VNEN nhậy * moth * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
die Mutter mother mẹ
die Großmutter grandmother bà ngoại
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Người bà the grandmother die Großmutter
Người mẹ the mother die Mutter
Tiếng mẹ đẻ của bạn là gì? What is your mother tongue / native language (am.)? Was ist Ihre Muttersprache?
Bà của chúng tôi mạnh khỏe. Our grandmother is healthy. Unsere Oma ist gesund.
Các cháu ơi, mẹ của các cháu ở đâu? Children, where is your mother? Kinder, wo ist eure Mutti?
Mẹ anh ấy đang ở nhà. Anh ấy đang ở trường. + His mother's at home. He's at school.
Mẹ cậu có nhà không? + Is your mother at home?
Mẹ cậu đâu? Bà ấy có nhà không? + Where's your mother? Is she at home?
Mẹ cậu có nhà không? + Is your mother at home?
Mẹ tôi sinh ra ở Paris. + My mother was born in Paris.
Mẹ cậu sinh ra ở đâu? + Where was your mother born?
Mẹ tôi đeo kính nhưng bố tôi thì không. + My mother wears glasses, but my father doesn't.
Kia không phải xe hơi của cậu đúng không? - Đúng, nó của mẹ tôi. + That isn't your car, is it? — No, it's my mother's.
Cậu chưa gặp mẹ cậu đúng không? - Đúng, tôi chưa. + You haven't met my mother, have you? — No, I haven't.
Cậu có nhớ gọi cho mẹ cậu không? - Ôi không, tôi quên hoàn toàn. Mai tôi sẽ gọi cho bà ấy. + Did you remember to call your mother? — Oh no, I completely forgot. I'll call her tomorrow.
Cô ấy tự nuôi con một mình kiểu bà mẹ đơn thân. + She raises her children as a single mother on her own.
Tôi sẽ để điện thoại bật chỉ để phòng khi mẹ tôi gọi. + I'll leave my phone on just in case my mother calls.
Theo ý người mẹ tôi, thức ăn ở nhà hàng này là tuyệt nhất. + in my mother's opinion, the food at this restaurant is the best.
Đấy là một ý hay. Sao tôi lại không nghĩ đến nó nhỉ? + You remind me of my mother's kindness.
Tôi nghĩ sự gia tăng số vụ tự sát gần giá là lỗi tại kinh tế. + My mother suffers from bad headaches.

mẹ + mother

Người mẹ có hai con. + The mother has two children.

Bố tôi và mẹ tôi + My father and my mother

+ grandmother

Tôi viết về mẹ tôi. + I write about my mother.

Khi nào bạn nấu ăn cùng mẹ của bạn? + When do you cook with your mother?

Mẹ của tôi rất cả tin nhưng bố của tôi thì không. + My mother is very gullible, but my father (dad) is not.

Mẹ tôi phát hiện chị tôi không ăn bữa tối. + My mother discovers my sister does not eat dinner.

Mẹ của họ sẽ không bao giờ uống rượu. + Their mother will never drink wine.

Mẹ của tôi suýt khóc. + My mother almost cries.

Người mẹ có hai con. + The mother has two children.

Tôi không muốn vâng lời mẹ của mình. + I do not want to obey my mother.

Bà tôi đã viết di chúc của mình. + My grandmother wrote her testament.

Mẹ của tôi chăm sóc tôi. + My mother takes care of me.

Bà của tôi bị bệnh. + My grandmother is sick.

Bà của tôi có cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ để khám lưng. + My grandmother has an appointment with the doctor to examine her back.

Mẹ của tôi viết cho tôi một tấm séc. + My mother writes me a cheque.

Tôi cảm thấy rất tự hào vì tôi cómột người mẹ tuyệt vời. + I feel very proud because Ihave a wonderful mother.

Bà của tôi đang ăn trầu. + My grandmother is eating betel.

Cậu bé đang đi mua trầu cho bà của mình. + The little boy is going to buy betel for his grandmother.

Mẹ của tôi là một người mê tín. + My mother is a superstitious person.

Mẹ của tôi đưa cho tôi một lá bùa may mắn. + My mother gives me a lucky amulet.

Sau khi mẹ của cô ấy qua đời, cô ấy đã khóc rất nhiều. + After her mother passed away she cried a lot.

Mẹ tôi có mái tóc màu vàng và nước da sáng mịn. + My mother is blonde, also with a fair complexion.

Mẹ tôi có chiếc mũi to. + My mother has a broad nose.

Mái tóc mẹ của tôi bồng bềnh. + My mother's hair is wavy.

Thất bại là mẹ thành công + The failure is the mother of success
SNOT Personal identification • family parents/father and mother +
SNOT • family mother mẹ +
SNOT • family mother má/mẹ +
SNOT • family grandmother (paternal / maternal) bà (nội/ngoại) +
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-1 Mutter mother
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-2 Großmutter grandmother
1-2. Familie Exercise 1-2-2 Oma grandmother, nan
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-1 Was ist Ihre Muttersprache?  + Muttersprache What is your mother tongue?  Ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ của bạn là gì?
Exercise 1-1 Meine Muttersprache ist Ungarisch.  + Muttersprache My mother tongue is Hungarian.  Tiếng mẹ đẻ của tôi là Hungary.
Exercise 2-1 Gibt es diesen Buchstaben auch in deiner Muttersprache?  + Buchstabe Is this letter also available in your mother tongue?  Thư này có sẵn bằng tiếng mẹ đẻ của bạn không?
Exercise 2-7 Das kannst du deiner Großmutter erzählen.  + erzählen You can tell that to your grandmother.  Bạn có thể nói với bà của bạn.
Exercise 3-1 Meine Großmutter hat mir geschrieben.  + schreiben* My grandmother wrote me a letter.  Bà tôi đã viết cho tôi một lá thư.
Exercise 3-2 Meine Mutter war krank. Jetzt ist sie aber wieder gesund.  + wieder My mother was sick. Now she's well again.  Mẹ tôi bị ốm. Bây giờ cô ấy lại khỏe.
Exercise 4-1 Meine Mutter heißt Klara.  + Mutter My mother's name is Clare.  Mẹ tôi tên là Clare.
Exercise 4-1 Dieser Raum ist für Mütter mit kleinen Kindern reserviert + Mutter This room is reserved for mothers with small children Phòng này dành cho những bà mẹ có con nhỏ
Exercise 4-3 Die Großmutter kommt oft nach Bad Krozingen.  + Großmutter The grandmother often comes to Bad Krozingen.  Bà ngoại thường đến Bad Krozingen.
Exercise 4-3 Ihre Großmutter lebt noch. + Großmutter Her grandmother's still alive. Bà của cô ấy vẫn còn sống.
Exercise 4-3 Meine Oma ist achtzig Jahre alt geworden.  + Oma My grandmother is eighty years old.  Bà tôi đã tám mươi tuổi.
Exercise 5-1 Meine Mutter ist jung geblieben.  + jung My mother stayed young.  Mẹ tôi vẫn còn trẻ.
Exercise 5-5 Meine Mutter hat alles, was ihr lieb und teuer war, verkauft.  + lieb  My mother sold everything she loved and loved.  Mẹ tôi bán mọi thứ mà bà ấy yêu và yêu.
Exercise 6-7 Sie hat ihre Mutter zum Bahnhof gefahren.  + fahren* She drove her mother to the station.  Cô đã lái xe mẹ đến ga.
Exercise 8-8 Mit meiner Mutter sind wir acht Personen.  + mit My mother and I are eight people.  Mẹ tôi và tôi là tám người.
Exercise 8-9 Du siehst deiner Mutter sehr ähnlich.  + sehen* You look a lot like your mother.  Bạn trông rất giống mẹ của bạn.
Exercise 8-9 Er verbringt den Vormittag bei seiner Oma.  + Vormittag He spends the morning with his grandmother.  Anh ta dành buổi sáng cùng với bà của mình.
Exercise 9-9 Meine Mutter näht ihre Kleider selbst.  + nähen My mother makes her own clothes.  Mẹ tôi tự mặc quần áo.
Exercise 10-4 Dieser Schmuck ist von meiner Großmutter.  + Schmuck This jewelry is from my grandmother.  Đồ trang sức này là của bà tôi.
Exercise 13-2 Für den Fall, dass meine Mutter aus dem Krankenhaus kommt, bleibe ich zu Hause.  + Fall In case my mother comes from the hospital, I'll stay at home.  Trong trường hợp mẹ tôi đến từ bệnh viện, tôi sẽ ở nhà.
Exercise 14-5 Mary begrüßte ihre Mutter mit einem Kuss.  + Kuss Mary welcomed her mother with a kiss.  Mary chào đón mẹ cô bằng một nụ hôn.
Exercise 15-6 Wir haben meiner Mutter zum Geburtstag Blumen geschenkt.  + Blume We gave my mother flowers for her birthday.  Chúng tôi đã tặng hoa mẹ cho ngày sinh nhật của mình.
Exercise 15-7 Er hängt sehr an seiner Mutter.  + hängen* He's very fond of his mother.  Anh ấy rất yêu mẹ.
Exercise 16-1 Sie vermisst ihre Mutter.  + vermissen She misses her mother.  Cô nhớ mẹ.
Exercise 16-3 Wie verstehst du dich mit deiner Schwiegermutter?  + verstehen* How do you get along with your mother-in-law?  Làm thế nào để bạn có được cùng với mẹ chồng của bạn?
Exercise 18-1 Meine Mutter arbeitet jetzt in der Verwaltung.  + Verwaltung My mother works in administration now.  Mẹ tôi làm việc ngay bây giờ.
Exercise 18-5 Hast du dich bei deiner Mutter schon für das Geschenk bedankt?  + sich bedanken Have you thanked your mother for the present yet?  Bạn có cảm ơn mẹ của bạn cho hiện tại chưa?
Exercise 18-9 Die Tassen sind von meiner Großmutter.  + Tasse The cups are from my grandmother.  Ly là từ bà tôi.
Exercise 19-8 Meine Mutter hat mir versprochen, mich abzuholen.  + versprechen* My mother promised to pick me up.  Mẹ tôi hứa sẽ đón tôi.
Exercise 21-3 Ich muss mich um meine kranke Großmutter kümmern.  + krank I have to take care of my sick grandmother.  Tôi phải chăm sóc bà ngoại bệnh hoạn của tôi.
Exercise 21-5 Die Mutter versteckt die Schokolade vor den Kindern.  + verstecken The mother hides the chocolate from the children.  Người mẹ giấu sôcôla từ trẻ em.
Exercise 24-5 Meiner Mutter schenke ich eine Schachtel Pralinen. + Schachtel I'm giving my mother a box of chocolates. Tôi đang cho mẹ tôi một hộp sôcôla.
Exercise 28-8 Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren.  + ehren I want you to honor your father and mother.  Tôi muốn bạn tôn trọng cha mẹ của bạn.
Exercise 29-1 Ich soll auch von meiner Mutter grüßen.  + grüßen My mother said to say hello, too.  Mẹ tôi cũng nói xin chào.
Exercise 29-3 Meiner Mutter haben wir zum Geburtstag Blumen geschenkt.  + schenken We gave my mother flowers for my birthday.  Chúng tôi đã tặng hoa mẹ cho ngày sinh nhật của tôi.
Exercise 29-5 Das Kind griff nach der Hand der Mutter.  + greifen* The child reached for the mother's hand.  Đứa trẻ chạm tay mẹ.
Exercise 30-3 Meine Mutter ist sehr krank. Ich muss sie pflegen.  + pflegen My mother is very sick. I have to take care of her.  Mẹ tôi rất ốm. Tôi phải chăm sóc cô ấy.
Exercise 30-4 Die Kinder schrien nach ihrer Mutter.  + schreien* The children were screaming for their mother.  Các em đã hét lên vì mẹ của họ.
Exercise 33-1 Der Sohn hat sich bei seiner Mutter über seinen Vater beschwert.  + beschweren The son complained to his mother about his father.  Con trai than phiền với mẹ mình về cha mình.
Exercise 33-3 Die Mutter schimpft mit dem Kind.  + schimpfen The mother curses the child.  Người mẹ rủa sả đứa trẻ.
Exercise 34-1 Die Mutter hat die Kinder ausgezogen.  + ausziehen* The mother took the kids off.  Người mẹ đưa những đứa trẻ đi.
Exercise 35-4 Die Mutter erlaubt ihm nicht, diesen Film zu sehen.  + erlauben The mother won't let him watch this movie.  Người mẹ sẽ không để anh xem phim này.
Exercise 36-7 Wir haben meine Mutter zum Zug gebracht. Die Kinder haben gewinkt.  + winken We took my mother to the train. The kids were waving.  Chúng tôi đưa mẹ tôi lên tàu. Những đứa trẻ đang vẫy chào.
Exercise 38-2 Für Mütter bieten wir Kurse mit Kinderbetreuung an.  + Betreuung For mothers we offer courses with childcare.  Đối với các bà mẹ chúng tôi cung cấp các khóa học có chăm sóc trẻ em.
Exercise 38-5 Die Mutter hat das Kind aufgenommen.  + aufnehmen* The mother took the child in.  Người mẹ đưa đứa trẻ vào.
Exercise 38-7 Die Mutter konnte das weinende Kind schnell beruhigen.  + beruhigen The mother was able to calm the crying child quickly.  Người mẹ đã có thể làm dịu đứa trẻ khóc nhanh.
Exercise 38-9 Meine Großmutter hat uns viele Märchen erzählt.  + Märchen My grandmother told us many fairy tales.  Bà tôi kể cho chúng ta nhiều câu chuyện cổ tích.
Exercise 39-8 Meine Oma kann nicht gut Treppen steigen.  + Treppe My grandmother can't climb stairs well.  Bà tôi không thể leo lên cầu thang tốt.
Exercise 39-9 Was soll ich meiner Mutter zum Geburtstag schenken? Hast du eine gute Idee?  + Idee What should I give my mother for her birthday? You got a good idea?  Tôi nên cho mẹ tôi ăn gì? Bạn đã có một ý tưởng tốt?
Exercise 40-4 Meiner Mutter schenke ich zum Geburtstag Rosen.  + Rose I give my mother roses for her birthday.  Tôi tặng hoa hồng của mẹ cho ngày sinh nhật của mình.
Exercise 41-3 Die Mutter trocknete dem Kind die Tränen ab.  + abtrocknen The mother dried the child's tears.  Người mẹ làm khô nước mắt của đứa trẻ.
Exercise 45-3 Der Betreuer hat meiner Großmutter sehr viel geholfen.  + Betreuer The caretaker helped my grandmother a lot.  Người chăm sóc đã giúp bà tôi rất nhiều.
Exercise 45-3 Mutter klebte ein Pflaster auf die Wunde.  + Pflaster Mother put a band-aid on the wound.  Mẹ đưa một băng cứu thương lên vết thương.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
moth Birds, Insects, and Arachnids 21
+ + 103 The animal world Insects and worms Motte + moth + A
+ + 103 The animal world Molluscs, crustaceans and other deep-sea fauna Perlmutter + mother-of-pearl + B
+ + 103 The health service and medicine Medical treatment Chemotherapie + chemotherapy + C
+ + 103 Materials and textures Various Perlmutt + mother-of-pearl + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Mutter + mother + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Großmutter + grandmother + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth ledige Mutter + unmarried mother + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Pate + godfather/godmother + A
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Adoptivmutter + adopted mother + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth werdende Mutter + expectant mother + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Mutter im Teenageralter + teenage mother + B
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage The family Pflegemutter + foster mother + C
+ + 103 Family, birth, death and marriage Birth Leihmutter + surrogate mother + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 祖國 + * * zu3guo2 motherland/ fatherland/ homeland Vaterland,Heimatland +
A 母親 + * * mu3qin1 mother (used in written Chinese) Mutter +
A 媽媽 + * * ma1ma mummy/ mom/ ma/ mother Mutter +
B 阿姨 + * * a1yi2 1.auntie, a form of address for any woman of one´s mothers age 2.nurse (in a family) 1. (Na) Tante +
B + * * mu3 mother/ female/ motherly 1. Mutter 2. Anrede für ältere Frauen 3. weiblich +
C 祖母 + * * zu3mu3 grandparent-mother/ (paternal) grandmother Großmutter (väterlicherseits) +
C + * * niang2 ma/ mom/ mother/ woman 1. Mutter 2. Frau, Tante 3. junge Frau +
C 大地 + * * da4di4 earth/ mother earth/ ground Mutter Erde, Erde +
C 姥姥 + * * lao3lao maternal grandmother/ grandma Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) +
C 外祖母 + * * wai4zu3mu3 external-grandmother/ maternal grandmother Großmutter (Mutter´s Mutter) +
C + * * yi2 aunt/ maternal aunt/ mother's sister/ wife's sister 1. Schwester der Mutter, Tante 2. Schwester der Ehefrau, Schwägerin +
C 舅舅 + * * jiu4jiu4 mother's brother/ maternal uncle der Bruder der Mutter, Onkel +
C 舅母 + * * jiu4mu wife of mother's brother/ maternal uncle's wife die Frau des Bruders der Mutter, Tante +
D 婆婆 + * * po2po (for woman) mother-in-law Schwiegermutter +
D 蛾子 + * * e2zi moth Motte +
D 外婆 + * * wai4po2 (mother's mother) grandmother Großmutter (mütterlicherseits) +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
59 母亲 + I love my mother. Ich liebe meine Mutter.
242 妈妈 孩子 道别 + The mother is saying goodbye to her child. Die Mutter verabschiedet sich von ihrem Kind.
337 妈妈 + My mother is very busy. Meine Mutter ist sehr beschäftigt.
340 年长 女士 奶奶 + This elderly woman is my grandmother. Diese ältere Frau ist meine Großmutter.
471 妈妈 医院 看望 奶奶 + My mother and I went to the hospital to see my grandma. Meine Mutter und ich gehen ins Krankenhaus, um meine Großmutter zu besuchen.
687 妈妈 孩子们 一起 + The mother is playing with her children. Mutter spielt mit ihren Kindern.
778 儿子 得意 要胁 妈妈 + The son smugly coerces his mother. Der Sohn übt selbstzufrieden Druck auf seine Mutter aus.
859 婴儿 喜欢 妈妈 气息 + The baby likes its mother's smell. Das Baby mag gern den Atem seiner Mutter.
1076 妈妈 准许 他们 冰淇淋 + Their mother allowed them to eat ice cream. Ihre Mutter erlaubte ihnen , Eiscreme zu essen.
1215 母女俩 喜欢 养花 + The mother and her daughter both love growing flowers. Die Mutter und ihre Tochter kümmern sich gern um ihre Blumen.
1241 孩子 妈妈 宝贝 + Children are their mothers' treasures. Das Kind ist Mamas Schatz.
1250 妈妈 讲述 故事 + My mother reads me stories from the book. Meine Mutter liest mir Geschichten aus dem Buch vor.
1288 祖父母 + This is my grandfather and grandmother. Dies sind meine Großeltern.
1463 献花 妈妈 + He sent flowers to his mother. Er hat seiner Mutter Blumen gesendet.
1536 母女 俩长 相似 + The mother and daughter look like each other very much.
1595 妈妈 孩子 童话 故事 + The mother is telling fairy tales to her child.
1637 妈妈 洗头 + Mother is helping me wash my hair.
1696 奶奶 喜欢 针线活 + My grandmother likes sewing.
1717 妈妈 宝宝 餵奶 + The mother is breastfeeding her baby.
1753 妈妈 培养 孩子 音乐 兴趣 + The mother is developing her child's interest in music.
2066 妈妈 + The mother is gently touching her head.
2177 中国人 称呼 自己 父母 爹娘 + The Chinese call their father and mother Diē and Niáng. Chinesen nennen ihre eigenen Eltern Diē und Niáng.
2205 妈妈 一起 装饰 圣诞树 + My mother and I are decorating the Christmas tree.
2308 妈妈 安慰 孩子 + The mother is consoling the child.
2473 妈妈 担忧 孩子 健康 + The mother is worried about her child's health.
2474 妈妈 孩子 自闭 感到 忧虑 + The mother is worried about her son's autism.
2740 厌倦 母亲 唠叨 + She's tired of her mother's nagging.
2786 妈妈 毛巾 婴儿 起来 + The mother wraps the baby in the towel.
2825 妈妈 宝宝 童谣 + The mother is singing nursery rhymes to her baby.
2857 亲娘 + She's my birth mother.
2886 + The mother tries to comfort the baby.
2946 妈妈 孩子 寓言 故事 + The mother is telling fairy tales to her child.
3025 妈妈 囉嗦 + She dislikes her mother's nagging.
3070 妈妈 这里 + His mother is buried in this place.
3323 外婆 很多 皱纹 + There are a lot of wrinkles on my grandmother's face.
3367 妈妈 + She's kissed her mother.
3442 妈妈 说话 囉嗦 + My mother just doesn't stop talking.
3494 妈妈 母乳 哺育 婴儿 + The mother is breastfeeding her child.
3561 母女俩 挑拣 水果 + The mother and her daughter are selecting fruits.
3721 妈妈 提醒 一定 加入 一些 梅干菜 + Mother reminded me that some dried vegetables must be added to this dish.
3730 母亲 反复 丁宁 出门 一定 注意 安全 + Mother kept on telling me to be careful when outside.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

nous sommes passées devant la maison de ma grand-mère + we went past the front of my grandmother’s place

ma mère m’attend dans la grande salle + my mother awaits me in the large room

vous avez perdu votre mère, mademoiselle? + did you lose your mother, miss?

je vais acheter le journal pour ma mère + I’m going to buy the newspaper for my mother

peut-être que tous les enfants déçoivent leur mère + perhaps all children disappoint their mother

mon père et ma mère sont mariés depuis environ 60 ans + my father and mother have been married for about 60 years

les mères palestiniennes veulent que leurs enfants grandissent dans la paix + Palestinian mothers want their children to grow up in peace

certaines de mes conduites affectaient directement ma mère + some of my behavior directly affected my mother

notre mère avait peur des chiens + our mother was afraid of dogs

la patrie vit les meilleurs des siens mourir en la défendant + the motherland saw her best die in her defense

tu sais que ta mère avait refait la salle de bains + you know that your mother redid the bathroom

elle adorait sa grand-mère maternelle + she adored her maternal grandmother

ma mère me punissait rarement + my mother rarely punished me

je jure sur la tombe de ma grand-mère + I swear on my grandmother’s grave

c’est le résultat de la mort prématurée de ta mère + it results from the premature death of your mother

je jure ... sur la tombe de ma grand-mère + I swear ... on my grandmother’s grave

enfin le ciel eut pitié de cette mère malheureuse + finally heaven had pity on this unhappy mother

elle est allée chez sa grand-mère + she went to her grandmother’s place

sa mère était sa protectrice morale, physique et même matérielle + his mother was his moral, physical, and even material protector

la mère et le fils se réconcilient + mother and son reconciled

mère, enfants travaillent dans le textile + mother and children are working in the textile industry
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