ridicule
เรื่องตลก; ล้อเล่น; หัวเราะเยาะ; เยาะเย้ย 笑话 joke; jest; laugh at; mock
出洋相 make a laughing stock of oneself
ตลก 可笑 laughable; ridiculous; absurd; funny
เพลง joy; laugh; love to; be happy to; enjoy
ปากแข็ง 顽固 play-laugh; joke; jest; prank
เสียงหัวเราะ 欢笑 laugh
ฆ่า 屠杀 slaughter
buĉi ฆ่า 屠宰 slaughtering Schlachtung abattage sacrificio macellazione
ridi หัวเราะ laugh Lachen rire risa risata

Grade E word(s):

3111 mārnu मार्नु to kill, to slaughter v.t.
4108 hatyā हत्या murder, killing, slaughter n.
4128 hansā'unu हंसाउनु to cause to laugh v.t.
4130 hasē'ulī हसेउली laughter, joke, jest, fun, spott n.
4135 has'sī हस्सी laughter, joke, fun n.
4156 hāsō हासो laughter, laugh n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(v.) [laugh]

00031820-v laugh +
06778102-n laugh +
06878404-n laugh +
07127006-n laugh +

laugh + +




2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1034 这个男人跳着舞并笑着。 ผู้ชายคนนี้กำลังเต้นรำและหัวเราะ Mies tanssii ja nauraa.
1588 你笑的声音太大了 – 不要这么大声笑! คุณหัวเราะดังเหลือเกิน – อย่าหัวเราะดังนักซิ! Sinä naurat niin kovaäänisesti – älä naura niin kovaäänisesti!

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

565 他们 嘲笑
566 他们 开心
2548 学生 哄堂大笑
2819 这些 兔子 屠杀
2944 宰杀

Semantische Felder:

4.50 Hoher Grad
15.45 Spott