VNEN nhạc kịch * opera * 103 VNEN vũ kịch * opera * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Operation operation/surgery phẫu thuật / phẫu thuật
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Bạn thích đi xem nhạc kịch / ôpêra không? Do you like to go to the opera? Gehen Sie gern in die Oper?
Tôi không thích ô pê ra mà cũng không thích múa ba lê. I like neither opera nor ballet. Ich mag weder Oper noch Ballett.
Gerard đang cảm thấy khoẻ hơn sau phẫu thuật nhưng anh ấy vẫn chưa được phép nhấc vật nặng. + Gerard is feeling much better after his operation, but he's still not supposed to do any heavy lifting.
Tôi bất tỉnh suốt cuộc phẫu thuật. Các bác sĩ đã gây mê tôi. + I wasn't conscious during the operation. The doctors had given me anesthesia.
Hải công ti đã đi đến thoả thuận hợp tác. + The two (2) companies worked out a cooperation agreement.

hợp tác + cooperate

Con mèo không muốn hợp tác với tôi. + The cat does not want to cooperate with me.

Họ không đồng ý hợp tác với chúng tôi. + They do not agree to cooperate with us.

Làm ơn hợp tác với chúng tôi. + Please cooperate with us.

Cảm ơn vì sự hỗ trợ và sự hợp tác của bạn. + Thanks for your support and cooperation.

Bạn có dám hợp tác với tôi không? + Do you dare to cooperate with me?

Tôi thậm chí không hợp tác vớihọ. + I do not even cooperate with them.

Chiến dịch quân sự bí mật đó rất bí mật. + That secret military operation is very secret

Chiến dịch quân sự + military operation

quân sự + operation

Tôi e là cần phải tiến hành phẫu thuật ngay lập tức + I'm afraid an urgent operation is necessary

dễ hợp tác + cooperative

Người vận hành máy móc + Machine operator
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents operation +
SNOT Health and body care • ailments– accidents to be operated upon +
SNOT Services • telephone operator +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-5 Operation operation
2-2. Krankheit Exercise 2-2-8 operieren to operate   (operiert, operierte, hat operiert)
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-16 bedienen 1. to wait, 2. to operate, 3. to attend to, 4. to have had enough   (bedient, bediente, hat bedient)
13-1. Arbeit, Beruf Exercise 13-1-9 Zusammenarbeit cooperation
13-2. Wirtschaft, Industrie Exercise 13-2-2 Betrieb 1. company, firm, 2. workforce, 3. activity, 4. operation, running
14-3. Unterhaltung, Kultur Exercise 14-3-4 Oper opera
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-3 Er lernte, die Maschine zu bedienen.  + lernen He learned to operate the machine.  Anh ta học cách vận hành máy.
Exercise 3-1 Hast du die Betriebsanleitung gelesen? + lesen* Have you read the operating instructions? Bạn đã đọc hướng dẫn vận hành chưa?
Exercise 4-5 Kannst du mir erklären, wie man diesen Apparat bedient?  + erklären Can you explain to me how to operate this machine?  Bạn có thể giải thích cho tôi cách vận hành máy này?
Exercise 21-8 Wir müssen das Knie sofort operieren.  + operieren We need to operate on the knee now.  Bây giờ chúng ta cần phải hoạt động trên đầu gối.
Exercise 24-9 Vor dem Einschalten des Gerätes bitte die Bedienungsanleitung lesen.  + Bedienungsanleitung Please read the operating instructions before switching on the device.  Vui lòng đọc hướng dẫn sử dụng trước khi bật điện thoại.
Exercise 25-5 Warst du schon mal in der Oper?  + Oper Have you ever been to the opera before?  Đã bao giờ bạn đến opera chưa?
Exercise 25-5 Es ist eine Oper in fünf Akten.  + Oper It's an opera in five acts.  Đó là một vở opera với năm tác phẩm.
Exercise 27-2 Welches Betriebssystem hast du?  + System Which operating system do you have?  Bạn có hệ điều hành nào?
Exercise 27-3 Ich habe diese Oper leider nur einmal gesehen.  + einmal I've only seen this opera once.  Tôi chỉ nhìn thấy vở opera này một lần.
Exercise 34-1 Die Bedienung dieser Maschine ist einfach.  + Bedienung Operation of this machine is simple.  Hoạt động của máy này là đơn giản.
Exercise 34-1 Ich kenne mich mit der Bedienung dieses CD-Spielers nicht aus.  + Bedienung I'm not familiar with the operation of this CD player.  Tôi không quen thuộc với hoạt động của máy nghe nhạc CD này.
Exercise 35-1 Das Gerät ist in Betrieb.  + Betrieb The unit is in operation.  Đơn vị đang hoạt động.
Exercise 36-4 Die Kaffeemaschine ist ganz leicht zu bedienen.  + bedienen The coffee machine is very easy to operate.  Máy pha cà phê rất dễ vận hành.
Exercise 36-4 Kannst du einen Computer bedienen?  + bedienen Can you operate a computer?  Bạn có thể vận hành máy tính được không?
Exercise 38-3 Sie sind der neue Kollege? Auf gute Zusammenarbeit!  + Zusammenarbeit You're the new colleague? On good cooperation!  Bạn là đồng nghiệp mới? Về hợp tác tốt!
Exercise 38-3 Die Grundlage unseres Erfolgs ist die gute Zusammenarbeit.  + Zusammenarbeit The basis of our success is the good cooperation.  Cơ sở thành công của chúng tôi là hợp tác tốt.
Exercise 45-6 Die Grundlage unserer Zusammenarbeit ist Vertrauen.  + Grundlage The basis of our cooperation is trust.  Cơ sở hợp tác của chúng tôi là sự tin tưởng.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
opera Places to Go 11
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Operation + operation + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment jmdn operieren + to operate on sb + A
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical facilitie Operationssaal + operating room + B
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Music Oper + opera + A
+ + 103 Visual and performing arts Theatre Operette + operetta, comic opera + B
+ + 103 Media and popular culture Audiovisual media Amaterufunker(in) + amateur radio operator, ham + C
+ + 103 Agriculture Types of farming and farmers Bauernhof auf Genossenschafts-basis + cooperative farm + C
+ + 103 Industry Premises and production eine Maschine bedienen + to operate a machine + B
+ + 103 Business and commerce The firm Betrieb + business, concern, operation, office + A
+ + 103 Employment Jobs, trades and professions Telefonist(in) + telephone operator, telephonist + A
+ + 103 The office and computing Personnel Texterfasser(in) + keyboard operator + C
+ + 103 Post and telecommunications Telephone Münzfernsprecher + coin-operated phone + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A + * * kai1 open/ operate/ turn on/ hold/ boil 1. öffnen, aufmachen,aufschließen, aufsperren 2.eine Öffnung machen, eröffnen, erschließen, urbar machen 3. sich entfalten, sich öffnen 4. aufheben, abschaffen, beseitigen 5. in Bewegung setzen 6. abmarschieren 7. gründen 8. beginnen 9. halten 10. sc +
A 作業 + * * zuo4ye4 homework/ operation/ task/ work Hausaufgaben, Aufgabe +
B 手術 + * * shou3shu4 operation/ surgical operation Chirurgie, Operation +
B 合作 + * * he2zuo4 cooperate/ work together Zusammenarbeit, zusammenarbeiten, Kooperation +
B 京劇(京戲) + * * jing1ju4 Beijing Opera Peking Oper +
B 配合 + * * pei4he2 coordinate/ cooperation/ concert kooperieren, zusammenwirken +
B + * * xi4 play/ opera 1. Theaterspiel, Oper 2. spielen 3. Späße machen, sich über jn/etw lustig machen, scherzen +
C + * * ju4 theatrical work/ drama/ play/ opera 1. Schauspiel,Theater 2. heftig, stark, drastisch, akut, stürmisch +
C 運轉 + * * yun4zhuan3 revolve-turn/ revolve/ turn round/ run/ operate/ work kreisen, sich im Kreis drehen, in Betrieb sein, laufen +
C 開辦 + * * kai1ban4 set up and run/ open/ start/ operate gründen, errichten, eröffnen, beginnen +
C 操縱 + * * cao1zong4 handle/ control/ operate/ manipulate/ rig steuern, lenken,kontrollieren (bedienen) +
C 操作 + * * cao1zuo4 operate/ manipulate bedienen, an etwas arbeiten +
C 歌劇 + * * ge1ju4 (Western-style) opera Oper +
C 協會 + * * xie2hui4 cooperating-organization/ association/ union Verein,Gesellschaft, Verband +
C 協作 + * * xie2zuo4 jointly-work/ cooperate/ coordinate zusammenarbeiten,koordinieren +
C 經營 + * * jing1ying2 manage/ run/ operate/ plan and organize managen, führen, wirtschaften,betreiben,planen und besorgen +
C 戲劇 + * * xi4ju4 opera-drama/ drama/ theater/ play/ play script Drama, Stück +
C 國營 + * * guo2ying2 state-run/ state-owned/ state-operated staatseigen, volkseigen, staatlich (geführt) +
D 開刀 + * * kai1 dao1 operate eine Operation ausführen, operieren +
D 開工 + * * kai1 gong1 come into operation in Betrieb nehmen (o. setzen), mit dem Bau beginnen +
D 合伙 + * * he2huo3 cooperate/ join hands with gemeinsam ein Unternehmen gründen +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
804 答应 对方 合作 + She agreed to cooperate with the other party. Sie ist einverstanden, mit der Gegenpartei zusammenzuarbeiten.
806 我们 合作 愉快 + Here's wishing that we have a pleasant cooperation! Auf gute Zusammenarbeit!
1176 电脑 显示 操作 + Please operate it according to the computer instructions. Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Computerbildschirm.
1268 政府 展开 抗灾 行动 + The government is starting operations to combat the disaster. Die Regierung führt Maßnahmen zur Katastrophenabwehr durch.
1655 双方 谋求 合作 + Both sides are striving to cooperate.
1778 正在 操作 电脑 + He's operating the computer.
2405 他们 合作 + They are Party B in this cooperative project.
2929 京剧 中国 国粹 + Beijing opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture.
3306 希望 双方 诚挚 合作 + I hope both sides will cooperate sincerely.
3685 加减乘除 基本 运算 法则 + Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are all basic operations.
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
ye4wu4 + business activity / operation
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
gong1si1 de ye4wu4 + company's business / company's operation
Lesson 034. Doing Business in China.
gong1si1 ye4wu4 + company's business / company's operation
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
he2zuo4 + to cooperate / cooperation
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Wo3men he2zuo4 de hen3 hao3. + We cooperate very well.
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
Xie4xie ni3 de he2zuo4. + Thank you for your cooperation.
Lesson 044. Driving in China.
jia4shi3 + to drive (formal) / to operate a vehicle
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
shou3shu4 + operation
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
zuo4 shou3shu4 + to do an operation
Lesson 045. Visiting a Hospital in China.
kai1dao1 + to do an operation
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
fei2zao4ju4 + soap opera
Lesson 055. Movies and TV.
Fei2zao4ju4 chao1ji2 wu2liao2. + Soap operas are extremely boring.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

ce niveau de collaboration ne sera pas maintenu + this level of cooperation will not bemaintained

les opérations militaires continuent du côté serbe + Serbian military operations continue

l’opération peut être locale ou globale + the operation can be local or global

les gens fonctionnent beaucoup par habitude + people operate a lot through habits

les grandes sociétés opèrent à l’échelle mondiale + large companies operate on a global scale

nous ne bénéficions pas toujours d’une coopération sérieuse de leur part + we don’t always enjoy serious cooperation on their behalf

un lancement d’opération demande la réalisation d’une action + launching an operation requires performing some action

le gouvernement français estime cette opération indispensable + the French government deems this operation essential

vous avez raté tout l’opéra + you missed the whole opera

la longueur d’un document d’opérateur est arbitraire + the length of an operator’s manual is arbitrary

un soldat de la coalition a été blessé dans l’opération + a coalition soldier was injured during the operation

nous ne pouvions même pas appeler une opératrice + we couldn’t even call an operator

opératrice, veuillez tester ce numéro + operator, please test this number

tous les systèmes sont opérationnels + all systems are operational

je ne suis pas compétent pour ce type d’opération + I’m not competent for this type of operation

je pense qu’il va falloir coopérer + I think we will have to cooperate

les chantiers navals fonctionnaient à plein rendement + the naval shipyards were operating at full capacity

initialement, cette opération devait être amicale + at first, this operation was supposed to be friendly

la coopération entre pays voisins était quasiment inexistante + cooperation between neighboring countries was practically non-existent

les rebelles ont opéré depuis la jungle + the rebels were operating from the jungle
06571938-n Opera
07026352-n opera
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 opera +
103 Opera +
103 opera +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie
opera ca kịch, nhạc kịch + +