Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Windeln diapers tã giấy
die Windeln diapers tã giấy
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn có gì rẻ hơn không? Do you have anything cheaper? Haben Sie etwas Billigeres?
Xin đưa giấy tờ của bạn. Your papers, please. Ihre Papiere, bitte.
Tôi muốn đến quầy tạp hoá. I want to go to the newspaper stand. Ich will zum Kiosk.
Tôi muốn mua một tờ báo. I want to buy a newspaper. Ich will eine Zeitung kaufen.
Tôi muốn vào quầy tạp hoá để mua một tờ báo. I want to go to the kiosk / newspaper stand to buy a newspaper. Ich will zum Kiosk, um eine Zeitung zu kaufen.
Tờ báo rẻ. The newspaper is cheap. Die Zeitung ist billig.
Ở đây có giấy và bút không? Is there a sheet of paper and a pen here? Gibt es hier ein Blatt Papier und einen Kuli?
Bạn đã đặt báo nào? Which newspaper did you subscribe to? Welche Zeitung hast du abonniert?
Chị ấy đọc báo thay cho nấu ăn. She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. Sie liest die Zeitung, anstatt dass sie kocht.
Barbara đang đọc báo. + Barbara is reading a newspaper.
Tôi đang không đọc báo. + I'm not reading the newspaper.
Anh ấy đang đọc báo. + He's reading the newspaper.
Tôi thường mua hai tờ báo hàng ngày. Hôm qua tôi có mua hai tờ báo. + I usually buy two (2) newspapers every day. > Yesterday I bought two (2) newspapers.
Cô ấy có một cái bút nhưng cô ấy không có tờ giấy nào. + She had a pen, but she didn't have any paper.
Isabelle đang đọc báo. Cô ấy đã đọc được hai tiếng đồng hồ rồi. + Isabelle's reading the newspaper. She's been reading it for two (2) hours.
Giấy được làm từ gỗ. + Paper is made from wood.
Cất chỗ giấy này ở nơi an toàn. Cậu sẽ không bị mất chúng. + Keep these papers in a safe place. You must not lose them.
Nhìn anh! Có ảnh của anh, cậu trên mặt báo! + Look! There's a photo of your brother in the newspaper!
Người tính tiền đang chợ đồ ăn vào túi nhựa. Bạn nói: "Xin lỗi, cậu có túi giấy không?" + The cashier is putting your groceries in a plastic bag. You say, "Excuse me, don't you have any paper bags?"
Tôi giả vời như đang đọc báo. + I pretended to be reading the newspaper.
Viết câu trả lời cho mỗi câu hỏi lên một tờ giấy riêng. + Write your answer to each question on a separate sheet of paper.
Walter gần như không bao giờ xem vô tuyến và hiếm khi đọc báo. + Walter hardly ever watches TV, and rarely reads newspapers.
Tờ giấy tôi viết cho lớp đầy những lỗi thấy rõ. + The paper I wrote for class was full of obvious mistakes.
Làm ơn mua thêm giấy vệ sinh trước khi cậu dùng hết nó. + Please buy more toilet paper before you use it all up.
Bất cứ ai đã dùng hết sữa và trứng nên ra ngoài và mua thêm. Và hãy lấy một ít giấy vệ sinh khi đấy là bạn. + Whoever used up all the milk and eggs should go out and buy some more. And get some toilet paper while you're at it.

tờ giấy + sheet of paper

+ A sheet of paper

+ An hides the sheet of paper.

báo + newspaper

Các bạn đọc báo. + You read the newspaper / newspaper

Nó là một tờ giấy. + It is a sheet of paper.

Nó là một tờ báo. + It is a newspaper.

Anh ấy đọc báo khi nào? + When does he read the newspaper?

Tôi muốn mua một tờ báo. + I want to buy a newspaper.

Anh ấy đọc những tờ báo quan trọng. + He reads the important newspapers.

Một tờ báo cũ + An old newspaper

Tôi mua một tờ báo để đọc. + I buy a newspaper in order to read.

giấy + paper

Chúng tôi bắt đầu bán những tờ báo vào ngày hôm qua. + We started to sell the newspapers yesterday.

Gửi bưu thiếp có rẻ hơn gửi thư không? + Are postcards cheaper to send than a letter?

giấy vệ sinh + toilet paper
GNOT Qualitative • material paper +
SNOT Free time, entertainment • press newspaper/paper báo, tờ báo +
SNOT Relations with other people • correspondence note paper +
SNOT Relations with other people • correspondence paper +
SNOT VN-style rice paper dish bánh tráng +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
5-3. Haushalt Exercise 5-3-4 Papier paper
6-2. Natur Exercise 6-2-4 Blatt 1. leaf, 2. sheet of paper, 3. newspaper
Exercise 9-1-8 Zettel slip of paper
11-1. Presse, Radio, Fernsehen Exercise 11-1-1 Zeitung newspaper
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-7 Haben Sie noch eine Zeitung von heute?  + von Do you have a newspaper today?  Bạn có một tờ báo ngày hôm nay không?
Exercise 2-2 Auf diesem Markt kannst du handeln und bekommst die Sachen billiger.  + handeln You can trade in this market and get the things cheaper.  Bạn có thể thương mại trong thị trường này và nhận được những thứ rẻ hơn.
Exercise 2-3 Dies ist die Zeitung von heute. + heute This is today's newspaper. Đây là tờ báo ngày hôm nay.
Exercise 3-1 Er schreibt für die Zeitung.  + schreiben* He writes for the newspaper.  Ông viết cho tờ báo.
Exercise 3-1 Was schreiben denn die Zeitungen über den Vorfall?  + schreiben* What do the papers say about the incident?  Các giấy tờ nói gì về vụ việc?
Exercise 3-5 Er bezog sich in der Bewerbung auf das Stellenangebot in der Zeitung.  + beziehen* In the application, he referred to the job offer in the newspaper.  Trong đơn đăng ký, ông đã đề cập đến công việc cung cấp trên báo.
Exercise 4-2 Du kannst mit einer Regionalbahn fahren. Das ist billiger.  + regional You can take a regional train. That's cheaper.  Bạn có thể tham gia một chuyến tàu khu vực. Đó là rẻ hơn.
Exercise 5-3 Haben Sie ein Blatt Papier für mich?  + Blatt Do you have a piece of paper for me?  Bạn có một mảnh giấy cho tôi?
Exercise 5-3 Hast du ein Blatt Papier für mich?  + Papier Do you have a piece of paper for me?  Bạn có một mảnh giấy cho tôi?
Exercise 5-3 Bitte bringen Sie zu dem Termin alle Papiere mit.  + Papier Please bring all the papers with you on this date.  Xin vui lòng mang tất cả các giấy tờ với bạn vào ngày này.
Exercise 5-3 Zu dumm, es ist kein Klopapier mehr da.  + Papier Too bad, there's no toilet paper left.  Quá tệ, không còn giấy vệ sinh.
Exercise 6-2 Man muss nicht alles glauben, was in der Zeitung steht.  + glauben You don't have to believe everything in the papers.  Bạn không phải tin mọi thứ trong các bài báo.
Exercise 6-9 Unsere Zeitung brachte die Nachricht an die Öffentlichkeit.  + Öffentlichkeit Our newspaper brought the news to the public.  Báo của chúng tôi đã đưa tin tới công chúng.
Exercise 6-9 Die Zeitung spiegelt die öffentliche Meinung wider.  + öffentlich The newspaper reflects public opinion.  Báo chí phản ánh dư luận.
Exercise 7-5 Die Abendzeitung hat einen Bericht über den Unfall gebracht.  + bringen* The evening paper has published a report on the accident.  Các bài báo buổi tối đã công bố một báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 9-1 Hol bitte mal die Zeitung aus dem Briefkasten. + Briefkasten Get the paper out of the mailbox, please. Nhận giấy ra khỏi hộp thư, xin vui lòng.
Exercise 9-4 Ich brauche kein weißes, sondern farbiges Papier.  + farbig I don't need white paper, but colored paper.  Tôi không cần giấy trắng, nhưng giấy màu.
Exercise 10-4 Vor der Saison sind die Hotelpreise billiger.  + Saison Before the season hotel prices are cheaper.  Trước khi giá khách sạn mùa hè rẻ hơn.
Exercise 12-2 Ich lese manchmal Zeitung.  + Zeitung I read the papers sometimes.  Tôi đôi khi đọc giấy tờ.
Exercise 12-2 Ich habe die Zeitung von heute schon gelesen.  + Zeitung I already read today's paper.  Tôi đã đọc bài báo hôm nay.
Exercise 12-2 Ist das die Zeitung von heute? + Zeitung Is that today's paper? Đó có phải là bài báo ngày hôm nay không?
Exercise 12-8 Die Zeitung brachte einen Bericht über den Unfall.  + Bericht The newspaper brought a report about the accident.  Báo chí đưa ra một báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 12-9 Die Zeitungen brachten unbestätigte Meldungen.  + Meldung The newspapers brought unconfirmed reports.  Các tờ báo đưa ra các báo cáo chưa được xác nhận.
Exercise 13-4 Zeitungen bekommst du am Kiosk. + Kiosk You can get newspapers at the newsstand. Bạn có thể lấy báo tại quầy báo.
Exercise 13-4 Ich kann abends zu einem günstigeren Tarif telefonieren.  + Tarif I can make a cheaper phone call in the evening.  Tôi có thể gọi điện thoại rẻ hơn vào buổi tối.
Exercise 13-5 Alle Zeitungen haben über den Unfall berichtet.  + berichten All the papers have reported on the accident.  Tất cả các giấy tờ đã báo cáo về vụ tai nạn.
Exercise 13-5 Alle Tageszeitungen haben von dem Skandal berichtet.  + berichten All the newspapers have reported the scandal.  Tất cả các tờ báo đều báo cáo vụ bê bối.
Exercise 14-3 Wir haben eine örtliche Zeitung in unserer Stadt.  + örtlich We have a local newspaper in our town.  Chúng tôi có một tờ báo địa phương ở thị trấn của chúng tôi.
Exercise 14-5 Letztes Wochenende habe ich meine Papiere geordnet.  + ordnen Last weekend, I organized my papers.  Cuối tuần qua, tôi đã tổ chức các bài báo của mình.
Exercise 14-7 Die Zeitung steckt im Briefkasten.  + stecken  The paper's in the mailbox.  Giấy trong hộp thư.
Exercise 15-6 Ihr waren sämtliche Papiere aus der Handtasche gestohlen worden.  + Handtasche She had all her papers stolen from her purse.  Cô ấy đã lấy tất cả các giấy tờ của cô ấy bị lấy ra khỏi ví của cô ta.
Exercise 15-7 Was steht heute in der Zeitung?  + stehen* What's in the paper today?  Những gì trong bài báo ngày hôm nay?
Exercise 15-9 Die Papiere liegen auf dem Schreibtisch.  + Schreibtisch The papers are on the desk.  Các giấy tờ trên bàn làm việc.
Exercise 16-2 Können Sie es mir bitte auf ein Blatt Papier zeichnen?  + zeichnen Can you please draw it on a piece of paper?  Bạn có thể xin vui lòng vẽ nó trên một mảnh giấy?
Exercise 17-3 Ich kaufe meine Elektrogeräte immer gebraucht. Das ist viel billiger.  + Gerät I always buy my electrical appliances used. That's much cheaper.  Tôi luôn mua thiết bị điện của tôi được sử dụng. Đó là rẻ hơn nhiều.
Exercise 17-6 Legen Sie die Zeitungen bitte dort ins Regal.  + legen Put the papers on the shelf over there, please.  Đặt giấy tờ lên kệ ở đó, làm ơn.
Exercise 17-9 Ich kaufe jetzt viele Sachen online. Das ist oft billiger.  + online I buy a lot of things online now. That's often cheaper.  Tôi mua rất nhiều thứ trực tuyến ngay bây giờ. Đó thường là rẻ hơn.
Exercise 19-7 Der Artikel erscheint in der morgigen Zeitung.  + Artikel The article will appear in tomorrow's newspaper.  Bài viết sẽ xuất hiện trên tờ báo ngày mai.
Exercise 20-4 Mein Bruder hat einen kleinen Zeitungsladen.  + Laden My brother has a little newspaper shop.  Anh tôi có một cửa hàng báo nhỏ.
Exercise 21-8 Ich habe probiert, die Zeitung zu lesen, aber es war zu schwer.  + probieren I tried to read the paper, but it was too hard.  Tôi đã cố gắng đọc bài báo, nhưng nó quá khó.
Exercise 24-8 Die Kette ist 25 Prozent billiger.  + Prozent The chain is 25 percent cheaper.  Chuỗi này rẻ hơn 25%.
Exercise 25-5 Alle Zeitungen haben über diese Ereignisse berichtet.  + Ereignis All the newspapers have reported on these events.  Tất cả các tờ báo đã báo cáo về những sự kiện này.
Exercise 27-7 Können Sie mir sagen, was der Unterschied ist? Welche Fahrkarte ist günstiger?  + Unterschied Can you tell me what the difference is? Which ticket is cheaper?  Bạn có thể cho tôi biết sự khác biệt là gì? Vé nào rẻ hơn?
Exercise 28-3 Die Zeitung veröffentlicht am Mittwoch die Anzeigen.  + veröffentlichen The newspaper will be publishing the ads on Wednesday.  Các tờ báo sẽ được xuất bản các quảng cáo vào thứ Tư.
Exercise 29-4 An manchen Tagen ist das Zugfahren billiger.  + manche Some days the train is cheaper.  Một số ngày xe lửa rẻ hơn.
Exercise 33-2 Lassen Sie die Papiere nur auf dem Boden liegen, ich hebe sie schon auf.  + aufheben* Just leave the papers on the floor, I'll pick them up.  Chỉ để giấy tờ trên sàn, tôi sẽ nhặt chúng lên.
Exercise 41-7 Das war in der gestrigen Zeitung zu lesen.  + gestrig That was in yesterday's newspaper.  Đó là trong tờ báo ngày hôm qua.
Exercise 41-7 In der heutigen Zeitung ist ein langer Bericht über den Unfall.  + heutig There's a long story about the accident in today's paper.  Có một câu chuyện dài về tai nạn trong bài báo hôm nay.
Exercise 44-6 Ich hätte gern drei Bögen Geschenkpapier.  + Bogen I'd like three sheets of wrapping paper.  Tôi muốn ba tờ giấy gói.
Exercise 45-9 Sie las nur die fettgedruckten Überschriften der Zeitung. + Überschrift She only read the bold headlines of the newspaper. Cô chỉ đọc các tiêu đề táo bạo của tờ báo.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Wolkenkratzer + skyscraper + A
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Altpapiersammlung + waste paper collection + C
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Papierhandtuch + paper towel + A
+ + 103 Household Cleaning Papierkorb + waste-paper basket + A
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Butterbrotpapier + greaseproof paper + B
+ + 103 Household Kitchenware Wachspapier + waxed paper + B
+ + 103 Household Tools Sand- + sandpaper + B
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls Tapete + wallpaper + C
+ + 103 Household Floors and walls etw tapezieren + to wallpaper sth + C
+ + 103 Household Plumbing and bathroom Toilettenpapierhalter + toilet paper holder + C
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Grooming Papiertaschentuch + tissue, paper handkerchief + A
+ + 103 Clothes, accessories and grooming Garments Windel + nappy, diaper + C
+ + 103 Colour and light Expressions ein weißes (Blatt)Papier + a blank/clean sheet of paper + A
+ + 103 Containers Dishes and pots Pappbecher + paper cup + A
+ + 103 Containers Baskets Papierkorb + wastepaper basket + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Papiertüte + paper bag + A
+ + 103 Containers Bags Beutel + bag, purse, carrier bag, pouch, paper bag + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Abonnement + season ticket; subscription [newspaper] + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Abonnent(in) + season-ticket holder; subscriber [newspaper] + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Transparentpapier + tracing paper + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Painting and sculpture Pauspapier + tracing paper + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography Blende + aperture, f-stop, diaphragm + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography bei/mit Blende 8 + at (an aperture setting of) f/8 + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography aufblenden + to increase the aperture + C
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Photography Blendenautomatik + automatic aperture control + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Zeitung + newspaper + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Tageszeitung + daily paper + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Morgen- + morning/evening paper + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Sonntagszeitung + Sunday paper + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Wochenzeitung + weekly paper + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Wochenblatt + weekly paper + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media Taschenbuch + paperback + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media als Taschenbuch erhältlich + available in paperback + A
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media eine Zeitung im Abonnement beziehen + to subscribe to a newspaper + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media die Zeitung ist im Druck + the newspaper has gone to bed + C
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Print media eine Zeitung in Druck geben + to put a newspaper to bed + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Materials Papier + paper + A
+ + 103 Reading and writing Materials Blatt + sheet of paper + A
+ + 103 Reading and writing Materials Schmierpapier + scrap paper + A
+ + 103 Reading and writing Materials Zettel + note, piece of paper + A
+ + 103 Education Assessment and qualifications Arbeit + test, paper + A
+ + 103 Education Educational materials kariertes/liniertes Papier + squared/lined paper + B
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Löschpapier + blotting paper + C
+ + 103 Education Educational materials Schmierpapier + rough paper + C
+ + 103 Science Physical sciences Lackmuspapier + litmus paper + B
+ + 103 Agriculture Crops Mähbinder + reaper-binder + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Papierfabrik + paper mill + B
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production Papiermühle + paper mill + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Schreibmaschinenpapier + typing paper + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Schreibpapier + (typing) paper, writing paper + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Kopierpapier + copy paper + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Druckpapier + printing paper + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Papierkorb + waste-paper basket + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials (Papier)schneidema-schine + paper cutter + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Brieföffner + letter opener, paper knife + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Briefbeschwerer + paperweight + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials fein liniertes Papier + narrow-ruled paper + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials unliniertes Papier + plain paper + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Büroklammer + (small) paper clip + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Aktenklammer + (large) paper clip + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Computing and typing Papiervorschub + paper feed + B
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials 2 Ries Papier + 2 reams of paper + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials selbstdurchschrei-bendes Papier + carbonless paper + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Dünndruckpapier + India paper + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Florpost + bank paper, onionskin paper + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials Hartpostpapier + bond(ed) paper + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials chlorfrei gebleichtes Papier + paper bleached without chlorine + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials ungebleicht + unbleached [paper] + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials verziert + crested [notepaper] + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials glänzend + glossy [paper] + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials geprägt + embossed [paper] + C
+ + 103 The office and computing Office equipment and materials DIN-Format + German standard paper size + C
+ + 103 Politics and international relations Elections Stimmzettel + ballot paper + A

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * zhi3 paper Papier +
A + * * bao4 newspaper/ gazette 1. Zeitung, Blatt, Bulletin +
B 論文 + * * lun4wen2 treatise/ paper/ thesis Aufsatz, Abhandlung +
B 報紙 + * * bao4zhi3 newspaper Zeitung +
B + * * kong3 hole/ aperture 1. Loch, Öffnung, Höhlung, Höhle 2. Zählwort für desgleichen +
B 試卷 + * * shi4juan4 examination paper Prüfungsaufgaben, Test, +
C 日報 + * * ri4bao4 daily paper/ daily Tageszeitung +
C 證件 + * * zheng4jian4 certificate-paper/ credentials/ certificate/ papers Papiere, Ausweis, Bescheinigung +
C 晚報 + * * wan3bao4 evening-newspaperevening newspaper Abendblatt +
C 報刊 + * * bao4kan1 newspapers and periodicals/ the press Publikation +
C 報社 + * * bao4she4 newspaper office Zeitungsbüro, Pressebüro +
C 鈔票 + * * chao1piao4 bill/ note/ paper currency Banknote, Papiergeld +
D 刊登 + * * kan1deng1 publish in a newspaper in einer Zeitung veröffentlichen, veröffentlichen, abdrucken +
D 稿紙 + 稿* * gao3zhi3 paper for making manuscript Konzeptpapier +
D 紙張 + * * zhi3zhang1 paper Papier +
D 訂貨 + * * ding4 huo4 (a newspaper or magazine) order goods (Waren) bestellen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
201 报纸 消息 + He's reading the latest news in the paper. Er liest die neuesten Nachrichten in der Zeitung.
236 报纸 + He's reading a newspaper. Er liest die Zeitung.
665 + Please give me a piece of paper. Bitte gib mir ein Blatt Papier.
999 报纸 印刷 好了 + The newspapers have been printed. Die Zeitungen wurden gedruckt.
1128 纸箱 + She's sealing the paper box. Sie versiegelt das Paket.
1190 报纸 刊登 旅游 资讯 + The newspaper has printed the latest travel information. Die Zeitung hat die neuesten Reiseinformationen abgedruckt.
1391 论文 合格 + This paper fails to meet the standard. Dieser Aufsatz genügt nicht dem Standard.
1429 报纸 公布 消息 + This news has been published in the newspaper. Die Zeitung hat diese Neuigkeiten veröffentlicht.
1630 纸币 散开 + The paper money is scattered.
1805 报纸 媒介 + Newspapers are a form of media.
1867 每天 阅读 报纸 + She reads the newspaper everyday.
2088 他用 剪刀 裁纸 + He's cutting the paper with scissors.
2166 卫生纸 + Please give me a roll of toilet paper. Bitte geben Sie mir eine Rolle Toilettenpapier.
2329 纽约 很多 摩天大楼 + There are many skyscrapers in New York.
2554 宝宝 换尿片 + She's changing the baby's diaper.
2718 报刊亭 + There's a newspaper stand by the side of the street.
2889 剪纸 + I'm cutting paper.
2902 粘贴 纸条 + Note papers are stuck to him.
2904 遮住 + The paper is covering her face (and blocking it from sight).
3056 桌上 报纸 + There is a pile of newspapers on the table.
3140 撕开 + The paper's been torn apart.
3231 胶水 粘纸 + He's gluing the paper together.
3345 摩天 大厦 高耸入云 + The skyscrapers reach to the clouds.
3616 报社 实习 + I'm doing an internship at a newspaper.
3728 有了 复印机 之后 用过 这些 复写纸 + I have never used carbon paper since I have had the copier.
3762 打印 使 + The printing paper has run out.
Lesson 010. Meeting New People. Business Cards in China.
pian4 + a piece of paper / a card
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
zhi3 + paper
Lesson 027. Working in China. Office Vocabulary.
Ni3 you3 A4 de zhi3 ma? + Do you have A4 paper?
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

je vais acheter le journal pour ma mère + I’m going to buy the newspaper for my mother

tu voulais que je signe les papiers + you wanted me to sign papers

ils veulent juste voir nos papiers + they just wanted to see our papers

lirait-il avec passion les journaux? + would he read newspapers with passion?

je les ai notées sur un morceau de papier + I jotted them down on a piece of paper

un inconnu avait au préalable averti le journal + an anonymous source had previously warned the newspaper

je trouvais très décevants les commentaires de nos journaux + I was very disappointed by the commentary in our newspapers

vos papiers? pièce d’identité, permis de conduire + your papers? identity card, driver’s license

le papier était déchiré + the paper was torn

on pourrait peut-être obtenir en douce un supplément de papier + maybe they can sneak us an extra quantity of paper

il n’a pas de papiers d’identification + he doesn’t have identity papers
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 aper +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
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Wiktionary VietnameseVie